Recorded: Feb. 8, 2024 Duration: 2:18:08



what's up
what's up guys what's up what's up
getting to my first stop
appreciate you guys
tda starts at 9 45 central
and we go
till 12 p.m or 12 30 p.m. central
appreciate you guys
it up top so please
like that, retweet that
maybe if you don't want to retweet it
because you don't want anybody to know that there's alpha there
that they should be reading then just at least bookmark it
at least you can keep it on the download
and keep it in your phone
I want to hear that excuse we don't want to give the alpha
that's why we don't give this engagement
at least bookmark the motherfucker
yeah appreciate that it was a good one
yesterday lots of information on there
and Josh it looks like you're having trouble connecting
so come back there it is
getting up here
but yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna wait till Chief gets up here until we get into
the discussion because we gotta
get through some
business with our sponsor
and I just hate cutting it in and out
and starting a conversation and
getting back to the conversation
hopefully Chief
can last longer than 20
minutes today
but it wouldn't be a TDA space
if it wasn't the technical difficulties
that's what we're known for
20 minutes?
what is it usually 10 minutes
and it's gonna cut you off mid-sentence
I normally clock
seconds but
20 minutes every once in a while
it just depends on if I'm really tired
or stressed or I don't know
how things are feeling
did you ask me a question?
oh no I thought you were asking me a
question so I was just being a little vulnerable
no it definitely puts a load on me
the fact that I have to be like
very cognizant of the space now
like it definitely stresses me out
you know even people it's like dude is this
is this TDA stage?
you and Chief have great synergy
he just comes in and he runs the space
and then you come back in and then now
with this like rugging issue and then
the desktop issue where you can't see hands
I feel like I'm like running the space
more than ever which that's kind of what your job
was supposed to be the whole time
I taped the bottom of my phone
so the bottom of
the phone until the other phone gets here
just got tape over all the speakers
you know and then it's
that's low key the smart ass play
yeah dude then it's connected to an
external battery and just shoved in a
bunch of like in a shirt and it's right
next to my desk now so I can kind of look over
it's blocking
the important fridge but
it's okay we can we can thug it out
so let's just do
a little bit of housekeeping and then we'll
we'll keep the ball rolling
so first off
appreciate everyone I heard
X was already talking a little bit earlier but appreciate
everyone that supported
Allison's thread and just the recap of the space
it's more so a resource for you guys to
just pick and choose what you want what you need
and then you know show a little
bit of love to the TDA
we're definitely going to start doing that I mean we've seen it
work in the past I know that you guys love to
retweet pixel for pixel
and you don't even need to do pixel for pixel
for us you can be yourself
and we'll give you wireless fonts too
so no disrespect
but you know if you know you know
and if you don't go find out so
next TDA is sponsored by
I'm Soap for the month
of February so shout out
to Chris for taking care of
us man and believing in us and what we're
building here and also being a part of our community
up top has pinned up
a representation of
the I'm Soa endless runner that
he has he added the new meow
character in there for Jupiter
and they also have
a new wallet integration with Magic Eden
so if you're going to go far in Magic Eden
might as well far in Magic Eden
and have the potential to earn bonk
at the same time
this week and last
week we were learning about the eVault
token which powers Chris's
I guess chain right? Interoperability
infrastructure that he's building
and the eVault token is
the center of all of that so four mini
games plus the endless runner
go check it out on bird eye
and I'm excited to go
as always we always say this but when we start
diving into the Bitcoin side right? It's the
cross chain side and we've had two weeks of
the salon integrations
and soon enough we'll get to the Bitcoin
integrations and I'm already
orange filled so
holy shit
What do you eat 404s?
Dude there's Avax 404s
the SPL22s are similar to the
404s I saw Justin
Sun tweet TRX
404s have taken over and
I've even seen some
Chinese whales saying like
this is something that I'm fucking with
and I think that's where a lot of the money's coming from
I think they were sitting at
these Pandora's were sitting at 6
they're at 11 ETH now so they have
2X and I think even the frogs
the frogs weren't even at an
ETH floor and then the frogs are not
like 4, 4.5 or some shit
the Frobes
and the D frogs
are these launched by the D guys?
like why?
It's just a derivative
it would only make sense
Yeah I saw a screenshot
I guess they deleted it but
maybe it was just a marketing ploy but
Binance I saw a screenshot that
they're gonna be supporting
Oh I saw that too I was trying to find that
I mean I literally had that
tweet but when you click on it you can't go
and see it you know they obviously
deleted it but it literally said Binance now
supporting ERC 404
So my understanding of these
404s is you have an NFT
and then you attach tokens
to it and
you can fractionalize
the token and then once
the token is fractional I just say in
haves the NFT burns
and the only way that you can
get that NFT back is can join
the tokens back but you won't
get the same NFT but you'll get
an NFT that representing
what was burnt from my understanding
so I mean it's kind of
a different dynamic and that's what I was talking about
and that kind of stuff so like say you wanted
the crypto punk you can't afford a crypto punk
you can buy this token
that's basically inside
the crypto punk the 404 standard
and fractionalize so now you own a fractional
of the crypto punk but now that
it's fractionalized you burn the NFT
now that there's two parts
now the NFT that's associated
is now burned and the only way you get
back the NFT is when you can join
the tokens back into one wallet again
for my understanding
like a puzzle
I mean it's literally like a puzzle
you got one solid image when everything's
all together
do you know what I'm saying?
I'm just open door now you're good
but I mean a lot of people are saying
like we had you know people you know the people behind
Pandora you know
people are kind of skeptical of them
and like yeah be skeptical
but like I don't think you can rug
a token standard right like
the 404 is here
no matter how many people are involved
the token standard is an idea and it's there
and now people are going to use it
and people like I've seen people in the timeline
like researching yesterday saying
why would any other NFT project use an
ERC721 when you use the 404
and unlock so much more liquidity
so I'm just like I think now the new
this new standard you're going to start seeing
projects pop up and instead of launching
the old ERC721As
these trade different things so that's what
I was explaining yesterday just in the dynamics
and just these are
literally now because of the tokens
pegged to them
in a sense right if you don't split
it up they're a shitter
or can be right
not to have the word shitter
as a negative connotation but they're
just a token in a sense
but I'm just not trying to say the word
token over and over because in this sense
there's a jpeg
and a token and then
this is going to trade like a
shitter quote unquote like on a DEX
or that's why people have been able to buy,
snipe and trade the frogs
and they show up on a coin, market cap
all this kind of stuff not as a
NFT but then you can
switch it over and it looks like an NFT
as well so it's just weird in the metrics
of how they're classifying
because I don't think anyone knows
how to update
or show charts for this correctly yet so
let's go to the hands
there's a bunch of them, let's go to
gambler, GM bro and then we'll work our way
around. GM chief
how you doing, what's up X
TDA or stay poor, yeah
on this topic of the
E404s I just wanted to highlight
I like the best way
I've been able to wrap my
head around it is thinking of like
flooring protocol so
some of us are familiar with flooring protocol
months and as far as
my understanding which I don't
have a full full understanding of flooring
or this but my understanding is that
it works in a similar fashion it's like
exactly like you just said chief it's a puzzle
and when you mint you get a
bundle I think CBRCs
are a good example of this as well
it's a bundle of NFTs and
tokens and then
similar to flooring once you get the bundle
you have the NFT
you can either cut the NFT
smaller like you said
the tokens, the
coins that you're trading but I
wanted to call that out and then
I had something
else to say but I forgot but I'm also excited
about the SPLs I just learned what
SPL22s were and
if I can benefit
from this new meta without having to
go back to ETH and that's kind of cool
so is that the
these nuts token? Is that these
nuts real quick?
I don't actually know
I don't actually know
okay that's what I'm saying that's the reason why
these nuts was popping off because
it was the first one like that
and the thing that was cool about that one is
it's exactly like trading
you buy packs and then you can split
the packs and then you can make
you just kind of
it's just a different style of trading
instead of just one for one and just
bartering across the board
this token standard
no I'm just saying this token standard by itself
is possibly
I don't know
I just see it like how much
people are talking about it and how all these
entities are going up it could possibly bring
a lot of people back to ETH you know a lot of
people have ventured saying ETH's dead
there's not a lot going on here
we had like four sales on board H
yesterday which is like an all time low
maybe this ERC 404
can bring a lot more people that ventured
to Seoul and Ordinals and went to
ABACS and maybe they come back
to ETH now that there's kind of like a new thing
to play with like that's kind of what we were
kind of bored right like we see so much
innovation on these other chains
and learning and like oh this is new
now we got this new kind of standard on Ethereum
and now I see the
attention coming back to ETH like
you know TVL is being locked up
but like the metrics for
ETH are like coming back
the fundamentals like well this makes it
fun dude the gas is up
the gas is up again it's just like the
activities coming back we've seen
we've seen two or three
examples that I can remember off the top of my head
like this of people
having some type of money
attached to the JPEG right
but now let's
just say you want to play big consey man
you take money
in from the sale you then
attach and divide let's just say
1% of that 2% of that
in quote unquote tokens to every
NFT asset
and now you have
automatically set the market cap as
soon as you come out of the gate based off of
the tokens that are attached to them because
it's real money in an actual
liquidity pool. So now
founders can really sit
and play and you can kind of
if you want to manipulate this
great if not you set
a baseline value for
it to where you say hey no matter
what even let's just say the JPEG goes
to shit there's still
0.2 ETH attached to it
because of XYZ
right but let's go to Josh
no wait wait one second
I just pinned up if you guys are just tuning in
you don't know what a 404 is I just posted
a thread up there explaining what a 404
is and then commenting
on what you said I saw this morning
NFT marketplaces killed
99% of NFT founders revenue
ERC 404 is founders
going to kill 99% of NFT
marketplaces volume doggy dog
so maybe this ERC 20 is kind of
like a fuck you to the marketplaces and now
founders can make money. Well yeah then you literally split
that off you don't have to trade on a marketplace
people aren't pissed off they don't got a
floorship for Z. You know like it just changes
the dynamic because there's for one something
else attached to it and two there's
an automatic value out
the gate price discovery should only
go up from there not go down
you know what I'm saying unless people are deliberately
like hey it's worth a hundred
but I'm going to burn it for 80 because I
really hate you so
I don't know it'll be interesting on that
go to Josh
Yeah I just wanted everyone
yeah you know I've been looking
at Solana paying attention and I'm
just like there's nothing really
new happening on Solana right now
and I was just it's only a matter
of time until I go back to ETH and
you know because that's what that's what all the
volume is. That's what all the real
you know old models and
ETH is where all the real
big volume is and all the real big
projects and so I just knew
eventually we're going to
shift to ETH and
honestly the indicators are
showing right before the Juke Airdrop
right and the
fact that these ERC 404s
are talking up is really
you know kind of
I don't know I feel like you several
are going to start seeing a lot more money
over there
I do like this fractionalized
for the protocol for example
let's just say I put my mutant 8 and I
get the tokens
right when I put the tokens back
I don't get my new unless I
take a clean them right
so it's kind of the same thing with
these 404s where you get the tokens
together and you don't get the same NXT
but it's done
yeah I mean
but doesn't it burn
like I said listen to that. When does it burn?
Yeah it burns it.
It burns whenever
you split or whatever you
split and it's gone
yes but and then when he
got it I guess all his
like your puzzle
I think the best I mean is a
puzzle. Yeah but I got the whole piece
together on a fungible. When you
grab the other pieces
again you get a new
image. So a new mutant
yes but it holds your
token place
from my understanding it holds your token
place token number and everything it just
generates you a new literal
yeah double
double just imagine if you
if you didn't like the rarity of your
so-called mutant you can game this and
get two wallets and keep
adding and subtracting the
tokens back and forth until I think
I don't understand is that they say it's burning
the supply right like right now
there's less than 10k NFT
for Pandora right because it's
burning so because
the tokens are out there
never they're never coming back
together and joining like
that puzzle image is gone
and you will never be able to make a new piece of the
puzzle because you lost pieces
that's it so how do I get it back if I
can never make it again if you
can if you have ninety nine and you can't
get the one piece that gambler has
that's it you got to go get
one piece from someone else and grab you know
what I'm saying another image and go that way through
or Josh's mutant
he'll never grab again because someone
has piece one
and it'll never come back
so how is it broken down per NFT like is it like
a hundred coins per NFT and if
I sell one token
I don't know if it's a set
arbitrary amount it's probably
like variable
based off of you know
well I mean
that would be cool you know because that would
kind of defeat the point of having a rare
one but then again if you can just keep burning
it can't be based off of rarity
right because in a sense you can just
move like exit back and forth back and forth
and then what when you hit a rare you just
unlock more coins
so it's probably a base value
that the creator of the token
or the contract right
every single token like a vault
every token will come with
X amount of tokens attached
to it if the vault breaks up then
this gets burnt and this can never
come together for either states too or
a new image unless you
have the entirety of the vault
go ahead Noah
yeah well I was going to say
I don't know I still feel like founders
have to really think this through right because
you're still launching a
token it's not just like
like it's not like
you know just because it's combined that
it's not um there's no legal
ramifications for launching a token right
oh a hundred percent dude
I've just not even been surprised at how many people
don't give a fuck about that anymore like
I don't know if people are really just
thinking that feds ain't coming
but I mean you could have done this
oh they covered
two years ago fam and
you know you would have had a longer runway
to get away with it maybe one year ago
now everyone's launching
tokens now when shit's like
ETFs approved and it's normal
you know quote unquote normalize like that's
I don't know I wouldn't be fucked around
it's kind of it's kind of a thing where you
since there's kind of gray
areas where you push innovation
and then if you fucking get in trouble you ask
for forgiveness and they're hoping that if they launch
a token they're gonna make millions of dollars
and the ask forgiveness part is to get a lawyer
to defend your ass so maybe they're like
I'll just fucking pay a lawyer to get me
out of this situation but I pinned up
a few things we have
Ignigma 404 on Avax
don't know when they
rug but Avax foundation retards always
shill copycats high chance of
sending hard then like I said
we had Justin Sun say TRX
404 and then this Bitcoin
he's from China he posted this
all in Chinese but to be translated
he says there are many things in the
world that are just that doesn't the iPhone
just give up a keyboard
isn't a Mac just an operating system
isn't Steve Jobs just a sales person
isn't Musk just a luck
in a new energy
isn't Jack Ma just plagiarizing
eBay didn't Buffet just catch up
with a good times for the development
of the United States didn't Tencent
just copy Bitcoin isn't just a
string of code BRC20
is just a few lines of code
isn't 404 just a few hundred lines
indeed nothing more than that so this Bitcoin
whale seems to be super interested
in this and I think that's where a lot of the volumes
coming from right is this and I just
want you guys to be a concern
not concerned but they're not
a lot of token scanners for this
stuff so pin this up
as 404 ERC 404
become more popular a few of them
figured out how to rug even with
lock liquidity since there are no token
scanners that can pick up this yet
the best tool you can do this use is spot
proficiency price spot
obvious signs having one or more
tokens in the rug ratio over
0 to 1 unverified
contract other signs of a rug are
having functions to mint other tokens
unlock liquidity this is
one of the unclear
this is unclear since
there are some non nefarious
reasons for keeping liquidity
unlocked and yesterday I observed a token that had
lock liquidity but had a function
to mint tokens so they were able to
infinite mint tokens and drain liquidity
that way comment below if
there's any other obvious signs so
yeah like this is very new
obviously the scammers are going to come out because they
see price go up and there are not a lot
of token standards so don't ape into everything
that is promoted 404
because there are kind of ways people don't understand
how to rug this stuff and it's kind of like
diluting your market your
shares it looks like just
creating more and more and more and more tokens
and then they sell those or something and
then they can kind of drain the liquidity so
this is all hyped this is all the rage
everybody's talking about it but just still be
careful like the the
hawks and the people out there that steal your money
are waiting and then they're trying to figure out
ways to you know take your money so
just wanted to throw that out there for you guys but
been interesting
it's been interesting and
short squeeze right chief do we have
a short squeeze this morning is that how we got 45k
I think the bullish thing
and we've been talking about
is you know obviously the ETF
is coming out and during
the first week of the ETFs we're almost a month
into ETFs being announced we had
grayscale mass selling
sorry I'm delivering this fucking table
it's fucking heavy
hey you made me feel good I just
realized that we're not still running hard
we're steadily starting to
come down yes that makes me feel good
double down in on goblin town
bro like more and more people
I saw yesterday when it started breaking
they're like this doesn't make
sense this doesn't make
sense this is fake this is fake
and then sure enough it was like
some type of fucking fake out bro
I think that the next one we get
that's it though
I'm about 100% agree
how are you going to fake somebody out when they know it's coming
right so obviously it's going to break through
that that line
that resistance that you think
it should have failed at right that's the fake
out yeah that's literally that fake out
yesterday was crazy people were like I don't know
we're breaking 44 and then it just kept
going it has to hold I made it 445
max pain but
for it to get a next leg up if not
it's crashing if you look at
if you look at the RSI everything is talked
out bro I'm telling you
all right go look at it
anyways I did
I was looking at no you don't look at the four hour
I got like kind of in the green at least a
day that's what I look at I look at four
hours look at the four
yeah yeah
anyways it is just getting we're just getting
started and I think a lot of people
consider like okay grayscale selling less
yesterday we had over 200 million dollars
inflows and in 2024
excluding grayscale have been
1.7 billion dollars
of inflows since the ETFs
announced and I think one thing that
we kind of don't understand what's going on which
kind of surprised me when I when I found this out and
did some research on it that
air drops
we've had an inflow of
1.6 billion dollars
I just said that that's crazy
so the ETF inflows
have been 51 percent of
all the new inflows of 2024
air drops have been 49 percent of
all new inflows into the market so
when we're talking about hey is this
sustainable is this what's going like
we're literally going to have over 250
air drops this year and every time a
new protocol comes out that's more
stimulus into our ecosystem
and I think that's where we're kind of getting this
pump from we basically had
a crazy amount of inflows
in the past 2024 of
like 3 billion dollars and half
of that inflow are air drops and they're not
stopping anytime soon so
I think we're going to continue this we've got
wormhole coming up we have
rug today we got
I mean there's so much on the horizon and all
these tokens are like when we get a
stimulus check from the government it's not backed
by anything it's backed by the Federal Reserve that
print countless times and countless
money when we get air drops from these
protocols this is backed
by the protocol and they're just
distributing their wealth to the people and
I think we're in air drop season
2024 this is going to bring in
brand new participants in the space
when we start everybody starts getting
air drop money for just being participate like
if you participated in the bear market
and you were here for the past year and a
half while everybody left you're now getting
rewarded for just participating
and I think people are starting
to get savvy on this air drop and
they're starting to stake their tokens this and that
but I think a lot
of people that have been in this space are going to start
like sharing this information with their
friends and their friends are going to be like what what did you do
you just like had an NFT
in your wallet and you got three thousand
dollars and I think we're going to have a massive
inflow of new participants once
like this air drop season gets
underway we're like retail isn't even here
and people are printing thousands and thousands
of dollars every day like just imagine
when retails here in air drops are dropping bro
it's going to be fucking crazy and we're like
66 days from the Bitcoin halving
so I feel like a lot of these projects like wormhole
I was kind of surprised that they kind
of up their up their schedule
and I think a lot of these projects trying to get out
and into market before the
actual bull market starts and that's when the halving
happens like you might have like a
small downside after the halving but that's
why we're kind of in a bullish territory
and I think that a lot of these tokens are pushing
up their schedule because they want to get into
this kind of meta of air drop farming
and we're just going to continue to see these inflows
of air drops kind of
probably taking over the ETF
inflows like if we get wormhole
next week that's that's additional
and I'm just like looking at how
much of this money has been air dropped to people
and it's fucking crazy like
Manta 172
million dollars
Alt layer 138 million dollars
Jupiter 904 million
dollars dimension
500 million dollars
that's 1.7 billion dollars
just from four
air drops
that's the same amount of inflows basically
as the ETF and we're not stopping
anytime fucking soon with these air drops
so with this chart where
the air drops are only 49% of the
inflows in 2024 it's going to
totally creep and probably take 50
that's going to be 55% and I think
that's kind of where all this money
is coming from is actually these air drops
and we're in air drop season so
that was pretty interesting
it's kind of crazy right? Like the fact that
air drops are bringing more money
into the crypto space than actually ETFs
that blew my mind when I found that out
I don't know
I tend to talk this week from Binance
about supporting EIT
there it is
I was wondering when they deleted it
and now they brought it back
oh yeah 18 minutes ago
they had originally posted it maybe an hour ago
and they straight up deleted that shit
but I'm going to go deliver this package
behind this building
I didn't mean to rant there
you can't really compare those to
air drops
you can't really compare
air drops to
new money coming into ETFs
why? It's brand new money
is it not?
it's printed money
the USD coming in
them printing money and giving it
to you isn't new money coming into the space
just like when you get a stimulus of new
USD increasing the money supply
causes inflation
you're inflating the crypto
protocols that come in
it's just squashing money around
the market cap
if they get VC funding then it's not
well most of these
that have air drops
the majority of it doesn't come from
VC in my 10 dollars
so if I create a token right now
and put it up is that new money?
I mean it depends on
where you get the liquidity for the token
yeah but that liquidity is coming from
that's what you're saying
no I'm saying but I'm just saying you can't just compare
it one to one like an ETF
an ETF is one to one like new money coming
in from other like
from establishing institutions
putting money into an ETF
cash it only goes cash
to the stock market
it's not like taking crypto
you're a specific case that your money
comes from crypto if I pick
James down the street and he
wants to launch a token his money doesn't
come from crypto his money comes
from his grandma and from James
junior down the street
because you don't know where it comes from
some could come from new
that is true that's what I'm saying some could come from crypto
and essentially be sloshed around
and I would say like a little
percentage maybe 25-30
percent is but I think
the vast majority of any quote-unquote
air drops that are worth it
definitely were more
or less from VC funding or
some type of angel rounds and shit like that
right not necessarily
like I said we don't stake
enough I've seen this
marinade pool can't get fucking full for
the last month and a half and I
thought they were the biggest stakers on
Seoul and it's still at 85 percent
so I don't think that we
as like a community have enough
participants or even liquidity
to fundraise
full blown like good air
drops nothing like E&S right?
Air dropping 8, 9k to people for fun
I think the whole thing about adding
to the market is like
you're putting the
money into the market
participants hands
it's not like you're just making money
out of nowhere but now that there's
more money in the ecosystem
you know things are more active
that's an idea
people that got DYM
the people that had DYM just say
they staked
one Tia $17 and now
they have $1000
but that doesn't make the overall
market cap of crypto go up
how does it not go up?
I'm saying it's been going down
if I have $0
when all these air drops were going on the market cap was going down
why was that happening?
fucking Grayscale was selling
a billion dollars a day
so that means that all your air drops didn't bring
new money in as much as they did
that's what I'm saying
so you said that the air drops are bringing
more new money in than ETF
that's just not right, that's not true
you're just printing fake money
and sloshing it around
it's fake money now
are you in crypto bro?
you bitch about crypto bro
you bitch about crypto bro
you just take it in and out
full liquidity, it's not like you can just print
any token that's not bringing new money
into the market
that's the same thing as
the government printing money
double eight for president
I mean let's just call a spade a spade
you can't, come on
the money's backed by protocol
it's fake money, yeah I know but you can't take it out
when you go to take it out the liquidity pool
you can't take out the money
if everyone got air dropped
everyone goes to take it all out
will everyone be able to cash out the same liquidity?
because you can't print more
yeah but if the ETF sells
all their coins
they'll be able to cash it out
I don't know, I got lost on that one
I was going with you until
you're confusing liquidity
and like money
no I think you're just confusing everything
no I mean all I was saying one point
he said air drops are bringing more money
into the system than ETFs
no but double it does
some comes from crypto but once again
a lot of it comes from outside
like we as a collective do not have enough
to make like let's just say
like an ENS style airdrop
there's no way that we could do that
we couldn't do a Gito style airdrop
if we wanted to, you need
those millions and no I mean a couple of us
but you need those millions of dollars
from someone else who has a
longer timeline
yeah but the VCs are now putting the money into liquidity pool
they're giving it to the
to the foundation or whatever
and everyone didn't just cash out their
they cashed it to Ethereum
or other crypto anyway go ahead continue
no I mean we're sitting here trying to
say that we know what people did with their money
something we do and I don't think we know where the money
is coming from in a sense we just know that
I mean there was no money here
and now there is money whether
you believe that that made the overall market
cap go up or if those tokens are
valid or not that's between you and
the market cap number is going down
yeah once again between
you and the DEX what you were talking about well
if everyone tries to cash out
who goes first or is the same
amount of tokens once again that's you
fighting the DEX that's not you fighting
anything else it's liquidity
that's being drained because it's a pool
right right and there's a certain amount of liquidity
that's less than what the actual
value is like right so
if you're telling me that this token
is worth X billion dollars
how much actual liquidity
is really in there it's not
that value right
I mean if I burn 99
million then it's
about it's no longer worth 1 billion
no matter what originally
the pool was set up with
that's just regular math
that's what we're trying to explain to you you say you can
keep printing tokens you can't
sure you can
what? what do you mean you're just printing
4 or 4 tokens like it's nothing you're printing
tokens every day oh bro
every day I see a new shitter pop up oh
this is a billion dollar valuation oh it hit 100
million it hit 200 million market cap
like what are you talking about and then I can't even get
20 bucks out of it
you gotta be quicker than that
yeah you know what I'm saying
oh it hit 100 million market cap
I don't know what I got I don't know what
to tell you once again you're arguing you need to
argue with the DEX not with me
argue with the DEX and your tools
just making a statement that's all
I could be wrong
alright pinned up top I saw this was
pretty cool it's on Farcaster
so native once again
social media app
this one might have legs right but
we've said that I think about fucking everything
friend tech
arena everything in a half
so here we are again
but this is cool in terms of an
actual tech innovation
so they have
I guess you would call a wallet recovery
system when you create
a wallet in their
algorithm or in their
protocol or whatever it is
it basically creates two
seeds right
two mnemonic seed phrases
one of them is for you to go write it down
and have that traditional path
a second one
is almost
I mean I guess not almost but it is basically
burned and encrypted
into the cloud
now I don't know how to really
say for if you guys believe the cloud but
it's okay
it's not whether we believe the cloud or not
it's just what it does
if you lose access to the
the Farcaster protocol allows
for a second address to be
able to transfer the Farcaster
account to a new address
so basically you can recover
your crypto wallet
even if you lose your seed phrase
from this ghost
seed phrase that exists
form and matter in the cloud
you can also set
up an automatic delegation
system to where you can say
hey if this
happens then
you reroute all my
assets and my money to this new wallet
I know that when Ledger
came out with this the space
was in a fucking uproar
and Ledger said that they split up
their secondary
code into pieces
all over the world and you know
basically stashed it
almost fractionalized your seed phrase
in different notes
and people were having issues with that
I don't know how people are going to feel about a whole
second seed phrase just being stored in the cloud
having the ability to
access your wallet
if you go and say hey
I don't no longer have my seed phrase
activate the backup code
so I know that there's wallet systems like
Galaxy and other hardware
wallets that have these kind of
safety mechanisms
to where if you die
or whatever
a procedure in place for recovery
but at the end of the day
it's up to you guys to think of how
safe do you feel this is, do you trust
their servers, do you trust
the Apple cloud that they're putting
your actual seed phrase in
Still thought it was cool innovation wise
but if you guys want to check it out
once again it's on Farcaster
Go ahead Gamblin
I saw MIR protocol is now
integrated into Farcaster
Hey nice to meet you, yeah go ahead Gamblin
Yeah I was just wondering
and we don't have to go into it right now because we spent some
time on it already but just a question like
I'm wondering why we didn't
see this run up or all this
hype on CBRCs
I mean there was some right
and SPL22s
that we're seeing on ETH and I can't
help but wonder if it's
due to what Josh is talking about
that people are just bored and this is like oh
new tech on ETH
but it does make me somewhat hesitant
and it's on my mind like
because I have a few CBRCs, I have those
cyborg punks
and I'm bullish on them but I'm just wondering
why the run up wasn't there
and then I have a little bit of
possible alpha but I'll pause there
because I see Josh's hand went up
one thing is like
there's always a meta
and there's like metas that happen
we want to create meaning
out of nothing sometimes
in this space and sometimes it's really
hard to know like
what is going to actually
stay, what's here to stay and what's not
and so my only thing
is we had no idea
why those things happened
I think it's because people got bored
but it doesn't mean that there's not
lots of opportunities for you to capitalize
on and that you should
like just don't get
too over invested in something that just
came out a few days ago
every project out there
is going to take advantage of this meta
so you just have to be really careful moving forward
and then we saw it yesterday
we saw the ERC 404 and the next thing you know
10 different projects coming out with the same thing
right, so just
you know, just be a little careful
yeah thanks
I agree, sorry go ahead Chee
no I was just going to say even the run ups
what was it, the pill
heads ran from .02 to
what else, froggy friends
went parabolic just due to
having a percent of
their 404 allocation or
something airdrop to them or
the ability to participate in it so
yeah it's just
kind of, I mean we're at mass mania
but that's kind of when
you're buying a diff right here, it looks like it's all
I don't even look at that way but I'm waiting for
goblin town, I called goblin town like a
month ago and I'm just waiting to see goblin town
ranges and then
goblin town 404?
I think why CBRC20
didn't take off is there's just so
many new token standards that are
coming out of VRR on Bitcoin like
404 is a ton of gold rooms
it's like you're putting
these drinking fountains in a place that is
very well hydrated
and then like eat with
ethereum it's like a fucking desert
there's nothing going on, no one's talking about it
and then you put this water fountain in the middle of desert
everybody runs to it cause they're like man we're thirsty
so I just think it was just like
there's not a lot going on on ETH and people that are
on ETH are like damn, finally something to fucking
learn and I think that's why this is getting all
the attention
there's just so much going on in ordinals that
people kind of like are lost in the sauce
and they're just like turning every which direction
cause it's very technical and
people kind of lose when they try to figure things
out they kind of lose their
learning power to learn something
new and I think people on ETH have been
just sitting here waiting and they see something new
and they just grasp upon it cause it's
something that can pump their bags possibly
so I kind of think that's why CBRC20
and I don't think CBRC20 are
still underdeveloped
I was listening to them on a few spaces and I still
don't think they have like their official
indexing out so it's still under development
I'm pretty sure. Yeah, you still can't trade tokens
in the quote unquote jpeg
together magic heathens allowing
trading of them split
and the only place where you
can trade them as a bundle
is Ordinal Novus
and I think this morning
Pepitino's came out with some type
of announcement called like
Ordity or Ordify
or something like that is going to pick them up
and allow for trading
Let's go, I have a couple of those
Yeah, I think that's my favorite answer
Expresso, we'll see how it plays out
but I think that's my favorite answer and I think that's
kind of where I'm at with it too
which, not gonna lie, makes me
not bearish, but it just
makes me hesitant, it makes me
attribute this hype to more
hype, right, and
less tech, cause it's
not a new paradigm
right, so
It reminds me of Dogler Half
I followed Digi to the slaughter
on that shit
Where is Digi and where's Papa right now?
I got destroyed on that
shit, I was told that
You know, you know, you know
when Papa didn't show up cause he's
fucking, you know, he's not trading
so he comes over here, he's sort of like Shrimp
I don't know if you guys think I was Shrimp
fucking only comes on stage whenever he shills his bags
somewhere in Digi, like once their
bags are down, you don't see them forever
What was the other one you guys were fucking
talking, now I'm not even gonna go into it
Nah, that dog with the hat
I don't know how they
What was the one where you guys were saying like
the DAO was gonna sweep it
Oh, those were the yayos, that was Eddie
Yeah, what the fuck
Eddie landed on the slaughter on that one, but
Yo, I almost slapped those and I'm like nah
Yeah, I don't know
what's going on with the whole
Yeah, that guy posted his only fan pictures
and ruined the whole, the whole
everything, so
Nah, that was Anselm, Anselm just
fucked down like nah
and y'all not doing this
Yeah, so this is
Maybe Alpha
It's a new project on Sei
minting today
I'll pin this up, it's an overview
from one of the most popular callers on the Sei
side, his name is Halibit Crypto
y'all have heard me bring him up
He's a caller in multiple super prominent
Sei projects, including WeBump
and Sands, I believe, so I just
pinned this up, it's Cappi's NFT
Big supply, 10k supply
and high mint price
especially for Sei, it's
165 sei mint price, so
The good is that
it's super hyped up, they claim
to have sold out
75% of their collection
to ETH and Seoul communities
but they're being pretty
discreet about which communities
they collabed with on that, we do
know that D gods and
youths were one of them, and we're getting some
reports that these presales sold out
super quickly
I just, my bad, one question though
to me, that's probably the cringiest
shit, if anyone tells me, hey
did you know that some moonbirds
collected? Who the
fuck cares?
Who cares?
Who cares if bored, I mean
no, because
what are the, I guess
Let's just continue
If you curate your community, I mean
different communities, you know, and
you can want it to go to
There are Jeets everywhere bro, you don't care if bored
eats collector
Just something, right, so
just things to note, it's a big supply, high mint
price, it's a gamble, I have
whitelist, so I'm going to try to go for one
but the big thing here is
this is supposed to be the first
project with a legit
animation team on say
and if you go on their
profile, the actual Cappies profile, their
pinned tweet is like a one minute clip
and it's kind of cool, so it's kind
of cool, I don't know, it's animation
but you can check it out and, you know
make your own decision
Okay, that's cool, I mean he likes it
I don't know dude, it's just not a
metric for me when you try to compare yourself
to someone else, you know, if you're not
doing cool shit, then you don't
have to tell me who thinks you are
you know, I just don't, and it's not
anything personal, I just don't, you know, I don't know
it just comes off wrong
No, I get that for sure
and we'll see how much of an effect
I mean, we don't even know how much of an effect
this stuff has, short term right now
it's just a line that teams are
saying for marketing, right, but
that being said, I do
think that there's some value when
you have a new ecosystem
where volume is miniscule
compared to these other ecosystems to say
hey, we've got liquid coming in from
these other established ones, now we can't
prove it, I mean, I guess you can maybe
check the blockchain, but
yeah, just more information
Yeah, I just want to say though,
like, if you're saying the top
e-consoled projects are in this
I feel like
a lot of us are in those top
e-consoled projects, but
I hadn't heard of this until this morning
So I'll say, I know we're kind of
on this point, but this is like
it's just like one line
Yeah, yeah, yeah, this was a personal
thing for me, just saying that I think
it sounds lame, like we don't have to harp
on this, it just sounds lame
like no one cares who your friends are or who are you
what do you bring to the table kind of thing, you know
Let's just kind of
leave our opinions at the door and just
say this is an opportunity if you're interested
if there was an opportunity, we don't want to
we don't want to butt it or say don't do something
because watch that turn into
money printers out there like we told you and you took our
fucking advice and we lost you money
so more just like treat this as
an opportunity and something that maybe you didn't
know is possible or what's going on on say
and do your own research and if you want to get involved
You guys say the punchline is
10k supply, high mint price, that's
the risk, and the reward is
I just pinned up the actual video
that they made and you can make your own judgement call
Yes sir, yes sir, and then I pinned up the mint schedule
Real quick, I have something pinned up
up top and it's quick
so we'll just keep sliding by
it's just for anyone that didn't know or see
besides a new
keyboard you guys also get a new
so shout out to Bahala and the team
after a year and a half
you got two things
and one is a 300 piece
keyboard and now a brand new
logo so more backlash
more fud as to how
this does anything towards
rectifying the situation
it just shows the disconnect right
you know kind of flexing that you spent
XYZ on a revamp or
a new look, it looks the same shit
you got your holders hating you
you turn off comments
very Kevin Rose of him
I heard this
this morning, would you be upset
if you bought the keyboard and the new
logo V wasn't the V on the keyboard?
Ayo, that would be
great, that needs to happen
that makes it a literal
artifact, you're like look, it took
him a year to make, that proves that he
was working on the keyboard for a year
that's it bro, that's how he saves his ass
he drops the keyboard
it has the old logo, he says
look, proof for the last
year we've been cooking on this shit
look at the old logo
but yeah go
so if the logo isn't the V
then you're pretty much, we're funding this
how did you miss that opportunity
the V, why couldn't that be the V on the
keyboard man, that has to be a marketing
tactic right
I don't know, someone said it comes to that keyboard
where did you get this keyboard, what's this V about
oh I got it from Valhalla, it's just a perfect
icebreaker on marketing your keyboard
to get more people to buy your keyboard
hit the mint schedule and then we'll do the hand
yeah the mint schedule
is pretty basic today, I guess
one that's on ordinals that is
on inscribed now, if you want to get into these
pixelized fucking azukis
looking at them, and I was like, what am I
doing? and I'm like fuck it, no
but like the spirit ones, like they're all
on Bitcoin, you can see everything
before you buy it, a lot of the spirit ones
are the ones that everybody's kind of like buying
right now, so if you do want to get on
these orzukis, they're on
they're minting right now on inscribed now
we got ordinals gang
no I was saying that, ordinals gang
yeah go into that
you know more about that, ordinals gang is from
basically, I mean
now it's called ordinals gang or OG
fam, right
ordinals gang fam and it's ordinaly
he's the, basically
the only dev on the
ordinals core team that's active
has his own kind of collection, community
anything like that
and this is his sub 1k
19 of them
he did a fully
on chain application process
for these, and not only
application, but it was on chain
raffle, everything's been done on chain, right
it's celebration of the one year
all week long, he's been raffling off
just monkey
sub 10k, sub 1k
just different stuff
to kind of reward people, and
it's all boiling down to
the mint of these
and the price is 1 Bitcoin
that's what the auction
kind of settled for, obviously there are a couple
bids over, anything
that was under that, you know in that
0.65 range as we saw it run up
ultimately got killed, they had
the opportunity to up their bids or not
but yeah, I think it was a total of
bids total, and then I think
26 or 27 of them
were actually valid in the range for the raffle
so, we'll see how this
plays out man, I know people went
you know, on shadow hats
for an opportunity to get
a one sub
and then now you got 19 of them here
to just kind of
just cook and boom
guaranteed, so, and the thing
I didn't bother with this
like this is
a grail, but it's a grail
like you're gonna go and put it in your
storage and you know, maybe
sell it for a house or
you know, your kids college one day or some crazy
shit like that, it's not gonna
have that much and I think volatility
in terms of trading
maybe a couple sales here and there, maybe
brokered right through Bitcoin magazine
I can definitely see one of these get
brokered out, make headlines
that way, set the beats, but
I don't think it'll just be like straight
out and pop it on the floor like that
I think English, wasn't
this the one where you had to inscribe your
is that what English was
doing like two Sundays ago?
I guess he's gone
I think that's what it was, this one is
a relatively low, low, low
supply and I know English was
talking about like you had to do some on-chain
stuff to be even considered
but that was interesting, yeah
he's gone, so what's up Prey
what's up man, get your hands
yo, what's going on, thanks for having me on
this stage, lots of really great
alpha, I didn't want to like, you know, interrupt
the conversation, oh
fuck, we lost AA, that's why I
came up here, but never mind
um, no it's
fine, I found out yesterday, me and
Prey live in St. Louis, we just add another one
to the list, we got Solana Chris, we got OG
we got you, we got me
we have bread, we have coin
up, man, St. Louis is a
fucking, you're coming to mob bro
it's gonna be the little midwest syndicate
um, no, I was just
gonna say, like on what Chief was saying
um, you know, how he doesn't
give a fuck when someone says like, oh this
person is in a project, like
I totally agree with what you're saying
I also think it's like um, it's
a good indicator for like, being
embarrassed on something, right, like if I heard
AA being in a collection, I would
be like alright, great, like I'm out
um, so yeah, I guess like, I just wanted to
double click on that, but you know, keep cooking bro
you're fucking killing it up here, so
yo, you need to
vanish, you gotta say something, I
vanished because all the screens
show that I'm still here
what do I need to do?
you just gotta say, hey, you
vanished, if someone says, hey you're gone
then I'll look up, but if I'm cooking bro
I mean, you know, I'm just cooking and shit
and everything shows I'm here, and then
I look up and, and it's just silence
and I'm like, damn, I'm not cooking bro
I'm talking some not heat, so
you know, keep me, keep me
grounded on that end
do you want to go into the heat
that you were saying that no one heard, or do you want to
move on to the rug? I don't remember what it was bro
I got a short term memory, um
real quick on rug
they posted up a trading thing
for rug, if anybody is interested in how that works
yeah, the thing about rug is the biggest
issue that rug is having right now
and I wanted a pink deco
to see if you'd come up here and share
um, but basically
rug isn't going to be
the traditional airdrop
that most of us are thinking, right
the standard that they're trying to use
now, um, is
in a sense a centralized
indexer that's going to identify
sat ranges
for example, uh
Casey, Rod Armor, right
and that whole Rod Armor rarity
black uncommon, the black
sat category doesn't exist at all
however, on marketplaces you can
see it, then that means that they've
chosen, or they've have
an equation, an algorithm that
says, sat's that come out of range here
and here, fitting this
criteria, will show up
and be indexed as XYZ
okay, so that's what's
happening with rug token
so the reason why yesterday he said
accounts that have
and that are topped off
receive a bigger allocation
because in a sense, not only will you
receive the distributed
and you're gone
you're logged in
from my understanding
I think the BTC, I saw this
where did that fall out bro, cause I was breaking this
right, just like two seconds ago bro
so isn't it sort of like
the wallets that have
the topped off, that are
topped off, right
those will get a bigger
allocation because since it's identifying
sat ranges, instead of them just
having sat's that are in their
wallet to airdrop or to give out
or to qualify as XYZ
of their token, they
basically say
the sat's in your wallet are your booster
so they have your allocation
plus what's in your wallet
to include into your sat range and therefore
kind of give you a bigger allocation
does that make sense?
it does, so they didn't take our BTC
just to airdrop this to us
for inscription fees, right
so this is the kind to
say hey, you were someone
that helped and you
believed in us, you staked on our protocol
and we're going to give you a bigger allocation
say everyone's supposed to get $5
worth of rugs, right
what we're going to get because we deposited
the 50, they're going to take the 50
and make those 50 into rug
and include those 50
those sat's inscription
numbers into
the rug airdrop and therefore we now
have a boost
gotcha, I saw a gif about this
where it's kind of similar to
a chunk of gold going down a conveyor belt
and then being pressed into a gold coin
did you see that gif?
is that kind of similar to what's going on here?
they're taking that Bitcoin and pressing it
into a more tradable asset called rug
that's kind of what's going on here
I wouldn't say necessarily
compacting it in that sense but
it's just, it's kind of, I don't know dude
it just doesn't make sense to me because
they're identifying just sat ranges
they're not actually giving
you a token or inscribing
a token or writing a token that says
I mean, I guess it does
but then it doesn't necessarily, it just becomes
very nuanced, I'm going to pin up top what it shows
right, it says basically
the rings protocol by saturn
of which rug is
the first token is the same
protocol as rare sat's
it's just tagged sat ranges
no different than pizza sat's
just decided by
saturn's indexer instead
so this is kind of what I was explaining
once, we're going back to a centralized
indexer and then two
the reason why they told you to top up
your accounts is because since they're identifying
just sat ranges, they're going to have
your regular allocation to all those communities
and then they're going to add
whatever's in everyone's account to give
it to them as a boost and just include
it in, like hey include
this guy's 20 bucks into
his rug allocation, include this
guy's 50 bucks into his rug
allocation, and just kind of go down
the line based on what you have in your
gotcha, gotcha
and then I pinned up the kind of the guide for you
guys, so follow the simple guy
how to buy, how to sell trade rug
currently the only place to be able to trade rug
is on, setting up your
trading account, you have two options
directly deposit BTC into the
trading account wallet address by copying it
click up the top button and deposit BTC
already presented in your connected wallet
option two is to click
up the top up, the windows screen
allowing the pop up, you have two
steps, you select the UTXO you want to
deposit, you have to select
the fee rate, how to swap
on saturn, navigate to the swap feature
using the swap tab locator
at the top of the saturn website, select
swap from the satoshi to rug token
choose the quantity of rug
you want, buy slash sell, choose
the fee rate, if the Bitcoin network is too busy
we recommend to choose medium or fast
click swap and confirm the transactions
correct, congratulations, you just
bought some rug token, for more
information on how to use saturn
please follow the link in their getbook
and in the tweet happy trading
so this is going to pop off
Kuk you came up here, you wanted to talk a little bit
about rug man, what's your opinion on this
is this nothing burger, are you excited
what's your view on rug my guy
I don't know how many people
are in here, probably should say something good
209, I think it's fine
whatever, like I don't, yeah
this centralized stuff you're talking about
is a bit weird, like I set up a saturn account
and went on
and I met Archon
from rug in Lisbon last summer
had a beer with him or whatever, I don't know
if it was a summer, I don't know, time's all the same
but it's alright man, I don't know
I'm more interested in the runes
like this is separate from the runes
and it seems more centralized
they're going to let you on their platform
fire around sats and try to rob each other
for bitcoin, like
that's fun, I guess
but I don't really like it when it's centralized
like so much and
hagged that way, so I'm kind of
watching, I'm not like, I'm not aping it
or anything
I'm sure you're eligible for it
like you probably hold some NFTs, they probably
give you some rug, right?
I don't know, I don't know how to check
dude, I got way too much shit cooking all the time
bro, like everywhere I look there's money, so probably
yeah, there was a wallet checker
if you basically hold like an OMB
like even as far as like
a little sapo, you were eligible for some rug
so, pretty sure you probably get some
I'm probably sure you probably have some NFTs
that were associated with token
so, but what happens?
do they just give it to me, do I have to do anything?
yeah, I think
you just get it, right chief?
people eligible with ordinals
in their wallet, they basically got a little
allocation of it, right? It's supposed to be like
an allocation based off
a market cap of the collection itself
that you hold
to kind of make it fair, but I don't
know, now that they're doing this whole sat range
shit, it's a little weird because
it's hard to say you're just going to get airdrop
fifty for holding, you know, this one
and because this one's more expensive or
smaller, you get a hundred
you know, it would make more sense if they're just tokens
but the sat range thing really threw a wrench in how
I know, or even
have understood airdrops, so
I guess we're going to see
it's quote unquote innovative, but
I mean, since we do have Cocoa Pier too, we were
talking about liquidity last time
I've been in the DMs with them
just kind of fishing
for information, right? I started a new
liquidity account, I'd say maybe
a week ago
I've been going hard
your boy made it all the way to rank
two hundred, and then
got booted down, but we're aggressively
going back and forth and
just having fun with it, because
you get the same little dopamine
as trading anything else
but everyone knows that liquidity
I mentioned
extended points, multiplier
or something like that
with Magic Eden, right? That comes out
in a week, so
we're going to put you guys on
same way we got the wallet a little bit early
we're going to start farming this a little bit early
confirmed with liquidity that
they're officially going to be going by
or they go by the taproot, not your
BTC address, so what
that means is
you're going to be able to import your Magic
Eden wallet's taproot
that was generated by Magic Eden
not a taproot address that
you basically brought over
grab a Magic Eden taproot
import that in, because that way
it's ready to go, and start farming
that using Xverse
so whenever the
Magic Eden points turn on and you get
the extra one and a half, you
don't have to start a new account
you already have active loans that have been
cooking for almost a week and a half
before everybody else, the points
are going to start flying, and you already
have everything in the works, right? You just
actually stop using the Xverse
imported account, just go to your regular
Magic Eden wallet, and you just
continue farming as if you were using
that wallet the whole time, right?
So right now, grab your Magic Eden wallet
import it into Xverse, start
farming with that one, when Magic
Eden turns on the points multiplier
I think it's on the 15th
you'll just hop on your Magic Eden wallet
no longer use your imported Xverse
and you're ready to go, so you can farm
the wallet, get the extra points, and continue
on that way, so
You didn't like that, Kook? You didn't like that
multiplier? Come on, you like that
1.5 multiplier from using the Magic
Eden wallet, man, come on, hold on
I like, I love the multiplier
yeah, it's great, like
it's forcing me to rotate more Bitcoin
for longer, which is good for business
but, cause I gotta maintain my
point stranglehold, what I don't like
is because I'm like an institutional
lender on there, I have to switch over
it's fine to import a key, no
no, but look, I have to move the Bitcoin
No, no, you'll be able to change it
No, I am talking to them too, I also
ask why they don't use some type
of delegate system, right
or, you know,
utilizing maybe even Matryka
or something like that to where you can do verification
across different wallets
or some type of delegation, and they said
that they want people to be able to move
the primary wallet
over, and kind of attach
Wait, let me ask
cause I just gotta, cause
a lot of this shit's over my head, right, I'm a boomer
but, I think I'm fucked, like I think
I have to move all the Bitcoin and start
for now, yes, for now, yes
but this is why
so this is why, tell me if my
understanding is correct that I'm fucked, because
I use a ton of
different wallets, I use different wallets for everything
so, my liquidity and farming wallet
is experts account number 24
and so, my current
understanding is like
when I go import my stuff into Magic Eden
it's different, right
and so, because
it's not the account one
I have to move it into
account one, or create a new Magic Eden wallet
I gotta move everything, which sucks
I've obviously gotta do it cause 25%'s a lot
yeah, am I right? Is there
a way for me to get around changing wallets
I don't wanna move this stuff all around
Yes, but just importing the Taproot
because they use Taproot
so you can import your X-Verse
Taproot into
Magic Eden wallet and
utilize it that way
I can just import
the private key for like one account
is that right?
I'm confused, this is probably a team
you know what you're saying now
cause you're saying that you have them all stacked
onto the same private key but just, oh,
multiple accounts in there
yeah, and then I heard the way
they did the account abstraction
X-Verse versus Magic Eden is
different, so like the account tree
is different, so I have to
move it. That's like my current understanding
but I'm looking for someone who's smart enough to tell
me I don't have to move it. Yes, for now though
you do. They did say that they're working
sorry Ty, but I'll let you go. They did tell me
in the DMs that they're working on a delegation
because they want to allow people to move
everything around and not be limited
to XYZ Wallet regardless
of whether you want to farm or you don't
want to farm. They don't want to pigeonhole
people, so they mentioned they're
working on that cause I asked
but yeah, go ahead
and it was good to answer. The other thing
is like I wonder if your place
in the leaderboard even matters
or it's just the amount of points you have
cause if it's just the amount of points it really doesn't
fucking matter which wallet you're farming on
it's just like these are my cumulative points
and this is how much of whatever the fuck
I'm getting rewarded even if it's
scattered. Wait, but I need the 25%
that's the thing
Right. Yeah, the point is
the point. Right, so if you just
are farming on a fresh expert
Yeah, but I don't want to move
stuff around. That's the biggest pain
in the ass is moving shit around. Agreed though
but like yeah, I was really
kind of pissed off about that because I'm doing the same thing
as you are Kook. Like I have multiple
wallets under the same
expert's wallet so
yeah dude, that
fucking sucks. We'll see what they're
gonna do. We gotta do it
Instead of wallets, just throwing this
out there as a piece of...
Oh, is that me? Fuck
What's up?
G, are you there? Damn bro, this shit is complex
I got a lot of fucking buttons to push
I was like, instead of wallets, Kook, and anyone else
use Chrome browsers
That makes life a lot easier so just open
a separate Chrome browser
name that Chrome browser whatever you want
whether it be Liquidia, Magic Eden,
DJEN, and it's a different color
so you automatically know that you're
not, hey, this is my main wallet
color, this is my other. Bro
Bro, on most chains I have
like 60 plus wallets, like I think I'm
sold at 80 so that's not
really feasible, you know? But yeah
like I'm just fucking
retarded with just having a zillion wallets
for different things, that's my own shit
It builds character, it's okay
Let's go to the hands, let's go to
Ian, Ian, or Lane
BTC, my bad, go ahead Lane
Hey guys, thanks for having me up
Sorry, can you hear me okay? I'm driving
Great, great
So first of all, thank you so much
for properly explaining
that whole rug
satin thing, it finally
makes some fucking sense in my tiny
left curved brain, so like
thank you for doing that, I feel like I'm
starting to understand it for the first time
even to some small degree
but I kind of wanted just to respond
to one thing that was said earlier about the
centralized, whether it's
more centralized or whatever
and kind of, from what I understand
so far, so please correct me if I get this
totally fucking wrong, but it's
obviously more centralized than, for example
raw morality, but
to me, in terms of the
centralization of it, it's pretty similar, if not
identical, to for example
creating a project
putting a load of fucking jpegs
inscribing them
onto some sat
and then, you know, calling that a project
and then giving utility
to those sats with the jpegs
on, like, i.e. every
ordinal project that exists, you know
maybe not that has utility, but you see what I'm saying
probably the only difference that I can see is
the scale, because so many
sats are going to be, you know, marked
quote-unquote, with these different colors
or whatever, and so I'm not
necessarily saying that that makes me more
bullish on it, it's just, to me whenever
I hear someone say, oh, this is more centralized
in BTC, that's code
for this is less good
because generally speaking, centralization
in the bitcoin community is just a bit of a dirty word
so I kind of wanted to just push
back against that a little bit, because I'm not
convinced that it's that much
different from ordinal projects
in this level of centralization
I agree, I mean, you even see that
split off with when we
had the jubilee and what magic, not
magic, and what Unisat would support, what Unisat
wouldn't support with the, you know, that whole
of what BRCs
and what direction, who's going to support that
foundation, so it's not necessarily that it's
a bad thing, it's just
quote-unquote, it's going to limit
or control how expansion
goes, right? I mean, that's why
magic even stopped doing BRC 20s
is because of this whole limited
indexer thing, no oracles
this is not for us, you guys do
coins over there, run your indexer
so it just separates
so it's not necessarily a bad or a good
thing, it's just if you wanted to be all
over, you can't
good things and then we'll go to Flame
Yo, what's up guys, I'm literally just waking
up, I was just going to
tell Kook that yeah, like if you import
the wallet, I'm probably late
now, but you import the wallet, like
your X-verse into
Magic Heaton, it basically combines
all your X-verse accounts
and there is this
sort of weird architecture difference
between the way they stack
Bitcoin in the wallet, but
it works, like
so, do you happen to know
though, when, I saw Magic Heaton
is going live, or
the liquidity thing is going live
I think on the 15th, the
multiplier, do you know when you're going to be able
to connect your Magic Heaton wallet
to liquidity? Probably the 15th, but that's
what I was saying, I guess that's the good thing now
is if you want to do that, just
import your Magic Heaton
wallet into X-verse
start farming with
that, and then that way whenever
Magic Heaton goes live,
you don't even have to swap over, it's
the same address, it basically
triggers over, you know, you hop on your Magic Heaton
wallet, and it's that taproot
anyway, so basically
your loans, any active loans that you got
in the process beforehand
whenever they close out
in process, you know
technically should be boosted
or multiplied or whatever, I don't
know, it's just, it allows you to do that
swap over process if you're going to do it or not
sooner, and at least
have open loans and kind of get
a week, a week and a half ahead of
everyone else.
Go ahead, Flay.
Hey guys, just want to let you know there's a Cory van Loomint
going down right now on
base, it's supposed to start right now anyway
and he said he put the link in his Twitter account
I posted the link to the tweet
at the top of the page
or at the top of the
chat, whatever.
I appreciate it, bro. I was going to make
an inappropriate joke, but I held
back, so it's okay, it's progress.
I'm going to
I'm going to
post something else up to the top.
Far has been cooking, he has something coming
up the day before Valentine's
February 13th.
For those of you guys that don't know, Far
is the artist from
The Cats, The Quantum Cats, he's also the
artist from Taproot Wizards
but more so, if you guys haven't
seen any of his generative work, I definitely
suggest you check that out, that shit's kind of
crazy, man.
Posted up top, it's going to be
his newest drop on Gamma,
they're called Flares,
so it's a collection of
512 on-chain
generative pieces, the collection
will launch next Tuesday on Gamma,
February 13th.
Got more info up top
if you guys want to check it out and see what you
have to do, you got to hop into
that land discord and see if you have an
opportunity that way, so
I'm going to be looking to pick one up, man, the last
Gamma drop when you did those prints,
they've, I don't know, it was bought at all hell
and I think it was only like
23 of them and they went instantly, so
I've been trying to collect the Far piece for a while
and they're going to continue to be sought
after, especially with more success
from his auxiliary
collections as well.
crazy numbers, so the total
number of DYM staked is
136 million, representing
93% of the circulating supply.
So motherfuckers didn't spend
no time sending that
right to the validator and staking that
for more airdrops and
I don't know if you guys started to see the W
yesterday, but it's going all over the
fucking place, you had MadLads this morning
launch, I think it was like a
soulbound token inside the backpack wallet, so it looks
like they're getting it, D-gods and youth
holders are getting it,
obviously Dimension has partnered
with Wormhole
in the past, probably
just two weeks they had the announcement, so I would
expect DYM people, they just had the
snapshot yesterday, I think they're ready
to kind of get that DYM
to kind of take the snapshot,
so I kind of thought that was kind of perfect,
Injective yesterday did the W,
so people are
people have been waiting for this Injective
airdrop farming season to happen,
looks like Injective stakers
are also getting Wormhole, yesterday
they put a W too, so
kind of like search W and see
it's kind of giving you a hint of
if you're staked on these protocols
Is that why Tia's running bro?
Yeah, I mean Tia, it's
date availability, it's date availability
season man, it's like this
modular blockchain narrative is heating up and
people want to stake their coins and earn aircraft
I mean, you gotta get the airdrops
because in reality I put like 1500
into this Kepler wallet, we're at
$10.20, that's
not a combo yet, but
hopefully there's an airdrop that comes through
the modular, I've picked up a post from
WIT, it's modularity is a game
changing trend that is set to dominate
2024, Celeste is just the beginning
and DYM confirms this trend
In this thread, I've basically created
a must watch token list project
that you can afford, can't afford to miss
So, some of the tokens
he mentions that are token lists that you probably
want to get on the test set and do, and
when you got date availability in these modular
blockchains, they help other layer 2s
with their protocol, and
since they help out, they
airdrop those tokens to the people that help out
their protocol for like execution
or date availability, or
like consensus, but Cauldron
is an exponential no code
Web3 infrastructure program that specializes
in constructing high performance
customizable application
specific layer to two Cauldron
chains, you have Expresso systems
Crazy, they're
a roll up
It's a decentralized network that can
be shared by all L2 roll ups
What else do they got?
They have Barochain, Barochain is
a high performance EVM compatible
blockchain built on proof of liquidity
consensus, the network
rearchitects the traditional smart
contract platform into a novel
Cosmos native configuration
So, Barochain uses
I think Celestia date availability
That's why I say if you're staking
That's just some modular
blockchain, I did some little more research
on this date availability thing
like who's the leaders, and date
availability is basically storing
your data or information on
the blockchain, and it's pretty expensive
Ethereum, it's $140
per block to store
your data, with the new EIP that's
coming out, it's going to slash it to $7
Celestia is $0.04
and the one that really surprised me that I didn't
know was the date availability was actually Near Protocol
Near Protocol is
basically .0016
less than a cent
for the store your data on
Near Protocol, so maybe
knowing that, people are like, dude, that's really
cheap, maybe getting some Near
and possibly staking it, and maybe
some other projects, layer twosers
are going to use them for date availability
and you'll be airdropped those
tokens for staking your Near, so
did a little more research on the date availability thing
and I saw that Near is the cheapest in the market
for storing your data on Chain, so
maybe that's a new, might be a play
to get into, coming into
bull market, so
it's going to start popping off, man, like it's basically
airdrop season, and we're in the
middle of it, we're in the fog of war, and this is like a new
meta, straight up, it's straight
it's airdrop season, if you're not
offering some kind of reward, or
token, no one's going to participate
in your protocol, your game, your wallet
and that's just going to
continue to happen, and I feel
like this is going to be an onboarding
event for new people, because
you're going to go to your friends, or
your mom, this weekend, and say, like for me
I just made 4k off Jupiter
and I made 2k off Dimension, that's free
$6,000, I told that to my mom,
she's like, damn, that's crazy, what did
you have to do? All I had to do was participate
and just be in this market, and just
play around, and I get free money, and I feel
like a lot of new people are attracted
to that, like they don't have to buy a token,
they can participate on test nets that are free,
and they get airdrop free tokens, and
that's kind of like a little stimmy in the
market, and that's kind of why I think this market's bumping
right now, we got a lot of new liquidity
that was basically a stimulus check
that came into the market in the past 3 weeks,
from Dimension, to Jupiter,
to Manta, it's just a crazy amount
of money that's floating in this system that just was
created out of nowhere, so, put up good things.
Yeah, I mean, I totally agree,
and that's the sentiment all around
me, I mean all around, I think
most of us, but just in all the
every discussion that I'm in, whether
it's on spaces, group chats, or
Discord, like, you know,
it's very, it's not
at all the same feeling as
airdrop season of 2021,
like people remember,
I think like November, December,
2021, there were several big airdrops,
I can't remember when ENS hit,
but that was like one of the first big ones
of that kind of like mini cycle,
this is, what's interesting here is
it's across chains, right?
So there's people like
airdrop farming on all 3
chains now, and the biggest
one, obviously Bitcoin,
isn't going to happen until the halving,
so there's like a countdown clock,
like on the
kind of like the grand show of
it all, or like the grand start of it all,
I should say. So yeah,
this is, and just
in talking with people,
people aren't even, they're not even
in on Bitcoin yet, so
like, you're going to get these
mini airdrops, like you said you just got 6k,
but you didn't take that 6k and go
drive it into R6, I don't think,
maybe you did, but
I just fucking restaked it,
I'm waiting for my Jupiter, I think Jupiter
just came out today, and talking about ways
that you can get the next airdrops,
but go ahead. My point is, is like I'm
talking to all kinds of people, and I'm trying
to get signal, and every person
I talk to tells me that they still
haven't, they haven't basically
capitulated to the fact that,
or to the thesis that
runes is going to cook
everything, like it's going to out cook
everything, and
that is going to happen, like people
are going to slowly, or maybe slowly
at first, but then a cascade
of MFers, as we
barrel towards the halving, are going to start
taking their fucking
liquidity off of other
chains, and bringing it into
what I'm saying is going to be
the biggest fucking bang
to start,
pretty much start mania mode, because you're
absolutely right, when you get free liquidity
that brings in
the speculators, that brings in
the new people, you get
the news articles, you get the whole
cycle going, but
until people
start actually making
these really bold moves,
we still have basically
like, I would
say a lot of opportunity.
I agree man,
I don't know, I was sitting
a month ago, and I was like
dude, I've been
building this whole bear, just sticking
around, and typically when you
just stick around and you participate,
you get rewarded, and I'm like dude, what's Bitcoin
going to do to reward us, and then I woke up
that Monday, and I had an arsenic in my fucking pocket,
and I was like dude, this is fucking crazy,
this is absolutely insane,
and then the more
like, I basically started this
airdrop journey like
right before Christmas, and
we started really doubling down on it, and
it's been a really short period of time
to actually make my money back from
what I've staked on the Cosmos ecosystem,
and it's just like,
I'm not really doing anything innovative, I'm just
paying attention and participating, and
all these protocols are like, we want you,
and they just give me money, so it's kind
of like rewarding to like
take this idea
of crypto, and
build during when everybody thought it was a sham,
and then these projects realizing like, these
are the real people we want to allocate to, and
being rewarded with these tokens, it's kind of
like, thank you, like
you finally did realize like who
is here and who is participating, like I think Leonidas's
airdrop is
super cool because he's basically rewarding
people that were in the first year of ordinals,
I really fuck with that, like
that was kind of how SOS popped off,
right, like SOS was one of the top airdrops,
and what did they do, they went back to your
history on OpenSea, and
basically rewarded you, and I was like, dude,
this is going to happen again, like I'm so sick of
having to do all these tasks, why
can't you just reward me for being here,
the bear market, and just reward those people.
Dude, that was me for ENS,
you know, like that made the most
sense, and then when like, it's also
the most cut and dry explanation
for people, it's
oh, what are airdrops, how do you explain
this, it's okay, this company
had an idea, I went over
there, I believed in their idea, I got
myself a name, and then one day
they came out and said, hey, our idea
came true, we're at market,
people believe in us, we're worth
X amount, thank you for supporting
us in our early days, here's
your check, right, and that's it,
I mean, it's literally no more than
that, it's, you supported them when
it was in the idea phase,
it got to realization
phase, other people gave
them a value, and then
they broke you off, for being
one of the first people that, you know,
believe in the idea, who,
the fact that they use you as a daily
active user, so,
there are a lot of those, it's just in
reality, people try to make it a little bit more complex
than just rewarding everyone,
because at the end of the day, when you
want to do more stuff with the
tokens past just the distribution
aspect, when you do just
reward for participation, you lose
a lot of market participants,
and a lot of these tokens end up dead,
and FTV, and just
tokenomics, and a lot of that shit
being spread out across so many wallets,
all that, are really
skewed, so that's one of the issues
why most people don't do the, here
you just did it, congratulations
you gave free coins, regardless of if you're there
Yeah, this is a good, like, this is free
money, this is too easy, you know
this isn't going to last very long, like
20, 27's around,
there needs to be a sense of urgency here, this could
possibly be the last bull market we get
before government comes here and regulates
all this shit, because, like, what are we doing, we're just
participating, we're getting fucking stimulus checks,
like, the government's going to hate that
and they're going to want to clamp down on that, and
this, you know, we need to be
having a plan every day of
being on a testnet, doing something
that's going to advance you so you can get this
government's coming in, they're like, no,
this is unregistered IDO or
a token offering, like, we can't let
this happen anymore, and they're going to clamp
down on everybody, so there needs to be a
sense of urgency in this market, you have 500
days to make as much money as you can
you need to have a plan
so, and that's why I bring up these
airdrop, you know, threads and stuff
on testnets and token list protocols
because those are your opportunities
I want to play real quick, so people
were saying that in 2017 too
with ICOs, and
we've still had, like, years
of unregulated craziness
and the thing is, is like
it's going to be very, very difficult
for people in the government
to understand this well enough
to regulate it, and
there is a decentralized nature
about this, like, if
one government, like, if the US
government starts to regulate this too heavy
then all that activity just
moves to the country where it's not regulated
so, it's a huge
game of whack-a-mole, like, if they ever figure
it out, I'm not saying you're
wrong, like, they definitely do want
to regulate this, and I think
in the end it's going to be
probably healthier, you know, long
term for the ecosystem if there are
clear regulations, I'm not
advocating for, like, any specific
regulation, but
I just want to, like,
not push back, but just basically
provide, like, another, you know,
a little bit different of a perspective, like
I think, I think the
you're not wrong, like, everybody
should have a plan, but it's not necessarily
that this is the last bull market, it's that
we're in the beginning of the fucking bull market
like, we are the MF-ers
that know what's about to happen
so, you should have a plan
because, like, very few people get to
be in this position.
Yeah, I agree.
Yeah, that's a fucking good point, and
like, and on that,
I kind of just want to spend just like 30 seconds
to think about, like, a mindset, mindset shifts
when you're moving from, like, the bear
into the bull, so, like,
I'm, like, thinking back to this time last year
I was trading fucking ordinals
on spreadsheets in discords
then, like, I'm, like, oh, shit, where am I
gonna, where am I gonna store
these, like, these
new things, and I'm there, like, trying to figure out Sparrow
and Sparrow comes out with that bearish shit
thing being, like, we don't support this shit, don't
you can't put it on us, we're not gonna
improve you
to move shit around, and I'm, like, oh, god,
what am I gonna do? And then ordinals' wallet
comes up, right, so I, so I, so I, I sapped an ordinals'
wallet, and then a week later, I get
dropped a fucking pixel Pepe, right,
so I've got this pixel Pepe in my wallet
and I'm, like, oh, this is cool, this
is fun, this will be, you know,
this, what's this gonna be worth, who knows,
and then within, within a few days,
it's worth 0.02 Bitcoin, okay,
and let me tell you, I can feel again, for the
first time in a year and a half, I
felt, I felt the blood rush
to different parts of my body, and,
you know, let's not go into that, but, but let's, but I
got, it was a sense of excitement, yeah,
and, and I'm there
thinking, right, what am I gonna do now?
I've got, you know,
bear lane, like, bear market
lane is, is, is fully
occupying my tiny brain, and I'm
just, like, shit, flip that shit before it
goes to zero, because that's what happened to all of my
Ethan FTs in the last year,
and we all know what happened to
pixel Pepe's after that, it went from
0.02 to, like, what was it, like, 0.45
almost, like, it was,
it was, it was, it was, um,
massively missing out there on, like,
a 10, 15, 20X
from that point that I sold,
and, and I think, you know,
it took me that painful
moment, I've actually got a copy of
my pixel Pepe, I have it as a, as a
background now, in, in,
in, like, on my, on,
on my phone, like, or on, like, on my
laptop, as a fucking reminder every
single day, that when it comes to new paradigms,
and new protocols, and stuff
that people haven't really appreciated before,
it's not going to be big when it's small, it sounds ridiculous
to say, but when it's new, it's small,
it's not big, people just assume it's going to go to
zero, and so, and so, if it makes a little
bit of money, like, the number of times I've had people talking about
R6, the last few weeks been like, oh my gosh,
I sold my R6 at 0.03,
I sold my R6 at 0.02,
and I'm just like, bro, you weren't, you clearly
weren't here this time last year when we all got
pixel Pepe's and we all faded, no, or whatever,
like, I'm just like,
or you haven't learned your lesson,
and like, right now,
I'm thinking very fucking carefully
before I'm selling any of these
airdrops that I'm getting, it could be easy on the
basis of loads of different things to sell
this ring, this rug airdrop today
on the basis of XYZ
thoughts, and I would understand that,
and yet, and yet,
this time in nine months,
this time in a year, when like,
you know, whatever, when
macro shit is easier and the
money printer goes on and what have you,
you just do not know which
one of these airdrops that might seem totally
inconsequential to you now, in a totally
new sort of protocol, actually
ends up being FU money
in like, and so just, like,
I just want to encourage anyone, don't be like
Lane, February 2023 Lane,
like, just
think before you decide to
paperhand this airdrop, tempting as
it is, I would understand that, I wouldn't
blame you for it, but just think carefully
before you do. Lane, I think a lot
of people are just jaded, like, the
ETHM efforts, because you have a lot of like
cross-chain, like, people coming in,
I'm one of them, so I can't really speak
for a lot of people, like, people that were on
Ether, like, for a while or on Solana,
suddenly moving into Bitcoin, and like,
the thesis for fucking
ETHNFTs, which like, you've seen,
will sell every airdrop as soon
as you fucking get it, because nine times out of
ten, they fucking went to zero.
Now, like, I think Bitcoin is just a different beast,
and just not just that it's Bitcoin,
I think we're moving into a different kind of market,
or the beginning of the same market
as 2021, or whatever
the fuck it is, or 2018 maybe,
so now airdrops might actually
be worth something, versus the whole
bear market airdrops, which fucking are
absolutely fucking worthless,
right, so, um, yeah,
it's an interesting thing.
You gotta have a different hat on from bear market airdrops
to bull market airdrops, like,
doesn't matter what the coin is,
if you put a line right where
the halving is, and you look at the market,
it's up only, so it doesn't
matter if it's dog shit, everything
pumps in a bull market, like, you have
Luna Classic that's gonna pump
to probably all-time highs, and it has no founder,
it's completely horse shit, everything, like,
Ethereum Classic pumps in a bull market,
so, if you look, like,
at the cycle of a bull market,
like, why would you sell right before that?
Like, if this is, we're about to go
parabolic, you want more vehicles,
not less vehicles, right? So you definitely
gotta have, like, flip your brain, and we just,
I pinned up something last, yesterday,
back at Allison's thread, it's from bread and butter,
they analyzed the past.
No, my bad, real quick before you went in, I just wanted to say
that Lane's story was so much better,
because he's, like, British or some shit,
you know, I just wanted,
yeah, I was really enjoying
hearing the accent shine through
his story, throughout, it
hit home more than if
anyone else would have said it, you know.
He could drop a project and rug the fuck out of me,
and I'd be, like, okay with it, bro.
Yeah, just talk to me.
Nothing's into my ear.
Bruv, my bad, bruv.
Expresso, go ahead.
I was just saying, we basically
have research on the last four
airdrops that were done yesterday,
and he analyzed what the last
four airdrops did, so it's kind of like a,
an early, like,
I'm not saying it's like a longer
data set, like if the sample size
is small, but from Manta
to Jupiter to all these airdrops
that happened in the past month and a half,
there basically was a time from
45, like 45 hours
to 78 hours where it dropped,
where everybody sold, it consolidated in that
45 hours to 70 hours, and then it
pumps, so there is a time,
like Jupiter right now is kind of
getting out of that consolidation phase,
and now it's kind of starting to pump, so there
is opportunity to sell the tops when you
first get it, and then buy the consolidation
and then the run, right, so they're
always going to be dips. There's going to be people that are
you know, scratted them together for
liquidity, for maybe an upcoming mint, but
if you give it more than like 72 hours,
you typically get out of that consolidation zone, and then you're
up only, and then we're also entering
the bull market, so a lot of these tokens,
new tokens, new narratives are going to hit all-time
highs, and they have
less resistance, right, because
it's new, and there's not people underwater
for a crazy amount of time, but
go ahead, Flame. Real quick,
just in case anybody's
scrambling to get this Cory Van Loo thing,
it is an open edition, I didn't
know that before he posted the link, because he didn't say that.
So, there's
no rush. It's open for six days.
Oh, let's have a listen.
Hey, how is this one on the side there?
Also, I was just going to say
this tweet from the Bitcoin
therapist, what is it? Oh, therapist,
It's from 2016,
this interview with Obama,
so I don't know how
how much breaking news that is.
Yeah, I saw that this morning,
it was circulating the headlines of Obama
basically was in an interview
and basically described Bitcoin perfectly
as a decentralized network that the government
could never pierce. He didn't say
Bitcoin, but if everybody
read between the lines, he was basically saying
Bitcoin is like what we need.
We need less government,
and we need a network that is
so secure that government can never pierce it.
So, maybe that interview going
around with pumping Bitcoin, I think it's more
short squeezes than air drops kind of circulating the
market, but that was definitely, I don't
know why it was recycled, but
I have flame.
How much is the Cory van Lupe's?
It's just like
free plus fees, I think, and you can
max meant 11.
I think this is just like if you're a fan
of Cory, basically you can pick one up
because I don't see any resale
value on it, really.
I am a fan of Cory, though. Dude's awesome.
If you want a free addition
to Cory, go get one.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I pinned up
also before the
Obama one, the wormhole, was
actually just a bridge.
So, bridges left that don't have tokens,
you have Orbiter Finance, you have
Jumper Exchange, Bungie Exchange,
Debridge Finance, Squid Router,
LayerSwap, Al2
Finance, and RhinoFi.
So, Orbiter's probably
the one that I've used, but if you
want to do similar to it, just use the
bridges, swap your tokens from network
to network, typically qualifies you
for these airdrops. I'm sure Worm's
going to start a whole new meta of
bridges, and then the other ones, once
wormhole goes crazy, then you're going to start
seeing Snapshot taking all these other ones,
and then they're going to move because they want to be part
of this trend of
bridges going up in price.
These bridges will probably announce Snapshot
sooner than you think, so just
start swapping.
I will say though, I saw
a chart coupling on Snap,
the market cap of wormhole
as a company is way higher
than a lot of other things
in this ethos, so
I don't think it will be the same, but it is
definitely still worth it.
As an aside, I've got some
fresh alpha,
there's a new token launching on
Spring's protocol, it's called Britcoin.
I will be starting
that coin,
and it will
entitle Bibera for
every 1 million tokens that
they hold to a 10 second
soundbite of me whispering
of your choice,
and these things
get burned every
time you send it on site,
like ERC 404,
the soundbite gets burned,
and I'm actually going to undergo
vocal cord surgery in about a year's time, and I
will never speak again, so you can be guaranteed
that this is immutable.
It's certainly not one of those things
that's got an inflating supply, it really
is going to be something very special this year,
so get hold of it, Britcoin
on the Rings protocol.
Dude, you come on stage two
times and you're already showing your project.
Look, Saturn doesn't even have rug coin out there.
I wanted to see how much I got,
and you can't even go to the store for that.
So we're just
in here waiting on Saturn to literally
So GG's to them, and this delayed.
Let's go to Flame.
Okay, so here's some actual
Alpha Mystic Pepe
is an ordinal card project,
and each week
a new Pepe card will be released.
The original V auction and limit edition
grants will also be sold. All originals
are on uncommon or rare
Satoshi's, so if you like Pepe
art and you like Pepe cards,
this is going to be dropping
next week, I guess.
I'll pin the tweet.
Yo, real quick, can you guys
Yes, sir.
I'm Wi-Fi jumped off.
Espresso Chief, are you guys bullish or
bearish on rug?
I mean, I don't even know what
the fuck it does, so I'm
bullish, because I think a lot of people are
same boat. And when people don't know
what they fucking don't know, then the fucking
technical experts start doing math, and
like, oh, I'm underexposed to this, and they buy
the shit out of it. Like, I saw a fucking Farmer Joe
at .03R6.
He's like, I just calculated this,
and I'm underexposed, and then after
that, it's been up only, so
I don't know what a fucking rug does, but
that makes me even more bullish.
You gotta get the flippers out, too, first, but
I don't know, man.
I'm just not trying to sell anything anymore.
Like, no matter if it doesn't work
or it goes down in price, I still
if we have a long enough time frame, we talk
during the summer, I can't see how
rug isn't at an all-time high,
regardless of where it goes in the first 48 hours,
right? So, I don't want to sell. Like I said,
I want more vehicles, not less.
I don't want to be dollars. I want
fucking tokens that go up in price, and
why would you sell in the fiat?
I don't know. That's the kind of
if we have a long enough time frame,
like, I'm saying six months.
Every single token in your wallet
is going to be higher than it is right now.
Like, if you say you bought Soul at
120 and you're feeling bad,
Celan's going to be over 120. Being early
in a bull market
fixes all your mistakes.
So, I was like, why
sell any of this shit? It's going to be all-time highs.
Like, we're going into a fucking bull market.
What are we doing?
He's stunting down. He doesn't
He doesn't like pump spaces.
No, it's a bit of wag-me preaching.
I mean, look, there's a guy, Rain.
I'm not even a fanboy.
I fud the fucking guy all the time.
But, just as a quick example,
you can't just say shit's up only.
Like, this guy's a great, long time frame trader.
He sold a bunch of Soul at 125.
Said it was going down to the 80s.
You know, and he bought it all back.
Like, I just think, whatever.
All-time highs eventually.
But if you're saying every coin in your wallet
is going to be at all-time highs in six months,
you sound fucking crazy.
We have different wallets.
I maintain that most stuff's going to zero.
Like, I don't know if this rug token,
whatever, no one understands what it is.
It sounds like it's a centralized sandbox on Saturn.
I don't know why that would be worth
times in six months. Maybe.
Bitcoin, maybe. Maybe six months.
Maybe 12. Maybe 24.
I just like to temper it.
And I say all-time highs eventually on the majors.
That's the only thing I'll guarantee to someone.
And even that's fucking crazy.
I just, yeah, it's wag me.
Wag me church, bro. You know, a little bit.
It's not wag me.
It's like, sag me.
It's like some.
Some of us are going to make it.
No, it's fag me.
No, you guys were doing the wag me church.
And I'm more like fag me preacher, you know?
Maybe dark priest of fag me.
You were going to make it.
Maybe six months is too short of a time frame.
Well, no.
PVP on chain, bro. It's still PVP on chain.
Oh, 100%.
Here's the thing, dude. In a bull market,
it's not every coin.
And it's not every coin, all-time high.
But what we can confidently say in a bull market,
you've seen it happen in every woman since 2017,
is the entire market, just the entire tide rises.
So it becomes like, you get the classic,
like people think they're smarter than they are,
because it's literally just money flowing in.
And so you don't really have to be too smart.
But I think the main point is,
is if you are confident directionally about that's where we're headed,
to whether it's every coin in your wallet or top coins in the market,
now is not the best time to be selling.
I think that's a fair message to say.
It's not necessarily the best time to be selling.
You definitely want to be more risk on as you're going into a bull market.
It doesn't mean everyone's going to fucking win.
No, it's a market.
It's limited fucking resources.
So yeah, some of us are going to definitely win more than others.
But in general, if you're listening right now,
it's not the best time to be selling.
On that note too, I think that there was a point of straight euphoria
and almost that pink cloud face for Bitcoin or for Worden was right.
When we were early on and BRCs,
like any BRC you minted in the fucking five to 20 or 30 range,
was a printer six months down the line, right?
That was that don't sell anything.
We're only wasting five bucks.
We're wasting 10 bucks.
It's okay to be careless, quote unquote,
and we saw the returns from that,
but four months down the line.
I think that it's just a little bit different now that as maturity,
new liquidity established and as the market,
right, the Ordinals communities established,
it's a little bit more of a nitpicking rather than just validity for being around.
Let's go to Steven. Go ahead, Steven.
Wanted to first and foremost give all the kudos in the world
to good things for that financial advice.
Solid financial advice, my financial advisor friend.
Just giving you shit.
The alpha I just wanted to come up and drop real quick
is there is a bigger GenArt collection dropping on sold today
called heuristics of emotion from heres or jerez,
depending on what part of the world you're pronouncing it from.
It's over on verse works.
I'll try to make sure that I can get something pinned up here shortly about it,
but wanted to make sure that that was on your radar.
And tomorrow we officially have a launch time
and show planned for function gallery
who is launching with two different generative artists on Bitcoin.
They've got Pavel Dudko and Lemon Hayes dropping collections tomorrow.
Both are very much so worth watching.
Pavel's drop and his past drops have done pretty damn well in my opinion.
Lemon Hayes, that collection is most likely going to cook
because it's very, very, very scarce.
It's only going to be a collection that's one of one of 16.
So the outputs on that are going to be pretty interesting,
pretty special to watch.
But I would definitely mark my calendar for that one.
I'll post info for both up top and Expresso.
If you would mind just quickly checking your DMs.
I don't want to talk about something that I shouldn't talk about
unless you give me the green light.
Yeah, let me look. I'm sorry. I'm driving around.
But dude, I'm going to fucking miss modern zombies.
I was whitelisted for that thing because I held the smiles.
But it minted?
I didn't mint it. I totally forgot.
Dude, I had like four smiles, damn it.
You got four sadnesses.
But what will make you feel better?
Hey, check this out.
Whenever you stack up all your souls from your small house,
you can go to Thailand.
Thailand removes crypto trading tax to position itself
as the digital asset hotspot of the world.
So now you can just post up in Thailand,
short-term trade, buy, sell, do whatever you want,
and not have tax implications.
So I don't know, dude. It's a wrap.
Salvador got Matt Kaiser over there getting mad that
everything's a fucking shit coin.
You're going to jail, airdrops.
You're going to jail. That's all he hears.
And that's all he says.
And then you got the opposite in Thailand saying,
yo, we literally have it all.
And we don't take any of your money. Come spend it.
So this should make a boom, dude.
Yeah, it should. Thailand removes it.
I saw someone else that did.
But going back to Steven,
he asked me if he could give away whitelist.
That's fine.
Steven, if you want to give it away and you figure out
the way that you want to collect the wallets,
feel free to do that.
But goddamn, modern zombie,
0.2665 NFTs at a three-soul floor.
I don't know if I could even grab one,
isn't tomorrow the next whitelist for smiles?
Um, I believe the next smile whitelist was.
It's like that.
I think it was Lux Perpetua.
And I think that's on Monday.
No, it's one on the ninth.
It's like these tall robot looking bitches.
Yeah. Yeah.
It's Lux Perpetua that so.
It says the ninth.
Don't you.
Look, I'm going to go double check it right now.
I didn't think it was tomorrow.
They have abstract painting by Marco Bonafay on February 12th.
That that's good.
And then Lux Perpetuals,
that's on the 12th.
And then supernatural creatures from Glitch Candies.
That's tomorrow.
So that's the one that I didn't.
I that's the one I did not have on my radar.
Um, the one,
the only one that I have for tomorrow that's on soul is on
And that's where my roots had been by post book.
Um, I'm a big fan of her work.
And I believe correct me if I'm wrong,
but chief you, you guys had post in, um, the quadrillion drop, right?
I really like her work too.
She's, she's from another planet.
That's her first, um,
that's her first collection of self portraits that she's ever dropped.
So I think it's pretty interesting.
Uh, but yeah, Lux, Lux Perpetual was going to be big next week.
The other one that you had just brought up from brutal is going to be very cool.
He fully curated that generative collection,
um, which is not altogether that common right now.
So yeah, lots, lots of really cool shit coming up,
but the heuristics drop is today from her S.
Okay. Well the glitch one, a supernatural creatures,
the first AI audio visual collection on magic.
He is dropping this Friday, the ninth one K one of ones,
all supernatural arrival holders are on white list.
All collectors of the smiles are on white list as well.
Snapshots have been, we'll be taken tomorrow.
Can't wait to share this. What do you, I mean,
you know who this person is.
I mean, the fact that ruse kind of backing,
it makes me feel like it's going to sell out.
It's kind of a one K collection.
What do we do?
Do you know anything about this artist other than that?
We get white listed for it.
It's probably not glit.
So I'm not super familiar with their work, but like it admittedly AI
art up until recently has been something of a blind spot for me.
I've been like doing a lot of self education over the last like four to
six weeks.
But this is not one that I had on my radar.
Well, I'm going to go in tomorrow and I'll let you know how it goes.
It's a thousand.
It's less than the smiles, right?
So smiles is three K wasn't it?
So it probably will have been around the same price point 2.25
and it'll probably get around a soul and a half to two soul is
how these are all kind of performing.
It seems like so.
I mean, this smiles is pretty much a money printer.
You get like four white lists for just holding something for that.
It was basically point two to mint.
Yeah, both both smile and pop punks rubber both have been just
amazing opportunities.
And I think it's honestly going to continue to be a trend that we see
more and more of as like art expands on that chain.
We're going to see artists and networks starting to like really
populate as a not necessarily a meta, but like a popular avenue to
like getting yourself on white list for top upcoming art drops.
And it honestly gives the artists behind the original collection
the ability to kind of endorse.
Like that's a really powerful tool.
So I give the hats off to both Rupe and and pop punk for what
they've been doing with that.
I'm sure that Wabushi is going to do the same thing that they are
off of what he's done with modern zombies.
That's been a breakout moment for him.
He's absolutely crushed it with that drop.
So I would be looking at it from that angle.
As for the giveaway for the two white lists that I got to give away
If you guys would just do us the one big favor of retweeting the
All I would ask just make sure you retweet the space and follow the
TDA because if you're not doing both of those things you will
inevitably be staying poor.
So please do those things and I will draw two for the function
gallery meant tomorrow at the end of the show.
You guys don't know Steven is part of the TDA team now and he's
going to be hosting an art centric show every Tuesday.
So if you're a trader and you kind of got a blind spot like me
he does a really great job hosting.
He's already hosted multiple before he came in TDA he was hosting
spaces and he has some great artists on there and I learned every
time that he comes on stage.
So appreciate you Steven and you get you got you got it handled
from here.
You can run a Twitter picker and pick the pick the people.
You don't need our help from here on out for the white list.
You're good.
100 percent.
I have the technology.
What up Blaine.
Just a one or two quick things before I go.
When you were chatting about some serious projects that are coming
You mentioned on this space or another space but floral forms
coming up next week's also pretty pretty sick.
Free mint 10K goated artist with an incredible association with
like an actual good stuff.
Biggest collection of good stuff playing artwork in the world at
Belvedere Museum officially connected with Harto.
And you spoke about accents earlier on.
He has the most wonderful French accent that you can imagine.
Get on a space listen to him.
Giving out a shitload of free white lists and cannot stress enough
free mint.
A free mint from this goated artist.
And also we don't really see a lot of 10K collections art on
Like I don't think I've actually seen any massive ones that have
broken through.
A lot of sick art on Bitcoin but 10K collections haven't seen
loads of.
And then to your point Coop earlier on I think I definitely
get what you say.
And I actually realistically sooner or later most of if not
everything is going to zero.
I think probably the main and actually I think the spray and
pray approach to gaining as many investment vehicles as possible
getting into as many things as you can now actually would
support that thesis too.
Because right now you realistically just don't know what
is going to go to shit and what is going to end up mooning
beyond you know Valhalla.
You just don't you just simply do not know.
And so that's that is actually part of the reason that again
I'm not I'm not getting rid of you know I'm not getting rid
of a lot of the stuff I'm holding now.
Because right now I just do not know the implications of what
that selling might be later on.
Not financial advice.
Stephen don't please don't label me a financial advisor.
Right now.
I got to go.
Thanks guys.
Been real big love.
Appreciate you Lane.
You want to respond to that.
No I think it was good.
I mean safe bet on the majors like I was trying to say he
sounded pretty smart.
I think the game is just use all the on chain meta games to
steal as many majors from your peers as you can.
Like that's always been the game.
Nobody wants to admit it.
But I'm dumping shit on you guys that's already a 50x for me
for me right now.
So that'll always be the game.
Like I'm here to steal your Bitcoin Eve soul and now all
this new shit in cosmos.
And those are the major for what I want to consolidate and
this for D perpetual ever expanding airdrop Ponzi.
I hope you're pulling some of that shit back to the majors.
That's what I'll say about that.
And I mean it's all about setting the playing field.
There's nothing wrong and you can't hate the game.
You just got to know what game you're playing.
They hate me.
You know these guys spotted me the other day.
Fucking Zach X.
V.T. Respond.
I mean hilarious.
There's a way to do stuff.
Cook right.
It's not about what you do.
It's how you do it.
What are you talking about?
It's about how they do it and they do it fucked up.
But I'm going to read you a message I got today when I
woke up obviously been banging out fucked up trades like
everybody's rich if they're listening to me right now.
So this guy I'm not going to name him.
He writes cook.
I've got something to tell you.
My mom's in Cairo Egypt.
She went there looking for greener pastures but she's
suffering there.
The agent that took her there demanded she pays all her
debt to sponsorship before she can leave.
It's seven months salary worth one K.
Her only hope was me and you made it possible.
I can't thank you enough.
She was in tears as I sent her the money just now.
She's coming back home.
Thank you so much.
I'm crying right now.
And these guys are fighting me bro.
You ever heard of salami mommy or whatever this guy.
This guy's a fucking scammer.
I'm just giving people trades.
I don't even know.
I wake up to this shit all the time bro.
Like anyways.
So I was in it.
I was in it.
I was in a bar the other day with my wife.
Fucking do this.
Y'all can have counseling on your own with your own.
I don't know what the fuck is going on.
I was there was there was a bloke the other side of the
He was in a burger.
He looked a little bit like you and he was trying to steal
And I'm pretty confident.
You're trying to probably be dude.
Did you see my yoga post today?
Oh my gosh.
I fucking did.
That splits doesn't lie.
Get away from her.
All right.
All right.
You're just a winner bro.
I'm just, I'm telling you.
All right.
All right.
All right.
See you later.
You had your hand up.
Go ahead bro.
I don't know what you got.
I got, I got, I got distracted by full Dr. Evil kook arc, which, which I'm here for.
First of all, I miss you.
Second of all, I appreciate the double, the triple, the quadruple down.
It's a good thing you don't live in the U S anymore.
Uh, did I just want to start by saying, did I hear, um, your art friend say Gustav
Is that what he said?
You guys weren't listening.
Are you going to support your new fucking hosts?
No, I'm gonna let Steven talk.
You know, our friend's name, Steven, Steven, go ahead, bro.
So I didn't bring up Clint, but, um, the gentleman who just, uh, gracefully left stage
The, the relation was just to the fact that, um, what Hardow has done with Flora forms
has like largely pulled inspiration from Clint and that, and that entire collection that's
held at the Belvedere museum is very much so tied to the drop that they're putting out,
um, on the 14th.
All I got to say is if we're even mentioning big artists and minting NFTs, we're fucking
So thanks guys.
Well, thanks.
Fidgetl trying to get me in a gotcha moment.
Like, whoa, you said his name.
I don't know.
Um, ordinals eggs.
What the fuck happened yesterday?
Fucking mints out, bodied out.
Like what are these going live?
Like when are these going to be on magic getting cheap?
Do we know any information on ordinal dates?
No, I mean, they're, they're being indexed and being submitted to magic even.
Um, I think that they had a little bit left over on or czar, but or czar always has that
little leftover.
Um, and eventually it all get updated and no redistribute them all, but I mean, most
people got in, it was pretty cheap dude, 14 bucks.
So a lot cheaper than we predicted and even thought on, you know, that $20 range that
I was selling people.
So they're kind of cool, really innovative.
I don't know if anyone checked it out, but you can click on your chicken and, uh, it'll
tell you all the different traits, rarities you can build your own and it won't save.
Ultimately you got the chick you got, but the ability to sit there and, you know, modify
it however you want.
And then you can save that, right click, save the picture or whatever, but it's pretty
cool for, for an ordinal and have that built in rarity showing all that.
So it's still due to the dynamic aspect of it.
How many did you get?
I got three.
I have two that looked gold and I'm hoping that they're rare.
I don't know, but I've been fooled.
I've been pulled before.
I really want to probably scoop a couple, right?
Just because it's kind of cool and innovative and they weren't really trying to be greedy.
Seven bucks.
I don't know.
I probably pick one or two up or get to like five or some shit, but yeah, I got one or
I got two plus my honorees.
So we'll see how it plays out.
Did you see this post from rain this morning, which I thought was fucking hilarious.
Everybody's talking about everybody.
It says my final words to my family.
Don't forget to go into my leaf wallet and unstick my Tia.
This takes 21 days.
Head over to Egan layer here.
You will need to unstick my steep after that, go to blast with all my USDC from there and
bridge back to eat, then head over to Manta.
You'll need to withdraw my USDC and bridge back to eat, then head over to hyper liquid.
You'll need to withdraw the HLP vault and then withdraw from hyper lipid.
After that, head over to dimensions website.
After logging into my Meta mass on stake again, it takes 21 days.
Don't worry about the entities I own.
They're all now worthless.
So that was kind of funny.
We might have to have these conversations with our significant others one day on how to get
all these funds off these exchanges so they can obtain that generational wealth we made
for them during this crypto bull run.
I don't know, man.
Do you have a plan chief?
Maybe if you pass away, I'm not saying like the worst case scenario, but look like something
happens to you is your girlfriend or your fiance know how to withdraw all your money
and like take all this stuff off exchanges.
No, but I really, you know, I mean to try to be a dick, I really don't want to leave
no instructions because I've explained it like for years and I wanted it to be one of
those matter herself kind of moments that why didn't I listen?
Why didn't I care?
You know, I'm like, damn, now you wish you did.
Ultimately, I'm not going to just be a dick, but you know, I got them all stored in those
little metal containers that you hide and you know, that shit and I just told her, I'm
like, look, shit's hidden here.
If she hits the fan, I don't know if she's going to know what to do with it, but someone
will be able to kind of say she'll hit up a homey.
She at least has your seed phrases and shit.
No, it's all written down in those little metal fucking containers.
And yeah, I got the dragon watching over him, you know?
Yeah, sure.
Go ahead, digital.
So this is some alpha.
I was going to build an app called RCS, which is short for right click save, but you guys
really should be right click saving all your your NFTs.
The NFT is just the purchase.
Make sure you have the image saved somewhere in case your founders don't pay for your
IPFS storage or Bitcoin goes down.
You think that's going to happen one day where we wake up in all our images are gone because
they didn't pay the server?
I mean, ZK shark is basically Adam and that's why Bitcoin or no, they're going to survive
because eventually these are money and they're not going to pay the server and your JPEGs
are all just going to be 404 errors.
It's a pretty stupid argument, to be honest with you.
It conflates the image with with the receipt.
So no, I mean, he's not wrong, fundamentally, at some point, all all these bozos will stop
paying the IPFS.
Our weave is impenetrable for two years with regards to that, but it's irrelevant.
Whether it's stored on chain, to be honest with you, that's just a that's a griff, y'all.
You can just right click save that shit.
The receipt will always be inevitably on chain.
It doesn't need to be attached to the image.
So that's a that's a fucking I love ZK, but that's a griff.
Damn, he's probably listening to an honestly, if I lose the receipt, if I lose if I lose
the receipt to my sunglasses, I don't no longer own the sunglasses.
It's just a stupid conversation.
You can't go back and warranty it, though.
I think that that's one of the biggest things is that the ability to have any kind of connection
to the original manufacturer without that receipt or gone false, that's the NFT.
So I'm sorry, if I lose my glasses, and I have the receipt, and there's a there's a
return policy or a buyback policy, I always have the receipts.
That's where people confuse.
I'm sorry.
The receipt is always the receipt, just because somebody else says that the image is no longer
Just think about it for a second.
You're not.
I own this.
No, you don't.
The image is no longer on the website.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Yes and no, because on Ordinals, you hand pick and choose what inscription, what Satoshi,
what image you want to include.
So therefore, it's not bound by some arbitrary, well, this is what it was when it started.
I can literally say, no, this is no longer what it is.
Let me hop on Magic Eden's Creator Hub and change that real quick.
Well, then what you bought, what you bought is an image that you can change.
Yes, go ahead.
No, it's an index token.
Chief, ZK just text me, he says, haha, market will speak for itself, television will go
host the Mario space.
And he laughed.
And he laughed.
So he is listening to your bitch ass.
I love you too, ZK.
And ZK, you know, if he's still listening to ZK, you know I'm right.
The market, and here's the important part.
The market will actually reflect what ZK is saying because people don't fully, actually
I'll agree with him.
On par, it is better to have it inscribed and they're on chain immutably than the version
that I'm talking about.
But on par, they are the same.
How did I know I was going to get a DM from ZK when he said his name, bro?
Like, dude, I was fucking DM'd you, bro.
But the reality is, fidget overall, I'm not trying to play this white knight shit.
Like listen, I like ZK, you know, and I like a lot of people in this bitch.
Maybe it would have been better to the DMs to get some fucking actual discourse between
each other instead of publicizing out of space.
Let me pause.
ZK is one of the most talented, intelligent, accomplished, and one of the people I look
up to the most in this space.
In fact, we had a bet a while back whether Shaq entered leap space, and I could have
won a Bitcoin off of him, and I pussied out.
So I got mad respect for ZK.
I'm just being honest about the difference between the asset that the receipt is pointing
to versus the receipt, and I think that's a really important differentiation that's
going to be more and more important as we get further and further into RWAs and tokenizing
assets other than JPEGs.
That's it.
Yeah, we don't even want to talk about centralized indexers, but we're going to keep going.
Expresso, I'm going to...
What about this?
What about our...
Oh, yeah, yeah.
That's what I was about to say.
Wrong one.
GoldMonkey, I don't want to post it up top because there's no need to put it inside the
thread recap, but GoldMonkey that worked at McDonald's, our man Franklin, has officially
sold his eight, and he's done and no longer cares about crypto, I guess.
So yeah, big news today in that sense of if you're in that ecosystem.
I don't know if this is a bull signal for you, if you're bearish on the fact that Franklin's
gone, but yeah, he sold it earlier.
I know he's been offline for like the last fucking six months anyway, so probably just
came back and said, fuck it, let's finish this off, and yeah.
Franklin's gone.
I was wondering where he was at, man.
I was like, why is this dude not on liquidity?
He's a fucking farmer.
Where is he at?
I guess he's the same by, and he's going back to NASA and he's probably going to go to the
moon, but we'll see.
But yeah, I think Vitalik has kind of been more vocal recently, and he's turning into
the Elon Musk of this cycle, and he's been bullposting a lot of projects.
So major projects, but Vitalik's mentioned, have been FarCaster, and look what happened.
Fucking, everybody's talking about FarCaster, WorldCoin, up 19% since he talked it, OP,
I think that's Optimism, up 5%, ENS, up 70%.
The project that Vitalik mentioned, and will mention in the future, should definitely be
in the bag.
But I just think that, I think the open T tensor, a lot of these, we all knew, but then
once he talked about it, they kind of pumped it, and when we were talking about FarCaster
last week, I was like, you guys should probably get on, we got a lot of people, like Vitalik,
talking about it, and then ever since then, Jack Butcher talked about it, and now everybody's
like, daily active users on FarCaster are going ballistic.
But maybe having Vitalik on notifications on, if you don't already, and kind of reading
his articles before everybody else had dissected him, and possibly fomenting those tokens could
be a good play.
It seems like he's talking about a lot more, and he's actually on FarCaster participating.
They have these polls called Pearls, and people actually put a poll up the other day saying
if Vitalik would have under or over five posts, and he actually went over because he
saw the poll.
So if you, I think to get the most access to Vitalik and what he's thinking, you actually
probably should be on FarCaster, not on Twitter, because it seems like he's more verbal over
there and actually using the platform as talking about what he believes and what he wants to
go in the space.
So that was pretty interesting, like just looking at all the tokens he's talked about
in the past like two months, and they're all kind of at all time highs.
So I thought that was interesting.
And we got BTC, we had BTC Art up here, and I think they wanted to flame Fidgetl, but
if they left, I was like, this could be the alt that ZK shows up on, but.
I can flame Fidgetl.
Fidgetl, what happened to Nakamigos, dude?
You're telling me to buy these shits, and they're going to go to one fucking Bitcoin.
No, I'm just kidding.
I don't really give a fuck about Nakamigos.
Did you enjoy your free cards and your free cloaks?
Dude, I don't need shit, bro.
Even if I had them, I would have missed the fucking mint, dude.
And you told me to buy them before cloaks fucking dropped or after cloaks fucking dropped,
Tell me there's going to be a Yuga fucking partnership.
I think they would have dropped on probably fucking 30 more percent of Yuga announced some
kind of fucking partnership with them.
That's a good point.
I made this thesis knowing it was Yuga, expecting that to be a pump, but at this point, it could
be a double Nancy Kerrigan.
It was only going to happen if Poly won and took over Yuga.
It was a different timeline.
Poly eventually lost the case, so unfortunately, we went a different path, and therefore, Nakamigos
just went down that path as well.
So it's okay.
All right.
I'm going to end in the space a little bit.
OKX basically confirmed their airdrop for Q1 of 2024.
Less than a month to qualify for their airdrop.
It caused zero dollars, time, five minutes, potential 12,000 gain.
Basically, it pinned up a guide on how to obtain this airdrop from Token Metrics.
They have a thread here, how to do it, how to do it.
And OKX, obviously, it's the wallet wars are going on, and they want to be part of the
So definitely don't fade OKX and put a thread there for you guys if you guys want to get
involved and try to get that token.
Their wallet's nice, bro.
It just doesn't have integrations anywhere, and that's the biggest issue, right?
It's that Poly takes that.
You have to get people to allow you to be a pop-up, or I mean, one way to imagine getting
kind of overrid that was having that function of setting yourself as the priority that no
matter what, it only calls them as your extension function for a wallet, right?
Some of them, it fails.
Unisad, it can't override, but for X-Verse and other stuff like that, it can override
it through the Magic Eden.
And then this, you sent it in the chat yesterday.
I just wanted to give this as one of our parting resources for those that are involved in,
you know, Injective, Tia, Dimension, playing around in that Cosmos ecosystem.
But he was going to give you the Prism.
That's one that I saw was on Testnet.
They had videos and everything.
It was super easy to do.
It's part of the modular blockchain narrative, and it's tokenless, and I was, I'm going to
do it tonight.
I put it as a resource in our group chat, but yeah, Prism.
And then a lot of you guys are confused.
I think RuneX, I definitely think it's undervalued.
It's basically the competitor, one of the competitors in kind of the runes, CoinTuckyDirby.
And they understand that it's pretty complicated, and they basically put a video, a step-by-step
video on how to stake your BTC to earn runes, more runes from the RuneX.
So if you were confused, if you didn't know how to deposit this BTC to earn, get your
multiplier on RuneX.
They basically made one yesterday, and I just wanted to throw it up here for you guys for
resource purposes.
I definitely think this one's being underplayed.
Not a lot of people understand, but it is because it's complicated, it's on Discord.
But now with this step-by-step guide, I can't see why more and more people aren't going
to participate in this RuneX and have a little exposure to this protocol on top of RuneStone,
on top of R6, and whatever comes out in this CoinTuckyDirby in the next month before the
So I thought that was an interesting one.
Maybe I could go find the Prism one since Chief Rugged.
It was in our alpha-only one.
Sorry, guys.
It got me a little off my camera.
I got it up there.
You got it?
It's pinned up, though.
It's pinned up.
Yeah, the threads pinned up top for you guys.
For anyone that's in the Cosmos, TIA, Injective, that ecosystem, go check it out.
It's a Cosmos L1 that, as the X was saying, it's in testnet, so you can farm it up a
little bit.
I like these ones.
I try to find threads that have videos and pictures to help people because sometimes
it gets confusing.
These are pretty easy.
You just get some test tokens from the faucet, and you just go swap on their swaps and stuff.
Pretty easy.
I'm probably going to do it tonight.
I did Fuel Network over the weekend, and that took me probably 20 minutes to complete
all the tasks.
This one is another one that I'm looking at and it has the modular blockchain narrative,
and I think it'll be a cook, so I just want to throw that up there.
We've got Runex up there also, and then Chief, we're going to end the space, so let's get
to the business of our sponsor.
I'm just going to leave.
We'll get going, but I appreciate you guys, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Talk to you then.
Yeah, hopefully I don't rug, but tomorrow I have a couple of phones coming in the mail,
so we'll be able to set up and ... Yo, Chief.
You rugged, dude.
Did he rug or am I rugging?
Oh, he rugged badly.
Oh, wait.
He's going to have a couple of phones set up.
All right.
Let me leave real quick.
Dude, I literally said, hopefully I don't rug, so appreciate you guys for tuning out, man.
I'm going to just go through this really quick, so the TDA is sponsored by IMSO.
IMSO is building a cross-chain infrastructure for Solana and Bitcoin, utilizing Evolve as
their primary token.
Currently, you can play with their endless runner and earn bonk, along with four other
different mini games to earn different cryptos on the Solana side.
Shout out to Chris for sponsoring the TDA, man.
It really means a lot to us.
We run the show Tuesday through Saturday, 9.45 to about 12, 12.
30 central.
It's TDA or stay poor.
You guys be on the lookout for Allison's thread, and we'll catch you guys tomorrow, y'all.
Be safe and have a good one.