THE DAILY ALPHA w/ @bitgod21

Recorded: May 13, 2023 Duration: 3:06:55



Jmg yeah, a little late start today guys, but
We're gonna get the ball rolling. So appreciate y'all for having them note
He's on cuz even though the time change we still got the OG crew in here. So appreciate the love guys
yes sir yes sir so yeah it's Mother's Day weekend you know what I do guys like
it's fucking crazy it's crazy this morning I gotta like I have like a
kazebo I'm delivering today like eight eight and nine boxes that are like a
good ten feet long full of fucking poles and wood and tarps like oh my god guys
like I'm so fucking heavy with like flowers and all kinds of crazy shit so
like we were I was literally leaving the facility cuz they're like 945 no matter
what's going on you guys leave that's when you dispatch there's just packages
just fucking flying down the belt when I'm leaving dude like they could not
fucking handle it today stuff I was like yo like my Saturday routes a little
different than my Tuesday through Friday route because the first kind of first
streets are kind of sketchy so I was like dude this is like worst-case scenario
like I'm not getting out here till 945 and I still hadn't even got it would
take me 15 minutes to get to my first stop the show started so I was like
why don't just push the show back 30 minutes so I can get past these two
streets and we can just start and it's a Saturday it's slow there's not a lot
going on but we do have a giveaway for y'all today so me and Big God been in the
DM's he's like yo why don't we just give away some whitelist for my token I'm
like let's fucking do it like I'll stop by too so we got five five whitelist
spots for Big Gods token I'm not sure when it's launching but all you guys
got to do is we'll pin it up like and retweet the pin post and tag two friends
and be in the space when we do the Twitter picker and you guys will have
whitelist allocation for the this BRC 20 the big guys looking that everybody's
fucking dying to get on all the Chinese whales are trying to get in on so like
the hype's there for sure and six I mean if you get whitelist for this I
think you're gonna be pretty nice but I've noticed with these uh with these
ordinals is a lot of them take a long time they have like a lot of contracts
that are deployed for like a month and they're like not even minted out the
ones that do mint out they 10x out right out the gate so I'm pretty sure this
one has the hype and has people wanting to get in so this is gonna I feel like if
you've mint it it's a 10x right off the bat so it's gonna be fun for you
guys so we're gonna have him come in here in a few think a few minutes or
whenever he has a chance I know he's in Dubai so I mean it's later in the night
he's gonna show up and we're gonna have a good old time today talking about BRC
20s ordinals fucking NFTs we got Solana Chris in here we could talk about
Solana if you wanted to we're talking about all kinds of chains we're gonna
talk about all kinds of chains so let's go baby but we got Eddie up in here we got
uncle up in here and what's up what's up what's up and yeah we usually start
the show with the question of the day and since we'll just be on topic if you
haven't been on BTC yet and minted an ordinal or a BRC 20 which one would you
rather do first a BRC 20 or a ordinal so for me I rather just get my feet wet
with just a BRC 21st it's you can there's really no in there you can have
an entry price at any point and it's kind of determines on what kind of
batches they are so like you can maybe even mint uh you know maybe a hundred of
a coin that's $1 and or you can buy like an NFT off magic even but some of those
the entry prices are kind of high 300 $400 so just to get your feet wet for me
I would say I'd rather just get my entry into like the BTC world would be a BRC
20 so that's kind of what our question of the day is which would you rather
get an ordinal or BRC 21st what about you chief what would you rather do first
get like a picture an image or just like get your feet wet with the token and the
and kind of the text first bro I wanted a Bitcoin frog and I was gonna buy a
Bitcoin frog today that that panda dude came in here and told us about it
because in one of my FNF servers someone had been you know talking about the
frogs for a long time and he called them earlier than the week at like a
hundred bucks and then when I heard of panda come up here and talk about the
frogs again I'm like alright cool that's I guess my sign you know got
someone in the discord talking about them and now we got you know apparently
like the frogs are a solid community and Big God told me the same thing and so
I was like alright cool sounds good I was gonna look at the frogs and then
sure enough they like overnight when Big God got popularity and he dropped the
the basic you know allocation that he's air-dropping specific collections and
stuff the frogs fucking like ten times and went up to like 800 bucks so
definitely priced out of the frogs I mean I think I would just want a PFP
right because it's just something that we've kind of here on the east side
we've established that you know to make yourself official you go and you get
yourself a PFP of the chain or a little collection and kind of just show
that you're really about this so essentially I'm gonna end up getting a
BRC 21st but I would definitely and I do definitely want to do pick up an
ordinal and just kind of go from there so yeah I agree I agree with you bro and
the other Bitcoin frogs are going crazy on magic Eden for the 24 hour
volume they're at number one like every day they have like four BTC worth
of volume every day and that's that's even above the D gods volume so I mean I
know it's a lower entry but it's pretty impressive and it kind of all kind of
syncs up together with a whole Michael Taylor interview with Big God so like
this week has been like BRC 20 week a lot of I see a lot of youtubers
talking about it now so it's definitely kind of mass adoption or not mass
adoption but like a lot of people influencers are starting to realize the
gains that could be happened over here and like the tech and how new it is and
people are trying to figure out what's going on so I think it's been like this
week you know we've had all coins kind of died down a little bit and I think
this week is narrative has been like BRC 20 is in like the emergence of it and
like how now people are taking them seriously now some people are like yeah
yeah I'll learn I'll learn I'll learn but now it's just like yo if you learn
now you might have a pretty good chance to to make them make some money over
here while people are kind of waiting for the easy use and onboarding features
of maybe like a Dex or a centralized exchange onboarding them so I did
definitely think the clunkiness of it all is that is the opportunity for us to
get in early and maybe maybe make some money here but I got Eddie up here too
man what's up good morning how are you yeah I think hold on me yeah it's all
good it's all good chief I think you're talking about metapan and my boy that I
brought in yeah he really knows what's what's going on he knows some alpha he's
really right into the BRC 20s right now that's what he's looking at but uh for
me honestly I when I got into crypto I started with Bitcoin and then some alts
like you know ten years ago I'm really more of an alt-type player and I see it
as almost like money even though we shouldn't but I see it almost like money
so like I would choose a BRC 20 opposed to a profile picture because I already got
my identity so to speak yeah it's not on that that Bitcoin chain but you know I
want to tap into that BRC 20 get those coins going and then transact them all
around but uh I just wanted to ask you guys a quick question did you express
so did you see that you're you're you I don't know if you spoke about it you're
you is on the the main page of super faces no I did not notice that is that
true I yeah I tweeted it and whatever likely to whatever you want to do I'll
post it up here you'll see your face there it's very interesting let's go
we got Manny up in here this is this is big bro right here Manny man I've been
watching that rare fun video over and over and really got me interested in BRC
20s in the beginning so I really I really give the kudos to Manny and vid god
of really letting me like try to do this and giving me confidence that hey this
is something that you should spend your time doing what up Manny thanks for
coming by man what up dude thanks for having me up man it's super nice out
hanging out poolside Greensboro North Carolina vibing dude
you're gonna be poolside bro like how early you are on these dude you're gonna be poolside probably in
two months you and ZK are just me sitting next to each other just fucking
trading BRC 20s and the next yeah right dude ZK is a ghost dude that guy
transcends space and time he is the network dude he is not real he is
fairy dust dude I'm convinced so um so yesterday I got my unistat wallet and
minted my first or I guess purchased my first BRC 20 and it was a batch of
orty for 30 30 orty and for 15 bucks so that's kind of my first thing I did I
watched a bunch of videos and use your video and a bunch of other people's
videos to kind of walk me through it and I still like do have a few questions I
don't mean to put you on the spot but let me ask you this one question so when
I needed Bitcoin to my unistat wallet there's multiple wallets and I know
unistat wallets a little different than other wallets so for me to send my BTC
from Coinbase to my unistat wallet I needed the native segwit a segwit
wallet and that and then when I had that money in there I could go to the
marketplace and purchase it when I talk to other people like bit God he wants my
taproot address so what's do I need the trance like say we get whitelisted for
this token do I need to transfer BTC over to my taproot wallet to to inscribe this
or will it be able will I be able to like use the segwit wallet the native
segwit wall to inscribe it you know that yeah yeah so on your unisat wallet it
has four wallets in there and your taproot wallet is baked in and that's
why you're able to like buy stuff all at once just with the unisat on their
marketplace specifically so I'll send you a video right now on how to find your
taproot address within your unisat yeah I know how to get in this question
okay good find it I just want to make like trying to make sure that I'm
prepared for this and like I don't have like my balance for my Nate segwit
native is you know like 0.03 Bitcoin do I need to transfer any of that over the
taproot to mint this or can I just mint it from my the segwit wallet since
it's all in combined into one I'm pretty sure you should be able to just mint it
from that from the your unisat wallet okay like that I'll double check I'll
aspect God today I feel like different chains almost no wouldn't be like
almost different chains the taproot they're different they're in different
basic addresses so it's almost a different wallet yeah see I feel like I
just literally explained this shit to yo ass in the morning espresso unisat the
wallet itself allows you to process both and then X verse does not so on
unisat it does inside the actual wallet application itself it's able to
identify the taproot and the regular like Bitcoin inside X verse you cannot it
does not auto identify and so an X verse wallet and other wallets I'm not
familiar with everything else but at least for sure between these two in the
X verse you then have to go and identify your ordinal and then it
actually starts with a specific like similar to how ether scan I mean ether
scan how it dairiums is when you look at your ordinal it's like BC one P is
always gonna be the the beginning of every single one of the ordinal specific
wallet addresses so that's kind of how it goes with those two the difference
between those two gotcha got good ruto yeah I was just gonna say if you're
using an X verse wallet then you would go to hit you would click receive and
then it'll have your ordinal wallet address so they function pretty similarly
so if you have if you want to receive BRC 20 tokens if you do get on the
whitelist for example like I use the X verse and so I was talking directly
with me god and I was telling him I was like hey what do you know which
address do you want me to send I have a unisat wallet as well like should I
just use that and he but he's like personally I prefer X verse you can just
send your ordinal wallet address and like you can receive BRC 20 token that
way gotcha gotcha yeah I just don't want to fuck it up I think there's I mean a lot
of us are pretty new to this so I'm just trying to make sure that I got all
my keys crossed and like so when you're when we're looking at inscribing some
of these when you're on unisat you have you go to the tab and it says in
progress Manny how do you find the ones that you want that you think are gonna
mint out stop looking at some of these contracts where they're deployed they've
been deployed for like a month and they're like 50% minted and then like
last night I was looking at some deployed on that day and it looks like
there's like an emoji fucking trend going on where they're just printing
emojis how do you get how do you get comfortable and minting something when
it's like 50% but like only like four or five people own the BRC 20 like how
do you how are you finding the ones that you actually want to hold in inscribe is
it just you know throwing darts at a tape and throwing darts at the at the
wall and maybe it hits or is there some way that you kind of look at this and
say yeah this is gonna mint out and compared to ones that you see kind of
deployed for like months at a time that are failing to miss out what is
kind of your yeah yeah so a couple couple things on that right like a
these started March 9th of this year we're not even like two months in so a
nobody knows shit about fuck like there's less than like ten thousand
wallets trading these things but there's a ton of upside right so like the first
thing to look at is the holders right like when you tap the address you look
at the holders and then you see who holds this right and like are they
smart money or are they dumb money and like that is the first thing that I
look at right it's like have they ever held daugherty have they ever held zing
have they ever held meme Pepe any of these like top things I look at the
holders and I see what they hold right did they receive it did they mint it
like it's all about just finding the wallets that are smart right and that's
what I do I just copy trade people who are smarter than me and like people
who are way more in the know than me and then now I've like curated most of
my timeline to just be like ordinal people and whenever they talk about
something usually it pumps so I mean there's like this is all darts on the
board with like a very low level of education on this like that's kind of
where I'm at on it I'm happy to like go deeper just fire away dude yeah I mean
it's pretty interesting because I was looking last night and I didn't see
anything that was like oh my god I got to get in this story about the
background noise let me deliver this package real quick I don't think I'm
going to like describe anything on this progress page until I kind of
understand more and I might save a lot of my like my BTC for this big God token
drop but I was kind of looking at some of them and you know a lot of the stuff
that is minted out that it's like 50% cuz I was listening to your thing you
said once it gets over like 70% progressed that you really have to make
sure that you fast gas it because if they if it like it's minted out and it's
say like the collection size 21 million and you meant like 22 million like
they're worthless so like where where do you go where do you say I'm not
missing this anymore because I'm gonna miss the the SAT like the SAT limit like
is it 70% 60% like where you when you're like looking at the progression where
where does it cut off so it depends like dude I am dousing kerosene
and flicking matches dude like I'll mint something at 90% and then just set my
SATs to like three or four hundred like just because I think I can make more on
the Delta on the flip on it right but it's all about tracking the holders and
seeing who's holding this and why right and then just doing dollar sign
whatever the ticker is putting into Twitter like going on to unisats
discord seeing if anyone's talking about it or swap discord go to ord spy like
going to all these other discords and seeing what people are talking about like
probably one of the most slept-on places for alpha right now is the oshi phi
discord like these guys are trying to make some like ERC 20 bridge where you
can like use little ethereum contracts to buy this stuff on chain and it's like
locked almost like you're at BTC is what these people are trying to do and
they're pretty close so I'll look at there because they're pretty smart right
so I think that's kind of where I'm looking at stuff but like right now dude
there isn't really anything that I'm like oh my god this is like so
revolutionary I need to mint right it's like you mint whatever you need to get
your 20 points and just buy ord meme like whatever the top like market cap
stuff is just get that dude like you saw it with the gods you saw it with
board apes like the cream always rises to the top dude and like I think ord
you'll send a thousand bucks yeah that's what I was saying under a thousand bucks
is free I just pinned up the top ERC 20s from slash coins this bippy
fucking coin came out of nowhere it was nowhere to be seen yesterday and now
it's number two what is this just like social engineering is this something
that that it looks right because I didn't see this last night and now
it's number two is that something that you consider it like a legit coin or is
this something that's kind of like a kind of like help by two people can I answer that ribbit?
You fucker. GM, GM ribbit motherfuckers.
Let me let me answer that so basically the index is how it works is all you
need to get up there is just a sale it doesn't matter like how small it is so
if you just have a sale of like $1,000 for a token and your token supply is
like 1 million so that just multiply 1 million times a thousand right you'll
have your market cap values that that's why it's up there and it's all
that's that's exactly how it is so please don't look at the market cap look
at the volume coming in on these coins to to actually make a good judgment and
express it I know you got already yesterday which is a good thing because
that has the most volume for a good one yeah yeah I mean that's the reason I
bought it just because it's kind of the OG it's the first people have been kind
of talking about like getting coins that are like the first of its of its
kind of like niche I don't know what those are I think people said zing is
maybe like one of the one of a first of a category I'm not sure about yeah
for an uncommon set yeah and what about Pepe you guys think Pepe just the name
by itself I I think Pepe has the most this is all non-frog natural advice
yeah Pepe Pepe was launched before before the eat Pepe so be that as you
may and then on top of that too I was I was doing a little just browsing and
stuff I learned yesterday with a friend of mine and they have similar to the
nouns auction yeah they have that for the Pepe's I don't know I mean I'm
pretty sure all the Bitcoin people here know but they have basically an auction
that you use Pepe the actual token the BRC took 20 token to bid on a Pepe
ordinal and then yesterday I think the the highest bid for like the crying
Pepe was something ridiculous dude it was like over a hundred grand or
something crazy like that and so this is exactly like the nouns auction that we
have here just done utilizing you know what I'm saying giving utility to that
BRC 20 and someone's using that to basically launch their ordinal
collection over there yeah the person that did the or the collection was
inscribed Pepe those guys were OG ordinal collection their shit sits at
like 2 BTC plus so for the first time they decided to take they do auctions
regularly to sell and their shit sells for like above 1 BTC per inscribed Pepe
so they're not connected with the Pepe deployer I think they just did it for
the memes and dude they raised like 120 180 K Pepe and it's just insane yeah
that's literally what my boy was telling me he's like yeah they're not even like
the same project this is someone who just wants to use the BRC 20 the
Pepe that was created and just now is auctioning off the inscribed Pepe's and
it's just like they just decided to connect with each other for the culture
kind of thing I'm like that's that's pretty cool I guess you know and so I
remember their floor price was sitting at 0.2 BTC when they was just getting
started yeah they were really one of the OG projects out there and scribe
pathways yeah dude I was just looking at the sub 1k sub you know what I'm
saying 10k all that shit and I remember talking on the show probably what like
two months ago and it was to the we should have just inscribed anything dude
you could have just put your ass on there and you know I'm saying your ass
would have probably fetched you a whole Bitcoin if you were in the sub 1k
hell yeah especially if you had a nice ass you know yeah no yeah if you
inscribe your own asset there you know it could it could be worth like 5k
yeah so I'm you know not knowing no crazy alpha today except man these loans
they're working I'm right now what do you think the speculation of the two
collections are gonna be added to blur on Monday I think it's moonbirds is one
of them I've heard fucking Kevin Rose literally massaging the nuts of pack in
the fucking in the Twitter did he yeah he was like oh my god pack is just so
innovative heard it so so innovative especially I have a question I mean I
thought I thought the two meant that it was gonna just be mutants and board
apes like that would make sense to come as a pair so I don't know I mean
that's kind of what I thought but maybe I'm wrong I think it's what's
the coincidence that fucking Kevin Rose basically writes a tweet about how
great Pac-Man is two days ago and then like the new collections coming out and
it's like oh it's two collections yeah chief speculate its mutants and board
apes I think it might be moonbirds and doodles it would make it would make
sense to be them because they're there's no there's no NFT in that price
range whereas mutants would be like mutants and apes they have analogs in
that price range between a zookey and board ape so like they don't really
needed and also board ape fucking hates blur so I wouldn't be shocked but the
only reason I think would be them is because it's a pair coming out at the
same time but if honestly I could see let's say like doodles and moonbirds
or moonbirds and captains or something like that I could see that being yeah
I could see that would be nice are you gonna capitalize on this like ten
o'clock Monday rolls around are you gonna be sitting on your computer waiting
for the collection now like leverage trade this bitch no no no because the
only the only play at the start of this is like because it adds leverage
longs so it will probably lead to like a 10% increase but especially with
royalties it's not really worth it and especially you'd also have to like
predict which one's gonna be the one to get picked up so I'm not gonna not gonna
predict it's the moonbirds so no I don't really know I'm not gonna be playing
that what's more interesting is the strategic buyouts which is a lot more
fun and I mean it's also pretty difficult to time right but like I
timed it right on one of the azukis that I picked up and I picked up an
azuki like 50 hours ago like that loan for 1288 so I bought the loan for
1288 and the APY was at like nine hundred ninety percent so by the time that I got
to close my azuki had caught up to the floor price and I basically in terms of
the debt owed so I basically bought an azuki for 1288 and the floor is right
now 13.4 and it's currently listed and as soon as the bids open up I'm just
gonna take the highest bid so I'm probably gonna make like 0.25 to 0.3
maybe even up to 0.4 on that azuki and like that's that's pretty good you know
that's not bad at all man that's not bad would you be better no it's not and it's
better just like reasonable like say you had 12v and just kind of like use that
eat to like sweep floors and kind of like play the trade game like I know a lot
of people used to do that where they would just concentrate on azuki I mean
maybe another collection like a lot of people back in the day we know a lot of
big people that would just concentrate on one collection and just like kind of
trade traits of that floor and they knew like the collection like the back to
hand so they saw stuff that was undervalued and like they made you know
point one here point two there point three there would it be easier or you
put yeah don't get don't get me wrong that doesn't work anymore
I mean it's interesting but it really just is not nearly as effective as it
used to be because people just don't care as much and even for the people
that do care it's just like like the the deltas are have shrunk and it like
maybe maybe you can do that kind of trading on let's say like very specific
specials like on let's say a foxfire azuki right or like a special azuki that
will have a delta that's meaningful and people will actually care about that
that specific trade but and then and then like but that's not that's not like
spotting it on open sea at a undervalued price that's like you have to instead of
spotting on open sea at undervalued price you have to spot it on an otc
trade and just be involved in otc trading and like see who's moving these
nfts on the back end trade trades don't matter anymore trade some yeah like
that's they generally don't um it's very rare that they do and it really
only matters to be honest for things like azuki because there it's high value
enough that people want to have standout ones so i would say i would say azuki is
probably the only thing that i'm going to be looking at for now and on the on
the loan side uh what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be moving the
funds that i was blur farming with out into a different wallet so like i'm
going to have a blur farming wallet and a which is probably going to go
fairly light like i don't there's not much that i really want to farm on blur
it's like it's a pretty rough market for farming
um but then i also want to have my loans because the loans i think are
interesting i think that there's actually like money to be made there
fairly consistently if you know what you're doing
um but you want that in a you want that in a non-farming wallet
because in the if you put it in your farming wallet
every time you want to close a loan you you might want to do it like
pretty quick like i might want to pick up a loan
at i don't know 990 APY which cranks really hard in terms of the the how much
the debt grows per day um like you're talking on an azuki you're
talking like 0.3 to 0.4 ETH every day in a crude debt and that
might be the entirety of the debt difference between where you pick up
the loan and where you want to like where the floor is
so you might want to get that out within a day um and in order to do that
you need to you need to get the loan and then immediately close the loan and let
it start trailing up off its own accord now
if you want to do that without losing 250 blur points every time
you need to do that on a fresh wall so you should have
if you want to have if you want to be participating in this you need to have
like your blur lent your blur bit your blur farming wallet and your blur
loaning wallet um two separate different wallets and
that's what i'm going to do as soon as i as soon as i get the
city from the Suzuki that's what i'm going to do
and yeah that's just generally what i'm up to other than that
um other than that i am currently browsing
Expedia and flabbergasted and annoyed at how ridiculous these prices are to
go to miami but one of my friends is letting me crash
with him so that takes off a huge chunk dude i think i'm gonna go to miami dude
did you see that uh did you see have you used bard yet google's bard that's
came out recently okay it's okay it's not good well like the
thing is that the cool thing about it said it like just like can't gbt isn't
hooked up to the internet you know so like this one yeah i know
hooked up to like yeah but it doesn't mean it's good yeah
so like yesterday i've been using it yesterday and today and it's just not a
fact yeah like it's just wrong all the time it's
wrong i thought it's kind of cool that the fact
that it's like you can it like i know you can't do this on
chat gbt yet but like say like google owns youtube say
there's a youtube video and you want to uh harken back to
something that was said in the youtube video you can ask it to
like find the captions of that video and ask if
they said this this thing that's pretty cool yeah that's kind of cool
no that's that's that's pretty cool but i'll say like
so two things i was asking it about specific car garages because i have like
an idea or something that excited me about a car like a
you know like a car workshop and i was like okay
let's say for example i wanted to um if i wanted to customize my lamborghini
um where would be the best place in northern new jersey to do so
and it gave me three locations and i looked up each of those three
locations none of which existed none of which
existed anywhere else and then when i asked it i was like hey
are you sure that this is a correct location and it said no this is an
incorrect location i apologize for each of the three items that it
gave me there was because there's nothing like
there isn't what i was asking for basically didn't
exist and it gave me three locations all of which didn't exist and then this
morning i said okay um how about this find me the cheapest
flight from newark to miami and it came back and it was like
here's a spirit airlines flight for the dates that you selected
for 50 dollars and i was like um no that that flight's
400 dollars yeah it's wrong it's it's pretty it's pretty early it's just wrong
it was literally wrong every question i asked between yesterday and today i was
like what the hell is this yeah it's gonna take a while for them
yeah and i i've heard they're like misquoting people and shit so yeah
that did i think i haven't fucked with it go look at it's a little bit
snappier it looks a little bit better chat dude
eddie eddie clear your cookies and and look for flights in incognito mode dude
and then it'll be 50 dollars there you go because it knows it knows where you
live and it knows how much you spend so it's up yeah
not only that but you can use just use a vpn use a vpn
okay fine different country or something and i
guarantee you it's cheaper bro i'll i'll do that but like it's not going to
be like what am i going to spend 380 instead of
395 yes we'll help you out we'll find you one
for you you're going to btc miami let's fucking go
go uh yeah my friend my friend's like you've got a spot with me just come out
and you can stay with me i'm like all right that seems dude all these big
really maxis are gonna get onboarded to ordinals and brc 20s at this conference
bro you guys got to get in before this conference i'm telling you
dude there's the the shit that's about to happen in miami it's just gonna be
insane is it gonna be a movie is it gonna be a movie guys oh so
actually yeah i just want to take it to miami too
i'm excited let's go so everyone always says oh it's
gonna be a movie but no one ever says which movie and that's the heart like
there's a lot of movies there's some really good one it's gonna be a
terminator it's gonna be a terminator
and he's walking in there killing everybody at the fucking
at the conference okay well like the out of recorded space
that i am not threatening a single person uh
at btc miami i am uh gentler than a lady that is true you are gentle
you're a gentle you're a gentle giant are gentle
i don't you know if you're a giant you're definitely not a gentle
giant that's for sure let's go to some hands let's get to some hands we got the
ops listening today you know what i'm saying we got the feds we got the feds
on us uh i guess english wait wait wait i'm not
the feds no we weren't talking about you were
talking about that red button at the top left that's recording us that's the
feds okay oh yeah kurt we know you're not a
fed you know i think that's brilliant that there is bro like the feds are
trying to find you they're probably getting fucking wiretapped
right now if anything you're kind of saying bro
like we they they're they're they're not like
you know they're not looking for me but they're looking for curl they're like
bro your passport's expired why are you still in america bro come on back to
canada you're like fuck dad i'm staying here no i'm chill i don't even know
where you live no you just reminded me that's what i
have to do on monday i gotta renew my passport so i can come to
i think i'm gonna go for to v con for uh
gentles uh thing and then i'm gonna leave after even though i have a ticket
um i just i just want to support the dude so
pre pre pre con con yeah gentle trainee that's pre con event go hang out in the
parking lot do some shoeys go over to the v con and
get fucking fucked up and let's fucking ride that's what that's
gonna happen to that fucking pre con but uh i do want to get to some
hands i know we got tons of hands up i'm gonna
respect my utes down there so i'm gonna go to english first and then i'll go to
toyo yo yo yo i appreciate you and uh yeah i
did have the hands up first uh now what's going on guys i did have a
question dude um so you know i've been chilled the
brc 20s for a while just because i've been hanging around with a lot of like
ordinals people but uh what's like the dex tool like version
of like this like where would i go to look at like not for trading but like
for just to look at like volume they have it so where do i track like price
right like so if i wanted to buy one i want to like research what's what's my
version 40 coins is where i go i mean i
think there's one that the brc 20 coins what's that one jake jake uh brc yeah that one too it has like a kind of an
indexer you can kind of sort by holders uh volume
uh i think or sports space is good because they use the uniset
indexer uh but it gets fucked from time to time
but if you want like an accurate uh on chain like data they pull that
shit up from uh uniset yeah i've been hanging out in the
taproot wizards discord quite a bit there's been some people making some
serious money off of those and they've been chilling them for a while but
um yeah you know i'll that was kind of my main question i'll be at btc miami too
eddie so if if you're down to meet up uh hit me up and
that goes to anybody i know tasio's heading out there too so
um yeah this is why i have to go because it's actually
it's it's notable to me because like i like vcon
but everyone who i've heard is going are the same people that i've heard
have gone gone to like nftla nftnyc nft vegas last year nftnyc
last year and it's like the same crowd which is nice like it's cool to see
everyone again but i just saw them like twice in the last two months
whereas the btc miami crowd completely different like i've not seen
a lot of these people before or have barely met them which
that's kind of why i want to ribbit ribbit yeah you motherfucker are you
going jake i i think i will fucking make a last
minute change and i might go and i will fucking ribbit everywhere
with my frogman dirtendi and soppi booba
you gotta go bro you gotta go now you're you're you're
that fucking entity you're rocking is fucking trending on fucking magic even
every day this week dude we i am onboarding maxis
like just giving them a frog dude it's just beautiful they were calling me a
frogtard before now i go in their space and they're like oh welcome jake how are
you doing and i just say ribbit motherfuckers
they're definitely there's definitely an opportunity here
i mean mani like you basically kind of we're the first kind of nut person to
like get involved but like there's definitely kind of a niche here of
people that are willing to want to learn and there's not a lot of people
that have the information so this kind of gives me vibes of like when
everybody uh wanted to get onto salona and there's already community there
those people that were knowledgeable at salona and had integrate
ingrained themselves into that community became like the big
personalities over there like you see like dope and you see like easy like
those people are early the salona and then a lot of people came from eth
over to salona to learn from them and now i see kind of similar vibes over
to this btc there's a lot of people that are interested
but there's not a lot of people that have the information for you to learn
so if you can kind of like get involved get your feet wet and like
start like being able to teach people i think there's an opportunity for like
exponential growth uh over here on btc man like i mean
fucking big guy's a perfect example like he fucking had a thousand followers now
he has almost 40k i know that's just because he has
something that people want and but i definitely think if you can
definitely become knowledgeable i definitely feel like there is a need for
you to to educate the space on what the fuck how
to do this and how to get involved man so and the crazy part about this shit is
bro is that like you know the misconception i mean i
had misconceptions about this at first in terms of just pricing you're like oh
btc i'm automatically priced out now misconceptions when you hear people
talk about multiple chains and multiple wallet addresses and i'm
like damn this just sounds like it's going to be so complex
dude in reality you sit down with someone who
actually knows what they're doing or who's like fully involved in this
it'll probably take you about 20 to 30 minutes to get a full grasp on what's
going on it's not that hard it's pretty cut and
dry pretty simple you know they can explain it yeah i
literally sat with someone for probably about 30 minutes
and he just walked me through anything and he's like if you have any
questions just let me know and i'm always here but
more or less it's like it seems hard and tough
but we already have the base concepts from what we do here
right on the east side on salona like we understand the base of what a minting is
or contract interactions or at least the kind of the process of
hey no you're going to buy this and then it's going to be airdrop to you like
those words make sense so for us to be able to pick this up is a lot
easier than it is for us to try to talk to a normie and say hey not only
this but now let's talk about bitcoin shit it's like
take the time take literally 30 minutes out of your day
and that's all you need is literally 30 minutes out of your day it's not that
it's hard you take the actual time to sit down and
do this shit you'll be able to understand
to at least the point of where you're like hey i'm not the best
but if an opportunity comes up i at least know
roughly what to do you know what i'm saying doesn't mean i'm gonna hit
but i at least tried or at least doesn't feel like hey i'm scrambling
right when it's oh where do i go what do i i don't even have money in my wallet
right so that's the whole point guys take 20 30
minutes out of your day shoot your shot at one of those people
on stage that can help you with just information if not
mani has videos there's threads right read that up on your own and then i
guarantee you with someone else you'll be able to learn
and all the discords are popping like the sub 10k discord
right all the different ordinal the uni stat discords there's a bunch of
different ones that you can get this info so really main point of this is take the
30 minutes out of your day to learn this shit
because it gives you one step closer to an opportunity
uh let's hit slime and then coupe go ahead slime
no no no no no no no i gotta remember that toyso was down there
and we added we were gonna go to him after him and then we'll go to slime
i just want to keep i just want to make sure that i'm respecting
everybody and i know chief you did your best there i just i remember i said we're
gonna go to english i did that's my the thing is he didn't have his hand up
you know and so the way that it works is you put your hand up
and then we call you that's fair you know so i'm just using my memory i'm
just using my memory so go ahead toyso and then we'll get the slime
have that i smoke pot i follow sorry about that i didn't know if you
remove your hand i'll lose the spot you know i'll keep that in mind though
gotcha gotcha so how's everyone doing today
we're doing all right man what's up what's up what's up so i just want to
share to you guys what i'm currently cooking on ordinals i've been
here on ordinal since february first week actually
and uh actually in the tweet the tweet here
and the daily alpha uh so our collection is called bitcoin whales i
actually got the blessings from from zoshi from bitcoin frogs i'll be
allocating my best spots for them initially it's uh three men and
it's an it's for anyone who wants to get their feet wet on ordinals
it doesn't matter yeah oh yeah oh yeah go ahead
no i'm just wondering um i know we talked earlier but
did you get the blessing from like expresso or
or anything like that oh i have it yeah because i was like i don't remember i
given it to you i just wanted you to come share about
ordinals and eventually you make your mark on our stage
and we work on it no no no i didn't know
how it works at the tda it's a deserved to earn kind of platform right and so
you contribute to our community you bring value you teach them
and then you deserve to present something to them
and that works for anyone it's not just for you so that's just kind of how it
works here to where bring value show up once or twice
three times contribute become a part and then from there
you know what i'm saying you're more than yeah yeah i've been i've been
showing up actually a couple of days now
so it's fine always no we it's for anyone really
the thing is that we just you know we want to protect the community
and for us the community gets to decide if they want to choose the mid-year
project or not so we definitely want to get to know yeah
and the first before you start chilling instantly and it just kind of looks bad
the fact that you come on stage and just start talking about your thing
instead of actually there's tons of questions is there's tons of
information that people you've been here since february
so why don't you give us some like information you've learned
and then we're like oh this dude knows what he's talking about and then we're
like oh you actually have a project oh this dude knows what he's talking about
i might invest in him he's been in the space since february so
just so it's all about like doing it you know like saying the right things
and especially when you're introducing yourself to a new community so like
give us something you've learned it since february that people might not
know that's getting into brc20s oh yeah for sure so uh
when i started with uh with ordinals it felt
so refreshing it feels like i was back in 2017
when crypto punks just started so that's that's how it feels like here
and from what i can tell in comparing it to
other chains uh i would say that the community and on bitcoin are
more mature and more open to exploring different things and i guess
that's how brc20s picked up the pace and blew up really
it's quite different from other ecosystems so that's what i could share
yeah it is quite different for sure and uh like i said if anybody wants to
know what he's talking about his project you can go to his page
and like i said you already kind of shield it so i think everybody kind of
knows what you're doing but i do appreciate you coming up here and feel
free to stick up here if there's any insight you want to bring
that's uh we'd love to come back to you but i do want to get some more hands
slime and then coop and then we'll get back to manny
put up slime yo yo what the hell is up guys um
damn what an awesome space i hope you guys don't mind if i go on a little
rant about brc20s um before i do so i want to give a
special shout out to jake um and eric an og friend of mine but
jake has been killing it uh with the bitcoin frogs um
ribbit ribbit ribbit and secondly before i talk about brc20s
um a good friend of mine hock who also introduced me to
ordy a couple of weeks ago we're holding a miami meetup for
on-chain monkeys and bitcoin frogs um so if you guys are interested obviously
you don't have to own either but um it's more of like a brc20 kind of
hang out if you guys are interested shoot me a dm
we're gonna be going to like a nice little bar just shooting this shit
so i gave you a follow if you give me a follow i'll be at btc miami
and uh i'll hit you up in the dms dude yeah hell yeah we're just trying to
get a little group going you know uh catch a little vibe if you will rib
it around hop around the lily pads but um no i just kind of wanted to
touch on brc20 because um i think it's such an interesting
thing and i'm so glad you guys are talking about it i mean
i've been learning so much and like you said you know
there's you know it's nice to come up here and hear people talk about brc20s
so i figured i'd come up and talk about what i think about it and stuff that
i've learned especially something that i think is pretty neat um but i guess i
could start by saying that we all know that this space that we're in
whether it's nft's crypto uh eth layer whatever it's it's an
attention market and in my opinion all eyes are on brc20
and i think that's a big thing for a couple of reasons
because there's just so much going on there's so much to learn
there's so much to dive into and something that i think is pretty cool
is the fact that when ordinals came out ordinals are non-fungible
ordinals if you deploy if you inscribe an
ordinal there's something called the decimal
function that's already part of that code that does not allow that
image or whatever to be fractionalized so what happened is when brc20s came out
you can actually choose the decimal function is not required so
any brc20 that you launch could be fractionalized to the 18th decimal
that's why you can see some really large supplies and
shout out to hawk i see you down there another uh goat
who's taught me so much um but long story short
this fractionalization of these brc20s is kind of why
you know you see all this supply and everything but something that i think is
really really cool that has come out in the past few days i'm not
going to show his project uh but he actually launched the first
non-fungible brc20 token and i feel like it's not that's not
getting enough eyes for what it is especially
due to the fact that when all this brc20 hype mania kind of dies down
and all these tokens that might be worth nothing go to zero
we'll always go back to the art right like bitcoin frogs
and when it comes to brc20 especially emojis emojis that are under 4 mb that
can be detected by the index and this is where
it gets kind of crazy you can add the decimal function to that
brc20 so that emoji you can only own one of them
it's non-fungible you can't fractionalize it and it's a really cool
concept when it comes to brc20s because yes of course it will always be the
tokens but these emojis that are still
available there's actually some websites you can go check
to see which emojis have not been taken
as well as emojis that are under 4 mb
and the first one has already been deployed and i just think that's
something really cool that's happening in this space that
this this alpha this giga brain was reading through domo's papers and was
like wait the decimal function isn't required to
to deploy a token what if i do add the decimal function and keep it at zero
well he just made the first brc20 non-fungible token and it is an
emoji so when all these tokens die down and
people want to focus on the art not only will ordinals be like forefront
especially rivets but these emojis these non-fungible emojis that on the
brc20 network i just think is like the coolest thing
ever and i don't know how many are left i do know which one was the first one
but um you know that's for you guys oh what the fuck bro give us the fucking
alpha my guy what's the first one it reminds me of
ord emojis when it started so the story's really funny i'm gonna
give a big shout out to him because he you know he hopped on he did a space
like two days ago and it was like me and one other person
listening and he was just dropping some the craziest alpha i've ever heard
this guy's been around since 2012 in the bitcoin game like he was around when
you know bitcoin was being traded for hundreds to buy you know like a gram of
weed and like this coin these coin flip websites where you could just
pick to flip a coin and you could double your bitcoin double your bitcoin
just like really og time stuff that i had never heard of and i was like man
this guy really knows what he's talking about
and he said that when he found out that this decimal function could be added
um he actually inscribed so technically the first emoji
that was inscribed as a non-fungible token was the pregnant man emoji
the thing about that is that he only inscribed one so he owns it
and that's the first one ever created but then he decided to launch
uh the matrix phone i'll give you guys that i'm not going to go you know again
like you said this isn't a shilling space so
go ahead and look up the matrix phone um and he inscribed man i forget the
supply but basically it was it's the first of its kind just
like already was the first of its kind um you know all the og's and it's i
feel like it's being swept under the rug this like crazy alpha that this guy
found this function and the matrix phone is
kind of like starting to pop off but it's just crazy because
like i said we're in an attention space and once the attention of these tokens
that like man me and hawk are minting every
fucking thing that's on the in progress tab like
you should see my brc20 wallet it's stacked with shit that you know
regretfully so probably will be zero at one point but
you know that's that's what i'm having fun with i like fucking finding things
that are cool tickers that i like a lot of holders whatever it may be
i'm minting everything left and right but you know eventually that day's going
to come where stuff is going to come you know what's
going to be hype it's going to be non-fungible brcs
ordinal art which i'm so glad is happening because it's like
bitcoin's come full circle the fucking og chain it's like
now it's fucking it's btc's time and something as simple as a non-fungible
bcr is like getting me like so hype and i just think
it's so funny because i haven't really felt like this
in a long time and i want to give a special thanks to hawk because
if it wasn't for the hawk i'd just be fucking
still trading like nfts on layer one not to say that
not to say that that that hype is gone but uh yeah so that's that's my
my spiel on brc20s um i can't wait to see what someone finds out next
um so so yeah like just to give an idea the
i hope i just just yeah just do your research
yeah we just need to start like getting the community together get a group chat
together let's like get everybody that fucks with
this brc20 in like a community together because i think
that's the hardest thing is that we're kind of like
scouring twitter and scouring these discords for people to connect with like
i think the people are in this space right now
have a lot of knowledge and there's no kind of community that we've built yet
so i think someone needs to create a group chat brc20 trading or
ordinals trading and just start adding people that are interested in this and
then now we have a community of 75 people we can bounce ideas off instead of just
segregating ourselves to one person teaching us all maybe like a group of
village of people can teach us that kind of stuff so
we definitely need to start forming like this community and and people that
are interested uh we need to add to like a group
chat or something like that that's my that's i think that's gonna be the best
i was looking yesterday like anybody trade brc20s
add me to a group chat no one fucking added me to a group chat
everybody's like what the fuck are you talking about so
we definitely need to get that going for sure
um the matrix no i just talked for a big guy he said he's on his way home
um so he'll be on the show in a little bit
you know what i'm saying yeah for sure if you guys don't know we're giving away
five whitelist spots to oxbt um it's the first pin post all you have
to do is like it retweet it tag two friends and be in the space
when we do the twitter picker and then uh if you guys haven't uh while you're
listening to the show go on your computer go to unisat uh
download the unisat wallet and have that taproot address ready because
that's the one that we're going to need
if you do win so he needs it by the end of the day
so if we call you and you say oh legit and by the end of the day you don't give
me the taproot wallet i'm just gonna go find someone that does
have one and give it to them so this is on you to to get involved figure
out what you're doing ask questions if you do while we're up
here and yeah if you win you definitely have
to be like pretty quick on this stuff i'm not waiting like
till monday to get him he needs it by fucking tonight so
this is up to you if you win you have to have this shit ready and if you don't
then i'm just gonna find someone else that does have it ready so
just be aware yeah he'll be coming through pretty shortly
so other than that just make sure you guys get yourself set up
xverse wallet or unisat um in case you win
yeah let's go let's go to coop what up coop
what's up guys i've never been to bitcoin miami and i was wondering like
what it's like and it's it feels like maybe this year will be
unique with brc stuff it's boring as fuck my guy i've seen the conference
streamed and shit it's boring but this year it's gonna be different because we
got these nft motherfuckers all in bar these ordinal
motherfuckers these brc 20 motherfuckers coming that are gonna
change change the game yeah bro yeah there's a few things that are going
on there like they have like a btc uh d gods kind of thing going on and i
know like booty's debating um shinobi and like a lot of people
are hyped for that people will be out there with their wizard hats and stuff
so i'm sure a lot of people meet up and hang out on miami beach you know around
that time i think that's 2 p.m friday um on the main stage so i i grew up in
miami and like that's kind of like my stomping grounds and i remember the
miami beach convention center like uh linkin roads right next to it so
there's like a lot of popping places so i think a lot of people that are like in
the nft brc ordinals type things will will kind of
gravitate to those kind of you know things that are you know popping off
now and that we're into and then kind of find little side places to hang out
afterwards and have a beer or whatnot so i think it should be a good time
yo for any other you know pours that have fomo
just hit my dm and let's try to get a house together or something you know
what i'm saying because uh we'll make this work but
that's the fuck i mean the flight we'll make a flight but
the the hard part is getting a spot to stay out in miami
during this week like shit's gonna be mad expensive
um and ubers in that day is just getting stuck in traffic forever
or a pain in the ass but yeah so if you're pouring you want to split a room
you know i'm saying shoot the dm and we'll see if we can make something
happen um let's go to the hawk and then
many hey gm ribbit how's everybody ribbit ribbit
hey uh thanks for the flowers earlier slime um
hey i just i just wanted to share one thing on fees
and your quote unquote gas since a lot of us
that come from east refer to it as gas if if you guys haven't talked about it i
just want to make sure everyone understands that's trying to get into
brc 20 trying to get into ordinals trying to
mint stuff just please remember you're going to get front ran
because btc is so slow you can't use the normal gas that is
suggesting you can't use you know 10 percent more than that
that is suggesting i'm tired of seeing newbies coming over
to get excited about you know brc 20 and ordinals and all these people that
all of us are talking to and onboarding and then they mint a worthless
inscription on a hyped brc 20 that's going
because they use you know a hundred sats as the gas
thinking like oh it's east you know like once i mint and once i hit confirm
in my metamask if i'm paying that faster gas it's
gonna go in that next 12 second block remember the blocks are so slow
that if at any time gas goes from 100 sats and i know i'm saying
gas it's not really gas but if it goes from 100 sats up to two or 300
because the mint gets hyped and people start gassing up and front running you
you're going to end up with a worthless inscription and have wasted all of those
gas fees so please if you aren't sure what i'm
talking about i'll shut up now no like what's the website what's the
website hawk is it mempool is that where you go to check yeah so
yeah so um and and you just have to be willing to
overshoot it you know if it's if it's showing it's
at 200 because it's a hyped mint like especially with bit god stuff coming
up and i know there's whitelist spots but i'm sure it's gonna be over allocated
because i saw this with uh with the uh the vampire one the vmpx um
the other day people see 200 and they're like oh i'll do 210
i'm fine right well no you got three confirmations that have to go through
and if other people storm in and i'll do 400 sats per
you're gonna be stuck in the mempool and then an hour later when the mints already
ran out you're gonna get a worthless inscription
of that same text and wonder why you can't sell it
so just please be willing to spend the extra 10 bucks
and what's your from your experience hawk like you just said you saw vamp
what would you like seeing this in the hype that's involved with
big god saying what what do you think the recommended gas would be to
make sure you do inscribe if you are on whitelist what would you like not saying
like hey just live and die by this but what's your
prediction what do you think would be a good
a good number yeah i i'm going to answer that two ways one i'm going to
say it's probably gonna be 500 um which which is about 30 bucks per
give or take at 500 sats um but what i'm also going to say is
whatever the custom setting because like when you're using the unisat wallet or
xverse or any of them it gives you like the normal or like
what that current block in the mempool is at
but then it gives you a custom almost like a default if you want to juice it
up and go a little faster that's i don't know sometimes 10 20
higher uh sometimes a little more i will be
doing i'm going to sit back and wait right because you got almost 10 minute
block so you have time i'm going to sit back and wait and then
juice it at least 25 above whatever the custom
setting is uh to make sure i absolutely do not get front ramp
so if it's showing 400 i'm at least going 500
well huck the thing that's different about big gods is what he said and
when he gets on we can confirm but he said he's already done
all of the process so he's inscribed and already has the transfer tokens to
where you can't get front ramp what well and if he does and i'd love to
hear exactly how he's going to do it because
on on some of the other ones like the z-bit people are still getting front
ran on z-bit because they opened it up you know yes
they've already minted them themselves or inscribed them
but then they're transferring them basically to people
so whatever that uh org bit or whatever site they used yesterday
um people are still getting front ran i think
i think what's going to happen is that if you transfer it and
it's not going to confirm it on the mempool it's probably going to confirm it
on like unconfirmed and it's going through
based on that and that's how it's going to run so
i think you have to be have have like a very fast
sending fingers you know uh instead of just waiting for the mempool so
uh it's it'll be more of a how fast you can click confirm
instead of uh how fast does your payment uh
go to them yeah it's more of like a claim like basically just
claiming your spot and then once it hits the it'll say
unconfirmed in a sense because that's what he was explaining like he doesn't
want he wants it to where it's quote unquote not gate capped right to
where if you only have 10 bucks you can still get it versus someone
who's willing to juice for 50 60 bucks you know like that was his
main goal and so i haven't heard him say that yet so
if i'm if i'm wrong on his specifically i apologize so
that's awesome that he's doing it that way
please keep in mind though that 90% of people won't do it that way
yeah no it's literally just his that's literally what he explained was different
because that was kind of the the social experiment aspect because
when i was trying to learn and when we were trying to learn we were you know
hey is this normal and he's like no this is kind of what makes me different
or special is that you know i want to have it open access
to even if i let someone in with you know only five bucks and if that's all
they got or 10 bucks that it might take eight hours right but
you'll still get it eventually kind of thing
yeah that's that's what i remember too go ahead manny what's up man
dude not a whole lot man it was just on that point that eddie was talking
about earlier on the the loan stuff like d god season
three's coming up like if you hard sweep like
a decent amount of those they drop new art and then you get like the delta
on each one of those loans that was like a play that i'm looking to make on
each but on the brc 20 stuff like definitely like
you either have to be early you have to be smarter than everybody
else or you have to cheat right so like
definitely go to the mempool see what the next block
to complete is on the gas and then just pay that
like ideally like five six hundred is what i would be looking at and like
understand that you need like at least a thousand dollars to get
started on something like this and like expect to lose all of it right like
all these made up coins are going to speed run to zero so like
unless you're buying the stuff that's consolidated at the top
like don't waste your time but um dude they're opening up
withdrawals for all these exchanges that's coming up here pretty soon
and none of them have these things in reserves
so there's going to be like a major like absolutely
major supply squeeze that there are short squeeze that's going to hit
and like they're going to have to like halt all trades
or do something to sweep everything off of the uni sap floor
in like the next 48 to 72 hours so i'm like expecting already to dip down to
maybe eight or something maybe even two dollars and then it'll
just like hard send because all these people are going to try and withdraw
and uh i don't know man i think it's going to get pretty interesting holy
give this guy a medal he understands this shit out here dude
uh fuck yeah dude whatever man he said uh
that's exactly about to happen uh this is non-frog natural advice so
take it how you may
yeah and that's pretty much it dude it's starting to get kind of cloudy i
think i'm gonna go back inside because uh i don't want to get rained on
dude yeah fucking stay up here i mean if you
have to leave you have to leave but if you don't have whitelets yet i think that
you need to stay up here so you can get wetted i like talking
kind of code bro like hey it's cloudy in here i want to go in
and then you know hey bring that ribbit like
i don't know what the fuck yeah yeah yeah i mean go ahead
oh no i was gonna just say two things first if warty hits two fucking
dollars you better get those maxi longs locked and fucking loaded holy hell a
two dollar orty would not only make me cry from sadness
from having profit maxi but god damn that would be an
incredible entry for anybody listening um just be careful longing on maxi those
motherfuckers will say something and ban you if you make
money in that exchange uh i've had it to a lot of people uh
and then it's just gonna suck that you're up fucking 700x
on something and then there'll be like oh suspicious activity
banned and then you won't be able to get anything and you'll only get your
deposit back so fuckery like this will happen uh just
don't make too much money but still make a little bit of money
and as and as always it's non-frog natural advice we're all frogtards in
this pond uh but i did want to touch on vmpx because
um hock had such a good point that's kind of where we you know that that was
like the second biggest mint on brc20 after orty but
you know when orty was minting from what i know
you know not many people really knew about it the mentors from orty are
absolute legends in this space but when jack levin came out with vmpx man
it really was the first time ever that you know that 2019 20 nostalgic
feeling of minting something came back like
you're in the group chat with the vc everybody trying to snag a mint who's
pulling the mint but at the same time it was such a
big learning experience because for example for me
10 out of my 17 transactions didn't confirm and i was left fucking with my
hands under my ass you know lost in fees so it was such a
good learning experience and i wanted to give a little alpha on
vmpx uh for those who mentioned that uh flowers
to you because i feel like that was such an og moment in brc20 but jack
levin spoke about that being just act one
and that act two will be even greater um on top of that he mentioned that it's
you know from from what i know it's going to be the first token
with some utility utility you know take that as
as it may be because you know we all know what utility is
um but jack levin i think has a grasp of what the space is
um and i'm just hyped on vmpx so i just wanted to just want to understand
i can't believe you showed uh lord vampire but uh vampire lord
has loved uh frogs and he has been fucking
saying ribbit ribbit everywhere on twitter and the bots are so fucked up
they think it's the ribbit coin and eat and then they do the ribbit ticker
under his comments little do they know the frogs are there
with him so uh shout out to vampire lord ribbit
he will fucking suck your liquidity so just be careful
because he's a vampire i think something that we're kind of
overlooking and i think people kind of don't even notice they're doing it
it is uh the fact that these protocols on brc20 are hella new
like super new and i saw this in manny's video under rare fud
is there's someone that's already minted the usat
uh brc20 token and people are speculating that
there possibly be some airdrops uh for unisat holders that people use the
protocol but like ultimately there's gonna be more and more stuff that pops
up for ease of use for brc20s if you're
here just play around on the protocol i guarantee you 100 this is financial
advice there's going to be airdrops for these
things similar to blur similar to uniswap back in the day
just interact play around on these protocols get familiar
and they're going to reward early you know early fucking people that have been
on their chains and shit good don't you remember when uh on
the show we called out for the ordinals wallet
like i called the first ordinals wallet airdrop i explained exactly how
to get there and then i called the second ordinals
wallet airdropping those are sitting at like eight grand bro
literally like if you go and you look at the pixel peppers that they airdrop
people they're literally sitting at point three
point i think three five or something bitcoin so
it's it pays to interact guys once again i mean we see it with airdrops
here on ethan then sure enough like x is telling you right now
uh the ordinal wallet gave you the the airdrop one of them was just for
creating a wallet and transacting and the second one was for
transactional value and i think it was something small like
0.05 or something that you had to move through the ordinal wallet so
you could have literally farmed with yourself sent yourself shit back and
forth anyway uh we got big god up here so
yo ribbit big god ribbit the man of the hour
the man of the hour what what the fuck ribbit yo thank you so
much for having me up here again guys uh apologize for for obviously being a
little bit late just got done with uh with an okx event um
i saw that you got some merch baby you got like a tumblr
yeah man i you know i got to i got to go to the okx you know
uh offices about one to two weeks ago they've just been incredibly nice
right they've been incredibly nice to me i think that they're building you
know continuing to build a great platform
um and you know looking forward to i think in general just continuing to work
work closer and closer with them over time um
you know sort of any hints any hints on that you know i don't know but they've
been incredibly nice to me they really want to you know they really
want to take some a large focus on both ordinals and
and drc20 so you know i i think we're sort of the right
the right people to help out with that
i agree so people that are kind of new to brc20 is
like can you give them like kind of a tldr of what okx is
yeah okx is really the number two crypto exchange in the world
um you know behind binance they do they do i think you know a little bit less in
in sort of total volumes um around the world they're really focused
and and have a large large focus on on china but are trying to really expand
um i think globally you know and also really push their newest offering which
is their wallet right you know you have sort of like coinbase wallet
well okx has has built their own wallet called called okx wallet
and trying to make that sort of the the number one wallet that
you know any exchange any any decks you interact with on a number of different
chains that's your sort of uh gateway to web
three that's i think that's their sort of tagline
oh so you're telling us hit hit okx could uh
your token be listed on that exchange yeah i mean i i think that they've
no you know they've made sort of no private
uh new things with that like you know they they've put out a bunch of
articles just like binance just like gate has
and i think ultimately it's really come down to this listen like
since since gate listed ordey all of these exchanges i know from talking to
other teams have been uh scrambling to figure out
what is the tech behind this and how they can easily you know onboard people
and how they can easily you know really take
uh brc20 and and listed asap like all of these exchanges are doing that
um and gate i think honestly you know in talking with okx two weeks ago
they were like yeah you know i told them like like hop on sort of brc20 stuff
or just you know just really just anything
fungible related to bitcoin it's going to be a massive market
you know over these the at least the next year or so in my opinion
hop on this like like honestly almost almost fuck the ordinal stuff
um even though brc20 is an ordinal it's just like there's you know there's like
10 different marketplaces for you know for for for ordinals now
you don't need another nfp marketplace like someone needs to focus on the brc20
side of things or just any fungibles and that's where the majority of this
sort of value is going to accrue and so you know they ultimately didn't listen
and that's totally fine right i mean they're they're a massive company they're
not going to take you know sort of sort of uh sort of
uh to really think about all right what the hell are we going to do it's forced
up their timelines dramatically i think
yeah go ahead eddie go ahead eddie go ahead my guy
yo yo sup sup sorry if i was uh hotmiking earlier i didn't i didn't mean
to if i did uh which i have no idea yo eddie man how
are you question dude so update um i talked to one
of my friends and i was like hey you got a place i could slide for
miami and he was like yes i was like perfect bet so it looks like i
just need to get the ticket the plane ticket and i'll be there so
let me figure things out but it's looking like a 95 chance i'm coming
great man well obviously i'll be there the 14th through the 20th
and uh i'm gonna be literally leaving from dubai in like six hours
like literally six hours so that's crazy that you're going from dubai to
miami right it's gonna be bad man uh you know i'm
leaving at one a.m dubai time and getting to miami at five a.m
uh it's not gonna be good is the bitcoin conference and vcon on the
same weekend yeah it is yeah dude literally
that's what i was saying like vcon as much fun as they're gonna have
they're gonna have fomo because vcon's great and all
but innovation starts here at btc miami it's brc miami
yeah brc miami basically um question though they thought like
actual genuine question because i want to like i don't know and
i'm curious the brc 20s i have heard in some of my discussions
especially with like people like udi um that they're
like the contracts or at least the software surrounding it if we just want
to call it that um is fairly inefficient and like not
super well designed at least from the jump now
they obviously like people have started already talking about things like orcs
and whatnot and people will in the same way that
erc 721 is wasn't like innately super super efficient
people eventually came up with erc 721a and so on so forth
like better contracts do come out i'm curious
how you feel about like ongoing development in the form of
basically bitcoin fungibles um and also just like
how that relates to the current like iteration like let's say if you
release you know you release on this first
primitive contract and then eventually in you know six months there's a
super sharply made one like what's how do you feel about that how do you
think about that yeah so we've definitely had had thoughts
around this i i would say that i would agree right with udi that
you know the the sort of software around it is
pretty poor and i think that if you look at at my thread
you know that i put out uh you know this morning
on just sort of what has happened this past week
you know it's been a roller coaster because of how bad really the tech is
right so when we started this week on monday i was
like all right i'm gonna go live with this you know in the next 24 to 48
hours because there is no smart contract right there is no smart contract risk
it's it's literally just you know anyone in this room
could think up a ticker that obviously hasn't been been you know made before
and you can go and deploy your own token right so
there's that sort of interesting aspect here of of what's going on
and then you know what ultimately happened on monday and tuesday
is is you know the gas or really network fees
of bitcoin spike dramatically and so you know you start to get to two to
three hundred to four hundred sats per v-byte
and you know doing these sort of mints makes no sense right and at that time
you know i was only at maybe three or four thousand followers but still like i
was getting pretty crazy engagement and i don't think that it
wouldn't have been you know it wouldn't have been something that wouldn't have
sold out and so you know you sort of look at what
that would have done it still would have costed people at the
end of the day a lot of money and this isn't what this sort of
experiment or what this is about you know it's not about like trying to
charge people millions and millions of dollars here
is ultimately what it would have costed if if i did you know the same supply
that we did today or yesterday that we deployed so
ultimately the infra is really really poor right
um i do think that that because there's been so much interest
you know there's been a couple teams that have tried to really hop on this
asap um and are trying to build sort of a infra around it right unisat
announced a partnership with okx uh i've heard a couple different things in
the background that they're now taking a really really sharp focus
and working on on integrations with other people rather than trying to push
you know the 40 different products that they have
um and so i think that it's ultimately going to improve now
i think your question of of you know orc src
you know these different standards um and and obviously what that could do if
if we you know we launched this brc and then what happens in the future
so where i'm at with that right now is a couple things right so
on the src side uh i've taken a look at it i actually think the tech is
better but the friction i think we even talked about this on the space last
time the friction is is just way too difficult
to get into stamps as well as just get into src20
um sort of over you know over brc20 and so i think that's why it hasn't hasn't
sort of taken off then i think you go to orc right uh
which is much more native and you can do very similarly
and it has its own problems and one of that those sort of problems is
i guess maybe similar to erc20 in that you know you can create the same ticker
over and over and over again and so i think what just makes ultimately brc20
special is the scarcity and of course the
the sort of risk right uh the risk being sort of close to zero
as well as it's almost like a domain right is
there's only four characters that you can use you know when we were trying to
come up with the character that we are i'm sorry that the ticker we were
going to use a lot of them were of course taken and there's nothing you can do
about it so i think that's what ultimately makes
you know the most sense and then i'll just sort of say lastly
um you know it's it's never in my opinion really been about the tech
right um i think that ultimately the tech has to matter
the tech has to work i'm sorry but you know ultimately
selling someone on the tech is not going to be sort of what drives
uh user adoption etc right it's got to be frictionless
it's got to be you know sort of network effects distribution marketing all that
sort of stuff and like you know ultimately brc20
has that right now right you already have listings and so i think i even said
last week is is ultimately if there's an exchange that lists
a brc20 um to me it's sort of too late i think for
uh any other standard to really i think take off in a meaningful way
so that's my thoughts i'm of course open to that changing
but that's sort of my roundabout thoughts on everything there
honestly you know what that made me think of which that's a great answer
actually that's really enlightening and i did not know that tickers on
on brc20 were not replicable which is crazy
um you know it was interesting to me i was thinking about
like punks crypto punks are not erc721a's
they're like a really shitty version of basically fungible tokens
i don't even know what they're called like they're very but
but because they mattered and because they were
an exponential leap over previous technology like
they were a even though they sucked they were
a different version of fungibles that had not been seen before
uh they it doesn't matter like all of the marketplaces adjust for
adjust for the crypto punks rather than the crypto punks adjusting for the
marketplaces so that's fascinating okay cool great
answer yeah i'm on board all right we talked about it yesterday a bit too
and it's like that's the friction expresso always says it you know it's
like when people were missing out on punks
because they didn't want to learn the tech
just like with this brc stuff so thanks for explaining all that stuff
i was actually talking about srcs yesterday and you know the difference
where people are saying that the brc token could get
taken off chain and src can't and i think of it more as like graffiti
you know to where it's like people are trying to paint over the graffiti
because they're upset but other people are like engraving now
in the wall and it's like you can't get rid of this shit so it's crazy
yeah and i think it's just you know lastly to that right you try and get
into src and honestly man like free wallet is the
worst experience i've ever had like i haven't even actually used it
but i literally went to free wallet and i logged off right that's how bad the
experience is they haven't updated in i think six plus years
and that's sort of that's sort of like the og bitcoiners though right like
like they don't believe in necessarily like you know user experience and that
sort of stuff that's fine right you guys do you but you know what i
think is is sort of sort of amazing so far and
just what's been built with ordinals is x-verse right the the wallet i use
mostly like that's a pretty native experience
to like any very similar experience to anything you use on like solana
or even like i think a little bit better than metamask right it's very
very similar now they got to clean up the you know they got like 40 different
addresses and everyone gets very confused but at the same time you know
the layout etc is very very native um you know just
src and orc i don't know so so much it's so good x-verse is like
amazingly stunningly good as a wallet and that that also translates
really well like you combine x-verse with especially like the magic eden
marketplace for just general ordinal buying and it's like
i'm on e so like it doesn't it doesn't feel any different exactly
let's uh let's get this some hands and appreciate you taking time to answer
questions i see lex down there lex is
oh and then real quick if you get cycled off stage don't feel fucked up
i know everybody wants to come and say hi and shake the hand you know what i'm
saying and simp a little bit that's cool but just understand the
process that after you're done simping you get the boot back down you know
what i'm saying so don't feel fucked up don't feel some type of way it's not
personal it's just moving it along all right
um so yeah go ahead lex man how you guys gonna call out my simping
like right before i do it like that that's rough
um hey i do always try to be here guys when i can
but uh thanks picot appreciate you stopping by i didn't want to ask you
specifically i know you guys were just kind of talking about this but
like what exactly is the future potential for scaling with something
like brc 20 because it seems to me right now we're at the
stage where it's just like a few of your you know
smart money friends who are pretty good with tech you know who are getting
into ordinals i don't think the wave has really come yet but i am kind of
expecting that to happen but even with just a few of the more
forward people and you know we're already seeing those those fees are so
high to do a lot of this stuff and you know with crypto over time
generally speaking the fees with bitcoin are just going to keep getting higher as
there's greater degrees of adoption and use so
like do you foresee a time where even without the restriction of unique
tickers or is there going to be a situation where
it's simply cost impractical to you know deploy new brc 20s for the
foreseeable future just due to network conditions or
is there a possibility of something like a segwit
lightning network arbitrum type of you know layer two or layer 1.5
solution for some of these assets yeah so i think it's a really really
great question um i think i think to the the first
point there i think what we've seen over the over
the past you know uh really a couple months of these
different products sort of sort of being built out right i talked a lot about
x-first right that sort of experience is very similar to other ecosystems
i i think to speak as well to people here right i know you were sort of
saying that there's the people so far maybe like i guess
the select few or earlier technical people i don't know i
i think i almost disagree with that i think if you see in
in the people i've interacted with over the past two months here
do you see in my follows you see in my my dm's comments
you know these pfps are from you know sort of every chain
you can really think of um which is just really interesting to see i don't
think i've ever seen that on on sort of any other ecosystem um and
then i think i think likes to your point of
of you know the scaling i think obviously what's happened over this
past week is is showing clearly that bitcoin needs
some sort of scaling solution probably like
you know like ethereum layer 2s but here's what i'll just say right is is
stax right has tried to do tried to do that the past couple years
and that's failed i think pretty miserably um
and so what it needs to be right is is you don't leave x-verse
right you don't leave whatever you know whatever wallet becomes the number one
wallet you don't leave that right just like when you go to polygon or
arbitrum um you're sort of signing the
transactions very very easily and so that's what i think ultimately
ultimately needs to happen whether that's lightning whether that's a new
layer 1.5 or layer 2 for bitcoin i think it's been pretty clear of this
past week that no one wants to pay these fees i think they're outrageous
uh and it's obviously why we decided to really delay
uh our mint right and in sort of the way they're doing it now is obviously
totally different so i think um it's a great question i
think obviously whenever you're presented with
this sort of uh these sort of problems i think that you find hopefully
that great entrepreneurs come in and and try and solve those i i personally
i'm not a crazy tech person i could definitely not solve that sort of
problem but i hope you know people do really
try that over the next couple years um and i'm definitely open to it i don't
know the bitcoin maxis are but i'm open to it and i think people need it
i hope they are i was around for the whole bitcoin bitcoin cash split
you know on the whole fight about segwit and
it was almost like a religious argument i remember and it feels now as if the
changes were you know relatively mild but you
know bitcoin maxis aren't exactly known for their flexibility on these sorts
of designs in fact you know we're talking about a product
here who is it's champion for its immutability whereas
very few of our other products are actually
champion for their immutability right like nobody wants a credit card where
you cannot reverse a fraud charge so you know it's it's it's a tricky thing
but you know i guess we'll see how many wizard hats show up in miami this
week and how many people we can get on board
oh it's gonna be crazy it's gonna be crazy so do we have any alpha
on the token itself like do you know when you're gonna launch it
do you know what the supply is gonna be and you got any
updates on like the actual token itself vidgun yeah man yeah i think a lot of
updates right so we obviously have the ticker
oxbt we've already deployed it uh and and maybe after i talk a little
bit more about some of the alpha i'll go into why we we ultimately did
what we did in sort of deploying it and instantly
minting it to ourselves but uh to a little bit more about the alpha
right the ticker is oxbt supplies 200 million
um uh i think touching on on when we're going to launch it so
i touched as well on on my thread that i wrote this morning on just this sort
of struggles throughout this this whole week
because of of where the sort of the sort of infra is
with bitcoin right at the beginning of this week i didn't
think we would have the possibility of of sort of what we're doing now or trying
to do now uh it was just you know there wasn't sort
of things such as as really like a basic launch pad
it was looking like all right we just have to fucking go with it hopefully
wait until uh you know gasket or network fees go
down and and then you know even then it would probably spike up
during the mint and you could still get front ran so
you know there's just been a lot of problems this this sort of whole week
you know you get to tuesday wednesday this week we're like oh wait we actually
have a potential solution for this it's called
uh you know there's there's a certain website that could sort of do it for us
um and then ultimately i think wednesday night or
you know thursday morning or something like that they got d-dosed right while
they were doing another mint and so it was just like well we
have to push it back and and so we were like well what the fuck you know what do
we do um and so it's just been this very like
limbo sort of period of what do we actually do
about this mint and so ultimately you know i think you get to
you know yesterday morning or maybe like thursday night there became a couple
more solutions uh similar to that that i think
provided you know answers to how they would prevent against some sort of DDoS
um and so that's what we're looking at right now what we're doing is is
right now finalizing just a lot of the whitelist stuff
you know all that sort of stuff which again is is a very very small piece
of the overall mint the majority of it is is completely public completely free of
course um and so i want to make that that
ultimately very clear um and ultimately you know so the alpha
when are we going to launch i think it's looking like right now
probably tuesday or wednesday when we first start this sort of
uh first piece of that which i think is both the whitelist claim as well as
the airdrop claim for the the sort of like four different collections on bitcoin
right bitcoin d gods and and uh uh bitcoin bandits and a couple other
collections right so that's what the sort of plan now now
something we did have a little this is a little alpha that no one definitely
knows about so if you're listening in the audience uh uh this is probably great
for you we might do a little flash drop uh
and what i mean is is you know we might just randomly put out like hey be
ready in the next 30 minutes uh with like you know we're gonna have
like one to two million supply uh and just go live with it right on
like monday or something like that i don't know it's just something we've had
a thought about it's not finalized but you know that's alpha right now no one
else knows about that we're gonna finalize that talk a little bit more
about it i think it just it'll be a little bit fun
um all announcements have released on uh on
your is that going to be announced on the official twitter page or your it'll be
announced on though yeah i mean i mean whenever it's
sort of related to that we'll announce it on both for sure
yo big god i'm sorry that we have the badge on today and you decided to share
some great sauce like that you know what i'm saying i told x not to put the
badge hey man it's only for the tda yeah i
appreciate you doing that and the guy i have one question about the
maybe on tuesday and wednesday are you going to have it somewhere where it's
like you have to do it in four hours are you
because i know you know people are have jobs people are
across the world you got people in china that are involved is there going to be
maybe like a 24-hour mint period or is this going to be
something where you have to do it in like
a quick period of time two hours three hours no so the so the tuesday
wednesday right what that'll whenever we finalize that date what
that'll first be right is is the airdrop airdrop claim
the whitelist claim right so that's going to be probably open for 72 hours
um and then what we'll do is right which is
that's ultimately a small piece of the supply
uh ultimately from there right probably the next day or
or maybe in like two days from that time
then that's when we'll go live with the public and that'll probably go very
very quickly right but the the whitelist and airdrop you can claim
over 72 hours so
could you explain uh the whole not getting front run and the fact that
what you're doing a little bit different because i think it's so we have someone
in the cloud i think it's so key to to really
talk about this and want to write it for as well
so so to touch on it right so why did we
ultimately you know mint basically deploy it and then mint the
whole thing to ourselves so here's what ultimately happens right when
you have a live mint on unisat like let's just say we deployed it
and we just said you know on my on my timeline on on the you know the
redacted account hey go mint now well what happened is
especially throughout this last week where we've been sitting at two to
you know ultimately what 500 sats per vvite
uh what would happen is is that would spike dramatically
and what you would see is people would be paying just to mint
you know i don't know maybe five and depending on of course what the max mint
would be let's just say like five to ten thousand tokens
you know you'd be paying probably upwards of fifty to a hundred dollars
and that wouldn't even guarantee you you know the sort of ability to mint
and what i mean by that is is because of the way
the live minting is currently done on unisat and just
just the way sort of brc20 is is ultimately you know you can you can of
course uh pay that much to to try and mint
but it's not it's not based on what sort of transaction hits the mempool first
right it's ultimately what transaction is confirmed first
um and so you could pay fifty to hundred dollars
and then someone could come right after you and pay
and pay 150 dollars get it quicker and then now you own and you've just paid
fifty to hundred dollars for something that's that's you know just a worthless
uh worthless sort of text file json file right
that you literally couldn't you couldn't do anything you could probably try and
sell it to someone but it's not the valid sort of json it's not the valid brc20
token so that's the biggest problem right with these live mints
is you do that now all of that stuff was really great you go back two
weeks ago and this stuff wasn't selling out in
in 20 minutes right it was selling out over one to two days or so
and and of course like you could pay five to ten bucks and you were fine with it
and if you did lose it you know five to ten bucks is not bad but you know you
start to get in these higher sort of ranges of the saspervivite
that's expensive right that's that's like and
at least for not the guarantee it doesn't make any sense it didn't make
any sense to our team and you know ultimately it was like
there wasn't any other solutions at the time but it was just like can we
at least try and wait until it gets cheaper
and ultimately we did and then of course now i think i have a couple options and
so where we're at now right is is we've now
sort of taken a different approach which is we've deployed it
we've minted it all to ourselves and then what we're going to be doing is
we're also going to be minting that whole supply
into something called the transfer inscription which allows you
as the end user right if you if you minted some random ticker on unisat
to then go and sell it right to to then go and and sort of give it to someone
else to whatever you want to really do with it
we're going to mint you know 200 million basically for a transfer inscription
send that to you know i won't mention the sort of site
just so they don't they don't they don't have any sort of risk of ddos
send that to them they sort of custodial it and then and then basically
when you go to that website you put in the the address that would
confirm uh i'm sorry the address that would
um and all you're getting now is is not necessarily a mint you're getting a
transfer inscription right because we've already minted the whole thing
um and so it's just a different method but ultimately protects the end consumer
you're not paying uh you're not paying sort of as much
you're paying obviously like like ultimately where we want it to be is
is really less than 15 dollars we're trying to get it between five to ten
just to inscribe that um and you don't you know have no risk of getting front
ran right it doesn't matter because you're just sending it to to another
address so that's ultimately why we made that
decision and i think it ultimately just helps the end consumer
and that's what we believe really makes brc20
fun in the first place right is is not paying thousands of dollars or
hundreds of dollars for you know a text file um it just doesn't
make any sense so that's what made the decision
let's appreciate that answer your question
i know you had some questions on that and and that's what that's kind of why i
wanted to bring that back up so the hawk did i answer any questions you had
oh yeah i did i mean because right before you came on big guy we were
talking about that and uh i wasn't as aware of how you were
going to be doing the mint so uh props to you for doing it that way
because i was trying to warn people a lot of people have been wasting their
fees exactly their uh precious btc but hey
i gotta ask you real quick while i got the stage and i'll shut up
i need this alpha what's this shrc token it's the only other token that the deploy
wallet that deployed oxbt has oh that's alpha no i honestly i don't
think that well i don't want to be mean right i i
don't i don't want to flood anyone else someone i forget who but someone
messaged me and they're like and they're like hey you know we just deployed
this can we send you some and i was like
i'm good but you know you know nothing i can do because they have the address so
they just they just sent it there so i don't know what i forget what token
is for but it's some other so they did the same thing people on
eath would do yeah exactly cool answers shit coins yeah
cool thanks all right let's hit metagit appreciate your hand up man and
keeping it up go ahead metagit yo what's good everybody yo big guy
you're fucking killing it bro straight up like i did ask my pump to miami
next week just the vibe yeah man we'd love to meet you
yo for real uh like i i heard there was this guy who was just like jerking you
off all night on one of these spaces he was like yo big guys has been traveling
the world and like he's meeting up with all these
people and he's fucking like he's like starting this
movement shit i was like fuck but that sounds like a cold man what
the hell yo it is a cold bro that's the
whole thing bro and this is okay i've literally like this whole week if you
go through my tweets i've kind of been like not
fighting but i've been like questioning everything around like
brc20s around ordinals around all this culture
because i'm just like yo how the fuck does any of this make sense like why is
there value here like it feels like for someone who uses
salana it feels like we're just going backwards
right like truly it feels like we're going
backwards but then like frank tweets something about like
he tweets something it was like something something internet culture and
i was like fuck like internet culture like there's like
provenance behind that like honestly there really is right like
like there is like value behind uh like you know like historical
shit that's happening on the internet and like
and that's and it's really nerdy honestly but the thing is is that nerds
like rule the world and nerds have a lot of fucking money right
so it's like it's like yo like who gives a fuck if this
if if like btc if if like ordinals never scale if brc never scales if like
x-verse never improves if like you know
none of these l2s work like who gives a fuck like that does that's not the point
the point is that like a lot of people just really care
deeply about like how cool this technology is
and that's the really that's like the important thing and like
that's why i'm sold on it after yeah after like
i came to this realization yesterday like smoking the joint i'm like bro this
shit is actually this really cool isn't it in a very nerdy way and
and that's like where the value is comes from like i don't i don't
necessarily think that like brc like the the market for like brc20s
or the market for ordinals needs to like you know uh come to like
meet the size of like erc20s or like you know or the nfts on ethereum i don't i
i think that there's already enough liquidity
on bitcoin to slowly bring people over to these different assets right and then
over time slowly bring on bringing some new people
but like i don't necessarily see like these two markets
ever really scaling to like mass adoption where people are like
you know talking about like yo i just got this brc20 like you're in a pizza
shop and like these kids are talking about that shit right
i don't see that happening i i see these this becoming like
just like you know like these like really cool artifacts that have
provenance amongst like you know a more mature
specific crowd and like there's still like even if it's just like that
they'll still hold a lot of value but yeah anyways i saw a bunch of people
raise their hands i want to hear zk sharts take because bro
zk you bro no one that's not how this shit works
welcome to the tda you raised your hand you get called on and no one asked
what take you want to hear you know i'm saying we respect the hands
don't matter if it's a celebrity or not welcome to the tda
ribbons yo i love y'all but y'all gonna get booted man come on baby let's
keep it cordial slime go ahead yo wait thanks for
thanks for calling on me i mean shit there's one person i'll let cut me in the
speaker line at zk shark but i'll go ahead and ask my
my nerdy ass question to the big god himself uh
first and foremost congrats on being that guy right now
um you know someone said you know you got to have
something that people want and i that's so difficult in this space so
congrats on creating that um but i wanted to ask you a question
that you know you could literally say that's a dumb question i don't want to
answer it but it's just something that that tickles my brain in this whole
brc20 uh new wave and it's the the the fact of being able to deploy a
non-fungible brc20 i wanted to ask you do you think that has
a positive um use case in this space or do you think the essence of brc20 is
the fact that it could be fractionalized to the 18th
power like its father figure bitcoin um or you know it's non-fungible aspect
let's leave that to the ordinals just wanted to pick your brain on that
yeah i'm a bit i'm a bit i think conflicted um
on this question but i think i i think what's obviously
true here is it used to be the way we've done it
is we've gotten you know i think just what's been so incredible
oh no did i rug oh can you show me slime you can't hear him no i can't hear him
rest in peace slime yeah drop down and reconnect back up
uh let's hit zk man and girls going out then after zk we'll
hit bison so go ahead zk woke him up yo thanks for having me
guys what's going on shut up big guy street crew meta
attendee all the frogs yo what's good man
what's good yeah i think there's a lot of good conversations and i'll hit on that
as today because that's what i just popped in the space for um but yeah i
think like frank has a point like nerds really do uh run the shit they're the
richest because they're on the forefront of technological innovation and
technology scales differently so the nerds are usually in the right spot at
the right time and the the most important part about the
nerds being early to shit is usually they're there not by profit right
they're in these corners of the internet because they're nerds they're not there
for profit so when these things bubble up the nerds
just happen to have a fuck over these things or whatever the
experiment internet you know companies you know it's just like nerds are in the
right spot because they're not there for profit
and i would say like with ordinals there's even different levels there
even that's like you know i'm a grown man and i was crying over
shots that we found you know what i mean like there's
just different levels to the emotional and
value in collectible assets but uh going on like brc and like right now
i think people are really focusing too much on like what the ecosystem looks like
right now and that's like a critical mistake people
make in crypto what you have to focus on is the incentives and like this is
just general in crypto in my head whether you're looking at like tokenomics
lockups or you know people that own a lot of their own nft
collection or something like that is like you have to look on the
incentives and when you look at bitcoin's market cap when you look at the
unique wallets when you look at the fees when you look at the
market participants getting involved like there's an incentive for people to build
here there's an incentive for people for
devs to stop what they're doing and be like yo what's going on with bitcoin
and you're seeing that happen in real time and like just ask yourself
you know it's new technology it's non-audited there's a fuck load of
risk but like what more do you want to see
before you think it makes sense to allocate you know five percent of a
crypto portfolio to potentially nft's or shit coins on
bitcoin right like it makes sense especially if
you're in crypto uh you know like everyone had their
projections five ten years ago about what was going on
and then everyone says like this chase this space changes fast
so like no no matter what i think it it's already at the point where you have
to be like okay i'm going to clear my calendar for like six hours and read
some white papers and start doing the work and then you just
look more into human nature and it's like inscription numbers with the
kind of a limit approaching infinity with a speculative
value under it like just think about like numbered pokemon collections numbered
richard miller is like there's just something with human nature and
numbered collections and then uh i think like the real breakthrough
with inscriptions is that both the shit coins and
pictures and just every single transaction is
competing for the same thing in a kind of decentralized fee
auction format right so you have the kind of like how Elon
made everyone pay eight dollars for twitter blue
to kind of get rid of the spam get rid of all the bullshit all the bots
it's like you actually have a natural bullshit filter
on bitcoin because everything is competing
for block space that's very limited you know
certain amount in every single block that's every single transaction on the
bitcoin network's also competing for so yeah i think like right now it's a time
it's still too early to say for sure that anything's going to stick around
it's crypto there could be new protocols new improvements on brc and
day but it's like the space moves fast the
incentives are there and i think it makes sense to like
start really learning about it uh because it's on bitcoin like people
forget bitcoin's ten times as salana uh
bitcoin's ten times the size of salan and polygon's market cap combined two
times the size of eats if not more now and uh yeah it's just like it's a bigger
market it's it's the most powerful centralized ledger too and i think it
makes the last point too i'll head on is like
for people that are confused on how to think about inscriptions it's like
think about how much would you pay to store something on the most decentralized
file storage database that you know would ground
in a hundred years from now uh and it's a one-time fee right you're
uploading it and then you have it indexed
and referenced publicly available on multiple
databases so like there's a lot of different use cases for
and then you have brcs where essentially you have off-chain referencing
now and that opens up a whole new world but
yeah i think it's exciting and it's worth like putting in the work and yeah
sorry for the ramble but happy to answer your questions sir
but that's just my kind of general take on it right now see here the thing
about that and kind of building off of what you said is the reason that we're
even all in cryptos because we saw something that was doing exactly what's
going on right now which was disrupting the sector disrupting
either conversations that you had with people disrupting people's
you know monetary gains financial flow financial freedom
lifestyles right and so a lot of us were attracted by
why where is this disruption coming what's going on in crypto and that's
how we all ended up here and and just to kind of think back to
what x mentioned earlier on this week and it's like we got here
by being forward thinkers and then to get here and to plan our feet and
and refuse to look anywhere else is almost foolish
right because we've only been able to capitalize from opportunities that we've
had now because we decided to go against the current and be the crazies
that are investing in magic internet money so what is one
extra layer of magic internet money in terms of
we're already on the board right it already makes sense
but we're choosing to be closed-minded because we feel like we know
the direction that the space either should go will go or projectively
can go right and so i just feel like that's a little different to where
if we're in crypto to begin with we're here because we believe that
the space is disrupting and changing things so in order to be a maxi of
anything else when you're in here and refuse to
think that what you see today can be disrupted
again a further time or it can be redivided is
is almost foolish right because i mean that makes no sense
obviously it's progressive tech and every time there's something new or
crazy is when you should go over there and say hey
uh i want to get involved or at least know about it i mean we were talking
about ordinals here on the space two months ago bro when people were
fucking selling them on spreadsheets and and you know minting
fucking banana pictures and just i think there's a thousand
fucking sub 1k and it's just the bitcoin picture bro
like that dude made the biggest play of his life by minting the bitcoin picture
all because he decided to fucking sit here and take the
day to learn how to set up a node to do all this shit when there was so
much friction right and essentially we're still not to
the point where it's frictionless right but i mean we're working towards
there and that when you get to that point is when
not mass adoption but adoption starts to take off
and then on top of that too just another point you guys are talking about
nerds rule the world essentially dude do you know how many ex-drug dealers
are probably rich in bitcoin but they can't access those funds due to
silk road or anything like that like y'all do understand that drug dealers
were sitting here sending like hundreds of thousands of bitcoin
for an ounce of of like weed or ecstasy or anything like that on on silk
road so talk about people that like feel the
pain it's those motherfuckers who were
buying drugs on silk road in the early 2000s
and uh now look at the price of of what you know everything has become it's just
like damn dude i was paying like 300 000 for an
ounce of fucking weed that shit's crazy sounds like your personal experience
yo yeah dude i was on on fucking we have one atm here in dallas and it's
been here for probably like 10 years bro it's a bitcoin atm and that's
where you'd go put your money in for silk road
uh go ahead bison yo sorry really quick can i say something
to see case last point uh i mean not really but we can come back to
you go ahead bison
good afternoon good morning wherever you are um
yo i love this first off big god i thank you honestly like i i love the
experiment i haven't seen nearly as much people talking about
uh brc 20 uh since you came out with ox bt since now i mean we just had many on
we do a tuesday thursday stream called rare fud radio we just talk about web
three and stuff like that but um we talked about brc 20 tokens because
many have been yelling at me since the dawn of time to
buy into brc 20s and ordinals and everything like that and
um just wouldn't shut up about it i was like you know what like i'm so
balls deep in heist right now like i'm i'm just so laser focused on this i don't
have time for it then uh he showed me he's like yeah i i
like inscribed orty and this is how much i made i was like god
i just faded generational wealth again it's okay that happens often but
uh at the same time i was like dude what what what is going on over here
like this doesn't make any sense and as i was talking to manny manny gave a
really smooth brain like you know just the lay of the land
here's how brc 20s work and everything and was great but
you know listening to you and zk who i would definitely say i respect you guys
and leonidas were really the ones who kind of like
um you know could i open my eyes to say like holy shit like
this is this is something unique not i said this a while back when ordinals
came out you know with jpegs and everything like
that is i didn't you know a lot of salon people
were freaking out everything like that i i didn't i didn't see it as a threat to
salona salonas didn't kind of its own lane
just because we are a little bit a little more scalable
you know i think it's something that we can reach the masses too but i i would
say it was more of a threat to ethereum right like how ethereum
uses smart contracts it just doesn't really make too much
sense ordinals has like the ritual liquidity it has way more provenance
like that was what ethereum always had on salona so
now you have bitcoin coming into play and you could literally mince some shit
or inscribe some shit on like original sats and so like reading into zk's
kind of thread on rare sats and everything like that which i
i do agree if you guys scroll over one um
or actually two now zk did post to the top yeah i've been some uh i've been
some like information i hope you don't yeah i'm using your
stage but if people are curious those are like some good guys to follow that
have informational videos that are like balance takes because like
it is still risky i want to emphasize that but don't mean go ahead
no it's here to to share information and to help the community grow so
whatever you guys want on that end and i just said no to metagy because i got
requests like crazy in hands bro so we're just trying to keep somewhat
ordered so we don't hold big god zk everybody hostage you know
what i'm saying we just want to keep this flowing so
yeah yeah and and i'll wrap it up here real quick chief
first off appreciate you guys and expresso and uh tde
because it's been a while since i talked to you guys but nonetheless
um talking about dude big god i your reasoning for minting this or
inscribing all of the supply and kind of how you're allocating it
makes so much sense because as somebody who's new to the space and
this is an onboarding event i view this as an onboarding event for brc20
like i think this is a major um catalyst for getting more people
involved in the space is if they're not aware of what like how
fast you should send it how many stats you should
be customizing it to or anything like that you know flooding the mempool or
uh all that good shit and they realize that they're getting a json file
that's basically useless um they're gonna be pissed but some
people would pay like a lot of money whereas you're just coming through and
saying like hey this is actually gonna be a fair launch it's gonna be very
easy to get people on ramped and i you know
first off flowers to you guys i think you and and zk with
you know omb and everything like that i mean you guys are literally
just opening people's eyes and i appreciate that you guys
yeah i mean i mean you know i think to that
um i think in general i want to give sort of huge props to really zk right
because i think that this guy was here i think at least one
to two months really before me right i've only been here i think really a month
and a half two months at least on on of course the ordinal side
and this guy you know this guy was putting in the work right on the you
know really literally in the in the sheets man with with the spreadsheets
otc stuff him and chartfu sort of sort of pioneered
a lot of the early days of anything ordinals related
right you know sub 100k sub 10k these guys
were sort of the pioneers and so you know have of course a lot of respect
for zk chartfu and a number of others um
and uh i think in general right i think just to your point
yeah it just doesn't make any sense really like i think we just openly need
to think about like what are we trying to do here right i think that
that us as a team on the sort of osbt side we're ultimately trying to have fun
right we're ultimately sort of trying to experiment here i think that people
of course on the other end right this sort of end consumer want to have fun
they want to experiment as well and it doesn't it doesn't really you know you
don't really have fun when you're paying you know two to three hundred dollars
and you don't actually end up getting anything so i think that we ultimately
had to think about like what the hell is actually going on here
do people want to continue to experiment and and really go from there i think
i think chief uh can maybe take i don't know if people want to ask another
question but i'm now missing uh i was supposed to be on
fetty space so he's sort of messaging me uh
double you're good man i appreciate you for coming and i also i mean this is the
second time that you've been with us to begin with so
um i mean i'll try and join join more for sure yeah yeah of course i mean you
guys know we do the tda tuesday through saturday so for anybody in the crowd
that doesn't we're definitely coming back we're not
ending the space just yet uh zk if you can hang out for a little
bit we do got jack levin in here we got a couple more bitcoin related questions
and we don't have a bitcoin vampire lord
i will stand in as a resident bitcoin expert if zk has to go
yeah i mean regardless we got a bunch of legends on stage we got the frog king so
regardless we can just keep it running so appreciate you big guy
of course man we'll talk later once again sharing time sharing with our
community the tda loves you man and everybody's going crazy on your thread
right now so uh we have you make sure you know make
sure man if anyone's in this space you got to make sure that you're following
tda expresso chief uh if you're not following
them you have a problem so make sure you're giving them a
follow appreciate that big god we also do got
five spots for big god's uh mint later on today
that where we'll be dropping the mints not today but we'll be dropping the
spots later on today so appreciate y'all and let's kind of
finish up these hands so solana appreciate you for having your hand up
the whole time my man go ahead yo everyone how's everyone doing
today i think that people on bitcoin people from
ethan solana really need to take a look at bitcoin
brc 20 and ordinals and just think about like zk said the liquidity
someone was saying that maybe we'll do more stuff on solana
it's more scalable i think what's really going to happen is we're going to
move everything to bitcoin and the scalability they're going to
figure out it's going to be on the core level
and there's just too much liquidity there where
you know brc 20s you could have these orties are free
and they went all the way up to like what 500 million market cap
for just a coin um a brc 20 that says orty
i think that the liquidity is just there and you know
all these major exchanges are coming and want to
take get some liquidity from bitcoin so i think
you know if you're a solana eth guy and you know you've been in the nft space
you're here during the bear market you really should
definitely get some sort of exposure to this space
be it ordinals or brc 20s or you're going to probably kick yourself in the
future because i mean i was there when zk was telling us about ordinals back
in the day he was sinking a node my you know
dumbass didn't do it at the same time and you know
obviously you get the reward for doing it when you do it the people
who take action are going to make a lot of money so same thing with the already i
think what i was told about it 25 cents and i bought it at three
dollars so i think that uh there's just a lot of
money to be made on the i mean people are talking about having fun i have a lot
of fun when i make money but there's a lot of money to be made
in uh bitcoin and i think people should really start looking at it again
and uh you know i mean even if the fees are high say it's 200 or whatnot
i mean each of these got up to 200 as well so i think like
the eth and bitcoin um debate is kind of coming to a close i would
say like i think everything that eth has bitcoin will somehow figure out how to
get and i think this conference in miami
will be a very interesting time to see what the maxis
how they come together with ordinal brc guys they may hate each other but the
end of the day i think really the miners will decide
and the miners are getting paid right now they're getting paid a lot of money
to uh interact with brc 20 and pay do the transaction fees
so i just think it's a good time isn't there still that risk though that
they're potentially or or considering that they don't want to
push the taproot or they wanted to delay the taproot just due to this
kind of congestion and everything that's going on right now
there is a risk i think the miners will decide to
just go with it but zk or jack maybe i'll give a better either or
please yeah the miner's not gonna do anything because
there there are lord and savior michael sailor has said that he loves
ordinals he loves brc 20 it actually gives bitcoin utility
finally finally miners actually are able to
make good money more money than the bitcoin subsidy
the tokenization of bitcoin will continue it's healthy for the chain
it's an answer to the ethereum ethereum flippening possibilities
so if anything we're going to have more interesting protocols
better enhanced brc 20s i think brc 20s are here to stay i'm super excited
about it i think people who hold sators on the bitcoin chain are
were dying for years to use their sources for something other than bitcoin
finally they have this opportunity this market is going to explode
thousand x 10 000 x so just uh lfg
ribbit go ahead dk you put your hand up something yeah
i was going to say that um yeah i think like people
when when you think about the first time you came across nfts wherever you
got introduced to them you had certain arguments in your head
you're like why the fuck does this have to be on chain why does this
picture make sense and when you're in a crypto twitter space
with hundreds of people and those arguments and i'm not talking about this
space but just in general i mean i'm sure you guys heard them
but when you have those arguments that like just kind of are what you had to
get over to buy nfts originally when you have people telling themselves it's
like that's something that's really interesting
and now any type of maxi that's saying hey let's get rid of this
they're they're actually advocating to censor bitcoin right
and not the fact that that's like hopeless to even try it because it's
the most decentralized you know network known to humanity
um but the other side of it is like if if this
was breaking bitcoin which is not bitcoin's working normally
uh you know it's a it's a competitive capitalistic like fee market
um you know it's not breaking bitcoin at all and like now the incentives
it's not everyone was like oh maybe fees will go up a hundred thousand x
you know since i inscribed my project fees you know i did mine at like 15
satsberg kellabyte they were over 600 you know when i did the most recent
mint but i think at the end of the day you
got to look at the incentives it's like uh
you know this is good for onboarding people to bitcoin the miners are making
money and like who controls the network really it's like
uh you know the people that have the most bitcoin the most nodes and that
that's definitely the miners probably have it there
and at the end of the day i think bitcoin maxis just don't realize it yet
but or no maxis and bitcoin maxis are aligned
because at the end of the day like adoption of the protocol is the only
thing that will let it survive long term
and uh yeah i think like the cats you can't change it now
and if this was going to break bitcoin bitcoin was
was not going to be it anyway right um yeah that's that's it
like since this is based off of miners and they're getting like
a fatter payday than they've ever had let's just say mining for the last five
ten years like this literal last year the last what three months has probably
outputted them you know two times that why would they
complain in that sense i mean and chief i'll say one more thing on
the miners that no one even realizes yet
is that like i'll shout out luxuries specifically because those guys were
really supporting ordinals early on and like doing this shit
but there's a whole market where you know miners are the ones getting
rewarded the fresh bitcoin that has the newest sats so like
now when the market matures people are going to start caring more about the
underlying sats it's like the miners have a an opportunity
to sift through so much fucking bitcoin because they're while it's you know they
have massive amounts of bitcoin if they have been saving it
and b they have like capabilities where they could actually you know
help hunt for rare sats or specific sats and like there's a whole new
type of market opening up for miners that's not the bitcoin subsidy
and when you talk about the network the more nodes the more decentralized
the more powerful it is it's like this is this is perfect it's
the incentives are aligned for the bitcoin network
so they always so essentially a miner will always get i guess the uncommon
sats since they get the first out of the block or anything
like that when they're mining or is that how it works
yeah so the the so it goes more into like the ordinal theory and
uncommon sats and the uncommon sats is the first out of the block
and yeah miners get rewarded the block subsidy so they have the uncommon
sats that are like freshly minted but you know if they send it to an exchange
or if they sell it it depends like what the miner is doing
with the bitcoin once i get it but they definitely have like a primary
access type of market that most people won't have access to right
yeah that's dope that's actually wild to know uh let's hit jake
and then we'll oh we'll jit my bad man go ahead jit and then we'll go to jake
so go ahead meta jit yo thanks bro uh you know zk you
made this argument about like how like because there's so much liquidity on
btc and then you compare it and you say like
uh ethereum nft um like uh tbl has like x amount like it's it's bound
the btc is bound to like hit some hit more than that like it's about it has
to be bigger just because of like giving the amount of tbl on btc i feel
like that's kind of just like a is that correct by the way am i correct on
no i i would say like the argument really is uh wait let's just say bitcoin captures
10 percent of the size of nft's market on eath that this is it's not even close
to that size yet i'm so i'm saying like there's already
proven market demand on other chains on salon eath that like you know nft's
there's a clear market for it fine art collecting market for it
but on bitcoin that doesn't exist yet and the difference is that bitcoin
existed you know years before this the whales are different so
the idea is that if there's protocols that look similar to eath
and salona and marketplace's nft projects it's like you have to put some
assumption that bitcoin's gonna capture x percent of that market share over
certain amount of time and like that's why i pinned leonidus's tweet
he goes into the detail of kind of the difference and
you know it seems like it's early but if you think about the difficulty of
like how hard it is to set up a wallet
even to understand this stuff and how many people just in twitter
that are already like gung-ho's nft guys that are still not into it it's
like this is still the first thing in my opinion but
that's kind of the argument i was making and if you also more specifically
if you consider the total on-chain value that's not the
native token and if you think about like so eath is the native token of
eath right if you consider like all the external
tokens nft's or chick coins like if you look at that total value as a
percentage of the chain you know it's north of 30 40 percent
on bitcoin it's you know if you take it just a
non-fungible aspect of it so like inscription and stuff
if you take that value it's less than one percent of the total chain
so it's like there's there's different math to math i'd say where
you know in a new market that's kind of how you have to have certain
projections on it that's kind of the argument i was making
yeah i feel like that's that's kind of a stretch though right because like
the first thing and then it's also like it's like you're
saying like in many industries five companies split the market equally
so it's like i found an industry where four companies put the market equally so
i'm gonna go start a fifth company because then i will automatically get an
equal share to the other four companies so it's like i i get what you're saying
i feel like this is what people do a lot in like financial industry where
they try to like make these projections
but it's like i don't know i feel like it's kind of just like a weak argument
that's something that you you bring up consistently
and i think that like it can kind of it feels like a little
like it's like something that we should be all right so then think about it this
way meta like let's say so bitcoin is already like
just active wallets and also market caps you know at
least double ethereum on both metrics what value would you put the total
market cap of nmt's for bitcoin like what would it deserve
in real comparison to each uh i mean i i have i have no idea like i
have no idea what this is going because i'm saying no one has any idea so you
have to use certain assumptions and projections and
as long as they're conservative that's that's kind of why i'm explaining like
if just bitcoin captures 10 of the nft market on ethan soul
like it's a bigger ecosystem than what it is today so i'm saying like i think
10 is actually extremely conservative considering how much active
wallets and bitcoin have and just it's not even onboarding web
web two people it would more just be flipping people on bitcoin to download
like you know get wallets integrated with ordinals but
i agree like it's just a projection i could be wrong but
i think it's like rational to think that uh
there's a proven market that exists in other chains and now
as far as a smart contract point i would say like people are already having
liquidity pools made on top of jason files
the jason files fields are already collaborating and
when you could reference stuff off chain in that jason file now that could contain
more data you have potential for full-on smart
contract capabilities and like there are layer two solutions like
lightning where there's been hundreds of devs
that've been working on similar scaling strategies that that's going to be
integrated with this stuff in a matter of time but
i think it's like balanced i definitely hear your point like this is just
assumptions that i'm making up but yeah i think they're conservative but
that's my point of view you know i didn't even know that they were
already doing that to where you could reference a jason file i mean that's the
the main issue or the conversation that we had
i mean earlier in the week was the fact that it's
going to the most decentralized chain but we're still on a system of
rng trust me bro you know and it's it's still very faith-based
to where i mean obviously the actual um the way we see nft is over here and
how we have specific value for rarities etc
for sats and ordinals it's a little bit different more based
on the satoshi it's written on but it's still ingrained in our
you know i guess brain to where specific visual
aesthetic things should fetch premiums etc
and just having to really grasp the fact that it's more or less
on the trust me not an rng system it's just kind of been
what at least had me on edge or just really not understanding how
they're going to you know say it's decentralized but have to do this
manually or there still has to be one specific
person to connect functions together so that's pretty dope to know that that
innovation's coming uh jake tendy and then andre and then
we'll do the the giveaway and and kind of close out our morning so
go ahead jake
onto the point what i wanted to say was um literally like a lot of people
have ifs and uh offs about ordinals and bitcoin
this uh this shit was the most freest and most distributed
shit ever so if you ran up a node it was literally
experiment and uh people say oh this is just a
fucking ponzi a shit coin there was no incentive to build in here
when when it first started like people were running a node and fucking
inscribing like there was no uh convenience for
people to do that and for them to come and do this
uh that meant they were interested in this and curious in that and for them
uh for those like again you guys said nerds
that did this paid off big time but now look at where it's at
and uh well onto what you're saying about capturing 10 of the nft in bitcoin
and stuff and i see that's 100 possible because
because it's in bitcoin and if you look at bitcoin's market cap we are at
literally fucking 556 billion i don't know
might change the number might change if we just get five percent of that liquidity
in there that's 5.56 billion dollars coming into
the ecosystem now think about that like what
happened what would happen if you have that much of a money coming into
the ecosystem uh it's gonna do some fucking massive ripple
effect shit's about to happen uh onto what mani mani was speaking
that's the reason why you see uh you see literally uh exchange is trying to
fucking slurp up all these brc 20s uh why why are they doing that if there is
no future why are all these exchanges on a
mass migration trying to list brc 20s and or
why is binance trying to do all this shit and they're releasing
guide and stuff in their academy uh if for them for these big players to
do that does mean something and uh that whole ponzi and scam shit is just
invalid irrelevant uh to me uh because of that those reasons i look at volume
and i look at uh these what these players are saying
uh and based on what what's what they're saying and what's happening it's a
complete u-turn into just ordinal adoption and
uh just this fucking conference coming it's
just going to be one of the biggest conference because
at the same time all roads lead back to bitcoin
everyone will run into all salts all that shit is rotates to bitcoin
that's why you have seen bitcoin go up uh
on a fucking exponential level since the start
because the idea is cool and what they're doing is just
but uh i'm not gonna fucking run on more tangent but uh
ribbit ribbit and thanks for having me and
appreciate you coming up all week too man uh consistently being here helping to
share you kicking me out five times but i'll still come up here
let's go to tendie go ahead oh gm gm what's up zk what's up jake uh all the
frogs in the audience thank you for having me up i just want to touch on a
couple points as to what makes ordinals uh so
enjoyable and why so many people desire to come here from these other chains
because this is something that really resonated with me when i saw this space
start to uh to be built i was here around sub 10k
uh spun up a node myself uh minted some random inscriptions and you know
just played with the tech and then i something hit me that uh
for the past about 10 years we've been building all these side chains and
alternative layer ones and all of which had you know
substantial vc interest or like larger players just waiting to uh
bait new investors for some catalyst or announcement to eventually dump their bag
or like just fleece other investors and um you know i'm not going to say any
specific you know chains or names per se but
what we've seen in this bitcoin ordinal space is is this giant communal
incentive to build together just for the sake of having fun
and building something cool and on that note um
every target or milestone we've set every uh boundary we've hit
every obstacle we've come across um we've hopped over and and literally
speed ran milestones and targets one after the
other um which really shows that there's a
major drive to build in this space uh and i think that is going to really
resonate with some of these other side chain or
alternative layer one players uh from ether Solana
to really hey how do we tap into that because in the in the midst of a bear
market while our assets are bleeding dry or we're not having as much volume these
guys are over here literally tunnel vision head down playing
around in our own little fucking playground
and building cool shit that everybody's just enjoying and having this
great community feel um there's there hasn't been much of like this
rivalry or dunking on each other of other projects
there's no like real competition it's more of a hey i like your art i like your
shit let's support each other because in
reality we're all really fucking early on a new thing um it's been about
10 plus years since people have had incentive to build shit on bitcoin it
has just been this dinosaur commodity chain we trade
and we get liquidated on futures and and fucking cartels like hunt for us and
shit like that but now we finally got this other way to
utilize the protocol and it ties in with the the fate of
immutability so i know it's it's a touchy argument for
Solano or ethereum holders or anyone else that's building on other chains or
holding other entities that um your assets are held in an
ipfs server or rweave or some server somewhere
a centralized entity that can decide whether or not that image still exists
or not and what we've done um in ordinals is make it so your
art your images your json files are forever synced to nodes
on the bitcoin blockchain so and if a node in the future decides to try to
disrespect that with this stupid disrespector patch or any of that shit
um they're essentially screwing themselves over and screwing over their
neighbor nodes which isn't really ideal
in the bitcoin mining or or transaction confirming communities
um anyone that's spinning up a node has more incentive to participate than
not participate because at the end of the line it ruins their bottom line
and i wanted to touch on the minor um topic real quick
um i understand miners are making a substantial amount of money right now
but i like to look at it as ordinals is saving the future of bitcoin
because uh come 2024 post having there's diminishing block rewards and
miners are going to need to subsidize that somehow
and building this ecosystem really helped give them the opportunity to
subsidize that revenue and still exist and be
a tangible investment for a lot of people
so i think a lot of these topics are something that people need to really sit
down and think about when you're going hey am i going to
ape into this cool new shit because um you've done it with many other things
people are aping into all these random shit coins and the like
and um in in essence on the brc20 side of things
people uh like to discuss oh is this like are they rugs or pond in in
reality you don't see uh meme coins or shit coins on any
of these other chains start off in this community first
first in you know you win if you are the first person to participate and
it costs like a fraction of what it does to buy into
you know shit coins on another chain it becomes kind of like do you believe in
the project do you believe in the community do you believe in this whatever
the incentive is behind that without promising anything so a lot of
these big projects you know zk's omb bitcoin frogs uh came out here with cool
art um and just this community effort of
hey we're doing something new and cool uh but we're not going to make any
promises we're not going to make a roadmap there's no
white paper it's just let's enjoy each other's art together
and it has created this educational format for a lot of new people to come in
and learn about crypto and what it really represents
so like this decentralizedness of and freedom of your finance i mean we
literally have had maxis come in our spaces shout out to sigma um you know
and tell us hey why are you guys spending your sats on pictures of frogs
and um this has been bothering me for days because it was like three or four
who are you to tell me what i can spend my sats on
if i want to spend my sats on ketamine on the dark net and do it on some hooker's
ass no one fucking cares but the moment i'm
spending it on jpegs and it's it's clogging your mempool
it's a problem and in reality it's not clogging the mempool it's it's a
incentivization on who wants to be first so if you want to pay a little
bit more in fees you get the option of being first and
it creates this competition amongst people that are participating in the
ecosystem and a little caveat here if you get
purged from the mempool you get a refund okay and this is something that is often
overlooked by people on other chains so if your transaction gets purged you
literally get your bitcoin back you get your sats back
whereas if you overpay on eth and your your transaction doesn't make it or
it fails you literally just lost money trying to do something
and that that stuck with me here okay and i was here with for literally five
sats of e-bite fucking in minting and i've been here all
the way through uh slapping thousand sats of e-bite just
to mess with people in the mempool because i have fun with that
um speaking which there are players like us out here doing that just to mess with
you guys but it created this competition and
this drive to hey who can do more and who can build
first and we're seeing more and more big players showing interest not only
because we have literally tapped into a sense a liquidity pool
that did not exist in this bear market because people didn't
like they we a lot of us lost hope after fdx a lot of people lost hope after the
last few major l1 rugs and you know people have found okay i
have control of my money here i can decide how many sats of e-bite i
want to i want to pay and you know you can control if you're
going to be first or last or you want to want to wait a few days
and um this sense of control and desire
all together is really built like something really fucking dope and
educational like i've seen people that have no idea about blockchain tech
don't want to have no idea how it's you know setting up a node works
they and they will come out here and they ask questions
and they get answers from developers from the big players in the space
we have all these giga brains out here in spaces all
day every day just open forum ready to help and ready to onboard people into
something that we just think is cool and if that doesn't resonate with you i
think you need to take some time and think about that
um you know you guys love ethan i was a big time eth player still holds some
myself but how often do you see vitalik and his
chad gang of the ethereum foundation come out with their big cocks and tell
you how to use it they don't they wait around until they
drop you an announcement or some catalyst or we got a fork or something
and you know that you shouldn't be waiting around for some
some giga chad to fucking drop some sprinkles of alpha for your bag to
i'm not here to dunk on other chains i'm just here to say that
the the dopest part of this is not just the community effort but the education
that's taking place and a lot of people um launching
collections early on or even now um are doing this you know it's almost in a
philosophical sense like and i'm going to touch on soapy booba
real quick for a second so like you know i did something that was anti
anti-censorship because it's something like i'm very proud of i'm
i'm big on anti-censorship i'm big big on digital freedom
and internet rights it's just we are all out here we all pay our internet bills
some of us are taking wi-fi from mcdonalds or starbucks
but you know we're still out here on the internet with our own individual
identities and we're our participants in a free and fair market
and who are you to decide what i can and cannot do
and what we've seen in bitcoin is this oh cool you did something
different and we might not like that topic but
we like that you're doing something here and it's so cool to just see
everybody out here learning and that learning aspect is going to
drive this next bull market to be probably uh to to more than likely have
the largest set of educated investors ever
in crypto that are ready to go to go toe to toe with these big fucking
players because now we know what to do like there's so many people that just
were just aping into random shit because people told them to
and you know so on so forth and now you're getting this
this thought process that that didn't exist for many because they didn't
understand what they were actually getting into and people are starting to
ask questions and understand a lot better so like
sorry for going on a little bit of rant but this is the shit that makes me
excited about the ordinal space this is why i'm big on the bitcoin frogs
because you know it was a 10k pfp collection this is not a shill
whatsoever but they literally onboarded thousands of people
onto bitcoin lightning off of a fucking random mint
i'm one of the guys i sat here looked at the ads for two days before i was like
okay i i need time at one p.m today and i'm fucking aping into this shit
because you're literally teaching people how to utilize
a essentially a layer two on bitcoin and and teaching you how to onboard onto
that and then slowly onboarding them into
the space and every person that's been part of these communities
is just like how can i educate you better you've got a question let me
tell you my take and the devs are out out here that are
hinting jay-sons and and putting frog pictures on fucking blocks
are doing the same degenerate shit you are and resonating with you
and giving you an opportunity to ask questions and get real
fucking raw answers so thank you guys for letting me uh give my take shout out
to zk for all the fucking work you're doing out here in omb gang
and all my frogs out in the audience uh chief i had to bring my frogs
aboard so we had a little bit of surge here and uh users but
thank you guys for having me up and doing my little rant uh metagit thank you
for coming out last night and i'm glad you secured a frog welcome to the gang
welcome to the swamp and uh thank you guys for having me up
no man i appreciate you just kind of going off
because it's that's one of those things that like
it's it's impressive and i was talking to a friend of mine i mean i literally
said hey i want to kind of dive into this
ordinal thing at the beginning of the week and here we are
you know like not even five days later and we're talking to the biggest
brains in this movement and here you know down to the nitty-gritty
like i would say with the plebes explaining it to us onboarding us
taking the time to not only educate me because
i mean i've had plenty of people just yo i'll walk you through but it's not
it's not for me right the idea is this are you willing to come and share it to
the 300 people that are listening right because
yeah i can figure it out yeah i can ask someone yeah i have friends you know i
can leverage my my platform my position but the idea is
is to remove all this gatekeeping bullshit and the fact that you guys are
so willing to teach even though it's early
and there's the potential to five six times your own personal bags
you guys are actually taking the time to say hey you know what we'd rather
open the door and let some new people in and even though we're early
even though this is the gold rush right typically people don't show you
where you're striking both and i resonate with that so much i wanted to
say ribbit real quick and um we actually do this every night we
have for this entire past week and a half uh we hold co-spaces late as shit and
anybody's welcome to come up and ask a question and we have live onboarded
literally hundreds of users through just step by step unpaid
tech support in ordinals and like jake is one of these top guys we got brc 20
coins out here zk is an absolute chad in this space going
toe-to-toe with fucking gensler himself and he still takes his time to answer dms
and reach out to people and be like hey this is how you do it
that should fucking resonate with every person from any side chain
thinking about getting involved in bitcoin you want real decentralized
community and real power to your money this is where it's at sorry chief for
interrupting but thank you guys i gotta get going
um shout out to my frogs ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit and zk
uh keep at it bro you're building some dope shit yeah no that was just same
thing man no issues the stage is always open
appreciate you for coming through but yeah it's like the fact that you guys
are just so willing to share and teach and just uh open this up for everyone
to learn that's just kind of impressive to me you
know like even on the east side it was so so difficult two years like
bull rush to 21 it was the bull no one wanted to help you get on
there was this false idea of this money or this this period is so sacred or
scarce that there's only enough for me and in
reality there's enough for all of us to get it bro and there's probably even
more than than we could even probably get it between us right because in
reality we're so small that to think like that and to almost
be greedy of not bringing people to where you're striking gold
is in a sense ruining yourself right you're not setting yourself up for
longevity uh let's hit jake and zk zk actually
let's go you go to you first and jake we'll close up with you man
and then we'll do the the twitter picker because i know a lot of people in here
just kind of ride in and we're forcing the
knowledge on you but uh we'll get to the good stuff here in a
little bit so go ahead zk you know yeah shout out froggs uh and uh
doing a good amount of those guys so i'm not showing them either but
you can't uh underestimate like the power of these communities because they're
so fun in the beginning but uh just going on back to the community for a
second what tendie was saying i think like anti-censorship is a big
part of this um i personally inscribed like tornado
cashes last tweet um sub 50k i inscribed the first hundred
photos of mars ever took by nasa sub 100k because i think there's
this value to putting this stuff on like a
immutable censorship ledger especially in like you know crazy social media times
and shit but uh at the end of day two i think
i kind of had an interesting perspective coming as like an nft trader
into this because a lot of these people were
you know had no experience with nft collections they were just kind of
bitcoin developers that were like fucking around
and when you look at all the problems and like you know i'm not saying this
because i i has my bags too i haven't sold any solar
ethnft since really ordinal started uh it's been focused there but
saying like look at the problems that plagued ethereum and solana and just
your nfts and like i'll start them like royalties we
under we saw how that changed the system you saw how the artificial incentivized
liquidity changed the system now we have artificial incentivized
lending like with blur and stuff that kind of disrupts the market and like
at the end of the day it hurts retail investors and hurts onboarding
and then like the most critical part the one that is going to age the best
is like immutability and i think it's a really timely
discussion because people know and i'm not talking about goblin town
but it's a it's used as an example and i wrote about it in my sub stack too
but goblin town you know they woke up one morning and they changed every
single fucking bfb to like middle fingers like you know
kind of like a meme and like nothing against them that's cool but
if you spent 10 eth on that you you might be upset when you wake up if you
didn't save that copy on your ipfs server wherever they save it
it's like there's you're old enough to remember uh do you remember
raccoon secret society yeah yeah yeah and when they did that like it made
like it was yahoo headlines and like the the space
lost their shit bro and this was literally they came out and said
this was a social experiment it was in our roadmap we told y'all we could do
this and this was like to prove that we could
and they were crucified and then now here we are two years later like that
shit's normal now it's it's kind of crazy yeah well i think
like even i'm talking about myself too i think like even
everyone like there's a point where you kind of understood your lie too in a
sense we're like salon eat nfts like when i
first got nfts i thought they were you know non-fungible assets that were like
there and it took me a while to really figure out like the off-chain metadata
relationship to it and then like now that i know about it
and now you're seeing it's manipulated more because it goes into that royalty
farming shit and you know there's also a lot of cool things
like do you guys did that guy's upgrade like it's just functionality that's
cool but at the end of the day if you're a collector
if you're going to attract an asset that someone spends a million dollars on
it you don't want someone that has that
potential or you don't want to trust someone that has that
and like yeah there's assumptions there's an eth artist like ripochet that
upload their shit fully on chain punks are like you know have a hash of
their pictures fully on chain so like there's already shown you there was kind
of a need and people were thinking about this before
but like i just think the immutability side and then like the artificial
liquidity side and just like you're seeing the the last
problem too is like people really underestimate the
problem that drainer links have like discord
every single person in this space got fucking drained on something and lost
assets and you know depending on how savvy you were
is you lost less than most people or you lost everything
but uh you know there's like a limitation
with that side and you don't have that quick liquidity you don't have those
stagnant permissions and this is all bitcoin devs open
sources i like the key of all this stuff and like if you look at ip rights like
shout out moonbirds like i like Kevin Rosen them but like yeah he woke up one
day and took something away from them and
like yeah there's just a different type of ethos on bitcoin
because there's been such a you know established community there and that's
like the most og crypto one and like just an example i made a video
that said fuck your utility uh for my project and like you know
there wasn't fun because it's just like people are
collecting this stuff because they think it's cool and
yeah i would say oh and then the last point i had was
about the mining fees i think people are like doing that mistake i mentioned
earlier we're like just focusing on the now
and like i used to be a commodities trader but the best cure for a high
price commodity is a high price commodity
so now it's like the alpha would be look at the mining spur
like kind of the mining indexes shout out luxur you know the mining
rigs the kind of per dollar value per hash rate power
uh is like 20x what it was when bitcoin was below
what it was when bitcoin was 60k so like now people are buying miners you're
already seeing a bit in the prices like there's an incentive to build a
network and further decentralize it and i have no doubt that you know if
people are making more rewards in the bitcoin
subsidy it's like miners should be double the
price right like over time if it's sustained
so i think like eventually the network will adjust
and like brc20 in my head was the crypto kiddies moment for bitcoin
it was like everyone kind of back in the day remembers crypto kiddies fud like
yo this shit's fucking up our network like we got to do financial
transactions like the future computer money
and you guys are fucking up with cat jpegs like but then what happened it
was like it created a fud it created a good community really good debate
and now look at it it's way hundreds of times more decentralized than it was and
the network's way more performant than it was back
then so like this stuff will all change and grow
and it moves fast that's why you gotta stay on top of it but i got hot just
want to say thanks for having me on stage and uh sorry for hogging it but
you know great discussions and stuff like that it's awesome and
yeah i would say the also difference is like there's smaller communities and don't
underestimate that like pardon me i'm not trying to
shield but like i literally have done uh i dropped a calendar like i'm doing a
one-on-one call with every single holder in my community because i
like people don't know understand it and the other side of it is like me and
chart food we did the d god's bitcoin trading desk if
people didn't know we traded i think like over four million
dollars of bitcoin volume in one week and every single person that ticket i
think about it you guys have an advantage if you if you ever download
sauna or phantom or traded a metamask you you could figure it out
it's just you have to take some time and learn it but i think it's like just
worthwhile to as a blockchain enthusiast to look what's
going on as like an experiment if nothing else
dude you were able to retire because of that shit bro like you're pretty
much doing what you want now so i was like
shout out for you being early and doing all that stuff and
i think the coolest thing about yeah but i would say
express it i fucking tweeted i was minting crypto bitcoin punks
it cost me 12 dollars each i sold like a good amount at 1.5
each i'm still holding but like i tweeted that shit out there
and i put out there as like oh you came into multiple spaces
i'm saying like i'm trying to like you know i explained it rationally i'm
not trying to like show like this is next thousand x but like you know
anything i'm showing i could rationally explain that like i feel good at night
like how i speak on spaces but yeah i would say like i don't want to gatekeeper
anything but it's it's still early now and
i think there's still some time and i haven't sold
90 of anything i've touched in the the first three months you know
yeah bro i think the coolest thing about this whole thing is this time
last year the spaces were so segregated based on
your chain that you're on you had eat people fighting with soul people
and then slowly over the year now you see spaces with soul people
can you guys hear me yeah we can't hear you
i'm talking he probably can't hear you bro so yeah
you're not yeah there you go yeah there we go so i was like now we're
having like this multi-chain discussion and now
it's like it's more relevant than ever that you just don't need to be a
maxing anything and like just because you're
you you have some chain that you're you like and you make money on doesn't
mean that you can't learn and beat and do something new and
like that's you you've shown that over and over again zk like
you're you're out here you have your convictions but you're open to
see an opportunity and take advantage of it and learn something
and do that so it's like it's cool to be in these spaces
like one year later and now we have bitcoin bitcoin
brc 20 people in here we have eat people who have soul people it's just
it i i'm i i'm sure there'll be a new chain that comes out next year where
there will be maxis on that chain we just all kind of coming together
and just trying to teach each other and i think that's the best part about this
whole thing is that people are kind of taking out their
tribalism and just trying to educate themselves on the next up and coming
opportunity or next up and coming like technology that's coming out so
i think that's why we're here is just to push the space forward and just
continue to learn once you stop learning you're the smartest person in the room
you need to change your friends and get into a room where you're not
the smartest person so it's like i i really appreciate you coming up here and
i know you have to go i just want to take shout out to you
for just you know spearheading this and being a trailblazer and
just showing that this isn't like people had an idea that maybe they
wanted to come over here but they didn't have anybody over here
to teach them but you're like you've sat here and done one-on-one calls you've
grown threads you came in spaces yelling like this is the thing and now
people are listening and now you're continuing it's like you're not like i
told you so you're like no like this is you know let me teach you some more so
shout out to you yeah no shout out thank you for con words expressed so
i've definitely tried to pop in more of the spaces now done with the mint but
yeah i think like uh like i could sell this shit to
the people in five years like everyone in crypto now is on the same team
we got like bigger enemies to fight against we don't need to fucking have
arguments about chains like people can make money on every chain
there's the opportunities different functionalities but
dead a day like it's so early like you know this is a 10-15 year
bet for me not like a three-three month thing so
that's the way i think about it but yeah i appreciate you guys and great
space great combo yes sir yes sir um jake you've had your
hand up and then andre and then we'll fucking just make a quick jake i know
you're gonna no no no no this is important okay because uh what i
wanted to say was uh but on to what zk and everyone's
talking about money and you see fucking 100 x is like for the early
participant yeah it's good and the that that brings eyes and that
brings actual like uh awareness right that brc20
ordinal is something but what what's more important that
issue that i need to talk to you guys about is
the fact that this is happening is a lot of people
see this and scammers are going to come people will start being preyed on
and you'll fucking start seeing the biggest ponds you come up
and uh just know like you guys talk about brc20 is all and your audience
is seeing this and they might be interested
but you guys need to actually be careful because
uh now what's happening is that there is no
free uh like type of shit that people are like
paying it and that type of shit is actually happening and
misinformation is going around uh so if you're
coming out new just go into spaces where the guys literally
are talking about shit they're not shilling anything they're not
uh they're not talking about anything where you have to
you're buying something that you are gonna like
um fuck how do i say that you you're uh
that like ordinal than brc20 in its inception sheet
was literally a free distribution and stuff so
anything that they're selling you tokens they're asking you to like send payments
for token and then giving you guys just be aware and i know we all are from
multi chain and we know this shit but they're literally people who are very
new to crypto coming in because of bitcoin
maxis who have never dabbled in other chains are coming in and getting uh
getting into ordinal slash brc20 so yeah just be aware and then just uh
just look into that shit and uh thanks for spreading all this fucking work
and people like zk these big guys who came in early and believe in ordinals
i mean i respect these fuckers so much because that just
that just brought even more conviction to people like me who were also in
early and see someone like him uh coming in
and then saying that shit just made me even more bullish in this
shit so good shit uh and that's
importantly hundred percent of course yeah yeah the fact that
zk is here and he's kind of like the lead guy
definitely gives me conviction that i'm not wasting my time trying to learn
and i definitely think they're you know if zk is the fucking ambassador for
this there's different opportunities for people in the space to like sit down
and learn they're like there's not a lot of people informing
people so there's definitely a niche there and like the growth is
exponential so like if you sit down you do your homework and you become an
expert tons of people are going to hit you in the dft and want to learn and
that's going to create a following that's going to create
a little niche for you to like grow yourself you're trying to look for
something some way to give in this space i think bitcoin
ordinals and brc20s there's tons of people asking questions
if you become an expert that could be your little niche and that's the way you
can grow your following and do something web 3 that you can be proud of so
yeah just like don't give up you know it's like try to continue to learn
you know thanks thank you for the kind words jake and express it i want to say
like i might be like being as the ambassador
to the nft guys and like i'll take that but
i like these i was getting help from like the order cord guys like
uh kind of going back to like learning is important like i've worked in
crypto for years and like i was literally starting tickets in the
ordinals discord asking for help and i wonder once it was sub 1k inscriptions
and like those guys took the time to fucking shout out pass charlie cypher
post Malone like those guys and that's what i mean like it
really started like those guys are still the same guys in space is still the
guys answering questions and yeah like never be in a position where you can't
learn in crypto because like i like bro trust me like i don't know i
didn't know any of those guys and they helped me out
uh just because i was a random dude in discord but you could even control f my
name and the order cords discord and see like i was like
really fucking struggling trying to set it up but because i was rushing to
inscribe shit below like 10 000 um but yeah like
so he's got what are some people have what are some what are some
like if people don't want to go you know random dme people what are
some discords or maybe some tools to go ask questions for people are
like a group of people in a group chat
that you can recommend to people to go into and like
you know do what you did ask questions open tickets
you can be that be that be that he pinned it up top yeah
yeah i would say also like if people want videos like pass
uh pin i think it's like the second pin video from the current one
um that dude has video multiple videos everything from running full notes to
sending inscriptions on sparrow to minting stuff to inscribe and stuff
like he's a really good guy good actor
in space he's actually the one of the guys that helped me out
set up my full node and now he's like a product holder so it's like came full
circle but he's a great resource and then i would say like
this is the part where the it's such new technology there's not great
resources you have to go to the documentation
like read domo like domo is the guy that made brc20 the protocol it was an
experiment i'll pin his you can literally go read
his doc he wrote everything and then like kind of start
from the ground up and like search through twitter but
and then the order cord discord i'll pin that as well that's like
the best resource and they have a ton of stuff in that side of that discord to
learn and then i would say like leonidas and um
trevor and like brc20 here like they have good spaces and
yeah don't don't rush into this this is like there's still a lot of time like
finance i don't think it's going for like another month or two
they said like you know and if this is actually you know think about
you know we're at five million or six million descriptions only
seven million of them are jpegs you know like you know
alone has 150 000 nfts you know it's not anything against you guys just like
if you there's still time to take your time and learn this stuff
uh good and i wrote a sub stack more about the rarest outside if people want
to check out my sub stack i'm gonna write something more
just general uh onboarding information i have more time read
sub stuff guys absolute gems
yeah killing it killing it killing it uh yeah i appreciate you
okay and uh we get to go get to go but i guess i'll get you up in the dm's and
we'll talk a little bit later um i want to get to andre and then
we'll get the brc20 here all right and then we'll do the fucking giveaway
and then we'll end the show let's go what's up andre
yo what's up good evening everyone ribbit i guess
so how can you hear me i can't get away from these ribbits motherfucker there's
it everywhere yeah so um i really want to say
thank you to um zicky shag because um he has actually educated me
more than i actually anticipated on this brc20 off then
because i actually came into this space looking for okay maybe if i could get
um a way to profit off um this so i actually came into this piece to
hear okay i'm here for profit but now that i have actually listened and
learned a lot i'm really really grateful yeah
hello i'm erogan no you're good bro you're good yeah
zk's fucking killing it man and uh he teaches everything he's teaching a lot
of people and just giving people to learn
and find because he had conviction so he might not have even have a
connection with you but the fact that he was in it early and is in there kind
of doing the thing yo shout bring farmer joe up too farmer
joe in the audience bro that guy's farmer joe
farmer joe man that guy's the uh he he put me on early on like he's actually
the guy told me crypto punks for minting in my gms uh bitcoin punks but
yeah that's what i mean but like all these guys are still around uh
so like yeah it's a good time they all participate in like part of this is
that everyone's passionate i'm not here to
like fucking dump my bags on anyone i want people to like go back to bitcoin
and you know just have fun on blockchain and
no matter what whenever you get involved in orals right now you're forced to
fucking learn about uh blockchain so i think it's good but
shout out to you guys yeah it's like bringing in a new um
surge of limited investors instead of people just investing in
different things that they don't know like now people have been forced to
read to understand what they're getting into before they even get into it
it's really really awesome and i'm really really grateful
jake had said most of the things i was intending to say before
so i'm just saying i appreciate you appreciate you andre
yeah let's roll it over to brc 20 we're getting kind of 15 minutes over time so
let's you know brc 20 i know you're up here
yeah i'll be short and quick bro uh first off
morning morning afternoon good night wherever you're at thanks thanks to the
hosts and the co-host here for having me up and hosting this space
um thanks ck on the shout out um for our spaces you know that's the
reason i made my page was to i was in it early and lost you know
wasted a lot of bitcoin doing trial and error stuff to um
to learn how to do brc 20 stuff so that's why we host our spaces we
literally onboard everybody um that comes in jake is one of my
major co-hosts with tendie who left um and without those guys you know the space
wouldn't be there i kind of sit back and let them
you know you know you'll hear a lot of ribbits i don't um i'm not going to
shout that out in this one um but you know it's to bring awareness
to everybody in this community like you said we don't want anyone getting
scammed we don't we don't need those rugs so we we onboard people we've had
people come in and saying hey can we send you bitcoin to do this and we're like no
no we're just going to help you out right now and tell you how to do it exactly and
then we've onboarded them right in the space so
um again shout out to these hosts co-hosts if you guys aren't following
any speakers give them a follow it's uh great to bring awareness so
have me up guys yeah sir when's your spaces when's your spaces
so we usually been running those uh jake will throw them up throughout the
day too but we we throw our official ones up usually
around nine o'clock uh nine p.m eastern uh every night and
you know i let jake and tendie run with it you know like i said those those are
my co-hosts and those without those guys you know the space
wouldn't be what it is so um but that's when we run it we love to
have you guys in there as well and again thanks for having me come up i'm
not trying to show anything here just we just want to know yeah i came up i
went i came by yesterday and just hung out and told you my first i've heard i've
heard just some orders yesterday and just nothing on the space yeah you probably
witness yeah no you probably witnessed firsthand on
board a couple people last night then because we did it again last night so
thanks for jumping in this space i really appreciate it
yes sir yes sir and then chief if you want to start rolling those
uh those twitter pickers and then we'll run it to farmer joe
and uh shout out to farmer joe zk shouted you out for teaching him so
what's up farmer yeah yeah no me and zk have been in touch
basically since like the early already days and
yeah i mean obviously i saw how big he was in salona and i
i felt like this was something that uh that that he could be interested in and
things basically felt uh pretty crazy in the first couple weeks of
of these like sub one came in you know we've gone from
you know trading otc through centralized parties
on literally discords uh want to buy lists
and people were running like excel sheets we kind of migrated to
you know ordinals wallet and magic eden and
and uh or swap running proper marketplaces
um finally we had you know domos experiment brc 20
and everyone was just minting every single ticker
um obviously you know i think i think it certainly helped that that
brc's you know kind of dropped right when the meme token era
and meme token phase uh was super active on basically every single chain we saw
pepe mong uh bob whatever like basically you could have just
threw a flyer into anything hot and and and made out you know uh
ten hundred x returns um and i think brc dropped around that time
which was uh which was super exciting it brought everyone into the space
you know we saw people migrate from east salano cardano
and people are really just having fun like all these chains are basically in
in perpetual decline or or you know just stagnation
and here on bitcoin we basically have like an open playing field
which has nothing built other than an ordinals marketplace or nft marketplace
um we don't even have proper you know brc 20 marketplaces yet i would say
um but now we have you know brc 20s listed on
centralized exchanges everyone's looking at this as an open playing field
i think the thesis is really simple you know one
you know btc is the you know very first blockchain it has
individuals with the most capital um it has
individuals who have been on this you know ecosystem for the longest time
and you right now we basically have a fraction
of anything of ethereum and i think that alone to me excites me as to where
we're gonna go in the future um obviously i think the meta of just
minting out name plays of brc kind of faded out and i wrote a post on this
basically right when when you know brcs came out um you
know i basically said that the cycle is going to go like this it's going to be
name plays of funny cool attractive names and then
finally we're going to see projects that actually have you know road map
utility for their token you know we've seen zbit uh obviously do
something really cool the the btc machines
have been around for such a long time that they're basically like
printing money the btc c machines are basically the the
fed of ordinals i think they have over like 100k
100k inscriptions obviously you know i got to give a shout out to omb and zk
zk has you know done a cool launch i think what
he's doing is really need to like one you know drop a hundred collection
build the the core you know fan base um you know reward those who are early
holders with with a second drop at a discount
and then you know maybe there's a third one maybe there's a fourth one
and i think that's kind of how you build like this long-term sustainable
community especially because you know dropping a 10k
collection right now is really hard you know saying that you're going to
drop a 10k collection and minting it out for 100 200 bucks
super hard um just because you know there's not that many users at the end
of the day um but like once we see like 100k
250k 300k active on chain users that you know philosophy and that
strategy certainly makes more sense and we'll see
you know migrating towards you know what really looks like
you know the ethereum style drops in my opinion so i think we're
we're really in an exciting time an exciting era and an inflection point of
bitcoin and the on-chain economy and i think we're going to see a lot of
cool you know ico type style you know brc 20 launches where
people have a plan people have a team and and they're really focused on
building out a product and that token that brc 20 is is is really
going to uh be functional in their ecosystem in
some way how i don't think anyone really knows
maybe brc 20 isn't really you know the token standard that
you know we're we're we're going to be working on in the long run but
having some conversations with domo there certainly upgrades the protocol
that are that are planned to make sure that it's all sustainable and
locked down without any sort of risks but it also is
is you know going to be a better tool and a better protocol for centralized
exchanges as well what happens after domo makes that
upgrade and if there's a team that wants to self-organize and
grow brc 20s with you know new features and
you know make sure that the indexers adopt those features
no one really knows but i think the the strength of bitcoin is
is decentralization and as we've seen with everything
you know self-organization has been you know so dominant in this space
that i certainly don't doubt that there is you know five ten
twenty people that would be you know keen on
building something out and continuing the legacy of domo
i appreciate you sharing that man and actually break
connections from the the you know how it's it's running now as a movement
independent from the guide that got the domo who
creator right now it's actually become a movement and people have
kind of on board to to make this a thing
and now it's it's community driven right with you guys pioneering coming into
space is providing education it's now self-sustaining rather than
sustained by one one person so absolutely i mean this this can't be
run by a centralized party i mean it can but it's not true to
you know crypto in general right so i think as we see
more mass adoption like we've seen today i mean there's
there's certainly a lot of articles out there you know paz as
uh as as the videos guy has probably onboarded over like
you know 25k maybe 30k individuals in the space
and we need more people like that to just hand hold people from other chains
because you know from my experience you know i'm coming from
from eth and other chains and l2s you know
figuring out how to bridge over to bitcoin isn't necessarily the the easiest
path um one obviously either using a centralized
exchange to fund top root wallet or you're using a platform that you know
takes a fee and and basically bridges it over to you
um so it's it's a little bit scary at times like there's no
cross chain compatibility and i but but i think like once you get some
capital on bitcoin you know we're your farmer there's uh i
would say thanks for the kind of words but i would say uh for people outside
of the u.s wick wick or uh vpns uh side shift on ai is actually like a
nice protocol semi-trustless where you could
swap you send pretty much we were just talking about that this morning
yes i just slept on like yes i agree such
so i i i i use side shift um uh after yeah yeah yeah to exchange i mean i've
also used another one from from trezor directly um and all i
gotta say is uh i was trying to move size
and uh i had it locked up for about six days before
before they were just thinking like you know one they made me
they made me give them a whole list of all the trends i was
one i was going from uh bitcoin to to eth
but same thing happened on the reverse they basically wanted a full history of
you know how i got that money and i was just telling them like
dude there is no record there is no sales record
on ordinals wallet or anything like this is all i can give you is you know go to
go to blockchain explorer and that's as best as i can get you
um but yeah i ended up having to to to to work with them a little bit
to to unfreeze those funds so um yeah the fact that that that we have
nothing built as a wallet explorer as an on-chain
explorer um like receipts um much like open sea has
that track every single sale it just gets a little bit more difficult from
like an auditor's perspective um if you are using like a centralized
exchange and whatnot um so just be careful i mean if you
want to use side shift to get around that
hurdle yeah sure there's there might be a higher spread that you pay
but uh like zk said if you're outside of the usa
and you use a vpn uh it could be a very good option to avoid any sort of
you know uh capital and crypto being frozen for
five to seven days or indefinitely if they choose to
you know what's up guys sharing that because i was literally looking for that
shit like i had to just owe the like otc it
ask someone hey can you send me some bitcoin because i mean i didn't want to
pay you know the taxes from sending it in and then
swapping and then sending it back out and then fees every direction
so shout out to this this resource and to you guys
yeah i'm not advocating anyone in the u.s use it to be clear
but uh if if you're in the u.s i think it's
compatible with lightning but uh yeah but i use that appreciate
you yeah and uh i actually i moved
everybody from stage because we're gonna have five people come up here and
confirm they're in the space and i accidentally removed jake from the stage
uh from the space in general so if someone can DM him and say
sorry uh i appreciate that that's that's what he made
i like i kick him out because every time i try to mute him
i used to like literally actually remove him from the stage so
yeah that's my bad wait yeah so uh we're gonna give up we're
gonna give away the giveaway the whitelist ox bt
um is the coin you're gonna need your taproot wallet i'm gonna give you
by the end of the day us to give me it if you don't i'm gonna find some people
in my community to give it to so you need your taproot wallet you're
going to dm the daily alpha page so the page right next to me it's
the underscore daily alpha you're gonna dm me
the taproot uh taproot wallet and uh that's what you're gonna get
and uh that's what you're gonna need and if you don't give it to me so if
there's four people that get it then i'm gonna find somebody in my
tonight so the dude's on the plane for six hours he wants the whitelist when he
gets off the plane so you guys need to be understanding that this is time
sensitive and don't get mad at me if you give it to me tomorrow
that's not gonna how it's gonna work it's by the end of today so
yeah so chief let's uh call out the winners and if you're in the space
and you stuck around for the past three hours ggs to you
um don't you know dm any of your friends because that's more competition
for you but uh let's start calling out the names request up
and then we'll add you up and then you'll dm the daily alpha and then we'll
end the space so go ahead chief let's start
calling this off when it's in the space man all right so first one is
request up we got rocky rocky dot bitcoin
we got ifx script bitcoin we got mani
and we have mike knight
all right so we got rocky up here that's fun
once again nicole x ifx script btc mani
and then mike knight okay we got mike knight
all right i'm gonna give him what let me see
my clock i'm gonna give him 10 seconds bro
once again nicole x ifx and mani
yeah that's a sad day for them all right we're going with the first mani mani's
dm me right now he says that he heard that he won i
don't know how he heard who convinced he told him that
he fucking knows but let's mark down mani since he did
confirm that he he's here so we'll give it to so we have three so two the two
people that didn't show up so we have two more so re-roll the next two
oh we got luigi
and then we got ramrod there we go luigi and ramrod get your
ass up here i think they're in the space right
um let's see i don't know i mean it should be here in their names pretty
soon i think there's a small delay but shout out to mike knight rocky rocky
make sure you guys got your taproot addresses the daily alpha account
and friend one that's in a different country or state or whatever it's
currently one o'clock in the afternoon for us so you have
roughly about 10 to 11 hours so use that as your barometer
um all right ramrod and luigi are they not in here no sir
all right keep rolling all right we got queen tiff free to own
and shark those i know i know sharks probably in here
fair not left oh there's queen there's queen queen tiff
and then shark isn't he having an invisible friend shark having a there he
is there's shark all right so we got all
our winners we got mani we got shark we got queen tiff
we got rock rocky and then we got mike so you guys all know the dealie
you guys the the account to the left the first one that's hosting the space
if you don't have a taproot wallet i would download that unisat fucking wallet
and go in that bitch and learn how to get it
dm the tda account by the end of the day if you don't it's your shit out of
luck just letting you know right the fuck now so you guys don't miss this
opportunity it's it's i don't know if you're not
going to take the time out to figure it out i don't know what to tell you
this is pretty much just spoon feeding you fucking money at this
point still
yeah shout out to you guys and congratulations
um appreciate you guys and then i'm going to mute everybody because i don't
want to get interrupted in my into the space i do appreciate everybody to stop
by and took the time out of their week to
come in here and learn about brc20 i know it's been brc20 heavy but you
know there's not a lot of stuff to talk about on other chains other than
meme coin so i figured we learned something new
and there's been an opportunity that's presenting themselves this week i
mean if you hung around in the spaces you got you could have possibly got
whitelisted to a brc20 token so i don't know what else
we could have done this week other than kind of talk about the next opportunity
which is this i see and uh i appreciate it you know it's
the tda and we run the space tuesday through saturday
from 9 45 to about 1 p.m central so we do this
all the time we've been doing it for over a year we show up you know five
days a week no matter it's the weather the time our
situations so you know don't give up on us if you
haven't been here before you know come by and participate more we do
give a lot of alpha and we do give a lot of value and whitelist to people that
are going to contribute to the space it's deserved to earn
if you have a thread if you have some alpha this is your space to come up
share with the community you know when we do have whitelist giveaways
you know we'll think of you as the person that gave value for free
and and bless our community then we'll bless you with the whitelist so
i do appreciate everybody came out to the tda and we're going to end it and
we'll be back on tuesday and i'll just leave it here for chief to end the
rest of the space so appreciate you guys i'll talk to
you on tuesday so bye bye yeah just appreciate everyone that
swung through uh rode with us this week we we
wanted to learn about brcs and here we are we ended it with some of the greatest
minds and the the guys that are truly pioneering the space
so like expresso said appreciate everyone that's came up on stage
that contributes that's a part of our community we do this tuesday through
saturday roughly 9 45 to about 1 p.m central
so it's tda or stay poor and we'll catch you guys next week
y'all be safe and have a good weekend man