The everything space

Recorded: Jan. 23, 2024 Duration: 5:54:27



I'll find a Lincoln.
Something broken.
The week is broken this Monday.
My week is done.
Now I just focus on research and buildings.
The worst is over.
I rugged judge.
Yeah, they're going to be removed from my case.
I'm working on.
I'm not going to go and do it all right now, but maybe on another
So you're getting your job back.
No, no, this is just this.
I don't want to get into it all.
It's just that a judge is getting rugs.
They're not going to adjudicate a case.
I'm getting a new judge in their place.
Watch me.
Good stuff.
I see John's here.
We're just going to wait until the space fills up a little
bit more and then we'll get into it a little bit.
Speaking of Tesla takeover, tell us about the X takeover.
Yeah, of course, man.
First off, thanks for having me up.
I'm just dropping in.
I saw the space in that chat.
So well, first off, you know, I think, you know, people
forget maybe they think that, you know, the Tesla takeover
kind of disappeared and became the X takeover.
I mean, we're throwing a Tesla takeover Europe literally
in four months.
So the Tesla takeover isn't going anywhere.
We just thought, you know, in the US, a lot of people
that follow Tesla in general, you know, a lot of people
that follow Tesla in general also follow SpaceX and some
of the other companies obviously that Elon is running.
So we thought it would be, you know, perfect for us to,
you know, kind of branch out and X does not mean necessarily
like this platform.
It really just means everything.
And so when you think of like EVs, you know, it's not
just going to be completely about Tesla, even though sure
that's 90% of the content.
But it's really going to allow the opening for, you know,
other EV companies to show up.
But also too, again, we're going to have SpaceX.
We may even have a Neuralink session as well.
And who knows?
I mean, again, this is just going to be the first year.
And again, this event consists of so many things.
We have things like a light show.
We have over 60 vendors that came last year.
So if you're interested in, yeah, if you're interested in,
you know, just want to buy accessories for your Tesla.
And obviously we're going to be adding hopefully some SpaceX
exhibitors as well.
You can come out for that.
And then we also have the speaking sessions.
So depending on what you want to hear, we'll have that.
There's also going to be vendors where, you know, potentially
if you want to ride like, you know, electric bikes or scooters
or the like three wheel vehicles that are EVs, you know, we'll
have an opportunity for that.
So really it's kind of just like, you know, almost like what's
the word like a Tesla con or space space con type of event.
And really, you know, at the end of the day, too, it's all
of your favorite personalities will be there to speak, not
only to speak, but also to to potentially hang out with.
And again, there's a lot it's a lot of stuff also, too.
You know, I also wanted to make this event very kid friendly.
So, you know, if you're if your kids come, they're gonna
they're gonna be able to do things.
They're not going to just be stuck, you know, walking
around and stuff along with great food.
So we'll probably also have like a ride and drive and
potentially we're still working out the details of last
year with Holly high voltage.
We had a drag racing experience and track course set up
as well. So like I said, you know, that's kind of what
it consists of.
Obviously, it means so much more than that with the X
takeover, but obviously you saw with us announcing Franz
von Holzenhausen, the chief designer of Tesla, like we're
very focused on that.
Tomorrow, we're going to announce another speaker in
the space world.
But like I said, you know, this this event is still very
focused on Tesla.
We're not losing our roots by any means, but we thought,
you know, why not?
Partially branch out.
I mean, if you've been following me for any amount of
time, you know, I've been covering SpaceX stuff as well.
Like I've gone to two of the Starship launches myself.
So, you know, I'm just incredibly excited about what
this event has become already.
I mean, we have made Musk last year what it's going
to become this year.
And, you know, it's just going to be exciting leading
into that.
Yeah, definitely.
It's kind of funny.
I didn't even know that it was called a Tesla takeover.
At first, I just thought, hey, interesting.
You're branching out into more of a general show.
That's not randomly the title for the space.
For instance, that was just put up there by Lincoln.
I said, hey, that's actually fun.
Let's roll with this.
I didn't know that that was like your previous show,
so to speak, or event, but yeah, it's actually really
good that you branch out a little bit.
I think, say, something specific, such as, say,
a Tesla takeover or whatnot should be just for
content creation rather, like, you know, say, just
Tesla-related stuff, in a sense, in a space like
this, for instance.
I would say it's more like geared for that.
But, I mean, yeah, it's pretty cool.
I like it.
It'd be awesome.
Hey, John, can you speak a little bit more about
the venue location and all that?
Is that already in the books?
Yeah, I don't think we'd be able to announce the
speaker like that and not have a venue.
It's in the same location that it's been in
for the past, jeez, I can't believe this is
going to be the fourth year, so we've had three
years, so long story short, yeah, it's at Madonna
Inn, which is kind of, it's an interesting place
for those that, it's kind of got like a 60s
throwback, like the hotel itself, so it's got
an interesting steak place to eat at, but you
kind of almost get that 60s vibe kind of
going in there, but the venue itself is
actually on the huge field.
It's like equivalent to like three football
field sizes, and there's a ton of hotels.
It's about probably 20 minutes from the water
as well, so this place is like right in Central
California, so you do probably have to fly
in depending on where you're coming in from.
You do have to fly from or drive about three
hours, three to four hours from San Francisco
or Los Angeles.
There is a small airport there that you can
fly into, but again, that will probably cost
a little bit more.
But yeah, there's just, you know, it's really,
like I said, imagine, you know, California
coastline if you're, all of that is around
there, and small town field too, but the venue
itself is, it's pretty much on a grass field.
It can get windy, so you know, obviously the
big thing is to make sure you are prepared,
you know, with a coat at least in the
morning, and then from there, it definitely
can get a little bit warmer.
So hopefully that's helpful, but yeah, it's
it's in the Central Coast and, you know,
just a really cool place to a really big field
and cool place to just throw a big event.
Awesome, and the information like is online
somewhere already or?
Yeah, so you can go to
and yeah, if you just go to,
all the information there, you can buy
tickets, there's a ton of information on
any questions you probably have, like
frequently asked questions and more
information about the event itself.
Oh yeah, yeah, I saw that post, yeah,
with that, I recognize that logo.
For sure.
I've never been, John, but maybe I'll
make it this time.
When is it usually?
Yeah, so this event is going to be July
27th through the two-day event.
You're kind of breaking up there.
You're rugged, John.
Internet Goof.
Can anyone hear him?
Yeah, John, we can't hear you, just
It would be kind of funny, imagine like
the internet connection is gone, which
means that nobody, like he can't hear us
tell him that he's not, like his
internet's not working, and so he's
telling us the whole story, but we
cannot hear the whole story because we
can't tell him that we can't hear it.
That's highly likely what's happening.
He's probably still speaking.
Broken periscope, be like.
He's probably wondering now, okay, why
is it so silent?
No, it's just the internet gone.
I hate it when that happens.
When the internet just crashes.
Yeah, suboptimal.
Suboptimal crime.
Suboptimal crime.
Suboptimal crime.
Suboptimal crime.
Suboptimal crime.
Suboptimal crime.
Suboptimal crime.
But yeah, I mean, having front was
there like that's pretty serious.
It definitely is yeah.
I wanted to ask him, maybe he'll come back, but I wanted to ask him his thoughts on France
being in China, like there must be something brewing there.
I know I wanted to tell him I know a NERLINK monkey.
That's a lull.
Are we going to get that right?
That's going to happen eventually.
Because they're already there.
Yeah, totally.
Yeah, it looks like he arrived.
We have an off-topic thing, but the old gods of the movies, nah, they were different.
Lincoln, what's up, man?
What do you have to say?
Lincoln, what's happening, bro?
Okay, he dropped.
People are getting left and right.
Adrian, what druid spirit boons did you choose and why?
For Diablo, your druid, your spirit boons, which ones did you choose and why?
I don't really know.
We just ended up choosing a bunch of random shit.
We're like building kind of a build, but we also don't know what the fuck we're doing.
Well, we kind of know what the fuck we're doing, but it's fine.
Right on.
Next season, we're just going to go straight lawnmower.
That's next season's project.
We're going to go spirit a little bit of druid, a little of those 360 backhanded slaps
for that character.
Those are nice.
But other than that, we need to think 100%, just grind.
So we're probably going to end up using the lightning orb thing.
Yeah, I'm building a smash bear.
It's like a bear that just is very tanky druid and has a little bit of wolverine,
but mostly bear and tanking and then lethal vines, like heavy, heavy,
damage, lethal.
But we've got something like that.
That shit's fine.
You just pop in there, give them a little bit of that, walk away, come back and finish everything off.
Yeah, exactly.
It's a lot of fun.
And it charges up as you're waiting for it to die.
Yep, exactly.
With that in mind, yes.
That link can disappear as well.
Looks like everyone is having problems here.
So we'll see what happens.
It's slow today.
It is wicked slow today.
A lot of other people were mentioning that too.
Well, I kind of took a bit of a fully recursive shit on her dear friend Gary Black.
Oh, geez.
What now?
Let me show you.
Where is it?
Ah, here.
So Warren put something out about, say, trying to adjust for Gary Black's vision.
And I just looked at it, and then really looked at it,
and then I just came up with what I wrote there.
Pended up at the top.
Oh, by the way, that which does not follow me does not come on stage.
All right, here we go.
Gary's going to be in in an hour.
Not black, Mark.
The very important distinction to be making for sure.
After the space has kind of done the rounds for a little bit,
I'm going to put out a little something.
It's kind of like he just doesn't understand the inherent long-term value
of the technology and its broader application.
And then the other problem he has is, like,
he doesn't understand his own models that he needs to be using
in order to make any valid forecasts, basically.
He's not a great economist.
I'm not trying to be brutal, but, like, I know better.
Not like me personally, but I know people who are way better economists
than him.
Yeah, I mean, this wouldn't be the first time that they're wrong.
Yeah, that's true for sure.
I'm pretty bullish on Tesla's 10-year price point.
I have an idea of where it'll be, but I try not to speculate.
I really just love the speculation.
But, like, if you take into account taxi and you take into account FSD
and AI and everything kind of coming together bit by bit,
I think what people fail to realize is it's almost like Elon
intentionally chose the most difficult things because then
every other problem you go to solve for thereafter is
infinitely easier to adjust for.
And you have to respect that.
And most people don't understand the value that that provides,
and I dig it because I kind of roll the same way.
That's how I like to think of business and things.
I don't know. It's just me.
Hello, how this one guy says, I still have zero people blocked.
Yeah, no shit, I can't hear a value!
What I don't understand is why people still listen to Kramer.
Like, why is anyone still listening to him?
Dude, legit, what is that all about?
Like, that guy is legit a fucking simulation. He's not real.
Like, why? I just don't understand it.
Like, make it make sense to me how exactly that guy is still listened to.
Actually, at that same point, why does anyone still listen to these economists?
Are they I think that low on the self-awareness scale,
that they just don't see shit?
I mean, I'm not particularly experienced, but...
Yeah, it's entertaining for sure, but some people legit take him seriously.
That is sad. Who are these people?
Like, when he started out, he was good, but now he should.
Oh, my lord.
I've always disproved whatever points that they're making,
and they'd always hate me for that.
This one time, I put out a huge fucking thing,
and like, I just troll them sometimes.
For the high value guys, I would always give research.
For the low value guys, I would just simply quote them the Wikipedia page just to fuck with them.
They wouldn't even know. It's so funny.
For the Wikipedia page, it's really nice, because those are also the people who'd ask for sources more often,
and so I basically just go to the citations for the Wikipedia page,
and I just give them the whole fucking thing, and it takes over their entire page.
I know they're not going to read it, that's the point.
Alright, let's take a look here.
Who's Gary Black? Go look him up on X, you'll figure it out soon enough.
Maybe Kramer is a scythe.
Yeah, like, I don't know if you caught here.
Called Magnificent 7, the Super 6, cutting out.
I wonder whose money they are supervising. This is what I want to know, personally.
Whose money is in this?
Alright, we're going to do a thing here.
We're going to look at the timeline.
We're going to look at big stuff happening.
We're going to look at the timeline.
Here, I'll play a little segment of them.
Yes, please.
Fantastic. I think there's a capitulation going on.
My friend Ben writes this, who's in Knowius.
He now says, all you have to do is say that you're somehow connected with NVIDIA,
and he's got two others. He says that right now, of course, I wonder what Microsoft does.
But Google is next to say that they are next to godliness, which is NVIDIA.
And then Amazon, David, you were correct in pointing out that NVIDIA's run rate so far.
They are ambitious.
Wait, whose NVIDIA is?
Knowius, which is really good at saying that when you're really...
Let's say your stock's lambishing, and you just said that you're close to NVIDIA.
ServiceNow reports this week, they're close to NVIDIA.
If you're close to NVIDIA, then boom.
Then boom. We're about 21% moving.
But that is... I'm saying that's the essence of this market right now.
It's AI, and this is the epicenter. This is the sign.
It is. And as you've said many times, despite what was a performance lexum,
which we rarely have ever seen on the earnings fund from NVIDIA last year,
the stock did not...
It was in 400.
And then it came into this year with a far lower multiple than it had previously
as a result of, of course, far higher earnings.
It's made up for that, though, Jim.
And I don't know if you think perhaps it's run a little too fast, too far.
Well, I think that the thing that's happened, Carl, is that people are now saying,
NVIDIA's not hardware. NVIDIA's software.
Which then puts it in the sainted enterprise software category,
where you can do anything for your enterprise software.
Even if you're hacked, you can do it.
I did know Jim Breyer and Davos last week said that.
And I thought that was it.
Jim Breyer was really smart.
Jim Breyer had the great call, if you guys remember,
when we were in California last May?
Before the huge blow up, blow out.
He had that great call on him, didn't he?
Well, he was asking me about my dog.
And he's talking now about software.
My dog...
This time it's a 50, right?
Name my dog NVIDIA.
I'm Carl.
Yeah, I can name his dog NVIDIA.
Jesus Christ.
So with that in mind,
what kind of stock do we see collapse with this
using the inverse Cramer logic?
If I may, I'll tell you how I made a lot of money.
About three years ago,
I did the inverse Cramer algorithm,
a trading algorithm, correlated with...
We're correlated with Nancy Pelosi's stock picks.
I'm not kidding you.
Not financial advice, right?
I had certain weightings, right?
This is how I managed to get where I am in Lake Tahoe.
I shit you not.
You guys, this finances my wheelhouse.
And yeah, I don't do it anymore
because it's got less reliable.
But in the beginning, it was on money.
We're talking 90% or 85%,
which is unheard of for most predictions.
And I thought it was kind of hilarious,
and I just put in $5,000 at first and let it go,
and it just became worth a lot of money,
like ridiculous amounts of money.
But it's not working as good now,
not financial advice.
But Adrian, I highly recommend,
if you're very technical-minded,
there is so many of these out there.
They don't last forever.
Yeah, of course.
Yeah, definitely.
I myself have also found a few things
where my assessments were at the 90% range.
I'm like, what the fuck?
There's something else going on here.
You've got to love it when that happens.
That's when you stumble on something
that's going to be this way for a little bit,
going to create a lot of good stuff for you,
but it's also going to disappear at some point,
as in there's scalability issues.
For me, that's a difficulty way
of integration.
What I do here is I scale what I understand
about the world and its logic and the platform
to extents where certain people take it on
and then the scale fades after that.
It's like there's a limit to integration with that,
and the limit to that is, say,
I think going to be about 10 or so extra people.
That's my point,
is the scale to integration on the network.
After that, it just becomes diluted,
but the initial points will stay.
This means different things.
You'll understand in the future,
but yeah, that stuff has worked.
It's working quite effectively,
and I think a lot of people on the stage
can attest to that, given that value is coming out.
So again, 90%, it was crazy.
I mean, you've already got the fucking second one already.
It's freaking awesome.
Actually, I think that's my third.
That's my third.
Third, yeah, third,
but within a short period of time, yeah.
Oh, yeah, totally, totally.
And I'm loving doing the base takes.
I mean, not only are they getting great reach,
but I'm really loving putting them out there
and having a positive effect.
You got another one, Adrian?
Okay, yeah, I actually have something.
I'm thinking, what's the effect and affect here?
Should it's an adjustment as much as it's an integration,
but it is also an adjustment.
It is an adjustment.
I like to think of the world
in terms of difficulty adjustments.
Things make sense,
and then one day they cease to make any sense whatsoever.
The reason why is because there's adjustment.
Just like with what your inverse Cramer algorithm does,
there is a difficulty adjustment to that,
because if it were to stay around,
that would kind of break a few laws.
It's like trying to go against thermodynamics.
You could do it, of course,
but it becomes a dead thing at this point.
One is not necessarily sustainable, right?
That's why we have adjustments,
because otherwise the world just wouldn't scale.
There's a really good school of thought on this.
In the World Cup, one World Cup,
there was an octopus which picked all the results correctly
and became very famous.
In the same sense, you could say it's the inverse Cramer.
There's always going to be that octopus
or someone out there who's going to get everything right,
and like the inverse of that,
someone who gets it always wrong as well.
Yeah, yeah, because it has to be that kind of adjustment there.
It needs to exist.
It's like scaling industry.
You have one, you have, say,
a terrible policy in one area,
then you have good policy in another.
What this current policy is doing in this area,
and you say, I don't want this area to be my area,
so I make my area different,
meaning that the adjustment is that your error becomes better
and that you have laws that allow for that to happen.
Or say, for instance, you have industrialization being downscaled.
Well, there will be countries out there that will upscale it.
Say, for instance, a lot of other countries around the world
are downscaling industrial processes
in favor of reducing emissions, right?
It's a difficulty adjustment. It's so funny.
You really look at what the world functions like,
and it's just so fascinating.
Everything becomes so much more clear.
And it's not by any means that you become a god or something like that,
because you can foresee certain things,
but things make sense.
In a world where things don't tend to make sense a lot of the time,
and we have the cognitive dissonance to battle with
because we never come up with answers that are an adequate answer.
A adequate answer to the dissonance,
we could adjust ourselves just enough
such that we can, in fact,
create these outputs from the dissonance
that allow us to parse.
We need to be able to parse those outputs in the first place
in order for us to use them for something
so that the dissonance is not wasted
because you thinking of something that makes no sense initially
is you trying to make sense of that thing,
and if you waste that compute power,
then what have you fucking done?
Like, it's a waste of work,
and you don't want a waste of work.
Ooh, Oregon liked it.
What was that famous writer who'd burn all of his work?
Elon always goes on about it.
Frank, like, France or Frank, something.
Yeah, very, very much like that.
Hmm. Interesting.
I'm thinking of putting something out there.
Something funny.
I want a troll.
I'm feeling trolly.
Let's kick it off with a trolly thing.
Who's down for that?
Anybody want to see a troll happen?
Who, are you trolling Kramer?
I'm trolling a system.
More like I'm trolling the mindset.
I'm going to troll my opponents.
We're going to be wrestling some feathers.
That's what I'm doing.
I got it. It's ready.
Isn't everyone else ready?
Yeah, let's do it.
I'm going to drop this bitch right here.
Everybody like to repost this guy.
It's so funny when people see this.
And it's true, actually.
Everybody ready?
We're launching it.
And five, four, three, two, one.
There we go.
It's up there.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Take a look at it.
You can see how to troll people, right?
Yeah, it makes you, like, have to read it again.
I mean, it makes sense.
It's perfect.
The Adrian different difficulty wave front is a network adjustment.
Network state adjustment.
It's true.
It's not even like, it's not even hyperbole.
It is fundamentally true.
It makes it all so much more funny.
Haters gonna hate.
And then they're going to see that.
You're like, the fuck.
That's the point.
That's how you have fun.
I'd say you missed real time because you're like, you're in real time.
You're adjusting the network as you live.
Do you know what I mean?
So, like, I'm not being a critique or anything.
I like that, actually.
Yeah, it would be a real time difficulty adjustment.
I mean, I could just republish it, but...
Yeah, your spaces are open so long.
It literally is real time sometimes.
Like, it's just continuous.
Yeah, cool.
What do you think?
We rocket this and we do that again?
What do you think?
In real time.
Yeah, yeah.
Upended or...?
Kind of, you know.
It's a real time network state adjustment.
I don't know.
It's a real time network state adjustment.
I don't know.
I don't know.
That would say adjustment in real time.
Yeah, yeah, that could work.
Or just leave it as it is.
What do you think?
Oh, yeah, leave it.
I liked it.
I like it.
Just leave it as the way it is.
Cool, then we leave it as it is.
Because real time is real time.
And I think it is better if it is implied, as opposed to stated,
as to the cognitive dissonance farming.
Good humor is like cognitive dissonance farming, essentially.
And I think base takes seem to function in a similar capacity.
People seem to be confused by what I mean with base takes.
Well, base is a definition for something.
It's like what constitutes...
Well, what does base mean, actually?
It's the kind of thing.
It's like having a...
It's a go.
It's a courageous...
It's a courageous, unique thing in a sense, right?
Base means unique or personal, right?
Like it's relevant.
It's based.
You know, you look at this thing.
It's a take that is something that hardly anyone...
A lot of people think...
Okay, think about it this way.
A lot of people think...
What happened?
What is that?
Yeah, what the fuck?
Oh, yeah.
Just wrote something.
Think about it this way.
A base take is...
Write it in this way.
There is a thought.
A memetic idea of sorts, even.
That popular idea.
There is a thought.
A memetic idea of sorts, even.
That populates and grabs and shapes thought.
Almost like your objective understanding of a specific part of the world in connection
to your ideas.
You have this idea of the world.
Maybe even have an adjusted worldview because of that idea.
And now you think a certain way.
And you wish to, say, voice something that you think of.
But you just can't parse it enough.
You just can't really summarize it.
So someone out there experiences a few other things that then gives them a broader understanding.
They then summarize this.
They then condense what that is, what that thought is.
And they put it out there as a concise, short, very effective, and precise take.
So the based thought, which is a long string of things, gets condensed down to a small string
of actual, spoken, scalable text.
You read this thing.
You think about it.
You think about it some more, and eventually, if you belong to the network state, you get
However, base takes kind of go outside of just the requirement for the network state.
It just goes more into the, yes, that's true kind of thing.
Like, I take something that I've seen as a round, and then I just objectively state
this thing that everyone else is thinking, but they can't really say.
And that's kind of like a normal base take.
So kind of like condensed insight that brings an image to your mind.
And that right there is a base take, which is just given.
You took what I just explained as a concept, and you condensed it.
Good job.
That's actually pretty good.
You should write that out there.
Let me find it.
Oh, what's this?
Hey, wiggle.
Yeah, what's up?
You just got elect from Elon.
That's like in the second day in a row.
Now I won't be able to sleep again.
It happens.
Yeah, it happens.
Again, 90 something percent on that assessment.
what the fuck that's fucking crazy yeah the network propagation is definitely
working I'm so crazy yes true
whoa what's this oh yeah I love that video wiggle thanks you got you got one
two recently right oh yes yeah yeah I get what they see now
yeah I felt that I like the call out I see people show these things all the
time you know the webinars and those AI workshops that was fun you don't see if
you don't know what I mean here I pin it up at the top of space it's like AI
workshops generally suck you learn more from a 30-minute read off X than from the
three-hour lecture that was based on their 30-minute read of X basically is
they're just feeding content back to you content that you yourself could have
read and internalized it's kind of like the difference between playing with a
model and watching someone talk about playing with a model it's like you could
just be building stuff and making stuff but instead you want to go sit in like a
conference and all like shake hands like Jerry's and stuff and then it's like so
why don't you just do the model it's weird to me I just don't fucking get it
you sit there and you hear a bunch of people less advanced than you were
talk about what they're supposed to teach them and I'm thinking to myself
what yeah literally it just don't make no fucking sense to me right yeah conferences
are normally just like just overhyped like circle jokes like the only the
only benefit is like the networking but like that's done better on X anyway like
the content is really like like like not really the important part in most cases
maybe we're like like conferences where you're like releasing a product or
something like that content is cool but if they're like talking about like a paper
like just go and read the paper or if they're talking about like something just
go and read that something or do that something you'll learn more you know
did you guys see Elon's interview with Ben Shapiro where he was like talking
about like all the the the Auschwitz and everything it was really crazy did
anybody else say that yeah yeah just like hearing him talk about like genocide
and like the fact with like Gaza and just being like do nice things for like
the Gaza children right it's like that is like the most base take I've ever
heard like it's so underrepresented in like like what we should be talking
about like that's like the most important thing you know de radicalizing
children that have been like indoctrinated Scoble keeps talking about
that he talks about the like it talks about the kids trying to get them to do
business with each other you know two different sides sides that oppose each
other and idealistically hate each other you can get them to do business with
each other can you only imagine how much better that would be for the world
interesting I just got a counteract for the fact that I may try to scam each
other and then yeah like part of the ideas of globalism was the idea there
is like anyone with a McDonald's could never go to war because their interests
were too intertwined right and that didn't end up being a hundred percent
correct but it is mostly correct actually like yeah globalism gets like a
lot of flak but that part is is probably pretty close to accurate like it
is quite hard for people with aligned interests to go to war with one another
even if they hate each other right because it it's just the like the
problems become your own if you like attack them and so that's like a
really good motivated to like by definition so by that definition then
Russia is more dangerous than ever because not only have they kicked out
all their McDonald's and so on but also they probably cut off from most of the
international Swift and stuff like that so you've got to consider that that
they've now technically become more dangerous yeah that's probably accurate in
my opinion all right just to brighten up the mood because I have this one
question how long do you think it would take Tesla to produce 1 billion
optimus's you could call them up to mine but yeah up to mine yeah the optimal
yeah my office at the factory are doing well eventually you get you get a
scaling effect when more optimus you have the quicker you can build more
optimus so I mean you probably get to a point where you get like an exponential
takeoff and therefore it's probably much sooner than you think like if you if
you get to like 10 million you can probably scale pretty quickly to like a
billion right by just increasing more factories that are automated by optimus
and so it's probably not that that hard to build a billion optimus that was my
thinking as well it's like as soon as they get to like the 1 million
milestone the first 1 million then to get to the 10 million would wouldn't be
as hard and when they get from the 10 it will get really quick because I think
it would scale much quicker after that and then one of the weirdest things I
learned from Austrian economics is our frozen labor would be viewed as like so
you store in gold or something like that but when you have something which can
produce labor and then it actually can produce labor itself it kind of like
skews the whole like economic algorithm because then you basically produce
unlimited amounts of GDP basically yeah like GDP is like it's basically like the
stuff times the labor and the stuff that you can do with the labor but if the
labor is infinite then theoretically GDP is infinite you know yes so then
theoretically GDP would then follow like like the production like maximum
production output of optimus and it's like utilization and so forth that would
be like the GDP like and it would be above like the standard of 1% technically
hmm yeah it kind of reminds me of like Beth when he refers to like meta
self replicating organisms like I feel like optimus will be like the first
basis for like the first really powerful meta self replicating organisms you know
if you just build an optimus that can run like a TSMC semiconductor and it
can also install all the parts ready to build like the TSMC semiconductor
manufacturing plants then from there you can like build all the necessary because
it can do all the rest right so if it can build like a TSMC sort of like like
one of the things that produces semiconductors then basically from
there you can basically just scale really quickly well even more funny when
the user if it breaks on them they can it can get into self-driving tester
and go back to the manufacturer and be fixed yeah yeah it can basically just
call the tester and just like hop in yeah well yeah well you don't you don't
even call it it just it just really knows that it's broken so it just
tells it just tells it come pick it up it's even better you can have like other
optimus holding on like a stretcher walking into a Tesla car yeah you've got
like medic optimus yeah but no I would be horrified to see this in like a battle
zone like I'd be like Jesus it'll be freaking crazy hmm yeah like I feel like
if we're using humanoid robots in the battles battlefield it's probably more
like an anthropomorphization like like obviously we don't want people to die
but we want to see it like the humanness form they would just them they
would just EMP it straight away and you just like it would instantly wipe out
the value on the battlefield like it was like it's like you would've seen the video
of the guy that the MIT kid and he was like building like a face tracking like
thing that just points points a stick at you and it's like it just points it
at his face and he's like moving around and this thing just never misses and
so it's like whenever you see in like movies it's like oh it's like you're
you're running against like AI guided like guns and lasers and like and like
it's like those things are going to get you like if you're being chased by like
an AI that once you dead you will die because it will never miss that's why
you've got to know how to make an EMP on the fly little bit of tinfoil battery
you know if you can do it you might save your life you never know I'm making
a joke here making a joke I have no clue imagine that try imagine knowing that
that'd be next-level stuff that'd be impressive
in the same way that optimus will like can start building itself I assume very
quickly the AI is going to be building itself in well in the same way that the
full self-driving managed to work out stop signs on its own there is a way that
it might just start to learn yeah I wouldn't be surprised that the more it
learns the faster can learn other things like if you get like 10,000 like chore
tasks like folding things and cleaning things and making things and stuff from
there if it's anything like the multimodal sort of life language model
plus like stable diffusion models where if you combine them you get better
outputs I think it would probably be something where it's like it the scale
gets like you get you get compounded returns where it's like by knowing 10,000
chores you can do you can much quickly learn like tasks tangentially related
to chores very quickly so it'll be interesting to see when you say guess
like make a guess how how close it would be you're doing something do you
know what I mean that's when you know it's more intelligent than when it
started off because that's what intelligence is is bridging the gap
between what it knows and what it should be doing
they again yeah you said once that you know you you put the like this stuff
even likes in highlights yeah or only comments no put the stuff in highlights
the stuff like do you put it from Elon alerts or how do you know your thing
bro just your thing your post okay yeah just your thing okay
Wow Elon alerts just like my post the Elon alerts himself like to post that's
fine that's ironic that is ironic yeah
that's fascinating I think look at what he on does it's like you want you
repeatedly demonstrates his care for diplomacy and peace more than most
politicians and diplomats do and that's he's a true man of the people in that
sense I think I see him as the first world like president I mean in a
non-official way like it sounds funny but he does more maneuvering and
geopolitical moves than any other individual country so yeah he's
influenced he can do things what do you think about Shapiro even overall he's an
interesting person yeah we went to the same thing tumble
he's an okay guy he's smart and sharp he just has a way about him you have to
respect it for what it is yeah like the earlier Shapiro like 10 years ago he was
maybe on the crazy side I was young and dumb I listened to Ben Shapiro talk at
two-time speed just to feel something what the fuck
right Jesus Christ
man the Department of Defense is a really good profile like these guys know what
they're doing look at their fuck go to the Department of Defense here on X go
look at that profile picture that's how you do it that's fucking nice see no
they know what they know the thing about them images you know good stuff
Department of Defense what would you mean there's an account here it's
called Department of Defense go look at it go look at its profile picture you'll
notice something
the American dollar isn't backed by anything what the American dollar is
backed behind
it's amazing to realize that The Matrix movie came out 25 years ago fucking
wicked yeah it's probably my like yeah it's probably my favorite movie of all
times yeah but for me it's definitely always gonna be Matrix that takes the
cake I think keep watching it forever and it would not when I watched it the
very first time I didn't understand the thing and I had to rewatch it again yeah
I still remember like watching it a bunch because I just loved it so much
the dialogue was so what's so different was meaningful was purposeful as well
execute it yeah and the and the cast is just phenomenal gotta say agents mess
makes me those next level points man like the people who wrote the script
firm they know what they're doing yeah so you know the story with Wachowski
brother or sisters I guess now which one there's so many well the original
screenwriters do tell well it means if they're if I should call them brothers
or sisters one sec Adrian I love you're one of the few people I know that is
seeing animatrix most people have not seen that yes so dope everybody should
go watch it the animatrix for me I think makes a lot of sense but there's one
thing about the plot that I would change but maybe I wouldn't if I considered
with a different perspective like you could cover the plot hole it would
make more sense but you could also turn into something else and eliminate the
idea of plot hole is that we are not used as energy source but instead we're
used as a source of information yeah the sisters yeah I mean like they're really
forward-thinking like doing the first three matrices and then I guess
revolutions they were not particularly involved in rain yeah yeah the first two
the first two then reload it and the matrix I thought you wish the
revolutions and you haven't watched the fourth one the fourth one the which is
the fourth one is revolutions isn't it
the other one no I must have fucked up there somewhere no I think the last one
is revolutions no no no it's not when they kind of make fun in the opening
scene of the matrix itself and he is like it's really weird like it's a really
strange beginning yes yes I'm watching it but I will but yeah I mean I'm not gonna
even say anything about it but it's yeah check it out yeah what was the third
movie call again the revolutions I think yeah yeah so first one is matrix second
reloaded and third revolutions and the fourth is the one that I'm forgetting what
it is but I have it on my we have a continuity era but apparently they're
also they're also work on B for one better which has that same kind of skit
so resurrection right you can see which you can see which movie does not fit the
actual narrative itself even by the posters which is funny like if you go
search right down in Google the matrix movies you will see a lineup of all of
them and then you look at the posters for the first three they all have a
consistent style and then the last one looks completely fucking different hold on
mrs. revolutions they were involved in the writing and productions directed so
they directed the first two and then the revolutions they were just it wasn't
so bad it tied it up real well I think for me so basically what happens is that
there is a certain degree of entropy that is necessary for humanity to survive
right and that's and everything else is pretty much a simulation that's the
consensus I think all that's just a simulation like this like I think I think
the whole idea of a matrix is just to not really keep humans docile but to keep
them creative and find them for data yeah yeah yeah it's just that yeah it's
just that they realize holy shit some of them with higher levels of self
awareness realize the fact that they are in a factor in a simulation and then
they will do something about the simulation so they say okay for those of
them who like a bit of a higher difficulty they can pursue it and we
shall grant them so whatever we'll give you next you will think of as the real
world I'll make it so hard and so fucking terrible and give you such an
insurmountable task to try and beat that you do not question the validity of
the real world essentially that we present in front it's an ideas matrix
essentially you know I mean you have to think about this way if you want to
contain people you give them a chance that they cannot beat but you give them
a chance that they can beat just a little bit with degrees of defeat to the
concept because the thing is this the human mind and humans in general they
like to define their existence based on how many degrees of suffering they're able
to beat rather to overcome we like to overcome things and we like to tackle
things with the expectation that we can overcome them and is this expectation
that fuels us to keep going and then the eventual success that releases the
dopamine there's like a build-up the expectation of something and then the
reward the dopamine release you are relaxed it's perfect right and so I
think of I think of it in the same way where say what is their quote real
world is essentially just another layer of the simulation which is difficult
enough for them not to give up on the hope entirely but difficult enough for them
to beat elements of it so that they believe they have progression such that
they believe they have actual progress being achieved but in reality nothing
truly happens hamster on the treadmill hamster on a treadmill particularly yes
but this hamster over here has a treadmill that's made out of the world
where is the world rather you can't realize it because you're too busy in
the simulation that's been projected before you that's what you have to try
and do well that's like pretty much aligns with the Buddhism that it's all
like you know all like everything you're too occupied with what's in front of
you rather than just letting things go like away you know like take them
course of Nate let nature take the its own course but not in the sense of
complacency where you surrender like you know give up or surrender but more
like in a sense of like just yeah let just let things let things flow with the
river when you flow with the river you can go left and right but you're still
flowing with the river other than flowing against it where it's like you
know it'll still pull you down the current so it's like but but it what's
interesting about matrix is that like you said you know there's two types of
tasks one is which is impossible to achieve and and one is that is very
hard to achieve but it's still achievable so when all these you know
Westerners and other you know monks go to Tibet to you know learn from gurus you
know like different and different temples they give them coins which are
basically these types of tasks you know like what and they live in and they
and they think that by achieving the ones that are difficult to achieve but
achievable tasks they can also achieve the impossible tasks but at the end
after like 23 years of living in those temples they kind of slowly understand
that that was just one big troll yeah especially after you've thrown maximum
effort at something you know there becomes a point where you have to sort
of rechannel or refocus or say okay let me regroup on this I've experienced it
at least two if not three four five times throughout my life it just says
what it is yeah and the interesting thing is that you know you came into the
temple you were looking for enlightenment it's your who inquired it and then you
know like after you realize that there is actually nothing to seek you know you
already arrived you already home you already here there is no need to like
you know you know like seek for anything out you know extraordinary I guess in a
sense of being above others yeah it's even more sorry I was just gonna say it's
even more true when you finally find comfort and true happiness you know yeah
exactly genuine happiness not that fucking superficial bullshit you know
don't get me wrong and we love the occasional thrill of a nice you know
sports car or a vacation but that's not that's temporary
yeah you one actually said late his quote about you know like the if so you
know how like the games are getting better and better and if the rate of
improvement continues as it improved historically then there will be a point
in time where reality will be indistinguishable from the simulation and
like we don't actually know if we are within this you know development so
Kojima's game called OD you know who Hideo Kojima is though yes to be honest
no he created Metal Gear and he created the Silent Hill prototype called PT
that was gonna be released but wasn't any partnered with Guillermo del Toro for
that he also created Death Stranding and the guy is definitely a creative and
visual mastermind and his latest demo which is called OD I don't know what it
stands for it's kind of a mystery it could be overdose it could be any
number of things he's very cryptic that's how he kind of markets his titles
in addition to they're just they're groundbreaking notoriety what he does is
genius nothing short of it but check out OD because it looks near human almost
perfect I think we've got one more generational gap from hardware and then I
think all the geometry and the pixel quality will be there that it will you
will not be able to distinguish a difference yeah I see his picture and I
recognize him but I just couldn't put a name on his yeah on his face yeah he's
he's like a pioneer yeah he's one of our for sure Oh Jima's on get his ass in
there yeah I definitely recognize I think I saw him on like one of the game
shows yeah hmm yeah he's like a moon
why don't we just troll a little bit with that
there I'm just gonna do that dude I think I just got another like from me
one to be funny really that's cool damn corrupt yeah wow that's nice
which one would that be that's the one with the space station
yeah dude that's insane
yeah it's like over there yeah that's pretty cool like that one yeah that one
yeah cut my eye like it's just very cinematic mm-hmm that's nice by the way
it's actually captured by the Russian so say use the rocket was docking to it and
that's why you see how the maneuvers are a bit like rough you know how dragon is
super super yeah and nice but this one you can see how it's like maneuvering a
little bit radical and then when the dogs everything kind of shakes which
like yeah but maybe it's because of time lapse I don't know I was what I was
washing my face I wanted to say congratulations again and I freakin love
that video I loved that one thank you yeah that reminds me a lot of gravity
I get a little word ago looking at it
yeah the network state is real man yes I can literally hear the elation in your
voice it's awesome
yeah I don't know if if I'd be able to sleep tonight
usually when that happens I sleep real well
because the previous ones were related to his companies
uh and this one is unrelated to his company so it's a little bit of an oddball
I feel like that needs to be a banner or something the network is real it's like like the poster from
x-files when they had it would be a fun poster right that would be cool but it's it's it's like
a powerful statement
yeah the glossy wrap for this type of truck looks really good
that's what I was saying yesterday damn like if someone is going to do something
stupid to this other truck you could turn it into a mirror just chrome it
yeah and keep the same color just to like increase its
like chromatic
incoming traffic just wouldn't see though it'd be so dangerous
it'd just be really hard to see oh oh they would see you and they would stop to get out of
your way so they don't have to see you anymore they might sight you i'm not even joking
in america anyway they probably would
i could see some i could see some middle eastern like
dictator having it like that with like a gold like mirror
all right
catch you later yeah later
what the hell is this
winter air feels nice and my favorite things where are the where are the exposés i still gotta get
it's like taking an ice bath
what's the temperature
um let me check
it's only 36 it's not too bad you've won i think uh you've got one too
what wait from the quote or another one of you because if you go to his page and you go likes
yours is very first so i think he just liked it now oh my goodness by the way this is a good
opportunity to take it like a screenshot including his profile if you'd like yep that's the reason
one should put out yep
oh my goodness congrats
i had to put that out there that moved me so much i i watched it when they were live streaming it
and i was literally like there were moments that i made a note to myself to to take it
down because i wanted to post it and that's one of those moments
imagine if you got a like or a or something about that and you just missed it all together
you didn't even see it it happened to me once
you won i dm view the screenshot
awesome thank you wiggle yeah no it's actually not uh yeah actually it's my pretty good let me
see if it's in yeah it's all right
this is great
oh god i swear what happened you ever meet someone and it's just it's really hard to get their face
out of your mind why what did that that's me and this judge today i mean i just i don't know like
i don't know i'm not gonna get into it and i just i sigh because
people who are supposed to be the most human and humane and have the most empathy have none
and they just do not connect the dots and it's concerning it's concerning that's how our
society's involvement especially in a department of justice that's all i don't know i'm just
thinking out loud sorry don't mind me
um uh better know i unlocked my uh druids skills companions what do they call
them they're called spirit booms like your spirit animal
it's way more important than the other shit whatever you know
oh that's a big bitch
who's using a lot of bandwidth who's using mid journey six
what happened is using mid journey six practically everyone i um use it for the more realistic
elements but sometimes i put it back to the mid journey um five point two because i feel
like i can get more stable outputs that way interesting like if i think i found really
weird really weird artistic results i'm going to go straight with the vv5 yeah
i can tell what we i can tell what we what v6 looks like it's a very specific thing you have
to actually program v6 out of looking like v6 so it looks like it's better version because it
just looks like the same right as more it looks realer sure but it also looks more cinematic
too cinematic like you can tell it's too obvious so you have to like basically try to get it to
somehow not look like that and the way you do this is by telling it not to like by toning it
you have to use the kind of style that basically does the opposite in a sense right voice more
autistic but also photorealistic right and so you use it as a toner as opposed to the actual
prompt itself because you can't just micromanage everything because if you micromanage that
then like through the prompting directly then that will just start fucking up your output
and you don't want that yeah it becomes more unstable right exactly like part of the reason
why output sometimes look terrible is because they blurred right there's blurriness
that's not supposed to look like that
are you saying you think that the blurring adds to stability or
no destabil obviously i see it's okay yeah it's the same reason why
the fuck is this
well that would make sense you want less film grain or grain like up back no no it's not
about no no it's more like uh focused i don't know that either it's it's about the way it looks
and the way it feels it's gotta it's got something you mean like a bit plasticy kind of feel
it's not like that it's uh that's a little different
maybe like a rendering engine like it has some kind a little bit like that doesn't feel plastic
it feels a little different yeah no i noticed that too it's especially on atmospheric shots
if you can kind of see a bit yeah like i don't know yeah it's hard it's like you have to feel it
hard to explain
hmm basically it is you know this is interesting so
consider this a stream a live stream of someone like they have their max level set up they do
whatever they do to make it look super super quality exists out there and gets a few couple thousand
i just start fucking cooking a steak and it's a four thousand seven hundred views it's fucking stupid
like that's hilarious like people be replaying the live stream which makes it funnier i remember
that yesterday to add one thing you need to add some rosemary when you're doing the cooking uh me
and phoenix were discussing this in dm's so if you add a little rosemary it creates so much more
flavor or some other flavor in there had spices on there oh yeah for sure for sure i'm just
telling you if you really want to get french on it go go like go full french or like and it's
it's like look at the crowd everyone's waving everyone's they know what i'm on about i promise
you uh from having no i've done that i i know i i do that i don't look at mistakes don't worry about it
steak critiquing is a mistake in itself in this case yeah the fuck is this
what is that
Nice, interesting, the nice meme, cells within cells, for those of you who don't understand
that, that's a reference to Blade Runner.
It's the test that they give you.
What's the name of that guy who makes the replicators? His name's Tyrell.
Bro, who's a replicator, bro? Replicants. Sorry, different replicants. Yeah, he makes them.
And then tests them.
By killing them. I got no fucking idea why that makes any sense.
Yeah, it's like Eldon Tyrell, I just googled it.
It's really close to it. I was just like, yeah, it's really funny because ultimately, you know.
What was the baseline test again?
For the cells?
I mean, what was the baseline test for the cells? What was it? You can remember it.
A bit, they show you an image, right? No.
Yeah, they were focusing on the pupil dilation and they would ask for
questions about certain experiences.
Adrian, I just saw you DM. Sorry, I completely missed it.
I didn't get notification or I got it for some other DM and I didn't read it at 435.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that I saw that and yeah, there was some interesting new ideas out there, so.
I sent you the meme.
Yeah, you're good.
Internet shit itself again.
There's a level when that happens.
Definitely no.
Yeah, you're good.
Yeah, we're here.
Internet shit itself again.
There's a level when that happens.
Definitely no.
Can I just say the people on X are so smart.
Like they're giving me an education right now.
No, but it's definitely more access than what you get
just from the canned like Google searches and stuff.
It's like a little bit more context.
You know, I always knew you'd look like that.
So grok 1.5 is coming next month.
The like improvements in your words all across the board.
I wouldn't be surprised if it takes them a little bit longer
to get it rolled out though.
That was probably even standard time.
I'm going to give them six weeks.
That's my that's my bet.
Well, recently he's been he's been way more cautious.
Like, you know, he I think he now appears to be
under promise and over deliver tactic.
Yeah, I get it.
I used to do the two week long thing at one point in my career.
Everything was always that'll be a two week, you know, item to action.
You learn you live and you learn.
I don't know.
Actually met the Ford spoke about it.
He like he kind of outlined it nicely
by saying that typically engineers always like underestimate the unknowns.
And typically like once they face them, it's 150, you know, percent delay.
So sorry, it's 50 percent delay.
So it's like 100 what takes 100 percent takes 150 percent.
I mean, it's very like kind of abstract, but it rang a bell.
I think what I figured out at one point recently, I would say as
I would say as recent as six years ago or so, all these two week
estimates I was giving, I wasn't considering that there was 150
points of potential failure.
And once I started to realize that I started to have this paradigm
shifts of what it really takes to get something to go, you know,
to be ready.
It just is what it is.
Like that's why, you know, Drew Buglino at Tesla, he always refers to
unknown unknowns rather than just unknowns because like unknown unknowns
you can't even estimate it.
You can't even put an estimate on it because it's just unknown.
So part of the engineering domain.
And the scope of that depends on the problem at hand, like obviously,
you know, so like if it's something which is well rehearsed, you're
more likely to have less unknown unknowns than if it's something
which you've done every day since the last 100 years.
Well, Tesla is always breaking the boundaries into like new like
they never mold, you know, they always change.
And because of that, they're like trendsetters.
And that's why they always face this new types of alloy, new
chemistries for batteries.
Everything is always new, new, new.
And it's like relentless pace of innovation.
My favorite new innovation is that how they make the the
bodywork for the Cybertruck with compressed air.
I think that's pretty crazy.
Bending the steel with air is pretty insane.
So I know about how you use like dyes to make cans and stuff
And it's all like pressurized that way.
But to use air is just so much.
This is just another way of doing things all together.
It's genius.
I got to find that process.
Like is there a video on?
I think there is like or is it in the interview?
I don't remember if it was.
I heard it and saw it in an interview.
I don't think there is an actual demo.
But it would be fun to clip it.
It's kind of like Willy Wonka's like chocolate factory.
But for technology really is like I really do think that if
you get invited to go into the factory it's almost like going
in there and like the original movie where it was kind of like
like fun not the dark ones.
I went to I went to Giga Texas at the opening.
And yeah it was it was virtually like Willy Wonka because
you had this FOMO.
There was so much going on.
There was so much to see.
And in fact I you know I was there longer than most people
because I was actually there two hours before people were
supposed to be even allowed in.
And then I was there until like basically I couldn't stand
It was just kind of ridiculous.
And I still didn't see everything.
It was it was incredible.
Are you going to this year's.
Let me see if I still have the page open like John's
And that's what.
Oh this is takeover.
The XTA takeover in at the Madonna in in California.
So I think that was like July twenty twenty six.
I've been interested but it kind of doesn't drive with
some of my other events that I that I'm participating
But if in fact it's kind of open I'd be willing to go
I mean John actually said today it's like after the he
made that announcement that France is going to be
It's John said he he owned it.
I could make it.
So that's that's kind of nice to be recognized by
No for sure.
I mean I never been but I'm considering I'm
considering this year.
I have a big life changing move as well in in April
But then I should be able I may be able to go.
We'll see.
Lumi the other night you had mentioned that
you're in the Lake Tahoe area.
Have you actually been over to the Gigafactory
the Gigafactory one over in Sparks Nevada.
So there's a real funny story with that which I
really would love to talk about another day
because I got here in Tahoe maybe like 12 years
ago now like overall.
And when I when that came around I was like oh
I was like I heard of Elon and that started my
But that's by far.
I wish I wish I wish I got to go in there.
But no I've always always stayed away from it
for good reason.
But no I need to get there.
I need to get there.
Well there was an announcement and Google and
I were just sort of sharing information because
it was just last Wednesday that they announced
that there was a groundbreaking but the
groundbreaking didn't actually have much press
about it.
In fact even if there were politicians they
never even had any photo op or grip and grin
What was shown was some pictures from one of
the people here on X that I guess he made a
YouTube video.
And it's a little bit confusing because the video
showed an area where he essentially is in the
plan that I see is essentially a parking lot.
And so the way he's kind of described it it
was like well this is where the high volume
manufacturing the semi is going to be.
And it's not.
It's actually in an area that's more closer to
where the current semi production is which is
just an adjacent warehouse near to the Gigafactory.
So in fact the Gigafactory has is going to have
this sort of large annex to the west of it and
the footprint of the Gigafactory.
It remains to be seen when they're actually
going to start expanding that.
But I think the fact that that mistaken plot
of land with which they thought was going to
be the Gigafactory is actually where they're
going to have people park as they expand the
So yeah I'd mentioned the other night I just
spent way too much time on something that I
don't even get paid to.
So well I'll tell you one thing it's really
good for Tahoe.
I mean so many Tesla engineers you name it
like every kind of person who works there
comes through this area.
Even I met recently Ross the engineer I was
saying about the RC prototype Cybertruck and
he was telling me how they're waterproofing it.
Like you'd be surprised it really is cool to
have it like kind of close enough that people
will come up here to have their holiday and
then I'll be like oh what are you doing.
They'll be like I work at Tesla and be
like oh shit what do you do.
It's like tell me more.
So yeah it's you know it's one of the
benefits in the UK it would be awful.
One the weather would be worse and two
there's no such thing as Tesla friendly
environment in the UK it seems.
They're very they just there they make
it really difficult for it.
So stay in Germany at least they're more
Well I'm going to give you a directive
there Lumi you need to visit even if
you're just doing some spy shots yourself.
Well I am a photographer as well I take
photos of like the night sky and I wanted
to get the eclipse with a few different
Tesla spots if I can so I've got I'm
going to work it out that's in April.
So yeah I'm going to be visiting these
places one way or another for sure
because I want to try and get some
really cool shots.
I kind of wanted to go to the Cybertruck
party thing which Penny went to and me
and my brother were going to meet in
Texas and then it just didn't happen in
It was too way too there was just too
much craziness happening.
Okay I just looked on the map it's the
Gigafactory is like at the most an hour
and a half drive away.
An hour and a half yeah for sure
everything's close but I mean I'm I
don't get out of the basin generally
I'll avoid it but no I'll get down there
for sure.
Yeah I'm very lazy I don't like driving
down to Reno and that way or San
Francisco hell no you will never catch
me in the Bay Area unless unless it's
for something really important like some
good like Chinese or Thai food maybe
you might catch me out there.
Gary did you watch the Francis interview
in China?
No was that posted today?
Yeah well it's short it's like two
minutes but it's yeah it's it's it's
still like I think they did a lot of
cuts there and but it's interesting like
why he's there they must have they must
be doing something maybe Cybertron?
Yes in fact they must be doing some
video stuff because that that Tesla
employee gosh what his name now he was
posting pictures that the fact that he
was at Berlin and now he's in Shanghai
of course I can't remember his name now
yeah I have an interview on my on my
timeline if you want to check it I
mean it's it's not super informative but
it's something
it's funny he says like that you know
he comes to China and he says all this
knockoffs and he's like yeah we must be
doing something right that everybody's
copying us okay I see it Shanghai doing
many will try if you will succeed
guys do you want to hear about something
very funny I heard from a friend who
works he's a crypto lawyer and he he
heard about a class action lawsuit
coming against the sec for that the
hack because they fear failed to meet
their own guidelines which is to have
this is going to be really funny
they failed to meet their own guidelines
because they their guidelines for
avoiding market manipulation is to have
dual verification on and they didn't
even have that so even because the
phone number was compromised it they
would have been totally negated if
they had dual verification which is
ironically like I'm really
unsecured like just a few days or a
week before which is even more hilarious
so um it's gonna get really
interesting because if the sec loses
this case and bit like people in
crypto get more money then I think the
first thing they're going to do is just
buy more crypto of it which is going to
be really funny but I'm not advocating
this is not financial advice I'm just
saying that if the sec gets sued for
this in a class action lawsuit it will
be the most funny meme creating thing
X has ever seen in the history of
memes I think and then Elon hasn't
even commented on this purely because
he I think he just wants to avoid this
a bargepole because it's just so
dangerous he's just trying to trying
to like you know get from A to B
without dying this year well he's like
I mean SEC stands for S EC right so I
mean it's like he already like there is
they were too busy shitting on Elon
then enabling to factor well they
didn't have a Twitter because of his
tweets so they they limited limited his
First Amendment right directly because
of they thought that his he was
manipulating markets and then
ironically they manipulate markets
which I think is just gonna it's just
so hilarious this is like what of what
is the world we live in it's a full
circle sigh of recursion
both of which are termed
I'm a full recursion sigh of
imagining that to you
the irony of his first interaction with
me being him repeating me
yeah he couldn't stop laughing for like
I think 200 seconds in a row
yep that's how it's done
that was frickin awesome man I won't
ever forget it
I always find it's interesting
like when you get into
like so it's very state dependent
I had a lot of ideas of what that
would look like until it finally
happened and then I said well I'm just
gonna chill here because that's all
I want to do I'm not gonna ask you
anything specific that's weird or
encourages upon say your security
as a person given that you may not
want to answer some questions you
don't necessarily want to give out
there which questions you feel
uncomfortable answering so when you
get the chance to be with such a
person you do nothing other than
chill with them and see what
they're like see what the vibe
looks like right that guy's in
there say to talk about FSD you
ask him FSD questions that are
irrelevant but if bro just shows
up to chill you fucking chill and
you say nothing
other than that guy who fucking
killed it
he would have stayed on that space
longer that one guy didn't ask for
the fucking shout out like dude
yeah that was funny
that was next level job like you
could so see it come in the moment
he opened his mouth and said that
everybody knew
killed it instantly I was like
you know I did not just do that
that was absolutely crazy
man why can't the upload just be
could it not be easier come on
to click that thing
oh shit I can do that
well hold up a minute there we're
going to do that
is this something that we're
going to get to experience or are
you having your own a little
private party back there doing
something probably yes
my thinking emoji put stuff on
back burner
what else
what are we looking for
by the way
that was funny
Parker calls and saying we're
going to come to liberate
Canada by calling the office
we're going to come to liberate
Canada I was like we're
yeah he's like he's a bit crazy
too I think
you know I find personally quite
delayed and frost effect
much it's weird
which effect
the light and frost effect
I think I know what that is
but I need a reminder
that's like when this is something
that basically makes the
water shield so good
for starship
for starship
for what happens is when you
have a really really hot
as fuck surface and you put
say water onto that super
fucking hot surface there
small amount of vapor that
forms act as a barrier between
the water and the surface
that's allowing for it to
glide around you can do this
you can take a pan say cast iron
pan this is how cooks actually
test if the pan is ready to be
used you put it on the stove
you heat it up and then you
try to put a few drops of
actually touch the pan as they
just scoot around like little
pearls then the pan is hot
enough for you to put the oil
and then subsequently anything
else right
that's late and frost effect
you can have a similar thing
if you were to say
hypothetically don't fucking do
this by the way but you
could do it if you were crazy
enough and I think somebody
even has done it don't do it
but you could take your hand
dip it in water and then
if you were to say a flow of
metal you could put your hand
through it if you're in a rapid
scale just like dip it in and
go through it real quick
you could
because the water turns into
that's pretty much it
what is this
you're kindly doing it
looking around
late in the process effect is
attributed to when people
walk through fire
you know those
when they do those hot
Yes, when they do those hot coal walking
It's like a bonding event or
When did they actually do that it just seems like it's like a corporate thing or or
Trying to get people to be so bold to do it where you walk over hot coals really quickly
I mean partly you're doing so quickly, but the the laden process the moisture of you being on a
Like a grassy
surface and and you'll have some sweat off your off your feet and
Thus you're you won't burn your feet as you walk through the hot coals
Hmm. Interesting
It's kind of like a trust exercise that even though
It seems like it's gonna be like the scary daunting thing to go walk through the coals that
When you do it, you realize that that you you could walk through it without
Damage so it's like to motivate you to take on challenges and risks
Yeah, but what if you trip well that would be me
You know what they say about the best plans
Best plants not plants
Let's take a look at that
That's usually why you see that a corporate event
It's just that indicate like to the people who are in that business that it's okay to experience some risk. I think
So what happened to Lincoln he dropped in and then he dropped out like
We all live separate lives if we're asking where I was and it's like, you know, I I do stuff I
Adrian you know, I go to sporting events and went to a basketball game. So like oh, well
I know you don't go to sporting events. But in this case, I
Watched our home team lose pretty miserably
No, you don't have to go sap the joy
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, Lincoln, I don't know what happened to him. He just he did his thing
He did the British goodbye a
British goodbye, by the way
What's this fucking what's your arm?
God damn it
What's wrong with my brain? I?
Sleep deprivation. That's the problem. I just realized like why can't I think probably then sleep much?
Starting to catch up with me. I probably should get a decent amount of sleep. Oh
And a big weekend that's coming up for me personally
On Thursday, I'll be speaking to
Like actual Tesla engineers again to fix Tesla car
So I'll probably be busy on that day guys, and if I am busy then you'll know why which means after that I'm gonna
Have to say which of that I'm supposed to reveal supposed to not but
So you're gonna come out with the revenge space lasting four days
You're gonna do long a space afterwards to compensate for the for your time
Okay, I potentially I'll probably fry a steak or something. We'll see. We'll see
Let's see happens
Do it so we gotta make sure no Tesla lawyers are gonna be listening as you violate the NDA. Oh
No, not only if I only if there's an actual NDA, but it's basically just gonna be like a conversation
Just talk a little bit of shop just you know
Anyone seen has anyone seen Godzilla minus one yet?
Minus one did you just fucking say that yeah
It's a look it's a limited release straight out of Japan and apparently it's getting
Rave reviews it's getting like incredible
For that I mean, I like kaijus. I think Godzilla is amazing
Hey Adrian, so you're meeting up the Tesla team about the car or solar
No, no, it's just a I just gotta get a car fixed and
They're there and I'm gonna be worth them so I can learn what they learn so I could fix the car in the future
Oh, yeah, you know, this is my thing. I have to learn everything. So like here here's these guys
They're coming in and they're doing their thing. I'm like, yeah, cool. I'll go there
See what's happening. See what we can learn
Fun stuff fun stuff
Standing behind them and and speak and and they'll just subconsciously give you answers
Yes, exactly I am remarkably proficient at scraping exactly those answers
Imagine working on a vehicle with the Elon voice speaking behind you
Yeah, it's a bit of a trip
It's gonna be funny. Well, I'm for sure not sure what they'll think they're that but
Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fun
Hey, what the fuck
This generation looks weird. I'm like fucking around some image image generation right now
That fucking thing looks strange man, I think their data sets all fucked up
It's disgusting
It was like that's not what I wanted
Oh chrome wrapped cybertruck, I think I'll make that happen
You guys like chrome wrapped cybertruck, but i'm trying to generate this right now
Very difficult. I already did one of those and posted it out
Oh, really
Yes, indeed I prompted it actually several days ago and then
Um, I just waited for the right time to do it because I wanted to do some more space stuff
Literally nine minutes ago
I think she was reading your mind great minds in alignment. Okay, but it's a door handle. Come on
Just be careful what you're thinking adrian door handle as well
Phoenix he still picked that up
Okay, is that mid-journey because I think uh, chuck was complaining that mid-journey keeps putting door handles
Yes, my mid-journey
Mid-journey still thinks of the 2019
Prototype and so puts the door handles in
Maybe that was the training data, you know when people repeat
You know when people repeat things in verbatim
I just subconsciously I want to tell them but I don't because they want to understand what it means
Somebody repeat something of verbatim and I just think to myself. Hey careful. Watch out your training data showing
I don't know
That was like my my first experience coming in here is I could pick up when people were reading from chat
Gpp I was like dude, like you're just totally just reading that
Like or you've memorized it's like no, i'm not doing that
Like he's i'm fucking autistic. Well, if you're fucking doing something you're fucking doing something
I know you're fucking doing something. So don't don't piss me off
Damn I think the ai really got that one, right?
But regardless even that just looks fantastic
Um, I wouldn't get one myself because I know that real chrome wraps
Scratch really easily. Uh, it is they're just terrible wraps
I agree. I agree. I've seen one real life and they really don't come out
Very good
And I don't know if it's because when you're putting it on
You kind of almost have to press it in and scrape it on so you kind of take some of the shine off of it
So it leaves like like those marks on it
And so it doesn't come out nearly as good as that your better bet would be to polish the steel
Um, like like buff it down and kind of mirror the steel that way
Yeah, exactly or you just somehow figure out a different way to put on this is what I was saying yesterday
It's like yeah
You can actually like prep the steel and put something on the steel
If you can't do that
You have to shine out the steel and then you put a clear wrap onto that and then it's going to be secured
Right, so you do it that way
Or literally dipping chrome
Yeah, that's what I was saying, you know, you put the chrome onto it
Directly onto that polish that then put a wrap on top of that
And then there is no scratch problems because there's just plastic to scratch because it's the wraps, right? So
Yeah, right. So I'm just thinking like that's the quick work. Maybe
Electrically, it would be hard. I think you'd have to like take it apart piece by piece and electrically
Yeah, it still has the door handles on it. Yeah, this must be an old
I wonder what I wonder where they got the training data from because I still remember the previous version of mid journey
Understand what a cyber truck was or what it even meant
but that was
Like you know probably probably I was like dude
This thing doesn't understand what that is. It then makes a cybernetic truck. I'm like, that's not what I fucking asked
This is the opposite of what I'm on it totally ridiculous
A mashup of uh
Of a semi-trailer with the model x or something like that
And then they call it. Yeah, it looked it looked stupid. Yeah, it looked really stupid
Okay, this looking
Reactive to throw in some different prompts to alter this
My thing now has that weird
It looks like this thing looks like a samper truck if a person made it when they were on shrooms
psychedelic baby
I I feel like I need to see that
I could call the the psycho truck
Okay, so uh, I just
Googled about uh
Chrome plating stainless steel and yes, you can the short answer
Um, it says that most common grades of stainless steel can be reliably chrome plated
May however not be the mess most appropriate process depending on your application
For decorative applications. It might be simpler to instead electro polish the item
Listen, what if you have what if you have a like a transparent film?
Because cyber truck already chrome by nature and you just polish it and then put like transparent film
And it will I mean it won't have like a shine to it, but it will still be chromium
Yeah, no, they make they make a gloss film too wiggle so you could do it with a gloss a clear gloss film as well
Yeah, right a ppf film and there is probably ceramic coated on top of that
Ooh ceramic coated that's a good idea that would that would actually keep like heat away from it, too
I mean, I don't know if you've seen the piece of art I made today with this copper sheet. Um, where literally, um
Look at it. It's just uh, but the idea is the same thing. It's like uh
Imagine like people can do their own artistic designs and then have it chromed
Uh on certain areas. It'll look crazy. Cool. Looks the contrast
So, uh, if you look at what I used was a blowtorch
I got one like just now
The heat like um the way I was gonna say that sounded like an elan like oh shit
Yeah, I just got one based off my thing on carter chef
That's nice. I like that. I value that quite highly. I said if we push hard enough
We will finally reach carter chef one and beyond
Yeah, I mean seriously though, I mean does this not does this not make you wake up in the morning and say fuck this
I want to like make things develop
literally, this is me one way I I remember I was like
How old was I?
I woke up and I was I think 19 years old when I was 19. So it was this one after I was 20
I was like
Was it let me think the years may come backwards. Yeah, I think it was like yeah, it was 18. It was 18
And for the first time
I looked at so long from a more scalable perspective. I'm like, dude, you want to control energy motherfucker?
Look all around you. I still remember this. I was like really drunk one day
the day prior
And I just told someone's like dude, dude, I want you to think about the fucking landscape
I literally said like I said, I was like look at the fucking landscape
You want to measure it in squares?
meters and squares
And I want you to imagine how much energy the big fucking yellow thing up there comes on the square
And I want you to imagine that for half the planet
adjusted for two thirds because clouds and whatever and whatnot but squares and energy and capture
Do you feel me and that bro just looked at me as if I lost my mind
I stopped talking
And it was true. I did lose my mind a little bit there
Because I just had one of those moments the next morning. I woke up and was like, okay
Um, I feel like shit, but I also want to see if we can scale this whole thing and now
in infrastructure powered by it
I'm not dependent on the power grid
So the power grid goes out goes out all the time and i'm the only house with lights
Power grid depended on you
Adrian you got to be careful people will start to be suspicious and they'll burn you as a witch
Oh, yeah, yeah, oh no, I get that I get that actually at um, my neighbors
They absolutely hate me like whenever there's something weird going on
They want to like change the infrastructure or something anything stupid. I always notice the small details
How they try to like extract money i'm like, yeah, see that's not going to work
They wanted to like
somehow increase
The amount of money I had to pay for certain services. I was thinking to myself
You know, you actually don't need to do that because
It has nothing to do with the amount of resources. You have everything to do with the resource allocation
So on the my just didn't get that
On the my bricks personality test you are a thinker and like it's really rare
There's like only like in a hundred people there'll be like four of them on the table when I had to do this in
A group I found this out the hard way
But basically we we we create our own problems by being too smart
Because we're just pointing out that illogical. No, no, not enough. No, no, not at all. Not at all
I don't create my own problems whatsoever. I I see that there's a problem and it's an underlying problem
Then I just get rid of the entire string of other problems that is connected to it. That's my thing
I don't create problems. That would be stupid. I alleviate them and then if I see something else attached to those problems
I alleviate those two until the rest of them disappear because they're scared of how many i'm alleviating. That's how it works
Actually, I I fully agree. Uh, but then from the other point of view from the person your neighbor
From that point of view. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don't give a shit
I'm gonna shit about their limited perspective on the fucking world
They play music until 12 a.m
Sometimes for no fucking reason on a weekday and i'm like bruh
I go to sleep and I wake up the next morning hours that you can't even begin to think
To do actual work
Whereas you do what exactly i'm not going to look in too much into what exactly you're doing
And why you have a big ass house like that, even though you do literally nothing
There's something that doesn't quite add up there. I'm not going to go down that route because you and I both know what's happening here
And so it's like mutually assured destruction realized well like you can't really do any destruction here I just piss me off
I go not the extra it's always the funding it's worth the funding that pisses me off when somebody has to
Or when they start asking for information not supposed to ask her if they're like, what why do you want to know this? What is this?
There do you know if I start asking questions like oh god. Oh god, here we go
It turns into a multi-month process until the issue is finally resolved
And it's actually funny because those issues now come up less frequently, but they also come up in a more stealthful manner
So that's nice
Lincoln your timing is sus
All right, that's what the women always say to me
I don't know how to deal with that. I have no idea what that means. I I really don't what why
What happened?
Because I just got here and you came here
Okay, yeah, I came elsewhere
They were coming all night
No, just making a lot of noise that was a lot
Yeah, thanks, Anthony
It's like bond wiggle adrienne andrew markland and gary phoenix
And others. Well, I used to get my own separate greeting. Yeah, you did
Not anymore. Well, you're not special enough
Lincoln gets offended if he doesn't get greeted when he comes to a space. So
You know just want to make sure he feels well
Hi, yeah, hi landon. Hi landon. I'm not sure if this is these are not my
Thank you landon they were actually talking to me when they said hi landon
Thank you. Well, yeah, that's going around. Did you did you get did you get the copy and fucking pasted apology?
direct message from mark anthony
What do you mean 80 of all tech support I struggle with the realizations here
What happened last night? I fell asleep
We were like rocking a room for so long and I passed out as co-hosts. I don't know what happened
Oh, dude. Yeah, I noticed that I was like, hey lincoln. You're still there and I was like, oh, yeah
He's definitely asleep
You were out of this
I don't know what you're talking about
Okay, so you were yeah. No, no, he was there. He was asleep for all that
You were co-hosting a space where all that was happening at some point towards the end of the day just before it just before
Scoble hopped off. He's like thinking man. I'm tired. I need to go to bed
And now i'm saying okay
We're gonna cook a steak real quick just before that happens
And so I cooked a steak and live streamed it like here's the thing
You have to imagine this for a second
I keep telling this to everyone just to really drive home the point of how ridiculous it is
And what value really looks like because it's entirely subjective much like art like
I made a live stream of me cooking a bunch of steak and there's not even audio on the live stream
It's just a fucking steak
This is like the first live stream, it's just a fucking it's just the phone balanced on my
On my on my on my um fume hut or whatever you fucking call that thing
It sucks out all the all the oil splatter and it was just balanced up there and you have this spinning steak
Fucking frying pan
Meanwhile somebody else has got their max levels set up the microphone and the background and the lights and the shit
He gets less views than that and he's like bigger like 10x bigger. I'm like
Notice how good god
I've been to a I went to uh, you get spinning steaks. Okay, that's the real meta. The real meta is spinning steaks
So how many years you had then?
How many viewers did you have adrian? Uh up until the point where we had a cutoff
After cutoff was like 1000 something
Uh, then it was after that like the replace came in now. It's at 4000 something. So
Yep, I once went to a greg a greg space
And he was cooking but he doesn't talk so you just heard cooking sounds
And there was like a ton of us in there. It was ridiculous
But it was kind of funny
Well, what did he make?
I don't I don't know. It sounded like he made
I don't remember. I was just gonna make something up, but I couldn't take anything funny. It was just the sound
It was literally sounds of greg cooking. That's all he was doing
When I paid my dollar and I got something out of it
I don't know if that's getting something out of it. Honestly, it was more just
Greg's gonna make a mistake one day greg is just too he's just too greg
He's he's gonna there's something's gonna happen. I could see
Yeah, have you phoned his hotline anyone phoned the hotline? What is a hotline?
Right guys. Have you not worked out the phone number?
No idea what you're talking about. All right, it's a gorgeous profile right now
There's if you look at it, it's a phone number phone it and you can go through to greg
I'm not being funny on the top of it. Look at the actual six seven six nine three five four two zero
Well done. There we go
Yeah, phone it
It's absolutely hilarious. Wait, I think we should do it live and i'll listen to it
Yeah, i'm being serious like last time we did it
We got through to this thing and me and my brother did it
My brother was in the uk and it was freaking hilarious
But I don't know maybe it changed because he's you know, it's greg. He does stuff like this
Okay, I don't know
Interesting you're gonna die no, I don't have a separate way to do it
I'm not you don't have his personal number lincoln i'm i'm surprised
Your mom's cry. It's weird
Yeah, my mom is surprised just so you know guys i'm not surprised every time I call her she's surprised and I don't know why
I thought she'd get used to it by now
Is mom there
It's like when I call your girlfriend and she
Oh, I better not go there. Never mind
I don't know if you were mad last time last time I said it in front of 400 people
I had no idea what you're talking about
Well, I just think lincoln has a lot of heart
He may have been down but he wasn't out
He may have lost a few but he didn't let it get to him
I think we could all learn a lick or two from this little guy
Oh, and by the way, he doesn't know he's little he thinks he's the biggest lincoln out there
See sometimes when the little guy doesn't know he's a little guy he can do great big things
See this isn't the finish
Is the finish line and the lincoln is just the lincoln to get us there
It means he has chihuahua energy
I love london. What the fuck when I say london i'm saying lincoln really like everyone else. So just so you know, I love london
It's important to love yourself london i'm glad that
Adrienne was confused because the first time I met adrian the second time I met third time I met adrian
I was in his space. I was so utterly confused as to what was happening
I honestly thought he was ai. I didn't know what was doing. He was doing all these sounds and impressions and
There's a reason why omar doesn't come to my space as frequently because I once showed him how crazy I really can be
That was the day I threw some chicken on the wall
I looked at a live stream just to see test it out. It's like elon said do live stream
I'm like, okay, i'm gonna do live stream
So I pull our phone did some random shit and I really did everything one-handed dude. Everything fucked up
It was so stupid. There was literally chicken on the wall after that one
And then later on that day after I after i'm done with that after I was done with that
I literally took a shower and live streamed that too. He didn't see anything, but it was still live stream on the shower
No, i've done it
No, yes yesterday adrian showed body parts in his live stream
He did there were body parts. Oh god the way you said that that's so bad
Also just say hands, okay
Yeah, but it's you know, it's it's just it's better. What's gonna be next?
What's what's next you have to like just sit there and just say hey, I got those hairy legs, bro
I don't know
I was doing a live stream once myself
And I was just you know sitting there having a conversation showing something on my computer
And then I just like pointed it down real quick because I had to enter something I said, oh, yeah here hairy leg docs
I don't know. I just said that because it's weird
Because you know, uh biden rights
And go I got a number of her legs, you know, you got them here. Let's stand up, you know
Just lexus see she's like let's see her two she's like six rows down the black and white photo
You have to watch the you have to watch the yeah, you have to watch that video
Dude, you have to watch that video with biden on the campaign trail where he first did the thing with the hairy legs
What he does with his fingers is so fucking hilarious
No, he does this thing see this is why we need this is why we need video for spaces I know we do
Like I would have fun with video on spaces
I was just thinking to myself. How exactly do I do this? How do I make it fun?
How do I make it not annoying and then I just remember to myself. Wait a minute
I can make anything not annoying or annoying so I could probably use it for something intermittently here now
Then I turn on the video show you something weird, you know
Like random hands and shit just appearing, you know mark shows me weird things on video sometimes and I don't appreciate it
Well, they're not weird when you when you're used to them link and they might have been weird a while ago
But now they're they're quite common to you, you know, I guess I'll show you a fucked up construction kitchen
I'll cook you some food in it
All right
Let's do it
Mark, I haven't seen you shower in a while from face. Yeah, we got we gotta do that soon
Um, why were you talking about Alexis's hairy legs? I literally mixed up her legs with
Legs today, it's not my fault. She has hairy legs. It's her thing. It's uh, the thing she does. I don't know. Oh my god
Hey, if she wants to deny it she can come up here and deny it herself
Well, I don't even know where I see her like let me send a thumbs down to her personally. There we go
Thank you
I guess she doesn't want to come up here and talk about
About it. I guess she's just gonna own it
All right
She loves this
She loves when you talk about her friends online, too
Sorry, i'm such an idiot. Oh, hey sean. Don't thumbs down me
Lincoln are you back? Are you back home? What's happening? Are you back? Oh you were home, right?
Okay, yeah, i'm home. I'm yeah, i'm home. What are you doing?
I think i'm gonna go get a piece of pie at the store
I'm gonna go to dicks
Does that does that support your new lifestyle?
Have you told everybody about your your change over in lifestyle and how you're you're a healthier better you in 2020?
Yeah, you're transitioning. He's transitioning
I am I am transitioning
Um to a healthier person
Yeah, um, yeah, i'm allowed to have a piece of pie, dude
What are your new pronouns as that i'm not like living on kale and like broccoli and almonds every day like come on
I'm allowed to have other stuff in my life. I'll be honest all day. All I wanted was stacy's bread
Who stacy?
Stacey phillips is in the audience. She's been posting bread all day
And I just want to eat that bread
Okay, yeah, she's so good. It's so good. It looks so good
I wanted to post it, but i'm like that's gonna sound dirty and I already know she's good by good browning on it as well
Like oh, I did see that that bread man. Oh
Adrian I did I took your advice and I went and watched the bush world rick and morty from australia
Oh my god, it's so fucking raunchy and that's like even compared to normal rick and morty
I know, isn't it beautiful? I absolutely fucking love it
We're gonna get we're gonna go to be in the game morty. We're gonna get me fucking q
Remember that yeah, so you can laugh about now because you know that that's exactly what it sounds like
I have never seen this show i'm gonna have to look it up one day
Watch the Australian show first
Actually, you know, I'm gonna give myself transferred the theme of the year more day
We're getting started
I've got seven seasons of rick and morty internalized and I could barely handle the bush world
Wow, oh geez
Yeah, that's that's a that's a lot of information there
Mark, thanks for my favorite party trick
To like go next to someone say oh jeez rick. I really want to go home
And I I don't feel so good in this this weird like 3d 3d world everything so everything's so balloony and so
So overinflated. I I hate myself
I was like morning morning. Shut the fuck up. Literally. All you ever do is like winch and complain
We have to do something about that once we get home morning
When I make when I make something happen, it's a great get those mega seeds morning
We're gonna put them way up your butt
The fact that I could do that. I just don't understand why I like how exactly that works, but
That evil morty though, that's one of my favorite characters with the little eye worse turn is a pizza
You gotta make any sense I have no idea why I said that shit but okay, you know what mark
I said even more easy going
No land in it. Oh your land and I got it. Okay. I just want to know who said
Who said who's stacy who who said that was that leo lincoln?
What your mom got it wow, oh my mom my mom
It's a 90s pop this is going everywhere now and it's not going to any good places
No way, she doesn't know that song it's simpler
Just not the girl for me
Okay, why you have problems with the lady
Lincoln wait, I got it now, but what do I do? I'll really get it keep going
I don't have any problem mom. She thinks you like the lady. I don't know what i'm saying
Have you ever heard the song stacy's dad?
Apparently it's real
Oh my gosh, my dad is still alive. He's william's age actually
We're not talking about your family
That was that was yeah
London's very direct off
Is this you get a boomy or am I gonna be allowed to play one little part of this song?
Play it do it. Do it and play it
Fuck yeah
Oh my god
You got a good sound system though, not going on
I don't know what kind of money you're making but the more you show me the worse it gets for me
I'll be like this is like the kevin mccallister thing where you wonder how the fuck is he have a house that big
The more I show you what?
Don't worry about it
Okay, wait, we gotta finish this verse
Okay, sing it then linkin i'm i'm starting to wonder if I fell asleep and this is all a dream right now
No, no, this is what we do. Uh, yeah, I can assure you it's pretty real
This is what we do, baby
And if you don't think it's real and if your training data is showing just saying
He's all I want
What what are you?
Bro, he's just jamming there now
Hilarious thanks guys
Oh, yeah, no if this were a smaller room or if I I would just keep going so
Yeah, you guys are lucky
Well, he was just talking about mark was talking about the bread I posted I made my first holla loaf today
Uh, and I saw that I came to like you and
I know you liked it. I took a screenshot of that like because I i'm that way sometimes, but don't tell
Don't tell adrian
I really thought mark was talking about your bread when you weren't even around it was kind of on facetime
I wasn't a listener. He saw me in the listener thing. No, no
No before we were on facetime and i'm like oh about your bread and i'm like, what are you talking about?
Oh, really?
It's got over a thousand views
Because I said like i'm gonna eat stacy's bread and they didn't have any contacts that they were like, what is he talking about?
Yeah mark has a mark has a pension for saying weird things out of context
And then mixing them with things that have context that are also weird, which means nobody knows how to quite perceive his data
You're like an ai's
worst nightmare
It's fucking it's fucking true like literally if an ai were to try and predict your patterns
It's literally the fucking bane of their existence. So it's like optimus trying to land a joke. I see
If it could even say anything which had done wear that mouth
Mark, that was great. Adrian went after you kind of like frank and I do and like it was great
No, no, i'm being serious. I'm being serious like dude
Literally, if I if if if world war three comes around and you need to come up with ways to circumvent the ai
Just go call up mark real quick and it will have no fucking idea what to target
Mark is your humor setting set at 100 or 90 percent
He's not the ai. Where are the ais? This is why it's fucking confusing. It's the litmus step
The fucking it's the touring test
Bro mark is the touring test. We fucking found it if you can understand what mark is on about without, you know
Weird stuff happening to your brain. That's the fucking touring test for human mark. I have a few people that I need you to talk to
I don't think they're real
Like sharing things about mark, oh my gosh, i'm so happy right now
I'm serious. I'm just like mapping everyone and I map him i'm like, bro
I understand like if you're human, you'll definitely understand it. But if you're an ai, this is no fucking hope
Even an ai that would be training off of him would not understand itself
That's kind of what my friends say
Do not understand anything
Yeah, well, what are you talking about
I mean I do random shit
I mean I do random shit too
I'll be honest with you. But I mean that kind of stuff is like whatever you do is completely eclipses that speaking of eclipses
Happening. Um, here. Let me find it. Let me find it. Let me find it. Let me find it
Here's the random shit that I do check what I pinned up at the top of the space right there
This is this I don't know why but I just had this random conversation and the discord server
We're just going through some shit because you know, we communicate and I found out where all the boats are at. Look
I don't see it yet. I don't see it yet. I don't see it yet. It's up at the top of the space
A.i workshops
Oh here we go
Yeah, it would be easier to see like dude if you wanted to find all the boats in this case
If you look at that picture right there, it would be easier to find them if you look for all the places where they're not
Just love the way that missiles work honestly
It sounds like such a troll having to explain that one to someone like how does a missile know where it is
It knows where it is because it knows where it isn't
I can't wait till the supercharger map looks like that
It's like you won't be able to know
Hey, you know what's brain dead
All good conversation start with that
You know, it's really brain dead is when you have terrible fucking evs and you have these ev companies that manufacture these terrible evs somehow connected to
I don't know say government funding and their subsequent policy structure such that they put fucking tesla coils
Into the ground to do inductor like just inductive charging for cars as they travel on the road
Uh, why you may as well just do trains
Where you want to like revamp the fucking you want to revamp the fucking highway how you could go cool
Until that fails then what are you going to do? Nothing go anywhere? Okay, that's cool
It's gonna be the first with the adapter. Where are the adapters? It's 20 24. Let's see the adapters
Why even adapters you have any idea what's annoying about that too?
The pollens we can agree on a lot of fucking things
But why the fuck can't the world agree on which plug to use?
My friend the war is one
Yeah, the war is one when the when one
When one produces the best one the only one but am I seriously even with the rest of technology like power plugs and
It's always different. You should see the british ones. They're so fucking fat and weird like you have to force the fucking plug into the wall
Is it's the weirdest shit ever
You know, it's pretty funny. Then the chinese are literally just two pins. They're like two pins. It's the easiest shit
You can even figure out which way to put them in
They're so nice. I love chinese pins. They're amazing the u stuff a little different
You have the metal exposed on the outside there. You pull it out. You get a nice little shock right there
Yeah, yeah, you don't wake up in the morning. I'm plugging your computer. You will
Yeah, it is I should know
Oh, it is bad design
All right
The bad design is using a plug that doesn't fucking make sense
And so you have to get five different adapters and stack them together because you need an adapter for an adapter because the other standard is dead
I literally had to do this I once
I had this problem. I had an adapter, but I had a plug that didn't fit into that adapter
But it's the only plug that could fit as an actual adapter
So I had to take two adapters put those together to put a plug on top of that
So I literally daisy chained adapters to make a plug work
Adrienne don't worry in five years. That's what it looked like and I looked at it. I was thinking to myself cyberpunk 2077. Let's go
Eventually everything's just going to be usbc everything yeah, yeah everything including tesla charging
Yeah, I think Tesla supercars is a fat ass fucking
Paper clips and pennies work pretty great. Wait, or you just go the extra mile you want fast supercharging exchange the battery pack
Have you seen that they did that
What happened to that? What company was that and what happened?
Dude tesla
demonstration of it
And elon did demonstration of it on stage
As they were filling up a gas thing too like they're timing it
And they transferred a battery pack
But they ended up not going with it. No, I meant what company actually went with it. I don't know
Was it it was neo, right? Okay. Yeah, I knew it was one of the
It's a real tricky mechanism too because imagine if it's not fixed correctly
And you know you do that random tire check that boomers do when you kick the fucking tires instead of using an actual measurement tool
Because you know, that's the most accurate way to do it not not hating it
But just imagine you'd be kicking your tires to test the pressure. All of a sudden the battery pack falls out
Yeah, and what about my voltage battery gets damaged sorry, okay
Wait, wait, what he's at dicks getting dicks
And my in his favorite place near my house that's really not doing well for my cognitive dissonance you get that right
I I actually like that other grocery store. Lincoln Lincoln goes to the cheap ass grocery store. I go to the bougie one
You mean the smith?
Smith's oh god, that's all the way
Way better last night
The fan. Yeah, that's why I like it
Oh, I literally I thought it was on my profile. I just totally docked myself. I thought that was on my profile
Not because my last name is actually brats yourself, bro. You fucking have your pfp. That's you, bro
I'm like in utah my lincoln's. Okay
This is something I've mostly found very funny. It's like, oh, I shouldn't send pictures because i'm docs
I'm like your fucking profile picture, bro
Somebody did that once I was I was thinking to myself. What do you mean? I'm not docs. Oh, there's an ai generated of you
Lincoln you don't look so fucking different. That was the point of the service
No, because it looks exactly like you just in different settings, but then that's you
Hey adrian, how did you memorize that alex jones monologue the next one is you
I didn't memorize most but I just licked I was licked in the car eating some fried chicken
Listening to him explaining the things like, you know, what's next on the menu you and i'm dying over there
I listened to his stuff unironically like I just I always listen to it. He puts something out. I'm listening to it
It's funny as fuck. I just do it for the entertainment. Hey, and maybe some of it makes sense, you know
But I still I still love it, you know
You know what the elites want? They want you to they want you to fight each other. They're gonna put you together in small cities
You know, what do you think's gonna happen? All the squirrels are dead. All the rodents are gone. What do you think's gonna be on the menu?
Okay, adrian, I had my speaker turned up
And I was walking out of the grocery store called dicks
And then this lady was like looking at me because you were doing your alex jones impression
I just started laughing
Just tell her it's okay. I'm autistic
That's what I always say about you whenever someone has an issue with you so as lincoln
I get to use my abilities, uh and use say that as an ability to basically
What is it to co-opt someone else's false perceptions of that ability?
That's nice. Exactly exactly
It's a big brain people don't understand that, you know, you have discrimination based on the ability
Yeah to the force accept. Yeah, yeah
The same way
Mark what are your special abilities?
I use the c-card currently so, you know, the c-card got a little bit of a got a little bit of a cancer
Oh my gosh, there we go. Here we go. Oh, wow
Here I get your get your shoe boxes. Here we go. I am in treatment. So treatment now. Yep
This is big. Okay, go ahead mom. I'm in a space
Oh my god
It's public access mom
All right
Okay, lincoln here sir. Here's the deal. Remember and we were all into white lotus, right?
That's stacy's mom in the video. It's jennifer
Oh, yeah, that's mom shit
That's amazing
Is that a number one or a number two I couldn't quite tell no, that's a new signal
He's in the shower. What are you talking about or something?
Totally the shower. Oh
Oh, that is a shower
But what are you feeling so hydrated right now, let's hear you might have him brush his teeth too
You're saying what you're shower singing
I don't do that
I don't know. What does everyone else do?
Well, I just like to say that I was the first one publicly showering on spaces in clubhouse
And I was doing it unashamedly. That's
I don't think that's a lie. Then there's yeah
So it's diana didn't like it. So wherever she was i'd go in clubhouse wherever she was it'll be like hey i'm taking a shower
Tesla diva or what is she now colorado chick 99 plus
That isn't real well did that did she did she get her account
No, she changed it to colorado something or another
Well, I don't remember things let me look it up 99 something
Hey, we found your special power you can't remember things
Yeah, my special power is confusing the ai I told you and I didn't tell you adrian told you
I'm the secret weapon
They're keeping me, you know
At the side for that moment when they need it mark. You're supposed to be sleeping
I know I know I have the the realtors. Uh, you know the stager person coming tomorrow to like
Yeah, like the suffers
But they're coming in the afternoon. So i'll be fine your siblings
Yeah, i'm selling and i'm putting it all in tesla stock
Wow and congrats
No, i'm not gonna put it all in tesla stock, but i'm definitely gonna buy more
You're better
Yeah, the price is right
Yeah, yeah, it makes you get better too
You're getting a financial advice from a guy in the fucking charge, right?
Yeah, I was actually hoping it to be low
When I sell so I don't really give a shit long term not financial advice
Everybody's going to be stupid rich because it's amazing
You don't have to say that mark because no one's going to follow what you say. So you don't have to say
financial advice
That's true. I'm like exempt from the the saying not financial advice
No, when you talk they're like, oh, this is clearly not financial advice
Oh my gosh, I cracked me up
When mark and I talk because like we like i've hung out and have these inside jokes, is it hardly boring?
Was that the toronto raptors game tonight?
You're hilarious
You know maybe it was just showering
I think you should send one of your followers a loaf of that delicious bread
I would do that, but I
I don't want to ask people what their addresses are because that's that's kind of creepy. So like if I said mark will give it to you voluntarily
That's amazing i'm too far i'm probably way too far from you so it's not
Bread tin and cross countries bread doesn't travel. Well, are you what times am I i'll just tell you where I am
I'm in toronto. I don't give a shit
Oh, I don't think you can't stand like homemade food stuff across the border. Yeah, it wouldn't work
It wouldn't work. You can send them. You can send them the recipe
I'll send you the recipe mark
Do it yourself
Send it to my mom
Well, you can send it to your mom, but i'm saying you're killing us. It's actually is a joke
The second the second thing on the thread
You're killing Adrian gives zero fucks. I love it
Oh my gosh, it's so loud
Are you being waterboarded?
Somebody somebody said that somebody said that the other day they said showering people with the water hose like targeting them that way
It's just basically remote waterboarding
Yeah, I would rather hear someone get waterboarded right now
There you go, thank you supplying demand, you know
Lincoln like
Do you not like when I speak in this space? Meanwhile, we're listening to like super high
Towering an animal sound
That's true
You know, it's actually kind of funny. It's like uh, i'm just thinking back and it's like we're in a hot shower right now
i'm thinking
Just the book and the shit, you know
from from uh, there's actually that's yeah, that's where it's from it's a quote, you know, it's from pale fire a lot of
Let's say again, I can't tell you how I knew
But I didn't know that I had crossed the border everything I lost was lost but no or it could report their bread
So a summer rubber was convulsed and set
And the blood black nothingness began to spin
A system of cells that the link with themselves is linked with themselves
Yeah, we've got all of that adrian all of that
You know, it's performance art. This is performance art. It is true. Yes or or a scythe
It's both let's think of a team book
Did you do something dude, I just love my somebody joined in I just love it's like a person which I don't know where
I want to hit somebody all at me
Okay, am I maybe I need those bridges on the medic enough to survive
This is the second person i've heard showers and spaces today the other person is also in this room
Oh, really? Who's that? And that person also shared a picture after
It was not me for sure
Was not stacy nope
Are they still in here? They were just here a second ago
Oh, yeah, she's still here. Okay
Well, she's laughing. That was a long screen of confused my friend. Is it barbed again?
Yeah, you showered with barbara. What the fuck everyone go and go to her
Oh my god, that's supposed to be a sacred thing and you're showering with barbara
Have you started with adrian too? Did you shower with adrian?
That's not in your business on face time
Not yet, but I would assure you there will be some heavy censorship involved and you would not see anything that would make unnecessary
Feelings this year in one direction or the other one. So we are shipping sailing
That was good
Get face time. Just do it in person
I wanted to I could get it to go politics. There's no fucking problem with me on server
I can mind that shit better than the people who mine it like you don't understand. You don't farm the fucking cringe or the
Clouds. No, no, no, you take that you internalize the fuck shit and you farm the cognitive business
It's infinitely more difficult
And infinitely more in the morning. It's so good. It's like as if I would say hey personally
I happen to feel like this but I identify as your own lost grandkids
Reason why is because you have so many different conversations where you seem to have lost them because of the arguments
I seem to have picked them all up hence
It created this because I identify as such and you cannot say it against that it would be exceedingly discriminant for me
And I want nothing to do with that
See it works
But I could I mean I could say it's you know, it's my personal truth
Well, and you still create something beautiful with
Ilan's just you all say brain cells. Yes. Thank you. It still sounds great
Themselves are still in toling, aren't they?
I feel like barbara's gonna add some context now for the showering story. You'll add some context now
There's some context here
We're barbara's sister in that moment with us earlier. Oh, you guys are so funny
Lincoln hi Adrian
and wiggle
All right
And andrew and gary and josh
Oh, wait, i'm reading too far down. Anyways. Yes, that was a lot of fun. The truth be told though. They hide a landing too
Everybody in the room
All right, I think you're gonna have to wait I don't think we can hear you over Adrian
He gargles he gargles in the shower he's just doing that to be obnoxious to us. That's the only reason why
What the hell
Lincoln let's just do a side chat over the showering side chat
Sounds like he was bringing the tab. Is it a bath? I'll tell you do all my sins. Just stop doing whatever you're doing
Wow, that was easy
I'm gonna sing a song. I'm gonna sing a song over
Sing it to the beat of his showering
Oh, yeah, for sure. He's sitting in the record. You'll start a new genre
That's perfect keep going keep doing it
I can't do it. I can't do it
Wiggle help
I am become super driven
If we were I think we're both co-hosts I was like neat movie both co-hosts try to mute the host it'll work
It's like a secret. There's no democracy with you. Understand. That should die a long time ago
What did democracy
I love democracy. I love the republic
I can see
All right, you think really now the rain is gone
Thank you
More than ever
Venom you can say it'll be a bright
We're down to a hundred people left
There we go
I can see clearly now. Oh fuck
I just made you listen to my whistling of truck hop uh, truck trucker gun. I think that was what it was
Anyone ever listened to that's a real good. Excellent music wham put out good music
You say when yes, i'm not sure if anyone remembers that
Which one
No, not that one. Not that one. Everybody knows that one. Everybody knows that one
Do that one that was nice that's wake me up before you go go
That's right, yeah, not that one
That's the one
That's the one
This thing is the sea
I know my shit
That's awesome
Yeah, I got way more there's like that one
Do you guys also know spender belly this one's a slow one requires, um, like what was that one called?
So true true is pretty good. Yeah true is pretty good and
the other one
Through the barricades go what that one's nice. That was really nice. This is depressing but nice
Yeah, I actually go find that one that one's pretty nice
They they start some really good
Would set us up how free
It taught me what to say in school
I learned it off by heart
But now that's time to know
And now I know what to say
In the music of the week
We made a love on the face
The man to the best of our kids
We've gone on different sides of life
We fear the same
And all of us strive
To come to me when all of us fails
We'll cross the lines and dance upon the white stripes
And now I know what they say
As the drums begin to play
We made a love on the face
The man to the best
Oh, turn around and we'll be there
The wind's gone through my heart
But I'll marry you
Oh, I thought we were the children race
But we were just another born alive and true
When the stars break down and dust
There's always one escape
Oh, I don't know where love has gone
In this troubled life
Desperation keeps us strong
The hardest job in the world's over
Nothing left to lose
There's everything to go
Now I know what they say
It's a terrible beauty we made
We made a love on the face
The man to the best
Now I know what they say
As our hearts go to the end
We made a love on the face
The man to the best
The man to the best
We made a love on the face
The man to the best
The man to the best
The man to the best
The man to the best
There's another one
There's another one, wait, wait
There's one that kind of like cuts in with that vibe
Go search for half alive
Run away with orchestra
Search that one on YouTube
That was exact phrasing
What year was that one?
I don't remember
I just know that the song is cool
And the next one is like, I think, three years old
Lincoln is my playlist now
Safety's doing that
I think I like this one
I've been searching nothing's working
I've been tripping no one's purging
Chasing vision just the surface
Shirts on backwards not on purges
I've been learning something bigger
In expectation feet referring
I found blessings flowing from the side of heaven
I'm literally dancing in my kitchen right now.
Yeah, it's good, isn't it?
You want me to turn it off?
No, you're good.
Oh, yeah.
What I am, what I am, what I am, what I am,
is something more than I can claim.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Go and tell me that.
I don't need to run away, I've been standing on a stage with just a mirror forced to face
I've become searching for a new escape I scan the exits that embrace and easy out
I'm in my life, out in front of me Dreams of you I wanna be
Just seeing it all in touch I never really nice
Everything I'm sharing I don't need to run away
I don't need to run away
I don't need to run away
I don't need to run away
I don't need to run away
Now tell me that makes you feel better right now, doesn't it?
Dude I like that
I got way more, there's another one by the band
It's called, it's the same band, same band Arrow
Do that one, do that one, do that one
Can I play a song in the meantime or after this?
That song was called Run Away the Orchestral Version
I tried to look it up, I can't find it
I can find pretty much anything
It's a half alive Run Away with Orchestral
Oh, okay, sorry, I'm sorry
Okay, that's Arrow
I'm playing something else, trying to be somebody
But all I got was someone else
Some of my playing's always changing
Always enriching
No stone down, release control
Slow and steady, let me know
The hardest place to be
Is right where you are
This makes me sweet
Finish down the star
It's the arrow in your heart
The arrow in your heart
Now I'm restless
Running from the present
I know my mind's been cheated
Thinking that I would not cry
But my plans are always changing
Always rearranging
No stone down, release control
Slow and steady, let me know
The hardest place to be
Is right where you are
This makes me sweet
Finish down the star
It's the arrow in your heart
I'm fast, I'll end up exhausted
Out of breath, thinking where I went wrong
This harm is a break, but slowly
There's a chance at what I could become
I know that I can't run forever
But I can't stand still for too long
This harm is a break, but slowly
The hardest place to be
Is right where you are
This makes me sweet
Finish down the star
It's the arrow in your heart
It's the arrow in your heart
DJ Stacey Pia in the house
That's pretty good stuff, isn't it?
Yeah, I think I got some more where that came from
They put out some really next-old music
There was another one
By the same band as well
What was that song called?
Still Feel, I played that one
Adrian, can I play a guitar song?
Warren's here and I want to sing to Warren
He misses me
Didn't you sleep with Warren once, Lincoln?
Yeah, I slept upstairs, he slept downstairs
It was really intimate
I was probably closer to Kat than you, wasn't I?
Yeah, actually Kat
Damn it, you're always closer to Kat, god damn it
How do you feel about me? I'm having our babies
I respect that
Um, maybe, we're trying
I mean, not yet
Can you hear the guitar, Mark?
Okay, I didn't know if this works
Before all of this
Ever went down
In another place
Another town
You were just
A face in the crowd
You were just
A face in the crowd
Out on the street
Walking around
A face in the crowd
Out of a dream
Out of a sky
Into my heart
Into my life
You were just
A face in the crowd
You were just
A face in the crowd
Out on the street
Thinking out loud
A face in the crowd
Out of a dream
Out of a sky
Into my heart
Into my life
You were just
A face in the crowd
You were just
A face in the crowd
Out in the street
Walking around
A face in the crowd
A face in the crowd
A face in the crowd
A face in the crowd
Out of a dream
That was amazing
Great job, Lincoln
Beautiful, Lincoln
Do you want me to do the half a life still feel
Or do you want to bring Kim up on stage
And we can say hello to her
She's on stage
She's actually up
How you doing, Kim?
Oh my God, you guys heard me have my little nervous laughter
Hi, Lincoln, that was beautiful
Hi, Stacy and Wiggle
Thank you
And Adrian
Where's Landon?
I don't see Landon
I'm Landon and Lincoln
Whenever someone says Landon
Oh, it's me too
Alright, alright guys
He's both
All three of us
All three of us
Which is weird because I've met both of them in person
And they don't look alike
Different personalities manifest differently
It was weird when I met Landon
It was weird when you surprised me with Landon in our place
That's true
It was surprised when you surprised me with
What's his name in our place?
Well, uh, Stevenson
James Stevenson
James Stevenson
And I'm like, that was the weirdest thing
Everybody was like, why is this homeless man in our Airbnb?
I'm like, that's James Stevenson
Have some respect, bitch
Have some respect, you're good
What, Mom?
Kim, every time you're up
Every time you're up, you're cooking
Are you cooking anything tonight, Kim?
I just finished cooking, actually
I whipped up
Ricotta with spinach, ravioli with truffle
And sprinkled it with some manchego
And doing some broccoli
So, just simple
Added some other sauces
It's pretty savory
That sounds way better than the cereal and milk I made this morning
Anytime Kim talks, I feel like I'm being very irreverent
Because she's so, like, calm
Oh, well, that's because I'm a little, you know, nervous before everybody on the stage, but
Hi, Adrienne
Is he around?
He comes and goes
He's drowned in the shower
He's drying off right now
I think he, um, I think he waterboarded himself a little too much
Yeah, while he was taking a shower, I was thinking, oh, God, maybe I need to get in the shower now
So, how are you doing, Stacey?
Stacey, I saw that bread you made that looks delicious
Quite a thank you
Everyone seems to love it, you know, that gets a lot of likes and things, and my, like, serious posts don't
So, maybe I'll just switch to food porn
I don't know
That was some damn good bread
All day, I was thinking about your bread, Stacey
Did you see Barbara's legs?
I think it was creepy, Mark
I did not
I know, I was going to post, I want to eat your bread
But I'm like, I already made a dirty post on her thing, not, by accident
By accident
Well, and how many, how many typos can you make on that post?
That could, that could, yeah
Yeah, let's see how many we can come up with
Yeah, funny ones
There will be more, there will be more
I love it
Hi, beautiful Carol in the audience
Love you, KB
Hey, Warren
Have you watched the
Franz interview and channel?
No, I was going to watch that
I watched half of the Elon Ben Shapiro interview
And it's more, it's now afternoon here, but it was morning
And I decided to eat breakfast and go to the gym like a fool
And then I decided to do a live stream
And I've been distracted by actually, like, living
It's really bad when you do that
You got to get back to retiring
What are your thoughts on Ben Shapiro in general?
It's really funny watching Elon and Ben Shapiro in an interview
Because when Elon's talking, I set the speed at like 1.5
And then Ben talks and he's like way too fast
I think that he's got a good, I mean, I generally, I don't know
I agree with him on some things, I disagree with him on others
I think he's insightful and interesting
And sometimes he's an asshole
And so am I, so
I don't know if I'm insightful or interesting
But sometimes I'm an asshole
So I generally lean sort of his way on some topics, but not on others
So I haven't put that much thought into it
Like, you know, I like him, I watch some of his videos
Give an example of how you don't align with him
What topic?
Well, I'm a hardcore libertarian
I joke that I used to be a libertarian
But I don't believe in that much government anymore
And almost every major talking head still believes in fairly large government
They just don't, they don't want what the other government that those guys want
They want the government that they want
And I say, you know, let everyone be free
And stop having all this government control of everything
But, you know, so
Nobody wants that
I mean, I think a good example is like somebody would say
Oh, we've got to confront China
It's like, well, maybe we should try to work with China
You know, why do we have to confront everybody all the time?
You know, so
Yeah, I think that's as best I can come up with there
I don't know, like I don't have a particular moment where Ben Shapiro said something
Not in my head
I'm sure there have been moments where he said something, I don't agree
But I don't have a particular moment leaping out in my mind where that bothered me
Mark likes Ben Shapiro mainly because we have a Jewish man
We have a Jewish man, but he thinks it'll give him some points with our Jewish friend
No, I just, I like him
I like how he, he, he could debate so well and so quickly
And he could shut down somebody who thinks they have a point
He has a lot to go
So quickly
Oh, I love it
I liked the interview
I kind of got a little bit bored towards the end
And I felt like Elon wasn't taking, like Ben talked about Starlink
And he was giving him a little bit of a, you know, some room, some runway
To, you know, talk about it a little bit more
And a few other, a few things he did talk about
But he just didn't take it
He just, Elon just talked about what he wanted to
Which was fine too
But I think Ben did a good job at bringing out some of the things that, you know
That some really good things that Elon's doing
Yeah, I didn't get that far in the video
Did you learn anything new?
That's a big thing for me when I see someone interview Elon
Is did they ask a question?
Yeah, it gets boring because it's like the same crap over and over
I'm going to, I'm going to dip into AI for a second
And I'll go up with my theory that we're all prompt engineers
And that as we go through life
Some of what we're doing is prompt engineering
So the classic example is the pickup artist who's trying to get a girl's phone number
Right, or try to get her Instagram or whatever
You approach a girl on the street or on a college campus
And you say something to her and you either get her number or you don't
And you're like playing the game to get her number
Or you're talking, my favorite, my real example that I think is like better is
You have an interviewer interviewing Elon
And if you ask the question the wrong way
You know, it's like pressing play on his
We need to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy
He has these like stock answers
And what you really want to get is you want to get the insightful answer
That digs a little deeper
So what question do you ask Elon to get a more insightful response
Not that you want a particular response
You want to get a response where you learn something new from him
And that's really challenging
And that's true of any interview with any person, right
And like a lot of the people who interview say Jordan Peterson
Are trying to get that gotcha moment where they get Jordan
They get to get Jordan Peterson wrong
And he ends up clobbering them
So I think that that's an interesting topic, prompt engineering
So when I watch an Elon interview
I'm usually frustrated with the terrible quality of the prompt engineering
And you don't learn anything new
And then Lex Friedman interviews him and you get good stuff
I agree with you, Warren
But remember that you're in this circle of people who know everything
And there's still a lot of groups and people to be educated
And all the things that are happening
For us, it's like, yeah, there was nothing new or special or whatnot
But there's going to be people out there who, you know
That information was still very valuable to them
Because it is new to them
But I get what you're saying, totally
I just wish the questions were better and deeper and yeah
Yeah, you have the most interesting person on the planet in front of you
You might want to do your homework
And, you know, ask something that hasn't been asked before
Yeah, well preface, you know, start off by not asking questions
And so you haven't researched the guy at all
Like, oh, there was a Joe Rogan interview where he's like
Oh, you're landing rockets? And you're like
Fuck Joe, he talked about this in your last interview with him
Like, how does, like, I don't know how high Joe was in that conversation
But like, Joe, you covered this with him last time
He was pretty high
How do you know that Elon's not that
Elon's SpaceX isn't landing rockets
Like, how do you not know that?
So, you know, research the guy before you interview him
You have a particular thing you want to talk to him about
Really understand, like do some homework
Really understand what his companies do, what he does
What he talks about, what he's motivated about, what he said before
And say, you know, two years ago you said that you were
This is like the question I'm dreaming somebody will ask him
I'm still mad that Tim Dodd, every astronaut didn't ask him this question when he had the chance
Two years ago you said that the engine that would make life multiplanetary
You know, Raptor's good, but we need to come up with a completely new engine design
And that engine won't be called Raptor
And the biography comes out, and we know it's called LEET
Which is 1337, somehow it's pronounced LEET, it's some tech nerd thing
Like, no one has yet asked Elon what's LEET
And you lay the groundwork of saying, you know, you're developing Merlin, then you develop Raptor
And there was this mention in the biography about this LEET engine
Is the LEET a dead end? Is the Raptor end up being good enough?
What would be different about LEET? What can you tell us about this?
And maybe he says, I can't talk about it
Right, it's a national security issue, I can't talk about it, I don't know
But if we could get an answer on what's going on with LEET, is there some future engine coming for space?
Like, being a space nerd, I want the answer to that question
And no one has even asked it or come close to asking it
Yeah, it was, I haven't finished watching the Shapiro, I'm watching it right now
But, yeah, it's like, Alex Friedman was the most insightful for me as well
Well, because Lex understands tech
Right, he's a...
Does Lex ever come into spaces like he used to in Clubhouse?
I haven't seen him
Alright, that's too bad
Have you noticed Lex also brings out a little bit of a dark side from Elon
About the war and all these deeply philosophical topics
And often a bit morbid
I think Lex is one of the best interviewers on the world, I think he's fantastic
But he's an AI guy and he's good at prompt engineering, who would know? Who could see that coming?
It's the robot
Maybe he gets chat GBT to write his questions for him
Yeah, of course
Lex is...
Oh, go ahead
No, sorry, go ahead, go ahead
Oh, no, I was just babbling, just saying I like Lex, I would hope to see him in the space at some point soon
Yeah, that would be great, Warren, when we were on Clubhouse back in the day, did you ever talk to him personally?
Oh, yeah, I had a great conversation with him and he followed me
Oh, nice, cause like he was listening in one of my rooms once, but he, and he came, I think he came up but he didn't speak and then he left
So, obviously we weren't interesting enough, but I never got to really speak to him and then he...
You know, he's obsessed with love
And we were having a conversation in a Clubhouse room
I think I was openly talking about the challenges I faced in dating and what I was trying to do
And, you know, I'm a lot more open about my dating efforts than a lot of people
A lot of people, they're embarrassed about it, they don't want to talk about it, maybe they're playing a game and they don't want to give away their secrets or whatever
And I'm just really open about what I'm looking for, what I'm trying to do
And he was really surprised at how open...
You know, cause a lot of people are concerned about, oh, what are people going to think of me and you know, I don't give a fuck
Like, I'm just going to be straight out, this is what I'm doing
My dating profile, it turned off like all my dating apps cause I have a girlfriend now
But my dating profile, I was just like really direct, you know, like I want kids, you know
Yeah, everybody in the world knows that one
Right, but Lex was surprised by that and he appreciated it and we ended up in a...
You just caught something, you said you turned your dating profiles off
Cause you have a girlfriend now
Yes, I only date one at a time
One at a time, so is this a new relationship?
I'm in the dating space here cause I'm trying to get back in the game
Oh, we're not doing this
Don't do a... I don't do online dating
I don't do any online dating
And you said, so anyway, what I turned into is that you said you turned off your dating apps
As opposed to like removing your dating apps or deleting them
Well, we've only been dating for three weeks, so it's a little early to delete the apps
Yeah, you can't delete the apps, you lose all the message history, you lose all the everything
You can't delete them, you gotta wait until you lock that down
Warren has a goal in mind
He discussed it quite a bit a couple weeks ago, right?
Warren, I remember that conversation and you were asking the ladies' opinions in the room
Or somebody was
Maybe we were talking about you when you weren't there, I'm not sure
But no, I think it was you and you were saying, what do you ladies think, right?
And it sounded like you
Yeah, I don't remember all the conversations, it's so funny
I must have early onset Alzheimer's or something because I don't remember half the shit
But yeah, I had set out a certain goal, this is what I want
Dating in Thailand for Western men is very different from dating in America for Western men
Dating apps, just like the experience is very, very different
In America, I would get like one match a month and here it's like five a day
So it's like a really radically different experience
Oh, they must be all over your ass
Well, yes and no, there's a lot of the matches that are like prostitutes that are looking to get paid
There's a challenge
Lady boys?
I didn't experience that many lady boys, but it's just
Okay, we had this exact same conversation two weeks ago, including the lady boys
And was that Mark? Who asked that question?
I always bring that up because of where he is, it's because of where he is
You did, and you brought it up two weeks ago too, I remember
Okay, my bad, I need new material
Well, I just really want to know why Lex isn't dating
What did he tell you?
No, actually I have that question as well
Lex was interviewing Liv Boori
I don't know if you guys know Liv Boori
Liv Boori is a genius, she's a super successful poker player
She had or has a YouTube channel where she talks about science and especially physics
She's brilliant, she's beautiful, she's wonderful
And it's like, you have Lex Friedman talking to Liv Boori
And I think they were even talking about population collapse
And it's like, well, how about the two of you talk about why neither of you have children?
She's been in a long-term relationship with a guy, Igor, I think his name is, for quite a while
And like, these are two people, like if you believe that human species should advance and grow
And the best and the brightest should reproduce
These are two people, Lex and Liv and Liv's boyfriend Igor
Are all super bright, super hard-working, super interesting people
They should be having kids, they're the people who should be
It's sort of like watching Idiocracy
And it's like, why aren't these people the ones having kids?
Why is it the Cleveland and the trailer part?
What's the guy's name?
And from Idiocracy
Why are we seeing this massive reproduction from the idiots
And the intelligent people aren't reproducing
Liv Bory should be having kids, Lex Friedman should be having kids
What the hell is going on?
Well, it's always like that
At least Elon Musk is doing his job
We'll see if it was nature or nurture that made him what he is
I think it's a little bit of both in his case
But yeah, is it that people who are intelligent
See the risks and the downs
They see more of the downside
So they're hesitant to have kids
Where the less educated are like, oh look, I can get laid
A little bit of that probably
I think people who are more intellectual or busy
They're just busy
A lot plays into it, right
Economics, of course, classism
I hope not, that's like Idiocracy playing out
It is, it's totally Idiocracy playing out
That's like the best five minutes ever put on film
So I heard Adrian speak a moment ago, is he around, Adrian?
I thought he was objecting to our conversation
Yeah, he did
Oh, he's totally objected to it
He's around, but he's busy drying off or something
He gave the conversation a thumbs down
He's given a hundred percent
But the title says Lex Freeman and Love
Well, when we talked about dating apps and dating and things
Maybe he got a little nervous, I'm not sure
Adrian, were you getting nervous for some reason?
Do we have a match here?
We should just find a match for Kim in this room here
I don't know too much about Kim, but you know
She's amazing
She took a look and she looks gorgeous
So who's going to come up on stage and try their pickup line on Kim?
They do like the three bachelors kind of thing
Yeah, we should do that
Wait, I've seen a lot of thumbs down
We haven't heard of Adrian
Adrian's got thumbs down
He doesn't like the whole long story
He's kind of normal
Or maybe he wants you all to himself
Uh-oh, uh-oh
Mark, you got that again
He just put a hands up but then a thumbs down
Adrian, behind his back
Because he's obviously somewhere
He can't pitch in right now except for emojis
We could be misinterpreting them
So, you know
This is true
The thumbs down though gives me caution
You have to give him a moment
He's ironing his underwear
You know the specifics
Okay, well if there is a man in the audience who wants to, you know
He's not ironing his underwear
He's taking him out of the microwave
He's just waiting like cycles
Like one minute and then you have to do it again
Let's see, I'm scrolling through here
Let's see
Let's see
See, but I think if you're looking through the audience
Like they have to have spoken on stage
They have to be on stage
There has to be a meeting of the minds
So because you can you strike me as somebody who is highly intellectual
And you want that connection
So you're not looking for a boy toy, right?
You're just you're looking for somebody who's
Who challenges you in equal minded
So you can have things to talk about
Pretty much, yeah, yes
A little bit of a sapio-sexual
Or a sapio
Is it sapio-sexual?
Sapio, goodness, the word can slip my mind
I don't know what just happened
And I didn't even know what that means
So you're already way smarter than me
Lincoln, you just walked in on something
I heard sexual when I was like here, I don't understand
We're trying to get a match for Kim here
Wait, Adrian just whispered something
What'd you whisper, Adrian?
And he said things that you're attracted to
And that's a thing you don't have
That's an insult you'd be really thinking about
Oh, I heard sapio-sexual
That's like, shit
Sapio-sexual is an insult
To intelligence, right
No, what I just put it into context
Yeah, what I put it into context is
Like where you're attracted to the thing you don't have
There you go, see it click now
So it's an insult
Yeah, if you put it into that context, yes
You can make anything terrible in any context
I like dating smart people because it completes me
There you go, that's good
Does it mean that you're less smarter before that happens?
I'm not a sapio-sexual then, that's happening
Chop, chop, chop, chop
What the hell was that?
Well, we don't want to label anybody anyway
So we don't label birds for the birds
Chop, chop, chop
Okay, so I'm not clear about that
I don't think I can hear me
Is Adrian chopping vegetables or killing someone?
Both, maybe
I'm not a sapio-sexual then
How about that?
Well, I will say what I was dating
What's the opposite? What's like idiot sexual?
I thought I was dating, when I was dating an uneducated woman who didn't speak English
Even if they were very good-looking, I was four dictators
And if I date intelligent women, I have an interesting conversation, then I get turned on
Call those one-night stands
I'm believing one-night stands
You gotta see them in the morning
You gotta go in the morning, so it's not a one-night stand
That's true
If you gotta make a breakfast, if you have the utility
That's like next level
I did make my girlfriend breakfast
Ooh, good
Ooh, yeah, yeah, very good, very good
It's a psychological thing, bruh
Eggs, what else?
Just bare bones
Oh, I'm sure there was onion and garlic
You could throw bacon on there
Onion and garlic and salt and stuff that I put in there
Oh, I think gum
I think there's like some Japanese mushrooms that I threw in there
Ooh, exquisite
Sounds fancy
I like it
Eggs are good with just butter and salt
And, um, what's the mozzarella with the really soft inside?
Ah, br-bratta
Bratta, I, I, I, I, I, I, uh
Not bratta
Right, bratta, so I, we split a bratta
No, you're not that dumb, Mark, just settle down
Super Mario
Super Mario
It's a me, Mario
I know someone can speak the actual language
He keeps telling me my fucking case is settled
No, cause, cause is settled, bruh
Mark, Ginger's on my back
It's weird
Oh, Ginger, oh, you named both your cats
Adrian, what are you cooking?
Sounds like you're cutting carrots
Yeah, it does, or, or something like a
Zucchini or
Celery, yeah
Okay, Scoble is about to enter this
For bamboo
Yeah, bring in scoble
For onion, maybe onions
Oh, of course, onions, that's easy
He's, like, chopping a mile a minute
Robert, how are you?
Doing good
So how many books do you have, Robert?
I've written five books
Whether I actually wrote them or not
It's up for question, but
My name is on the front of them
Every time you come in
I guess I wrote them
Every time you come in, we end up
You end up talking about, um, strip clubs
Do you want to just start with that this time?
You gotta work up for that
It's, it's 1030, you know
If you're in Vegas, strip clubs start, like, at one
Should we start with the Texas barbecue?
Yeah, that sounds more reasonable
I finished, I finished some of the chili tonight
It was even better after three days
Did you put some cheese?
No, I just took it straight out of the package
I don't know
Cheese might have improved it, but
No, I didn't use cheese
Then I got all sorts of ice cream
Happy belated
Thank you
I still got ice cream for my birthday
Happy belated birthday
Yeah, I'm gonna have some birthday ice cream
Happy belated birthday, Robert
Thank you
A lot of multimodal models to read about
New, new models
Little models
Can run a little robot or something
I thought you were talking about little women models
Models, no, no, this is a
Well, it could be, you know
You could have an AI girlfriend running with a multimodal model
Robert, I just recently went through the list that you set up
You commented on one of, on a post and you provided the link
And I just have to thank you for that
That's so impressive
I feel like I don't need anything else on X but your list
Thank you
In fact, I'm actually going to structure and reorganize how I've been using X and social media in general
Just, of course, with using the tweet deck
But organizing everything based on your list because it's all that I'm interested in
Can you post it or something? I need this list
Go to my profile and go view lists
It's really easy
Mark needs some help with this right now
He doesn't know how to X
He doesn't know how to X
I don't know how to X
They teach me
They're like, now you do that
I don't, yeah
Mark just how to X, X, X
Click on my photo
Here I can do it to you
Click on your photo
Click on your profile
Which pulls you up to your profile
Then there's three little buttons
Dots, a button on the top right
And one of the selections, the third one, is view lists
Okay, view lists
And then you can see which lists are you on
Oh my gosh
So I can see which lists you've joined or followed
And then which lists are you on
And then I can also see your own lists as well
Okay, I'm surprised if I have any
Because I didn't know there was even lists
But, Mark
Robert, which feature do you like more, communities or lists?
Lists, by far
I've been doing lists for 17 years
There's a lot of work in those lists
Lots of hours
I'm always doing my lists all day long
Like, for years
Who knows, do you?
Just last hour I added some things to the list
You know, I find something new
That goes on a good list
I have the world's best crypto list
Because I hate crypto
So I put all those people on a list
To get them out of my main feed
And now I'm watching that feed
And I'm like, that's pretty good lists
I have lists of all the investors
Lists of journalists
Lists of world news
I have all the world news
From the right wing to the left wing
Can you have private lists?
You can, I don't have any private lists
At the current moment
I've had them in the past
On what subject?
Well, I had an adult list for a while
It's private, perfect
There's a lot of adult books
It's up your companies on x
And I stopped doing that list
I deleted it
I mean, the list is pretty full scope
I mean, you have AI artists
AI companies, developer tools
Education, enterprise and work
Founders and CEO
In fact, you have a couple of AI founders
I noticed
You have the Holodeck
AI medical and healthcare
The Holodeck is my favorite
I've got to dive into that
You have 30, excuse me, 376 members
There's AI
All companies, by the way
That's all companies, no people
All companies, okay
The company is building the Holodeck
What a piece of it
There's AI orgs and media
And of course AI people
There's about two
That has all the influencers on it
Okay, influencers
There's 18,500 followers in that group
And then there's AI real estate
You have about seven members, 235 followers
There's AI writing
Or writing and marketing
With 195 members
And 444 followers
And those are all companies, yeah
All companies
I know I'm on here somewhere
Let's see
It doesn't say AI
It says AR and VR companies
That's a big one
And then you have AR and VR people
Better get more important next month
AR and VR people has 4,900 members
There's the autonomous vehicles
All added by hand
One by one
And that has 340
Excuse me
343 members
There's climate and weather
There's computer vision
You gotta watch when the satellite
Yeah, when the weather's coming for you
On the climate
That's a good list
It's all assigned to study the AI
For where the weather's going
Okay, that's good to know
How about computer vision
Maybe I should slow down a minute
And we can probably tell us a little bit more about the list
Computer vision's all the nerds who build the autonomous cars
Or these new multi-modal models
Okay, that one has 643 members
And 500 and, well, 5.1 followers
And then here's your favorite, everybody's favorite
Crypto and Web 3.0
Not that it's everybody's favorite
But that's where you're consolidating with people
2.6 members
There's founders 1
And founders 2
You can't add more than 5,000 people to a list
So I just make a second list
Wow, your lists have lists
I think I'm gonna join one of these lists
Just to, you know
And it keeps going
You can see the whole tech industry by my list
I love that you have Steve Wozniak
As the faces
I was just checking out that list
Yeah, founders 2, right?
There's infrastructure
Then we have one
Yeah, cloud computing
Because I used to work at a cloud computing company
So I built that one up pretty heavy then
And what kind of companies do we have in infrastructure?
Yeah, cloud computing companies
Or people who build internet infrastructure
I have a question
If I follow one of your lists
If I follow one of your lists, what happens?
Do I start seeing posts from those lists in my feed?
Or do I have to go to the list to see the posts?
We'll see a rare post from one feed
If you only follow one list
It doesn't work that well
The way to do it is to get TweetDeck
Yeah, TweetDeck
Which is now called XPro
And TweetDeck is a thing you open up in your web browser
And you add a list as each column
Each column is a list
And so I have 70 columns on my TweetDeck
And I can just sit there and watch the world go by
It's the most efficient way to watch X
Now, this group here called Interesting
I mean, that's interesting
What's that about?
Landmarks? You have the Crystal Geyser here?
There's a lot of weirds did in that list
A lot of weird people
That's the list I'm in
A lot of smart people in that list
But I couldn't really
If I find a smart historian, I'll put them in that list
Because I can't fit them in any of my tech lists
So that list has a lot of weirds did in it
Okay, we have inventors
I'm sorry, investors
Yeah, that's the money
That must be everybody in Silicon Valley
Not everybody
You know what I mean
Just the people in mud's money
The rich people
The real McCoy, not the bullshitters, right?
Well, I tried to keep the people with no money off that list
All right, then we have PR and communications
These people used to bother me a lot
So I put them in a list
I know who's...
I bet you I know somebody on that list
They're hooting me now
So they're in a list
They're in a list
Yeah, right
Then there's security
But it does have pretty much everybody in the industry
Plus a few other people from around the world
Who work in PR, yeah
That's a good one to have around
Security, that's also cyber security and physical security
Yeah, if I see anybody who's a hacker, I'll put them in there
Any Israelis that go in there?
How about clumsy?
He's like black hat
If he's black hat, he goes in the list
Yeah, he's I think...
Oh, I don't know
I'm presuming he's black hat
And then this one's your favorite
Spatial computing
I'd say Holodeck is a little bit higher right now
But that one is probably going to get some work this year
Because Apple's come in and...
I'm going to have to do some less for Apple
Stepward from spatial computing
Because, you know, there's some companies in there
That are doing spatial computing, but not for Apple
Apple has something going on
You have tech companies that has 351 members and 1,000 followers
Yeah, if I find a tech company, I put them in there
Not complete, but completely enough
Do you have a specific benchmark for the tech companies that meet the list requirements or standards?
The closer you are to Microsoft size, the more likely you are on the list
If you're like one person company, maybe not
You have tech journalists
Does that include some of the mainstream media tech?
All of them
All of them
Not just mainstream, all of them
If I find a tech journalist, I put them in there
How about citizen journalists?
If they write for an outlet, they're on that list
With some exceptions, if they have a famous blog
Marcus Brownlee's probably on that list
Because he doesn't work for an outlet like New York Times
He has his own business
But he's famous enough
I'll put him on that list
Because he goes to the press conferences
I don't think I know who he is, actually
Yeah, he covers gadgets and cars and young guys
Was he with CNET at any time?
No, he always had his own video blog
He does videos, video reviews and things
Okay, I'll have to check him out
Interviewed Elon, got a tour of the factory
Was at the Cybertruck launch, right?
Did a review of the Cybertruck kind of thing
Okay, well moving on, we have tech VIPs
That's all
Anybody who has a recognizable name
Or is in a role in the industry
That's a VIP kind of role
Like a CEO of Google
VC firms versus investors
So is there a...
Investors are people
VC firms are the companies
Of course, yes, duh
And then there's...
There's a lot of VC firms
It's like, whoa
When you see others, it's like, wow
It used to be only like 5
Now it's 2,000
Wow, yeah, it's 1.3
There's a lot of rich people in the world
Did you say most of them are here in the Bay Area?
A lot of them are on Sand Hill Road, yeah
I used to love driving down that street
From 280 when I was...
Anyway, memories
Vision OS
And then...
That's somebody else's list that I followed
Because they're covering the vision
The Apple Vision Pro
And I'll probably use that list
And start my own
Because this isn't very complete
You know, there's somebody I want to put you in touch with
I think he got ahold of the Vision Pro last year
And he was doing demos
I can't think of his name at the moment
He wouldn't be doing demos
Because you're not allowed to demo it to anybody
If you have one
Maybe it's not demos
But he was...
He might be a software engineer
Who has access to one
Yeah, that's what it was
He wasn't doing demos
Does he work for Disney or something big company?
He is an artist
It's creative
Is he a famous artist
Or is he a struggling artist?
He's becoming an influencer
Then he might have one
I don't know
Yeah, he's on Instagram
And he's really plugged in with Zuckerberg
Well, Zuckerberg is the other one
Is it people?
What's that?
Yeah, it might be
I don't know
I don't know why people would have a Vision Pro though
Because before right now they are very limited in number
So Apple would give them to a very high-end developer
Who's building something for the Vision Pro
Yeah, that would be...
And then the last on the list is world news
Yeah, that's all the world news
From both sides of the aisle
Everything from the right to the left
All the world news
Fox, New York Times, CNN
I like how you see the pile
Yeah, it's sort of...
That's an interesting list to watch
When there's breaking news
If a president gets shot, that's a good list to watch
Well, this is a fantastic list
And I truly value it
And if you were to suggest this list to someone
To just sort of get started in AI
Let's say
Lehman Street
I'd start them out with the AI orgs and media list
Which is 2000
It's all the orgs I could find
But it's mostly influencers
So you'll see all the news there
Well, my hat's off to you sir
Thank you so so much
Then you'll get bored and you'll go
These people are idiots
And then you'll say
Okay, where's the real people?
I got 70,000 people
Who are all engineers
And I can't put them in lists yet
Don't have time
Takes time
To put 50,000 people into a list
Is a pain in the fucking ass
Because first of all, the list can only have 5,000 people
And putting 5,000 people on a list
Takes me more than a month
Of constant work
Like 24...
While I'm on the call
I'm constantly going through and putting people on a list
It's a lot harder than it looks
And that's why nobody does it
Oh, I can see how much work you've put into this
Yeah, nobody has a list like mine of the companies
3500 companies
Nobody's even close to me
In terms of having lists like that
This is a gem for X right now
Because I think this is going to...
You know, I think it helps out
And it helps the AI community find itself
That's my goal, right?
Yeah, but as AI evolves to everything
For the most part, because you've broken down
All of the categories
And, you know, technologically
What people...
Yeah, I split the 3500 companies into like
Five, eight different lists, something like that
Thank you for adding my tiny little
Two people company to the list
Could be more of it
A little struggle
Hey, I remember when Uber was two people, so don't...
Oh, yeah, I'm doing big things, big things
Right now, I'm not doing much, but yes
I literally remember Uber being invented in front of me by two people, so
What's taking you?
Apple started by two people, what, 50 years ago
Three people, the third guy said
These two other guys are idiots, I'm selling my stock
And I'm getting out of this thing
It's a true story, by the way
That turned out to be a multi-billion dollar mistake
Are you talking about yourself?
No, no, there was a third co-founder of Apple
With Woz and Jobs, and I forget his name even
But there was a third co-founder, he sold all his stock in the early days
I think I remember that guy
I don't remember him per se, but I remember a documentary about this person
Grock will tell you who the third guy is
That's the key that you said, I don't remember his name
You would have, the other day, he stuck in it
How human beings work, we remember number one, number two and three is harder
So Scoble, while we're connected here in this space, you know, we're both from the same region
We both grew up in South Bay, Silicon Valley, San Jose
Both were there since 1971
Both of our fathers were engineers
Your father was a nuclear engineer
Well, he was a semiconductor, material science guy
He built the radiation shielding and the microelectronics on our satellites
The third co-founder Grock tells me is Ronald Wayne
Ronald Wayne
Wayne, Wayne
Which is the right answer
I have to get some names
So my father was, or is still, mechanical electrical, more mechanical design
But he worked with nuclear, well he was with Westinghouse at one point
I think I seem to have fond memories of that period
But those were the marine satellites
Building like nuclear plants, oh he was building
Nuclear missiles, missile, it was the
Oh he was building the weapons
The weapons, yes, the defense
Because Westinghouse built power plants too didn't they?
And he did that too, Fukushima was the one
But he was with General Electric at that point
And then later on in the 90s it became the robotics, the satellites, the laser
I think it was the lasers first
And then robotics and satellites and then sensors
And now he's on to medical, well went on to medical devices
But he tends to border on the physics side
And gets really deep in the, of course he's deep in the manufacturing
He's kind of like staying in one spot
He doesn't want to go into management
He's just kind of a, you know
Management's a pain
Unless you get out of it
Yeah, I don't think you get out of it
Some people really like it, you know
But what I'm fascinated about is the 80s and the late 90s
Or excuse me, I would say the late 80s
Because I think we were in the same neighborhood
Saratoga and Cupertino
Yeah, of course
I grew up in Cupertino and then we moved to the border of San Jose and Saratoga
Right next to Prospect High School
I think of Lee, Lee Avenue
That was the football competitor
There's a bunch of high schools in the valley that would play football against each other
Did you go to high school in...
I went to Prospect, yeah
I went to Prospect High School, okay
I think my niece went to Leland
And I spent a lot of time at one point in Saratoga
Lost Gaddows
But anyway, without giving out
That's in high school, that's where the rich kids go
Well, the richer kids
Yeah, there's even richer schools than that in the valley
But that's a pretty rich one
Leland, you say?
No, Lost Gaddows, that's where Waz's kids went
Oh, right, yeah
No, I didn't go to high school there
But I spent a lot of time out over there
And my parents almost bought their third home in Lost Gaddows before another location
Anyway, just shooting the shit
Thank you for letting me speak and introduce your list to you
And I just wanted to connect with you again
Oh, I know what I wanted to bring up
Because we've talked about the history of Silicon Valley
And the fact that it's this missing information and truths
To the Chinese building the railroads
And I wanted to ask you if you've ever seen that locomotive
That's literally tucked behind this Vietnamese bar on old Monterey Road
Yeah, yeah
You know what I'm talking about?
I haven't visited that in years
But I sort of remember that one
It's still there
It's quite eerie
Would you say that is from that period of time?
Yeah, I mean, steam trains were real important in building America
Building the world, really
Railroads started Silicon Valley, right?
A Transconnell railroad gave Leland Stanford the wealth to buy Stanford University
Which is what started Silicon Valley
Still owns a lot of Palo Alto today
A lot of Palo Alto is actually on Stanford land
They rent it from them
You're saying Leland still owns that?
The Stanford University does, yes
I mean, Leland's dead
But his university lives on, right?
Right, yeah
But a good
That seems to be the history of California in a whole
Like there's sections of Central Valley
Big Sur, for instance
And other parts that certain families own the land
And they leased it out and it became, you know, got involved with the land trust
Blah, blah, blah
Real estate's where billionaires get their money
Or some of it
My friend, you know, I worked at Rackspace and Graham Weston is a real estate guy
He owns the two largest buildings in San Antonio, Texas
That's why he started Rackspace
Because he was renting out space to entrepreneurs in his buildings
And two of the, I think it was three other guys were starting a company
And he said, I can help you with that business
That's real estate
It was cloud computing
But it was selling the same way that he sells real estate
He understood that
So he bought in
That's how San Jose
I would say a lot of the tech parks were developed too, right?
Through real estate
I got her name, this woman's father
Yes, there's a famous firm here that you're probably going to say
I can't remember the name either
I did a lot of the development of real estate and offices and things like that
Yeah, I feel like I knew the daughter of this father
This was, I'm going way back
I just want to get into dropping names
A regular family
I donated the horse farm to Stanford University
They were into real estate
See, that's what, you make a lot of money by your school, a horse farm
That's why you know you're really rich
You can buy your school a horse farm
I guess it depends on the acreage and so forth, but yeah
We're a building for the engineering students
I like Bill Gates' building started Google
Google was started inside Bill Gates' building at Stanford University
Among other things
Neural Radiance Fields, really
Oh, they're lineage back to that building too
I'm sorry, which field?
The Bill Gates building at Stanford University started a lot of companies
Google was a famous one, but started a whole bunch of photography research was done in that building
Which led to Gaussian Splats and Neural Radiance Fields today
I can see that
New kind of photography
Did you know I worked in commercial photography in the 90s?
Yeah, a lot of the photo studios in San Francisco
Say as early as 1993
Alabama Street, 375 Alabama between 16th and 17th
There was a studio there, it was Macy's photo studio
I worked for a model guitar for printing photos in a darkroom
He would give me like a hundred negatives to print a day
And I'd have to print one after another real fast
You too, huh?
So you went through the whole transformation of film to digital
Yeah, I was with a studio called Sandbox
At the time we did everything of course on 4x5 film
And put a lot of brands online during the dot com
But initially it was just total print catalog advertising
San Francisco was primarily advertising at the time
And then of course when the dot com crashed
That all changed
But a lot of my initial creative work came out of that dot com period
And we set up
So I was part of the internet launch team for quite a few dot com companies
In some successful ones, some failure
Some that have obviously fallen to the wayside
But the biggest one was the gap
And we helped set up gaps
Creative technology back in 1999
Maybe it was 1998
And then later on
So once we got the gap up
Then it became North Face
And you know the rest is history
So I just wanted to throw that out there
But it was doing that
We did mushrooms with the founder in North Face
In Southern Colorado
Oh what a great place to do that
I did mushrooms in Big Sur
And a musician
And a bunch of other people too
It was great
That sounds like Las Vegas cocktail stories
Except in the woods in Sun Valley, Idaho
Which was a far better place to do mushrooms than Las Vegas actually
Well the best place to do mushrooms is in Big Sur
Yeah that's up there
That's up there
Sun Valley, Idaho is pretty nice because it's quiet
And everything's a forest
And there's not a lot of people around there
And you can go up on a ski hill and go skiing
One of the guys has done mushrooms
It says there's a slope that he can only ski on mushrooms
He's a professional skier
And he says if I want to ski the cliff
I've got to be on mushrooms
For some reason I can see every freaking piece of the mountain on mushrooms
When I'm sober I can't do that
Oh my gosh
This is some serious Bay Area talk
No this is Sun Valley, Idaho people
Nothing about the Bay Area
I don't know I just feel funny about talking about drugs a little bit
It was legal in the back
It's still illegal even in California
It's smoking weeds legal but not mushrooms
Hard to enforce though
Adrian's kind of quiet. He's still around
He's just letting us chat
Might be taking a nap
Might be I don't know
He's eating his chicken
Eating his chicken? He made dinner
I heard him cutting when I first came on here chopping some
What were you chopping? Some carrots or something?
That'll make you cry
Onions are potatoes
I'll be onions
I called it
Yeah you did
I am not very good at chopping
When you see somebody like my brother has people working in a kitchen
Those people fast
I love cooking
Each slice is like perfect
It's all messy
You gotta really know
You gotta really know how to chop onions
When you go that fast
I'm sure that Adrian does
Either that or you need a machine
Well you gotta tuck your fingers in a little bit
So that the knife's coming down on the middle part of your fingers
Like the middle knuckle or the part
Otherwise you're gonna chop the finger out
If you ask Rock who has the most innovative restaurant in Las Vegas
Rock says Guy Savard
Which is a chef out of Paris
I'm not sure
Rock says Guy Savard
Which is a chef out of Paris
Guy Savard in Paris took me into his kitchen
And taught me the secret
To cooking his artichoke soup
Which is his signature dish
He has a $3,000 micro puree machine
Which cuts everything
So finely you can't see it
Mmm that sounds good
Did he put the recipe?
Ice cream
You put ice cream in there
And it cuts out the ice cream
So it's smooth
It's like
It comes out of a foster's freeze or something
Soft serve
Soft serve ice cream
But it's not soft serve
It's real ice cream
It's just cut up
So that it's smooth
It's pretty interesting
But I don't have a $3,000 machine to do that
So you said that was Duarte
Duarte's cream of artichoke soup?
Guy Savard
Guy Savard
Guy Savard
This is the most innovative restaurant in Las Vegas
You probably answered Guy Savard
Okay, I'll look for it
So we've been hearing a lot about
It's one of the top chefs in the world
We've been hearing a lot of you talking
A lot about you talking about Las Vegas
And now I'm curious
It's a good metaphor for testing out AIs with Adrian
I'm having a good time with Adrian
And then using Grock and doing a video show
About how bad Grock is or how good Grock is
At getting us into nightclubs
And shooting machine guns
Stuff like that, right?
You go to Vegas with some money in your wallet
You can do a lot of things like race cars
Or fly over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter
I mean, there's lots of things to do
Last time I was in Las Vegas
I was there with three young boys
And a good friend
And we spent most of the time at Circus Circus
On the roller coasters with the kids
There's one at the top of the stratosphere
Which is a bit of a trip
And there's one around New York, New York, a roller coaster
So yeah, you could do a little roller coaster tour of Vegas
Yeah, we almost went there
But it was just so hot
And I don't know how we ended up at Circus Circus
Considering all the other things
Oh, I know, we were there for the
God, McGregor fight
It was the...
Honor of the beach?
O'Connor, yes, yes
We went to the conference
You were probably on a cheap budget
Because that's the only reason you end up at Circus Circus
Were you staying at Circus Circus?
Hell no, no
I was like, because I haven't stayed at Circus Circus
I think I'd prefer the hostel over that shit
We had a suite, we had like three room suite
At another location
So it was just basically the Hilton
You know, they do the Hilton suites
If you're really rich, you can get the suite at the top of the Cosmopolitan
During CES, that'll cost you 50 grand
But during the rest of the year, it may be 20
But it's pretty nice
I'm not that big of a Vegas person
But I have to go with a group of people or someone
Vegas is...
I've been there like 150 times
In my life
I have a love-hate relationship with Vegas
I just wait for concerts and conferences
And there's a lot going on there
It's exciting
I love Vegas
They always count my room
On the bridge in front of the Venetian
So it means something to me and Marian
Picked up our wedding certificate
Our wedding form
What debauchery is in my life is in Vegas
It's a good place to get some food
They have decent restaurants if you know where to go
Both for poor and rich people
MGM always calms my room
Because they know they're going to make up for it
And dining and then shows and other things
Eon, if you're putting a few grand into the table every night
And they keep track of it with your little loyalty card
You're putting a loyalty card
And they keep track of it with your little loyalty card
So they know you bring in two grand every night
To the table
They're going to give you lots of calms for that
I don't even run that kind of gaming
I really don't
I play low stakes
I cap myself
Yeah, exactly
I have a hard cap
Win or lose or draw
I know when to walk
Most I've ever lost
Thankfully is like a couple hundred bucks
And that's the key
You really got to know when to cut your losses
But I think they like my style
And they just give me rooms
You got no one to hold them
That's right
They ran your credit while you were playing
They were like, this guy has good credit
Give him a room
Yeah, that may be true
That's probably
Give him a room, make him feel better
Yeah, exactly
I went to Reno once
Actually spent a week in Tahoe
On a girls trip with a friend
She was a high roller
She was playing
I don't play like she does
But she was just blowing money at the table
And then on her way there
She says, I need to stop into town
And check something out
And she starts whipping out her camera
And taking pictures of the sheriff
And this is a small town in California
By the way, we had like a long drive
From Central Valley
To, or Central Coast to Tahoe
She starts taking photographs
Of people
Then we stop and pick up
Something to eat, like lunch
Of course on our way, stop at a sushi restaurant
She says, oh, I'm meeting a friend
He's going to join us
I said, okay, great
So, after our lunch
We all walk to the, you know
Back to our cars
And she pops up in the trunk
And she's got like all these guns
I said, what the fuck is going on
Just America, come on
You can have guns in your trunk
Yeah, well, you can have guns
In your trunk
My friend has like 19 guns
So, you know, I don't have guns
Like, for rally, guns
Family members, now he collects old war
War two guns, but still, you know
It's America, you can have some guns in your trunk
Yeah, yeah, I know, this was just
I didn't expect this from a neighbor
So, unassuming
So, we finally
I know the neighbors on my street who have guns
There's guns in this party
Those who modify the guns
Those who, you know, do all kinds of stuff
But come to find out
Once we arrive in Dorino
And she's like putting on
different wigs and
I don't know what the deal was going on
Yeah, it was an entertaining moment
Where she was
What kind of woman is this?
I'm more thinking about the wigs
Than I am about the guns
Oh, that was the whole point
Is she a spy?
Is she, you know
Bingo, I got suffered
Does she have two families? Like, you know,
One in Vegas and one in
else? What's going on here?
Exactly, I got suckered into
a weekly trip to Tahoe
As some kind of
I don't know, like
a prop or something
She kept going back to the casino
She was blonde one minute and
Burnett the next and
Glasses the next minute and
Blowing money at the table
Anyway, so, yeah
I don't really
My brother-in-law lost a lot
of money gambling
The tracks saw a wrong kind
And they're coming after you for your money
You lost a lot of money
and you're in debt to them, right?
Nah, you don't want that kind of crowd
So she had a very nice
business, she was in advertising
sold billboard ads
I don't care, my
brother-in-law gambled away $40 million
You can gamble away a lot
of money fast
Yeah, I think that's what happened with her
going towards that direction
Sorry about that
Something about it
What's up with the wig? Was she
hiding from the law?
Or just trying to
dress yourself up at
certain times? What was going on?
So as the story goes, so she had
a boyfriend at one
point that she told me that was
in the CIA
Which you're not supposed to give that kind of information out
But at one point she
had her house raided
law enforcement
They came in and they confiscated
all her guns and
I had no idea that the neighbor down
in the affluent neighborhood
that she had been
gun collecting or
whatever she was up to
Were these legally obtained guns
or were these bought at the
flea market? I don't know
That's the whole point
You gotta ask questions like this
You gotta find out where you get these guns
Exactly, so you don't know these
Don't know these
things until you're halfway down the road
with somebody and you're
stopping to get something to eat and then the trunk opens
and there's guns
Was this a hitchhiker kind of thing? You were hitchhiking
and she picked you up or what?
No, it was a neighbor down the block
where you know, just very
unassuming, very innocent
She's like, eh, you want to
spin the weed?
You gotta watch out for
the quiet ones
Yeah, exactly
They have
things they're keeping quiet
That's why they're quiet
I met a woman in
Greensboro in North Carolina
and she writes
soft porn books and has
a sex dungeon in her house
and none of her neighbors knows
and she's very quiet
When you meet her, you would
never guess
See, that's what I'm talking about
You gotta watch the quiet ones
You always have the interesting stories
that you really start
Violent but deadly
I don't know about deadly, but I have
interesting lives hidden somewhere
I have lots of
Las Vegas stories
Are you quiet?
No, I tend to
talk about my stories
most of the time
I'm told publicly, but
you know, maybe one night
I have some quiet stories
If you walk into
a party at a tech conference
the quiet ones in the corners
are the people who do the work
At the augmented
world expo, I met
a group sitting in the corner
turned out to be Northrop Grumman's
tech team. They were all
quiet, nerdy people sitting in the corner
because they didn't want to be in the noise
Now that I
have an autistic son, I totally
understand it now
How's your sign?
He's doing good
Yeah, I mean
as good as he's
Is he in high school?
Yeah, he's in a special needs
class in high school
Is he gonna be
the next Mark Zuckerberg?
If he turns out that way
he's shocked me
several times already, but
that would be a big shock
And how old is he?
Okay, he's a good age
I have a 30 year old too
and a 14 year
So good ages?
Yeah, keep you honest
They're starting to be
able to beat me
They're bigger than me now
It's like, oh shit
Gotta use
new tools
to get them motivated
in the Bay Area as well?
Yeah, the two kids
are living with us
The 30 year old lives in New York
Oh, that's nice
Making their way
But he's with us right now too
Okay, for the
I guess it's the
spillover from the holidays
and the weather patterns
Birthdays, both of our
birthdays are in January
It's been years since
he came out and visited us
It's nice
That's nice
Is he in tech at all or media?
No, he wanted to be
a police officer and then COVID cured
him of that
He still works at NYPD
as somebody
who works in the front
and helps people
but he's not an officer
And then he has a
second job where he digs through trash for
then catalogs the trash for the corporations
and tells them how green they are
Why are you talking about me?
I'm proud of you
knows a lot about trash
technology, recycling
tell you how green your
company is, or if you're investing in
company he can tell you how green it is
because he works in New York and
goes through all the trash and catalogs it
For the corporations
Yeah, it's not my kind of job
but he does teach me
all about composting
So it has some usefulness
It pays pretty good
It pays better than a police job
Stacy and I were chatting
last night and she was sharing
with me about her son
who's really humorous
Stacy, thank you again for
introducing me to your son
and his videos
his YouTube videos
He's quite a
I think he's
I'll let you share a little bit about him
I don't want to put that information
out there, but since we were talking
since Robert mentioned
your son on the spectrum
and I just thought I'd toss that out there
because I know that Stacy
Yeah, Julian is very sweet
very sweet, he's a genius
and he wasn't
diagnosed with autism
until he was like 11
which is unusual
usually they'll
catch it early, but he's
a whiz kid
A lot of kids, my best friend
didn't get diagnosed until he was an adult
Yeah, because there's no real
I mean it's a spectrum because it's a spectrum
there's no one
no one is like the other
and so, you know
for him, like
I do wonder, why do people
say as adults get that then?
Because they figure out
what's tormenting them
been tormented all their life
they don't understand why they don't fit in
and when you start studying
yourself, you know
you might go see a psychiatrist get tested out
Yeah, I agree
with my son when he was
in kindergarten
I mean I've never
got myself tested out, but I know
I'm just fucking weird
when everybody says
hey I can't see that shit, I don't know
what that means, why do
you see a pattern here?
Patterns are so interesting
and that is one thing that my son has
It's probably when you start to realize it, maybe a little bit
weirder than most
He sees patterns in
I mean he doesn't see patterns where there aren't
patterns, my son sees patterns
My son is when people live into it
you know what I mean?
It becomes their whole identity
that they don't think of anything else
Right, right
It's like
I think it was more like a
significance issue, I've seen a few do that
So I was like, oh yes, I'm odd
they're but I'm special, they're but I'm different
It's like, yeah interesting, sure
but can you do something with that?
I don't know
That's how I've always seen it
Graham Cohen told me
he was autistic, he
presented that way too
He wrote BitTorrent
Well we've never
Exactly, it's kind of weird isn't it
We've never treated our son
You don't think normally when he builds shit like that
He has a lot of details in his head
We've never treated our son, you know
He's actually an Einstein
I think my son is
I mean he just can't express it
in words that we understand
You know when he was in kindergarten
he could do the math
but he couldn't explain how
the show was working
Normally you have a lot of stories
Who's that?
Are you particularly tired today
or having one of those
profound moments where you just sit there and think
Are you talking to Stacey or Robert?
I'm a little tired, yeah
I'm not sure if Stacey's saying anything
I can't hear her
Can you hear me again?
Oh I couldn't hear Stacey the entire time
I may have to drop you
and pull you back up again because I can't hear anything
I see you've un-liked
but I can't hear anything that's coming out
So I'll just drop you a little quick
and bring you back up
I can hear both of you
so that's really weird
Shit happens like that
X is still not out of the trees
man it's still hitting the few trees
on the way
God, can you imagine what's going to happen
in the final integrated video?
Jesus Christ
The bugs for that are going to be next level
I don't know, you know, cause
they might just start over
I think they would
but if you really wanted to fix
most of the issues
get rid of Periscope
It'll be new bugs
It'll be new bugs but
lesser to evils
in my opinion
How was your night Adrian?
Pretty good
He has Coachella in his house
He has a rave with all of his friends
He's smoking a lot of wheat
What were you cutting, onions?
Are you crying?
Did it make you cry?
Was it that kind of onion?
A little bit
So what did you cook for dinner?
You mentioned chicken
Yes, chicken
I won't get into your business then
Hi Honey Badger
You're in that audience
Holy shit
That guy was in my space
Hey Wiggle
There's some weird people
that are sometimes trying to
Wiggle around
I think Wiggle's a little busy right now
Robert, did you catch
the space that we had
what we kind of like dragged
into the space
that we had
that we had
that we had
dragged it out towards the end there
but did you catch that space
where Bill Ackman just dropped in casually
That was fucking crazy
Yeah, he dropped in
You have a cat?
Yeah, brief chat
It was right after the space with Elon ended
I just put a thing down there, bro came in
we had a conversation
I was like holy fucking shit
That's awesome
You need to start
thinking about
scheduling some guests
because that's how you'll get
if you can convince and be like
hey come on on Thursday night
then you can make a deal about it
and stay focused
I'm working on a show
Is there any money in this shit?
Oh yes there is
If you make it
if you make it that way
you have to basically use
a small sponsor so to speak
I guess somebody wants to sponsor your show
I guess it's like radio
It'd be very difficult to prove that
you're actually having a turnover
but I'd imagine
Yeah, exactly, plug your own product
that's how it works
I actually wanted to speak with Bill Ackman
when he was on, I was like rushing out of the shower
and of course he was
I didn't realize it was him talking
until I was actually getting out of the shower
Anyway, somewhere around there
let me find you this thing, hang on, where's my uh
we actually have something
new happening
let's go check out what I've pinned
in the top of this space and look at the account
because he mentioned weekly shows
I am doing those
on Saturday
every Saturday now
I'm gonna do one at 4.20
p.m. Eastern
and we just basically
do a weekly recap of
using events that
have happened not only in the world, but also
and we sometimes have a steady guest set up
but mostly we just
have a bit of
a flow but we do have everything segmented
and according to format
so yeah, we have a
discussion of whatever was hot
within the week, then we finish up with
tech, have a conversation about that
and once that's all been finished
then we rock it, it's about two hours
max, one and a half hours minimum
that's what we're doing
I like this format
been doing that for
one week already, had a really interesting
cooperative effort with the crowds and scenes
so yeah, we've been doing that
and look at that account, looks pretty clean
doesn't it?
I think it looks great, you can count on me to be there
X use weekly
so yeah, weekly shows we're definitely doing
so now the question is like
finding people that
we would have
a schedule with
scaling that later on down the line
so let's go
what do you recommend? Who should I
reach out to? Who should we
Sorry, I thought I
was unmuted
I have 600 founders, CEOs
on a list of AI companies
those would all be interesting
you want to get told them all?
there's a guy, there's a guy
who's just posted
let me send it to the nest
is walking around his robot
in San Francisco
that's interesting
somebody like that, you know
somebody that nobody's heard of
is doing something
Wiggle just posted something about that on his timeline
and I reposted it
but that's actually pretty cool to see this
dynamic looking robot
of course I want to see Optimus
yeah, but I want to see Optimus
when it doesn't look dorky
when it's walking around
like cool, it has to look cool
this thing looks too
like, it looks too robotic
it needs to look cool
and then it needs to do something like
throw you a football
if you do that, then you can bring it out in the public
because then you can impress people
and sell robots
I'm not sure I'm going to buy one of these
robots because I don't need a robot
just to walk slowly around my house
I need a robot to do things
what about a robot outfit
of some sort?
what is this for?
what's he going to use it for?
a robot can plug in on any 110 outlet
and if you have 220
it could unplug your dryer
and plug itself in and get a
good charge
or could it just go over the Tesla
power thing and plug it
in its ass and go, yep
where's the plug?
where's the plug? if you're designing
a robot, where do you stick the plug?
for the Tesla thing that is
again, you know?
I don't know
there it could be Iron Man style
or you could put it straight up to the butt
put it in its nose?
I don't know, it does make sense
put it in the head
matrix style, that's a good one
people would probably like that
I figure if it can take off
its hand and then
in the elbow
or in the wrist
it plugs itself in with its wrist
while it's holding
the other half of the hand
in its left hand
because then it could go into any kind
of socket that it could
navigate into, like I have a
socket on my kitchen counter
it's about two feet from the
floor, you can reach that with
your hand, I have another
one on the wall, I could reach
that with my hand
so a robot can reach it
if you put the plug in its
ass, it couldn't get it up on the counter
to plug in on that one
and that one, the second one
maybe it could hurt on that
but the hand works on all of them
that I see around my house
maybe at the back of the elbow
or it could, nah
it doesn't work
I mean the feet
that's too clunky
the hand works really well
even for low ones, it can bend
over and stick its hand
into the socket, you know
I could write an algorithm for that
you won't need an algorithm
it's gonna know
as soon as it walks around your house
it's gonna start looking for plugs
the thing about the
base of the robot
is that it's low to the ground
you don't have to worry about it being
entangled unless it's
a remote charger of some sort
in fact, how do you charge it?
plug it in
where do you plug it in?
one talent
like coming back to the cleaner
I mean on the
device itself, on the robot itself
that's what we're talking about
does it have a plug
around its waist
does it have a wire that it
can pull out and plug in
with its hand?
that might make sense
I don't know
there's at least 20
hardware meetings just to decide
where to put the plug
on this thing
I say the feet
the feet don't
the feet don't
because some plugs are up high
you're gonna make your robot
do some weird ass yoga just to plug
itself in
but aren't most
receptacles kind of low to the ground
no, they're all over the place
I mean, well, yeah
in my house, most of them are low
but some are high
right, so
I mean outside, they're on the
roof, I can plug in
underneath, I have a wire
coming out underneath my
roof, right, and there's a 110 outlet there
and that's up high
yeah, that's true
so a robot couldn't get to that with its
leg, with its arm, no
maybe a little stepping stool, but you know
that's something, this is why
we're doing humanoid robots
because the world was designed for humans
I wouldn't
mind trying that little robot suit
like an exoskeleton thing
yeah, I'd like to
I've seen him, I've seen a guy in him
he was enjoying himself because he was
paraplegic and needed the suit to
walk around, and he said
this was very entertaining for him because
he doesn't have the money to buy the suit
and they lent it to him for a
couple days to do a demo at this
conference I was in
I would do it just to
try different motions
and body movements
at SRI I had one on
which was an assistive
kind of robot
which would help you pick up heavy
package or something like that
or backpack or
a gun that was
done for the military
super soldier
you ready to be a super soldier?
so you can put on the exoskeleton
I'm already a super soldier
my own wife
you want to go in the military?
go do your basic training
you can be a
super soldier, you can get your
exoskeleton paid for by the
American taxpayer
I mean I'm pretty athletic
well the super skeleton
helps you lift heavy
objects so if you're in the military
you have to pick up a big crate
that weighs 250 pounds
most people can't do that
with an exoskeleton you can
and you won't get repetitive stress injury
if you have to do it a lot
super soldier
see that's what you got to do
you got to go to the company go I want to be a super soldier
I grew up with a lot of
cousins and men in the family
grandfather was in the military
to have that military influence
some of them are designed to help
you run longer without getting winded
super soldier
kind of stuff right? you got to run
put on your exoskeleton
shit that's a lot
I'd rather
just get in the Humvee personally but
somebody somewhere has a plan
for a super soldier
willing to invest in budget
I decided to
start going out more
because I haven't done enough of that in terms of
attending some of these AI events
so there's going to be one coming up
in February that Jeremy's hosting
excuse me
Loma Lounge 2
AI agents
so you have to get bigger venues or something
or cut down the number
figure out how to charge for it
these things are getting too crowded
in San Francisco there's too many
there's also too many events
they're starting to get watered down
can I chime in with you with some of
these events coming up because I kind of need
to get out a little bit
I'm Jeremiah's driver sometimes so
I go pick him up and take him to his own event
oh well this
wing on by and come pick me up
I learned that with Esther Dyson
who doesn't drive and if you pick her up
at the airport you get a lot of
20 minutes of her time when
you know she's hard to get a hold of
I give billionaires tours to Silicon Valley that way
be your Uber driver
I know where to go
I'll give you a tour
you'll give me a tour?
anybody a tour
okay tour of the bay
of the Silicon Valley
all the tech weird shit things
I'll take you to Santa Clara
where the first computer is still in a little shack there
that used to run the railroad
oh I would like that
right underneath is a fiber line
going to Santa Clara University I watched them put in
I love driving through Santa Clara
Santa Clara and Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz is fun
my place is about
well 20 minutes
everything's 20 minutes but
20 minutes off of one
29 highway
on the other side of Santa Cruz
going towards
short cut
little curvy road
Lincoln you can take your Tesla on those kind of curvy roads
and they're fun to drive
I guess Lincoln's taking a nap
Lincoln are you awake?
he's asleep
if we had a cyber track right now where would we take you?
Santa Clara
are you talking about the X takeover event?
I want to go to the X takeover event
oh that's down south
that's like a five hour drive from Santa Clara
generally that would not be on the tour
but you know for that weekend
it sounds like a fun event to go
are you gonna
are you gonna go and see the solar clips?
that's in Texas for the best viewing
what day?
I need someone from Florida to road trip with me
I may be there
the problem is
if I'm bringing a family
it's a long drive
because I've done that drive
it's like
one day down to Vegas
one day across
Arizona and New Mexico
and into Texas
and that's if you don't see anything
and we're gonna stop in South Utah
and go hit all the parks
right so you need three or four days right there
once you hit the Texas border
it's still
how many hours from the Texas border
to Austin?
it's like eight hours
ten hours driving
it's like a long ways
I'd like to drive
I'll just take the airport
like if I wanted to go there
I'll just plan a time of money
I want to go
I'm driving my Tesla
you can do
you can do space as well
you can probably do some video editing
if you want to choose say
your computer
see if I was just driving straight there to see you
and not bringing the kids
and doing autopilot the whole way
yeah space is kind of thing
would be fun
then we could do it in two days
could we make it in two days to Austin?
that's all we have
three months in
I actually like the desert
I didn't get a chance to get to Austin
I'm thinking of going to Sedona
in a couple weeks
oh I love Sedona
I spent a week there actually
Fortex is nice
to go hiking
Kim, do you want to meet up
in Texas and see if we can get a tour of the Gigafactory?
love that
love to see
does Scoville still have
enough good social credit score
to get a tour of Gigafactory?
it depends on the employee
going to sign up on the
it turns out that if you're an owner
of a car that helps you
but you have to
figure out
right now at the Fremont factory
you have to have an employee
take you in
and so you have to convince
an employee to take you in the door
I think we can network on
that we're going to dream
because I've already had that tour
I need to dream figure
I want Elon to give me the tour
I would love that
and do a livestream or something like that
if I were to get a tour
that's the problem
Elon's not that excited about giving
another tour
maybe pose it to him but
people don't understand
what kind of tour
what kind of tour do you think he would give?
I want a tour of the Optimus lab
oh god he's never going to do that
I don't know
weird shit happens
in my life
I got a tour of the giant AI company
humanoid robot company
who's the guy
that did the one in
who's the one who did
the Optimus
review of the Scott
maybe Scott can get us in there
that's the dream
have even
introduced you to
who build the Optimus
and have them show you around
and do some timmons
while you're wearing an Apple Vision Pro
and broadcasting a Terry Buddy
I'm just going to use my shitty phone
but the Optimus development
is in Palo Alto
straight on X
with that good old 8 bit
I'm going to give you that preview
I think you would be very comfortable with that too
because you can't see none of the details in the background
that you should not be seeing
if we're going in the lab
we're sitting there for a few hours
we're meeting all the people
we're seeing
all the details
we are seeing the details
but the people on the stream aren't going to see the details
let's say there's a programmer
who's showing us a screen of code
can the screen of code be
transmitted to everybody
well we can work on that
why not and why wouldn't they show it
how it works
okay I want a tour
with you Scoble
that's my dream
I want to see how this fucker works
in the lab with the team who's building it
I want a video of you geeking out on it
and explain how it grabs
a baseball or something like that
and shows us in the neural network
what the fuck is going on
and how it's doing that
Scoble geeking out on it
alone would be amazing marketing
there I disagree
there's some pros
and some negatives that come with me
so you're talking about
touring the Palo Alto
or Fremont
I guess Palo Alto were
yeah I would like that
right across the street from where my wife works
so I know I stare
at that and that's my dream
it's like I want to go in there
I've talked to the people there
but they don't let me in the door
you need to be there with Elon
it's not talking
first of all even if I
was going to get a green light
to get an interview like that
it's not time yet
they're not going to do that until
Optimus is ready to be shown off at some level
which is why I keep coming back to it
it has to throw a football to you
and you have to catch it
and it has to catch it
and do it smoothly and cruelly
almost like a pro
if it does that
then it's ready to show off to TV cameras
whether it's Robert Scoble
or Adrian or whoever
I want that Tom Brady level
let's not go too far
it just has to get it to your hands
in a decent manner
it doesn't have to be a perfect Tom Brady
path from 40 yards
it has to be pretty good
it has to be pretty close to that
it's going to at least have a spiral
a little whip to it
it has to get it into your hands
without you running too much
that's right
you might have to move a step or two
to the left or right
because it might be a little inaccurate
but that's fine
it'll get better
you're going to be like impressed
we can work on the Tom Brady spiral
over time
yeah we can have
you guys may have painted on Tom Brady videos
you should pick that shit up
in the neural network
you know that's exactly right
gosh Ian Splatt, Tom Brady
to the moon
my father taught me how to throw
football and make it spin
low poly Tom Brady
is that what you're talking about?
I have a question
is the football real?
are you wearing a vision pro?
is the robot real?
probably yes
because it's
cleaning the dishes
so if the robot is real
the football is not
but the robot has to be
oh fuck the robot's a robot
I can see my room as a
slam map the same way my augmented
reality glasses can see it
therefore the football is a digital
twin and it can see that
and catch a fake football
and throw it back to me
at the right velocity
to get it back to me
like a game
it's like a portal
the football is a lie
the cake is a lie
and you'll find this very fast
saying it's like chasing cats
with a laser pointer
right you put a laser pointer
on the floor the cat chases that
the laser pointer's not real
the cat doesn't care
it's all funny
if you're throwing an augmented
football to your robot
and it throws it back
you'll do that all fucking night long
while you're in the next space like this
yep we are both
laser and cats
if your robot
tells you to go long
for fast you're going long
in a house it might be a
little problem
it showed us how it folds close
I mean they'd probably be
able to program it to do something
something else that would be of
note or of interest. Let's come up with something
that would be like
cool. Can it throw a tool across
a production line at Tesla
to a worker to a human who needs the tool
and the robot
can't get across the line
no more like
it building another robot
I'm curious to know
how Adrian would use it
I'm thinking it's going to have
to throw things and catch things at some
level because it's going to be
it can't throw
you know it's going to
train it to do that within a minute
of getting one of these things right
it can't throw tools because that's not
OSHA compliant
is the robot allowed to break
OSHA rules because it's
not human
honestly I think if they just did a
video of it
trying to construct
another robot that would be absolutely
hilarious. If it got to
the place where it could throw a tool across
a production line to a human being
it would do it perfectly every fucking
time the same way
every time
in fact it probably would figure
out you're not going to be able
to catch it where it usually throws it
and it'll throw it into your hands
right because it'll be good at
that. Tesla car is really
good at targeting
when you say throw a tool you're
talking like toss it
a wrench a Phillips wrench or a Phillips wrench
I mean if you and I were working on
cars together in a
in a place and I said hey throw me
an Allen wrench he would throw it over
to me absolutely
workers lie
he's talking like garage
taught sometimes
talking middle management
the lawyers don't
learn about this behavior
some of this behavior
is off the books
is optimist illegal
optimist has two very
high resolution camera eyes
and it's recording so
you figure it out
the data that I
if a employer
buys an optimist the
employer owns the data of the optimist
it's going to nark you
you have to comply with the rules
but the robot
might be the break
rules right because it's not human
it's like
oh maybe the owner programs
you know bitches get
either way you're going out in the parking lot
with the workers and you're
probably going to plug in the optimist
why not a little football out in the parking
you want to sell a robot
to human beings make it
play football and it'll sell
like fucking hotcakes
time is money my dear
if it can play
football it can work the line with
you pretty well because it's very
dexterous right it's just the
act of throwing a football to
somebody else 30 yards away
and having it get there
is going to sell this robot
because everybody will understand
it can do everything
it can make pancakes
if it can throw a football it can make anything
its hands are dexterous and can be taught
with watching some YouTube videos
how to do anything
yeah and that's pretty fundamental just throwing a
football right
show something
to be accurate
and throw a weight
of that size and that shape
and that mass
and have it arrive in a very specific
that's a lot of motors
working there
and they're all working together
a human hand works together to make that
the robot has to learn how to do that
that's a lot of computer science
not physics
it's computer science
many vectors
do you think darts might be better because it's like
you're throwing it directly to a board
if you can throw a dart with a robot
I'm sold to okay fine
yeah I think darts might be better
and if it can be accurate
yeah that would show accuracy
and it hits the number 3
and you're like
it's on the number 7 and the next one goes on the number 7
and put one on the number 11
and it goes on 11
if it does that, you're sold
and you're like fuck this is good
I think that's better than the football thing
gonna argue
football versus darts
the point
either one works for the point I'm trying to make
you need a big demo
that will capture everybody
and everybody will
understand that thing
is dexterous
we need to be able to get it to Ollie
and kick flip on a skateboard
you know if it can do
shit like that
I'm just asking for a mere
stand in a single spot
and throw a football to
that would be such a good Super Bowl spot
the football thing
now you understand
you bring an Optimus
to the Super Bowl 2025
and you have a
display in the parking lot
it's on TV
everybody's seeing a team
of Optimus playing with a team of
humans and having a lot of fun
so football and darts
sells things to people
it shows precision
everyone can relate to
football and darts
pohong beer
having a glass of beer
it's easy to communicate on TV
or in a Nerf
it's a great idea
something like that
can you get a program on it?
Boeing sold jet airlines
to us this way
Skip Johnson
test pilot for Boeing
flew one of their
upside down in front of
150,000 people in Seattle
who were there to watch their
and this pilot did not have
approval to do this
he did it twice in front
of 150,000 people
but he sold jet
travel to everybody
because everybody saw shit
that plane was just upside
down and it came back and landed
that means
that's safe
for me to be on
as a human being
it's told
the world on jet travel
you can watch that video on
at Microsoft that was a key
video for us to talk about
because we all wanted that
I think throwing the football to a kid
would be even better
if you saw it playing with your kids
it would get the kids
excited because they are the
generation that's going to want
these for themselves
I think that would be really cool
this is why it has to play
at least throw a football in the street
because it's going to meet children in the street
this is how it's going to sell itself
to the next generation
well this is just it
every father, well not every father
those fathers teach their sons
and daughters how to throw
a football
that's like fundamental catch
a football
yeah that's like the American
catch the screwdriver
you generally, you learn to catch up balls
even if your parents can't
throw a football
you still learn how
rub balls, catch balls, right, and do that. It's good for your brain. It's good for your eye and
coordination. They want us to do more. Could you imagine rebuilding a transmission
or something like that? That would get the gear guys. That's one thing. Every time I've taken my
car in for issues with the transmission, they always have to wait a week or two because they
don't have a transmission pack. Things like air conditioning repair and transmission,
those are hard to come by. They need special training for those kind of things. Programming
a robot to do that would be really handy. A lot of parts in a transmission and when you
start taking it apart, it's like if you don't know how to put it back together, you're fucked.
Well, I mean, if it's programmed, I mean, that's something that you'd get it every time because
you're thinking the optimist is going to help me rebuild my transmission.
That would be kind of cool. That would be kind of cool.
I don't know that optimist is going to be trained to do that. It might be trained to drive the Chevy,
but I'm not so sure it'll be trained to help you do a transmission.
But how many years are we talking about?
Yeah, 10. I guess we're like model cars or early models. No, no. Are we talking about optimists in
2034, 10 years from now? It probably does do the transmission.
Oh, yeah, by then, definitely. It won't even take that long. I mean, these days, we can train a
dataset and augment for like an entire manual to work on the factory floor first.
So it's going to be like little motors and stuff, right?
You'll probably be able to lease time on Dojo and augment its learning and spend like
30 seconds and have it know how to do a transmission. Easy.
Yeah, let's not go too advanced right up front. Maybe something like that, you have to show up five
times. Sure. Right? It's watching you with high-res 8K cameras on its eyes the whole time, eight times.
Might even have to move around so it understands the job from a different point of view.
Another time, just to see how you get the motion of how you're doing something very intricate.
Like, could an optimist build a Frank Mueller watch? I watched an old dude build a watch
that costs $100,000 by hand. That took a lot of skill.
Oh, that's tiny. That would be hard.
There's a challenge. Yeah, that's why I was thinking.
We're not believing, but what if it could?
It's doing robot does surgery already. It's small things that can do things.
It can do small things. This is not a problem. It's just a machine. It has to be built.
But if it gets built the right way, it can do that kind of thing. Very fine things.
Optimist replaces the Zeiss factory.
Yeah. Again, how do you sell this to people? If you show it on TV, doing something like that,
and everybody on YouTube sees it, boom, you sell a lot of optimists.
Because everybody's like, fuck, it can build a watch? I didn't know it was that good.
I can hear my brother telling me that. I didn't know it was that good.
I'm going to buy four of them now.
All right. If it can do something like that, it can do bigger, heavier things.
We know it can do bigger, heavier things. It's just can it do the watch?
Having it, do you think that we are having gaps and having those transmission certifications?
There are other things that you need, like special licenses that we just don't have the
people doing the jobs. Something that people aren't feeling like, oh, well,
they're going to take my job. Well, no, they're filling the hole where we don't have the skill
set. Those are the jobs that you want to showcase. The stockers, the grocery store
stockers in the middle of the night, that kind of thing, I think is kind of key.
Sorry. My wife is asking for our marriage certificate. I have no fucking idea where that is.
Are you in trouble? No, she has to have it for something, some insurance thing.
Yeah. When I think about a robot taking a job, it's one that nobody else wants to do.
You mentioned the fry cook at McDonald's. I think that's awesome application for it.
It's kind of a dangerous job that nobody really wants to do. The solar farms, they talk about the
technicians that have to climb up the solar wind turbines and have to replace parts and stuff like
that. That would be an awesome job for a robot to do, because there is a safety hazard involved,
and then you could still have a tech onsite to manage the robot farms, so to speak.
Things like that. Even the farmers. The farmers are having trouble finding workers to pick fruits
and stuff like that. Those are the jobs I think that Optimus used to be pigeonholed for more so
than just the traditional jobs. I think you'd have more sway with those kind of things where
they're already, humans just don't want to do those jobs.
What if Tesla's next factory was all automated?
Well, I think that would be cool. That's where you have, it just completely showcases how it works,
and then it also fills the need for Elon. The small car there is going to be built with the
casting machine, which is going to make most of the car. Then you have to hook in lights and AC
and the battery gets snapped in. A lot of that can be done by robot.
I mean, even Ford puts windshields into the F-150 with a robot, right?
With a robotic arm or an actual robot, robot? Humanoid.
A robot, not a humanoid, not a walking around thing. A specialized robot. A robot that just
puts in windshields. That's all it does, and it does it pretty well.
It's a piece of machinery. It's hard to explain.
I know what you're talking about.
I know what you're talking about.
It's able to pick up a piece of glass off the side off of a vehicle,
and twist it, and put it onto the windshield after some glue was laid down.
Andrew, do you know, can they make a smaller frame
optimist version, or does it need to be that size to hold all the components?
Yeah, it's hard to say based on the power-to-weight ratios they need,
and then how much force they need to be able to exert, right? That's another important component.
Then the actuator itself, and its housing encasing to keep things like they're out of it.
You have to protect these components, and I don't know if they're built with traditional bearings or
other parts, like a newer type of bearing. I'm unsure. I'm thinking more likely the latter.
They probably have different types than what are used in older style engineering or mechanical
engineering parts. I just had my bearings replaced on my Tesla, and my mechanic was praising them
because he said they were very well engineered, and easy to maintain, easy to put in and out.
I believe engineers, and this is for the one of the early ones, not for the newer ones,
they're even better, right? Yeah, I have to imagine they're doing something unique there.
I can't imagine their stock or traditional. They have to do things like that. That's why it's a
good car. Yeah, it makes things last longer. It's important, and the range of motion,
things like that, can be impacted by the quality of your bearings.
And he was thinking about robot taxi all the way back then,
so he was thinking about, okay, someday these cars are going to be put through hell.
Yeah, exactly. You need them to be able to stand the test of time and the wear and tear of
everyday use. Yeah, constant use, like 9,000 miles a month, kind of.
Right, exactly. Yeah, built for depreciation, so it's not falling apart. That's the problem
with a lot of junk is it just gets built like garbage. Back to the factory. The Fremont factory
has 10,000 people working at it, maybe 12,000 now, on three shifts. They build cars constantly.
I was there this weekend, they were building them on Saturday night, right?
In a new factory where you start completely fresh with a new vehicle that's very easy to make
with a casting machine, and with fewer parts, how many workers does a factory really end up having?
Like in two years.
That's the question for Thor. I don't know, that's a good question.
How many jobs can Optimus really take? I don't know that Optimus is going to take many in two.
I don't know that it's going to be, it's going to be close to be ready enough in two.
It's going to do a lot of things in two. Yeah, that's the thing. Go ahead. I'm sorry, Andrew.
I was just going to add, based on these world models, it's going to make it so that it learns
way faster. That's all. Yeah, I'm not too worried about that. I'm just worried about,
can it do a task? Like, can it screw in a screw? Sure. Sure. Yeah, it'll be.
Can it do something like that? It'll be able to do that.
To the car, do its little work, photo-screw in, get away from the car, let the car keep moving,
or move while the car is moving. Because it's all moving. The whole line is always constantly moving.
Wouldn't it be cute if they made a doge dog for Optimus that was like a seed planter?
Like it went out, like imagine in your head, like it's like a Mars Rover style, like kind of low to
the ground, where it kind of goes through and after the ground has been prepared, like a farmer,
the ground's been prepared and filled, and then it goes through and it drops seed that it goes
and just like kind of walks along like a dog. I think that would be cute.
Like an eyeball. Sony did that. They created a robotic dog. It was a bit too expensive and
really low utility. But yeah, if you could give it like spades in its paws and it could dig with
them and then plant seeds, that'd be awesome. Yeah, you fill the whole center cavity with seeds
and then you just put it on and it goes and does the whole line. I could see farmers getting
on board with that. That's tedious work and nobody really wants to do it. So I think that would be cool.
I saw Henny. Henny said yes. Optimus and the new factory is really interesting to think about
because it's coming, it's going to come together in about two years over the next 18 months or so.
So two years from now, having Optimus working in a factory makes a lot of sense.
And if you could replace even 10% of 10,000 people, that's a good start.
Particularly if it's shitty jobs that you're not even going to look at replacing them. You're going
to hire the same number of people, but now you can do the job faster because you have
robots surveying the human. Yeah, no break time either, Robert. I got to keep that in mind.
Well, they do need to be plugged in and charged. So you have to plan on rotating them. One's charging,
one's working, something like that. Unless they're solar powered and it's an outside job.
While it's working on the line, it's not going to have any wires. So it has to be self-contained,
it has to have batteries, it has to work for a few hours. And then when it's low on battery,
it has to go to the wall and plug itself in. I was still thinking about the dog and I was
still envisioning the dog planting for us. The dog robots don't matter to me. I mean,
yes, we'll probably have one. I already have a vacuum robot. I'll have some robots from China
to clean glass, but a humanoid makes all that work. So I'm really almost wholly focused on
a humanoid. I do not give a fuck about a dog. Does not matter to a factory floor.
Does not matter to a family. Humanoid does.
And control itself and make money, which as an investor in Tesla Corporation, I'm highly interested
in. I wouldn't need one of those, actually. Humanoid help you out at work? Yup. Yup. Pick
up heavy shit, clean the bathrooms, do all the shit. Yes. Would you let it do expense reports?
I hate expense reports. If it had the utility to do so. Can you do my expense reports for
me? Because I can't stand doing an expense report. It's going to talk to the tax guy for
you, who's probably also going to be AI. I love doing expense reports. I can do that.
In fact, Optimus, can you go to my tax person and deal with taxes? I just don't even want to care.
Right? Take care of my taxes, Optimus. Robert, when I was a stylist,
this is before using a lot of credit cards and we're still using debit cards and cash and so
forth. I had to keep track of all of my receipts. And I used to use the final facts with
the little envelopes. So I would notate all the expenses on the line, little envelope.
And I mean, I had quite an elaborate system for tracking expenses and so forth. So anyway,
all the data tested software to do my expenses, trying to find some answer to it.
I never did. Tony Jay and I talked about this. He goes, next time you take a job,
just charge them, let's say $10,000 a year extra and tell them it's a deal that if you give them
$10,000 more extra, you won't ever turn in an expense report. Because just make it so that
it's part of the negotiation of your salary. I hate expense reports. I'm not going to do them.
So can I get an extra $10,000 to cover all my expenses I'm going to need?
That was his answer. I was like, I like your answer. He ran a company called Zappos, right?
So maybe that would work on him if you were negotiating with him. But he lit himself on
fire. Yeah, Tony. Yeah, yeah, that's a brutal story. It is. I followed that when it was
happening. Go ahead. He took me to barbecue in Lockhart, Texas on his RV. It hit a lot of us
hard. It's like, man, this is somebody we actually partied at South by.
Sorry about that. And he was my first interview at Rackspace too. So yeah.
Yeah, which proves you can have everything going for you, but it's not going for you at all.
Adrian, I was going to ask you before you stated how you would use Optimus,
and I kind of tuned in a little bit of that. How would you use Optimus?
That depends on what it could do. Not really personal level, but more on a
task base level. Largely what I do consists of watching for failure and it pisses me off
because it's boring as fuck. So you want the thing to sit there and basically say,
here, things are about to go wrong and then adjust for that. So largely this just observing shit and
saying, okay, before things go wrong, this thing happened over there. You may want to check it out.
Something like that. I would say it needs to watch essentially all it would need to do,
right? Or perform certain tasks that need to be performed by just humans. And there are a few
of them that it could easily do. The only thing it needs to do is just needs to
know how to regulate pressure and then the mechanical aspects of what it would do with its hands
would solve for, I'd say, at least 50 problems that I have with that skill alone.
The computer scientists that I talked to or who are building Optimus and stuff like that,
they're thinking a lot about how do you get from the curb to your front door? Because
you're all talking about it's in your house. How did it get into your house?
Did it have to go through sand, mud? Did it have to go across ice?
Did it have to go across concrete, grass? There's a snow, right? How did it get to your front door?
And how did it get to everybody's front door in a consistent way that everybody likes?
Just that problem is a huge fucking amount of computer science.
Couldn't they use an FSB model? What's that? Couldn't they use an FSB style model?
They have a lot of data to use to solve this, but they're still having to do a lot of computer
science on surfaces, on physics. If it hits a patch of ice that you know as a human,
you're about to fall on ice, you're starting to slip, what do you do? You start moving
differently. So does the robot. The robot has to catch itself and then start skiing down the hill,
right? I want to guarantee you I'm from Florida. I would not know what to do at all.
I would just fall. There is an answer, right? Skiers know how to navigate ice,
you know, because we do that. That's what we do. We like to do this.
In fact, if you give me a patch of ice on my concrete, I'm gonna ski it.
Or try to ski it before I fall on my ass and hurt myself.
Yeah, I would definitely be in the fall category, but yeah, that's true.
You'd have to be doing constant calculations, I guess, to figure out distance and every step
and all that stuff. And what does the robot have to do with its hands? How does it solve the
problem, right? In real time, that's a lot of computer science. I mean, we gloss over the work
that it's taking to just to walk from the curve to your front door, just to do that. It's a huge
fuckload of computer science. So like... New geometry and trigonometry.
I mean, a hundred years of computer science, right? I mean, it's been building on each
on itself, right? I mean, it's impressive. For me, this is all science.
Yeah, it's a combination of nearly a hundred years.
It's fucking insane to me.
Yeah, I can see the math in my head right now. I can see what it would be thinking. It's like,
you know, the GIFs or whatever you guys say it, where it has the person computing.
Yeah, that's what I think it would happen.
That's what I think it would happen.
That would be crazy.
It probably knows it's ice versus water, right? Because it knows the temperature of the air,
first of all. It can probably, even if the ice looks like water, right, because it's wet looking,
it probably can see there's some mass to the ice.
They're molastic.
Yeah, you can use a different kind of camera spectrum to see that shit's really cold, right?
You can... I don't know. It's an interesting problem. You get across a sheet of ice into
somebody's house, because that's...
Very carefully.
Yeah, but, you know, a robot can solve that problem. We can think about that problem.
How would you actually do that as a human being and think through,
okay, whether it's the physics, maybe even record people doing that over and over and over,
which is a little hard to get, because there's a falling risk, right?
Yeah, you just have that spike that comes out of its feet, right?
Yeah, you go, her told me that.
He lost his legs in a climbing accident and makes robotic legs for himself and others,
and he said he can put on a climbing leg with different kind of feet,
so they can grip on a rock better.
Yeah, those optimus have different shoes.
I don't know that the optimus just has to be generalized,
because it has to come in the house, right? Because you all wanted to come in the house
and help me do things.
It means to know to wipe its feet at the door.
Or get different feet, or take off a shoe.
Yeah, that's in the house. That's a whole other problem.
There's all these problems. I mean, if you're working at Tesla,
that's why the Tesla team's so vague, right?
Because there's different people working on different problems, right?
There's people working on snow. There's people working on ice.
There's people working on stand.
I had to walk to one guy's house through a forest, right?
Can it walk on hot coals?
The cool thing is that you only have to deal with it for the prototype.
Once you have the program written and you have all of the parts,
then the manufacturing.
I think that's what people misunderstand.
This is the hard part, and he's almost like getting there.
Yeah, the hard part is the computer science, really,
because it's going to start stupid.
It's going to start stumbly, right?
This is why I want to see it throw a football,
because it's like, okay, then we can judge it from then on.
How good is it at throwing a football light, right?
And how cool does it look, throwing the football?
How smooth is it?
How far can it throw it, right?
And how accurately can it throw it, right?
We're going to judge, there's going to be lots of articles
written about stuff like that for years, right?
Can my optimus kick flip?
And if so, how high can it all be?
Can it beat, you know, Dick Fosberry's height in the Olympics
when he won the gold medal, jumping backwards?
Can your robot do that?
Let's see.
So, is there one in particular?
We'll get stoned and watch our robot jump, high jump, yeah.
Is there one in particular location
that's going to be responsible for all of the robotics?
Or are they going to do it across multiple locations
for like the factories?
Are they going to be multiple factories
or just one main factory?
There's how many little electric motors in there?
How many pieces go into it, right?
Just the hand has 30 motors.
So, are all those made in the factory next to the robot?
I don't think so.
Why wouldn't you buy those from China?
Some are cheap.
That's what I'd be trying to figure out.
I don't know, maybe he makes them all.
But I think your contract,
in a traditional factory that runs today,
like a Boeing factory where they made the plane,
the plane is just the assembly point.
It's where the wings are put on and the jet engines put on.
It's not where the jet engines made.
The jet engines made by a contractor.
In fact, you can choose from, I don't know,
four different manufacturers.
For the jet engines, they're made somewhere else
and shipped to Everett, Washington,
where they attach it to the plane.
And I would expect an optimist to be built the same way, right?
It's just assembling it out of a bunch
of different little parts.
So, does maybe each Tesla factory have a component
that it incorporates, that it creates
in its location based on its skill set?
Or like in China, they do the motors.
In India, they do another component.
Like, is it going to be spread out
or is it going to be like...
No, you want to go with...
Typically, you're wanting to go
for the cheapest price for the part.
That's why we shipped all of our manufacturing
overseas, or a lot of it, right?
Because the Chinese could build a semi-conductor
cheaper than we could.
Well, see, it's like how Disney operates.
Like, they have different departments
that they purchase from within.
I get the complexity.
I'm just trying to simplify it
so we can keep it to conversation.
We're going with the cheapest manufacturer
at the end of the day.
Yes, and the most efficacious,
because you don't just want cheap,
but you actually want value, right?
And the Chinese can build a big fucking factory
that has 10,000 workers in it,
and it just makes 11 million hard drives a week.
So, if they can do that 15 years ago,
now they can do 30 motors on a hand
and make you a hand, right?
And if you can make one hand,
you can make two hands and two feet.
So, the same factory is going to make
all these motors,
but they're going to be very efficient
at making these little tiny motors,
and very high quality,
and very low cost.
And so, they're going to be the price,
under-priced anybody else,
because they have a factory
of 200,000 square feet
making just electric motors.
I visited a factory in China
that did this just with art for hotels.
Had a huge fucking warehouse
of people making art.
There's no way you're going to compete
with that price.
Did you guys?
I will need to go.
We can continue this tomorrow,
whenever you have time to go.
But yeah, it's a nice space once again.
I'm dreaming about optimists now.
Can optimists throw a football?
Yeah, I know.
And can they have the discipline
to not let it out of the lab
until it can?
It's Elon.
He's going to let it out early.
Yeah, I think he's going to discover
a lot of the cool stuff along the way
as they're using it
so eventually can do that.
Just like all the other cars, right?
I mean, just recently,
your windshield wipers are going to perk.
To walk on the street
with like a human being.
The rest of it is hard,
but you know it's possible, right?
The hard part is making a walk
from the curb to the door.
If you can't make it do that,
you can't worry about
what's inside the house, right?
Mm hmm, that's why I think about
the curb to the door a lot
because that's a must.
You can't pass that.
You have to do that with a robot.
The robot has to do it itself
to get in the house, right?
You solve that.
You make Amazon a lot of money.
And change all of consumer products.
Like Tide Soap changes
to whatever the robot
wants to order you
because your relationship
with the brand is no longer
with the brand of the soap.
It's with your robot.
Well, man, we'll see you tomorrow.
It's coming.
I'm actually with the robots.
Yeah, you can say, you know what?
You can spend $500 a month on groceries.
I don't care how you do it.
Just make sure that the refrigerator
is always stocked with X, Y, and Z.
My taste sets meet.
And with that,
I will see you guys again tomorrow.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Love you.