Recorded: Feb. 21, 2024 Duration: 2:21:30



what's up what's up what's up welcome back welcome back welcome back
TDA Tuesday through Saturday Express are back on the truck record us all levels
high just like we like it right I think I deserve some days where I'm not
stressed out but man you really guys recognize when I'm sitting on the couch
compared to running my life away with these packages on the truck I'm back I'm
back I'm back and stressed so yeah should be the same as always sorry about
yesterday I know I know I know my voice my energy levels were affected by
appreciate you guys for stopping by like retreat the space bookmark the space
people listen to us on the recordings appreciate you guys also like retweet
after you're done listening appreciate you you there chief what's up man yeah
I'm here we should be back up with Allison's threads I'm not I'm not gonna
say today or I'm not even gonna say the day but probably by the end of the week
we'll be back up and running so appreciate you guys that all tune in to
the recordings if you're kind of missing out on not having that recap I apologize
about you but we're working on bringing it back pretty soon it's pretty simple
you just go to the recording of the space open it up and then all the pin
posts are at the top of the recording I mean it's not that hard to figure it out
but appreciate you do you want to get into the ad read real quick yeah so I got
it pinned up to the top the TDA is sponsored by I'm so also in addition to
the pin post of top there is an exclusive giveaway going on with a value
of a 5,000 USD currently in the I'm so ecosystem so just a little brief
breakdown I'm so is a cross-chain infrastructure built between Solana and
Bitcoin currently powering bitmap Valley along with other mini games
there's an endless runner where you can go play earn crypto bonk and other
currencies powered by the evolved token which you can find on the bird eye app
we'll be learning a little bit more about the bitmap Valley integrations as
the week continues and then as we finish off into the month more so the crossover
into the Bitcoin side of the new assets coming out and just the tokens so shout
out to Chris for sponsoring the today man oh sorry shout out to Chris love
Chris can't wait to learn more about bit bitmap Valley something that I think is
pretty interesting and you know we heard a little bit yesterday from him about
how you know the merging of Solana and Bitcoin and like how you could possibly
earn Solana on Bitcoin through these kind of collaborations and then like
yesterday fucking good old Chris comes on stage and it was like mad lads second
collections gonna be on Bitcoin and then people just started noticing inscriptions
going on the mempool yesterday of mad lads so did you see that on or dot o the
word on the street is mad lad Justin scribe and ordinals collection so I
don't know if anybody heard it here first I think we're the first to talk
about I was pretty blown away yeah I found that I'm telling you I found those
eyeball that eyeball tweet and I don't think anyone paid attention to when our
money put that eyeball tweet and then just putting that up here and having
Chris with the separate conversations with our money kind of definitely
confirmed that you know it was coming it was just I guess cool that it was
instant more or less I mean we talked about it in the morning and we saw it by
the afternoon so no real sitting down speculation I don't even think they were
hiding it like I said the way that like originally we found that information was
you know someone posting a screenshot of our money dropping the eye emoji
underneath that so it seems like it's had I don't know if it's confirmed but
looks pretty confirmed to me and I don't know man is it I don't know what do you
think about a clone of the original collection on Bitcoin is that it kind of
doesn't excite me compared to maybe something new I don't know like yeah
you're moving the ordinals aren't they like they technically like like gangster
lads or whatnot so I mean in a sense they can continue like expanding
forever because they all look the same anyway from that time error time period
yeah does that make sense yeah like Peaky Blinders s area like Peaky Blinders
gangs in New York shit like that like I assume that was where a lot of the I
don't know inspiration kind of came from or at least that's where I see look at
the art and so to me I mean it's like I guess they could technically keep doing
this like a a new game came out over here or new game came out over there so
yeah yeah I'm excited but I thought that that maybe could spruce up the art or
make it look a bit different so it's not a complete clone but it is what it is
and then backpack came out yesterday and said USA welcomes welcome to backpack
exchange we're going live in 11 states so backpack I guess they have they're
gonna have their exchange and all that stuff integrated with backpack I went to
the website and seen what 11 states qualified for it and it's a bunch of
what you know some Republican states well not all of them but California is
eligible Colorado eligible Indiana Missouri yay New Hampshire Pennsylvania
Tennessee Utah Virginia Virgin Islands Wisconsin and Wyoming kind of crazy that
fucking Florida and Texas aren't on there but yeah backpack is we can't even
do Binance down here you got shit man yeah can't do any Texas unless it's from
Texas like if we create our own exchange damn it that's gonna be the
only exchange you could use down here for sure yeah I'll be interested in it
you know when this exchange comes out you know now that they're pivoting into
Bitcoin if maybe we get some runes on there if we get some bitcoins a BRC 20
is on that exchange that would be a nice little nice little Avenue or get some
more eyes on Bitcoin and get some exposure to that I mean kind of talking
about exchanges we might as well just start with Max Payne early on and portal
coin I mean who would have known that all you had to do was annoy the fuck out
of everyone around you and risk your account being banned or just do it from
an old and just like retweet be annoying spam on the timeline but it's not spam
you were working you were out there farming your heart out getting the beans
one farm at a time one rice at a time portal got listed on Binance this
morning has been trading at 35 times over angel investor price 14 times over
public investment rounds and man it's just been getting spicier and spicier
now so all you had to do was put a portal coin in every single one of your
fucking tweets and interact with the other portal people and you could have
made a good chunk of free money so news up top I mean I don't have any
allocation to this I don't think I ever did it once I'm pretty sure some in my
list of like muted fucking words so I'm not even gonna see people with their
W's which is good too you know but shout out to the few people that I do know
that that kind of said you know fuck it we're gonna risk it and I mean the risk
in a sense paid off and on top of that the angel round was out and available
for everyone to get involved with the public round was out and available for
everyone to get involved with we just all fate of the shit so it wasn't it
wasn't your kind of qualm about it is this too easy yeah bro for real everyone
thought the same shit I guess and no one did it then it like reversed our as like
reverse Kramer everyone was like yeah this is too easy it's not gonna be
anything and then like they're only left with you know a handful of MFers that
we're like yeah that's cool and those I would be interested to see how whatever
you accumulated for doing it points if it like I don't think it's one-to-one
like to what the price is like I think the points like I don't know if it like
accumulates into like a shard and then that's what your like her tweet kind of
thing like what what you actually got awarded people I see people showing off
I've got a million a million of these points I don't think it's one-to-one with
the points I think I don't think that I don't think that you're like oh I got a
million points are getting a million dollars like I think it might like I'll
be interested whenever it comes out to see like how it's distributed and how
much people actually made or if there's some kind of like a thousand points
equals one shard and your shard is one coin or something like that so be
interested to see how that works I yeah but yeah a lot a lot of people are
calling it the scam you know obviously it's not and then creeps are going up
based off this too which is interesting so yeah portal coin man who would have
known once the whole timeline saying one thing do the opposite it's another
example of that I guess like vanish for what like two months or some shit right
wasn't it supposed to come out damn near two months ago yeah I kind of I kind of
get all jumbled up in my head but I remember like a certain community was
you know changing their profiles to creeps and then they kind of pivoted to
another chain so it's been about two months yeah and if the price of creeps
have gone down since then but now they're rising back up based off this
portal coin announcement so back it's back and doing well and I think the one
thing we're looking at the market right and we're looking at a macro market and I
was checking the news this morning and everybody is talking about this in the
videos earning report and it's turning into like a goddamn Super Bowl for these
motherfuckers like what is the video gonna be what's the video gonna be what's
it what's the earnings and I think the reason why people are concerned with it
is because the reason why the stock markets at all-time high has a lot to do
with the video and it's gone it's like stocks don't rise this this quickly like
they don't like from October Nvidia is up like 600% which is like equivalent to
Solana I think it was like 57 cents per share and now it's over four dollars so
a lot of people are like yo like if these reports come out and it's shit
like it's gonna dump the whole stock market but if it comes out in the in the
and the earnings are great it's gonna pump the whole AI sector so I guess we're
sitting waiting on this on this fence waiting for these in the video reports
are these earnings and seeing how the market reacts to it I'm kind of looking
this morning for people kind of talking about it a little bit more and I found
one point one post on it and it's like I definitely think the AI narrative is
gonna continue the run but it's kind of interesting that we're all we're like
correlated it to the stock market based off these this in the video this one
company like I don't know but uh the video reporting earnings after the
market closes they expectations are high especially as price ran up so much into
it let's see how they manage if they can exceed expectations whatever happens
will likely impact the entire market including crypto AI coins mostly if I
had to guess they beat earnings but still sell off of it due to excessive
expectations just to guess that they beat bigly and the price goes up hard we
can prepare for some volatility and frothy next week or two throughout the
most markets I think I would prefer to see it cool off a bit so the markets
don't get overheated too quickly so a lot of people are speculating since
Bitcoin is a tech stock and it this is you know this crypto is part of the
NASDAQ if this dumps then people are expecting that Bitcoin is gonna dump to
I'll ride along if these earnings are well so I guess keep your eye out on the
earnings when they do come out and if you have a longer short if the earnings
are better than expected then go find AI coin and long the fuck out of it because
I think AI coins will pump if the earnings are below expected there's a
lot of bearish sentiment you could probably find AI coins shorted to make a
nice little profit and I definitely think if the earnings are bad I
definitely think Bitcoin probably like takes a hit here too so yeah that's the
one thing that everybody's talking about for the past 24 hours and I don't
know when the earnings come out but just keep your eye on it and I'm sure we'll
report it when it does come out so the video is fucking nuts and basically
moving like a fucking crypto mean coin at this point I guess salon is not a
mean coin but if you would have put the same amount of money into salon in
October in the video you'd probably have more returns in the video at this point
which is absolutely crazy for a stock so I guess the you know this is all
heating up AI's heating up and it might be a short-term crash but I still think
that this is going to be like a really hot narrative this cycle personally and
I think the one thing that think a sector that we possibly need to be
looking at is decentralized GPU storage because I've heard multiple people even
Elon Musk has even said that finding GPUs is is harder than finding drugs so
I definitely think with all this you know you have to do this AI learning
you have to teach these agents and all this stuff that you need GPU and decent
and like storage space for all this stuff it needs more data and then the
language models or the data models learn from the data and then it creates a
better model but there's not enough GPUs and computing power to go around so I
definitely think if we could find coins that promote decentralized computing
power because like if there's not enough chips and there's not enough computing
power to go around what it what's your next option and I actually think this is
a great news fit for crypto but a product market fit is okay well we'll
team up with people that have excess GPU and leverage that and then now we have
X that these people have excess GPU power and then we'll kind of you know use
that and we'll store our data in our storage of our GPUs and like the data
storage for what we're learning for these AI on these kind of a decentralized
storage file storage systems which I think Akash is one I think render is
doing something like that but I think a good narrative going especially to the
AI cycle continues is decentralized computing power because well there's not
enough GPUs to go around so you're gonna have to source this excess GPU space
from other people and I think crypto can facilitate that so I think Akash might be
one I got to do some more research but I definitely think the centralized
decentralized storage will be a hot narrative especially with all these
agents and all this stuff being heated up and all this data that needs to be
facilitated to create these models so that's something all honest I think it'll
be more or less short I think it might be short lived to I think we'll kind of
at the rate of progression that we're doing we're gonna have this period of
using you know tapping in crowdsourcing more or less for power but I think just
as a society we're just moving so fast that they're gonna have to start
pushing towards you know stronger computers right just using and tapping
into everyone's excess is only gonna get us so far and then they're gonna have to
start actually looking into quantum computing and just kind of going that
route for powering this AI and all this kind of shit so it's gonna be fun dude
it's gonna be a minority report you guys think like we're laughing there's just
not enough there's not enough people producing chips for like I mean look at
it like you have Apple vision pros now like all this stuff involves these GPUs
and these and these chips in like you just can't like hey China create a
billion more like fuck off so I definitely see there's gonna be a
shortage of this and you know kind of crowdsourcing this and using this
decentralized storage is gonna be pretty volatile for this whole AI narrative to
pop off in real life but also in crypto life so I think maybe having some coins
in that sector might be beneficial on do you have any AI coins chief I don't have
any AI anything I mean I'm hearing people kind of talk about it and I
actually have a post of I think a couple days ago something that I was looking
into trying to acquire right it is in this whole AI narrative and it's just a
potential hedge similar to tau so that's kind of where the level that I'm
at right is just trying to figure out something to where I can do a couple of
spot buys and ride those bags because I think there's something there I just
don't really know where to look yeah I've been in fetch AI for a while and
that's been a nice play I was getting very close of selling that position
there was some stuff coming out on it over the past month or so about they
might be insolvent there were some records released by a New York court I'm
like man I put like $700 in fetch AI like two months ago I'm gonna like I had
it staked and it was like a 21-day unstaking period I was like bro I
should have put that money in fucking bit tensor well the 21-day unlock period
actually saved my ass because I couldn't sell it and then like we had this like
60% pump in the past week on fetch AI which has been real nice so my $700 is
almost 2x I think I have almost like $1,300 in that coin now which is crazy
and I don't know what the benefits of staking are at this point so this one is
called this is tao is the clear leader in the AI sector however there are two
upcoming innovators that are poised to disrupt nimble network a composed AI
network bringing AI agents to compute on say right so you can kind of see if the
say net like narrative and just the adoption of that blockchain continues to
take off then you can see this being one of the AI coins there or the AI coin and
then Gen Gen Gen C I don't know Gen C AI a ml protocol that aims to disinter
mediate cloud I don't know like basically fucking AWS through AI
system so I don't know pinned up top if you want a little bit of information on
nimble network and then the Gen C you guys can go check it out Gen C is back
by a 16 Z so could be something could be nothing just me searching trying to I
saw that yesterday I didn't know I didn't know a much I was gonna talk
about it I was like I don't know much about this to articulate it other than
just reading the post itself but I saw that yesterday that's interesting yeah
I'm just trying to find AI just at different AI coins you know so I think
we'll do I'll try to do a better job of giving you guys some resources on new
area and not I got to at least thread up like yesterday I had a deep-end thread
that you know went over like two or three coins I never heard of in the
defense sector maybe I'll do more of that of finding threads of people talking
about new AI coins that haven't ran up as high so you guys don't have to be
buying like tip tops and maybe this has some momentum so yeah we'll see we'll
see I think it's definitely gonna be you know AI integration of blockchain like
that's gonna be a hot narrative and we're continuing to see it right so Charles
up here oh real quick I posted I mean just kind of going on you talking about
and video and just the stock market Bezos yesterday selling again 2.37
billion worth of Amazon stock for a total of 8.4 billion over the past two
weeks so do people are people in the community forms of Amazon saying that
our founders dumping on our heads like they do here in crypto like selling you
know like when a founder a project mints a thousand of their NFTs and
everybody freaks out like oh the founders own 11 and then they do they
have the same kind of a flood and same kind of the Bezos like they do the
crypto founders that they're dumping on their on their followers heads I'm not
in the stocks like that but apparently like this stuff is all pre-disclosed
months in advance so Bezos had already came out months ago at some type of
earnings report or some type of meeting and said hey I'm gonna sell you know
XML and it's just now kind of kind of happening so yeah it is like they
probably felt like hey we're getting dumped on months ago right and then like
the dust settles everyone forgets about it and then now he goes and he does it
and you're like oh fuck this guy you know he's selling on us again when in
reality it's just that one you know so apparently it's not that big of news it
is news in a sense of it can potentially move you know market psychology and just
retail but not necessarily news as in like no one knew this was coming and
then Oh Bezos woke up and said fuck you guys you know yeah I think the last time
I saw this was uh was it Elon selling Tesla stock back in like 2022 of November
I remember Shema even talking about it and that was like a top that's what
everyone is saying now dude yeah yeah I think this might be a local top for the
stock market personally maybe that's when you saw he's a smart guy man yeah
they were literally saying that that Bezos and Elon last time when everyone
was going to hard dumping everything or kind of like the the unlocks or whatever
right the sell-offs were occurring that Bitcoin crashed after that and everything
just went to kind of Goblin Town you know yeah yeah maybe maybe he he knows
something and has some like computer models or some AI learning models or
some a smart research group that are telling like hey this looks like to be a
local top for our for stock market in general yeah we might go down 20 to 30
percent but I think if you're gonna sell shares it would be smart to do it you
know soon to get max profit so I don't know I mean the stock market has been
ripping it's crazy to kind of see how how it's at all-time highs especially
during this kind of you know this interest rates high and all that shit so
it definitely kind of seems a little propped up and I think he's just taking
advantage of a propped-up market so definitely interesting to look at I'm
got trill up here say what's up to my buddy
no GM GM interesting morning got a few updates in terms of like collaboration so
we have a couple new giveaways in the discord for you guys so if you're in the
discord feel free to join up and then we'll have a few couple giveaways
throughout the show so if you're here you got the early scoop I know more
people gonna come in so get early on those retweets and stuff like that and
then we'll be giving out a super Julio world today I think Paris might drop by
to say hi and then I start some blast snipers think of the way as well and
that's gonna be on blast which on Friday is the kind of the announcement of who
won you know the dev competition so I think that should be starting to heat up
pretty quick as far as like who wins those we'll get the allocation in terms
of like the airdrop which means it'll fall through to the people that are
minting or using these tools so something I'm looking out for on the
last side so I have a couple giveaways to give out today and then one thing I
did participate in last night which was pretty crazy because it was my first like
404 was this palette drop went crazy that's right it was like a point one
mint which is like around $300 and I think topped out like $2,800 which is
like point eight in like an hour but then given the fact that it's a new kind
of thing we couldn't trade it so they pushed out another contract this
morning and so that's just went live right now so I'm posting it up to the
top if you want to participate in these things but number goes up only because
you can't sell it so thought that was interesting and yeah so you can sell the
token so you can swap it at times so people were trying to swap it and like
it wasn't working and so there was a bug in the contract on the token side but
people were still selling the NFT which was like a good like four or five X off
the point one mint so like it was a bit weird because people were taking gains
off the NFT but then nobody could sell the token so like it was there was
definitely like a mismatch in terms of pricing cuz like the token was that like
almost like one heath but then if he was like half that price so yeah a bit
of a fuck up but then they fixed it again palette is like directly tied into
Pandora which was like the original kind of you know group that did this so
there is some backing behind it and some reason why it's running up so fast but
that was a that was a bit of a funny thing to go through last night I haven't
had very good experience with 404s like it's it has a chart that's similar to
pump and dumps straight up guys I don't know like Pandora is probably the one
that looks the healthiest but every single one that I see I look at and I
like paper trade like I'm gonna buy here I'll wake up in the morning and it's
down like 90% from where I would have buy but I don't know man these 404s seem
interesting but it doesn't seem like I don't know people aren't that sure so
people don't have that much conviction so I feel like it's more of like a shit
shit shit coin where it's just like okay it's up like let's take our profits and
like no one has conviction that these people are gonna build anything out or
even understand it they're just there for the profits and getting in and out
so at least charts don't look great but one will survive and they're probably
the one we fade right like one will be one will like compete with Pandora but
there isn't a lot there on the market right now so and then we have Paris up
here and I'll throw it to you one second talk about arcade right arcade has their
their claim today and you can check a see if you were selected at arcade Dow
dot XYZ slash airdrop if you made the cut you will have two hours to claim
your arcade tomorrow which is today from six six to eight p.m. UTC you do not need
to connect a wallet to check the whitelist there will be the same site
used to access the claim arcade whitelist the claim site is unavailable
dude to individuals and restricted jurisdictions so if you are
claiming this you need to have your VP on and there is no liquidity for this
yet this is just a governance token for now but for kind of wild that you need
your a VPN to claim a like liquidity list token you know like there's no
money behind this but I mean GG's to them I guess crossing their T's and Don
Nye's they can say from the very beginning that nothing that they gave
out you know like people took and had to take responsibilities since day one you
know even if it was free and had no apparent or value so yep start over the
Paris I need to go get a signature real quick so if you want to it's all played a
few questions before we run on to the next topic go ahead chief our trail
yeah just welcome Paris welcome to CDM in your longtime listener and we really
appreciate you supporting us we know you got super Julio world if you want to
just run us down a little bit of what it is I know I've shared a little bit about
it and kind of just passing about the book but just the intricacies of the OGs
versus the I guess new collection or extension to the current collection and
that way we can get a glimpse into that world and GM yo GM thanks espressos
thanks chief I appreciate y'all having me I definitely have been listening to
show for a good while shoots more than a year now so I appreciate y'all having me
up yeah I have my mint coming up I actually just changed the date so I'm
gonna be announcing in a discord it was originally supposed to be on Saturday
but for everyone who is trying to chill and relax for the weekends it's gonna
be on Friday at 9 a.m. so I'm gonna have ton of announcements on as of the mint
details but yeah I've been building super Julio world for the past year on
ordinals so I inscribed the IP on February 24th so it's the one year
anniversary and essentially what it is is that I'm creating a brand on
ordinals so the OG like she said is 30 pieces mini Julio pixel collection that
you know a lot of the holders were here last July and they have the benefits
going forward the current collection is coming out is a parent child collection
so what that means is that it's its origin is in the it's connected to the
February 24th inscription of last year and the hundred one-on-ones came out end
of December of last year because I intentionally want the timestamp on the
inscription 2023 which is the Genesis year of ordinals because I'm thinking
long-term in the next 10 years I know a timestamp will be important so the
hundred one-on-ones have a timestamp 2023 and the upcoming will be 2423
which is a meaningful number because 2423 to February 24th 2023 is when it
was inscribed so that's the reason why the the collection is that size and the
alpha here for the collection itself is that it's not necessarily going to be on
one rare set so it's going to be on uncommons black on commons block 94 50s
block 78 pizza Nakamoto's and the dopest part is I also for people who
don't know sats are able to have names in it so I have five rare name sets that
includes Julio's so it has a really official branded sat to it so
essentially this is the only collection that will have prominence to the IP in
February 24th the last year so inscription a hundred sixty nine thousand
six hundred three so that will have its that's the parent will have about two
thousand five hundred for the for the children and the next four months is
going to be crazy for the for the community because I already have the
next three months planned I don't have everything promised I only have the next
three months planned where a book will be released during NFT LA another
children's book is going to be released for the Bitcoin happening in April and
we have a event in NFT New York with a strong co-op partner that I have yet to
announce but that will be announced post mint sometime in March rate March
March ish so thank you guys thank you for having me that's kind of the TLDR
from as a collection but yeah February February 23rd on Friday will be will be
mincing on magic Eden shout out to you Paris yeah pretty excited for this and
do you know when gold eyes are gonna be mincing I mean everybody's everybody's
saying Pi Day I think Pi Day I think that might be that's the alpha I've been
hearing so that could be and plus I haven't even seen zk I have no idea
where he is so we'll see yeah when you said we're leasing books that made me
think of how zk released that book at I think it was Amsterdam oh that was that
was epic when I got mines I literally it was searching for hours for a seed
phrase I have yet to find one so we'll see it's probably one of those fucking
Konami codes or some shit where you have to like put like the last letter of like
14 pages together and then that's the seed phrase or some shit like that's
probably how they did it dude I'm gonna I'm gonna try that today it's gonna find
out what their favorite numbers on and it's that page and it's the last word of
each of those 14 pages are the seed phrase the wallet done lock all the
artwork from Tony that's been like stored away maybe that's the maybe
that's the alpha maybe someone will find that and then they'll be like a multi
millionaire overnight great story I'll come back with you I'll come back to the
show and be like yeah guys that's exactly what the answer was I mean that
would be a fun little that would be fun if someone did I know there was a moon
bird that did that back in the day for a proof pass he put a bunch of clues
around on websites and you find the seed phrase and you are you you you earned a
proof pass which was at like 70 eat at the time so like these scavenger huts
are pretty fun but they're pretty me like a team for sure so appreciate you
appreciate Paris I'm looking at Jupiter this morning and not looking great it's
like one of the only airdrops that's making me like want to sell so bad but
I'm being patient but how much did I get like how much was the that was it a
base allocation for the airdrop or was it all based off of like different
values and stuff everyone got just it was like stage three or something I
think I got like twenty four hundred dollars worth at the time I think it's
like twenty four twenty two I saw this this morning from Lord Asterix as juke
devs withdrew another ten million from their pool DLMM pool and they did it
sneakily this time as they removed all liquidity from the front of the book
rather than equal split among all buckets remember they told you that they
were going to split and withdraw over three months yeah so it's been ten
million a week into the fat cats pocket and all the liquidity is pulled from the
front of the book so people don't nuke their USB-C my bid support that actually
isn't bid support so now this guy's not looking great and then I guess he had
more comment on this so 30 million USB-C left so another three weeks the bid
support will banish completely GG mainlets you ruined the entire Solana
ecosystem fund by funding someone who is meth slash cocaine 24-7 given his
posting style in the discord so people aren't very happy with mr. meow at this
at this point and yeah not looking great sneakily doing stuff behind people's
back but like I still have conviction on this on this project and I mean the
Dex volume it's integrated so yeah this is short-term fud similar to like that
fetch AI but I was talking about you earlier two weeks ago where people are
rooming rumored that they were insolvent and then that didn't matter and it was
just a buying opportunity and now that coins up 60% from that fud I think it's
some more fud that's more extended it's like a month long fud but eventually
this finds a bottom and I think it goes up pretty parabolic during the bull
market I just see it's just like integrated everywhere in the Dex volumes
crazy people use it every day so the fundamentals are there it's just got to
get past the founder and like how much money he wants to extract from this from
this and I mean I think people should you know reap the rewards of what they
created so I'm not mad that he's paying himself it's just like people take it
the wrong way and continue to fud this and the coin continue to lose dominance
and people get shaded out and try to sell their airdrop so there's a bunch of
sell pressure but I'd imagine this turns around in the next month or two and then
it's 2x from there and then of course we have the $1 cycle psychological
level that a bunch of salon of people are gonna be trading that and one and
sell that so I mean I think by end of April that this is you know hitting $1
and we'll see where it goes from there but I saw that this morning it wasn't
promising on any short-term pump anytime soon so not great not great not great
yeah that's not great not great especially like I think it's worse when
you're you know cuz it's not a primary ecosystem for me and to have cash locked
up like that and not know that is not I don't know I thought this meow guy was
like Timothy you know what I'm saying like y'all made him seem like he was
that guy and that Jupiter was that thing and then now I'm turning out that he's
just the guy on this block and Jupiter is just cool for now so it's just what
he's playing I think the one thing that a lot of people reason why a lot of
people held was the fact that there are multiple airdrops similar to how we saw
optimism yesterday like optimism had an airdrop last year and then they had
another airdrop yesterday rewarding a bunch of NFTs there's gonna be similar
where there's like three to four other community airdrops and like if you held
and you continue use Jupiter you're gonna get that that airdrop that second
and third airdrop too so I think that's a big reason why people are holding and
still using Jupiter but yeah not great like I want more juke tokens straight up
like I think like this could be a winning trade if you continue to buy and
I was told from the very beginning anything below 50 cents is a buy and now
we're at like 47 cents so like by the foot I feel like this is a nice by the
foot moment yeah we could go down a little bit more but yeah I like to buy
this kind of shit especially when the fundamentals check out in Jupiter but
nothing what Jupiter has changed just the founder is doing shady shit so that's
just kind of my thought in the whole situation um now we got fucking bit Matt
Bali up here alright Chris is up here hey Chris how you doing bro dude so
dude you okay me can you hear me yeah can I hear chief is cheap talking and I
can't hear him cuz my alarm just went off and it fucked up my whole shit I
don't think he talked yet chief are you there chief did you talk yet no I'm here
all right sick dude you know we don't we're not we might be experts in
Twitter but this shit fucks us up every once in a while you know I mean
I'm not sure if someone speaking or not dude I literally like literally when I
hung up the phone with you and I am NOT an art guy you guys know that we're a
utility people we build technology you can look at all of our collection but
not all of our collection like you look at the champs and you can see not for
one second did we try to appeal to your you know art side when we made those
those are full utility game avatar like that's all they are they're not supposed
to wow you dude I just got I just finished going through all the traits
for our ordinal which is a very limited size collection mostly going to our NFT
holders holy fucking shit I am so gassed and it's so funny we had this
conversation yesterday but I don't know if you saw on the I'm so Chris account
that I had shared I had shared a tweet yesterday saying I'm so excited about
this and it was an image of a DM that was undoxed dude that was experts
talking about tap integration it's almost ready I fucking knew it dude I
was so gassed about it yesterday dude and then last night I get that message
so oh my god it's all falling together dude it's like espresso I'm not gonna
talk a lot about it back Valley today please everyone in this audience please
just follow me we do build multi chain infrastructure and something that we've
built on Bitcoin that is unlike anything else that anyone has built is a meta
verse as a service product using your bitmap to generate your own district but
that district has logic that's connected to an overall game engine and it has
its own sustainable economy that connects to other economies it has
projects utility for different token gated experiences you can host mini
games from there you can have your own arcade you have a fully functioning
magic Eden and ordinals wallet marketplaces inside of your districts so
there's a ton of cool shit and a lot of monetization points and digital real
estate points for everyone parcels that have instances on them that you can sell
to people instead of selling your bitmap all that's fine and dandy but we
also have the integration of tap protocol and now we're gonna have
support from xverse wallet to make BRC 20 and tap payment rails which we already
have BRC 20 payment rails integrated we can just turn them on when we're ready
so we are literally the first game product on Bitcoin that uses multiple
token standards for payment rails and generates your entire district and all
of the rules that govern your metaverse space using your bitmap data and we also
are the first ones to ever have like a smart contract like function between
your wallet and our game engine so yes that's a lot of fucking bullshit none of
you really care please follow this account and bear with me throughout the
next couple weeks we'll be sharing enough tweets and information here to
help you piece it all together if any of you are super gassed at just some of the
buzzwords I've used please join our discord for fuck's sake I could not be
happier right now and I'm bullish on myself so if I'm bullish on myself please
join me in that I just I guess how you know just to tie things in together too
since there is no that slash real kind of support right most people are doing
this all through uni-sat I'm guessing Chris like how are people buying and
selling these that cancer they all just send their uni-sat wallets no no no so
track Benny over at track bill it doesn't subscribe right no not really so
like I mean sure all of those things are or ordinals wallet marketplace right you
can use any of these things to inscribe using the correct code right or the
string of text I should say not code but the way that people are spying and
selling them and keeping track of them is through these front-end experience
dude this is why I'm so fucking gassed are you ready so it's through all these
front-end experience we even did that like a week and a half or two weeks ago
on devnet version of our game we have it to where it displays our tap token okay
that has not been released yet but we could we could display any token because
we tapped the indexer from Benny right so these marketplaces what they've done
is they've tapped that indexer so that they've got everything they need whenever
you log in with your wallet and you go to your you know nap token section or
your nap cat section it's basically looking at the indexer that Benny
created for tap and verifying that the you know that the asset is indexed there
properly and then it displays on your website such as again work ordinals
wallet marketplace etc etc right hey bitches and a couple days maybe a week I
don't know it's gonna display in your fucking X-verse wallet it's over yeah
that's gonna be fired if you guys think that I mean this shit is already taken
off in the last 24 hours just from when we talked about it shit the last 48
hours just this one instance of you know DMT and that which is just these Nat
cats now they're trading at point zero one point zero one five OTC roughly at
about a thousand bucks so clean 2x since X brought it up yesterday and
this up Saturday when there are 50 bucks bro I know and then since before that you
know they've been running since you originally brought it up but I'm just
saying this is all done OTC without you being able to see it and appreciate it
and love it in your wallet like Chris was saying you can only imagine when when
you can do all of that like it's just a regular normal digital artifact you
know bro I have been waiting so fucking long for this like I created our tap
token three and a half almost four months ago and it has not been released
to the public like all these other ones were because I knew for a fact yon
would be paying attention to this based on DMS that we had and then when I saw
Sora ventures start getting more involved in tap protocol I remembered
is there a big investor of Xverse wallet so I just connected the dots and I was
right and now I've got it confirmed and so we have so much to fucking offer
through bitmap Valley like this is exciting to me because I was scared I
was genuinely worried I was worried you know we have all this great stuff but I
was afraid we were gonna get stuck using BRC 20s and just regular Bitcoin for
right now obviously we have some plans to integrate Solana tokens through
multi-chain wallets we talked about that a little bit yesterday but knowing that
Xverse is going to be ready at the same time as me for our tap token launch
holy shit chief the weight that is removed from my chest because the thing
you worry about when you're launching something is is it accessible what's the
barrier to entry can the people my bad I accidentally muted you my bad I know and
I'm fucking monologuing I don't mean to I'm just so gassed up with everything
I've seen this morning but like I was really genuinely worried if you if you
produce a token for fungibility you know we're also gonna have the the first
staking in all cut you guys have no fucking clue please join our discord I'm
not gonna go into all of it right we'll break it down over the next couple weeks
but I was really worried that it was just gonna come down to people having to
visit our bitmap Valley and see their token balance and blah blah blah blah
and that we can still build the economy we can still do everything around it
it's just gonna be like a little hassling oh my god I don't have to
worry about that anymore because you guys the same wallet you're using to
log in and verify your bitmap is gonna be the same wallet that holds your tap
assets so you're going to be able to participate with basically no barrier to
entry which is super bullish because we have a lot of Chinese people in our
community now we even have a few Chinese whales that have acted like angel
investors in a sense for some of this and now they will not have a problem see
here's been the major issue with two of the whales in particular they have large
communities beneath them but those large communities because there's a
language barrier and they primarily use OKX wallet make it very hard to bring
their liquidity to different technology even if they're bullish on it like tap
and pipe well with X-verse integrating tap protocol it'll actually be really
easy to onboard these users to the tap token economy I'm 10 million dollar
market cap here we come like I'm fucking ready for this dude so excited to hear
more about that because that's also gonna crank up just the volume across
all the board of just DMT tokens NAT tap track all of those right that whole
pipe ecosystem so we'll see I know that they have Benny's working on Gibb which
is his kind of like meme coin to pair it with the Sora one I mean it's just a
good time to be in the Bitcoin ecosystem man and if you guys haven't been
convinced by all the fucking airdrops that have occurred well yesterday
another one one more to kind of just add a little bit of either insult to injury
or just double down on you know conviction of you're doing the right
thing so an exclusive airdrop called rune mania minor it is currently sitting
at a point zero one seven floor and 24 hour volume of 21.75 Bitcoin basically
close to about 22 Bitcoin transacted since this was airdrop to everyone that
boosted their minor right there there are six boost R6 minor if you boosted
that within a X amount of time X amount of specific blocks you were included in
the snapshot and you got this rune minor or rune mania minor airdrop to you just
some more vaporware created out of nowhere right and it's kind of
interesting that this is occurring as often as it is because I don't know if
people are either catching on or just realizing how in reality quote-unquote
easy it is right this is sitting at an eight hundred and seventy dollar floor
right now so business math regardless of whether you like them or not we're not
sitting here to discuss that he's been kind of just tracking the economics
behind these and and the incentive behind these airdrops right so this
airdrop cost seven thousand five hundred bucks to do it was three thousand eight
hundred pieces across the ecosystems correct it is now sitting at roughly a
market cap of 200 K and the dev is just comfy with his six percent spread that
he kept to himself so in that sense if you're a big-brained
dad you go out there you airdrop this to the correct community and this becomes
and it starts to trend and trade on secondary your dev allocation however
many you keep to the side will now pay for what you airdropped and probably
leave you with about ten times left over and profit so just be careful now that
this is becoming a thing that you know people are realizing hey if I put up a
G's I airdrop it to the right people people think it's free money they set
the floor price at 500 I keep a hundred of them bull it's a win so we'd never
really know people's intentions with this kind of stuff I'm not saying don't
take advantage of the free money I'm just saying just be weary that it's
occurring so often right and it's just not necessarily coming from notable
teams or anything like that right do we see this as a buy right here I mean they
did send this to the correct community of people that boosted which if you
boosted then you're notoriously bullish on the whole rooms pre allocation thing
and you know when we first saw our six were like oh I don't know man and a lot
of people sold early I mean do you see this is the right community that was
airdropped and these people are just gonna continue to accumulate like they
have our six you see point oh two point oh one is a buy I don't know kind of
seems like when I first saw it I'm like what is this Chachi BT fucking rushed
work like this seems like a cash grab and then the more I think about I was
like yo like it doesn't matter what the art is like this went to a bullish ass
community that love our six and love ruins could we see a run-up on these I
mean not as the velocity of our six but can we see it as like a 2x from here
maybe getting the point oh four what are your what are your thoughts chief yeah
no right in a sense yes it was dropped to the correct community where they don't
really have a need to to kind of doubt but I also think that one of the
establishing points of our six was the fact that it's first and how that
narrative of being first and being the originator of either a meta or something
on Bitcoin plays really true to the wallets that you know this this new drop
is trying to talk to right those wallets that held those are six or understood it
like that or that did that first is first didn't really care or need to sell
or want to sell these are some of those things that play into that and so I
just don't know you know how many times we can continue to dilute that this is
first and then try to keep that same value aspect I think every time we cut
it down we lose you know you're bound to lose a little bit even if it's 10% here
10% like you lose a little bit of the crowd you know as you're hurting them
into the new spot about 10 20% don't come with you and then I don't know so
that's just kind of my view on it I don't think that it's the same bullish
sentiment at shit at this point dude you might as well just inscribe boosts and
sell boosts closer to the habit like fuck all this go inscribe the original
boost that comes from the arctic team the rune coin team and just slang boost
come time so yeah so sling them steroids that's the bet baby people want
more and more especially closer and closer to the happening so maybe that is
the play man you just you just went out a billion dollar idea right there dude
when it's that when it's that woman pulls out like 15 right or low 20 to 15
you go over there you inscribe the boost it's probably like 200 bucks 150
depending on how you can get it and then boom it's already seen an all-time high
of trading for five to six hundred and that's just with decent fees imagine
when the happening gets closer or mempool gets one of those busy moments
and people start bullposting their those fucking boosts oh yeah that's a
stack of boots I know how this space love shortcuts so I would I would think
that would be a great idea I bet we've seen more see that too man I pinned up
the mid-schedule up top I don't know not much here today I guess the one that
kind of they have bright moments the Paris collection Leno red at Radisson
rice farmer oh hey labs I don't know if that I think those are sold out Vera
Vera Ale the impossible creatures I guess the one oh we have more a
courtyard and floor are doing like a Pokemon a Pokemon collection we have OD
labs and the Lulu collection Marko matic holding still and figure 31 in
line I think the one that interests me the most was the flooring protocol and
courtyard looks like they're doing like another Pokemon drop of these packs so I
could pin that up there if you are interested so it is here you go so
courtyard and floor Pokemon on the go everything you need to know this 150 car
drop first come first serve one bit per transaction no mints for wallet available
in app at 1 p.m. Eastern today so in about at 12 p.m. central 1 p.m. Eastern
you guys can get these Pokemon card packs which last time I checked these
were pretty valuable if you got like the rare ones I don't know exactly what's in
there but hopefully it could probably like these card packs are typically 50
to 100 bucks so hopefully it pays off it pays it off so I just thought that was
the most interesting thing today and of course we got you know OD labs and all
the other shit stuff so we're talking about Athena Athena and find some more
post on it people are pretty concerned about this whole thinking with stable
coins and stuff I found this was pretty good from Jason chow was a TLDR on
Athena lab so I think this is the best way for me to articulate the pros and
cons of Athena and I think this probably the last time we talk about it until
maybe you know I get a lot of these shards but TLDR and Athena labs were
busy people what it is and what can go wrong so where is the yield from and we
talked some about this guesser so this could be a bit of a refresh or something
too it's a basis trade products it protodized into a stable coin you stay
deep on Lido finance you get Steve gives you yield Steve gives you margin on a
third-party platform used to short eat on a sex funding gives you yield if
positive average is the position is represented as a ERC 20 stable coin it's
called you as VE risk case number one funding rip prolonged bear funding goes
VE cost of Perry goes VE mitigation you simply redeem your collateral risk case
to sex blows up finance blows up first you have a bigger problem to worry about
you offer act you probably actually need to pivot to AI second only short
leg blows up Steve collateral still intact if each price collapse as
finance blows up you may have $1 USD or just have $1 and not $1 USD E
USD does not go to zero unless he goes to actual zero mitigation insurance fund
that grows over the time risk case 3 is horniness
Athena lab team gets horny and starts to play with the L the LRTs as collateral
to juice up yields LRTs get slashed mitigation just don't at least not until
LRTs prove stable risk case number four counterparty slash contract risk Lido
implodes multiple validators get hacked custody solution implodes get exploited
mitigation on both both teams to keep up cyber security as they all have for
years and he asked is this Luna Luna blew up because the design is reflect
reflexive Luna gets minted and sold to zero to projects UST egg when it go when
it also is going to zero anchor yield was subsided by 20% and not sustainable
Athena does not use its own coin to collateralize USP so that is a nice
little thread of the risk of Athena labs I have about $500 locked up on this and
some people are asking me yesterday when the shards start showing up took
about 24 hours to show up on my dashboard yesterday it gives a 20x
shards for locking up some of your states I think it's like you had to go
put it in a pool for MK USDC and it would not let me stake this so it
literally was sitting there yesterday and a few opened up for $2 so I stake
$2 and earn a 20x reward on the shards overnight which was kind of a baller
move I didn't have to risk that much yeah I had to pay a gas fee of $17 but
all I had to do is take $2 and I got the most 20x shards out of any of those kind
of those checkpoints you had to do so I woke up this morning and I yesterday had
220 shards and now I have over like 500 shards of these so we'll see where this
goes we have like handsome talking about it we said this is backed by Arthur Hayes
this is like stable coins with yield I think I got 27% yield on these stable
coins which is like a Ponzi obviously but it was definitely interesting and I
found this kind of this article and thought it was interesting so that's
that and then we were been talking about blast I found a few more blast projects
and one that I think will interest a lot of you guys is this one I heard it's
called Baja Baja blast which is a great fucking name you guys all been to Taco
Bell and got those Baja blast well this is the coin it's called Baja coin and
what the so Baja coin it's Baja blast is like I think 30th year anniversary this
year so did you see they're actually releasing Baja gelato at Taco Bell this
summer it's like the same color bro and it's like ice cream oh no you're
probably getting to that this summer but uh so Baja coin is coming soon to
blast Baja is is is the fuel you need to blast off mean coin slash parity account
not associated with anything in the real world check us out at Baja WTF if you go
to Baja WTF they have a check eligibility so you are eligible for the
Baja coin if you have steak blast or if you steak the blur pretty sure you can
steak blur still and possibly be eligible for this but I think the reason
why you guys will be interested this the rumor is there's a rumor I've heard this
before but someone kind of talked about yesterday on a big fucking channel so I
figured it I would say all right this is a rumor that the mob team is behind this
coin so if you we have fucking all these
moggers you guys fucking mob like mob was not a thing until like this this
winter early summer last year and mog stands for malady og and now you guys
kind of changed the name and now it's kind of a whole meme and shit but yeah
the mog team is apparently behind this Baja this Baja coin so wouldn't be bad
to maybe get allocation to this but I said what is Baja booster we want
hardcore meme coin holders based and battle tested who have proven they can
hold a bag to infinity how do you know who is up to the test considered your
ethereum mainnet holdings as your resume your final airdrop allocation
would be calculated into two pieces based five tiers based on number staked
on blur and blast booster staking multipliers that give you more Baja based
on your eth assets you already own base but blues equals your Baja got it we
want to we don't we want he said we fucked this up don't want a soft holders
soft holders lead to hard times we want elite warriors who will work for their
bags if your eth l1 memes and jpegs are cringe it's unlikely you will earn a
boost will be rewarding holders of eight NFT collections and four meme coins with
boost to their Baja allocation to qualify you must have your assets in the
same wallet you staked your blur on blast we understand many keep assets on
a sex so we would delay the snapshot as long as we can with that we were
thrilled to announce the first of our four meme coins to get Baja airdrop
boost is Pepe the undisputed Kings so own any Pepe get 1% boost 1 to 10 Ethan
Pepe get a 5% boost 10 10 eth of Pepe you get a 10% boost final snapshot would
be taken as late as possible we want the Pepe holders with us as we prepared to
blast off so I think you can kind of narrow down what coins are going to get
boost here I would say Pepe obviously mog probably and these are ethlet layer
ones I would say smurf cat what would be the last one you think chief but well
it's like something that everybody mogs like it talks oh maybe Bitcoin ticker
Bitcoin ticker Bitcoin bro yeah ticker ticker Bitcoin so if you own the NFT I
also think if the NFT is associated with that or the one so he says eight NFTs I
think the four of those NFTs are gonna be ones that have NFTs associated with
the meme coin so I would say sproto gremlins obviously the smirk cap NFT
and so eight other ones I would imagine there'd be meme coin communities maybe
MFers maybe yeah that kind of stuff maybe it says NFTs it could be ordinals
to you guys see Bitcoin puppets also so mog team possibly behind us is rumored
to have some boost maybe I know that the smirk cat NFT is probably like point
oh seven and it's relatively cheap maybe getting some of these speculative
coins and receiving these blasts might be a nice little payday when they do
have this and you can always check your eligibility on their website too so go
ahead trill no yeah I'm glad you brought this up
I'm very tuned about this and then I mentioned them in there they're
definitely one of the coins to kind of look out for on the blast side the other
one is blastoise and then there's another one called pump as well but Baja
it's interesting the whole mock thing I did it I didn't know about that but yeah
I think the the eight ones I know I know I know this cuz rec guys gonna get an
allocation to this just because we kept writing their their tweets and they
ended up giving it to us but I know it's like milady remitheo
the sproto gremlins rec guy and a few other ones so if you look through their
page they've casually been kind of announcing like what the NFTs are but
yeah I think this is gonna be a good one I've been watching it and they're
they're pretty good if you just raid their stuff so I might get TDA for the
TDA community just raid it maybe we can get some allocation here but yeah it's
gonna be I think it's gonna be a good one are you gonna bother with blast bro I
mean like let's just be honest I really don't want to but then I kind of see
like fucking loom dart he's launching something too like they have all the
fucking builders over there and you know the people I'm not gonna say their
fucking names but you know these motherfuckers are coming back they've
been dormant for a while they're coming back hosting spaces they're gonna shill
this shit just like they shill Frincac bro and I definitely think there's gonna
be money opportunity made I am dreading the fact that I have to learn blast but
I didn't like how many of us have actually operated on a layer to fucking
straight up like who likes fucking layer twos fucking nobody so I I don't know
like how that's gonna bridge like even bridging the blast how that's gonna
react if people are gonna have trouble bridging the first time and like putting
their funds waiting 15 to 20 minutes I like I am dreading this because I hate
layer twos but I definitely think they're the right people and the right
influencers are gonna shill the shit out of this and there's definitely be money
to made in the first like week to three weeks personally in fucking ruto you've
been all over it bro you've been hosting fucking spaces all these blasts and
efforts there's some steady builders over there and not like I think it's
gonna do well but I'm not looking forward to it like I'm not we go
everybody I mean I think that you're gonna be able to do so but I think the
idea of going back to what we know is like as what we're used to right
everyone want to play around till ETF news comes in and then real money comes
around and then it's like oh no no this is where my loyalty actually lies and so
I think it'll be interesting to see if this division of attention either
rewards you handsomely or if you get caught playing in the news sandbox as the
old one you know becomes token gated in and you don't have any access to it
anymore so go ahead ruto and then we'll go to troll listen if half of you are in
here and you're saying to yourself all right well I'm participating in you know
L ones or other ecosystems whether it be say or sweetie or aptos or even
ordinals for example whatever it is whatever ecosystem you decided to jump
into because it was a different narrative and there's new liquidity for
you to fade what is happening on blast has to be the worst most mid-curve
decision you can possibly do and if you just look at the total TVL it's
something we've literally never seen in web 3 in crypto and DeFi in anything
if you look at the amount of total projects who have submitted into the
competition we're talking over three to four thousand projects for people to sit
here and fade the amount of liquidity injection that's going into this
ecosystem plus the backing that you're gonna get from pac-man and blur and all
these other crazy angel investors case you are going you are really really
going to be upset with yourself for doing so so just I really think you guys
need to pay attention to what's happening on blast and keep an eye out
and try to identify at least the ten to fifteen projects launching within the
first I would say 90 days and those are gonna be your biggest opportunities
because you have to remember everyone who's building on there they're all
building incentive-based products so if you get it early then you're gonna be
getting allocated probably the most rewards out of any other sort of
airdrop that you can possibly think of in the last probably six to eight months
far more than what we've seen on Solana and I and I truly truly believe that so
also you went back and said Loomdart Loomdart is also doing the pump token
which is trying to be like the main token for blast also realizes Alpha is
project by Wasis they're doing a couple collaboration with pump and Loomdart and
so if you hold one of those you're going to get significant allocation of pump
from Loomdart from Wasis if you hold them so that is definitely Alpha there's
also so what cuz I saw the group I saw the chart of the Wasis and it went
parabolic and then it like dumped and some people are speculating there's been
a snapshot do you think that there has been a snapshot and you definitely need
to like hold the NFT to get the allocation or like where do you think
the eligibility for the Wasis are there it's like it's snapshot and put the
NFT or do you just need to be part of the snapchat no I mean if think about
any time there is a sort of airdrop to holders right you're always going to see
a pump but then it was always going to see consolidation so after a pump there's
always going to be a bit of a downtrend on the collection but as far as like
speculation on if a snapshot was taken I'm not too sure but just knowing how
like mean point drops usually work they're you know they usually wait and I
know that they're trying to they're trying to align the drop with the last
mandate going live pretty much like 99% of the projects so I wouldn't be
surprised especially with the last you know pushing time frames a little bit
that they hold off a little bit on but I don't want to tell people the
snapshot was taken or not taking because I'm not sure yeah so I guess well my
question is that maybe maybe I mean you made the mention of why we chose every
other chain I mean I didn't choose every other chain for one entity I chose it
for the chain itself right and I feel like that's one of the biggest things
that I've yet to hear of well I chose blast because it's blast no I mean I
hear a lot of well do you see the money do you see who's building I mean I'd
give a fuck less about people right at the end of the day the biggest chain
that we're on is one without a person and that's the reason why it is so
successful because if there is no person there is no look at this guy no that guy
is long and done and washed and no one cares he can't really do anything now
unless he turns on his wallet and so I get it like Bitcoin maxis I understand
again what I'm trying to say is if you if also is about going where the money
is and everyone is participating they may be into these other l1s or l2s with
probably a fraction of the amount of liquidity that's going to be in class
that's all I'm saying I just want to know what's different I mean what's
different from say what's different from sweet what's different from polygon
which have all came out the gate with the same exact things that you're saying
people all of them have had that all of them have had builders and not the way
not the way that blast is I'm not the way that last is I can like I'm with
100% confidence and certainty that it's no work flows to the amount of liquidity
that will be a plus it's not even close okay so that's that makes the
difference so blast is because because builders and money polygon had sweet
hat say had every other l2 every other chain that's came out has had builders
and money so what is the main difference besides that you know I keep
saying there's the only thing you should care about is where liquidity is going
and I will also say because I've been I mean group chats with probably 30 40 50
of the top blast projects that will be launching soon I'm in telegram chats
with all of you have to also remember that the amount of massive either l1 or
l2 lending protocols products services whatever it may be all of these
founders are all looking to also build products on blast so all I'm saying is
that the key difference between all of these launches of these separate l1 l2
is where maybe the key difference is that you we are we will not see the same
level of liquidity or capital going into this ecosystem that we've seen at all
compared to these other projects or l1s or l2s I can assure you and I think of
one other thing is that like Ponzi like this like it's kind of similar to like
you see how they're rewarding people that have staked blur and staked blast
I think there's gonna be a lot of like hey restake our coin or if you stick
blast you get your free air drop of this new coin launching so I think the
benefits of hey having a little staked blur say blast and earn you air drops I
think it's similar to this restaking meta that we're in with like I can layer
in Celestia stuff earning more money and free air jobs for you know staking this
stuff and being eligible to stuff I also think is you know attractive and
that's kind of the matter right now so I think that'd be something but uh Manny's
here I know he I see you guys you English Manny's on short schedules I want
to throw it to him before he has to leave go ahead Manny did I some breaking news
bro don't coin got extradited to the u.s. bro Luna is back bro are we by is it
pumping cuz that's what happened with Richard Hart it's extradited and shit so
man so is he going to jail yeah dude he's gonna go hang out with his boy SPF
and like dude if they give him access to the internet dude the meme coins the
jail meme coin meta is gonna be insane dude like I am so hyped how many meme
coins do you think SPF has deployed with that that dev crew he was pictured
by 12 probably behind half the meme coins that are gonna be launching on
blast here pretty soon so Manny one thing before you before you leave and I
hear you talk about these two coins all the time and GG's to you I'm Casper
obviously doing great and a lithium and I wanted to talk to you about this
yesterday but you're on a plane ride but a lot of people are comparing a lithium
to Casper based off the a6 entering the ecosystem and it when Casper had a6
into the ecosystem it's six act it's six acts from there so just posted this
I said this to Manny yesterday so huge spike in a lithium hash rate which
continues the rumor of a6 entering the alpha mining space a6 are minting set up
which have easy setup greater efficiency lower energy consumption higher
profits profits greater network security look what happened to Casper and the
post he's retweeting is again a6 on a lithium are inevitable Casper did a 6x
after a6 at the network is it in a6 manufacturing interest to develop a6
for early successful for projects a lithium is one of them similar to Casper
and it continues to be first a sick batch price of Casper was at 0.02 and
it's 6x from there so you're still you're still bullish on a lithium and
like do you see it doing a 6x from here with all these exits coming on and
mining this protocol yeah what is that six time it's $18 yeah I mean my turn
gets 55 dude I think this thing goes to 55 and I'm not selling until it gets to
like I think my first take profit for 25% of my bag is at 10 bucks right and I
have like a vector that says it'll hit that by October but like the thing is is
like I don't know man there's like the when we think about everything in the
demand that's gonna be happening on Bitcoin right like all of these minor
companies are gonna need the new tech as it comes out to solve the more and more
complex blogs because everybody's in competition because Bitcoin keeps going
up because of the ETF right so then when they're downgrading to new tech they're
either gonna offload it or mine something else right so with them being
able to do that with the a6 here I'm like this is pretty interesting to being
early into Casper and Alephium or whatever just to get some size there and
then just ride the momentum of like the cascading wave right like if they can't
do Bitcoin well at least they can take over Alephium or Casper and that's kind
of where my head's been at on this stuff is like I just accumulate bro every
Friday I buy some tau I buy some side bin and then I buy Alephium and Casper
so you've been on it like you you're like you're up and down and you're on your heater
you're like you're starting your heater again bro like everything you've been
taught like you hit these these spells where you talk about stuff and then like
a week later like you're all in the AI last week and then look what fucking AI
was ballistic and you've been talking about Alephium and Casper for fucking
ever so these are proof of work chains right yeah all proof so I'll put the
work layer ones Casper have ordinals on it ordinal theory on it yet I don't know
I don't know enough about that outside of like I'm holding it work you're gonna
have to think that let's go and scribe some rocks baby always on that did get
rock touchy on the horn that make money moneymaker is getting ordinal early
ordinals on all these proof of work chains like Alephium and Casper you
better believe I'm doing research this weekend and I'm gonna launch my own
ordinals on there this week actually I know Alephium has a NFTs there's a one
collection called Alf ducks and it's a hundred piece collection and there's
just these ducks bro that are just like the most ratchet ducks you've ever seen
have you seen these gnat cats I mean nothing can I mean I don't go fuck bro
it's first it's first it's first so yeah I'm gonna do some more research on this
ordinal theory on these proof of work chains and Aletheum and Casper are
popping off and a six are coming over there so we'll see where it goes
appreciate you Manny start English he's been waiting patiently what's up
English yeah yeah if there's anybody that can front run me and I don't mind as
Manny Manny's the homie so all good with that one dude no dude fucking case for
blast and chief kind of like well why is it different this time I'm actually with
Ruto on this I haven't felt like such an asymmetrical like I don't know that it
will be different right so you made the case will it be different from like all
these other L2s and we didn't really see this I don't know that it will be but my
gut feeling tells me that there's just such a huge opportunity that I haven't
really been excited about a new ecosystem this way since ordinals that's
how big I think that this could be and some like narratives that play in my
mind like I haven't done a ton of research I don't know like the total
lock you know all that shit that you know Ruto does but like I do know the
narrative and I know that like the whole narrative of like Eve underperforming
for the last few months until now recently people are feeling good about
aetherium again and there's still like that narrative against Solana like well
where does everybody go and it's not always about who has the best tech it's
about where the culture forms and like there's been a culture that's formed
around blur and that marketplace and there's been a culture formed in terms
of all these people that put a thousand ETH or whatever ridiculous amount whether
that was you know OSF or moon cat and all these other MFers and so they're
gonna be bullish on that they're gonna be supporting like NFTs there DeFi there
all that other crazy stuff and if you can trade all that stuff on blur
game changer like you're gonna be like all right you keep tensor we'll keep
we'll keep blur and we're gonna we're gonna compete on you and we're gonna be
our ETH MF or motherfuckers and you be your Solana MFers and we'll be having no
gas to where we're good and you don't you're not gonna go to arbitrary you're
not gonna go to these other things it's a cultural thing and it's gonna be like
the ETH 2.0 it's not gonna be just like an L2 it'll be like our ecosystem where
being just like a new ecosystem you know I had a thing where like you know I put
my head down in ordinals very early there was a time when I left web 2.0 I
closed down my restaurant and I knew there was an asymmetrical opportunity
for me as a builder in the space contributor helping out projects and
whatever like you know capacity I could I think it's again that same kind of
dynamic and if you want to you know whether from an investment standpoint
getting involved with projects whatever capacity it's been a year since I've
seen such a big opportunity and that's my gut feeling I guess my only question
is where do participants come from that's that's I guess now the ETH ecosystem
it's already here so in a sense if if blast takes off then ETH dies no it
definitely doesn't die I mean there's just it'll be both right it'll just be
like a different layer it'll be the go to L2 system like I mean maybe there'll
be some other ones for gaming that have already kind of cornered that that kind
of stuff but just from like a cultural D gen kind of where we go to it'll be
blast is my gut feeling I don't know that that's gonna be the case if I knew
then I would just fucking I understand all the narratives I even understand
that and it's just now that you you mentioned right all these people that
put this money in but in reality the biggest issue we've had is that we're
just recycling the same players right I think that the the reason why Bitcoin
was enticing is because we we managed to tie up into a new ecosystem but when you
are building on an existing one it's either one survives or one doesn't in a
sense so if we're gonna D gen on blast then we're not D gen and on ease I think
I think I think I think that narrative is true of like let's say there's one
dominant L2 I think it'll take away from other L2s so I think that where one
survives or one kind of things I think that's true but I think the competitors
are the L2s not the L1 I think the L1 does just fine I'm in a different way it
might look different it might feel different but eth L1 will continue and I
think blast will do what it did to open see from a market standpoint but now on
an L2 standpoint and that's a very strong narrative to go against okay so
the point let's go to troll you got your end up for a while appreciate you bro
but no yeah I appreciate both both the brutal and English kind of breaking down
there thought process behind it I pinned up
Ruto's tweet from a couple days ago just the ecosystem and stuff like that you
can kind of tell what's already being built which is pretty cool it's up a
hundred million in terms of TVL like in the last like five days right it's
almost hitting to bill to me that I think the integration and blur is like
not like a you know like a what-if like it is gonna get integrated into blur so
like all these NFTs everything really that's I feel like it's gonna come to
glass it's gonna be on blur and one thing I thought about yesterday it's
like you know blur is really just even if T's right now they really haven't
really competed with what magic even is doing in terms of like anything but
imagine if these like shit coins and meme coins are all of a sudden trade won't
blur as well like I feel like there's a bigger ecosystem that they're building
out not just like ordinals bro ordinals to exactly yeah exactly like what if like
you know they use this for that as well like I've you know blur right now has
been kind of quiet because of the whole blast thing but there is a shit ton of
money in there and there's a big ecosystem again like 50% of the 50% of
the airdrop goes to the devs which are gonna incentivize people to use those
tools that they're using so I think there's like a lot of things here that
you know again like it's it's kind of you know been kind of hiding so far
because of everything around like Solana and you know like all these other L2s
but to English's point I feel like they're going to go up against these L2s
like optimism and arbitrum and try to take away their market share and then
obviously grow blur as a whole with with the blast token and everything that
building on blast so I'm bullish on blast I bridged over like when they
initially announced it and that's why I've been getting all these projects for
the GDA community because it's to me it's better to have these white lists
and see what they're gonna be getting rather than not and you know kind of be
standing on the outside so for sure we're gonna be positioned in a way that
won't be able to participate and then at least have those tickets to the train to
participate so yeah it's kind of my thought it's gonna be interesting to see
like the friction that's involved and I think like bass was a really good layer
to a fork of optimism that was quick and easy and like if it's more like that
then I think that it will do but if it's more like like polygon where it takes
15 minutes to bridge your ETH over there and then like there's there's a lot of
downtime and waiting like I don't know like I think that I think that could be
another another thing I don't hear a lot of people talking about the layer to
itself like is it fast is it cheap like how long does it take the bridge and I
guess we'll all figure that out when it launches I'm just kind of interested in
that that that kind of friction point of it is it easy for noobs and new people
have never participated on layer 2s like a lot of people in these spaces like
they just got on board on the ordinals and figure that whole thing out and
that's competing itself and it took months to do that and not a lot of
people have like really said oh I'm going to a layer 2 we really haven't
had like a layer 2 meta other than bass so I'll be I'll be interested to see how
that how the performance of the layer 2 chains that easy is it simple do a lot
of new people that have never been on a layer 2 were able to perform and do
tasks and buy stuff on there so I want to throw at the ruto yeah I mean I think
it's a fair point too man cuz they haven't really talked a ton about just
like the technical specs what the layer 2 will entail but I will tell you I mean
I can't say like too too much but I'm doing in-group chats with teams at Lido
or Lido with a foreign protocol you know either by you know just an absolutely
absurd amount of you know some of the biggest builders that we have in the
entire space not just in Ethereum but just overall as a whole and just some of
the conversations that I hear going on the background the type of deals that
would be happening as soon as minute goes live and everything that troll
even mentioned pretty much the entire ecosystem is going to be catering and
rewarding early stage developers and when you're talking about a project that
has almost two billion dollars in TV and I'll obviously you know developers
are salivating at the thought what what that might look like you have to also
remember everything that we'll be watching the same day as may night the
mainnet going live all these products are going to be heavily incentivizing
early users on these things so you have to also remember that with lawyers big
bank competition they're gonna be going to all in and helping on the marketing
side or the winners of these competitions and you can definitely
expect a huge chunk of allocation and capital to go into the like the projects
that you see launched on mainnet day so just making sure and I'll come up the
year every single day on the daily alpha and I'll talk about what I think will be
the next like top 10 top 15 blast projects because I think there's some
that people really need to pay attention to but for right now I'll just I'll just
tune in and I'll start posting stuff off-top that I think you should keep an
eye on just on the NFT side the more defy kind of like crypto stuff I'll
probably leave out or I'll throw up there after a while but I'll just start
with the NT stuff. I mean your posts have been really informational and even if
you're out here I post your posts up to the top so if you want to create like a
post on those and then if you're like I know you're busy I can always go over
them and like talk about and then when you do have time to come in we'll
review it too so yeah I know you've been on top of this and you're you're a great
resource when it comes to blast so I'm glad that you're in the ecosystem and
like I'm very self-aware of myself when I start like getting lazy and I'm
dreading stuff that typically is a great opportunity to do stuff like
always strain your brain always learn and blast is something I'm not looking
forward to but like all the markers all the flags are there of something that's
gonna be pretty profitable by all the builders and all the money that's locked
up on this so I'm pretty I'm not looking forward to learning something new but I
think it'll be I think it'll be profitable to learn something new and
and participate on these things tell me tell me tell me that's not the worst
about full cycles is that you you're like literally drowning in information
bro and like you're gonna continue to just miss pumps you're gonna miss like
generational pull-ups but then you're gonna at least hit one or two but that's
my my least favorite thing about the market cycles it's impossible to keep up
with everything it's happening so it's literally impossible so that's why we
have TDI. It's just like I'm up here trying to inform people and like it's
very like I feel like I'm just servicing the space the fact that I
don't know everything about everything so that's why I rely on people in our
community and threads because I can't figure I can't learn all this shit so
I'm relying on ruto I'm relying on you know like people that are specialized in AI bro.
That's why we have these people. Who's gonna be on the blast shit cuz I ain't going over there you know what I'm
saying so I just had to make sure one of you guys were were planning on being on
the blaster squad so we can keep up with the updates and know the plays
cuz yeah I mean it's hard right so let's hit a bread and then keep the ball
rolling because we had some news break too so go ahead bread yeah I'll keep it
short for you guys just since there are some general questions about the blast
stuff fuck my bad go ahead got one thing so I totally agree with English
trill or ruto everyone that's saying that stuff about about what blur and
blast are doing I do think it'll be a natural progression for the D gen
economy here and the one thing as a because as you guys know I'm pretty
technical I like digging into the weeds and I over the last two years have
raged at the best tech not necessarily winning and it's just resolved to the
fact that distribution is what wins out on basically everything here right if if
best tech one optimism and arbitrary probably wouldn't be where they are but
it doesn't fucking matter because they got out early they attracted users and
they've grown in TVL and liquidity begets liquidity and what has happened
here already right with with with pac-man and what he's done with blur and
then blend is he masters the game of distribution with his Ponzi games and
his spin boxes and his points and his whatever he started the point narrative
and he got anything going on like I think he is just gonna continue you I
mean you're seeing it right he's he had people lock up 1.7 billion dollars in a
contract that hasn't even launched and I'm I'm bearish on their actual tech for
for Optimate or for blast which is just a copy paste of optimism with some
changes because it's like the actual roadmap for Ethereum is okay you have the
L1 and then you have all of these L2s and they're they're pushing they
literally want to push all of us they're going to push all of us they expect to
push all of us off the L1 up into these L2s right it's gonna be too expensive
to operate down there they want it to just be the root of trust and all those
just settle or do shit up top and it settles back to aetherium that's the end
state goal for aetherium and so they're gonna kind of push us off and they want
us to go up to all these L2s do all this fucking shit up there and that means
eventually all of us have to leave we have to it's just it's gonna be too
expensive because we're gonna be paying for block space that is either being
gobbled up by whales and or entire L2s with ecosystems that are compressing
hundreds of thousands of transactions down into the same block space we're
competing for it'll be too expensive so we all have to go somewhere eventually
and I think kind of like what English was talking about I think a natural like
Pac-Man is positioning himself to kind of absorb the people that are still
hanging out on the L1 but have to literally have to at some point find a
new home somewhere else and if they do it right yeah I think he just he's really
good at games he's positioned for it and I'm not bullish on the tech because
it's a single universal L2 instead of like Optimism Arbitrum, ZKC, Polygon
they're all working on like spinning up entire nets of interoperable L2s like
base and Optimism right there just in Zora all those chains are supposed to
play together nice you're not gonna see that at least not initially with with
what Blatz is doing same thing with like scroll and a few of these other ones
they're just meant to be general purpose L2s so I think they're positioned well
for it I think I kind of envision the same thing I bet they'll eventually have
some deeper incentives to incentivize actual collections that migrate from L1
up to specifically blast and then you can do your blur trading up there on
blast with with all their shit so yeah that that's my bet see so I mean I kind
of did yeah we'll just keep the ball rolling but yeah that just kind of goes
back to what I was thinking like it's gonna be one or the other right whether
it's specific or tailored to you know because of XYZ or this is where DJN
activities happen I mean if this is the way that it's being set up in position
it's it's designed to take market share quote-unquote away from necessarily ETH
and regular NFT trading across UVM chains like that's just it's by design
it's not whether or not I think that or not I mean that's just what it is the
timeline of when that happens right is clearly gonna be for a while right
unless heavily incentivized to come over immediately so what we'll see how that
plays out and she do you want to put pin up the breaking news and we just go
through it real quick and then we'll go back to the hands yeah no I can I can I
just say I take full I take full I take full I take responsibility for the
sappy seals no no no not for the sappy seals for the stepping down or fire
I'm Daniel like right you get blocked by him too but I can tell you for a fact
that I definitely causes I'm gonna take full responsibility 100% well you're
becoming the main character slowly but surely Eddie I don't even care if it's
totally false I just I will take full advantage so Gargas stepping down right
so that's the breaking news no no Gargas stepping up stepping up okay yeah
remember he stepped down a while back like oh I don't know like a year ago two
years a year and a half or some shit yeah he's stepping back up to take
position so we'll just do we want him we want Gordon to step up not Garga
Gordon's the Gordon's the culture not Garga this is the wrong person wrong
person stepping up yeah I mean I don't want any I don't care less I mean I'm
just we're updating the news cuz it's the news so he's stepping up I mean
whether or not he's the one who's been buying though I mean it would only make
sense right like no one else has been loud or anything like that on the
timeline so it only makes sense that this is kind of the projection of of just
the natural flow of things so I'll pin it up to the top his his actual post and
then we'll see it was kind of interesting that the day that the whole
moonbird acquisition was the day that pudgy penguins flipped board aids for
that period of time and I don't like it was kind of a day where a lot of board
eight members kind of took were projecting on Kevin Rose for their
disgust on the floor price like I felt like it was the amount of hate that
Kevin was receiving was actually board eight members projecting on Kevin or how
much how disgusted they are that pudgy penguins flipped them so I was like it
was not a great day for four days but they're back and they I think that's a
positive things heating up they got their arbitrum chain coming out they got
some they got some stuff planned and I think that espresso did Eddie just come
up here and say that I got Daniel Legra fired yeah pretty much that's kind of
what he said right like so he was earlier on modern market and he was like
he was bullposting like seals he's like when tenny went when when seals get to
tenny I'm gonna be insufferable and be check was like you're kind of
insufferable right now dude so I think he's Eddie's just on his insufferable
art being that was like the best spaces host take I've heard in a way Eddie's
been insufferable since I met him so I know these people are just learning who
Eddie is short Kings English you know so y'all just get each other y'all see I die
you know where you can be insufferable though the McDonald's universe you know
I mean I don't know if any of you guys saw this below key this has better art
than 99% of all the shit that we've seen circulating and then I'll get to
you Lane so I just want y'all to check it out McDonald's universe McWugget's
McWandle sauce what in the persona journey is going on here I don't know
but it all looks on a journey gonna be happy meals if any of you guys are
excited about this I know we've been talking about you know just the what
makes it official when these big brands come in last time this marked the top
when we had fucking coca-cola and I forgot who else just talking on the
timeline GM and each other and doing all this dumb shit so oh yeah yeah they're
shaking hands saying wag me doing all this crazy shit that was literally the
worst time in 2021 so this could be potentially the top but McDonald's
coming out with their own little metaverse not gonna lie the art does look
fire so y'all check it out exactly what do you think the first toy the first web
three toy to enter a happy meal is is it pudgy penguins is it is that the first
toy shared it up top espresso I don't know if I'm allowed to share this yet
but there might be some news coming about what oh they tell them the pin
post bro pin post fucking way the fucking crack cocaine puppets are gonna
be in the happy meal my guy like what are they gonna get a free side of
ketamine or something like no it's an adult yeah hold on that would that would
sell pretty good it just depends on what McDonald's you know what part of the
country Lane do they have ketamine in your McDonald's bro Jim this was one of
the issues with my entire childhood I went to I went to McDonald's once a
week and my mother got me a happy meal and then I and then after that I was
just really I was just kind of I was like I started moaning and I kind of I
couldn't feel pain I was unconscious for a solid 20 minutes the half out it
was the only time that my mother could get me to shut up for longer than 10
minutes so I sense that there's a good chance it may have been a bit of ketamine
in there but but that's just that's just wild speculation but what else is on
your mind Lane are we have we chatted much about kind of much ordinal stuff in
this space sorry I'm a little bit late joining we talked about those new a six
are those rune I guess rune things that came out yesterday we really haven't
spent a big time on it really I mean we do kind of talk about it a lot but I
don't know there's really kind of slowing down bro it's kind of slowing
down I guess we do have the Karma coin what else is going on in ordinal soon so
I so just to touch on that briefly I resonate I don't know who it was who was
talking about kind of it being really tough to keep up with everything that's
going on and talking about how today's good a good resource there for real it
is that one of the fucking great things about all of these Bitcoin a drops is
that you need to do absolutely sweet FA you literally hold something in your
wallet and then the money drops into your wallet you don't need to you don't
need to link your wallet anywhere you don't need to you know contribute or do
do any particular thing in order to farm you literally sit with the thing inside
your wallet and then people who have an interest in developing runes who have a
recognized holder base of people who have been diamond handing for example
runes hence the arctic boost people were quite like it was quite a good potential
airdrop for people who haven't just paper handed their runes and literally
just drops in your wallet that's one of the things I effing love about about
Bitcoin right now you don't have to do shit or you just need to hold something
good and and and let and let the new creation let the glory come to you that's
that was the first thing second thing was related to runes I there's a project
called Bitcoin burials which is an OG 10k collection one of the earliest 10k
collections inscribed in in Bitcoin it was actually on lightning which was
really you made you want to fucking punch someone back in the day but yeah
that was that was one of the cool things about it that it was done on
lightning and then eventually they managed to be able to bring it over and
you know that way but sorry to cut you off no no good yeah absolutely it was
and not just that but like the metadata in that I'm no dev right I'm about as
left curve as they come but the metadata in that in in that collection in the way
that they were able to kind of add all of the different basically the idea is
is that each individual it's each one's like a tombstone and each individual
commemorates a time where someone has tweeted or said either in web 2 or web
3 that Bitcoin is dead and they kind of and so each one of those each one of
those kind of burials has like a date and if you go onto the website you can
even see a quote of exactly who's said that Bitcoin is dead at any particular
time so it's got a degree of Bitcoin culture behind it as well which I fucking
love not only that but they minted out their second collection which is a
freemen for all for burial holders the same artists who did the Bitcoin frogs
he's only got one other PFP collection and that is and that is the bony's which
is the second collection from the Bitcoin burials so they minted out they
also teased recently on their timeline that they're going to be getting into
rooms and if you get if you're holding both a bony and a and a Bitcoin burial
that you're essentially going to be able to mine rooms through them now I'm
unclear at the minute as because each Bitcoin burial is paired to an
equivalent bony I don't know if you're gonna have to hold the yes I think that
that is my you will have to hold the same one so in a sense the way that you
can check right is you can go to genie data and pull up the actual metadata of
it and what you're gonna do is you're gonna copy the very last section it's
gonna say emerged from and it's gonna have an address right and that's in a
sense the burial that it's referencing from so search using that metadata on
either or dot IO right or a magic Eden and compare the two and you match it and
if you match it then they've been talking about something that comes to
people that do and so like there's I see a massive opportunity in the next 24
hours for two reasons number one Bitcoin bony's are gonna hit to NFA NFA
well I'm just a fucking monkey don't know and listen to a word I'm saying but
also Bitcoin but the Bitcoin burials have taken a significant hit in their
floor price after people have like essentially taken in you know redeemed
the bony's that are associated with the burials right that's the first thing
and then the second thing is that the the burials them so expensive barrels
themselves have dropped in floor price but the bony's because it's a free min
there is always a 24 48 72 hour window of paper hands especially on a
collection as big as as bit as 10k this is big as that of people who are just
gonna essentially take profits and so there's gonna be a great opportunity to
pick up you know potentially some rare bony's you know they've got like
similar things with skins some have gold skins some have other skins but
there's also going to be a great opportunity to potentially land a good
allocation of bony's that correspond to the right burials in order that you can
start mining rooms I'm certainly gonna be allocating a bit more capital I'm
into seven bony's and I'm gonna be allocating a bit more capital to that
and and not not only that because this this team is already a proven team in
the space like most of the the kind of the runes teams that we've got are
either totally you know undocks no one really knows much about them there's a
lot of speculation about who's behind certain projects but these guys are
actually known we like they they're respected they have you know
provenance from their original collection I wouldn't fade them
essentially especially given how low the entry is right now in comparison to
some of the other prominent runes projects so I would certainly be
watching be watching that space that's what I had to say for him so I have one or
two other things to mention from the last 24 hours but I guess that's
that's something for now pretty shit Elaine I just pinned something else up
to the top that kind of just broke within the last hour so I caught this on
or dot IO it's or bits or something another rune or prune fucking pre rune
mining project you guys can go mint if you want to it has a little dev fee on
there so know that it's not in a sense free I mean do it that with what you
will right once again I think that even if you go out and you airdrop this all
out to people you have won a better chance of making your money back if
you're the dev and then to just proven your validity rather than asking
everyone to buy into your pre-mined runes right and then even so you have
the one that Leo's doing right that he's been working on and that was a hundred
percent like community and crowd-sourced and even for the airdrop aspect of it
right they still had people come in and donate and based off of communities on
that end so I would just be weary of any of these runes that you have to go
out there and put some money up right and in a sense I mean it just takes a
team wanting to do so and bitcoins about proof of work so if you don't see any
work up front I mean I just be hesitant a little bit of giving up your sats so
you use Exodus wallet I saw this yesterday from Bitcoin news that the
custodial Bitcoin lightning wallet Exodus is shutting down operations and
the US do the regulatory reasons you know what regulatory issues we're
talking about here anybody I don't know it's same thing happened with wallet of
Satoshi I don't know exactly what it is but are they offering some kind of yield
or just disappear yeah I don't I'm not sure what's going on with these wallets
man do we need to be concerned about more while it's shutting down but I mean
the craziest part about a wallet is these wallets are just your they're
different you eyes at the end of the day they're just different on ramps and off
ramps of accessing the blockchain itself I mean you grab your seed phrase and
you'll be able to move around right so you you just need the core components of
that so you should always have that separated and just ready to go anyway
right if you do need to shift around and move so figure that did it just lose
support in the States yeah the post says and like people open up the wall and it
says unavailable and shit like never been available I saw it I was like that's
interesting so um there looks to be okay dogs looks to have some enter for a
chance to join the ok dog dogs allow list new raffle every six hours you go
to three dot ok dot XYZ slash break chains and you enter and every six hours
they pull out a new kind of person that wins whitelist for ok dog so so that is
an opportunity I've ended up top if you guys want to answer those raffles that
happens every six hours we also have the Barret chain right I mean I know that
I've been kind of telling you guys about participating on there all the new
quests they're in the process of doing maintenance right now so if you did and
your badges aren't showing up I know some of my badges weren't showing up
some of the quest I haven't been able to access they said that they're keeping
track of everything and so once again it's one of those hey go get your your
tokens your test net tokens on the faucet it's every eight hours or so if
you use the honey jar faucet depending on quests you've completed you get more
per drip every time you go to the faucet so instead of the point one the point oh
one or whatever it is you'll get you know a whole Barret or whatever and so
that allows you to go farm for the actual governance token that will be
allocated at a one-to-one ratio when it goes live so bunch of partner kind of
quests on there if you have a pudgy penguin and a bunch of other stuff that
you can do to earn this little multiplier I just wouldn't fade it dude
it's on testnet can't really hurt you it's literally free money and if you
ever just wanted to learn how to do any of this shit how to play in a liquidity
pool how to go on a decks right and you didn't want to lose money this is the
place to do it right on a testnet because at the end of the day you're
literally gonna get paid to learn right whether you lose the money or not it's
not real money it's gonna cost you a click eight hours from now so I'm gonna
keep preaching this shit because it's not gonna hurt and as more and more
protocols and adoption starts coming in right it's not gonna hurt to have test
BTC it's not gonna hurt to have these testnet tokens for you to participate
when time comes so yeah I got another we've been talking about this and I
found another thread on is that take yo airdrop that's backed by I think it's
two point ventures and a few others guy created a thread on how to basically
get on it and it's on testnet too so we just talked about testnets so this one
is it has some big backing you basically add sepuliar to your metamask by
clicking here you go to the chain list and add the RPC create an account
claim sepuliar e testnet e go to like these faucets claim it bridge it swap it
go to galaxy complete tasks and join their discord so this one's on testnet
also has some big backing people are expecting this airdrop sometime in Q2
so before summer so this one's easy and cheap and something I need to get on
personally I've been talking about it not being lazy so saw that one and thought
that was interesting and then I guess going back to blast there is a kind of
this fantasy sports one that's dropping is called fantasy top and it's fantasy
live on blast tetanus places are limited the guy says grab a code they
sold out of their packs yesterday and it looks to be this is a effectively
fantasy football slash basketball but with Twitter metrics one upside and
and some schizo tweeting grab his card and compete for eath against everyone
else so this is OXJ pays my invite code I'm an advisor for this project as well
so please DM me for any questions so this looks like to be like friend tech
but on blast and you basically are be able to use people's
sorry my air pod went out you get to buy these cards and apparently it's
influencers and then you can put those influencers up against other
influencers and kind of combine the metrics of their impressions and then
whoever has the best impressions wins eath which is fucking crazy so this is
like another derivative of friend tech where you're basically using
influencers impressions on Twitter to compete with other influencers on Twitter
and all the cards fucking sold out yesterday but this is pretty crazy it it
is called fantasy top and you can go there and learn a lot more about it so
it's pretty interesting so I don't know so I'm gonna buy Chiefs card dude but
then like imagine imagine you sit here and you buy someone's card and then they
out of nowhere bust out that they're about to have fight night right with
fucking OSF and then you're like fuck dude I bet on the wrong part like you're
literally betting on people just doing crazy off-the-wall shit so I mean you
try to go find your most outlandish him ever because he's the one that's gonna
get the impressions you know I'm not I get canceled if I'm like too loud so I
don't do nothing like that let's go to Lane and then say what's up to Steven
for coming up good Lane cool so it's just one or two other things that came
up in the last 24 hours that it might be worth mentioning the first of those
is again basically whenever I speak it's generally about fucking all the laws
that's literally all I own that's that's all I have that's that's my entire stack
that's that's all that exists in my life and my wife but basically number one is
the Flora forms which is a prominent art on Bitcoin project again probably like
the first 10k project that's kind of specifically on Bitcoin great artist
heart oh in combination with the Belvedere Museum that has the largest
collection of Gustav Klimt like pieces including the kiss arguably his most
famous one in the world that that drops last week the floor's been slowly
dropping I picked up a few pieces last night because they dropped their rarity
index like on on a website via that their Twitter so I'm on that on the X
page so basically I was in the middle of a space yesterday and I saw that they
dropped it so I like promptly muted myself went straight to magic Eden
feverishly scree like screen through the first 10 to 50 different pieces they got
on there running them through the rarity index to see whether I could bag some
some grails on there and so yeah if you haven't if you haven't looked into it
I'm sorry to cut you off but did he make a comment about any way or about the
like the triples right because I know that that was one of the biggest that's
that's really why I mean I sold mine right I saw mine I just bought more bit
blocks but because of that like I didn't understand how it feels an actual
generative you know and it's not pre inscribed how did they get the same
output with different seeds or is it how did the same seed got used three times
so I'm just wondering if there was ever an official statement even Stevens up
here too so either or yeah I don't know a huge amount about that so maybe
Stephen if you want to weigh in I apologize I just caught the back end of
it because I was going through a bad zone what was the piece that you're
referring to did he mention any reason or any explanation as to like the
triple seed outputs on floor forms has there been like an official statement as
to why they were duplicates or anything like that or no I haven't seen any
official statement yet but I can look into it further today for sure I'm
connected with a couple of people on that team and try to get an answer
before tomorrow's show but from what I've seen on the timeline from people
who have what's the way to say this blindly hyped the shit out of this drop
I think that's probably the best way to politically correctly say it they're all
kind of of the mind that like this was intentional and fuck anybody else who
thinks otherwise so look if it was intentional by the by Hardow and the team
like I'm I have no problem with it I have a problem of not communicating it
that's that's really where my difficulty with it is yeah no I just not
not to bring foot or anything you know just it was one of those things that I
mean I'm a big generative fan and and you know you're up here with art and
Lane was just talking about it and I really like floor forms I just that
didn't make too much sense to me because if if we accept that at like the face
level then that means that I have to say that the code is wrong and the code's
not wrong yeah yeah you're you're spot-on and that's that was part of my
concern around it is like without proper communication on it you run into all of
these different assumptions and like that can be really detrimental to the
drop it can be detrimental to the collection and the art and not
necessarily the artist but the team behind it that's helping with the tech
so again none of this is fun it's more just like a matter of fact like if
you're an artist like make sure you're communicating effectively in the lead up
to make sure that the community's expectations are managed yeah I think
you raise you raise a banging point and they actually to be fair I hadn't heard
about any of this shit until this very moment now so I'm gonna go away and do
my own research and check it out I will give them a huge tip of the cap though
like in the after immediate aftermath of the mint they were absolutely on it in
terms of helping the people who had issues during the mint myself included
so huge hats off to them for taking like the really great customer services
approach of like the customer is always right because they hooked up a lot of
people and made sure that they were made happy about being a part of the
collection the one other thing I don't know if there's anything that even had
more to say on Flora forms there was one other thing I wanted to mention before I
before I shut up so mad lads so there was a there was a there was some rumors
flying around the timeline yesterday but the set that the next expansion of mad
lads is gonna be on Bitcoin and like obviously if that is if that is true and
it seems like it potentially is that's huge for both for both mad lads and for
and for Bitcoin so I don't really have a huge amount else to say about that but
it just excited me when I saw it just shows their interest they have the
backpack wallet they have teamed up with their own exchange I would imagine them
coming into ordinals you maybe you see the accent backpack start supporting
Bitcoin projects well that's the only way you can even mint it you'd have to
use the backpack wallet to get access to it right to inscribe it I think that I
think you're just putting the lot putting that I think that's the bigger
news is backpack in X there whatever their crypto exchange is going probably
in the future to be supporting Bitcoin and that's a major that's like born
eighth or something like that mad lads are like the top project on Solana so
the backing and like the justification like this is something that we're doing
and we're the top project and we're doing this we're gonna support ordinals
think it's huge for the oral ecosystem but just like the combination of both
of those ecosystem like together and getting more Solana people over Bitcoin
I think it's huge so I think that's the bigger news is backpack in the in their
crypto exchange is probably going to be supporting you know brooms and BRC 20s
and ordinals in the future which it's crazy so I think that's the bigger news
out of everything let's start the trill and then we'll go back to you go back to
you Stephen and ask you if you got anything on your mind art wise so what
up trill yeah just pinning up something that's coming from OSF he's dropping a
free mint for a new collection that he's been doing it's like a derivative of an
art that he did on his end in terms of OSF editions but yeah it's a free mint
details on like who can participate essentially if you own some of his art
have you ever made a wrecked meme in the community or if you own a wreck guy and
some of those other assets you'll be able to mint these so only thing I'm
thinking of is Tony either if it's on blast but just want to pin that to the
top and then reminder that we are giving a super Julio world pre-sale
through this so make sure you read to eat the space thank you Paris for
stopping by and sharing that occasion with us this is separate from the mint
this week we do have a pre-sale so it's a lower entry price so make sure you
retoot the space and I'll be giving that out today
good Stephen appreciate that show
sorry mute button was wasn't working so there are a couple things that I want to
make sure on people's radars that are you know more multi-chain this week and
for those of you that are ordinals art fanatics I'm right there with you but
this week has been a little bit leaner in terms of ordinals are drops coming up
because honestly there's so many that I'm tracking right now that just are
awaiting dates so if you're curious as to like why it was a little bit thinner
I think it's just because we have so many that are on the horizon that are
kind of preparing so just know that but like I had mentioned yesterday there
were a bunch of drops this week in like multi-chain environments because we've
got an FT Paris this week as one of like the big catalysts but among them that
you'll find up in the mint list in my all eyes on art digest that's pinned up
top the big one that I personally am watching today is monument by care lead
that's their verse works there were 90 made available to the public they had 90
that were for specifically like holder allow list and collectors that are
already pre-existing that was honestly one that I really think has a lot of
legs because they're one of the most respected generative artists in the scene
so I'm excited to see how that one goes but the other one that was coming up
today believe it was today let's double check it oh no it's Thursday so be aware
of this one for tomorrow morning 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time tomorrow goes
public it's miss metaverse by Anna Maria Caballero and Melissa wider act
that's being dropped through get the gazelle art house kind of like in
attachment to NFT Paris but they're a London based art house and that's going
live at noon Eastern for point one each a piece the the big reason why I'm like
very bullish on this collection is the way that it looks at the end of the day
achieves a proper blending between both artists styles whereas like in past
collaborations like sometimes those styles can butt heads this is one of the
rare instances that I think that they marry up really really well and it's a
very intentionally and well thought-out collection so I'd be watching that one
and sharp objects by empress trash which is coming out tomorrow as well that'll
be available through Decca I believe at point one eath at 6 a.m. Eastern Time so
you got to be up pretty damn early if you want to get on that one but today
otherwise I mean it's it's a pretty quiet day unless you have the allow list
or public mint for faster than light from Lionel Radisson aka Machio 135
those are kind of the big ones for today but that's over on Solana and it's
selling for 1.5 soul apiece so overall it's a lot going on this week but it's
about finding a way to suss out the quality so we spoke a lot about it last
night on color commentary which again was super stoked to have the TDA fam in
in the space for that we talked a lot with both Nevin Johnson and prism about
you know what's going on over a counterfeit and in Nevin's case his
upcoming drop with Alex Quito on Bitcoin that's dropping on Monday called
fragmented frames they've been talking about that for a couple of weeks now so
you probably heard a little bit more about it but we kind of dove deep on it
if you want more info on that definitely check out the recording from the space
there was a lot of alpha to take away but yeah man it's it's a really it's
another really great week to be in art and I'm excited to see what comes to the
bright moments drop in Paris that's gonna be really fun to watch yeah Jesus
Christ you know what I'm saying and for all of you guys that walk your phones
like I do every day our day is coming so tomorrow helium will be listed on
coinbase so coinbase will add support for helium mobile token on the Solana
networked SPL token do not send this asset over on any other network your
funds will be lost etc etc trading will begin on the 22nd of February 2020
24 at or around 12 p.m. Eastern time if liquidity conditions are met so yeah
dude for all of us better sell that army on that shit on the coinbase listing
it's gonna dump after that oh yeah yeah dude I'm gonna consolidate I got a call
everyone in my family and be like yo go claim your shit you know no I'm just
playing that'd be a bad farmer so I just got a list bro and you know you can hop
in on a different VPN claim send it all to yourself and yeah dude I'm excited
for it I mean the rewards have been diminishing a little bit and I can lie
they change the requirements I don't know if anyone saw that recently but
before you had to clock in about 250 different mapping events per day in
order to qualify for baseline rewards now you need five different mapping
events across a two-hour span so it requires you to be either out or mobile
a little bit longer right versus just make a lap around the house the
neighborhood and come back right you have to clock that two-hour span because
they said that they had a lot of people game in the system so just if you're
like you yeah dude I literally went to the gym this morning with three phones
and just put them all into the you know the locker room and was farming
salencio over there too oh dude there's a bunch of ways just your average little
rice farmer bro yeah I mean I had trouble off boarding my helium last
cycle like I think was the only one and Binance US was the only way I
could take it off my my application and actually sell it for profit so I'm glad
that coinbase is supporting it and now you can do it that way quick and easy
pin this up from rect fencer he basically posted this contract of
basically tokens and zk-sync looks to be launching some kind of contracts is use
create types token it's a bunch of computer language but people are
speculating that zk airdrop is gonna be relatively soon because they're
creating the tokens in a contract and then we had the founder of wormhole say
wormhole Wednesday today so some people are speculating that there possibly be
announcement on allocation and I was telling you guys you know that the
partnership with dimension and wormhole was pretty was pretty confirmed that
dimension is going to get that airdrop and guess guess what we found we got a
leak we got a leak we got a leak from a github meanwhile a dimension dimension
snapshot got leaked now up so it's dimension slash staker snapshots and it
has historical entries scripts DM me so my my when I heard the wormhole guy say
wormhole Wednesday and there is a snapshot taken dimension makes me think
that my calculations are right that dimension stakers are gonna get wormhole
and here is proof of a snapshot that was taken today of dimension holders so do
you think how much so cuz I mean like the baseline the cheapest allocation you
could get was 50 52 and that's what I mean I got the lowest level right the
52 and I make that bullshit but when they hit $8 I started the process of
removing it so I don't know if that saves me if it's in the the process of
being unstaked but I just thought that you know with everyone up in the
thresholds you're not gonna get probably continuously rewarded if you just
got the base level like 50 you know I mean not in my opinion at least so we'll
see if there is a threshold because a lot of people got fucked on the teal one
dude I mean this wasn't dimensions only been out for like two weeks so people I
feel like you're gonna be rewarded if you stick instantly so I mean there
wasn't a lot of time to stake for this and this is a post from to 624 oh that's
just me sticking I stick my dimension I see this similar as Tia where if you
stake you'll get your you'll get rewarded and then at the bottom I said
I'm looking at you wormhole and we saw the partnership and I think the wormhole
is very collaborated with dimension and they've partnered like it backs the
pro goal so like it's part of their whole ecosystem so I feel like it's part
of the team so I was like I feel like it's gonna get a solid a solid a solid
allocation to people and the people that are staked instantly I think they'll get
rewarded so yeah I guess keep continuing this is you know these roll
apps are gonna be rolling out like soon and every roll at that launches on
dimension you're gonna get airdrop token so I think this is like the next
Celestia we're just staking in these these protocols and these rollups launch
on top of dimension and then you get airdrop those tokens so I'm bullish on
dimension and obviously it has like 90% of the supply staked so the token is
has not a lot of cell pressure right now I'm trying to find that a post from
there let me see if I could find it from wormhole talking about this
partnership and that was the speculation that made me think that they were part
of the team and they are because it's part of the infrastructure yeah well
you look for that I was just there's a one thing that I found I don't know if
he's just doing it for just to do it but easy inscribed his bodago yesterday 22
hours ago wasn't a mistake I mean I I don't know if this is his wallet but
someone inscribed easy's PFP his actual bodago on a actual special sat you know
the vintage Nakamoto one I don't know if he's just doing it to do it I don't
know if this could be maybe a but dog was extension on Bitcoin I don't know
dude but hey we're hearing it here first 22 hours ago easy put up his
but dog or someone inscribed easy's but doggo so we'll see if it plays out to be
that dude yeah and just going back to wormhole they post the backpack
partnership and what did you learn that backpack is now getting allocation the
wormhole so all these partnerships are similar to alt layer our dimension itself
where they are you know allocating these coins to different NFT projects to
different protocols like Celestia and others I'm still trying to find this but
yet just know that D gods are gonna get allocation for wormhole Utes are
dimension I would say pith network there's just it's just a massive
ecosystem and I think they're probably gonna roll out this claim similar to how
dimension did it relatively soon and I'm I think it's probably today when he
said wormhole Wednesday makes me think like we're probably gonna get that roll
out today and then also with the snapshot taken I think this wormhole
token TGE is probably within the next week in my opinion so pretty I'm psyched
man I really am here it is this is on two one twenty four wormhole will be
integrated with dimension a network a modular blockchain called rollups
dimension allows change the scale minimal overhead using shard security so
this is a kind of a same announcement that backpack head and backpack just a
few days ago got a soulbound token sent that they're getting allocation of
wormhole so I'm thinking that that snapshot that was taken today is a
snapshot for wormhole so keep staking stay liquid don't get drained and I
think that does it for our space oh you want to talk about token Gators yeah I
posted it up I mean we'll get paper D to come and share we've been following
token Gators for probably as long as paper D's been building this you know or
I mean now I don't want to discredit them like that he was building it
beforehand but six months plus watching this and development and seems like
the stew is finally ready I'm so excited to see how this plays out they
are partnering with magic Eden when magic Eden does their whole east side
rollout so I know that a lot of these projects will probably be incentivized
with diamond boost as well as incentives to go to launch on their platform so
really kind of interested to see this you know if you guys don't know who
paper D is it'll be dope for you guys to hear you know his vision whenever we
can get him on the show my man's a goat and and kind of an animation God so
excited for token Gators man oh yeah and then the Nvidia earnings report comes
out at 320 I think today so keep keep your eye on that if the earnings are
lower than expected you people are saying that's gonna dump the market we
know bitcoins considered part of the NASDAQ and it's tech so people are
expecting Bitcoin might dump off these earnings but if it's higher and
expected they're making tons of money and people are saying AI sector pumps
and maybe that could be the momentum for Bitcoin to get over 53,000 I was
looking at a like how much there's there's so many shorts that are packed
up at 53,000 so there's gonna be a major short squeeze if we could break 53,000
and it's upward after that so maybe this is the fuel these Nvidia earnings
being higher than people expected to pump Bitcoin over the 53 and then go to
all-time high we are 30% away from the all-time high this is the closest we've
been to an all-time high before pre-habiting in crypto in bitcoins
history so we breaking form we're breaking cycles we're breaking charts
and I can't see us dumping from here so I don't see think it's see us going back
to 32 K or 28 K but yeah it's gonna be interesting I think we consolidate here
for a few and then obviously we have the arcade claim goes live soon what
you were talking about remember when you're saying yes the block out if they
were planning on doing any kind of competition given an airdrop maybe not
an airdrop but you can connect different wallets to the actual game itself now
and it says get your practice in ranked games are on the way so it may be on to
something next you you guys were funny because you made it seem like they're
gonna give you a fuck you're like yo is there a point system for an air we're
talking airdrops bro and yes this man if he's about an airdrop something for
playing pong he better he better you're not gonna survive in this space if
you're not fucking offering some kind of cinema program to play your fucking game
I'm just trying to just give him a heads up bro like oh you think you're just
gonna launch a leaderboard and people are gonna play no you got to offer some
kind of money or rewards for people to play man yeah we're spoiled now now that
we know your leaderboard is fake your time is ticking buddy you know y'all
shouldn't have told us that that shit is fake cuz now we know so I don't even
care who's at the top anymore it's fake this airdrop this airdrop meta reminds
me of when we went from pavements to freemints and no one would ever pay for
a mint during that meta because we became spoiled and it kind of this
airdrop meta kind of reminds me of that where we're so spoiled that we're not
going to participate on any platform if it doesn't offer us free money at this
point so I'll just give him a heads up I was like if you're not good like yeah
this is fun this is cool these are blocked out block out games is cool but
if you're not gonna offer some kind of reward I don't see how people are in
your game long term and that's what you want you want daily active users you
want retention so that's how you get people back is saying hey you could win
a free board Abe or you could win a ordinal maxi biz or you can win like
pre-allocation room in the last two weeks we've sent 3,000 bonk transactions
to new wallets we've literally added 3,000 holders to the bonk community in
the last two weeks promoting the runner which is a free-to-play game that allows
you to earn bonk directly from your mobile device like it works dude it
works big time and now we got people asking about the ordinal and the tap
token and bitmap valley and excited for the mini games and asking us about the
fighting game all we had to do was give everyone something very simple that had
an incentive behind it and required no barrier to entry it wasn't cheap to do
this right like I've supplied probably fifteen thousand dollars worth of bonk
I've done at least five thousand dollars worth of giveaways to people spent
almost twenty thousand dollars on the infrastructure in the game itself but
now got the increase you know output right now as well right Chris that you
guys well that's permanent that I just update you know for the memes and
because of bringing our new players I just changed it to six point nine from
five but for our NFTs and our token if you're holding our token you get a hold
to earn it's not gonna explain it and then obviously NFTs just take like
normal those have a 3x output to like basically the first week of April so
that's just for the evolved token though right that's like that is incentive base
but that's like a low cap high utility token that's expanding into a bunch of
different games so the point isn't for you to like get evolve and you know look
to exit it's to get evolve and earn on like owning it and being part of
everything plus we got that tournament with bloomverse if you're holding evolved
tokens you get in for free it's going to be a five thousand dollar prize it's a
first-person shooter you can play it right from your browser so there's
definitely a bunch of cool shit okay but what I'm getting at here is most people
don't have maybe 50 grand to create a marketing tool and then another 30 grand
to market it so like understand we are in a hundred thousand dollars on a lot
of what we've been doing and obviously there's more coming but you may not have
that to just sacrifice like I hope everyone understands we've made zero
dollars off of the runner right we're literally just giving you money but but
what happens there is you become interested and intrigued by the fact
that we would even do that in the first place but you start to ask like well
what is the scope of their total goal their total view can't be to just lose
money unsustainably yeah you're right our goal is not to lose money
unsustainably so if we're willing to sacrifice 50 grand to put a product in
your hand that benefits you and can be used as an onboarding tool because
there's literally no barrier to entry well all of a sudden that sparks
interest in well what the fuck do these guys have cooking that they're gonna
make money on and can I make money on that the answer is probably yes but I
can't tell you yes for sure because that's fucking illegal well do we need
to do a sponsor read after that I was about to wrap it up with that I was
like and with that being said TDA is sponsored by I'm so this month I'm so is
a cross chain interoperable ecosystem between Bitcoin and Solana you can play
the endless runner and earn bonk it's powered by the Evolve token that you can
find on the bird eye app so shout out to Chris man shout out to the I'm so and
pinned up top is the brief intro into Bitmap Valley and the second stage that's
to come so we'll find out a little bit more about that in the upcoming weeks so
this is the TDA we do this Tuesday through Saturday 9 45 till about 12 12
30 central it's TDA or stay poor you guys be on the lookout for Allison's
thread later on in the week and you guys be safe and have a good rest of your day man