The #BlockchainEvolved Show w/ @kstasii on smart contracts + more

Recorded: Aug. 19, 2022 Duration: 1:29:38
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Already. Thank you everybody for joining us on the Stasia. Hello, hello. How are you doing?
Just checking my audio, is everything coming in okay? Yep. Bye.
Wonderful, wonderful. Okay, we'll give it just a moment and let some more folks come in here, let the room fill up a bit.
Okay, Nicholas will be joining us here in a moment.
Yeah, let's see. Let me just get this tweet, the link to the space shirt out a little more and we'll get going. All right, thank you for joining us. Give us just a minute or two. We'll get things kicked off.
All right. Let's go. Nicholas, I was just waiting a moment for Twitter to make the connection. I've approved the co-host excellence. All right. Let's just check your audio real quick. How's everything going?
Check check and hear me okay?
Check, check.
All right, perfect. Sounds good. All right, let's go ahead and get things going. Yeah, everybody, thank you so much for joining us. This is the blockchain evolved show. My name is Jared Woodard. I'm with Teso's Commons and the show focuses primarily on tech governance protocol, things of that nature.
And today we have really special guest on the idea of Madfish. Madfish official. Actually, you know, honestly, maybe it helped me out. Like, is it just Madfish or is there more like how would we reference the team? Actually, yeah, I am from Madfish. I'm
usually work with the product called QuipusMob but still there is team code metfish. Okay awesome awesome and also have Nicholas Oton here of MiddleDev, a long time co-host to the show. I really really appreciate his help because I'm not a dev so he
He knows questions asked that I don't. And then he's going to be introducing yourself real quick. I'm Nikola from MiddleDev. I'm a business contributor for quite some time. And our company MiddleDev is offering a staking service.
services as well as RPC services for the TESA's chain. So if you're looking for a TESA RPC service, go to our webpage and you can just create an account and get an RPC open running all by yourself. The website is middle dev,
Awesome, and as Anastasia, could you tell us a bit about yourself? Yes, sure. I usually joke that I'm sort of Haka-san koreezer, which I've done 15-blocks in Haka-san in the last three years. And I usually participate with my colleagues.