The future of the Metaverse!

Recorded: June 29, 2023 Duration: 0:08:28



Hello, hello guys, just checking in, can you guys hear me? We'll start shortly. Hey, hey, loud in here. Hello. Yes, can you hear?
Great, welcome guys, we'll just wait for a couple of minutes, then kickstart, we're also waiting for our fellow speakers, now Niku wasn't in the other chat, we'll just wait for them and we'll start soon.
All right, I think we can get started. We'll just, you know, initiate at least the initial conversation signed. Of course, people will keep on joining in as well. Hey guys, thank you so much for tuning in. It's now on the side. I take care of the BD crew strategy.
at Midaskay, quick background about Midaskay, Midaskay helps brands, creators, communities to curate, manage and monetize the entire product suite. Just enables you to build engaging web 3 experiences, give me five them.
introduce multiple types of benefits, utilities, wire, NFTs as an infrastructure. Midasca is backed by Sequoia, woodstock, and currently has close to 150k users, impacting
multiple verticals starting with music, utility communities, doubts and we have a couple of projects joining in today as well. And today I think one of the very first projects from the Madhavas domain which we have part
with and you know will be utilizing Midasca infrastructure as vaults. We'll talk about it in a later part of the section but you know we'll just hand it over to all the speakers to quickly introduce themselves.
And also about the project and then you know, we'll just keep it more conversational I have a couple of topics in my mind which I think would be very keen to hear from world's team as well. Tejas, I think you're joining from the world's accounts. So, you know, would be really keen to know more about the world's team.
about those topics and your views on it as well. Yeah, so let's keep it more engaging if you guys would like to jump in, shoot your pointers, you have any questions for the speakers, feel free to raise your hand and you know,
will give you the permission to speak and just put your pointers as well. Awesome. Roy, if you can also invite Minato folks as well as speaker here.
All right, Tejas, what do you just a quick introduction about yourself as well as words? Absolutely, thanks, thanks, Lamon and thanks to the whole team. Thanks for having me on that. You're listening in as well. So my name is Tejas. I am the co-founder
at Worlds. And as Naman mentioned, we're here to, you know, sort of tap into the ecosystem along with Metasky and bring more valuable experiences digitally, virtually, physically to our community, which is primarily art
3D creators, indie game developers, brands, all sorts of really exciting people basically. So for those of you who don't know about Worlds, we're essentially a platform which deploys 3D content and
and immersive experiences. We're creating an ecosystem of tools that helps accelerate the adoption of 3D content. And we do this through the lens of gaming led experiences, casual gaming as a whole, but also 3D
design focused experiences for e-commerce, for live events, for entertainment based experiences, artist driven experiences and more. We're currently in beta, fully bootstrap, we graduated through the poll
We've been building with a very enthusiastic team and we've been fortunate enough to work with some really cool brands and creators, some of the ones that are familiar to the NFT community.