The Boys of Summer: The Sandlot 30th w/ Bertram, Timmy, and Tommy

Recorded: April 13, 2023 Duration: 1:04:03



(keyboard clicking)
Good morning, good morning. We'll invite our very special guest for this special wax Thursday episode.
(keyboard clicking)
[keyboard clicking]
And Grant, yeah.
Hey, is that Tommy over there? Yeah, it is Tommy. Hey, what's going on? What's up, man? How are you? I am doing all right. I cannot complain at all. I'm looking forward to this. Boys. Groovy. So are we. This is going to be a
This would be a good time. I'm traveling today. I got stuck in Fort Lauderdale. So I just want to make sure you can hear me loud and clear. The Wi-Fi is good. Yeah, you sound great. That's perfect. No if a Tinian Shane are joining from
their own. Perfect. Get Shan on up here. Let's get Shan on up here. And then we'll invite them and then we'll go ahead and kick it off. Let me retweet the room.
See, Victor?
And we're just waiting on Victor and then we will go ahead and get it started.
(keyboard clicking)
Hey Shane, thanks for coming up.
I hear you sound good, but I'm clear. Perfect. How are you doing man? Thank you for doing this. Very excited today to be honest. I know I mentioned yesterday on Twitter that if you had told me that I would be interviewing some of my heroes from childhood I would never believe this. So this is a rare treat for me and I'm
really excited. Well, thanks, man. That's very kind and it's awesome for us too. Awesome. Well, I see Victor's there. Let's bring Victor up and yeah, perfect. All right. Victor, how are you doing? I'm good, man. How are you? I am great. I think we everyone's here. Let's go ahead and kick off our show. All right.
All right. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, everybody in the wax fam. Thank you all and for everyone joining us from the boys of summer Instagram. Thank you all for joining us today on this Twitter spaces special edition of Thursday show. I am Tommy from wax and today I am severely enthused.
to have the opportunity to interview three of the cast members from one of my favorite films growing up, The Sandlot. Today I am joined by Grant Gelt, who played Bertram Grover Weats, Victor Demarca, who played Timmy Timmans and Shade Obadizanski, who played Tommy Repete Timmans, who played Tommy
I'm not going to repeat Timons. Welcome guys. Welcome. Thank you. I had to do it. I love it. I love it. So for those below, like playing Little League was a major part of my life as a kid. And when this movie came out, it really struck a chord with me.
everybody at the park. The means, the smack talk and the baseball culture that they shared immediately provided all aspects of the field and the teams when we were playing. Something that stuck out of me, the team karate, it was the team camaraderie that was shown in this movie, the sound lot. It stays with me even till today.
It's learning about team work, friendship, and coming together is something that I do every day. So forgive me if I'm a little bit of a fanboy today, but let's get this started. Let's talk a little bit about the movie. Awesome. So it was the 30th anniversary of I believe
a couple days ago just last week. And it's hard to believe it's already been this long. So one of the first, you know, obvious questions that came to me was, what are your most prominent, prominent memories from when you were filming? Oh, man. I mean, there's
so much to even think about. It was so many great memories, so many good things. I know everything in the tree house was, you know, the best memories for me. All of us just hanging out off when we're not filming and then just being, being boys, being ten-year-old boys filming that movie in the summertime. It was awesome.
Yeah, I mean, I figured it was like it was like being in summer camp, you know. Um, we just happened to be making a movie around it, but like, yeah, it was, it was a great, you know, just
just like nine buddies just hanging out and goofing off in between takes and sneaking off to the treehouse to play around and yeah, it was amazing.
Yeah, we got into trouble like you know like 12-year-old kids would do It was 4th of July while we were filming we filmed all summer long and there was this firework stand across the street
from the apartments where we were all staying. And the amount of work that it took for our parents and the people from the film to keep us away from the fireworks stands over 4th of July to go on top.
That's hilarious. I know if fireworks are a big deal when we were growing up too, I was not allowed to touch fire. So I haven't played with fireworks yet. I'm like, I was a couple of day later, they handed us all sparklers and told us to stand in front of the camera with them and run with them. So you know, it all goes through the circle, I guess.
Okay, so I'm at the end of the film there was like that short, you know, the short like, hey, where did it happen? Everybody at the end of the movie. So, and it kind of told about what happened to the characters, but for the cast members, like, how often do you all get together? Do you keep in touch regularly? What's the dynamic?
Basically all the time and they really goes 24 hours without someone talking in the big old group chat

FAQ on The Boys of Summer: The Sandlot 30th w/ Bertram, Timmy, and Tommy | Twitter Space Recording

What movie did the guests appear in?
The Sandlot.
Who played Bertram Grover Weats?
Grant Gelt.
Who played Timmy Timmans?
Victor DeMarzio.
Who played Tommy?
Shane Obatzeski.
What was the significance of little league for the interviewer?
It was a major part of his life as a kid.
How did the movie affect the interviewer?
It taught him about teamwork, friendship, and coming together.
What anniversary of the movie just passed?
Its 30th anniversary.
What was the best memory of filming for the guests?
Hanging out in the tree house together.
Do the guests stay in touch regularly?
Yes, they have a big group chat and talk all the time.
What was the significance of fireworks for the guests?
They were not allowed to touch them during filming but were later given sparklers to hold for a scene.