Recorded: Feb. 3, 2024 Duration: 1:49:22



What's up, what's up, what's up welcome to the TDA last show of the week
Get this thing underway. We run Tuesday through Saturday. You know how it is on Saturday
We start a little later 10 30
Central 11 30 Eastern appreciate you guys for having notifications on tuning in coming by on
Your weekend and all your day off. So appreciate you guys. I've pinned up Allison's thread from yesterday
Everything we went over yesterday getting along get it tedious. I don't know how she does it
She's been talking about now. We need to fucking create some kind of download straight to your brain
maybe I could think of something where I
can upload all this information to an Apple Pro vision app and you guys can put on your virtual reality and just
Learn all this information similar to how like the matrix was you know
Like plugging into your brain and you guys learn kung fu within two minutes. That's not like
Nirlings gonna be
I mean intentional I guess it's supposed intended to be right but also feel like the thing with Norlin
Cuz it's not gonna be relatively available at least right now for all of us
But I see that baby one person just got it installed last weekend. Yeah, very pretty. Yeah, that's crazy
Whatever that was. I like I like the focus right? I mean, it's on people that are have issues with communication
Right. They're either nonverbal or you know, some type of physical
Either deformity condition something like that that stops them from talking
So it finally be cool to remove that kind of barrier of communication and tap into
Their brains or whatever it is, you know to fully hear what they have to say or learn from them
That's how it always starts off. It starts off with helping, you know people that are disabled or have brain malfunctions
Similar to like Ritalin and Adderall back in the day where it was used for people that had learning
Disabilities and then people learned that it can pants your performance and people abused it
So I'm gonna imagine starts out the same way where it helps people
you know that you know can't talk or blind or can't hear and then people are like
I want that because now I can 40x my portfolio if I get this Nora Lincoln and then people use it to performance enhance
It's kind of how I see Nora links gonna play out
Personally, it's gonna be like limitless
You've seen that movie limitless where he takes the pill and he like becomes like the best fucking forex traitor in the world
Dude, that's how neural links gonna be, bro
We're already starting to see people walking around fucking downtown
Banks and shit with their Apple Visions. Have you seen that those videos?
Dude there's someone that's driving his oh
He's on autopilot but he has his fucking doing fucking shit on his Apple Vision Pro and then he got pulled over this shows funny
as hell, dude
But yeah, people are wilding already like this whole, you know
I saw some dude walking through the middle of like downtown with that shit on his head and just you know moving his hands in there
I'm like dude. Okay. Cool. You're a cool guy
You got the vision pro but like wait to do stuff when you're not at an intersection
You know what I'm saying? Like cross and then when you get to the other side
Change the page or do some shit like you don't have to stop in the middle of all the cars and start, you know
casting magical spells
Yeah, I mean I was watching a few people put on the Apple Vision Pro
Like Mika she was live-streaming. This is Mika is someone that actually is very it's not like us where we like
I never got on virtual reality like Mika, you know paints in virtual reality. She's with tetra and OD lab do an augmented reality
She put this headset on and this is someone that's put headsets on and actually participates every day in VR
And she was absolutely like it was like breathtaking her
She was like was about to cry and like this reminds me of the moment back in 2008 when the Apple iPhone came out
iPhones didn't create touch screens. Like I had a sidekick. I had a palm pilot
We had blackberries, but then the iPhone came out and it was like magic in your hand
It's like they did it better and that's kind of how I feel like this Apple Vision Pro came into market is now
Everybody's putting it on. It's like I've done virtual reality before but this is absolutely fucking insane
So like I think this is gonna change
The way that we consume media and possibly consume art in the future
Like she was really breathtaking by the photos in the video
Like it was very immersive and it was like very clean and I just picked up a post from I guess I didn't put it up
Tasting that you did I took it down just so we can go through housekeeping first. Oh, yeah, that's right far my bag
Let's do that first. I totally forgot about that. So let's do that. No, you're good
So I'll talk we do got Allison's thread for one shout out to Allison for putting this together
She aggregates makes a fire hose of everything that we talked about in the show or everything that
Expresso I or any of the speakers put up and it's all put in a thread
Aggregated for you so you can listen to the show and kind of follow her thread along and more or less get the same
Information even if you can't participate. So shout outs Allison on that
The show this month is sponsored by I'm so we're being able to actually get a glimpse and fully understand what the I'm so
ecosystem is
The giveaway that I'm posting may be late. I'm not sure if Chris is up yet, but it's this day, too
I don't think there's a confirmation on a winner
But if not, we'll get on Chris's ass whenever he makes it to the show. So quick little TLDR on that
We're looking into the Evolve token now for this week
And the Evolve token is his infrastructure token that powers the I'm so ecosystem
It currently powers his endless runner
But they have four mini games coming up and we'll learn more about those throughout the month
Evil is available on the bird eye app and it is also backed by some of the Solana
Oh geez, so shout out to Chris and I'm so for sponsoring the TDA this month
That's a shout out to Chris and
Can't wait till we start getting into like a Bitcoin Valley and everything that he's doing over there
It's gonna be interesting
I've been killing it and the whole metaverse fucking things popping off now with the Apple Vision Pro kind of going crazy people are starting to
Put their mark down and put their you know flag down and saying no metaverse is gonna be a thing
And I think the Apple Vision Pro can facilitate a lot of this stuff. So if you've been building for browser and
Maybe there's a new sector that needs to be built in its apps and dApps that are built through the Apple Vision Pro cuz
Definitely see that is a wide open market
It's a big market and I think more and more people are gonna be start using this Apple Vision Pro to you know
You there are play video games play mobile games like all that stuff
It's gonna really enhance everything and then not like I said it pinned up the KC
Nasit which is somebody I've been found for a while typically early for an old man
But he said the Apple Vision Pro is the most impressive piece of tech I've ever played with
I'm not sure what I expected
It's like someone from the future came back in time and built the future only using what was available today
So like a lot of people that are early to tech to play with the stuff they get early previews
You know finally put this Apple Vision Pro on yesterday and they're all mesmerized and what the fuck's going on with this thing and
starting to like do a little more research of like Apple Vision Pro stuff and
I think I found one project that actually like doubled down yesterday and said we're actually gonna build maybe one of the first games
using the Apple Vision Pro
I have it in my notes
Here it is it's Victoria VR
Apparently they're a web3 game they have a token out already and their token pumps based off this news yesterday
It's an MM
RPG in virtual reality with realistic graphics built on unreal engine and blockchain trade NFTs in
The big market VR follow and join us on telegram
So they've came out one day ago and said like we're kind of doing this with VR and we're gonna build an app
So I also have more information from them in q2
We are releasing the first web3 metaverse app on the Apple Vision Pro. I'd have an article and NFT news today
The app will treat viewers to a virtual space based on five elements of nature
with a map of Victoria VR Island and
The cardinal points and the layout of the whole world according to principles of being you sui
Minkua calculator will also be included to determine suitable locations for your VR lands
This fun educational game can be applied in the traditional world or played in the virtual world of Victoria VR
So they spent no time
They basically have articles published by decrypt Yahoo finance coin market cap CPO officials
Partnership with Apple or not. I don't think they actually have an official partnership with Apple
but these are kind of the first movers trying to be first is first on Apple Vision and
Since they kind of announced this
I think their tokens up like 60 to like 90 percent in the last 24 hours based off this news
So Apple Vision Pro already started people are gonna start buildings and stuff and maybe this is what we've been waiting for
Everybody's like oh, we really don't have ways to view our NFTs
Or we don't have great ways to do these metaverses like the central lands a bunch of blocks
And this isn't great on my web browser in my phone
Maybe now we started seeing this since people start building, you know apps and dApps that are you know suited for the Apple Vision Pro
So that was a pretty big day yesterday
Go down in history February 2nd 2024 that the Apple Vision Pro came out and kind of changed
Technology and life itself for here on out you kind of get that feeling too cheap
You were around in 08 when that when the iPhone came out. It was a pretty big day
I think this day kind of rivals that where like people are really impressed with what Apple did and kind of improved on
What was something that a lot of people thought was kind of a fad and wasn't gonna make it
I think the Apple seal of approval is the biggest thing, right?
I mean, we've had VR for a while, but never had Apple kind of hopping in and getting their toes wet
I mean regardless I just as a PC person
I still think that Microsoft always kind of created the superior product
They just they just suck at marketing right the zoom shit on I've like the iPhone not the iPhone the
iPod but the zoom never took market share right it appealed to a different style of consumer
Same thing right you had the oculus and the oculus vision 2 and pro and all that shit
Didn't didn't take off
They were focusing too much on trying to be v1
Rather than focusing on the tech itself and making sure that it felt comfortable that people wanted to use it more than once
And then that's I guess now it's it's what causes people like me who had
The VR right to go out and actually buy the Apple one since I've had that in a sense bad taste in my mouth
They're now that shit gives me a headache, you know and stuff like that
so I think that now getting that conversion from those that have
attempted this and didn't have a good experience to
Try it again, and then hopefully kind of be swayed over by the actual product
More so than the novelty of being first
Yup, I kind of agree with you do you think oh
Well, of course you didn't come back. I gotta go back. She didn't answer
She has three attempts and then she comes to the door while I'm driving away. So I'll be right back. She's just straight yelling at you
Jim English
Yo, yo, what's going on Jim? What up, bro? Just saying hi Jim. Oh, did I make it up or did you drop back down?
Yeah, mommy
Yeah, whatever. I'm out. Can you hear me sir? Say hi to everybody check. All right
Yeah, yeah for sure. Just yeah chief. I sent you a DM sock
I kind of would like to chat about that. I mean obviously not shillage one
I want to break down kind of what I have experienced, you know being in that ecosystem
So when that's time, let me know I'm traveling. So if I'm a little rucky today, that's why I
Mean you sound good right now
So if you want to go ahead and start I guess
Talking about that now might as well take advantage of the fact that you're getting a good connection
Okay, sounds good
So I'm like ninety nine point nine percent sure killer bears will be you know building a game on the you know
With Solana using that saga phone
I've been pretty sure with that for a while, but it's pretty confirmed now with yesterday's news that I've been made it officially announced
And you and I've been you know
I had the alerts on my phone for some of the floors and stuff too and over the past
Week and a half Cubs have really been getting swept up hard. So that's probably gonna be be you saw
I would say Cubs and bits will be used for the game. Obviously bits will probably have more
More lean or more power in the game. I'm pretty for sure certain
But they also, you know
That's that's kind of what made me so bullish on killer bears when I first got in this whole ecosystem was there
Was there web to success?
And I mentioned they owned umbrella games the gaming mobile gaming company, which has been pretty successful
Games and as you know, I'm not a gamer myself
But I had to understand from you know, speaking with people that have built games that it takes a lot of time
It takes a lot of experience to build a fun game and they apparently have done that they said from
From day one. They want to build the
Angry birds of web 3
So, you know having that vision
I always know whenever someone says something that someone has a vision or goal and they you know push to pursue that goal
I like that because that's you know, that's how I am. So when a business is like that
It makes me very bullish and then obviously there's been some bumps in the roads, but I've stayed
You know, I've not sold a single asset for killer bears
I've stuck with it just because I felt that I want to ride this out and see how it goes and I
Feel that everything is starting to come together for sure with this whole move just Alana
Transition with you know, the over-saturation with the Cubs and bits and you know, the game
Was the last DJ and standing which is gonna be you know, pretty rewarding for web 3 people, you know
And we're talking about you know, the first of everything now
I'm not saying this is gonna be you know
Super successful and send the floor price to Valhalla by any means because this is gonna be the first time
You know a real crypto
NFT ecosystem is gonna build a game, you know, that's gonna be for the masses
So we'll see how it goes
But you know do recognize that this this is a team that has built games before it's not just like a first run around at it
chief I also sent you a tweet that one of the
That one of the owners of killer bears tweeted he just tweeted an umbrella
So that's why I'm like nine nine point nine five percent sure now
I mean umbrella means because like I said, they own umbrella games, which means that games gonna be coming out
Wouldn't because this game has been done for a long time
They just have not released it because of the prices of that we all know the price of eat just wouldn't be
Reasonable unless you're gonna do it on like zk safe. That's not that's not ready
But they're ready to release this now and that they are moving to Solana to do it. So
It's kind of it's exciting. I don't know how it's gonna go
But I just like the home that I've been super bullish in the whole mobile gaming aspect from day one. So
To see a project that I'm in started start off. I'm excited. So
Yeah, just one kind of wanted to share that
Hope I'm not rugged. No, you're good. I've pinned up the umbrella
And then I also pinned up the the killer bears killer games tweet as well. So I
Mean I had a conversation with been yesterday on a space and you know
He says you're an entertainment brand and I was kind of questioning like what's the North Star of killer bears?
It's like it's entertainment's IP and we're using our IP
We're gonna put it everywhere and we're gonna put it in games and we're gonna put it on pickleball
Paddles of kittens kind of similar to how Luca is doing it and I actually think killer bears have a fat
I think it's optimal better way of building the game on Solana then
Happened to bridge to a layer to and using a sink personally
So actually think killer bears game the fact that they possibly can create one of the first games
That use the saga phone operating system and that kind of ecosystem could like propel it to crazy
More heights and users than the pudgy penguin pudgy world
I know nothing about but like it is gonna be built on ZK sync and it could be great
But I think that the fact that killer bears are building it on a layer one
Optimally give it I think a better
chance and higher potential just because of the Solana
the Solana community the Solana ecosystem this
The phone and everything the distribution all that stuff will just bring mass
marketing and mass exposure to the game and I don't think people are that
willing to learn how
Zk sync works or even bridge on it or even try to participate just because of kind of the friction involved with layer twos and stuff
So I definitely killed bears have a great opportunity. You don't look at floor price. You just look at
Technicals and fundamentals. I think it's better to build a game on a Solana on a layer one than a layer two personally
Just just for friction use and if you want daily active users and onboarding
You're not gonna get new participants in this space trying to learn how to bridge over to ZK sick and figure this shit all out
So think killer bears have a good opportunity
And I think Solana is a perfect fit
Especially with umbrella games and the phone and the mobile apps like just seems like a perfect fit for him straight up to bed
Yeah, just real quick to annex. I mean and at the end of day
It's the experience when people have experienced in something and they're coming at them as we all know is not who does it first
It's who does it right now if you come do it first and right?
That's a powerhouse and that's what it seems like they're doing now. So that's why you keep your eyes
Okay, just be alert for maybe even pick up a come just to go along and be be a part of the ride
That's all I'm saying. There's plenty of them. They're not super pricey
So that's all and you can build your own to you like make your own. That's that's pretty dope
You know that that adds like the the whole web 3 you get to create your own character kind of deal to play a game
That that hits that hits different. So that's what dogs thought to
Sorry, I didn't throw that out there
Anyway, a little cool down on that position, huh?
Since we were talking about the saga phone and all that the phone so I I have a pretty good segue to that and
We'll just talk about it real quick
Everybody, you know the Solana saga to that's coming out and you had a pre-order it and you're not getting into 2025
That's what we first are like well by 2025 like all these meme coins are gonna be at zero
You're not gonna actually, you know make any money
why would you buy this phone and there's some more stuff that's been coming up over the phone in the past week where there is
Possible like a soulbound token possibly sent to you if you've ordered the phone
They'll possibly get you airdrops even before you have access to the phone because that soulbound token will be in your wallet
So I got a nice little thread up here kind of breaking that down
So pre-orders of the Solana saga to you basically already have confirmed eight plus airdrops for the saga Solana saga
To including Jupiter drift and tensor and more owners of the Solana saga secure secured huge airdrops in the past
The first snapshot will be taken in four days. Here's everything you need to know
So eight protocols within Solana ecosystem already conferred rewards for the Solana saga to owners you have Phantom magic Eden tensor
Solan protocol drift soul flare and drip house have all announced the saga one owners received a bonk
$1,000 ACS
$400 a saga monkey NFT for about $1,200 plus three airdrops
Coming from mix mob origins Solan protocol and Deejans factory given the exponential growth of Solana eight confirmed airdrops
Numerous unannounced rewards. There's no way you will get these 45
There's no way you'll get your $45 back
In fact, you're most likely to get to the 5x return on your investment during the founders window
You get a Solana saga to at the cheapest price at $450
After this period there will be two more stages where the prices will increase
Here's how to pre-order for $450 you go to the link that I cleaned up here
You go to click free pre-order connect your Twitter connect to your phantom pay for the phone
Enter your card information billing address proceed with the payment. You have to be paying with the card not crypto
That's it. You will receive the phone in 2025, but there were worlds the rewards will come much sooner the next chapter
You will receive a non transferable chapter 2 pre-order token to your wallet your identifier for the upcoming
So real quick on that note
That they have a referral incentive going on right now
And you get split like an extra NFT for referrals
So if you do plan on getting this
Saga 2 and you know a couple friends that have already ordered this go through their referral link
Right use this guy's thread as a source of information
But I mean once again, it makes really no difference for you
Whether you use some randoms or you know, potentially someone
Close to you a friend a community member whatever right it gets them some points it gets you some points
So there is a referral kind of contest going on. So just keep that in mind as well
If you are gonna buy a couple extras burners, whatever it may be
You know farm amongst yourselves
So now knowing this information of this soulbound tokens gonna be to your wallet address
That you'll be able to get these air drops, which why everybody's buying the phone in the first place
Don't you think this is kind of a no-brainer the pre-order for four hundred fifty dollars considering you're gonna get eight air drops
You don't even need the phone for the air drops. You just need the soulbound token
I think that's kind of changed the dynamic and actually makes me a little more
Did you get one today? They went live?
No, no, no, I was like fuck that I'm not waiting for 2025
What's the point and now that I've kind of learned a little bit more
I'm like, dude, you don't even need the phone. All you need is still about looking
so I'm like, this is this is a no-brainer in like like eight eight air drops like I
Don't know 450 bucks seems like it could pay itself off pretty quickly
So, I don't know
I didn't know anybody that really knew about this or we didn't talk about it
So I figured bring it to your information
Kind of seems like a no brain alpha move to go in there and pre-order and get this soulbound token
So you can get these air drops man
And then if you wait too long then the price of the phone goes up like I think a hundred or a hundred fifty dollars
Each stage so you want to go get that chapter chapter 2 token and I think I'll probably pre-order one this weekend
So I can get all these air drops that are coming to the to the and I mean that's good too
because a lot of people were a little weary as
They said that the pre-order could or could not cover the total cost of the phone
Kind of leaving that door open for hey, by the way, the phone is actually a thousand dollars and you pre-ordered
The way that it's making it seem now that they were successful kind of in this phase
One or phase two of the new launch of the new phone
And so therefore if the price is going up then us that kind of started out and you know
We're the original buyers should be pretty much good with whatever we paid for to receive the actual hardware
100% yeah, it's alpha and I think I like I said, I think I'll get one this weekend
Just to make sure that I can be able to test it and tell you everything about it
But go ahead and then after I mean I want to transition over to Steven. So go ahead on me
All right, I'll make this quick. I mean I'm just gonna be
Laid out cuz I had the saga one phone and I want to be fully transparent some make say that I'm studying my own bags
Whatever. I don't give a shit. I'm just gonna I want people to be fully aware that
Encrypt the most things they'll often reward people heavily the first time to cause what you see now cause FOMO to people
chasing to
chase what they think may be very rewarding for them as well you kind of saw it with
Yuga kind of thing kind of deal, but
Yeah, so I wish want people to be fully aware that
Don't be chasing things thinking this thing is gonna be a full-on money printer
Like this first edition is cuz I really don't think that's gonna be the case
I don't it may be kind of maybe a little disappointing
So don't so by all means if you have you have the extra five hundred dollars by all me try and get it
Why not why not be a part of the whole journey?
But don't don't come in this thinking this thing's gonna be a full-on money for like this first edition is
Because I just don't I can't see that happening. I can't see any, you know longevity in a business giving out things like this
Just be a little weary
Don't be too sad or buying like 50 of them thinking you just made like the world's best sweep. So
Yeah, just want people to be just be fully transparent and aware that this couldn't be this might not be what you fully expect
So that's all I just want my money back. I just want that's what I was about to say
I don't think it'll be a money printer, but I think you'll get your 450 back at least
Hey, oh, yeah, no doubt do but like this this I bought this this phone thinking it wasn't be a money printer
And obviously it has exceeded my expectations
It really every single day and I'm not kidding. I've been kidding you every single day
Something's coming into my wallet. It's really kind of gotten the form. It's overwhelming to even keep up with I can't
I mean every day something's going your what whether it's a token or an FT and it's rich
Well, you want to see you want to send it over to me? Oh me? I'll take
Okay, we get light for everything
Like whenever there's a now whenever someone's talking about a salon a minute
I won't even I'll just go cut my might as well go check
So I'll log in to check if I'm whitelisted for it with my side of phone in like 75% of time. I am it's insane
So it's pretty dope
Why bro, why why you do that espresso?
You know I'm saying we over here doing nice orderly and then we just get
Swag toes. She's helmet wearing son. Come in here
out of there
It's okay puppets are awesome, bro. We love the puppets, but that was a little much
How are you doing well doing well welcome to the TDA
Steven has something cooking on Magic Eden
The TDA has managed to secure a couple spots as well
So we just wanted to have him come through and just share a little bit about inspiration for the art
What made him actually transition over to the ordinal side and just a little bit about his journey
So I got it pinned up top for you guys to check it out
And then as always you guys know that trill handles all the collabs and giveaways
But it's deserved to earn so make sure you guys go show Steven some love you guys show Allison some love and take care of
The TDA man go ahead Steven stays yours
Well, I appreciate you. Thanks for the intro. It's good to be here
I think this is my first time on this stage even though yeah here since 2021 in the space
You know working as an artist my background is as an artist a photographer. I have a BFA in photography
I was a commercial photographer for 10 years
And I worked in a pretty substantial historical archive as an assistant to Bob Adelman who followed the civil rights movement and the pop art
Movement, so I've had my own arch journalism publication, but once I got into this space
I was onboarded through crypto comm and I started minting my work on that free chain
So it's a good opportunity to learn and I came to aetherium in late or maybe the end of 2021
And for me like circles have always been a very strong part of my ethos and core because they represent the infinite
possibilities of life itself and a fascination with space and all things cosmic
You know I experimented and explored with generative art having a background in coding with the you know
HTML coding and so forth but in
2023 I released two generative collections for free and aetherium
Which both went within minutes one of them was encapsulating the circles when the whole concept of life and circles and?
That was cosmic infinity and then I did encrypted ecstasy which was also generated with code which was emotive faces
Yeah, generated purely with code touching on my you know background and passion and just mental health awareness and de-stigmatizing all that stuff
So that's a bit of poor like a core of my ethos, but finding myself getting into Bitcoin ordinals
I think that's a really important thing to touch on because there's a lot of talk about ordinals right now
You know I kind of like to oh yeah, I was just gonna ask to I mean as a as a generative artist
Right, I think that Bitcoin kind of touches on specific
Elements, and I guess variables right that you can utilize that is a little bit unique or
More unique than specific chains right or other chains or mediums that we've seen so far
So I'm just curious to see exactly how you tied in I guess a more Bitcoin based
focus into these new gens
Rather than the approach that you had initially I guess on ether on you know coinbase or whatever other chain
It was if what exactly was the enticing point when it comes down to the Bitcoin aspect of it
Yeah, that's that's a really good question
That's kind of where I was was leading into is I think for me
It was you know you have to understand what you're doing as an artist and Bitcoin is a different animal like you're saying all entirely
Together I'm good friends with Violetta Zeronia, but watching her on her journey and watching her go to ordinals
I've been an unchained monkey holder for a very long time and
I was watching the space and learning and absorbing and trying to really figure out what it what it is
What makes Bitcoin different and what what is the opportunity for an artist to put something on Bitcoin?
I'm watching Violetta put things that are like you know
Testing the size limit of 400 kilobytes. I'm going well that doesn't work
When I transferred my monkey over to Bitcoin that was the catalyst my genesis was transferred
I got my toes wet finally had some Bitcoin
I had an acid in my wallet and then I started to really deep dive into the narrative of the sats and how you can
Tie in the narrative of the chain itself into the art which is something that's totally unique and still when I just say that out
Loud it's really profound to me as an artist to be able to tie in the narrative of the chain of your canvas
Into your art and once I got to that point it was like we had generative art is the perfect thing
And this is the perfect chain and for myself as like a hybrid artist
You know I've taken AI and shown it at you know blue chip art fairs during art Miami art week
Last year Art Basel quote-unquote
So this is like you know kind of a normal thing and what I did was kind of
If you have any questions
I guess maybe yeah
Because I'll then I'll go into like the sat narrative and how I really tied everything together with the circles and the whole cosmic and infinite
possibilities no, I think that that's really what the fun part is right is when
You as an artist start to kind of see that this is
Not as linear as other mediums are right and that you can actually go and take these small detours that
Don't change but only enhance the the vision the story right it allows you to actually be
The puppet master and curate this and come to market how you'd like right?
It's one of those things that I always suggest and kind of guide artists is there's no rush on Bitcoin, right?
Understand that it's a little bit slower
But it's it's a feature not a bug and so therefore slower as in every kind of concept from coming to market to creating
Right let's say you want to start creating and just getting work on chain
So you start putting work on chain
But you have no idea how or if these pieces are going to connect together
Right and on Bitcoin you're not forced to make them connect because you created them at the same time
You can then curate the narrative for XYZ piece
You can go out and be a little bit more intentional with what sat you want to use how it has provenance to what?
element of your work to your life, right and so
it really allows for intention to shine through and then I think that that to me is one of the coolest parts when you
Come to Bitcoin is that you're it's the permissionless aspect allows you to then curate your own
experience right in
Specific parameters because at the end of the day like you can want to launch at 12 all you want if Bitcoin says fuck off
You're launching tomorrow, right and and that's what you're doing. And so I think that that's always a cool aspect as well
Coming from being an operator in this space and on the Bitcoin sector
having this this plan right down to the tee and to the minute and then
Needing that ability to be flexible and understanding that the experience is everything as a whole and not necessarily as
I guess what finite or as
Minuscule as details that matter on other chains, right?
This is more for the whole experience as getting on rather than how it was on and etc
So really appreciate you coming up Steven and kind of just sharing with this man
I'm really
excited to see the outputs right and to just kind of participate and collect and
I mean stage is always open man
I would love for you to stay on here and just add a little bit as we kind of divulge and start talking about a
Few more art plays what Steven kind of come up here and he's our kind of art
resident in charge and he's been walking us through a lot of these new artists as they
Get their toes wet, right?
But also making sure that we understand the significance of them coming over and how they come over
Rather than just dropping on Bitcoin
All right, man kind of transition out of here
But appreciate you Steven and guys as always you'll have an opportunity to participate in Steven's drop
just look for trill for any kind of
Updates on that and then since we're on the topic of art and Bitcoin
I am gonna post something up top Flora forms. Once again, Steven's been keeping us pretty updated on this and what's to come
Flora forms put out a post two days ago
Confirming quote-unquote price, which is free
so this is a drop with
basically one of the biggest I mean, I would say one of the biggest museums in terms of
I mean, I guess you can't these are all subjective. But anyway, it's a museum right the Belvedere Museum
And it's with the vivid team. And so I'm excited for the Flora forms, right?
We've been kind of watching this develop
We've been seeing Harto in general from his sats the golden ratio and just slowly as the vivid kind of powerhouse is cooking up
And incubating these artists. So putting it up top if anyone wants an opportunity
Flora forms is free
I know there's a couple prements going on and a couple partner collections that kind of gets you automatic position for that
Yeah, I was literally just about to come up and bring up
Flora forms just because I've been tuning into the artists Twitter space like all morning to just diving into
Some of the stuff people can look forward to but I don't think they mentioned
Outside of like being part of other communities that get access to whitelist
I also maybe I'm just terrible at researching but I haven't seen like what
Supply of these might be do you know by any chance because I really believe that these are gonna do like incredibly well. I
Don't I think Steven had it written down in one of his threads and I could double check in a minute
But he should be coming up
I think later on in the show and he'll break that down for us because I know that we've also been looking at a couple
drops that he's been actively covering has been this Flora forms and
Delce es machina, which is also coming from the vivid kind of incubator
So a lot of hard to keep track of dude getting getting my wires crossed, but I don't know collection size
I do think they'll do well though. I mean, it's free. It's a piece of art
It's partnered with an actual museum and established
It gives it some sense of validity on that end and I mean for the bullshit that we collect for twenty thirty forty dollars
I mean, I'd rather give it here, you know five times over. So I know I'm gonna be looking at minting mine and kind of
Picking some up on secondary
Did you did you get
Allocation from one of the communities here. Yeah, I did
Yeah, I'm trying to find out which other ones are eligible
Do you have like a list by any chance of which ones might be?
If it's I know that okay, so for one vivid always rewards
Vivid kind of community holders, right? So if it has a couple of collections, I know Harto specifically
Has an allocation. I don't know if snapshots have already been done
But I know that Harto specifically has an allocation for his community
And I mean, it's it's still a while. We got like two weeks left
so maybe trill can cook something up and get some CDA spots, but I
Can look dude, I know it's Sats golden ratio
He has one more that's a vivid collection that I can't remember off the top of my head
And that's it for now
Don't thank you, man. Yes, sir
Yeah, dude, I've been kind of just stacking up
I think generative on Bitcoin eventually is gonna have its day right the the fact of
Utilizing code that and in a style of coding and variables and metrics that can only be done on Bitcoin
I think that that eventually, you know, we'll get its narrative been stacking bit blocks like crazy, dude
You guys we we meant to do it. I know you have you've been scooping up scooping up a ton of them. Um, I
Still have one, but that's about it. I think I bought I bought like the top of it though
So I'm just like chilling on it to be honest. Yeah, but I think it's these things these guys that aren't gonna go anywhere
Right. I mean Billy's been here since the shards drop and even beforehand sat hunting and helping others inscribe and utilizing code into it
so when they come time to go through these
The book that we're all putting our name in there and they're like, hey who's in the generative section
I mean Billy's name is written and plastered all over that right and so maybe not today
Maybe no one's, you know, looking at the previous chapter this month next month
But eventually someone's gonna start the book from the beginning
Right and kind of go through this path and realize what names were here what established themselves and what didn't so
Yeah, we had a collab earlier this week with Zocchio, yeah, I'm just I'm DMing
To see if we can get some for a form. I gotta get root out here
But like you can't hear me is gonna talk over me
I just had reaching in here like four minutes going to left after the conversation
Um, well, I invite you back so you can hear me. I'm just trying to talk, you know on my own show here
Crazy concept so we had a
Mint we had whitelist for Zocchio and a lot of people you guys fucking floored it instantly because you are paper hand bitches
But they came out yesterday with some news a breaking news brace yourselves
Don't you community because the game just changed today marks the groundbreaking moment as we take the next step forward on the model partnership
But one of the largest beat world's largest VCs. We won't say their name just yet. They're called the king of consumers
This isn't your typical crypto VC move or even traditional VC play rather. They're back
Netflix what's not DraftKings and so many more guess what they're placing their bets on us at a startup stage
What does this mean for your incredible holders?
We get to build out your dream creative ecosystem and an anime network that will redefine
Entertainment while having holders co-create and benefit at every step of the way get ready for your Zocchio on the big screen with more
Ways to even showcase your IP buckle up because the journey just got a whole more exciting
So who do we think this VC is? Does anybody know who backs?
Polygon who backs fucking DraftKings art is that polygon is DraftKings?
Netflix do we know Ruto? Do you know anybody?
Behind this is it is it San Francisco? I don't know bro
Yeah, San Francisco largest
No, no, no
Animocas big but don't get me wrong bro when it comes to if we're talking to world VCs animocas
I don't even think they're there in the top ten to be honest
But let me I actually want to kind of Google it
I feel like this is pretty easy to look up, especially if you list out all the names whatnot DraftKings Netflix
I'm sure we can find and narrow it down to like four or five. But yeah, I mean we are seeing the price go up
I think it's up
41 percent 24-hour change
77% seven-day on the seven-day mark. So thankfully I was able to sell mine into the dingaling
pump when he came in and scooped up like
60 and then swept another 50 and when it it pumped up to point one four
So I did sell out of this already
But it is really interesting to kind of see how all this is gonna unfold
It's like the announcement before the announcement, right?
so like you also you have to be kind of weary that like they may be just saying it's one of the largest VCs and then
You know the announcement is and it's not like I mean, it could be bullish
But not like, you know, the raise might not be that insane or something like that
So you just got to be mindful if you bought into this pretty early, you're looking for some liquidity
I don't think it'll be a terrible idea to sell if you wanted to but if you're just chilling on it, why not?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's maybe by the rumors sell the news
Dude is is no one talking about
Because I know we talked about it like a bunch already
But early retired flat cats Club like does I bet no one even knows why they're pumping the way they are
No, I mean, I have a I have a inkling of why they're pumping but
Saw them this morning came out of nowhere. Apparently they're like a web to IP. That's building something web 3 from my understanding
Yeah, it's a it's a pretty massive company actually called Naxios if I'm not mistaken, that's how you pronounce it
I remember I did some research on it
before when it was like
Pre-reveal sitting at like point one three and then I bought one and then I flipped it for like basically nothing
It was like 4.2 or something like that, but I didn't even hold for for reveal. But these the the parent company is
Have a little thread here. So early retired cats Club
ERC cnft was to play along all along but you chose the fade first mention at point oh six nine
I didn't hear from you girl and now it's at point five four. I think it's up to like point eight or something even higher
It's an established web to game with over 50 million downloads strong web to user base original IP cats and soup
Just a officially received a game license from China
Which is a big deal as a foreign game license are hard to get if you know your onions in web 3
Then you should know that when China's bush
Valhalla's inevitable Gigi to anyone that got in so that's kind of a little breakdown
I guess of why it's bullish China loves it China's in
There's I'm I don't know if that's the best
The best right about it. There's I actually did a ton of research on it pre-reveal
Which is why I like I think I thought I I probably brought it up on the timeline
I think I've posted about like two or three times and mind you this was like after I had already sold but
The super low supply and then I did some digging on their website
And if you guys haven't checked out their website, it's fucking it's pretty awesome
but I dug into the parent company, which is Nexios and
It's pretty massive like they have a huge building an office in
Asia and it has you just they have pictures of the of the office and like these early retired cats club like
PFPs are like all over it and there's like hundreds of people walking through the hallways and stuff like that
So it's it's pretty cool
It's I'm not like giving it the justice it deserves
But it's cuz I'm kind on the spot
But I'll probably look up a couple more information on it and then I can talk about it
But other than that, I'm sure you have something else you want to move on to bro
I know we're cheap go keep disappeared. Anyways
yeah, it's
came out of nowhere and then I kind of see a
Bunch of people talking about it. It's kind of seems like it could
This shit right now. I was up here talking the whole time
The biggest factor of this that no one none of no one's talking about is Subasa, bro
Like I don't know if any of y'all know who Subasa is. Yes
I'm literally gonna bring like I mean he has been the heart
Yeah, you can you can talk about this Nexium whatever the fuck company it is. But at the end of the day
Oh, it's me always yeah at the end of the day none of that really matters
Unless it's actually Disney, but Subasa and 100x are the main ones why this is up so high
And that it's fully endorsed by him as kind of the major brand champion behind that
There's a he dropped the fat ass thread on it today
I'll actually post it up to the top so you guys can get a little bit more
Inside on it. But yeah, if you don't know who it is or who he is, I definitely suggest you guys get informed
He he's like off of this and off of one or two things previously
He's probably one of my favorite low-key callers at this point. Like the guy is a fucking ace
I was I I came up exclusively
To shill him like that's what I was saying the whole time and I guess I wasn't on stage
I was like, yeah, it's Subasa and and ruto and next would just keep talking. I'm like, all right cool
I don't know what's going on. Um, but hey, at least it's fixed now. But yeah, that's the thing dude
You need brand champions, right?
I mean you could be as badass as you want
You could have as much money as you want if you don't have someone out there touting that for you
Or representing in some way shape or form it makes it really hard to kind of even break out
And so just pointing that out there is a little bit of context for these erccs
Yeah, like where was the alpha before the pump like what the fuck like why would i'm just hearing about
It's crazy because he's been basically non-stop bull posting about them for about like a week and a half
Dude. Yeah, I talked about it in the I put in the group chat
I'm about to go back and screenshot that shit
But I wrote a whole ass like paragraph about neoez and how it's like kind of a big deal for this
For this brand and company to come out. Um
Neo is you write a big ass thread in the group chat
But you can't come on stage for 45 seconds and break it down like dude
I try to come in as often as I can but you guys are balls deep in the middle of a goddamn work day
All right
It's 45 seconds
You you type the whole paragraph probably take you 45 seconds to read it and then just leave bro
Like your job will let you get out of way for 45 seconds of three minutes to come in here if you have some alpha
Dude, I I think I think suvasa has had about a hundred to two hundred posts over the last four days
just on this
So, I mean I just wrote it to tldr neoez is a video game publisher and developer headquartered in i'm not going to pronounce that
But it's a province in south korea. They've been around since 1997
um, they have over
500 employees pretty massive company and they're they're pretty much backing everything that
These cats are doing so
Pretty good stuff, but suvasa man. Yeah legend
Um, i'm glad you came up here and show them because they haven't I feel like most people don't talk about suvasa that often
But they anytime suvasa goes in on a project and they will tweet about it
For just like you said like a week two weeks in a row
Um before it starts bumping. So yeah, huge shout out to suvasa, man
I don't even know who fucking subarro is bro. Like I need to fucking put notifications. That's that's the that's a pizza chain
Oh, I thought that's who you guys oh subasa. My bad, bro
I I don't even know who this guy is. I guess I need to put notifications on he apparently has the alpha
it's like it it's
next level cabal
right you
the china no, no, it's
You have to be you you have to be recommended and then once you're recommended into a hundred x
You actually go on like a voting system and and the people in there have to either pass
Or deny you access into it
And then if not, you're just in this back and forth of
Then playing hot potato on if you're a good candidate or not. So it's a little bit higher level of cabalism
But they're cookers. You know, that's he's uh, he's one of the only faces of the actual cabal
Like people don't people are like, oh, yeah thread guys call. No
He's one of the actual faces of the cabal of like the I would call it the more
Trading centric cabal in a sense. It's like they're not um
It's not like the the venture capital venture capital venture capital types. Um, it's more just like
massive massive
Massively successful traders that make sure that this stuff works
So gotcha. Gotcha. You know what is alpha?
You guys know what alpha you know what the alpha is?
The alpha is seven. What a bless. What a bro
Yo there I didn't even know you guys uh
Bro, I I I have to go and just link and connect dots to even get information on you, bro
Like I see some people that are
Relatively early rocking your profile picture rocking the link, you know promoting it. They're a bunch of omb gatekeepers
I'm like, what the fuck is this? What is fucking going on? Then I got to go. Oh, yeah
This is blessed bro, like notoriously great. I'm like, what is this fucking tin can mickey mouse motherfucker doing?
He's like, oh you need seven need seven of these and you're gonna get the next one
I'm like, dude, like the people that are backing you i'm like, I never fade they
Put pointing me in the right direction nine out of ten times
So like earlier this week I started just like questioning people and I got the alpha
And I've told people and uh your floor price is going up because we basically were just like dude
We got to get in on this i'm not saying i'm gonna buy seven
But like I think it's reasonable price. I think it's a nice price and the art's dope. So
How you doing, bro? I never actually got to meet you. I saw you on stage and i'm like, yo, we gotta we gotta talk so
What's up, how's the art how's how's your week it's been a pretty exciting week for you, bro
Like the floor price is ripping go. Yeah, I mean, um
This guy named rocky and he's like a omb brother. He's cool. He's crazy
Um, he's always telling me he told me like six days in a row to come here and and like hang out and talk and
I actually was surprised, you know, I thought I was like a straight DJ in space
But you guys were talking about art. So I was like, oh, all right, that's sick
So I came up and hung out and yeah more on like the art side of things, you know
But I am a DJ myself. So game theory is, you know, very fun and
uh, it's just I learned from from the best people around me, you know how to do things and
how to make things a little bit fun a little bit more fun, but in the end of the day, it's just art and
If you guys don't know me I I was an ordinal since february. Well, I started off in like soul
and then uh ordinals popped off and honestly like I was just early with I think at dmzk february 13th is like what I
Remember and the reason I bring him was because like he's definitely helped me out a lot in this journey. Um, you know, I um
He hit me up early to create the discord for home being I've just been in there ever since and we didn't know it was gonna blow
up like it did maybe he did he probably did but I didn't know it was gonna blow up like he did so I just been um
busy working with uh, you know stuff like over in the back end of chilling mostly not really anything crazy, you know
He's he's a mastermind with tony
And this is like my first um
Uh drop like on a bigger scale. Uh, i've done
Sub 100k like couple three like seven. Um, I did eight sculptures
The first one was a one-on-one and the the next seven were like a collection like a mini collection of seven
and those already uh
The first one sold to like zk for like 0.21
The other one sold to rock toshi if you guys know who rock toshi is
like the like two of those sold to rock toshi another really great collective risa like I i'm just you know,
I definitely curated that
Collection and the people who collect that a lot. This is the first time i've released anything in public
Like that anybody can just buy
on bitcoin
And so that that's what I think that you know, people were hyped on
I didn't expect people to go crazy over brc 420 like they did but you guys have been seeing that around
It's not just mine like bunch of brc 420s are popping off like titanium cheetos and a bunch of other
Like today, did you guys see the mempool? Holy fuck. That was no
Yeah, the dragon orb was going crazy today like yo
We haven't seen something like that crazy like uh, since it's the first brc 420 brc 20s
And so I I think it's kind of like crazy to see like that medium like in that protocol
I started to pop off and I was uh, you know, maybe like a week early not gonna
Looked off with seven and you know, they kind of i'm
They're all magic eating now and then yeah, like you said, maybe there'll be something coming
Uh, this time, you know tin can it could be uh, there could be more tin cans and they're gonna
There's gonna be less of the nikis as well. I'll say so it's a lot supply go down
Uh, and and one of one art go up is what i'm about to say
well, I saw you change your pin tweak to obviously this new drop, but do you happen to have a quick access to
Your cold wallet storage tweet. I think that that's a also piece of information and kind of a piece of content
And it really helps people I mean bless basically made a thread to teach you how to air gap your ledger
Uh in a sense, you're never connecting physically to anything
and so it's literally air gapped in that sense and it's probably the highest form of security that you can have for a
quote unquote like dead vault or a storage system, so
Besides doing art he's also out here
You know teaching educating and showing people how to best navigate the space
And I think that that's one of the best ways that we could also highlight you on that in man
Because i've watched this a couple times and the calculator is fucking dope
Right, uh just in general. That's a dope ass ledger. It's a it literally looks like an old school calculator
Um, so well actually that's a yeah the cold card. It's funny because okay
So that that whole thing is like on some bitcoin, dude
I was asking like my front homies or like in this cb spears
I don't know if you guys know like someone like the core ordo team, but I was like, yo
What's like the most maxi ass fucking way to store your bitcoin and he pointed me in this direction
He was like, yo look this up. So, um, yeah cold card. You can actually use uh, like you said like never touch the internet
Okay, it's like the most insane way like you literally have to transfer like a memory card from the actual
Designer into like the computer and then like just sign like the transactions that way and put it back into your
Cold card. It's just it's crazy. And I even found a way to like, I mean shit not found a way
But like I was like well
Some people have omvs and different things that they need mattrica verified and you could even do that with this cold card
So it's it's a lot of cool shit that you know, you can do to protect your
expensive, uh sats
Expensive single stats and erin scribed on and I think you guys should definitely look into it. Definitely
Mess around with it first. You don't want to lose anything
Uh, because and sparrow is like one of those things where I think it's uh fun
But a lot of people can lose stuff using sparrow
So watch out with uh using sparrow wallet because it's you know, the way that it works like it's different
Sometimes you send a transaction and like the fees like or like the outputs will change on you
And that's like the only thing I'll warn people about make sure you're always looking at the outlets when you do that
Yeah, thank you for bringing that up. Um people need to protect their uh,
very expensive assets. No, not only was it uh, just cool, right because of the whole like
Calculator cipher funk, you know cyber it was just just cool in general
But and then on top of that you have the security aspect of yeah
Not only is it cool, but it functions as x y z, you know form and function
So yeah, I appreciate you for coming up and sharing and uh, yeah
Just wanted to highlight that because i've watched that video a couple times went in there saw the cold cards everything
So I would definitely suggest you guys planning a way to move your ordinals
onto some type of cold storage, uh, there are
Um, I guess cold storages that accept ordinals already and can identify the individual satoshis
So if your excuse was oh, there's no way because it's an ordinal
Yeah, there is you just got to do a little bit of research. So appreciate you bless
Yeah, bless shout out to you
Definitely have my eyes on you and is your pfp, uh 618?
Yeah, I just won this one. Uh today, you know, I got to support the
Giga brains like i'm you know, I love people are like very educated on the space and they're educating other people, you know
So I had to support them
Hell yeah, bro. Um, yeah, I mean you've been in ordinals since february, man
We host this space tuesday through saturday, uh starting at 9 45 central, man
If you just want to come by it seems like you got you know, a good grasp on ordinals security just information
You're you fuck with the 618. So I feel like you can bring some value to this space
So we're here five days a week
If you ever want to come by and just kick it and deejin out or just talk art, man
We're here, you know five days a week. So I just wanted to throw that invite out to you
So there you go and up and coming man
Bless is next up and coming and big thing in ordinals so you can still get a piece of it
It's relatively cheap
Do you want to throw it over to say some people that came on stage english has been up here since the fucking first minute
Of the show. I haven't said anything to him. What's up, boo?
Did you just call me boo? Yeah, you're my boo you're my booth jesus christin like uh, how you doing?
How you doing? You getting ready for this min on monday? You ain't gonna fuck it up, right? I'm blaming it on you
You're the dude. You're the dude. You're the fall guy booty's not the fall guy. It's now english
I am the fall guy, uh on discord. I got thrown in spaces
While it was happening, um, so I am the official fall guy one thousand percent. Yeah, I feel pretty confident about it
It should be all systems go
I just think they wanted to test a few things that um, I won't say what they are but just to you know
I don't think it does anybody good if you like delay it 24 hours or you then another 48 hours and then you have
Either the same shitty experience or a shitty experience for a different reason
so I think it just made more sense that like
Incense of like if you wanted to delay it then just take the time that you actually need
And then so udi put out a tweet just saying that all systems are go this morning
So obviously they feel pretty confident about it
And um, yeah, dude, I don't really have much to say about it other than should we just talk
Should we just speculate just around english so you could sit there and just like sweat like her?
About these quantum cats are not actually
Their original state bro
I've heard that original state. They're gonna they're gonna change. They're actually uh taproot wizards ever dude. I heard now
They're gonna change the taproot wizards. Like I've heard that we're gonna go to a dutch auction point
I've heard like all this crazy nonsense dude that I get the uh, dude like hey, are you is this really happening?
Is that really happening? Can my cat not become rare anymore because it's evolving devolving?
A lot of crazy shit, dude, but it's pretty straightforward, dude. You have a cat it evolves
It evolves to
Some bullshit right there
It will stew it evolves to it. It evolves to a whitelist the taproot wizard um effort
Oh, I've heard like if you have three of them or two of them. Well, isn't it part of the quest?
It's part of the capper. It is
How is it not a vector into whitelisting?
If it's not if it's part of the quest that's about like why I feel like it is
You have to have a cat to be even like consider an application to be honest
I'm a wizard that likes owls
Are y'all gonna have like a quantum owl's drop or any other kind of companion pet versus a cat never been a cat person
Yeah, I mean so like I think it was uh, see good things is here so um, we had udi on our show
and uh our homie, uh
Polymath asked him why cat?
I guess maybe like opposed to like
You know an owl or some other thing. So it just so happens that cats tend to be associated with wizards or witches
Yes, he literally hates luke and he's just trying to rub it in the space
Yeah way way before luke. It was all about op cat dude
So, I mean there's op cat and so you get a cat inscription. I think it's pretty straightforward
All right, yeah, yeah, we'll just say op cat was around before luke with you
You're not gonna talking a lot. I mean if my cat evolves into a bitcoin i'll be more than happy. Let's fucking go
You should have done like catalytic converters or something like that like generative catalytic converters. Are you drunk eddie?
Like what the fuck was that? That'd be great. No
You did you go out last night for like belated birthday?
Are you a little hungover because the catalytic converter was probably one of the worst jokes you ever said on the stage in my life, bro
That was like a drunk hungover space like i give up like let's try to do something funny
In eddie's in eddie's quest video
He he points out that the real furry things that you put on mics are are colloquially called dead cats
They are like literally they are
Yeah, the little fuzzy things because it looks like dead dead cat from a dead fur from a cat
Yeah, I really are. I just found it very humorous for some weird reason, but it's okay
All right. All right. Well, we're gonna say what up the good things before we move on here. Hey good things
How you doing? How's how's the every everything ordinals treating you you're getting that getting the hang of doing this daily spaces thing
It's a bit it's a bit nuanced. It's a bit uh taxing over time. Like are you getting the hang of it, bro?
Yo, what's up? No, i'm not actually, um, I I need I need help from you guys
I didn't realize you guys have been doing this for two years. I was in your spaces
Yesterday and heard that so congrats. That's like
Honestly, that's fucking huge. Um, and i'm i'm ashamed that I that I didn't know that because that means I wasn't here
Uh at the beginning of your guys's journey
Yeah, no, everything ordinals is going great. Um, we got we got some legendary, uh, you know
Uh, legendary team with english and my business partner polymath
Um, and yeah, it's been it's been good. It's it's it is taxing like
You know basically doing committing to doing a space is uh, you know an hour to two hours every day is definitely a taxing thing
So is working in this industry at all, right?
And the reason we do this is because we believe in what we're doing
We're passionate about you know, this technology and also there's a lot of money to be made
So I mean it's totally fucking worth it. It's a lot of fun as much as
You know, it is work
But yeah, man, everything's been going great and it's been a wild wild time in the markets
I've been kind of uh traveling finally back home
And um just looking forward to kind of like staying behind the computer more because I remember when r6 dropped
I was like, I don't know where the fuck I was
I think it was like in las vegas or something and I woke up the next morning with uh
All kinds of messages and and like these things in my wallet and had no idea what was going on
And it just like looking back on that I was thinking about last time like if I were if I were home
I probably would have been treating this differently because I would have been more like, you know clued in
So it just goes to show like um, just on the whole taxing thing like it is kind of that mode of you know
or that that time I think where everybody is
like the smartest people are just kind of sitting behind the computer and it's not like uh
It's not like a message to like, you know, don't live your life and and try to instill phone loan people
But it's just like recognizing what we've all been saying for a year plus
Um in the ordinals market is that it this this time was coming and we're still kind of at the beginning of it
But we're starting to see like I think um
One by one little by little people starting to recognize like you're seeing in the volume
So yeah, it's an exciting time, man
No, that's a great segue. I got this tweet from fred kruger
He's a bitcoin maxi six years and trading crypto and he goes to these bitcoin conferences
Apparently there's one this weekend and he had something pretty uh, pretty crazy to say he said one of the things that surprised me
In this conference was the number of miners attending ordinal events
These guys are very aware of the additional fees that ordinals are providing and now want to know everything there is about ordinals
And how to support them
There are very few out route ordinal haters and it's a very og conference as a pure btc investor
The main implication is that the long-term funding model btc post 2028 having is probably not a real concern
Even if we get beyond say 200k a coin by then so this guy's a og
And he went to this conference and miners are asking about ordinals and like he's basically saying the bitcoin maxis are now
pretty much open to ordinals and like supporting it and it's kind of like
We hear a lot a lot of this bitcoin maxi fud like oh ordinals is spam
But I feel like that's a small small small minority of people
It seems like a lot of people are very interested in ordinals
And I feel like this is going to be the product of the this bull market is ordinals and inscriptions and on-chain
Like shit coins and stuff like that from kind of what i'm when i'm you already saw it on the github
Uh real quick on the the they I think luke had put up another proposal
And it was just you know trying to once again
Change sizing of blocks and and you know all this and that
The like the actual bitcoin core team was just like hey, it's clear that
There's really no stopping this right now and that the continual discourse and just kind of
Throwing stones at each other is doing absolutely nothing
Um, so for now, they just basically removed
His request and just kind of shut him down and told him to kind of deal with it until
Either there's a a new or better some type of quote unquote solution
Right that he can come up with that can be amicable
But they basically just got tired of little kids just you know bickering back and forth in the github like
No, this isn't right and no it is right and and they're like clearly there's not going to be a decision made
And it's something that's uh needs to be thought out before we do make a move
Because clearly they feel like they move too quick with tappers
I think you rug. Yeah, you rug
I was like dude cheap. Yeah, it was just going going well there. Um
Go ahead good things you had something to respond to that
Yeah, I mean, so I mean this this is kind of like what I wish I had like, uh, I remember
When I said it, but it was pretty early on and and it was basically just that like
The the financial and economic incentive, um, that is ordinals like the whole ecosystem the whole market
It's going to make anybody that opposes it look foolish as long as they're opposing it from a philosophical
You know or a moral standpoint, which is what these which is what luke and kind of the so-called maxis are
The other element too is is like the whole the whole idea of calling people bitcoin maxis as a pejorative
I think will switch uh back eventually too because like ordinals folks like generally are kind of bitcoin maxis like
um not like
So maxi it just depends on you to define it
But like no one's a fucking maxi where like they only truly believe in one thing like
The so-called bitcoin maxis. They still earn dollars
Like they still use dollars every day or whatever their currency is in whatever country they're in
So it's like it's a whole not the whole thing of bitcoin maxis is a nonsense
It's like a niche niche niche niche thing because the majority of the people that were early the bitcoin built this whole space
Cz early the bitcoin built binance fucking vitality early the bitcoin built ethereum
So these people are open-minded
There's a small few like max keiser and luke that like have this large microphone
But they're like they're like five or six fucking people that like hate this shit like majority people that are in crypto are pretty
Open-minded and want to you know, play with new technology. So like the fact that there's this narrative, you know
There's narrative this bitcoin maxis hate this shit
It's probably like four people that have like a two hundred thousand followers that are trying to, you know, portray this as something bad
What's kind of ideal about it?
100% and and what you're going to see is like like people
People are coming over from ethereum, but people are going to come over from salona, too
Like there's there's already, you know multiple bridges and like with magic eating this bridge and their wallet, you know powered by exodus
Like that shit's going to be such a crazy on ramp, uh into bitcoin
So yeah, it's like the whole the whole like maxi thing. It's just a it's an outrageous
Thing that has gone on way too long gotten way too much attention
But it's because of just like these few accounts that you're talking about that are just loud as fuck
Yo, have you guys used uh the swap on magic eating like the wallet? It's actually so fast
It's pretty insane. Like I swapped some like bitcoin and sold uh sold a bitcoin like it's
Insane like better than simple swap i'm like shouldn't I don't even know anybody imagine getting like that
I'm just I was impressed by like how fast that was because
You know shit, sometimes you got to be buying some things on the fly and sometimes you got to swap around
So how many rewards did we get yesterday? I got like 15k diamonds
Let's go. I'd be I have more diamonds than chief and chief figured out the it's a glitch
You know what's crazy?
running that glitch
Qualified me for the retroactive diamond drop and that was a great metric bro
I think total soul like volume moved was like 0.32
but number of transactions was like
7,000 like 800 or something royalties was like 0.1
So, I mean, I look like I have my farmer hat out there and I was just grabbing one rice grain per rice grain
You know and putting it in the bag, but hey, fuck it. We got more diamonds from them, too
Oh, you're trying to cover your tracks, bro
You've been a bitcoin man
Are you been a salon imagining this whole time budding and bought and just budding projects and buying the bud, bro?
Like I see you like you're trying to oh, I got retroactive. I got these transects
You've been buying soul this whole time and funding it and getting earlier and earlier enter prices while you use this
But I wish I wish yeah, I know you bro. I'm telling you I was scarred, bro
I'm just playing uh, go ahead stephen. What's up, bro? Good morning. Morning. Gm guys
It's been a really funny space so far this morning
I can't believe we were just going to keep talking about gems on diamonds on gems
um, but I figured I'd at least bring you some art alpha to make to mix things up from uh,
Just all of the uh, the magic eden hype
Um, I got a couple of work in progress pieces for you today that I just think should be on your radar
Um as well as two upcoming mints actually three appointments. So
Um, first and foremost just want to put them on your radar up front
There are uh collections upcoming from harvey reiner who's been a very prominent
Generative artist over on eath. Um, I am not exactly sure where it's going to drop yet because again, it's still very early
Um, but this collection looks really interesting. It just kind of centers up on d gen culture
um and kind of creating a narrative around like what we've become in web 3 which I think is very interesting and
um kind of a
narrative that is
Gradually catching on the other one is called flippers kind of in the same vein
Uh from an artist who goes by crow. Um, so both of these are just work in progress pieces
Artists that I really do think should be on your radar going forward
then in the
Mint world to just kind of keep it fast
I know that I brought it up a little while ago back before it was even technically tweeted by art blocks
Um, but proscenium is coming up
It's their next art blocks curated release from the artist who goes by remnant but has officially doxxed because of the drop
um, i'm gonna post a work in progress on that one it just kind of goes to show you that like
The art that's being featured on curated lately has been on a very different level
Like it's thinking very above what we've already seen out of curated drops
Um, so this one's gonna be really interesting. I'm a big fan of it
Um remnant was actually the first generative artist who I ever minted from
so to me, I think there's a lot that's to be seen on this one, but he's been working on this drop since like
I don't I don't even know. I think he said he's been at work on it. It's like oh eight in some form or fashion but has been
Like working almost full time on it for like the last two years. So
Very interesting stuff there
I've also talked in the past about uh, deus ex machina from cyber sea
If you want to learn more about that drop and what his career has been up to this point
I just decided to do my entire discover art post this week on it
From our thursday edition that came out friday
It just goes to show like what exactly you're going to see out of this collection why it's so unique and um
What he's done before up to this point. So
Pretty interesting drop there and then lastly of course because I know that we've got him on stage
I wanted to make sure that I pinned this up to the top
Um for steven morse steven morse's, um drop i'm really excited for um in cosmo genesis over on ordinals
So I wanted to kind of pull it back to him real quick while he's on stage and he's giving us his time
Um, so steven are you are you around for me to ask you a quick question on this?
Are you suggesting that I left steven?
No, I just wanted to make sure that you weren't like asleep from the prior gems conversation
I mean it was just so i'm just kidding
Um, no, it's it's all good. I wanted to ask you just to kind of like paint a bigger picture for everybody
What the collection really has meant to you and why it like what the what is like probably the most technical thing behind it
In terms of how you guys are using, uh rare sats. I'm just kind of curious what you'd have to say on that
For one, I mean the whole thing with with bitcoin
You know that I that I recognize as an artist is the multi-faceted aspect of like value
Prospect, you know coming from the narrative you can tie in and rarities of sats
bitcoin itself and then the art that you're putting on those sats so
In talking of like putting life and a pulse onto ordinals
And understanding ordinals theory and really kind of wrapping my head around the whole narrative behind the sats
Yeah, my collection ties very much into that narrative
And the inscription process is going to start with, you know, alphasats
The first set will have a tie into my own genesis of my birthday
Uh, and the bulk of the collection will be on 450x block nine
And then we'll have some omega sats black sats and the very last set use will be a black uncommon
And it's the whole concept is to encapsulate again the whole, you know cycle
Infinite possibilities of life and the life cycle itself
That's awesome
No, I think that there's a lot to be seen from what he's been working on guys and obviously you've got an opportunity to win a
Allow this spot for this through the tda. So be sure to go and retweet the space and allison's thread
Because honestly, I wouldn't want to miss this collection. It's stephen's genesis collection over on bitcoin
And honestly like there's so many cool little features behind it that I think people are going to
Find a lot to really enjoy out of the collection
So just wanted to make sure that I gave a little bit more color to that from steven in his own words
Um, but yeah, that's five collections for you guys on a saturday, uh to start getting read in on educated on and excited for
And steven you drop your weekly threads on monday, right?
Yeah, so the weekly mint list all eyes on art drops monday morning. Um, it is going to be a thick one
Um, that's upcoming week. There's a ton coming out. Um a lot to be excited for
Oh thick with two seas. Let's go. We love it. It's been it's a really great read guys
I read every monday gets me updated on art if you don't know much about art like me
It's a great resource to learn a little bit and keep tabs of what's going on in the space. Go ahead english
Yeah, I know since we're talking about art
I I guess i'll ask my question to bless now
Like I thought I heard him say like we're gonna see like the rise of
One of one art on bitcoin like given that it's kind of dead on ethereum
What makes you like bullish on one and one one of one art on bitcoin?
Wait, I don't know what said the rise of one. I forgot
Is that what you said? Maybe maybe I misunderstood you
I heard I thought you said like we're gonna see like a big push of one of one art and like people are gonna want
to collect
Yeah, I mean look like I do believe that though. So i'll i'll answer the question. That's just
I think art on bitcoin and like especially one-on-one is like, um
I there's a lot of people that found the protocol and ordinals early and most of those people weren't artists
There were like a lot of degens
There was a couple artists and there was a couple other people who found the protocol and uh, a lot of artists don't have time
to like really
dig into the tech side of things but when they do it's like really beautiful and
I see a lot of collaborations with devs and artists having happening lately and I think that's gonna be like, uh
having your artwork on the most
important chain
Is something that I think a lot of artists should think about so
We'll see like a good amount of collectors
coming in and
And seeing like that these artists are actually like having some of some pieces on here
That are gonna be something that lasts like forever, you know, it's on chain
So I do think one-on-one art and just artist collections and having to collect on bitcoins is important for any artist
Yeah, I was just curious of your thesis that so it sounds like you're saying that people that collect that art regardless will
will get some bitcoin
And want to collect wherever it exists because like my thesis is that yeah
like art will do well on bitcoin for many reasons that we don't have to get into and like
Collections will do well because people tend to like, you know unique whether it's generative art or just collections
You know editions tend to not do that
Well, and one of ones tend not to do well from our current market the people who buy nfts who buy inscriptions
whether that's on tes whether that's on
Salon and like in the early 2021 there was a big one-of-one art kind of collection from like the people that are ready in
The ecosystem. So what you're saying is that people that have like followings and a collector base outside of
You know web3 they'll come and collect on bitcoin. I mean, it's interesting. I'm not like knocking it
I just want to know what the theory was
Yeah, i'm still uh, I feel like I I don't know if I said that but like I also still back that statement because uh
I mean if you're hearing about crypto the first time like the boomer
Quick people are just like yo like bitcoin that bitcoin stuff, right?
Like how do I about bitcoin and if you start thinking about like artwork on bitcoin?
It's like something that I think will be even more historic than what we've seen lately because it is that chain
That is the og chain and it's something that is uh synonymous with just the word crypto
I think having artwork on the biggest chain the longest lasting chain and being on chain
This is something that's so important not only to you know to people who are
Outside of the the space like because you know this whole ipfs and different things
They're not going to understand that but they'll understand like oh this this artwork can never go away
It's on bitcoin. That's something that they'll probably put more of their uh, capital on and like trust besides
Not no offense. Like, you know, I make artwork like on so I used to make artwork on solana like more i'm focused on bitcoin
but it's I think being on chain and being on chain forever on the chain that everybody knows the name of is
important for uh, not only uh
Artists like dupe but collectors if you're just first hearing about crypto like yo, how can I get into crypto?
You're gonna get onto the chain that you think you know
It's like the most popular the most safe
and now we see the etf and like, you know, I think all that stuff is just like
solidifies bitcoin as like a
something that's serious and you can actually uh
Like deploy capital on and like store value on so art
It has always been a store of value in the traditional art world
And so I think this is just one of those things that's like a safer play than uh, you know
If something no offense to salon, like I said, I still buy art or there's salon or like e for anything
I think we're alive when we got to actually sit here and understand is why is there a subjective?
Everyone's why is going to be different no matter what at the end of the day
people buy art for displaying purposes or to either viewing purposes and
You just have to have a way to do just that
Either view the art feel the art listen to the art, right?
That's the the underlying is how does it convey itself from?
Did he run for everybody else? Yep
Well, I mean the only thing that I would think is an interesting dynamic to like against that is that I think like the retail
Buyer does that but I think there are people that buy it for investments and their timelines look very different
You know maybe 10 15 years that they'll hold the piece
And so like if you had like jay-z buying basket we out then like he has like a portfolio manager that specifically deals with art
And he's like hey
We're gonna just pick up this piece and we'll look at it in 5 10 15 years
That would be really interesting to me and I think I do think bitcoin has the gravity
You know to to kind of bring in those type of people and because it might make sense to them in that dynamic
I just I don't think we've seen it yet and it'd be interesting because we really only have like four or five years of data
Of this stuff. Yeah, and I think real quick before the answer
I think uh some bitcoin maxi mentioned this other day and this is a really good point
Um, I think culture is important and I think what we're doing right now is creating this culture that we don't
You know, we might not see it as like important now
But in five years like people are being like who are the first people who are like actually part of this movement?
Because I I think being part of this movement is so you're anybody who's here is actually, you know, uh part of something
That's crazy something that's innovative and you know, I have people talk shit about me
Like i'm my artist friends because they're like, yo, you're using that that bitcoin stuff that crypto stuff and it's like yo, bro
Yeah, I am you know, but i'm putting my artwork on there and it's not just like trader bros, you know
There's still like that missing part of like having literally just being cool
That's that's one of those things that's missing and a lot of the artists bring that factor into this whole thing
So hopefully we'll see more cool people like make artwork and that that would be like the you know
Beyond just like nerdy shit like we I love nerdy shit
But we need just a coolness to a bitcoin or crypto in general. Well, i'll let her be up to go my bad
No, you're good, bro. And I think you know a lot of us, you know have been
Came into this space, you know
I don't know late and never got a chance to buy bitcoin relatively early
And I think this is our chance of people to be part of something a bitcoin like super super early where we're at 59 million
Inscriptions for ordinals a lot of people that are uh, you know
Nubes and people are going to come in here when it's like over a hundred million or two hundred million and the fact that we have
Below this and like we're actually early to this is I think something we all need to realize like
a lot of us have never been this early to like a concept or an idea and like
This is on ordinal. It's on bitcoin. It's going to be here forever
And uh, I just think we just sometimes we lose track of like this is pretty crazy the history
That's going down right before eyes and what we're actually in we're kind of like in a fog of war
We're gonna look back at 10 years of like who is here during the first year ordinals and everybody that's here
That's the inscriptions are going to be considered like legit. Oh jeez, like max geyser
So it's pretty crazy to be part of this and people is it is it better
I don't know what the fuck happens, bro. I don't know. I just be cooking and maybe like you gotta stop
Let's hit the hands and we'll wrap it up. I do want to end with let's end with chris
And okay, that way, you know, we could wrap it up. Let them say something about i'm so
Let's just go to good things and then we'll jump around and then we'll finish off with chris. So go ahead good things
Yeah, so I mean I couldn't echo uh what expresso just said war
Anyone that's here right now anyone that was here in the last year like you are a fucking og year early
To one of the biggest developments in crypto history
I won't go on the full ramp
But yeah, I mean this has never been possible before to create non fungible assets on bitcoin and now you can
Comes at the same time as the fucking etf adoption
And as far as art goes like in terms of yeah, there hasn't been any kind of like
Break out one-on-one artists yet. I mean, I think I think to a certain degree there there there has like
If you look at the early inscriptions that that are that are selling for lots of money
Like those are sort of like the I think kind of the og artists. Maybe they're not you don't consider them one-on-one
Artists in the same traditional sense, but like art on bitcoin is different like using the
The medium of ordinals and the protocol itself is is art like it's the fact is not many people know how to fucking use it yet
um, and so
You're going to get traditional artists that are going to come in like like people is going to put his art on bitcoin
Like that's just a matter of time. Um, I don't know if it's going to be people first going to be somebody else
But somebody's going to have that blockbuster
Fucking one-on-one sale and that's going to set off the art market, right?
Just like we've seen with 10k pfps
Just like we've seen with some of the early ordinals collections
Like we've already seen some sort of like milestones that have shown shown people in the market that
Like this is this is sellable. Like people are going to want to buy this
So artists come in. The other thing too is like I would definitely pay attention to what aspery studio is doing
So what chief brought up earlier like you need a you need a
An element to display the art super important and aspery studio, I think is leading the way there
They've got an amazing studio in london
Um, and I know they've got plans, you know to do a lot more this year
Um, they've got I think two events already they announced coming up like one
I think is next week focused on ai and then they've got one focused on ordinals in the next month
Um, so I would definitely pay attention to that if you're into art
Um, but yeah, like people are people are going to come in like it's just so early that that like
There's literally fucking nobody outside of this little echo chamber that we're in
Uh that understands what ordinals is what the value of it is
But like like expresso shared earlier
Um people like fred kruger are going to these events and the miners are full on supporting it
And the miners are full on supporting it and it's just like it's going to come in waves, right?
Like the miners are full on supporting it now. I mean, they've probably been supporting for a long time
Um, but you're going to get like the art people start to support it
You're going to get like just waves of people are going to come in and we're still very much the beginning. So it's it's a really
exciting time like for people to be learning about this stuff and
Pay attention to the protocol like the protocol is not fully fully built yet
But as that as that happens as they start to fucking like
Um, you know ossify it where it's not going to be changing dramatically
That's when you're going to see people start to use it in a way that they haven't
Oh, yeah, and it's just like I I like I smack myself in the face because I knew about bitcoin
Really early and I just listened to people on the internet saying it was a scam and it was used for drug money
And when I got into space, you know, and it was at you know, 24k
I I like literally sat there and slapped myself in the face
I can't believe you were late to this like you're you're a guy that you know loves tech and trends and like
When I saw this opportunity, I was like dude
Like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity part of something with bitcoin this huge
And uh, yeah, man, we're all like everybody in this space right now is considered og in my in my opinion
Because we don't even have retail here
We're basically just now convinced all of web3 that ordinals is a thing just like two months ago
So just imagine we all convinced the new people in that this is the thing and like how much more people are going to come to
Ordinals and I like I said, I think it's the product
Of this of this bull market of 2024 25. I think ordinals is probably the one that has the most velocity
Out of all the other products in web3. So I do want to throw it to some more hands. We'll throw it to
This is crazy. There's two stevens. Uh, let's go to steven miller
You can you cannot possibly know the amount of times even just going back into ocm history where steven morse
And I have had to deal with that exact joke
It's almost just like the amount of times that i've had to deal with being called steve miller blues band through high school and college
anyway, um
I just wanted to call out one thing like from what good things was saying a few minutes ago like the people moment will happen
Just make sure you know that it's probably not going to be people that ends up setting this catalyst in motion, right?
like yes oftentimes like
There are these big time artists that come in and they break around and it just it'll blow you away
But I wouldn't be sitting here expecting
They're like trying to play that wave that like when people comes in that's going to be the people moment
Like there's going to be another artist that like lands on bitcoin. It's going to launch that like that entire narrative
Um, but I was really just wanting to come up just
To really make sure that I made mention of one big thing that I just wanted to give a thank you to the community on
Um yesterday brought up at the very end of the show
An edition piece that was put out through counter counterfeit culture, uh from the artist echolestian
Um, it was brought to my attention shortly thereafter that because we brought it up or like
Potentially because we brought it up that the last 50 editions absolutely flew
So I just wanted to make sure that I put it out there to you guys
You guys made a difference for this artist
And that's ultimately what we need to continue doing is just continuing to support the arts in the space because it's a really big deal
And um, you know, we need them to stick around and stay a part of this space and be inspired. So
Big up to the community
Uh tda or statement. That's right
We're becoming an amplifier and a spotlight for artists and stuff
You got if you got something steven always brings up like good shit
If you guys have any alpha on some new upcoming art feel free to send it to steven or dmme or come up on stage
And talk about it. Um, i'm gonna get to the other steven then bell i'm gonna get to you and then we're gonna end it
With chris. So go ahead steven
Let's go thanks for having me. Um, yeah, I just really what I just want to say. Thank you
Appreciate the space. Also. I want to give a shout out to good things. Good things was a catalyst in my journey for sure
Um, especially on the day
I was having an issue transferring my monkey over and he took the time to help me
And then he also seeded the whole concept of generative art on bitcoin
And I think that's the thing with bitcoin is when you're working within a canvas
Let's say that has technological limitations currently
You know that and really innovate with art on chain on bitcoin is something truly revolutionary
And um, yeah, i'm just obviously excited for for what i'm doing, too
Because it's something that you're not only not only is it art
But you're going to be able to fully interact with it on chain on bitcoin and like generative art on bitcoin
Like we're saying is definitely a thing. So definitely shout out to good things. Appreciate you and uh, steven m
Big shout out always supporting and yeah, thanks guys for having me. I hope everyone has a great saturday and a great weekend
Appreciate you for coming through man
Uh real quick before we get to the hands and I guess I get abducted or vanished
Uh far kana announced its air drop right now
Um for anyone that had been holding far kana
I know that they had their fall from grace a lot of people purchased nft assets around 1.9 eath
Um purchased on eve purchased on polygon and floor prices in it
Been in freefall since then
Uh pinned up top is all the information about the air drop
Roughly at the current price of the token if you hold a far kana ordinal
You're looking to receive around four to five grand tomorrow with the unlock and then the rest of the unlock of the seven percent
With the three-month cliff and a 12-month linear vesting
So if any of you guys are involved in that far kana ecosystem go check it out at the top
And uh, make sure that uh, if you have yours if you had it listed or anything like that
Um, yeah, go check it out
And then let's go to the hands. What up bell
What's up guys happy saturday
I've been um, like i've been listening to you guys for quite a long time, but I listen to the recordings a lot and um
I started more recently listening to your saturday episodes. You guys are freaking killing it and I love
Allison's tldrs. Um
On her post really really awesome. I've been referring some people over here also to check you guys up
Um, I wanted to comment on what's up. Everybody. I know a lot of you here on the speaker. Uh bless
Congratulations on such a tremendous success
I think it was you who mentioned about the culture
As it relates to collectors coming into the into the ordinal space
And it reminded me a couple of months ago mocha
the museum of crypto art
published a multi-series of essays in which they interviewed about 25 to 30 top collectors in the
experience space
and it was all about um
What it is that makes them collect what they look for
what they hold for
The things that they are looking forward to et cetera, et cetera
And obviously it was purposely meant to be like for the interviewers to take place during the bear market
You know what six seven months ago? So what is that maybe eight months ago?
during the bear market, um
To ask not so much about financial questions, but more about you know, the other side of it, right?
What are the what's the sentiment behind it? What's the why behind it? Et cetera
and a lot of the
Surrounded culture a hundred percent culture
And one of the interesting things that came out of that when I was looking at it
One of the interesting things that came out of that was the observation that culture
truly doesn't
Get seen or is understood
Quickly in a renaissance, right?
It's something that is observed and that is understood and that is seen at a much later time within the renaissance
and so it ends up being that those people who are in it for the cultural significance of it for the
For the culture of it period just culture of it end up picking it up at a much later time
It's always going to be on the later side of it on the later tailwinds. So where
Investors and maybe people who are looking at it as in if I get in sooner rather than later
Then i'll be able to sell it at a much higher price
The collectors who are looking at it as an I want to expand my portfolio into something that is
You know a digital renaissance are looking at it for completely different reasons
And so all of that to say that as we see
Bigger artists come into the original space in conjunction with
ordinal native artists
Getting to those levels. That's how the culture of it becomes a lot more obvious and a lot more loud
For those collectors to then come in. So those are my comments
it's interesting to like
Analyze human psychology and how things why people buy things why people?
Why people do things and I think you're right
My culture does take a while to form and once it is formed, it's a lot easier to uh, get things done
You know my culture is first and then typically downstream is like, you know
Politics and and other things that happen based off culture
so culture is huge, but it's something you can't take for granted it takes a while to build and get the
Have all the right people
Sometimes talking about it like nike is a basically a culture brand nike
Everybody thinks of nike is maybe like the top, you know 20 companies in in the world
It's like you look at forms
It's like top 300 and basically the main use case of nike is culture
If nike backs it people think it's cool and people buy it's like an influencer itself
So yeah, I do like it's very interesting to go into like human psychology of like why things are and how things uh,
You know manifest itself in the world
Good points good points for sure. Um
Chris up here kind of gonna end it with chris today. How you doing chris? How's your morning ben?
How's it how's it going?
So I just wanted to thank everybody for coming to the tda sesame street episode today
The word of the day was chain and in honor of today's word. I just have one, uh question for everybody
I mean, I know my bitcoin does I know my salana does so I just don't know how your chain hangs my shit hangs low
Uh, isn't that jake?
Dude, I don't know. It's young jock in fucking little way
You didn't even know we're still alive, you know what i'm saying?
I think they stole it from a st
Louis artist bro
And then they like took like that was a st
Louis artist created that that jingle and that theme and they took it and fucking ran with it
But yeah, I think it's like yeah
That's our that's our music bro. We we run the chain hang low
Yeah, you got anything else chris?
Sponsors the show. All right. Hi your fucking chain hangs dude. My chain hangs low, bro
All right. Well
We're not gonna end that way. That's for sure. Um, I got one little bit of alpha for you and it's on dogecoin
Um big dojano guy you guys remember those days early in june or may where I would give you the
Progress tab on brc20s and we had all eight and then we would find out some fucking companies backing in we would sell our 20
Dollar our two dollar inscription for 250 bucks. Uh, well this shit's going on on drc20s
There's a token called dbit that's out. It's 40 in progress. It has over eight million transactions and about twelve twelve hundred holders
Um, it's free. I mean you've got to pay for gas pretty much
But it's just like a one of those drc20 minutes brc20 minutes where it's kind of free first come first serve once it mits out
It mits out a lot of people are pretty bullish on it here
A lot of people in the alpha chats talking about and i'm kind of on their website
They say the ultimate meme coin on dogeinals. No telegram
No discord just five by the community and the community see you in the moon
Um, it's fair distribution available with all very little costs join the drc revolution. I think you can buy this on ordinals wallet right now
Everybody in the dogeinal community is talking about it. Just figure out though it to you as alpha
You guys can get on there yourself. It's you know, pretty much free and we'll see where it goes
D bit so what up what up chris?
Okay, I guess I can say one serious thing
There may or may not be an announcement with magic even coming out in the next 24 hours
Bored apes royalties. What you know, we got that marketplace. We've been talking about for a while
Like is that ever gonna be rolled? I said magic eden magic. What is he doing? Magic? What is he doing right now?
Magic eden is creating an ethereum marketplace for their support
For board apes and ethereum project. Wait, did you know about this? No, i'm just joking dude. Obviously. I know that okay
Obviously i'm like, are you kidding me? Like is that ever gonna come out? Like when does that come out?
That has to come out sunday
I don't know. Maybe i'm more bullish on their multi-chain wallet and maybe
I find it to offer a lot of options and utility and maybe there's a fucking announcement coming expresso for fuck's sake. Jesus
I thought we had the announcement this morning or yesterday of the diamonds like what's more this dude?
Steve how fun is this? I can't wait to meet him in real life and just see if he's really like this in real life
I can't wait to mess you and your blue hair like what the fuck leave me alone
What does that have to do with your hair, dude? It means that you dye your hair blue
Yeah, dude for years. Well, when when are we gonna do salana green or salana purple?
Everybody should know we live in a red state and I guess expresso is one of them. Oh
Now i'm one of them i'm wearing the i wear the red hat you you had the blue hair
Is that what you're trying to say?
Actually, you should definitely wear a red hat with white letters when we hang out. All right, i'll wear my cardinals hat
Um, it's all this we've been talking about
That was quick that was quick that's our team eddie
It's it's our st. Louis cardinals are a red hat with white lettering. Come on guys. I wear my cardinals hat
So the grass we've been talking about get grass for a while
Basically binance research shouted them out
So grass said we're thrilled to be featured in the ai section of binance research new deepen report when you run grass node
You'll be able to
Enable ai labs to crawl on the public web and train your models without the infrastructure and decentralized ai cannot exist
So have you been running that app on the background?
Continue they got even binance saying they're bullish on itself. Uh, yeah, I thought that was pretty big news and then english go ahead
Oh since I got some art people here
Um, what do you think about pinder van armen's drop? Um at point three three from the financial standpoint
Yeah, like I like them as a person. Yes
From a financial specifically
You think it's gonna do well. I think it's I don't think it's that high. I think it's actually pretty reasonable
Um what what we saw claire silver put out last week at one eve was phenomenal
This is a new innovation within like how ai art can actually map
and like be applied through plotter which is
Pretty significant at least in my opinion
I'm not going to say that it's
At the same level as what claire did just because like I don't think that it's appropriate to compare it on that type of
Wavelength or like assume that there are quote unquote levels
Um, but they both have total merit and I expect it's going to succeed
Pindar is the og of the og as it relates to ai and has been published
like everywhere
Oh, i'm very familiar with him. I i've had him on my show. I've talked to him personally. I've done him
He's a cool guy. I've seen his history. I've seen his documentaries. I think he's dope as hell
I was just curious more from like the current art market the sentiment ethereum
Just kind of like price points and stuff or like how it would be received
But I think he's awesome. I I agree though English. Do you know why? Oh my god. That's why
I was just looking at the sugar town or his chart because I was just curious
What are y'all doing?
And what is I don't know
No, no, no
The reason why I asked is because I wanted to know why it's such an like a weird looking chart because it actually might be a
Buy at point two eight
I mean beanie shelled it at one point and it went up a lot and yeah hit like point and now it's at point two eight
Here you go. That's that's actually might be about it
Well, we're gonna wrap this up appreciate you two, uh for the tea party
No, but I asked english because he works with sugar town. Maybe he would know
Eddie are you guys running this? I don't know anything with tda. Are we are we left out?
No, no, you're there. Okay, you're there. So yeah, so it's sunday
Uh, is it seven eastern or eight eastern eight thirty eight thirty eight thirty eastern?
Eddie and english run one of the best sunday shows shows period great guest
smart informative tda tda's
Branding it and being on the stage, you know, it's quality content. Uh, you know, it's quality content creator
So I always like to listen. They have great shows and uh, yeah, shout out to you guys
And then I guess we'll end it. Go ahead chief in the show
Uh little so opportunities first off saturn, uh, we were talking about this
I'm gonna at least post this up here if you guys had your saturn wallets loaded or ready if you transacted
Uh, they're in the process of finalizing the snapshot. So make sure you're up to date on that
I know it's 50 bucks
But last thing you want to do is, you know throw 50 bucks away or not be ready for the next whatever you have to do
So that's pinned up top
Uh leonidas's roomstone progression is also pinned up top for you guys to be monitoring that you need three
Non text based inscriptions in your wallet in order to qualify as of now if anything changes
He's the one you're going to find all that information for but for now, make sure you're keeping up to date
It's literal free money
And other than that guys the space is sponsored by i'm so
Shout out to chris for sponsoring the tda for the month
So as the month goes on we're going to be learning a little bit more about the i'm so ecosystem
And this week we're focusing on the evolve token. So you guys can find the evolve token on burdock
He's partnered with a lot of solana og's in order to create a
cross chain ecosystem
Infrastructure in order to connect soul and bitcoin
Uh evolve currently powers his endless runner
With four mini games to come and is the backbone of the i'm so ecosystem
So shout out to chris appreciate you
Shout out to everyone that's becoming a part of the tda family that's bringing themselves up here and you know making themselves
Contributing and becoming a little bit bigger than themselves is what we're doing here
So we did this tuesday through saturday 9 45 to about 12 30 central
It's tda's day four. We'll catch you guys on tuesday
I'll be safe guys and y'all look out for any show and alice's thread. Y'all have a good rest of your day
Arked out is the largest investor