Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 2:16:43



Yo, what's up? What's up? What's up? What's up?
Welcome welcome welcome to the TDA fam appreciate y'all showing up
We run the space Tuesday through Saturday
945 to about 12 1230
Appreciate you guys have notification on set reminders and being part of our community man means a lot to us
Way there's a big tractor
In diesel truck
It's what you deal with when you're going down one-way streets. Oh yesterday bro after the show. Oh
My truck fucking exploded
It wasn't great. I'm glad I didn't have me during the show cuz I would probably have to stop
So I was driving and I started smelling something my what is this what is going on here?
And I didn't I didn't think much of it. I've got out to one of my style probably like five minutes later
and my whole tire is
like completely drenched in I open up the hood and
Hose that connects my engine to my antifreeze the little plastic
Grombit broke and it was just spewing out antifreeze hot antifreeze all over my fucking engine
I'm like oh my god, and I was on phone with chief. She's like get the fuck away from it
I'm like dude. I gotta like find somewhere to fucking get my truck to our I'm gonna have to get this truck towed
So I got out some fucking duct tape and duct tape the the hose
together and like basically got to the repair shop on my route luckily, it's close and my like
Engine light was like you're about to die like fucking pull over now
Get there the guy that owns the repair shop his name's Eric fun comes out
Looks at it gets apart and
Replaces it fills my antifreeze off sprays my engine off with water to get the antifreeze off of it
And I was back rolling like 30 to 45 minutes later
So I was like thank God because you know if we didn't have a part
I would probably to get the truck towed and then take all the packages off and have to do that whole thing
It saved me a lot of time
So it was definitely nuts and like that that shit fucking hit my skin and burnt the fuck out of me, too
I was like man any workers cop man. I got injured on the job, but yeah, that was my story. Yeah, it's interesting
But you know, it's February 1st. It's the first of the month and it's fucking 60 degrees in st
Louis so we got a bipolar as a city and I'm just looking forward to nice weather for the next few days and
We got a sponsor
So first off we got Allison's thread you guys need to retweet that like that bookmark that we're gonna use that for
giveaways, but we also got Chris I am so and his
Corporate entity I'll sponsor in the TDA of the whole month of February
So chief you want to go into the reading and then we'll get into business
Yeah, first and foremost appreciate everyone for showing up shout out to Chris man
Means a lot as someone who came from our community, you know
Went out built something and then it's coming back in a sense and you know
Allowing us to grow and learn with him. So appreciate that Chris man means a lot to the TDA
Means a lot to expresso and I as well. So
Like expresso said this week and this month
There's gonna be different themes of I'm so that we're gonna be breaking it down right? I am so so for now
We're gonna focus on the evil token, right? So basically evolve
The evolved token is based off of an on Solana and it's gonna be used to partner
To power I'm sorry different partnerships that they have already done similar to
Bonk and with other entities and it's gonna power their for minigames along with their endless runner
One of the cool things about I'm so and evolve is Bonk
One of them right was the writer of the first check
to kind of invest into Chris and his vision as an early Solana developer and
Bonk is the fifth largest holder of the evolved token as well
So pretty long-lasting partnership between them and just building on Sol
You guys can go to the tweet pinned up top
Chris is gonna be giving away some evolved tokens throughout the week some exclusive giveaways for the TDA as well
So for now you guys go up top follow the instructions on there
you'll be able to go to the bird eye link and
Picks them up if you want and kind of just get a little bit more information
It links you to a second quote that'll give you a look into the actual ecosystem in the world that he's building over there
So shout out to Chris and I'm so ecosystem and infrastructure
man said to see what it comes out to be and the news that we get to roll out and share and
Finally, we get to get fully involved and learn more. So
Appreciate it matter. Yeah, I'm sending banks, you know the community help out a lot with you know
The listenership the views the retweets the likes like we plan on making the TDA a free
Platform and we will never charge our community a set but for us to continue and build this vision out
Like we can't continue to do it the free
So, you know the engagement the KPIs are good for sponsorships
And it keeps us moving along and trying to build out the TDA as everything you guys get is free
But for us to kind of sustain and try to build this dream. We need funding right and
we need sponsorships to do that, so I appreciate you know that and that's why we always ask you guys to like and retweet because
that's how that's how we kind of
Approach investors is with our listenership and our viewers and our concurrent listeners and that all everything you guys do helps out a lot for that
Yeah, and I mean like it just I know that in reality you guys are sitting there like what the fuck
This is have to do with me, but you don't gotta do nothing. You just gotta listen cuz I want to talk so
Basically appreciate you guys cuz now we actually get to take care of Allison as well, right?
Allison volunteered and started doing these write-ups on her own and we were able to
You know give her a little bit of something for for being able to just stepping up being hungry
Stepping up to the plate
We were able to take care of trail who's been providing the community as a whole with all these kind of
Opportunities whitelist hustling doing things that they wouldn't normally do so
It means a lot and all it it comes from free shit that we just asked you guys to do is just like retweet
Show some love right? It's deserve to earn and that's just how it's gonna continue to run here
So I mean once again appreciate you guys appreciate Chris, and then let's just keep the ball rolling, huh?
Sarah and we'll probably have Chris come through sometime later in the show or maybe later in the week and just you know
Talk about what he's doing and what's going on with IMS. Oh, so appreciate him. Appreciate you guys. What up captain?
yo, GM GM
Congrats on the collab and the partnership and
Dope to see you guys giving back to Trill and Allison. They've been absolutely crushing it
I just wanted to share two quick things
this pork token has
Been crazy
On my timeline. It's almost flipped
Pepe market cap and someone cashed out 15 mil from it this morning. So that's been crazy and then also
Polygon just laid off 19% of their staff today
Yeah, I saw that it looks like there's a lot of layoffs in general I think 2024 is gonna be the year of layoffs
We see a bunch of banks laying off some people, too
Yeah, not looking great man. Um, and I guess one question I have for you the pork token. Yeah, I've heard about it
Is this on soul? I?
Think it's Eve. I think it's Paulie
quote unquote Pepe fork
Okay, and then more more board eight kind of related
Don't you guys have some AIP is going live today and you got you have any details about it. What's going on with that?
Oh, I have no idea to be honest. I haven't looked at AIP's since machi's
I have it in my bookmarks. I just you know, I'll go
I has a little bit of details of what's going on
I just know that you're kind of involved with it and I'll pin it up right now
So we have this is from the Hottler collective
He posted we have a lot of talk about this week eight coins set reminders below
There's seven live AIPs vote now at least three new AIPs live tomorrow
For eight chain proposals live tomorrow and then question question mark tomorrow magic Eden
eight chain so there's a
chain community hour at 2 p.m. Tomorrow that he's running so I guess there is a lot of stuff going in and
Going on there and we'll see how it pans out. So I didn't know if you knew anything about it
But this pork token you said it flipped Pepe. I
Haven't been following it a lot because it's been Paulies and I just don't touch anything he does
But last night I heard that it hit like a 200 million market cap and was close to flipping Pepe's market cap
Geez, man new coins new narratives. Are the old coins ever gonna catch a bid?
It kind of seems like those are all left for dead
don't you think like it seems like the new coins like like the Pepe's and the
Harry Potter Sonic tiny tinny news the Smurf cats like they're all like old coins old narratives now
It doesn't seem like there's a lot of communities that are built around it still
Yeah, it's kind of like the theory with NFTs
You know if you get into the whitelist and the mint the profits are always exponentially larger than buying into
an established project, you know and meme coins, I feel like are even more volatile and
Yeah, like new ones can print up every day and
we're seeing like
the founders of these like meme coins be discovered and they're buying lambos and
It's it's risky holding these because you're kind of hoping that a
Mass onboarding comes in and then that they're they're gonna clinch to this narrative that you're being bringing on
But like when we have Pepe and Harambe and Mog and
Toyota, whatever the fuck like, I don't know it's a lot
I think I think we're kind of thinking it the wrong way person like right now
We're basically just recycling money with the web 3 space
So I feel like right now. It's just basically like all right, who knows devs who's early to this this and that
But once retail comes in here, they don't they don't know the landscape of web 3
So they basically go off that like the stuff that they know and what they believe
They don't know the graffiti and the landscape and the gang the tribalism and so on
So they get something they see influencer show it and they attach that and then we all make fun of them because they don't understand
Market caps and they're like last cycle
We all made fun of the people that were aping in the sheep because they're like she's going to a dollar like I look at these
Idiots on tiktok saying sheaves to a dollar and us as web 3 native people think they're stupid, but we got to like kind of
Re-adjust our brain saying yeah the what the retails focusing on actually probably has more
Velocity than the stuff that the native web 3 people are like talking about so like I don't know
I think when we're talking about mean coins
We got to pay more attention when actually retail comes and what they're interested more than what the web 3
Oh, jeez are interested in thinking that they're going to convince Nate like new people that this is the coin
They need to buy like that's kind of I feel about it
Like I think we're pretty naive to think that we're gonna convince some new people that know nothing about the space that they need to invest
In Pepe or they need to invest in pork
They're gonna come up with their own decisions and they're probably gonna listen to some fucking influencer that got into web 3 a day before
That's kind of like that's how I that's how I kind of see this this playing off and real quick real quick real quick real quick
This goes live and probably like a couple of we didn't even have time. We got lost in size clusters
We talked about it. It goes live now. So
In one minute or a couple seconds go check it out
You guys can go and reserve your name on
food bars new application
It uses delegate not XYZ and layer zero. So go check it out. I had a post about that. Yeah, that's cool
It's just another wallet. Isn't it? No, it's not a wallet. It's a ENS like think of ENS on crack
Gotcha. Well, who bar blocked me so I can't ever see anything he talks about. I don't know what I did. Yeah, but yeah
This is mark
Baron it looks like he works for polygon and he had like a brief statement about the layoffs
By polygon so at polygon labs
we are on a mission to fundamentally change the internet so that everyone in the world empowered to
equity access to value building infrastructure to make that happen is no easy feat it requires executing and
Nimbly with efficiency surgical team that can collaborate closely and expedite demanding projects
We're going the team's rapid growth in the last full market diluted
Qualities and enabled us to execute in this manner. We must return those qualities
Unfortunately, this means we made the decision to reduce the polygon labs by 60 teammates roughly 19 printers in the team
This was incredibly hard decision to make impacted employees were notified earlier today
I won't be speaking with senior leaders on the team shortly to answer any questions. We want to thank those teammates blah blah blah
The bold commitments polygon lamps were
implemented with a 15 increase in everyone's total compensation eliminating traditional geo paint models
So yeah, they're kind of just like they have a form down there and you know some people that work for polygon maybe
Hit them up that later this week and see how they're doing. I know a few people
I don't know if they got fired or not, but it's probably you know
There's probably some stragglers some people that we know that probably got laid off and it's not great
Should this it's interesting. So I went to go try to snipe a name
You can't snipe a name. Well, I guess you can't snipe a name, but
You go you register the name. Hey, yeah, it's available and then there's a little slider
And it's like how much are you willing to bid?
for this name
So it's not first is first
It's let's say you go and you pick some if I pick expresso and I say I'm willing to pay point one
you can come in there and say I'll pay point one five and
And that's it and they take the money
So they take away like the free market aspect of I guess trading at least initially in the claim portion
Pretty sure there's a time period for how long it lasts. But yeah, that was dog shit
I went to go try to take a diese's name and
It was like how much you want to put I was like there's nothing I could put that this dude's not gonna put above me
And then that takes away me selling it to him
Already trying to fucking take that's what you're supposed to do when name services come out is go register numbers register
Oh, you can't do none of that
Let's do that zero chill you fuck me up I got here sad as
Don't you remember when the coinbase thing came out?
Like two years ago and everybody was sniping like for ropes name and you got pissed off because someone took back for broke
Yeah, and then you can only register your one name
You can't do that
So I don't know if any of you guys if you any of you guys actually want your name in
Clusters now now there's no longer a play in this shit
Go up there and go secure your clusters. The the minimum you can bid is
.01 to secure your name
There you go, yeah, I was gonna talk about it later, but I didn't know it was time sensitive
So I'm glad that you brought it up so people can get involved what up tau
Yo, Jim Jim. Oh, yeah, dude
This literally just confirms how this whole fucking space is PvP which I'm here for it
Like, you know, I would have done the same exact fucking thing that chief did
I would have got every single fucking name
From every celebrity and every fucking three or two judgment number that I could but going back to the meme coin thing
Culture coined shit coin, whatever the fuck you want to call them
Like average retailers aren't gonna get in this bitch unless you make it like ease of use and ease of entry
Like so far all the meme coining and everything that's been going on is has just literally been money
Switching the hands between each other, you know, like who's gonna fucking sell first who's gonna get in first
But like biggest problem is it's just getting this shit listed on fucking exchanges like a few of them did it, right?
You know bonk did it way early
Whiff did it pretty decently?
There's a couple others here and there but that's kind of like my main issue with fucking meme coins these days is like
You know give up the fucking allocation and get this shit listed on exchanges and keep the fucking momentum going
Otherwise shit can die like people lose interest so fast, you know in a week in the space feels like fucking eons
It literally feels like fucking generations
So yeah any you shit coin MFers that are running a fucking shit coin project
Get your shit on exchanges before the shit dies out and people stop giving a fuck. So I've pinned something up to the top
It's not necessarily a shit coin, but I think it'd be interesting
I I'm kind of trying to grasp what beanie meant by this
But he said a little controversy yesterday on how Jupiter launched it appears that the token was sold directly from company to buyers
interacting with its exchange
Which explains why the price was stuck all day between 65 and 70 because there was seemingly endless supply
So, I mean, I think that basically they just used the Jupiter platform as the distribution method
So when you went to go buy a bag of Jupiter, you're just buying from the Treasury in a sense
So that that's why the Florida that's why the price never did because every time you go buy a bag
It would just come straight out of their Treasury versus
Expresso bought the bag and then he listed the bag. You're not buying it from Expresso. You're buying it for me cuz I'm the exchange. I
Was tons of fun on jupy yesterday who hosted the space
I don't know. I
Mean the VCs weren't invested. It was given directly to the community. That's why there was no dump
Put up this thread us. It's basically
It's a meme actually
Says no, how dare you skip VC slash seed rounds and airdrop million straight to Jupiter users
You can't make money from this launch after building the best decks in crypto
For which you spent the last two years in a bear market building for free and then the cat, you know
Mouse is meow. So a lot of people are pissed off that he's selling
Like I guess there's all in the white paper and shit in the details that they're selling like point two percent of
The money and putting into the Treasury. I think you're taking one of the pools
Jupiter L P pools and then putting that into the Treasury which is I think around 200 million dollars
So a lot of people are like pissed off about that, which I don't understand why people are pissed off or people not supposed to make money
It was all there in the very beginning just people don't read and then last night
There's some spaces fighting it and you know meow had to respond this morning and he was deleting tweets and yeah, like
Typically want to buy FUD on this and think something interesting that we've kind of seen that's different is
Since VCs weren't
around for this
What did we see happen?
Which we saw OTC markets go crazy. So Evo in Wales market
The past two days have gone fucking crazy with people buying crazy amount of pre-sale juke
I think next time we have another airdrop
Where we have no VCs involved and it goes directly to the community. Maybe we need to start, you know
Looking at these coins that are for OTC trading because it looks like a lot of VCs
That's how they get their coins before launch and Wales market since yesterday is up like 94 percent on their token
And if you state Wales token, I think 20% of all the revenue gets shared in with the stakers
So like Wales market is ripping this past week. It's a new we have Evo
Evo, which is a whitelist market this morning. They launched a medium article
Basically confirming that they have an airdrop also which Evo is built on soul
Which is another whitelist kind of thing that Wales market does where you could buy pre pre-market
So a VO XYZ confirms airdrop and I've linked the source to the mirror article
But Evo is introducing its farming program focusing on volume fees and loyalty for a EVO rewards
The program aims to amplify rewards for users who engage with the avo exchange loyalty is measured through recurring platform usage and a
Farming boost multiplier enhances rewards after the program users can claim their avo tokens earned from the Dow seeding
Initial liquidity the farming program and avo token contracts are set to launch soon and shortened by RBN to avo
Conversion window is pending governance approval the upcoming weeks include both boosting farming boost earning rewards and initial avo staking
So it seems like this OTC over-the-counter
Market is starting to heat up and people are trying to position themselves
So next time we have like a lot of OTC deals on these airdrops
maybe getting into whales market coin or whales coin or avo coin could be beneficial because a
Lot of people are using that platform to get their allocation since there were no VCS involved
So it's kind of interesting to see that dynamic
And I don't think a lot of people even knew that whales you could even stake your whales and earn like revenue
From it to might not be a bad coin to stake
People continue to use whales for friend tech points and all these other points
I mean you get revenue for it. So kind of cool. So I don't know he
Well, did you see the token of whales this morning chief? It's up like 92% and I think was that 70 cents yesterday
It's above like a dollar 27 man. Seems like a solid buy man. I didn't I didn't look at it
Like I know you mentioned that that was a marketplace or whatnot. But I don't know
I'm curious on how it works when you buy and so like points do the people claim it goes in escrow
Like so if I have 500 you claim $500 worth of whatever and then give me $500 whatever
You put your wallet in escrow
from my understanding and then once the points are claimed and everything's official then I think you can think the wallet goes to the
Person or something. I know there's details on I don't know exact details. But yeah, I mean, it's it's a new platform
And I think what really justifies is because pre trading pre trading market
Of the coin of Jupiter is sitting around the same price
So did it like it's another source of information to kind of figure out what the token will launch at and I mean
It was sitting around 50 to 69 cents on pre market on whales market for the whole week
so they kind of like
created a new vector for information to like
Predict the launch of tokens and I think the reason they did a really good job of it makes people
More bullish on the platform itself because it wasn't like they were off where they were saying
Oh, hey, this tokens worth 69 cents and then it opened up at 20 or it's at 69 cents and open at $1.50
So like their prediction market in the way that people were using the platform
Shows that they like were pretty accurate on like the value of the coin and shit
So it's pretty cool. I mean, I didn't use it
But the more I see the token go up and I see like, you know people launching coins
I think this might be a new kind of market of like trading your whitelist in points even before that you even hit them and
I mean you were talking about these nuts yesterday like trying to get
You me like diamonds as much as I broke that shit
Like I mean I sat there for probably an hour and a half and shout out to anybody else that listen
They're anybody that was in the group can't listen in like we've wrecked shop to the point where
They turned the diamonds into one diamond only no multiplier. No booze. No, nothing
if any of you listened
You could have just basically hit the lottery and slot machine
indefinitely for about an hour an hour and a half I went from
diamonds to
twelve thousand five hundred and
An hour and a half to two just farming these nuts
and yeah, just sweep it in hundred packs and
Kind of registering hundred clip transactions and hundred clip sale
Transactions on the magic Eden wallet. So just all around taking magic Eden to the cleaners and just
Making sure we get every little piece of pulp from them, you know, so racked up wallet transactions
Racked up diamonds. But yeah
Sitting at twelve point five K right now. We'll see if these diamonds play out
started with six sold six point five soul I
Sold all these nuts. Like I said for about two hours or so consecutively
And we're sitting at five souls
So I lost one point five soul in this farming experience to gain
Like twelve thousand four hundred diamonds, so we'll see if it's worth, you know, if you do the math, you know that way
Yeah, I mean the key on that dude
Yeah was uh, I'm gonna give you guys another big blade like big brain play
So you accumulate X amount of whatever you're farming, right? So I would accumulate 500 and
Then I would list 500 and
Then I would be sweeping. So what happens is let's say expresso wants to come and buy
Can only buy mine because I'm buying what's on the floor that's left over and so therefore I'm
Counterbalancing the scale and therefore all of mine getting up. I consume the floor and then we run it back and
Then you just give yourself time to breathe let the floor go let the momentum flow let volume continue
But that's essentially how you do it
You list everything and you create massive walls and then you're sweeping at the same time. So you sweep everything else. That's around
everything besides your own listing and then other people have
no chance or no option besides buying your listing and yeah, there's even a time where I bought from myself and
that's when I like a
Shut the shop down and I think that's when they came in and they sent the feds
Because it literally like registered on magic eating. It says like you to you and I was I go fuck
I'm going to jail because that was official
and yeah after that it went down to one diamond per nut and
No longer worth it if you do not, you know
If you didn't capitalize when it was two three four should it even hit five diamonds per transaction at one point?
This is just broken. So we sat in eight
You hit the infinity money glitch watch this when we when diamonds roll out and you can exchange it for NFT token
Watch that day where you did all that was probably your main gross period
Oh, dude, I went from someone who never interacted on salami
And if you what you get one diamond per buy and sell and then every once in a while you get a little boost
per week to someone who has
12,000 buys and sells on salon like bro. Yeah, I just went from no one on
Solana to a decent medium, you know, it's a heavy power user. So
All you have the most diamonds in the ecosystem, but now the wallet bro, that's that's cool
But hitting those hundred clip transactions on the wallet. Sheesh
It's the gift that get you know keeps giving
She's gonna look like a soul maxi by the end of the year like damn chief you got tons of soul fucking airdrops my guy
But yeah, we'll see a click. What up, man?
Good good
Just came up when you guys you're still talking talking about the Jupiter
Drop in the the
The quirkiness of the I don't know the buying and selling and stuff
Listened to that meow
speak in the the the Badago space I forget the name of the
That space in the morning, but it was a greeny. It's a greeny space
Okay. Yeah, sure. I
For my bad. I forgot who was hosting and shit, but um, he was taught me. I was talking and
It was kind of complicated to to hear and also that his you know
English isn't his first language. So I had I personally had some trouble like kind of following along sometimes but
But yeah, like there was no like VC allocation
for the for the Jupiter token and stuff, but what
what the airdrop kind of essentially was it was like it was their token sale essentially and so like
If you think about it like that
They have you know, the price didn't move a lot because they had, you know, a bunch of liquidity at whatever price
but the tokens didn't come out of like any like LP or anything like that, it was just like
You know, it was part of the token supply and they they they took that for that reason
Yeah, I don't know it's it's worth reading they
I would encourage everyone to go check out there like their research page on Jupiter
Check that out
It's someone the someone said it's basically like PhD level kind of writing
meow said they worked meticulously to document like every single step of
what they exactly did with all this with the stuff with the liquidity pool and
All that and so it's it's it's interesting
Yeah, that was that was that. Oh and then the whale market stuff is too
I don't know if you guys have looked into the mechanics of how that works with like the selling and buying of the
Tokens before they're like dropped or available
But basically if you're if you want to buy
Tokens you have to put down
You have to put down extra collateral because if like, let's say it's available for 40 cents or whatever
And I think it's gonna go up
But the next closest listing is like a dollar
so like I buy a whole but I
Commit to buying a whole bunch of these at a dollar and then the token gets released and everyone gets their
Airdrops and then it tanks in price and now it's only worth like 20 cents
But I've already committed to buying them at $1
you can choose not to like
Complete that purchase but then the collateral that you put up which that which is a one-to-one ratio
the collateral you put up for it the
Person who would have filled that order
Gets the collateral. So like you don't if you better make sure that's what you want to do
Before you do it because you can't like cancel it
You know as far as I'm aware so but it works on the other side too, so like if you
Commit to selling them at a certain price or something and then the price goes down
You yeah, I mean, I just said I'm saying the same thing twice and dumb, but yeah
You're saying I think you're just adding a little more detail to how it works. So I yeah, it's interesting. So
Be yeah, just be careful with the whale market and stuff like that it can it can backfire
I think it's probably when stuff gets confusing like for me
I was like, I'd rather just buy the token, you know
And just like say this this platform is gonna be continued to use we just saw the first use case of it
It did a pretty good job
Like I'm just gonna buy whales token and stake it and then when people use the protocol
I get revenue share that kind of seems like the easy play instead of actually
Participating all the escrow and all that other shit in the collateral. So that's kind of how I feel about it
Pinned up the mint schedule for you guys today. It's a it's jam-packed today. There's a lot stuff going on
We have the 13 37 zeros that is on
Bitcoin we have the matrika labs of blocks is on Bitcoin. We have Lindsey Burns skater die
We have faux and transient labs the cell we have eclipse
We have I hand gallery Paris duo show harm van den Dorple and versus
We have luvid and tonic the heart sleeve skin
We have alba dot art after dark and around the fire. We have XO dwellers and we have pixel pals
Pixel mine second hyped. I don't I get kind of cut off there. So some of the mints that I thought were interesting
Obviously, we have the matrika labs one
Which you know, they're they've been you know, they've been everybody's Bitcoin discord and they have a
kind of an art piece today and
A bunch of art pieces and I pinned up some details on it
So matrika blocks is launching on February 1st exclusive on Magic Eden has 250 artists at artifacts mint price is 0.02
BTC which is kind of high. This is the final honorary waitlist communities will be announced below
We'll provide more information on the mint stages. So the mint will be broken down into three stages
Whitelists one is burners begins at 9 a.m. Eastern three-hour claim window. We have whitelists to
Whitelists winners begins at 12 p.m. Eastern for our claim winner any remaining blocks will be open to the public
This is the end of the thread. So we've been talking about this one for a while. I know they have some soul
Projects we talked about like two weeks ago. They were sitting around 16 soul floor
I'm pretty sure if you owned one of those you will be able to get on whitelist if you didn't you're probably just
Gonna have to wait now and see if you can get any on public. They just do pretty good
the mint price is kind of high but
It's fine art and we'll see how it goes. I think gambler you brought this one up a few days ago is the 1337 skulls
They had some announcements. So one year after the og
Okay that they're elite skulls
That's elite speak. So it's it's old nerd talk when you talk with all your keyboards and stuff. But yeah
1337 skulls
What's that lee lee? Yeah, cuz it means you're elite. Oh
Like your elite hacker or you're the elite game. No, it's called. It's really elite elite or no. No
No, e elite skulls
Okay, there you go. I don't know lee speak espresso
No, I didn't even know that
I only have to keep things short and sweet bro. We got to move quick, you know, Lee
Yeah, the only thing I know what keyboards is courty like I was like
I thought that was the only thing I knew that it was like fuck me. But anyways, the supply is
1337 supply price is free allow list only date to be announced without today
Recursive traits sub 10k Providence public domain more details, you know anything about this gambler?
No, I don't I'm not sure if I was the one who brought me he's got a but I mean, I know a little bit
He's got pushed
So they were supposed to launch today instead. They're gonna launch tomorrow
There was an issue
We posted up. Yeah, there was an issue
Let me double-check. But yeah, I'm pretty sure that these got pushed up tomorrow and then they opened it all up
To fool like there's no more
What's it called windows it's everyone at the same exact time so it's a little yeah
I heard there's no more there's no more advantage for previous holders, right before it was yeah
Yeah, and there's different well, it's just different windows
I think you still get the advantage of a previous holder, but it's no longer separate windows. It's just
All at once, you know, oh that's gonna that's gonna be real. That's gonna do really well
Let me confirm if you got moved today
or if it's not today
All right, I'll continue with what I got so we have transient labs its foe the cells
Sold for two point five sixty tomorrow is the drop for the collector's choice edition of fifty at point one five
These are at least five different artworks and each token
Collectors can shift between artworks until foes deadline when he
When he'll art when the art will freeze so you need to pick one. So I thought that was interesting. That's transient labs
We have something called Eclipse. It's a 500 supply. It's at point eight point. Oh a five e
101 ocean desert redacted legendary 26 epic 70 a hundred rare 300 Commons have a VIP
Mint shadow pass first come first serve in public mint. I don't know much about this one
But I figured I brought it up. It's interesting and I guess the last one that seems pretty interesting is
underscored XO
Basically states are you prepared for the gates of the abyss to open a non on Thursday at 3 33 p.m. Eastern?
There will be a 69 minute window where souls will be allowed to enter into the depths the gates will lock
once more at 442 Eastern I shall
Await you all in the abyss. Follow my dwellers
So it looks to be like some kind of timed mint
Similar to like how Jack Butcher does it where he says you can only get this at his time and
Doesn't say what the details are of like the mint price. I'm looking right now. Here it is. I found it
He just updated it. So dwellers mint a supply for
932 of six thousand six hundred sixty six. So it seems like he's keeping about a thousand to himself
prices point zero zero six nine
You can max up her wallet is 25
The mint window is 69 minutes from 333 Eastern to 424 Eastern
And then he links the custom mint side the bueno mint page the OS link in the X account
So this one looks interesting don't know much about them, but I like like time mints. It's a low mint supply
You get 25 of them. Maybe there's some kind of burn mechanism or gamify nature to this, but I thought it was interesting one and
Okay, so this this lead the lead skulls
1337 UTC Friday
now I don't really know what that means because
1337 I guess today would have been 737 a.m. Today and they didn't go live today
So I guess tomorrow at 737 a.m. Central
They'll go live
But go check for yourself. Whatever
1337 UTC converts for you and it says the update is there will be no phases
After a little soul search and we have decided everyone should get their lead zero at the same time. So we're combined
Combining two phases together. We will all meant together
Yeah, that's so exciting. Not gonna be like so excited
You know, we all get the mint together
Dude Udi Udi showed you that you have 3,000 people
Hitting the site and he came and fucking met this bitch
What makes you think that your less demand of a thousand people all mentioned at the same time
It's not gonna break the Bitcoin or the mint page wrote like over and over and over and over again
We have to figure out some other way than everybody button matching at the same time to get an ordinal cuz it always ends up
No one can get it and it turns into FUD and then the project fucking suffers from it
But we'll see how it goes. Maybe buy the FUD on this one
It probably won't get to public or you probably none of them will get in your wallet
You get like partially signed Bitcoin transaction errors or some shit, but uh, so the trail he's our collab manager
And then I'll throw it to you gambler, but I'm true. Yeah, Jim
Two things I was just doing the D's next thing and if you had if you didn't do it yesterday
It seems like the three diamond stuff is still on so I just got like a hundred diamonds just buying and selling it
So just a heads up if you haven't done it
That's still active and still very much useful. And then the other thing is just posted up the discord link
So it is only 25 invites, but getting some new people in the in the daily off of discord
We have raffles in there
We're gonna be updating it pretty soon just in terms of our looks
So if you're not in discord and you're active in here daily join up
We have any mints today for the team are we good
It's quite a day today. Yeah, but we have a few this weekend. So definitely will be updating that. All right, cool
Appreciate you Joe. Um, what up gambler? What's up? You change your profile picture. You got to put it out of your quantum cat
Yeah, man, they they brought me to my one too many times bro, I'm back
I'm back in McDonald's until further notice
If you catch me serving your ice cream mind your business
Tea here stay poor like me. I just wanted to add a little bit of information
It's not the usual alpha we share up here like mint and flip you're gonna get rich tomorrow
But you mentioned Eclipse and I actually work for that team. So I just wanted to come up here and share two seconds
I've been with this team for the last six seven months
Keep it short
The reason I work with them is because I met the founder alpha geek back in December 22
After he listened to a spaces that I did with Zeneca he reached out to me
He said yo, I'm looking to get together all the best builders entrepreneurs and build a hub
For folks to get together and build cool shit in web 3
He said I'm running currently a multi-million dollar staffing and advising company and I'm looking to bring that
Skill and talent into web 3 and also bring the talent from web 3 into web 2
He's currently working with wallet guard and other partners within the space to actually make that happen
So he's gonna have meetings with you know
These web 2 execs and people from his company and to get them on board
But anyway, so not give you too much information if anybody has any questions, feel free to reach out again
This is not a mint flip. There's a 500 supply
Access pass into a networking
entrepreneurship hub
Cabal if you want to call it that that actually provides real value again
His team has been doing it for the last year plus they helped me put my business together
They've helped so many others so they're not here to extract
They just got 1.2 million dollars in funding from the core team, which is the company backed
that the founder owns
And yeah value-driven not a mint flip entrepreneur if you're looking for a hub and then if you don't want a mint
we still offer weekly spaces and workshops on airdrop farming and
The latest metas and mean coin finding and you know personal branding all kinds of stuff in there as well
So quick overview if anybody has any questions reach out dope team. I'll leave it at that. I
Knew I heard somebody in this community talk about Eclipse and it was you that's why I saw I'm like, dude
Where do I know he clips from I've heard it in the space, you know, it's you gambler
So I'm glad that you came on stage and you'll get some more details on it
So shout out for you shout out to the eclipse team and you guys help people air job farm. That's cool
Yeah, we have a homie in there named. Hello
And really our goal is just to host workshops weekly in the space that actually add value that that are in demand
Right. So when air jobs were popping or they first popped off like a couple months ago
You know a lot of people were interested how to get or were interested in learning more
And so they would jump in our server and we still actually still have workshops on airdrop farming where you can air job together
Like crazy stuff language learning
Branding sales. Those are just a few that we have poker nights, you know on top of that the usual
But yeah, and I really don't talk about this team much
It's not the sexiest project in the world, but in terms of value
They got tons of it man and and anybody who's looking to build and network
Whether you meant or not. It's a great space to be for sure. So I appreciate the time. Oh, thanks, man
Thanks for bringing it up. Um
Claire Silver's piece we talked about yesterday fucking crazy sold out raised 500 ETH 1.7 million
And then I think I looked this morning. It was below men. So
Wow, our six fucking ripping up to 0.06
You motherfuckers are buying these fucking blessed fucking entity. I know seven
Espresso 0.07 my bad. Yeah, there we go
And then I was looking at this morning and guess what's trending on magic eating these blessed fucking robot tin Mickey Mouse's
Something that's coming up you need seven of the public's about to hit this is from the creator of shits
While back I told you guys grabbing some shits would have been a good idea
And it was because he had hinted picks a get was the alpha. Yeah, so you could get to
They just look so fucking ugly dude. The shits are at least kind of cool
I don't know. I think they look better in my opinion, but you like the shits over the yeah, I mean at least
There's some actually really cool like embedded metadata and one of the earlier
Collections that have embedded metadata in the original picks a get collection
There's some some cool like underlying stuff that I don't think a ton of people know about
But I'll I'll put something together because picks a get is really sick. I've loved it since
Day one and I lucked out sending it to my vault the other day not knowing that it would give me another allocation
Yeah, so pin up to the top
These are these look like cats in a sense and puppets combined, right cats are kind of in the talk of the town right now
so it's it's literally the
I'm not gonna say the combination of both of them because he's been working on this for a while
Right when I mentioned the sheds almost like two to three weeks ago is because he had
Previewed a little bit of the gen and the traits that were showing
But yeah, so it just happened to hit right when there's a little bit of cat fud and so it was
perfect timing incense
So it's pinned up top if you have a puppet or a shit or a picks a get you get access to whitelist
You don't even have to connect your wallet. You can go and kind of pay through an invoice system
I would suggest you lowering pull up mempool and
See what you should send it at yourself at first when I first saw this early in the morning
I was kind of like no, I'm not gonna pay 50 bucks and then I came back
you know, let's just say an hour later and I was still at you know, 50 bucks and I was like good what's going on and
I pulled up mempool and it was at 30 and
On or no spot of a show. I know those bodies shown like 50 plus and not so go
Sometimes you just have to reset like just re
refresh the site
But yeah, also just pull mempool up and cross check to make sure you know
Yeah, then that way might cost me like yeah
And that way you can you can send it at whatever you're comfortable with sending it as well and whatever you want to pay
For it. So pull up the mempool check. You should be on average anywhere from 25 to maybe 30 bucks
I think I paid like 27 or 28
To claim one and then public should be coming out pretty soon. So
No, I think public is later tonight. Yeah. Well, I guess today. Yeah
But yes, yes relatively soon like I think eight or nine hours. I I gotta find the yeah
Just put it on you guys's radar for y'all to check out and if you already have one of these
Of the partner collections, feel free to go over there and claim at you know, whenever the mempool cools down for you
Did you go through the eligible collection well, I mentioned it's pups titanium. Oh, yeah pups Cheetos
picks who get and shits
Inopium in opium
Yes, sir. How is that at point? Oh seven bro. Like how is that not going up in price?
they go down they literally it's it's at that nice like
percentage rating of puppets
But it's like half the supply bro, like
Like all these small ones they don't have the liquidity
So like you're I think you're really seeing like the people that really are looking at these as a collectible
Like knowing that like they need to get the other one just because it's the fucking OG
It also does give you access to the quote-unquote safe space, which is just like a smaller
verified channel within the shed
Created during the mint when everything was going fucking crazy just so that we had like a place to
to run away from all the
moon boys
Yeah, I think it's a lot easier to proliferate and likes like, you know
You have 10,000 motherfuckers bull posting or bear posting send it to zero so on and so forth and it is
777 motherfuckers, you know, so it is odd to me though
I did ask the same question like to a few people like if it's if it's like one tenth of the second collection
How is the second collection?
404 and a half and the main seven seven seven hundred and seventy seven collections like now looking at as a point oh six
People are trying to move money. You can't move money on a seven seven seven like that bonding curse to your eyes. Yeah
one sweet
One sweet fucks you up one
Sweet someone else can't go up and sweep behind you because you literally said it from two times what I was gonna get
So when you have a 10k collection you go even if you sweep a hundred
Give it five minutes. Someone's gonna come list a hundred bull right behind you
Like it's just is natural and then someone's like very cool
And then you give it like an hour and it'll co you know
Cool back down and someone will come in and they'll be able to access that relatively the same price as you you know
Maybe not the same an extra hundred two hundred but not an extra three thousand, you know, so that's the reason why big numbers
Damn it. I just stepped in some dog shit
Bread and butter comes out with this
Daily kind of what's going on. So just kind of read it over a lot of stuff
We don't even mention or even know what's about but figured, you know
We discuss a little bit or just keep you guys updated on what's going on. So dusk staking begins
Stracks status EVM launching SKL scale chain payments evos token generated event. We have a chain
Proposals begin we have dy dx 10% of the circuit supplies unlocked
We have INS launches season 2
We have XRP was hacked. That was yesterday. FDT exchange won't be restarted bankruptcy lawyers said
WLD under investigation in Hong Kong over data privacy concern if that's oral token
Um, let's see. Yeah, that's about it. Nothing much when listed on bybit perpetuals
And something that happened overnight
Which it's probably see this a mile away is that Binance?
Conscriptions create an inscription marketplace your go-to place for all things BRC 20s inscriptions built on Binance web 3 wallet
I found out more
We saw this with okx. I discussed it maybe last week where they at the top of the tabs they removed
ordinals and
Transfer that to an inscriptions and then earlier this week we find out that they're going to be supporting
atomic holes
I forget other runes and some other protocols and then you're like okx is very big in Asia
It was just a matter of time until Binance said no, no, no, no, sir. We lead this bitch
We're actually coming out the inscription marketplace. So people are already speculating
What kind of inscriptions is gonna be is just gonna be BRC 20s?
Or is there gonna be other inscriptions on other chains and I would imagine they're probably gonna go down the same avenue as
okx and include atomic holes in BRC 20s and dojunals also, so I think it's pretty big news for
The ecosystem that fact you have big players like Binance coming in and supporting this not ready to see like you hear from Adam
Or someone again to where I mean okx is the number one liquidity pool
If you're trading like BRC 20s tokens BRC 100 is just tokens in general, right?
You can go to okx swap over and both within a couple seconds
Someone's already buying so and even if it's you know, like nothing in volume
You'll get five or six sales now with Binance coming in
I wonder if they'll just be as easy to swap over as Binance is natural
Right, and I don't know what's more natural though
What caters more to the token or the DGN or what caters more towards the retail consumer and that and kind of in that sense?
So I don't know dude
It'd be interesting to hear from like Adam or someone who's in Asia of what's more popular and what has a more specific use case
Right versus this is a launchpad. This is where we
Off-road like off-ramp. This is where we trade. So
Yeah, and
Everything in this eco everything it seems like in web 3 is kind of bleeding
But you know one one sector of web 3 or NFTs or ordinals that isn't it's dojanals
it's going crazy and
Full prices are raising based off this speculation that Binance and okx are now gonna be listing dojanals that frog thing that you call
Fucking crazy, bro. It's at eight eight hundred and ninety doge, which is 70 bucks
I was calling this at two to seven dollars probably like a month ago
It's pretty much five to seven acts since they're in the communities built around it
I know Zach, you know, TDA member fucking host community spaces on Friday and now they're I mean
We're just gonna talk about it. They're now kind of like joining forces with the dojanal dog
So bark in his collection as much as you want to talk about bark and what he does
As onboarded a lot of people in the dojanals to give a lot of exposure. It was a free mint
It's up to one thousand one hundred eighty seven dollars per dojanal dog
You could say what you want. You could say wash trading you can say market makers blah blah blah
it happens in every market but
Seems like a lot of people that got that free mint are now selling some of their dogs and
kind of recycling that liquidity into other projects and bark in the founder of fron cartel have
Kind of partnered up and kind of saying I'm the founder of this
I'm the founder of that and a lot of the dojanal dogs that have some extra liquidity are now buying fron cartel
So that price has gone ballistic over the past two to three days and I was calling it $7
It's still reasonable at 70
And I think this is like early stages of how ordinals were
Bitcoin back in the day where people were talking about buying Bitcoin frogs at like a hundred bucks
I think this is maybe just six to seven months delayed and it's moving at a faster pace in ordinals
It's just basically taking everything that BTC ordinals done and trying to do it better and quicker
You have the dojanal mini dojas
up to twenty one
Hundred twenty one hundred of doj that's about a hundred still have that it's not an all-time hot
Yep, I have three of them. I haven't I haven't sold any of my dojanals. I'm super bullish on this
I've learned from my stake in early days of Bitcoin ordinals. That's selling too early at an immature market
You got to wait till the stuff's mature and there everybody's you know coming together over here, man
And I just think it's a matter of time until you know
These get too high and this is the place where people want to drop collections and memes like it's the perfect
The perfect thing and we've seen like addresses on dojgo parabolic and people that don't understand ordinals are totally confused by it
But it's because of this. It's because of dojos because the DRC 20, bro
How's the tooling are there like mobile wallets and all that good doji market has a mobile wallet?
It's the only one but it's it's basically in the browser
I mean, it's not the safest but there is doji market does have a mobile version
A lot of this stuff is more like unisat where it's built in the web browser
But yeah, everything's gone up in price the doj smokes. We talked about which is a sub
It's a sub. It's it all does
re recreations of like
No, this problem was went went crazy because it wasn't one of those
You know because it was a hundred percent quarter. Yeah, it was an original kind of different thing
everything before that and that's what espresso was saying too early on most of it was all just copies and
Yeah, it was like the same as the smokes and the doj punks and the doj dot, you know
Bullet dojos, so it was the same shit that we had early on almost the same people, too
But that's why the fronks kind of took off
It wasn't a derivative and then you have people like coming over and saying hey we're gonna launch doj over here
So you had the doj pound which was a notorious eat project, but Alex Becker shilled the shit out of it
You know to kosher plugs all those motherfuckers came through the doj pound they're talking about
Bridging over the doj pound over the doj
So definitely think doj has a future. It's it's it's you see a lot of people coming over and just you know
I think personally if you are trying to get involved get into early inscriptions
And that's all I was talking about doj smokes, which is a small collection of 420. It's under 10k
Probably last week before all this hype came on. They're sitting around 500 bucks. They've reached all-time highs
I think they're sitting around
$815 and I think it's one of the earlier earlier descriptions that actually have pretty good art so check those out
Doj maps continued to build they're still below two dollars
They were at like a dollar fifteen yesterday. I think they're up to a dollar ninety eight
So you know people are still building doj maps you're gonna see the same stuff on ordinals BTC come over here
You're gonna see you know digital matter theory you're gonna see bitmap
Coins all kind of you know clone themselves and come over to the doj, too
So I'm gonna throw it out there
There's a lot of people building over here and just like a lot of these exchanges are starting to come over here
And there's a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of building and a lot of communities starting to form over here
So you know I've been talking about in a while, and I just wanted to kind of keep you updated on prices
wanted a recap something that
Threw up on you guys's radar shit over a month ago
I told you no one was talking about it told you guys we didn't even have we told Allison to purposely leave it out
Of the thread because it was a TDA listeners exclusive well she wants you to know. I'm a wizard Harry
Pinning up to the top word from the team after a hundred percent mint out confirmation
Welcome to the ords arcade
So anyone that was listening anyone that's been farming that when the men pulls low
Slowly going over there picking up a couple tokens right
I think you could get him for roughly about ten to fifteen bucks a piece depending on men pool fees
Well, it's a hundred percent inscribed out they confirmed that it is
Tokens, and they are tokens that power their gaming ecosystem
And each one is currently trading for eighty dollars over-the-counter per token so
Gigi's if you capitalize
We had a whole month of cooking on this before the world even found out that it was official so
Once again, I mean it kind of pays to be early and at least try it out
Right told you guys not to go too crazy, but just to monitor it have it on your tab and every once in a while
You pick some up, so yeah, just shout out to if you listen shout out to ords games man
thesis was their OGs
They're around in the first kind of Bitcoin Miami. I remember receiving a card even getting some of their Gigi token
Their original game cartridges that are at point nine
Kind of even though you don't hear about certain teams even though you don't know
It's okay to do a little bit of research or to ask and try to understand the thesis behind things
Because that's that's what we're all here for so Gigi's if you guys cooked
I just wanted to follow up on that and yeah, man it went from
20 to 40 to 100 percent real quick
Yeah, so what we think about
Inscriptions we do have the Chinese New Year starting and like I've been kind of the thesis was these motherfuckers found a hobby during
Their work week and on the weekends they would go inscribe
You know BRC 20s and now during you know, they're getting stimulus checks now
They're on the holiday for a month, you know
Will they go back to their found hobby on their vacation and then I kind of saw some statistics on inscriptions?
And James Van Stratton says it looks like the inscription boom is over in BTC for now
But what's interesting is that the minor revenue from fees has settled around 6% which is over double before the November spike
I can see this a kind of trend play out spike retrace higher low
And then he's basically commenting from crypto slate
Saying insights from the record hides to notable lows fees after inscription booms and you're looking at the chart here
And it's kind of breaking down like how inscriptions kind of like double tops and they're kind of like retracing
Do we see kind of runes people just waiting for runes are in like is BRC 20s kind of the old fad?
And people are just moving on the runes
I've seen a bunch of announcements from BRC 20 kind of saying we're closing up shop and we're moving over the runes is
BRC 20s are like an old technology that's kind of lost the type and now we're just waiting on runes
Or do we see like BRC 20s inscriptions starting to pop back off later on?
I don't know. Like what's what's our opinion? Is there are we are we kind of like an
Ordinals are dead phase until you know, if I do I think defy and and when you start getting different
Participation mechanics that you can utilize BRC 20s for maybe not the same thing that you thought
You were gonna use a BRC 24 when they first came out or whatever it may be
But now there's a different use case. Maybe you can go yield farmer liquid it provide liquidity in into pools
Right or some way shape or form to utilize it in a defy or staking fashion
I think that that's how BRCs are gonna really survive because there's already quote-unquote
Versions of the same thing, but I guess you'd say better like CBRCs and stuff like that to where you can still move tokens in
The same pack format, but now attach more things on top of it, right?
So it's it's kind of stripping down the token to where you're essentially having to yield from
having volume of this if you can create or
generate some way to make money or engagement or
Mechanism to where volume makes sense then I think BRC 20s
Are gonna stick around just for the fact that you know
You're trading five thousand here six thousand there and you're just moving a lot rather than the five thousand have individual values
Right if you start individually tokenizing them and making them fungible
Then it's gonna be a lot harder for these to continue to live as packs in the same way in my opinion
Can they both live at the same time?
Could we have like a new BRC 20 come out in it pump right alongside the same time like runes?
Or does one kind of take market share from the other?
Like can they both exist and have like pumps and both sectors or is it something where runes comes out?
It kind of takes the majority of the market share because everybody's well
That's what I was trying to once they would trade differently, right?
I mean essentially BRC 20s would still trade the same way that they do in like these big pack format and runes would be
Actual like non fungible tokens individualized, you know to the decimal point etc
So in a sense one can trade and get solved on an AMM
Have different types of market making and off rails while the other is literally trading as like mass volume and packs
Or so that's what I'm trying to say if you can find a utilization
for BRCs to where you focus on how they trade as
Bigger entities and not as non fungible tokens
Then I think that that's the cool aspect right because and then it's a separate use case
You're not saying hey come shit going over here because it's better
No, come shit going over here because it's different and we should coin differently. It's a different mechanic
We get a different output you can go shit going on runes like it has to be a new spot at the casino
It can't just be the slot machine in a different skin
You know because people aren't gonna go to the old slot machine in a different skin. They're gonna want the new slot machine, dude
People are about to grip the fuck out of this
Like you could like literally slap runes on fucking potatoes and people are gonna want them and not even know what the fuck they are
Like I'm gonna see you're gonna see runes literally on everything or BRCs just because of like the narrative that's been set with like
How our six cooked right now and all this stuff is like running up
You're just gonna see everyone just you know riding this fucking wave of runes runes runes and you know, whatever I'm here for it
I guess whatever it takes to get a flip. Yeah, I think today is a day of all the morning of our fame
Golden goose here bitch boy crypto aka quit boy crypto
I released the video yesterday saying I quit for real this time. Thank you crypto youtubers. I'm retiring from crypto YouTube
We're gonna see no more cocaine binge fucking rants from BitBoy crypto anymore
Maybe go on his comment and wish him good luck with him and yeah, man
It's sad day man. I grew up. I came up in the space with BitBoy crypto and just you know, he's still a leader of the
Seated still a leader of the Solana soldier army
Not until Nick Nick gets a hold. He's the sergeant soldier now
Like we got sergeant soldier and like he does quit but he he still makes videos for XRP and shit
I'm trying to pump that back. So I don't think he's really quit
I just think he's just trying to fucking everybody feel sad for him and feel good and like, you know
Support him and then he'll come back similar to like Michael Jordan like six or seven times maybe 45 pounds
Less weight or something. I don't know but but that was interesting
BitBoy crypto is leaving us and I found something chief. Maybe it's something maybe it's not
Weren't you big in maple story? Yeah
So I found this Twitter it's
It's L E M E game 7 mobile application, Singapore joined November 2022
It is maple story are so pollution it has four followers
170 followers one of the followers is the official maple story universe is following this
That's what I was about to say. So maple story are is correct. It's what they're gonna
Kind of transition they've already
Not not gonna say bit the bullet but fully committed into transitioning the whole maple story
Ecosystem and universe into a web 3 backing
So what was interesting is that the actual maple story universe is what's following this account as well
But do that handle is dog shit
like that handle makes it seem like it's definitely a scam Lemmy game 7 and
That doesn't even sound like you're from Singapore or you know, like Korea or anything like that
And that's originally where next sounds from so I don't know 7 school
But Lemmy game 7 is a kind of suspicious ass handle
I don't know how they managed to get an official maple story universe like follow, but it's definitely a good find
I've been following them forever. I don't know if they're gonna do the traditional way of rolling out
You know this to us
Probably like maple story actual players and stuff because they're migrating or kind of transitioning
Everything their whole world and they've done this once before
With some type of like, you know, pre big bang era of transition of the game
So it's not something new to people that are into maple story
So it's just cool that now this new kind of move over is into web 3 so
Yeah, you think it'll do well if it ever comes to my feet wasn't wasn't wasn't what's it next time them? What are they former?
Former no next on owns maple story
Right and they're web 3 they basically announced they're coming to web 3
So maybe the next one's been been a lot of them like vocal about wanting and and seeing the future as web 3 forever
Right and next on it's kind of like a gaming powerhouse to have cart rider
They have a couple other games like they're like a gaming incubator almost like an epic or something like that
but primarily big in
South Korea and
Singapore and like just that area maple story came from Singapore to US so I
Got just follow it and keep updated. I guess we were talking about racing. I
Have a prement here for that racing game card party
I'll pin it up top a card party announced was a 1251 a.m. This morning
GM racers a giveaway sounds fantastic if it has a way to kick off everywhere at prement
So they have like a prement link in here
With a number of winners 20 spots
You got to follow a couple heart boom Warren og gamer and like and retweet and you possibly eligible for
I guess a white list for cart party
I've known I've seen some live streams of this and it is basically Mario Kart web 3 and it seems like people have a lot
Of fun it it's identical to fucking Mario Kart. So this one I think is by oh
This is an old baby games
But this is something that a lot of people are hyped about and it looks like if you just sign up with the prement
You could possibly be able to get whitelisted and play this game, too. I've seen like ash and
Gorilla livestream it looks pretty dope
So just a prement there for you if you guys want to you know, get in it's free and then Mavia land
Has an airdrop and basically wrote a thread that if you just participate in these tasks, you can get free Mavia coin
so Mavia lands is kind of like
Clash of clans have a mobile game of like crazy amount of users
We've been talking about it for a while since like point five
I think I brought it up there and they continue to do like
Announcements of their token gonna be dropped the amount of users and their mobile game being live, but they have this
New thing. It says I want to join the Mavia airdrop now anyone can we have turbo charge our pioneer airdrop program starting January
31st anyone who downloads the Mavia game on iOS or Android and
Sinks their account to the Mavia website will be eligible for an airdrop. Here's the thread step one download Heroes of Mavia on iOS
The app will be released globally on January 31st
Once is live anyone around the world can download the game
No beta code no beta codes required step to create a Mavia account inside the app
Make sure you register with a Google or Apple account
Not a continue as guests step three complete onboarding tutorial
This tutorial will explain how to navigate throughout the Mavia app and how to build your base step four
Go to on desktop or mobile browser and connect your wallet and create a web 3 account or web account this
This is the wallet you'll be claiming your airdrop from step five with your wallet connected click on my account and connect
The same Google or Apple account that you use on your mobile device to your web account
Step six on Mavia airdrop screen press verify to confirm that your account has been synced correctly after the anti-bite
Capture if it syncs was successful
You will see a pop-up which says account verified once the step is complete your airdrop is confirmed step seven
Mavia airdrop claiming will go live the TGE date on February 6 to claim your airdrop
Make sure your wallet is connected and go to the airdrop page on Mavia calm. You will need
Some eat. It's a layer one inside your wallet for gas
So it's pretty much just download the app connect your wallet and you get free fucking tokens seems like a fucking no-brainer, man
So I just figured I'd throw it out there for you guys. It's free money. Don't don't be scared. Don't be lazy
It's free and I think the game's pretty fun. So I think you probably enjoy playing the game, too
they had tons of web 3 gamers bull post about I'm talking about on YouTube that I think I have over like a
hundred or like
700,000 fucking downloads or something on the iOS store
So Mavia land is something to definitely keep track of and they're giving you free tokens for just participating
So definitely definitely something to keep your eyes on Tio
Yeah, you hear me I just want to make sure before I rant
Yeah, yeah that well that's the whole point why I come up nowadays and make sure I come up for you
But uh, I remember someone speaking about yesterday
Liquidium and they didn't have any type of
Ordinal get liquidated and I actually sent that I actually had a loan that I you know
I was the lender and it got liquidated the person did not claim it and it was a bitmap and
Claim only costed like four bucks, which isn't a lot, you know to get it into my account
So all I had to pay extra was four bucks and then I sold it now bitmaps up like
80 bucks since then so I made a couple of bucks on it
there's a lot of options in liquidium the best thing to do is if you get a a
Get something you want to blend on something that you believe in and if you get it
It's most likely, you know a 20 to 40 percent upsize. So liquidium is where it's at
I've been seeing a lot at more active wallets. I think in the past week
They have like 2x their their user basis
Yeah, cuz we talk about it every fucking show bro, what do you think's gonna happen you guys are gonna fucking get zero air drop now
Did you see the serious fucking
post this morning about the dude that
Lended and his blend is a loan defaulted and he had to pay like 98 either some shit
No, and it was worth like 200 East for like four different things a punk
Hit pudgy. There was like two other things in there worth like around 200 East and he loaned out of a 98 or 102
That's my worst nightmare, bro. Yeah, this is my worst nightmare
So this is what he's here. I pinned up top probably the most brutal set of defaults
I've ever seen borrowed took out 98 eth loan on these a month ago and failed to repay
Yes, sir, basically got liquidated for a hundred eighty e worth of entities on a one month 98 eth alone. Ouch
How do we not get right like like did he not have the money? Like how do you not repay this?
I don't know. Like why would you want to do this to yourself?
Someone explain swag explain to me what fucking happened here, bro
More than one and if somebody didn't repay what?
He didn't repay his loan and on what the asset
It was a crypto punk
Board ape leopard skin a pink
Board ape with 3d glasses and a pro
Pudgy penguin sounds like it was right. He moved over to Bitcoin. They immediately bridged that over to BTC
Real quick since we're at kind of the middle point of the show. I just wanted a
Post up to the top of the show is sponsored by on so there's a giveaway currently going on
You guys look at the actual post figure out what you have to do play the game
I think follow the instructions on there and you have a chance to and I think it's about
1.5 soul at current values. So go check out Chris awesome building the space and sponsoring the TDA for the month
Yeah, dude, I've been farming on liquidity
I'm obviously, you know you guys been talking about it for a while and there must be a bunch of fucking chads on there because like
No one has defaulted on their loan yet that from all the logs that I've been putting out like not a single fucking person
I mean, I guess I'm happy because I'm farming the points
But like locking up that much liquidity for like two weeks every motherfucker on there is
literally waiting till the day of or the day before their loan is due and
Like I'm like, oh, yeah, fuck. Yeah, I'm about to get all these assets and nope wake up to a bunch of emails saying
The fucking loan is repaid
Unfortunately, so yeah, I don't know that we need more people to get a step why I to that's uh
I wait until the absolute last fucking second, you know what they say brother time value of money
I mean I guess
No, I was just gonna say on that note too for anyone that thinks that it's too late
I want you guys to reference back to liquidity of his last announcement, which was partnering with magic Eden
They said that that only starts in the middle of February
So you guys still got a little bit of time to go, you know before that officially goes and kicks off
You know, they're talking about partnerships in mid February. So we're in day one of February, right?
You can literally start today earn yourself a couple points. Maybe tomorrow
Whatever it is you need to do to get your shekels in order, but I wouldn't just say hey
I've missed this when they're already talking about and mentioning you get extra points in a couple weeks from now
So this this is probably gonna go on for a little bit longer than is kind of we wanted to do if we were early farmers
But hey for those that have missed the trainer thought that they didn't hop on go get some points right now
Go get on that leaderboard
Here here's some more quick note on the magic Eden for anybody that's actually in liquidity
Um, you want some alpha go look at the leaderboard click through to the top wallet and look at their ordio profile
And then just tell me you're not bullish
Alright for sure. There's some massive motherfuckers in that bitch, bro
But for anyone that's also worried about airdrops and stuff like that. I did ask them
I'm like dude like this whole our sick things like took fucking forever me and King off hit them up
We just asked them like are these claims gonna have to be like a ticket thing every single time and they told me no
They're pushing an update to where any airdrops that you get
You could just automatically claim them once they push out this update
I have a I have a few claims for something with my puppets that were in there and they're like they're not gonna do
a manual thing like with the r6 so
Food for thought you can land and not worry about any airdrops getting lost in the process or taking forever to get back
Are you separating a wallet for that in a sense? Like did you?
Kind of create let's just say a landing wallet and put all of the ass. Yes. Okay
Yes, I did two separate wallets and and the way that it works if I understand correctly is it's they don't put it into a pool
You have your own escrow wallets that that's through that's like on liquidium kind of yeah
There's essentially a new one created every turn any lending transaction new ones created between those two participants, correct
Yeah, so that's pretty much it. But yeah, I separated my wallets
Like I have a I have a sale wallet and then I have a farming wallet and I have a fucking, you know
Liquidium wallet and I just like to keep things like separate so I don't like confuse shit whenever you know, etc, etc reasons
No, that makes sense. Yeah
What do we think about it?
I would imagine there's gonna be more horses in this race of this Arctic are this runes farming
For my understanding there's probably like five the ten other people that are gonna be air dropping a clone our six into your wallet
So like now we have like right now we have like three horses in the race, right in this coin tucky derby
We have runecks we have our six and we have room
As more horses enter the race
Do we see like this diluting our six price because now there's more people and now because we're basically just speculating that
Our sick is the one that's gonna give us runes
But there's no guarantee that they're gonna be no they're making their own horses into the race
Does it dilute the value of no, they're making their own room. That's the thing about it
So each one of these are now making their own runes
They're not trying to go and go after quote-unquote like Casey's anymore or that wasn't the that was just a misconception that I had
Or that we had early on
I also pinned up top just because you're you literally segwayed perfect into it
For those of you guys that had access to runecks through us and we're kind of confused on how the process works
there's a whole walkthrough from the runecks team of exactly how you get yourself set up because that shit is a little bit confusing and
It's all done through like a discord escrow system
So just if you want to walk through there's that one the Leonidas one
I'm also gonna post up top what communities qualified in the percentages
So we can kind of get a little big vast view of it all. It's called the runestone airdrop over
2,000 plus communities will qualify
the way that for now the metrics were you had to have three
inscriptions in your wallet minimum
Can be duds can be whatever they just cannot be
Just straight text base like JSONs, right? So that was the quote-unquote original qualification
We don't know if that's gonna be what the cutoff is or if at some point they do plan on adding on
Text based I know that they were you know
Looking at a different threshold just due to the fact that you create transfer
Inscriptions and all this different stuff that are text-based that rack up numbers, but for now, that's the current
Distribution in the communities and their percentages. So it's pinned up top
So the thing is X all of these are gonna be each individual
I guess runes right and this isn't I guess the way he's trying to say Leonidas is this isn't my rune
This is the the people's runes, right?
That's what rune stone is and then our sick was I mean, I guess the people's runes as well
But a different one the our sick one the rune rune coin one. So I don't know dude
It's just a competition of just different coins of not necessarily the first anymore
I think that that's definitely gonna weigh in and make a difference. But now it's about teams as well, right?
I'm pretty sure you get two teams that launched relatively at the same time
It's about to be who's backing who and who's involved in what I posted rune coin, which is the third horse in this race
And then the distribution and how it's looking so far
Yo, I just want to say real quick I don't I'm gonna
Complain for two seconds. I didn't get any of the our sick and I'm not none of my none of my like eight wallets
are eligible for the rune stones either like I
Kind of irritated. I sense
I've dude. I've inscribed hundreds of things bro, like without bro. It's not there ERC 70. No, it's not fair
What's that? Just let Leo know you gotta learn. No, it's not fair, bro. I did I said he was the first person
I sent him a DM and explained to him like my situation
I guess we're like, I don't know how I've inscribed literal hundreds of things different, you know domains BRC 20 is BRC
721s generative BRC 721s like the whole fucking
I do it. You know, what's funny is I like I that's well, that's true
I haven't bought a ton of like PFP types of things
I have bought enough of them and like I had I had I did have three in a wall in a wallet
Which was like the minimum but then like I had sold something for like randomly like a few weeks ago
So I had one wallet with like two and then I had like six wallets with like one each and it was just like, okay
I guess I guess I'm not eligible
So, yeah, I was a little salty, but I did I did DM Leonidas and bit God
I don't even know if it God's involved with anything, but he was kind of the influencer that I'm
Of friendly with I don't know whatever I'm not gonna I'm not gonna stand up here and complain
I'll do it. I'll do it
Pretty much all just been a self-righteous contest. I've heard you on two spaces complain about it
So I'm like, yeah, I think everybody understand. Well, I haven't complained about in TDA. God damn it
I understand and like, you know, it does suck when you've been in this space for a while and you're like
Oh, I even represent the brand. I talk I'm on these ordinal shows. I'm on stage with you Leo
And then you don't give me no tokens. Like that would piss me off too. So
It's okay. I'll give you some of mine right here local congressman. Help me out. I
Will Josh Holly
Give my guys some fucking room stones. All right, let's go to TL's with OT blades. That's ya
2448 hours I have maybe on average like four to three blocks per hour are like the miners not trying to create blocks
Can they do that just because there's not as much fees as they used to like what's going on here?
Don't even know your crystal ball is broken. Hold up to you. I'll get it in a minute
I'm just fucking with you know, the blocks have been moving a little bit weird this morning
I saw like three or four blocks process like straight into row all within two or three minutes of each other
so I think that's something I don't know what happens in terms of block size or block height or something like that that
I mean, like I said crystal ball is broken. I tried
Let's go to a place. There's been like two in an hour and a half. That's why I know the bits
Bitcoin maxis are trying to ruin our 420 party and they're like, dude
We got to push this back to 421 bro, because we can't have all these orders motherfucker and rune motherfuckers celebrating on the day
Better. Yeah, dude, sweet, bro. They're trying to sabotage us bro. They're trying to ruin our fun
Put that in your bio
So a couple things I wanted to remind everybody that you can trade you on robot that's very fucking fun
To make sure that you check your DMS from chief
Trill any of these guys up here because you might miss some shit that you're going to be mad about I've missed the goddamn magic eating
Launch beta I missed that because I didn't check my DMS from chief
I'm pretty sure I'm still good. But just make sure that you keep those DMS on alert for the good guys up here
Yeah, and it's worldwide now
We were giving you access early and you paid the DMS which I don't trust discord DMS either it could have been a clone chief
Yeah, people check people are like what is expressive Madison was like, yo, what is espresso drive? I'm like Madison
I don't got time for this shit is me. No, what is espresso drive? I'm like for FedEx, bro
Do you want your wallet code or not?
Yeah, I appreciate you guys on the safety
You guys do got to be careful
But yeah truth was the same way a bunch of people were like, yeah, I thought it was scams
I just deleted it. I'm like dude, even if you think it's a scam, you don't got it. Just don't touch it read it
Yeah, you don't gotta do all that
Just read it and then be like, huh, I'm gonna go look at if this is real on my own
Just like don't get the link or download the dot exe file. Just do it all on yourself and read the information. So
Yesterday, I brought you guys chain snatchers and then we'll hop over to the other hand
But just kind of an update that just dropped yesterday. I brought you guys chain snatchers
It was kind of interesting. We suspected that it could maybe be from truth or just someone trying to play off of truth and truth communities
So today they've updated and they did their first tweet
They included from what it looks like. You got my ladies goblin town nouns crypto dick butts jack butcher
What is that X copy and then I think there's one that I missed that I didn't see
Mfers and rec guy so if you're a part of any of these supposedly snapshots have been taken
Access will be granted to you for whatever the chain snatchers have cooking up. Once again only 17 or
People following it right now. So it's relatively early and these kind of communities are not to say they're the outcast
but they're the
We have something different and we provide something a little bit more than your average community, right?
So I would definitely be on the lookout if these guys come together and galvanize behind this and kind of
Assume that they're gonna do this then it might do well
I've been looking forward to this straight up. I'm glad that you've recycled this and you know kept this update with the details
Miyagi new PFP here kind of threw me off a little bit
PFP who does yeah
I've been staying up late inscribing things in the darkness of the night and then falling asleep at 9 a.m
And missing the show so apologies, but it's all it's all in the name of Bitcoin. Um, I
Did have a question though. Uh, when we were talking about the airdrops and kind of like this
Coin turkey Derby, whatever espresso said that was beautifully beautifully said a coin turkey Derby
Do you guys and I just kind of just wanted to get a feel for the room
Do you guys like how do you guys feel about like the way Leo's doing it and like what he's doing?
Do you guys because I know everybody has like their opinions and the markets can decide whatever money
But in terms of just like as a market participant, um
The way that Leo's running it out and how he's doing it
Like are we bullish like is that something that are we all like pushing for or we're just like whichever one pumps the bag
Want exclusive I want exclusive. I want people butthurt if everybody gets in then who we sell into who's buying true true. Okay, right
Click a buy in click click a buy our bags
No, fuck that I want exclusive. I want people butthurt. I want people fomoing in like I like the like
10k the way that they did the r6
I mean leon ice is cool
But like it's too many people like what we expect in hamburgers here
Like there's just too many people that are like similar to portal coin if it's too easy
It's probably not going to make you any money
Like if everybody's in on it, like how are they gonna like if everybody wins nobody wins?
Right, right, right
You need you need to keep it where there's not there's a large majority of people that aren't in and then they see the price
Get up and they don't care about the technology. All they care is green candles and we need more clicks basically. Yep
Sorry click. No
Yeah, we need more people to sell to so I think
Remember who helped get you guys to the top, you know, just remember me down here. All right
Throw me a fucking bone. I got you. I'll send you some of my coins
Um, but yeah, I mean I think it's nice but even look at click he's not included
So there are people that aren't included. So his whole thing was I want something fair where everybody can get involved
Not everybody's involved
So but I still think it's cool what leonidas is trying to do
It's all in like good faith and like he's trying to put his effort in but like for me
I see it it's not going to compete with the rune x
Straight up. So all right
Are sick personally good
No, I love the thoughts
That's kind of why I wanted to ping like ping pong it around the rune and kind of hear your guys's thoughts about it
just because
like for instance
We just had like the wen token right where there was like everyone kind of could get some wen and like people still made some
Money and even some of it was hamburgers
Some of it wasn't and obviously different blockchain different thing
But i'm just giving like a little example of like, you know market participants getting something from nothing
Um, but yeah, I appreciate your thoughts. I'm just curious about it because I don't know. I think it's pretty cool
Why are you you've been inscribing it now? Are you trying to launch a project?
Uh, yeah, you have no idea how hard i'm gonna rug you guys
Can we i'm gonna give you guys white list first white list for the rug
And we'll never see miyagi ever again and then he'll like resurface during the bullet under like mr
Like karate kid or something. I don't mr karate kids
I'll be daniel's son when I come back. There we go. Well, we got a new participant up here
This name is crypto news pepe coin news
59 followers rarely bring people up with this kind of following because it typically punches me in my face to sabotage me but
Give us some value bro. Give us some value you're known for crypto news. So give us something that we don't know
Please don't fucking make me regret this. Go ahead, man
Thank you so much for having me. Um, yeah, i'm just a new um page
uh, so we got some news today the
Amm for xrpl ledger was um for it in
It means people can get passive income from xrp if you hold xrp
It's kind of good news
It's a amm, um
Okay, got it don't don't make me nervous now don't don't make me nervous now
Okay, it's called the amm
money market and they've been working on it for years and and the crazy thing is is releasing on new um valentine state
so if anyone does have xrp now they can get passive income and it what it does is it makes um
You can use it for the forex markets. So I think it'll be a game changer in the next few years
That's the best news of today apart from the rest is kind of flimsy
All right. Well, you should be called like the xrp pump page
No, no, no, it's just a fact not a not a pump just a fact
Yeah, big boy cryptos retiring bro. That throne is empty. It's all yours king. It's all yours, bro. It's all yours
Papa digis into xrp hardcore too. So yeah, oh, it's really great value. But yeah, a big respect. Nice
Nice, um nice channel you've got here. I appreciate it. Yeah, I appreciate it. Um
Chief you brought it to us yesterday, bro. You were ahead of the curve like always
Okay dogs
Fucking okay bears are doing the complete opposite what everybody's doing. They're dropping another collection put on e
Like what the like what what's going on here? Why e why do they choose an ether?
They're just saying like we're just gonna like inverse Kramer this bitch and go to
What we think is gonna be pumping in like six months after the etf launching may like you've got I didn't even know anything about
Okay dogs till yesterday and then now it's all come down that it's really okay bears. They're they're bridging over
They're gonna go bridge these dogs over to eat. So your thoughts on that, bro. That's crazy
I never I never I have sold. Yeah, I guess so let's bridge over to eat
So d god's done it but kind of seems like out of the norm these days
Yeah, I don't know, bro
I didn't even know okay bears was still alive
But I mean when you look at you know magic eat and they're still there trending and I think they have a pretty decent
Floor price as well. It's in the hundreds. So yeah, no, sorry not in the hundreds at 17
It's pretty decent
But I don't know why you'd come to eat. I guess especially when you're going from Solana
It's there's nothing new that you're getting over here that you don't really have access to over there if that makes sense
uh, so I don't know i'll be kind of curious to see how this plays out for them because I think it might be a first in
terms of like
Expanding into eth rather than bridging over and stuff like that. So
We'll see people always go to Solana and now Solana's coming to eth and Solana's moving around
They're kind of running the d god's playbook because they've remembered they uh
They moved yeah, they have their ordinal bears or whatever like you or their companion on ordinals
Yeah, now we just need a secondary collection on eth and then they kind of completed the whole d god's playbook
Um, but yeah, that they have those btc ordinals similar to btc d gods
They have their Solana version now. They're gonna have their eth secondary collection
So they're up they're going multi-chain too, which I don't know if that's good or bad
But they've been kind of building lately. They did they have that? Uh
What was the the close drop they had it was like two months ago
So they've been kind of doing stuff on the side and I don't know man. Maybe these do well. Maybe these compete
I don't know
We'll see. We'll see. Um Francis. Hey
Hey, I say d gods one time and motherfucker d gods come up here. What up?
Francis just just tell the okay bear. Just don't do it. Just don't do it
No, but oh
I think it's they're not bridging though, right? It's like a new collection. Yeah, it's a new collection. Yeah
Interesting. Okay. Yeah. No, don't do it. Okay. I'm gonna step down. Yeah, I mean
What did everyone say the future is multi-chain? I mean you had
Kenpye pandas going now you have what is it killer bears going to soul?
Soul coming to eat you got big. I mean the future is multi-chain. You got wallets supporting cross for
Kind of interactions. So people are taking that to heart
And you know, hey, you don't know what to do. Just go to a new chain. There's new people new liquidity
Doesn't they eat narrative the bridge over there's more liquidity over here
Wasn't that like the d god statistics like there's only 16 000 wallets that hold more than a hundred soul on the salon
A chain, but there's over 1 million wallets that hold that same amount on ethereum. There's more liquidity on ethereum
Wasn't that the narrative but now it's not like it doesn't seem like that kind of hold that that like narrative doesn't hold
weight anymore
Seems like a lot of eat people moved over to the soul
So there's a lot more liquidity on eat or on soul now than there was on eat
But still think the eat people are just lazy and just mad rich. They don't give a fuck about anything
I don't see any community built around eat
They're just all like have their own little podcast and they stay in their own little subtext
I don't like see anybody that supports eth like holding community spaces or like
Foulgy, like he's the best thing in the world, man. What are you talking about?
Like there's no one defending this project. Uh, I just wanted to
You say one bad thing about soul like they come out of the woodwork and fucking bash the fuck out of you
So it's like that's the one good thing about souls
Like there's a ravaged community that you know will sit here and defend
well, yeah, because some people move as like an ecosystem rather than as
Like that individual tribalism that kind of been made on eat, right?
And that's one of the things that's that's cool about bitcoin too. I mean initially and it's still it's getting a bit more fragmented
But it's still very moved so much as like ordinals as a whole rather than hey, I represent xyz project because the chances are
There's a lot of crossover in what you collect with other participants in their ordinal space
It's still not big enough to where there's no overlapping at least one asset in your wallet
So that's the cool part about it being so little and small is that you can't really hate on someone
Because you own something that they have in their wallet as well
So at least some way level shape or form you guys cross paths in the same collectability zone for specific things
I did want to just follow up with the closing of the ordinals gang yesterday
Uh, I know that english did a little I mean he just happened to come up right now
But english, uh did a little breakdown and I also gave an intro of you know
Having to inscribe your application putting, you know things that make you stand out the point system
And then with how much you were willing to quote unquote pay for these sub 1k inscriptions
There were 19 of them available. The collection is of 21 with two being for the founding team, right?
Uh, so that's that uh, I think english can correct me. I checked
Discord doesn't have the final resting and neither does uh twitter, but i'm posting the most updated one and it seems that
The highest offer or slash the lowest offer accepted right now is point nine five
highest offer is
1.5 and with the medium of 1.1
I'll double check it now the spreadsheet I showed you you have to refresh it it refreshes in real time
And I think it's one btc is the the minimum the the lowest
Yeah, the lowest bid that was at point nine
Then they took the top 10 off and the highest one after you eliminate the top highest bids is
At the end of the day, I think orderly will
Will just choose a price
But I just can't see it being above
definitely not above 1.1 and
At the very least one
Maybe it'll be lower for some weird reason that if he decides to choose that that's I think part of the parameters
But as it stands there's not really um, there's not 19 bids that are below
One btc. So technically all the people that bid they're non-binding
Um, it could very well be that he chooses to make it lower for whatever reason
it will be
A magic eating mint. So basically what happens is whatever price is set
The winners won't be over allocated on the first phase
Then I think the remainder people will be on
first come first serve over allocated and so assuming somebody doesn't mint for whatever reason because they are non-binding
And then public technically so I theoretically could still go public for whatever that it is
And if you're like familiar with like sam spratt and like other options that have existed before where like they reward people who bid
Um, h o just said like in in the discord. He's like don't worry
There's rewards or for people that just put in bids. So i'm assuming that has to do with like the 420
Childs that they're inscribing of these and so each each gang member has like 20
Different like versions of itself as as children like so just different traits
And so i'm assuming that it's correlated to that. So if you just inscribe something for 20 bucks
And sent in a 0.5 bid even even if you weren't really gonna fucking spend 0.5 on it, which was the minimum
You'll probably be rewarded for that and he did mention something about a raffle
I'm assuming it's with anybody that put that actual bid in I doubt that it'll be
free or cheaper the thing, but maybe
Maybe it's something where like the people that are like towards the end. They just group them together and they do a raffle
I don't know, but there's some gamification is my point to it
So you're gonna get this or what english you're gonna get it
Yeah, so the thing I have a successful bid in
Um, I put at 0.015. I had started at 0.75 and I bumped it up this morning
You know, it's tough because it's a lot of my liquidity that I would tie up
I'd have to see a couple things. Um, most likely i'll close it
Most likely it'll have to do with the pontim cats and the volume
So because of cats they were aware of it. And so they pushed it back to
monday the 5th
Um, it probably would have been today or tomorrow to claim and the mint and since taproot wizards pushed it back
To the 5th, I think they'll give another 48 hours
So if I do pretty well and I feel comfortable where I don't mind tying up some liquid in
In an asset that I believe in that's a little bit more liquid
Definitely will pull the trigger. You know, i'm also eyeing a bitcoin shroom, which is a little bit more expensive
um, and I think we'll probably have a higher demand just because it's it's
I think it has more eyes on it
And the art is pixel art. I just I think it has more mass appeal overall
so if it if I was really
Tied to choose one like i'm very close to the ordinary system, but I think just from a practical
You know x's and o's type of thing where i'm just looking at numbers
Um, if I had to choose one, I'd probably just end up with a bitcoin shroom
So we'll see i'm just happy that I have the options options are good in life. So
Oh, yeah, and I don't like to do this, but we have to talk about it and it's macro and uh
Justin us approves plans to strike in iraq serious cbs news
US plans to have been approved for multi-day strikes against multiple targets including iran personnel and facilities
Last time we saw this with ukraine. We had a massive dump. It's almost to the day
I think it was like february of 2022 where we had the first invasion of like russia and i
Ukraine and typically during the very like fog of war in the very beginning
That's where we kind of see the markets nuke a little bit
So I don't know how this is going to affect the market
But i don't plan that it's going to do very well with us going to war with iran
You guys should look into like proxies and and who this war is really against like iran and russia are very cozy
This is more of a proxy war always has been with us in russia
and I don't think it kind of
We we're starting to see banks fail too guys
And uh, this is what the government does when stuff starts to collapse and they go to war. Um, if you guys don't believe me
Uh, u.s. Regional bank stocks came out today. You have ny community bank down 37
Volley nation bank down six percent harbor one down four percent home street down four zion's bank down four
kamerica bank down three percent
So like banks are starting to fail
There's a chart that I have on that too about banks failing. I had it yesterday, but we just didn't get to it
But I think that nycb bank tanked. Yeah
The new community bank which acquired acquired the collapsing signature bank
You guys remember that cut their dividend by 70 percent
They all they also posted a quarterly loss of 26 million while 25 million gain was expected
Look at that chart bro. Look at that chart
Yeah, and then arthur hayes has been talking about like
This invisible we've been talking about the fed balance sheet is ballistic
And i've been talking about how they've been secretly bailing out banks under cover and arthur hayes has been talking about this
Expiration of this kind of way that the government's been funding these collapsing banks is going to expire sometime in march
and arthur hayes is saying the market and all the banks are going to collapse on that day because
With interest rates so high and then cutting off like bailing these banks out
It's going to collapse a lot of markets and uh banks are going to start going under like we saw like in may of last year
So yeah banks are down
People are collapsing we're going to war. So markets are probably going to be affected
Um, I you know, i'm not an expert at this
But just want to keep you guys updated on everything and obviously, you know, i'd drive a truck for a living
I'm, not like fucking a cbs anchor, but there's more research and it'd be done to this
Maybe i'm off by rocker, but that's just my opinion on how this is going to play out
I definitely think the markets are going to be affected by this and arthur hayes is saying sometime in march
You're going to see a nuke of the market based off this expiration of this like fed bailout to bank
So we'll see where it goes man. It's not it's not the best topic
But we we're in in this market
We got to keep you know, tap of stimulus checks in china
And vacations and and stuff that are going around macro. So
We'll see how it goes. It's not it's not the greatest a bit in the world, but something we need to discuss chief
You got something for me. I'm gonna have to deliver this package real quick. Yeah, give me one second close to the top
You just be saying let me you got something for me halfway through shit, bro, like I didn't even get time to scroll or nothing
So i'm posting up to the top blockchain dice
Um, I know a lot of people were interested in how this came out
We've had a lot of fun with gaming projects recently and just how they're going to break down their allocation
Uh just seem to have the markets reacting to this. I think it's been a little bit more positive than
Aof verse and anything like that ultimately when they came out with statements, you saw an immediate dump
Whales coming out there and I mean blockchain seems like it's doing pretty well
Right even for the the actual week and the day is 24 percent up since this I mean for the the 24 hour volume
sorry 24 percent up for the day
and um five percent for the last 24 so
Info is community rewards 25 percent of the token
It says total supply 1 billion block tokens block is the value of exchange for the block
block games player network protocol
Community rewards will be 25 percent anyone who wants to take part of the block three percent air drop at tge
Must use the block games app to be eligible
So once again for those of you guys that don't know block games dice is almost like a gaming incubator
It charges different companies a x amount of block token in order to advertise and participate on their platform and on their app
So it's almost as a means of distribution and for getting daily active users
Air drop is only three percent as previously stated
At tge the total percent of block supply will be distributed to the community
The three percent will be divided according to the total air drop points
Accumulated from the 15th of december until the block tge
meaning that
You're 15 or 16 days late to this farming experience, but there is no cutoff yet
So you can continue to farm?
Soft steak dice owners can redeem 100 of unlocked block at tge for the air drop points that they accumulated over the air drop season
For anyone else who accumulated air drop points without dice or listed or sold dice that accumulated air drop points
Will receive the locked block that will vest over six months and can redeem instantly with token burning penalty
Community rewards will be 22 percent
infused dice
Will be five percent infused dice have a 24 month
Linear vesting as long as the dice is soft state post tge
If the dice is solar transferred it carries over the infused block that's vested and remains unclaimed
The ecosystem we have allowed it allotted
4.5 of block from the ecosystem pool for market makers and liquidity provision to ensure block stability and growth
The dice holders receive not only a hundred percent of unlock of their accumulated points at tge
But also five percent dice infusion followed by all future community rewards
Our vision is publishing a new paradigm powered by on-chain gaming
Identities that is sustainable and benefits all ecosystem stakeholders block air drop is still early
Only 30 percent of the air drop time has passed. What are you waiting for? Grab your dice and get started
That's the price nukes based on that's gone up
The more information we get about this shit the blood
It's gone up and that's kind of what I was saying that yeah, I mean has it uh five percent up for the day and
24 percent up for the week
Maybe it's something maybe something's going on here. I know that we've been talking about block dice games forever, bro
Like below 0.1. They ran up all the way to like 0.9
More information came out. It like retraced back down to 0.3. So what's the pull price right now chief 0.4?
The 0.4 says about right where I expected it to be so
Token almost came out and we'll see how it goes. It's been forever
This is better than one percent to the community here
At least they're doing the five percent infused ice plus the three percent that they unlock, you know
That's really what fuck people is ao f verse or and all the other gaming projects dropped the ball
So literally block game dice had to do anything besides screw people over
That there's a lot of fresh liquidity sitting on the sidelines waiting for a gaming project that'll reward them, you know
It hasn't been a great month for these token drops for games either
So maybe this one will be positive and and kind of get the momentum back on these nfts
They have tokens intentionally because they seem to be fumbling the bad bag this past month, but uh
Every drop every fucking new project is now going to offer you an airdrop guys
So as long as they're going to continue to do it
I'm going to continue guys showing you guys the opportunities and you can participate if you want
It might be hamburger money. It might they might never give points
But my job is to show you opportunities. You didn't know we're there. There's a there's a twitter are a game called meme dot fun
Create trade and collect memes. It has 1.1 k followers relatively new that came out on the 12th with this airdrop something fun is coming soon
For my understanding. This is like a memory card based game
But it has notable followers. If you look at the followers, there's some big people caught
It's just like a game with memory cards takes two seconds to play once a day collect points if you want to try and stack them
um, so you basically just play the game you get up the leaderboards and uh
Hopefully they airdrop you a token if they never come out with one a lot of this stuff
Like we're gonna look back in six months and we're like do you guys remember doing these points?
And do they ever come out with them?
Like no, I was like I spent like four days doing that and they didn't give me shit
But uh, I like a little thing for major here. Uh, sign up meme dot fun slash points climb the leaderboards
By playing the game rewards a referral code
Uh a day on a day one of launch a discord invitation other surprises soon happily farming
So you just play the game earn points. We'll see how it goes
Let's go on it up. Hey, yo, I want to go check out these nuts real quick
And holy shit, bro, I guess other people caught on to this because it's like
More expensive than it was before yesterday you hit a hundred clip for about 38 bucks
Now you're hitting a hundred clip for about 57 almost 60
Yeah, she she could have made money just if you had a bag of these nuts
Farming still live
No, I was just doing it, bro
You know, I think I realized that at the hundred clip they might like
Look at it suspiciously because I did a few and like it kind of took away some like diamonds
So I don't know. It's like you never get a hundred
You can put that at a hundred by the time
like all of the wallets and you know the
The flint stones run in the background connecting the wires back there like you end up with 20 of them
So that's why I run the whole hundred clip because I know i'm not gonna get a hundred but I just ran it right now
And i'm getting four and five diamonds per buy so
Oh for sure. Yeah store is still open. Yeah, I'll go farm these tokens out
Well, you know you brought this project onto my radar and now that i've looked at it
My algorithm just shoots me this information all the time and we were talking about, you know, cosmos ecosystem for a while
And it's been injective season or not inject but a celestia season if you've held celestia for the past month
you've been rewarded with the dym airdrop and and some other things and uh
Basically said yesterday that I feel like we're going to convert into the next phase, which is injective season and this hydro phi
Uh was announced and it's like liquid staking
Um for injective, um, so liquid staking comes to injective. Congratulations to the hydro phi on their launch
You can access liquid staking with hydro right away by using leap dapp browser or connect to the leap on the web
Hi inject is also live on leap now mint and see in your portfolio
So like this went live people found out about this and of course since there's airdrops involved
Um, it went ballistic like tbl went crazy
Just like we've seen with pith and all anything anybody else that's uh rumored to have an airdrop
For just staking you see the tbl rocket and I have a post here
Of what happened with it? So
Tbl on injective surged to 68 million in a few hours of mainnet and in this guy joshie
Smart says watch this two minute plus tutorial video on how to position for hydro hydro phi early
Access farming. I use leap cosmo here. You can use kepler or metamass. So
Gives you a video of a two minute video if you have injective and you want to farm this hydro protocol for its airdrop
It's pretty simple. It's similar to other defies like uh,
Margin phi where you just borrow win steak and you and you can farm points
But uh, yeah injective season starting to heat up a lot of people are
Basically saying hey, you know like do this farm this and if you stake the injective inside our protocol
You'll be able to get airdrop tokens. So
You know, a lot of us do have injective and we've been waiting for airdrops
But it's starting to heat up and uh, here's hydro
Came out earlier this week and people are already creating videos on how to farm the protocol and earn those points
So you do get that airdrop when it does come out. So pretty interesting. I thought it was uh something to talk about and um
I have uh zero tom
He has I look at some of his posts and he says two of the best airdrops plays are present are present are deposit usdc
liquid x hlp vault for 140 per cent apr earn points
Two months left of the points program and then he also said deposit usdc into drift protocol
99 per cent apr earn points just under three months left for points program vault currently full
uh, but talks of enlarging it so
This guy thinks the two best airdrops are actually depositing usdc into hyper liquid x
And drift protocol to earn those aprs, but also gain points whenever they drop too. So
Just trying to keep keep everybody updated on everything that's going on. Uh, you know
Airdrop wise and uh, you know, we haven't talked a bunch about injective and I thought you know
Hey, here's a here's some opportunities if you do hold on some injective, you know
Watch this video and possibly get that airdrop. So just gonna throw it out there for you guys
Have uh just some other watch lists
You know just to give you guys some some help and some research of some things you possibly want to stay up to
And uh crypto distilled launched this uh tweet yesterday crypto innovation watch list do your own research stay ahead
Often means researching early stage projects before their token generation of it
Innovation precedes token products follow. So this is his list of things that are
Don't have a token and he did some research and said hey, you know look into these uh, see if you can farm
These possibly be the next kind of projects we talk about like no one knew what dimension was until like two weeks ago
And now everybody knows about dimensions
Well, I see some of these possibly be in the same way where you know
We get you know the confirmation of an airdrop and people start talking about these so hyper oracle
Is a pioneer of optimistic mw rml. We have drain protocol agent to agent network
We have peak network as a dpin layer one plus machine rwa's
It's just a it's a list here of just what they are and what they do. I'm super bullish on modular
Because when you use modular blockchains, um that helps other layer twos with validation and typically those layer twos
Will reward those data availability modular blockchains with
with tokens similar like we've seen with celestia and um
Eigen layer so a few of these that are modular that i'm pretty bullish on are ritual net
It's a modular execution layer for ai. We have glacier labs, which is a module modular l2 data network
And I think those are the two that involve modular which
I think those are better ways where you own the coin
And since you are helping with data availability, they reward you with the token since you are staked on those modular blockchains
So just look at those
Can you say modular one more time modular blockchains my new favorite thing bro
Ever since celestia just airdropped me fucking money for for that kind of shit
I'm like, dude, this is the alpha is get into these modular blockchains that help with data availability
You should go over there and be like, uh the cool times of like modular blockchains and like
Yeah, be like a content creator
Yeah, I don't think I don't know if there's anything built on topular modular blockchains at this moment
Um, they really help l2s out but other than that, I don't know if there's nft marketplaces or what but we'll definitely keep you updated
Maps on celestia maps
Celestia maps would be a fucking banger for real. All right. Let's go to stephen. I'll throw it to blaze. What up stephen
Hope you guys are having yourselves a good day so far wanted to bring you a couple of quick
Art updates and I don't think that you guys had covered at the beginning, but I
Easily could have just gone deaf for a few
Um, the clear silver drop yesterday, um minted out. Oh, I talked about it stephen. I talked about it, bro
Bro, that thing flew under isn't it under mint price?
Um, I have not checked what it's that currently but based on how fast it flew
I am very much. So not worried about what the price is at right now if it is under because straight away
Um ai art is alive and well on ethereum
So it's probably gonna still have its moment
When people look back and realize holy shit, like there was actually fashion drops
Um that were ai tied that entire world has hardly even come over
Into blockchain yet. And when they start seeing what claire did with this drop, like they're going to be all over it
So not particularly worried there
Um, but I was blown away by how fast it went. Um, I thought that was the the craziest part. So
Given that ai art is alive and well
I wanted to share a couple of other things that you guys um, because one of them
Is coming up quickly next week, um, and it will be debuting during nft, uh paris
And that is um a collection from pinder van arman. I know that it's been on some people's, uh radar so far
But um, I just do a very very base post on it today, um, but it was inspired
Some part by the work of like one of the pioneering ai artists harold cohen
Um, so to me like a lot of like even early ai art scene
Um is already starting to show that they're rallying behind that collection
I can post up more details on that mint a little bit, but it's going to be very very contested for point three three
Then I also had the news on that bitcoin drop from
Earlier in the week. I told you guys I couldn't talk about it yet. Well, I can talk about it now
Um ryan coopman's I told you guys was dropping this piece called the origin
Um on bitcoin he didn't he was the one behind that inscription from last week or the week prior
Where there it was two weeks ago. Yeah, um where he'd inscribed six really high fidelity images
Uh because like upwards of seven grand
well, he's announced today that the origin is going to be part of
his wild within series, um, that was originally minted over on ethereum
And essentially using ancestor parent child provenance
It's going to utilize recursion to change the scenery from day to night based on the actual time zone that the
Architectural ruin is actually located in so there's some really interesting innovation behind the scenes on this one
But he is such a notable artist. I'm really excited to see what where this goes
It's going to be sold on magic eden as a one of one. Um, the auction will start at 11 a.m. Eastern time
Um on february 6th, so it's coming up quick. The reserve price is 0.5 btc. It will run for 48 hours
Um, and I expect it's probably going to do very very well
So if you want to get on in on a early one of one art
Over on bitcoin, I would suggest giving this a look for sure because it looks really solid
Dude, he saw this. He saw the art and he knew who the artist was 30 seconds after he saw it
Like that's how this dude is so fucking tapped in. What do you think of the matryka drop today stephen?
I really like I really like the artist
uh, ronnie koffman has been around for a while and he's going to have a really dope piece for uh,
magic the blocks but
The thing that i'm more excited about on that is that I think there's more utility planned for that as like a almost like a pass
To additional upcoming drops on bitcoin in the matryka ecosystem
So i'm pretty pumped about that one as well
um, but to me, I think that the big moves going forward are going to be a lot of the big ai gen art projects on um eef
Some of the more ambitious projects like matryka blocks generative on bitcoin and one of one art on bitcoin
So i'd be keeping an eye out for that. There's going to be no shortage of mints next week
Um, i've already done some pretty significant work on the list
For next week that will be dropping monday morning. Um, and it's just
It's stacked because of nft paris
Like there's so much fine art that's going to be dropping in the next two weeks. It's insane
So, um, I will certainly keep you updated on that because it's going to keep me busy
Yeah, and the transient lab one today the the foe the cell
Have you seen this one?
Yes cells can be so it's that's an interesting one because it's a one of one drop
Initially, and then there's like what they're calling a collector's choice
Mint, I think it was an additional 50 or 100 pieces
It everything transient does is just so next level
and brings new intricacy and complexity to like the overall art scene that
I don't even know how to keep up with what is technically going on behind the scenes in this one
Like that's that's just how much is going on there. So
It's worth watching for sure. Um, but apparently the art freezes yet
The there are five different artworks in each token collectors can shift between artworks until foes deadline and then the art will freeze
That's cool, man. I like that the gamification of that shit
Yeah, it kind of reminds me of what you've what you had on alter ego a little bit
But the fact that it locks in place after a period of time is dope
Yeah, I remember someone else did that was a
Was a rip cat? No, I'm not gonna fucking act like I know but I remember hearing about someone doing this before maybe it
Was transient lads helping them out, too
Um, yeah, appreciate all the information bro and giving some detailed
Um descriptions of what this is and who's behind it and yeah nft paris is next week
Totally forgot about that
Did not even know that was a thing
And did you guys see fucking hester pierce is gonna be in east denver?
What the fuck the sec fucking chairman's gonna be at east denver like you're not bullish on eth
Eddie said it you're you're bearish and we have the sec commissioner gonna hang out with in east denver
Come on, bro. That's gonna be that's bullish. That's bullish blaze. Go ahead, bro
That's good
Yeah, so a couple things. I don't know who was farming a proto coin
But uh, if you were I saw that bubbles put out a tweet. She said uh to all my fellow portal coin holders
Please do not forget to submit your wallets. So, uh
Yeah, if you don't submit your wallet, apparently you ain't gonna get no money. So
Make sure you get that money
I'm dry like a beginner and I said dry like i'm from the dmp. So my bad if
Jai, like it's just some shit. We say but anyway
I'm pretty much a beginner
When it comes to uh, order notes and everything because i'm super old school with counterparty xcp like that's what i'm familiar
with dispensers and shit
I will say that being here you guys
Actually know what you're talking about because everything that you say when I go back and dyor which is what I hope
everybody else does
It checks out
so I just wanted to say that like it's it's making it a lot easier to be onboarded and the order news and
And stamps and things of that nature and it's hella cool to see fine art
uh coming to bitcoin because uh
I feel like fine art it just belongs on every chain
Like I love to see fine art on salona and seeing it on bitcoin is even cooler
I I agree bro, and I I appreciate the dm last night and yeah, we try really hard
We're really proud and we try really hard to make sure
That if you are tuning in this space that you actually learn something and we're not just regurgitating the same threads
That everybody else regurgitates, uh, and it's lazy content creating these people ship it in
They have an audience and they really don't care about you guys
I mean they probably do but I really care that when you tune in that we're talking about stuff that no one else is
Talking about and I take pride in it and like the threads that you guys see like no one else has threads like that
This is all information that me chief and the community come up with days before this space
And we just try to make sure that at least you're going to spend your time here
You're rewarded with something that you learned or maybe an opportunity. You didn't know was there. Uh, so
Appreciate you blaze and the kind words and uh before we end phantom released something about an hour ago. It says psa
We're currently experiencing a ddos attack
There are attempting to overload our systems and some services may be temporarily temporarily interrupted your assets are all safe
Thanks for bearing with us while we work to resolve these issues. We will post an update when things are back to normal
So if you're experiencing some kind of issue with your phantom wallet, it seems like it's a ddos attack all your stuff's safe
Just make sure
That you don't click any links or any phishing scams. I'm sure some people are going to try to take your juke from you
Appreciate you guys. I'm gonna leave
I gotta continue delivering here and I'll leave it here for chief to go over our sponsor and just end the show
So we'll talk to you guys on friday
And uh, i'll see you then
Talk to you then
Appreciate everyone that came out man. Everyone who wrote it out the whole time with us for the tda
Appreciate everyone that has notice on
Uh, it's all possible because of you guys coming up contributing
Stage is always open for you to become a part of a community to become a part of the tda as well
Uh, shout out to chris man
Not only that but the space tda is sponsored by i'm so
Um for you guys to know i'm so is currently the one who launched the evolve token the evolve
It is off of salana based on there. You can find it in the bird eye app or the bird eye website
It powers four different new mini games along with their endless runner
Uh bonk was one of the first
Investments and check writers into chris and his vision. He's been building on soil for the longest time
And has a heavy partnership with bonk as well in terms of them holding and uh supporting the evolve token
We'll be covering i'm so for the remainder of the month with different looks into their ecosystem from the token the games
To bitmap valley, so appreciate everyone. That's a part of the tda for making this possible as well
Shout out to chris for making that and available to us in our community
There is a giveaway that you guys can participate from chris check out the details there
Just participate follow what he says and you guys have a chance to win 1.5 soul
Other than that guys be on the lookout for alison's thread. It'll come out in a couple hours
That's how we reward our community members whenever we get any kind of whitelist allocations for anything gets deserved to earn
Show us some love and we'll show you some love so it's tda or stay poor. We do this tuesday through saturday
945 to about 12 12 30 central and we'll catch you guys tomorrow
Y'all be safe and have a good rest of your day