Recorded: Jan. 27, 2024 Duration: 2:03:42



What's up, what's up guys
Get money, what's up Saturday last space of the week. It's been a long week. I'm glad to get this one out of the way
Appreciate you guys stopping by and it's gone started 1030 on Saturdays. I think you guys know that right pinned up Allison started up top
Let me do it. Let me do a check. Oh
My god 17 repost 26 lights and 12 bookmarks. There's 12 people in this space right now
Like there should be only people in this bitch up 30
I can't see why 15 of you guys can't go up there and bookmark it. I don't know take the pamphlet
That's what I'm saying. Take the pamphlet put it in your pocket
You're in the amusement park, you know, you want to know where the rides are at where the roller coasters at take the pamphlet
You might need it later. It's a good information in there
It's been a lot of a lot of work putting this together
Here's a little support. Um, but yeah, I appreciate you guys. Love you guys last show of the week
You see our you see our our song
I was kind of confused. I'm like, are you calling us mid curve?
Are you calling the woman mid curve in the in the song because I was like we informed everybody on Bitcoin puppets invented
So we can't be mid curve, right?
Can't be us couldn't be us
It was funny, bro
They got us like
dancing and shit
Y'all pin it up Tom. Is this stuff's not hard to do am I just like a cry on eater
Is it really that simple to just put your NFT head on top of videos and stuff like that? Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, there's I think there's like an app on the app store that lets you crop it out. I know a Zach
Puts together those fronk ones and he has one with us with Batman and Robin with their PFPs running
So I don't think it's that difficult actually
pretty simple, but yeah, we just
we drag in
Created a song called mid curve featuring chief espresso and thread guy and there's this woman similar to the OMB
Um, you guys all heard the OMB song. We're psyched. It's uh, what's her name?
More she's like I don't recognize it and it's like their theme song
Well, I guess this is the puppets theme song for this woman saying if I had a puppet
I would put in Lauren instantly
So I guess we're in there dancing with thread guy and shit
I definitely think swag should be in this other than me cuz he's he's pretty much the the founder of this project
The co-founder I'm just a king
World peace
I do not want the stage. You all can have it. I'm just a mere messenger
Yeah, so yeah, go check out that song like retweet it. It's pretty funny. I guess
You guys this weekend's dope because tomorrow we got football
We got the cheese first is the Baltimore Ravens
We're gonna kick that ass and we got monster jam in st. Louis my fucking son's obsessed with fucking monster trucks
We're going tonight
I'm saying the first first fin of tea project that puts her IP on a monster truck is a fucking winner
My son knows all the names of these monster trucks
He doesn't even know anything else in life, but he knows what grave digger is, you know
Monster trucks have names, bro. They do bro. They got names grave digger
Loco, they got all names in like there is no penguin monster truck
So if Luca if you're listening my guy like go put your IP on a monster truck
There's like they have the collectibles the monster truck the kids go crazy for they go crazy from the drivers
Like monster trucks is an untapped place to put your IP if you're a web 3 I'm telling you bro
That's actually serious alpha for my buddies
His kid is like these like two or three and he's just die hard everything monster truck big grave digger guy
So yeah, I concur
Dude, I am fucking serious, bro
Like it's dinosaurs and it's monster trucks for these kids and I mean perfect play
I mean, I don't know how you get your IP on a monster truck
But like they should definitely team up with the Federation or something you fucker the fuck are you doing, bro?
Idiots, man
Like you have the right away and you sit there and then you wave me on and then I go and then you cut me
Off after you you have the right away
I was letting you go and then you tell me to go and then you cut me off like what the fuck bro
Fucking hate people. But anyways monster jams tonight. I'm going with my son
I'm gonna go I don't know fucking sit at the top row so he doesn't get his ears blown out
But yeah, it's gonna be fun and then football tomorrow. My chiefs are gonna beat those Baltimore Ravens
We're gonna what is your ear protection for for the young one? Do they like can we buy headphones there? What's what's no
I mean if you buy the headphones at Monster Jam your bank your framing
You're paying like a 70% premium like I bought mine on Amazon for like 20 bucks
You go to the Monster Jam should be slang in the pudgy penguin bootleg fucking headphones outside the event
Seriously, bro, my son looks like Steve Bartman
Fucking at the top row fucking sitting there with this turtleneck on with his headphones on just watching monster truck. It's gonna be a good night
I'm excited for this weekend. Yeah, I have it's jam-packed
But I guess we'll get in kind of go into what's going on in the space and shit
Which is not much. It's fucking the weekend
But Bitcoin puppets are not true
In my whole life, but do you think that possibly this kind of bit because people that got air dropped are six are now rotating
They're kind of air drop into like the the kind of the hot the hot new ordinal, which is the bib
What yeah, I mean that was all free
I think we're seeing our sick like people taking some profits on that thinking it made it
You know people that thought it was probably gonna go higher and saw dipping and saw puppets ripping
perhaps but
Yeah, I don't know. I actually picked up another our sick
yesterday or the day before I
Had sold one earlier that I was sitting on it. Like why did I sell that so I ended up just
Buying back a little bit lower. I
Got a Farqana box, bro
Right on it. Oh, yeah
What is that exactly Farqana is an ETH project that's coming out it's backed by animoca
They dropped they had a token kind of raised in a sense
They're already listed on by a bit on the each side and then they were expanding onto the Bitcoin ordinal side
It's roughly about
Like three well, not roughly. It's a collection of three hundred and thirty three
Boxes inside. There's kind of like a token allocation and
You know anything no one else knows what's in the box
So my bet was it was at like point to hit its bottom
900 bucks
Animoca back token. I think that I'll get more than 900 bucks from the token itself
So in my in my mind, it was kind of a safe and no-brainer
To just pick one up and just ride out the animoca hype. So
It was free so for anyone that did mint or anything like that and just to kind of put into context if you're thinking about
Picking one up know that it was a free meant for those that did participate originally. So
Yeah, man gonna see that animoca money on Bitcoin that's really what I'm excited for
So a couple things that happened
Over I guess the these last couple days
obviously, we've been keeping track participating and
Kind of monitoring the Magic Eden beta
Kind of experience, right? I know a lot of us have the beta codes
Well chart foo and a bunch of the Magic Eden team are kind of saying that what have beta testers stayed special forever
What if you receive some type of badge for being a beta tester?
And I can't say that when the wallet first dropped there was a badge that you could mint from inside the wallet itself
It was a straight pop-up to you and it was just like hey beta tester badge one better test the Brad's to
so I wouldn't put it past that they're gonna use maybe these kind of badges as
Multipliers for rewards or some type of marking for those who have been here and kind of supporting them since the launch
So once again, I would just if you have access to the beta wallet play around with it, right?
Transition to start using it for your daily stuff. It can't really hurt
But have a backup is my plan, right?
It is also a wallet in beta so there could be potential bugs and issues and if that happens
Last thing you want to do is not be able to participate in a mint because you didn't have your wallet
Exported out or something of that nature, right?
And so just do yourself the favor of being prepared but also utilize the the wallet for these points for me
That's kind of something similar similar the Jupiter they have
When they they when they first launched their kind of checker from the points a lot of the people in the Jupiter community
We're like, bro
you're like you're not supporting the people that have been here at the beginning and they
Recalculated the points and they gave a lot more of the distribution to the points to OG and you've heard
over and over magic even when the launch of this is like how they're like retroactively gonna
Like reward people that use the platform to 2021. So I imagine this badge will be like an OG
Role when the token comes out and you'll probably get like a like you said like an allocation just for having the badge itself
Similar to like how Jupiter did it so that's kind of what I think I think you're spot-on with like kind of OG the badge
It's kind of showing you've been there since the beginning and you're probably rewarded for it, right?
So yeah, I mean they're on the timeline
I'm not gonna say like just basically bullposting about the wallets and its future utility slash perks
Right. I mean obviously this is a marketing push
They're are gonna be bullish and say it's the greatest things and sliced bread
But with an incentive kind of a nice carrot dangling at the end
It's a platform that's not new to basically anyone in the space, right? I think that it has the makeup of
Having good potential in terms of past speculation, right to where we can expect something decent and not kind of just chasing the dragon
Rather than you know, like the the pith and all that kind of stuff is just speculation of a potential something
I think at least with magic eating we can count on
Them delivering to the point of they have too much market share a fumble of this
Magnitude would would really put the nail in the coffin in my opinion. So
Yeah, and then a pith, you know pits been going crazy people found like said
Oh, there's a possibility of an airdrop for pith. Let's take the pith team came out with a funny ass video yesterday
It's it kind of like the setting is heaven and you have two guys sitting in lawn chairs once Pepe and another's a dinosaur
And then you have God that's grilling steaks and they're just going over like oh, what like what do you want for your steaks?
I don't know. It's funny. You kind of see like the personality come out on these other chains
Like you would never seen each motherfucker come out
Founder come out and do something like this
But on Solana like they're very more open for like community engagement
You're starting seeing other chains like injective come out and start like promoting shit coins on their chain
You've seen avalanche like embrace like shit coins and call them community culture coins
So I think it's kind of cool to see these other chains the other founders coming out and say no
We'll just make funny videos and we'll talk about it
And it's not like something professionally done that has you know, 4k
It's just kind of a funny video that goes viral stuff put it up top go check it out
It's pretty funny and everybody's freaking about freaking out about pith and everybody's doing it
So I don't think if you're going to be able to stake $20 a pith and get that airdrop personally
And I said this earlier this week
I think you need to possibly be in the top 30% to possibly be rewarded for some of this stuff for pith
So don't think oh, I have an extra 20 bucks to buy pith and stake and get rewarded or not
You probably need like about a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars to stake a pith to possibly be rewarded this rumored airdrop and shit
So just just be aware just keeping you updated. But the video is funny. I just wanted to throw it up there
What up, betty? What up, buddy?
Yo, good morning guys. What's up? Happy uh, happy saturday. Always glad to talk to you guys on a saturday
Yeah, man. Um
I'll be honest with you some of these uh, some of these airdrops I think are over far
Like I think pith is starting to get to a point like pith and a lot of the other salona defy
Fairly over farmed. I think some people compare them to like uniswap and stuff like that
But correct me if I wrong, I believe a lot of the uh, a lot of those airdrops back in the day on eat
Like let's say ens for example completely unexpected
Like no one no one knew that that was happening until all of a sudden there was money in your wallet, right? So
I think people have done the math on some of these things
And for example, I think I want to say like margin phi
I think like margin phi points even if it's like a
massive massive success and the market cap is
Uh, like a couple hundred million dollars if not like a billion dollars you're talking like
a fraction of a cent per point
So for the vast majority of users, this is like maybe a 20 boost at best on what you deposit
So, I mean it's like, you know, unless you're unless you're whaling it and unless you're actually using it
Like just genuinely using it not trying to farm it with small
Um small increments. It's not really all that worth like it's it's likely better to look at a
Under farm platforms like whatever that's I think like parcel
Or even again, i'm just going to keep preaching it because clearly it's not working liquidity on bitcoin
Like those are vastly better when I say liquidity. Um,
Even if you just put out one loan
There's like 200 to 300 users period on liquidity
And it's good to quickly gain traction as like one of the premier places for defy on bitcoin
And there's like 300 people using it. I'm still shocked that it's so hard to convince people to actually get on that platform
But yeah, dude, like looking across the board
Feeling generally pretty good. I closed some shorts today at a loss because honestly
I do not feel comfortable staying in short positions right now like even
Even when a project starts to show weakness
These rebounds are getting eaten up pretty quickly
Like I was even looking at moonbirds at an eth and I was thinking do I short these?
Like because these things are still garbage, right? Like moonbirds are still garbage
Do I short them to go to point eight or point or even lower?
And i'm like, well, what if kevin kevin rose announces that he's gonna hand over the reins?
That just might be bullish in and of itself like even if he's gonna hand over the reins to a donkey
Uh from a nearby farm like that might be bullish, right? So
I'll be honest with you. Like I I don't feel comfortable in many short positions right now
I don't I don't know how
How long I anticipate being and i'm just like I saw a tweet the other day and I thought it was pretty
pretty spot-on where
They had felt like the person who tweeted i'm blanking on who said it, but they had felt that this year your 2024
Um is a year of chopping a slow grind up
longer people who long
on leverage probably going to have some issues
because uh
There will be chops to the downside people who short heavily on leverage
Probably going to have some issues as there's massive chops to the downside people who hold spot and are patient
Will win but people who hold spot and get frustrated out of their bags will lose
Because the market always aims for max pain
And the best way to cause max pain right now is to just take like as long as possible to get this pump rolling
So i'll be honest i'm
Unlike I have a slight bullish lean right now generally
But i'm not like
I'm not sure going heavy into any single position
Um, it's really the move that's kind of like where i'm at right now in this, uh, lovely saturday afternoon
I think you're right that the airdrops are getting over saturated
So you gotta you gotta be a little bit more technical and have you heard? Uh, the I wasn't a rumor. It was actually
Uh, now that people that ran celestia nodes
For the past like year they got an airdrop of I think like fifty thousand dollars and maybe running nodes
Could be the next layer up instead of blindlessly farming these airdrops
I just pinned up a video a 30-minute video walkthrough on how to set up a eigenlayer node and
That could possibly be something
That not a lot of people are doing or aren't tech savvy. They will possibly get you airdrop
They pretty much reward anybody running nodes and help
Help them and shit and I would imagine you guys can find more of these. Um,
I would even think that uh, what's the other hyped one that we've been talking about?
Maybe it is celestia celestia. I think you can use a raspberry raspberry pie to even you can use your phone
Uh to run a node. I even think so that's crazy
I'm gonna post them to the top
About the the tia nodes real quick. I think I found that post you're talking about just for a little bit more context for people
Yeah, i'm gonna bookmark that because I want to get involved there. I want to get involved with uh,
like the tia monad and
What's the other one mantle? Oh, well, no, I don't like man. So those people are
People are like drifting off of other people's success bullshit. Anyway, um
Barishing and barishing. Yeah, that's the trio like that's the trifecta
Fascinating people's chains right now. Um, i'm kind of interested in like figuring out what those communities are like to an extent
But also will note so I was taking a look through
I don't think yeah, I don't think any of it is uh, I don't think any of it is
Yeah, I didn't have to sign any nda's. So anyway, the uh, the blast docks
for like the big blast competition
That's going to be coming out. So like I was looking through the slack
and that is
February 16th is when the big blast competition comes to an end
And february 19th is when they start judging
For anyone that's interested in any of the stuff that's being built out on blast in terms of timelines
I would expect to start seeing over the next
Uh, let's call it three to four weeks
Most of like the the bigger initial announcements come out then they're probably going to announce like, okay
Because the way that the blast tournament is being held
Is people are applying?
Um submitting and they're going to be judged and then anyone who works on things it's going to be receiving
Like the after being judged
They'll be getting
an allocation of blast points
Like sent to effectively an account of their choosing
And that's going to be like how they
Develop their points, right? Um
And like that's that's what the big blast competition is and how it works
They're also doing a massive ongoing audit for white hats to try and fuck them up, which is interesting. But like
For anyone that's interested in upcoming blast protocols. There's about 200 people in the slack
working on things
And involved in the competition in one shape or form some interesting teams that are aware that i'm aware of
Um as looking to integrate blast and we'll be joining as well
So i'd be paying attention over the next like two to three weeks to the blast account
Because they're going to be tweeting out people that they're like outwardly partnering with as well as people that they're, you know
fairly interested in
Um, and it's a pretty like it's a pretty massive grant
Effectively that they're going to be giving out to developers that build on it. So the competition is pretty heavy and all that
Um, what's the what's the blaster thing?
Eddie, I don't know. I mean i'm pretty sure you've heard or seen it a lot of people are signing up for it
It's called blaster. I just pinned it up to the top
Um, I feel like i've heard it i'm gonna wait for it to show up at the top
I know that there are some people that are trying to do
We'll call it like leveraged experiences in terms of like how you get your points
I know that there are people that are effectively
Selling slash loaning out points points that they've abstracted like people are
Um applications we'll call it that taking a look at blaster right now
Yeah, oh the all you need decks to max leverage. Oh, it's just it's just going to be a dex that's lost thing on blast
That's all. Yo, did anybody claim that like is it like listen, I i'm not opposed to free money ever
I'm just curious like
Does it did anybody like claims to know what your fucking, you know, free airdrop was was it like worthwhile the blaster one
Yeah, because you got to like put out a tweet like they're doing the same thing has been claiming your fucking original like, um
Well blur airdrop where you have to like go through the steps and then you tweet it and then you claim something
I don't know if anyone did that yet, but so so just for reference
Uh, like for anyone that's afraid when they're claiming things i'm serious
Just download wallet guard or pocket universe
And you don't actually have to like be afraid or ask questions because it tells you
Like yo, it will tell you hey, why are you gonna get fucked up on this transaction if the answer is no
Then you can feel fine doing it. Um, i've been using it for like two
I've been using pocket universe for almost two years now
One of all these definitely saved me a few times all these claims and airdrops have geolocation fences around it
So if you don't get a prompt
Like a lot of us from america if it doesn't say that you're ineligible
Then it's a scam like if you could go in there and they're they're like asking you to
To send gas and stuff. It's obviously a scam because all this stuff is illegal in america
So you're going to get a prompt asking you your location and and turn on your vpn
So if you don't get that vpn, it's obvious. It's an obvious which which by the way found out, uh
For the blast airdrop that I was just talking about one
They're not you know, they they are not going to be rewarding any us-based teams
Uh, I mean like their entity can be in not the us but they will not outwardly be awarding
us-based entities, um, I also found out that the uh
that the blasts llc or
Whatever is it's not an lc. Um is meta layer limited and it's uh
It's it's in the british virgin islands. So if anyone's wondering like where where is blast
Stationed I guess legally british virgin isles. It's cool
Straight tax evader central bro
Uh post it up
Blaster up top if anyone's interested on that it's been kind of circulating crypto twitter right now
Um as tout said that there is a potential of a little airdrop you kind of got to go through
Uh jump a couple hoops make a couple posts, but
Hey free money is potentially free money
And uh, just be careful, right at all times right now. It's just about being careful webc pocket universe
um any of these
Uh kind of wallet safety guards
And then I think that metamask is also upgraded and even like on the bitcoin side to where the wallet will show you what's going on
But you have to read
Right putting these things on does not stop you from clicking the button twice and just saying yeah
I understand. So please read the pop-ups guys. Make sure that you're not fucking yourself
So blasters up top seems to be one of the first decks is want to be uni swap on the blast l2
So could it hurt could be an airdrop could be something could be nothing
Just putting it on the radar as it's circulating right now
Yeah, and if you guys have any questions about any of those I have
Pretty decent access to a bunch of the people that are building out there on blast
So just let me know and I will do my best to reach out so that when I figure things out
Also try and get some access
Now that I think about it
I'll try and get some access for a bunch of us here at the tda
To uh to get early access to some of the stuff that's being built out there
There's actually some cool stuff like genuinely some cool stuff some stuff. That's probably bullshit, but that's everywhere. So
Just taking a look around and uh, some of the people on the slack are cool
This is also for chief any of you, uh, if you guys know any really good artists and you want to refer them my way
Uh cough cough, please do so thanks
Hear that swag. We you're a really good artist. We're gonna refer you to eddie real quick in the dm
All right, um another layer two and we all need more layer two
That's fine, but it looks like we got attacked by the bitcoin puppets up here
We got we got king r r. We got danny. We got tau
I think good things you have a bitcoin puppet. I'm pretty sure you probably do swag does
I do chief chief does it's it's a it's an official community bitcoin puppet space. Yeah, just the bag is
Officially pre-rolling now boys. Just call me gepetto. Just call me gepetto x um, except so that's that's my new title going forward
Jepetto, okay. Well, I mean the bitcoin puppets are undeniable. I mean really give me
What are they at right now?
That's it you guys are freaking out and they're only at point five seven
Motherfucker, they went they went from point. Oh one to point. Oh five. That's like a fucking 5x
I know I know but you guys should be holding holding your breath until those one bitcoin. You want them to actually go
Eddie yeah
Listen, dude, there's there's been a lot of loss over the last two years eddie
We can celebrate the small wind mother we're not selling eddie. We're just fucking saying it's polish. Nobody's okay
I'm just dancing on the uh fade oars graves a bit
You guys just need to recognize communities when you see communities
This is just like the eve motherfuckers first time coming over the bitcoin
It's basically a bunch of mf'ers and knock amigos and then they combined with some og ordinals like swag and good things and now it's just like
It's its thing and like it's it
We're celebrating an orange. It's easy
It was easy to recognize and I think the reason why it continues to go up because a lot of people
Like with these projects they kind of like all right. What's next when you motherfuckers continue to
Raid spaces just like you guys did with knock amigos. Just like you did with mf'ers
Like it's it's the same playbook, but it's on ordinals
So it's counterculture and this is pretty much one of the easiest
Trades if you were in this space for the during the bear market to see this coming bro
Like all the right communities and as much as I as much as I tweeted about the fucking titanium cheetos. I didn't even
Didn't even roll
What are those we mid-curved it too that's what happened gg
I mid-curved it too hard. Yeah, well, you know what happened
I was trying to get the text that I can describe myself
Because I don't like to do it through like those minting sites
And I put the I was trying to get somebody to confirm that the text that I had was right
And no one confirmed it and I minted out. Well, here's everybody. I hope it goes way higher in my face
I'm not selling off bags the promo in well on the on the brighter side king arp
I don't think I would have been able to fucking mint any because uh soft chill and i'm not paid by them
At least not yet these motherfuckers liquidium
I literally have like a million fucking puppets on there loaning them out and a bunch of motherfuckers that i'm giving liquidity to
Who told you about that? Yo, you might have a request go go accept it. You're definitely not going to get dude. Stop
Yeah, eddie thinks that we don't talk about liquidium because he comes once a week
We literally talk about liquidium probably like three or three or four times a week. We had miyagi on here yesterday
With a fucking swag and they're all trying to gatekeep and say motherfucker. We don't want people on here
I want to continue my points
I'm like bro the ethos of the daily alpha is the four people you guys need to make a thread and get more people on this
Bitch, it's not complaining
But like we literally talk about liquidium non-stop more than any other lending protocol
We talk about liquidium like all the fucking time. So
Like it's obviously a play people that lived on it. There's still like
On the leaderboard. I gave out a liquidity of emails from beta testing. I need to fucking move around
Chief chief gave out a smoke signal. I don't think you guys don't talk about a smoke signal on top of a hill
Like come on guys. Yeah, the problem is it's early not that you guys don't talk about it
It's that people don't listen like there's only one you can literally look at how many total users they have
It's like 350 right now. One percent of people are gonna listen to you, bro
I've been talking about runes since casey committed and they still think i'm crazy
I've been here for a year in ordinals. Some people still think i'm crazy. You are fucking crazy
Yeah, you can only bang someone's head against the wall. Yeah one percent. Nobody else is gonna listen until they're not so it's
When thread guy starts talking about it when you guys get airdropped fucking generational wealth of drug guys
Like why did I not know about it? Well, we've been trying to tell you but you guys only listen the fucking thread
Yeah, no, there's yeah
You told me the instructional links I posted looked like a scam so he didn't there's a lot of stuff going on right now
Some people are great top signals, you know, you just gotta you just gotta pay attention
There's literally like money starting to it's not raining down yet
But like the announcements of money raining raining down are happening
And there hasn't been an announcement for liquidium yet
Like robin has been on our spaces. It's been on I think few people's spaces
The co-founder of liquidium talking about, you know what he can't talk about and so until there's that announcement
Mfers are not gonna they're not gonna ape in you know, they're not gonna
So right now the alpha is go use liquidium because there is only 400 plus people on there
And like it's it's this is this is gonna be a massive thing
They haven't announced they didn't believe in those good things. But you know who did what?
But no, I mean like the announcement of the airdrop the announcer of the airdrop was the fact they got bc funding
Like that's the announcement of the airdrop because the bc is how do they get their exit?
They get the coin and that's how they exit so the when they when they announce their bc funding and aren't you guys getting points?
Yeah, yeah, yeah many many points
Anybody that's paying attention knows there's going to be an airdrop or something, right?
But what i'm saying is like you got you got chart food down there, you know and the whole team of magic even which is
Honestly, I had no idea how active their fucking team is on twitter, but they're incredibly active
They're right now. Yeah, they've got like 30 people
Old tweet. Yeah, no, they're they're raining down codes for a beta, you know beta testing their wallet
And there's an announcement
Uh, I think coming soon. I think they they tweeted that yesterday, right?
Like there's a lot of things that people are looking at and the alpha is always to look at
Look at those things as well. Like definitely can get one of those codes test the wallet
I'm going to be doing that myself this weekend
But like always want to look at where other people aren't looking like that is the fucking
That is how you make money or look where people are looking just be there first
You know what i'm saying?
We've been beta testing the wallet going on what a week and a half too now
So yeah, shout out to sharkfu and the team
Show up to the tda more often good things. You'll get a code quicker
Jeez chief is always just throwing it on the table, man
He's like I was sending emails to people. I mean we just keep it straight
I just I got receipts for everything, you know, i'm one of those people. I don't like to do too much market
We let the we let the chain do everything, you know, and and I mean especially now that we started recording our spaces
Oh, I got receipts for everything
Everything ready to pull so it's all good
Yeah, the best part too. Is that the the blockchain is public. I don't think a lot of people realize that
Dude, the blockchains public ledger. Holy shit. That's literally the easiest way
All of them actually, uh, what's his name?
Nadine is working on a privacy centric blockchain and it's uh, they actually I think just announced
It's looking to go live soon. So
All right, you're actually curious that there is there are privacy centric ones that are launching and I think this one's called tari
Whenever you hear whenever you hear naveen talk, but I hope you got the main point of that one ready
I agree. There are definitely some privacy solutions out there. All right
I I did I did I just use it as an opportunity to bring that up
All right. Let's get back to a little structure. Let's get back to a little structure. I don't have any bags there
I'm adding ptsd bro. Stephen has his hand up. Let's go to stephen
Let's let him provide some value
And then well you guys if you guys want to talk over each other you guys can start your own space
But if you want to talk on the dda put your hand up
We'll get right to you. I swear to fucking god. We'll get right to you
But for listeners sake for the 200 people listening
They can barely hear your ass when you talk over each other
So trying to make this space as easy as possible listen to so let's throw it to stephen
I'm gonna bring bongo up here because i'm gonna kick him in his ass and then we'll get on with the rest of the alpha
Well gm everybody. Hope you're having a great day
I gotta tell you i'm coming off a very good week and i'm feeling some type of good this morning because i've had
Lots of feedback on calls that just were coming right out of the cut on monday morning
And just getting people art wins this week
So I am feeling good on a saturday and i'm here to tell you
Uh, i'm not fucking done. I'm not stopping. It's not happening
So if you have any interest in learning about the next art blocks curated drop before art blocks posts about it
Uh, i'm gonna go ahead and pin that to the top
Well, get into your wins stephen
Want your nuts like throw your nuts on the table and tell them what you called on monday, bro
Let everybody know i was gonna say in the in the in the art mint list on monday morning
We had the salona drop, uh from pop punk which went ape shit
Didn't call it on the show, but it was there. Um also had
um alamo on
Um earlier in the week told you guys about the japanuary drop that's performing on nifty gateway right now pretty damn well
I made a call about an artist who posted on ordinals that I can't talk about because he's asked me not to
But you fucking called that
When you I said who spent fucking 7k on eight pictures on the ordinals and you're like
Three seconds after looking at that. I'm not gonna say the name. Yep, that's that
Yeah, it's you know, this shit. This is crazy. It's been a week i've been tapped in man
So i've got that i've got that new art block security to drop for you
Honestly, it's it's a drop that i've been tracking for a while
Um, and I didn't know that oh wait, that's the one that you were talking about the other day stephen
No, not so no, not that one. This is this is like brand new
Oh, right separate from vivid but the one that you were kind of alluding to yeah
Yeah, so the one the one that's coming to vivid is still a big call. I do believe in that drop big time. Um
Oh jesus i'm dropping the name cyber c
And that drop is gonna be insane, but this drop up top
Um, he's been teasing this art for
It feels like two years
Like I remember he was the first generative artist that I ever minted
I minted him back in december of 21
And i've just been following his work because it's really really good
I would say like as
Methodical about making sure that his art is at the highest possible caliber and tier that it can be at
before he ever rolls it out
And I think that the fact that they got him on art blocks curated for this drop is
Dope for art blocks and it's even bigger for him. It's a huge huge step
So, um, yeah that news will be coming out of our blocks probably sometime soon, but you guys have it here first the tda
That's where we get the wins, right?
Um besides that yeah, how is that actionable? Like so what would we have to do?
The big actionable thing is it's actually something that you can put on your calendar right now and start being ahead of everybody else
Who's going to be chasing it?
Um, you can also go study up on what what actually makes this guy worth following because straight up people just go in
It's shit and think that it's just a flip. It's not
Like with the art game. It's about knowing who exactly you are
Um getting behind and determining whether or not like they're they have the staying power
They're going to be around for a really long time
And if it connects on a deeper level than it just being pixels
So to me I would rather have more time preparing for an art block security drop and getting to know that artist
Then just whenever they decide to roll out the announcement because for some of these other announcements
It's been very thin like we haven't known
Um, you haven't had any time to like actually get to know the artist behind the scenes unless you've known them for years
So to me that that's a good solid art alpha right there
In terms of just being able to prepare yourself and get right in because most of the people in this room. I promise you this
We're all deejets
So to have time to actually prepare for something like this and start to understand that market is
Just a huge deal. So I would say that's very big
Um, and I think i've got a couple others for later in the show
So i'll tease it out just so that everybody here can
Uh stick around knowing that there's gonna be more art alpha later. So
That's what I got for you right now. This dude must host spaces or he must have hosted like a
A reality tv show where they clip hang you right before the commercial like that. That was perfect. Steven next day tune
All right, uh, we'll go to gambler and then we'll say what's up the bongo
And we'll go from there. What up?
What's good x we good chief. Uh, happy saturday gang
uh, I thought i'd
Pop up with a few updates on the say blockchain because I know some people are interested in that and um
Yeah, i've been giving updates these last couple days. So uh on that outlines meant that i've been calling these last couple days
It actually performed
Really really well a lot better than I thought there was like I was telling people if you can get one under 50 say
It's a good entry
Like there was none listed under 100 and which was still turned out to be a good entry
They ran up to about 300 say they're chilling just over 200 say now
Um, so they did well again. That was like one of the they're saying one of the first
I mean, they were definitely one of the first I don't know if they were the first because we were talking about say topia
They had some of the art, um quality there as well
So we're seeing more art pop up, you know art art pop up on the say network
Uh a few updates on the floor prices of top projects outlines at 220 say top in volume
We bump, uh blue past 3,000 all-time high is now
3158 which is just over 2,000 usd sayans at 825 just over 500 usd
Uh and colony at 989 say which is just over 600 usd
Um, yeah, that's about all I got on say i'm not watching for any other mints right now
I got one for you gambling
Now that outline's kind of fucking just gonna start
I think like show that say can do hype mints and people want them and there's demand. There's this new project
That's called the rabbit project. I don't know if you've seen it, but it kind of looks like a clash of clans kind of game
With rabbits, uh, I don't like there's not much known about this project, but it is going to be a 5k project
It's the first idle game on say it's called down the rabbit down the rabbit hole. It's a video game company
They have a discord already set up for you to go in. Um, I guess some
Um, I just think with outline success you're probably going to see
You know other other games and other things start getting more hyped
This is going to be a 5k supply and there's no price but there is a discord
So when you get in these early projects, you want to put notifications on getting the discord start grinding
But I think this one's probably the next one up
Uh, because we there is not like really a metaverse or game out on say but this one's pretty hyped and it has good graphics
And kind of looks like a cache of clash of clans
And I definitely think there since it's an idle game there possibly would be a token too. So throwing this on your radar
It's early earlier is less than 10k followers. So I get in that discord and put notifications on
I think it will be a good one to the grind on i'm actually
I'm actually in that discord. Um, i'm grinding for whitelist
I wouldn't have known the name off the top of my head
But I recognize the logo and i'll say one more piece of alpha which kind of applies to all blockchains
But it's really real here in say is like
If you can get into a group a notable group on say which i'll name a few the the say cabal
The say central led by nft lama a wee bump
Uh, I think sands are cool to
Uh a colony any of those top a satopia
Any of those top projects will get you really good whitelist and a lot of the same overlapping whitelist
Um, and in order to participate
especially if you have like
Not the biggest budget which is kind of counterintuitive because you got to purchase first
But if you have a lower budget getting one of those is a really good thing because it gets you a lot of free mints
which most are trash
Um, but oftentimes it'll give you more opportunity to either mint something free and make money or
Mint it early and make money. So but thanks for that alpha espresso. I'll look out for that
So to cop one of these like I guess you would call it like a blue chips
Would it not be worth the investment in terms of I think we mentioned this early with those too
It's like when you see the emergence of these necessarily new chains or ecosystems. I mean
Headlines are being made when someone buys an asset for 500 bucks, right not to discredit that amount of money
But when you convert that to other ecosystems, right? No one's gonna post
Right about having their assets or hey, this was a big buy for our ecosystem for a little 500 dollar buy
Now when these ecosystems are emerging or new or novel, right?
You get a chance to not only establish yourself as a potential kol or a predominant player in the space
But it's kind of like a a flex like, you know, i'm here. I want to participate
I decided to to do so by copying, you know one of these whatever
I just think that when you have the emergence of ecosystems the
champion market becomes open and very few people really slide into that being a brand champion or an ecosystem champion
But the ones that we have seen fully emerge and take that on have had really great success
Right. I mean you look at easy you look at all these other people that I mean even nft lama now decided to he was
Retired came out of retirement to go be a say maxi or whatever the fuck
And and kind of just dominating the safe side
Which that was that was crazy by the way, that was a crazy six week
Whoa, that's the thing about it
It's one of those people that when you when you think about it though, and it's you don't go to practice every day
right because
You know, you're expecting to hit a homer every day, right?
You go to practice every day for when you do hit that homer, you know how to execute, right?
You know how to move you know how to move on the triple
And so that's a lot of things that these content creators or us just as participants. We sit here
We show up every single day. We do xyz, but when the break comes
Very few of us lean into it and say hey look there's an opportunity. There's a break
This is what i've been waiting for right?
We we kind of take the fame or take the the growth
And just let it pass us by in a sense
Lama's good at executing on opportunity. He saw the opportunity assess the ability of becoming a
You know thought leader in a first mover and took the risk
And so I just think that on the say ecosystem if how how gambler was saying five six hundred bucks to get a blue chip
Shit dude go buy two go make the headlines go be that guy in the say ecosystem or in that community
And now you'll get your investment back two or three times just from whitelist alone. So just throwing that out there
Dude i'm saying i'm saying last week literally last week
Uh, or maybe the week before if not last week, you could have took one eth
0.05 btc whatever chain you're on one eth or 0.05 btc and picked up the three
One of each of the three top projects on say for about that that cost right we bump was right around a g
Colony was was under a g. That's right around back to about a grand now and and sayings were like
200 bucks. I mean I paper to say in it like 200 bucks because I didn't like all the saying derivatives
But anyway now they're at like 800 so a little more expensive now
But yeah, we're talking, you know in eth terms. This is like we talked these we talked about these are these are prices for ants
So yeah, and then the last thing i'll say is like we talked a lot about
Getting ahead of the narrative, right?
You want to get your bags and then you want the narrative to come to you. You don't want to be chasing the narrative
Um, you know when you get in on these early ecosystems, it's it's
It really is the benefit of getting in early. I mean we're out here like hunting for free sales and
Uh chats and all this stuff, but you know, there's there's a lot of opportunity on say right now
Yeah with our early ecosystems the the ecosystem pumps off stuff that wouldn't typically pump
Uh prices on eat right like just having
Uh an influencer like llama and cool times talking about it people will use that as like cloud or use that as like a narrative
But why say is up and coming because we have these influencers on it
And I think that's kind of the reason why you saw a bunch of eth motherfuckers move over to the say because they couldn't pump
Anymore they couldn't pump their mean coins
So they found a new ecosystem where they can they could text something or put something on twitter that will pump the floor prices
So it's like it's pretty simple why they moved over there because they couldn't they didn't have influence on anything more
They're trying to reestablish that, you know, we have influence over here now
Um, but that yeah, it's pretty it was pretty simple to see all that but uh, let's go to bongo
And then we'll say what's up to eddie again, and then I got some more output for you. Go ahead. What up bongo
Yo, what up? What up? Let's uh, not talk to eddie too much eddie for the day
Um, we released a bunch of stuff with hashlings yesterday. We'll love to give you guys the the rundown chief
I think you're gonna like it
Yeah, you said hello and started shoving information down my mouth bro. I mean act like you've been here before
How are you go ahead bongo?
We weren't here yesterday, but we informed the whole space about hashlings and your in your information
So I know you don't show up every day
You just use the shelf hashlings and you leave but yeah, let everybody know about hashlings bongo
I do show every day at least as a listener, but besides becoming you show up the thread guy space every day
You don't show up here every day, but go ahead. Oh shit. Oh shit getting strikes
Um, look, you know, that was crazy, you know my ds with the espresso, you know, you know
I love you. Um
either way
We we announced
Most of you know about the first batch of miners that will get in the hands of the community
Uh, and what we did is that we turned those
miners into pretty much ordinals
And that makes us way more flexible with what we can do and what the community can do
so you still need to meet the condition of having your hashling and your
New ordinal and at speak that our artists design and draw for this drop
You still need to meet the condition of having those two teams in your wallet at the same time
To go to our token gated platform and start mining btc, but now they are nfts
They are ordinals. We made them way more liquid and we also introduced tiers. So instead of having
One at speak a common one. You can have a rare one that equals two
Two reads pretty much and we we have a one-of-one that we are introducing in this batch
Just for our biggest holders that equals 10 miners
If you can use your imagination
You can see a future where we can where we keep adding hash rates and miners and we keep making these
Different tiers and at speaks with different artists different designs
And uh, we have now ways of gamifying all that that's pretty much a tldr. I don't want to take too much out of there
The space no, that's cool that you guys because that was the issue beforehand, right?
I mean the hashling was your spot on the rig
But there was no real way to kind of separate the actual miner from the hashing itself
I mean it was something that i'm assuming beforehand was all going to be done in on the back end
And so now you have the ability of still owning the hashling and just selling the miner out which in a sense could be
Hey, this is the mining rewards that'll come from
This period or whatever it may be right? So you kind of split it up. I do
I guess wonder is there some type of balance system to where only?
hashlings can buy picks or only hashlings can get picks to where picks become valuable because
There's a finite supply in a sense per pick or how does that work?
Yeah, um, I mean once they are in the hunt in the hands of the holders
It's basically the free market so they can do whatever the fuck they want with it
They're going to be able to list it on magic even and sell it
And if you are non holder of hashling see an opportunity holding miners
You can go ahead and buy that and just hold that it's up to you up to the holders
But you still need a link to be on the rig, right? Even though let's just say I have a miner
I can't say hey put me on your
Can I realize that rig?
Yes, when we sell the fleet
Um, yeah, you have to hold until that point because we are on a contract until uh 2025
Even though we can sell it whenever we choose to we just have to pretty much get someone to buy it
it's a good position on that end, um, but
It if you are a new holder and you want to start mining bitcoin, it's the easiest way possible
You get a hatchling you get an ad speak on the secondary market
You go to the dashboard to the website you pay the electricity bill for the month and you're mining bitcoin just like that
So we decrease the amount of friction between getting to mine
And yeah, just start into mine pretty much
Which is pretty cool and the the ad speeds are just available for hashlings
They are the only ones that can bring access into its system
the first job
Well, we've been getting uh
We yeah, we've been getting people in a lease. We have like
Over 500 people waiting. We have a bottleneck right now
We are getting rates to the first
200 or so people and keep in mind that some people will be able to buy
Ad speeds that equals two rates so they're getting more out of it. Those are more rates
But we are we're giving like 200 now. There's a lease
we've been collecting wallets and making kind of like a yeah like a priority lease and and
Right now people can sign in for the third batch that we're going to have
And those ad speeds that they're going to be minting this initial supply
Will come with different rarities and you know
tiers within the the the the collection and
It's cool that we made it an ordinal because now it allows us to
Gamify everything and also have fun with it like the people participating in the first batch
Guys, this is this is the first one and this is dr that you guys are getting for doing so
When we decommission this fleet, we have an endpoint using recursive
We are the ad speed is going to be turned off and it's going to become a relic
Something that you can hold in half as you are participating in the ecosystem
That's dope. Um, I guess I
This doesn't really just because I just came up with this thought and I like
I might be off my rocker and maybe chief you can set me straight or good things or anybody that's bitcoin that knows bitcoin
I think the cool thing about bitcoin and we've seen this with trevor's project and we've seen this multiple times where you could put
computer cramp
Computer gram our computer programming on inscribe it on the ordinals like so you could play like doom
You can play super nintendo emulator
And i've been looking into doing nodes and I go into these gift books and it's a lot of computer gram
Computer gramming I can't even say I got computer programming code
computer programming code could we inscribe like
node computer
Computer programming code on the ordinals and and like be able to run a node off ordinals itself
I know I just kind of fumbled a bunch of words, but
Not in a sense no because I mean
Technically yes and no because you can do it to where you can write the code and you can have a hashing equation
But there's nowhere for it to pull
Power from in order to process and run continuously and do that
So it's it's yes and no you can do it, but it's not necessarily that you'll have the ability to have hashing power or even mine
Yeah, so what's happening when you see like something like doom or you know, any of the any of the code that is being
You know ran from bitcoin basically bitcoin is just storing the code and then you have like you have basically uh
Front facing apps like a like a browser or viewer that is actually executing that code
So the codes like these are a lot of the code that's being uploaded to bitcoin, you know in the ordinals ecosystem
It's just like html files and then those html files are being rendered in in a browser
So the browser and the the machine that's hosting the browser like your own computer
That's actually the compute resources there. Like there's no
There's no actual compute resources running on chain on bitcoin
Gotcha, I knew I was thinking because I was like someone had already done this I can't be the only one
Yeah, people yeah, I was kind of curious people been talking about like oh we could put an ai on bitcoin like you can't like it's not happening like
bitcoin can store 200 gigabytes per year like that's kind of the extent of like its computing power like
What about dogecoin?
Uh, I don't know enough about dogecoin dogecoin is a fork of bitcoin, but yeah, I would assume well
They put the whole because I know there's they they just put doom on the very doge labs
Just put the full doom game on doge and I know that they did that on bitcoin, but it's not the full game
So they definitely have more space and shit. Yeah there
I think but still like I don't if it I would have to look into it to be honest
But I would imagine since it's a fork of bitcoin
There's still no compute on chain
So what you're seeing is just code being stored and then rendered somewhere and you know ran somewhere else
Got you got you. I'm glad that you brought it up
I had this thought and I was like dude
We should do nodes on bitcoin and then you guys kind of talk to me that yeah, it's not possible
So I appreciate it one thing. I want to mention just before we get back to the eddy show
Which I enjoy by the way bongo
You guys are talking about nft lama earlier and just for people who don't know like this dude was like the first guy
I saw when I came into nfts in september 2021 and I was like
Oh, this is like another this is like a miniature justin son or a john mackafee like this dude is a notorious like
I don't know. I wouldn't follow anything. This guy says
If you want to make a quick buck on on say because of his calls, that's cool
But he ran like I think one of the worst operations of the last two years on ethereum
So I just I wouldn't follow him at all
Yep, okay llama verse bro, that was the bit
You remember when it was a yeah, I was about to say
They ran up to all the way because he was dropping something with spit utility and all this cool
Shit was supposed to happen token dude spit token
Nothing happened and then it free fell from fucking 88
In fairness, they were also at least in part cocked by microsoft
Uh with uh with what they were doing with mine, which is also hilarious
He got cooked twice eddie he got cooked twice he got cooked on uh nft worlds
And then they signed with another studio to make them a world and a metaverse and that guy gambled all the money away
And then he just gave up he was like
Which is so fun like actually so fun i'll be honest dude. I am
Not not fully trusting of his activities
until proven otherwise
All right before we get to eddie i'm gonna throw some alpha out here. Um, we all
Have been pointified. We've all been you know, airdrop farming left and right
But this is a pretty good one where it's pretty much guaranteed that you're going to get something for participating
There's this uh new decentralized trading platform called gr
Vt the next generation hybrid derivatives exchange powered by zk sink. So this basically is like a dy dx
built on uh zk sink
They have this dashboard. So none of the trading is actually live yet. It's coming soon
You can get inside of this dashboard inside this gr vt ecosystem
And um get these raffle tickets. So what you do, uh, you have to be invited
So I put the invite leak in this post
Um, you get in you get invited and you basically put your email in and then invite code will be there for you
And then you enter
They have a few tasks. They only have three tasks available right now, but there'll be more tasks
You could see for yourself putting on the dashboard possibly trading this and that so you'll connect your twitter and authorize
It'll get you a raffle ticket
You follow gr vt you'll get a raffle ticket and then you refer your friends in and you'll get raffle tickets
Well, these raffle tickets open, uh give you uh, uh of chance to reveal these zk sink mystery boxes
So each raffle ticket you'll be able to reveal it will shake it up similar to like the blur boxes
And then there's rarities to these pockets from like boxes from legendary to common to uncommon
The rumor is that these zk sink mystery boxes will be filled with zk sink tokens
or whenever the it comes out, so
It's pretty it's like you get boxes and they'll be filled with zk sink tokens
So it's not like you're farming these points and and doing that you automatically get three boxes for signing up connecting your twitter and referring
to your friends
I got a legendary box and two uncommons
But once the trading platform goes live you'll be able to get more raffle tickets and every time you hit your quota
I think you get two friends. You can invite every day
You'll get more raffle tickets and you'll just keep spamming that reveal button and get more boxes
From my understanding so no one knows no one's talked about this
You're this is the first time you've ever heard about it, but my invite leak my invite link is below the post
Uh join sign up invite your friends and then you know reveal use your tickets and get more boxes and you'll get zk sink tokens
Uh when it does come out. So just thought that was useful. We're all here farming points
We don't know what the points do maybe the points don't do anything
This one basically has these mystery boxes that are pretty much confirmed to have zk sink tokens in it
So just you know get on there play around and then when trading goes live also participate on uh trading and I think everybody in this
Uh in this space needs to have some kind of trading protocol leverage trading protocol for this bull market
This is where you make a lot of gains
I know it's more risky than spot buying but it would be great for you to be able to maybe two to three x
You know a position that you're bullish on and you know, that's going to go up based off like a technical analysis
So just throwing it out there. This is an alpha show. You probably didn't know about it
So just a new opportunity to get some zk sink tokens if you haven't got them. All right, so real quick before we go to eddie
Just added something to this. I know a lot of us are farming beer a chain
Take this with a grain of salt
Someone said that they have basically found the requirements in order to qualify for the bear chain air drop
I pinned it up to the top. Apparently, there's a couple
requirements, right obviously all of us have
Interacted with the faucet
I'm, not sure how much the truth that you had to have ran a node for three plus months is
But little thread up top. I know that I mean i'm doing this
I have a little timer on my phone every eight hours
I come and on two or three wallets I go and at least get the test net tokens
so something that we've been talking about as well is stacking up these test net tokens as
More more protocols launch more and more people want to use it. These faucets are going to be in a sense unattainable
Right or always busy. So having these tokens test btc test beer
Whatever it is allows you to for one participate when these things launch
And allow you not to be chasing that faucet or on that eight hour block
So just something to keep in mind even if you're not actively farming this daily or whatever it is
Hit the faucet every time you go to your pc
Every time you remember go add to one of the liquidity pools. You can
Passively do a lot of this airdrop stuff, right?
But I mean it takes a little bit of time and being intentional and you can knock it out in an hour or two
Right. So just another resource up top
Uh on the bear chain, but go ahead eddie
Wait, no, no, no, let's start the trail
And then we'll get eddie because eddie's gonna be like when it's gonna pace himself
He's gonna use all the big words and it's gonna take probably five minutes
But trill probably has something that'll be quick and short and sweet. Go ahead trill
Now I feel like I should take my time and say like genuinely genuinely, uh, um, yeah, I know that bitch
Um, you know, um, I actually just came up here because we are giving away some whiteness spots
um in the comments, so
Uh, if you haven't heard about ordinal hive we have three whiteness spots for their testnet
Um, ordinal hive is essentially building like the first pro trading platform for ordinal traders
So pretty easy. All you got to do is follow their profile and then like and retweet what I just put
You're giving that out. Can I yeah, we're giving
I didn't know that yes eddie. We have we have some extra ones for the team
You showed up today. So you just won. Let's go
Let's go dude. I actually really wanted to check this works for the teas the collab man for tda. We leveraged
Code bro, he doesn't work for him. He works for us. I I am nothing is a lesson work for the community. Um, but yeah, so
Um, shout out to ordinal hive. They're building up the testnet
Um, you know, we have some spots for the giveaway right up here that we've pinned up
But we'll also be giving away some internally to the community and to the team as well
So obviously you'll be first in so you'll be giving some feedback to them
So just want to pin that up to the top and then we also have
A couple more giveaways in this court this weekend some ordinal base some salona base
So if you're in the in the discord or in the chat, um, you'll get pink for that. So just a heads up
Trill why don't you pin up the discord link up top for people that
Want to get in or don't know there even was a discord you can do that for us my guy
Yeah, I think it's blocked
I turned off invites because when I was passing out magic eating codes a bunch of fucking randoms were coming in there thinking shit was sweet
and uh, yeah, I was just
I was just having to tell them shit wasn't sweet because I was manually giving the codes out
So they had to open a ticket and talk to me. So yeah, I turned off invites. I'll open them up again
Um, and I think we have maybe two to five codes left
And i'll do it i'll get trill to run an open raffle for the last magic eating code
So shout out to magic eating team. I've been a pleasure working with them for the last couple months. So wall is dope
So just let me know when um when you turn it back on chief and then i'll post it up to the top
All right
I know you've been waiting your whole life for this opportunity. So don't blow it. Go ahead. Yeah, easy work. Um one
Flc I actually low key think that that's uh becoming at least more established like they've they've survived long enough
And are moving enough volume that it's fairly interesting and i'm going to start watching flc is like
Both the marketplace and a token, uh for for mid to long term type stuff
They are currently sitting at like a 400 mil market cap. Whereas blur which yes, just to be clear
Flour is a vastly bigger opportunity at the moment is sitting at I think 1.6 bill
So from from the eth marketplace perspective, um, it's fascinating
I will note like they are actually getting pretty ridiculous amount of volume because of their pairings
So they uh, and they also work with a lot of other protocols like basically
Flooring is going to be well floor. No what floor works with wasabi and wasabi works with arcade
And all three of them kind of work together to an extent
So you're having like this this multiple way war because they're effectively teaming up to battle against blur in a sense
So this is all going on. Um, and I will say like the eth marketplace war is starting to shape up, uh between
Blur and of course their last their launching blast and we'll see how that
How that plays out versus uh versus floor and their ecosystem and then now also soon to be match keyed in
Which they're reporting to be like the heavily royalty enforcing of the three. So we'll see
Um, yeah, I just I would pay very strong attention to how that marketplace battle shapes something like the epico
outside of that
Yeah, just follow expresso in chief and if you don't have notifications on for them both you're making a mistake. That's it
I don't know how to just zone out and uh picture eddie dancing to that music in the background during that uh spiel
I'm doing
Only like dancing and just like speaking in the most calm manner ever like something like yoga dancing i'm i'm doing my workout
So yeah, we need one of those too. We need a workout thread our work
Oh, oh actually also, you know since there's 270 people in the room
I'll just shoot out another reminder if anyone knows or adds references to decent artists
Bro, everyone's an artist your dams are about to be fucked
Oh, there goes express. I pinned something up to the top. You got to hit up bonnie in double eight
Yeah, we'll get x back up here. You're probably rugged out
eddie win win waitlist eddie
Immediately, yo eddie teach me. Yo, y'all are giving me ptsd. Don't make me walk across the room, please
Let's just keep the ball rolling for the listenership at least
Something happened over the last 24 hours. Someone dropped
260 thousand dollars
Almost seventy thousand dollars actually, um on
Right. So we got two punks that sold. These are the bitcoin punks
Um and effectively moving the floor price from 2.8 bitcoin
Automatically up to 5.8
So my man's already in the wind
But vombatus, um, I don't know if anyone knows who he is. He was big in the
Probably cool. Yeah, I mean, I don't know exactly
I know he's been around and he's big in the in the coin scene. He was big on the friend tech
And kind of these new I would say meta protocols or these new protocols that are popping up
But yesterday kind of went on a buying spree. He also bought himself an omb
Uh, it was interesting. He's like everyone's saying that puppets are the maladies. I don't think they know what omb is
Um, so he went out he copped himself an omb
Also mentioning that omb has slowly and quietly moved themselves up to over half a bitcoin
I think they're sitting at 0.55 now. So gg does zk and the team but yeah, man, uh pretty substantial
injection of capital, right my man wasted about or not wasted but invested roughly about 300k yesterday from
The two punks and the omb so as orinals are heating up, man
We're going to start seeing these big kind of catalyst moments that are definitely going to be eye opening and maybe not so much
Move the needle immediately, but I guarantee you people are asking him questions
Uh, his friends are wondering what it is
You know and other people that are around that follow copy trade or whatever are now kind of curious
Like why is this man spending a house?
On these what what what's special about these versus the puppets or versus anything else that i've heard on the timeline, right?
Because you don't hear about the punks on the timeline
So it's something like that to where I like the discovery that's going to happen from this move
So shout out to him and his his acquisitions
Short short-term chief. I will know like the door knows equal. It's starting to move up at least like on a short-term
run, I don't know how strong it'll be but i'm starting to see things like
Um OMB is showing some pretty damn strong strength. I think they have pretty damn strong strength. That's funny
Um, I think they had like a handful of sales yesterday and moved pretty quickly
I know a bunch of people that have been waiting to get in
Just were like I were done with waiting. Let's pull the trigger. So that was fascinating to me
All that was to say, you know
At least short term like for the next week or so. It's pretty interesting and likely good market conditions for
For the cats. Yeah, that's the one thing though is we talk about cats and we kind of transition into that's the next catalyst
I mean, can you have me back as co-host? Yeah, uh, I we don't we don't know what's coming next
right, and that's one of the things that I want to you know in setting the
after cats after not necessarily the
liquidity leaving the ecosystem because it'll be re-put back into bitcoin but
Think about
Participants wise right? I mean a lot of us have gone through ordinals or dead phases once or twice and
It's just I would play and be weary
As I think that we're approaching another ordinals or dead phase and I don't see another catalyst on the horizon after cats
At least not immediately or short term. So pack your bags accordingly, but also try to stay liquid for opportunities
Was that a play on words when you said catalyst, um, I'm just trying to make sure you know, I thought that was clever
Yeah, he that was a play on word for sure
Here, let me accept this because he didn't find that funny
No, it wasn't I got very much on that joke. I think I accepted it
Yeah, let me have to walk across the room. Let me go and add x as a co-host
Let me let me let me throw something up here. It's happening. It's basically updated
Uh something updating on x and I learned about it this morning. So x
And bet gm joined forces to transform platform into a premier sports betting hub ahead of the super bowl
So x is set to become a sports betting hub by partnering with bet
mgm aiming to
Display sports gambling stats on the site just ahead of the super bowl
The deal involves a new feature that will provide sports betting statistics directly on x's platform
Along with a link to bet
mgm for users to test their luck the financial terms of the partnerships were not to close but the
Collaboration expected to leverage a massive traffic x received during events like the super bowl. So you'll be able to bet
On x apparently, I mean not
Directly on x but they're basically gonna link stats to you to go bet on mgm or mgm
Yeah, so that's gonna be crazy. And uh, it's gonna happen relatively soon here because the super bowl is in two weeks. So
Dude, I love the uber financialization of the internet and how that's increased rapidly
It's been like a hilarious uptick in health and risk taking from younger generations. God bless america. God bless. It's amazing
Dude, the crazy part is is that all of us were sitting here on crypto twitter like hey
We're finally gonna get you know
Be able to pay in crypto and this and that elon's playing for d chest. He's like you guys are small fries
I want motherfuckers to come bet and lose their house on sports gambling
Just be able to do it and tweet about it live action
So this has definitely caught me on the blind side of I never expected
This kind of trajectory in terms of x I know we've heard him say that everything app
But I mean never in my mind did everything include gambling as well, you know, so that's kind of cool and different
opposite of wechat
Uh, so yeah
I think that it's a it's a new and novel market for that reason alone if it if it continues to blow up and expand
So i'm excited. Well, my next my next thought is like what's stopping them?
Putting prompts of like bitcoin going up a percentage and putting a link to coinbase like my it's like, all right now
They're all betting and it's linked to
MGM like what's stopping them to advancing this to other prompts of other things that involve money like maybe
Uh, like a tesla stock goes up and it links you to the robin hood or something
I don't know. I'm just thinking like I think this
Is just the first of many kind of updates and and linking you to ways to financially incentivizing using x and stuff
So to be interesting I saw it this morning. I thought I'd bring it up to you
What about the good things and the king arc? What are good things?
Yeah, I just want to go back to the whole uh discussion about you know catalysts or
You know where bitcoin ordinals is going
I think chief and eddie are are guilty of a little bit of flood here
Um, you don't really need to know exactly what the next catalyst is gonna be after the cats. I mean you got
Excuse me, you got magic eating
Dropping beta codes like raining down from the sky. People are like clamoring for these fucking things. You got uh
The rug token, right which has already been announced and every goddamn community and ordinals is on that list
Like a hundred thousand plus wallet ruin stone
We got roomstone got that big juke drop coming don't forget about that liquid injection
Where is the where is the decorum here for the listener swag?
Let's go you got you got uh root you got r6, right?
Which is a game that is going to keep on fucking giving and playing and grabbing attention
All the way up to the launch of runes the actual protocol the case of rhodomore is building
That's launching at the having so that's going to keep attention and there's going to be more of that you got leonidas's
Open source, uh, basically competitor to r6
You got uh, you got the karma coin being pushed by jason fang of sore ventures, which is now they're now advertising
It was originally mostly going to ocm's but now it's these advertising that it could go to bitcoin puppets and node bunks
I mean you got fucking people
Like basically building the attention
Uh pipeline for the next several months like there is more than enough
fucking hype and and uh anticipation to drive ordinals
far beyond
One of the things that i'll say is
I feel like you're bringing up liquidity events
Those are none of those are where are people going to spend the liquid? What is new? What is novel?
What is um, you know, that is what i'm saying by no catalyst
If i'm not saying that people aren't going to stack sats and that we're not going to be already with money
No, we are right just due to all those catalysts that you said
But now what is the next project that everyone's sitting there and grinding their ass off for an ordinals? I mean, I don't know
So there's he just told you the or the answer though
The easy answer to that is there's 50. I think there's like 56 million plus inscriptions now
How many of those inscriptions hat you haven't seen or nobody's seen they're there people some people saw them
But those motherfuckers are getting ready to launch like there's a lot coming, dude
There's a lot already in the pipeline like motherfuckers were inscribing last year and they're ready
Well, we'll just agree to disagree because a lot of the things is in the reality
Like yeah, you have ornately about to drop his sub 1 1k project massive liquidity event
Who's participating in that who's dropping one bitcoin in order?
You know what i'm saying?
Like it's not for the masses when we're trying to explain or set a setting for the masses
A lot of these seem like very I would say
Limited plays but and then again, i'm not sitting here trying to gauge people's bags and trying to determine
I personally don't see a new project being a catalyst for new participants in the immediate horizon right now
I think there are a bunch of cool things that'll pop up
But most of this stuff has already been spoken for or has already been
Anticipated by those who are going to get an allocation so to speak. So it's kind of like just that in between. Yeah
Yeah, no, it's a fair point and i'm just kidding, dude
I love you guys like you guys you guys are doing god's work up here
I'm just saying like, you know for people who might be
Listening and being like oh, yeah
like these guys are legends because you guys are eddie in chief and espresso and
I'm just i'm just giving some other context like
I agree with you like like
Bitcoin is definitely a more expensive place to play
But to your point about the guy who just came in and dropped, I don't know
$300,000 there's a lot more where that came from like there's a lot of money on bitcoin
So and there there are going to be entry-level plays like for the ecosystem to grow these operators are smart
Like they're going to try it like again
Like the rug token is going to everybody like so it doesn't matter if you hold like the the
Smallest bag the lowest floor item like you're going to get some allocation there and then there's you know
There's there's gamification right where
You can grind and and get it like you can actually go trade sat
On the saturn protocol to get more of that rug token
You can try to get people to you know use your affiliate link or whatever
Like there's going if if this needs to grow there's going to be opportunities for everybody. So
Um, like, you know brc20s are free mints and those are
Shilling bitcoin lending is god's work
What is the lord up to? I mean, I think that chief's chief's been having this
This is people's last shekel since node monkey mint. So I mean he's been wrong before
I mean no one no one knows how the market's gonna fucking go
I mean obviously chief's short. You can tell he's short by the way. What do you mean, bro? My bags have been packed
I don't have stable dog, bro. You know, I know I caught the 38 dip and i'm back
Look, like I said, I don't speak based off of my bags
I speak based off of an average participant in the market and what's not being spoken in public rooms
Is exactly how participation into a lot of these new things are going to work. So take it how you wish
Not sitting here trying to convince anyone
All right, uh, let's go to king arp and then swag what up
Uh, whatever bro. I got it like one major focus right now. That's fucking runes
Uh, what i'm gonna say about this is that runes beat everything that's already been put out. It just does
None of it works correctly. It clogs the fucking network
It doesn't make sense. We built solutions around shit that was early and now you have runes coming which fixes these problems like tenfold
It's fucking stupid. They're going to be usable on lightning network, which means a lot
They're going to be a lot of things that brc20s are not and that all of these other protocols just don't work
So like when the tech catches up to the market
Everything goes to runes. There's going to be brc20s swapping over to runes
There's going to be a lot of things switching over to runes because why wouldn't they?
So like to me the biggest opportunity right now is to find out which runes are coming
Like lena is this fair launch thing cool, but like dude, like were you here the last year? Probably not, right?
So like most of those people aren't gonna get shit
Um, but like arsenic
It's so basic to me. It's so fucking obvious. You just get it hold it get the runes later
For puppets if you got into puppets fucking pups token came out as a brc20
He's already talking about I want to do a room fucking
All of these people are probably going to want to do runes
I'm speculating that some of these airdrops from these platforms probably runes
so I think there's a lot of things to
Get in early on as like just a general participant where you might be able to get into a project early
Knowing that that team is going to do a rune. How do you do that?
You just go research and like a lot of people aren't like diving into discords
They're not like looking into what a project's doing to see the hashlings
They don't know they have fucking bitcoin miners
There's all this shit happening where it's like dude, like how did you get into shit on eth?
How did you find alpha? Like if you were a board ape, you got every fucking play period right last cycle
Like if you are in the right projects, you're gonna find these like runes
You're gonna find these new protocols that you get to like use
And like i'm getting dude just being in puppets like i'm already getting plays and it's not even here yet
So like it's ridiculous by being in puppets. I was able to drop a project that I inscribed in june
I swept r6 with it and i'm gonna fund the treasury with that and that's like a play where I can accelerate a project
Like there's there's plays here. You can make like on all kinds of levels
But really runes is like something i've been saying since it got committed on github because it's on ordinals, bro
It's on the github. It's not like it's not like something we're building on top of it like it's baked in
You saw salon of shit coins, right?
So like imagine that but with bitcoin and like that's really like if you zoom out
That's all i'm seeing bro
And like to me that's the biggest upside if you're trying to get in here find the community
That like knows everything right and then ride with them bro, and then get the runes
Geat that shit, and then you are like you are like very very good because there's no way it doesn't work
Like if you look at it, dude memento mori right anything can fucking die casey fucking said it
He is doing it and like the way he's doing it is very very intricate
I'm not even into it, but like it's planned out. It makes sense and it's literally programmed, right?
So I don't know. I think that a lot of like major brc20s are gonna go
And they're gonna turn to runes and then all these projects that are planning this shit now
If you get in on them, you don't have to worry about like finding these runes later
You just fucking get them
So I think right now that's probably the biggest play until happening like 100
One of the things that I will say is that for one runes is a type and it's going to be a new token standard
And so I guess the one of the biggest I guess confusions is that people are saying well with let's just say arsenic, right?
A lot of people are saying well, I get I get a rune allocation you get a rune allocation of which ruin
The first one the second one the third one you get you get an allocation whichever one they put out like
Anybody can put out a room so I could actually ruin on my big point node, right?
But it's if you're in the projects that are so like arctic like can anybody do what they did?
No, so i'm gonna trust them and like
What their team is doing because what they've done is pretty incredible. So like i'm gonna bet they're gonna put out a good rune
I don't know what the fuck but like
They are right. No, that makes more sense. That makes more sense because the way it was being described right was that these
Access to to ruins right which is what ruin x was and how ruin x was described ruin x is a
Ruin x is a one for one claim for when kc launches the first
Ruin you get some of kc's ruin based off of your points and allocation
Right. And so when arctic launched it was the same
I thought and I was under the impression that it's the same thing
My issue with that kind of narrative is now you're once again, you're betting on big breaks
Who's to say?
That this team of devs is going to be able to snipe that initial candle that kc puts out
And not only that but then provide an allocation to xyz amount of people, right?
And so that's what I never understood is this
In a sense you're battling devs and who can snipe a candle
There's going to be thousands of people that snipe that first handle, right?
And so your your access to it is not necessarily limited only to
Our sick or whatever ruin x right?
But if arctic is launching their own ruin and that's an allocation for their ruin
Not necessarily like an iou for kc's that now that to me sounds like it makes a lot more sense
Kind of makes me look at arctic differently, right because I wasn't into this whole iou for what kc does because
What if you don't get it and then now what?
Yeah, that's not yeah, exactly like they're doing their own
Like so you're farming
One to one airdrop and it's their room. It's not anybody else's
It's the teams and they have four so they have four wallets, which is a 10 allocation
Which also makes me bullish people are like bearish on that
Like let these guys have their money and fucking send it like it's crazy
But like and also that's opportunity for yield start interrupt
Well, no, yeah, exactly like all of the other shit, right, but it's like it's bullish, right?
It's not bearish, but people think it are
I don't know why they think it is to be fair
But like the all these projects are going to do their own room
It's it's and like dude if kc does a fucking first room does this does that?
I want that too bro
I think there's a lot of rooms that are gonna have hype marketing and attention behind it because that's going to bring the money
But like I said, you know, I'm gonna have like a bunch of rooms that are gonna have hype marketing and attention behind it
And like yeah people are gonna snipe every dude
Because that's going to bring the money and like yeah people are gonna snipe every dude
I've figured out how to snipe on fucking salata the other day like we can do that on every chain, right?
I figured out how to snipe on fucking Solana the other day like we can do that on every chain, right?
So like you're gonna have that but you're gonna have a very good advantage if you're like right now
So like you're gonna have that but you're gonna have a very good advantage. If you're like right now
Considering okay, like do I want this arcek rune? Do I want leon noises room?
Considering okay, like do I want this arctic room? Do I want leonidas's room?
Would I I want all of them?
I want every single one and then I'm gonna bet on all these different teams and like as long as I can get allocations to all these
I'm gonna bet on all these different teams and like as long as I can get allocations to all these runes
runes safe and like the way the best way to do this before the they're even out is to like
Safe and like the way the best way to do this before the they're even out
Is to like just dole them out to us right now
Just dole them out to us right now
And then when they come out we just fucking get them because any other way it's like right you're gonna be sniping
You're gonna be doing this you're me doing that
How are you gonna snipe my r6 bro? Like I got three in a wallet that i'm farming for me
I got three in my treasury for my project. So like how are you gonna snipe those tokens?
You're not going to it's gonna come out and then we're gonna fucking trade it
And then we're gonna fucking trade it and I don't know how they're gonna do it
And I don't know how they're gonna do it
But already went to a billion and if fucking say our sick hypothetically goes to a billion
But already went to a billion and it fucking say our sick hypothetically goes to a billion
Which like who the fuck knows where it goes if it goes to a billion and you've been farming since day fucking one like
Which like who the fuck knows where it goes?
If it goes to a billion and you've been farming since day fucking one like me
Me then one of those ordinals will get you
Then one of those ordinals will get you forty seven thousand dollars a USD and that's just numbers
$47,000 USD and that's just numbers. So like if it does half of that 20, you know what I'm saying?
If there's a quarter of it ten, I don't give a fuck but like regardless
I don't give a fuck but like regardless
Burp, you know what I'm saying? Like hundred percent in my
Burt, you know what i'm saying like 100 percent in my yeah
No, that's a good point and and so one the fact that their their own uh ruin token
One the fact that their their own ruin token, you know adds a lot more clarity to this whole
You know adds a lot more clarity to this whole iou of one kc if kc and if you happen to
I owe you of one Casey if Casey and if you happen to go ahead swag
Go ahead swag
So Casey Casey is not launching a rune. He has not announced that so Casey is building a protocol called runes
So kc is kc is not launching a rune. He has not announced that so kc is building a protocol called runes
And there will be many different runes, which are the basically the fucking ERC 20s if you want to use that analogy
And there will be many different runes, which are the
Basically the fucking erc 20s if you want to use that analogy
Um, so kc is not launching a rune. I got to make that very clear
So Casey is not launching a rune. I got to make that very clear
There will be a there's a block height at which the protocol will go live and this is when motherfuckers can start etching runes
There will be a a there's a block height at which the protocol will go live
And this is when motherfuckers can start etching runes, which is that's the bird for creating. You don't think that kc will launch one himself
Bro, I mean, I see Casey ordinals like he did Casey doing that one description
Bro, I mean kc kc ordinals like he did kc doing that one description
Hold on could have printed launching a room would go ahead
Could have printed not in a room would go ahead
Kc launching a rune would ruin his reputation
Casey launching a rune would ruin his reputation
Not ruined. Yeah. Yeah. No, I know he was making the protocol
Not ruined. Yeah. Yeah. No, I know he was making the protocol
That's and he's not Casey's not about that
And he's not kc's not about that like if you've watched kc since the beginning like watch
Like if you've watched Casey since the beginning like watch watch the clip that I posted up top and ask yourself if case
Watch the clip that I posted up top and ask yourself if case no, I know he wouldn't
Since I trade the coins. I just thought he would be like
I trade the coins. I just thought he'd be like
Like zero like, you know, here's one like whatever on the Bitcoin ethos. I might lie zero. The rest is yours kind of thing
Like zero like, you know, here's one like whatever on the bitcoin eat those eggs
I might block zero the rest is yours kind of thing
If he does that seriously, it's gonna be a problem like for a number of reasons
If he does that seriously, it's going to be a problem like for a number of reasons
But so it's anything could happen kc could flip and he could do it
But so it's anything could happen Casey could flip and he could do it
But i'm just saying at this point everyone should know
But I'm just saying that at this point everyone should know that he has not said that he's gonna launch a rune and it's highly
That he has not said that he's going to launch a rune
And it's highly unlikely and when that first rune goes through it doesn't matter if it's arctic or whoever
unlikely and when that first rune goes through it doesn't matter if it's our sick or whoever it's gonna cost a lot of money and
It's going to cost a lot of money. And so the first rune probably will go crazy just because of
so the first rune probably will go crazy just because of
Like everyone would be watching that block when that first rune goes through
Like everyone will be watching that block when that first rune goes through
But to King Arf's point and to many others
But to king arf's point and to many others
Doesn't matter for our sick because they kind of already won the marketing war they front ran
Doesn't matter for arctic because they kind of already won the marketing war they front ran
They did this first and there's a lot of other technical shit behind it like the people who own
They did this first and there's a lot of other technical shit behind it like the people who own
I mean, I haven't verified this but basically it looks like they're presenting themselves as they own inscriptions
I mean, I haven't verified this but basically it looks like they're presenting themselves as they own inscriptions
I think 126 and 127 and if you understand just the basics of runes
I think 126 and 127 and if you understand just the basics of runes
You know that if you own an inscription you can launch a rune from as the you use an inscription
You know that if you own an inscription you can launch a rune from as the you use an inscription you own as a parent
You own as a parent of that rune collection
Of that rune collection. So the provenance of a fucking rune collection or you know,
so the provenance of a fucking rune collection or you know, a
entire supply of runes coming from inscription 126 or 127
Entire supply of runes coming from inscription 126 or 127
Along with the incredible marketing they have like it's going to be hard to beat that
Along with the incredible marketing they have like it's gonna be hard to beat that but yeah
But yeah, there's going to be many others in the king arf's point. You should try to get them all
There's gonna be many others in the King Arf's point. You should try to get them all
Go ahead swag. I know you had something to say on that and then we'll wrap it up
Yeah, yeah
No, and it's it's on the you know, liquidity event and how I see it kind of playing out
And I think that was an extremely based take from art
And I think that was an extremely based take from art
Um, but I think there's a lot of people looking at a lot of these projects that have established themselves and they're priced out
But I think there's a lot of people looking at a lot of these projects that have established themselves and they're priced out
You know, there's some really pricey things out there from OMB to bandits to knowledge
You know, there's some really pricey things out there from omb to bandits to nullish
Like these are the these and thankfully I was early enough to like get in them
Like these are the these and thankfully I was early enough to like get in them
I wouldn't be able to afford them now to be honest
I wouldn't be able to afford them now to be honest
But yeah, I see a lot of that liquidity going to people buying these assets that they're sitting looking at and hoping they go
But um, yeah
I see a lot of that liquidity going to people buying these assets that they're sitting looking at and hoping they don't go up more
Don't go up more
Yeah, and then on that too
Yeah, and then on that too I also kind of threw
I also kind of threw as what you know first teams to go and edge and you talk about a lot of
As what you know first teams to go and edge and you talk about a lot of entries into this ecosystem
Entries into this ecosystem to potentially position yourself for their ruin
To potentially position yourself for their ruin
Once again, go pull up the list of everyone that etched the day testnet went live
Once again, go pull up the list of everyone that etched the day testnet went live
The day has chief. Why do you why do you say ruin? You say ruin, you know that right? Yeah, I didn't want to be
Chief why do you why do you say ruin? You say
Yeah, I didn't want to be but what do you mean it ruins? Oh, I'm sorry runes
What do you mean it ruins? Oh, i'm sorry ruins
Anyway the day the testnet went live
Anyway the day the testnet went live
Um, go check out what teams managed to get and then edge their names onto that ledger
Go check out what teams managed to get in an edge their names onto that ledger
Instantly, right there's like a handful. I think there's inscribed peppers. There's bitcoin booze whoever's in the top 10
Instantly right there's like a handful. I think there's inscribed Pepe's there is Bitcoin booze whoever's in the top 10
Go figure out how you can go and participate and become a part of a part of that community
Go figure out how you can go and participate and become a party a part of that community
Because that means that their devs are ready in the know with how rooms will launch and how it works for now
Because that means that their devs are ready in the know with how rooms will launch and how it works for now
Until Casey does make some kind of changes or whatnot
Until casey does make some kind of changes or whatnot
But you have a higher probability of them being in them preparing for this launch, right?
But you have a higher probability of them being in them preparing for this launch, right?
So once again, go pull up the list that Casey did and it shows you everyone that etched within the first like hour
So once again, go pull up the list that casey did
And it shows you everyone that etched within the first like hour and it's it's a handful of bitcoin og projects
And it's it's a handful of Bitcoin OG projects
But some of them have lower floors that you could go potentially figure out. Hey, you know
But some of them have lower floors that you could go potentially figure out. Hey, you know
These guys are probably gonna launch a ruin
These guys are probably going to launch a ruin
They're probably gonna be one of the first ones and I might have a chance to get an allocation if I own
They're probably going to be one of the first ones
And I might have a chance to get an allocation if I own xyz assets. So just a little bit of alpha on that end
XYZ assets, so just a little bit of alpha on that end
Ruined me day. Let's go send it. Yeah, so nice little runes talk
Ruined me day. Let's go send it. Yeah, so nice little ruins talk
Um posted up something to the top
Posted up something to the top
Oh real quick. Let me see the hand. Oh, yeah, no hands bet. Uh, posted up something to the top real quick. Uh yesterday
Real quick. Let me see the hand. Yeah, no hands bet posted up something to the top real quick yesterday. We saw the
We saw the um 10 ktf video
10 KTF video
Uh, it was pretty dope
It was pretty dope
I mean 10 KTF has always done a badass job when it comes to their production value for
I mean 10 ktf has always done a badass job when it comes to their production value for
Um their story their lore everything that's kind of being developed in that ecosystem
Their story their lore everything that's kind of being developed in that ecosystem. All of us are still lost
All of us are still lost don't get it twisted
Don't get it twisted
No one knows what the fuck's going on with 10 KTF and I don't even think people that are in there know
Uh, no one knows what the fuck's going on with 10 ktf and I don't even think people that are in there know
But someone attempted yesterday to do a full breakdown and kind of connect all the unseen dots
But someone attempted yesterday to do a full breakdown and kind of connect all the unseen dots
Uh where these potential characters that we saw
Where these potential characters that we saw?
Um are maybe the pfp's maybe they're not the pfp's there's some even speculation that based off of color palette and just you know
Are maybe the PFPs maybe they're not the PFPs
There's some even speculation that based off of color palette and just you know, those kind of extra far-fetched
those kind of extra far-fetched, uh ideas that the characters are based off of other world lands and xyz so
Ideas that the characters are based off of other world lands and XYZ
So 10 KTF has always been a little bit confusing and difficult for me and for I know a lot of people in the space
10 ktf has always been a little bit confusing and difficult for me and for I know a lot of people in this space
But they've always dropped out videos to a production value
But they've always dropped out videos, no production value
So figured we'd add a little bit more context to yesterday's video as none of us really knew what was going on
Figured we had a little bit more context to yesterday's video as none of us really knew what was going on
And maybe this kind of gives you a little bit of glimpse of what that video could potentially mean and what they're cooking up
And maybe this kind of gives you a little bit of glimpse of what that video could potentially mean and what they're cooking up
We got that
We got that
It's cocky
Um, well, yeah, don't you do you guys talk about the uh, what are they called?
I mean, did you guys talk about the what do they call the mochi moms? I think on base the what?
I think on base what
Were they called the mochi ones? Like there was a there was a cute little PFP that launched
Were they called emojimons like there there was a um, there was a cute little pfp that launched
I believe the reason why people were super bullish
I believe the reason why people were super bullish at the time was in part because the uh,
The artist was the same one initially
And I'm not like
And i'm not like necessarily bullish or bearish on it for that reason
Eddie we can't hear you. There's a woman talking in the background, man. Just don't to shut the fuck up
There's a woman talking in the background man, just don't to shut the fuck
She's not your mother tell to shut the fuck up
She's not your mother tell to shut the fuck up
Nah, it's not even the woman and they're eating your phone like I can deal with the woman
Nah, it's not even the woman and they're eating your phone
Like I can deal with the woman. It's just muffled like you're eating the fucking phone
It's just muffled like you're eating the fucking phone
Now you're good. Oh
Now you're good
Oh, okay, i'll just say like if it's the premiere base pfc, I don't know we're taking a look at
Okay, I'll just say like if it's the premiere base
I don't know. We're taking a look at I think they're putting you on pin it up to the top any just so we can have
I think they're putting you on pin it up to the top any just so we can have context. I'll try and find them. Yeah, I'll find
Context I'm trying
Whoa you ate some tacos yesterday man, what the fuck? All right, I got something
Oh, you ate some tech was yesterday man, what the fuck all right, I got something. Um
We're all you know people on Twitter and the Solana communities obsessed with helium and they're mobile
We're all you know people on twitter and the salana community is obsessed with helium and they're mobile
They just moved they just said they're moving down to Mexico and send up those hot spots
They just moved they just said they're moving down to mexico and send up those hot spots
There we have the Chinese New Year up and I've been talking about maybe Chinese narratives and
There we have the chinese new year up and i've been talking about maybe chinese narratives and conflux is one of those layer ones
Conflux is one of those layer ones that come out of China
That come out of china and I saw this uh this morning
And I saw this this morning and I didn't know much about it
And it and I didn't know much about it
And then I went and did some research and I found an article from last year of february kind of breaking down this so
And then I went and did some research and I found an article from last year of February kind of breaking down this so
Conflux posted yesterday a look at the conflux b sim card
Conflux posted yesterday a look at the Conflux be sim card a be sim cold wallet that interacts with a mobile wallet
A b sim cold wallet that interacts with a mobile wallet 70 gigabytes of 5g internet
70 gigabytes of 5g internet 500 minutes across all networks
500 minutes across all networks and it's like a sim card and this kind of reminds me of helium and uh
And it's like a sim card and this kind of reminds me of helium and not a lot of people in America
Not a lot of people in america even know what conflux is
Even know what Conflux is but I looked at this article and like what the fuck is this sim card?
But I looked at this article and like what the fuck is this sim card? What are they doing?
What are they doing?
And I found this article like I said from February of last year kind of breaking down what they're doing with these sim cards
And um, I found this article like I said from february of last year kind of breaking down what they're doing with these sim cards
And I'll kind of read it so China Telecom and Conflux network have partnered to introduce blockchain sim cards
And i'll kind of read it. So china telecom
And conflux network have partnered to introduce blockchain sim cards b sims in hong kong marketing the largest blockchain
be sims in Hong Kong marketing the largest blockchain hardware product globally the be sim cards will
Hardware product globally the b sim cards will enhance storage and computing power aimed to low
Enhance storage and computing power aimed to lobe lower barriers for web 3 entry for China telecoms
Lower barriers for web3 entry for china telecoms 390 plus million mobile subscribers these cards secure users digital assets
390 plus million mobile subscribers these cards secure users digital assets
Integrate conflux technology and connect traditional identifiers with decentralized identifiers the web
integrate Conflux technology and connect traditional identifiers with decentralized identifiers the web the
The collaboration seeks to bridge web2 and web3 providing hardware security and facilitating entry into the metaverse
Collaboration seeks to bridge web 2 and web 3 providing hardware security and facilitating entry into the metaverse the initial agreement was signed in
The initial agreement was signed in 2022
2022 and the prototype development is complete focusing on applications like games and payments, so
And the prototype development is complete focusing on applications like games and payments. So
You'll probably see Conflux along with the Chinese narrative this go up
You'll probably see conflux along with the chinese narrative this go up
But they're gonna be launching these sim cards and be babies integrating into the top telecom
Uh mobile company in china. So this would be like
mobile company in China, so this would be like
Like what we see with helium partner up with T-Mobile
like what we see with helium partner up with t mobile and I definitely think they're going to continue to
And I definitely think they're gonna continue to you know have positive announcements
You know have positive announcements and we'll probably see the price go up just based off
And we'll probably see the price go up just based off the connection with China in February when the Chinese New Year's so
The connection with china in february when the chinese new year, so
Saw this thought it was interesting
Saw this thought it was interesting. Um, not a lot of people in america are in the western hemisphere even know what conflux is
Not a lot of people in America are in the Western hemisphere even know what Conflux is so I think I'm gonna bring a little
So I think i'm bringing a little uh substance to the table of what they're doing and maybe this could be bullish for the price going
Substance to the table of what they're doing and maybe this could be bullish for the price going forward
Forward so just starting to throw it out there for you guys
So just starting to throw it out there for you guys
Just trying to keep you guys informed of what's going on in the space and this looked to be pretty interesting to me and they
Just trying to keep you guys informed of what's going on in the space and this looked to be pretty interesting to me
And they they tweeted this out yesterday. So I thought it was interesting
They tweeted this out yesterday, so that was interesting you got something chief anybody got something
You got something chief. Anybody got something I know
I know I mean I would say you can kind of finish it up
I mean, I would say you can kind of finish it up and then I know stephen wanted to drop
And then I know Stephen wanted to drop one or two more pieces of art if maybe not then yeah, I'm good
Uh one or two more pieces of of art if maybe not then yeah, i'm good
Okay, so I will finish it up with a few more things
Okay, so I will finish it up, um with a few more things
There's a new decks on DRC 20s. It's called woofy decks
Uh, there's a new dext on drc20s. It's called woofy decks
It's woofy swap calm is now live for beta version
It's is now live for beta version
Doge pairs will lead the way for DRC 20 and defy so it gets it's like a defy protocol built on top of dogecoin thought
Doge pairs will lead the way for drc20 and defi. So I guess it's like a defi protocol built on top of
Dogecoin thought that was that's a new thing
That was that's a new thing
Superverse which is Elio's project. They say a new era begins on January 30th
Superverse which is leo's project. They say a new era begins on january 30th
Um, every time leo comes out with something he shills it on his youtube and price goes up like 20 percent
Every time Elio comes out with something
He shills it on his YouTube and price goes up like 20% maybe get a bag of super before January 30th
Maybe get a bag of super before january 30th. Uh, never know and
never know and
We've been seeing the Apple Vision Pro
We've been seeing the apple vision pro i've been on this like apple vision bro is going to come out in this market
I've been on this like Apple Vision bro is gonna come out in this market's gonna pump and at the number one coin
It's going to pump and the number one coin that always see pump when this narrative starts with metaverse is render
That always see pump when this narrative starts with metaverse is render
And I think I found out the connection between render and Apple Vision Pro and in 2016 app HBO
And I think I found out the connection between render and apple vision pro and in 2016 app hbo invested in
invested in
an otoy parent of render to create a platform from
Goy parent of render to create a platform from holographic rendering and streaming AR and VR content in
Holographic rendering and streaming ar and br content in 2020 render network launches to scale
2020 render network launches to scale GPU rendering HBO confirms native support for Apple Vision Pro
GPU rendering hbo confirms native support for apple vision pro apple vision bro in one week
Apple Vision Pro in one week
So there is basically rumors that render and hbo are going to help facilitate the br experience on the apple vision pro
So there is basically rumors that render and HBO are gonna help facilitate the VR experience on the Apple Vision Pro through like their app
through like their app that supports the apple vision pro so
that supports the Apple Vision Pro, so
Maybe not bad before the Apple Vision Pro to get some render because I definitely think the the AI narrative metaverse
Maybe not bad before the apple vision pro to get some render because I definitely think the the ai narrative metaverse
Uh ai narrative is probably heat up after the apple vision pro and render is directly correlated with hbo
AI narrative is probably heat up after the Apple Vision Pro and render
With HBO for render. I haven't done a lot
For render. I haven't done a lot
A lot of video processing a lot and he
A lot and he for years has said like it's actually one of the more compelling business models
For years has said like it's actually one of the more compelling business models he's seen in krypto where it actually works
He's seen in here and actually works
Um he's used it before it's actually like an impressive hit piece of software that they put up
He's used it before it's actually like an impressive
I think render is also effectively supported by plain base as well. At least in the writings
And I think render is also effectively supported by claim base as well at least in the writings
So I don't know. I don't know the vision pros or reason why it'll pump but generally like it's a respectable token
So I don't know. I don't know if the vision pro is a reasonable vital pump
But generally like it's a respectable token
Yeah, it's a good one and then yesterday someone spent 20 hours to put Diablo 3 on nifty island
Yeah, it's a good one and then uh yesterday someone spent 20 hours to put diablo 3 on nifty island
Yeah, that's like where's the island? Who's is it bro? How do you think they're da v da v?
I basically pinned up his uh, his little snapshot of how he built it
Basically pinned up his uh, his little snapshot of how we built it
He said 20-hour Diablo 3 Nifty Island built in two minutes and it's kind of like a time lapse
He said 20 hour diablo 3 nifty island built in two minutes and it's kind of like a time lapse
It's really cool to see now what I'm done just getting started
So someone spent the time to build a Diablo 3 clone into nifty island. So maybe you go find him
A diablo 3 clone into nifty island. So maybe you go find him
Um, but yeah, it's pretty cool
But yeah, it's pretty cool
I'll check it out this morning. Yo, holy shit. That looks sick as fuck man. Like I thought my random
Yeah, holy shit, that looks sick as fuck man. Like I thought my random
You know fucked up island with a cave and a tunnel
You know fucked up island with a cave and a tunnel
I thought it was a masterpiece which took me like one hour and this guy's doing 20 hour and diablo 3 island
I thought it was a masterpiece which took me like one hour and this guy's doing 20 hour and Diablo 3 out
And let's fucking go. I
Let's fucking go
Love how I love the fucking nifty island exposed the entire fucking industry like literally bro about how it's all fucking joke
I love how um, I love how the uh, fucking
Nifty island exposed the entire fucking industry like literally bro about how it's all fucking joke
But uh, yeah, quick. It's the most amazing thing ever, bro
It's the most amazing thing ever broads of spectacular fire and everyone just coping and just like oh, you know, what's coming
It's a spectacular fire and everyone just coping and just like oh, you know, what's coming?
Yeah, whatever motherfucker should hear in that for the last two fucking years
Yeah, whatever motherfucker in here in that for the last two fucking years
Any going back to this render token?
Going back to this render token. I don't know if anyone was around in 2018 if you remember golem token
I don't know if anyone was around in 2018
If you remember golem token where like I was even doing that shit where I was renting out my cpu processing power
Where like I was even doing that shit where I was renting out my CPU processing power
How is this any fucking different than what they were doing?
How is this any fucking different than what they were doing?
You can rent out your cpu and gpu to like, you know render pictures for people that didn't have it
You can rent out your CPU and GPU to like, you know render pictures for people that didn't have it
Is this is this kind of like the same thing or am I like completely I think it helps
Is this is this kind of like the same thing or am I like completely missing something?
I think it helps render the images at like 4k plus quality. I think that's what render does it helps
I think it helps render the images at like 4k plus quality. I think that's what render does it helps
Like the frame rates and all that shit. I think that's what it does. So they did the same thing
Like the frame rates and all that shit. I think that's what it does
So they did the same thing. They just did it better
They just did it better. I think I mean, I've heard people talk about render multiple times and everybody's super bullish on it
I think I don't I mean i've heard people talk about render multiple times and everybody's super bullish on it for like the
for like the metaverse and rendering 3d assets inside of VR and AR and so it's like I think
Metaverse and rendering 3d assets inside of vr and ar and so it's like I think
No, I don't think really people care much about the technology
I don't think really people care much about the technology
They just like to pump the price and the great narratives around why renders should pump
They just like pump the price and the great narratives around why rendership pump
So I just figure like this HBO thing connection and the AR the Apple headset could be a possibly be a narrative people
So I just figure like this hbo thing connection and the ar the apple headset could be a possibly be a narrative people
Latch on to the pump renders price a little bit more in the next, you know
latch on to the pump renders price a little bit more in the next you know,
Two or three weeks when apple vision pro comes out. So, okay sick
Two or three weeks when Apple Vision Pro comes out. So okay sick
Also, if you guys if you guys care for the 10k TF, you know, whatever
Also, if you guys if you guys care for the 10 ktf, uh, you know, whatever, um, listen, dude, i've been in the sock
Listen, dude, I've been in the sock. I've been there. I've dumped half my fucking G tags
I've been there i've dumped half my fucking g tags. I unfortunately shield it when I probably fucking shouldn't have i'm very disappointed
I unfortunately shield it when I probably fucking shouldn't have I'm very disappointed
But it is what it is
But it is what it is just to give you guys full heads up
Just to give you guys full heads up
Like I'm very familiar with their whole ecosystem and the whole thing like, you know
Like i'm very familiar with their whole ecosystem and the whole thing like, you know
The g tags the popcorn the fucking blah, blah, blah, blah, blah before you go and fomo into buying g tags
The G tags the popcorn the fucking blah blah blah blah blah before you go and FOMO into buying G tags
Which I still have bags and i'm not gonna fucking tell you to buy them
Which I still have bags and I'm not gonna fucking tell you to buy them
But they're gonna be released like there's three there's four different categories of G tags
But they're gonna be released like there's three there's four different categories of g tags
And I think that the base ones are not gonna be going for as much as people expect them to I could see them have
And I think that the base ones are not going to be going for as much as people expect them to
I could see them have a little price bump because they are going to be launching their pfp soon for people who have been doing the missions
a little price bump because they are gonna be launching their PFP soon for people who have been doing the missions and
And accumulating popcorn for this for whichever kind of type of monster that they want for the g tag
Accumulating popcorn for this for whichever kind of type of monster that they want for the G tag
Like it's still fucking confusing saying it out loud
Like it's still fucking confusing saying it out loud
But like based on the amount of popcorn you have is gonna be the rarity that you will get and I think they're turning the popcorn
But like based on the amount of popcorn you have is going to be the rarity that you will get
And I think they're turning the popcorn into an erc 721 or I don't know what the fuck that is
Into an ERC 721 or I don't know what the fuck that is. They're gonna put on chain
They're gonna put it on chain so you'll be able to trade it
So you'll be able to trade it
So if you missed on the missions, you'll be able to buy it if you're excited about the ecosystem
So if you missed on the missions, you'll be able to buy it if you're excited about the ecosystem
I know I'm fucking not even though I have like four rare ones and five rare ones
I know i'm fucking not even though I have like four rare ones and five rare ones
So and my end I'm just hoping the ship pumps so I can exit calmly and respectfully even though I haven't been so Godspeed
So and my end i'm just hoping this shit pumps so I can exit
Calmly and respectfully even though I haven't been so godspeed motherfuckers who are investing in that confusing ass fucking convoluted ecosystem
Motherfuckers who are investing in that confusing ass fucking convoluted ecosystem
Fucking popcorn bro
Fucking popcorn bro, like like like this whole shit
Like like like this whole shit this whole ecosystem took a shit with this whole VC money entered because I really liked figgy
This whole ecosystem took a shit when this whole vc money entered because I really liked figgy
I think he's super fucking creative and I felt like he was though
I think he's super fucking
creative and I felt like he was though he was like the shining light and then they just decided to fire the whole fucking half the
He was like the shining light and then they just decided to fire the whole fucking half the fucking staff
Fucking staff and they I mean, I guess they're trying their best. I don't want to be a piece of shit
And they I mean, I guess they're trying their best. I don't want to be a piece of shit
Well, I don't want to be more of a piece of shit than I already am
Well, I don't want to be more of a piece of shit than I already am
But like they got rid of their fucking staff, bro
But like they got rid of their fucking staff, bro
The ones who made 10 ktf what it was that you guys just like wipe them out and they put a little bow on it
The ones who made 10 ktf what it was that you guys just like wiped them out and they put a little bow on it
By saying yeah, we took care of them. Don't worry guys
By saying yeah, we took care of them. Don't worry you guys motherfucker. What about the holders motherfucker?
Motherfucker, what about the holders motherfucker? You took care of them
You took care of them. What about all the people have been supporting your fucking asses?
What about all the people have been supporting your fucking asses?
Anyway, bro
Anyway, bro
Speaking of popcorn like deeper
Speaking of popcorn like deeper
Carmelines, I got butter. I got butter on my fingers, but basil
Fingers, but basil we got Dave up here the one that created the Diablo three fucking
We got dave up here the one that created the diablo 3 fucking if the island up dave
What's up, you're a legend, bro
What's up, you're a legend, bro
We just talked about you're fucking I know how'd you shout out the gambler man?
We just talked about we come you're fucking I know how'd you gather man game with my home?
Game with my home and he just tagged in our group chat and said you guys gave me some love
And he just tagged in our group chat instead you guys gave me some love so I have like 10 15 minutes
So I have like 10 15 minutes
Did you build a halo one so I built the Diablo one because somebody did build the halo one
Did you build a halo one?
So I built the diablo one because somebody did build the halo one
There was a call of duty one and a halo one and i'm not a huge first person shooter
There was a call of duty one and a halo one, and I'm not a huge first person shooter
I played them, but diablo is my shit, bro
I played them, but Diablo is my shit, bro
Like I I played all three my whole life
Like I uh, I played all three my whole life
And so I actually just spent 10 hours last night and this morning building a
And so I actually just spent 10 hours last night in this morning building a
Castle PvP arena for 3v3 and 5v5 matches which I'll pin up to you, but that's fuck. It's pretty sick. It's cool
Castled pvp arena for 3v3 and 5v5 matches, which i'll pin up too, but that's fuck. It's pretty sick. It's cool
So yeah, I'm like probably 40 hours deep right now you get a bigger air shop for building
So yeah, i'm like probably 40 hours deep right now. You get a bigger air shop for building
Okay, so here's how it works is it's uh, I mean I literally joined day one of beta and started going and you definitely get incentivized to
Okay, so here's how it works is it's a I mean
I literally joined day one of beta and started going and you definitely get incentivized to
farm and not spend upgrading your island and doing it but I have a meeting with Charles and I have talked to him on the
Farm and not spend upgrading your island and doing it
I have a meeting with charles and I have talked to him on the scenes about how
Scenes about how if they tweak the reward structure to I don't give you a multiplier or give you like more blooms per day
If they tweak the reward structure to
I don't give you a multiplier or give you like more blooms per day if you upgrade and stuff like i've spent
If you upgrade and stuff like I've spent 20k to 30k blooms in-game currency to upgrade which is about a hundred points for my airdrop that
20k to 30k blooms in-game currency to upgrade which is about 100 points from my airdrop that i've lost
I've lost so he's definitely aware of the fact that he wants to change things for builders and not just make it a spam farm
So he's definitely aware of the fact that he wants to change things for builders
And not just make it a spam farm. And so this wave the first one
And so this wave the first one. I think they're obviously getting their feet underneath them, but he's chill. He's open to feedback
I think they're obviously getting their feet underneath them, but he's chill. He's open to feedback
He's very cool, and I think either in this tweak and maybe a patch update or the next one
He's very cool. And I think either in this tweak and uh, maybe a patch update or in the next one
They'll um the one incentivized builders because yeah, i'm uh, i'm going pretty hard bro. It's fun
The one incentivized builders cuz yeah, I'm going pretty hard bro. It's fun
It's super fun to build like I enjoy the building part like there's like the player architect
It's super fun to build like I enjoy the building part like there's like the player architect, which is like run around shoot play games
Which is like run around shoot play games whatever there's the marketplace 3d person who makes assets for the game
Whatever there's the marketplace 3d person who makes assets for the game
Which is really cool
Which is really cool
And then there's like the me the builder who likes to play a little bit but build and see people run around the island
And then there's like the me the builder who likes to play a little bit but build and see people run around the island
And do stuff. So yeah, I built a monster man. It's fun as shit. What is uh, what's next?
And do stuff so yeah, I built the monster man. It's funny shit. What is uh, what's next?
I know you I know he's not stopping. I'll get you cheap. You can go in one side
I know I know he's not stopping i'll get you keeping going once. Dave
Dave are you planning on building something other than Diablo 3 possibly another map or anything so this is the this is the thing is like
Are you planning on building something other than diablo 3 possibly another map or anything?
So this is the this is the thing is like to get another island
To get another island like if I could I would start from scratch tomorrow and build a mass-effect island
Like if I could I would start from scratch tomorrow and build a mass effect island
I'd build a bunch of nostalgic like dope ass childhood games, but it's 36 000 blooms to upgrade
I'd build a bunch of nostalgic like dope-ass childhood games, but it's 36,000 blooms to upgrade
Which is the equivalent of two marketplace items, which is 100 points for the airdrop, which is you know
Which is the equivalent of two marketplace items, which is a hundred points for the airdrop
Which is you know, it's like weight and size built and so I have to take a huge L on my current upgrades to do that
It's like weight and size built and so i'd have to take a huge l on my current upgrades to do that
And so if they change the structures and they like give you know builders more
And so if they change the structures and they like give you know builders more
I don't know maybe like you have a cool island. They give you like half a free or something
I don't know. Maybe like you have a cool island. They give you like half or free or something
I don't know. I would build what about what about you being contracted for like someone that has an island and you
I don't know. I would build what about what about you being contracted for like someone that has an island and you like split the
Like split the room
So there's two people who already DM means that I use a builder
So there's two people who already dm means that are you the builder?
Can we hire you and like that's cool?
Can we hire you and like that's cool
But like I know I don't want to do that right now like it's fun
But like I don't know I don't want to do that right now like it's fun
But like it's more cool building your own island seeing people visit run around tweaking stuff trying stuff
Like I just played it like a PvP with someone who did the island for the castle for the first time
Like I just played it like a pvp with someone who did the island for the castle for the first time
They're like just the coolest map I played in the fd. So that's cooler for me
They're like just the coolest map I played in the FD. So that's cooler for me
Is there an on-ramp for people like you that are builders to where like you said, it's a lot of bloom
Is there an on-ramp for people like you that are builders to where like you said it's a lot of blooms
So did you have to basically run around for an hour or two hours beforehand stack up blooms
So did you have to basically run around for an hour?
two hours beforehand stack up blooms and then you're actually able to start building or
and then you were actually able to start building or
So this is a good thing about nifty is they do a really good job of the medium, right?
So this is the good thing about nifty is they do a really good job of the medium, right?
First started learning unreal engine because I was gonna do a lot of building for another project called Kaiser much as Tom Billy's project
A lot of building for another project called kaizen which is tom billiard's project and it was so complicated
And it was so complicated and so overwhelming to learn that I was like, yeah, it's not for me
And so overwhelming to learn that I was like it's not for me
So I got away
So I got away but nifty is the perfect like on ramp
but nifty is the perfect like
On-ramp tutorial and like they just get you started enough where if you want to build you can build if you want to go play games
Tutorial and like they just get you started enough where if you want to build you can build if you want to go play games
You can go play games
You can go play games
So they give you like an island an X amount of like weight
So they give you like an island an x amount of like weight
I think it's like 10,000 for weight a bunch of stock items and a bunch of stock land to terraform and do whatever so you
I think it's like 10 000 for weight a bunch of stock items and a bunch of stock land to terraform and do whatever
So you can just build right away if you just learn basics
Can just build right away if you just learn basics
Like I just learned from scratch from their tools and then I built an entire island that had an up only it had
Like I just learned from scratch from their tools and then I built an entire island that had an up only it had
A maze it had a bunch of stuff. I saw the halo map and I got an idea on Tuesday
A maze it had a bunch of stuff. I saw the halo map and I got an idea on tuesday
I was like, oh shit
I was like, oh shit
I should build a diablo map
I should build the Diablo map
So I literally delete my entire island all the way back down to just a puddle and then I went all the way back up
So I literally deleted my entire island all the way back down to just a puddle
And then I went all the way back up to what it is now
To what it is now. It's dope, dude
It's dope, dude
I think that if you're looking at the the halo aspect and you're talking about building, right?
I think that if you're looking at the the the halo aspect and you're talking about building, right?
I mean halo Forge was the epitome and what paved the way for what we have today
I mean halo forge was the epitome and and what paved the way for what we have today and you know
And you know Forge minigames are even funner than playing halo as itself. So
Forged mini games are even funner than playing halo as itself. So
Yeah, man, absolutely and I think Nifty's again, it's got a really cool
Yeah, man, absolutely and uh, I think nifty's again, it's got a really cool
Uh intersection of there's a community aspect like the seals have their own aisle and they play pvp
Intersection of there's a community aspect like the seals have their own island
They play PvP like I'm part of the dead fellow so like they have their own streaming
Like i'm part of the dead fellow. So like they have their own streaming
They have a group that gets together like that's pretty cool
They tweaked it to reward communities top 10 leaderboard gets more air drop the marketplace the builders the stuff like the games are simple
They tweaked it to reward communities top 10 leaderboard gets more airdrop the marketplace the builders the stuff like the games are
Simple enough and fun enough for anyone to play
Enough and fun enough for anyone to play
Um, and it's cool. Yeah, man. They're they're doing good
And it's cool. Yeah, man. They're doing good
I'm in a lot of web through games and this is the first one that's like I enjoy playing along with like parallel and a
I'm in a lot of web3 games and this is the first one that's like I enjoy playing
Along with like parallel and a couple others, but it's sticky and it's fun. Thank you for coming out man and sharing. No problem, brother
Couple others, but it's sticky and it's you for coming out man and then sharing the problem, right? Yeah, there's
Yeah, there's
Appreciate you bro. And thanks gambler for bringing them in. I just got this update eight minutes ago from snail news and uh concerns me
Appreciate you bro. And thanks gambling for bringing them in. I just got this update eight minutes ago from snail news and
Concerns me it says drift the drift protocol
It says drift the drift protocol, um dlp pools weird on tbl might be exploit
DLP pools weird on TBL might be exploit. I don't know if that's true or not, but I am using drift protocol
I don't know if that's true or not, but I am using drift protocol. So I hope it isn't
So I hope it isn't
Exploited but yeah, I just figure out though that out there if anybody is on drift protocol
I knows anything about your protocol be careful. There might be something going on
Be careful. There might be something going on
I don't know why who reported this or this news is credible
I don't know why who reported this or this news is credible
But just started bringing it to your attention before we end the show
But just ought to bring it to your attention before we end the show
We'll throw the gambler and then throw it to Steven and then we'll probably in the show. So go ahead gambling
We'll throw at the gambler and then throw it to steven and then we'll probably end the show. So go ahead gamble
Yeah, real quick. I think it's really cool. You guys brought up
Yeah real quick. I think it's really cool. You guys brought up
Dabs build on if the island I think it's dope that they're highlighting him as a creator as well. I just wanted to
Dabs build on nifty island. I think it's dope that they're highlighting him as a creator as well
um, I just wanted to
Call out that if you think that's cool
Call out that if you think that's cool
Uh that gab has been in the space for years at this point
That DAB has been in the space for years at this point
And he's also really into like ai and he's building a really cool story
He's also really into like AI and he's building a really cool story
Uh using all ai he's been doing it for the last year or so i'm gonna pin it up. It's his pin tweet as well
Using all AI he's been doing it for the last year. So I'm gonna pin it up. It's his pin tweet as well
And he's really good at like walking you through like building in public and walking you through the process
And he's really good at like walking you through like building in public and walking you through the process
So if you think like his building nifty is cool
So if you think like his building nifty is cool
I would really recommend following him if you think this ai story
I would really recommend following him if you think this AI story
Uh lore is cool, but really recommend following or if you just want to learn more about ai
Lore is cool, but really recommend falling or if you just want to learn more about AI
Uh or nifty in general because he's he's one of those accounts to follow. So shout out tda for
Or nifty in general because he's he's one of those accounts to follow. So shout out TDA for
First catching out on the timeline and appreciate you for them. I'm tearing up. I'm blushing. That was great
Catching out of the timeline and
Tearing up. I'm blushing. That's great
Yeah, of course, this was dope. I think it needed to be talked about so shout out to you guys for doing it. Um, stephen
Yeah, of course this was dope I think it needed to be talked about so shout out to you guys for doing it, um, Stephen
You've been giving us the cliffhanger for two hours now. So give us what you've been holding back for art lives
You've been giving us the cliffhanger for two hours now. So give us what you've been holding back for art wise
so the last one I want to tie up on today because I've been I had been trying like all weeks since we had talked about the
So the last one I want to tie up on today, uh, because i've been i've been trying like all weeks since we had talked about the
Tease that we got from Michael Bujana over at Sotheby's on their second collection launch because they dropped collections now they did the
Teas that we got from michael bujana over at sotheby's on their second collection launch. Um, because they dropped collections now they did the
Vera Molnar and Martin Graster collection called themes and variations last year. He teased a second collection
Collection called, uh themes and variations last year. He teased the second collection
I've been trying all week to hunt down who that could be
And just kind of came up short. So I'm gonna continue to hunt next week
And just kind of came up short. So i'm going to continue to hunt next week
I'm committed to get that intel before everybody else does
I'm committed to get that Intel before everybody else does but
Did get this that came across the wired
Did get this that came across the wired. I think is actually pretty interesting and it could be something that flies if
I think is actually pretty interesting and it could be something that flies if it actually isn't an FT
It actually is an ft. I believe it is because feral file is involved
I believe it is because feral file is involved
if you guys are familiar with feral file, I
if you guys are familiar with feral file, I
Don't expect a lot of people to be
Don't expect a lot of people to be
Um, but they are another art house over on ethereum. They've done a number of different job drops with like the top artists in generative
But they are another art house over on aetherium. They've done a number of different job drops with like the top artists in generative
Um again, they just get less play because they don't
They again, they just get less play because they don't
Over market they market enough to be able to create enough like general hype for it
Over market they market enough to be able to create enough like general hype for it and then they let it
And then they let it kind of take on its own life
Kind of take on its own life
Um within the collections of those artists
Within the collections of those artists, they're typically smaller batch
They're typically smaller batch, um, which makes it kind of appealing from a price target angle
Which makes it kind of appealing from a price target angle if you're looking to like make a decent sale on it
If you're looking to like make a decent sale on it
but the reason this particular piece is pretty interesting to me is
But the reason this particular piece is pretty interesting to me is um
It is from the artist Sophia Crespo and she's an AI artist
It is from the artist sophia crespo
And she's an ai artist, um who has done some really remarkable, um modeling in
Who has done some really remarkable?
modeling in not the same vein, but in a
not the same vein but in a
in a similar type of class like rafi can at all now
In a similar type of class like ruffie can at all
If you're looking at the article, it specifically references a place called Casa Batio Casa Batio is in Spain
If you're looking at the article, it specifically references a place called casa batio
Casa batio is in spain
And it was the place that essentially really kicked off a lot more people in the NFC community
And it was the place that essentially really kicked off a lot more people in the nfc community
knowing about Rafik and it all's work because he did a humongous display there big projection work and
knowing about ruffie can at all's work because he did a humongous display there big projection work
And ended up selling that piece that he did
Ended up selling that piece that he did
North of 1.2 mill I think and that I mean it was a huge deal
North of 1.2 mil
And that I mean it was a huge deal
So this is the second time they're doing something like this at Casa Batio
So this is the second time they're doing something like this at casa batio and there's going to be a ton of hype around it
And there's gonna be a ton of hype around it
But Ferrell file is prepared a drop for people that can basically go collect it if they're there
But feral file is prepared to drop for people that can basically go collect it if they're there
I think it's probably like a scratch to redeem card
I think it's probably like a scratch to redeem card
and if it is as
and if it is
As i'm expecting it to be
I'm expecting it to be it's gonna be on the market in the next like week
It's going to be on the market in the next like week
So as they start to kind of pop on market
So as they start to kind of pop on market
I'm gonna be watching this one for a very big pump because this is starting to now become like a
I'm going to be watching this one for a very big pump because this is
starting to now become like a
A lot not a launch pad, but a place that
lot not a launch pad but a place that
Launches careers and like really
launches careers and like really
creates transcendent moments for AI artists
Creates transcendent moments for ai artists
So it's worth keeping an eye on this one and definitely follows if you crossbow because her art is phenomenal
So it's worth keeping an eye on this one. Um, and definitely follow us if you crossbow because her art is phenomenal
Shout out to you Steven. You've been giving us alpha all week on art and
Shout out to you steven. You've been giving us alpha all week on art and
People just read your newsletter. They would be up big this week
People just read your newsletter. They would be up big this week
So appreciate all the information on art and all the value bring to our community my guys
So appreciate all the information on art and uh, all the value you bring to our community
My guys want to throw it over to moon, uh floor poppy real quick
We're gonna throw it over to a moon floor. Poppy real quick before we end in and I'll say what's up to you basil
Before we uh, and then i'll say what's up to you basil, but what up floor? It's a qpfp, man
But what up floor? It's a cute PFP, man. I don't know what the fuck you did here, but weird. It's like two planets in your
I don't know what the fuck you did here, but
It's like two planets in your
I don't know
Good guys, I mean this is are you are it's like a k-hole kind of dream right here
It's like a k-hole kind of dream right here
This is like you did some lsd and this is what you see in the sky you see your face is the moon
This is like you did some LSD and this is what you see in the sky you see your face at the moon
I don't know what the fuck's going on here
I don't know what the fuck's going on here
But how you doing bro before we end the show just wanted to say what's up before we end it haven't talked to you
But I don't bro before we end the show just wanted to say what's up before we end it
I haven't talked to you in a few weeks, but
in a few weeks, so
Yeah, man, what's up? Now? Yeah, this 50 was made by
Yeah, man, what's up? Um now? Yeah, this qfp was made by
Come you can you guys hear me? Oh
Can you can you guys hear me?
Yeah, we can hear you. Okay, so
Oh, yeah, we can hear you. Okay, so
Uh, listen, you were talking about complex before I just wanted to come and tell you that
Listen, you were talking about complex before I just wanted to come and tell you that it's basically like the China's blockchain
It's basically like the china's blockchain. So, you know, there are there are defects
So, you know, they're the feds
Uh, so, you know, I i'm not sure how bullish uh, like chains from the government are but obviously
So, you know, I'm not sure how bullish like chains from the government are but obviously, you know
You know just keep wary of it. They don't have a lot of activity what what they did announce though is
Just keep wary of it. They don't have a lot of activity what what they did announced though is
That they're building a BTC L2. That's EVM compatible and I think that's gonna be a pretty stung narrative
Uh that they're building uh a btc l2. That's evm compatible
And I think that's going to be a pretty stunning narrative
Uh for for this year like just l2s in general with with the den kuna upgrade
For for this year like just L2s in general with with the ten Kuna upgrade with the EIP
Uh with the eip 484
Update. I think this is gonna be you know, we're gonna see BTC D5 born this year and then develop. So
Update. I I think this is going to be uh, you know, we're going to see btc d5 born
this year and then develop so
Maybe that's that did you say then cut off, right?
Maybe that's that did you say don't cut off, right?
Yeah, the NC UN I believe in March, I mean
Yeah, den cun, I believe they're in march
Yeah, yeah, correct. So yeah, I just feel like this is gonna be the L2 year
Yeah, yeah, correct
So yeah, I just feel like this is going to be the l2 year
So I just keep an eye on some BTC L2s, especially those that settle
So I just keep an eye on some btc l2s, especially those that settle
Uh way on btc, uh and that they don't have their own token because I think that's kind of grifty
Way on BTC and that they don't have their own token because I think that's kind of grifty like you have stacks
Like you have stacks. Obviously we've heard of satoshi vm
obviously, we've heard of Satoshi VM and
And um, uh river to aqua
River to aqua so maybe keep an eye on those just wanted to bring to everybody's attention that there's gonna be a mint
So maybe keep an eye on those just wanted to bring to uh, everybody's attention that there's going to be a mint
Uh, they're called the 1337 skulls
They're called the 1 3 3 7 skulls. I'm sure you guys are familiar with them, but they're having a drop on ordinals
Not sure if you guys are familiar with them, but they're having a drop in ordinals
Uh, there's going to be their second drop
There's gonna be their second drop
It's gonna be their sub 10k inscribed. It's gonna be
It's going to be their sub 10k inscribed. It's going to be uh,
recursive and
Yeah, these guys are like, you know chats, so it's gonna be free
Yeah, these guys are like, you know chads, so it's going to be free. Um, there is uh, all their mints are usually free
There is older mints are usually free, but I think there's gonna be a cooker at the art looks insane
But I think there's going to be a cooker. The art looks
insane, so i'm going to pin it at the top here and
so I'm gonna pin it at the top here and
One more thing I want to say. Yeah, there's this thing called Ando
One more thing I want to say. Yeah, uh, there's this thing called ando
It's an RWA play they have tokenize
It's an rwa play they have tokenized
uh treasuries
Treasuries they're their most
their their most um
Famous product is the tokenized ruesaries a product from BlackRock and
Famous product is the tokenized treasuries a product from black rock
And uh, they have the third highest, uh treasuries in the tokenized treasuries
They have the third highest
Treasuries in the tokenized ruesaries
um, you know
Securities I'm not security. I'm sorry. They have the third highest tokenized ruesaries on chain and
Yeah, I feel like they're they're on lock it's coming in one year
Yeah, I feel like they're they're on lock it's coming in one year
The token is around twenty two cents if you hold a token you can vote on the dollar you can provide liquidity on their
The token is around 22 cents. If you hold the token you can vote on the dollar you can provide liquidity under a flux
Lending protocol and and you get points. They're gonna allocate it over 50% of other of their coin
Lending protocol and and you get points. Uh, they're gonna allocate over 50 percent of
other of their coin
Allocation to the community people that participate market participants
Allocation to the community people are participating market participants
So I think that his things is gonna be a play to in this year the RWA play
So I think that thing this is going to be a play to end this year the rwa play
We already saw that they rolled out Larry Fink
We already saw that they rolled out larry fink
Um, you know cnbc and talking about rwa even though, you know, he didn't have the best, uh
You know CNBC and talking about RWA even though, you know, he didn't have the best
Like the best of reputations when when he was pulled out to promote ESG. So maybe this is like the new thing
Like the best of reputations when when he was pulled out to promote esg
So maybe this is like the new thing. They're gonna have larry thing promote
They're gonna have Larry Fink promote
Uh, and you know, I think it may move some markets here. So just keep an eye on on on doe finance
And you know, I think it may move some markets here. So just keep an eye on on Ando finance
Yeah, I did some research on that yesterday and found out about that blackrock connection
Yep, I did some research on that yesterday and found out about that black rock connection
And then I started thinking exactly what you said larry think a few weeks ago talking about tokenizing everything
And then I started thinking exactly what you said Larry Fink a few weeks ago talking about tokenizing everything
Larry thinks the president of United States. So whatever he says is gonna happen. So I think on dough
Larry thinks the president of united states. So whatever he says is going to happen. So I think ondo
Crocs backing it probably gonna do pretty well and it's been on a heater this week, too
Blackrock's backing it
Probably going to do pretty well and it's been on a heater this week, too
I think that's some kind of token TGE of it relatively
I think they had some kind of token tge event relatively
Uh in the past few weeks, I think but uh, yeah good call floor. I've got a question for you
In the past few weeks, I think but uh, yeah
I've got a question for you. Do you have a shot of a chance?
Do you have a shot of god?
by chance
Do I have a shot of what I'm sorry
Do I have a shot of what i'm sorry
Yeah, I know I know you're at the gym
Yeah, I know. I know you're at the gym. We're not doing this
This is what this is this is why radio shows in the 90s with the ship because they eventually turn into a inside joke
This is what this is. This is why radio shows in the 90s with the ship because they eventually turn into a uh, inside joke
Uh thing and no one that's listening understands
Thing and no one that's listening understands what the fuck you guys are talking about cuz you got all these inside jokes
What the fuck you guys are talking about because you got all these inside jokes and it's aha funny and no one knows
And it's not funny and no one knows so we're not gonna do the inside joke game
So we're not going to do the inside joke game, uh with the shot of baka of
with the shot of baka of
Thing cuz no one knows the fuck you're talking about. So
Thing because no one knows what the fuck you're talking about. So
Uh throw at the basil say what's up before we end the show basil
Throw at the basil say what's up before we end the show bass
We got anything for us before we end the show my guy anything any of value at all?
You got anything for us before we end the show my guy anything any of value at all?
Nope, I appreciate you guys Eddie hosts a show with you know, I wasn't being able to speak I was muted man
Nope, all right
Appreciate you guys. Uh eddie hosts a show with yo, I wasn't being able to think I was muted man. Oh
The mute air the mute air the mute air. All right, go ahead
Value before we end it my guy. Yeah
So basically it's directed mainly at
So basically it's directed mainly at the north monkeys holder
North monkeys holder like as far as I know I'm not sure about other communities
Like as far as I know i'm not sure about other communities, but um as far as I know the north monkeys, uh holder
But as far as I know the North monkey is a holder
Uh will be probably it's not 100 confirmed
Will be probably it's not 100% confirmed
But it's most probably will be eligible for the karma airdrop. That's going to be happening to on-chain monkeys
But it's most probably will be eligible for the karma airdrop that's gonna be happening to on chain monkeys
I think you heard about it in case didn't hear about you can check the
I think you heard about it in case students hear about you can check the
on chain monkeys pin tweet
On-chain monkeys pin tweet
So I'm currently working to you know make this available for all of the North monkeys holder. This is
So um currently working to you know, make this available for all of the north monkeys holder
This is uh, the first one the second thing in case you're a monkey not monkey holder also like unraveling 20
The first one and the second thing in case you're a monkey not monkey holder also like I'm rambling 20
Magic Eden wallet codes in case you get one already. So yeah, we'll need to stop
Magic even wallet codes, uh in case you didn't get one already. So yeah, we'll need to stop
Appreciate y'all for coming out man
Alright I was in mid delivery I came back
All right. I was in mid delivery. I was in mid delivery. I came back. Um you
Uh, but yeah, appreciate you guys. We've got eddie in english's show tomorrow
But yeah, I appreciate you guys you got Eddie in English's show tomorrow
You guys know that that will be included the reminder will be recruited into Allison's thread
Uh, you guys know that that will be included. Uh, the reminder will be recruited into alison's thread
I actually expressed I told Allison so tomorrow tomorrow is a sponsored spot
I I actually expressed I told alison so tomorrow tomorrow is a sponsored spot. So i'm not entirely confident that you guys
Oh, you're kicking us out you're able to come on stage, but I don't want to like I don't want to chill
Oh, you're kicking us out bro. All right, you're you're able to come on stage, but I don't want to like I don't want to chill
Okay, fine, no more tda seriously, yeah, y'all don't y'all don't show up there because i'm gonna be listening anonymously and i'm gonna take names now
Fine no more TDA. Yeah, y'all don't show up there cuz I'll be listening anonymously and I'm gonna take names
All right, bro, he's moving on he's moving on with him and jonah are just fucking going going together this one
No, we're not gonna be on stage Eddie you do not get to show me off if I'm not the bitch you're bringing to the
No, we're not gonna be on stage if we're eddie
You do not get to show me off if i'm not the bitch you're bringing to the party, bro
Party, bro, you can't show pictures. You can't say this is my girl at the house. That's not how this works. Okay
You can't show pictures. You can't say this is my girl at the house. That's not how this works. Okay
All right. All right
Fine. All right
Uh, you guys have a great rest of your day weekend. We'll be back on tuesday. I'm gonna go
You guys have a great rest of your day weekend we'll be back on Tuesday, I'm gonna go watch some monster trips
Uh watch some monster trips
Tonight with my son and i'm gonna be watching some chief's football tomorrow. So you guys don't bug me
Yeah, I'm gonna be watching some Chiefs football tomorrow, so you guys don't bug me
I'll be back on Tuesday with some more alpha leave it here for chief
I'll be back on tuesday with some more alpha. I'll leave you here for chief. You guys have a great day
I appreciate everyone that come up on stage, man
Appreciate everyone that come up on stage man. Appreciate everyone that bared with us through the Saturday spaces. They're a little bit
Appreciate everyone that bared with us through the saturday spaces. They're a little bit
Uh more fun a little less structured
More fun a little less structured
But it allows us to kind of get to know each other and grow as as a community and as a fam
But it allows us to kind of get to know each other and grow as as a community and as a fam
So they're always light-hearted
So they're always light-hearted appreciate everyone that's made themselves a part of our community that shows up daily that likes week to each commute
Appreciate everyone that's made themselves a part of our community that shows up daily that likes we do eats commute
Um really means a lot to us and uh, we'll catch you guys on tuesday
Really means a lot to us and we'll catch you guys on Tuesday
We do this Tuesday through Saturday 9 45 till about 12 12 30 central and it's TDA or stay poor
We do this tuesday through saturday 9 45 till about 12 12 30 central and it's tda or stay port
You guys be on the lookout for Allison's thread. Catch you guys next week
You guys be on the lookout for allison's thread catch you guys next week