Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 2:21:52



what's up what up what up guys what up what up what up welcome to the daily
offer for show of the week Tuesday through Saturday 9 45 till maybe 12 till
30 depends on the combo got a good week lined up for you a lot of interesting
stuff mints air jobs everybody's getting free money everybody seems to be in a
good mood so I'm looking forward to this week we'll see how it all pans out and
see you know what happens but appreciate you guys and like retweet the space and
you know you guys should be following Allison she does the thread probably an
hour or two after the show you know so if you guys could like and retweet and
bookmark that we'll be using that as like a ways to give away got access codes
to ordinal hives we got whitelist to give away this week so we'll be using the
engagement you show on the TDA account and the TD people that support the TDA
on giving those out so just letting you guys know that beforehand but um I guess
before we get started how about them Chiefs going through the Super Bowl
let's go four times in the past six years motherfuckers so told you they
would win Ron DM me on Sundays like I was gonna bet you that Baltimore is gonna
win win against the Chiefs I would it's like I would have took that bet and took
it home my guys so you know she's going back to the Super Bowl if I had some
more money everyone thought everyone thought because of the colors you know
how that that whole bit of the colors of the actual Super Bowl logo are the
two teams that are gonna be playing and so you know a lot of people thought
there's gonna be 49ers in the Ravens because of the purple and the red you
know I've heard that rumor before but that's what I was gonna bet off of that
fucking ghost speculation bro well I guess like I guess it's not a thing
anymore so I don't know but yeah I mean both games were good
Chiefs you know defense did really well turned the ball over we had a
playoff Lamar Jackson back which he chokes under pressure like he always did
and then the Detroit Lions and inch and San Francisco game man like fucking a
great game that was a really good game like it started out Detroit was beating
that ass and then they came back and won it was just really good weekend for
football and yeah no no football this week but we then got the Super Bowl next
week in Las Vegas we already got dude Lamar Jackson catching his own pass
as well I know bro there's some crazy plays in both games so it's in Vegas
Super Bowls in Vegas this year so we're gonna see some crazy advertisements we
already have Doritos bought the bot I guess advertisement rights to the pyramid
you guys know the pyramid and in Vegas so it's like it's basically like four
Doritos stacked on each other it's like big orange pyramid and then of course
we have the sphere so I'm gonna see like what kind of advertisement gets put on
the sphere this week it's gonna be interesting to see but yeah man been
a good week been a good weekend had fun at monster trucks it's good to get away
from the space but guys are pulling me back in for another five shows so we'll
get into it I guess I don't know man there's so much going on man I don't
even know where to start like where do you want to start chief anything on
your mind personally well I mean we can kind of segue into I'm just gonna
talk about my computer in a second but we can segue into like you're
talking about advertisement for Vegas this last weekend I don't know if a lot
of people saw but Google open the doors for crypto advertisement specifically for
the Bitcoin ETFs so now if you actually go on Google and type it in it'll pop
up in the search bar you'll have Vanek black rock and you know with the
suggested at the top so that's the the cool thing about that now is you
know this search optimization all that that is used in traditional business is
now going to start and has the ability to be used for crypto hell yeah baby
been waiting for this for a while so yeah I started seeing some ads
yesterday from the ETFs and stuff so I think I saw one for bitwise and I
think I saw one for fidelity that was kind of the top of the Google search
bar so I was already seeing it yesterday which is interesting so that's
cool and there's just a bunch of stuff that I mean I'm just going through my
bookmarks and there's just so much stuff that happened on that are two days off I
just don't even know where to start but I guess we can kind of talk about the the
news and everybody cares about which is the whole Jupiter airdrop and Meow
came out probably 15 minutes ago and basically put his nuts on the table
and told everybody about it so juke site launch you can now check your airdrop
allocation and set your DCA and limit orders ahead of time and see your slot
cut down so Jupiter you're actually you can actually DCA on the the protocol
so if you are if you do have some soul and you're waiting for like dips for
tomorrow like every airdrop there's those dips and there's jitters you can set
up limit orders and DCA buys on Jupiter itself to buy those dips so if like
say you think it gets down to 40 cents you can set a limit order at 40
cents and then it'll buy it for you and just using the app itself there's gonna
be three or four more community airdrops pretty sure by using the DCA feature
and all that stuff's gonna get you eligible for airdrop two three and four
so on the links gonna be on LFG dot juke dot AG slash juke launch time is
tomorrow at 10 a.m. Eastern so we'll probably ride around this time everybody
will have their juke and we'll see how it's going initial circuit and supply is
1.35 billion which for my understanding is down a little bit I think initially
he said it was gonna be like 1.7 so 1.3 billion see launch pools initial point
for 150 million market cap max is 0.7 curve and 1.6 at 250 million tokens so
yeah just going over everything there he has resources for recent juke or stats
key juke info and media so he says he's live stream in 45 minutes to go through
everything so I'm sure a bunch of people are over listen to me out talk about
juke right now but yeah that's tomorrow and people are saying this could
possibly be the biggest airdrop in crypto history so we'll see where it
goes I think I have like tier three I think I got like 260 like 260 hundred
I don't know how much I have I go check it before I get done but I think I got
like a clean like 1 to 2k in this airdrop so we'll see how it goes you
have anything in this cheap did you get any allocation to juke I guess you
didn't probably trade enough to get one no I didn't see how it goes I mean I
would like a lot of stuff has been like bleeding on the soul side because it
seems like people are trying to get their liquidity together to buy this dip
and then once you know we kind of get the post-dip of everybody dumping and it
goes up people are probably going to convert some of their Jupiter into some
of their favorite you know back into soul and probably buy some mean coins
and some NFTs it's kind of like a stimulus check the last time we had a
stimmy over on soul we saw soul kind of pump pretty hard after that so I would
imagine the soul ecosystem gets a bit something this week with all the extra
money kind of circulated in the ecosystem so pretty excited about that I got some
positions open and we'll see how it goes I'm just yeah on the soul side I just
have my shit steak on marinade bro and then I swap sold a pith and kind of
riding that kind of narrative 100% man you're gonna buy any juke you're gonna
there's no way to fight people who buy 96 cents of a token and then sell it at
$2.50 like there's my brain can't compute you know and therefore I can't
create like a trading profile of who I'm going against and then I'm fucked and so
yeah I just can't do it bro I tried I looked at a chart I bought some soul
shitters and was just baffled motherfuckers are literally buying 13
cents to exit at a dollar like they're flipping for you know 85 cents can't
battle that bro that guy has nothing to lose and everything to gain yeah it's a
no for me dog yeah well they have like some mechanisms here that they have
multiple airdrops here and they're probably gonna be some staking majority
of people I talk on solar like I'm holding this so definitely think there's
gonna be a little more diamond hands than usual with this one just because
of the potential of holding and be able to get more Jupiter tokens as these
community airdrops roll out throughout 2024 so I think this one will be a
little more diamond handed than usual just because of the mechanics and the
kind of the promise of more tokens so it goes and it's like a utility so it's not
necessarily a shitter you know but still just I don't know the trading
psychology that continues to perpetuate from over there or from that side is
just always surprises me you know oh yeah no gas less friction kind of I
like it personally I like the fact there's less gas more food but then like
it's easier to get it out of tokens OSF kind of did a breakdown yesterday of what
he believes in comparing Uniswap Bert Uniswap II compared the Jupiter Soul
says Uniswap's FTV was a fair our fully diluted value is 6 billion East fully
diluted value is 200 273 billion Jupiter's FTV is 7 billion which is 1
billion more than Uniswap but Souls FTV is 55 billion which is about 2 maybe
4 to 5 X lower than E 46 X multipliers versus an 11 X multiplier something is
undervalued so he's seen like how he basically thinks that Jupiter's I guess
undervalued here compared to Uniswap and Uniswap's a top 20 token so some
people are saying you know if you give this some time begin to a raging bull
you possibly could see a Jupiter flip Uniswap and we'll see man like it's
it's interesting this is getting crazy like if you look at statistics like
soul decks volume is like been killing it compared to eat so if this wave
continues I can't see Jupiter you know not being a top 30 token in the future
with all everybody doubling down it has a lot of DCA features and shit like that
so I mean Jupiter is a pretty good tool for crypto itself and on the soul
side so pretty bullish on the whole little protocol itself and I think I'll
probably hold you know typically we see a dump jitters get out and then see
it like a little pump like maybe a day later and I probably take some profit
there and maybe stake a little bit on the protocol just to be eligible for the
next airdrop so we'll see how it goes you know money's gonna be circulating and
we'll see where all the money flows but we got she kind of here haven't talked
during a while how you doing she kind of doing all right oh she went the
listener she's like I didn't mean to be up here that's the wrong button well
we'll throw at the blaze and then we'll say with a swag I'm gonna deliver these
dog food real quick so what's happening boys it's been a while I had to show up so
it was good man you guys doing good I wanted to ask though you guys longing
Solana because it's looking it's looking really healthy right now I fucking put
along in at 94 and forgot about it and then I saw who is that king fuzz tweet
and it looks like he got in around the same number on the loan and yeah we're
105 right now so I'm kind of eating also chief I deployed some money to my
ex-verse for the first time so now I'm about to play around with that and see
what's good man I'm excited yeah I mean you have to have
sold to transfer into these coins and to Jupiter so if you expect to you know
position yourself with these DCA features like we've been mentioned on
Jupiter you're what's the difference between DCA and limited by like a limit
order it's like an audit yeah yeah yeah so it's like you could set like every
Thursday at 6 o'clock I want you to take out one soul out of this wallet and
put it in the Jupiter and then like so like a limit order is like you just put
it at the price and hopefully yeah differences like it's time doesn't matter
wherever the market is on that day it takes it out with limited and spot buys
you're basically putting the price and sometimes it hits so how did it get
rebranded from reoccurring buys to something so cool and clever like DCA
feature like whooo DCA feature motherfuckers are reoccurring by that's
it tomato tomato oh yeah one sounds better is the new new cycle you know DCA
yeah we say tomato around here ma'am yes sir so yeah that's the difference between the two
what up swag how you doing brother yeah what's going on doing good man fucking
still grinding the cage they haven't kicked me out of it yet so still just
juggling both my brothers and sisters what's going on with puppets man you say
you're in a cage are you in a Faraday cage bro I wish no it's worse than that
it's a wage cage and then I'll pay me enough yeah I'm in the same position
bro overworked underpaid overworked underpaid it's gonna pay off Johnny I'm
just gonna keep keep the head down keep cranking show up sir you'll make it
you will make it you will make it I think Johnny Cash had a song like that
one day I forgot the name of the song but hey it's awesome this week's gonna
be awesome excited for tomorrow that's for goddamn sure
hell yeah and trill we're up here can we collab manager we got anything today
that we need to be aware for collabs and whitelist and stuff how you doing this
morning trill yeah GM swag I thought you were making a joke about you know being
a puppet in a cage you know like the mean but oh yeah I do have as many mental
illnesses and I'm also banned from as many public places as that puppet but
now I was referring to the wage cage makes sense so yeah as far as the TDA
and whitelist and what we have anything today we have an argument on soul so I'll
post that open a bit and then we have another one tomorrow for a few people on
eat that signed up yesterday and then we have one later this week so I'll just
keep jumping up here and reminding everyone what we have for the day but
I'll post up what we have today today is an art one from rupee rain stove so
hopefully we can get steaming up here because it was in his recap and you can
kind of break it down for us but yeah I'll pin it up to the top it's a pretty
cheap mint as far as like so it's only point two soul and then the the TDA got
on the cabal is so we'll be able to mint three in a little bit here out of the
five thousand pieces so I just pin it up okay cool so smile and are an artistic
PFP collection of five thousand one one AI art pieces my solo collection on soul
minting today point to soul for peace check out smile hyphen soul calm for the
details or you can read the thread I think it goes live at 2 p.m. Eastern
today I think that's what it's like one yeah central yeah 1 p.m. our time yeah
he's a well-known guy you know I've been seeing it kind of pop up and
people asking questions about it and then he was actually like on Adult Swim like
you have like a 20-minute spot on Adult Swim the other day with like all his like
3d art and it was it's like a trippy kind of thing obviously like this is
kind of trippy but he he's well known and this is like his first foray into
soul yeah I guess we had rubber last week could this jump on the momentum
of rubber and be something that mints at point two and gets up to like eight
to seventeen soul I don't know you typically you don't see thunderstrike
twice at this close so I I mean each their own we'll see how this goes I'm not
I'm not expecting like anything crazy here but you know it we'll see like maybe
I'm wrong but can never tell what's old man right now you can't tell you never
know kind of you're but something just broke right now and then we'll hit the
hand but a little bit of breaking news in a sense play ember has now
officially signed a gaming partnership with our favorite rug play ember and
pixelmon have now shake shooken I don't know half-shaked whatever the past tense
of hands going up and down it says this isn't your normal partnership or
announcement play ember and pixelmon will be collaborated on a completely new
pixelmon casual mobile game created and published by play ember in q2 play
ember team has shipped over 40 mobile games and amassing over a hundred and
twenty million downloads info down below so in addition to the original pixelmon
game they now have play ember coming in and kind of being a gaming studio right
a powerhouse common market team and just utilizing pixelmon's IP to give them a
mobile game so pretty big move for both teams involved I mean I know a lot
of people were wondering I was wondering when we saw the number of assets that
play ember was actually offering and kind of not not understanding how they
were going to be a gaming brand or company but in a sense they're trying to
be an incubator so these assets are entry into all these project games and
things that they develop in the future so broke four minutes ago there was a
ton of fun on gaming this past week and you had AOF first come out and fucking
say we're only giving you 1% of the token and ding-a-ling freaked out I
think I was ding-a-ling that broke freaked out and the ding-a-ling
broke that broke out or freaked out but that was that was Valhalla's
something else bro we'll get into that I think that was a that was another
Azuki no it was grail no but it was a year and a half 15 million later and you
bust out with the keyboard she's 300 bro only 300 now like a full run limited
edition you guys see you know the sky are Genesis thing that went live it was
like a Dutch auction apparently they use finance illegally like finance apparently
isn't like in collaboration with skyarch and skyarch used it as like false
advertising and bro and like finance like scolding the fuck out of these bro I know
finance was involved in their first incubation round but wasn't involved in
the second round of funding so in a sense yes finance is involved or was
involved technically finance isn't involved anymore but you know once
again what is it tomato tomato I mean it depends on how you look at it cuz
technically they're still involved so yeah gaming's getting slammed right now a
lot of people are realizing that the back by narrative is kind of blowing up
right at the end of the day when you hear back by XYZ I mean yeah that's in
a sense good because there's money but the underlying part of that statement is
that they're gonna want their money back some way shape or form and it's
gonna come from you or you know us in a sense so yeah that stuff is good to
bring a little bit of validity but it's also keep in mind that at one point
sooner than later they're gonna come in and they're gonna want that back and
not just what they gave you they're gonna want it in ten times you know it
and it's not gonna be the okay here's your money go away no it's gonna be two
three four minutes until you know they've milked you dry so keep that in
mind that's kind of the whole VC right it's the double-edged sword you shake a
hand and you're burned on one side and you went on the other but yeah yeah I
think this whole the whole meta on eat with this token thing that was hot like
up two or three months ago I'm taking a big hit it all started with ZTX and
then meme land kind of double down and did it better and then everybody's like
waiting for great and great fucked up cuz they launched on Binance Smart Chain
and then they used layer zero last weekend and try to transition back over
to East just just have a lot of fuck ups and doesn't seem like this meta is set
the launch right now and I think it's gonna take a big hit I don't think
people are gonna be buying these TGE announced fucking NFTs they have tokens
attached to it as much as they're more into airdrop farming and like ordinals
and soul and soul shitter so definitely think this whole kind of whatever just
happened with all this shit took a big hit and I think that meta definitely
needs to recalibrate in and these people need to have like another just
under the radar drop where it does really well like all the stuff that
we've been talking about for the past two or three weeks has basically been
demolished like AOL first was at point seven all the way down to point
one block guys games been killed like all these tokens on these NFTs have
tokens attached has really taken a big hit based off all these like well these
fuck ups from all these other projects so just be aware of that and we'll see
where it goes but she kind of had her hand up for a while
you're doing she kinda what's up
yeah I can't hear she kind of what's up man what jeez we got a good we got a
recalibrating let's start the Steven you probably have some news on this smile
project I guess or whatever you want to talk about you did I do want you to pin
up your your art update from yesterday also so what's up Steven how you doing
this morning yeah man GM I love how she's reaction is always to just like bad
internet it's like oh my god so so bad but anyway art today's drop is smile by
Rupay Renisto he's one of the more highly respected names in the AI art
scene and in the art scene on NFTs in general I would have to say like the
only concern that I had I use had very liberally here because I've been
shaken from it has been the supply it's a 5,000 supply collection which to
me seems a little bit high for something that's gonna be AI generated typically
you'd want to see it be a little bit smaller in total collection size but
based on the way that we saw another AI collection there was I guess part AI
part generative and curated last week and in rubber by pop hunk I think this
one probably sees a similar run I'm not sure it's gonna see the same type of
multiple but I mean just based on the the scale of that collection versus this
one it's really easy to see this sort of thing Rondo like five or six soul in a
hurry it's a question of whether or not the bigger art influencers start getting
their hands on the news of it or like start trying to pump it further in
their own way if that happens yeah it's like sky's the limit so I would
definitely be getting on that if you have the white list for it but yeah
I'll definitely pin it up and we can return back to it in a little bit just
to cover the other pieces that are dropping this week cuz there's a ton ton
of great projects coming up this week one of which even got postponed so if
you were not paying attention yesterday you can certainly get yourself in on
quantum cat still on Thursday because they have put they've pushed their
launched February 1st so just gonna put that one out there is the last note
for right now but I'll pin up my my mint list all pieces that are dropping
this week and into February and we'll come back to it and shout about a
couple others a bit yeah it's really it's really detailed I was going through
yesterday I'm like I'm just like I'm reading Spanish cuz I don't know
anything like who the fuck is this person oh just drop it on solos jumping
on Bitcoin it's really good and if you are kind of Nate just foreign to the
whole art scene really gets you updated on everything that's going on
this week but also I think you even do it like monthly so like just this
is coming up soon though it's like it's a really good breakdown and I
appreciate you putting together I mean quantum cats delayed I mean you
motherfuckers went hard in the group chat on these quantum mice and I think
double eight came with the conspiracy theory that this is a processed gray or
like the artists behind fucking art gobblers behind this and that's why you
guys are all super bullish I don't know that narrative I don't know if that's
true or not but like these words gotta be true he went to art school he could
probably identify that kind of thing yeah that's true he did go to art
school and make and build the games so he just like a renaissance man all
together but yeah I mean it was drop the stock of phone holders seems like they're
kind of bullish on it but I don't know man is this something that we're looking
at to get a bigger return that already was it like didn't it meant for like 0.02
and now it's at like yeah 0.35 are we expecting this to get above assault I
think it hit 0.6 like the top like 0.6 0.7 and yeah I think the minute was like
0.04 so yeah I mean it's still up it didn't dip you know overnight it's like
a 0.3 right now so it's interesting for sure especially cuz quantum cats is gonna
be like three days late so I mean this is a good DJ people I just think with
derivatives themselves they have a very let's say low ceiling yeah they can
pop off you can make some X's but the fact that it looks like other art kind
of puts like a cap on it or it's like morality or how high it could possibly go
that's how I like even then it's like and then if you will get a derivative that's
actually like a derivative but pixel art that's even harder to go viral just
because of how hard it is then to turn bro you didn't see that the pixel
puppets got all but hurt because they couldn't be accepted into the regular
puppets discord yeah that's what I'm saying they were literally all just but
heard on the timeline like we're just not part of your community you're like
well I mean I don't even I've never seen that happen before like yo I can't get
into it I made my own now we're we're in the community fuck you swag what is
that with these fucking titanium Cheetos this is a joke or is this actually
something that's gonna be in like so it's obviously and honestly one of the
best memes I've ever I've ever heard it's it's fucking hilarious and for anyone
that doesn't know the titanium Cheeto has essentially been the support for the
puppets chart if you look at the chart you'll see that the Cheeto was deployed
at like point zero one seven five or something like that but so the actual the
actual 3d BRC P4 20 thing just a community member strength yeah he like
created or pulled a 3d file for Cheetos and I think he actually shopped it out
and had somebody making a titanium version but what he did and what BRC 420
does it allows you to like fractionalize 3d pieces so he inscribed the
one created a ten thousand and one collection of Cheetos and dropped it as
like a four dollar mint I fucking mid curved it twice posted the video who was
so fucking funny and didn't mint it solely because I didn't have funds in a
uniset wallet I couldn't connect to their mint lips but that's beside the
point so I don't have any but I am one of the bigger proponents of the
meme and it's fucking hilarious I think people still don't get it
yeah you you Bitcoin puppet MFers really fucking came together as a community this
weekend and just like try to show like six projects to make it seem like the
next Bitcoin puppets and I mean yeah they did have some multipliers but like
they didn't they were nothing like Bitcoin puppets so you guys are trying
oh they're trying extra hard bro and I'm bullish on fucking derivatives but I
learned my lesson and this is food for thought sell every fucking derivative you
get as soon as it pumps there's gonna be a couple that are gonna pump
okay and I'm sorry if you guys are but her and think your fucking community is
gonna be the next big thing I'm sorry it's not 2021 was very indicative of
that of a billion fucking derivatives pumping and then fucking dumping so like
I mean there might be one or two that'll do well but the statistically
speaking and I'm talking like purely from a statistical standpoint not
because your community is ass or it might be good or bad or whatever the
case might be derivatives are meant to be fucking sold bro so like get the
fuck over it move the fuck on and find another billion fucking opportunities in
this space don't get attached to your fucking bags or your derivatives assholes
have a wonderful day I think a lot of these derivatives are actually like
produced by the original art team like I heard a lot of people saying that the
quantum cats are actually Udi's second project are not the quantum cats was the
quantum rats I was like yeah that makes sense you know maybe you got to
have a derivative to like say oh this is a real thing you know so maybe that
was all kind of a ploy I don't know but yeah I mean there'll be one or two
derivatives that will pop off but majority of them are like shit coins
they probably have a life of like three days before they go to zero bro I'm so
like honestly like when a project does well like I wrote this the other day
like obviously I fucking bags obviously on the timeline but like when a
project starts popping off and like there starts like a bunch of
derivatives of it start coming off that project usually usually does well
I mean correct me if I'm wrong but whatever man like fuck dude cook dude
there's there's money to be made in this bitch so it's kind of bullish overall
when you could fucking make like a hundred a couple hundred bucks every
single day you know yeah it's just people are get too greedy and I go
this is gonna go up another point oh two and then they get caught holding the
bag and it goes below mint when you wake up in the morning you're like fuck
measures on yesterday but yeah Tio what's up you alien fucker like you
haven't changed your profile picture what's up yeah I think I'm gonna keep it
just because it bugs you out so much honestly I'm residing over the world I
am that big alien that's watching over you so don't worry but uh I wanted to sit
state about the the quantum mice whatever they were called yeah it's
basically a lottery ticket that's how I seem to rose it's like you pay to play
you could buy in if you get the white list you're lucky if not you could buy
in early or if you could buy in when you get it and then you hope or pray that it
goes up and sometimes it does you know listen the penguins or whatever it was
the weekend went up to one or two soul I forgot exactly but literally people were
like all right this is shit but let's see how long they could ride the hot
potato and that's just basically how I see derivatives but what I wanted to
talk about and speak about since Steven's on the on the stage and other art
people on the stage and from Victoria bro what's up with this lady does she just
like to print money because the the the Dutch auction starts at 2.5 East and
goes down to 0.1 East so they're no matter what getting what 25
aetherium like I don't understand like she has no other way to take to garner
money and she just has to keep selling more
either way you cannot have royalties and say fuck man and then like you could
complain about the initial sale price like they have to make money some way and
if they're not gonna get royalties that they have a high mint price bro like I
don't know but then that makes her her stuff evaluate less you know how many
hyped mints I've participated for her in the past 365 days maybe 7 and those
are all over $300 or $200 so like what the hell where's her money going does
she have a bad cocaine addiction or something dude these artists are grifters
bro they're like the money extractors that no one talks about if they extract
the most money no I'm just fucking around but they kind of are Steven you
got a this I mean some of these mints are kind of crazy but this is what you
have to get like if you're not getting royalties then you make your money off
the initial sale so I'm not like good about amber though is I mean there's
people that have always been controversial about the amount of work
she's put out but yet her die-hard collectors still go and collect every
single drop so at the end of the day I mean to her it seems like noise right I
mean we sit here and we were like damn why are you dropping again or whatever
it may be but I mean to her there's like well there's demand my people want
me to continue to drop my collectors are anxious to see a new artwork or a new
piece and I guess my thing with amber is the vibes that she just did top tier 100%
new innovation of style brought fresh eyes to just her in general right I really
wish that that development continues on that end of just pushing the the
envelope for growth on the artistic side as well but I mean you can't sit
here and try to deduce and tell her how to create either right what I like
maybe I mean other people may have hated the vibes oh fuck these pixels I
want her you know traditional ribbon style again so it's all subjective in a
sense but I mean she is one of the higher producing artists in the space go
ahead Steven I mean I don't disagree with the single word that you had said
there chief I think the one thing that I would add is just that like you
have to remember the differences between many of these artists right like
they consider themselves very differently like not even like tears
right like it's more so just like you have artists that create from different
points of intention right you've heard out of snow fro in the past aka art on
blockchain aka the head of art blocks he essentially considers himself a proof
of concept artist so whenever he releases something it's about testing new water
it's about trying something that's very conceptual to see if it works or to see
if it's appreciated in the case of Amber like straight away like what her work is
is just a lot of experimentation like yes people will criticize from the past
that like it's a lot of the same stuff with her ribbon style but truth be told
vibes vibes was her first foray into like creating a legit PFP that's an
experiment so like she's trying new things she's expanding upon what she
already has out there and this collection that she's dropping through
art blocks is her first foray into generative art she partnered with a
really really great generative artists to help make this happen and I don't
fault her at all for continuing to push the limits of her art and show
that those limits really don't exist they're only self-imposed to me I love
her art I really like her style all the styles that she's brought in it's just
that sometimes when she does a new mint they look almost they don't look the
same but they are the same style for the most part and it just makes my piece
that I've had that I thought was special a month or a week later
doesn't feel so special because we're on the new and the hotter thing it's like
a new mint of a new NFT you know it's like it doesn't have that Genesee
quad that you want to want it to have when there's gonna be another one that's
more hype that's the old shiny eye on that new shiny project this aspect of it
one that you can with her there's no more unique yeah well that's what I'm
saying the uniqueness aspect to where you can identify hey this was her
Bitcoin piece hey it's the same ribbon style but hey this was this drop hey
it was this drop like that so I get what you're saying in that sense of
being able to visually identify without having to foray in for information
metadata or anything like that where it comes from what chain almost time dated
so yes sir so I have a post up here from layer GG and they kind of release
these at the beginning of the week narratives of the week which I think
are pretty cool to keep this kind of updated on maybe have some blind spots
here and there so yesterday Vitalik wrote a crypto plus AI post tokens
mentioned bit tensor world coin and a beneficiary I render and Akash network
new coins are better than old coins manta alt and Ando are up in price China's
projects are newly joined the BTC ecosystem you have CKB and conflicts we
have restaking is hyped we have gaining the attention of the market is Pendle
and Mav up it KRW market trio is leading a rally by making turns at the front so
you have sweet see and Mina all doing well staking plus air drops you have
Tia Celestia injective sweet and pith all doing good based off staking and
air drops yeah and we have soul is following the same strategy with Ethan
DeFi summer we have Gito pith in Jupiter so I thought that was pretty cool and
I don't know you guys saw Vitalik yesterday last night he's kind of doing
these community posts and last time he did this he talked about ENS and ENS
pumped crazy and now he mentioned bit tensor and now bit tensors up crazy so
I think we need to keep track of these kind of post and get to him first
because seems like these are ultimately like money printers because he talks
about him so much so I'll pin up the kind of thing and Vitalik in an
article is talking about Vincent's or talent how successfully achieves the
better AI crypto with incentive mechanism so after that happened we just
had a crazy parabolic movement on bit tensor this morning it's up 25% render
up 8% already up for FLR up 7 rune up 7 sweet up 8 link up 5 e-gold up 5 and
pulse X up 9 but yeah look at render renders up I know it's a soul coin plus
that when that narrative we were talking about with the Apple Vision Pro
um we're probably can continue see render go up because it's a soul token and souls
getting a stimmy but we also have the Apple Vision Pro coming out on February
2nd which I think there's a connection between HBO and render and HBO
creating a AR VR kind of app for the headset that uses renders technology for
like the I guess the pixels are the frame rate and stuff so yeah I mean
we talked about it on Saturday and it continues the rise but go ahead chief
you're unmuted I mean nothing specific my bad but I mean I do have what I was
talking about at the beginning of the show now that back here at the PC and
stuff just to prove that Google updates their policies around Bitcoin and
crypto trust to be advertised on the top so you got Vanek you got BlackRock
you got all their ETFs now as soon as you do any kind of Bitcoin search it's
fully available so I can always see the apps as well starting to kind of open
and change their policies in terms of processing crypto payments or allowing
crypto insight so really a good kind of turning point if you're into these web
3 games or for a web 3 game to truly break out and kind of take advantage of
this because I'm pretty sure these guys are eager to sign and actually have
proof of concept that hey this was a good idea to allow XYZ in look at the
traffic look at the downloads right and I don't think that we've seen that yet
right a proof of concept for either of these kind of big conglomerates to
really feel like this is the way that the social side of things are gonna move
as well they already know that the financial and kind of like that hidden
backdoor agenda and battle that goes on but they you know still think in a sense
the majority of the people are quote-unquote sheep right no one cares to
look up what crypto is or autonomy or freedom self-sovereignty none of that so
when you start hitting these searches and it starts bringing validation to the
direction of not just the big companies but also the you know the retail is
interested I think that that starts to really kick the ball up the post up I
mean kind of talked about it all in passing for anyone that wants more
information we mentioned the Valhalla in the timeline kind of the keyboard so I'm
gonna pin that up there's Alex Lin statement in regards to the keyboard FUD
and how he just says that we don't understand the amount of thought that
went into creating a brand new version of a keyboard and then since then once
again I just want to reiterate I know this is kind of maybe a touchy subject
maybe not doesn't really matter be careful who you guys follow be careful if
you're following these groups of that are like call groups right you never know
when people buy you never know when people sell just do your research right
the idea of alpha isn't something that you have to capitalize immediately it's
something that is before the fact right you're taught before the fact of hey this
is potentially coming go do your own research and see if it's for you right
and so I'm gonna pin something up to the top just someone caught cook cook and
just other influencers just planning and coordinating just pump and dumps we know
that that happens it's just our obligation to inform you guys to just be
careful who you're getting your signals from that's it just because the bull is
here the bear you know doesn't mean that everything's free game just you
know save your shekels the point is to be here tomorrow so just move that way
and then lastly what I got and then we'll transition into something else just
a little shout out to everyone that's been participating with the magic Eden
wallet I know we got a lot of our community on that wallet we've been you
know at least a week or two before the actual launch and then there are a couple
perks that we've been able to capitalize beforehand and I guess now we're just
made known to us so first off there's exclusive open editions inside the magic
Eden wallet from DJ nape Academy cleanest source of bedagos for anyone that's on
the Bitcoin side interested it was trying to go for incong BTC you got
boosted allow list odds if you entered utilizing your magic Eden wallet
address 1.25 boost on liquidium so anyone that's in our community that's
either listened about liquidium or listened about the wallet and kind of
took the steps to move in that direction congratulations for you guys you know
you got a little boost on that on your points and you're getting a little
extra boosted odds on the Saturn airdrop that is coming to a close if if I'm not
crew I mean if I'm not mistaken it either it's already done or it ends in a
couple hours but you had to have transferred a hundred thousand satoshis
into your Saturn account roughly about 50 bucks or so to get yourself set up for
Saturn and allow yourself to be in the airdrop eligible for the rug airdrop
that they're doing and then lastly the secret perk with crypto slam crypto slam
later then tweeted that there's zeely quest I think we covered him a couple
weeks ago they're just kind of engagement based quest but if you're
utilizing a magic Eden wallet you get a boosted multiplier in whatever they're
doing over there so I'm not too sure I mean it's a analytics app and it's free
so it would be cool if they're giving something away I mean rewards but I'm not
sure I mean maybe it's a token baby it's not I just don't I don't get how you just
got to give a token for people checking information there and how you're
actually tracking you know what they do and what they don't but I mean it'll be
interesting a crypto side does come out with the token dude because I mean that
would be a new category it's almost like what deck screen are coming out
with one or something like that right which isn't necessarily a trading app
it's just aggregated information it's a fire hose so everybody is going to have
a token eventually it's just a matter of time baby might be 20 years from now
might be a hundred years from now you heard Larry think tokenize the world so
yeah we're all gonna get rewarded it's just a matter of time every web 3
product every product and web is gonna have a token attached to it and the
more you participate sort of more loyalty program the more tokens yeah yeah
before I thought the trill and teo up top found a found something a little
suspicious um is D gods getting into gaming they have a new Twitter handle
slap D slash gaming D gaming XYZ and in the profile it's a picture of a bunch
of D gods they have D gen 8 Academy they have ok bears they have boogaloo's they
have a bunch of soul projects on this profile picture maybe they're going back
to soul there's a lot of Easter eggs in here so if you guys could do me a favor
and others tie Oh robots there's SMB's there's all kinds of stuff in this
profile picture pretty sure D gods are going back to soul and gonna be
producing a game on soul from this and from this there's no post on this this
has 1.3 K followers and not following nine people so who are the nine people
that are following D gods on Bitcoin Utes D gods nouns at eSports frosted
Aaron D gods Frank pudgy gaming and Elon Musk so yeah I guess uh this is
alpha you know maybe if they do announce they're coming to game maybe the
floor price actually pumps for once who knows but just uh maybe put
notifications on follow it maybe you can be the first to the information who
knows yes did I found this I thought it was kind of fake really over the weekend
right I mean I don't know the fuck are they gonna do with gaming I mean
everyone just I guess everyone wants to be gaming and they are talking about
being obvious you don't have much of a choice from you got IP you could be a
social community can do gaming it's like three things and over the weekend I
don't know if you saw the announcement of them teaming up with block days block
dice games for like a 2x multiplier and shit so it definitely seems like you
know even Aaron he does like the D with photo fish so they're coming they're
trying to do multi yeah let's just say and that multi chain thing could
actually double down on that narrative if that's the case so well and then you
also we don't know what how what pudgy's world is is pudgy world is
built on zk sync is there ways to put IP into that game or do you guys gonna be in
that game I don't know what pudgy world even is yet so maybe it's a
collaboration with you know Frank and Luca our best friends maybe they're
like combining with their own game I don't know but but I was interesting I
saw that on Twitter this morning I figure I bring it to your attention not
a lot of people are talking about you know Frank and D gods going into
gaming and it looks like they created their own no Twitter handle so we'll
go and then I got some more shit for you go ahead troll no I just wanted to ask I
guess chief cuz you were you were the one I was kind of honest as well on the
these nuts on soul you see like they're getting like huge volume now because of
that amm no I saw all the nuts I had and moved on yeah yeah apparently they
they this was a while ago and we talked about it on the show yeah it's
the first yeah tiny I think SPL token on soul so in a sense it gives you the
ability to they revert kind of like reverse engineering what BRC 20s are
right so in a sense when you buy a BRC 20 you buy a pack right it's like 10,000
tokens but you buy it as one single item or entity almost like a chest for
example and then you break it apart every package it they did the same thing on
soul so you have the ability to combine these nut assets into one or you can
split them up and kind of make them fungible that way right and now the fact
that they added an amm means that it makes it easier to unload big like big
clips right you got 50 of them yeah I mean you get to unload big nuts I guess
you know I'm sorry but yeah so you could just drop a like a 50 pack or something
like that and you don't have to be scared because there's an amm to solve it
on the other side rather before you would have to bust the 50 pack down
into fives tens ones or whatever in order to kind of nickel and dime your
way out yes it seems they have they launched or swap three days ago and then
I was going to their profile and looks like they have a community in China
that's like killing it with like a lot of this stuff and I'm assuming they're
into it a lot more but if you did buy these a while back like I just sold mine
a hundred pack for point eight two of them so if you still have these you know
kind of go back and look and see like from a filter standpoint like what the
amount is because the floor is like super low but if you have like hundreds
or more you can probably get yourself a good like point five so or even more
and then also clutch just commented that you get two diamonds per buy with these
nuts on on magic unit right now so I think that's another incentive on why
people are buying so just throwing it out there someone talked about a long
time ago so just check a wallet damn I didn't even think about that in that
sense to just farm magic even points I mean if you're getting diamonds and the
floor price is literally like point zero zero zero one or some shit might as
well just go kind of go off on it
go ahead Tia yeah fucking these nuts yeah fucking these nuts I can't believe
she's leading the conversation on a soul fucking it always comes back to nuts
always comes back he's always been on these nuts the thing good to you yeah
good looks what to call it is it me or I don't read or you can't connect your
your minute magic Eden wallet to liquidium or Saturn or am I just not
reading what I'm supposed to do on the magic even wallet one of the ways that
I found a kind of bypass if they had interact integration or not go to
settings set it as your primary wallet do a hard refresh on the page and then
re-enter and then click whatever you can literally click X verse you just add
or whatever and the magic even one will take over and make itself the primary
wallet I thought that was pretty cool actually cool so settings in the magic
wallet to change it to only go to that yes and then refresh the page and then
try it again and then it should trigger a magic even pop up if if magic even
doesn't pop up then this like that site has a specific signature for X verse or
for unisat that won't work but for most of them I've been able to get
around with setting it that way if you don't know now you know all right so just
just some news right so we talked about this on Saturday of you know Twitter
turning into like a way to bet online so this morning X receives the
transmitter license for payment services in Nevada so I wouldn't imagine that you
could have sponsorship with bet MGM if you don't have a money transmitter in
Nevada so you probably start seeing that this week kind of roll out but that's
interesting what else we have talked about that so Russia this is just all
from watch your guru Russia says that it's ditching the US dollar for trade
settlements is a top priority in 2024 that's not great you have German police
sees 2.1 billion worth of Bitcoin in a piracy sting so maybe that's bullish for
Bitcoin because maybe they'll never be sold but it probably will be sold by the
government whenever they get their hands on it and get it kind of trans
transmitted to the right wallets and then a lot of a lot of the you know
people don't understand ordinals they don't understand what's being built on
Bitcoin our ordinal theory when they see these numbers like I don't know
what's going on here but dogecoin network is witnessing a remarkable
surge in growth with a new address increase of a staggering 1,100 percent
over the past week on January 29th alone the record-breaking 200 247 new doge
addresses were created making an all-time high a sustainable uptrend and
network expansion could soon reflect positively on dogecoin prices I saw
some influencers and shit some old old regards like baffled by this and
they're like why is this happening I don't understand and they just don't
understand that DRC 20s and inscriptions and doge nals are taking
over dogecoin and that's why it's going up but also I think over the weekend we
had okx come out with announcements saying that they're going to be
supporting dogecoin and doge nals and atomicals and in their wallet so I
think we talked about that before with the github of how they were going to
use doge nals and stuff so it's pretty interesting to see these numbers and
you know prices are pumping over on dogecoin I know it kind of went into a
phase of where doge nals are dead well it's kind of rebounding so pretty
interesting pretty interesting and here is the post from okx that happened
this weekend it says we're the first to market with four new inscription token
standards across web 3 wallet and marketplaces we're gonna be doing
atomical stamps runes and doge nals so okx which is the leading I guess wallet
in Asia is now going to be supporting the top new standards coming out this
year so pretty bullish for our bags and the one thing I didn't see on there was
CBRC 20s but it's just crazy to me how they're consistently I mean not crazy but
you know reaffirmation they're consistently just moving towards more
and more tokens right it's all token base it's not necessarily like jpegs
or NFTs and stuff like that right so I mean I know it's just doubles down on you
know the thing that we're hearing what we're seeing when we heard from Adam
when we see all the videos and stuff like that of people really just don't
care about the picture side right it's too much they just like the simplicity of
buy and sell for a higher number you know that's it 100% have you seen this
new game that's out on Solana called Solana Hunger Games is welcome to GG no
I've been kind of saying that you know around the timeline it was kind of sus
because it was a .zip file and I'm not doing any .zips well it is backed by
Delphi digital which is a leading VC in the space built an on-chain game
merging augmented reality and social fight in a hunt for glory and soul
details how to get early access and claim below but you're gonna need an
invite code if you just search this game on Twitter I saw like a meta jit he had
yeah yo he's vanished yeah he's out again my man being inducted randomly this is
getting more and more often dude I love the 30 seconds of like trying to figure
out if it's me or yeah like everyone I mean I even look at my phone and it's
all silent and shit and he just goes with them all right if you're looking for
a code I'm pretty sure you can you know find one in your group chats or just
probably look online in the search bar of Twitter I know a lot of people are
just posting them and trying to get it obviously there's some type of
referral incentive so I mean shit is a he's down there I don't know if you need
to check in I got it I already like pushed him to go up it just has to to
move in that sense so all right so anyway all right I'm gonna continue I
don't know what the fuck's up with my phone lately it just removes me from the
space without me touching anything it just you're gone so going back to this
you can get early access and you have to get an invite code to go so you choose
your character in GG you can race as a hunter or speculated as a sponsor as the
hunter explorer and host city in quest for ARG boxes I had to accept that so I
got posted out so each city has these boxes right and you go around and you
go find these boxes inside your city so it's definitely beneficial to get on this
early before everybody buys these boxes so it's kind of like Pokemon go but on top
of trying to find all these boxes you can bet on if like me and cheaper in
Dallas or like whatever he's in st. Louis and I see a box next to his house I
could bet on chief to get that box before anybody else and I can make I
can earn points by doing that so it could I could see that being gamed by like
a group of people in a city but also Delphi Delphi is BC backing this and
when you see BC means there is gonna be a token airdrop for this so it's kind of
like a Pokemon go you go around your city you find these boxes you can also
bet on people getting boxes but participating playing getting on the
leaderboard is also gonna get you airdrop tokens so it's pretty cool
game pretty interesting augmented reality I mean probably do pretty well
I'm probably gonna try to get invite code this week and see if I can get any
boxes around my my city because literally no one participates in crypto
so I can probably grab all these boxes myself and get a fat airdrop so it's
pretty cool man like you play Pokemon go you're gonna like this so this is
like what I was kind of mentioning it would be cool for the geo like geo
caching and shit like this is a thing people do this but typically it's with
like it's just like a lockbox or something like that and there's like some
type of maze or you know it's just fun little I guess real-world quests you
know yeah dude this is actually kind of cool I wonder yeah a literal RPG bro
people who just playing with fucking Apple vision goggles on their head gonna
pull up and someone secretly like dealer and shit you should go and search on
Google the Pokemon go like accident there's like a website that kind of
curates all the crazy shit that happens to people that play Pokemon go I was
looking at one this morning and it said this person got attacked by crows while
trying to obtain a like a Pokemon ball so I would imagine like there's gonna be
some injuries playing this game man like there's betting involved you're
probably have people for arming each other try to get boxes people looking at
their phone trying to grab boxes getting hit by you know trains and
automobiles so yeah you guys got to be safe but this game looks promising good
VC backing promising an airdrop token and it's fun like you go around play
Pokemon go basically web 3 version and make some money while doing it I don't
know I thought I saw this weekend Delphi digital got me bullish on it and I'm
gonna try to play it this week and I'll let you know more once I start
playing so there you go go ahead chief you got something I got no I was just
talking about that I mean I had saw it this weekend too I completely faded all
of it just because of the like I said it's like a dot zip I mean I don't know
if that's just a domain that they chose to go with or it's actually a zip file
but yeah I'd sit not fuck that I wasn't gonna bother but yeah I'm gonna look
into it now I mean I'm not everything else all the deep end shit is running
off a Solana so I mean it kind of makes sense for that purpose right especially if
this is in a sense gonna be a combination of geo tracking location data
right it's gonna be farming more so data than the actual game it's kind of
just a gamified way to farm city data so looks cool yep yep yeah looks cool I
did have something that I'm gonna pin to the top
or was it oh maybe one second I had to look for it bro well we got whitelisted
to Zocchio last week and they kind of came out with something 18 hours ago called
elemental chronicles Takas tail and it has to do with like dings IP of his
Azuki chapter 1 taka coming soon so that like Zocchio kind of reminds me of like
Sanford Tokyo where they use IP they build like story and lore and comics
around it and jingling tote posted about it went from like 0.07 all the way it's
like 0.12 so if you did meant you you had like a nice little like 0.04 profit
there but uh yeah Zocchio you know kind of doubling down on anime and
definitely doing like comic books with the Zuki characters you know maybe the
spirit of Zuki dial starts sweeping the fuck out of these because they want
to their comic of their spirit of Zuki or something so yeah they had nice
little pump all you do is be a little you know a little patient and you could
have got your exit so just wanted to throw that out there since we did get
whitelisted that for last week so you got you got something cheap I think
trill was saying trill you got no I didn't have anything to say but yeah
call it I was gonna call that later in the show but yeah so the Zocchio pump
the listings are down like almost like 200 since um since the mint and kind of
the postman time so I think it's definitely you just hold it you know
I'm saying but the thing with these and I think you know kind of like a bigger
conversation is like presales like a lot of people got these for like 0.04 if
you got like really early in like the presale vibes last year during the
during the bear so those people are up considerably but even now like you still
minted you're still up a little bit so yeah good call out it's interesting that
that what they're doing with like the IP and even like cross kind of project here
with those ukis now what I was going to talk about was the derp meta dumb
protocol that we had occurred I'm just looking for the good write-up I have
because it's just kind of wild to just put the face up here and it's kind of
scary but fuck it we're just going to put this up here as we were talking about
last week who's behind these derps I saw swag talk about swagger you can have the
derps like who's behind machine 98 formally known as big cafe swag I mean he
definitely is swag but he's not this swag yeah so in a sense these things were
trending bro and they're ugly but that's perfect bro go ahead my bad enemy you
have to read the rules it's fucking hilarious yeah that's what I'm trying to
find like a full post with the like the the breakdown of it right not just me
just verbatim but in a sense it's a farming of ruins or I guess I say this
wrong rooms right not ruins so farming of rooms this is not the rooms like the
first token but runes as in a runes from this him or the team so just setting the
groundwork on that anyway so you're farming runes and just kind of as a
parody or a meme to similar how ASIC was right or our sick was where you had to
send it to yourself in order to activate it and in a sense mine he
decided to create a game right and so it's literally just kind of outlandish
it's supposed to be crazy in a sense the best way and the really only way to win
this is if you're wash farming and wash trading between yourself or just with
friends so these were airdropped to people's wallets it's posted up top it's
kind of like a scary looking seal our badger cypherpunk kind of guy and the
thing the way that it works is like I said you farm more of the token based on
how many times it's been traded and used so you can sit here and just send it
back and forth and you just gain a multiplier if you buy one off of the
floor that's made it into multiple wallets you get a multiplier and you start
being able to farm more of the token just trolls right just trolls but in a
sense there will be something backed behind this and there are people who are
kind of fading it are not really playing but it's our sick from another team and
another person it's just whether or not which one do you feel like it's gonna
work which one or not it's it's just a race now right because now you have Leo's
fair drop token as well which is gonna be you had to have at least three non
text-based inscriptions in your wallet before the cutoff date right they are
considering adding JSONs and BRC 20s and text-based but there will be a higher
threshold for qualifying for those just because you get a lot of the transfer
inscriptions and all the extras in there as well and that kind of racks up
very quickly even if you're not an active participant right but they're
trying to figure out if they are gonna include text they've got a little bit of
pushback on that just due to the fact that you can't really isolate or call
yourself a fair airdrop and exclude the token boys and say I like jpegs better
and in a sense we're all in the mix and we're all called orinals so everyone weird
to leave the token boys out of yeah I mean I'm just saying like oh and also
to your point on the race derps specifically do not want to win the
race he and by the way he's a very very capable technical dev on Bitcoin oh dude
just his guarantee is that he will not be the first he's going to likely send it
in at a very low fee rate on that for no I'm just saying like and the thing
about that is to just the machines in general dude are like the omnius quiet
group of big-brain devs that just sit in the back I mean they've been they
have their own world and lower almost a hundred K assets for for their own
ecosystem that most of the ordinal people have no fucking idea what it is
right where any of this connects but they do so definitely a capable dev I
like the trolling this I like the mean mobility I like the hey the way to win is
do XYZ and at the end of the day is gonna be like I literally told you guys
exactly what I was going to do and it played out but yeah so just finishing up
on the Leo one I'll post that up top as well if you have three or more non
text-based inscriptions you are at this moment automatically qualified for the
rune stone slash Leonidas community rune airdrop if anything changes in terms of
the for the BRC 20s or the Jason's we'll keep you guys updated I just saw
an article from the block basically seen SEC likely to approve spot a theory
ETFs on May 23rd standard chartered bank so yeah that's gonna be crazy if that
comes to fruition if we actually do get a theory of spot ETF in May that's
pretty close and over the weekend I don't know how this changes I guess you
guys can inform you guys are just crowding the the mempool but having
got pushed back to April 18th to 420 so I guess that's perfect for our bags
right everybody's gonna be high for the 1,000th time this year so was it I
thought was on April 18th but now they're saying April 20th which is
420 yeah yeah I think it's probably I mean it all just comes down to block
time and honestly it's probably cuz all that shit in Texas like it's probably
just kind of compiling on top of that well the miners down here Texas got
shut down due to the snowstorm and ice we've been having like pretty severe
weather and so that was also one of the issues that caused you know a little bit
of a backup such a delay in this time cycle but dude imagine the memes if this
comes out on 420 holy shit bro imagine the memes you're the first
runes gonna be called like pothead 420 or some shit bro it's it's it's gonna
confirm at 696 on the fucking dot bro do Bitcoin it's an all-time high on that
day at 69 420 like come on bro like there's gonna be so many things going on
that day and maybe it's a far benefit maybe people are so high in stone that
they won't be able to actually get on that first block after the having man
maybe there's more there's less competition if there by stone down their
mind we'll see I mean the last time I was super excited about something on
420 was the coinbase fucking in a team marketplace so hopefully we kind of that
didn't well up to the top is the website for you to go throw in your ordinals
address to see if you qualify for the rune stone I would just see how many
wallets I'd have I check all my wallets I mean you probably have even dead
JPEGs count which is which is a cool thing and something to know what about
BRC no that's what I was saying the JSONs in the text aren't included as of
now but dead JPEGs are so if you try to inscribe a JPEG and it just didn't get
indexed it still counts as a JPEG in your wallet and so you still qualify
because I went and I checked my BRC 20 wallet and I'm like oh there's nothing
here but there's actually a bunch of dead JPEGs that never got indexed and so
therefore that wallet also qualified so I would just run all my wallets through
the checker see which one of you which one of them qualify now and then see how
it'll be in the future but it's not based off of activity at all it's only based
off of the thresholds they set and either you make it in or you don't are
we do we have like maybe like a time cuz I know I've heard rumors that rug
tokens coming out this week maybe Leonidas this is next week like do we
know when like the deadline do we have any kind of hint on when these are
not on the roadstone one that I haven't seen now I mean I guess it's smart to let
these liquidity events play out you don't want to like put like rug token
on the same day as Jupiter right like that you want to the attention on your
airdrop and not like you know between six or seven different protocol so yeah
I think maybe this on Friday or Saturday we'll have rug and then people
can fuck around with it over the weekend and then next week and then on
that we just finish on the rug before we get to the hands rug right now I don't
know if anyone I know I mentioned it earlier the cutoff was occurring well they
got DDoS they had apparently 50,000 requests per minute and so it ruined the
last bit of your ability to come in and deposit some money I don't know how
true that is now that I'm saying it out loud so I'd tell you guys to say shit
out loud when you say shit out loud you say hey and you're like huh if I didn't
have enough money I would say I'm gonna extend the window for you to deposit
more money too but anyway you guys can still go deposit your money because
they've extended the window of the Saturn airdrop in the snapshot and yeah
you need a hundred thousand satoshis in order to qualify your wallet and once
you do that I would suggest at least going inside and making one trade right
if you want a quote-unquote multiplier then you need to use the wallet that
holds any of the partner assets there's probably about a hundred different
ordinal communities on there that qualify for a quote-unquote multiplier
size allocation but you have to activate the wallet that these are
located in in order to get that if you don't you don't get it you're just a
normal user activating a normal Saturn account UI is kind of shitty probably
gonna lose your 50 bucks but hopefully the rug token or the ring token makes up
for it so good Chicana what's up okay I'm not in the gym anymore so no my
internet does not suck um but yeah I wanted to I know you earlier you guys
were talking about like games and now they like I guess I get a lot of
backlash but I want to ask about D pin so the centralized physical infrastructure
like network and all the buzz that's you know kind of around that I got I've
been looking into it watching some damn YouTube videos on it kind of understand
it and for me like I said like I do like gaming gaming's fun you know like I
love Call of Duty whatever so what do what are your opinions on looking at the
projects I kind of like the gaming projects that are using D pin you know as
an aspect so you know that they're gonna have tokens so you're not Kamado not
Kamado games is one and then there's also like Vulcan Forge and yeah I mean
those are the two that comes off my head that yeah that have tokens and so
if the game does well obviously the tokens you know kind of go up what are
your thoughts on looking at projects I mean outside of a salon a phone or
whatever but like yeah looking at what tokens are connected to those products
you wouldn't put like stepping an animus whatever animus is cooking over there
with the clones kind of in line with that I know that they're trying to do
some type of D pin you know either either evolution or like Tamagotchi style
thing with those animus eggs and so I would kind of maybe look for a contender
that's not necessarily out there yet that it's had speculation about
utilizing D pin or maybe a round two similar to Steppen right who learned from
all the fucking failures from the first round and the Ponzi-nomics on that end
and kind of refined and retune but I'm really interested to see how animus
does it if that's their plan right if it's some type of D pin system slash
Tamagotchi you grow your egg as you use your shoe kind of connecting all the
dots or all these different infrastructures that they've set up that
doesn't seem to have any like highway between them right and so I mean I would
just throw that out there I didn't even know or how Vulcan Forge is using D pin
or what they're doing so you know like with animus I mean honestly like I
just don't trust anything that comes out of like like artifact until like you see
it just because they're really good with hype and we've seen them over and over
kind of just like fail as far as and what they're delivering so I like to
actually said I don't want to hear the proof of concept I actually want to see
something you know like that they've done I don't imagine with the whole I
don't know how a token would work you know like again like with with Nike and
that whole like I don't I don't know how that'll work and how they'll yes
spin that up so I'm just still yeah just question mark around them
stepping is a good one I didn't think about them but they would be perfect
because they're really big over and in Asia but Scott should go because Scott
is the deep in man yeah someone said deep hands were being talked about in
here chief I'm so so it's like pull up nice to express so it's cheap talking
about deep in let's go appreciate you beside it Scott give me one second let's
go to Tio and then we'll go to you and go ahead Tio I know that you're big into
the deep in aspect too so I just wanted to get back on to the rugs just quick
statement I gave you a deep in layup you don't run me yeah deep in deep is the
best I actually have like 10 phones like that that China man on that bicycle I
actually have been doing it a long time I have two in-house things all you guys
got to do is get a honey a honey driver deep in you got to get the mobile you got
to get a couple of these products to the grass even though it's I don't know if
that's deep in all these things are free money just get into it I'm gonna walk
around with 50 things strapped to his chest just making his rounds every day
looking like the crazy man that's that's Omi that's Omi Omi is basically
converted his whole fucking cannabis business to helium business so I pinned
up top from Alex way see if you guys don't follow Alex you should list the deep
in projects with five to hundred expotential to 2020 or he has market
caps of 20 million hundred million two hundred million fifty million hundred
million twenty fifty goes only down to ten million dollars you guys can do
your own research on these is give you kind of the the tickers and kind of
like a brief breakdown of what these all do the ones you know that I talked
about was Navi which is kind of a ways you know in the ways app that's kind
of like a web three ways app of course we talk about hive mapper you know is
good but uh demos once but yeah this is one per week as long as you have a car
connected to the demo one it's a baseline like I guess allocation Navi you
actually need an NFT in order to to farm the tokens from it but yeah we'll
throw it to Scott in terms of I guess you kind of the question I was kind
of presented was just games utilizing deep in maybe geo caching or some type
of utilization of that what it like where do you see that going and do you have
any faith in the clonax kind of reiteration of it or what are you saying
man oh cheap bro fly this is one of the smartest brainiac spaces in fucking
web 3 top 3 for sure yeah bro video games was one I didn't have on my bingo
card until I saw so they're not connected to soul but it's called soul
racing and basically they're building a deep in device that goes in the real
racing car that's gonna have effects like with what you're doing so you'll
be able to like spend tokens like interact with the car like a bunch of
crazy ass shit that I like I'm so deep in you know in supply chain and garbage
sector and all these other sectors I forgot about like art and gaming and music
you and and here we are so dude I'm super bullish on D pins in video games
like that think if racing is just the first one think of how many other things
that you could do that can interact with a smart contract and I'm just
really bullish on EOT right the economy of things that's basically these
IOT devices all be able to interact execute smart contracts execute
settlements you know and be able to do more than just talk to the internet to
each other so I'm really bullish on the EOT like for the the final form of all
of this and I think like we're the organic you know the the boots on the
ground gorilla marketers for like this first year of D pin you know because
we're in web 3 we're nerds we know about the tech but I think maybe like
in year two year three is when like you know auntie fool and grandpa fool be like
oh wait I can measure some noise pollution with silence IO or I could uh
put an airplane antenna from Amazon on my roof and and and be a part of wing
bits and the cool thing is I'm seeing so many people who are not in web 3 bro
come to like spaces now so like wing bits all those guys are airplane hobbyists
bro they never owned NFT they don't care to own an NFT but now because they're in
discord they're coming to Twitter spaces bro it's like the wildest
onboarding thing I've ever seen so I think the onboarding thing is bring
back the cool ass shit that we build in web 3 and it's bring it back to web 2
don't bring people here because I feel like web 3 was never supposed to be
front-facing it's back end so I think if we just keep it like that way
that's what's gonna make like everybody come use it and the final thing chief is
I'm glad you brought put that token list up cuz I dunked on every airdrop
list because I was embarrassed of my own friends who didn't even put one RWA or
one D pin airdrop when crest which is peaks test network coin 50x without a
influencer shill so it's just it's all right here in front of us you don't I
mean just got to a little bit homework and we're all be rich man token
then on that note too it's like one of the easiest ways I would say on the
whole onboarding thing is I mean over the weekend you know I pulled up my mobile
app you know I just showed I was like yo you know I swapped over to this is this
I had this as a phone plan and I just said look at how much it says that I
own right X amount and it shows you right there in the wallet you know
valued at let's just say 50 bucks I'm like well this is how much I've earned
today from just walking around and doing whatever right and so I just hit the
claim and then you see it like instantly grow right in front of their eyes it's
like so you just made five dollars and it's like yeah I made five dollars and
the phone plan is 20 and they're like well what are you doing you're like
nothing I mean you're just in a sense being a validator or relay for an antenna
or you know you're just a data transfer point almost like a gas station right
and you kind of start breaking it down in the simplest form of you don't even have
to really utilize this if you don't want to you just have to have the door open
for someone else to stop by the gas station if they need to or if they need
to bounce their signal off and it's it's a lot easier with the opportunity
aspect right because those are the things that draw that drew us into
crypto and into web 3 where the crazy headlines the news the media the
screenshots right and now you're sitting here and you're like hey you know how
your car has all this XYZ data yeah well once a week let me farm that right
and they're like well what are you gonna do with it oh it's so they can
target at what do you mean target ad so instead of them spending millions of
dollars you know advertising to everyone saying hey Lexus there's a deal on
Lexus is they only send that to Lexus is owners they only send BMW to BMW
owners and now everyone's saving money and you get a higher return rate so
breaking it down a lot of people understand basic economics and supply and
demand you just got to show them how this deep end shit is a layer above and
not a new one right it's let added on top to what they have to facilitate let's
go to some of these hands and then we'll keep the ball rolling Stephen did
you have something to say on this matter if not we'll just go back to
Tia's question on rug yeah take it go ahead and take it back to Tio for right
now I'll keep it raising go back okay Tio go ahead man what was your question
on the rug thank you it wasn't a question it's more like a statement if
you were talking about the collection partner ordinals for the Saturn rug
that snapshot is old already been taken only snapshots that has not been taken
is the rug for activity on the Saturn network and rug for ordinal rugs has not
been taken so far so those are the two but if you're trying to buy a partner
collection those are already been snapchats so don't try to buy some
ordinal for it now yeah appreciate the clarification and you got it you got to
activate the account that has the partner collection inside as mentioned
earlier all right are we just don't back to Steve yeah good good Stephen okay I
just wanted to go ahead and I like to break it up on the show you guys know
that I don't want to give you a bunch of just mass drop of art alpha and once
one fell swoop that's what the post is for but I wanted to put a couple on
your radar they're happening across the next 24 hours probably should be aware
of did he rubber me Stephen are you there bro you guys get abducted in this
show that over and over this is wild what do you guys think about spaces be
able to add live video on that you guys see that update yeah I didn't see that
post about they got a focus on one bro get to get this audio working right
and then maybe we can add some video I mean if you have it I mean audio is way
better than it was like a year and a half ago like there's times where you have
your people and you would have to leave the space now it kind of like recalibrates
for you so they have done but job that's only the host spaces there's
also times where I'll get rug multiple times I guess that the biggest thing
that I don't understand is if you're going to go and try to cater towards
content creators and why is the like desktop version of this so shitty bro like
I mean there's only because they use telephone rails to broadcast this it's
they're using the same mechanism in your phone that it would be us doing a free
is how they kind of connect all this together and I don't think that a
computer has the same technology as well yeah it's a lot harder for them yeah
so I think that's kind of the reason why because like when you get a phone
call it cuts off this like it's running on the same technology because when you
get a phone call it cuts you right out of this space and you get your phone
call so it like I don't think the computer has another try to work on it
but I don't think that they have the same technology as like a phone to kind
of recreate this whole live conference call so I guess kind of
reason why they do it but uh Steven you're back it's stuff like that where
I'm just like really right before I'm about to get to the alpha Elon just
wants to crash the whole damn app whatever we're all good here I'm not
taking it personal or anything not even a little salty anyway big art alpha
across the next 24 to 48 hours for you includes blocks by Matrica Labs it's
being dropped through magic Eden just wanted to watch I think we brought up
yesterday for a hot second that's an ordinals drop it is officially live
right now I or at least supposed to be live right now around magic Eden I
haven't seen anything else about it so there may be something that they're
having issues with on uploading the allow list but I expect that one to
kind of fly once it's done minting you also have disconnected by Stefano
Contiero over on unit London today that's an r-blocks engine drop it's the
first r-blocks engine drop that unit London's doing now that they actually
have implemented and are running with our blocks engine besides that you've
also got actually the first multi chain drop that I'm featuring in the in all
eyes on art today it's called bull run from art Jedi it's from a relatively not
widely talked about platform called holograph and they essentially let you
mint any piece of art from an artist that wants to debut art on the
platform across eight different chains so you can mint this piece called bull run
from our Jedi on a theory and polygon optimism Zora arbitram mantle
binance and avalanche all at once that's coming up on Wednesday I was actually
really excited to see that that platform is kicking right now and the
other one that's debuting on the same day as the amber Victoria drop is
corporeal from clear silver on brain drops if you know anything about a IR
clear silver is absolutely one of the top of the game and it's an expensive
mint but her work typically flies so I would be looking to get in on that one
at 1 30 Eastern on Wednesday but that's the really hot stuff right now for the
next couple of days that you should be aware of I will of course fill you in
on more later so the Metrica air dryer the Metrica Bitcoin mints fucked up
right now so I'm not telling you that it's fucked up I just haven't seen
anything on the timeline about it yet and I've got it in here I just checked
it says TBA yeah it's I don't know what's going on with it but it has been
hyped they've got a lot of great partner communities and the artist on
it's phenomenal so I I wouldn't sleep on it I would just stay stay tuned to
what's actually going on with it so are we just gonna come to the
realization that we can't do anything on Bitcoin mid-wise like English break
us down what the fuck happened with quantum cats yesterday before we before
we transition to something else I want to just speculate on Metrica they for
on the Solana side if you were to burn a couple pieces I think you got like
lifetime access to their verification bot so I'm curious and wondering if
they're gonna do the same thing with on the ordinal side it's a couple hundred
bucks a year if you want to add their Metrica verification bot to your
discord it definitely seemed like they were doing a lot more than just an
argument so that's why I think you're definitely onto something there I don't
know if it's gonna be the same exact thing it could be something I guess more
more nascent to the Bitcoin blockchain because obviously what they yeah like
what they did with soul like made plenty of sense but I'm thinking that
there's something more to it it almost may end up being like a Genesis
membership pass for that ecosystem but it's definitely a good addition to
make on that one okay so what is that would minting on Bitcoin English can
you give us it like is it DDoS attack is not the infrastructure fuck is it just
the blockchain like we've had butallians not put the fucking right
people on whitelist we have quantum cast delay into two days now we have this
kind of mint I don't know what's going on it just kind of seems like every
hype mint that goes on Bitcoin just has these fuckups sloppy greedy behavior
mr. espresso that's what it is is it I mean should we just do Dutch auctions
because Dutch the fucking node monkeys mint was the best mint based off the
demand like did you seem to go to Dutch auctions for now on like English what do
you think's going on why is it like this yeah I don't know that that that
actually is a fair take with the node monkeys node monkeys was flooded and I
don't think the demand was that strong with it just yeah I was monitoring the
whole time what you happened to see with actually a Dutch auction which
wasn't a Dutch auction was the the shadows and that was height and probably
not justifiably as much as node monkeys there's was a bucket option which
actually works differently but in practice it works very similar to a Dutch
auction so I don't think for I still hold true to the thesis that in a hot
market which arguably we are I would say if Bitcoin keeps running which we
expected to do well we just need a confirmation for a bull run right so if
we hit that bull run then we'll say hey that started back you know in December
January whatever the case may be so I don't think the Dutch auction is really
the way to go nothing from a taproot wizard official capacity but just as
somebody that's observed and you know have seen some of the answers basically
that are related to Bitcoin that might make it a little bit more nuanced so I
know that the team mentioned that they wanted to do a mint site that didn't that
that mitigated against like front running and not just front running but
like from like somebody just gassing you out so remove the gas war aspect it's
not called gas war but I'll just use that term because people understand it
so they wanted to avoid gas wars and they wanted to avoid mempool sniping so
they did come out with like a proprietary type of mint site for those
purposes I think they were just probably like a regular type of I guess fuck up in
the sense of the capacity to to to handle just how many people I saw some
screenshots probably real that like mint tech bots were loading up to to get
like access to the page they already have access to like Magic Eden and
all that other stuff so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bunch of people
willing to bought a point one mint so yeah it was whitelist but if you have
access to that and you have that bot you can get the code for it and so I did
see some speculation that there was mint tech and another one blood bots
really testing out their bots during the whitelist mint and maybe that wasn't
accounted for I don't know yeah I just want something hyped to go
successful on Bitcoin for once good it kind of kind of floods this space a
little bit like all these hype mints and no one can participate and at the
delay it's just like one after another and I don't think it's good I don't like
I that's why I don't I'm not on Bitcoin I'm not a builder so I was interested is
it the infrastructure it's different is it the blockchain what is going on
here is that the box is it a das attack like it just seems like this is the
hottest thing in the world everybody wants to get on I mean it's just
different in a sense where like so when you have a smart contract you can have
everything in the smart contract you can do your whitelist and you actually
like when you mint something that's why it's called and when you create it like
on Bitcoin it's already it already exists when you inscribe it so to a certain
extent it's just allocating it out and so if you had like a whitelist you know
pure whitelist and a platform that I guess was able to carry that particular
load I don't think in this instance there would have been a problem I don't
think there's something fundamentally wrong with Bitcoin but it is you know a
nascent type of ecosystem and people are still experimenting and seeing what
works best so there's gonna be some fuckups from time to time and the
same way that on a theory I'm dude like how many busted mints was there like
countless right and now it's kind of a smooth out process when people find out
what works the best from you know seeing other people do it so it's a learning
process and I actually maybe I'm biased you know just because what I
specifically see and comes across my timeline and you know in chats and
discord people were upset for sure especially like on the Asian side where
they woke up at three or four in the morning you know and still couldn't
mint they did extend that you know in terms of five hours pushed it back to
Thursday which is actually the birthday of the wizard so it makes a little
cemetery give some time for testing so I think their reaction is pretty
positive and again from from just a collector or speculator JPEG enjoyer to
a certain extent like the FUD it's kind of good like I've seen an increase in
demand and people are just excited about it whether that's for their flip
probably you know or they were excited to be part of that ecosystem so I mean
it kind of sucks but at the end of the day I think just move forward there
is plenty of fuckups from node monkeys right so like the discord got hacked the
pivot on comms there was problems to claim on magic Eden you know like yada
yada yada at the end of the day when the assets there and it's on secondary
market people are gonna make a judgment call on what they want to hold by trade
do whatever so obviously comms are important for a team and execution you
know sure it does matter but I think for the general general overall sentiment
seems that people are willing to overlook it for the most part sure seems like it
by the FUD I'll get you a lower entry price or maybe it gets you actually in
profits go ahead and then we'll go down the plane what a profit English with
that fucking soft-ass response we know you're biased okay listen I love oody I
love that whole team that was irresponsible as fuck 12 million dollar
fucking launch that was irresponsible the ninja meant the other day arguably
probably not as hyped still very hype no problems no issues lots of other mints
on Bitcoin lot of hype no issues granted they're probably one of the
top two top three maybe but that still doesn't give an excuse for a shitty
mint and then if we're gonna compare the east back in the day I mean I was
there I don't know Bitcoin the way I know east but I do know majority of
the eat problems came from the same thing irresponsible people that were
dropping these projects not caring that Joe on the other side of the country
who's 19 years old can watch the fucking whole man and get 50 of the mint
and you're trying to figure out why when the reality you were irresponsible
the way you dropped it granted I'm not technical somebody has a probably better
technical take than me but I will say I highly think it's irresponsible well
I will let me just add this because maybe profits doesn't know this
aspect so like there was a UI problem where people had like 150 of the mint
like they're not getting 150 cats and so that's just a UI thing like if you
qualify for they didn't really get that is what you're saying yeah yeah so like
there's no but no this infrastructure problem was just basically a load
problem that it couldn't take the load for people to mint but nobody got like
in fact like it's all UI problems so people that put like screenshots where
they got like 150 cats that's all bullshit like it's either Photoshop's
for their clowning or in some cases like they got five and they're not getting
five cats so every single person that got so they fucked up the easiest part
they fucked up the web to literally run in display portion I don't know what
and that's what's the thing on Bitcoin it's a little bit different because it's
not the web to part and the web three part don't connect as seamlessly as
they do right on Bitcoin it has to the web to has to write to a database and
then you pull the Bitcoin aspect and everything from the database right the
web to side is completely separated so that's one of the biggest things right
there in the disconnect is the download speed of did the database update in time
to update the front did it not is it showing the last ping stuff like that
come into intricacies due to the lack of smart contracts oracles all that BS
yeah I love it but this is this business project meant to highlight the
advancement of Bitcoin issue you're right but yeah isn't using the money to
create a layer to is the reason why he's fucked this thing up to give a
kind of it like hey we need layer 2 so I'm using this money for a layer to
like it's working into it's like working to his narrative to it's like hey
like a lot of people are like oh he's taking 10 millions out of the ecosystem
but then people did like the businessman's like I feel better about it
because he's gonna put it back into Bitcoin he's not extracting it and then
you hear rumors of Udi saying that he's gonna use this money to build a layer
to is the layer to the solution to all this fucked up mint shit maybe it
might be but the thing that I just wanted to make clear for anybody that's
listening just kind of and maybe they didn't understand that fully is like
this website was designed and this style of it was designed so there is no like
like cooking the mint like the blockchain is the source of truth if you
were going to get one cat you're gonna get one cat if for there was a small
like a bunch of people that like a small a small batch of people rather
that they pressed it a bunch of times and their point one fee went like three
three times instead of one time they're gonna get refunded they're not
gonna get three cats so like it was exactly for this so there's no fuck
fuckups unfortunately there was a load problem but if you were that's what
you're gonna get one or two so all right probably done with this combo
what's up with the flame hopefully he's not talking about this what a flame no
thought you loop no I'll spare you but shout out to the TDA community for the
heads up about the mice that was cool and a nice little bit of cope to you
know deal with yesterday's events but I will say one quick thing you know
obviously this is you know I can't argue with profits but I will say that if
there is a team that gives a crap about their community and it really is trying
to deliver something valuable it's the tap roots it's a tap root I don't
dispute that oh yeah no I know you don't so I'm I'm hoping you know that
despite the minting issues that were you know really frustrating for a lot
of people yesterday that ultimately the holders will be happy but that's all I
want to say about that but I really do like that team a lot I feel bad for them
but at the same time it should have been right I get that just a little bit of
alpha on ordinals I just saw this thing about some bitmap token BTMP there's an
airdrop coming soon I'm not a hundred percent sure what the qualifications are
for that so but be on the lookout for that I mean you probably already have
the stuff in your wallet if you're gonna get it but they listed a bunch of
Twitter accounts I don't know if they're tagging them just to try to get
attention or what but who knows maybe it's a little free stimmy for your wallet
the other thing is this thing that's on BRC 420 and I can pin the tweet for
this one I'll dig it up it's called Giants Planet Giants ordinals and it's
these big glowing golden eggs I guess and it has something to do with a game
and it is called damn it I lost the tweet I'll just post a tweet but that is
currently on sale for point zero zero to Bitcoin I believe yeah so about 87 bucks
for these things that's all I got at the moment other than the Gary friends if
you minted a dead Gary or a few minute a Gary ordinal from solemn and you got duds
and you can burn those for the Gary friends event that actually has been
postponed I guess he was having some issues and he doesn't want to have the
same drama that he did last time so they are making sure that this thing
doesn't go sideways and keep an eye on his Twitter account for when that opens
up but they're gonna reset the 72-hour window so they're gonna start over so if
you got some yeah if you got some dud Gary's you can you can burn those as
soon as it opens back up
I posted something to the top just because we've been covering the Trump's
meant for a while I know that Pete has been real bullish and kind of just
shouted out so he has a white list checker Trump's is a little bit of pixel
art he's been participating in our space for a while maybe one day he'll come up
and share a little bit but info is up top if you're on the white list if you
reached out because of Pete's info go check it out and confirm that you're on
or not and then lastly before we get to loop something that's kind of going
around I don't know how true it is in terms of the reality of the Alpha itself
but I'm gonna pin it to the space and then we'll go from there it's called
chain snatchers so apparently it has a bunch of little goblin town references
to it all the people that it's following are only truth labs people and just that
whole ecosystem so I don't know a while back when truth dropped their roadmap so
to speak it had all the info on two or three more redacted drops that were to
come new entities that were not a part of goblin town or anything like that I
think this could potentially be one of them and so I pinned it up to the top
still an early fine we're sitting at roughly I think there's what a thousand
eleven hundred followers for now so no tweets no nothing it says free for
certain amount of communities I think there's ten communities there you can
see goblin town clearly in one of the words and then you can speculate on the
rest but something to check out truth has been quiet for way too long
they're coming there I know what you mean he just did steamboat steamboat yeah but
that was just a fly-by-night thing it wasn't something like they planned they
saw the opportunity they capitalized on it but yeah I mean listen to him talk
about steamboat like he seemed very excited of what was come the next and
I think it's relatively soon people are speculating these quantum mice on soul
are done by the goblin town fucking artists now you see chief with this
with goblin town so goblin town by the end of February is gonna be launching
launching something by the end if I were a guarantee it but do want to throw
at the loop and Luke how you doing earlier the show I found a Twitter
handle is called D labs XYZ and it looks like D gods are getting into
gaming did you know this did you know about this Twitter yeah I just not have
you seen this have you heard about this D gaming yeah I'm not impressed so if
you go to D D labs XYZ it's a Twitter hand if you go back on the pin
post you could scroll back a while you go to it and you go to the Twitter
there's nothing on here but in the profile picture it's on the stairs of
heaven with one of the D gods and then they have okay bears they have Frank
standing there with the DJ and ape they got a salon a monkey business they
got a lot of stuff here in it it looks like to be in there following this is
the people they're following you it's D gods Bitcoin D gods noun S port
frosted Aaron D gods Frank pudgy gaming and Elon Musk so you know anything about
D gods getting into gaming on soul because it looks like in this profile
picture all the IP or soul IP so you know anything about D gods and D labs
going into gaming anything I I do not I have not heard about this I would
imagine I mean I think personally I don't think D lab should get into
anything except for being a friendship company I think that they should just
like I think in every project has fallen for this they they try to go out and
they do you know 97 different things and what's super special about D labs is and
you know I like Frankie Kevin I was able to play golf with with Kevin he's a
fucking beast for anyone that doesn't know he's he's like an absolute genius
not very good at golf but he's he's an awesome person and I just think there
you know there's so many project they try to go outside of kind of their core
competency and the thing that's so special about D labs and D gods and Utes
is like just the community and the networking like it should be like the
only goal that they should have is to be the most elite networking web through
networking group in the world like that's it and have you know local
events local chapters you know the Y combinator style directory I think was
a genius idea I don't know anything about Bitcoin or about D labs going into
gaming but I will say you know I think I think they they do seem to chase after
quite a lot and my vote is always like just do what you're doing really really
fucking well and then do I guess I have my question to you is how many times
does he have to show you or show the community that he doesn't give a fuck
about the friendship company in order for people to realize that it's not a
friendship company I don't I don't think that's necessarily true I don't think it
has to do with with caring I think it's just you know the difficulty of operating
a company like this and you know like it it is it is very difficult to run and
operate you know a lean fast-moving company in a place where you get as much
feedback as you do in web 3 so I think I think it's you know it's not an easy
job but I would say I don't think it's a lack of caring I think it's a
difficulty of like you know making people happy and when you try and you
know like pudgy penguins I think is a perfect example you know early on they
got a lot of shit that you know people don't really talk about this they get a
lot of shit for saying no we're not gonna go make movies we're not gonna do
this we're not gonna do this you know we're not gonna go crazy we are gonna
make you know the world's most valuable web 3 IP and we're gonna start with
these toys and you know they started with very small moves you know for like a
year and a half and then now you know it's paid off a ton but a lot of people
were like a lot of holders were like no dude like you should make you should
make all this you should make an animated series you should do this you
know all this stuff that was like so broad so I think it's like the issue of
just having a company where you have like basically shareholders who are in your
ear all the fucking time and I think it's just you know struggling to to
keep that keep that keep your lane narrow which I think pudgy says done
really well and I think you know you guys should should look at that and
say okay that's how you create a company and that's how you that's how
you create a pump that is so I mean I don't think this I don't think we need
to make this a no it's not I'm asking loop as a as a holder and as a
participant in this space who cares I just want to get it I know they had
something other than I put them on the spot I didn't mean this to be a D gods
fucking roast space it is deep D gaming XYZ up top if you guys want to check
it out loop your hand was up for something other than this so I do want
to get your input and and your whatever you wanted to talk about before I put
you on the spot man I didn't mean that yeah I wanted to I wanted to roast some
people no I'm just kidding I did I did want to bring up I so I was having this
conversation with somebody who works a lot in Bitcoin and this is not about
booty or you know puppets or anything specific right I just feel like is
anyone else getting a little tired of like the ordinals the ordinals rah-rah
crew that's just like going around on every space being like ordinals is the
fucking best and it's like so me and I feel like and look I love ordinals and
I'm a super big fan of what you know many projects are doing but I'd also
say I feel like it's heading in a similar direction that he did in 2021
and early 2022 and we've seen how that's played out and I just think as as the
ordinals community you know there's a lot of lessons you can learn from the
fall of Eve that should be applied and I just think that you know the every time I
seem to hop into ordinal space it's not you know talking about specifics it's
not talking about the tech it's talking about all this like surface level stuff
and kind of more more fanboying projects rather than like getting down to the
nitty-gritty and being like alright why will this work in two years and why did
this exact business model fail on Eve and is you know bitcoins provenance and
you know the inscription number is that going to be enough to to save this
company that you know probably won't do anything for a year because they're
gonna be scrambling listening to their holders and trying to get a company
together and actually be you know legitimate operators I just think
there's so many lessons to be learned and wondering if anyone else shares that
sentiment you know this is not a fully formed thought but I'm also like damn
like I just feel like we've seen this we've seen this movie before and we know
what that coins permissionless these aren't these aren't projects these are
digital artifacts and the fact that you want to galvanize with other people who
happen to collect the same digital artifacts as you is one thing but 99
percent of these projects came out as this is an artifact produced by me
collected if you want and that's it but that's you know that's that's
happening on Eve right like you know that the provenance may may not be as strong
but you know I think I think there there was a time where it's like okay
everything is you know everything is you know what can I do with this NFT and
then it was like you know what there's you know there's no utility now it's
just art now it's just an artifact now it's just provenance we're just gonna be
a community and you can never be an artifact there's always a smart
contractor connected to it but people treat it this people treat it in a very
you can treat it how you want but I think the line like the tech is
fundamentally different it's it's literally to the core it's in ordinal and
I guess bitcoins DNA to value XYZ because it's in the inception of the
protocol it's almost trying to compare trying to do the same thing on a
different protocol when it was a style of living when this is the only way of
living if that makes sense yeah I actually see both sides I see both sides
and so I know what you're saying Luke from a consumer standpoint and from
maybe some project that plans to still like sustain and deliver something maybe
pizza ninjas are a good example that they just want to have a community and
then they want to issue products and that needs to survive I think for the
most part chiefs right most people as of right now just have this as a digital
artifact and maybe it is to rally like your superfans together behind an idea
but they don't expect to deliver and don't really you know any type of
product or any reason to collect this yeah you had mentioned something before in
terms of we saw that on aetherium and then things shifted to utility and I
think primarily that happened because of board apes because there was the whole
why should I own a board ape versus a punk and then the idea of utility and
then so people started running with that idea what how far can we take this
and I think the consensus is not very far there's very few things to
justify an asset at 5,000 10,000 15,000 first just pure utility you might
get you know some discounts here and there and it's just really hard to
sustain that so I don't think we see that to the other point of the
community I actually think for the most part most people who join ordinals and
has been around in an active way I'd say like the the people that who
haven't just come over recently have pretty much acknowledged everything that
you're saying that they want to learn from the theory of Solana that kind of
just bubble type of speculation but unfortunately when things start to run
then you have new people that are just kind of excited about the price action
and so I think there's it's a fair argument but I don't think that it's
really fair to say that there's people that are in ordinals that are blind to
that in fact I think one of the stronger narratives is like we have a
chance to start a new on a chain that we're familiar with even if it's not
from a circular economy standpoint but mostly just because we're familiar with
Bitcoin and we're familiar with web 3 and we get to start over again so I think
that is pretty ingrained on a lot of people's mind especially the people who
have been pretty active even during the ordinals are dead phase and before
that it's just really hard to maintain that as a collective when you have
newer people entering the ecosystem that really don't care about that they're
just excited to make some money do you feel like people are treating ordinals
like do you think the majority of people buying or I guess the majority of
buys not necessarily the majority of people buying because we you know we
know that the you know most most of the space is influenced by a smaller number
of people who you know buy a lot so do you feel like a large number of the
actual buys in ordinals when somebody's you know purchasing an ordinal do you
feel like most of those are treating it like an artifact or do you think they're
treating it like a you know a short-term speculative asset that they're trying
to you know make money immediately because I think this is this is the you
know when we look at an artifact like I think you could classify pumps as an
artifact you know not tech tech wise it's not the same as Bitcoin but I
think you know people treated it like that early on and then slowly you had
this like three year time span where people where it's slowly slowly built
and then it kind of came to a head and even that dipped you know pretty
heavily from its all-time high so it still was you know it still was open to
just you know the kind of pump-and-dump nature of the space right now so I think
like the the biggest question is like how do you protect against that and I
think you know if people are not viewing the you know the things coming
out of ordinals as an artifact and they're actually buying them as a
short-term speculative asset then I think it's still gonna kind of follow
the same you know pump-and-dump hype hyping hyping crash cycle that eat it
but I guess my question is how does one then patrol a permissionless blockchain
which has in a sense made its name or stance on being anyone can do whatever
they want to be careful with that argument though because the way that it
was proposed so they're not mutually exclusive people can still purchase on
on speculation and high speculation if it's a digital artifact I think what so
it's they're not mutually exclusive I think what chief was really trying to
highlight is the fact that you have a smart contract there's certain things
that you can put in that smart contract that could suggest that you're gonna
receive such-and-such or you can actually change the contract or you can
update it make changes about it so there is kind of like this this type of
execution risk related to it because they the people that own the company the
people that own the contract have control over it so just from a text
standpoint it seems that that relationship is more fundamental from
the digital artifacts like a lot of punk people that have bought into ordinal
punks even though to derivative they call them freedom punks because there is
no smart contract it's completely decentralized so when we say digital
artifact it's it's not about speculation is my point I think like they're you
know I think in in web 3d in general you know there's almost that there's very
little people should do kind of from like the patrolling standpoint like I
think it's all cultural so I think it like it stems from you know how people
talk about ordinals on spaces and you know like I was saying just kind of
these these rah-rah spaces and these you know ordinal heads that kind of pop
in and and praise praise praise every ordinals projects you know ever I think
that's where the biggest damages and that's where I think that ordinal
community should be you know extremely extremely thoughtful of like you know
how how they're speaking about specific projects and you know I think I think a
lot of it should be like you know it should be demanding the best art and
you know the and demanding you know founders that are docs or semi docs are
at least really really well known in the space you know I think like you
know crypto undead is a perfect example like I don't think that for the good of
ordinals long term you should see many many you know crypto undeads like
projects where you know a lot of people are singing their praises with you know
very very little info and data I think that'll just end up in the same spot
that you know soul and I just don't see any high-priced value assets that don't
have provenance or have little to nothing behind it I just see very few of
them if any of them that are high priced so I don't see like so here's the thing
so on aetherium for instance you have a Dutch auction will use pixelmon you
don't know what the art look or is even capable of delivering but they're
saying hey we want to charge $3,000 or whatever three you know and that's what
it sells out at based on the fact that we're gonna deliver this you don't even
know what the art looks like you know exactly what the art looks like before
you buy on Bitcoin and I don't think there's anybody that's promising anything
that doesn't have any reputation as of yet will that potentially be seen in the
future yeah potentially so like using that specific analogy where crypto and
deads where you don't really know the founder that well you don't know what
what the punks of Solana means you didn't know what the art was gonna look
like and they're asking you to send money that's that's very different so
like I've actually used that to like to find a cash grab so like on on Bitcoin
or no I think it's more difficult to do it like a cash grab like for instance
for for shadow hats you knew exactly what you were buying you knew the art
you knew the team if you overpaid think with a cash grab it's a lot of
deliverables that are promised and you pay based on that and that's more of a
cash grab I just once again I'm gonna just sit this down to the most basic
farm this is Bitcoin dude like I don't get where there's docks founders you
don't want to buy don't buy save your sat speak with your wallet don't speak
with I mean this is literally us trying to sit here and corral the wild wild west
and say the wild wild that stops here because we need to change it because we
don't want to create Detroit again the fuck no one cares it's the wild wild
west and it's literally permissionless like the core ethos of the chain is
permissionless is anyone does what they want to do so the idea that it should
change because of an infrastructure layer layered on top of it to me is like
absurd it'll never change on that end cypherpunks will always exist and they
will always dominate this space as cypherpunks especially on Bitcoin so I
don't know I'm just more of a realistic person instead of trying to to just what
I wish in the narratives of tomorrow and in reality is this is Bitcoin it's
permissionless there's no smart contract so there isn't a person that's the
underlying puppet master behind it all it's you you're the puppet master you
either click with your fingers or you don't and so I mean I think borderline
we could want whatever we want but we're playing in a field that set the
rules for us in 2009 when they said there are no rules that's the rule to
step into this arena and so I mean if you step into this arena you can't get
mad that there's no rules what do you mean there's no well shit that was set
before you and before me so it's either you want to participate with these kind
of rules and you adapt and you get skills in order to survive or this just
ain't the field for you and you I mean and that's okay there's nothing wrong
with that right it's just not the field for you so I think borderline it's more
self and and being self-aware and more autonomy and you know more
responsibility and accountability for how we move what we want to vote with with
our wallets and why we're purchasing things rather than this whole dish and get
out on someone else to do it I mean it's a proof of work chain what work are you
putting in for your artifacts or your bags or your establishment in history
it's a good combo it really is and we got a little time left and I don't want
to keep going on because I do have some more stuff to talk about about five
minutes left and you can go back and forth on this another day it's just
opinions people have different opinions and we'll see how it all plays out over
time Lou you've had to end up for a while I want to throw it to you and
then I'm gonna get to two more items and then we're gonna end the space so
go ahead with you know it's good y'all yeah I wanted to comment on the
degaming thing but we kind of went to Bitcoin go ahead bro no I think that I
asked Luke easy you what do you think in the game not in the gaming they're
following pudgy gaming so maybe yeah kind of collaboration with pudgy world in
them I don't know what's your what's your thoughts on it yeah so I can I can see
that you know before in the past you know season two before season three
there's a lot of kind of in gay in discord tournaments and a lot of the
community members were very advocating for the like yo let's make a D gaming
channel right so that was going on for months and now they finally created the
gaming channel maybe a couple months ago and it's pretty active but yeah I can
see them you know trying to get a gaming kind of community arm just because it
does make sense for these tournaments especially if majority of your
community are active gamers you know if they're not traders so you got a I
guess kind of favor towards as many people as you can but as far as what
it is so there's a D labs gaming officials Twitter that was run by the
community and I believe frosted was he's like lead of the Bankman finance art team
and so I put it in the chat the other day when I seen the D gaming and I'd
went to the D gaming labs the D labs official old gaming discord and I seen
frosted posts there saying hey you know we're updating our socials and our
discord please join this new one and then I'm the first you know first
handful of people that that D gaming XYZ followed was frosted and I tagged him
in the chat so it's definitely a community initiative you know these
D contributors and all those things like they create the D alpha XYZ now D
gaming XYZ so I'm assuming they're just trying to do anything to give to the
community and so they can actually produce something of value people
are going to come at me for that but you know it's been a lot of talk lately you
know we all we all know that announcements of announcements it is what
it is you guys can you know like it or not like it but um but yeah
the thing with the profile pictures what throws me off because it's a bunch of soul
projects in the profile pictures from region 8th Academy to salon there's
not one project on these guys are on each so why are they why are they
projects with this I think I don't think the PFP itself should be taken into
account that much because the projects that they're following are this you
know pudgy gaming nouns eSports and just like a couple other of the team
members right and you you were head-on when you said about Aaron in the D
stables because he has been doing that gaming stuff for a minute but yeah I
wouldn't take too much weight into the PFP itself because uh just as we
seen with the d alpha XYZ the first week and a half two weeks maybe the Twitter
wasn't really quote unquote on brand so they kind of just put placeholders
there but yeah I do think it's a community initiative even frosted
confirmed that in the chat the other day when I tagged him so I mean it
makes sense I don't think they should you know be main focus of a gaming
company but given your community members that gaming arm just makes sense in
this market and I did want to say if anyone hasn't heard of ISO scanner this is
like a great tool it's free for for you know people to use it if you want to
find projects early you know like I don't go on my Twitter and X and you
know post like a really awful call it right I don't try to play that card
but anyone who knows me knows that you know I'd like to make early plays in
discords so I would definitely recommend anyone to join the isotopes discord and
use ISO scanner because you see all these threaders and influencers saying
oh you know early thousand followers early 500 followers like a lot of these
projects like we already found using the scanner right it's it's pretty fucking
awesome to be honest but yeah just wanted to put it out there in case anyone
wasn't exposed to it it's a great tool FXCO's goat definitely recommended
appreciate you fucking fire fire detector did you not hear it it was good
until the last two minutes I heard it yeah it just happened again bro right
when you spoke um quick update if you are a bit block fan and you've been
stacking up bit blocks Billy did a snapshot over the weekend he announced it
a couple hours ago and in the snapshot he said thank you for all my highest
conviction holders I will be air dropping you a cursed bit block and a uncommon
sat today so shout out to Billy for just taking care of his top holders man
cursed bit block and a free uncommon sat for just participating and hold
themselves yep and then just a few things central I'll get to you right after I'm
done just throwing these up there stark stark met which probably after Jupiter
is the next up-and-coming air drop people basically found out they were
they were testing their air job claiming contracts so people are
speculating this is gonna come out in February and something that people like
how you eligible obviously using stark net but a lot of people are showing
that Celestia has helped them I think with data availability and if you
staked Celestia I think you might be eligible for the stark net so just
another bullish reason to have some steak fucking Celestia they're getting
air they're pretty much getting air dropped so much shit in the past like
month by just using these protocols using their data availability so just
wanted to you don't have Celestia it'd probably be probably be beneficial to maybe
put $300 and I like and this is where no I like how they're just air dropping
directly to your wallet you know like I had I don't know if my osmo or if it
was my Tia they got something but I got some random token called Wozmo now and
instead of having you go through some type of claim or anything like that which
we've seen a lot of people get you know scammed especially yesterday with that
DYM supposedly going live you know they just air drop it to you directly and I
know that there could be and there probably is legal ramifications for doing
that depending on where you're from but it also is a little bit more
streamlined right it's it's also a way of in a sense burning tokens that people
don't understand I mean you air drop wallets that are inactive or no longer
active and then those tokens are kind of gone forever so I don't know man it's
been really simple since that whole Kepler thing and I'm just getting a bunch
of new shit pop up in my wallet damn near weekly I'm just doing some more
research on this shit with layer twos and why like the data availability thing
is like a paradigm shift because from my understanding just doing some you know
scratching the surface research a lot of layer twos in the past to validate you
needed to stake so you needed people to stake their like polygon onto the
mainnet to basically verify like you know transactions now these layer twos
are now using this modular blockchain and using the data availability of
Celestia to validate so they don't need the staking so a lot of layer twos
are now using this day availability of you know they're gonna use Egan layer
and Celestia and possibly these you know that would possibly be a
collaboration thing for the token when it gets air dropped by having these
modular blockchains using data availability for these layer twos so
they're just kind of surface level whatever why all these layer twos are
now using you know when they never use this David build the date
availability at Tia why they're using them now it's just they don't have to
use staking anymore to validate the blockchain for my understanding so
that's just that we had a dead fellas partner with dare wise which is a
animoka brands brand and they're possibly just gonna use from my understanding the
dead fellas like live avatars as part of like some initiative or like some
streaming effort so dead fellas is like kind of partnered with animoka to do
that and then frame token heard your heard heard you and listen to you and
they're pushing back their claim for another open day so they reopen claims
for frame and that should be coming out relatively soon so just just throwing
those up there and dimension we did DYM if you hold the pudgy penguin mad lad if
you got like a thousand DYM if you staked on Celeste you got 200 they
basically redistributed the points and you can now check how much you got on
Genesis dimension dot XYZ I think I got 290 now with instead of like 400 so
they kind of fucked me but I'm still happy to have some DYM think it's gonna
be a pretty good one and it's not like yeah pretty good air so do not go try
to claim it it's not alive yet yep and I got one thing that just popped up I'm
gonna pen it to the space I don't mean brand-new fine Y Combinator just
tweeted that this company closed a six million dollar seed phone round 95
followers so I don't know could be something could be nothing just popped it
up on my radar so I always use Y Combinator as a way to you know try to
find these new upcoming companies and kind of isolate seed rounds and who could
potentially be coming with some type of airdrop stuff 100% and I think there
was some update with pith and like I think there's a new project that like
reach retweeted pith or something and it possibly Hydra found it I was looking in
my Hydra yeah so people are speculating that Hydra it's gonna be the air drops
air drop for pith for pith holders because they retweeted some kind of pith
staking to retweet so if you had steak pith a lot of people are it's going
crazy on TBL you possibly get that Hydra air drop and it's so crazy dude
that website is so fucking basic I mean I steak pith I'm you know I got some in
there but you click the website there's literally nothing for you to do there's
it looks like unisat and all you can do is deposit or withdraw and I'm like damn
people have this much confidence with I don't know you don't know you don't got
a little JavaScript intro nothing shakes there's no music on the page you know
but then you're like these are the kind of devs that you want yeah 100% I think
there it is don't miss out on something it's zero wind I think that maybe that's
the other one pin up top says drop at zero Lind XYZ dropping something new for
pith stakers don't miss the chat and it was retweeting builders fireside chat
with hit network and zero Lind so possibly zero Lind it seems like I
don't know anything about zero Lind I could click on their Twitter lending
lending market it's a lending platform on on L2s and they're they're gonna do a
zero airdrop and they're probably gonna give it to pith stakers there you go so
yeah it's on zk sync and manta network audited by hell-born security um yeah
incubated by the Maha Dao so yeah that's possibly gonna be your airdrop coming
to pith holders so we'll see how it goes a trill I wanted to finish it with you
RTO go ahead and then we'll throw at the trill we'll let trill end it yeah I
just wanted to quick because I didn't because chief threw me a lamp for that
deep in and I fucked it up but I'll give you some semi-alpha it's gonna not
gonna be an alpha in an hour if you do have the mobile helium mobile for the
next week until February 6 if you if you refer a person you each get $30
credit instead of $5 so go make those burner accounts there you go baby go
ahead trill yeah I was just gonna you already dropped down but just back in the
ISO scanner stuff is like really cool I've been using it to find projects for
the TDA and it also has coins so you if you're into like mean coins and like
you know shit coins does pop up on there too so just wanted to drop that
in there as well but then as we're closing to show off in one hour we have
the smile man so if you want smile white this from the TDA you're on the
ball list and you'll be able to mean three Stephen dropped that off on what he
thinks about it so I think it's gonna be a good one for today for us so that
starts in one hour we're in the second phase so just you know get a get active
with the with the know these and make sure you're paying attention to that
appreciate you trill thanks for keeping us updated and I appreciate everybody
came out for the daily offer for show the week we got four more shows for you
appreciate you guys we'll see you tomorrow I'll leave it here for chief
talk to you guys then yeah appreciate everyone that came out man appreciate
everyone that contributes everyone that's becoming a part of our community
and our family we're here appreciate everyone that stuck it out to the show
man more and more the numbers staying that you guys are riding it out the
whole time and means a lot to us stage is always open feel free to raise your
hand come up contribute become a part of what we are doing over here I would
be on the lookout for Allison's threat roughly in about an hour or two after
the show she posts a recap of all the bookmarks and everything that's on the
jumbotron it's also how we gauge engagement for anything that we have
cooking at the TDA so we do this Tuesday through Sunday nine four oh
sorry Tuesday through Saturday not Sunday 945 to about 12 1230 central
standard time and it's TDA or stay poor we'll catch you guys tomorrow y'all be
safe and have a good rest of your day