The Future of BNB Chain? New Project Launch Show 🔮👀

Recorded: June 23, 2023 Duration: 0:47:17



Okay, everybody, thank you for your patience. We are ready to go. The panel is assembled. We've got six projects here for you today. It is Friday. That means it's time for our new project launch show. My favorite time of the week, my favorite space that we do all week, because we get to introduce you guys, the audience,
the B&B Chain fam to some of the coolest and most exciting new projects on B&B Chain. Maybe they've just migrated over. Maybe they're a startup that's just getting started. Maybe they've been in space for a long time but they decided it's time to get going on B&B Chain. We're all going to find out together, we're going to meet some of
amazing founders. Do me a favor, make sure you follow all of the speakers, click on their profile while they're speaking to get an idea for their project. So what we're going to do guys before we get started with the presentations and I explain the rules, we're just going to have a little 10 to 20 second introduction from each speaker. So we're going to start with a critical
Thanks for hosting the hosting. Hi, I'm Tay, founder of Credit Coin. Let me first go over the product credit coin with you guys. We started Credit Coin to create a credit reputation for the unbanked. Many unbanked are borrowing and repaying outside the banking system.
and do not accumulate credit history. By recording their credit transactions on chain, we secure objective credit information borrowers can use to prove their credit worthiness. Further, by being a public blockchain, we connected DeFi investors from all around the world to real-world investment opportunities in various regions.
As a result, we got global financial institutions, partners, and boarded to use credit coin for their regions to record loans. These loans are our real world assets. So far, we have recorded 3 million transactions at over 70 million loan values. Our partners allowed the
The ability to use these loans are a version of real-world assets to offer to defy investors to generate yield for their stables. Our lending partners are raising on our platform to deploy loans. Sorry to interrupt, bro. Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to give everybody 10 seconds to give an introduction and then we'll come
back to you for your bigger presentation. Is that okay? Sorry about that. Okay. Gotcha. My bad, my bad. I just want to make sure everybody has a chance to say hello because otherwise people might be waiting like 20 minutes. I just want to make sure everybody has a chance to say what's up. But don't worry, you're first. So we're going to hear the rest of that in one minute. Let's just hear from Kylox#
So, what we build is we want to build a decentralized perpetual exchanges on B&B chain and actually we are already deployed on the mainnet in the last week and we are happy to show everyone what we are building on the mainnet in the last week and we are happy to show everyone what we are building on the mainnet in the last week and we are happy to show everyone what we are building on the mainnet in the last week and we are happy to show#
later. Thank you. Okay, okay, thanks for joining us. Awesome to have you. Sparkle, you're next. Hi guys, happy to hear you. I'm Harry. I'm the founder of Sparkle and we are Websterly Astrology app. It's building, gamefile, and social file element and we combine NFT with Astrology and allow
people to peer their future in the web show style. And looking ahead, we are going to launch our product based tests in the coming months and stay tuned for the update from Sparkle and really exciting to be here. Thank you. Yeah, I remember we did a retreat for Sparkle. I think it was last week and I was looking into this.
NFTs and astrology quite the match up there looking forward to hearing more about that as well as from everyone else today. Okay, let's go on with our introductions. How about we've got part TZ block chain here. Yeah, hi everybody. My name is Bruce on I'm the head of development.
populations at Partigia Blockchain Foundation. So we provide a generic multi-party computational programming language that allows developers to create customized privacy solutions in a blockchain. And we do this
in a interoperable way. So, later in the show I'll review a little bit more about what multi-party computation is and how as a layer 1 blockchain we're still able to provide value back to other layer ones like BNB chain.
Okay, partizia just a note that there's a lot of background noise when you were speaking right there. It sounded like maybe you were in a rain storm or a tropical jungle. I'm not sure, but if you could move just somewhere that's a little bit more quiet. Because otherwise I think that might be hard for people to hear you. I want to make sure everybody can hear you. Okay, guys, so we've just got a couple more
more quick introductions to go. So let's go over to Hashtag. Hi everyone. This is the idea from Hashtag DID. I'm a one-opted team member. Well, really thanks for having me on this AMA.
The good news is that HushGDID has launched on BNB chain this month and I will give a brief introduction about our project later. Thank you. Awesome. Thanks for coming. Great to have you. And then just for our introduction last but not least, we're going to say hello to Prime Protocol.
Hey everybody this is Colton I'm the founder of Prime Protocol and we're a cross chain borrow lens protocol so you can deposit assets on another chain and now you can borrow on BNB chain using your collateral from any other ecosystem. So we're really excited to have launched on BNB chain this month and
and excited to tell you guys more about the project. Okay, Prime, nice to meet you. Okay, so I did randomize the order, so as you know, Prime, you are going to be sort of finishing up the presentation, so you're going to have to sit tight for about 25 minutes, but thank you for your patience. Maybe you'll be like me, maybe
be working in the background multitasking, but appreciate your patience guys for the projects that are towards the end. Let me just explain the rules of what we're going to do today guys. So this is a really exciting opportunity to hear from all these projects in detail. They've each spent some time to prepare a five minute presentation for everyone in the audience to really get to know
their project. I always say the best way to experience this is if you're on your phone, make sure to click on their profile while they're speaking, check out their tweets, it'll keep you in the space. But that means you can just scroll through their content, go on their website or whatever, still listen to them and I'll give you a bit more of an interactive experience. I'm going to set a timer on my computer guys. It's a
5 minute timer.
everybody has their fair share of time to speak. So that's it. Every project is going to get five minutes. We're going to check out their profiles. Please guys, make sure to follow them if you will. And with that said, I'm going to get out of the way and just go to our first project now. It's going to be credit coin. Your five minutes starts right now. Thank you.
Hi again, we started credit coin to create a credit reputation for the unbanked. Many unbanked borrowing and repaying outside the banking system and do not accumulate credit history. By recording their credit transactions on chain, we secure objective credit information for borrowers so they can
use it to prove their credit worth in the future. Further by being on a public blockchain, we connect DeFi investors from all around the world to real-world investment opportunities in various regions. As a result, we got global financial institution partners onboarded to use credit coin for their regions and to record low
These loans are our real world assets. So far we have recorded 3 million transactions at over 17 million loan values. And our partners are allowed us to have the ability to use these loans, our version of real world assets, to offer to defy investors to generate yield on their stables.
Our lending partners are raising on our platform to deploy loans to regional retail hours since they are primarily located in emerging markets with high interest rates. They can offer defiant investors as high as 20% APR. Integrating with B&B chain was one of the most requested projects
from our users. They love B&B chain for many reasons, but primarily for the lower transaction costs, which also allow us to make frequent payouts instead of making one annual one. And from here, credit coin is evolving to a more multi-chain real-world asset infrastructure.
So our first big move towards that is upgrading from proof of work to proof of stake with Credit Coin 2.0+. Please check out our Twitter and join our Discord to get in on our next real-world asset investment opportunity that's coming in the next month and to also learn more about our network upgrades. Thank you.
Okay, okay, yeah, just to know guys that you do not have to take the full five minutes that was a quick two minutes and 30 seconds, but that's not a bad thing We've all been on Twitter spaces where people kind of just go on and on I like that I like to keep it simple and succinct I just learned a lot sounds like you guys have a very very interesting
So everyone make sure to follow credit coin. If we have time at the end, we might come back to you for another question. So feel free to hang out in the space if you got to run no worries. Same goes for everyone after you finish your presentation. Otherwise, if we're going to head right along to our next presentation, and that is going to be with Kilo.
Hi guys, this is KiloX, I'm Joey, the CEO of the KiloX and the cause of the confounders. So KiloX, which tries to build decentralized perpetual exchanges on the B&B chain. And which as I just mentioned, we already deployed on the Minnet last week. Our platform
Oh no, oh no, did we lose Kilo? Oh, sorry, you're back. Yeah, I just didn't like do this. Yeah, let's go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah, my name is Joey. I'm the CEO of the Kilo X. So the Kilo X tries to build a decentralized perpetual exchange
and on-beambeaching. And actually, we got deployed on a beambeaching last week. Our platform provides traders with learning faster trades, real-time tracking of market activities, and top-grade experience on par with sex. They're offering liquid providers with new traditions,
We will provide a top grade experience and probably sex. That means if we want to meet the gap between the decentralized exchanges and the centralized exchanges, we will provide on and off ramped field currencies support for our users. We will also do some intem discussions, while trading in app and in the future.
Our team have very skill exchange operations and I will take it for the retail users. So we will provide a centralized referral and a copy trading system for our users and bond with our key to ES Genesis Pass. And actually we are right now in the referral competitions at this moment.
And also for the TVR's management, we will provide a market new to our liquid providers. So a brief introduction of our team. So our team has a year's experience of DeFi, Central X changes, global youth, growth and the web to a project.
myself have over six years of experience in critical currency investment, user growth and marketing in the OKX. I will still work with OKX, MEXC and Big Hat and responsible for regional operation including user growth, committee management, exesurers. Our city is
the X-director of the MET1, VP of HVDC, which is centralized changes and also had over 13 years of experience and net-eaters of momentum. So we are also one of the travel teams, got selected from over 1500 applications in BAN-S
of your program, which is M maybe six. So the reason why we want to choose a BNB chain is because we want to have a longer partnership, strategic investment opportunities with Spanish. We will support all the ecosystem in the BNB chain. And that's all. Thank you.
Okay, okay. Yeah, shout out to MVB6. So glad to hear that. That's in the space and congrats on the selection through that process. That is the most valuable builder campaign guys. Tons of applications through the entire world and only a few selected. So I've shout out to you for that.
Okay guys, so we're going to move right along to our next speaker and that's going to be Sparkle. Sparkle your five minutes starts right now. Okay, thanks. Yes, I sparkled it's a lifestyle game 5 products. So I think I will talk about from the very beginning about how do we think about the market and what is probably
And first off, I want to tell our audience that we believe the next boom around will be driven by the application layers is especially for the app that can bring millions of users to Web Street and is the battery from the Web to users. And that is something we are trying to walk out with this as is our goal. So we take a deeper look from here.
And we think about, so what is the case access factor to building the large scale consuming products? And we think the fundamental requirement is that the product should be accessible to a massive user, which means they are low entry-barry and easy to participate, and eventually the business model should be able to build network effects.
Among other scenarios, we found that astrology is an area that meets our criteria. There is Henry's millions of astrology funds around the world, which make it the billion dollar market. So that's why how do we start the product and restore them to this scenario and develop some really fun and interesting things?
features. And we also meet our product super user friendly with integration so that the people can login with their social media account and perform some social recovery and also we make some transactions to be the gas free. And in Sparkle and we develop some really awesome
strategy and target feature. So actually it's really a big topic since the metaphysics can be used in so many areas like the wilds, like the career, like the relationship, etc. you can name it. So we are currently only focused on the wild and emisment. And I want to share some story about what we are
working on so far. And actually we have the professional crypto astrology in our team and who made the market forecasting from both the technical side and astrology. And for most of cases, it's pretty accurate. And we also have a small phone to implement the investment strategy from our
to Astrology and we will share the performance over phone at the proper time so maybe guys you can get more insight about how the Astrology can be used in investment. And for people's personal questions, we also provide the AI sidekick and the real person consulting service that you need to meet after
free SPT from us and currently SPT you can meet on our official website and it's currently on the BNB chain. And that's it can of the credential for you to participate in our event and all of our forecasting and consulting will be based on the SPT you hold. And apart from using the SPT
the credentials and we all so allow you to read in red here there are SBT in different ways. And there is a personalized avatar generated from your SBT and you can beautify your SBT with some variable and FTV and the full picture will be your PFP and you can use it anywhere else. And I personally really like this since
I can fully customize a PIP and update at any time because you know a lot of people don't want to use the same PIP for a long time and they change it pretty frequently as the fashion trends change. And people can also trade part of the PIP instead of totally losing the full picture. And we are currently still in very early
So I won't share too much detail about the Gini Mechanism and the Stortron Mechanism here at this moment, but you will see our progress and we have already big visions. And in the near future and our AA wallet will be launched so that you can create your Sparkle account with your VAP2 Stortron Media account instead of starting from
a wallet and memorize the recovery secret. And you can also send, receive, and swap with a smart contract wallet with beautifully you. If you want to get a taste of our product, just please follow our Twitter and visit our website and join our discord community. And currently we have the Genesis NFT event
around the B&B change and redesign our series of activity for you to experience the magic of astrology and go throughout the activities and do the daily checking in our discord and you will have a chance to win the final prize. Yeah, I think this is all about Sparkle. I want to share with all of you guys and happy to have a chance to
to share our story with you and looking forward to having you join us and thank you for all the support from the communities. Thank you. Awesome presentation. Yes, Sparkle. Very interesting project to check our guys make sure to join all of the communities, right? They've got a great discord community. I was checking it out.
not only follow these projects on Twitter, but check out their Discord, their TGs. That's a great way to get to know them as well. So a really important thing is we not only want to meet the projects and talk to them, but get into the mix with the amazing communities that they are building. Great way to make connections. There's my alarm for
the five minutes perfectly done. Okay guys so we're going to move on to our next presentation. It is going to be partizio blockchain. Yeah I hope the sound is a little bit better now. Great so my name is Bruce on on the head of developer relations here at Partizio blockchain.
found agent, we're a layer one built from the ground up, but we have some very unique features really not seen in the blockchain industry. So I'm going to review two of our value propositions, which should show how we're actually adding a lot of value back to the BNB ecosystem. So part of your block
first value proposition is in secure, multi-party computation or NPC. Now some of you may have heard the word NPC recently, but NPC technology actually has been around since the 1980s and many of our researchers, professors, PhDs in our team have been working on this technology
even since the beginning. In fact, Partigia was founded back in 2008, and before Bitcoin was created. And we've been providing NPC services to corporations and Geo's governments in private settings. So for those who are not familiar with NPC, it's the next evolution of zero knowledge proof. I'm sure a lot
a lot of people have heard of zero knowledge proof before. But unlike zero knowledge proof, which is limited to two parties with a yes or no answer only, a multi-party computation does exactly what the name says and it's able to handle multiple parties in the equation and it's a computation and not a proof.
So this means you're able to go beyond just proving something and you're able to actually compute against a actual hidden value. So an example of where this can be used is to help eliminate memory attacks. I'm sure a lot of people have heard of these memory attacks that have happened.
a few days ago in the BNB dev community, there was a thread that began about how to best tackle this potential, you know, mevotacation BNB. And for those who are not familiar, mevotac happens because in the chain, in the memory pool, in a node, you can read the transaction
So if somebody knows exactly how the swap for somebody as an example, their bid values be a attacker that can front-run you or do what's called a sandwich attack to take advantage of your swap. And this is all possible because anyone can
read the details of your bid and take advantage of it by re-ordering the sequence of the transactions through to various different means. But what if you could actually privatize your bid valence, but still be able to compute on the actual auction and only reveal the information after the bid goes through?
And so this is an example of what NPC can do that adds a privacy layer into blockchains. And this is again, is a very small example of a use case where now you can balance privacy and transparency in a blockchain to build a stronger trust into your system.
So that's the first value proposition of Partige of Blockchain. We provide a generic programmable language allowing anyone to add a customized privacy solution into your DAPS. Now the second value proposition is our tokenomics. This is where B&B comes in.
gas to transact in our system is not used by our native NBC token. The national system is paid using other liquid coins, Ethereum, Oligon, USDC, and now, VMB. We call it BYOC or bring your own
So this means at a high level any developer in the B&B chain can now implement a privacy solution based on NPC that goes beyond zero knowledge proof right on top of their existing app
And so through this bridge and our BYRC architecture, we've basically effectively enabled NPC technology on the BMP chain. And so the developer creates a small contract on BMP and a small contract in Porteja block.
have the users interact with both smart contracts, submit their secret inputs, have the computation be completed in Partige of Blockchain, send the information back to their apps, and pay for it using their native BMP tokens.
We want to thank BNB for this integration opportunity. We want to provide as much value to the BNB ecosystem as possible. And if you'd like to learn more about the information or how to partner with us, our website is Thank you.
A very strong presentation, a very well-spoken, good example to everybody listening. A great way to just lay out your product in a very, not just like a simple but in a way that anybody could understand. So I think really, really well done there. I hear a lot of these presentations.
We do this show every week. I think that was a great one. Very, very well said and very interesting as well. A layer one, right? We've been talking about layer two all week, right? Guys because of the OPB and B, but I think that's a really compelling case for a brand new layer one. And I love how you guys have integrated B and B as well.
Well, that's the timer again. Okay, guys, so we're going to move right along. We've got two more presentations to go. Let's go to Hashkey. Okay, thank you. I'd like to say hello again to everyone here. Well, I will give a briefing, a
KDID. HASHKIDID is a decentralized identity project in Web3. It is an NFT-based decentralized identity with features of decentralized storage and privacy. Well, HASHKIDID has lived on
on Modichand, with the good news that we launched on BNBChand this month. We also live on the Clayton Acerian, a polygon moving and a platform, etc.
but also we will support more chains to accommodate users' needs. Will the system provide some basic functions like registration, authorization, KWC service, and SPD credential issues?
As an important web3 infrastructure of the Harshki ecosystem, we will interact with more protocols to endorse the credibility for users. The fundamental goal of Harshki DID is to build a community-governed Harshki
GDID ToutGadder with users. And the product of HASHKE Group will gradually accommodate the news of everyone. Well, connecting Web2 and Web3 will be the master of user's vertical identity.
And online data is the direction of our efforts. I think the idea will become the engine of WebSray development because the idea represent the user's proof of identities and the record accumulated
social reputations. The user's idea related data is the word in DID for skills most cross-perform verification and the similar access to Web2 and Web3-performs. So through the vertical space of
DID, where people can showcase their uniqueness to the words and connect with others. And the identity credits proof system can also bring the derivative values, while the users
create a credit can endorse their own product whatever the blockchain projects or the different type of artist creation. So does the future of DID is still full of imaginations? Thank you.
Thank you. Okay, yeah, thank you very very fascinating presentation from Haske there really appreciate you being on time that was just under three minutes so that means we're going to head over to our next speaker and that is going to be our final presentation.
Looks like we will have some time for some Q&A and panel discussion after all. Prime, you're up. Thanks for waiting. You are last but certainly not least. Go ahead. Thanks for having me. So just to recap from what I said earlier, Prime Protocol is a multi-chain borrowing and lending protocol.
And so what does that mean? That means that let's say you have a ton of BNB tokens and you're bullish and you don't want to sell. But maybe you also want to participate in some state's e-thopportunity or something on a different chain. You can use your tokens on BNB chain as collateral.
for taking out a borrow on any other chain we support. And the converse is also true. If you've got a ton of tokens on ETH L1, you've been wanting to get into the BNB ecosystem for a while. You notice that the yields are way better. There are a ton of cool projects you want to participate in, but you don't know how long you
you want to move your funds over, you don't want to pay a bridge fee, you don't want to have to swap out of the tokens that you're holding on to each, maybe you still want the East exposure, you can use that as collateral on Ethereum to then go and borrow whether it's USDC or BNB token or anything else that we support on BNB chain.
So at a very high level prime allows you to use a bunch of different chains all at once Deposit your collateral and your tokens into each of those chains maintain your price exposure in the future very soon once we have stake tokens and interest bearing tokens available you'll be able to continue
earning yield on those positions and then you can borrow on any chain you want. So it's a really easy way to both maintain your exposure to the BNB chain ecosystem while doing things on other chains and also a really great on-ramp into the BNB ecosystem.
by taking out a borrow and getting started and dipping your toes in. And we've been promoting a ton of different use cases that this enables that weren't possible before. So one example is we just did a collaboration with Dana and showed how you can use Prime to
basically borrow the tokens that you need in order to provide liquidity into their decks. And they've got some amazing yields. They have some amazing opportunities to do this. And by borrowing each of the constituent parts, not only does that let you get into the BNB ecosystem and become a liquidity provider.
without even needing BNB tokens when you started. But it also reduces your price risk because by borrowing each of the constituent parts, any of the delta risk that you're exposed to, as prices move around, you're much less exposed to
losses by holding a volatile token. There are a ton of other opportunities too. Right now there's been a ton of interest for depositing into prime because of our early adopter program. We're tracking all usage of early projects with points and you get points by either
depositing or borrowing and the longer you keep that deposit or borrow in the protocol, the longer or the more points you're going to accumulate, we don't have a token yet. And so, you know, this is sort of our way of keeping track of early usage of people using
the protocol. So I would encourage everybody to go and check out Prime Protocol. Our website is or you can check out the app at Make sure to give us a follow on Twitter and check out all of the different pools and maybe test the waters and deposits
some, earn some points and if you find a cool strategy, go post about it in our discord and see what other people are using the protocol for. Thank you. Okay, very, very cool presentation. Another really well spoken. I think all of our panelists today are super well spoken.
great professional representatives of their projects and of course like really hardworking guys. So we have another about 15-20 minutes on the books. I thought it might be interesting to enter into a panel discussion at this point and here's what I'm thinking. So guys in the audience you never know who we're going to have. We could have
Fellow builders, people who want to build their projects, people who are just sort of retail facing people. But I always try to think about like how can we help people launch projects on B&B Chain. All you guys have either working development or community management to help bring your projects to the point where you are now, which is where you're launching on B&B Chain.
featuring you because we believe in your project. I was just wondering, and let's, I'll give you guys a couple seconds to think about it, but what advice would you give to people in the audience or maybe people who are listening to this later on as it's being recorded? What advice would you give them about building a project from Web 3 and then maybe to make it a little spicier, like what kind of
challenges have you overcome? Because it's easy to give a five-minute presentation about how cool your project is. We all hear this stuff in Twitter spaces. But I think it's really interesting to hear about the challenges and what you guys have overcome to get to this point. So I'll just leave it open. Does anybody want to jump in or should I just call on someone? Like what do you think?
Yeah, I could talk a little bit about some of the things that I've seen. So I actually have a background in traditional web to industry enterprise and one of the processes that we really
focus on is structure. And so, a lot of the projects that I've seen tends to trip up because there's a little bit of a lack of structure. And so one of the things that I would recommend is really think about the
process, learn about the development process. You need to have a very well-defined problem definition, a well-defined business requirements. That takes a different hat, sort of
And a different perspective than when you're actually developing. Now, you could be just a single person that's developing it. But even if you're one person, my recommendation is really structure out the process so that you have a requirements process that you're putting a hat on and really thinking about it and the only thing that you think about is requirements.
And then you could take that hat off and then move into the engineering and the architecture side put that hat on. Build it. Architect it and build it and think about the actual structure of the builds. And then after it after that, you want to put on your, you know, quality assurance app and then structure out the actual
process of ensuring testing and ensuring quality assurance from beginning to end. If you are able to think about those processes in an independent way rather than in a single jumbled way and put some sort of a project plan on top of
that. I think you'll find that projects become a lot more successful than if you're trying to just do everything at once. So that's my initial feeling and what I've seen so far. Very nice. Yeah, I think you kind of answered both questions in one right. It is there's so many different elements. And I think, you know, one part
that you didn't even include in there would be like the marketing and the promotion and the community management. I mean, there's so many disparate elements of building a great Web 3 project that I think you're right. I think you did a really good job there breaking down, especially on the tech side, like the really important elements and sort of how tackling them
by one. So great answer. Anybody else on the panel? What do you guys think? Any advice you'd give to builders or any sort of challenges that you face by explaining them? You think might help anybody else? I think I can share some of my personal experiences about beauty
Well, I hope we get to hear that experience. Sparkle you did just cut out there. I don't know if he'll be back. Let's see here.
Sparkle, can you hear me? Oh no, we've lost Sparkle. While we wait for them to come back, does anybody else want to jump in on that point any advice that you'd like to give to Web 3 Builders? Experiences that you've had, like overcoming adversity in your Web 3 Building journey?
I would say something that I would give builders advice to do is it's very tempting to start like a fork project or try and do something that's already been done before but I think we found a lot of film and a lot of the excitement in our community is
coming around, you know, how we built a new primitive from scratch. And I think by bringing more innovation to places like BNB chain, that's something that's going to get people a lot more excited, especially going into the next bull run. I think the last bull run was all about, you know, how fast can you
get a new dex up on a new chain and build community around it. This new bull run will people are going to be like we've already got all of these initial single chain primitives, what new can you bring to the table and how are we going to convince us to bring liquid a deal over to your protocol.
So I would recommend people really try thinking out of the box if you're building something and make sure that you're building something new and contributing to the growth of the ecosystem. That was a great point you just made about sort of how the last bull run was and how you think the next one's going to be. I mean, guys, we all know that it's been a bear market for a long time now.
the projects that we're sitting with that we're talking right now. They've been building this whole time because they believe in Web 3, they believe in B&B Chan. That's why they've launched for us. And these are the kind of projects I think are going to do really well. Not the people who try to jump on the bandwagon in six months or whenever the market comes back around. I hope it's next week but you never know.
right so I think that's an awesome point it's like you got to build it first and then hopefully people will come you know and they're gonna see the work that you've put in during this last couple years I want to go back to Sparkle I saw that you left the chat and I had to read you as a speaker can you hear me now Sparkle yes can you hear me okay yeah go ahead you were
going to say something about advice that you would get to build there. Yeah, yeah, because we are as far as the consumer products or specifically care about the user experience. So my advice will be try to understand your users. Actually, in our basic experience, we are doing something pretty innovative and we are aggressively adopt
a account and we built a smart contract wallet for our of the user but actually it cost some confusion to either to pose a web 2 and web 3 users and for web 2 users they don't have too much idea what is the wallet but for the web 3 users they also don't have too much idea about what is the smart contract wallet
wallet. And because they sign in from their mathematics, they already know they have kind of the address that when they log into our website and they see, okay, there is another address that says, "No, my address that it's kind of the smart contract wallet created by Sparkle, you really get confused." So I think it's really important to me to design
your products, you need to understand user from their user paths, from their flow and if there is anything surprised, your user is really kind of, you know, it's kind of weird for them. So that will be my advice when you're trying to design and build your product.
Great, great advice. I think this is something we always hear when we ask this question. Someone always brings it back to the users. And I know every single speaker on this panel right now is super user focused. So I appreciate you pointing that out because without the users, you know, where are any of us going to be?
you need to make sure that we're developing products that they love that bring value to their experience in Web 3 and hopefully some enjoyment satisfaction as well would be really cool as well. Okay, so guys the question is on the table. We have a couple projects that haven't spoken up. Guys no pressure. Want to just open the space for you guys
to put in your thoughts, advice for people, sort of things that you've overcome. Anybody else? Yeah. So, KetoX, we also want to talk something about innovations. So the reason why I mentioned innovation is, I think everyone already know, we are
not just a server, there are many competitors to talk about how big the market of the perpetual decks. So someone will ask ours or even the investors, they will ask us why we still want to choose this product. So the reason why we want to choose the product, so the answer is innovation is very important.
So, no matter the units were brought to the DeFest Summer to users, all the different projects do a lot of innovations, but to meet the user requirements of the market fit is really important. As the Sparkle Juster mentioned, the users, our communities is very important.
and for different projects. So from our innovation perspective, we already did some innovations in the liquid providers because we want to provide in the best trading experience for user and liquid providers, but for some upgrade on our products side. So what do we want
to provide to our users, we want to meet the gap between the decentralized trading and also the trading on the centralized changes. For example, when people want to change from Ben as to the KiloX, we want to let them to feel it will be the same when they do the trading on ours. So all the products that we are doing right now is trying
to do similar things. It takes a lot of creativity and user focus to come out with something that's truly different and innovative. Okay, guys, well, we've just about run out of time. Guys, if you're listening, could you do me a favor before we go as a way of thanking these projects? Could you just click on each of the speaker profiles and just
it is to you tell your friends that's the whole reason why we do this show is to shine a light on these really exciting and hardworking individuals who have brought value to B&B chain and we see great potential for them in the future. Well guys that is it for the show. It's Friday whether it's morning afternoon or evening to you. Thanks for joining
us. I'm looking forward to my weekend. I hope you enjoy yours as well. Thanks again to all of our guests today. Thank you to Tiffany from B&B Change, helping to arrange the space and all of our colleagues who worked to get these projects onboarded to B&B Change. All right, guys, thank you so much and we will see you next weekend. Bye-bye.