The Future ‘Internet of Things’ With IoTeX & ANKR

Recorded: July 15, 2022 Duration: 1:14:51



Hello, hello, hello. Can everybody hear me? Yes, sir.
Hello, hello, how's everyone doing?
-Fantastic. -Fantastic is the answer to that letter. Fantastic. -We're doing fantastic over here as well. We've got a group of fantastic folks ready to have a fantastic discussion. -I want a fantastic writing. -There we go. Rename this Twitter spaces.
Fantastic crew. I think that's actually our our second Twitter space is right. Larry we're going to do a fantastic crew. Fantastic Fridays. Fantastic Fridays. Yeah, there we go.
Yeah, we'll give people a few minutes to roll in here, but we're really excited to chat about this future of the Internet of Things and how IOTex and Anchor will play a role.
Love it. I think we're just waiting for Simone to be able to get on top here and We'll start in just one minute and then I'll start doing a little bit of intros and some guidelines too Just give it a minute or so Fantastic
That's the word of it today, right? Yeah, I've probably said the last time I was saying that word. We're moving it from a vocabulary.
[birds chirping]
(clicking) (soft music)
All right, I see some honas in here. Just requested him to be a speaker so he should be getting started very soon, everybody.
[birds chirping]
Yeah, Simone is still a listener. He's playing hard to get basically.
Well, as we're starting, I'll just try to go over some guidelines guys. So just to start off with, I just want to make sure that we make a good Twitter spaces for today. So we do welcome questions, questions, or whatnot. We're going to be trying to get those later on in the near the end of the Twitter spaces.
Just note that this is not a place for technical support. So if you're trying to come up with specific questions where you need help with it, this is probably not the place for it. This is also a no-shell place in that sense. So I'm like, "Hey, if you're gonna come up and do a question, ask a question." It's not a place to be able to say, "Hey, you should really try out my products#
We're trying to be respectful to the guests and respectful to the audience as well and everybody that's here is to make sure that we give them the value and we ask also to be respectful with questions or whatnot. So if you're not adhering to some of these guidelines, we will take proper steps to be able to kind of cut things off shortly just to make sure that it
It's a very good environment for everybody to collaborate in that sense. Feel free to request access to speak. We're going to be limiting to one to two questions for potential follow-up. And then when you do request, and I'll repeat all this again, later at the end, is Razerhand if you'd like to request