Recorded: Feb. 17, 2024 Duration: 1:45:52



Yo, yo, what's up?
I'm just say I wasn't contracted to be here. I'd probably not be here
Can you hear that
What rain no, that's no I'm driving on fucking ice my guys
This is raining with how like heavy it's oh my god, bro
I think it's pretty dangerous. I I've been out here for probably an hour
So I basically went to all the dangerous areas
Already and kind of did that and got stuck a few times so I could do the show and spin these plates
While driving on ice so hopefully I don't fucking kill myself. So we'll see
That whole chains thing was something that I didn't even know where y'all don't do often
That was like a normal thing if you got ice
Well to do chains once a year like
We get snow like this bad maybe once a year
So I don't think it's that big of a priority to people to spend all that money on
Fleets and fleets of trucks for one day and then put the chains on and then take them off as a hassle in itself
Yeah, yeah your ass right then probably make your ass put it on your own fucking truck. Yeah
Yeah, I'm like double area I'm like the first area in my route is a bunch of hills and like the ice is
Melted and it sits at the bottom of the hill and it freezes and that's like we're intersections are
So you got to go like really slow at the bottom of the hills
But you'll slide right into like fucking moving traffic and shit
So it's like it's not it's pretty stressful to be completely honest
Because I like you got to concentrate on like every inch
I'm driving just so I don't hit cars and make sure I don't fucking slide out and then getting the package to the fucking
Front door. No one shoveled their goddamn stairs. I'm slipping and sliding all over the fucking place
So it's just like it's like I said if I wasn't contracted to be here
I probably could call the show because I'm pretty stressed out and this is not safe to be doing all this
Okay, we'll manage bro, you know
Not really, okay
You know what I'm saying? We got it. We got to carry the weight too. So you're good
pinned up to the top we got the
Sponsor shout out to I'm so and Chris for sponsoring the TDA
I'm so is a
cross chain
Interoperable infrastructure between Solana and Bitcoin powered by the Evolve token that can be found on the bird eye app
there's a couple ways to actually utilize your Evolve and
Participate in the I'm so ecosystem currently pinned up to the top is a five hundred dollar
Giveaway, all you got to do is record yourself playing them this runner
Not only do you win Bob, but and then you also get entered into the separate giveaways plus the reward multipliers
That Chris is doing for his ecosystem currently. So shout out time. So for sponsoring the TDA, man means a lot and appreciate you
So we like penguins we like penguins
Yeah, do penguins going crazy. I mean
The chain matter the chain just penguins, right?
Yeah, except for that one penguin that we bought into the one that got the guy that sent the penguin to space
Yeah, we got what about the pings the pings unblocked
Bitcoin are fucking running. I was like woke up this morning and like they had like 28 Bitcoin in volume overnight
I was like kid. I think they broke the record yesterday, dude
Thousand pending. Yeah, most pending at one time. They hit over a thousand at one point
Is this the new is this the is this the next coming of Bitcoin puppets like what the fuck like?
Is this something that's just a with DJ and DJ and mint and people are I think it's DJ in flavor of the week
But it also has that
BRC 20 bot and we all know how people love their tokens and just you know
The idea or the ability to have a head
So it's like that. It's court discord bot that you get revenue share for right? Yeah. Yeah
So that's the the quote-unquote utility like the paying is your access and your entry way into that ecosystem
But I think that you know people deploying mad capital are
Probably just trying to get a bigger kickback on you know when they do rev share and just for the bot itself
Yeah, I mean they call it like the thousand pending trade. They got all the way the point zero zero seven
I'm like damn and then trail posted like we've been cooking point zero zero eight and then by the time I get home
I'm the snowstorm. The motherfuckers are back to point zero zero two like undercut the shit out of that floor
And then this morning they were up as fuck too
And then I guess America woke up and was like oh pings back up dump them
Oh fuckers, and then they're right back down so it's it's interesting that they run overnight
And I mean this is kind of how it's been
But most of these things run overnight and me as someone who wakes up at like 4 or 5 a.m
I'll come in and I'll look and I'm like oh
Damn, this shit looks nice and recovered and then by the time the show starts
We're back to America's regular, you know broadcast transmission stuff. They're all on pizza sets, too
Notice that remember the pingos
weren't those all on pizza sets too, but this just like a fucking replay these teams this team rug and just
Redeploy a new penguin the Bitcoin the BTC pingos, right the little finger
Remember when they all were thrown on magic even at one time
That's how they used to do it where they just like they inscribed them and then it was just like first come first serve
They're all at a listing price on Magic Eden. Everybody fomoed the fuck in those at like point zero zero four
And they ran all the way like point zero two. I
Was like those were on pizza sets too. I'm like, dude, what the fuck penguins like penguins penguins penguins and then
Obviously yesterday after the show left fucking you go labs decides to go buy and fucking moonbirds and pretty much put the
Last straw and the camels back that broke the camels back and that kind of pudgy penguins flip board aches overnight
But that finally happened penguins moonbirds
board apps, I mean
Sheesh I don't know dude. It's tough. Like if you're a holder I can understand feeling slighted
But then again, like if I'm a holder and if my quote-unquote leader
Passed on a deal like this when he could just come into acquisition of you know
Just 50 million dollars a whole new district like network of distribution. You got to put on a different hat, dude
You got it. You got to kind of realize that yeah, this might not directly benefit me
But if I am to look at this from his perspective or from, you know operations
This is a golden move for them
Right regardless of what people think and how community sentiment is and all that extra bullshit
And there's and it's a win-win, you know, Kevin Rose. Kevin Rose is soft as fucking cotton my guy
Yeah, like he is he has no
Master magician my man rug millions of dollars dumps on his community and manages to exit with an
advisor role at yuga
Yeah, but he took that advisor role off his bio overnight
Oh, he was getting so much flack on the internet. Like dude, just log the fuck out my guy
Like you're you're you're like capitulating on what your actual role is at yuga. You're like, you're scared to even represent what you
Like come on my guy like what the fuck are you doing?
And then just thinking about it obviously moonbirds and kevin like the team is art centric
So i'm imagine yuga, you know, they did 12 fold
my my theory here is that this is
They're going to be doing using kevin and proof's
To get artists and I don't think that they're putting art on eat
I think that this is like them starting their journey into bitcoin
I think kevin rose and and proof are and now that yugas are combined
This is their entry into getting contact with artists and putting more art on the bitcoin
That's kind of I feel like this what's going to happen with yuga in the future
It's the only thing they haven't done well
Well don't have a lot of attention on like they did do 12 fold
They did that like when everybody was early, but like they're in gaming they done pfp's
And now art right like they've done a half-ass job
And I think this is their attempt to do a pretty good job
And I feel like the connections that kevin has
They're going to be using those to onboard new artists on the bitcoin and launch more ordinals project. What do you think about that?
Well, yeah, I mean stevie ela they've been cooking and and you know i've been in chats with them for
Like months now probably six months of there. They have an interest or he just was like peaked
Um just throughout the ordinals movement. It took a while for them to even see validity in it, but have since came too
I mean, I didn't think that it would be you know through yuga's extension that they would be doing that
But it does open the door for yuga to be like hey look
Um, this is kind of our entryway already use this as your base and then just build from here, you know
The same way that that proof has like the passes
They could just say hey 12 fold is going to be the past now and you know, this will give you access for xyz
Yeah, I was like curious if they even maybe do some kind of uh
Burn to put moonbirds actually on bitcoin and it being like the the flagship yuga on bitcoin
Like, you know how board apes are the flagship on e but moonbirds would be their flagship on
Ordinals. I don't know. I was thinking about that. I was thinking about a lot last night
like how could they do the best job and like
There's already like three versions of you know, self-inscribed back in our degeneracy days
Uh, that's true. There are a lot already btc moonbirds. I think there's out and owls
There's like three of them. Uh
Yeah, I think there's three main like actual moonbird quote unquote like collections on btc already not official none like
Bigger or worth a fuck but the art is on bitcoin in three different ways. If not more, you know
Yeah, I saw farmer joe talk about that last night. Oh my god, that's that's true. What up gambling. What up, man?
What's up? I this uh, this this title. I don't know if you saw the topics this morning
They were hamburgers and french fries. I got you inspired me for the topics with your uh,
mcdonald's hat
I'll take it bro. I'll take it. Um
I'm good, bro. What's up? X? What's good chief? What's good with everybody to the air stay poor?
Um, i'm feeling good, man. I'm feeling kind of smart
You know one of those times where like your trades are working out lately
Which is a good time to take profits, which I actually did I saw you
Ps5 or whatever. I don't know. It was a little you know a little xbox s
I had to call my little bro and see what what what the cool kids were buying nowadays a little
You know a little profit spent on uh
Something something to keep me busy while i'm watching these charts, but yeah, I stabled up
I'm still holding a little bag of jpegs that you know
I'm comfortable holding while we go to goblin town as chief says
I think we got a few things to look forward to that
I'm excited to get into those pangs were or dub yesterday shout out to
tda and uh trill who I heard shill at first or at least let us know about it first and
shout out to everybody who got in on that man, that was a
W play 45 bucks or sitting at like
250 at least and a lot of folks were able to come up on that we have uh silhouettes coming up on monday
Uh alive confirmed their snapshot is going to happen within the next
24 hours or so. So I actually I sold half of my alive
So i'm sitting on a five five left that i'm just gonna hold and stabled up that say so feeling good, man
A lot to talk about uh, shout out pudgies. I think the next conversation on the pudgies thing
Uh, and i've seen wad mention it and i've seen pio mention it and I think a lot of people are saying it's crazy
But I don't think it's that crazy is like, you know, are we looking at at pudgies to flip punks next?
You know my like simply put we can get we can get into it or not, but simply put i'm like
We're wondering what's next chief was wondering what's next for say now that it hit the dollar
And you know people, you know pudgies just flip dates like what's next for pudgies
You got to look at crypto punks as a gold post and
But what accelerates what excels floor price is the most gambler, isn't it free money or air drops and
The positioning that pudgies has done they've already got air drops like the dimension air drops were 25k
And they have partnered with zk sink for their game
So i'd imagine pudgy penguins are going to get zk sink tokens
And just like stark net like it's going to be very hard to get those because of the bots
And how long that kind of farm has happened
So I think we see the next run up when the announcement of zk sink comes out and then like the allocation towards pudgy
And I think that runs it up for another fucking tenet personally because no one's gonna have to zk sink
You're gonna go check winzer and you're like man
I've been farming zk sink for two years i get shit and then pudgy penguins gets like the biggest allocation
That's gonna run pudgy penguins up fucking even quicker
So I think the next the next move right there
Yeah, that's the question right and then the question is also what's gonna pump crypto punks
Next up and illa was just talking about this on cap and steve
It was just in the space earlier and he's like well, it's hard to deliver for for those projects because the tier is so high
You know pudgy's you I think the answer to your question is attention and pudgy's have all the attention right now and
Crypto punks have attention but you know settle the question of like what's more likely to 2x?
Crypto punk or or pudgy. It's gonna be fun to watch man. Shout out to everybody winning
I think crypto punks is like the safe bet, right?
It's like during a bear market. You want to put your asset in something that
Falls the least like that's why a lot of people will stable up or they go back into bitcoin. I think
Would you rather have two
pudgy's right now or one crypto punk
That's a very good question. I mean if i'm trying to multiply
And I think I rather have two pudgy's and then when we get to the bear flip that those pudgy's and all that
Allocation the tokens into a crypto punk and then hold that crypto punk the whole bear market
That's kind of how I would do it. But pudgy penguins are a strong-ass community
They ain't going to where so
I mean, maybe they are the new crypto punks where a lot of people put their bags into pudgy's next bear
Just because the community is so strong and lucas building and they're continuing to deliver ip. They're not going anywhere
So maybe pudgy penguins are the new crypto punks
Well, we'll say we'll say for uh for ink right because we all know that, you know world peace
Uh trumps everything and puppets are the real crypto punks
World peace baby
I mean, it seems like a lot of you bitcoin puppets that are whales kind of liquidated yesterday to sweep some pingus
So, I don't know how strong you guys motherfuckers are. Yeah, I got it
I'm no whale, but I got I got a loan out on my puppet
So, you know if and when we go to goblin town, i'm okay, and I don't think she got that loan
So try to whoever does i'm ready for goblin town. You might hold on it. It's a sweet one though. So
Puppets out right now, bro
If it's you we're all doing the same thing
Just i'll give you your 30 bucks back if you want your interest back. Just pay your fucking loans, bro
We're here to farm. No, i'm actually using it as a hedge though chief
Like puppets could dump under 0.5 and I would not pay that back. I would just pick up before pups. So
Oh post up top from zk sink three hours ago is what made me start thinking like
The next token for pudgies is zk sink. They're like deep breath in we love you pudgy penguins
Like dude, they're gonna get a fat allocation zk sink whenever that rolls out and with all these
Multiple qualifications qualifications you have to do now for zk sink because of their symbol attacks
Like you're gonna have to get like now they're making you get like a github fucking badge and shit
Like the fact that just owning a pudgy penguin is gonna get your allocation zk sink
I think is the win
so I think a lot of people are gonna go towards that avenue I saw people talking about that for the
Not necessarily zk sink but layer zero and uh the youths and de-gods, right?
De-gods only bridge once
Utes technically bridge twice
So youths would get you know theoretically a double
Allocation of whatever uh comes down the line
So something to think about too when you're kind of looking at you know
If you're trying to just pick up an asset to to get whatever i'm not sure if it's tied to you directly
Bridging right your wallet bridging that asset over or if it's just the fact that it was a bridged asset and you get allocation
So just be careful on that. Well, wasn't it wasn't it?
Did I hear you right are you saying that layer zero is the one that bridged I thought it was wormhole that
I confused
I thought haven't used they de-gods haven't used layer zero. No, then it's worm one of the fucking wormhole
Yeah, well, that's another one that you just made me think of fucking layer zero with little pudgies that token's coming out soon
That's what it is. Okay layer zero was little pudgies where you could move it to any chain you wanted to yep. Yep
Yep, so that's another token that's going to be given the pudgies
I don't know if it goes the big pudgies because they didn't use layers here little pudgies with the layer zero
Maybe little pudgy is the one to get the allocation
He'll move it around and then eventually just bring it back, you know
Little pudgies where little pudgies are right now and board apes are it's very similar to right before
We went into a crypto bull market last time where a lot of people were
Contemplating on like I can't afford a board ape. I'm gonna buy a mutinape at two to eth and like pudgy fingers are at two eth
And pudgies just flip board apes. So
Like where did mutants go last bull market? They think they went up to like
if you're kind of trying to look at past history, it looks like little pudgies are mutants and big pudgies are board apes and
Like if you look at like where they went
Maybe we go even higher this time. I don't know. Maybe pudgies go to 150. That's crazy
That is fucking crazy
And then little pudgies maybe go to 16 to 20
So if you are trying to get an asset and you're priced, I think little pudgies
It's kind of like this year's this cycle's mutinapes
It's sitting in the exact same area and we're like just entering the bull market
Just like we did last time with mutinapes. So we'll see man. This is gonna be interesting
It's pretty excited
I can't tell I don't have any more little pudgies. I sold all mine, but maybe I need to go pick up some more
Um, but yeah
What's up for the pours with your little clayna store down there? I don't think i've ever seen you on stage
So don't disappoint. How are you doing? Don't make this a shell probably bring some value. I don't know man. What's up
All right
for the poor
For the pours. All right, I guess he's not coming up or he's not talking. So he's engaged with farming
for the pours
That's what I thought. Bye
So we've been talking about grass right grass
Da da da you get you you download the browser extension and you believe it in the background
And then while you leave it in the background you earn points
Token metrics said yesterday that the confirmed airdrop for grass is going to be in march of 2024
That's pretty big. That's the same rumor that's been going around about grass and apparently like the grass account
Came out and said don't believe any of that bullshit unless it comes directly from us
Um, I can look it up
But I think I heard like last week or I was seeing the same thing and people were just I don't know
I think they're farming their referrals, bro
Because with grass the easiest way to earn is not you
Giving up your uh, I guess internet bandwidth in that sense, but it's um referrals, right the mlm
like metrics
And and the percentage of the split are heavily towards you getting people under you and them
creating pyramids
Uh, and it even pays higher than if you just farm yourself. So I think that that's what's kind of going on
Uh, I mean if you are new to grass
Um, I would just ask one of your friends dude. Ask one of these group chats that you're in
Um use these threads as information
But if you're going to give someone a referral or something like that
You know what i'm saying?
Like check with people who are around you or in your circles that could be potentially doing the same thing
And that way you guys can help each other out, right?
So doesn't hurt it is a little I would say not necessarily sketch
But you can't run a vpn because your rewards are limited due to the fact that it uses
internet bandwidth availability in a sense, um
for ai like information and just like uh accessibility so
Can be good can be bad if you're doing some function
I wouldn't bother with it because it is some type of a monitoring system if you really don't care if it's on a laptop
That you don't use or something just farm your heart out
Uh, go ahead acid
Yo, so uh express are you here?
Yeah, i'm bro i'm here what's up, yo, bro, so I was hopping around twitter things, right?
And bro, I heard somebody talking one time, bro. I was like what the hell and yo
Bro, I heard someone talking about grass bro, and I was like wait a minute
Some money. I was like I can make some money doing something. I was like, wait a minute
I'm gonna go to express it when I ask him about this shit, man
Someone said ask a friend about grass. I was like i'm about to ask my friend about grass, bro
I don't know the guy that was talking about it, but it was some chief chief queef or something like that
I was like, bro. What espresso was grass bro. What is that?
So grass is a web browser extension like a like your metamask, uh, google chrome extension
Right, you know what that is, right? The web browser is the google chrome extensions
You download theirs, which is the grass one you start up you log in
um, you run in the background and it uses your
Was it wi-fi or your unavailable space on your computer to like farm it or use it for like their benefit and
The fact that you let them access to that you get points for it
Wait, wait, wait
So you're saying if I have a hard drive with about a 750 gigabyte or a terabyte they can use that and give me something for it
No, it's I think it
It's it's internet. It's in that space
Computing power is you're letting them access your unused
isp bandwidth
So let's just say you pay for two gigs and you're using you know what i'm saying technically like 50 gigs
They would rent out slash let ai
For information for machine learning from all this kind of stuff have that as computing power for them to tap in if they need it
Oh, I get it. So it's your bandwidth making you you're staking your bandwidth
And that depending on how and what what you know people do with their privacy
It's a little it's a little iffy if you want to go to the grass one
Just because you can't use a vpn either if you're running a vpn you do not receive rewards
So it has to be direct from like your actual ip and you
Quote and quote loaning out your bandwidth
So if you're okay that kind of stuff and you're not doing anything you're not worried or an extra laptop or something
Then farm away
Okay. Okay, so I get it
It's typical web 3 it's like, you know the whole you can either have convenience or security
You know what I mean?
You have to balance the two out
So you got to give them your convenience internet connection to securely have some way of passively generating something for it, right?
That's pretty cool
I would say I would say if you are looking in to get to it
Like it's getting pretty close to when they're going to have their tge which is their token generated event
I think if you're trying to get into now, I think you're kind of late
But doesn't mean that they're not going to have other rewards or stages of releasing their coin
So if you are trying to capitalize, I think this is going to print you a thousand dollars
I think you're kind of late to it
But wouldn't hurt just leaving the background and maybe there's maybe like a mechanism where they have a second airdrop or something like that
So just wanted to think you are running a little late on it
Oh, it's all right
Would you happen to have a list of things that work in this type of sense?
Like certain programs or softwares that do this kind of thing that work with your bandwidth or you know things like that?
I think I could probably think of them. Um, you give me
This weekend I could send you a list a bunch of like test nets some things if you want to farm airdrop wise so
You should make it make it an actual note and give it to everybody at the one at one time bro in a post
And I would definitely get it right there. We've been doing that and we just got fucking shadow banned. Um, allison. Oh
Yeah for the past I would say month and a half two months after every show
Allison went over our community members has put in everything we pin up from airdrop
test nets to all the information in a post after the show
And she got like rate limited and like shadow banned and now nothing no one can see the post anymore
So we basically told her to take like the next weekend week and a half off so we can get past this shadow ban
but yeah, if you want to go, um
I could send you a bunch of those threads but um
Yeah, yeah, I could definitely get you some lists some things you want to you want to get on airdrop wise
Yeah, bro, tell me whatever you want man, send me whatever yo, hey, you know me
I'll just send it to everyone else. I know too. That's how I am
What i'm gonna work on doing is getting you to talk about that with bd space bro
Let him know about all that shit too. So you can put you guys on cool
So you can like spread everything you guys know everyone else too. I'm working on though. I got you, bro
You know, I got you i'm working on it
That's you bro. Appreciate you. Thanks for coming up. Yeah, we've been
We've been doing I mean
I think after jeeto came out is when I really started doubling down on trying to provide information
To people for airdrops and since the probably the middle of december
I think every single one of our threads we put out has some kind of airdrop farming from cosmos
to fucking every goddamn chain barra chain all kinds of shit that I find so
Yeah, this is the spot if you are looking for information or resources
We definitely provide that and make this more of like a resource show like we're just trying to give you guys information
So you guys can make the best use of that and use those opportunities to the best your ability. So
Yo, I have an idea bro. I'm gonna do something funny, but it's gonna be good to help you guys out
I'm gonna put that your tda. I'm an ambassador on my bio for a little while. Is that work?
Sure, bro
Why not why not so
Getting into more like if you now since you're talking about test nets, uh and things that the farm there's this new
Protocol called anglo. It's a test net. It's raised 16 million dollars
They have quests they have airdrops and it costs zero dollars since it is on a test net. Um, so
called anglo
So I have a bullet for here. So anglo is a sovereign blockchain built on
Delegate proof of stake dpos
Consensus algorithm with a time chain as its core a robust immutable ledger that enables seamless dap communication and data exchange for decentralized manner
anglo's approach
An omni-chain structure allows it to interact with multiple networks making it versatile in various cross-chain applications and providing fast accurate
Proveable data for dafs development in the ecosystem and this like bread shows you how?
Uh, you can get involved. They've had 16 million
and funding from tribe capital n g c ventures and others
And the first steps would go to anglo.1 test net fill in the information sign up the test net
So this is basically a step-by-step guide on how to participate in their quests
Join their discord to have these things called zealie quests
And this is going to qualify you on their test net to get airdropped whenever that comes out. So this is a new one
this isn't a
trade or like a
Like a crowded trade. So this one probably would be something you probably want to concentrate this weekend and bust it out
Get it out of the way so you guys can
Move on to the next next test net and we got chris up here
So I saw this this morning and I have always thought that our weave
Was the data the file storage that salona preferred the most and then this morning
We had an announcement or maybe it was 24 hours ago that filecoin
So salona's integration with filecoin is a significant move from centralized storage solutions and a remarkable step towards enhancing the
Reviability and scalability in salona blockchain and then totally says i'm excited to see this launch huge
thanks to filecoin for building an awesome decentralized archive layer and the
Titan one who did a lot of work on this so is this just
Them just trying to be decentralized as possible and have as many file storage as possible because I always thought our weave was
Like the backbone for salona, but it looks like filecoins coming over here and going to do some file storage, too
So our weave I think came out before salona
Our weave's just an ipfs blockchain essentially, which is still superior in my opinion because a it's easy to use b
It's cheap as fuck and c it is technically immutable
The only difference is like they're not big on supporting like bigotry or racism
So they do have a terms of services with our weave that says like hey, look
If you're using the blockchain and you're paying rent for space and you put something that is racist or bigoted up on here
We actually will
Stop people from seeing that so it's not that they can remove the data, but the url
You know what? I mean the link to the data so they can block that or whatever
so basically
There is this level of like
If our weave wanted to lose every dollar and get sued by everyone and go to prison
Could they completely just say like fuck it. We're not displaying any of this data
I mean technically but you have that data backed up
So like it's not as if you submitted it on chain like with bitcoin, right?
So you probably have the art it doesn't change the token on the on the blockchain at all
So it's still you know, evolve chimp number, whatever the fuck it just maybe it doesn't have an image
so as the person who owns the authority to the to the nft collection
I can just redirect the pointers inside of those tokens for my nfts, right?
So I can just replace the image
From a new source. So it's not like this end all be all situation
Anyway, the thing about filecoin is I think it uses people's computers
Like my guy was asking a minute ago. Sorry eating, uh bacon and drinking red books. I'm a goddamn american. Um
It's basically like uh, what's that other thing like cheer or whatever?
so it's very similar to that where I think it's decentralized by the fact that it's like uh,
There's a peer to peer element there, but I don't know man filecoin just
I mean and it totally is cool and we like definitely want more users
on this line of blockchain
You know what I mean and like filecoin has a bunch of bag holders
I don't know if you've seen how much filecoin has been worth
in the past
There are a bunch of emotional bag holders holding on to filecoin from prices that are like
I mean ridiculously higher than they are currently i'm talking like 50x higher than they are right now
It feels like so filecoin has seen a lot of price action. You've got a lot of users. You've got um,
a long history, but do I think that like
Projects are just going to switch
From the rweave or not even just rweave. Do you guys know what shadow drive is? So shadow drive is like
kind of an rweave
Similar thing. I I think it's a fork of rweave
But I don't want to put words in their mouth if i'm wrong
But shadow is basically like rweave except for it's more decentralized because there's none of that terms of service shit
So it's like, you know shadow drive is like the most decentralized way to do ipfs for like permanent on-chain storage
And you can also buy your own gigabytes of like shadow drive or rweave and you can host larger files
So you can host, you know a fucking movie for gigabytes, right or something like that six gigabytes
You could do something like that
You can host an entire game from ipfs if you had a hundred gigabytes of rweave space, you know what I mean?
So it I don't think people understand ipfs, you know
And there's a lot of lazy people that are like well
Fuck it just put it on chain which I agree with obviously we're going to talk a lot about that next week and the week
After but at the end of the day, I just wouldn't get like myself in this massive file coin long or
start making this assumption that
File coins gonna in some way replace rweave or shadow drive because i'm just gonna tell you guys right now
Fucking easier to use rweave or shadow drive like infinitely easier
Yeah, I was looking at the chart this morning and the market seems like it at a file points up six percent
I think it went down to like up to 650 back down to like a high five
So it seems like people are excited and people long the fuck out of that news. Probably some insider trading
From my understanding. Okay, so this word's going around a lot insider trading, right?
I'm not a hundred percent sure you can quantify insider trading in an unregulated space with unregulated marketplaces
Yeah, I mean everybody insider trades it's in every market, right?
Just you have a better chance here than any other market
This is literally this show is literally called the daily insider trading, you know what I mean?
Like that's literally what even my kid knows
Yo, if someone wants to tell me to quit medical school ape my entire
You know life insurance plan and pray that nike acquires you tomorrow
Um, i'll do it like, you know, i'll take a loan out on my children
Uh, my children's children, whatever we need to do that was the greatest insider trading i've ever fucking seen
Um back, you know came on the timeline. Yeah, I don't know why I just decided to ape
Everything I have into to clonax
And I think this will play out really well for me
And then tomorrow acquired by nike you're like, yo, what the fuck on the timeline. No shame
Um, yeah, how would you feel? How would you feel about kaiju's being acquired by yuga?
He fucking I yeah, I thought look I made it I made it through but the the gen is gone
You know what i'm saying? We managed to sell the news before
Uh the news so we're selling the rumor of acquisition and yeah, the gen is gone
I got enough honoraries that look like him. So we're just gonna write it out like that
Uh, hell. Yeah, man. What's up, man?
What's up, man?
Dude, just hanging out, you know gave myself a minor panic attack
Thinking that this honey this token that I bought this morning was a honeypot
But i'm just an idiot and I don't know how to use it. What is it tau swap the tau?
No, bro. We've been in tau for a minute. No, it was a news. There's a new salado shit coin called tau
Oh, no, it's like tensor shit coin or something, isn't it? Yeah
Did you see the update from tau yesterday? They had like this new liquid staking thing
Yeah, I saw that but you can only use
Wrap tau on each to stake on a liquid staking contract. So
I was like i'm good, bro. It's too many
I'll look into it later, but it got filled immediately. It was like 1500 tau got
Instantly like put into the contract within like seconds
I saw it yesterday. I was like dude. I have no tau and I know man. He has a bunch
I wonder he's a liquid staking fanatic. So I wonder if he does it or not. So
It was interesting. Um
Here let me get your your thoughts on this man
I've been kind of talking about this as i've been diving into the jupiter ecosystem and salami's
Just trying to really make the most of of it, right?
Um and kind of diversify wherever I see uh crazy api. I mean api and whatnot
So I was playing around on the jlp pool a while back and then I saw easy drop a massive thread on it yesterday
Um, so in a sense what you do is there's a list of five different
Uh, let me actually be direct. Um, it is
Five or six one two, three four five. So it's five different tokens. You got soul
rap btc usdc
And a usdt and you can deposit any of those five into this pool
And this pool is what supplies their perps and all their leverage trading
So anytime you win a trade or you lose a trade or any of the fees that they take comes from this pool
They also recycle 70 of the generated fees back into
buying back the own jlp token
Right and basically resupplementing the pool itself. So
I was just wondering what you thought about this. I mean, it's a different style
I guess of restaking or in a sense you're you're now providing liquidity for people to
Play the perp route with I don't understand how they're for one they're offering
Uh perp and leverage trading in without it being geolocked or even a pop-up
I mean, I think that that's going to eventually come down to bidem, but have you seen this pool out? Um, are you currently participating?
Yeah, so we've been in it since I think
January when it came out
Um, the move there was when you would get um, you take a three percent loan
On usdc on camino
And you would sell it once it got to seven percent and you would wait on monday
Tell what's it called because that's when they do the rake back and they'll buy back and then it goes up every monday
That's when they buy and do whatever but yeah
A lot of people have been using this as an alternative to stables as they just put it into jlp
like how you lose
is if a bunch of perps traders come on here and start winning a lot because then that starts taking money out of the pool but
You just need to keep them in the casino long enough, right?
And like there's rumors and speculations that the amount of liquidity provided over time
Is going to be the biggest weight on the jupiter airdrop season two
Which is next january and it's just doing everything you can from now until november
Yeah, I mean, I just thought it was a safe bet instead of like marinade or anything like that
Uh, I had I literally moved my like a position the biggest position I had which wasn't marinade for
But that one you need two stakes soul in order to get one token
So I don't know if they think their token is the hottest shit in the world
But that just didn't make too much sense for me
So I just moved it all to the jlp like two weeks ago
And I mean it's I mean i'm up like 20 30 bucks
But I didn't understand necessarily that they did a rake back on the same day or it was kind of like planned
And so that's that's pretty cool to know
Yeah, I think it was every monday i'll have to double check on that but um
That's what I remember that everyone in my group chat was super pumped. They're like yo boys. It's monday
We're gonna be rich now. Look at that. I just love seeing my jlp go up and to the right. So
Yeah, that's uh my two cents on that
I appreciate it, man
And I think that pool actually topped out after easy's post
It was roughly about at like 100k that needed to be filled and I think this morning I checked and it's at 160
Yeah, it's already at 160 mil. So
Yeah, you can swap on jupiter for jlp
Yeah without the deposit like you can just swap into it swap in and out of it
That's what I do because like i'm not going to sit there and wait
Until the pool finally opens and then I time it perfectly
Like i'll eat the three to five percent or whatever the spread is on that
For convenience and would you still get credit for you know?
Maybe potential airdrop by just holding it rather than having the transaction of you putting it in there
Yeah, because what they'll do is they'll look at the jlp holders and then snapshot that over time, right?
Because they can see who holds the lp tokens
Gotcha. Gotcha. Not necessarily by who put into the lp originally cool. Appreciate it, man
Just been up top, uh, we're asking like when is retail gonna get here and uh
Coinbase's app ranking is nearing its january pre-etf peak at number 324
It's up 150 ranks from the beginning of the week
So people are speculating. Hey like retail is downloading coinbase and they're getting more interested. We kind of started seeing that
with the google search trends and uh yesterday and so
And then yesterday brian armstrong came out with like a big
Kind of essay or a mere article about like what his the future of coinbase is in 2024 and he was super
Talking about like payments in 2024 for uh for base. I'm trying to find the article. Um, obviously it's a bit
In my bookmarks buried. Here we go. I have it. So he uh
He went into and talked a number two area for coinbase in 24 is payments
But media coverage is all about trading in my opinion. The market does not yet understand where the company is going
So in 2024, uh, this is what the article says coinbase will focus on three main priorities first driving revenue through
Providing our core trading and usd second driving utility in crypto with experiments and payments using usdc and base lastly we will
Continue to drive regulatory clarity for the industry
All told coinbase is a fundamentally stronger company than it than it a year ago
And we are in strong financial position to capitalize on its opportunities. Um, there have been
I think the major etfs
Use coinbase as a custodial, uh service so they I think they have I don't know the total numbers
But they have over like 50 billion
dollars, uh
That has been used from coinbase from to fund these etfs
So I was like wondering and then there's rumors of coinbase acquiring a bank
So I wonder if 2024 is going to be the year coinbase and like base in general
And it's going to be interesting to see how they kind of incorporate base into like irl with
With like a lot of these etfs using coinbase
I'm sure they're going to refer their users to base
And then if they possibly acquire a bank you would imagine that base is going to be incorporated into that too
Uh, so it's kind of interesting. Uh, and then there is a mint going on base right now
Which is interesting and a lot of people are calling it alpha because it's a soulbound token
I think and people are suspecting there might be some kind of airdrop with it. I'll pin it up top of the link
Here it is
This is from his article also. So
Uh, don't miss this a base mainnet nft shared by brian brian the co-founder and ceo coinboy
It's more important. He dropped a hint. The nft is soulbound for reasons. You probably imagine you can mint
Uh, we're on there is minting fee included gas is less than one dollar
And basically the note from the mirror says note the nft is a soulbound not for resell
Reasons you can probably imagine so wouldn't hurt probably the menthes
Soulbound token and maybe there's some kind of airdrop. I don't know man. So bound tokens are kind of identified
You can't trade them but these uh
These exchanges. I mean salana uses, uh, the salana phone uses a soulbound token and then they reward those people with airdrop
So I don't know what's gonna happen
But it wouldn't hurt to miss this one dollar thing on base
And hopefully there you get rewarded and it pays that one dollar pays it off
Which I imagine it would over time
So I thought that was interesting and I just pinned up the link up there for you if you guys want to mint that
So what up mani and don't go to gambling
Sorry, I was minting the nft um
With the banks like there's a major event coming march 11th on a whole bunch of commercial real estate notes that are due
I've been hearing a bunch of whispers about like
A bunch of people getting cease and assists because they are like severely over leveraged
so there's gonna be a lot of like
Consolidation in the banking industry
Where all of the majors just pick up these sub-regional banks for like pennies on the dollar because they
Gave out too many commercial real estate loans that they're on in underwater. So
I don't know if coinbase can acquire a bank just because like
The federal reserve is pushing through so much like anti crypto
like safeguards for certain banks that like
They'd have to like buy a really big bank
Because there's a ton of fees associated with dealing with crypto in the bank. So
That's just like my two cents there
Yeah, and isn't coinbase
headquarters in ireland now
So I wonder if they get around all that based on like being out of the jurors. I guess you're never out of the jurisdiction of america
No matter where you go. You're always yeah, they moved it. They moved a part of it to bermuda
for their coinbase international
Product or whatever because they wanted to compete with binance on perts
Gotcha gotcha. Yeah, so I don't know
I read the article seeing bullish on coinbase, but then I saw the soulbound token
I went and heard to get this maybe they reward us with some free coins or something in the future
Fucking notes, but uh thought throw that out there for you. You did it your own
Use it at your own abuse. What up gambler?
Yeah, I just wanted to call out. I'm bullish on coinbase
Uh, I had a few homies who were buying it sub 100 which is just like you look back. It's one of those like obvious plays
Um, I think they're going to continue to do well
And I just wanted to call out and maybe get you guys's opinions on like robin hood as a stock now
I own zero stocks right now. I'm I'm much more risk heavy
But I remember robin hood
At least pumped out the gate when it first went public last bull late last bull it went to like 70
And there's a lot of talk about how bullish we are on coinbase as like, you know
One of the only now we have the etf and there's more paths to to invest in bitcoin indirectly
But it was one of the first only ways to invest in in the crypto space indirectly
um, and i'm kind of bullish on on robin hood is like the
Spot for retail to go deej in the next bull because that's that's where I went to deej
Uh, that's where I bought my first crypto, which which which was doge and you know, obviously
it's nowhere we're recommending for people to keep their crypto, but um
Yeah, it's something i'm watching
I don't know if i'll even get into it because i'm like way more risk heavy like I said
But I think it it could be could be interesting could be a play
Is isn't wonder what was the update with metamask integrating with robin hood
There's some metamask in robin hood
Yeah, they're like you can now like I think robin hood back when we got into it back when the gme days
There's all kind of like a paper trading. You didn't own the coins, right?
Like you're just paper trading the coins and you can never take them off the platform
I think since that happened
It became more web3 where you actually own the coins and you can deposit them
And I think there was some partnership last week where you could deposit those coins or import your wallet into robin hood
And like remove those coins straight through your metamask
Forget the total like the details of it all but i'm not sure about the metamask integration
I wouldn't be surprised because metamask has been actually doing really well, uh integrating with other
Uh teams like we had we saw their wallet guard snap
They're calling them snaps, which are kind of like extensions. So I wouldn't be surprised
also, yeah, it was like
Towards the end or maybe like the beginning of the bear where they did
Add the capability where you could finally transfer your stuff off
I wouldn't take that to mean that you own your coins, right?
It's like you can transfer stuff off of coinbase you can transfer stuff off of
But it's still a centralized exchange and you know, we all know not not your keys not your crypto. So
Just know that right like you're still not owning the crypto
But as long as you're just trying to invest in it, that's fine and retail doesn't give a shit about any of this
right, so
Um, yeah, that's that's kind of why i'm interested in hood. We'll see
Yeah, we will fucking see um
I've been something up to the top
This uh, it's pretty quick just a resource for you guys. I stumbled upon it yesterday
I checked their primary twitter didn't really see
This out there
It is a list of everyone that's in the race or in the running to be or for you know, the b btc l2
If you're interested in keeping track of it
If you're too lazy like me
Um, yeah, there's a public list. You can't edit you can't do anything but use it as a resource tap into
Find official twitter links etc. Always do your own resource
This is just a guide for you to go and then do it yourself
But it's a compiled list of all and everyone that's in the race to be the the btc l2
Um in this whole new cycle that we got
Damn, let's go. I heard dante on a space this morning talking about how he was
I shouldn't even say it but they're looking into making runes, uh an l2
Runax in l2 instead of being all straight discord and having like social contracts and shit. I'm like, oh bro, let's go
He says he just in research space. So it's probably nowhere to be near but yeah l2
There's all the fucking dude. This is this is a dope resource. I mean it tells you
Uh, what level like what stage they're at whether it's test net if it's already on the main net it tells you
If it's going to be vm compatible so you can see the extent of the infrastructure build out
You can see if they're going to have a token attached to it. So
Uh, shout out to its d f
uh dwf ventures
Appreciate you
Oh, well you got gambler up here I wanted to ask him a question, uh, I got this from say digest and it's feb
17 february mints on say we have dragalon
Uh, og whitelist 15 say we have savions, uh 3000 fts and public for five say say on mutants three say
Say aa 120, um for public they have igloo
What have you do you know any of these?
Like I know I know this page and they're really good at posting regular mints. Um
But you know, like i've mentioned on the show and like others have as well like say
Nft ecosystem is really immature. So we're seeing a lot of like derivative derivative nonsense like low evers low efforts stuff. So
Keep that in mind these on there. You can say maybe have potential not saying like hey
This is going to 100x
We're going to mint out but any of these lists that you think that maybe would be mintable
And from this list, um, I know say ninja what I can say say ninja the last two say ninja and grapes
Uh are getting some chatter
uh in certain chats
Uh looking at them, you know grapes is a five case supply
But I don't know anything about these projects, but just look at looking at them five case supply
You know, it's kind of high people don't love high but it's free
So that's going to mint out, you know
If you can get white lists or get on that that that'll and they're both free so say ninja
So that's why they're getting talked about because they're free
And uh, yeah, that's all I know about them. But if you can get white lists for those i'm i'm sure they'll probably do decent
All right
I would you know, I saw you up here
I figured I'd run it by you since I know nothing about saying you're our expert
So I was like, oh we'll run a few of these projects and see if any of these interest you so appreciate
Yeah, I try to check this list out pretty regularly to see if there's anything I can bring
What's on my radar most on the safe side right now is uh the caught is cause marks
Uh, and actually that I think somebody dropped it in the in the tda chat yesterday
Um, or maybe a different one, but i'll pin something up from them. I mentioned them a couple weeks ago
They're kind of tough. They're kind of being stingy with the white list
But the arts cool getting attention from multiple change which chains which is fun to see
Um still opportunity to get white lists
I I I applied via the application. I also sent that up in the chat and I think I posted it here a couple weeks ago
But yeah, this one will probably do well if you can get on white list
This is probably the top of my radar on say right now and then alive was but like I said
The snapshot's gonna happen in the next 24 hours and I sold half my bag into that pump and now i'm holding that the rest for
Mid to long term
Gotcha. Gotcha. Appreciate you keeping us updated on that. Um, go ahead chris
So usually when I raise my hand it's to continue the topic of discussion, uh, hey chief, could you give me a list?
L2s that will actually have wallet or exchange support because uh a layer two is
Fucking worthless if you have no way to utilize onboard or exchange value, right?
so even though l2s are like
In some sort of imaginary race right now on bitcoin
You have to remember that like there's only so many
Wallets, right and there's only so many exchanges and they only have so many employees
And the more protocols you have and the more layer two solutions that you have the more fragmented the entire ecosystem becomes because there is no standard
Of ordinance there is no way to ensure that everyone who's participating or using monetary energy
Can in some way have an opportunity to not be at a complete total loss
So I think it's cool, but remember
Whenever you guys get involved in that shit
You have to really really really look deep into
What's the adoption metrics?
What are the chances that they have enough users or interest just because you're early to a layer two
Doesn't guarantee success like it does on one of these like shit coins or nft projects or even ordinals or brc 20s, right?
Because there are so many more users that have no barrier to entry
For your standard products and your standard tokens once you start going into layer two solutions, especially on something like bitcoin
It starts becoming so fucking fragmented like on other blockchains, you know, we've heard about eigen layer
I think it is and obviously a base and optimism and polygon
Avax is technically kind of like a layer two even though it's more of a side chain
So you like you start looking at these different actual successful layer twos and side chains and you say fuck it's taken years
And it's taken the users of ethereum to even make a lot of these and like it's a lot of the same users
I guess is what i'm saying
So the fragmentation is already bad enough on eth but it's still sustainable because of the amount of users and their experience
On bitcoin you're either onboarding newer people or it's maxis who don't have a lot of experience in nfts in the first place
So each of these ordinal hoops that they have to jump to is a deterrent
Not an opportunity because there is no
Standard it
It kind of fucking sucks to be quite honest, but at the end of the day, um
We just do the best we can do with what we got
All right, honestly, I mean in my opinion, I think stacks dude if you're gonna look at something that's gonna be
Quote a there you go a layer two. I mean there's already a vc
Layer two on bitcoin whether or not you want to acknowledge it or you know
The this the that whatever you may be but I mean we're we're looking at
The birth of l2s when in reality we're just choosing to ignore that there is an l2 whether we like it or not
Um, it's something completely different of what retail and it's completely tradable right chief on exchanges. It's got liquidity
It has users. It has smart contracts. Now. I will not be using stacks at any point, but at the end of the day
You stacks is a layer two that has wallet support for fuck's sake xverse and leather and uniset, right?
You know what i'm saying?
So like that's the way we have to just look at this is is there going to be wallet support from any of the majors
That have the majority of the users and the friendly uis
And are there any exchanges that are going to allow us to actually easily trade these things?
The answer is going to be no 99 percent of the time for the current
Ecosystem of bitcoin
Yeah, that's the thing too. And I mean stacks you can quote and quote get almost everything that you can right?
I mean you can still do nfts. They got stamps
They got quote and quote like their version of ordinals, which is that so
It has all of it to where retail now we're arguing amongst ourselves with something that to retail makes they're like, dude
What do you mean they have the same jpegs?
It's the same bitcoin token like okay cool. I don't I don't know what you mean, but to them
It's the same shit. So they're like wait, I can buy bitcoin satoshi's vision for how much
Yeah, so that's the crazy part about the l2 race. It's just cool to see I mean
Ultimately, we're gonna some of these are gonna have funding rounds. Some of these are gonna go nowhere
I think the biggest ones right now are merlin and in that b-squared network or the two in the contender race
But I mean anyone else can kind of pop in and and there's a lot better trying. So
Just a resource for you guys up top
Uh, all right, let's continue on ash. What's up man? GM you came up something to say or just just hanging out boss
Yo morning morning, um
Dude I was gonna say, um
I don't know if you followed the net boys account. They're just moving to x completely
They want to like leave youtube to come here
and like they have their full send metacard collection and um
The whole thesis with that is that they're gonna make a beef beef jerky brand
And you might think it's dumb, but they already made like an empire based on their
seltzer the happy dad
So if they can make like a huge business based on one drink, I think they could also do it with beef jerkies
Already had two metacards
But I picked up another yesterday. I think it's a good buy. It's like
And there's only what 80 listed or 100 listed?
I think I think once like
They actually have the product rolling in stores because they've been making it they've been making deals with
Which convenient stores to place it in or whatever not?
Do you get some type of kickback from the seltzer or like how does that currently work for?
the products that already are in the wild
So the cards don't relate to the to the happy dad
It's just they're basically loads of sister companies like there there's the full send part of them
There is the
Nelk boys, and then there's a happy dad
And now there's gonna be beef jerky or what they call like board jerky
Um, that one relates to their full send
obviously full send relates to the metacards
And uh, they both tie back to their Nelk brand. So
It's just Kyle and John like the two of them. I think we're running it
So I think it just takes one video
Like if you look at the views that like their first video got
I think it comes like third right after like mr. Beast video and Tucker Carson's
interview with uh putin
I think this is like the third largest view
so imagine all these like nfd brands trying to like
Break through the nose noise
And here we have a brand that already has broken
It's just a matter of time. I think till they talk about what they have
Was it a full send alien friends? Those were like peg that over in need for the longest time, right?
Yeah, that's actually the only collection I made money off three times
Postman, so I think it's like super solid in terms of like just
Waiting till people like FOMO in they they push it above like an east
You sell it and then the FOMO dies you buy back at point three and then repeat
I think it's the third time. I'm about to like
Have that I mean it did go above and east again like what like a month ago
But it was like two weeks, too. So I think it could go more this time. But anyway
like both like
They they happy that thing. I think like it's just like
proven track record that these guys know what they're doing
and they're just going to make another brand of consumable product that this time they could actually advertise because
Uh advertising alcohol is not as easy as advertising beef jerky
Uh, so i'm just I don't know i'm super bullish on that. I think it's a steal at point two five
But that's just me
No, that's just a call out
I mean that's something that you know
Sean isn't going anywhere
You can double leverage your bet if you're trying to do it on on alien friends as well
It's not if you just want to go
Uh, you know asymmetrical bet you can just bet on the nelk boys grabbing their metacards. So yes, sir. Appreciate that ash
Yeah, my pleasure. The thing is that like the the the collaboration they have
I think the value prop there is that there's only thousand pfps from
The nelk boys or the full send people so they have like hardcore following they have like a cult following that love these guys, right?
So if only their ten thousand card collectors want to start rocking a pfb
They only have a thousand options
Like that's the thesis there. It's not that they're not necessarily going to get any form of utility
But it's like if any of your fans if any of their fans want to like
Rock them as their digital identity. That's the only thousand pfps. They have to go to
but the other one they they uh mentioned multiple times that they want to
Like give some form of equity. I don't know how they're planning to do it
To to the cart holders
I don't know what the method is they're trying to use and if it would like if they would stick to their word but
That's the narrative that you get some form of uh
Equity or royalty on sales from the beef jerkies
It's not that crazy wouldn't fucking pawns is given yeah
We would have been like yeah, whatever bro
That's never going to happen
But now that we have pawns with like a successful literal that you can do it you're like, yeah
I can definitely see that especially because they're established already on this side of the like
The world or on the web2 side that it wouldn't be far fetched to
Hire a lawyer and do the the necessary requirements to do that, you know
Yeah, it's definitely possible. I started working with this thing called
Investables, um, they they actually like their mission is to tokenize
Um equities and they they have base in uh, germany that is like allowed to legally do it
The only matter is like how how the?
person buying becomes aware that you're selling so apparently like there's just a matter of marketing it
and uh, turns out one of the loopholes is that
if they already have um
basically, either if if you already have invested in them in some way if you have business with them like if you subscribe to it
newsletter that they have
Like that is a channel they can use to communicate
So I was thinking well, fuck me like token gated
Discord chats is exactly that like you already paid
For an asset that is giving you access to this private group chat
So you have prior business with them and I think it's like maybe
It's as easy as using that as a loophole to
Just drop the information in your private group chat that is token gated. But how do I know i'm not a lawyer?
Appreciate that ash yala. What's up, bro? You came up
Yo, gm. Jim. How's it going guys?
Um, yeah, I just wanted to ask like I don't know if you guys saw this whole sort of thing
and I just want to see what you guys were thinking about like tap protocol because like
They stealth minted these things last night, which I got some and I mean, it's just like 120 worth right now
So i'm not really poking my bags
But it actually has me like genuinely curious because it's jason fang who launched it
And that's the same guy doing the karma airdrop and he's also using tap for karma
And there's like this whole narrative like of
Oh all like everybody's showing runes, but nobody's talking about tap right now
So like that was my first experience man and xverse has two people in their dms
Constantly and yon has
May or may not have a handful of developers that are well aware that tap protocol needs to be integrated using the indexer by track
Into xverse wallet that may or may not be a topic of conversation over the next two weeks in the tda
But they lost but also on that. I mean to that point chris
Uh, and then we'll continue as well, but they lost the vote
I mean experts have came out and asked the public what they would want integrated first whether it was the
tap and track protocol and have you know indexing support for that or whether they would prefer cbrcs
And cbrcs won. I mean, I don't know if they're gonna yeah, it was really good for engagement
Also yon's well aware of the body that happened there, but it was a great engagement post
Um, if you just look at the progress listen, no i'm not going to say
I was going to say that the like trap and track have been around for for months and cbrcs was kind of like a fat
in a sense no disrespect but
I wonder if now they're going to change their stance because no one gives a fuck about cbrc anymore and track and tap are
Are banging how about I can assure you?
xverse is most likely going to be the first mainstream wallet that supports tap tokens
I can't say it without laughing, but I just think that that is incredibly likely and that's all I would like to say
Dude, oh, sorry. I didn't mean to cut you chief. Uh chris. Have you heard of like network abstractions?
Wallets like avocado wallet
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but like i'm putting my mind on that
Like I think like yeah, like it doesn't matter your user base
Like one of these wallets gets acquired by someone like coinbase moon pay
Whatever have you not?
There is no going back like the the concept is basically
It's a debit card. You have a balance with a bank
You're not carrying around cash. You can spend it in any country any currency, right? Like I have a bank in
Our base vancouver I put in like canadian dollar in I could also do us dollar or whatever not
And then they were like, okay, you have like 150 balance. I could go online shop that in british pound
rupees, whatever
There's the same concept with avocado and net for network abstraction is that you fund it
You can go on any network
Thanks to solana polygon
Uh bitcoin and then spend whatever token is their local native currency
happened track though are almost like
I don't know. I don't know how to explain it you grab you
It's not a currency right like track is technically a brc20
But it's a governance token for a protocol suite of like a lot of technology
From the guy who also invented the bitmap indexing
And is basically the most based fucking dev in the space, which is benny, right?
And you've got pipe protocol and you've got
Tap protocol and these basically don't even have tokens associated with them unless you're counting the track token
Which is the governance token for voting and dal and etc, etc. 21 million supply. It's very bullish
They've gotten a lot of funding recently
But here's the thing
We need tap token support so that we can create economies around the superior standard that is already ready to go right now
With a team who is fucking stacked
And xverse understands that this demand needs to be met especially for the asian market because if you're not really
involved in the tap just the track ecosystem in general, you may not know that there is a
massive asian community base that refers to the track ecosystem as
The ttp they have created a fucking acronym for this shit. It means track tap pipe
That is literally and these guys
Love the ttp. I mean you're talking tens of thousands
Maybe hundreds of thousands of people with tens of millions or a hundred million dollars between them. Like i've seen
Some crazy shit happen when these uh asian whales especially get involved in some of these these products and services
and i've even met angel investors just because
We recently did integrate tap protocol into bitmap valley
And we are launching a tap token that will be the full utility token
For everything imso and bitmap valley related. So like we are very bullish on tap protocol benny and track
And this is why xverse has
little nudges
Uh for like the last two or three months and a lot of you may not know this
I think it's okay for me to say this
uh sore ventures is
one of x versus
Like one of their bigger investors. I thought it was interesting that this token is actually related
I mean back to to in yalla's point and then for anyone that's interested. I pinned up top
Uh, it it's a guide on how to purchase track
There is extra information as well if you want to take the extra step of converting your track into karma
But if you're just bullish on uh the baseline
Right instead of double leveraging you're just bullish on the baseline of what chris was talking about
You can just use that guy to just purchase track
But I didn't know that the sora token yesterday that launch was actually due or or directly related from jason. I thought it was people
creating a meme coin based off of uh the sore ai
And so I mean is has he flat out came out and confirmed that it was him yalla or or how does that
Yeah, so that's the thing like I thought the same thing
I was like, this is a meme coin
But whatever like people are talking about it and then like I look back to jason fang's account last night at 10 30
Too many sore floating around and I could pin it to the top
Um, and then like it said I had to mint my first sore on tap protocol, which I deployed using ordinal spot
So and then it was at zero percent when he tweeted that and i'll pin it to the top
Um, and then when I was like looking into it, I was like, oh, it's not I don't know if it's sore
Like from open ai or sore from his vc, but I guess it's both. So
Yeah, I just meant to like
It was like 5000 of them last night, which isn't a lot
But they sold out pretty quick and it was like one or two in the morning for me
So a lot of people were talking about it and it was like
Super late too on a friday
But yeah, it's just interesting to see like tap getting brought up again
Because like I know like people used to talk about it, but kind of died out when brc20s came out. I guess but
Yeah, we'll see where it goes. I guess
Appreciate you yalla
Thanks for all you do too for us, man
I get multiple dms from people saying I tune in to daily alpha. Y'all is the one that referred me to you
So man really appreciate you going out and out of your way to even promote us and you
Consider you day one you and ash have been here since chief was even here. I think
Well, I always wanted to say like you guys are great. Thanks for spreading the word about the tda
I don't think we could do without you. So appreciate you. Yeah
My pleasure
Thank you guys, honestly for doing what you guys do like you guys provide so much fucking value to this space people
Just don't see it. I guess but now they're starting to and like yeah
I hope you guys like become the top space because you guys really deserve it. So thank you guys, too
Appreciate you. Appreciate you. What up scott?
It's all you got a job yesterday going all in on this motherfucking rwa deep end narrative
Let's fucking go bro. Congrats
Oh, what's up, it's resto. What up chief? Uh, yeah, man. I appreciate it, man. Yeah
Just uh wanted to pick like one rwa thing and one d-pin thing
So the peak the peak network thing was really cool like five months of fucking grinding
And being an outsider, you know, like I wasn't around in that 2017 phase
So yeah, like i'm like that new kid on the block in the d-pin world and then uh, yeah, man
Shout out to polygon and um, everybody at polytrade
Sandeep everybody, you know for for believing in me to bring some uh,
Some new real world assets that aren't like collectibles and all the other shit that that we see
All that cool stuff that express on chief we're talking about the other day
You know from credit equities
Uh real estate. So yeah, man excited to try to bring some web to
Uh companies to come tokenize and stuff. That's other than uh, like, you know collectibles, man. So yeah, I appreciate you, brother
Well, what is the what's the marketplace?
It's poly something where you can bet on like presidential elections. Is that the same one or is that different?
Oh, it's a different one espresso
But I remember that one like you say like up or down like it's like like like up or down on the presidents
Like I remember that well, I forgot about that one there. It's probably something
You know how to come in here bro, because it's like the only other shit like just like what uh,
Y'all y'all was saying man. It's like the only space like my brain doesn't rock bro
Like so man, I come in here to listen and learn I came in here y'all was already cooking
So yeah, man, I appreciate y'all for for uh doing this space all the time
And I love what you said chief you're like I do this space so you can go into other spaces and cook motherfucking
So I love that. I love that vibe, bro
All right, you guys want to learn something
Fuck I might as well throw the thread up there and we have chris here. There's this fucking thing on
Bitcoin it's called digital maddie matter theory dmt. They have this token called gnat
There's this new thing that they're doing with gnat and it's called gnat cats
And I listened to this podcast this morning. I'm like, I am confused as fuck
Give me a thread to talk about this shit, but i'll put it up top
What in the world are gnat cats? It's the first non-arbitrary art collection on bitcoin
non-fungible non-arbitrary tokens
So gnat means non-arbitrary tokens, but this is the first non-fungible non-arbitrary token
Unique non-arbitrary tokens are you gnats?
So dmt gnat cats includes a novel approach to non-fungible assets creation by leveraging non-arbitrary data from dmt
The project uses a multi-pattern
Framework to generate one of one pfp artworks with a variety of traits
And like you guys are what the fuck are you talking about exactly? What the fuck am I talking about? But these gnat cats are basically
From my understanding what they do is like when you mint
uh mint something you have like the the mint
Or the mint thing and then you transfer it
So like the mint shell gets tossed to the side where they're now using the mint shell to create like some kind of artwork
With this stuff and it's all one of one fucking artworks
Um, but it was super complicated, but these are these aren't indexed anywhere. There's actually going for bids
So they have like an auction going around for these gnat cats and a lot of people are collecting them
So it's like kind of reminds me of the good old days back in the very beginning of bitcoin where everybody was trading on
Spreadsheets and discords. Well, these are these are kind of doing the same and they're kind of popping off a little bit
I pinned up the thread up top
I'm not going to read it all because your guys are like shut the fuck up
But like if you do are you interested in new shit that are going on in bitcoin?
These gnat cats are flying and like the bids on the auctions are flying too
So you can search gnat cats and stuff and you'll find some more stuff
But I thought that was pretty a pretty interesting thing and uh, I was learning more about it
But i'm still confused on the whole dmt the digital matter theory and gnats in general, but this is another
thing layer on top of it that's dealing with artwork and pfp's that are kind of like there's there's a
limited supply of these they're and they're all like unique, uh and on chain so so
The thing about dmt is that it utilizes?
certain variables inside
Right. Originally they they spawned this and they were using
Bitmaps as basis and they would grab data points
From inside the actual bitmap itself to extract that and use that as the arbitrary number instead of creating
Hey 21 000 tokens 1800 000 tokens now, I guess my question, uh to chris is
like what is the
Like i've i've studied dmt and the whole gnat protocol for a while. I mean, I have a small bag of gnat just
Because but in my opinion, I mean dmt serves no different or no needed use
Compared to what we have besides the fact that now you're no longer pulling
arbitrary data you're pulling basic
That are still supplemented by a person
So so I don't get that, you know
Chief can you change can you guys can you change it like a dynamic entity or it's like when it's the one of one is
One of one that that's it. Think of it as gen art based off of the simplest way would be a transaction hash
and inside the transaction hash it would say that at uh
In 50 seconds that's going to be one of your variables and then your location of the block height will be a variable
And the amount of users that are currently, you know
It's just a bunch of different values that are a hundred percent unique to what's going on at the time
But I just don't understand the point of it. Like why are you?
Needing to feed such strict parameters unless I mean for gen art. Yeah, that makes sense, right?
If you're going to use that
Numbers and all these non arbitrary values to create generative art cool. That sounds different
But in a sense for for just utility wise I don't get what's the point of it, right?
So I don't know if chris you under understand the need for dmt or why?
This is even popular. I mean i'd love to understand or know
I I think everyone needs to understand
Like what dmt is because it comes off as this like uh
Digital matter theory isn't any kind of protocol. It isn't any kind of
Layer or concept that is outside of any like it's basically in your imagination
I love that you associate it with bitmap data
because that's actually not I think I
Know but listen, it's because bitmaps are so motherfucking fire people forget
Bitmap is just based off the block. You know what I mean?
So anything based off of bitmap data isn't actually the bitmap data. The bitmap data is just the number
Inscription just the text, you know what I mean? The actual data is the block data
Which is permanent and it's verifiable and can never be changed and has provenance
So now all of a sudden just like when you created bitmap theory and you generated bitmap
Inscriptions and those bitmap inscriptions had a social consensus that said each of those bitmaps were married to a block
Then me a person who created bitmap valley said oh
well, then we could generate metaverse worlds using that block data we could assign a
Three-dimensional value to each piece of data
And then when a person comes into our metaverse generator and we generate their district off of that bitmap
It's true to the chain and it's non-arbitrary
because the only thing that appears inside of that district is what is
Permitted through the block data, which as you all know is permanent and can never be changed or altered
So therefore moving forward every single time in all instances that bitmap will return the same data
Now the way that data is interpreted or rewarded can change. So then you look at a token
Using in a simpler way
So in a sense the the bitmap right is you buy a parcel of land, right?
You just say a blank slate and then when you pull the dmt from that actual block data
You would then let's just say populate a city and it would say this variable
No, no, no, no because dmt is just the idea behind digital matter theory and using bitcoin blocks as an example
You would say so like for for you know bitmap valley as an example
We look at things like the amount of transactions each and and that's actually a parcel
So a bitmap is a piece of land. It's like its own little island
Basically now that island can be you know
Imagined in two or three dimensions based on the data attached to that island
so a single transaction block may just have a single large multi-purpose structure on it, but a
500 transaction block would have 500 individual invite like
Buildings and just let's use our basic example bitmap valley
if you have a block that has 500 transactions, you will notice that based on the
volume the height and the you know different uh, like how many kilobytes of data blah blah blah blah blah the
Uh, the district will be generated with that many
Objects on it. So that many buildings for instance
And then each of those buildings can now be turned into a parcel
500 tx bitmap has 500 parcels on it and each of those parcels can be inscribed into their own
Inscription and then you can sell that parcel to give a person a piece of your bitmap, which is why bitmap has this
Unrealized value potential soon because like sure for just an inscription. It doesn't make sense
But again, let's use bitmap valley as an example
I can say this so many times because on the sponsor. Thank you guys so much for doing such an incredible fucking job this month
We would say okay
So you want to sell personalized spaces and create tenants for your district?
Then install a personal instance to a parcel and inscribe that parcel and give or sell that to a person
Or you want to add utility to a project?
Or a token then let us inscribe your parcels as personalized instances that you can token gate to your nft collection
And then everyone in your collection can come claim their parcel on your bitmap valley district
And they can all have their own personal environment that is customizable and interactive in the metaverse
And all of those districts are connected to each other through a main game engine so that you all have a set of like
governing logic so that whenever you visit each other's districts or
You know create your own individual economies
They can be experienced by others or any assets or cosmetics or anything that you may have purchased from another player blah blah blah blah blah blah
But we start to go down this road where it's like, holy shit. We can use this block data
as immutable
irrefutable base data
to create
utilities or experiences from
And then all the rules that govern that world are based off that non-arbitrary data
But if you look at
any other metaverse
product that exists
That is not the case
Sandbox has a hundred thousand just as an example a hundred thousand lands
Because they chose to have a hundred thousand lands
bitmap valley
could have up to eight hundred and twenty seven thousand active districts
because there are eight hundred and twenty seven thousand bitcoin blocks in existence, which sounds like a lot
But remember it took 14 years
To mine or 15 almost now to mine that many blocks
So over the next 15 years you'll have one point six million one point seven million bitmaps in existence
Now it sounds like a really small fucking number, right?
So digital matter theory is just a idea of how to quantify this concept
So then it gets you to the natt token which used one
specific piece of block data
to generate tokens in a first-as-first
inscription method
So then that's cool as fuck because I could take a different piece of block data
And you could inscribe that piece of block data and then we can index it through the track indexer because they're using tap protocol
To say all right, uh, all of these first-as-first you get that many tokens
So like for nats there's trillions of nats because the fucking the data, you know
Whenever I was inscribing nats, I was getting hundreds of millions of tokens per inscription
But I don't have to choose that field, right?
I can choose a field I could choose the transaction field
So then the largest block in bitcoin history has like 13
You just vanished bro
Fuck I was gonna say the largest block in bitcoin history has like 13 000 transactions on it
So all of a sudden that supply of that token that was only you know
How many blocks are one fucking transaction like 10 or 12 percent of them, right?
So now all of a sudden you could create a token using digital matter theory, right theory
Uh and tap protocol or whatever fucking protocol you want
Marry it to this piece of bitcoin data call it first-as-first and then you know, it might have uh
I mean, I don't know how many transactions total have existed on bitcoin over the last 15 years
But that would be the max supply of the token, right?
That's kind of cool. If you if people understand what but once you start reading words
Like digital matter theory and non-arbitrary tokens. Yes, it looks good as fuck on paper
And it sounds cool as fuck to a technical demographic
But really all that
all those words
Just mean you're reimagining bitcoin block data in new
because it's permanent and
Only 144 new blocks are created per day and you have no idea
What the values of any of those blocks will be until they're confirmed on chain
Yeah, that makes it this kind of what I thought it was in a sense to where you're not no longer because it's I chose this
Number it's it's based off of x y z values. Yeah, everybody on bitcoin
cumulatively chose that number from the miners to the people who bought and sold
Transactions within that 10 minutes who sent or received bitcoin in those 10 minutes every person who interacted with the chain in that 10 minute span
Actually dictated the value of that next block
So then when you start to base token assets or token economies or a motherfucking metaverse as a service
Fucking generator called bitmap valley using that data
Hey, yo, things get fun and things get interesting because the idea of personalized ownership and like
digital real estate on bitcoin becomes
very compelling when I am not the one making up the numbers or the rules
That dictate the outcome or the opportunity. I am basing it off of the chain and then I am providing a a
Like basically a game engine that has logic that acts like smart contracts so that I don't need any layer two solutions
Essentially when you communicate in bitmap valley with your wallet i'm asking your wall
I'm asking you questions and then we're verifying on the bitcoin blockchain whether they have true answers or not
It is only when you need to actually transact with another person that you have to do
like any fees at all
Get involved. You can play these things and use these things and build on these things
infinitely without ever performing a single transaction from a wallet that has
Zero-fucking-dollars in it. So it's like dude. We're super bullet
Obviously guys, I just accidentally talked for like 15 minutes. I am so
Fucking bullish on this shit. It's unbelievable and I can't wait to start telling
Well, you guys already know next week next week everybody in the tda
We start talking about bitmap valley and imso ordinals
Appreciate that hundred percent and I pinned up some resources
Um about nat cats, um the block the block runners podcast is on youtube
They did a great breakdown. I pinned that up
So he says nat cats are taking over non-fungible art world through using bitcoin to create digital matter
It's it's that simple find out what you nats are why nat cats have taken over
So if you do, uh, want to kind of listen to a podcast they do a great job
I'm gonna get to you right now hooligan and then you guys want to
Participate in the auctions for nat cats. There's no reserve you go to or dot city slash drops, uh slash nat cats hyphen one
And you could start bidding on your nat cats are kind of an auction process right now and they're kind of going pretty crazy. So
Trying to strain your brain a little bit make you learn
I know a lot of you guys have just went fucking spoon fed
Shit out just understand new concepts and what's being built on bitcoin. There's not a lot of resources out there
So why not have imso and chris here that actually building on bitcoin to kind of explain it to you straight out of his mouth
But i'm trying to give you as many resources as possible youtube threads all kinds just so you can read on yourself
But no better person to hear it out of chris's. I know it's complicated, but
It's new and you're gonna eventually have to learn it
So why not right now and be early to some stuff, right?
Like you got to be bullish before everybody else is or you're gonna get lost and find and this is why we're pushing
experts so fucking hard on the back end same with jason and then because like
All of this is actually way more functional and easy using tap protocol and the indexer for that protocol is very good
And public access so like anyone can integrate it at any point
So for these wallets
They literally just have to tap that indexer and add some front end shit to let you know about that token
And this is going to this is why I am so bullish on tap protocol
Because the moment that any of these the the moment that it goes live inside of xverse
Okx wallet unisat or even fucking leather at this point
Okay, like here formally known as hero wallet
The moment this shit goes live in any one of those four wallets
It is you are going to see a fucking surge on these tokens like
Like when brc20 fucking caught fire
I mean the guys who are building this technology like I cannot say it enough
benny is the most based motherfucker that I know in the ordinal space and he's the brainchild behind this and it is
All fully functioning and to back that up, which in a lot of instances you hear an english speaking person
Oh, this guy's a fucking nerd
but also china
Refers to them as the ttp for fuck's sake
So it's not just that these nerds are building some dope shit that could have this massive user base of interest
No, no, no, no these nerds built some cool ass fucking shit that a massive user base is interested in
They need one
Wallet to magic even wallet. Don't give a fuck
One wallet to support tap tokens and motherfuckers
You have never no
No, dude, wait till you see all the money
That leaves brc20 and goes into these fucking tap tokens because every last one of them damn near
Has some kind of fucking utility or product or company behind it. You're talking me you're talking eva the fucking
Ocm's you're talking soar adventures
You're talking just the track team in general and then all of these fucking whales that are just holding
I mean a track went from 10 cents to like six dollars or some fucking shit, dude
There's only 21 million of them, which is very similar to orty
So then you think there's not a trickle down effect from the profits that are made there
It it's unbelievable
what's going to happen when all of this money that has been sitting inside of track and inside of these major entities including my
Community and others with a handful of different vcs the moment
Exverse or I hope exverse. Well, it should be experts
I'm pretty sure it's gonna be experts, but don't fucking hold me to it like almost 95% confident
But if that is the case and that is within the next two or three weeks hypothetically speaking
You guys will reflect on this conversation
Well, everybody that I follow that's typically early to bitcoin is all talking about nat and dmt
And now they're talking about nat cats and there's extra layers. So I mean these people haven't steered me wrong yet. So
You know, there's another conversation going on in the background
It's all dealing with this dmt and gnats and all this other shits, but I do want to throw at the hooligan
Uh real quick. He's had his hand up for a while. So go ahead, man
Wait last thing I have to say though. All of you need to remember that is all built using tap protocol
So all of these things these that gnats and gnat cats and this dmt and the utilities that are being built out for
Fucking bitmap valley a lot of it and the tokens and the token economies are utilizing
tap protocol
and and that is just
Don't fucking forget that
Yeah, don't forget it go ahead cool again
What's up, I love this space. I just wanted to pop up. Um
I've been watching the whole thing. I love the block runner guys and uh
I've kind of been bouncing it around because
Those guys for sure big brain. They love the space and they were looking for new ways to derive value
Besides I mean, I know chris smashed it on that he uh
definitely dropped the big brain alpha, but just like to generalize it the way I see it is
what it does is
Instead of just saying oh we're we're just going to give this thing like
3 000 of them or 33 33 which in essence can be considered arbitrary numbers
What they do is they make it non-arbitrary by discovering patterns in bitcoin that no one has seen
So like if you discover a pattern you can tie it to something like what nat cats did
And then it's like a new value derived from kind of the natural information that's happening in bitcoin. Anyway
So it's kind of like this whole new universe of meaningful value
That can be extracted from bitcoin that hasn't been discovered
That's kind of the way that I view it
And I was sitting there picking through the cats
Like a dummy picking the ones I liked and then in the background
Because it wasn't really popping yet
But block runners had made a video and I was like finding all these cool cats
meanwhile in the background people are
Menting like 40 at a time like one of my friends got 40 another got 60. I barely got out
I don't even know if I got one
Because it was a little bit complicated. I think I
I did the jason with like one little thing wrong, but but hopefully
I'll end up with like three of them. But that's the point is to to have this whole new value
System extracted from the natural order of bitcoin
Yeah, it's super it's super interesting and like probably for the past three weeks
I've been trying to rant my head on it. I'm like, I just figured out dmt now
You guys are dropping nat cats and like fuck man. I gotta figure out blast
I gotta figure out all this bullshit fucking erc 404s and like damn i'm just overwhelmed
I'm just trying to give you guys the information and it just like puts a lot of stress
That like I want you guys to have an afraid
I don't want you guys to know what's going on and it's like I have to figure this out too or how am I gonna
Articulate it so it's fucking nuts and i'm super like like I said everybody that's always been early to things in bitcoin are
Fucking going eighth into nat in these nat cats. I was like, dude, we gotta at least bring it up
I should have probably held off until like tuesday or wednesday to bring this up so I could spend the weekend researching it
But we had chris up here. I was like might as well bring it up. So
Um chief you can pin something up and then we could probably end the show. Go ahead, man
Yeah, so this is one of the btc
Uh layer twos that's kind of a in the race one of the bigger ones so to speak
Uh, they partnered with orange games
Orange games was that brc 420 meant that we were kind of cooking for a couple months before it even came out
That it was going on. It was those little arcade tokens
Um, so I know a lot of our community is involved with those or or has some of those tokens
So just a little more or less a progress update if you didn't sell
Uh when they ran up
shame on you because it went from like zero to 150 bucks and
That was a no-brainer
But if you're still holding right, um, there's still utility being built out for it and uh, orange games are og's man
They're around in the first, uh, bitcoin miami
Uh, their actual og genesis cartridges are at like, uh, almost a one bitcoin floor
So don't fade a man. It's one of the first original games, right arcade style games that were ever built on bitcoin
early early before anyone else wanted to do any kind of bigger concepts, so
Just wanted to pin that up because it was pretty big news, man
Yep, I saw that and then uh barra chain had something. I don't know if we talked about this already
So barra named whitelisting is live on barra chain
Rto the bears are taking over and they just got fresh drip to solidify the sickest band
The sickest it's just a sickest brand of animals to ever launch at a new chain
You go to barra's barra
To be eligible for the barra chain mainnet whitelist minting
The requirements are mint a barra name and or hold a barra chain nft and or hold a honey jar
Oft honey jar comb nft
But to secure a spot in the more exclusive minting rounds rep your barra name and your twitter handle
The best way to help spread awareness for barra chain contribute to the barra take over by completing quests
These incentives will earn you points which will determine whether you get a mint during the uga mint
The buga mint are the barra of the barra mint minting a name on the barra arto does not reserve it on the mainnet
That's why whitelisting minting rounds are important to secure your names sniping something based and avoid campers as official name service
The barra chain barriers on a mission mission is simple enhance the ecosystem barra names offer familiar core features
Of a name service while breaking all conventions as such as the ethos of barra itself together barra chain
Ah, blah blah, that's the fucking marketing campaign
But yeah, just all that if you guys do want to mint those and if you have some uh, these other entities
Looks like it's gonna fast express you into the presale. That's probably gonna happen sometime in march
So let's figure out though that up there more information on barra and barra chain. What up stephen?
What's up, bro? Yo jam?
I just wanted to make sure that I brought it up before you guys wrapped up the show
Obviously we don't because there's no show on monday
I want to make sure people know what's actually minting on monday for art
The one to watch out for right now is silhouettes, um by circ
So, uh, just keep an eye on that one. It's minting on magic eden and it's gonna be point nine six
For public if it gets there and point six nine for um, the allow list. So just be aware of that one
It's coming up. It's going to be a generative art drop. I'm kind of
Looking forward to it. I think it's going to be an interesting one to watch
um, but the
The weekly digest will drop monday morning. So
Even though there's no uh daily alpha on monday
If you're looking for what's actually going to be coming up throughout the rest of the week be on the look after that one
Yes, sir, yeah, we'll always look after that it's a great parade and uh, I think eddie and um,
Eddie and english are hosting their space this sunday
Uh, so we'll have a reminder set for you on that and uh, yeah
That'll be probably the show on sunday and then obviously we'll be back on tuesday
So i'm just looking over making sure there's nothing that broke during the show
Um a kosh network. I got that deep in right? Uh, that looks like that's that's looking nice
Uh tbl is going up on that
Um, see yeah, I think that's about it, man. So I appreciate everybody came out this week
We host a space tuesday through saturday. This is the last show of the week
We've been here for you know, 10 plus hours and giving you guys a lot of resources
So appreciate you guys we back on tuesday and i'll leave here for chief, um to read the sponsor
And uh, i'll see you guys on the timeline on teams, but you guys have a great rest of your weekend and be safe
Yeah, I appreciate everyone that came out man to the tda everyone that supports what we're doing here
I appreciate you chris. Peace straight scott. Yala
Hooligan everyone that comes out and you know contributes to the the greater vision, right of educating it
Dude at the end of the day the shit's free
Stop being stingy with other people's stuff like I can't I can't stress that enough
People want to sit here and get mad that we're giving out something. That's not theirs to other people when in a sense
They got it the same way it was given to them
So in reality stop being stingy with other people's stuff. That's the moral of the story
But appreciate you guys for rocking with us. This is the tda. It's sponsored by i'm so i'm so is a cross chain
Interoperable infrastructure built between solana and bitcoin powered by the evolve token, which you can find on the bird eye app
Currently you can earn bonk and other crypto pinned up to the top is a additional giveaway going on for uh
Top top position in the endless runner. So record your screen follow the instructions up there
Shout out to i'm so for sponsoring the tda for the month. We'll see you guys on tuesday
It's tda or stay poor you guys be safe and have a good rest of your weekend