The infinix horizons of Secret NFTs

Recorded: Feb. 8, 2023 Duration: 0:41:39



Can you hear me, Pope?
- Emerson, can you hear me? - Yes, I think we need to wait.
Oh wait, it seems this is Greek Nazi aim. I'll probably to my name, sorry. Okay. I will be talking today from ActaList account.
I'm sorry, what did this guy lost the other day? Sorry? Okay, I can hit him now, I'll run away. Can you hear me well or should I improve something? No, we can't.
Yeah, we can hear you now. Okay. Good. Yeah, thanks. Well, let's meet some more meetings while I was in Los Angeles.
Out my music is not allowed. No, it's fine. Wait. Hello, Aliyoo. Hello, all men.
Okay, we'll be getting started very soon.
So welcome our guest, Wesley and Activist. So tonight we will be discussing about the infinite horizon of secret gravity. Tonight's going to run in face to space. So, like guys let's keep on retreating so that's containers.
Sorry, I hope that you say something.
Okay, we get to start the next few minutes. I'll speak to my original.
I hope you guys can hear me louder, Clevd.
Yes we can. Just another check you can hear me as well. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. So okay let's dive into tonight's discussion. So
Before we start, please tell us a little bit about your background. I will start. My name is Wesley. I think a couple of you guys know me already. This is being recorded as well, Pope.
Yeah, this is really good. Okay, great. So yeah, my name is Wesley. I started in 2018 with the Nigma coin at that moment with the international community for Secret Network. Eventually became
IGC coordinator, agent and lead. Then after, well, we started with the Secret Agency, became a lead there. And from that part, I went to Actilist, became a head of program marketing at Actilist. And yeah, now we are on this
point to get actually to the top in the secret network and I think also because most in crypto space so that's me. Yeah thanks for the introduction was the Glatt-Varion R space. Yeah, all is an audio for the network so it's a Glatt-Varion R space.
I can also present myself as part of the team.
My name is Ilya. I'm an engineer, a software engineer. Also, Crypto and Tizias and this project actually started by winning a hackathon organized by GripType.js. It is a framework to bootstrap blockchain projects on secret networks.
It's mainly for your user interface framework. And since winning that hackathon, this has been non-stop. We have been improving and we recently had one year anniversary. It was end of, yeah, it was end of
February and sorry. This was end of January in the very three and this has been exciting journey so far and we have a great plans we want to share today. Yeah, glad to have you here. See how it comes to our space. This is the first time I've been here as an hour's space.
I'm going to have you guys more frequently on our space So let's dive into tonight's topic I hope you guys can hear me If can hear me please let me signify you as an MOG Alright, wait So
LSD is going to demand over 2000% since 2021 and opting this moment the adoption is going very very fast and we've gotten lots of creative creators and collectors as well. Our board
there are some things about NFC reach, make some users not to damage anything or probably it's a limitation of NFC. So before we go into that, I believe not everyone familiar with Secret AirFCs. So, can I tell us what is or what are Secret AirFCs?
So the secret NFTs do you want to do that part earlier? Well, yes, I can take that part. Speaking of secret NFTs, they are like exactly the same
NFTs as we know them, but Secret Network as the blockchain has unique capabilities and on Secret Network normal NFTs can become, well normal NFTs can become Secret NFTs and by that ownership is
hidden. So like by default no one can see to whom belongs particular NFT and you can divide your NFT into private and public part and it is up to you, up to the owner, whether you want to share private part or keep it to yourself.
Yeah, and this is actually what is called secret NFT NFT which has dual nature one is public and others private and Yeah, this unlocks a lot of use cases what you cannot imagine with public NFTs
I think that's my view of secret NFTs. There may be different ones, but I think that's the answer. All right, so I lost the audio. Sorry, I just got
coming in I lost the opportunity to have maybe this internet connection or two times giving us issues again.
Hey guys can anyone hear me? Yeah we can hear you. Alright I think it's space I'm not. Okay so I didn't really catch out the definition of secret
So now regarding sequencing FCs, I believe six minutes are unique in terms of privacy. So, compared to the RISC, which I spoke about before, I would describe
and NFT with utility because I believe NFC should have utility and no we have lots of NFC that does not have utility boards. How would it discover an NFT with utility? Yeah so the question is which utilities we can store in NFT?
No, I would describe an NFT with utility. Okay, this is an NFT, but it's us utility. I would describe it. Like an NFT that is utility. Yeah. So how would you describe the utility of NFTs? Why to use it? I would describe an NFT with
I think you can do a lot of things with NFTs. For example, basically everything that's possible to store as a utility in NFTs.
For example real estate in the meta first I'm not sure if you guys ever heard about it, but it's it's possible to to have real estate Yeah
I can hear you.
Can you hear me? Yeah, can you, you know. Okay, what's the connection from my bed? What's your connection is great? I think I heard I have heard everything. Okay, so the
The thing that I wanted to tell you guys can hear great. So the utilities from the NFTs that we expect to put on the platform of on actualists for example is real estate in the metaverse so real estate
properties into an NFT that you can buy in cell. Not only that, you can customize that, you can get certificates for example for authentication and the actualist. So, showing that you are your owner of a specific object, official type like your
that of your car or giving educational certificates when you pass an exam or get a diploma. So that's also a thing that you can store in NFT and you'll be on after this. Also of course the normal life art and the well-known NFT images that you see everywhere can be stored.
and use on activists. Tickets including concerts, conference, festivals or private depends will be also a great future for the for the activists platform. You can also, for example, use physical bond, it's bounded NFTs like shoes,
or merchandise. So for example if you buy some shoes from a nice brand like Adidas or Nye you can have a digital piece as well in your NFT so that you can verify that is yours. But also things that you can store like
music, music and FD so you can buy your favorite limited edition album of your favorite music and at the same time there can be something hidden in the private metadata like a concert ticket or something else and I think this is a unique chance for
for NFTs to become something that can be used physical but also digital. So what you can expect on activists is basically everything that fits in an NFT.
So yeah, that's basically the utility ZIC.
Oh, sorry, I don't know, seems to be tired, it's a little bit
What did you say?
What you guys are doing, install for the 3D design collectors.
So that's the question for Ilya, what are the limitations of traditional NFTs?
Thank you, Wesley. I think my connection disappears sometimes, but I hope it can improve. So basically the limitation of traditional NFT, it is that you cannot store sensitive metadata in that. And if we are talking of modern applications,
It is difficult to think of a case where you don't need private attributes or metadata. It is easier to think of a use case where you need to store private sensitive data than otherwise. So like I think any application
needs privacy and certain level of privacy. And you cannot have that with traditional NFTs, of course. And because Secret Network is a unique blockchain, and for now they
provides encryption on the hardware level, but blockchain is evolving and as you heard, secret network will provide encryption not only on the hardware level, but also there are two other dimensions. This is going to be more complex.
but at the same time more secure. So your private metadata will be triple more secure than now and this is outlined for the secret network roadmap but in general secret network is pioneer in privacy and we want to re-apply
the potential of NFTs on that network. But really, it is difficult to think of even speaking in the broader terms, it is difficult to think of blockchain adoption without privacy. Because if you are not able to store privacy,
date on blockchain it will not get adoption and secret network is on the way to to stay pioneering in this area. I think that's it. Yeah, thank you very much. I'm glad network is pioneering privacy
on the blockchain because privacy is my right and the three or NF2 does privacy seems a little bit off since traditional back system or part of traditional method to provide some sort of privacy I believe we're pleased to should have privacy as well and thanks to circuit it's already been
of already. So now talking about today's topic, the infinite horizon of secret NFTs. So what time is there the infinite horizon of secret NFTs? Because now you see the primacy which is one of it. So what's the infinite horizon of those infinite NFTs possess?
So you basically the question is what are the possibilities with the NFTs in general? Right? Yeah, yeah, yes. Yeah, so I think I can come back to the last question that we had about
what the utilities are. I think in overall a lot of people think that NFTs are just pictures or art that you can buy yourself but a lot of people don't know or don't think about the idea that you can have so much more in an NFT than only pictures or anything else like
what I told you about the music. You can store music in it and actually play it, but not only the music can be in NFT, but also the all-beld picture of it can be in NFT. And the possibility with secret NFTs, so the secret network, is that you not only have public information, but you can
also sell limited edition parts that only the owner can buy instead of everyone seeing it. So if you have a picture of a, I don't know, a monkey for example, then you can have the ability to see a public picture of it. So the
It's not a junky itself with a red color, but if you buy it, you can actually see a lot of other colors that weren't visible when you didn't buy it. So this is not only with pictures, but you can also store what I told you about NFT tickets. You can store and NFT tickets.
code or a unique present when you buy the ticket and then only the owner can see it and use it. Same with the metaverse, I think there's a lot of possibility with the metaverse like the real estate what I told like it's not only the area that you buy in a game for example where
you can build, but also the tools or the things that you can build on it is possible to buy or sell with Actilist on the secret network. So I think there are unlimited ways to use NFTs and I think this is
something that is really interesting and maybe for the future to add a lot of more things. But I'm definitely convinced that Actilist will provide a lot of those things. And actually one another dimension where NFT can be used is
to represent actual real real estate. Imagine if you buy a property and the paper, the piece of paper, I know it can burn, it can disappear another day, but if your ownership did, it's stored on blockchain, it cannot disappear and it will be
private so only you can have it and you can show it on demand by unlocking private property and showing. Oh, that's really cool. I forgot that yeah. And the thing with features that you can have options that are in the
This will need to be backed by the legislation of the countries because the countries need to support this because if something happens with the property, this ownership deed on the blockchain needs to be
like legal document for that particular country if country does not recognize it it's useless but still countries need to have unify it yeah at adoption of the real property stored on blockchain
Oh that really sounds interesting, I would love to know more about us. Okay, Wesley made mission of Axelist. So tell us, so what is Axelist? What do you guys do? Yeah, so
So basically, the first interactive NFT marketplace with confidential sales and customizable NFT access control. So buying NFT on activists is engaging and interactive. So what you can do, you have different types of gamified auctions. The thing is that
There are many NFD marketplaces out there, but the problem is that they are all the same. So you have all those static buy and sell and we want to change this to have multiple options as you have with options, a few bit options. Of course, the
The normal fixed price is also available eventually but there needs to be more ways to use and manage your NFTs in only one kind of way.
If I may add something to that, so basically on Activlist you can manage your NFTs sets by importing them. Imagine you bought it on different marketplaces, but eventually you can import it on Activlist.
to manage essentially what parts of it are public private. And you can give a grant permission, like if it is some picture painting, and museum and metaphors can have exclusive rights to use your paint
for a limited period of time, like they are renting your property and for that they can pay you commission and for the limited period of time you can give your property NFT property to them. And on actualist the first and the main use case
is to manage your assets. So this will be a home for your NFT assets, but at the same time, when you feel like you want to market your NFT, there should be many options how you market them by using auctions of different types, for example.
Many of us love our collectors. We love the aspect of it. We can manage your assets. We can manage the topites. We can manage the NAC on which is really amazing. And I love the parts at which it could lead
to make the other purposes.
So basically what it makes unique is that we are getting the different auction times where we talk about so that means sales with future start date. Also that's an interactive
way of NFT use. Also we're getting the access control with more option available and everything that can be used as NFT so it's not only limited to pictures or art but it's all the things that it contains
I can hear you.
that you have sales with the future start date, that's just the interactive way of NFT use. And that it is not only based on NFT pictures, for example, or art, but it is everything that contains an NFT. So there are no limits. There are coming in the future, they're coming,
future for collections as well. We're all fixing and checking what is possible. We are trying to get the token on this right so that eventually we can use our token. That's also the first at the Secret Network.
with the privacy settings. And then we are also looking to a possibility to have a bucket swap. So that basically means that you have a trustless swap between two persons. So one person, for example, can say, I want to buy this.
NFT with 200 secret for your NFT that's more worth and then you can swap that in one bucket instead of only buying NFTs from each other. So you can then store a lot of other things then only NFTs in one bucket and then swap it with someone else.
So yeah, that's basically the unique sites that we are going to have. And of course there's going to be a lot of other things, but that's still being figured out if everything is possible. But you can always check out this chord or actually
list or roadmap to see what this could come in. And my head one more feature which is like unique. I couldn't find it on other marketplaces. One part is like you would
You I don't hear you
And in that time, I think he has lost the connection again. Yeah, you need to say it again. Sorry. So imagine there is a moment when you decided to market your NFT, but that NFT is still in progress. If it is real estate, property and metaverse, and it is still being developed. So
It seems we lost you again. In the meantime you can create awareness around that and invite. We lost you again. We lost you again at the meta first. It's still in progress.
Okay, so NFT can be still, you can still work on your NFT, but you can create an upcoming sale and in that time, potential buyers will prepare and you can use it for marketing this time.
Yeah, like announce in upcoming sales.
Okay, yeah, that sounds really interesting and our love to explore future quite in that feature will give much more leverage over our NF market space, which is really amazing. Okay, so now We got this on all these features you guys are listening
some of these unique features about art. So I'm also in mission world interactive NFT market please. So how does it make it an interactive NFT market please? Does it allow commercial site videos to interact with each other or please kind of explain the concept. So it will
So we don't understand better how it is, how it is an interactive market place. Well, interactive it is exactly by that marketing aspect where you announce upcoming sale by that.
We want to set us apart from static sales and by that by announcing upcoming sales you can exactly raise awareness, make people engaged in this process. That's one.
but auctions by the nature they have a certain degree of uncertainty and instead of just if you if you made a bit if you placed a bit of notion and the auction is still ongoing
Later you can change your mind and place yet another bit smaller or higher, doesn't matter. But this is what you cannot do with a regular sale. It is like a basket of apples in the supermarket. You buy it or leave it.
here instead it is element of uncertainty and there will be we will make sure that it is really gamified experience so that there are many points of engagement
like when people are active on the platform, they can also collect active points. And if for example, sale, which is a fixed price auction for a collection, and if
are more people on that queue than the potential, than the NFT size, than the NFT collection size, than persons with the active points will get privileged to buy
the NFT from that collection. And we will motivate that users are active and so we will reward this on many levels. So that's our users are active and the
the auction itself should be interesting process to participate in. We have just one auction type, but we see next first is a seal bit auction where you don't see other participants that by that you can avoid
bidding too high or bidding too low. There is a fixed price sale as a next one for a new collection I can imagine and so we will listen to our community as well what community prefers as a next auction type.
Mainly because I don't think of any of the market's places that allow us to create awareness of their own common relations on the market's place where I quit Australia and make use of
of preters and most of the agile look for in market place I could op them sell their collections or they could impart them to each other to use us. So all those actually support these preters. So in general I think the support will be that there can
the active points that are coming, but also we try to make it very easy for creators to manage and create their own NFTs. So that's why we are started with building a creator space that allows you to create, manage and access your NFTs.
adjust everything that is necessary in an easy way. So you can just create your own NFT inside the platform. But what is also possible with this is that you not only can create it, but you can also import or insert your own
already created NFTs so that you can just manage it inside the platform but also can sell and buy it on or sell it on multiple options or the options that are upcoming of course.
And then for the same thing is that there will be a future sale for example, or you can set up a teaser to a new NFT or collection with a future day to create the hype that you want. And you can customize fixed price sale or action types, auction
times for your collection with the easy way of using the creator space. But that's only how we basically support the creators. But also if they join the community not only for creators or artists but for everyone if they help to build the
platform to a better stage. You just have the possibility to rank, for example in the game, fight side or earn active points on that way.
Sorry, actually, it seems I lost some of the TZC towards the end of the part. So please, kind of just come against the end of the part, to meet me, Sean. I think auction, at now is coming into, I could get the points.
Yeah, so basically we're creating the creator space for artists to make it much easier to manage and access and create your NFTs. But next to that we also provide active points if people collaborate partnerships with multiple artists.
So there's a lot of possibilities as a creator to participate in Actilist. And also one another way to how we can help the creators.
And then NFT collection is created on another web application on another website. But if creator also imports on actualist, it will be indexed at least the public part of it. And by that, it will be also accessible
will be a search. So it will be searched on another platform. We are going to make our search very fast. It's the next improvement for February, for this month, maybe March. And this is going to be very
and search and buy many criteria. So for NFT creators, this will be more, they will be able to expose their collection on a platform like ActaList additionally. If they
didn't do it before. Even if they don't even want to sell it, but just to list it. Because there will be like passive sales in the future where collection is listed. But potential buyers can suggest they can buy it for
certain amount of tokens and this message will reach the owner but in a peer-to-peer way without auction and the owner can then decide whether to engage for sale.
I get a message from Pope that he lost the audio so I'm not sure he joins again. You guys can hear me right?
Okay, great. Yeah, so basically that is what an actualist is providing at the moment. Not sure how long it takes to focus coming
back. So I'm not sure if someone has questions.
related to the actualist platform or something else that they find useful for a suggestion for the actualist platform.
I think I am cool so I can put you on the stage.

FAQ on The infinix horizons of Secret NFTs | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the guest speaker in the podcast?
The guest speaker in the podcast is Wesley, an activist.
What is the topic of the podcast?
The topic of the podcast is the infinite horizon of secret gravity.
What are secret NFTs?
Secret NFTs are NFTs with dual nature, one is public and the other is private, on secret network blockchain.
What are some utilities that can be stored in NFTs?
Real estate, certificates, art, tickets, physical bonds like shoes or merchandise, and music can be stored in NFTs.
What is the limitation of traditional NFTs?
Traditional NFTs cannot store private sensitive data.
Who won the hackathon organized by griptype.js?
Wesley and Ilya won the hackathon organized by griptype.js.
What is the name of the platform that Wesley is currently working on?
Wesley is currently working on Actilist platform.
What is the percentage of increase in LSD's adoption since 2021?
LSD's adoption has increased over 2000% since 2021.
What was the purpose of the recording?
The purpose of the recording was a podcast discussion on the infinite horizon of secret gravity.
What is the duration of the podcast?
The duration of the podcast is not mentioned in the text above.