Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 2:22:04



Breaking down a switch in front of your feelings
Sitting on the steps feeling no feelings
Last night. It was a go-killer. You gotta keep the devil in this hole
But you know how I go Nick
I'm front line every time it's sold
I'm in a greater vertically. Yeah, it's going tell me I'm so dumb a deal. You might confuse me
It's like that weirdo wrap your motherfucking shoes
I'm a urban legend South Central in a certain section can't express how carbon taxes guesses evidence of a divine presence
Ain't no answer to these trick questions money making it straighten out my jewelry on my best dress
Well, no pick up and gel clothes. Got the champagne bottle from Rico's till tea shops
Whatever niggas play a chest not checkers nigga 38 special for you clever niggas see bro
You ain't living down by the street gold and through all these motions up and down like a see saw
I can never view you as my fuck. I want to hear your CD
No, I'm finna take it there this time around I'm gonna make it clear
Spoke some things into the universe and they appear I say it's work that I won't say it's fair
Try your purpose. Are you wasting air fucking though? Y'all niggas share eyes hoping I can see it clear
They don't make them bar none. They don't make the bridge. They'll make it where I'm from now. I'm taking here
Ain't seeing dude time. I'd be making meals bossed up in this game. I've been making deals
It's a lawyer on the phone. We can make it real. I got checks and balance. I'm flexed
Dramatic other 50 on my neck. It's my record savage. Ain't no pussy on my rap disrespect to savage
I make one phone call in the brisket
Just another front step with candles. No mess from the set except your challenge
Last time that I
Was fine chains on my neck. It was no smut on my breath last time that I
My wind up listening to the whole album
Let me just
Nipsey loved Bitcoin. He knew more about Bitcoin than some of these corn balls that are hosting spaces
Legit I bet my whole wallet that if Nipsey was still alive and he opened up the space
He'd run circles around these bitches
Legit I'm not talking about like my my wallet full of like dead fucking enews and shit and wack ass NFTs
I'm talking about like here goes my wallet. I place all bets on
Nipsey to go ahead and destroy
Any of these cats that claim they know blockchain Bitcoin aetherium how things work?
Ei P's like I can continue to go on and on and on but none of these cats know anything
They don't
Welcome to the breakdown episode 296 topic Bitcoin versus aetherian versus Solana
Because that's all that people are talking about right now
But but I meant what I just said I meant it
If you put somebody on stage and you ask them I
Tweeted about this yesterday and probably talked about it. I forgot what I talked about yesterday, but
Ask them what blockchain is I ask you the communities are just going to one of these rooms and just ask them what blockchain is
Don't troll just just raise your hand politely and go up on stage grab a microphone and say
Sir, can you tell me what blockchain is?
Watch the humming and stuttering
If you're into mumble rap, that's exactly what you'll hear from your favorite artist humbly humbly humbly, huh, I
Know it man. I you know what I'm gonna do it because I know a lot of I know some people just don't want to
people think that this might
Be a troll or something
Like I I'm going to go into two or three rooms today and I'm going to raise my hand and I'm gonna say
Sir, can you explain blockchain to me like just at the basic level and you don't really have to go
Fully into it. Just tell me what it is
I'm interested
You know, maybe I make a burner account
Fuck my voice is recognizable though
That sucks
especially if like somebody's talking about
NFTs on a theorem. I'm gonna be like, can you tell me what EIPs are?
That's silence
The room will rug they'll be like, oh man
technical difficulties man
Fucking Elon spaces man, but we'll continue the conversation tomorrow
Read something something was sent to me in my DMS today and I read it
Now let's say who sent it, but I read it and this person consistently
week by week by week goes on
to social media and
How great of a job they've done and what they are doing and etc. Etc. And it's just like
If you really are doing something you don't talk about it like you do not say a word about it
Real builders will never tell you what they're doing. They will never give out their blueprint
They just that would be crazy for them to do. I
Have never heard Elon Musk. Come on to social media and tell you
Everything that he's going to do
After he's done doing things with Tesla he can give out back like he'll make the patents free
usable for others to go ahead and you like yesterday's conversation on
On a call. He said that he thinks everybody should have FSD and their or manufacturers to should license FSD into the
Elon will not say anything until he's done
Tim cook from Apple is not on social media telling you what they are building next or
How they're building it and who they're building it with? No, they don't say a word
Think of like Jeff Bezos think of the like think of people that have built
multi-million dollar companies and ask yourself this questions have any of them any of these people that we
all know have they ever come out there and
Talked about how great they are and how they're building
Seriously, I love you because in this space boy
You would think we built the space station with the way we speak
Built the space station
It's color and the Hubble telescope and shit like it's just weird
Bro, you've done nothing. You have done absolutely nothing zero
You're anybody who speaks that way I
Recognize that you are threatened by something you are scared you fear that
The shit that you're throwing out there. You're not going to accomplish. You're not I
smell fear I
really do
But I don't want you to lose either
I'm not praying for anybody's downfall. I'm not envious at anybody. I just watch it and I think now it's comical
Every week you go to be repetitive. You're just you know
Use a little word salad, but you're essentially saying the same thing. It's boring. I
Want to connect with real builders? I
Want real builders to get the spotlight
That's a wrap let's go to oh
That's I I didn't even notice digi. What is this shit now?
This motherfucker wears a new him and big bro you guys you him and big
Change their avatars
Excuse me PFP is more than anybody in this space like like digis not here today
Just notice them
Big by the way shout out to you. I saw that video like I woke up to your video
Yeah, I don't know why but I think I wake up to your shit on my timeline first every morning. It's weird and
You're walking in the rain. You're screaming. There's nobody on the streets
And if they are on the streets to piss the fuck off
mad as hell
walking in that rain
But before we get to you and your traffic and weather let's go to digi digi what's going on? How's everything man?
Yo, yo David, what's up, man? Good morning big everybody
Yeah, sometimes you just got to be incognito man's in the audience, you know as a listener, you know
See you can't even you can't even tell I was here. I wonder how many other people can tell I was here
That is like out of all your NFTs
You know, let me tell you I woke up and I had a DM from an ordinal project
I'm not gonna say which one it was. But yeah, they did a 101 honorary
So, you know, I got to represent for a little bit. They looked out, you know, they they they were you know
I don't know sometimes you got to support the people to support you, you know, I got it
But like sometimes you got to tell them that it's ugly
Shout out to another one. Like yes, it was funny storm posters
I like what did I just buy and I started dying laughing because I'm looking at her
I'm looking at her PFP from a Bitcoin price. I think it was Bitcoin Trump's or some shit like that
And I'm like, yo, man, that is ugly like
Hey, it has nothing to do with Trump. It's just like that shit is ugly
Holy shit
You know, we were DJ'ing and I was just like yo, fuck it get your feet wet, you know by your first ordinal
She's like, I bet
What an ordinal to buy holy fuck that shit was so yellow
Listen, I started off with nipsey cuz like the reason I went with nipsey today and by the way
I see people requesting I'm gonna get you up here. That's just how we start off the show
So don't don't don't get upset or anything. Uh
Nikki not
The dude to me was I was like thinking back I'm like this dude knows more about Bitcoin or even about maybe cryptocurrency
than any of these
Cats that are out here claiming that they do like legit
Like look at his last interviews and I guarantee you like you'll all agree with me
So yeah, I'm gonna take it to everybody like that
Like I feel like leaders in the space should step up and start calling motherfuckers out and and that's okay
It's okay to do it because like if we don't then we're gonna dumb down our entire industry and we're going to allow
As I always say these institutions to come in and take this shit all away from us
So rather, you know rather go ahead and start, you know
Shaking the cages and I'm letting everybody know like this motherfucker does not know blockchain
But by the way, it that I
Mean this for the host
Like it's okay not to know everything about blockchain if you're not hosting rooms
But to sit on a space and pretend like you know everything like that's what I'm talking about
I'm not talking about and
Listeners like every you know, look it takes time to learn blockchain and how it works in the mechanism all that
Trust me, like I get that part
It took me a while to and I didn't have the resources at the time like you guys did
Like right now if you want to learn blockchain, you can probably learn it in two to three months
When I came into the space there was no literature on it
Like you would have to find somebody that actually was working on like Bitcoin core or some shit to kind of like break it down
To you in layman's terms. So like I'm kind of jealous of you guys
Like I really am because like you have the opportunity to like learn it within minutes
Some can learn it within minutes like legit if they really put their heads down and then we if they were geeking out in school
They probably know, you know a lot and some probably lot know a lot more than me. That's cool, too
Like I'm I'm I'm with it. I'm with it to sit back and learn more
But like to hear people like consistently run rooms and you come into them
Like the reason why I'm so petty on the subject is that I went into rooms trying to like get alpha
whatever this alpha is this alpha bullshit is and
I've gone into rooms where like they're not even like they don't even know blockchain
They don't know they're not even discussing the topic. They're not even talking about a theory or more how to use a theorem hat
The gas fees are high and I heard somebody say well, how do you make the gas fees lower?
I don't know
Like why like why aren't we bringing up the roadmaps?
Why don't we bring up the roadmaps and bring up the conversations that Vitalik's had publicly?
Like that would educate the masses right that would give you more confidence in aetherium and maybe holding it
But that doesn't happen
So like at what point do we like start calling people out?
That have like 800 people in a room and say or 400 or 300 and say yo, bro, like
Like this room sucks
Like I have learned absolutely nothing and I've lost money because I've just given it away to your clique
Hey, I'm just keeping it real I don't give up this space is recorded you could clip it up and send it to your favorite fucking
Influencer because that's all they are is an influencer
Let's get that straight that's why I hate being called an influencer I am more than an influencer like I know my shit
Couldn't actually have a conversation
Like when I don't know something I sit back and listen
Scalable labs like I'm gonna keep giving him, you know, Ben's in the crowd
I'm gonna keep giving him a shout out do this phenomenal like he is a phenomenal builder and
Like sometimes they'll say things like I'm like, I don't even know about this shit and I'm just listening
And it's fun. It's actually fun to listen to the developers speak
Developers are crazy
Because they'll start speaking out loud with this stuff
And like and they're starting to create they'll start creating things out loud and it's just like I'm just sitting back
Okay, I'm listening
And it goes it's probably took me two weeks to finally figure out what the fuck he said, but I'm noting it down
But that's how it should be because that'll help you build something like some of you guys want to build something so badly
But you're in these you're invested into these rooms that like what do they bring you we could talk about that today
Like I would love to hear
Love to hear what you've learned in the past three months
What's up, bro
Yeah, damn. I love your mano, David. What up? What up digi? What up a kill?
What up crescendo thou Tammy Erica Bianca the whole gang bangle. How you feeling? Happy Thursday
I am feeling fucking great. That's it Monday. You already know how it goes down Monday to Thursday's
We have this show. I was a little bit late today. That's on me, but I'm doing something
And you know what? I'm always on time. Come on, then I can be excused by the way
I said I was on vacation and I showed up. All right. I said I'm taking a vacation
Starting today. I'm taking a vacation and that vacation is really like I'm locking myself in my office and
Now I am not I'm not fading anything. I am going to look for
I'm gonna look for plays and we'll go into them and I'm just looking for a 1x. Fuck that
I ain't even looking for 10. I'm looking for one. Oh
I came up because you were fighting my bad. So you just can't you're just gonna say you're not
Fading anything. I didn't call you ugly bro
No, I know that but yo, you sat there fading the fuck. You're putting the Bitcoin trunks. Yo, oh my god
You don't know what
Come on you can't even say that man. Like first of all my ass loves art galleries
So like I know what art is. I got art like I I know like that is not art stop full. No, thank you
Thank you. They cute though. They're not it's not
Sometimes like an ugly thing can be like I get it I understand it has a personality right so it makes it look better
Give me one second. Yo big you ready for the traffic and weather, man
Today my people just guys are shredding tears of laughter today giving the city a wet wild comedy show right now higher
52 cloudy and raining new jersey 50 cloudy and raining my people's in porta rico 80 and cloudy
My friends in medellin colombia 85 and sunny for the nta traffic. My friends. It's hopeless
I pray for all you guys porta rico traffic is not so lucky today
San Juan is bumping a bumper right now. Get out there. Get some pedagua walk. Enjoy the day
Highway 25 in medellin colombia is not moving all the way to pakistan
Traffic is crazy on these countries. So that's on europe's back. Forget about it. My auntie
My man, and it just like what I was like
I want to I don't know why I didn't play because I wanted to play this in by the way
That infomercial said like they can't resign with us man. They they were like you're too hardcore, bro
Yeah, man, that's wack bro
Now we'll get to wake and bake if you don't get sponsored by bottled water
Because you out there in the front of marathons
Now we don't need to be on the healthy side. We're just sponsored by Gatorade
Quench the third. Nah, how about some precision there, bro? What are you getting?
So you want to get drunk while you're doing the traffic and weather?
For the traffic
Shout out to big
Big bring in the heat he's made traffic and weather fun again
Yo, I swear to god
The weatherman can be the only person that is wrong 95 of the time and not get heckled for it
But it is what it is, man
That's the life we live bro. Like and by the way big let's keep it 100 new york weather does not change
It's basically seattle, but let's depress. Yeah, bro
No, but actually the difference that we have from seattle is that our temperature just changes like we would wake wake up and spring
That's four in the morning at seven. We're back to winter and noon. We're saying we're in fall
So we go back on day. Oh, okay
You just gotta leave your house prepared with different outfits because you never know where you're gonna come across, bro
It was like less than 20 degrees a couple days ago, bro. No
40 something degree. No
Yeah, listen, man. I love it when it's cold, man
like recently i've been like going out like right after a workout and just like
Taking it all in just reading that lovely cold air. It's cold out here, too
Like it's really cold. So it's not like new york city is cold, but it's really cold out here
It's like we're like friends with canada out here, bro
So like it gets cold it gets cold. But hey it is. I rather live here than fucking in seattle, man
I'm motherfucker. What was you guys eating bricks? Yo, so when I come out, I gotta I gotta wear a parkour
Why are you what's wrong with seattle everything, uh, but we'll get to that because right now it's always raining is cloudy is
depressing sad
Like yo, you guys spoil you have like one one
Like one day out of like one out of 36
365 you have sun
Bro, like it's like no, I don't know one person that wants to live like they're the most
Go look up the stats right now
The most oppressed people live in seattle
In the pacific northwest and the happiest living in the city of eternals
I'm gonna tell y'all here before before we go any further number one
Uh, the region is uh crypto and bitcoin friendly here in number two
If you're depressed with the point
From may from may till october. It does not rain
Like you might get like a sprinkle but from may to october does not rain. So you're you're relatively good from may to october
It's beautiful weather beautiful like outings great hiking. David. I've invited you multiple times great hiking great trails
Um great experiences from may through october, but after that, yes, you are absolutely right
You you do get the razor wire. You want to you want to slip downward? Not not damn. Okay
Just to see
We do not encourage that behavior if you're feeling that way there's plenty of numbers i'll get one for you today
Yes, please call 1-800. Get it. How'd you guys a song of that? I didn't memorize. Oh my god
I saw six clapping when I was playing nipsey nipsey. Uh, I mean I say a cold six nipsey
What's up
Good morning six
What's up jim jim? Um
Yeah, I was clapping
That's you know, that's a great artist. Uh, one of the things that you just said was uh, the way he explained what it is is
When it comes down to individuals that come from a different background cultural thing
It's it's it's way easier to kind of once you
Kind of adopt something new new information in your mind
It's a lot easier to break down things in the language that the world can understand
Not such it from coming from a technical point
or just a
Tech background or a school background. It just comes actually from experience and in somebody hungry for knowledge
Dude was way ahead of his time when it came down to crypto bro, because I I remember even I've been fucking with nipsey
Since he was still in the hood and and and the thing was
He even went to amsterdam like seven like what was it like eight years ago?
Seven eight years ago
Because in amsterdam they had stored or they had one store. They started, uh
Integrating crypto payments with an pos system
So he went out there to check it out because he knew that was the future
He went out there and one of the things he he said was was that like I had to come over here
I want to check this shit out because this is what's going to be in the future
And I want to make sure I stay ahead of the curve
So when the change do happen, I don't have to scramble
And then you know
He wanted the first ones to put the ar technology and the tap on their shirts and
The shit on the blockchain some of his clothes was in the black and at that time. Nobody understood what it was
And you know shit nobody like a lot of people
The the kind of was not in the space but you know
Tech technology people a lot of motherfucking nerds didn't even know what that really was
Because a lot of people just focus on one thing and just stick to that
And definitely people normal people or people in the hood did know what it was
That the whole time there was use in blockchain technology
One of the dopest shits he was trying to do was uh
when he bought um
The plaza he was building. Uh
An entire like area for uh stamp programs
So for kids just in the neighborhood inner city keys in the neighborhood to learn how to code do a lot of digital shit and
Um to teach in blockchain technology just for the kids in the neighborhood. So that's that came that was kind of dope
I know a lot of people probably don't even know
What's poppin man, but I see gosh team media what you got going on what's happening what's happening
I see you see the whole gang up in this small fucker. What's the date thursday? Um
It's a beautiful fucking day. That's that was a dope ass weather report man in traffic report, man
Demon or six
Just different shit, man. I like different shit, man
I know a lot of people is afraid of what they don't understand
But they're gonna have to get used to something different man because the same old boring shit really don't work
And like david just say a lot of these space hopes the experts the bitcoin experts
To be honest, it's like I I I bounced around from room to room
I pay attention and uh
When it comes out to crypto, I didn't I didn't get into web3 and nfts or trading i'm doing that now, but
I got into crypto, you know
Doing research on crypto before I was even on twitter
A lot of these dudes don't own any crypto and don't know really fully understand crypto
Like like you can tell because there's only one way they can explain it and it's the echo chamber
Why because they reading the same shit that everybody is reading you're not applying what you're talking about
They coming in here. A lot of motherfuckers coming here. This is crypto experts
Oh security experts, how the fuck you telling somebody man?
I heard somebody been talking about crypto for a year and a half
This is just about the oh, I just ordered my ledger and and nigga you been having fucking
rooms about how to set up a ledger and you haven't even done it like how can you it's like a
It's like me going to school right now
so I can go and
Give out classes or how not to be a crackhead. I never smoke crack how i'm supposed to
Explain to people the feeling well, you know
I'm just saying
It's the reality. I it's it's really the reality unless I know school do education
That's a lot, but it's certain things in life that yeah education be good
If you actually have experienced and been through some things
And overcome those things and then you have to explain it to somebody else and teaches it
That's different type of knowledge man
You really applying what you're speaking a lot of people here just
Regurgitate they like I y'all pay attention one of these days y'all got two days not to do nothing
Just check out like them extra technical rooms where they using the million dollar words for the ten dollar conversation
So everybody sounds smart as shit
But when you actually understand what they talking about like me, I understand everything they talking about
I can see the flaws in the holes in the conversations and the explanations like they sound dumb as fuck
They just want to sound smart and use big words and articulate things a lot proper
So the people that actually don't know shit might feel and look at them like oh
He has to know what he talking about. It sounds good. No, it doesn't sound good
He just did some dumb ass shit
He just put a piece of shit wrapped it up in a nice little gift bag and just give it to you
You know what I mean? Like that's exactly what happened. You just gotta serve a plate of shit in a gold platter
And you just ate it like that's yeah, you know, but it is what it is. Gm. I see you to break down
296 like y'all didn't even a
296 that means
296 fucking times
We've been at it like a crack at it with no crack, you know, man
Every motherfucking day most likely and then when they skip it the next day is going to be here
He didn't change the pfps from david to debut with the suit to the seal that everybody roasted to back today
Now now we don't even know who it is, you know, man. It's like what it's got steam media
Bro, what's up with my uncle? That was like my uncle
Hey for real uncle carlos and shit with the beer stain and the barbecue right there on uh, white peter
Um, but yeah, what's up, man? What y'all got going on? Uh, bitcoin versus ethereum versus solana. It's
Those are the behemoths right now and before like shout out to you six, um
And six houses after dark show monday wednesdays and fridays that you can guys go ahead and tune into
That's fun. If you just want to unwind
There is talk about tech there
But it's a it's a it's a good space to go ahead and just sit back and relax
After like a tough day in these markets
I guess I speak for myself
I don't know for you guys, but i'm just speaking for myself after going into just random fucking
meme tokens lately
And uh, I guess fading
fading people
Who's that
marijuana, oh
Akio Akio you walk in like your favorite television show like
Man, this is some bullshit
marijuana is not a drug
I used to mute his ass
Yes, what I wanted to before we move into the subject that I was let me just tell you i'm very disappointed
Here's another
Here's another hot take and I don't give a fuck if it gets clipped up
Leslie does run g-media
And yesterday was leslie's birthday was she hid from everybody by the way. I didn't know it was her birthday
I thought it was like today or some shit. I knew it was at the end of january
But she hid it
Weird like i'd want everybody to embrace my ass. Everybody knows my birthday's coming. I'm like already i'm telling you
I am telling you my birthday's coming
I'm letting you know that i'm expecting presence and shit
So, you know the g-media account posts is you know, a really nice
A nice thing about leslie and you know
Obviously acknowledging her birthday and all that stuff
I personally maybe i'm petty. I don't know i'm looking through the comments
More men replied to
To that post than women
And specifically I was watching
the women that
Claimed to be about women empowerment and women and web3 and all this shit, right?
Not one of them was found in that fucking thread
like I specifically look
Not one you guys are hating so bad on your own people
You have a woman at the helm right now
That is building and building and putting shit together and you are so upset by that
That you won't acknowledge her on her birthday
What kind of weak shit is this and you sit in these rooms
And you sit in your little rooms and you talk about how women need to come together
We need to acknowledge the builders
Are you kidding me
Are you fucking kidding me you're lucky I don't call your names out
Because you're all fjords you're all straight up fucking droids, bro
I can name your names out right now. You're lucky that I care about your career
Whatever your career is as an influencer with no content
You're lucky I don't fucking say your names right now
No, no, no, no, no, no, this can be a dmx track right now
If anybody knows about dmx this could be the dmx track right now while lay into everything
Leslie don't do it now. You heard that game. That was leslie. Hey leslie. I'm not gonna name no names. Trust me
I'm not gonna do the dmx thing
Get him tiger get but like hold on hold on. Hold on. What track was that? Anybody know the track? What track is that? I forgot
But these bitches want what these bitches want from a day
Six guys ready
We're playing this right now because it's fitting it's fitting right now. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on
Hold on. Let me get to the part
Felicia Teresa Monica Sharon
I met her in the ice cream parlour
Sabrina about three Kim Latoya
Now that i'm fucking with g media
Now they don't acknowledge
Now they've disappeared these fucking fake ass influencers, bro
Hope this gets clipped up as well, man. You don't even have to clip it up. You can just tell me hey tune in it's recorded
You know even the clip all disappeared
All disappeared
And if you're sliding into the dms to go ahead and say happy birthday and you're avoiding like a post that's out there
That's so petty. What are you scared?
Are you scared not to acknowledge?
You told a lot of people yesterday told me everything that I need to know about them
I will never allow you to be hired by this company
I don't give a fuck if leslie says I will quit unless you go. I will say absolutely not
You got you know, one thing about me is like like if I support somebody and they become bigger than me
That's fine. You can clap
And it's perfectly fine to clap
Leslie literally started with g media as a content creator
And worked her way up you guys worked with her be like you guys
Hang hang out with her at conferences and all this you call her for advice and all and you don't acknowledge that
That's what I think of you man
You just spit on your own floor, man. Come on. David
I didn't I didn't release the spit
That that's how I felt. I wanted to get that out the way
And you're just lucky that
You know, you're really lucky that I didn't go ahead and you know
really do some
You're lucky i'll get there though
God's keeping my mouth shut right now
Go six and then we'll go to evan. Yes
He didn't keep her mind shot. So I appreciate you passing the time since we in the topic
Since we in the top in it early in the morning. Let me just get to it. A lot of people
Want to only support when it's beneficial to them motherfuckers
Want to see you do good, but not better than them
Some people don't want to see you do good. A lot of people on x
Um, it's full of bullshit. They are fake like a motherfucker. They want to pretend they live a lifestyle that they can't even imagine
All these people and when I say these people i'm speaking about different communities, uh, it goes
Hey, everybody didn't know when i've been in my rent. I don't just rent for no reason. I just keep it 100
I I don't care. I don't care who like it who doesn't you're gonna have to respect it because it's my opinion and I have
Facts about my opinion for one
Leslie she representing the women in web 3
Uh, very strong. She always uplifting everybody great friends
She don't get the same support for the people might be because she with gakstein media a lot of people hate
Second, uh, the latin community she's latina what happened to all my latinos in here
Why did I leave every latino group every, uh, african-american group every
Houston group because I don't like victims. I don't like people feeling like we are oppressed
No, your mind is oppressing you why because you your mentality what you see thing. Why do I say that?
Hey six, why do you say that? Well, i'm glad that you asked i'm gonna tell you why because
Every time that I did an event for the communities the latin community the black community
My community guess what the black community in web 3 didn't really show up
The same people in these group chats didn't show up
To go feed these kids to go give our shit to these kids to go talk about
Mental help with these kids a lot of uh, a lot of people showed up in miami different
But not as many as they want to show up in the motherfucking dms
Supporting and doing all these kind of shit, uh for third or fourth why leslie got more text messages. I text her
Directly personally, I feel like this personal
But then I also made a post and I also commented on other people why because i've seen this shit and it's leslie
Yeah, I don't have time for her
364 days of the motherfucking year. I don't have time for her bullshit yesterday. It was her birthday
So I had to make time after 12 today. I don't have time for her no more. It's over
She got her time. I said you want to do a happy birthday space and then I fucked around and fell asleep
So guess what? She missed that opportunity. She was taking too long to answer now
Um, the last thing that I want to say why a lot of people just do personal dms and an only dm
They cannot
Um, i'm glad that you asked david. They cannot support people
In public when they talk bad about them in private because it's gonna make them look bad to the people they talk to people
And yeah, it might be because of goxtin media. That's what if that's their excuse
Stop talking to her
Stop stop asking her for shit. Stop asking her for advice and stop asking anything
You know, man, that's the reality if I don't like somebody or who they with I just won't fuck with them
I'm not fake a lot of people here fake counterfeits fucking carving copies, you know, man
That's that's all they want to do. They just want to talk. They want to run their fucking mouth in here
They really don't know what the fuck they talking about and it'd be funny to me
A lot of people come here me. Oh my god, he's so funny. He's crazy
Listen, I know everything that i'm talking about
I just feel like I don't take this shit too serious because some twitter i'm talking to cartoon characters
You know what I mean when when i'm serious when it comes down to anything that has to do
With any situation some life or really blockchain technology or crypto. Yeah, we can sit down and have a real conversation
But outside of that we on fucking twitter. I'm yelling to my phone
I'd just be excited in front of motherfuckers. Leslie. Happy motherfucking birthday
That's all the time I got for you these motherfucker year. I don't have time for your bullshit
But keep doing what you're doing. It doesn't fucking matter whoever don't like it
Just eat a dick. Fuck. Yeah
Trying to shut that shit off man, holy shit that sound fucking
Effect good shit six, man
Yeah, by the way
Thank god you you guys oh my god, the old me whatever. No, never mind. Um, but
But let's uh, now move on leslie got a happy birthday again, leslie wishing you all the best
Um, you look good for 50. Let's go with uh evan. Everyone's going on
Yo, I like the old the older brother vibes that six is doing there I was gonna say
I choose my words. Y'all know me a little bit by now
I choose my words very carefully and I commented yesterday on the g media thing and I used the term rock
You know the there's always people like you got the personalities and there's people that work in the background that make everything happen
And and you know, she's very appreciated by the team
But sometimes in the public eye they go unappreciated and those are the kind of people that I try to pay attention to like again
I hadn't been around too long
But it's it's it's apparently obvious
If you listen to les talk and you listen to six and you listen to these guys that you know
You know, if you're universally liked by your co-workers, you're doing something, right?
And you're you know
You the the kind of support that you get like that means that you're really really
You're making a lot of the the cogs in the machine turn whether you know, sometimes
Sometimes you don't get to kind of love from the public, you know seeing that kind of stuff
So I use the term rock because you can't build anything without the foundation, right?
And so, you know, I I just uh, I I want to say happy birthday personally
I don't you know, I don't know leslie
But I know the kind I see the I see the work that's put out and that speaks volumes
So, you know, that's just from an outsider, you know looking in
I was gonna say on the on the rooms earlier y'all were talking about uh
These influences that don't know stuff these meme coin guys and these nft guys that do these spaces
I I I drew I drew some hate yesterday. I got some more hate messages because I told them hey
You know we're in crypto to separate money from the state
And the stuff that y'all are talking about allocate a small percentage of your portfolio. This is risky stuff
You know don't blindly jump into stuff, you know
All the basics right and these guys don't want to hear because they want people just to throw money and follow them blindly
So they can be the so their followers can be the exit liquidity and uh
What's the last thing oh, yeah guys doing a good job as always
It's nice to jump in i've been in texas all week, you know at a conference at the gay lord hotel
And it's nice to be back on the road and hear y'all talk
Keep it real six a little bit. You gotta say man. Keep it entertaining. Uh, keep on rocking on guys. Appreciate you. Evan
Evan's a cool cat man and he has a lot
You know if you've listened to evan for the last two months at least on you know on the breakdown
He's joined us a ton
You know he bring he dropped some really good stuff here
Like that makes you go ahead and think so and he always has like at least to me like an answer to a question. So
I got a load of respect for him there. Yeah, like uh,
You know like it's just like I don't know it it bothered me yesterday
It just bothered me. So I just wanted to air it out today
Um, I know leslie like doesn't like to make it an issue. She doesn't care but it's like for me like you watch somebody
Who's constantly helping people get an e whether into conferences or at conferences?
And she's always making herself available to everybody and like these people that use her
Don't acknowledge it publicly and then look look you can acknowledge it by text message. Nobody says like
I'm not saying like anything about that
I'm saying like you see a post out there about somebody who your buddy buddy with and who takes care of you
I think you can go to that post and say happy birthday
Regardless of where she works and yeah, i'm sure like nobody wants to see gakshin media succeed
Like there are people on the sidelines that are praying for its downfall. Like I know it like i'm not stupid
Guys, if you think i'm stupid and I don't hear shit and shit doesn't come around to me. I just smile
Like i'm not i'm not gonna write a thread and cry and say oh my god
How bad I feel about myself right now like i'm not doing that
I just like I put my head down and I continue to work. That's it
I'm a competitive individual. You're not gonna win against me like I can promise you that and I guarantee you
I got God on my side. So like i'm okay with everything like i'm okay. I'm gonna push forward and then a year or two from now
Uh, we shall see we shall see you know what i'll let the work speak for itself. I won't speak for it
I'll let the work speak for itself that that's really it
But when you have somebody like leslie and you i'll even you know, obviously i'm gonna shout out bianca
And a bunch of other people on the team
That are doing everything to set up structure within an organization and re-brand it on the fly
And we're telling you that we're actually working and showing you like we're not we're not hiding anything
We were just working and showing you as as as transparently as possible as we're building out here in front of everybody
Bro like sometimes it's okay. It's okay. Like look it's okay to acknowledge somebody's doing something great
It's okay to do it. I know I know
Maybe you know what it is. Maybe they'll you'll get kicked out of your clique. I understand man
You don't want to get you don't want to get your past taken away from sitting at the cool table. I get it
I get it man
You want the free passes to these events that talk about absolutely nothing. I I totally understand
You want to go to that party with a hundred people in it
That talk about what they got and they're holding the nft wall. I get it. I understand
Cool. We're building something bigger
Let's move on now
Hope this gets clipped up and gets shoved up all your asses
Bitcoin versus ethereum versus salana
So yesterday, I don't know I was in a room
Which uh digi actually digi was joking on me
Uh saying that I was in a in some room. I just happened to go in there not because of
The title, but I just wanted to hear the nonsense kind of thing
We started talking I started talking about
I felt I feel like
salana might turn into the next binance chain
and that's only because
If all that's going to go on on salana or mean tokens
People will view it in the same light as they do binance when binance came out
Binance was known. Oh, everybody left ethereum. Let's keep it 100 if you hear everybody left ethereum to go create on
on binance
Or create contracts on binance mean tokens on binance because the fees were low
The fees were super low
Easy to build on fast network is just you know, the network just started up. So like of course it's going to be fast
But then after a while like like four five six months later people were like, yo, we can't really build a project on here
Like we cannot really build here and they had to switch over from binance to ethereum
I could name you plenty of projects that switch from binance chain to
But even when they did so like their project wasn't taken seriously. So that's my point. It's like
Salana needs to build some real projects on top of itself
Otherwise people will look at it in the same light
I've seen it before and you know all the salana maxis can attack me
But i'm giving feedback and that feedback is real like just go back to 2021
Look at where binance chain was look at the hype around binance chain and then you will see
How far they felt because it became known as a lottery ticket
Blockchain that's it. That was all that it was known for at that point lottery ticket binance
You know a lottery ticket chain chain and that's it
Go play your scratch. Also over there. Yeah, yeah, and you you want to talk about at least
You know what they have in common
People will go there and just fucking try to also make a a two or three dollar profit
And now it's done nobody built does anybody build on binance chain
Nobody goes there
Nobody I seen some meme tokens try to restart on binance chain, but nobody really goes there
Nobody goes there. So now it's salana now i'm watching salana
I've listened I participated in in 11 mean tokens 10 went to shit one
It didn't even even me out. I made like a dollar
I I see it there
I I see it happening on that chain now
Three four months down the line
Don't be upset if people start looking at salana and saying, you know what i'm taking liquidity out of here and i'm going to ethereum
Because that's what eventually will happen regardless of how you look at salana
People are going to take the money and they're going back to ethereum
I had this conversation too yesterday where somebody said this could be the time. This can be the time where
Where I believe that salana will might have a chance to take over. No, no
They're not going to take over for ethereum
This has happened multiple times all that money will flood right back into the ethereum ecosystem
You'll see it just takes with ethereum. It just takes one project
It takes one project and i'm not even talking about a mean token project. It just takes one project
On ethereum to get everybody back
And obviously look ethereum has been through everything thrown at it
Everything it's way ahead of everybody else
I don't care if you think that you're up to date with ethereum because you're not
ethereum is
Ahead of the game and the only competitor to bitcoin
And that's gonna hurt bitcoiners when I say that but it's the truth. It's the only competitor
The only competition that bitcoin has is eth that is it and they don't even do the same things
They they both they both do totally different things
That that's how again i'm not shooting on salana. I actually like that. It's fast
I like phantom. I like the way they set up everything. I like I like the community and the way that they support
I like that like magic eden like was predominantly a salana platform
That has integrated eth and and obviously ordinals and shit like that. That's cool
When it comes down to it
I I I know in my heart eth wins
but salana, I would like to see salana win because they do have a community but
You got to watch out man with the meme tokens
I I know meme tokens have a place in our ecosystem, but you can't make it all about I mean is salon
Is that what they're going for because the founders?
Of salana are retweeting
The meme tokens they're liking them
Is that what you want to turn salana into is it is that we're gonna turn it into meme heaven?
Yeah, that's something really important there that you just mentioned the fact that they're
Retweeting that shit is really irresponsible on their behalf. I think it's really dumb
That's what
I sit back and i'm like
Excuse me. I had to take a drink here. But like I sit back and i'm like
If the founders are retweeting this and liking this stuff
then you are
Acknowledging to me at least that you want the network
You you like the network's direction and you feel that
You you I guess that capturing the meme economy is a great thing for your network
And that's the only thing essentially that you're going to do on the network is just meme tokens
Because I I mean unless I don't know about this you guys uh, maybe some of you guys are more educated than I am on salana
There's legit stuff on salana. Tell me one thing. Can you tell me one thing that's legit on salana?
Yeah, but it's going to be stuff that you're probably not interested in like perpetual, uh, DEXs and stuff like that. Okay, who uses them?
There's a decent amount of people that are using trading
But I mean it is what it is, you know, it's like the same shit that you have on most chains
Yeah, David can I?
so like the whole thing with salana is
you're gonna
It's still technically in the beta, right? And they just want the transactions to see
How far it could push it because obviously it keeps breaking down. It keeps doing whatever
Right, so like and i'm not a big fan of the meme token economy. I agree with you. I do not think either that it's gonna
ethereum, I don't even think it's gonna make it that far but
I think it was fair. It was unfair to compare it to bnb
bnb lost cz
And like I don't I don't know what's going to happen with that entire chain
You know, so like the whole thing that i'm going to say right now is like yeah, there is some use with salana
There's a community there. I wouldn't sleep on them
But like bnb never even made it to where it was supposed to go and because they got capped early like because of all the
All the fucking shit with cz happened relatively recently though and being
Well, no when they when they he left recently relatively recently
But did they they went to 700
Yeah, but the things with like bnb fell off with people stopped using it and migrated back to doing meme tokens on ethereum
Because there was just so many rug pulls and shit on bnb like way way before all the shit would bind and started happening
Hey, can I can I just jump in real quick? Um, I I think the biggest thing like
I I i'm i don't know if this is a coin, but I think I coined it the low gas curse, right?
Because I think like what dave was saying made a lot of sense, right because what happens
When you like all these layer twos that come out or or like let's say salon, which is like a full
Different layer one you have the low gas fee
So then now to deploy a meme token costs like, you know, less than ten dollars
But everybody's deploying meme tokens and then what what ends up happening, right? You you have like
Your your entire user base that are essentially like paper handers, right? Like they their attention spam is like
24 to 48 hours and they're out of the token 24 to 48 hours more like five minutes
yeah, there's like yeah, like
two two two or three hour candles, right and what happens is like
no, like essentially
Nothing is usable on the chain because everybody's expecting like these quick gains
And I think when when bnb was in that phase, this was like during the stimulus check, right? This is when
Proges were coming out with that were just stupid as fuck. I used to remember I used to go to poo coin
I don't know if you got coin. Yes, of course. Yeah, no, no poo coin
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, bro
And that was basically like, you know
You're you're just looking for the next launch you're trying to get in trying to get the fuck out
And I think what ethereum has is because is there's such a high gas fee, right?
Let's say you want to deploy a token and add liquidity that's anywhere from like three to six hundred dollars depending on you know
What the gas price is right? So you're a lot of projects that come out there, you know
Has to be sustainable or has to be like tangible enough, right? Because we can't just like spam the chain
and I think that's the biggest thing like
Well, like I understand why we wanted why we need low gas fee
But we also have to remember like the spam right like people can just spam the chain with a bunch of bullshit
And I and I seen this happen on chronos. I seen this happen on polygon and all these chains that come out in their purport
To be like, you know, there's low transaction fee chains. It never really works out in the long run in my opinion
Absolutely, if you go for example to polygon or phantom or any of these, you know
Evm compatible chains and you just go on to their their scanner
so you go to like polygon scan or ftm scan and go and they have a feature on on etherscan and all those sites where you
Can go and check the top gas usage like the top gas guzzling contracts the ones that are using the most for sending and receiving
Go check it out any day of the week anytime whatever on phantom
For example, I guarantee you that the top three or four out of the top five are going to be
One or two of them are going to be some spam
Contract that's spamming out a bunch of transactions to people like ten thousand usdc free nft bullshit
Like fucking rug pull airdrop fake fake links bullshit
Then other ones are going to be people spam minting the that token zen
Which is like a worthless token that people are are, you know
Minting because it's free to mint it and they think it's going to make them money or whatever
That's literally the top things that are using those networks. It's not even people using it for any other shit
whereas if you go to aetherium
Theorem you don't see that because obviously it's not economically feasible to do that. So
I mean on salon. It's getting ridiculous
Like anybody that's used salon and has done anything on the decks on salon in the past
A couple of months you've definitely gotten in your wallet a shitload of these
Spam compressed nfts that don't cost anything for them to send to you. I mean, it's it's
Ridiculously cheap to send those compressed nfts. I don't think people have any idea
It's several orders of magnitude cheaper to send it than it is on any other network
You can send like a million nfts. I think it is for like less than five dollars something crazy like that
I think it is
If it might eat might eat wallet is full of those my salon wallets aren't your eat wallet is full of
Spam compressed nfts. I mean
Not compressed but the uscc you want a hundred uscc a thousand uscc on main at aetherium you're getting those polygon
Some of it's on polygon some of it's on main
Yeah, I mean on main net like unless you've got a ton of money in your wallet and people are targeting you for that
Reason like it's pretty rare to get that shit nowadays in my experience at least
Um, but on salon i'd like you don't even have to really be doing anything
You just have to transact and there's these addresses that
Will scrape the mempool for people who have recently transacted and they'll send it to you from like these addresses that are spamming
Advertising for this shitty rig casino called flip gg. They're like, oh play flip gg
That's all I bet you anybody in here who's traded on like radium or use bird eye or any of those sites
They've gotten a zero, uh a zero value transaction from that fucking address because it sends it to everybody
It's like hundreds of thousands transactions today
And it's just fucking garbage
But not to change the topic too much here, but I wanted to talk about the ethereum ETF delay
Um, you guys have any thoughts on that?
Um, I I think it's going to get a but they delayed until march
Like I see it getting approved but like I don't want this shit approved like
I really don't care
Doesn't grayscale have another ethereum trust and shit like yeah, they have
I think they have litecoin and shit too. Don't they they've like uh, they have a yeah, they have
I was looking at it. It was like two and a half percent fee on hondre dear one day
I really hate these etfs man. Like now I can speak and now we can showcase like what etfs do
They do nothing for us
It's nice marketing as jason would say but like it does absolutely nothing for us
We can get to our all-time highs and break them without etfs without institutions
They want to come in and play great. You can go ahead and get
yourselves in through fucking coinbase
Just like everybody else coinbase gemini, whoever you want to go ahead and use to get yourselves on board it
I really honestly don't care for them anymore
But I i'll go back to it
I obviously believe that the market makers have a lot to do with the current market conditions and not just the institutions
I think the market makers, you know ran with selling the news
You know, that's what what are we holding? Uh, we were at 40 this morning then we went back down to 39 and changed
I'd like to and grayscale did the did another like huge transfer to coinbase
Yeah, there's been a ton of people dumping their gbtc
Redemptions and as well. There's also been ftx has been selling a shitload of they had a lot of shit in grayscale gbtc
They were selling it because they had to pay their uh, their bankruptcy claims claimants
ftx has a shitload of salana, um, most of it is
It most of it is still
Locked up and it's it's going to be unlocking. Uh, I can post a link in the comments
But it's not something to worry about for a little while
There's going to be like one big unlock that is is to worry about in about a year and a half
I think I would not be in salona when they're ready to unlock because that thing is
That's just gonna hit the market and the price of salona is going to go down
Not that i'm praying for it. It's just that they're gonna dump it all at once
And it's gonna hit salona hard
The reason why I say this and people have a salona fans look a little crazy on me
But listen to me like right now they're dumping bitcoin, right?
They're dumping bitcoin
But bitcoin has a liquidity to withstand this that that's the that's the biggest difference when you guys like some people want to rip apart bitcoin
And talk shit about bitcoin how slow it okay bitcoin has its flaws and there's no doubt about it
But one flaw it does not have is the liquidity and like there are people waiting to buy it up
There are I mean black rock. Let's let's give black rock credit. I mean, they don't just talk shit
They're buying like you can see that they're buying
They are buying by the way shout out to whoever was who sent the bid wise. Uh
Bitcoin that was fucking funny
by the way, the uh, the ftx is um, the largest thing I think is uh,
Well, one of the largest is march 1st 2025. Yeah is uh, 7.5 million soul
You know this guy sam bankman freedman this guy really did a number on this fucking industry man
Love huh, man. Jason wants to fight him in the coliseum of some shit
Uh, I love that shit happened on pay-per-view
Uh, let's buy from the jailhouse exactly
I wonder how he's doing there. Let's go with uh
Crypto quarry and then we'll go with evan. What's going on?
Hey, what's up, bro? Thanks for the voice again
Um, first off. I just want to say happy birthday the lads appreciate you
And i've been here for a minute man in your spaces and i'm surprised she'd be still putting up with your bullshit, bro
No, i'm just playing I know it's all love you guys go at it like an old mary couple with some shit
But yeah, um, I wanted to say something about uh, you said to like the the market makers about
How they can just do whatever they want and come out and blah blah blah and shit go to zero and whatnot like
it's true and honestly, they should be arrested for the bullshit that they be doing because
People, you know like influence or whatnot they'll you know, promote a coin and then you know
the company or the
Fucking idiots rug the coin and then people are going at these influencers like hey, you're a scammer
It's like I have nothing to do with the coin. I you know
Maybe I got a bag from it or maybe I invested and it went up and I just wanted more people to get in
It'd be to be my exit liquidity or whatnot or however, they doing it but
The fucking shit that jamie diamond be doing man, like that's just crazy
And like and like you said yesterday like how can uh, Kramer literally have a
A fucking
Inverse Kramer you literally name this after this man
This man can't be wrong that much like he knows what's going on
Like we're pumping his bags whether he says bitcoin's going off
So he got a short in or whatever the fuck is going on
Like there's no way he doesn't know what is going on
And and a lot of these market makers are like that and it's and it's
It's it's bogus man
And now that they're the ETS they're into this like we have a whole different breed of players coming in
Like we have professional traders scalper all that shit are coming in to the space
We didn't need them in here because we like you said, man
It will grow regardless because they need us more than we need them. There's more unbanked people than there is banked
man, and i'm just afraid like
Around the having like we're supposed to like
You know, this could be a super cycle
But I don't know anymore because of the mid manipulation in the last couple weeks of this etf. It's like whoa
Like people are saying oh like, you know, uh
Grayscale and you know, they're dumping. Yeah, but people are dumping their grayscale buying other shit
So it still should be like kind of like, you know moving a bit
But it's just weird to me. It's it's it's just weird man
The one thing you have to understand too with grayscale, right there was a huge discount for a long time, dude
Like you you could technically be buying like let's say bitcoin was at 10,000 and you were buying the grayscale
You were basically buying bitcoin at a 60 discount
And the moment that they grew that shit
Yeah, i'm sure diesel has some good words to say about it
Yeah, no, there's uh, that was for a while
It was way too expensive and then it flipped and there was a good while that it was
Way discounted and a lot of smart people made a lot of money on that trade
And they've been holding it for a while
long enough that
The I I I reposted the video on my uh on my page on my timeline
Um with a guy who was talking about, uh, you know the situation with grayscale and all the outflows from the gbtc
And he was talking about why he thinks that um, it was actually a pretty student observation as to why he thought that um
Grayscale was you know, not really budging too much on their fees compared to the other etfs and it was because
A lot of people who were sitting and they have a ton of money sitting and you know
They have access to know what all the analytics of these people's holdings are and they know how much money these people have so
It was obviously a big firm like grayscale is going to be doing analysis on their on their traders and everything like that
and they figured that it was worth it financially for them to not
mess with the fees because a lot of people are going to just
Deal and eat the fees rather than deal with the tax situation of selling it
Uh and having to incur like a way bigger loss essentially
so that is
They had to pay off everyone and they're just using these fees
Now to regain their money back that they had to pay to get approval from the scc tinfoil hat
Um, I have a bigger you guys mentioned jimmy diamond i'm looking at a building right now that he's putting up
Uh, it's on 47th street park avenue and i'm not in the city i'm in queens, but this fucking building is huge
It's still got the crane on it
And like the crane falls on the building when nobody in it
I've been
Fine, but like yo, look at this
look at this thing bro, like yeah, well, I don't know if anybody else could see it but like
I'm looking at one vanderbilt and it looks like it's going to be much bigger than one vanderbilt and one vanderbilt is a brand new building too
And I figured that's a bank building though
That's like their main office and they're competing with like a like well, that's another office building I guess too, but
Yeah, it's wild with the building
Like yeah, so that's what he's trying to pay off. I I hate jp. Morgan. I hate jimmy diamond
I I despise all these people. I don't want them here
Like that that's my biggest thing and I guess that should be oh that should always be the culture here
In our industry. Is that like I mean satoshi's vision was for main street not for wall street
so like when
These are conversations that I had in the past on spaces where there were other, you know
There are bitcoiners and everybody from like back in 2011
Who first entered into bitcoin in 2011? They were on
I remember this going back a year and a half ago and we were like we don't want none of this shit
Even though we disagree on so many things like all of us agree that we don't want any of this shit. We don't
Like unfortunately, like you can replay tapes and hear me talk about etfs
But like in the back of my head like I don't want them
I never did
Because I that that as soon as the etfs come into play it's like institutions take over
So like what was the point of building this place?
It's like we did all the hard work
Legitimately, like when I say we it's it's the truth like everybody's played a part in building this industry
You know, obviously
The coders and the programmers have done a lot
To go ahead and build out, you know protocols and whatnot, but you know
We've all took a liking to it. We understand it. We understand the value of money
We built this place for them to come in here and just take it away from us. Like I don't know it was never
I can't find a piece of information from satoshi that says like that was his vision
Can't find it on the white paper. Can't find it on bitcoin talk
Can't find it on any outlet that says that this is what he wanted
You know, I came here like to escape
I'm sure you guys did too like
Like uh, like for those that i'm talking about early early cats and this is with no disrespect to the graduates of 2021
I mean this would no disrespect but in the early days
Bitcoin shit like
It was an escape. It was like holy shit. This could potentially
Get us away
From the current fucking situation that we have going on here
And especially in the united states, it was like holy shit, this is like we can finally have
We can finally own our money. It was that that was the talk
That was always the conversation like you entered these rooms or you had discussions on bitcoin talk. It was about
We can follow we finally know the value of money
And we can build on this and like do I think that anybody thought that it would go past 300 400 per coin?
No, because the the conversation was never for it to like nobody thought it would go past 500
No, but I mean roger bear can come in here and tell you that none of these people thought it would go past 500
And now it's here
So it's like a fucking unicorn and like I don't want i'm not giving it back. I'm not giving it away to
To these to these fucking suits. I like suits by the way
So it hurts me when I say like these fucking suits
But you know what I mean by suits, I don't want to give it away to these
Old dudes that are sitting there that have been passed down generational wealth for centuries
meanwhile, you know
Every single one of you individuals has worked their asses off
Before you came in here. I'm sure you've worked really hard in the real world in web2 and
Have not ever been given a chance or an opportunity
To succeed but that's what like bitcoin does. It's freedom
It's freedom. It's more than just money. It's freedom
Bro, we really need to understand that like we all got to get as much as we can before we get priced out
Like whoever's on the bottom, you can get priced out quick
Because once that marathon candle or god candle comes out like saying god candle because I don't pray to the charts
Straight up i'm a godfaire, man
There's only one so I call it marathon candles
But once the marathon candle comes a lot of people are going to get priced out on owning a whole bitcoin or you know
increasing their bag wisely
So we really need to like spread the word to the to the masses and those that are they don't really understand crypto at all
While bitcoin and crypto is different, but any
Welcome to the breakdown episode 296
We're having discussions about bitcoin ethereum and salona
Let's go with evan evan what's going on?
Yo, and yeah, I don't know what like rockets up
Just let me give me give me the whole give me the whole two-minute speech and now you know
So rapid rapid full circle ETFs and big I mean and ethereum versus salona. I think I talked like yeah two weeks ago
So here's the deal. The reason why ethereum and salona seems so different
I mean, obviously they're different ecosystems. The cultures are very different on ethan salona
Because of the gas fees
So the reason why salona seems like it has so many paper hands which it does
Right now and so many pumps and dumps is because the barrier to entry on salona is very very low
And the market when markets heat up like they're doing right now
You get a lot of new investors that come in because it has low barrier to entry
A lot of new investors are not as experienced as you and I
And typically you have to go through at least one cycle in crypto to really get a feel on how to not get
Rugged and how to do this and how to do that properly
And so right now the culture on salona is a lot more degen because it has a lot of newer investors that are figuring out
And you know new investors also are very high risk guys that typically lose their ass a couple times
Before they really understand how to gamble properly in crypto and I use that term loosely
While ethereum's got more experienced people and that's why you'll see the money
Move to ethereum later in the market is because those guys will start to kind of learn and catch on
Also because the barrier to entry on ethereum is a little bit higher you see less of that
So there's still scams everywhere, but you'll see less of it
So we go to this idea of bitcoin, right?
The proof of work system and i'll wrap this into etfs as well because I think this is a good point
The idea of the proof of work is you have to expend energy in order to produce value
And so when you're when your money's on the table and you have to spend higher gas fees
I know eth is proof of stake now, but you get the idea of like and you're spending your precious money
You're more careful about how you uh, how you allocate your capital, right?
And uh, and i'll tie the proof of work idea into the etfs
You know the good thing about it bitcoin versus the ethereum etf idea is that even if blackrock accumulate a lot of the liquidity
They can actually price themselves out of their own position by
By monopolizing the market with the proof of work system because the system can continue to keep hashing out
And the miners control the network the the thing and I don't have a solution for this
I'm just voicing a concern on it. The only concern I have about the ethereum etf is
It is proof of stake now and they can allocate
Enough of the tokens to actually manipulate the network via validators and that is a concern to me in the back of my mind
I don't know if it's possible
But I do know that it's a concern and that's why I do sit
Very soundly at night knowing that bitcoin continues to hash out and run the way that it always has
Because of that proof of work system and I think that there will always be a place in crypto for proof of work
And I really really do like the more I get into crypto the more I respect
The way that satoshi set this system up because man this shit is really robust
And uh, and I really like it really like I know bitcoin's like a dummy coin, right?
It's a transactional you can do oracles now
But it like the more think about bitcoin the more i'm fascinated
And the more that i'm like really like taking aback about how well thought out
And how much how much effort was put into the system and how great it actually runs?
Uh, and last thing on salona and ethereum and i'll i'll toss it back over
Um, you know though those ecosystems are very different
And again guys were very you know, not you guys here because y'all are very very smart people
You know crypto is very short-term minded, you know, these these ecosystems are still in development. They're still working
uh, you know and I I don't you know the way that I see salona and
Ethereum now is not the same way that i'm going to see them in five years
And I think that they're always kind of like testing
And you know this stuff is so new and this technology is so revolutionary that
It's not going to look the same in five or ten years
So I kind of just go along for the ride and kind of play it as I go
And you know if they've got some issues today, it doesn't say them, you know, they may have more issues tomorrow
They may stamp out some of those issues. So I always view it as experimental technology
And um, and there's a marketplace for the higher gas fees
And there's a marketplace for the lower gas fee degen stuff because like these guys in third world countries
It's very hard to get into ethereum, but it's easier to get into salona or bnb
So I try not to make these short-term predictions because um
You know, I always kind of get proven wrong when I do at least this is me personally
I get proven wrong when I do because you know it changes so quickly
So I try to kind of take a step back and kind of look from the outside in so this that's my two cents
Thank you, evan. I appreciate that
Um dao was going crazy with the thumbs down and he got his hand up dao chemists. What's going on?
Hey, what's up guys?
Wait, so you guys are doing like the old uh,
Solana versus bitcoin versus ethereum thing
If you guys can make it like a regular thing, man, just just ping me 2 a.m. 5 a.m. I'll show up
Just let me know. I'll be there. You got the heater. You got the heater on
So so, uh, you know, you know bitcoin wins oh my god, yeah, we go bitcoin wins, right
Niko don't don't get your feelings in the bush, man. I'm about to hurt you by the way now before you go
Can I just say real quick before you you go?
Yo digi this fucking this fucking nft that you got man. I am staring at it
And this is probably the most ugliest shit
I've ever seen it. Yo, I don't I thought I thought kevin was ugly, but holy shit. This takes the cake, bro
But go ahead dao
Bro, you know, I gotta do it on purpose
I like this shit is like staring at me, bro
Oh my god, that sounds a lot. That's the shit. Yeah, I don't know what the fuck that shit's on
It's an ordinal bro, it's an ordinal but uh, wait till you hear about the tech you're gonna laugh
That's your face
I got a whitelist for this project bro. Stop fucking spotting my bag. So we got that jason
That's not that's not a bitcoin charm
What are you losing? You want to lose this man?
That's not a bitcoin
Yo a quantum cat quantum cat just
A quantum cat just sold for 250 000 on fucking and saw the bees, you know at auction and he's he's fighting ordinals
Still so yo digi I got I went for they're gonna announce whitelist and I did the commercial with stephen miller
So, you know what i'm hoping I get whitelist for that even though that's an expensive fucking mint, but
Yeah, like keep fighting ordinals dave. What are you doing me?
The hell you're talking to me. Yeah
No, david doesn't fight ordinals. Definitely. No, it's definitely no david david's orange pill. It's like yo i'm a bitcoiner, bro
Like i'm i'm happy that there's he he puttered the bitcoin trumps. He fun
No, I just thought it looks so ugly. I'm not allowed to say what everything that comes out on ordinals is hot
Come on now, man. Seriously, man
These be burn shit on microsoft paint and put
Spending seventy thousand dollars to inscribe it and fucking taking 30 seconds to draw some of this shit is not
I don't even understand it like let's let's it's
Okay, like everything coming out on ordinals right now is selling because it's so new and it's the hype around it is real
That everybody's jumping in and just buying anything. It's it's true
Like they could tell it's like it almost reminds me of the ico era where like people are just saying yo
This shit is going to do this that and the third we're so bad
But like, okay, so the first people in are going to make money and congratulations
I'm not I actually i'm not against it because it's bringing like a younger generation
From the east side and maybe even from salana into it
So like that's a cool thing for bitcoin
But like i'm not grabbing every one of these things like digis fucking pfp is ugly
That shit's ugly, man
What do you want me to say? You could call my pfp ugly. I don't really care, but yours is ugly
That's just the other one before that I see it's really weird because like
One second I see this bird and then the next minute I see another pfp
I don't know if anybody
You want me to you want me to switch it right now? It's legit. No, it wasn't a milady
It was a different one. It was like a little alien
It was a it was a pocket chipper
Better than the other shit
Brother bird is your face when you know, the bird looks like about to take a shit on somebody's car
But dal go ahead. I know dal wants to tear into
Tear into the entire ecosystem. Go get down hit them with the fire
I i'm gonna end them with an education
So i'm not gonna have any fire just some basic question for anybody's in the audience
You don't have to have the answers. Just ask yourself some basic question, right?
We're talking about really cool technology innovative technology
And at the end of the day, yes, you can make money, but that's what they are. They're technologies
So when you compare cars you compare phones you compare whatever technology
You got to look at it at that technical level
I know that's not necessarily the most fun conversation to have
But if you want to make long-term games, there's an expression. I forgot who said that you play long-term games
With long-term people now you can make money short-term
You can go on solana and then trade some some mean coins
You can go in the scripture and trade some
Some pictures some jpeg like digit doesn't i'm sure you can make money if the conversation is just about making money forget everything about to say
But if it's about comparing those technologies
Now we're talking now we're answering the the arena and let's go at it, right?
Now I can go over all the benefits of ether versus solana versus big company. That's boring
I just want you to think about one thing
How sustainable are those technologies?
And if you never ask yourself that question
That's because in most of the twitter space that we have and I was listening to what you were saying david earlier
Which is that's the issue that we have in the spaces
We don't bring the fundamentals to a new audience
We get to appreciate those type of conversation because we can make it so we have to make it boring
But how sustainable is solana how sustainable is bitcoin?
Right, and I think the fact that we don't have those those those answers
I think most of the audience probably don't have those answers
That's the problem
If you think about it the business of crypto is your chain is selling block space
And in reward they get a fee a transaction fee. That's the business model
Of almost every chain. Maybe there's something central to the rule, but you're selling block space
And people buy and they pay transaction fee for that block space so they can put their transactions
And block space now when I ask how sustainable all those chains
What the miners are earning is not from those fees it's
Is he rugged or is it disney
Nah, he's rugged he's probably at the airport yo dale you're rugged hard, but uh
Let me play. Let me play some music while like you come, you know
Open the app and come right back, but i'll keep this music playing for you
Nature you see me
Are you okay are you there
Well while while dow comes back I think uh, I want to dedicate a song
Um to dow
This goes out to dow
Turn your head round lay on the ground
Can you guys hear me better now yeah your songs on
Lay on the floor
We need this money
And you yes you doubt
And you just roll with me
Let's go off together
On a robin spree
We'll make money
Bitcoin or no, let's go
Now go for it i'll go for it. I just felt like I don't know for some reason you hate it so hard that i have to play that
Yeah, I don't know where I drove up like my point is very simple, right like block chains are selling block space
And for the most part if you look at bitcoin solana and most chains
Uh, they're not making money. They're not sustainable
It's 90. I think it's 94 percent of bitcoin that it's based on subsidy. So like the bitcoin
Uh schedule that they have right that's going to be half every four year
But this transaction fees are barely six percent of the fees of the business model that miners are getting in the case of solana
I think it's around the same. I think it's 92 something like that
The only chain that's sustainable can actually live up the fees that people pay for the block space is ethereum
So there's a lot of point that we can make technical points
uh, there's a lot of other points in terms of the technology like
You know, um, if we go back to like the blockchain trilemma, for example
Because we won't talk about fees, but they never say yeah, the cheaper fees is because we have less decentralization
All right. Can I can I just cut you off real quick? I'm sorry
I'm, sorry
But like there's some things that you just keep going with and around and around and I know we're going to go with this
Okay, because we've had this conversation a million times. Okay, but I have a perfect example to give you
Just to because I don't have a single
Ethan if see like you sit there and you talk about how the technology is better than on ethereum, right?
Ordinals has been
Do you have a point about sustainability or not hold on do you have anything?
No, but hold on hold on hold on the rest of the space
Let him finish what he's saying you got I have right now
This nft that I have right now
No, but nico is more utility and more anything that any any fucking ethereum nft. I have
That that's not the point and let's bring it back
And it's got more utility than fucking even fucking borday vehicle at the moment at the moment
See the thing is yet. You got to pick a big picture, right?
We're not just it's not just me you're having conversation where I understand that you understand a lot of things about crypto
And you look at me and you see the same thing, right?
We're talking for a wider audience who's trying to figure out and make sense of this complex ecosystem
So I I brought a notion about sustainability
Do you have anything to say that contradict the claim that i've made or do you agree with the claim that you don't know?
He's talking about the sustainability for the economic models of the chain
Whether or not bitcoin is sustainable long term with the way that it's economically subsidized from the mining and the fees
Yeah, and that's important nico. Can you I don't think it is by the way conversation then we'll go to your point
Then we'll go to your point nico
But I mean I don't see the fees go like the fees right now
Like they're they're pretty much the same as ethereum and you know what they're probably gonna figure something out
In the future. No, the point I made is very clear 95
What the miners are getting as a reward is a subsidy. It's not coming from the fees from the activity on chain
That's the claim i'm making and i'm acting back at any day. I'm happy to back it today
I'm happy to back it tomorrow
You can go on on the the the explorer on the bid co-chain and see that for yourself
Now does that mean is that important point for you nico that the chain that you use is sustainable long term
But you don't care about that
Of course
You're sitting here telling me about things and this is this entire protocol is here for a year
So and already it's been around since 2009
No, no, no, but ordinals has been around for a year, which you don't even call it a protocol
You call it you don't even think it's a protocol or a standard, but it's not a standard
The whole point is that you keep talking about the difference in technology and i'm telling you
I don't have a single nft that does
What an ethereum nft does but this the ordinals nft that I have does
A hundred times more than a single any nft. All right. All right. So so what's your point?
The point is that what was around for a year the other one's been around since 2017, bro
Oh, I suppose i'm happy to get to that point, right? I'm happy to debate that point, right?
But is anyone else in the the panel has something to say about the lack of sustainability?
Let me let me take a crack at it now
All right, so i'll i'll i'll i'll i'll meet dal where he's at
So first i'm gonna say this first you're right. So as of right now
Almost every blockchain. So let me break this down most proof of stake blockchains are
Substaining themselves off of their inflation rate bitcoin is sustaining itself off of the subs the block
Sorry, it's it's the service area
But so, you know, yes right now most blockchains are running off their subsidies or their inflation rates
I think now this is well i'll tackle bitcoin i'll tackle ethereum because uh bitcoin I think as as the uh
As the price of bitcoin continues to go up
I I do believe that long term when people are competing for block space
And I know that satoshi wrote about this in the white paper and on the forums
You know that hopefully the transaction fees it's all speculation. I do agree with that
And you know ethereum actually changed their model the mint and burn model is actually like the ultrasound money is actually a really smart system
As long as they continue to have the the chain
As long as they continue to have the the chain of you know usage that they're doing they'll be fine
now blockchains like cosmos
And salana and things like that. They run off. They run off a token inflation and he's absolutely right about that
The low fees make it very difficult to subsidize the long-term usage of the blockchain. He is correct about that
And and so, you know, there will have to be innovations that need to come in place for these chains to be long-term viable
He is absolutely right about that
And and so i'm talking everybody's talking about oh my you know
My investment this my investment at the point that dallas making is that if you're thinking five or ten years in the future
You need to be looking at okay. What is actually economic?
He's not talking about the chain technology. He's talking about the economic viability of the chain
And so and the and i've actually listened to a lot of smart, you know
I give the bitcoin maxis a lot of hate
But they do have one, you know, their convictions on bitcoin specifically are very strong and I do fall into the camp
In ordinals, you know taking up block space is a good experiment to see if the block subsidy in the future
Five to you know, another couple halvings down the road will actually be able to sustain the miners
Um, you know, we can make arguments about maybe they'll come out with more efficient asigs, you know
Versus how much electricity they're burning because you have to you have to weigh the cost of how much electricity you're burning in order
To mine the bitcoin or keep the network going right? So I think personally as far as like bitcoin specifically
I think that in the future given bitcoin's value and and the conviction of bitcoin
I think it'll do just fine personally
But for a lot of these other chains, yes, you make a really good point that their inflation rates won't be able to sustain
Uh to sustain themselves because like low too too low a fee is it's a sweet spot, right?
Two loa fees is bad because then you can't rationalize running the network without centralizing it
But too high a fees will
Without scaling solutions will cause people to not want to use the chain. So yes, there is a balance
Uh, and he is absolutely right about that and and I will give you that and so and that's the conversation that he's making
He's not talking about your efficiency of ordinals on different. He's not talking about any of that
He's talking about the sustainability economic sustainability of the chain and now, you know, you're welcome to correct me if i'm wrong
But I think that's the point that you're making and I wanted to go back to that because I think they were trying to rabbit hole
Into something else and so, you know if we're going to stay on subject stay on subject
Yeah, I appreciate it and i'm happy to touch on the point and you could say afterwards, right because I think it's important for you to have
Understanding what we talk about. That's the big picture, right?
The big picture is how sustainable is your ecosystem because you can make money today
But if it's not sustainable imagine the economy that's running on debts
Eventually, it's going to fall right? It's not sustainable. Maybe not in the next five years
But you have to address that and one way to address it
Is what you just said it when nico's talking about his ordinals if you bring more activity on the block on the fifth coin ecosystem
Then that should fix the issue that appointed to and now nico you can make your point and i'm happy to
To counter it and say what are those utility that you see on ordinals that you can't do on nfts?
I'm happy to hear it at that point
Come on man, like are you serious we've been going through this for like over a year
First of all, everything is on. All right, you see they're not fucking
Hyperlinks that everything's on change this thing. I actually am able to fucking
Do all kinds of shit with it. Like I could play every single s in the s game. It's like it's
There's a lot
That you can't do with fucking ethereum fucking nfts at all. Like what do you what like how far do you want it to go?
We've had this conversation a million times. I mean i'm happy to talk about what you can do on
Hold on. You can actually use
Can you do
But they're building layer twos on bitcoin, but they're building
You want to hear what the matches is calling bitcoin and I don't necessarily agree with them because I really do believe that ethereum like for
Bring it back to the inscription bring it back to description
Like yeah, you were making the case that you can do more things in description than nfts
I'm happy to do a listing all the things you can do nfts
And then you can do a listing which you can do in description or you can start and then I can counter it
Go for it
Which one do you want to start with bro? Like the the fact that uh, it's so expensive to put an
nt on chain you can do e-scriptions not ethereum that are way cheaper and
There's just I mean fundamentally there's a ton of stuff that you can't do on bitcoin
The technological the technological limitations of bitcoin just inherently mean that there's a lot of things you can't do on it
Yeah, but there's also a lot of things that you can't do on ethereum, bro
Like we're up until now like well, hold on. Hold on
The way that they're building any sort of game to make a transaction on ethereum directly
You can put nfts on chain on ethereum
Oh, yeah, of course you can no. No. Yeah, I said the cost I have a ton of nfts on
There's a way to optimize the cost of
Yes, I even have an nft that has an optimized contract all of that, bro
Like yes, I have like that's like that's always been the argument on like let's say ethereum
Oh ethereum can't do this, but it can it's just like
It's about figuring out how to go the way they're building
The way they're building games and the transactions and the signing and everything like that's why everything's going to go to later
too, that's why salana is doing what it's doing like
Like so so the whole point the whole point that i'm trying to make is that there's a lot more problems
All right. Look, yes, you
Like there's a ton of different things bro. First of all, bro
It's you do know that so the the bitcoin is more secure like it's and it's more decentralized and there's a lot more
No, not and then that's not true. Even that is no longer true. So i'll do this like because you because you move in the
You change the conversation I want you to stick to the top
And you're gonna
Yeah, yeah, yeah i'm coming in like
Another guy he has like uh, he's funny. He's a funny referee in boxing like he has like
He's he watches boxers and like when they get hit he goes. Oh, he has all these reactions. I've got his name
Oh my god, I think it's like steve something but
I'm coming in like that man. Hold on one second. I have no clue. What's happening right now
All right
Let me let dao go first and then nico you can respond and we'll go
We'll go back and forth. We'll have this back and forth session, but i'm coming in
It gets too heavy in the sparring. I might have to come
My condition is okay or is it bad? It's good. It's good. Go for it dao. Go ahead lay in. It's good
I appreciate that right before I just make the list, right?
It's important because it's not just me and nico people listening to us. They're trying to understand what we talk about
So that's why I always think about that when i'm
So when you come to nft you usually have a bigger list
Okay, so when it comes to nfts, right?
There's a lot of things you can do with them because they're basically smart contract. They're on chain and it's a shared standard
for wallet providers
To understand how to deal with them. So one use case
Is you can actually fractionalize it you can divide it into erc 20
10 to send to your nft to somebody else you can turn it into basically a yeah
All right
Another thing that you can do you get a loan against it. You can say hey my
Board of ape is worth fifty thousand dollars
at the loan to
The loan to value is 80 percent
So I can borrow up to forty thousand dollars of dai or usdc against it, right?
The other thing you can do with nfts because people tend to associate them with pfp's, right?
You can also do in-game assets. They're happening right now
On ethereum on layer twos as well would actually have games like mavia and other games
They're using them as a sword or car things like that, right? There's art as what you can do, right?
There's also now more financial use cases
So for example when you provide liquidity on on index on uniswap or another decentralized exchange
Your position 50 percent of usdc
50 percent of ef is represented as an ft so the cool thing is you can actually okay now
Let me finish the list then you can go after that, right?
Just i'm just going to listen people can understand all the things that they can do
It's not just about me and you then you do your listing after that, right?
So as I was saying you can think of and it is not just in the in the fun side of things
But actually as financial assets one of those one of those use case is a lp position liquidity providing position
So you provide your estimates as well
Exactly, right?
So another thing you can do is you have now this trend called real world assets. So you have houses you have
Gold bricks you have a bunch of assets most of assets around the world are non-fungible
Most of the things that are fungible is usually money
But loan mortgage is usually best expressed as a non-fungible. So loans are now
Expressed as nfts you have mortgages you have
You have also like other types of commodities that are being brought on chain as nfts are treasury bonds and things of that nature
Now I just had a space on on wednesday
About a bulge of like I think it was sixth project working at the intersection of web through an ai
And for them to bring ai there's different ways to do it
But if you were to think about an economy of ai agent interacting with each other
Whether it's to to trade on your behalf
Whether it's to organize your day or be part of the economy some other ways
They're great to be expressed as nfts
So those are not that's not even a that's the list that I have on top of my mind, right?
If I had five minutes, I could probably come up with like five or six or more use cases now
Now that you have that list nickel, please compare that list and give us an equivalent
Which you can't do with inscription on bitcoin that you're so excited about
So I want you to name. I want you to name a single piece of text there because you just gave me every financial instrument in the world
But like I didn't hear any text. This is why I want to do the start listing, bro
But those use cases that you can uh, they leverage
They're building this on they're they're building all of this and right now actually you could take loans and you're in it
I can take a loan on this. Yes, you can actually you can take a loan out on that and puppets as well
All of this there isn't a single piece of text that you just mentioned like these are all financial
instruments and you know what ethereum was the test net for all of this
like and like like
Look, I'm just saying this to him. I'm actually not a bitcoin maxi
I'm just saying this to him to get him off of the eth maximalism stuff
You know, I actually believe in ethereum. I think ethereum is the is the financial future
But when it comes to provenance when it comes to other things and when it comes to certain like doing certain like
Tech and like to look at it in a certain way, bro
He looks at it as like, you know in like a very linear way
He just gave me every single fucking financial instrument in the world
But there's no real tech behind any of it. I mean i'm not sure like
By the way, let me just just 10 seconds
Just 10 seconds nico. The point I was trying to make to use that all the things I've listed are things that right now work today
And the underlying expression of them is the nfc the erc 721 standard
I was I was expecting that should we give me a similar list for the inscription?
Ethereum all the stuff that you listed right all this stuff
Took how many years to probably?
You know come into play like how long did all this stuff take to come into?
Uniswap was the one that brought it on like really
Okay, so like comparing comparing everything that ethereum can do today to uh,
A fucking ordinal theory that has been around for it hasn't even been a year yet, right?
No, it's been a little over a year. It's like a year and like I mean it just may it just probably takes a year
But it's like bro. It's still fairly new right? It's in its infancy and the and at the pace of which
You can't even compare it but nico made the case that you can do more things on description
I was happy to have that conversation with him. I'm not the one making with
I want to ask hold on. Hold on. I got hold on. I heard something which is crazy
All right, yo nico like some of the stuff. I agree with you nico and obviously I agree with dao
Where's the tech part right?
There is tech so i'm going to give you one example
Has anybody heard of properly?
Yep. Okay, cool. Anybody know who michael erranting is? Oh, no
Yeah, cool. He sold his
He sold his condo
He sold his condo through properly
Through an nft probably supposed to be having a big airdrop by the way for people who are using it
Just uh to let you know but so like when we say there's where's the tech, right?
So like tech doesn't like come overnight like there is tech like we can we can all acknowledge whether you like ethereum or not
It is tech right or no
Yeah, I mean you got erc 1155 erc 721 you got a bunch of different standardized contracts on ethereum for different kinds of nfts and
Shared storefronts and things like that. Um
I mean, there's a lot of stuff that most people don't even know about just because there's not a lot of projects that have taken
The time to implement implement it. Anyway, let me ask you a question
Diesel will that happen in the next three to four years when people?
Understand it a bit more and they hire more people and to set companies
Do you think it will be used?
Oh, yeah, I mean, it's only a matter of time
I mean you've already got things that are just not on mainnet ethereum
Like there's a big social network on polygon called lens protocol and they use nfts almost exclusively for their entire
storage of data for account structure for everything
All the interactions you have like all the friends that you have on there is is represented as nfts
Um, you can put out posts as nfts. You can have people pay you through them to like collect your posts essentially
Uh way too much to describe here
But it's it's very interesting and it's a really cool use of the tech and a lot of it doesn't even require transactions because it's just signed
Using your private key from your wallet. So my thing is like I would never
So I think that you can build on bitcoin
I personally have made the statement multiple times that I don't want to build on bitcoin
You can definitely build on bitcoin. It's just restricted. Uh, I mean, there's so many restrictions that you have to deal with
I think actually to an extent that
That uh, you know almost motivates the people who are building on bitcoin to have to think outside the box and really come up with some
Interesting ways to get around the restrictions that are there but there's definitely restrictions there
I mean there's no doubt about that the more as the more we move forward and we start building on bitcoin
The more I feel like it will become
A bit more centralized that that's just my opinion. My opinion means nothing right at the end of the day
But that's how I feel like the one the two things that bitcoin had was
It never had scalability, but it did have
Had security and decentralization
The three features and a blockchain it had two out of the three and those are the two
Now or did you might know about this?
But you know one of the issues with ordinals is that
There's uh the indexers that are used to display the ordinals and everything as far as I know
There was a bunch of drama with having a decentralized
Indexer and an open source one that was released
Uh, you know for everybody to use and to create a standard. I don't know if there was ever any action on solving that I know there's been
Alternative solutions like there was something called the atomic protocol. I think it's called the arc 20s for different tokens
That I sent the link to dow actually because I wanted to see what he thought about I don't remember hearing back but
Uh something on um bitcoin where they have a ton more features that were being released by I think it's unisat
The company that does a lot of ordinal stuff
But these are like before I forget it. I I just want to say that like if you gave
If you gave fortune 500 companies
If you gave them a choice to whether to build on bitcoin or to build on aetherium
I'm telling you right now
Build on aetherium so it's like I don't shit on bitcoin. I i'm a bitcoiner
Like but i'm not a maxi like i'm a bitcoiner. I love bitcoin. I love everything that
I love everything that bitcoin stands for i'm not talking about what the maxi stand for those are two different. I like
I like what bitcoin stands for. I like I love what bitcoin has been able to do
But if you're gonna give me a choice on what to build on i'm going with e
because like
It's it's so much easier to build on e than it is on bitcoin playing a simple you have to go
To i'm i'll give you an example taproot took 19 000 years to get approved
You you bring ordinals into the picture, right?
Be your brc 20s. Yo, the fucking the og's like adam back all these motherfuckers came out the woodworks like
They're they're contacting node holders and miners and like, you know, they're saying yo, we have to get rid of like
It's impossible. Nobody wants to deal with this shit and they don't they don't even like innovation
Like to me when I when I hear them talk, I don't even think they want to innovate anymore
They're done. They're like yo now let let it be kind of thing where thorium is consistently building
Give it time
Like these will just mention a few eip's out here that nobody has even heard of
And then they haven't even been used yet. Nobody's implemented anything on them yet
like give ethereum like three to four years and you will see like
Conquets yo, I swear to god since day one ethereum has gotten ripped apart. I mean
Vitalik is the the most evil person in this fucking industry yet. He has created something that has made people
Multi-millionaires if not billionaires
by him creating
Ethereum the platform and I really do believe in the future
Jp morgan if you go tell me jp morgan is not in bed with ethereum. Oh, they totally are
I mean they they own a stake in consensus, which makes metamask
They own a stake in infura, which runs all the nodes that you know run ethereum. I mean people dismiss it
It's almost like well. Well, jp morgan is a big thing. Like I know that we I personally hate banks
I hope I I would wish they like honestly if I had my way, I wish they all disappeared
But at the end of the day, you need banks
They're not going anywhere if if they close up in a and jp morgan or bank of america or wells forgo that are gonna close up
It's the little banks that are gonna close up and be bought up by these behemoths
They're not going anywhere and they're gonna use ethereum. They're not gonna use bitcoin
They will use ethereum to build on you'll see then they are going to use ethereum to build
their platforms and their text
Exclusively on ethereum. That's it like just
Get used to it. Like there is nothing you can do. They are in bed. This is why ethereum hasn't been touched
This is why ethereum hasn't been touched
This is why nothing has been said publicly every time a question is asked. Nothing has been said publicly about ethereum
There are way too many
You think you actually think for a second in march or down the line this year that ethereum etfs aren't going to be approved
You think for one second that they're not gonna approve an ethereum etf. It's gonna happen
It's definitely gonna happen if black rock wants it black rocks go on to get it period
There's no way they're talking about etfs publicly about
Then there's no way that he's talking about ethereum spot
etfs publicly
On cnbc and all these networks if it ain't happening
Like come on like like to shit on ethereum is stupid. I don't and there's no need honestly also to shit on bitcoin
Like let's give it let's give the people
That you know had the passion to create ordinals and brc20s. They're due
They they had a fight against an old
old school click
They're just crazy like they're they're psychopaths
and they build
With them doing everything possible to cut their legs off
And because of ordinals and brc20s, what do you have you have young?
people in their like 20s and 30s
And maybe early 40s
That's the new 40s and new 30jz said it they're going
onto bitcoin
They're getting they're getting nfts, but now they're learning about bitcoin
And the only two assets that mean anything in this fucking space and I don't care
How anybody takes this is bitcoin and ethereum nothing else really matters
Everything else is nice. You can go ahead and get into it if the market goes up
I'm sure the number will go up as well cardano
Those that's those casts that came here to try to jump me and shit
The number will go up on cardano, but it's not because of the protocol. It's because of the brand
People will say it's cheap
I'm getting into it and it's going to go up and there is no reason behind it going up
Because nobody's building on it. It's the honest truth is nobody is really building on cardano
No matter what anybody wants to say charles wants to overtake ethereum. It's never going to happen
It just won't
It just won't happen. Go ahead dao and then diesel and nico if you guys want to
Start fighting like laddie
Again, american family
Because I think it's uh, it's a fair point right if you say hey, let's not compare technology that's one
People that seven years of
Ability to to build things right? It's not a fair point
My issue or no, it's not that people are building on bitcoin. I think it's great, right?
And even nico at least will admit that the only question I ask when they started building is if they had a
Standard right and it's the difference between the standard protocol. We're not going to go there because it's a taking conversation
Uh, but those are things if you if you look around you your house
If you're in a high building, uh, wherever you are a train, whatever you're eating your food
Everything comes with standard because it's a way that we know how to build together
It's almost like a language if we all speak different language
Then it makes it really hard for us to build something and for it to be sustainable
So that's that's why I was asking that question and that question matters because if you do expect ordinals to
Provide similar experience as you see on nfts and you don't pay attention to how the technology was built
You're going to be sadly disappointed to realize there's fundamental limitation as diesel was saying
So that right now if you're talking about
Pfp's and and trading pictures fine. Sure. Ordinals are great and the brc20 indexer is not a big deal
But the moment you start to think about
Real world use cases like businesses we're talking about like onboarding
10 to 20 trillions worth of real world assets
Uh, the developers that work on behalf of jp morgan that works on behalf of black rock i'm not going to play with
A crypto kitties or a playbook like a protocol they don't want to make sure that this thing can actually hold
colleges and millions of
Let's say mortgages, for example that they can build your financial infrastructure on top of it
And the problem is the moment you start digging into how inscriptions are being built as a protocol
Basically, and maybe I misunderstood something, but you have a transaction on bitcoin and with that transaction
There's a data that's being passed to it, right like a cold data
And in that data that's being passed with a transaction. There's a jason file that's being passed around
And so what you hold in your wallet and your fingers in the description is basically a jason file
And the way you're able to see that you have this inscription you're able to sell it
You're able to maybe now get along against it, which I think is great
Is because of chain and this is the most important thing of chain
There are people that maintain the indexer and the only rule that they have that they agree with is of chain
It's a gentleman's weapon and they say hold on. Let me let me let all this
This is the most important thing people understand about the the part of inscription is that yes
the data the the image is
Is uh is is on the on the bitcoin chain, but the problem is the actual
Logic is of chain. That's the difference in the nft the nft. The logic is on chain
So no one can tamper with it. You don't have to trust indexer. You don't have to trust wallet providers
You don't trust nobody your nfc is yours
Right, but the issue that have inscriptions that fundamentally the building block of this technology is optioned
You don't think that that's a that's an innovation in itself what they did, but you just described to me
Is it an innovation to put a json file on aws
To be able to do it the way they did it
by putting
So you're telling me about a json file, but everything is actually but everything is still on chain
Like they're just calling they're calling the json file, which is public data
But the actual code is all on chain. They're compressing all the code like you do know how
So you do know how files travel the internet, right?
Yeah, I I do. Okay, so this is a new way of doing like this something similar but in a different way
I want you to out dg and nico if you can
All right. I don't know. This is a bit technical, but if you can't look into how
That loan is being
Get it you're looking to uniswap and all this truly
They said they said hold on
There's a chain and the computation are off chain. That's like me saying i'm running a
It's server aws and that's how i'm creating this new technology for you guys
It's off chain the smart contracts are off chain and the computation is off chain
Yes, they're creating a way to do it so like
I actually there's a project. It's called b5. They're looking for a way like
Right now it's very early
It's basically going to be impossible unless there is a layer two that has more
Like some some kind of thing like uh an evm or the bitcoin virtual machine or something like that
But I understand what he I understand
There's oracles for example on bitcoin like you're not going to be able to do things to you know do lending and and
Swap pools and things like that
So they're building all of this and it's gonna be non-custodial as well
I mean what what he's saying is that you know and and he's correct. I got it. I got it
He's saying that the are that the con that the actual smart contract is completely off-chain. I get it
I understand that part but
If it's scored stored in code like the actual strings or whatever they do it in
Like I understand like you gotta understand both sides of it
Yeah, but at a certain point, it's just kind of like, you know
It's almost meaningless at a certain point. It's just like
differentiation without a difference it's like uh
You know how much of this fully on chain are you going to have and how much of it's going to be off-chain or whatever
It's it's really kind of just nitpicking. So
But what what i'm saying is bitcoin has kind of boxed itself in in a way where the people who
You know were the influential people inside of bitcoin the ones who are against ordinals and who are against this all and are complaining about it
They have sold this narrative that bitcoin should be store of value
They shouldn't spend it that you should just save it. It's going to be a base layer for the new economy or whatever the fuck
They're saying and the reality is that people want to use it. That's why people are desperately doing things on ordinals
The only reason why I don't see this is such a huge problem
Because to update like the smart contract off-chain is just a small little append like it's not even it doesn't even cost that much bro
Like i'm not understanding what his problem is
Like the data is still stored
Like it's not really I like yo, this is where i'm just stuck here
You know like the data just to update the smart contract. You just gotta append the data
It's just like
A little tiny piece of data that you gotta just change
It's not like an entire like it's it
That's where i'm trying to figure out what his problem is here
Like and it's still on chain and still secure and like let's say the entire ordinals fucking protocol goes down
Eventually, but that entire the json like the code for the json files are still there
Like i'm not understanding what the problem is
I'm really not this is why I had to have him explain to me the tech pro because like yo
There's an innovation with all of this. I actually have a degree in computer science, by the way
I am a little high and I hit my head about two years ago, but i've been arguing with dao for about almost three
And like I had to sober up just a little bit because nothing was tech over there
It was all financial fucking instruments and all this like i'm sitting here and i'm like trying my best here, bro
Like yo, it's yes, I understand. It's all json files
It is it is and to update that json file
Like it's all all you're gonna have to do is throw a fucking digit in there, bro
And that is that's it done the entire file change and you know this you should know this
Like i'll give you an example
I'll give you an example and actually you have to understand where i'm coming from on this here
I'll give you an example and actually happened. I think it was uniswets, right?
Unisad is like giving one the most popular protocol for uh, inscription and they said we want to move to a new
Uh standard of you know doing adjacent we want to change. Yeah, that's what I was saying before the atomicals thing
Exactly, because i'm not familiar with the erc. Maybe the erc it's it's so much better right now. We're talking about erc, right?
and the issue is that
In the case of epm you never have to to worry about whether your previous description is still
Interoperable with wallet providers with uh exchanges because that's the standard everybody agrees. That's the standard
It's basically written stone like the ten commandments. That's what it is, right?
Uh in the case of inscription because there are no standard things can change and the the only agreement that people have
That agreement is off chain
so so think about it the whole point of crypto is that you don't have to trust anybody because
The the guarantee that the competition is happening the guarantee that you own your asset that's happening on chain
So what i'm trying to say is that yes, you can create an interface
That make your inscription looks like you can do really cool things just like with nfts
But all that logic that people are providing you the smart contract the computation
All that is happening off chain and further than that
You don't even know if like what the description looks like today
Will still work because tomorrow uniswap who may be the best protocol say hey
We want to move our c20 because it's a better standard. There hasn't been the conversation to say how do we create?
Non-fungibility on chain and what's the best way to move forward?
The origin story of inscription is a guy a developer decided to create a protocol
And then ask what it provides then ask block support then ask for the developers
What do you think is the best way to express non-fungibility on chain?
Love the conversation
But the breakdown episode 296 comes to an end we went overtime
40 minutes overtime
I got a song for you. Just saw the problems
You gotta love these conversations though, right?
I'm pretty sure a lot of people listening learned a lot because
They were opposing views. That's what i'm talking about. So like that was you know, if you listen to the intro
To this podcast. My thing was you don't have these conversations in a lot of rooms. You don't have
Aniko and a doubt going at it. You got diesel in here. You have a bunch of people who have opinions on you know
Both of the items that are being discussed and and you can write it down. You can look into it a lot of these things are facts
Some of them are opinions
But that's fine
But this is what allows people who come into these rooms
To get a better understanding and a better footing in this space and that's that's all that you can ask
for a host
And a co-host
Or people running a goddamn space to go ahead and do that. That is that is it
Tomorrow we have at 12 p.m
We have digi who has this space?
Coponomics that this this discussion can go ahead and continue there
I don't know maybe digital invite you guys to go ahead and and go at it
Like it's like y'all are in a coliseum i'm all for it. I am all for these conversations
Not because I want to see somebody cry and leave. No, no, no
For these debates man, because you know at the end of the day this makes both protocols better
maybe just maybe
Devs who are building on ethereum or building on bitcoin are listening into these conversations and you go, you know what?
I just heard something that's very interesting and they go into their dark layers and they start discussing it
With a bunch of other developers. That's what we need more conversations like this. That's why i'm gonna give number one
shout out to digi
Uh shout out to dow
Shout out to nico. Damn nico nico, man leveling up in here, man
9 000 diesel of
dropping shit
Uh evan shout out to you shout out to cori shout out to christiano
Leslie tammy, I see a lot of everybody bianca
Probably fucking screaming me for something today
See you next monday, but I will be on spaces, but like I said i'm taking my fucking vacation
to jump in
to hot plays
Fuck around find out
february 1st i'm gonna be broke as fuck
From what i'm about to attempt to do here
Also, don't take it too seriously
Don't take it too seriously. We're here for for the same reasons
Of course, we have albais where you know, you might like love fucking ethereum and this one loves bitcoin
And some cat loves cardano for some reason, but it is what it is
To each his own whatever makes you happy, but we're trying to build for the same reasons. We're here for the same reasons
Anybody who tells you they're not here for generational wealth is a fucking liar
But they do stay here for the tech
I promise you real ones stay here for the tech
I'm gonna ask you guys a question on monday
I gotta fly this I wanted to ask you guys something but I held back
Because I got to see if I can get it approved by leslie to ask the question itself because I don't want to get beat
That's right. By the way, uh, shout out to leslie
I was like, where's leslie at? She's like, uh, I got a surprise party thrown for me at mcdonald shout out to mcdonald
Love to see you smile
We in here we in this bitch
And I'll leave you with this song man and and you know what these i'll let you have the next i'll let you wrap up on monday
How about that?
Fair enough
You know what? I think we need some dmx in our lives because we were too
We were too crazy today, man
Hell, yeah, everybody was way too crazy today. I felt like
Like dao wanted to punch nico in the mouth and then vice versa. I got scared a little bit
But it was kind of like
I'm right here. No, where are my dogs at?
Where are my dogs at? I must have gone through and just show you that ethereum is real
I ain't feeling nothing
But don't take me show you with the back
When it's on the
Preach a fucking hardening get the bus down
Uh digi uh with breaking news
Has just stated to me or I don't know where the fuck this went, but I just saw a pop-up on notifications
I don't know
Did you want to say it on me say it say it you go for it
Nah, the u.s. Government just filed to sell off 130 mill of the silk road, uh supply that they have
And turn it into ordinals nfts from the sats I get I guarantee you
Yo, that was about to come in like that was ready for Monday, actually, he's ready for
tomorrow on Digi space 12 p.m. Eastern Santa time, Copa namix, yo, Dow's getting his costume
made right now. He's gonna come at Nico hardcore. Yo, his real his name is really DMX. Now so
good to all the developers on the east side right now. Now chemists and I'll be the best
you see the rest.