The Future of Opolis w/ 0xJoshua & Toad

Recorded: May 26, 2023 Duration: 0:55:54



GM, if you are here for the recording, feel free to skip ahead, like five minutes. We're gonna get speakers in here, get everything wired up and wired up. Hope that your Friday is going beautiful. We'll be on Zoom.
(upbeat music)
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(upbeat music)
GM Mr. Joshua. What is good, Ian? The hoodie GM to GM. It's always GM. You know, I used to say GM just in the morning, but I gave that up. We've actually been saying it.
All day since the before it was cool. My best friend in middle high school. That was his thing. Good day, just good morning, all the time.
He was like Web 3 before Web 1. That's cool. I'm not that old sir After Web 1 before Web 2 how dare you say this to help me? Yeah, you are but you know we had my space
on our on our high school email addresses. She's I was born in 94 I mean yeah Facebook was my first social media I remember on my 13th birthday my mom let me set up my first Facebook
And that's what I did for my birthday was just get on Facebook. I was super stoked. She was super happy, you know, birthday was cheap that year. I just wanted to get online. So, that was easy. That sounds good. A lot cheaper than a minting minting NFT, you know, a lot cheaper than a minting NFT.
chasing mean tokens. I've decided to start calling everything a mean token like everything just so that the Twitter algorithm loves it like I feel like the only thing I see these days are meme coins BRC 20
You know, like so yeah start telling everyone that Opalus is a BRC 20 you know project in that way will pump it'll be great I am not interested in any of the things you just said but you
You're already using Opalus. It's like with your phone carrier where they give the best deals to the people who haven't been using their service for 12 years. It's just like that. That is my experience with AT&T. Yeah, I'm like, how come they get a new phone? They haven't been paying you for the last 12 years.
come on now. Come on. Ridiculous. Yeah, I'm going to fight with Nationwide right now. Nationwide is for sure not on your side, not even remotely. This space brought to you by whoever Nationwide some predators are literally everyone else. You're dealing with
insurance claims that are not driven by smart contracts. Sounds like that will be the day. Ms. Ripple. Can you imagine though like you just go to the hospital and you just go home and that's it or have a car gets hit and that's it.
Oh, someday, someday. Yeah, I'm, uh, I don't know, it's kind of like the side to plan a guess. Yeah, I'm doing a revamp right now. You know, looking at additional benefits that we may.
be able to have at the employment commons. And that's one of the things I'm looking for, you know, of course, it's just like ease of, well, is it claimed by like life insurance through our posts? Yes, sir.
Like without having to deal with like the typical like life insurance salesman type person. Yeah, yeah, you got it. Like you'll be able to talk to a consultant if you want, but
they would be enrolling you into plans that are just like really easy to get. Which is normally like the problem is like blood and urine and having an urge come to your fricking house and drawing your
bodily fluids from you to get back with you six weeks later to tell you a rate. That part's like this whole process. But what is exciting is that like because we're, you know, we're able to group
the comments together. A large cohort. Do we get better rates there? Oh yeah. The thing is we can get group plans and we can get group plans that have the option to port out
outside of the group. Normally, if you get group life insurance, the problem is that it's stuck at your employer. And then when you retire, you have no more life insurance. So they basically just take premium for you while you're not going today. But yeah, I'm working on plans right now.
group underwritten with portability options and all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all kinds of all#
contemplated that for sure because it's kind of like well why do we need portability people could just be employed at office until the day they die. But you know maybe someone wants to like once you stop paying for it. I imagine the columns will change once we get up there in age.
Yeah, but like I think most people leave. Well, it's not it hasn't happened because we don't have anybody at that age yet. But right once they start going on about a care and living off that 401k. Yeah, yeah, yeah, when when they're there, it's like they're they're playing
needs to be portable, you know, and not be affected. Yeah, I think one of the biggest problems with life insurance is people are like, "Oh, I have a job. I have life insurance." And I'm like, "Yeah, but as soon as you leave the job, you will not have life insurance." And also, you know.
Get some individual plans son or get a group plan that's portable Anyways, life insurance conversation very riveting conversation. I tell you what all is pivot before we dive into whatever is we're talking about today Have you played any fun web series games lately?
You like my favorite Web 3 game?
I mean, perpetually my favorite Web 3 game is Abigail. It's really the only one I like consistently go back to. I gotta go pet my little Abigail, you know, take care of Gweiter. He's really good at the games. So, you know, oh my gosh, he hates me.
Because I don't know my got you. Oh, your got she hates you. Yeah. Oh, you're not petting him. No. Oh, that's the thing. You got to get a petting service for your gotchy, bro.
There are a few op-als members actually who
who do a, a Gachi petting service.
I should, I should keep higher than that makes me so happy. I want so bad to fill my opalus invoice off of some like major degeneracy like I would love to be filling my invoice off of my gachi petting service to
You know, that's so gangster. That's so good. It's so good. Yeah, we're like paying your invoice off of your yield farming. That'd be so cool. That's another fun topic. My like Web 3Dame right now is a sunflower.
I was looking at that the other day because I um you mentioned this I think last that we were in Denver. Is it just sunflower dash land dot com? Yeah, it seems like kind of magic to get started.
I'm pretty sure I have an account. I'm pretty sure I already have things going on here. Let's go see if I find any money here. I'm probably not. Well, don't get sidetracked. You'll get a little loose for like 15 minutes.
It's just going to be you talking to yourself. Yeah, which is not particularly riveted in conversation.
But next week, I'll ask you where do you play the new Web 3 game recently? I'm sure you'll have a better answer.
I'll say sunflower land next week. Classic.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I remember this was the game that bogged down Maddick, right? Like broke Maddick. Did they, did they fix that or there's just fewer people playing? I don't remember it breaking polygon. It was back when it first came out.
So many people were like I think farming it or something like this basically every single game was a transaction. Yeah, they've changed that significantly. So you really only need to think on chain. I think I maybe do like once twice a week.
There is a daily transaction that you can do to open a chest, but it's yeah, it's not all of the things all the time anymore. Gotcha, gotcha. Yeah, it was like making magic transactions like 30 cents. That was crazy.
crazy for a minute. I haven't been fiddling with polygons so much. I've been living out on Arbitrum just doing DeFi. I used to use Polygon for all of my DeFi, but Arbitrum
had so many cool new things. Basically, our return is GMX, but lots of cool stuff built on top of that in the ecosystem.
to go fiddle with all the new ZK stuff from Polygon I haven't even touched that. Of course I'm out on a ZK sync, you know, because, you know, needs new community might as well be a good community member. But it sounds like a
Sounds like you're trying to air drop farm here sir.
I mean, is it farming if you are legitimately interested in the platform?
No idea. No, I agree. I think farming is a negative connotation that you get from like using multiple wallets and intentionally trying to air drop farm. Yeah, yeah. I'm not doing no multiple wallets stuff. I'm afraid that it'll just qualify.
I mean, I'm not sure if you're afraid of it.
it's interacted with Arbitrum, I actually got the Arbitrum Air Drop and it's because they knocked out people that it looked like on chain, you know, like they had just sent like ETH to several wallets and just done a few transactions, right? It looked like farming, so yeah. Yeah.
I don't farm stuff. I go put a wallet out there, I try to make a transaction every week. Right now in ZK sync, all that I do is I have a little stack of tokens on zigzag exchange where you can do limit orders and I just put in a buy or a sell every time that I
go to the site and sometimes it hits, sometimes it doesn't, but you know, turning 100 bucks into 120 dollars was go. Wow, let's go. Wow, I know, I know. Gonna be wealthy. It doesn't matter. It's $200.
I'll try my best not to I'll often move to like Southeast Asia. That's literally all that it is just compounding it. I mean if you double something like 50 times it's gonna be millions of dollars.
So that's kind of my theory. I think I have that old like would you would you rather take a million dollars today or Start with a half a penny and then Have it double every day for a month
What do you take? I'm going to guess that the trick is to take the half a penny. Yeah, it is. That is how much does it work out to? I don't know, like 27 million or something.
- She is pleased. - It's more.
That's nuts. That is nuts. That's a lot more power of numbers.
Yeah, I love math. Math is the best. This is like a yes, that's why I would up in DeFi was I like making this joke. Because like we talk about referrals and how opus grows when
Like the most predominant channel for growth is people referring their friends like that's kind of the idea and yeah and not only because it's
the least expensive marketing channel, right? But more because you're growing with people who are ethos aligned, who understand the product, and when we get to a thousand and like the community takes over governance, like actually
understand the how and the why and it's not just like your payroll provider, like it's a community. There's there's a much broader purpose that we're all here for. And so when you go through direct referrals, like that's the thing.
Yeah, you know, it's like, um, might be kind of a fun thing to talk about. I was reviewing, I, why would they be, I guess like our governance docs or talks about, uh,
You know like A shares and B shares and the difference between like members and coalition members and Decentralizing at a thousand people and all of this it's like
The future of Obelisk we could talk about, you know, I would like that. Yeah, do you want or do you have an idea of kind of like maybe the first things that happen when we hit a thousand members.
Like what does that look like in your mind?
That's a really good question.
I don't know what the first thing that happens is. So I know that there's like a list of things that the board of stewards is supposed to turn over
sharing of governance to the token holders. But there's also like a product in which popular democracy doesn't particularly make the most sense. Like it makes sense for determining like let's say, you know,
10 healthcare plans to choose from which ones are the best for the most number of people, right? Right, right. That sort of thing makes sense. But like, do random software developers have advanced knowledge in negotiating with brokers? Like, probably not. There's still going to be
things that need to be done by a smaller team of knowledgeable, like industry specific thing, focus. Or, sure, I think like how to spend profits
I think that'll be a big one. I don't know about first but like in my mind that's like the most powerful use case. Because when you run your payroll through OPLUS you're earning the work token. This is your patronage. You have the right to sell your patronage on the secondary market if you want to.
or you can stake it and hang on for when there are profits to distribute. And when there are profits to distribute, how are those going to be distributed? I think that will be one of the biggest questions that we face.
as a community, do we?
take that money and let's say it ends up being like 30 or 40 dollars per member just as an example I have absolutely no idea so that's not alpha right just a random number I showed let's say it ends up being like 30 dollars per person but instead of
offering this like $30 per person as a dividend, we could take that like the same amount of money and like further subsidize the healthcare premiums so that they're just, I mean, they're already competitive, but so that they're significantly more competitive in like New York and California, where healthcare and cost is just outrageous.
And so it-- Yeah, yeah. The community comes together and they have a few options and they say, it's like, all right, so we could do A or B or C or D.
It could go toward marketing span and not take a dividend like faster growth. I want one of the exciting things is like we don't like the tokens inflationary.
But we don't it's not like time-based where these like D5 farms are like yeah like drop your TBL like you know park your e here and then you'll earn more e
or whatever pool to check line, right?
with work, we only meant more work if we grow by 10%. So it's a growth metric. So if we're not growing as a community, there's no new work. I heard that we're like nearing or just hit the next growth epoch.
So that's cool. It's possible. Yeah, I think we're about to get some work tokens. Congratulations, Opalist members. This will be the... So, here's an interesting piece of... It's not alpha, but just like stelling things out.
which to make it more exciting, sure, whatever it's alpha. I think that's just what the word that DGNs used to describe information. Okay, so here's some information. When we
first started or like for two years you basically were earning about one worth per dollar that you put into the ecosystem because we were growing fast and it's easier to hit 10% growth metrics or grow by $50,000 in payroll when you're
small right at a 5 or 10% is very easy. But once you get to the size adding another 10% is like a lot. The more paychecks that you run in between epochs, the less work per dollar you're earning in
in terms of payroll. So the longer it takes us to hit an epoch, the lower that is. So this one, this epoch, I don't know exactly how many months, so I don't want to say, and then have it be wrong in a recording. But like at least a few months.
And so, you know, if it was, let's say, a predatory first, that was the last time. We've run two paychecks in February, two in March, two in April.
2 and May. Well, now is the second one and May. So this is like 8 paychecks we've run in between at epochs. So it could end up being closer to like 0.2 worth per dollar.
I see what you're saying. It's a huge benefit of being to Opalus early. I mean, you know, when we're running a billion dollars in payroll, like people are getting like fractions of a work per dollar. Well, this is still very early. And I would say
that I would say that early ends once we hit the thousand and even then it's probably still early but there are people now who are like oh I missed the boat that's like you you absolutely did not well one because it's not about to miss like if you need
benefits and payroll, like get your benefits and payroll. There's no missing about like your CPA will be grateful that you opted into this when you did. And not like, oh, it's too late. I'm going to jail. I'm as well not doing
thing. Like taxes are the one category of the law. I think there's two. This is like one of two categories of law where like if you make a good faith effort to try to be in compliance, you don't see jail time. Like the people who see jail time for taxes are the ones who are like, we'll
trying to evade taxes. Has Cameron Brown at Dorian and advisors says tax avoidance not not tax what's where I'm looking for
evasion. There it is. Yeah, see I'm so crisp and clean. I don't even know the wordy. They you know, yeah, I use ophthalous. So it's all in order. I like talking about ophthaltona.
So I'm yeah it goes to chill for tar yeah, yeah, tell your story. It's a good story. No, I tell it all the time. It's not out
It's not alpha. Yeah. Well, I don't know. Let's get some emojis. If you do want me to talk about alcohol, I'll talk about alcohol.
There we go, all left.
I don't know. My votes don't count. It's just one. This is a representative democracy, you know, like these people put me here. So.
My emojis are their emojis. - Ooh, all right, I see in the audience. Chair, hey Chair, what's up Chair?
And then we've got a Buflcorn and McGannel and Jeremy. Thanks for tuning in, guys. And some new folks. I don't know how it's all. Thanks for listening. And El Sol. Kawasaki comes around a lot to our morning spaces, the old GM Mopolis show.
Oh nice as well as both the toe to toe band. Yeah well toad maybe Brock maybe Brock maybe the bear me or as we refer to him for rather bear me and then all else sold out there to see you around.
friends, family, colleagues, esteemed individuals.
That's for being around here on Friday. It's a chill Friday. We finish the, um...
did we finish the bit on?
future of like what we get to when we have 1000 I don't know for you can clearly do that.
I don't think so. I mean, like we were discussing, it sounds like the main things that we would be governing, right? So for those that don't know, like right now, Opalist is about 500 members and at 1,000 members, we begin the process of decentralizing and becoming a Dow granted.
I think that'll be its own journey, but the process begins there. It's written in the paper, right? Yeah. Yeah, and that's what we're discussing. Yes, and the decentralization aspects of it.
I think there are a lot of different ways you can go with decentralizing. We follow a model of progressive decentralization. So it's decentralizing at the right time, the when and the where and the why.
important. We have two entities. We have OPLIS Anchorage, the trustee, and the employment commons, which is the, what we call the employment down that folks are, that folks will be joining, or are joining.
I mean, in our minds, cooperatives and dows are the same. A cooperative is just a doubt with a legal rapper. And I think that we're probably going to, based off of like the Board of Commons discussion.
of light. It seems like we're heading in the direction of like, what could be like a bicameral system where it's like, I don't want to say the British like house of commons, how
of lords because it's not like stewards aren't lords. Like a senate in a house kind of that still isn't really represented. Like a like a board of stewards on on one side and then
the token house on the other to borrow from optimism. Like the optimism. Yeah. The governance model. It's a good example where they've got their token house and their citizens house.
Yeah, I think it'll be, I don't know about exactly the same, but similar. I know that like we have a board of stewards who are ethos aligned and
And so I think I think electing new board members will probably be one of the first things that we do with the with the thousand.
- Word, yeah.
Yeah, I like that. That makes the most sense to me like representative democracy. Oh, yeah, I think about like the weird things I'm negotiating right now with insurance contracts and it's like Yeah, you should probably just elect a person
and talk to a broker. You know, like all the time they talk to a broker and it's like, oh my goodness. Like, all right, let's get a thousand people on to a Zoom call with one broker.
The broker is like, "What are you guys doing?" Our broker may understand at this point. It's cool. Opalus got a new broker, I guess beginning of the year, and one of the things they did
was they got a Buffy Corn so every time I get on a call with my yeah with the broker he's always got his his Buffy Corn up he's got a Buffy Corn in an Astro Knot Suit so he picked up a good you know rare one. You want to trade any of the traits?
Ooh, I should ask him. Well, the op-loss has like 50 buffer corns that it uses to like swap trades with members of the community that would like to trade with the op-loss treasury.
That goes for anybody listening too. So if you go to like OpenC and go to like workaholic.eath.
You can see the Buffcorn collection that we have and if there's any traits in there that you want to
you want to trade for and you're a member of the commons. You're welcome to. That's super cool. Yeah, I really thought about swapping some traits on my Buffy corn, but like the only Buffy corn I have right now is a Buffy corn that I minted and I just
like I just can't change him like he was born perfectly you know sure I need to get some other Buffy corn so that I can you know swap them and like that's just kind of cool being able to swap your traits like that's just cool I'm not going to talk you out of that condition of offhorn so never I
I would say like two weeks ago was probably the best time to go shopping. The floor was at like 0.03 and right now it's back up to like 0.05. That's awesome. Yeah, that floor doesn't, doesn't waver. It's not uncommon like the wallet that I
have my Buffy Corn, like, you know, tap into Zapier or whatever, it'll show me my portfolio. And my Buffy Corn's always like, well, he's always showing up there. He's one of my best NFTs to practice this with, like, I'm a firm believer in the, like, lore, not floor.
Yeah, I like that. That's a good term. But well, I want to preface that before I say this is like the idea is not for Buffalo Corns to have an increasing floor. I mean, obviously it'd be
great for the community and everyone has one because they'll be like, "Hey cool, I can exit and take some money off the table," right? Which is, you always want that for your community. But I think the more important premise is that
the barrier to entry is very low. It's very easy to get a starter buff a corn and be able to participate in the community as if you're like a full member. But then you can
trade with other people in the community for traits that you want. Or you can, you can play. All right. So when we release the individual metadata as their own NFTs,
I imagine the floor for some of the rare traits will probably increase, but that will work toward keeping the floor for buffagorns relatively low. And it's not where we just stable. Because in the NFT space, and you used that a lot more time in the NFT space than I do.
The word "blueship" is erroneously thrown around a lot. X, people really don't understand what that word means or is supposed to mean. Blueship is a word used to describe
a security of an established company that has weathered multiple bear markets and is considered a stable investment. And so like all of the things that were called blue chips when they were in the you know 100 E and are now
knock there. It's like, okay, all of these influencers are giving out financial advice because using the word blue chip is a financial word. So not only are they giving illegal financial advice, they're mislabeling garbage as a stable financial asset.
I like the definition that kind of makes a Buffy Corn a Blue Chip. I don't know if that's financial advice. I guess I shouldn't say that. Not financial advice, kids. I mean, I...
I'd be willing to go as far as saying that yes, a buffalorn is a blue chip. For the fact that ETHMver has been through multiple bear markets and is going to continue to deliver a quality event.
Regardless, I mean, most of the themers have happened during bear markets. I mean, we've only had one that was like a bull trap of a bear market.
Anybody in the audience? Give me some sort of reaction if you've been to eat them room before Here I'm reacting for toad out there. Here we got a quiz r with a request. We want to talk to a friend
I had to talk to a friend.
Is it calming out on my labeling of NFTs is not blue trips? I welcome the criticism. Hello, Clujdar. What's up friend? What's good?
A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Quasaropolis Unite. I love you guys having this space on holidays. Like a whole happy hour. And if I was drinking right now, I'd be drinking right now.
Yeah, that's profound. It didn't it wasn't supposed to come off as that ominous. I just I don't know. My wife is pregnant and out of solidarity. I don't know avoiding drinking, you know.
So good for you, man. Congratulations. That's harder on her than the design me. So what's up? What's the future of Opelus? I used to jump in here when Rachel
And toad was doing these so I won't know exactly If toad is behind office or What's the future guys? The future is bright. We're having conversations right now
now. Not to like anybody really excited. We're having conversations right now exploring Puerto Rico. So if anybody in the audience has any friends in Puerto Rico that would like to participate in like user interviews, we're exploring like what the benefits offering will look like.
If and when we launch in Puerto Rico, so that's an exciting thing to be on the ground floor of. I'm I'm in Florida and I know Puerto Rico. I know a couple of insurance companies there and contractors. So that might be a cool.
I love the health. Cool. I appreciate it. What's that for sure? I was looking at Puerto Rico Insurance Plans just this week. The biggest thing is finding one that actually pays claims when you're
in the US or Puerto Rico. A lot of these companies, like they want you to pay and then be refunded. And I'm like, no, man, someone breaks their arm. Like they're not going to also pull out 20k. Like their arms broken, you know. What's up, dude? You got your hand up. I have to raise my hand because
The things you hear or you don't want to hear on a Friday afternoon or you can say I was looking up insurance plans in Puerto Rico like this is the nerdyest insurance I will literally just
sit around and read an insurance contract. Okay, I don't do that. It's a curse. That's like, I've done that in a little while, but that used to do that a lot. So I've been reading the treaties from Lloyd's home re-interference to this one.
No more insurance reading for me.
I'll try to be childless so that opalists can have someone reading their contracts. You said "reinsurance" that's actually an interesting conversation. One of the things that is cool about opalists is the way that we're built. We're actually a self-insured
pool. So this means that we have a reserve of funds, we have a reinsurance in case someone needs to make big claims so we don't have to get wrecked on that. An insurance company comes in and pays the big claims. But for the most part,
little bumps and bruises, you know, your wellness checks, stuff like that, like those claims are being paid out of the opalus pool. And this has allowed us to really like manage our rates and it helps us like manage our rates long term too. So like one of the reasons opalus is so competitive,
the right side is because of that. We're paying less to big corporations and we're keeping more for the people. It's really cool. I know Opelus has been around now for five years so it's like that pool has only gotten better and we continue
you to only get better. A lot of the strategy I'm talking about right now with our broker is in and around our re-insurance. So that'll be fun to do at the end of the year. Just keep saving people money. I like it. Which you don't get to say all
often in insurance at all. For real. Yeah, I did not point benefits for 10 years before I came to Opalus and like I was sitting around asking myself the question like why am I being paid all of these commissions like this
This is great. Oh, that's so funny. I think another reason why our rates have remained pretty good is just the natural cohort of where we fit in into the space. The space sound obvious.
the majority of people who work in Web 3 skew a little bit younger. Boomers haven't really figured out the thing. And so our target audience is like naturally a little bit younger and healthier just by by nature of
who it is we work with every day. And so like there's, I mean, there's absolutely no discrimination like anybody who is working is able to join. I think we just been fortunate. The majority of people we do come across, fit into that cohort of relatively low risk.
Turns out working for yourself is healthy for you. I mean, that's what it is. I don't know. People are just so happy all the time. They just can't help but be well. I don't like it. It's like they're not being taken advantage of or something, you know.
So, that's cool.
face at some time and talk about reinsurance. It'll be only you and me in this space, but we'll have a good time. You know, I, uh,
I'll take you up on that right now. And I will hang out mostly in the Cardano community, but I began my journey in crypto with the ETH risk.
and that just for me, a true one. And first, smart contracts, a wrote was an application for an A/D and D policy, accidental death and disbandment, because you know,
We were all pretty young and what's the easiest thing to do? What the hell am I? I don't know man. What are you guys doing over at Cardano? I'm trying to enroll
in Ovalous because we're having some huge catastrophe, huge severity claims. No, this is before actually learned about this was before Cardano existed actually. Yeah, this was 2017-28.
I think it's one of the bad things that's the bad. That's actually when I got my bag. Yeah. Got that Eda bag. Yeah, it is. Yeah, man. There's somewhere.
find a way to get us out to Cardano Quasar. It's your new role as a member of the Dow. - So did you join?
Um, I think I'm just saying he's a member of Adele. So that's cool. We've um, totally how the hell's worked. No voting. I actually met a few people who were like in this like Cardano space who...
who had been considering joining office, I don't know if they actually did. But we've gotten questioned about whether we can process payroll or I don't know if there are stable coins on Cardano, but it's something we've talked about in the past. We like, oh, we, while I'm
personally an EVM Maxi, Opelus is a chain of domestic protocol that wants to help people get insured regardless of what chain they're getting paid on. Yeah, I mean people where they aren't. Right.
I'm talking about pertinence. I can this one. I want to start. You know how like, um, like you tell me, you know,
I can make this joke on Jewish. You know I'm talking about? I feel like I'm allowed to start making Solana jokes now because I have a Solana phone. So I can say whatever I want about Solana and be like, "No, it's okay, I have a Solana phone."
The worst time somebody pulled that card and I thought it was it was pulled or I was like, "Hey, do you want to hear a joke?"
You're not Jewish are you? And I'm like, no? And like that was the end of the joke. I'm like, I don't know what I want to do. That's a great story because I usually tell a lot of parties.
I'm totally a lot of places that say reception every time. So if I may, what's going on in Cardano is, you know, we're building a lot of the taxes coming to age and we have an innovation on the grant.
program, which I hand at the top one of the challenges that I'd love to help. Obelisk put a proposal in. And it's four dows on Karnama. And I could totally see where obelisk would provide a huge benefit.
doesn't exist on how long it's fine. What is it that makes us an entity like obelisk, benefits payroll, etc. I need a unique thing.
Like, apples can work for people who work in any ecosystem. It's about being self-employed or earning crypto. The thing would be like, what kind of bridge do we need to build to make it so that, like,
Right now, people who work in any ecosystem, it doesn't matter which one, they're getting paid in either a stablecoin or a native token. And if there's liquidity for that, what they're doing to pay their credit card bills and pay their mortgage and rent and food and whatever.
is what they do is they take those funds, they send them to an exchange, or they're liquidated for a token that can be sent to an exchange, and then the most common one is like into USCC, into Coinbase, and then Coinbase is USCC.
to see a date for certain accounts of free transfer to US dollars and then US dollars of bank account and they're going that way and then you're theoretically getting multiple 10.99s and this is one of the problems because then you have to go back and be like no this 10.99 I got from Coinbase isn't
real because I've already paid on this money when I got the $10.99 the first time. And so instead of taking the funds and moving them eight different times to and over the course of two weeks to get to your banking account,
You can send it once to Opelus and then in that same period, first and third Friday, you're getting the cache. And so it's a way to off-ramp currency from anywhere where there is the ability to offload
off-ramp stablecoins. And so I don't know what the stablecoin ecosystem looks like on Cardano, but I imagine there's an off-ramp. And if there's not, that's something that somebody needs
to step up in BD to figure out how to get USDC. Like Circle wants to support adding the places. And so if there is USDC on Cardona, like, USDC, like Circle itself is the off-ram. And so that's something that we can work with.
So meme season, meme coins have hit Cardano and we do have a meme coin that's both stable. I think we could probably work something out with that. I'm kidding, obviously. But yeah, we
I'm just like, I'm not trying so hard not to make a joke. You're just making it so difficult. I'm setting you up. I'm asking for the joke.
really it's Friday and we're talking in church. I'm not drinking so I'm being more professional but if I was if I was drinking for sure this would be a whole much funnier segment. There's something about
insurance and drinking that just go together well. But you know, I stopped drinking almost, I think almost two years ago and something I thought I'd never do. And I feel okay about it. I feel good about myself.
Yeah, no, the reason I mentioned the innovation fund is really a chance to introduce Atlas to the pro-dominant community perhaps apply for
little bit of a little grant that should operate as a way to cover onboarding call score. You have to hold your people to have card on it. There's a lot of options. I'm going to make a joke and then I'm going to say something serious.
I've been hearing about the development for like six years. So, not gonna hold my breath. And now, that's the joke too, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah, you're like, you said it like it was a new
And it's like I've been hearing people say this about Cardano since like I heard about Cardano Well, like to be fair when I first heard about a theory in 2017 I read a article. This is like fall 2017 when I bought my first beat that I don't know 50 or 90 dollars It was between there and
I got excited about the holika systems I read this thing and it was like it was a blog post by Vitaleck on a clear and bad order that was like proof of stake will be shipping Q1 2018 and like for anybody who is just paying attention to I don't know oxygen and like is
breathing, like knows that that did not ship in Q1 of 2018 and like we didn't get it for like four years. I think like fall 2020 is when that finally started and and the finalization of it happened like literally three weeks ago. So yeah.
I'm glad that you're still around and still building. Now the serious side of it is that's actually how we've made the decision to start building the cross chain things that we have been building. There are the protocols that have invested time and effort and money into op-elith.
have been prioritized in that development. So if it's a grants process that you'd like us to go through, but basically like enough community members standing out and saying and like waving and being like, "Hey, I'm here. I need this. I need you to support my chain. It's cost prohibitive for me to
bridge once or twice to get to somewhere where there is USDC or a stablecoin that can be off-ramp to be like wire or circle or coinbase or just investing in apples as round. I don't know if it's still open
And it's probably closing. This is probably something we need to talk about like now. I think the end of the month was like the target. So it was our view. We want chat about that. That's something we can definitely do while not on a space that's being recorded.
- What's our ratio? - Okay.
Yes. Are you saying that your open enrollment is ending up the end of this month? No, not open enrollment. There's a fundraise that is closing.
Oh, for you, you know, you all have, yes. - What I was saying is that this is how we prioritize the chains that we're adding.
Yeah, if you want to drop a little thing, if I understand what you're saying, if you want to share something with me, I'd like to think of a little chattel. Sure. Yeah, and this thing with Kata, with Cardano and Catalyst, it doesn't start until
in 21st and Cardano right now is in the middle of tackling big governance questions. So there's a lot of governance related discussions and workshops and interesting.
Yeah, I've also been hearing that for six years Something's changed in the sense I'm also I make this joke but like
point in like a couple years like Apple has been talking about expanding to a certain jurisdiction and like in a few years I'll be like, "Stoon, we're expanding into this jurisdiction." And people would be like, "Jash, you've been saying this for six years now."
We're famous for making announcements of announcements. We'll announce something later. It's literally the industry. You don't even need an AI engineer, a prompt engineer for that. They announce announcements themselves of future announcements.
Well, thanks for stopping by, Quizan. Rachel, yeah, thank you. I'm going to spawn a Dow called the 6-year Dow and about you all through the game changer wallet and we do have access to
all firms. So now's the time.
Rachel, what's goody in the hoodie? Welcome to the stage. Hey, what's up, what's up everybody? Just popped in to give some support and yeah, hear more about what you guys are chatting about the future of all
with Joshua and Pod. Yeah, super stoked to be here. Just finished another episode of Crypto Sapiens. I actually just did our first podcast episode on AI in Web 3. So super excited for that to come out.
very exciting
Got to love the AIs. AIs just gone off the chain. I feel like crypto needs its AI moment, you know, like excellent pun there, sir.
Gone off the chain. I'm only funny when I'm not trying to be funny. It's rough.