The Bronze - NFT 'advisors'

Recorded: March 1, 2023 Duration: 0:36:30



Hello, hello. On Sec PBJ.
Fight co-host.
Oh, that's unfortunate. Hey, BBJ. Hi, how are you doing? I'm doing well, man. Can you, can you hear me all right? I tried my best to like adjust this sound volume, but
You sound perfect. You sound magnificent. Oh, thank you. But just don't forget we're in the presence of of space is greatness. I'll see you Mr. snooze here. Oh god. I have to be on our own game. Oh, okay, okay.
I'm up on my drink, you know. Maybe I should poke Riku. We'll wait for everybody to hop on in, but welcome everybody who's in here now. We got a request from snooze.
So I'll go on the undercard for equal value for him first. Are you are you in contact with him by chance? Like I don't know how to I have him on DMs on my personal Twitter, but it's funny because I was just asking him for
bridge right because we we often hedge our big plays with with loans so we're always at each other's DM saying Rico can I borrow 100 so I'll just pay back the shark if I love oh my god there's 200 300 so back in for it. Jesus you guys
serious DJs, that's like, it's like my whole bag. It's a fun way to say it to save better hedges because you don't know when when the market's going to
So yeah, I think they sharkify your shit Yeah, you never know man. It's especially right now like I don't I don't know where we're going bro I actually have like who alpha for for like
If you want to get into a big play, so Rainfire actually allows you to ape now, pay later. So if you're anticipating like a big play based on news catalyst, but you're not sure what the news is. If it's a big project like SMBs, okay bears, you can actually ape
into an okay bear now for eight soil and then wait seven days before you pray for your loan. Okay, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,#
Yeah man, yeah I've got sat down. The white list situation they have that's so hard to get into. If you get enough points they'll white list you.
Oh, well, I hope you get as many points as possible, man. I hope you get more points than Riku. Riku. Yeah, what's up? It's been a long time. It has been a long time. Thank you for coming.
coming on today and thank you for everybody for being here. We'll give maybe one more minute until it's 605 and then we'll get this show on the road. But it's good to see you, man. I actually upgraded my microphone with the hopes of playing music
in this kind of lobby while we wait, but it doesn't work and I don't know how to get it to functioning like an emulator or something and I'm all confused. Yeah, I suck so I don't like that I can't. You might suck but you sound beautiful.
Well, I'm lucky to have VBJ as my support keeps me positive. Well, it is 605, so anybody else who tribbles in, that's wonderful. And if not, everybody else, welcome. Welcome, welcome. It's good to have you here.
For those who don't know, if it's your first time here, I'm Avelius from Moobick Labs and I'm joined by our co-host BBJ, who's Ubix Business Coordinator. Our goal with the bronze is to cover NFT news, alpha, and insights. You can expect this space to last about 30 minutes. Today we're joined by
a wonderful guest, Riku, who's going to discuss what it means to be an NFT project advisor in this ecosystem. And that pretty much sums it all up. So BBJ, Riku, you guys ready to dive in? - Lego, what are we? - Let's go.
Let's do it. Okay, let's start by exploring your thread Riku that you wrote today. If you guys haven't read Riku's thread, click on Riku's lovely PFP image, which by the way is the rank 1 Oats. This is the highest ranked Oats in the entire collection. It's dope as
So, if you haven't checked out Riku's thread, it's a thread on what it means to be an advisor for an NFT project. And Riku starts it
by kind of making this distinction between an advisor and an advertiser. So many people in our ecosystem are kind of accustomed to conflating these two roles when that's not really the case.
Riku, our first question for you is, why do you think some people have mushed these two roles together? This advisor and advertiser, these two roles? Why are they seen as the same thing? Well, I think advisors really vague. I think one, so it gets really easy to confuse.
There is a really easy leapfrog from marketing advisor to advertiser as advisor. A lot of these 40k, 50k, bought at accounts, they took advantage of it in the bowl and they just basically drained the ecosystem by shilling.
Yeah, they did. I can't really blame people. I had the same kind of mushy thought process, too. When I saw an influencer, I was like, "Oh, okay. This influencer is successful at attracting attention."
So maybe they'll attract attention to this project that they're advising. But the audience matters, right? And like you mentioned, some of these people, their followers are primarily bots. And even if they're not bots,
those followers might not be the same type of audience as the project the influencer is advising, right? So that brings me to kind of a somewhat related question, which is this idea that there's a finite amount of attention in our
space and everyone's competing for the same attention. Is that true? Are we all competing for the same attention here? I generally, yes. I think so. I think 90% of the people in NFT space were marketed.
as like a quick way to make money. So I think the thing that garners the most attention is like what has the most flip potential. And at the end of the day, if you're throwing like, you know, 40 projects, then you have to decide which ones you're going to mint, which ones you're going to buy on secondary, which ones
You're gonna hold right and like the human mind can only comprehend so much information after certain point, you know, you just start to tune it all out and You're stuck with this like decision fatigue because you've just decided like so much and I was like really short amount of time
Yeah, we do have a little bit too much to keep track of. So I would agree with you that people can only focus on so many things. So they do need to choose. And we all hope that everybody chooses, you know, the project that we want them to choose.
My only I guess thought would be well some people are Attracted naturally to certain types of projects even if let's say all projects are are Primarily used for flipping Some people are naturally attracted to
Let's say a Dgen type project whereas others might want like a builder type project others might want an art type project. Would you would you agree that there's kind of like smaller audience groups within the total of our ecosystem that each
project should be going after? It kind of depends. So I kind of brought this point up. Like my first official thread of this Twitter account. But it was more like you're kind of split between my
the development side and like the community side right so like I would consider like DeGon's to be more like a community one whereas UBIC is more of a technical development one and you guys are an integral part of the ecosystem
And you guys kind of have very little spotlight I think. So I think like the distinction there has to be like are the people aware are they shrewd enough to like figure out like oh this might be a better long-term strategy and take
to, right? Like who is going to be investing in us? Like, and how do we maintain the majority of the people who choose to invest in us? And you know, like, think like what point are they going to exit? Like what point do you think if they've made a return on their investments? Are they
just committed to the vision at hand and stuff like that. So yeah, I agree. I think there's micro niches, but the majority of liquidity right now I think is just the same amount circulating. Whoever wins, it's like a snowball.
There's no liquidity coming in, right? So as the whole story, it's a snowball that's not big in. Not bigging is that. Let me throw something out there to you, Rico. Would you say that the right advisor could bring that liquidity in?
I think that advisor has to have some sort of webtooth connection or be like a really good marketer. Kind of like, okay bears, right? They dropped at the perfect time. I would say it's a combination of the thing. I don't know if it was an advisor behind it, but they definitely got the attention.
of the ethika system. It was like the first thing that brought a bunch of ethiquity over to Solana. So maybe it's a combination of skill and luck. But I think so. I think an advisor who has the pertinent network or
experience marketing and can finesse the algorithms or other platforms to, you know, garnish that attention or get people really excited about the technology at hand rather than the monetary potential of it than I think yes.
Yeah, good answer. So in your thread you outline some of the fundamental requirements, not so for you per say, but for it as a advisor in general.
Do you want to just cover what you think is essential requirements to be in the advisor or something that you would look for in an advisor if he was a project? Yeah, so I would definitely look for someone who has, I guess,
like contributed to this space, they don't have to be vocal, but like you can see that they've been there, they're passionate about it, and they understand what they're talking about, right? I think the problem that we've been having, at least we had in the bowl, was that we had these vapid
shillers who basically just did giveaways for engagement farming and they didn't really know anything about business development or finances and none of them stayed on after it, right? So like, that's well done. You can get a project to Mintow.
and then you take your money and you leave and then the project soft rise and you know not have a comes back to you but like I guess it's it's it's two two issues I think there are people who don't understand what an advisor is they don't understand like you are actually supposed to give advice
on a variety of topics. And then, you know, that you should be paid, you know, for your work before and afterment. So I think lack of commitment from an advisor side and then a lack of knowledge or lack of
experience, which I wouldn't say like lack of experiences a bad thing like if you're knowledgeable you'll eventually find and fit into the role. But I think it's a lack of commitment and then abuse of the title. I think those were the
biggest problem. So what I look for, if I was a project owner, I would really be looking for someone knowledgeable. It has been seen showing that knowledge that speaks with a confidence of experience and then just you can see that the knowledge is there.
Yeah, I think those are really I guess like key or critical attributes and advisor for projects to look for like you mentioned a lot of I'm making air quotes here advisors that we saw during the bull weren't really there to give advice. I know you know
personally, I won't name names, but we had an advisor reach out to Ubiq really early on who was charging a ridiculous rate to kind of help us sell out Oads and it was ridiculous.
Not only was the rate ridiculous, but the methods that this person had in mind, which were to bring in magical people from Ethereum to bring in all of these high status NFT groups, make sure we magically mint out with all this stuff. Man, that is not
what we had in mind when we asked you for advice. This is, you know, you're, it's almost like a mercenary that's there promising liquidity who you know is just going to dump on everybody who you really want in your community afterwards. It was, it was really bad. Obviously we did not accept this person.
and offer. But there are a lot of, I guess, like predatory advisors that were out there during the bull, which I hope aren't are not there anymore. I hope that they're gone and I hope that projects don't seek these people out for any type of help because in the end it's kind of a death sentence
for your project to have them on board. It's just not a good look. So thank you for being a good advisor, Riku, and knowing how to help projects succeed. - Yeah, I think that does ask a question within itself then, doesn't it?
do those people still exist or are there people who are like Riku now that have seen what's happened and progressed? I genuinely don't know the answer to that. I don't know either. I just know that there are a lot of people with wonderful ideas that
want to create something in this space and they might not know where to look. So they end up with somebody who's trying to take advantage of them, who's promising them something ridiculous. And in the end, it's just bad for ecosystem. So I don't know if any potential
project people, creators, builders are listening to this. And you are considering hiring an advisor to help you with your project. You might want to hit up Riku or ask Riku for some contacts or some sources that you know are genuinely going to try and
help you build your project and not just take advantage of you. Our next question for you has to do with FUD. You mentioned this idea of pre-FUD management. Is that something that you think
lot of other advisors out there might be missing. Like, do you need to be a really good futter to preemptively manage foot for a project? I think so. You know, and I don't think a foot is necessarily bad. I mean, like the fear and uncertainty come
from a lack of clarity or just unanswered questions. You really have to just camera it out with your community and a lot of calls with the owners and strengthening the product, the details. I think the most important part is the finances of it. Those
as I think they need to be pretty public for like you know people are still kind of weirded out by like four soul five soul mints even though they're like $200 like that's that would have been one soul at the you know the height of the bull run so you know it's
It's a little weird comparatively to me that we still don't see like an equivalent from like Salona to dollar value. And you play stuff in dollar value right now for it to make sense. So you know, the baseline misprojects ask for like what 400,000, 500,000
dollars and development but also run away. You have to worry about marketing, legal, you have to do back pay, launch bad fees, advisor fees, stuff like that. So it does add up. And a lot of fun can
be handled beforehand. You know, you put it in your white paper, here are finances, this is the breakdown. Oh, we're going to be going, we're going to use this much, it's going to take this long stuff like that. So it really like, you make sure like every dollar or every cent is accounted for.
So people can't fund that. I think that's like super important or like, you know, people have questions about the product. This is like, how is this going to change anything? You know, this is just a copy of this, this or this. This is like the concept is similar, but we're taking a different approach on this and we think it can be expanded into these needs.
because that's where the space is moving to. Stuff like that, just more detail and stuff. Thinking stuff out long term really reduces the friction with the community and potential buyers and investors holders that you're marketing to. It also invites conversation which means
you get more organic growth, right? More people are going to think like, "Oh, okay. Well, these guys are talking to people. They're constantly refining stuff. They're taking the feedback." And, you know, that really makes the project seem genuine because it is. Like, you want to make a
that people are going to use or want to have and that they're willing to give you money for you to develop. So I think thought it isn't bad in that context like people just don't understand the vision that you're trying to execute because it
either it wasn't explained very well or there's a part that you're missing and project owners. They are very invested in their vision so they have blind spots and it's kind of an advisor's job to find this blind spots and tell the owners about that and
know, the problems it can cause. So it's like communication, like to boil it down. It's about making sure that you're communicating clearly to your community or just your audience in general. What your project is about, what you hope to accomplish, where your funds are going, all that jazz.
And that's kind of how you preemptively deal with FUD. You just avoid the FUD because FUD you see as kind of this misunderstanding or confusion or lack of clarity. Do I got there? Yeah, and you know, like a FUD can snowball into like a really big thing like one person
and says something that's slightly wrong and it becomes a new narrative. So you want to avoid all of that, right? I see this prefed management as the bridge between product development and marketing. It's the one thing that ties the two together.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I think that like a lot of projects out there might be afraid to communicate too much about what they're doing, especially if they're doing something innovative. I mean, Ubiq for example, we have a ton of innovations.
under our belt, and we have more coming, but we can't share all the details about them. With that said, it's important to strike a balance, right? Like we don't say we're just building something mysterious. We do tell people the general product that we're building, but we can't
going to detail about it. So I guess it's about striking a balance, making sure that people understand what's going on and where you're heading, but not telling them the whole shabang. Otherwise, there's nothing exciting to look forward to. Definitely. And you know, you're protecting your interests, so like other projects can come and sniper product
ideal from you. But it tends to be in a roadmap structure, phase one and phase two. People understand where you're trying to build and then you can hide phase three and phase four, but you can still allocate the finances to it. Oh, the phase three development is going to take $10,000.
which means it's relatively simple, but it could be like an addition to your main website or whatever, and then phase 4 could be more expensive. That also leads to speculation which can also lead to more community garden. You can carve in the community into guests.
what it is or keep them excited. So, I mean, that's just another part of the marketing strategy, right? Yeah, so yeah, I know I agree with you there. I generally try to keep like the ladder faces a little bit more hush hush. Obviously because, you know,
going back to the decision fatigue. The more information people have, the less they can absorb anything else. So if they're already flooded with information from other projects, you need to keep your immediate very clear and simple, you know, the first two parts of it, like the first two things you're going to put out.
So, dealing with a pre-fut management, very important, was some of the other positions that a project should
I'll see you talk about project positioning. Perhaps you can define that for everyone real quick. Sorry, could you repeat that?
Yeah, sorry. Project positioning. Can you define what that is for everybody else or you mentioned it before? And it's not something that you see talked about much, but you know, is something quite major, I feel. Yeah, so it's just like,
what does a project want to be? How do they position themselves in the ecosystem in the people's minds? I think of salon and I think of like, I don't know, 10 projects maybe? I think that make up the face of the ecosystem and then there are like
like the support projects, they're not talked about as much. And then you have like the ones that are invisible, like almost invisible, the ones that not a lot of people talk about. And honestly, I would consider it ubig to be one of them, which isn't a bad thing, I think, being
invisible, lends a certain element of surprise when you guys do drop something innovative and groundbreaking. The OGs of the space all know, and remember Ubik, it comes up in my group chat quite a bit.
I'm guessing like UBIC is probably like top two in the slant ecosystem for like go to for deval artwork, so Not that invisible but for like the flipper or the profit maxi I'm guessing UBIC and Odes are probably off their radar range
right now. They're probably looking at movers like Clayno or Degot or DA or Foxes, right? So in terms of positioning, I would say like every project wants to be in that like face of the ecosystem role, but it takes so long to get there, I think.
I feel like every project that can consider themselves like a facet of the public ecosystem had a really hard and long journey to get there. Maybe their goal was to get there in the first place, but they definitely had their trials and tribulations.
to get there. So I think you really like when you are a project and you're focusing on like positioning, I guess within like the greater part of Web 3, you really need to like understand where the space is going and where the demand is going to be coming
from. I think the next bull market, it's going to have a AI or maybe even a storage meta. Oh yeah, storage. I think we're going to rotate out of the flips and the greed. Just because so many people got burned, you know, multiple
exchanges, collapse, coins pulling back 90%. The greatest amount of liquidity that's come into crypto, 95% of them just got burned. It's really hard. I think they're going to be a little bit more careful with their money. It's not going to be all about short-term greed.
I think you're too positive, man. I don't have the same vision as you. I think we need to be positive. We need to be positive. I think where the money is going to come is from logistics.
the ability of blockchain to record stuff and to make shipping and ownership and legal transfers much easier and much more secure. I think that's where the money is going to come from. I think it's going to be a very like moving to desicc
centralized infrastructure play I think that's where it is so I don't think Community is gonna be a huge part of the next border. I think it's gonna be oh wow Yeah, I think it's gonna be on technology and products. I think it's gonna be use case over profit
That is, I mean, that I almost want to just have a whole other 30 minute conversation about that. Yeah, that's that's hugely controversial. We might have to have you back on for that. I guess I guess like we could talk a little bit about it.
But I want to finish off with at least the advisory stuff. Yeah, I just I don't know. I think I guess just really quickly. I didn't see enough people in the world onboarded into these communities into
these digital communities yet via digital collectibles. So although we did have, you know, the crazy, what was that song? We're all going to make it by Arksuggerberg's sister there. That probably huge top signal. I don't know.
How many people were really really a part of these communities genuinely so much so is just kind of here to purchase maybe one NFT if they can flip it and if not leave. I don't know if we've topped out in communities yet, but maybe maybe I'm
wrong, we'll see. But again, I don't, I do think that's a completely separate topic and we don't have that much time left. We only have a few minutes left. So I wanted to ask you real quick kind of last question here. Just personally, as an advisor, how you feel in this space
Has project quality gone down? Has it gone up? Is it easier to find projects that you want to work with? How are you feeling? It kind of goes to my prior point too. I don't think the communities have talked out. I just think the ratio of you
users, the communities has kind of topped out, if that makes sense. Say I'm like, if you have 10 people and you know, or I mean 10 communities and 1,000 people, then you know, a million people and 10,000 communities is the same thing, right? So when you put it like that, I think
project quality is kind of state the same in like a median term like you get your spectacular projects and then you get your bottom of the barrel projects which aren't ever going to sell out stuff like that. I think the ratio is kind of state the same. Just the
the overall number of projects has trickled down. But it's easier to listen, I think, in the space, because there's just less noise. So, you know, when you get a really good project, it stands out a little bit more.
Yeah, I would I would totally agree with that. What do you think BBJ like do you think the space is kind of better off right now people can identify what's good easier? I think so I think so I think that there's around about three or four minutes that separate everybody else in this
space up coming in the next few weeks and as investors that's good for us and for the space on not so sure I think we need more time but yeah in general it's definitely a lot less noise and there's a lot less you know people have learned
over the last 18 months. So I'm hoping that these new projects that get them onboarded. I don't have to mention their names are pretty obvious. They have a better chance of succeeding in this space purely because of the reasons that Riku just mentioned. Yeah, yeah, I think
That's a pretty good take. I think everybody who's still here, everybody who's in this spaces right now, we've all got a few war scars, maybe some PTSD from last bull run transitioning to this bear. So we're going to be here helping the newbies who come, hopefully.
And maybe we can keep our ecosystem in a state where it's easy to identify what's genuinely valuable, what genuinely will exist, not only next week, but several weeks down the line because I mean, we used to see projects mint and then just disappear after a week.
So hopefully, hopefully that doesn't happen again. We still see that. I know. Yeah, as soon as those words left my mouth. It's just less blatant. But you know, as you said, very quickly, is I think that we are survivors of the last 18 months. And I think that there's people here, especially the likes of snooze.
Riku and yourself that will actually navigate the next run. I think most days of the influencers and the chillers, their days and numbers, they're not out the game by a tiny small means but it will be the Riku's and the snoozes and the availability
guess is that we'll never get. I hope so. That's a real positive perspective. And I think that that's probably the nicest way for us to close out this space without getting into too much of the doom and glue. Yeah.
Yeah, I guess I'll just invite anyone who's here in the audience if you have any questions For me or BBJ or Riku Now now would be a good time to hop on up here and ask them Otherwise, we'll close out the show but the mic is yours if you would like it
Okay, no requests. That's okay. That's good. That's all good. We are like, yeah, we're six minutes over. So, yeah, we're out of time, unfortunately, but I'd like to thank our co-host, BBJ, our guest speaker.
Rico and also you are audience for tuning in. Make sure to join us again next week where we'll dive into NFT news, alpha and insights on the bronze. Take care everyone. Thanks for having me. Thanks for coming. Yeah, thanks guys. Thanks for turning up. Love you all.