Recorded: Feb. 23, 2024 Duration: 2:15:13



what's up what's up welcome to the tda around the space tuesday through
saturday 9 45 about 12 12 30 but she already knew that so i just like to say
you know for the recording for people listening but yeah also say what's up
people are recording appreciate you guys for tuning in
taking a little time out of the day to tap in and get educated on what's going
on in the space
how's it going though how you doing chief doing all right
yeah bro can't complain can't complain it's getting hot down here already so
yeah like a big difference between this friday and last friday last friday that
we had three inches of snow uh for the past two days we've been 70
degrees weather so bipolar midwest going crazy i
couldn't even see yesterday our sea last friday now i'm like in
shorts and a t-shirt i'm fine with um i guess we're getting spring early i
was looking at the weather and uh we're at we're getting we're gonna have 80
degree weather this time next week so i don't know i
guess february is over we're going into march we're getting into spring
and that's good because that gets us closer to the bitcoin halving which is
uh been the official starting line for the bull market so i think we're
already there but uh just so you get that official
date out of the way and then obviously after that happens uh
you know we have a bunch of big things happen on the day like runes and uh
we got blast launching uh this march so there's a lot of stuff to keep your uh
keep track on and the market moves pretty violently
well when we get stuff that happens in the ai sector too so that's like an
emerging sector that we didn't have a lot of points in that narrative last
time so that's going pretty good so um yeah let's
get the the sponsor reach out and then then we'll get the ball rolling
um so first and foremost uh shout outs um to chris and i'm so for sponsoring
the tda tda for the month of february has been
sponsored by i'm so i'm so is a cross-chain interoperable
infrastructure built between salona and bitcoin
it's powered by the evolve token which you can find on the bird eye app
pin to the top is a current giveaway that chris has
in addition to a couple others that he dropped last week
so follow the instructions play them let's run it not only will you win bonk
but you also get entered into a couple other giveaways that he has so
shout out to chris for sponsoring the tda and y'all go check out i'm so man
yes sir yes sir yes sir oh well we got hands
we rarely have hands this early so i guess we'll throw it to you
before we get started so what's up and then we'll get to you show yo bro
sorry i don't i don't have a lot of time i just need a fucking bitch in mode
how the mighty have fallen we went we went from giving fucking gucci
duffle bags to giving out finger paint hand nails dude
how the mighty have fallen 10 ktf what the fuck
what the fuck everyone's like yo can we please get some
some airdrops can we get some dimension can we get you know you don't have to do
nothing just hook us up with one of your
friends that are doing something you know what i'm saying they're like yeah
yeah i got someone cooking cooking up nails bro come get
them done fingernails bro what what do you what do you even do
with that well like what oh and the worst thing was to me
that they said it was competitive like you had a rush
it's a competitive claim you better if you don't go quick
someone is going to get the honorary fingernails before you do and
and you're out of there so yo the testosterone is running
very very fucking low bro i i don't know what else to say i was shocked i was
appalled i was fucking appalled you know it is
it is what it is you know from gucci to fucking fingernails
um yeah dude send it to fucking negatives
it's pinned up to the top if anybody is wondering or just wanted a little bit of
context of what we're talking about um so yesterday 10 ktf said available
for the competitive claim in the other side apes come home on february 29th
find emmy and grab a selfie in the other side you must have a grilled pfp with
nails straight because if you don't have the nails
straight you can't get any of these okay post your grilled pfp and your selfie
on twitter tag 10 ktf first 10 winners receive a limited
edition physical set of mimi's nails i'm done so
it's competitive you got to be quick doxx yourself
and you might get some nails you know and you don't even have to go to the
salon they're press on at that bro like
uh nails are nails are a fanny pack is this the new fanny pack
everybody makes fun of kevin rose this is worse than the fanny pack bro i don't
even think kevin could have gotten this low like kevin
would have never he would have looked at me like that's
that's stupid like yeah kevin that is pretty stupid you know like
i mean i'm kind of tapped out of culture i'm a bit older but like i've seen
these fucking dudes being painting them nails so i blame fucking uh
i blame the culture blame yachty i blame slim thug uh fucking oh that's right
who's to do that kim kardashian fucking yachty legitimately has a nail
uh a nail paint company little yachty does
called con called concrete yo any of you assholes come up to defend this
just let me know before you say anything so i could fucking block your ass like
literally bro i'm sorry i mean maybe nails is the new hot thing
maybe they did their research maybe they went on tick tock and they're like dude
nails is under exposed we need to get that honestly is like that's that sounds
like a plausible
sequence of thought events oh it doesn't bro if anyone walks up to me and says
that i'm gonna tell you go stand in the corner and say that shit out loud
over and over again until who's to do that dated kim kardashian after kanye
uh and i lied huh no pd pd boy p davison i saw first paint
his nails the goat and and now it's all over the place
i've seen dude painting them nails i was like is your
did you bruise your thumb no i paint my nails black i'm like all right
anyways yeah i mean each of them um but yeah
nails they're trying to get the zoomer crowd in yeah obviously and i don't know
we'll see how it goes it's not gonna go well i can already tell anyways
nothing wrong with you with painting them if you could pull it off though i
think so a couple people could pull it off
you probably can't not you specifically but just the general you
swag you could probably pull it off i've seen pictures of you you got louie
baton on you got bags i mean i think it's all fake it's all canal
street shit i'm not rich yet that's not what i heard
anyways um let's go to shill and then we'll hit the s choir
yeah my boy swag definitely got swag hey y'all i'm really tired though because
i've been playing this endless runner all night
on the balloon verse evil for my boy chris
hope everybody's doing good today but on a real talk can we talk about
how uniswap just pumped our fucking bags this morning
i saw that they're having like a new proposal
bro this is going straight the fuck up god candles
and everybody gets your um your your dot uni
all you ens maxis just go ahead and hop over there and do that too
yeah he's jumping he's jumping alpha i mean i'm sure you guys all heard but if
you look at the uniset chart are not uniset uniswap chart it's a
fucking pismos a lot 50 in like less than an hour
they released some kind of new proposal um
i mean pretty much uniswap's token's been pretty useless and that's been the
main concern with me because it's basically just duct taped to the
protocol it has no use it's just like okay if uniswap does good
this token will do good so tokenomics has been fucked
for a while and then they they i don't know the the complete details of it
i have it in my bookmark somewhere but yeah they basically are doing some kind
of uh i guess i think it's like for fees
like if you can if you stake or maybe they're doing some kind of staking
thing i'll find it um it's just kind of put me on the spot
for the LP providers and they're also doing a burn
yeah i'll burn it too i looked at their main page right
all i see is that that info that i mean we talked about what
yesterday about the removal of you know in the emergence
or the emergence with ens for the uniswap so
that's new and that's kind of been the biggest thing i didn't know that
something else had just broke as well i mean i saw that it's at like 12 bucks
though yeah it says new governor's proposal uf
governance led eek 6 7 6 3 7 has posted a proposal to
upgrade uniswap's protocol governance system
um this upgrade would reward uni holders who have staked and delegated
their tokens the potential impact decentralized
resilient and engaged governance and an imperative
to long-term health and success of the protocol we believe
this upgrade will strengthen and invigorate the uniswap uh
governance get involved join the discussion so that's from the uniswap
i'm sure there's going to be more nuance to that but
you guys can go find that information you know what i also heard uh this
morning that imx is going to have some
tokenomics uh switches up relatively soon so
looking at this well for that i was about to say i did some deep dive on
on for imx too it's funny that you brought it up
um they get stark net that's what remember i told you
it popped up when i looked at my stark net and it said v vv or some shit and i
didn't understand how because i was never a vv person
like i have an account but never well it's registering wrong so if that pops
up in the old eth addresses that's if you
participated with imx and now they do have a partnership with
stark net too slash an allocation so that'll open up for a claim pretty soon
so yeah kind of doubling down on that imx shit bro
go ahead sorry i mean if you if you know that there could possibly is going to be
an announcement of a restructure of tokenomics maybe something similar to
uniswap and you know it's going to come and i've
heard rumors that imx is going to do basically that like
why not get in now and wait for the announcement and sell on a pump like we
just saw like so just there's rumors of that and so
and this is where i was talking about xai like two weeks ago the fact that
they're going to be staking the token is going to pump
fucking xai's up to like the top leading gaming coin
in the past week so like these kind of stuff you could see if you're if you're
paying attention you could see from a mile away and in a bull market these
kind of things are what pumps the token and if you're taking leverage out
or to spot you can make a lot of money just
paying attention in this market so just look at pay attention to imx
they're gonna have a token restructure i think similar to this one but uh
esquire saw saw the tears in the chat last night with a persona journey
thought people are pissed off but how you doing this morning man
i'm good bro look i was ready for the bullshit i felt it
i felt it i still wanted one if the price had dipped low enough i would
not be salty when you pay that much gas you have the raffle system
that like you know wasn't it wasn't a fulfilling like raffle it was just like
all of a sudden ended it was like nope you didn't win and then hearing the
contract it was paying the or the raffle winners were the people who
paid the most gas when most of us waited around all day to try to hit the
lowest gas price to send in your bid so you know it is what it is you know you
take some l's in this game we all know it's always slightly salty but i was
also going back i was laughing when i see when i saw all this um
this wagne-san shit because i was the biggest 10 ktf maxi in like 2022
i had the the gucci ape forever that was like my original og longest bfp
and wagne-san is always getting fucked up by those codes
and then once they made you it became like a micro transaction thing where
they're like oh you gotta get you know at that point before the ape
launched where you had to literally buy all of the little pieces right you had
to have the socks the shoes the hat the backpack and then it turned into like
bulletproof vests it was just so much shit going on and so little return on
anything that made sense and i just i just got bored with it
because i'm like how often are we going to make us buy all these different
accessories and now they got fucking nails bro
that's what like it went and i i know the g tag thing was always supposed to be a
pfp that could link to other side but they've been talking about that shit
since 2022 and it still has not really
given anything you know what i mean so for me i just i
can't there's so much shit going on with some of these projects and it's like if
it takes you multiple years to develop anything worthwhile i just can't do it
and now they they fired they fired the like listen the team works well
but like i never understood why they fired some of the like
most hard working people on the fucking team and like it just
and they buy fucking moonbirds instead of just like keeping those motherfuckers
on payroll to actually make the goddamn thing
exciting like the thing was you remember every
thursday they would like do something right but it would be like releasing
another video and they release a 30 second video
every thursday and the chat would go crazy and then it'd be like
now you can buy 50 other accessories that gives you extra points and like by
the time eight coins dropped and i had probably like
five or six of each accessory my bro i'm like 40 bucks an eighth coin and i
was just like you know what i think i'm out of this shit so
it's it's crazy when you see things like this that like remind you of
projects you spend a lot of time in and just let you the fuck down so
yeah it's it's crazy bro it's bearish because gordon said that the
well when there was supposed to be a fucking other side that the first place
he wanted people to touch down when they when they finally
launched it um was the what's new tokyo which is
10 ktf so like just the way this shit pivoted is
just fucking blows my mind bro do you feel do you guys kind of feel like
offsetting with this whole other side thing like all the trailers that came
out of you remember the other side trailer where
they're in the desert and they had the big skull and they had like
it just seems like there was a lot of like lead up to this and then they're
like nope it's just a fucking thing where you can create games and play on
this metaverse well listen listen i'm not actually yeah the expectation setting
i wasn't weird bro i played in the second what it was at
the second um you know it got too complicated man once
you had another deed and then they had the second little drop
where you could play like i played it it was actually pretty fun and it'd be
dope if people did build stuff in there and you had a real metaverse like
i saw the potential of it but then it's like oh you played for a day and then
now we shut it back down and do nothing for another year you
know what i mean it's like how that was that was early 2023 i want to
say i remember i was in chicago for a wedding
but it's like how is it taking you an entire year to even do another drop-in
it's like people don't want to wait around bro
don't launch this shit till you're ready to go you know what i mean it would be
so much easier did it just forget uh any of the
physicals i know that they sent out when they're
unripe like revealing the monsters i guess or the
villains of their whole lore and they used to send out like those
scrolls or packages to your house and shit like that did any of you guys ever
get one of those nope no i got the blue helmet though i
got the blue helmet that i sold for point four so at least
you know that was that was their gift to me i guess the irony is it was like for
you know it was a redacted helmet uh without being too
you know rough around the edges they gave us all helmets because they knew we
were all a bunch of redacteds but it is what it is yeah and uh i mean
i don't think uh yuga's done acquiring projects and we've heard this
speculation of kaiju kings getting um bought out and like kaiju is a big
story uh in the 10k 10k tf ecosystem and i was
one like other like if you could have picked between
moonbirds and kaiju's i felt like kaiju's were the better better pit
inside of the story um personally and it just kind of i don't know
i i'm i don't think it's out of the question that kaiju it gets acquired
relatively soon and it possibly being acquired by yuga
we'll see um i know people are waiting for that announcement
i mean they are gonna get acquired but i don't think it's gonna be yuga bro
i want to be perfect though i mean kaiju's in the story and shit like it's
over and us sounding ignorant because if we were to go to like japan or
somewhere and be like kaiju and show them you know you know our little kaiju
king they'd be like well kaiju's just mean
monsters so it could be a big sasquatch it could be
a big whale it could be you know what i'm saying we associate kaiju's with
x y z and godzilla but in a sense kaiju just signifies like
monster so but yes it does make sense as in that's been the
primary character in all the 10 ktf shit though
was the kaiju um go ahead gambler
what's up gang happy friday teeny years teeny air stay poor
uh just a quick uh update so i talked about the kunks on the
say side yesterday they started minting and they're still minting
so they they're they just hit over 50 percent so this isn't one of those that's
you know super minted out uh you know and you had to rush they're still
minting i've been sending them out to chat some
folks are like dude they're minting out super slow i'm like yeah they are
um so this isn't going to be like a for sure hundred x right but
for what it's worth i like the art mentioned them yesterday three thousand
three hundred and thirty three supply i minted another three well actually
another five today but it's three per wallet
so i'm up to 10 and the alpha is uh that they're going to be gifting uh
one to one they're going to be gifting a generative art version
of each mint to each mentor so if you minted five you're going to be getting
a generative art five generative art versions of your art
and people are already fucking with art uh and they showed a preview of the
generative version and they like that too so
um i know a couple folks in the tda chat picked up a couple so
that's the update uh oh and then the last thing is not only
you're going to get one to one two your mints
but obviously we're only at about just hit 50 percent minted out
they confirmed since yesterday since before we were even 25 percent minted
out that whatever doesn't get minted is going to be airdrop to holders
um so not only are you going to get a one to one to your mint but they confirmed
now that uh you're going to get an extra mint
for every two that you mint um so if you mint one you can get up to
three but you're going to be guaranteed an extra generative art piece
um and then possibly actually more because after they give
one to every person to every pair of two they're going to raffle off the rest so
sorry if that was kind of all over the place the punch line is punks or excuse
me conks is minting right now it's like basquiat
inspired uh punks and it's kind of cool still
minting going super slow and it's 39 uh say 39
say mint price which is like 35 bucks always keeping us updated appreciate
your gamble even if you're chilling your bag appreciate it i'm sorry
it's like i got 10 but to buy these motherfuckers now i'm just fucking with you bro
hey you're keeping us updated everything say and like you've called
stuff that you hadn't had bags on that two
to three x so i do appreciate you coming up and keeping this up and for him bro
i still i'm still i'm still on team i and jake my guy
still on team i and jake well good man we're stronger together with you over
there i'm over here we'll figure it out but uh but i'm also i'm chilling stuff
that i i ain't even bought yet too man i know i was chilling dobs up here
forever and i finally i was saying bro i was just saying i just gave you shit on
that one but i was like the majority of the time you go up here you don't even
have skin in the game with avenues good so
like i said i appreciate you coming up and informing the space on it
i and j is like an ethereum salon i had a baby
that's what it is baby it's fast it's it's it's it's fierce it doesn't get it
started so i don't know there's not any
influencers talking about it i don't think that's why people are not just
into it but i think that'll change um let's go to swag
and then i got some updates on some tokens and we'll get into some alpha so
what up swaggy yo what's good yo shout out gambler's
bags to be honest i uh i swept a flare this morning because
i still was like just waiting sitting around looking at the flares by far
the needed one and so i sniped one that was on the floor
and then i go to i wanted to go pull like the high res image of it so i go to
or dot i o but the transaction hadn't confirmed yet
and i was lucky enough to see that it had previously belonged to gambler so
shout out gambler shout out that far piece that i was able
to scoop uh i love you i love you i love you i
love you gambler love you swag um so i got into
athena uh on monday and they made some changes
to uh the apy um and some people are not happy with it
but some people are like all right like now you made this decentralized
protocol now gary ginsler's coming after your ass
well just keep it keep guys updated so core team has decided to reduce the s
the sude yield paid for this week from 44 yield and reduced it to 15 apy
doing so uh this is from the i guess the lead guy behind it doing so in order to
ensure we are rolling out the product in a safe secure way
with the considerations for the broader second order impacts of the market
appreciate y'all excitement these first few days of launch
i have some exciting integrations out of next week
um so that happened um some people are pretty concerned
he says um adam cochran said not only is this an insane
spread but to apply it retro actually not only breaks trust
but takes away from the argument of being a pro-matic
pro-maticable protocol you've now created a centralized product where
you'll be made to express financial decisions on
behalf of users stupidly handing gary a win so
a lot of people are saying like now you got you're gonna get gary on your ass
with this shit and i think with the whole stable coin
and earning yields on an asset that like this like that's been a no-no forever
um like even two percent on i think you know coinbase got taken away
uh so stable coins in general holding getting yield is actually competition to
the dollar and the government doesn't want you
choosing these stable coins instead of putting your money in the bank right so
i think regardless if this was centralized i think there are some pain
points with this but this is not like a long-term play for me
i'm just this is something that i'm taking advantage of being early
they're supposedly going to be air dropped by may i'm just trying to
collect these shards as quick as possible and uh and then get
out um before all the the regulation comes in on this one
so not i mean 44 was great i woke up this
morning i had over 2 000 shards just fucking nice really fucking nice
um but i don't know how much shards i think shards are like
fractions of a cent at this point but the more and more we get into it i think
you'll start seeing that more and more people be bullish on this so
but that was interesting um and then obviously yesterday
um zai we're talking about this about the post two weeks ago holiday
how their staking is giving them um they took inspiration from celestia
and 15 hours ago uh zai staking b1 goes live next week b2 will go live in
march learn more about the unique innovations
nature of zai staking below so basically my understanding is you know
this is zai is a layer 3 built on top of arbitrum
they're taking inspiration from celestia so you stake zai any games that get
built on top of zai you're going to get air drop that gaming token so it's kind
of like the gaming version of celestia people build on top of zai and you get
tokens for that so but those i'm definitely going to stake
all right man i should have bought fucking two weeks ago now i'm just
looking at him like i need a retrace i want now i'm in chief's position like i
need goblin town and this is like a dollar 20 when like
just last week it was at like 70 cents and i was like man i keep buying but
the crazy thing with zai is i i don't think a lot of people think it's a
gaming token actually think they think it's a crypto
ai token because isn't like elon musk's uh
new uh ai artificial intelligent arm isn't it called xai too so i think
people are like correlating zai with this
xai thing elon musk is doing too so it has the best of both worlds it has ai
and gaming can't beat it right just similar to render render has
everything it does computing rendering it's gaming
this decentralized storage it's like it's like
four narratives in one i think render is probably like if you're trying to get
there's like i don't want to be overexposed all these there's i think
render like any narrative that pumps in gaming or
like ai or metaverse you got to pretty much
a grasp on all three narratives by holding renders so i think renders are
safe play for you guys but uh what's up bongo it's good bro
gmgn espresso um a few things that i'm seeing in the btc side of things
chief i think you got a uh bangers one-on-one
and uh gordon goner he just post his so that's fucking
super bullish um didn't expect that one but uh high for that
and then uh we have paris minting a minting a collection today on bitcoin
it's called a super verified julia i believe sorry i'm saying julia
julia in spanish and then um we got the we we got the uh
the bonis by bitcoin burials um i asked their team and i think they
they're gonna have a runes token to whoever is interested in that
and the all found that is to pair a boni which is the pfp with the bitcoin
burials that's everything and uh on my end
anything else you're looking at this weekend anything else i'm looking at
this weekend not really uh i'm hit down in in bitcoin
i'm not catching any of the sheet coins in solana you have to be deep into the
sheet coining in order to get those um if it's just not my lane so bitcoin
it's uh it's actually pretty quiet i mean
there's a few things that have been pumping i'm waiting for the
quantum cat spawn i think it will happen sooner than later
the sooner notements go the higher quantum cats will go that's my thesis
yeah i was talking to chief about this yesterday of like it seems like a lot of
the stuff that's came out recently is like these are people that inscribed
last year and it's like early inscriptions
and now that we're kind of out of that and everybody's kind of like put that
out um like what's next and like i was trying to think of like what would be
next actually don't think that ordinals are
going to do that well i think the next kind of leg up is actually runes which
is less than 60 days so yeah like what is like the narrative
now that we got early inscriptions out of the way
now it's like turning into like what zk is doing is trying to get the rarest
sat so we're going back to like this imaginative thing that we try to
value sats based off like oh they're early are they're epic and
shit like i actually think the mathematical ones makes sense but the
ones that we kind of force like pizza stats like i don't think that's
something that will like bring ordinals back personally we we
still have uh ink and we have one force and we have
me can which is a new one which is kind of like
anime related as well only force not one force
thank you only force i'm minting that um we got uh ink and milk
me can i believe it is it's the name so we still have a few means
on ordinals funny enough that those three are kind of like
anime inspired pfps so we'll see how those um
how's how those perform what do you think on those three i mean like
i know that ink is is the i don't know the hype flavor of the month or or of
the town i mean i like the artwork on ink i just
think it's it's too highly detailed and so we've seen artwork like this before
just from from ethan my opinion when it comes
down to pfps that it just becomes really hard to truly
identify who's who just due to the fact of
it looks so similar or just the fine lines in my opinion
that's why you get that cute meta that pops so hard like it does
um mccon i haven't seen any or me can i haven't seen any of the
of the sneaks right besides the one that they posted
the only one actually looks good in terms of just size
of the collection right um the sneaks look pretty good as well
front-facing oni but size wise i mean 333
sounds a little bit better than 10k in my opinion so i don't know if i was to
make my bets i'd probably pay uh place a little bit more on oni
just having a community aspect to it even though ink seems to be the more
hyped and talked about one i just think on the timeline or for the
actual art aspect or pfp uh element of it it's a little bit
hard um go ahead well mccon is actually showing a lot of
potential out of the gate um good marketing you know they're
getting the influencers posting um that they are in the in the in the in
the group so they got the cabal on board already ink so there's two
collections within ink there's a one-of-one collection which
has a bunch of details and and we have seen it it's basically
honoraries and then there's a generative collection
and i think the generative collection will be more simple
i honestly personally have a i have some cope
towards the team because uh because uh they came out of the gate
super humble and as soon as they catch some momentum some hype
they became this uh premium project that uh
it's super what's the word here well it's hard to get in content with
them it's hard to talk to them they are in their sphere i agree i feel you bro
you know you don't what's understood don't have to be explained it's like
when they realized that they were actually the cool kids on the block or
they had potential to be right it's just it got to their head and
it's cool i mean it happens to the best of us it's more of a human error rather
than just you know something to do with the project right
just raw it's in kind of human nature in a sense but
and i don't wait the the thing that that i see
and it's it's kind of like a trend it's not them
it's like people in the ecosystem that find these type of projects like send
them to the top and then dump them it's a it's a dangerous game to be
playing so and it's a 10k collection we don't know the mean price yet so we'll
see yeah that's my thing too dude you mean
you never know who's toes you're stepping on
that could be connected to the foot that's in your ass in the future you
know what i'm saying so i cannot man we gotta get clipped this
shit bro you got i swear do you come out with some
fucking bangers and like these should be tweets bro like
bongo says like you guys you gotta bongo so you got a lot of pieces you
should write these down you need bangers like your analogies on
shit are fucking bangers and we need to clip them or you need to
tweet them because they're fucking hilarious bro
like your foot in your ass i can't even say i can't even fucking
man that was good that that's chief not bongo
i know but bongo you remember you're telling me like you need to write more
on twitter you have a lot of pieces in the spaces
that should be written down chief is the same like he rarely tweets but the
things he says on faces would be banger tweets
i'm saying you get a lot more engagement with that one um
but i picked up the minutes because you can't be a hater on audio bro
you know i'm saying and since i don't have really good temper
um so i avoid issues because i just am not a tweeter you know because
and then well now this now the clip feature is uh
available for everybody so i'm sure we're probably gonna get clipped a lot
more and i think that would be those would be if anybody's listening
you guys need to clip uh chief's analogies they're like some of the best
at the space bro i got i got the alpha for you real quick
and this is a super power go to the timeline
drop your tweet and never look at it don't look at the comments do not reply
just put it out there bongo you think i give a fuck about people
you think you think i care about engagement bro i don't tweet because a
hater might sit here and go to my account and hit the report
button you can't report shit if i don't tweet shit
and i'm petty i will you know we will handle this because we will identify why
you are a hater in in person you know we're just gonna
have you admit it's nothing major bro it's just you're gonna
own being a dickhead and and that's it we'll go about our day you're like yeah
i'm a dickhead i reported you what's up i'll be like nothing i'm glad you
owned up and you're a dickhead and you know you're intimidated by people on
the internet like speaks about you all right go ahead
steven let's get let's get to the mid-schedule and
ask steven if any if he likes the nitty so we have gallery
of furtua the builder's dial we have crypto
punks at enmity paris etzer latos tiny crazy dreams
pudgy penguins europe eighth project 6529 the frame society
exhibition paris julio pogdeen.eth trails and stogel
smackskin glitch garden this seems a lot of
a lot of art so that's why i want to throw it to steven steven fucking
anything on here that we need to be concentrated on
there are definitely a few that i would concentrate on um i think they'd super
Julio world is a definite opportunity um everything that i've been hearing have
been kind of following the press tour so to speak
and um everything seems to be in line there
my only i don't even want to call it a concern it's like my only one thing is
like it would almost be a piece of advice
to um to Paris and the team is like make sure that you don't
over roadmap share because like that was the one concern that i had yesterday
because it's like you know we've seen this before right where like all of a
sudden like the whole road maps out there and like all the hype just kind of
leaks out unfortunately so i mean look i think that
they've got plenty of things that they aren't disclosing that
make it still very exciting but that was like a little bit of like almost like if
i was on the pitch i'd give him a yellow card like hey
calm your shit down um but in terms of other stuff on the
mint schedule for today um i was gonna definitely bring up
where'd it go uh glitch garden from um spogle
masculine they are um i believe they're
exhibiting that as part of something the verse is involved with in paris right
now um so that may be worth watching seeing
how the the ranked auction goes there um but
besides that for today that really kind of is the one big
mint i mean i i do want to point out from yesterday like we spoke about it on
the show that monument by kiero goleed which i
told you guys earlier in the week collectors had the opportunity to acquire
a piece for 333 they only had 90 allocated to them only
80 of them sold the remaining 92 went to auction yesterday
for the public and the the ranked auction went up to
1200 each so they immediately started running the
people that are the real winners there are the actual
collectors the people that were holders that minted for 30
for 333 bucks because now on secondary the mint the price to get one of these
on secondary is up over 2300 bucks so
it's really clear that like the big time winner is the collector
and the alpha to take away from that is you want to be a fucking collector
don't sit on the sidelines for too long because the biggest opportunities
are coming to long-term collectors of these artists
so just be aware of that that's one thing worth noting
also i believe it's still open there's a new book put out by taskin
called on nfts which is a historical survey of the space by robert alice
there's additions involved with that so you can buy a collector's edition of the
book get it in a steel case effectively and
then have an opportunity based on which which
edition of it you buy to get into an addition piece
that's like one of 100 for murphy gannadall timetra churniac sophia
crespo and osinachi just worth keeping that on your radar too
um much besides that my focus is kind of shifting to next week for mints and art
but the really cool thing i do want to make sure everybody's aware of too is
you've got brand new auctions up at sotheby's
so it's not a mint but it's an opportunity it's an opportunity
nonetheless the estimate on des lucras' piece
which is the genesis number one bitmon for the upcoming bitmon collection
went to auction there in their hong kong contemporary discoveries auction
and the current bid on that is thirty eight thousand three hundred and
forty three dollars which is nearly three times the upper limit on the
estimate which is wild to me it just kind of goes to show
that like that collection is going to be crazy
and then pizza ninja number one um big shout out to to and to
boozy the pizza ninja number one is now at auction
in the bitcoin ordinal sat hunting auction which is huge
um i love that we're seeing more of these number one minted pieces
go into auction and i would suspect that if the bitmon is running
the pizza ninja number one is going to run too and i think they both are
no reserve i know pizza ninja number one is no reserve but
yeah i'll take another look around the market maybe have some something more
for you by the end of the show yeah hopefully we get a supplement by the
end of the show where we can all make a thousand dollars do you do you have any
info on the bitmon like uh supply and stuff like that
so des is notoriously a tease so we're not going to get jack
shit from him for probably another week or two
i would imagine like it's going to be a week after this auction closes
is when we're going to actually get mint details um
what we do know in terms of supply is that it's going to be less
than the number of mint passes that are out there for the pursuit with caution
series um because not everybody that owns one
of those mint passes is going to be able to get one
but that's like the easiest way into this collection if that makes sense
so it's gonna be less than 400 for sure
oh that's interesting i was expecting at least a couple k
doc is like the the way they're doing is like they've got this one at auction
i think there's a couple others that he was retaining for
other outside purposes and then the main way outside of just raffle
was going to be redeeming one of the mint passes
that you could get from burning an entire
uh an entire set of proceed with caution nfts
so essentially they're up to i think was like 360 or something like that
last time i checked and he's he made it really clear that
this is not going to be a collection that's going to be like
uh more than whatever the population is on that
series right now
cool appreciate it steeda you guys heard of this
i bet you guys heard of this trash room coin thing
can we talk about this i think miyagi was bringing it up for a while or
kind of following it is it the one where you send all your
dud yeah and there's uh so um it's it's hard capped at 20 000
ordinals you can send any inscription include
tech space um you can watch they have like an
like mempool you can see i think i checked it this morning it was around
18 000 so i think there's about 2 000 slots left
where you can basically send your inscriptions to
and burn them i guess for room coins i just have some
posts up here on that are from it so this is
four days ago from so this is over just obviously the numbers are different
over 37 inscriptions have already been traded in trade-in window remains open
because many users were not aware that they
could trade in text inscriptions if you have any used or invalid brc20
bitmap inscriptions or any other dot txt inscriptions that you want to
get rid of there are still time to trade them in
inscriptions to this address and then the next one from them was
saying that they're 75 complete over 15 000 inscriptions have already
been traded in and then the last one is from a guy
showing you how to save some gas so if you do this send
your inscriptions with a unisat wallet and extract as much stats as possible
when you trade it in enter the recipient choose custom
and enter 330 this inscription is in the ss
has 10k stats i will keep nine hundred and nine thousand six hundred and
seventy stats in my wallet um so just kind of people are just
trying to show you how to recycle if you don't like it recycle it you can now
trade in any inscription that you do not like it does not matter if it's
valid and valid you have already 1600 inscriptions so you're just commenting
on that one so you have any kind of like things you
want to get rid of um would you would you duplicate duplicate
bitmaps could you send here yeah you can send that but it's like
so one of the things that i guess i want to break down i'm like in a sense
he's he's a penny let's just say simplest form he's a penny collector
and he's like hey give me all your pennies that you don't want
and you know i'm gonna save him and i'm gonna make a dollar on my end right
but he's giving out a room so in reality would you just give your pennies and not
worry about receiving something back because it was the denomination of a
penny or do you not care does that make sense
right because that's essentially what he's doing is worthless if it's worthless
what's it matter if with the chances of possibly giving an allocation to his
rune i don't know it could possibly be more
because i have a bunch of invalid bitmaps if i send it he just gets my
address i think all he really cares is about getting the addresses
and then once he has the address he gets his rune i guess he's going to send
the people that burned the runes so i feel like these are worthless anyways
why not maybe risk it for possibly getting something in return
no you're right and that's why my question breaks down to
would you care to lose a penny right because in a sense it's one sat
so if you sit here and a million of us send this man burned inscription a
million sats get sent to him and he just sends us a picture of
vaporware are you going to feel fucked up that you
sent him 50 pennies or 50 inscriptions that are
worth essentially only one satoshi each would you i wouldn't personally i
wouldn't feel and that's i mean i guess i wouldn't either but
that's also i mean to a certain extent in finance
the credit card companies do this right and they actually make billions because
they play off of volume um so credit cards will actually change
your interest rate um way further down the line right it
says let's just say 27.99 but it's 27.999996612
and then next month it'll be 27.9988888
right and you see no difference i see no difference it's literally
a fraction of a penny but in the volume of 30 billion
a hundred billion people transacting that ends up being a lot of fucking
money for those a couple decimal places right
so that's just my question is ultimately at the end of the day
you're handing over something that has a baseline value of one satoshi
because the whatever you put on top of it is invalid or is worthless
so would you feel fucked if you lost that one penny
and the guy was like oh it was actually nothing you you gave me a penny and i
give you happiness or whatever a high five and if you
won't then yeah i think this is i mean there's nothing to risk right and
everything to gain it's just also i just want to you
know identify exactly what it is and if you'd feel fucked up or not because
i think i kind of would i'd rather keep all my pennies you know
but then again it's like you don't even get pennies from i mean we
what would we say like how many how many times have we sent
money aimlessly to poly or bin dot eth or hge
and there's a lot more money than this expecting something in return and every
time it turned out to be a profitable trade
and this one's a lot lower risk and like to be completely honest is that eighteen
thousand i learned about this this morning
and one of the inform you i doubt that i get home in time to actually participate
in this so each their own you guys can go figure it
out for yourself if you want to do it but i think it's probably risk through
award it pays itself off just by the fact that if you do get some of these
runes um you know probably more than one one
cent or five cents or a dollar so that's kind of i just saw it as an
opportunity right miyagi did you talk about this before
because miyagi even here he's here all right yeah we can't hear you bro you
went unmuted but we can't actually hear you so
you might have to reconnect miyagi i'll remove him
he's becoming a mute but we'll throw out the trill what up trill what's up my
guy oh gm what's up guys
that much man you broke you i mean you posted a your article yesterday about
the top five projects you're looking at you want to go into those real quick and
then i'll throw out miyagi yeah sounds good let me post it to the top
i was not letting me post it but yeah i'll post it to the top right now but
um yeah if uh that's kind of weird yeah if someone could post it to the
top of me that'd be cool but yeah it essentially
wrote uh at the ready yesterday talking about five of uh upcoming projects we
already talked about one micon um it's gonna be on btc kind of hype um
they really launched this week and already has four thousand followers i
think the cool thing about it is they say they're gonna be the first all
female anime collection um which which could be interesting there
um the other one that we i talked about yesterday professional djm5
this is gonna be a free collection by osf um the founder of rec guy but
essentially just holding a rec guy a djm's code one of his osf open
editions um will pretty much get you a spot
so some of those go as low as like 0.03 right now
um and and most of those are though um low supply collections so
i think there's a there's a bigger reward there and pretty low risk since
it's a free man um another one is called petal petal xyz
this is going to be a free man um when frame goes live the frame
mainnet um i know a lot of us did that um that
claim for the airdrop that's coming when that goes live but
essentially this will be a free mint as well five thousand um
and it's like some cool looking like little flower art so
people have been trying to get that white this i would follow that account
and really just try to get it before frame goes live
um that one looks to be good um and then two
last ones rpg on blast um again just going to be trying to throw
in as many blast projects in here too so you guys can be aware of them but this
one looks like a role-playing game uh kind of mixed in with the gamble fly
and they're part of the big bang competition um big bang is i think the
winners get announced today as well so if you are
you know have some money on blast i would pay attention to that announcement
just because the people that do win those from the project side
they'll get the allocation to the airdrop and they'll they'll basically
try to incentivize you to to participate in their protocols and
their platforms whatever it is that they're got going on so
rpg on blast looks good the art looks good um and then the last one
um orcneas um looks kind of cool pretty low
240 followers it looks like some pretty cool orcs
um yeah for some reason i can't pin to the top but
if you go through my thread it's the last one the website looks good the art
looks good there's only 100 on the website so it
looks to be a pretty little supply and they have like a twitter raffle so if
you connect your twitter um you can be entered into a raffle to
see if you can possibly mint these but yeah not sure if
either you guys saw these already but that are look pretty cool
um the orcs are these killer whales no they're called orcneas so it's like
orcs like monster orcs like lord of the rings type shit
um and they only have one preview up here but like when you go into the
website like they have like all 100 of them on there
and yeah the art looks pretty killer i would say um
but yeah not too sure if you guys have heard about it yet
i haven't connected my what connected my twitter it also asks you to connect your
wallet like your xverse wallet to register so i
haven't really done it um but probably do it off a burner see
see if um see if anything happens actually i thank you for making these
threads and i pinned something up top um this guy
um did a thread and it's just we're just trying to get you guys
up to speed and and knowledgeable on what's launching
blast and i'm going underneath the tree so let me uh park here
um but he has a list of a bunch of projects in here so i thought it was a
good resource to get you guys up to uh up the
bat they got daps they got dexxus thruster sax blaster
and they have all the twitter handles linked to it so if you guys want to go
through these and do some more research this is a great resource
i mean there's a ton here he has trading bots games social phi
gamble phi nfts launch pads memes nft phi inscriptions and then his
personal bets so if you are trying to get up to date
everything blast this thread does a great job and links all to twitter so
you can do some more research on it so but yeah yeah that blast stuff um that's
a good one uh one thing that you know you kind of
went through the list but the testnet is live
and a lot of these projects already are on the testnet we can kind of participate
like mint one of the nfts if it's nft project or kind of just
interact with the protocol so again if you are trying to be
active on blast like just add the testnet to your wallet and kind of go
through some of these i think that this thread that x just posted up um kind of
walks you through how to do that so uh yeah i would also recommend you do that
because even even though they're still in testing it
has to go live like you could still already kind of interact with these and
and kind of get out of the game in terms of
those uh those airdrop allocations that each one of these projects might get
yeah this is gonna be huge a lot of people i know are super bullish on this
and one project that i am super bullish on that i keep talking about over and
over again but there's just more updates every fucking day yesterday we had eigen
layer uh get a hundred million dollars in
funding well today they partnered with this
company called ritual and they partner uh to infuse AI
capabilities with decentralized applications so these motherfuckers are
going to be building dApps on top of eigen layer so you would imagine
that you're probably going to get airdropped these tokens for staking
eigen layer but here's the article eigen layer the leading restaking protocol on
ethereum has partnered with ritual a community-owned
AI network to develop AI powered decentralized applications the
collaboration aims to introduce ethereum level restaking security on the ritual
network enabling AI capabilities and dApps like smart agents
AI driven DeFi applications and an autonomous media generation
eigen layers founder uh serene kahan highlights that
potential of crypto economics AI powered co-processors and
enabling blockchain functionality driven
economic incentives rituals first product infernet facilitates cost
efficient access to AI models for smart contracts the integration will
introduce actively validated services to power rituals infrastructure
utilizing GPU capability eigen layers restaking for
decentralized inference and fine tuning of its on-chain economy
the partnerships responds to an increased interest in AI crypto
solutions fueled by ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin's
endorsement of AI assisted formula verification for smart
contract auditing rituals co-founder Nari Pant
participates more efficiently AI enabled dApps through this integration
level ethereum security and capital the AI crypto sector has experienced
significant growth uh due to the robust earnings of
nvidia i went to the ritual website and see who the team is behind man they're
pretty fucking stacked uh narel pat is gp and polychain
research decentralized system labs and cs
you have a kish potty partner and polychain ml
um hft quant trading goldman sachs ml research mit cornell
they got this name anna she's mev research and paradigm trading at
polychain you have evan eva a founder of socket
apple google ml research stanford math and
and uh we have the guy named nail a founding team
mentor partner accomplice junior partner of dragonfly
and ox emperor multi-dimensional researcher nlp and ml crypto research so
this is pretty big news especially with the narrative of AI heating up
so if you and then we got the and the best thing about this is like
none of you guys can get exposure because the caps are locked so this is
just going to continue to drive up the pre-market price of eigenlayer
the fact that now they're building these AI apps and dApps on top of it and
just like celesia they're going to reward the stakers with these tokens
when they're launched based off like them using um the staking power that
eigenlayer provides so pretty big news straight up pretty big
news and eigenlayer continues to roll dub after dub after dub after dub
and uh that's why i think this is probably the biggest airdrop for 2024
is eigenlayer and that's why i've been bullish before everybody else is bullish
on this so yeah just just more bullish news on
this and it's pretty big we can just we've been hunting we've been
wanting AI tokens what better place to get fucking airdropped this fucking
narrative than staking eigenlayer so it's gonna be a fucking money printer
go ahead shill hey espresso um i didn't know if you've been messing
or have even dove into mode network yet um but yesterday they hit 100 million
in tvl locked and they're currently on test net and
they're doing a dev drop um starting today for developers
i did not get on that one um i've been kind of sticking to
a few other test nets i've been on fuel network
um and i i got on athena which is not really a test net but uh
fuel network had an update um saying that their
their main uh net goes live in q2 of this year that's one that is i'm
bullish on because it's the same team uh behind celestia so when they're
testing out celestia they had a they built their own execution
uh layer and i guess this is fuel network so
field network basically main net 2024 three years ago fuel redefined the roll
up landscape with fuel v1 the first optimistic roll
up on ethereum today we unveil the roll up os a modular vision for roll up
technology that will shape the future of blockchain development so
this is the one i've been farming this fuel network based off like the team
behind it and i think that's going to be a pretty
lucrative one also but i need to get in some other ones and
if you have any like threads or any kind of information on this one i mean feel
free to pin it up top the more information the better for the
community everybody can pick and choose what they want to get on
you know i'm saying so if you have any information on that chill feel free to
pin it up top my guy yeah no doubt and um yeah i'll definitely
post it up top i think it it went live like uh three weeks ago so
it is it is kind of new like i said yesterday they hit the 100
million tv a lot so like once it gets there i feel a little bit
more comfortable like deploying some funds on it you know
what i mean i'm not going to go crazy obviously
but um i've definitely been messing with the kim exchange on there etc but
yeah i'll find something up in it up top if you want to check it out
yeah i appreciate it appreciate it you guys know there's a twitter called nancy
pelosi stock tracker pretty funny and they were tracking
nancy pelosi's trade on nvidia pelosi has now made 10 years worth of
salary through her nvidia trade she's up one million eight hundred dollars in the
last 92 days her yearly salary is 175k that's a 10x
i mean i think i'm pretty smart to follow this one i'm going to do that
right now because we got to follow uh the best
trader in the world right like she doesn't miss and she hits on
everything so i think we need to like copy trade nancy pelosi
so yesterday we talked about reddit's big news about
taking a little bit of inspiration from web 3
to go an ipo route so pinned up top um camel showed i guess what it looks like
when you receive you know if you've been a redditor for a while
ultimately take this with a grain of salt but looks pretty legit right
and to also coincide with the news yesterday so
you're invited to a special program that lets redditors purchase stock at the
same price as institutional investors when we ipo details about eligibility
and the next step to follow uh then this email has all the info we
can provide now due to legal restrictions
as you as you have heard reddit has taken steps towards becoming a publicly
traded company with an ipo uh filing our registration
statement within the united states in the sec
on february 22nd 2024 yes it's happening and because you've
helped to make reddit what it is today you now have the opportunity to become a
reddit owner at the same prices as institutional investors so basically
you know the idea that we've seen here in web 3
i mean it's the idea that we all came in here
for and yet there's only like two or three instances
of this being something right which i think is pawns
and you know rec guy and that rec capital are the only two that actually
gave out equity for helping quote unquote build out of
the brand and the company but yeah dude reddit
hitting people up so check your emails if you're a big redditor and if you are
i'd love to hear from you too just to kind of confirm and double down on
that the the screenshot that we saw and just if you're getting any other kind of
word and news you know and just to track it
see how it is to be a part of an ipo through reddit and just
the first of its kind on that side so yeah man
be on the lookout i was never big on reddit so
did you see there they put aetherium and bitcoin in their treasury
that was pretty bullish yeah dude and they've been i mean
they've been slowly i'm not going to say poaching but they've been slowly dabbling
with all the artists from nft's digital artifacts you know you've
had them do that the little the what is it called
yeah the reddit avatar yeah what is it hobs the Tyler Hobbs pieces and stuff
like that yeah there's a bunch of different i'm
just trying to remember what that little character is called the snoo or the
schmoo or some shit like that um yeah they had Tyler Hobbs they've
had nine cat they've had a bunch of drops yeah they had a bunch of artists
go over there and do it so i mean it wouldn't
surprise me right that this is the route that they're going
go ahead show hey bro i posted up top from the um
yeah i posted up top from the mode network uh twitter page
there is supposed to be like seven total airdrops coming and it looks like maybe
starting april um but like i said it's i said
100 million tvl so don't go crazy on it but
you know don't connect your main account but it might be worth throwing a little
bit of funds at it or even trying to do some of the test net
stuff like i said there's a huge developer
drop coming so i know there's a lot of people in the space that are actually
building shit so you might want to check that out might
be some free money for you so yesterday appreciate that show um
pinned up something to the top for you guys to check out and i think it's
definitely as we start seeing these competitions
come to a close um to really identify who could be potential winners in this
next cycle so announcing the second wave of 2024
base builder grants uh farcaster is the on there as the
first one to to receive the grant uh you got the
speed tracer game i know that we talked about that one x
remember the one where you just made the map and you trace it with your finger
and you could mint that on base so they actually got approved as well
um you got ducky city on it's an on-chain farming game
you got the tiny frogs uh you got an on-chain payment wallet for citizens
wallet um you have an event management tool
from the show up protocol uh you have some dev tools
and yeah dude uh some kind of building blocks to establish
one-of-one art so i guess some type of generative engine that's going to be
built but i would just keep an eye out same thing
the blast builders grant winners or or the blast competition the builder
uh list is going to come out and that's just something that you need to see where
the money is and who's being approved and who won because
those are going to be the ones that are going to come to market
probably a little bit quicker right or have the incentive to keep going and
keep performing so i'm just keeping an eye on on base as base is kind of new as
well it was the hot you know flavor of the
month for probably about six months ago but
even though friend tech's gone and all that kind of stuff's gone i mean the
chain's still there still backed by coinbase
right i don't think the chain itself is going anywhere so i just keep an eye out
what up gm bm you guys hear me yeah put up on me
what up yeah i achieved i kind of want to chime a little bit on the base thing
because i've i've been taking advantage of minting every free nft i can if you
go on like the you know the coinbase defy wallet
you'll see those options there and if you'll have those quests where you can
like earn five bucks earn 15 bucks instead of just you know cashing that
out and turn that right into like the native
token and then you can you use that native token to make like
15 to 20 more then you just keep that base in your wallet and you're able to
mint all these free nfts and some of them actually run
so um definitely something to keep an eye on because they have bases not going
anywhere but um yeah i i haven't really been up here to
talk much but there's kind of one just kind of give you guys one down i heard
you guys talk about test nets um it's kind of gotten some updates on
this helium mining ship which i've just i've
taken it to another level and i'm actually pretty excited about it so
i kind of like to share about that and do gaming i know i've never been a big
gamer i'm not but i've really gotten into it um
gotten involved in a couple of projects and i'm actually going to buy a
pc today to start playing these games because my mac book is not cutting it so
um yeah if you guys have any tips on what to buy as far as a gaming pc
throw that my way because i'm gonna go do that today but um
but yeah um yeah you get good to hear if you guys get
to be up here and what up am i fucking rugging no you're good
bro are you gonna go into what you're gonna talk about on the
helium or yeah yeah yeah so um i well i've kind of
described a little bit about what i'm doing with the cannabis industry and
so i've set up a network on a premium i've gotten four
on board now and that's quick quickly growing because now they see
what you know blockchain can do for them
so they've kind of just taken off and wrote the words getting
words getting out you know my my emails my texts are blowing up you know
for more clients that want to get on board but a lot of them do deliveries
as well so i mean just that aspect so we're putting like
a base um hot spot at their location and they have delivery drivers that are
using you know the phones to you know develop
mobile and um it was kind of my idea it's well i don't want to
wait for blockchain to come to industry it's like i'm gonna
find ways to bring blockchain to them you know show ways that how blockchain
can help them so this is this is a way and i've
totally just hit the ground running with this i
didn't really expect this much response this quick but
that they're loving it i mean they're loving the whole aspect of you know not
having to pay security guards to you know how is their
cash that was like the main thing that opened their eyes to this whole thing
because it's tough in the industry not being
able to put your cash in banks you know having to you know guard safeguard your
your cash is just it's exhausting it's not you know
it's not built for longevity for anything
so that was how i got in the door then this whole helium thing just about the
light bulb went off so i've contacted them i got a little
you know program worked out with them so that's nice
but yeah i'm just i do see an opportunity in this i don't think helium's
going anywhere i was lucky enough to be an
early early helium miner that's kind of what got me in
this whole mess bv and helium mining so um knowing you know having that early
knowledge with helium yes it was probably most like lucky
but i do see a lot of potential in this i see what they're doing with the
internet and the phone service what kind of with the people's network i
don't think that's going anywhere so we are still obviously very early so i'm
taking advantage of that early opportunity to establish the network
with helium and you guys should should really be doing that as well i'm in
california the west coast and i'm developing a solid network now but what
helium is doing is they're kind of experimenting they're
experimenting all the networks they're kind of seeing
where they want to put their networks so if you are
a really good early provider for them they're contacting you and they're
going to work with you moving forward so i i would just recommend there's so
many so many ways to make money and not have to invest
which you know being someone that has started businesses
that's a that's a massive plus not having really invested massive money to
to start your own company fuck dude that's where it's at
so i'm just taking advantage of every opportunity i can when it comes to that
kind of stuff um yeah dude and and the whole the
gaming aspect the whole nft aspect too i've really got an idea of what nfts i
want to hold because really utility to me is not price
go up that's like the last thing to me utility is like what the
the nft provides you once you have it so um
yeah i've i definitely have an idea of what i want to keep moving forward
you know and yeah man this whole thing with oh another thing i wanted with a
test net and so i'm just jumping back and forth
here but one test net i really suggest anyone
should look into is called ordinals hive it's a it's a bitcoin test net
network um right now it's like kind of like
whitelist only but you know you know engage with them
interact with them and they'll most likely let you in the test net but it's
really really cool um there's that and there's also whirl
it's um w h r l i've been hitting that hard as well so
that's like a token where it's completely 100 dispersed through
miners i don't know how the tokenomics and
that's going to work but i'm trying it and of course barry chain
so i'm doing those those three hard so how do we feel about ordinals hive
tv pretty much said like yo what the fuck yeah i was about to say ordinals
hive came and talked to us i mean like they have a good idea but
they're they're i don't know dude it's it's everyone trying to do everything
and then when you're like you're trying to be an all-in-one they're like no i'm
not and then you're like okay cool then i don't understand what you are
trying to be because their idea is to be a marketplace
and i mean the idea that you i mean to me
the no tool you give me will take me away from where liquidity is like i
don't care how fast i can see um the money coming in if i don't have
access to that money like what good is the tool for me
you know what i'm saying so that's just the the disconnect
of creating tools but having it being locked to
your specific marketplace in a sense makes no sense
right because it's either your marketplace or your tool it's either you
want to facilitate one thing or you want to control the other
i don't know right no for sure i mean that's all
to me that's the whole beauty of these test nets because there's no there's no
better way to learn and test and try something
than to actually test it and feel it so i just i love what we're doing with the
whole test net thing because i'm not really a person that you can go like
open a book and read and research thing i'm a person that likes to feel things
for myself so i mean that that's a great point but
yeah that's just something i've just been looking into because it's something
that's actually the only test that i'm interacting with on bitcoin so
that's why i've kind of chose that and kind of just just see what it can offer
so anybody that creates the tool that can
make us snipe the mempool quicker that's the only tool that i need for
bitcoin don't talk to me for sure tell me bye bro
did you guys go one more thing so i've been kind of doing things kind
of fast and chief kind of got my ass for just i
need to slow down but i've been sending ordinals
and bitcoin to the wrong freaking addresses and
thank god i've had miyagi and chiefs are like bitcoin hounds that have guided me
through this whole process so i've sent bitcoin to my
ordinals address and i sent an ordinals to my bitcoin address and i was able to
get both of them back so that's pretty badass because no
other chain i can i can fuck up and and it can be recovered so
i'm actually really excited about that so so twice
this bonehead i've sent bitcoin to a wallet
normal address and so yesterday was kind of a weird
situation where it automatically put the money back in my account and
unfortunately it cost me a um an epic sat because i have a ton
of my stats in my unisat so it automatically sent the sat
i don't know why but it automatically sent no excuse me it automatically sent
the bitcoin back to my bitcoin address
by itself i don't know why or how it did it
but it cost me a rare spot so um yeah i just kind of left it out there
i i'm done with unisat like i'm pulling just flat down with that what that was
i'm tired of just there's too many complications with
unisat so i'm like just literally taking all my
stuff off there and i just yeah i was wondering how you've been sending it
because in x first they basically lay it out that your address says ordinals
and then the bitcoin says bitcoin so i was like it's pretty hard to fuck that
up but then you said you're on unisat which
is understandable so yeah yeah unfortunately we started on unisat
and i just i've stepped with it because i have so much on there but i'm
personally i mean unisat's backed by binance i mean they still have those
points i would imagine you probably they reward holders so maybe that lost
money will be repaid back in like the fact that you used the wallet
longer than everybody else um and i see if you pin something up
but i saw this morning it looks like avax
i was not producing any blocks for at least an hour this was posted
four hours ago at 6 54 a.m central time um it says developers across the
currently investigating a stall in the block
finalization and is preventing blocks from being accepted
in the primary network update will be posted here as the su is investigated but
i mean i just want you guys to have the same kind of bud
when other blockchains go down like you do with salona like we've had
multiple blockchains go down because inscriptions in the past two months and
we just passed by we don't talk about but when salona goes down for
two hours we all fucking talk about it for six hours so so make sure you guys
are on the same page here when other blockchains go down you guys give it the
smoke are we going to give avax a smoke or are we just going to like oh no one
gives a fuck right that's what i thought yeah the four people that are on avax
are super mad right now bro yep so i just want to make sure we're
obviously make sure you guys are just ahead you guys are bunch of hypocrites
it's always fun to put that up there but go ahead trill and then we'll get the
chief's post go ahead trill yeah um shout out to uh adoj etf um when you guys
were talking about mode he just dm'd me um he actually said that the community
for mode is actually an advisor for the plague
so if you do hold a plague and you interact with that test net
or just the network in general with the wallet that holds a plague frog
you actually get a bonus allocation so i just want to drop that in there
i actually didn't know about that and it's not a tweet it was actually
announced within the discord so something uh to just keep in mind if you
if you are doing yeah i was wondering when pods is going to come out and
start leveraging his badass community to get tokens and it looks like mode's one
i guess right yeah and i did see that the the frog
coins started pumping as of last night so
yeah i mean everyone knows about the plague and i think um
there's stuff that's going on around there that i think people should start
paying attention to for sure because i mean they're basically
they kind of have everything that all these other projects that are pumping
recently have uh they're just kind of a little bit
more low-key sure what's up with this rec is this rec
always had a non-alcoholic drink no that's um that's actually pretty
brand new for rec guys when they talk about revenue share is
that kind of where you guys possibly will get some
rewards for like the sales of this drink yeah so
so yeah you gotta get last year towards the end of the year in q4 they started
breaking out the brand so rec guy and then rec drink um
and then rec radio so you know they've always
kind of got revenue through like the the shows and stuff like that and
combining with with rug radio but yeah rec drink just debuted out in
in paris nft paris and it's been doing the rounds and selling out over there
and eventually to launch and and yeah that's
kind of the first uh first phase of us getting revenue
sharing will be through the rec drink so the snapshot for that already happened
sometime in october so i don't think that'll open up anytime
soon in terms like oh if you buy a rec guy right now you'll get
um part of the revenue share so just a note on that but yeah rec drink is the
first product that that will hopefully um make us uh make us a little money on
the side yeah man that's all that i felt easy was
showing it off i was like i haven't seen this like yeah it
it is non-alcoholic it's like a seltzer or whatever but
not out yet like in stores but it should be rolling out soon i think nft and
yc will be the next time they'll preview doesn't ponds have a drink
i think yeah i water whatever it's called yeah i think that was too like
the frog tank um again like the plague has a bunch of
projects underneath them that they've helped launch
through ponds and and the plague but yeah pond water they have like but i
think that was like a beer and they have like three flavors
amongst other things but yeah no all right um chief you've pinned up
something with this what we got here new satoshi nakamoto the
earliest it's no real way to break this down
um it's way too long and you know just viewership and whatnot
i'm gonna go and kind of pick a couple quotes and a couple paragraphs out of
this but just a brief summary if you guys do
want to follow along um satoshi nakamoto's earliest
collaborator marty serious just released their entire
email history at 120 pages it is the most significant addition to the archives
of bitcoin's unknown inventor ever here are the most
important new findings so if you scroll through this
it's literally conversations of allegedly satoshi satoshi and just
this serious guy right or girl going back and forth
and bunch of interesting topics right so just i'm gonna i'm gonna go through
the titles and you can go read the text yourself
so when asked how bitcoin might scale in the future
satoshi theorized that the network would have a maximum of a hundred thousand
nodes here he goes into the calculation the
economics of the network at scale roughly we're at about fifty thousand
nodes that run the software today important to remember this is a little
excerpt from that even if bitcoin caught on at the dotcom
rates of growth it would still take years to become any substantial fraction
of all transactions i believe hardware has recently become strong enough to
handle large scale but there's any doubt about that
bandwidth speed prices this space and computing power
will be much greater when the time when it's needed
so already understanding that you know as we progress mining power is going to
have to progress as well satoshi believe mining would be the
less energy intensive than legacy banking system as a whole
it says ironic having to choose between economic liberty
conservation unfortunately proof of work is the only solution
i found that to make a peer-to-peer e-cash work without a trusted third
party even if it wasn't using it
secondarily as a way to allocate its initial distribution of currency
proof of work is fundamental to coordinating the network and preventing
double spending satoshi described the differences between bitcoin
digi-cash david charms failed e-money satoshi was concerned about the legal
risk in launching bitcoin nothing he was uncomfortable with
explicitly labeling it as an investment here's also we figure out that he didn't
create the term cryptocurrency so a little excerpt it says uh there are a
lot of things that you can say on the sourceforge site that i can't say on my
own site even so i'm uncomfortable with explicitly
saying considered an investment that's a dangerous thing to say and you should
delete that bullet point it's okay if they come to that conclusion on their
own but we can't pitch it to them as that someone came up with the word
cryptocurrency maybe it's a word we should use when describing bitcoin do
you like it in 2009 satoshi was tired and says that
he needs a break from bitcoin here's also him explaining his absence
from his work satoshi discussing how bitcoin might
gain adoption of note of emphasis that bitcoin was easy to obtain
given that you could mine it on a computer very different than how we
think of bitcoin today in june 2010 someone offered to to
donate 2k to satoshi notably he had said that the donor had
ascended to marty's address already known but satoshi was adamant
that early users consider bitcoin free here he is discussing the removal of
transaction fees from the ui and ux of an early software i read this
earlier news just saying that it's encouraging to see uh okay i'm
going to hide the transaction fee setting which is completely not needed
and only serves to confuse people it was only there for testing and
demonstration of technical detail that can only be needed in the future far
away from now if ever but necessary to implement from
the beginning to make it possible for later satoshi worked on bitcoin on
christmas day satoshi saw bitcoin taken away from
the trade of other internet currencies like liberty reserve
liberty reserve was later shut down by the u.s government
satoshi had a mysterious leave of absence from bitcoin in 2010
here is him talking to marty about it and though notably short
on details it was also satoshi who removed the language from bitcoin
that was anonymous from the he said the word made bitcoin sound
shady worth noting given historical revision
around satoshi thought very highly of gavin
anderson and we finally get a copy of satoshi's email
sent from the other developers before taking his name off of the project
website it was satoshi and at
so probably the biggest break in this lore of who is satoshi
is it the feds is it not and probably piecing
the majority of the store together dude i mean i know that we've had these
blanks right in our timeline of oh he vanished for this amount of time or that
right we don't get exactly what he was doing but
you know that he wasn't gone he was in communication with this marty guy
hey i'm not there but i'm doing xyz or i'm busy with this busy with that so
this broke is marty a new character marty's a new character in this
in this uh story right i get yeah i guess not necessarily a new
character but yes it's the earliest collaborator besides how finny is this
marty serious malni so is there emails confirming that
satoshi has sent bitcoin to this person no never that's one of the things that
they always yeah because what do we do with these rare
stats bro we've talked to how finny stats i i think that maybe
there if we get more information maybe we have a new classification of stats
the ones that were sent to this person right we we qualify these how finny
stats these pieces why wouldn't these stats be
considered valuable too because this is sent to this person that was they'll
probably go look for it because in the in the article read you
there's a part where satoshi uh like commends him for making
his first two thousand dollar transaction
so i guarantee you someone's going to go back and look for an early two thousand
dollar transaction and find those stats and call them you know
the serious stats or something like that but this is the biggest development that
we've seen so far um i mean even in the the exchange you
can see very careful right from satoshi's part
when they received the money donation he had it sent directly to this martin guy
like never from him and then him sending it out you know
everything was always done uh like as the puppet master so
big breakthrough definitely suggests if you're in a bitcoin if you're in a lore
and just crazy stories as a whole take your time to read this shit
not the whole 120 pages but at least what riso kind of
excerpt out i think is definitely worth a read
i guess the big brain move is go find those stats that he sent
and then take these emails and inscribe the emails on those stats
that's that's the money making opportunity right there
right so that's interesting that's interesting
that is interesting interesting interesting they mean
who gets information first who could decipher it and then who can make money
off of it i just gave you guys a fucking million dollar idea that was a genius
idea x holy shit that's a billion dollar idea
fucking go find those sats and inscribe on those those emails on those sats
those are going to be valuable anyways
uh that kind of threw me off bro i'm kind of i'm kind of shook
that we got some more some more information of the story like we all
know the story but now we got this whole new kind of thing i'm trying to digest
it well the thing is too just like why today
why not on bitcoin's anniversary why not on white paper you know what i'm
saying like just why out of this you've been
sitting on 120 pages of conversations with you could just
say uh the world's most interesting man right or or at least the most sought
after man in the world and out of nowhere you're like huh
yeah i think today i think today we're going to do it and just
let people know that we were actually friends you're like okay cool
yeah well we've been uh covering this kind of we talked about it last week
with jeff phaso selling a lot of his shares
oh we just got a report that jamie diamond just sold
125 millions of the jmp shares today he has been the c over 26 2006 and this is
the first ever time sale of company shares i'm starting to
get 2019 vibes when all these motherfuckers were stepping down from
their positions and then a month later or a year later we had covid
now all these motherfuckers are dumping their shares i wonder what they know
that we don't know i know that a lot of people have been listening to arthur hayes
and there's this expiration of these of the funding of these like
commercial banks are these uh residential banks and people think that
on like that day when that expiration happens on march 11th that a lot of
banks are going to collapse and and possibly have like a liquidation
moment but like you have some big individuals that are smart from
uh you know jeff bezos the jamie diamonds selling their shares which they
never done for so long make me think that there's
something going on inside a trade around in the background that us dumb people
don't know so i don't know how this is going to
happen but man not looking great for that for that
narrative but uh we'll see maybe it's a nothing burger but
this guy hasn't sold since 2006 that's crazy
that's crazy um and then it looks like i saw a chart
this it's the federal reserve balance and uh
i guess someone turned off the money printer yesterday and uh the chart went
down uh like a fucking elevator uh the fed is
now 150 billion dollars in the hole in 2024 so
that's what happens when you turn off the money printer you just go in debt
and uh look at that chart that is straight down so i don't know what's
going to happen here but uh not looking great for the economy
um but maybe this is what we need to get the introduction of crypto we need the
failure of all these systems that's why this is built right so
then yesterday we talked about uh ondo and blackrock had the remote um the
remote i guess conference and we saw the founder of
ondo at that at the conference and uh we kind of you know we told you before
that blackrock is backing ondo and this rwa with larry finke going on tv saying
tokenize the world um i think anything
connected remote remotely connected to blackrock
would be a smart it's a dumb thesis but i bet it works it's from horse so
ondo something i'm bullish on rwa sector this is backed by blackrock
the guy the founder was at the blackrock summit yesterday i think ondo probably
has some uh has a big use case here of being
maybe the rwa of choice for institutions like that so
throwing that out there there's gonna be a bunch of those that like eat denver
that's kind of what i'm excited about that
eat denver's more like big brain convention kind of thing
similar like consensus rather than nfts and projects and shit
and so i know that eat denver is going to be big big on the d
d-pen and rwa narrative over there so kind of these conferences these
conferences are funny i i saw this yesterday and then i saw
this this morning i was like this is kind of funny
you see easy who is at the radio house and he's on a panel
he's like with four like four four people and they all had their irl
pictures and then easy is the fourth picture and it's a picture of a fucking
dog i don't know how people could take this
space seriously but we have professional people
rocking like pfps but this is another one from dubai 2024 speakers this guy
lawrence says i will never stop being funny to me
that our industry has events where we can put smoky dibera
in a bear costume and in myself with ai generated pfps on a speaker list
of people that regularly hit the news please never change crypto so this is
like a dubai 2024 speaker much of ai generated people and some
people and then at the very bottom you have a person in a bear suit
it's kind of like it's just kind of funny that this industry is the way that
it is you had oozy i mean oozy you had oody
and eric dressed up as like wizards dancing on stage
right after someone just cried at the last bitcoin like someone had literally
just had a heartfelt conversation was crying on stage and then the next
uh segment was oody and eric dancing in wizard costumes like
just you got to show the duality of you know crypto
yeah it's nuts we're nuts people i mean we are nuts
i think a lot of us have a bit of an issue um phantom launch wallet
wallet watcher so all you pocket watchers you should love this
add a any wallet as a view only account in phantom
watch the wallets of friends traders and industry leaders
try it on try phantom for eth and btc before you import discover what the top
collectors are dude this is like so many people are
appalled and oh fandom fucking wallet watchers
dude you can go get a discord bot that does this for you
for free like literally you don't even gotta pay nothing there's discord bots
there's hundreds of them that you can go import any wallet you
want you can see what they're buying you can follow
like this is not a new feature i mean it's new in a sense to be
touted out there publicly from you know wallet company or something like that
but hundreds of discord bots that that have
you know this has just a free option or whatever it is so
not necessarily new i mean how else do you think people follow wallets
as well as nanson built the whole platform off this
yeah that's why i was like everyone was so appalled this morning like
oh phantom's done for you know the promoting wallet watching i'm like what
difference is that then you just having someone's name saved in a tab
ready to go like dude when i used to work for one
of these p2e companies yo i had the main wallet saved like
i'd go check the etherscan damn near every day to make sure no funny business
was going on right i mean you got to check your wallets
so it's cool that you can do it inside but not nothing you guys should be
scared of i mean it's not a new tool in the market to terrorize you is all
have you uh i saw this was posted the rune rocks
nah i didn't i didn't see those i did see that a lot of runes well not a lot
recently with confirmation from casey that you'll be able to add images on
top of runes um a lot of projects are starting to pop
up now that are going to be you know the first
image rune project or this runes in that rune so
i think that that narrative is about to kind of take off hard and it's probably
where the rocks came from rocks baby aren't isn't that one of the
bullish narratives that we do to be first to put rocks on fucking any
fucking protocol like yeah we're smoking you know whatever
works better yeah so it's called the rune rocks
rune underscore rocks project information what runes are what
technical skills there's someone behind me i gotta go to
everyone's package i gotta run i was parking you're good i pinned
something up to the top and we can do a quick transition
this is apparently it was under wraps for a while
but i know a lot of people were like when dukey dash 2 came out
um what's gonna happen right there's no pot there's no reason for
people to play yuga was going down that rabbit hole of
adding on the gaming council right taking suggestions of what to do
well apparently leaked at nft paris uh dukey dash is starting out with a
one million dollar prize pool no real explanation onto how it'll be
distributed if it's top 100 wallets top 10 whatever it is i'm not in the know on
that but we do just have confirmation that
you're not playing for fun there is a prize at the end of it right
and i think that was the prize on the first time right it was the same thing
i think it was a million dollars and the key
or something else or just the key or some shit that ended up fetching over a
million so yeah if you guys are dukey dash fans i
know a lot of us were or double is in love with dukey dash go
check it out there's a prize pool wasn't there some kind of yuga names
that you could go get like dot e and s but like for yuga
some people were talking about that yesterday did you hear about that oh
yeah no i got mine well i thought that was like leaked
before people were supposed to know and like people were going in and like
taking like gordon goner's name and shit before
that that chicago guy was doing that that's crazy
that's crazy but you got yours dot what is it what is it what is actually the
dot is it that's a good question i went to the
website and i just got my name yeah i don't even know what it is it for
this something that's a good question no that's a good
question is it not you know i signed up i i don't
mean i don't know where it is
well you need to find that how you're going to fucking get your rewards when
they launch their token their ens token or something i don't
know yeah interesting i need to get mine
no one has mine um no one even i'm not gonna say it because you guys go buy it
i'm not going to tell you where fucking i have
vulnerabilities um but yesterday i think this is something that
is creeping up on us and i don't think enough of us i think enough of us
are just kind of like fuck that i'm not getting in that but the sector of
political political and like being in that sector
during this election i think would be beneficial
the trump coin is kind of pumping now that there's an official trump coin
i mean there's been multiple right but there's now one that's like above all
the other leaders i trump came out yesterday was on stage
and was like kind of saying that he's opened the bitcoin when he's kind of
said that he you know doesn't wouldn't be his currency of choice and
kind of was throwing shade at it um he went on stage yesterday
and was you know semi bullish on bitcoin and giving it
you know it's due of decentralization and his coin fucking pumped off of it
so i think that i know it's it's cringe and a lot of us hate politics but i
think maybe getting some i don't know i'm saying that get
trump coin i guess get trump coin but just getting some exposure to
political coins or political entities might be beneficial to stuff because
it's going to take over the news and if we get retail in here
during the same time that during the election
i imagine a lot of those people are going to be political centric people
and so this is something that polarizes people
you know have like political politics is cultish
so what do we always we want to invest in cults maybe having a low exposure to
the trump coin or if there's a biden coin
and if there's big news on like cryptocurrency you could see pumps like
just yesterday that trump coin pumped based off him just speaking possibly a
bitcoin so i mean if he becomes if he becomes a
bitcoin bull or he elects the vice president like
but next that's a bitcoin like bull you could possibly just see that
announcement pump the token and uh i don't know man it's pretty
interesting i think arkham invest has like a lot of
it i think or they posted about it yesterday i don't know if they have a
lot of holdings but i think being part like the political
cycle is during the bitcoin having i i can't see how that that narrative are
those coins are those entities in that sector don't pump like even the trump
trading cards pump uh based off like announcements of
being more bullish than another party on cryptocurrency in general i think
that pumps the price so go ahead whoever's speaking i'm no that
was me dude i think the trump coin hit like four
dollars off of that i don't know why but yeah that trump coin's been around for
quite a long time i think it released last year
on eath and it did not die um and now it's pumping even harder
and yeah not to get into politics but it does seem like he will be the candidate
um so i agree with the thesis and it's playing out
fairly like how people thought it would like
if you bought some trump last year and i'm talking about like a
you know like tenths of a cent europe like bigly
so i mean i don't i don't disagree with you at all and like you can see it like
it's at four dollars one trump equals four dollars so
that's crazy uh this is from arkham posted this five hours ago
donald trump's largest holding is now two million of the trump meme coin
trump's trump given him given to him by the token devs
pulled a 300x from 7.1k to 2.11 million meaning he now holds more trump than eath
and we've put together make ethereum great again so i guess
when we had that report that he was selling his ethereum from his nft sale
we finally docked his wallet and now people are now sending donald trump
this are sent to donald trump this token like people sit like dogecoin to
buy talent so now he he holds he's the largest holder of his own
coin that's why don't dump on us my guy don't
dump on us but yeah i mean i think that's that's
something that not a lot of people are are been
considering and i think it this is might be something
that you know we always talk about what's the most bullish narratives of
this year i think we're kind of leaving out political
coins being that i mean especially if we get retail here that's what they
fomo about is fucking politics they'll sit on sides of roads with signs
proving that you know their party's better than the other so why not
invest in a token like this and just wait for the normies to come in and buy
it too we saw with the trump nft like the trump nft was
i feel like was on reddit and majority of the people that bought it
were people that weren't crypto native so
if they do come in here and they become crypto native i think it's a lot easier
to purchase a trump coin than purchase the nft on polygon so
i think the the friction is less than the trump nft and we already seen
how the trump nft did with normies so i don't know just throwing it out there
it could be it could be a bullish play so i know a few people that made them
killing off this trump coin i'm not gonna name names but man
you ever gotten in early on this one fucking banking so
throwing it out there just make eth great again baby
so great um we were talking about the wormhole thing
right and just frank um talking about wanting to be able to be
cross-chain interoperable and you know he's saying that
everyone is going to be omnichained and whatnot
so you got wormhole uh basically double downing on pike finance yesterday we
brought you guys pike who said they wanted to be a liquidity
provider uh sought for like lending and borrowing
across all chains right instead of being chain specific like liquidity or
bend out or something like that but just cross chain
so seems that pike is also partnering with wormhole to make that happen
that's how they'll kind of fulfill uh omnichained requests so it could be a
connection in that wormhole airdrop um if you're a pike if you're involved
with pike finance if you you know liquidity provider on that end or
something so just be on the lookout for that collab that they had
100 there looks to be a new airdrop for cosmo stickers
it's called hava apparently people go on the website and there's a hava airdrop
check eligibility um more information should be coming
out on this but it's for stickers for adam tia
injective juno osmos and os osmo uh so this one could be coming to
cosmos relatively soon i don't i think it's just the
eligibility checker is disabled but i'm pretty sure they'll be disabled soon
you'll be able to check your addresses and you're going to get this airdrop
called hava so just another win right for us we've
been staking for so long so and then char food came out yesterday
it says one of the countless first on bitcoin collection offers only on btc
a magic eden win soon just testing it don't you think this is pretty huge
if we can give collection offers on ordinals
that'd be pretty big i think the collection offers is big but
i mean if we want to talk about magic eden and news
i think retroactive diamond airdrop for the eth people bro
that that's a bigger dub on my end i mean you want to talk about taking
market share any any lifeline or support that open
seer anyone else have i mean this is the token that everyone
cried and they wanted you know some type of reward for participating
and magic eden's like all right cool we have some for you too just come here
come get close you guys can take advantage of it
so if you're an old um eth user you can clock in on let me
actually pin that up to the top uh and and claim some of the diamonds so
diamonds speculation is that due to magic eden's new
dao called the nft dao and they're dropping a token
for the dao that the diamonds will some way shape or form
convert over into the nft token and therefore you know in a sense it's uh
you're farming an airdrop so them to just reach out and say hey what's
up all your old people come through uh man
they're really trying to take that market share so
open sea would never open sea would never but magic eden's giving them a nice
open sea's done bro like at this point i don't even think even if open sea came
out yesterday and said we're dropping a token
ain't shit changing for them everyone's gonna be like yeah that's cool bro
either until i see it in my wallet and it's worth something
i'm not even gonna look in your fucking direction this exact announcement from
open sea would make open sea relevant again
retroactive to anybody that's ever used open sea since the creation we're gonna
give you some tokens people will fucking flip the fuck out
bro i don't care what you say we have more activity on open sea than any other
chain we would all be fucking rich my guy i'm telling you i'm telling you open
sea well if they do this just clone what magic
eden does they become relevant again i'm serious we don't give a fuck about the
technology or the marketplace all we care about is incentives
and free money and we'll just we hop from fucking incentive programs and
incentive program it don't matter like the only reason we don't use open sea
because they don't give us no fucking token blur has no magic eden is that's
the only reason we choose them i'm serious so i think this is perfect
i'm glad that magic eden's doing this because this gives open sea
up their playbook of how they're going to do their b2
of how they're going to share backs bro you and i were talking about this
you and i were talking about this a while back it just how the minute one
of them starts to kind of really crank up the pressure
uh it forces the others right i mean there's just a couple things it's like
when you know you're being measured you perform in a specific way
and then not only but then when you know you're being measured and it's
publicized you then perform in a different way
right and so now you got magic eden just basically forcing everyone's hand to
where it's either you you you got to keep up
or you just get left in the dirt so yeah if you're an og
from each side um you can be able to claim
your diamonds they'll probably a half and half right half you claim
the other half you have to participate the same way that they did with the
the soul retroactive drop um let's go to homie and then we'll go to chief
all right chief if you have something that relative to this conversation go
ahead and chime in i had a gaming question so go ahead chief
uh yeah all right sorry hey uh i can't i just came in like 10
minutes ago um however did you do you guys see the
new stuff with uh wormhole and frank posting about the pike finance
with the discord stuff
yeah it's pinned up to the top it's uh two two two back
okay i just wanted i just want to make sure i just got in i heard pike finance
i just want to make sure everyone's aware of that and then uh
also yeah add note too chief just for everyone else that's listening
with what chief's talking about make sure you go if you have a youtube
d god go into that pike uh finance discord and get your roles
for that and it's super simple if you've already
done it before you literally just click one button once you've joined that
server and then um also i hope open sea does
something because i'm a big eth guy but i don't know about everyone else i've
been trading on open sea for the past couple years not
magic eden i feel like magic eden's more for
polygon or soul guys and that's it well now
100% but they're gonna they're gonna give us credit for our
eth transactions on open sea they're just giving you credit for your eth
wallet history not necessarily on what marketplace you
traded on because you couldn't trade on eth before
on their marketplace okay that's it yeah so you being an og power user on eth
will get you something uh for that right it's kind of their way of
hey come in the water's fine you know it's okay that you were somewhere else
well we'll still recognize it maybe not at the same rate that they did
their soul uh power players but you know to try to
take some market share dude this is the right way in my opinion
no i i do i do agree and that's all i have i appreciate the time thanks guys
appreciate you bro stage is always open if you have any questions or you want to
contribute feel free awesome thank you
all right so we have the diamonds retroactive drop
so i got one thing omi had something right so let's go back to omi yeah i got
a quick question for you chief is you're you're the gaming guy so
of the change of the gaming change which which right now
do you would you say is leading the way i would be like
i am ronin i am x i am x i am x what's on i am x
everything's on i am x like what everything bro
go check it out but yeah i am that's kind of like kind of boring kind of like
card games like what platform is actually going to have like real
games i mean what games would you what what real games do we have right now
what would you consider a real good well okay so there's one that i have
what is called called meta dose i don't know i don't
really know much about the game if i have it's on avalanche
um and i've seen like the like the pre-gaming stuff i can't play it myself
because i don't have the pc but i've seen it being played and it
seems like a full-on like like legit game so
i of the other ones i am x is cool but like i've
actually experienced it myself i am x they're all kind of like slower card
games kind of like chess games where an actual
like real game game i've seen being played on like avalanche
and even polygon so i don't see i don't know enough about it to like give a
real good take on it but that's why i'm asking
so um i think what's what's on i am x though that's what i'm trying to say
it just sounds like over 250 games that are about to launch bro
and they're all i mean they're launching games you just we just don't talk about
them but i mean that's i think you can invest in
game that's elio that's elio speaking ronan that's super ronan
superverse is elio's right alone shits on all of i am x's volume like
that's what i think is crazy that we could even
compare it when act one game on the ronan chain
like engulfs volume everywhere else not to not to mention cyber congs not to
mention everyone else that went to ronan i mean
in a sense i think avalanche is good right
um i i think i am x had a chance or had a a market share a while back but
it's a very cult falling for i am x compared to
like axes global and actually dominates ronan
so i don't know dude i am x i am x encompasses like three or four chains
because the partnership with polygon and then to have a partnership with bean
and merit circle so anything that's positive on polygon or merit circle it's
going to funnel into i am x also and like i don't know i you can bet on
games or you can bet on infrastructure i think
i'm more i'm more i'm more like risk averse and so i
would rather just do infrastructure than betting on these games
then like that's how the token functions are like i am x is something that
you know it's becoming like the hub for like web2 gaming
or web3 gaming and i see them having a lot of things they're gonna be rolling
out this cycle um but i mean if you are betting on games i
mean like i think that gunzilla and off the grid shrapnel i mean there's
some others but if you're just betting on games like i think you could go to
pixelmon my pet hooligan like we know the games we talk about all the time
so like invest in the ones that we know but if you're trying to just like deep
dive yeah you're probably gonna get burned
um but i say like invest in the infrastructure of these things and i am
x has some of the biggest partnerships and like it's all encompassing i don't
know it's it's definitely a tricky one and
like no one's right here right chief has his preference he
he prefers ronin i prefer imx so i mean what games are on ronin
other than x the infinity cybercoms the two biggest names in gaming and web3
okay that's i mean that's what i'm saying like
super form never took off they had expensive assets but they never took off
i mean i i traded that impostors never took off
i mean they had high floor prices but the only people playing them were
fucking ellio's community and neo tokyo mf'ers so i i agree and i think imx is
good and had great fundamentals it just never got galvanized the same way that
axi or ronin chained it right and literally ronin's taking everyone's
market share with bringing the big heavy hitters i
mean cybercons was a massive win for them bringing genkai over so i don't
know that's just kind of how i see it on that end to where
i look for liquidity and market share and right now
ronin has that not to say that they'll maintain but
for now i mean they have the biggest names and the biggest player base
so what i have noticed chief is that so being involved in these um
ecosystems and communities like these guys are not djans like i'll ask
certain questions and it's like they full-on know that i'm not a gamer by
the questions i ask and they're like okay they almost like oh he's a crypto
guy he's a trader like and they full-on ignore me
so i don't i don't know what it is but like the people in these groups they are
not djans like us they're not really into the
whole trading aspect i mean i'm not into the trading aspect as well but i'll
ask questions that make them maybe think i am
so there's like okay he's out he's out and they're just like x me out they
don't answer any of my questions if i want to ignore me
so yeah this is a completely different group of people for sure
from what i've noticed you can't trade because they're staring at a screen
playing a game all day bro they're fucking absorbed with playing
video games so why would they trade i agree i think there's gonna be a bunch
of winners right i think finding the winning game is gonna
be a lot harder than finding the winning infrastructure in gaming so i
felt like it's a better bet to go find the winning infrastructure i think beam
i mean you've been looking at the charts when even bitcoin's down
the top projects that are green those are the ones that are going to lead
during the bull market like beam is obvious run size obvious
fucking merit circle fucking like i said fucking imx ronin these
are all been leading the charge so i don't think you can make a bad bet if
you get in any of them but like i said finding the winning game is going to be
a lot harder than finding the winning infrastructure
but it is what it is man like these are all good bets
i think you all you'll be rewarded regardless of what you get into
but uh what about the steven real quick what up steven
so just a sidebar question on the whole gaming conversation did you mention
something earlier about a restructure around the tokenomics for imx
because i yeah are there details on that at all
nope nope not yet we're just talking about when uniswap came out today on
their restructure of their tokens and how there was a piss missile i hear
rumblings that there's going to be a restructure of tokenomics and imx
i was like saying like why wait for the announcement look at what the piss
missile did so i was like maybe getting a little bit of imx and waiting for that
announcement could be a profitable trade short term it's kind of what i was
speculating there yeah i would i would say that's a really
really solid forward looking move um and i i think there's a future for both
of them to coexist so i would hope that we see them both
coexist but to those that are saying that like
the example of oh it's just like fucking card games over on imx
the amount of people that ape into axi when axi was just a
dog shit like go play to earn game that really was a
bad game like it just everybody was farming the shit out of it they were
like sending their properties overseas and
like telling people like hey play using my properties so that we can farm this
like it's to me it's no different i think both of them are gaming
experiences that are trying to set up for p2e gaming it's just a matter of
which one ultimately gets the biggest onboard first
and yes like ronin definitely has an advantage there i'm just curious to see
what ends up happening with imx there were some hacks on ronin this morning a
bunch of whales got liquidated their wallets i don't know if you
guys saw that um and that great for ronin um we
talked about this black rock and this black rock uh some of that was
going on um i got this from crypto condom wow
what a name uh is aptos partnering with black rock
question mark the black rock digital assets summons today the aptos founder
uh mosh i don't know his name uh and strategic bd
neller are aren't exactly being subtle auto finance launched on aptos this week
is like likely not a coincidence depending on the extent of the
partnership and aptos april is likely um i guess this is
from adam and he screenshot this and it says
adam it says reading between the lines
abundance the event that aptos will make a major rwa announcement in april
aptos is hosting a major event in hong kong then
as neil says three of the world's largest
asset managers this week uh there are three
largest are black rock vanguard fidelity if i had to guess
this refers to either the team using the chain
in some way and integrated it into one of their products which has president and
trade fi world also know black rock is the most
uh crypto aligned of the bunch and then this is from dan moorhead tomorrow i'll
be speaking i guess this is the founder of aptos tomorrow i'll be speaking at
black rock institutional desert asset summit one of the topics that they'll be
addressing is how much the industry has changed over the last decade
existence of the summit is a massive change really excited about this so
maybe there is some rwa announcement with aptos
um i think i'll be big for aptos and if this is coming and it's a speculated
maybe another play you could get into where you buy a little bit of aptos
and maybe wait for this announcement and this pumps the price
aptos has pretty much had nothing to talk about other than this phone
recently so having maybe black rock partnering with
them having rwa is being launched and aptos could possibly be the
the fuel to push the price a little high i know it's on this like resistance
level uh where people are saying if it gets
over this it's it's it's up only so maybe this announcement in april could
be the fuel that aptos needs to get to the next level so
maybe this is great for our phones chief i don't even even bought one but man
maybe our phones go up in price now that they may be rwa's on it or some
shit i don't know 129 bucks i'm still pissed that nigeria
bought crypto bro and the phone company i bought is based out of
fucking fucking nigeria in africa bro like
yeah um so i don't know how that's going to
work out uh but i'm we're at least it was from hakuna
matata llc you know what i'm saying like that still
makes me fucking laugh and i mean looking back when we talk we've
been talking about ando for the past month
i mean that was a pretty good like being aware of that and if you got in
during the time we talked about it last month it's been up only and we were
talking about there's big announcements coming
and there's something coming for ando in uh in
in denver scott said that he has a couple meetings with uh ando finance and
all that kind of stuff and he was going to get me in the room with them so
i'll try to see if i can squeeze out a little bit more information for us too
because you get to kind of talk to them directly
and see you know with what we think is coming up and just our speculation see
if you can get any kind of notable confirmations or not
um i pinned up something to the top i know that
farcaster has been or was the flavor of the week maybe last week or the week
before um if you guys are still on there you
know that it is kind of crypto native and so now you can connect and verify
your salona addresses this also opens it up for
um them to use the frame system that they have inside farcaster
to now connect to the salona blockchain and ecosystem so
continually to to build out that farcaster app and then now with the
confirmation that they won the the base grant i mean i only think that
it's going to continue like it'll probably get
speed ran you know hell yeah bro we have anybody that
fucking i saw this from dot swoosh yesterday says this is a test
i don't know if you saw it i don't know if there is anything that we need i
still have all my dot swoosh stuff i mean i'm still kind of tracking it i did
i got the shoes when they came out um i got
the airdrop of some other bullshit poster
they tried to sell me a shirt for fucking like sixty dollars though
that had nothing but a black square and i didn't buy that shit
what was that about i don't know that was a fail
that they tried to do it was like they were going to launch an exclusive shirt
and apparently they did and it was only available for a limited
time i don't really know dude i didn't buy that shirt this shirt was dog shit
i don't know if when they say that this shit's actually available for an
exclusive um drop for the dot swoosh holders
if it's um a number based drop right let's just say
hey this is an exclusive sneaker there's only 10 000 made
or if it's um a time-based window right if it's hey this is open for 24 hours if
you're a dot swoosh holder we're gonna fulfill orders indefinitely
in this 24 hours you know and then that'll be the the number cap so
i've always been a little bit weary i mean i buy them for for me
the the shoe i bought for me not to resell but those are just kind of things
that if you are planning or you wanting people to
buy more than one or get more involved would be good to
announce especially kind of in this whole sneaker
and clothes and hypey scene you know those kind of things are relevant but
matter to some of us so yeah i saw this dot swoosh
thing it said this is the test and like i was like why would they just do that
is this an easter egg like what do they got coming up so
i didn't know if anybody knew anything i saw yesterday and i mean kind of keeping
i like really have no other than staking on eigenlayer i really don't have any
reason to fucking pay attention to ethan anymore so
bring me back eat bring me back make me pay attention again
um but yeah i've saw this fruity loops come into ordinal someone
inscribed a fully on-chain interactive audio sampler slash mixture bfp
collection on bitcoin so when i always like referred to like these json files
and libraries it kind of reminds me of the fruity loop days where you would
open up the program you would open your file explorer and you would import the
sounds onto onto like whatever the program
and that's kind of similar to how ordinals work you just
import the sound on the ordinal and now you have now you can make beats on
fucking ordinals so you're gonna probably see you know metro boom and
coming out of the bighorn ordinals here creating some banger beats for some web
or something so i don't know but it's all this yesterday that's pretty
interesting and i was like this is good i think that this is where ordinals
becomes cool i mean it's uh if you want to think about it from
an empowerment status like stance right damn that was hard to get out
um let's just say you're you're in an area where you've never seen fruity
loops you've never had access to this kind of software
right you have a gift for music and ear for music but you've just never
you know financially been able to reach it maybe it's not financial maybe
physically you can't so putting these things on ordinals making it
in a sense a fully decentralized ledger to allow someone to access wherever they
are in the world at whatever you know place i think that that's
where the cool stuff and like the activism
side comes in and that's where it really becomes cool right
hey i get to play with this synthesizer that
i'm never gonna own right but they're not fucked up that they're never gonna
own the synthesizer the fact that they get to play and still
participate as if they did is already a difference
um every time that i you know start seeing this activism and stuff with
ordinals it always references back to that library
that's made on minecraft right and that to me is the coolest thing
someone made a massive in a sense decentralized library
on minecraft to where anyone else in the world can go and read books that are
either banned or or restricted in your state
country whatever your situation is right that the information itself isn't
gate capped or geolocked so i think that that's really where
ordinals shine and where you start getting this blend of
activism with a sense of pushing the the
envelope some way shape or form i think that
that's really where the blend comes in it becomes cool you know
yeah it's like has anybody put songs on there
is it amber or is that her name amber put songs on bitcoin like how big of a
song yeah be a letter did she put songs on
bitcoin yeah be a letter has i think one or two songs
um on there i know that um spotty has tried with a couple
um i know that a couple of the rare pepe artists have
have fucked around on ordinals as well um and did songs
so some people are doing you can the cool thing with music is
because it's so big you can go as as smaller as big as you'd like
right you can cash out and just subscribe the whole song or
i mean you can think of bitcoin or the blockchain as a library
and as a ledger so you split up your whole song into
music stems and that way you offer stems for anyone else that wants to come
in and make music later on down the line they can go to your library and pull a
stem from here and a stem from there and remix your song
and in a sense recursively call different elements of your song into
theirs and it just becomes this kind of like
collaborative effort so i think music is is really dope
but it's expensive and it has to be done in a in a way to where
people are collectively working together to use it
100 maybe we always talk about this meta this music meta web 3 maybe
it lives on bitcoin i don't know maybe that's what
maybe that's what we needed um yeah you know music nfts were never cool on
ethereum but maybe they can be cool on bitcoin
i actually like uh i i like drip i've been trying to get more involved with
drip and i like i like the music some people are putting on drip and it's a
app and maybe if i was a music artist trying to get my music
looked at and picked up i would go with something more accessible like drip
rather than bitcoin um hey is it just me or the more money
that nancy close he makes the hotter she gets
maybe she's looking for a sugar baby maybe i can be that guy i don't know
where do i where do i sign are you into 85 year old women
hell yeah man all right well she's i think she has a husband
which i think he's the kind of insider here nancy close he just gets the flack
but you gotta beat him out man he's like he's really provided for his sugar mama
you really got to do a better job do you want to get her off
so yeah i mean go to california people are like are
doing all kinds of crazy shit to her front yard i'm sure you can find it it
probably has spray paint all over garage or some shit so yeah i just had a cop
tell me to get off twitter spaces while driving but no i just wanted to uh
bring up no sauna um i saw this ai play it went up 200 percent
this month i haven't heard about it much i saw it mentioned in some discord i'm
in but ticker no s i don't know if this is
gonna keep sending or if this was just a one off
this month but i mean it's fucking really sent
this month so i just wanted to see if anyone's heard of the ticker no s
if anyone has any alpha there i think sorry i've seen something on this
of course probably my bookmark dive deep but i don't think it matters
i think everything in the ai sector is pumped right i don't know uh i could
search for it and see if there is any information i i
do remember seeing it because i was confusing it with that airdrop we got
the other day uh from nois uh so yeah i haven't heard
i haven't seen many people talk about it you're right so i need to do some more
research before i can give a thought on it but you know anything else
on it other than it's been pumping i just saw some discord some guy was saying
that he put uh 7k in last night so then i don't know if this is a nancy pelosi
type player if this is just a pump and dump
uh exit liquidity at this point if you buy it so i don't know just wanted to
i'll do some research tonight on it and i'll get back to you tomorrow
always in the community anger is always in the comments fucking promoting the
daily alpha always there showing up so i appreciate you know your support and
always being here and always you know spreading the message for us my gosh
yeah i really don't i really don't contribute much but i really love
listening man and i try to as much as possible if i miss a show i'll listen
later on in the day but always i like listening to you guys
two of the easiest listening voices on twitter i think
there's a few that are a bit hard to listen to they do a lot of screaming
and it's like jay he's like you need that intention yeah obviously you need
attention i think but i don't i don't have a lot of brain cells so when i'm in
those kind of spaces bro like i can't afford to lose the few that
i got so it makes it hard um i pinned up to the top we've been
covering the portal news uh as you guys know
uh i mean i'm i'm just bringing max pain to myself just so i had learned not
to fade shit that i think is too easy and dumb
um portal is currently at two dollars and fifty cents
trading at 42 times over the angel investor price and 16 times over the
presale it says but wait you're actually not too
late because you can get some portal by staking bnb
or fd usd on binance since finance is their tge launch partner
they're offering different ways for you to actually farm some of the coins so
if you want some type of exposure to portal coin
and you're not trying to spot by at these prices if you're already a holder
of bnb or whatever fd usdc is uh stake that on binance and start you
know farming a little bit of the portal coin
should be open and live i think by the end of next week or by the middle of
next week for public uh next ordinal blockout as mentioned
yesterday they said and they offer they included the ability to connect
omni chain wallets to all the block out games
uh salana e bitcoin etc well today they've said that the first
giveaway prize are three only four spots so if you do have an ordinals block out
connect with your wallet go submit and even if you don't have
one you can go play on any ones and still register and
log your wallet address so it's there
only took less than the week for them to offer rewards when i came back from
last week with there be any rewards um they changed their changed up quick
ah it's okay i i think rewards were the right
thing and oni force whitelist that could be a banger
i could make you some money um yeah i think we're done
anybody got a couple more things yeah so yeah go ahead and we'll end the show i
don't want to just sit up here for the sake of sitting up here
if i don't have anything so go ahead uh beer chain
as we've been going through and covering beer chain telling you guys to go hit
new event coming up um could be nothing could be something that's how
all of this beer chain is but you know what the beauty of it is it's free
takes absolutely none of your fucking money just a couple of your clicks
so go check out the information up top i know a lot of us are
farming heavy on the bureau so the point is not necessarily the bureau
it's not the honey it's the actual governance token that you get
as an output for participation called bgt
so make sure that whatever you're doing you're farming bgt and the yield for
that is high if it's low if there is no bgt yield
you're doing it for your own learning sake nothing else
okay so just keep that in mind and then lastly we'll kind of close it up with
uh runestone this is um we've been following this for a long time
this kind of uh is brief overview the rule the pre-rune mining airdrop coming
from leonidas and co uh requirements were three
non-text based inscriptions in your wallet at the time of the snapshot
the block is actually specified in the runestone discord
pinned up to the top is the actual link for you to check if you qualify
they say that the airdrop should be between friday
and wednesday i don't i don't fucking know how that works but i guess it's
this friday and next wednesday so we got it just started today
um so anytime from today till wednesday be on the lookout for the runes airdrop
um a lot of people are hyped about this a lot of people are actually included on
this so if this is your first dub as an ordinals
participant for some free money or just an airdrop
gg welcome to the to the side the orange side and
hope you enjoy it man so put your wallet up there see if you qualify
it is an airdrop not a claim so i just look on wales market and one runestone
is going for 443 dollars yeah i think they did the math and
that puts it at like fdb of uh 80 million or something out the
gate depending on if they come out with with what they're at
yeah i mean i don't know 500 bucks seems a lot
for i guess how many addresses are in there in there over a hundred thousand
addresses i was thinking more like around 100
200 dollars so i don't know maybe it'd be smart to fucking sell it pre-sale
yeah i don't know i don't know we'll see how it plays off i mean i've been wrong
on this before so maybe just holding these things and
just letting it cook because you know they got shows
you know they're gonna be shilling the fuck out of it leonidas is one of the
top on borders in the space and i imagine he would talk about this to new
people so maybe this is just a hold and just
wait and uh let's see where the price goes right
uh without the trail and then uh we'll wrap it up go ahead trill
yeah speaking of rewards um we are giving owning force
whitelist in our discord for absolutely free so if you're in there
we're giving out two guarantee spots and five first come first server spots so
yeah just dropping that in there if you haven't checked
make sure to enter the raffle hell yeah baby
check that goddamn raffle i don't even think a lot of people even know that we
have a discord so maybe we need to be better at
telling people about that and getting them in but yeah we're being we're
being stingy and i'm gonna read one thing and then we'll end it this is from
elio yesterday and i like to end the space with this so
he says i only see two paths for the cycle early top or biggest bubble of
all time early top theory is as it sounds the etf pulled
pulled the cycle towards uh forward about 12 months the btc will make an
extreme and parabolic move to over 100k this year the faster the cycle the more
violent and ultimately the quicker occurables
the biggest bubble of all time is also quite self-explanatory this is a theory
that we keep uh defying gravity until late 2025 maybe in 2026 and we really
fuck with the four-year uh astrometer's heads this is the world
people stop believing in bear markets all together we see levels of greed and
excess that are written about in history books for centuries
the roaring 20s in full effect with the people quitting real rod real
jobs to flip anything scares it ends poorly very poorly but
the money made along will be generational for those who keep it
either case you want to be taking profits aggressively
once btc has a decent move to all-time high t tldr be bullish in a bull market
so i just thought that was a good in the segment just kind of
identifying you know what are the what are the way this cycle is going to
play off and he's someone that's pretty tuned in
he thinks it's going to be a vicious cycle where it's shorter than previous
or he thinks it's possibly a super cycle because of
you know people being unemployed and possibly people you know quitting their
jobs to farm airdrops and shit so we'll see how this one plays out i'm more in
the line of possibly being a longer cycle but
like i said i'm out at the end of 2025 regardless so i got my i got my
check part checkpoints it's 250k btc 15k eth are at the end of 2025 i'm out
regardless so we'll see how it plays um i'll leave
it here for chief to read the sponsor and we'll be back tomorrow so talk to
you guys then
i appreciate you guys for coming out i was trying to see to make sure that i
had the pinned up to the top so pinned up to the top
um is i'm so i'm so is sponsoring the tda for the month of february
it's a cross chain interoperable ecosystem between salon and bitcoin
powered by the evolv token which you can find on the bird eye app
pinned up top is a current giveaway that i'm so has going on
for his endless runner you can earn bonk while playing while also being
entered into other giveaways and other experiences check out the five
different mini games that'll be coming up towards the end of the month
and shout out time so for sponsoring the tda we do this tuesday through saturday
9 45 to about 12 12 30 central it's tda to stay poor tomorrow is a
little bit later of a show for our saturday show so we'll see you guys at
10 30 you guys have a good rest of your day and
be safe guys