Recorded: Feb. 5, 2024 Duration: 2:42:39



Hello, Cliff. How are you doing?
Good. I'm here. I'm here. Technically, I'm here.
I'm here. I'm here.
I was just going to play this song.
I am here. I promised you I'm here.
I'm going to try and connect to my headphones because this isn't ideal.
Two seconds comes.
Oh, yeah. Let's see where this goes. All right.
I like that. Start deploying the excuses from the start.
It's my headphones. It's my headphones.
It's my salmon. It's my salmon.
Exactly. If it's not seafood, it's the technology or the dodgy Android phone.
Yeah, I think he has been abducted by aliens.
They just let him out every three weeks for a mundane madness.
Yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely.
The professor is only allowed off the UFO for this.
Then he's swiftly taken back up again afterwards.
Well, how are you doing? How is everyone doing down below?
I am super excited about tonight.
We have a lot of new projects and communities in the space that we get to mingle with
and like old friends and new friends.
So I always look forward to this space.
What's going on with you, Cliff?
It's been a busy one.
We've had a round of all of the kids being sick and now they've given it to us.
And so, yeah, it's fun.
Children are just petri dishes of viruses and bugs and all kinds of stuff.
So, yeah, all good.
But I'm excited to be here again.
A few new projects I've not heard talk before.
I'm looking forward to hearing from a couple of new ones that I've been looking to
kind of met in the Aura Discord.
I'm not looking forward to hearing from as well.
And looking forward to obviously sharing what's going on with the hippos a little bit later as well.
But, yeah, thank you for joining everyone.
Please pop down to the bottom right there.
Make sure you are liking and retweeting out the room.
That's how we all grow.
And I'm going to share some of these awesome projects and team members and founders coming through.
And also, Cliff, do you want to tell the people who come up and speak to the spaces, community members, project managers,
founders of our new area that we're going to kind of meet and collab?
So we're kind of getting all the information in one area.
Cliff has made us a great new Discord.
Do you want to speak to that, Cliff?
I can indeed.
So we now have a central hub for all things Monday Madness and Megaspace.
The new Discord that we've launched this week.
Essentially the idea being that we can gather all these wonderful project founders and teams.
And all you wonderful people listen down below, all in one place.
It's a great networking opportunity.
And also just to help kind of just slicking things out.
Slicking things out? Is that a term? I don't care. I'm going with it.
I don't know.
Slipping things out in terms of getting interaged.
Yeah, I don't know. I just want it.
I'm on so much lambsip right now.
I'm not even entirely sure if anything I'm saying makes sense.
So I'm going to go with it. I'm going to lean into it.
And if I say it with enough confidence, then yeah, people will believe it's a real word.
I'm buying into it. Let's put it on Urban Dictionary.
And I think you've just coined the terminology and let's do it.
Exactly. So yes, I'll pop up an invite to that up top shortly.
I'm still going to try to scam us in Discord because we give you the shakedown.
We have actually someone who's at the door, a door, like, what do they call bouncers?
So they will actually pat you down, you know, take a retina scan and everything.
So don't try to come in and scam our Discord.
Yeah, no, exactly. It's my alien as well.
And if you know the backstory to my alien, you certainly do want to be crossing paths with that one.
Unless he do something nasty to your hat.
But I will leave it there. I won't get into any more details of that because we have only just started.
It feels a bit too soon to be getting into anything a little too random.
But yeah, great to everybody here.
I'll be putting off a tweet in a second, but I'm giving away a hippo today.
And I'm sure we've got a whole range of other awesome giveaways, prizes.
I'm here. I'm here. Yes. I'm so excited. Sorry. Sorry.
Didn't mean to cut you off. I was just excited that I got it to work.
No, I thought that's that's why I knew I completely missed the first 10 minutes just like last week,
because this time my headphones didn't want to connect and I had to leave Twitter.
It scared the life out of me because I thought I was going to rig the whole space.
But I got back and it connected. I also found out my new phone doesn't have a headphone jack.
I was resorting to an old pair of headphones. I was like, God damn it.
I can't even connect with my old headphones. But I'm here. How is everyone doing?
I know you probably just covered all this. How how old was your old phone that it had a headphone jack in it?
I'm not crazy old. I think it was the A75 or something like that.
You know what? Like I'm a massive techie nerdy dude.
But when it comes to like mobile phones, I've never been bothered about having the latest one because to me,
it's like I don't use it for gaming. I don't use it for photography or anything.
So it's like, what do I need it for?
You can send messages. You can play Snake. You're a happy man.
Exactly. Snake is iconic. What a game. A classic. What do you got?
I know we're going to go off track here. What do you use your phone for?
Why do you need the latest 10,000 megapixel super zoom into the moon camera phone or whatever else they're offering these days?
And also what you thought of some VR at the moment and those stupid headsets.
They're pretty cool. But like we are literally living in the future right now.
I saw a video the other day of someone, I say driving a Tesla, sat in a Tesla with the headset on.
And it was like, wow, we are dystopian kind of future. Yeah.
There's no other way of describing it. What are your thoughts?
I know I've just thrown like three, four questions that you talked to me and how's everyone doing?
Wow. Just just just coming in, coming in with fire from the off look.
Always the case. Always the case. You know how it is.
Always throw it in there. No, that is all good. I actually let myself down a bit. I've not looked into the VR headsets too much.
But yeah, I'd be interested to see how I pan out because I don't quite feel like previous iterations have quite hit the mark.
But yeah, we'll see. I'm looking to these new ones that have come out.
I can say I am hearing good things about the new one from Apple, but I didn't I believe it was it Microsoft or Google completely dropped the projects.
They ran like a huge VR campaign for ages and pushed it and pushed it.
There was absolutely or basically near to no traction on it. And then all of a sudden this has come around.
But this time it seems like they hit the nail on the head. But I've not yet to try out myself.
It's still, in my opinion, is a bit gimmicky. And, you know, realistically, I know it's cool to push it at the moment and wear those stupidly big goggles.
But in half a year's time, are you going to be wanting to wear those massive, that massive, massive headset as you're going about your day to day business?
I think like Facebook's approach or Meta's approach with I think they incorporated their VR into.
I think it was Raymond's partners would have something like that.
I think that's definitely going to be the approach going forward, you know, bring it into kind of actual things we would wear on a day to day basis and not some bulky old headset, which looks like something Nintendo released, you know, twenty, thirty years ago.
That's just my thoughts. I know that's something to do with the Monday Madness megaspace. But you know me, I'd like to kind of tangent to begin with.
How is the lovely, well, how the lovely coface? How are you both doing?
I'm doing great. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad that you have new technology.
I'm super stoked to be here and I know Chris a little under the weather, but I'm great. I'm glad you're doing great.
And as I said, I'm super stoked about tonight. We have some great, great communities in here and there's some that I don't even know about.
And I am really excited to hear what they've got going on.
It is. It is nice to start seeing some new projects creeping back into the space.
Even there's a couple of projects you've invited tonight that I know nothing about. I trust you guys.
So and, you know, on that note, I know one of the first projects I didn't have time to dive into them.
So I'm very, very intrigued about this one. But that said, do you want to get things going?
Should we get things moving and grooving or should we chat a little more and let me go on a rampage as always?
Oh, no, no, no, no. I have the schedule up in front of me. And you know what that means. You'll be giving nasty, nasty messages behind the scene.
I'm already on track. I'm already off time, aren't I? Yeah, my bad. My bad. I'm sorry. You're going to have to get a watch on your phone.
My phone's not that advanced. You know, we have snake, but we don't have a clock yet. I'll use that as an excuse.
And it wasn't even the salmon. I heard I heard you there. It wasn't even the salmon I had. What did I have tonight?
I had chicken fajitas. Very nice. Thank you for asking. Let's get things moving then. Let's get things moving.
Right. Who's the first thing? So this is a project I don't actually know much about. And I love it when we have a surprise on there.
So introduce this bad boy. Tell me about them. In fact, before they come up and talk about the project themselves, why are they here with us tonight on the Monday Madness?
And also, guys, if you haven't shared out the space already, make sure you do. So there is a giveaway pinned to the top.
Show it some love. Share it out there. DM some buddies and obviously bring the folk in and give these wonderful projects the audience they deserve.
But yeah, over to you. Who wants to introduce this?
Oh, go ahead. Sorry. Sorry. I was just going to ask, like, I wanted to bring a special guest co-host up here, Eric, Eric, Eric, my buddy.
He can help us keep things on track. And actually, he's going to be spreading the love about the hype beast and about the marble races.
If you guys are OK with that, if Eric Eric can come up and be a guest host tonight.
Bring the man up. The man is a legend. Are we allowed more co-hosts? Is that an update or just just the speakers?
Oh, of course. Of course. My man is welcome. Welcome to our wonderful third co-host, Eric, Eric, Eric. What is it, buddy?
Thank you so much. You know, I did want to talk about that headset because I think going into it because it's Apple.
I think one of the things Web3 related would be for us to get into that and get some apps on there.
The reason they put it out right now, it has no apps on it or anything like that.
But if we could somehow get apps from Web3 into there while it's still fresh and everything, I mean, Apple doesn't put anything out that doesn't turn into something.
So I think they've done their research and I'm hoping that, you know, we can somehow benefit from it in Web3.
Do you think it's getting to the point? Sorry, I know you continue me on this tangent now.
Do you think we're going down the whole kind of black mirror here? Do you think we'll be getting little chips in our eyes?
It's going to go to a pair of designer glasses and then it'll go to like a little chip.
Or do you think we're going down that route? Are we literally living in a sci-fi film right now? Is that going to happen?
And please do, you know, chip up if anyone is in the panel that wants to speak.
You know, as I keep saying, I do love to go on these tangents, but it's tech related. It's, you know, it's interesting stuff, guys.
So, yeah, please do pipe up if you have anything to say. Where do you think that's going? I'm intrigued.
And then I promise you, I promise you guys we're going to get this space going. Let me speak. I was ten minutes late. Love you all.
I think Kayla was probably bringing me up now. But I'm super interested in this. You know what?
I mean, I know people, you know, there's different feelings about it. I embrace, you know, a chip in my hand that's my credit card.
I don't have to worry about that's your ID. You know, it just gets injected.
And then, you know, to show your ID, you just hold up your hand. You don't have to worry about carrying a wallet.
You don't have to worry about losing your card. I know there's like hacking issues and that kind of thing.
But once it gets perfected, you know, I mean, especially things like, you know, if you could if I could put contact lenses in that, you know, show me the augmented reality.
Like, you know, when you look at a sign, you know, that's or your exit is coming up, you know, you get a little thing in your eye that says that your exit is coming up, you know, and shows you the exit and that sort of thing.
I mean, I embrace all that. I'm looking forward to it. I mean, when it gets down to contact lens, that's probably when I'll start wearing it.
But, you know, I don't know. I mean, I don't I don't know about the bulkiness of it right now.
But yeah, once it starts really getting, you know, they start adding things in.
I mean, the thing the reason it's so bulky now is because it's a computer. I mean, it's a full computer.
It's insane, isn't it? I saw like an engineering video and they kind of broke it down and showed you what actually has gone into it.
And it's fascinating. It is an advanced piece of tech. But I'm with you there. I love I love augmented reality or I get confused.
Yeah, yeah, the right way. I'm sorry. And I think that has is going to have so many benefits going forwards.
But it also kind of concerns me about if it is, you know, literally in a pair of glasses or, you know, in a chip or just constantly stuck to it.
Are people going to start literally living in a virtual world, especially with the developments in AI and stuff and where that's going?
Like, are we literally are we going to be even connected to the real world anymore? You know, five years down the line, I think augmented reality is fine.
I think it's going to help. And, you know, it's going to bring many benefits to our lives, especially when it comes to like kind of just day to day tasks and keep nonstop.
So kind of general productivity, all that love it, love it, love it. But I think virtual reality, I don't want to go too far with that yet.
I think people can literally become lost in in the metaverse, you could say, or whatever else you want to call it.
But it's a it's a fascinating debate and we are definitely going to live through that.
I think it's a pretty amazing time to be alive, to be honest.
Definitely. And, you know, I'm looking for I worry about I do worry about security issues and stuff.
But I mean, as an introvert, I embrace the whole don't have to talk to people in real life.
I can just be my mind to them and talk to them that way. So, you know, I mean, maybe maybe I'm not the norm.
But but yeah, I'd rather be inside a computer talking to your avatar than, you know, be in real life having to deal with you.
So, you know, that's that's that's fascinating, right? I find that really fascinating because in this world of web three, when it comes to spaces,
I've heard a few people say that that they're quite introverted, you know, when it comes to like person to person communication.
But then in these spaces, yourself being a prime example, you're a great speaker and you see you come across, you know, super confident and, you know, live to chat to people.
I know this is going even more on a tangent now, but what's the difference there? What is it?
What do you like about the world of web three and speaking to people in here or, you know, in a kind of virtual environment compared to that normal human human interaction?
Let's call this the Eric Eric Eric show. And let's just quiz him right here on the panel. Let's go.
I mean, that is fascinating. I mean, it did take me a while to get to the public speaking, you know, as far as being comfortable, you know, I, you know, talking like this in the spaces.
But I think, you know, a lot of my maybe my introvertness has to do with my self image of myself.
You know, I don't necessarily love the way I look or, you know, I don't know, you know, that kind of thing.
And so, you know, I tend to shy away from people. I don't like crowds of people, you know, that kind of thing.
I go into myself, you know, if I go eat at a restaurant, I read a book or I, you know, I have headphones on most of the time.
And I'm listening to music or podcasts or that kind of thing, you know, I'm not there for the, you know, the public, you know, the public experience necessarily.
So, but with this, I mean, it does. This does give me the opportunity to get that public experience, but also not have to be, you know, I can dial out, you know, any time or, you know, it's, you know, I don't know.
It is fascinating, you know, because you're right. There is a big, I mean, I would not, you know, be as I would not speak in front of a crowd or, you know, or even be in a crowd and be this well, you know, be able to do it as well as I can in a space.
It's really interesting because until you said that, you know, right then about being introverted, I would never in a million years have presumed that about you.
So, you know, hopefully these like some of the perks of Web3, it's allowing you to, you know, push and do things, but within your own kind of, well, in your own time, right?
I mean, I remember speaking on my first space and I was bricking it. I'd much rather host, but I think that's always been the case with me as a personality, either in the world of Web3 or, you know, just out there interacting human to human.
I feel like when I'm kind of leading something or, you know, leading the conversation, I've always been way more comfortable when I have to go and pitch something, you know, I sometimes overthink things, get in my own head.
And it all comes out as absolute rubbish, just like I talk all the time. But it's really interesting here in your kind of point of view there. And yeah, I wonder if there's many people out there like you and myself.
It's just, yeah, interesting stuff. Anyway, I'm 25, 26 minutes behind. I'm going to be, I'm just going to shit it. Back to you guys.
Eric, you're word allotment, you're done for the night. So take your next sentences very carefully. All right, let's continue on. Cliff, you want to take it away?
Yeah, sure. Absolutely. So the first project up tonight, one I've been through a little while and a few chats with the founder, who is a total legend.
Looking forward to hearing updates and having the chance to introduce himself to everyone here and tell us what's going on. So I'll quietly introduce Tio over there behind the nose.
PFP, how you doing, buddy?
Hey, guys, how's it going?
I'm good to have you here.
I'm enjoying the pre-dinner chill session, you know.
Yeah, we keep things quite, I mean, quite, quite loose and, quite loose and chill here. Some of the times do need to be brought back sometimes.
That's why we have Kayla.
I can say, do you guys keep things nice and chill or are you the enforcers in this space? I see things slightly different.
Has everyone been taken off the stage? Oh, wait, he's down there still. I thought you'd removed him in anger then, Kayla. Anyway, I'm distracting you again. Back to you.
I know I get what you guys are saying about your little tangent there with the VR. I've got myself one of those and if it wasn't so damn heavy and didn't squeeze my giant head, I'd probably use a little bit more.
It's some pretty cool technology and I agree that there's some really cool use cases coming up for the web through ecosystem for sure with some of our games and being able to be avatars and that kind of thing.
I think there's, you're onto something there.
I really, I really want to quiz you on that now, but I'm not going to. So I'll let you continue speaking and we'll catch up. Maybe later in the show if there's more time. But yeah, back to you buddy. I'm excited to hear about your project because it's the first time here when you speak.
Awesome. I appreciate it. Thanks for having me.
So nice. We've been a community.
God, we were under different leadership for about a year.
The community started before Board of Yacht Club minted. So, you know, way, way back.
My team and I took over a little over two years ago. And since then, we have redeployed our own custom contract. We have airdrop replacement NFTs on ETH and now Polygon.
We've just bridged over to Polygon, nice and smooth and seamless and free for our holders.
We built some really cool tools. So a big thing for us is when we took over, like many people that take over, we didn't really take over because we wanted to run a project.
We took over because the community was amazing and we didn't want that to go anywhere. The art was amazing and we thought it deserved a second shot.
So as a team that at the time didn't really have a plan and didn't know what the future was going to look like, we just knew that we wanted to build some really cool things.
I think we've done really well. So some of our accomplishments so far.
We built a bot called Faribon that some of you have probably heard of. It's in just a couple shy of 200 servers right now.
What our tool does is it essentially helps people like you in the audience find events, games, giveaways, and Twitter. This is like the one we're in now within the servers that they're already a part of.
So if you're in the hippo server and, you know, they've got Faribon, then if I'm a nuts and I post my rumble.
So let's say I'm going to run a rumble in an hour from now, and I run a rumble in an hour from now.
When you go to any of the servers that have Faribon, you will see in the Farigames channel that there is a rumble.
If you click on the link, it'll bring you to that server and you will be able to join in for a chance to win an awesome NFT intent.
So that is one of our tools.
The purpose of the tool is honestly to help people find the cool things that are happening in the space, connect with other people.
It helps projects on board in a fun and gamified way that's a lot more interesting than going to Brando's megaspaces and, you know, you know, the other options out there.
It's just a fun, engaging tool that we built that's free for everybody to help you win and meet some new people.
So that's one of our tools.
We also have a tool. Sorry if I seem distracted, I'm literally starting this rumble into it.
You don't need to hint, just literally pin your Discord to the top now.
Let's get a rumble going right now.
That's too much for me, man.
Pin it, pin it, pin it.
I'm still trying to send this out here.
One second here.
Just to speak on the Ferromo bot, I think I put it in.
It was just before Christmas into our server.
And it's been great for multiple reasons.
Obviously, you know, as a someone project team, it's amazing to be able to push your events out across, you know, 100 plus servers.
And we've certainly seen, you know, a lot more, you know, an influx of new community members come in.
And also, you know, our community has had the opportunity to be able to go out and take part in contests and games and giveaways and stuff.
But also just, you know, for me as well, you know, I've seen, you know, see games and giveaways and stuff come up from projects that I've not heard of before.
So, you know, I've never heard of the medical, you don't think about the law, whoever it may be.
So, I'll go and I'll go jump in the server and I'll go check them out, have a chat with the team there.
And it's just a great way of, again, kind of spreading your circle and getting to know other awesome projects in the space.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
So, I have sent the invite out.
So, if you're in a server with Dermot, you will see the invitation.
I'll quickly say that they are big words coming from, you know, one of the kings of discord in my eyes, obviously the hangry here phase and honestly,
hype beast as well. These guys absolutely kill it in the discord. I've been slacking. I know I have been. I've been locked out. I'm back.
I'm in discords. I am floating around again. But, you know, those kind of comments that come in from those communities, you know, you are doing something right there.
I appreciate that. The tools over a year old. So, it's pretty incredible that we haven't had any issues. We built it around safety.
That's something else I wanted to discuss, too, is the tool is so much more than just helping people find games and connecting with other servers.
I mean, it's great at that ask any staff member that's used it for many server they find lots of collaborations and, you know, fellow staff that they really vibe with and what to build their tools with and their ecosystems with.
But we also build it around safety. So, one of the things that we use the tool for is if a server is hacked in our network, or, you know, a pretty big server or individual that's really well known.
Right. Like Vitalik when he had his hack on Twitter, etc. Right. We're able to share that information out and we're often one of the first of the space to do that.
Notifying all of the members from 200 plus or almost 200 servers at this point which is it's a pretty big reach.
We've also got an anti bot tool that we built into it called verified. So if you did happen to hop into the server.
Definitely type for slash verified once you're verified and try it out. It's our version of flappy bird. It's flappy to us.
You're going to do five obstacles you're going to get through that connector discourse in the keynote.
Soon there will be a lot of collection aspect to it as well, and you will be verified and added to our database, where any firm own community can basically see that you pass the empty bot and that you are.
More than you're almost guaranteed to be a real life human being.
And there's still other perks coming attached to that in the future too.
So I mean we've got three games we've got to discord tools, we've got an awesome community that's over three years old.
We've got some incredible art and we've just bridged it to polygon. The floor is super super cheap and affordable which is where we want it. We want to onboard the members constantly and keep fresh eyes fresh faces fresh active people in the server.
That's our goal. So I don't want to do an on and on and on.
But thank you for listening to what I had to say.
No, it's also appreciate you coming in and come and take taking the time out you later to come and come and talk to us in the space here. Thank you very much for coming in.
Thank you for having any time.
Awesome awesome stuff I must say and like you know it's great to see you how much stuff you're developing for the space as well.
The people that are really innovating and not just yet obviously I live projects that are here for the artwork but the ones that are innovating to in this space and building the box building the tech.
Got a lot of love and respect for that as well buddy. So yeah, awesome stuff. Make sure you go check them out and obviously get in that discord. Did you say there's a rumble happening right now?
Yes, there is a rumble happening right now. If you're in a server that has our tools, head to the games channel will be the last notification.
I got to do is read the information click the link and get verified and you can get to go.
I do suggest though that everyone gets verified because if you want to win prizes and not you got to prove you're a real person.
So check out our floppy notch should take you a couple seconds if you can't pass it get a kid to pass it for you.
Once you pass you're good forever. So if you're real and you're listening. Yeah.
Go show some love getting that discord go win yourself some goodies. Yeah, go go go guys.
One awesome project and thank you for joining us and the Monday Madness for the first time.
Thanks a lot for having me.
You know, I'm really tempted just to keep talking, but I'm just going to let the space keep moving.
So I'll pipe down again. I know I have to have to wait a month for this these days and then all the energy just builds up and all the kind of ongoing stuff in Web 3 in general tech.
It's all just kind of it's within me. And then this is like my release and then you guys are like, oh dear.
But I'm going to be I'm going to be super super quick when I'm talking about the opposing in a few.
So I'll reserve some of my slot and we can we can have a geek out on what was on your mind then a geek out.
I like I'm excited for the geek out. I'm excited. You know, I'm scheduled geek out for this space.
So we'll have to wait till the end. I'm just doing a wellness check. Are you still there? Raise your hand. Give me a heart.
Clap. Are you there? I'm still here. Is this taking up more of my words or am I OK with this discount? Yeah, that was a trick.
Eric, Eric, what is your character limit? I'm intrigued. What did what did Kim allow you? How many characters do you have per space?
I'm not sure. Usually I just get an angry, you know, shut up, you know, so I'm just I don't know when it's going to hit, but I you know, I know to stop talking at that time.
OK, so you're waiting for that cheeky DM from Kim.
You know, let us know. I'll support you there. I'll try to defend. I'll do my best to defend you. I'll do my best to defend you.
But yeah, go on then. I'll be quiet. It's going to be quiet. I'm going to pass the mic over to you, Kim.
And you can keep things on track and introduce to the next project. Well, fantastic.
I have on the schedule the nerds universe. That sounds like something that you would like to Luke. Are they here?
Are you trying to bring me back into the space? You can't do that. You can't do that. I was just including you in the conversation.
But it's not quite include me, but to include me. OK, I get you. I get you. Introduces awesome projects.
OK, cool. Is the nerds universe here? Yeah, I'm here. Is that Ricky down there? Oh, perfect. Welcome, welcome.
Yeah, man. Cool. This is where Luke shines. He'll talk you up and stuff like that. But welcome to the space.
Luke, you may talk for I think you have one minute and then we need to let our project talk so we can kind of stay on track.
Welcome to the space.
Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for inviting us. Thanks for connecting with us through Aura. We're glad to be here.
This is another project I don't know too much about. So this is a surprise project on the agenda for me tonight.
As you just said, Kim, you know, nerds universe, the universe of challenge, Monday mountains, mega space.
What else could I ask for? I had a quick dive in and I live everything I've seen so far. Also, the art style seems familiar.
Like, have you guys run previous NFT projects or is your artist involved with previous collections?
Because like it reminds me of this clown collection I bought loads of ages and ages ago and I was absolutely a huge fan of the artists.
I can't think of the artist's name right now, but there was something when I looked at them, I was like, I really dig this style.
But if not, no worries. And I've just gotten another tangent. But back over to you. Tell us about the project.
Well, to answer your question, yeah, our artist, Anastasia, who's from Russia, she's worked on some other projects in the NFT space.
Quarkies, things like that. She was one of the original members on like Doodle Genix. So her art style is probably familiar to a lot of people.
But what we wanted to do with our project was kind of conjure up those old memories of being in high school.
We're running back and forth with all your friends, aimless antics and wearing the freshest clothes and just all that good, unadulterated, like carefree days.
So we have a lot of emotion and things like that that conjure up with various people and it connects with them a different way.
And that's kind of one of our missions with the project.
Our project, we haven't minted yet. We plan on minting in the first quarter of this year.
So we're diligently working behind the scenes to pen to check everything, make sure everything is up to par and up to standard and everything is just laid out perfectly.
The collection is a 10,000 piece NFT collection with over 300 different layers. We've got over 41 of ones and their traits are all unique.
None of them will be passed on to any other of the NFTs in the collection. We also have different DNAs that kind of mix up throughout the artwork.
I can't give out too much alpha on that, but some of our audience and community members down here, they know what we're hinting at there.
But the focus of our collection is just like details. It's high quality art with high resolution at any size that you put it at.
A lot of times with NFT collections, you purchase one, but it doesn't apply to anything else.
It's got to be in that format, that size. If not, it becomes pixelated and just it's not real good.
And I mean, you're spending your money on it. So why not offer something that's high quality?
But what we're doing right now, we're just building our community. We have an amazing community, completely active on Discord.
Everything's organic. We don't show for or pay for promotion or anything like that. We connect, we reach out, we build relationships and we feel that's how you build a community.
Kind of like how we're here on this space. We're all Aura partners and I kind of reached out, hey, this is my name, this is our project.
I love to connect with you guys. And I do believe it was Cliff who kind of reached out and here we are.
And we appreciate the opportunity to talk about our our project and all the things that we have going on and just ultimately being able to show more people our art.
You know, we prioritize community at the Nerds universe, you know, community loyalty and artistic expression.
You know, we believe in living life to the fullest in place in community at the forefront of all we do.
We try to foster a culture of trust and collaboration.
You know, it's ultimately going to reward our holders for the loyalty, but also the communities that we collaborate with on our journey.
You know, our brand is built around artistic innovation.
Every aspect is kind of a tale that strengthens the connection between the brand and its community.
So it's all an extension somehow, some way, but it all connects back to the community.
And, you know, we just pledged to continuously craft high quality content that evokes, you know, relatable emotions and spreads like wildfire.
That's the Nerds universe. Thanks for letting me show it.
I love it. I love it. And the fact that you're out here, you know, way before the launch, you know, building that community, showing people what you're about.
That is so, so important in this space.
I remember in the last room, the amount of projects would just come out of nowhere, drop a project and expect people just to send the mentor out.
You know, they learned the hard way. You're doing it right. You're building community.
You sounds like you've got an absolutely awesome project. I love the artwork.
I've got a question like, what kind of traits are we going to expect? Are we expecting for like the Nerds universe?
Because to me, it's a very, it's not your standard, you know, eight projects.
So what kind of traits are we going to get, et cetera? It's something very different. I'm intrigued.
Man, see, now I'm going to have to spill some alpha.
So there's all kinds of traits, right? So when we mention like, you know, when you're in high school, you're rocking those nice sneakers that you just got.
And you're trying to put your outfit together. A lot of that's going to have to play in things when it comes to traits, possibly, maybe, maybe not.
Some of these things are going to be interchangeable in another part of our roadmap here.
We want the Nerds literally to be a universe. This is going to be cross-platform, you know, potentially when it talks.
And see, my Nerds are going to hate me for this. I'm probably going to lose my job today after this space.
But we are exploring gamifying options and things like that. So this is, yeah, fun fact to everyone here.
I got promoted as a founder yesterday. We promote from within the community, kind of been around here.
The original founders realized some of the work that I do and they decided to reward that and gave me this amazing position to become a founder of the Nerds universe and part of the core team and day-to-day operations and to help grow this community and something spectacular,
which we found out this past week, which was super spectacular.
We did our first space and we ended up having that space for about four and a half hours.
So we had about a hundred and some people in there for four and a half hours straight just talking about their experience and getting into a deeper connection with our community.
But we've got some mutations that might possibly happen, the traits.
I can't really get in too much detail about the one-on-ones, but, yeah, they're special.
We've made some already. We just had a contest in our Discord for people to get invites.
And what we ended up doing is have the community members send us a picture.
And then we had our artists in Anastasia turn them into a nerd and they turned out phenomenal.
Did you say mutations coming, too?
So you're going to have mutated nerds in the future.
Did I hear that right?
Listen, I didn't say that.
You didn't hear me say that.
We can delete the space.
Did that happen?
It is recorded.
And just for clarification, the Monday Madness is about being pressured into talking about things that you're not meant to be talking about.
So, I mean, we're nerds, ultimately, right?
And so some of our nerds on our team are actual chemists in real life.
So, I mean, it would only be fair to include them in the nerd universe.
So we do have chemists in the lab conjuring up some things.
And in our sneak peeks in the Discord, you can actually kind of see them working.
And there's a lot of hints here and there in the sneak peeks.
A lot of people just think, oh, it's just a picture of the nerd.
Or, oh, check it out.
It's the nerd sitting on the rooftop on its laptop.
No, it's all part of the bigger picture.
And they're all pieces for the puzzle.
So there's some even more alpha.
I'm totally losing my job, guys.
I appreciate y'all.
It is my pleasure.
And you're right.
You know what you want.
It does tend to happen here.
You do normally end up probing and just pry that little bit more information out of people
than maybe they were ready to think about.
But that's one of the reasons we love this space on a Monday.
But, yeah, no, really awesome to hear from you, buddy.
I'm really glad that you reached out in the Discord and Connect.
One of the awesome things about, obviously, being part of the whole, you know,
an Aura partner ecosystem is, like, you know, if you come across another partner,
another partner project, like, you know that the guys overall have done their due diligence
and done some checking out.
So you know, you're kind of getting into, you know, speaking to another vetted project.
So that's always awesome.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And I can't say enough good things about Aura.
If anyone that's listening has not checked out Aura, please do.
It's beneficial on so many levels, whether you're a founder, an artist, a creator,
you're just a collector, you're a holder.
Aura's really changing the way we look at marketplaces and how we take care of our communities
and, you know, how we just kind of develop as a whole.
And I know I see Azale down there.
If you guys see him down there, he's got that big old beard.
Just tap in with him, tap in with Andy.
If you're trying to link up and get on with Aura, all it takes is a phone call, set it up with Andy
or, you know, reach out to one of the many members of their team that are always available.
But Aura's doing amazing things.
It allows things like this right now.
You know, I was able to connect with you guys.
And we're just a small portion of how many communities there are that are partnered with Aura
that we have access to.
I think the number's over 150 right now of artists and creators and communities.
And if you're starting a project or maybe your project's kind of hit some roadblocks
and you're trying to figure out how to overcome those obstacles, you know,
there's channels in there where successful projects are in there literally posting how they succeeded.
They're trading tips and advice.
And the greatest thing about it is, you know, we're just helping each other win.
And it's kind of like Aura's motto is, you know, the circle of wind.
Every time we connect, we're strengthening that.
So tap in the Aura.
I was just going to say to anyone who is completely new to Aura, can you give us a quick top level overview?
You know, who is Aura? What are they doing?
Me personally?
Yeah, I'm intrigued. Just, yeah, put it out.
I mean, I don't work for them, man.
Tell us what they do. No pressure, you know.
I mean, Azale's down there. Azale, bro, put a thumbs up. Somebody bring this man up here.
If you are down there representing them, we can pull him.
I think what we'll do is we'll get one of the guys in for the next phase, definitely.
That's your sort of way of saying, okay, I got you.
But yeah, no, absolutely go check them out.
If you tap on my, tap on the hippo logo.
Oh my God, I can't talk.
Hippo logo.
The hippo logo on my profile, you'll find a link to Aura's Twitter,
and then you can get into all their stuff from there.
Yeah, awesome.
Yeah, really appreciate it, buddy.
Awesome to hear about what you guys are doing.
Looking forward to seeing what you guys build.
Here in an update, potentially in the next phase in a few weeks' time.
Thanks, guys. I appreciate you all having me.
No worries.
Appreciate you coming up.
All right, then.
I have just pinned a tweet up to the top.
As I mentioned at the start, I'm giving away a hippo today.
And also, oh, hang on.
Sorry, I'm going to stop talking.
Oh, excuse me. Thank you, nerds universe.
Their art is awesome.
And Cliff, do you mind sharing your spotlight with Eric, Eric, when you're done?
I just wanted permission.
No, absolutely.
I'm literally going to be a minute and a half and then,
and then Eric can, can take over.
No, no, I'm not, we're not going to take most of your time,
but I just wanted to, you know, just see if Eric could share.
And Eric, I sent you the schedule.
So if you and Luke can like, keep it under, you know, keep it under,
keep it on time.
And, you know, don't nerd out too bad.
I'll let you guys drive the bus.
I'm just like, you guys taking this?
Don't, don't, don't let me.
Don't let me drive the bus.
Keep driving.
You're doing a good job.
Absolute carnage.
Yeah. So tweet on top.
Win a hippo.
Do all the liking, re-tweeting, tagging, and all that jazz.
And I'll put a win at the end of the space.
But yeah, super short update on all things, all things hippo at the moment.
So working on building community, building deliverables,
review to launch phase two of our second gen MIM.
Sometime, sometime in Q1, we'll set a date where the time is right.
But, but yeah, for now, we're say growing the community,
building out the, the whitelist for that second, that second phase.
If you want to get your hands on our incredibly awesome Gandalf,
a legendary hippo, as well as getting the cheapest,
cheapest MIM price and guaranteeing your meters,
guaranteeing your meat, guaranteeing your mint as well.
It's a super small collection.
We've only got just over 300 left to mint.
So it's going to, they're going to fly.
It's going to give you access to in IRL discounts.
So the equivalent of corporate discounts, of course,
shops, travel, and all that good stuff.
And it's going to enable you to earn income from the,
from the website and the store as well,
which I'll get into more detail in another space.
But, but yeah, for now, come and hop in the discord.
Come say hi.
We run games daily.
We like to hang out and have fun.
If you come and hop in the discord, I'll hook you up with our,
call it a bloat list spot.
That's basically our over allocated whitelist spot.
But the two people on the post as well,
I'll upgrade you to the elite list.
And that's going to say,
give you that guaranteed mint cheapest mint and give you a shot at mint
in the Gandalf, a legendary hippo, which is super awesome and super cool.
But, but yeah, with that, I will pass on my COVID to Eric.
We always want to hear more of what Eric's got to say.
Choose your words wisely.
I know that Kayla is counting every single syllable you say, buddy.
I just want to say everyone wants a Gandalf.
So, you know, make sure you do get involved in that giveaway.
I'm going to pin another tweet up with a video with him.
So everyone can see all his glory and the other legendaries that we've got as well.
Make sure everyone is going up there and retweeting and joining for the
giveaways up into, I don't know what we're calling it this week.
Usually they call it the sausage slider,
but make sure everyone's like retweeting the room,
getting all your friends in here.
We've got some great projects and some good giveaways.
Great giveaways, I should say.
So just make sure that you're helping supporting the people who are taking
the time out of their day and they're coming in and sharing their project with us.
And do you want me to, I know I'm supposed to be driving the bus,
but do you want me to go ahead and talk about hype beasts right now
before we get to Shibu society?
Yeah, if you want to do that,
I think we have a little bit of a time slot right here.
You can talk about that and we can talk about your baffles.
Saturday shenanigans is what I'm going to call them from now on.
So you were driving the bus, Eric.
Do whatever you want.
Like take it completely off track.
You are driving the bus.
Make Kim regret her decision.
Oh boy, I'm sweating right now.
Go ahead.
That's how I like it.
Go ahead, buddy.
I don't know if anybody's seen the movie Speed.
It's an old movie, but we can't get below 55 miles per hour.
You know what?
That is a perfect way of summarizing the Monday Madness megaspace,
especially when I'm driving that bus speed.
If you don't know the reference, go check it out.
It's a classic.
Yes, definitely a classic.
I'm going to keep us at 55.
I just want to be, I don't want to waste any time, uh, with high piece,
uh, you know, uh, with things you already know about, like our gallery,
you know, our gallery quality art, uh, our mint price 0.015.
Y'all already know about that.
I'm not going to waste any time talking about that.
Uh, that gallery quality art is, um, you know,
personally curated by a golden boy, our founder and artist.
Uh, but y'all already know that.
You know, I don't need to say anything about that, but, uh, you know,
I don't want, uh, y'all already know about the art book.
Uh, you know, the, the, that art, when we say gallery quality, uh,
yeah, we mean it, you know, with the art book, if you have, you know,
if you know anything about that, uh, you already, you know, uh,
you can see why we're calling it galley gallery quality art,
but I'm not going to talk about that because y'all already know about
the art book from previous times.
Y'all already know about our anthem from Nessie.
So I'm not going to talk about that.
Then the anthem that Nessie wrote us, uh, 24 threads, seven 365.
Uh, I imagine most of you can sing that by now.
Uh, the anthem is, you know, I mean, it was a lot of people are using it.
I think baffles uses as his ringtone is what he says.
So, um, but you can hear that every week, you know,
you can just go into the discord.
It's attached to some of our, uh, NFTs, but yeah,
you already know about that.
So I'm not going to talk about that.
I'm not going to talk about our activities.
We always have activities going.
Y'all already know that I'm not going to waste time on it.
You know, you know, we, we're Wednesdays, we have race cord.
We're, you know, we're doing new activities like the top 10 show on
Thursdays, uh, a space that, you know, is basically, uh,
a space that is just entertainment for y'all to come in and listen to us do
talk, count down top 10 of some, you know, movies or any,
some kind of pop culture thing or, or animals or anything like that.
But y'all already know we do a bunch of activities.
For instance, uh, the shenanigans, uh, baffles and I do on the weekends,
athi, um, you can see theances for race, uh, you know, race Titans.
Speaking of our we bring a lot of our partners from Aura exchange in,
uh, we have to, you know, uh, of course that hang caricature.
A lot of other, uh, of our partners who are in Aura, uh, come in, you know,
and, and as supporters of the show, it's marble races.
It's a lot of fun we talk, you know, it's a show it's entertainment and,
from our sponsors, from our sponsor projects and whatnot.
But I mean, I talked about that last show,
wasn't last week, but y'all probably remember about that.
So I'm not gonna talk about that again
and waste any more time.
You know, I don't wanna, you know,
I know I've talked about in the past,
the Crypto Basics, which is the blog
that one of our professional writers,
he's a, Skultastic is a professional writer.
So, you know, those articles,
that blog is professionally written.
I enjoy it when it goes out.
The last one was, what does, you know,
what does DIYOR actually mean?
It's an excellent written article.
It gives you a lot of information.
It's fun to read.
I talked about that before, Skultastic, like I said,
excellent writers.
So if you go to that channel in the Discord,
it's under, it's in the same channel,
or the same part of the Discord
as the announcements channel.
Check that out, check that blog out.
Definitely read up on that.
There's four or five in there.
It's all information about, you know,
web three, security, that kind of thing.
So it's worth reading,
especially if you're new to the space.
But anyway, I talked about that before,
so I don't wanna waste any more time on that.
The one thing that I do wanna talk about,
you know, cause we are, you know,
well, we're doing a lot of different
new activities and stuff.
But yeah, I mean, you already know
we're gonna be putting out new shows,
we're gonna be putting out new things like that,
because we always do, we have those activities.
But I don't wanna talk about any of that,
you know, because it's, you know,
I don't wanna waste any time.
The only thing I want to talk about
is that we are teaming up with Open Head
for the Step Challenge.
I know there's a lot of projects in here
that are probably teamed up as well.
It's through the popular app.
It's a step challenge.
A lot of, you can win a lot of prizes
from different projects who are participating.
Step challenge is just what you think it is.
The popular app monitors your steps.
And the winners, you know,
I guess the highest steps or however that's calculated,
is gonna win prizes from different communities
that are involved.
It's a good way to get you motivated to exercise,
which is something that a lot of us in Web3 need.
Go outside, do some steps,
or just do steps in front of your desk.
The one thing, you know,
popular has to do with walking your dog.
So if you have a dog, you know,
definitely tap in and, you know,
get into that and check that out.
And yeah, participate in the Step Challenge
because I want you all to be around
for many years to come, you know, get healthy,
get outside, or don't get outside,
stay inside in front of your desk,
but at least get up every few minutes
and, you know, do some exercise.
And don't try to fake it by putting your phone on your dog
and making them run around the yard
because it doesn't work.
I already tried it, so that's it.
That's all I wanted to say.
I hope, like I said,
I didn't want to waste a bunch of time
with stuff you already knew, so thank you very much.
I love when you're like,
you try and keep it short and sweet, which you did,
but I was gonna say the reason behind that
is because Hypebeasts just have so, so,
so much to talk about.
But even when you're top level,
it's like that list is endless, isn't it?
So you did a fantastic job as teasing anyone
if they don't know about the Hypebeasts.
I just want to say one thing I do want to add on there
is the artwork is absolutely fantastic too.
Yeah, yes, you have all the utility
and all the bonus goodies
and the game application elements and whatever else.
There's just too much listed there,
but at the heart of it, the artwork is super cool.
I'm a big fan of AI-generated work,
and this is one of those OGs in there.
This was around before the AI Hype came around,
if you know what I mean.
So go check it out.
Obviously, the new twist with the Vice City kind of vibe too,
love that, but yeah, just so much going on.
If you aren't involved with the Hypebeasts,
you've got to get involved
because they are absolutely awesome.
Yeah, if you go up in the overhead
and just do our like and retweet
with the post I put up there,
we're going to give away a Hype City Beast.
It's one of our latest collection that it's only,
you can only get it from getting a prize
from doing Rumble or our Titan Marbles,
which is on Saturday Twitch stream
with the baffles and Eric Eric,
all that information's in our Discord.
And also we have Valentine's special,
minting special coming up.
It's going to be a mint one, get one free.
It's going to start, I believe the eighth.
All those details are going to be Discord,
hit up short, she is in charge of that
and it is going to be amazing.
Thank you, Eric, you did a great job
and you continue on helping hosting
because you are amazing.
Did I earn myself like 20 more words
or what's my count?
I'll just cut you off.
So you'll know as soon as you're cut off,
but I think you're good for the rest of the night.
I think it's going to be a great opportunity
to assess the situation and to deliver excellence.
What a compliment that is, coming from Kim.
I feel pretty confident in your ability.
One day she will treat me to such a compliment.
Love you both.
Thank you so much, buddy.
And yeah, you've got to go check out the hype piece.
As I said, an amazing project with so much going on.
Because you were talking about getting out
and exercising, et cetera.
And it got me thinking back to the VR headsets
and how it's making mundane tasks
that people would not normally want to do
a bit more engaging.
And I saw one earlier and it was a VR game
where it made basically hoovering interactive and fun.
It gamified hoovering.
I was like, that is what we all need in life, isn't it?
I love where that's going.
I won't get sidetracked.
Unless someone wants to talk about hoovering
and gamification, then be my guest.
I don't even know what hoovering is.
What is hoovering?
Vacuuming, I think you might call it over there.
You Brits, seriously.
Is hoovering a British word?
In fact, it's good, again, from Henry the Hoover, doesn't it?
Cliff knows what I want to know.
Oh, my gosh, I knew that.
It's the brand, yeah.
So it's hoover.
Yeah, hoover is a vacuum cleaner brand.
And it's one of those things, like if you search for stuff
on the net, now you go, I'm going to Google it.
Well, yeah, if you've got to vacuum clean stuff,
then you're hoovering.
It was that synonymous with the incredibly dull, mundane
household task.
It's weird, Hannah, to pick up a thing, isn't it, a hoover?
If you must know Henry Hoover, though, right?
Please tell me that our panelists know what a Henry Hoover is.
I know Wolfie down there.
They're Brits.
We've not spoken yet, but Wolfie are Brits.
They are based in London.
And we're going to be chatting to those in a second.
But I'm intrigued.
Do the Americans know, and anywhere else in the world,
know what a Henry the Hoover is?
I'm guessing you've been in the vacuum, is my guess.
No, it's this adorable little face on a little vacuum cleaner.
Go Google it.
Educate yourselves.
They are famous.
Every Brit has one.
And I've got a Henry the Hoover.
I've got a Henry the Hoover.
You're not a Brit, unless you hold on.
Please tell me when it works.
A Henry yetter.
Well, the Henry Hoover is the only one that works.
We've got that restaurant and that's our home beauty salon.
Nothing else works.
That's the only thing that always, always, always, always works.
Good old Henry.
Mute myself there.
Awesome stuff.
Shall I pass it back to you guys to keep things on track?
Well, in fact, we're going to move straight over to the Shibu.
Oh, it's a side jump.
Who's up from the Shibu?
I see my man Dave down there.
And in fact, I'm going to be quiet.
Dave, are you with us?
How's it going?
What is good?
Nothing, man.
Just hanging out, actually.
I got my, the founder here, Don, is
going to be talking about several big things that we have going on.
So he's like our token guy.
He's everything.
He's not only the founder, but he's also my good friend.
I consider him like my extended family, my brother.
So he's a good guy.
But thanks for having us.
We got some very good people up here.
And with that walking app, the hype piece was doing that, right?
Am I right on that?
We're participating.
Open Head is the one.
So let's say you're watching Pornhub.
And shit happens.
That counts, right?
I don't know.
I mean, if you're getting your heart rate up,
if you're getting your heart rate up, I think that counts.
I mean, I'm not an official.
Like, you know, I'm not an official.
Rules or anything.
But I think as long as you're getting your heart rate up,
you're getting that exercise.
I mean, you know.
I'm only busting your balls.
It's all right.
You know what, though?
I did read about someone that was having an affair.
And they had their Apple Watch on,
which was monitoring their heart rate.
And the reason they got caught is because every time,
obviously, they were up to their shenanigans.
It was linked to their Mac.
So it was saying, like, increased heart rate.
And it wasn't matching up with their activities, per se.
So, you know, there's one for you.
My man Taylor Meade from Discord asked me that question.
Does Pornhub count?
You said he'd break the world record.
So, you know.
That's something to be proud of.
Shout out.
Hey, man, whack away.
You know what I mean?
Whack away.
But here's our man, Don.
We got lots of stuff going on.
We got lots of stuff going on at Good Shibu.
Make sure you join.
And we're always looking to partner up with projects
and help get to the next level.
But here's Don.
Take it away, buddy.
Take it away.
Well, hi, guys.
Glad to be here.
Special shout out to the host and the co-host, man.
Thank you for having us here in the space.
Universally challenged.
Angry hippos.
The Kayla.
I don't know so much about the Kayla.
I need to know more about her.
But glad to also be here in the space.
And all the projects here.
All the projects are presenting here.
Special shout out to all of you.
It's wishing you all a beautiful 2024 for your project.
It's looking to be a bullish year.
So wishing all the best for all the projects here.
Special shout out to Wolfie's also.
And yeah, Shibu Dave, thanks for the kind words.
You know that you're also a family man.
There's no words that can describe what the bond we have,
what we've been building.
What we've built actually in this one and a half year
that we've started with Shibu Society.
But let me introduce myself first.
My name is Don.
And I'm the CEO of Shibu Society.
Dave that you heard just now was,
Dave that you heard just now is the COO of Shibu Society.
And together with my fiancee, that is Francisca.
That's the co-founder.
We've been running Shibu Society
for over one and a half year now.
But before I start with the pitch,
what we've been building and what we've got going on,
you know, we came with a gift.
So I'm gonna pin a tweet on top.
That's a giveaway that we have.
We're giving away 10K treat tokens.
Those are engaged to earn tokens in our Discord
where you can purchase NFTs from our project partners
and also merch.
But let me start.
We got what we have going on actually.
So those that know us,
when it comes to Franc, Dave and me,
you know what we've been building
when it comes to Shibu Society this one and a half year.
But not most, not a lot of people know
what actually Franc and I are doing in IRL.
So before I start with the pitch,
let me give a short description of what we do
because this will have the impact on the token
that we're launching actually.
So Franc and I run an IRL consultancy company
focused in the oil and gas.
So where we work with contractors,
which are also our IRL partners,
and we're providing various services
that involve infrastructure, commodity
and engineering products, specialty mechanical services,
NDT services, logistics and consultancy services
to the onshore and offshore companies here in Surinama.
Surinama is a country in South America,
right above Brazil and right next to Guyana.
We are bringing our IRL company
and the oil and gas into web tree
with the yenDAO and our yen token.
So now that I've done a short description of who we are
and what we do in IRL, let's talk about the yen token.
So yen token is the main utility token of the yenDAO
and has a scarce max supply of 9 million tokens.
In the listening section,
you will find the main account of the yenDAO.
So the yenDAO is a community investment DAO
created by the founders of Shiba Society.
YenDAO is funded by the yen Treasury,
which contains 33% of the total supply.
It will be locked in a multi-sick wallet
and governed by no other than the yen community.
So the community may vote
and submit on investment proposals
that generate revenue back to the Treasury.
50% of these revenues will be used
to increase the buybacks of the yen tokens
and also increase its scarcity.
While the remaining 50% just stays in the Treasury
and also expands its overall value.
So each buyback results in yen tokens
being removed out of circulation.
The more frequent buybacks are performed,
the scarcer yen becomes.
The scarcer yen becomes the higher its price value.
The higher the price value,
the larger the value of the yen Treasury.
And the larger the value of the Treasury,
the more buybacks can be performed
and more projects we can invest in,
which actually results in a continuous growth
of each community member in their portfolio.
This is the important part I was talking about also.
With the large amount of crude oil and gas
that ExxonMobil, Shell and Apache found at the shore,
at our shore, it is safe to say
that we have all reserved for the minimum of 50 years.
With the experience that we have in the oil and gas
plus the business relationship
that we have with a local refinery,
there will be multiple opportunities
for the yen now to invest
and make a sizable amount of returns.
The yen Treasury that we were talking about
already contains three of these color founder passes.
What are these passes you may ask?
So these color founder passes
unlock various benefits and unique experiences.
But the most important part is,
this also includes additional rewards,
up to 50% of their net profits
of their content and film production studio.
So these guys are well respected
film producers in Hollywood.
And one of the movies where they also worked
and produced is the Wolf of Wall Street.
So you have an idea that the amount of respect
and the amount of respect that these guys have
in the film industry,
that these found their passes are also scarce
because there are only 1000 of these NFTs.
Now think about it, a minute movie is made
because they are making one right now,
one of the three parts
because there are three parts of the movies.
And 50% of the profits that these movies make
will be divided under these color founder passes.
So if the movie makes 40 million,
20 million will be divided under these 1000 passes.
So you have an idea, the amount of returns you can get.
The treasury also contains 10 barrels
of our own branded whiskey, bourbon, sorry,
thanks to our partnership that we have
with the grain ledger also.
In the one and a half year that Shibu society
may have been in the space,
we've built IRL and web two, sorry,
web tree partnerships.
And this also gives additional utilities to our yen token
because thanks to our web tree partnership,
yen will also be used as a form of payment
for vacation packages, IRL event tickets.
It will be used as a form of payment in the metaverse
and also for sports betting on the dyno bet platform,
which is a crypto casino.
You will also be able to stake your Shibu Genesis, the 2D,
and receive seven yen tokens each week.
So that's another alpha also
that we've been having the Shibu Genesis that we have
right now, the 2D one.
It also comes with a 3D avatar.
So when you mentor Shibu Genesis,
you're getting the 2D NFT that comes with this utility
and also the 3D version of your Shibu.
And it's 3D version you can utilize in the player one,
the player one game that the game that player one,
that is one of our partner projects, partner projects,
they are building a game right now
and you can be able to utilize that Shibu avatar
in the game,
or you can use it in all the other metaverses as an avatar.
So let me go back to the pitch.
Let's talk about the white paper real quick.
In a white paper, you will find a detailed explanation
how to become a member of the yendao,
but let me explain it in a nutshell, just three steps.
Step one is the community buys yen tokens.
That is our main utility token that we have
and stake them to receive the yen tokens,
that is the governance token.
Remember, yen goes together with the yen.
The community uses their yen token to vote on which web two
or web three projects the yendao should invest in.
And the third step is that 50% of the revenues
that come back to the treasury from these investment
will constantly be used to buy back yen tokens
and increase its scarcity,
while the remaining 50% just remains in the treasury.
Our presale is actually,
let me talk about the presale
because we had a previous presale.
Our previous presale had a soft cap of 10 ETH
and a hard cap of 20 ETH,
which was a bit high and raised some concerns
according to our community.
So we listened to the community
and decided to relaunch our presale
with a lower soft and lower hard cap.
Our new presale will be this upcoming Wednesday,
that's February 7th.
I will also be on jam pad.
There will also be an additional airdrop allocation
of 200,000 yen tokens
that will be divided and airdrop
to all these participants in our presale.
The airdrop will be done on the 1st of March,
that is after our TGF space.
The public sale will be Wednesday, February 15th on Uniswap.
So there will be a buy tax of 0%
and a sell tax of 4%.
From the sell tax, 3% automatically goes back
to the liquidity pool
and the remaining 1% goes back to the yen treasury.
So visit our website, that is
Give our main account from the yenDAO also a follow
so you're up to date on all the latest news.
Purchase some yen tokens from the presale
after you've read our white paper
because we always say even our own projects.
Check out the project, check out the white paper,
get to know the project before you invest.
Don't go aping in on something.
Get to know the project
and see what value you can have with it.
When you know what the project is all about,
then you can invest because you've done your research.
So when you've read or went to our website,
it is, you've checked out our white paper.
And if you've seen what we have in our white paper,
what the project stands for, what we are building
and it interests you, then yenDAO
and the yen token is the right project for you.
So that's it in a nutshell.
If you want to be involved in the oil and gas journey,
also when it comes to the film production studio
because we also have that in our treasury,
those founder passes, then yes,
the yenDAO and the yen token is the right project for you.
I'll pin one last thing on top.
That's our pin tweet that we have.
There you will also see more information about our token,
what the soft cap will be, the hard cap,
the minimum buy, maximum buy, et cetera.
But that's it from my side
when it comes to the yenDAO and the yen token.
Again, our presale will be this Wednesday on Gempad
and get to know the project.
In our white paper, you will see our IRL investments
that we are going to propose
and our IRL investments involved in the oil and gas
providing these services.
And you will also see our web tree projects
that we are going to propose to our community.
And these web tree projects involve a crypto mining
that also brings revenue back to the treasury.
As a member of the yenDAO,
you can also submit proposals about projects
where let's say the yenDAO could also invest in
and make revenues back to the treasury.
Each revenue are going to be 50% are used to buy these tokens
and remove the amount of circulation.
So we already have a scared supply of 9 million
and with everything that we have going on,
I've put advice to check our project out,
check out the white paper and if it's interest you,
then jump in and join the yenDAO.
So thank you for having us.
Thank you for having the Shibu's
and thank you for, let me present what we've been building
these last couple of one and a half year actually.
So thank you guys once again and loving the space, loving it.
Really, really interesting stuff that sounds
like a massive project.
So you've been working on it
for a year and a half behind the scenes.
Yes, we're a year and a half actually in the web tree space.
I'm, when it comes to crypto, I'm like around,
you can say it's eight years already involved in crypto.
We have been working in the oil and gas
for a couple of years now.
We have this partnership that we have involved
from the beginning up until the end, a short description.
Let's say there's a pipeline that needs to be changed,
all the infrastructure to dig the trenches
so that the pipe could be laid down.
We have the partnership also that is Jashi's infra.
When it comes to shipping, the products,
let's say the pipelines, the valve, et cetera,
when it evolves that, we have our Iran partnership
as ANSA and online valve limited.
When it comes to inspecting,
cause when let's say that the pipe is already laid down,
they've welded everything,
you need to do the proper inspection
because from the outside,
it looks that the weld is done properly.
But when you have to do these testing,
that's for instance, radiographic testing,
or they call it RT,
it's just like how you make an x-ray,
it is an x-ray actually.
You make an x-ray of the weld and you,
sorry, you make an x-ray of the weld
and then you do your actually your research
to see if the weld is done correctly,
if there's porosity, whatever.
There's a lot of things when it comes to inspection
and we have this IRL partnership
and we also have our license about this.
So that's what we've been building
and that's what we're providing.
We are bringing our IRL business into the web tree
and the nice thing about it is also
because the whole project,
everything is also always the long-term for us.
We're looking at the long-term.
And let's say we all know how the four-year cycle works.
You have the bear market, you have the bull run,
you have the Bitcoin season,
you have the each season and the altcoin season.
We all know how that works,
but there's always a bear market.
So how do you actually provide something
to your community that even though,
let's say we're coming up to a next bear market
because the last bear market was man,
I think it was the longest crypto winter
that we've had in the crypto history.
But when the next bull run comes,
you have done your IRL business that continues to fund
actually and gives the use cases
and the promises that is being made
can still be done to the community.
And that's how we introduce the IRL business that we have.
And just a small thing before I end,
if you go to Google and you research the oil and gas
in Guyana and see how the country,
everything has been going better for the country,
you can imagine what is going to happen
with our country, Sri Nama,
because the oil that they found
is 10 times more than we have in Guyana.
So there's so much opportunities
and we are involving our community
and the token, yen token and the yen DAO into it.
We are bringing oil and gas down into web3 to our token.
Brilliant, brilliant stuff.
Presell happening this Wednesday,
go get involved with that guys.
I don't want to say with a project like this,
when there is so much going on
and obviously it has real life utility
and just tons that you need to dive into,
I do appreciate it when the founders come onto a space,
you actually get a sense for what the business is about.
And it feels legit when you have them up here,
you can ask questions,
you hear about the substance behind the project,
they tell you to go over and read about the white paper.
That's the kind of stuff I would be looking for
if I'm personally looking to invest in tokens in this space,
unless it's a mean point, obviously.
But something like this, yeah,
ticks all the boxes for me
and obviously you know Shibu society
and everyone involved with that project.
So yeah, really awesome stuff.
I need to go and dive into that a bit more myself,
but yeah, pre-sell this Wednesday.
And also they do have a giveaway pinned to the top as well
for some of the treat tokens for the Shibu society.
So please do go show some love to that as well
and they could be yours very, very shortly.
Thanks again, my friend, for joining us
and yeah, keep grafting my man.
Let's always come into spaces,
get to know other projects,
get to learn about other projects
and the nice thing with the DAO that we have,
when we're jumping into spaces
and we're listening to all these projects
pitching and presenting what they have.
If we, let's say, hear a project
that we can propose to the DAO,
we could actually do it.
And that is also a way that the DAO
also helps other projects that also provide,
let's say, revenue back to the holder.
We can then give this proposal to the community
and the community votes on it.
And then for instance,
let's say you have a project that does crypto mining,
we propose it to our community,
we give in the proposal what the revenues are,
how many is going to come back,
how many is going to be spent, et cetera.
And this is also a way that you help other,
web tree projects to also grow
while also helping your community.
It's a way of how shall I see it
neatly helping each other in the web tree
by not only investing,
but also bringing back to the community.
So I did that thing when I fumbled for the mic again
and people just throwing hearts,
I'm like, someone speak,
I'm trying to get to the mic.
Awesome stuff, as I just said,
yeah, do exactly what you said,
go over to the website,
dive into the white paper,
find out more about what's going on,
but never financial advice,
but it seems super, well,
as legit as it gets in web three
with some solid utility behind it,
links to in real life businesses and so on.
And it's exactly the kind of stuff I look for.
So yeah, a lot of love for what I've heard.
Sounds really, really cool, mate.
And yeah, keep smashing it.
That is all I will say,
but make sure you get involved with the giveaway too.
They have blessed with pin to the jumbotron
or the sausage side or whatever you wanna call it.
Go show us some love to that.
And make sure you check out the pre-sale
which is happening this Wednesday.
Yeah, keep your eyes peeled.
Sounds like an awesome project.
I think before Kim shouts at me,
I'm gonna keep things moving
and I will jump straight over to the next project.
Unless anyone has anything really important to say,
which won't anger Kim too much,
I think we'll keep things moving along.
Any objections?
Let's do it.
You're just trying to get everyone in trouble.
You're just trying to get everyone in trouble.
I would never do such a thing.
No, let's do it.
Yeah, I've not heard from these guys before.
So we're excited to hear from them.
Well, they're a Brit, they're local to you.
They are local.
They're on your doorstep pretty much, mate.
They are based down in London
and it's another web through project
with that web to, well, in real life utility.
I'll say no more, but yeah, they're on your doorstep.
So you need to go and visit these guys and check them out.
So yeah, first time on the space,
I introduce Wolfie's Bar.
What is good and thank you for joining us.
Cool, thanks for having me, really appreciate it, man.
Love the space, really good, very well organized.
Just want to give a shout out to Shibu Society.
I made them a couple of weeks ago
and amazing, amazing bunch of people,
so much advice and so much love from them for us.
So just a special shout out to them.
So yes, my name's Wolf.
That's actually my real name.
If you go vet me, you go check out my stuff,
you'll see that is my actual name.
And I own with my wife, Marika,
a restaurant called Wolfie's Bar in Southeast London.
We own a few other businesses also,
but this is the one we're pursuing an NFT project with.
And Wolfie's Bar is actually not named after me,
it's named after my son.
So my little boy's name is Wolf and we call him Wolfie
and we builded this restaurant in the middle of COVID
for him to have something in the future
to give him something tangible.
And if you go on our Insta and our social
and all of things, you'll see in the middle
of the restaurant there's this giant giraffe
with a chandelier in its mouth.
And the reason why that's there is
it's actually Wolf's favorite animal.
So we put the giraffe in there specifically for him.
So I'm just giving you guys a bit of detail
about the DRL business and to give you some perspective,
but our business has got some unique values
that we try to pursue.
So we pursue a couple of things,
but one of our values is community.
And the reason why we pursue community
is we also own a hair and beauty salon next door.
And one of the things that we noticed over the years
or when we really started thinking about what it is
that we offer and what it is we give people
is that it's not actual products and services
in the sense of cutting hair or drinking coffee
or having beer, but it's actually a physical space
to give people the ability to build community
and connect on a personal level
with the, what do you call it, the modern fire.
So it's quite interesting
if you go to Wolfies every day
and you'll look in the back,
you'll see a bunch of people there working from there.
And sometimes you've got characters that talk a lot
and sometimes you do not,
but if you question them and you ask them so like,
why are you there?
Why are you not at home effectively working from there?
And it always comes down to one thing
is they don't wanna be lonely.
So that's why they come in to spaces like this,
is to connect.
So one of the things we do in Wolfies
because we pursue communities,
we host all community events for free.
So from the residence association meetings
to the in-piece local surgeries,
to our police meetups, everything happens there
in Wolfies always for free for the community
because that's in essence what it is.
That's what these physical spaces are about.
And it's getting lost quite a bit.
If you look at modern places,
the Starbucks, et cetera, type of models,
it's losing the whole concept of what it actually is
to be a community hub and space.
So yes, we do other things also.
We pursue a thing called circular economics.
So everything that we can purchase locally,
we do purchase locally.
So for instance, our beers are brewed by broccoli brewery,
which is a broccoli right next to us.
Our coffee is roasted by Le Mans right next to us.
Our pastries that do come in comes from St. John's
and then London Bridge,
apart from the ones that we make ourselves, of course.
Our gin is from Bermondsey gin and Bermondsey.
So everything that we can source locally we do.
And that's part of our E-Force is to do that.
Because one of the things that gets missed
about independence is that independence
are actually your biggest community builders
in context of tax contribution,
multipliers in regards to community wealth growth.
So by keeping businesses in that type of model,
you actually add value in your community
and not take it out of it,
which is also part of our value system, very important.
So in essence, to bring it down to what the NFT project is.
So we wanted to do a NFT project
where we put the communities together
that believes in these types of values
and who wants to be part of the growth in this context
and actually be actively part of that
in regards to from decision-making to management
to resource allocation.
So we created the NFT that's got five characters.
So the five characters is the first one's a wolf,
which represents me.
And the second one's a she-wolf, which is my wife.
Then a wolf cup, which is the wolf.
English bulldog called Spartacus, who is already asleep.
Just looks around here in the corner.
He's sleeping around the corner.
A Persian cat called Shatzi.
And the background of our NFT is actual,
actually the physical space.
So you'll see the draft there, you'll see the bar there,
you'll see all the different aspects of the venue
is incorporated within our art.
And our art's also hand-drawn.
So the art has been a very, very long time.
To Android, so it's very authentic in that regard.
So that's the first thing we wanted it to be really,
really real and to represent our values
because we've always been that type of business.
And then we attach some real life utility to it.
So the first piece of utility is if you own one of them,
you'll get 10% of all wolfy spores anywhere in the world
for as long as you hold your NFT or online.
It's all built into my POA system also.
So you get a code being created
and it reads it from the blockchain.
So it's dynamic and will allocate your benefits
towards you just based from your wallet.
And then for every NFT that's purchased,
we're also gonna give you physical goods
like our Wolfy Spore NFT t-shirts, hoodies, caps.
We're also gonna send you some of our IPA beer.
So we brew our own Wolfy Spore IPA,
which is called African Queen.
The reason why it's called African Queen
is because we actually imported South African hop
called African Queen.
And it's the only beer in the UK
that actually gets produced from that specific hop.
And then we'll also send you some of our coffee,
which is our own blend with true roast.
So that's the physical parts that's gonna be sent out.
And then we're also gonna do some unique NFTs.
So we have one that's called the Mayor of Wolfall.
So if you get that one,
you get 100% off all food and drink
as long as you're all day NFT.
We also have one that's gonna be called
the Brewer of Wolfall.
So if you get that one,
I'm gonna sit with you and develop your own beer
from what hops we used to whatever tastes
and notes you wanna pursue
and develop your name, brand,
whatever you wanna put on there.
I'm gonna sell that in Wolfy Spore
and I'm gonna send you 120 of these beers every two months.
And then I'm gonna do this another one
called the Roaster of Wolfall,
which is just gonna be coffee
and the same concept we're gonna develop that with you.
And then from the funds that we create from the NFT,
we're gonna build the next branches.
So the first one being a London Bridge branch.
And the idea is that if you're part of the community
and you purchase these specific NFTs,
I wanna give you the experience of what it takes
to build a physical business.
Because that's one of the things
that's also being lost quite extensively
in this harsh economic environments across the world.
People don't have the experience anymore
of building physical businesses
because it becomes so hard to do.
It's so super expensive
and it's so difficult to get funding.
So there's very few people that has access
or the ability to build a physical business like this.
And I wanna give people that experience.
So the community is gonna be part
of every aspect of the voting.
So for instance, when you build the space like this,
you'll have a design in regards to the bar
and the architect will give you four different designs.
So we'll put it to the community
and we'll decide which design we'll take
or the layouts or the products
or the services, any of those things.
And then what we're gonna do is we're gonna take 10%
of the revenue generated from those branches
for the escrow account.
And that's gonna fund a quarterly NFT party.
That's gonna be only specific for NFT holders.
We can attend that or food and drink for free.
And then we're always gonna use the community
to decide what other benefits we can allocate
towards the community is gonna be ongoing
for as long as you hold the NFT.
So there'll be benefits and utilities distributed
based on our growth model and what we're gonna do.
So I think that's everything.
So it's very late every year
and I do have the IRL job and business
and all of these things, which I try to keep on top of
on a day like this, but that in essence is my story.
That is sweet.
The first thing I wanna say is the giraffe chandelier,
I had to check it out as soon as you said it.
And I'm in love with that.
And also the food looks absolutely unreal.
I do visit London quite a lot.
So I am keen to pop in.
I know Cliff just said in our backend chat
that he's keen to pop in too.
So I think it's gotta be done.
I've got a question.
In fact, no one final thing I wanna say actually,
keen to pop in for the food
and I wanna try the African IPA.
And I also wanna make a beer with you guys.
There's lots, there's lots I heard in that pitch then
that I'm a big fan of.
And it's nice to have a web through business
with that kind of link to in real life,
a utility based in the UK.
I think this is the first UK based project
that I've come across, which is offering that.
So really, really cool.
Nice to have on our doorstep.
And yeah, I'm keen to visit.
Are you keen to visit Cliff?
I'm sure you are.
Let's go and have ourselves an African queen.
I've literally just been on and just Google
to find out where you are.
And you're less than an hour's drive from me.
And I do occasionally find myself
kind of in the Greenwich area.
So I will definitely be encouraging my friends
to go a little bit further around
and pop in at some point.
So yeah, sounds incredible.
Yeah, I'm the only NFT project
where you can come do your doxing in person
and drink from a Viking horn and get drunk with me.
I miss that.
You can drink from a Viking horn too.
Yeah, I actually have four Viking horns.
I serve my beer in that pool.
If it's specific guys and stuff,
I drink my beer out of a Viking horn.
I need to get in needs to have.
Cliff, let's go sort it out, get in the diary.
I've got a question though.
I absolutely love everything you talked about there
and why you're doing it
and what you're hoping to achieve from it all.
What was the attraction of Web3 to you?
I'm intrigued.
I always like to throw a curve ball at people sometimes,
but what made you want to take
a standard kind of business like yours?
And obviously you can give perks to customers,
as you mentioned, through owning the tokens, et cetera.
What was the attraction to Web3?
Is that kind of a way of bringing in new customers,
i.e. me and Cliff?
What was your aim there?
What are you hoping to achieve there?
So it's a multi-layered answer today.
So Wolfie's Pour is actually built from Bitcoin.
Half of my old crypto investments,
I actually sell to pay for it.
So Wolfie's Pour has got a very big history in regards
to that it actually originated from crypto to begin with.
And then we actually accept Bitcoin in Wolfie's Pour
and in our Heron Beauty Salon.
So you can actually purchase coffee, food and drink
with your Bitcoin wallet over there.
So we're very involved in this space
and I'm a very big supporter of the crypto community.
My background's actually in banking.
So I implement regulatory programs for the bank
apart from the businesses.
And I'm very, very for the freedoms
that this community brings
and what it does.
And then in context of the transition
from Web 2 to Web 3,
one of my pet hates in regards to physical businesses.
If you look at the Web 2 space where you have applications
like delivery breeds, even your social medias and stuff,
the amount of money that costs businesses
where effectively they're just taking a slice of the pie
that already existed before them is quite frustrating.
Web 3 actually provides an avenue
where decentralization is gonna move us away from that.
And then the last piece on why I'm perceiving this is,
and the simplest way to explain this is,
if you have something like, say for instance,
you've got a membership to sell a house,
I don't know how many people
on your actually know what sell a house is,
but if you've got a membership for sell a house
and you love your membership and you go there and you drink,
you drink there and you eat there and stuff.
And then at some stage you move away
and when you move to there's gonna be no sell a house.
So you just lose your membership,
you close it down or whatever it may be.
But the thing that Web 3 now offers
is that your membership actually has value
and is asset-based.
So meaning you provide like a membership model
to your physical business,
but as soon as a person does not use it
or is done with it for whatever reason,
it's actually part of a liquid market
where they can sell it and move away.
And then technically also,
given that it's tied to real things and real benefits,
it should have an inflationary hitch towards it also.
So you would actually have had growth
in your membership over the years.
And then if you add other aspects
to the business growing, getting bigger and more of it,
et cetera, that would mean that your actual membership
has become an asset and make you part of it.
And because of my opposite of community
of people being part of,
I want my customers and people that buy into this
to actually have that ability
and have that connection to things.
The crowdfunding space try to sort of capture that,
but it doesn't actually give you ownership
in the regards to what NFTs
and the Web 3 community can give you now.
And that's what I wanna transition over.
I mean, you guys would have seen the website,
if you look at my businesses and stuff,
you'll see that, and if you look at a bit detail,
you'll see that we try to build these things
not for the sake of profit and money.
We actually build it with very specific goal
of being spaces that community centers
and people value and love.
So if you look at the restaurant, for instance,
I could have just thrown in a hell of a lot of chairs
and tables, but we actually did build it in three phases
where you have a space where you can sit and work and eat.
You've got a family-size dining room table
where you can have family-size dinners or meetings,
we've got lounge areas where you can sit next to the draw
in Aviator chairs and stuff.
So the idea was to create that type of versatility
where people can actually be a community
and be part of it.
And the Web 3 space gives people the ability
to buy into that and then be part of that community project.
Another thing just to add on it,
I mean, one of the things, because we're pursuing growth,
which people would ask me, it's like,
how do you replicate this if you have two or three
or four of these things, Wolf, can't be everywhere.
And that's gonna be like the phase two and three of this.
We can actually have the community vote
where the next phase is gonna be.
And then we're gonna give ownership to these things
in regards to a community member that's gonna be the Wolf
in regards to that space and actually drives
the same value system that I'm pursuing here.
So yeah, it's a big plan, but this is step one at the moment.
And that's why I'm in that space.
I hope it answers your question.
It's a lot of detail.
No, I love it.
And honestly, you've really,
I think just once again, highlights me
the amount of opportunities that are out there
using Web 3 technology.
I do dislike it when people go, we're early, we're early.
And I'm guilty of saying that to you in that term myself,
but I really think we are.
And just like some of the stuff you even touched on
with examples of like Deliveroo and all that kind of jazz.
If people start taking advantage of the technology,
had our fingertips right now,
I'm rolling that out to these real life businesses.
There's an absolute gold mines of opportunities out there.
So like, I'm so glad you just ran through all that
because it kind of refreshed my imagination.
I'm like, what can we get building?
Because it's masses and masses of opportunity out there.
And you guys are taking advantage of that
and it kind of leading the way, you know?
So yeah, big fan, love what you're doing.
Great to catch you for the first time on this space.
As I just said, me and Cliff definitely wanna swing by.
Anyone else in the UK fancy joining us?
Maybe we'll have to do a Monday madness meetup down there.
That would be cool.
Maybe we could do that all the way.
Yeah, anytime.
Just let me know and BS on me.
That could be good, that sounds good.
Could we do a space from the bar
while drinking beer out of Viking horns?
Yes, we can.
We're not.
I think we could do that.
That sounds phenomenal.
Yeah, we're not.
We might have to do that, you know?
We may have to do that.
I'm really liking it.
Yeah, I've said, yeah, really great project.
Everything seems amazing about the business.
Look the direction you're going with it.
Yeah, I keep giving you flowers.
It's not just because you're a British business, I promise.
It's awesome.
It's awesome.
Kim, why have you got your hand up?
No, no hands in this space.
Talk to me.
Get on the plane, get your Viking horn, join the party.
All right, I'll get my visa and I'll come on over
and we'll hang out.
So I just want to say, love everything about this project,
what you are saying.
First of all, you had me at, you had me at Bulldog.
Then you had me at coffee.
Then you had me at Viking horn,
which I hope you have one for coffee.
And then hair salon, crypto, real world,
giraffe chandelier.
Don't forget the giraffe chandelier.
Oh my gosh, I mean, there's so many layers I love of this.
Yeah, there's actually another piece to just mention.
So like our coffee machine is a Mavana coffee machine,
which actually comes from San Francisco.
And then the interesting thing about that coffee machine
is when we did the original planning of it and things,
the thing that intrigued me in America about it
was that it sunk into the ball.
You only have these pieces coming out
where you make your coffee from.
And the reason why we actually thought that really cool
is because usually when you go to a coffee shop
and someone makes your coffee,
they either disappear behind this big box
or they put their back towards you.
And with this machine, you can actually have a conversation
and people see the product being made.
So it just buys in completely
with us having that social interaction
and having that connection.
So our staff is taught to engage with people in that process
and actually connect with people
when they actually come buy the coffee.
But yeah, just a little bit of more history
about what we do.
It gets cooler and cooler.
I'm a big fan.
I am a big fan of this.
Yeah, so awesome stuff.
And thank you for joining us obviously for the first time.
I am being genuinely like, yeah,
I'm keen to come down and have a coffee
or have a Viking hoarder beer or whatever else.
It sounds awesome.
And it seems, your eyes are on the prize too.
You see the potential in this space
and where the technology can go.
So yeah, all around, love what you're doing, mate.
And thank you so much for joining us.
Oh yeah, also they are doing a giveaway guys,
before I forget that.
What are the 5G, so there's five whitelist spots.
When is it mint?
And also what are the five OG roles?
Could you tell me about that?
So we've got about 100 OG roles
and then a thousand whitelist roles.
It's just price oriented.
So the OG roles are gonna be about 60% of the mint price.
And then the whitelist roles are about 10% cheaper.
So we're giving that away.
You can just, if you join our discord,
show that you've been on this space,
we'll give you those allocations.
Mentor date at the moment, we're pursuing the 24th of March.
All goes well.
We'll see if Rishi manages to fuck up more things
in the process.
But at the moment, we're pursuing that.
And yeah, this is gonna be, it's on Solana.
Yeah, that's it.
Lock it in your diaries, guys.
Get involved with the giveaway.
Give them a follow.
Fly over to London and join us for a Viking call.
That is all I'll have to say.
I know what he's saying, that's a good one.
Oh, I thought Cliff was speaking.
He wasn't speaking.
He was speaking.
Yeah, it took a minute or no.
No, fantastic.
Taking it in, mate.
You're taking it in.
Imagining that Viking horn.
You know what?
I generally am right now.
No, that's amazing.
Yeah, can't wait to come down and check out at some point.
I'll write it in.
Yeah, make sure you are checking in
with the giveaways and tweets.
Go to that top.
You can say win those spots from Wolfie's Bar.
You can win a hip hop there.
Win a Vice City.
Sorry, the Hyper City Beast up there.
Other prizes as well.
So make sure you're up interacting in all those tweets.
And we, there.
Next up, we have another new project to me.
I'm super excited to hear about.
Luke, I know that you've brought these guys in.
Do you want to introduce H.C. Hogs?
Sorry, I was just having a quick snack then.
No, Hogs have been with us before.
H.C. Hogs have been with us.
It has been a while.
Hey guys, I just switched between my Wi-Fi
and my regular stuff.
So I'm having a hard time hearing Luke.
I'm just going to drop down and come right back up
and then give her shit.
Fingers crossed, fingers crossed.
Whilst you do that, I will say, yeah.
Hostel Hogs have been with us, I'm going to say,
quite some time ago now.
So, you know, they've got some gnarly artwork.
There's loads of utility
and it's just an all-around badass project.
That is how I describe this.
So I won't say any more about it.
I'm keen to know what you've been up to.
I know you've been working hard behind the scenes.
I can, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Fingers crossed.
I got you, I got you now.
I just gave you a quick introduction there.
You probably missed it, but basically I said,
I'm excited to have you back.
Give us an update.
Tell us what you've been working on
and the word to describe the project.
It was, it's badass.
Hostel Hogs, everyone, take it away.
Yeah, no, it's great to be back.
And what is, what a space today.
It's been, it's actually been really interesting
listening to all these, these projects.
I kind of, you know, like the Wolfie's bar
and the story with his son, like that, that's cool, man.
Like hats off.
I really like that.
And she boosts society.
Like, man, you know, that's, that's really cool.
I'm, I'm actually an oil and gas guy myself.
I've, I used to manage service rigs for about 15 years.
So when you're talking about oil and gas,
it resonated with me.
Hostel Crypto is a company out of Alberta, Alberta, Canada.
And all my partners that are owners in the company
work in the oil and gas industry,
our one partner, he owns a couple of different businesses
that pressure test drilling rig, BOPs
and different things like that.
So that's been a big part
of what's been helping fund Hostel Crypto
while we've been developing.
But yeah, the HC Hogs, the Hostel Crypto Hogs
were a collection of 9,666,
highly, highly detailed NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.
We're taking digital collectibles to the next level.
And if I had to describe Hostel Crypto as a whole,
I'd say it's, it's, it's more than just an NFT project
where we're making a, we're, we're a bad-ass lifestyle.
So we're trying to disrupt the NFT market
by leveraging the use of different tech like AR and VR.
So it was, it was really cool
that we've been talking about that a lot.
And we've, we've definitely seen it.
If you follow big money like Meta, like Apple,
you got the Apple glasses.
And to answer your question with,
from earlier in the space when we're getting started,
like by 2030, they do think they'll have contacts
that not only will be able to do augmented reality and VR
and log into Metaversus,
but they think it will actually,
I read a whole article on it where, you know, let's say,
for example, you look at a gumball machine or a gumball jar
and you want to know how many gumballs in there,
like they're talking like the computer inside,
like the tech would be able to tell you 348 gumballs
and stuff like that.
So you've got me, you've got me going,
you've got me going in and you've released me.
Oh, I'm going to have to dive in here.
Get in here.
Like the thing is, like, I absolutely love this kind of chat
because when you merge the kind of,
the rate that AI is developing at the moment
and combine that with something like, you know,
the technology of the, you know, the new Apple glasses
and like put that in a chip or, you know, in a contact lens,
it's absolutely mind boggling, isn't it?
And as you say, but is it too much though?
Because what you were just saying then,
when you talk about the contact lens,
and obviously a big thing, you know,
we sing all over social media, all over X at the moment,
people are recording their experiences,
but you're literally, there's a Black Mirror episode
where people record their memories
and it kind of plays out, you know, what happens
in that kind of song, but that is, that's not far.
That was literally probably a couple of years away now.
Luke, you can already do it with the Ray-Bans.
You can already record.
I guess, but imagine having it in your eye,
in your eye though, like no glasses, no accessories.
Like then you will actually be reliving moments,
which is pretty terrifying.
I don't know if it's terrifying or absolutely mesmerizing.
I don't know where I sit, I think, but you know,
just like yourself, obviously it's just an incredible
age to be in, I think, and to be kind of living through it
as this technology is developing
so, so rapidly at the moment.
It's wild, it's wild.
Think about even in sports, if you could see the path
you had to throw a football or a basketball
to get it to wear like the net or whatever, right?
Do you think they're gonna start like,
instead of drug testing, they'll be checking people's eyes
beforehand and see if they've got the contact?
Because it's true though, you know, it's,
or even things like, you know, if you are a runner,
just monitoring your pace constantly, you know,
like there's just little tiny things,
which are all round gonna benefit us,
but it's just gonna completely change the landscape
in so many different sectors.
I think it's, yeah, it's a fascinating time to live through.
But anyway, yeah, don't get me going.
I need to set up a space just called the Luke Ramble space
where I just speak about tech and nerdy stuff
for a good couple of hours.
Maybe we'll sort that out.
Maybe we'll do that with the Viking beer.
I like that you're excited
because we're all excited too, right?
And we're just obviously not even close to competing with
companies like Meta and stuff,
but you gotta follow the big money.
That's where the future's going.
And that's, you know, you can see in our alpha version
of our app that's available right now for free.
You don't even need to own one of our hyper realistic 3D hogs
because we wanted to show people a bit of that future
so they can try our product and make a decision.
So we released a minimal viable product, our app,
that's gonna continue to improve over time as we grow.
And I know I said this kind of a bit last time we talked,
Luke, but we have been making moves.
I'm not gonna tell too much about that.
We do have some streaming in the app.
Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Why did we just have a tease of a tease?
We did just have a tease of a tease.
And you know what I do when we have a tease of a tease
in this space, I drill it.
So go on, tell us more than a tease of a tease.
All right, so right now we've updated the app
a bit where we've got streaming going in it.
We're a very generous giving community.
We just recently gave away six Ethereum
to one lucky mentor.
Tomorrow night, we're giving away a leather vest.
So that's one of our things too.
We've got a couple of different things going on,
but we do have a really good deal
with the Wholesale Leather Company.
We've been doing every 20 minutes.
We give out a vest.
And the next 20 minutes guys at 0.029 East,
we're gonna give out an Oculus Quest 3.
So if you're interested in what we've been talking about
with VR and stuff and you wanna experience it,
we're gonna give a mentor that at Mint 900.
We're at 880 right now.
So that's something we wanna bring to people
and let them experience.
And we love giving out prizes and doing big giveaways.
One of the things we've been doing quite a bit of lately
is we call it Hogs Night Out.
We've been doing it with our holders.
We're trying to get in with
and start streaming and doing more and more live shows.
But we do a Hogs Night Out.
It's like a round robin tournament
where we gamble our money.
So your NFT is your pass, you can come in.
The last one we spent $2,500
and the winner walked away with $250 in Ethereum.
Started with 16 players and then we went to eight players.
And then we went to four players, two players,
one and then one winner, right?
We also had lots of mini prizes along the way.
It's really been a great time.
We're gonna continue to add more and more
to that as we build out our kind of Sin City vibe
that we're going for.
And yeah, with the app,
I'll just say there's more games coming right now.
We have a free augmented reality zombie game.
You can use a flamethrower or handgun.
Zombies will be coming at you.
They're hog zombies, by the way.
So they'll be coming at you left and right.
We took one of the characters from our collection.
Well, we took a few of them.
We made them all zombies.
We have three different characters.
We've got the boss hog, the enforcer hog
and the sketchy hog.
We're not a, we actually have a club within the club.
We call them the eight three eights.
These are guys that we patch in with real life vests.
Woman, woman, I've got to jump in.
What's the sketchy hog?
He's like, you know, in your bike crew,
like you're in your gang,
you need that sketchy guy to do, he's the guy.
So he's got to kind of.
I've got to see myself, I've got to see myself
a sketchy hog.
Yeah, yeah.
I didn't mean to throw you off there.
I was just like, did you say a sketchy hog?
Okay, cool.
Back to you, mate.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, you got to kind of find your own bad-ass
that resonates with you.
Are you the boss guy?
Are you kind of the guy that gets the sketchy shit done?
Are you the defender, the enforcer of the rules?
You know, like earlier there,
I definitely say that the K-law,
like you need to get an enforcer NFT.
You know, you're the enforcer, you're the bad-ass, so.
They call me the law just to let you know.
I think she's the sketchy one personally.
That's just my own professional opinion here.
It's true.
So look, we're doing a lot of cool things.
We do want to build our Hell City.
We've got some lore on our website.
You can read about the Hell City and the hog story.
When you get one of our NFTs,
you get some highly, like I said, highly detailed.
You can see the dirt on their fingernails.
You can zoom in.
We also include a GLB file.
On our YouTube and TikTok,
I've got an eight step thing tutorial
with how you can download your rig hog.
You can download your specific GLB hog,
how to get it into Blender, how to start playing with it.
That's, you know, you wanted a little alpha
that's a little foreshadowing
for some of the augmented reality that's coming in the app.
But, you know, we're talking,
a mint price of like $60 in East right now, US,
and you get a lot comes with that package.
We're gonna reopen our store here in the next few weeks
where we've been giving people access
to those leather products.
And we've got a great community.
Actually, some people ask me what, you know,
what's the worst thing?
What's the best thing I've seen as a project founder?
And some of these people that I've met
and like, it's just gonna be lifelong friends.
I can just feel it.
Like some guys are getting,
they got the hog tattoo,
or the hog skull tattooed on their fore.
You know what I mean?
Like it's a tight knit group
and I've never planned on that happening,
but it's actually been one of the greatest rewards
is of starting a project
is making this real tight group of good people, right?
So we're excited for what's coming in the future.
We do have a lot of prizes
that we're gonna give out throughout the mint,
including at Mint Out.
We're committed to giving away a Harley
or worth a max value of $25,000 US.
We're committed to that.
We've met all our commitments so far
and we plan to meet that one.
We also have a lot of mint bounties out there.
We're doing more and more of these casino nights
and yeah, check us out.
Download the app.
It's free.
You can play around with it.
We're gonna be adding more to it,
including ways to win
and see what you think before you make a decision.
We've been around for about a year
and always a pleasure, Luke, to come on your spaces.
I always find them really well organized
and always great to listen to all the other projects.
I've really enjoyed myself tonight.
So thank you so much.
Did Cliff just do a laughing face
when you said they're really well organized?
I hope that was an accidental laughing face.
I 100% did.
How dare you, how dare you.
No, mate.
The first thing I wanna say is if,
and this is the big hardhitter for me
from that whole amazing pitch,
was if you wanna see the dirt on a hog's fingernail,
go mint yourself some Hostile Crypto Hogs right now.
I kid, I kid, I kid.
There was so much goodness in that pitch
and I feel like you guys are riding the wave of innovation
to and constantly bringing in
all this kind of new tech into a project.
So what you've been building on,
so I'm gonna say years now.
It feels like years.
It feels like you've been in one of the OGs in the space.
And when you're an OG in this space
and you're constantly adding to the project,
constantly delivering, doing some crazy bounties,
rigging in sketchy and hog zombies,
whatever else you guys are up to, it's insane.
And I have a lot of love for it.
So it's always great to catch up
and see where the project's going,
but it just seems to be getting bigger
and better every time.
Absolutely, man.
Thank you again.
And they are, I must reinforce this
because I am the enforcer, not Kayla.
They are doing a giveaway.
It's pinned to the top and they are giving away.
Well, the prize is to join them
on one of those hog nights out
where you can win some Ethereum and other prizes
and just get involved with their community
because it sounds like you've got one awesome,
awesome community there.
Getting hog tattoos.
I didn't know that.
I need to find myself some images of these hog tattoos,
but yeah, you know, you've got the awesome community.
You've got everything else a project needs.
So yeah, get involved with the Hostile Crypto Hogs, guys.
If you haven't done already, go show them some love,
give them a follow, get in the Discord,
do all that regular degular.
Yeah, absolutely.
We're going to pick a winner.
We're going to do another hogs night out mid-month.
I don't have an exact date, but I'll let the winner know
and I'll draw them before the space is over,
but it's the best.
You get a good show out of it.
We're all cheering and screaming for slots to win
And if we lose, it's our money we lose.
You don't lose anything.
So the odds are in your favor.
It's a big cast to win.
So I'd love to let someone experience that
that's not in the community.
Go get involved, guys.
What are you waiting for?
Pinned tweets at the top.
Show it some love.
And you know, get involved with all the other pin tweets too.
There's loads of giveaways stuck in the gym matron right now.
Make sure you're interacting with all of them
and following those simple instructions
and those prizes could be yours very, very shortly.
Thanks again, buddy, for joining us.
It's been awesome catching up
and I'm excited for the future updates.
I am going to quickly post a tweet out now.
I think this was my little spot to talk
about the University Challenge.
But I think-
Oh, do you need us to like give you an introduction or?
No, no, I was going to say,
I might quickly pass it over to my man at NF Creeps right now.
And then I might jump in just before we go up to fun apes.
Because I want to get this tweet out.
And I mean, NF Creeps, like the artwork always caught my eye
from this project.
You know, from the very first tweet I saw from you guys,
I just lived the kind of passion behind the project.
They are, it's super dope.
It's me, it's got me written all over it.
There's a certain, if you know me by now,
there's a certain style of artwork.
And I'm like, she's always gnarly.
This is a project which I think is gnarly.
It's super cool.
And they have a drop, which is just around the corner,
which I don't know much about.
So I don't know if you're here to drop some alpha on us,
but I'm going to be quiet for a second and post a tweet,
but take it away.
Tell me what's going on and great to have you back.
Oh, Kayla, take over.
I'm sorry, I just wanted to jump in before we like get,
you know, deep into these awesome projects.
You guys, this is a great opportunity
to network with other communities.
Make sure that you are following each other.
It is, you just never know what connections
you're going to make.
And it could be, it could be, you could make some new friends,
you could find some new business partners,
you can find some people that you need help
with part of a project that you don't know how to do.
So this is a great opportunity
for everyone to network with each other.
If that's all I want to say.
And if Crete, please take it away.
We love your art.
Hey, what's going on?
Thank you guys for having me again.
It's been a while since I've been here.
So thank you.
The show's been great.
I feel like this tiny little indie, weird punk rock project
compared to everything I've been here.
It's been really cool to hear everybody
talk about their projects.
So anyways, man.
Yeah, for those of you who don't know me,
my name is Steve, I'm from Brooklyn.
And I started the Non-Fungible Creeps
about a year and a half ago.
Came in with the first season.
And basically, if you remember Garbage Pail Kids
or Mad Balls or the art style like that
or My Pet Monster, it's kind of what I grew up with.
So it's a nostalgic project.
These started as a digital trading card project.
The first season we dropped,
we sold out in about a month and a half.
Second season, we came in and sold out
pretty much in a couple of hours.
We've really been growing as a project,
just bringing physical stuff to the NFT world as well.
And I really pride myself on giving collectors
some of the physical stuff we've been doing.
So if you look at the artwork,
it's just fun, ridiculous, ugly characters that I hand draw.
And we've been selling everything on ETH
as well as a little bit of Polygon as well.
The second season just kicked off earlier in the year.
It was Creeps in the Streets, was wave one.
We sold that out in a couple hours
and it's just a mixture of these ugly, ridiculous characters
hanging out in the streets of New York
and all different boroughs.
And I'm really excited about how the artwork came out.
Then after that, I started drawing the second wave
of season two, which is gonna be NFC Psychadelics.
It's gonna be every season,
we do a little bit of a different approach
to what the theme is gonna be.
So like I said, we did a Creeps in the Streets,
which I went around and took photos
in every single borough of New York City
and the Creeps just kind of invaded
and were everywhere in the digital trading cards.
So the next season, it's called Psychadelics
and they're gonna be the hanging out
in those trippy, psychedelic, cool kind of neon
black art poster kind of art that you used to,
maybe you had one in your basement
when you were rolling, doing whatever.
I don't know what you do, but you know,
a lot of people had them.
So what we're gonna do with the physical side of this,
I'm actually gonna get some black light posters printed.
So a couple of lucky mentors are gonna be able
to get a really cool NF creep character
on a black light poster, hang that up.
So that's probably gonna drop around April.
The artwork is still rolling.
So I'm gonna post up just so you guys could see
a little preview of what that's gonna look like.
Super psychedelic, my voice is going, I'm so sorry.
Super psychedelic kind of trippy kind of characters.
And here's a little sneak peek
of what they're gonna be looking like.
So like I said, physical stuff always goes hand in hand
with the non-fungible creep universe.
We've also got trading cards finally coming,
hopefully sometime this year,
along with the black light posters.
And also, if you guys remember,
MAD balls on the physical side of things,
we started doing some physical one-of-one
non-fungible creep balls that are custom made,
as well as custom made trading cards.
So we really keep growing, man.
There's been a lot going on.
I'm gonna be at NFT NYC this year
for the second year with the creeps
on the physical side of stuff.
Like I said, I've really been connecting
with a lot of people from the Garbage Pail Kit
type of community as well.
It's really, really big on Instagram.
So there's been a lot of great connections
that I've made there with a lot of great people.
And one of them is in here now.
It's a toxic coat.
They're down there.
Just bringing them over to Twitter
to check things out and see what we're doing
in the NFT world.
But that's what it's about, man,
bringing people in and showing them what we do.
So please check that out
building the creep universe out.
And I really look forward to bringing a lot more
of the trading cards, the characters,
making this universe a lot more robust,
a lot of collectibles.
I really just want this to be
a super collectible fun project.
So really been building it and look forward to 2024.
As you said, trippy, weird, ugly.
I love those trippy, weird, ugly dudes.
They're awesome.
And I need to go check out the new collection.
It's just awesome stuff all around.
The style is so unique, big, big fan of your artwork.
As I said, this originally caught my eye
about the projects.
You've got this incredible utility going around
and real life utility and whatever else.
But you're just solely focused on building community,
delivering wacky artwork,
and whatever else you do indeed.
But I absolutely love it.
You need projects like this and I'm a big, big fan.
Thank you, man.
I really appreciate you saying that
and I love what you guys do.
I think that's why we connected so quickly
when we met each other.
I also just wanted to say like,
there's a lot of bad actors in this world of web three
and there's a lot of just kind of garbage personalities.
And I'm so happy to see so many great people
that I already know in here.
And we do something every Thursday.
I founded a collective of artists called the FCW,
Freaks, Creeps, and Weirdos.
It's a collective of artists who are just strange
with their awesome unique art styles.
So we do a space every Thursday at six.
If you guys ever wanna come and hang out
with the creep community and other communities as well.
We're just here to promote web three
as something positive really.
I may have to get myself and my dad in on that.
It'd be cool to have him join you guys,
speak a bit more about the artwork and stuff.
I saw him briefly in here earlier.
He did swing by, but I presume he's fast asleep by now
as it is half past midnight here in the UK nearly.
But yeah, I love it dude, I love it.
When he's catch up again, it has been too long.
I feel like it's been months and months and months.
I think even when you were busy with football or something,
I can't remember what it was now, but it has been a while
and I'm glad you're back
and I'm glad you're still killing it.
Thanks brother, I appreciate it.
And absolutely anytime you wanna come join us,
please do man, you're welcome.
Have you got a tweet with the link to the space
on you wanna pin up?
I didn't do the tweet for the next space,
but let me just go back into my arsenal of things
if you guys ever want.
It's a really loose conversation
when we do have these shows of be honest with you.
And we talk a lot about the art side of things.
We talk a lot about what's going on in web three,
but it's just a really loose kind of fun conversation
about just what's going on.
And what we very art related, in-depth art talks.
If you like horror movies and pop culture,
we get into all that stuff as well.
It's just a fun time really.
We just try to be a fun time, that's it.
It sounds like my kind of space.
Some of this structured business
we have here at the university challenged.
You know, it's lost its magical touch.
There's too much structure here these days.
I wanna short leash.
If you wanna get muted, keep it up.
You're gonna get muted.
I would definitely try and swing back.
I just don't know where time's going at the moment.
We do these spaces every month now
and it doesn't feel like five minutes.
I think Cliff pops them in our group chat.
It was like, oh, it's like three days or something.
I was like, what?
Like it's been a month already.
And I think like it was a long month too.
I have no idea where the time is going,
but I do wanna start attending a couple of the spaces.
I know I've probably said that before.
Life happens as you all know,
but that sounds like an awesome space.
Please do pin it up if you have a tweet for that.
But even if he doesn't do that,
there are three tweets up from the NF creeps.
Make sure we checking out each one of them
and tweet number one,
which is the third one along on the jumbotron,
they are giving away some whitelist spots
for that upcoming mint,
which they've previewed in tweet number three.
So go swipe through all those,
go interact with all of them.
And yeah, if you haven't already checked out the NF creeps,
make sure you do so right now.
Sorry, I posted an old tweet of the FCW show.
I just put up the whitelist spot.
We are giving a whitelist spot away for the psychedelics.
So please do participate.
And I look forward to getting a lot more people involved.
Thanks man.
Anyone, any comments quickly before I do a quick chill?
I don't like the word chill.
Quick overview of the University Challenge.
Or anyone want to talk about VR headsets
for another 10 minutes or AI, you know, be my guest.
Let's do what we do, right?
Let's do what we do.
You're like one step away.
I'm going to pull your plug.
You're one step away.
You wouldn't dare.
You wouldn't dare.
Any other comments before I give a quick overview
of the University Challenge.
You know, this is the worst part of the show.
I actually have to talk about.
I guess just one thing quickly for me.
First of all, it's not the worst part of the show.
Love hearing about what you've got going on.
And yet just everyone down below,
we are coming towards the end of the space.
Last couple of speakers.
If you've not engaged with the giveaway tweets up top,
this is probably your last chance to do so.
I'm going to be putting the winner
for the Hangry Hippo giveaway whilst Luke is talking.
So you've probably got about a minute and a half
to find that tweet and get involved in that one.
And yeah, and then once Luke's spoken,
we've got the awesome fun apes
and then we'll be pulling the rest of those winners
and then wrapping things up.
So yeah, Luke, Professor Longbottom.
The legendary fun apes.
Always a pleasure to catch up with those guys
because talking about innovation,
I feel like we've had loads of innovators in here tonight.
They are true innovators too,
always pushing things forward
and they always have some awesome news.
So yeah, we'll be with those in a moment.
But before that,
I will tell you a bit about the university challenge.
And I feel like after, you know,
especially tonight, the diversity we've had in this room
and the kind of ways you're all pushing forward
to space in your own unique kind of, I don't know,
it's been an awesome, awesome space
and there's been so much going on.
But for now, I'm gonna talk about you,
about some aliens that me and my dad created together.
Back to the basics.
That's how it's gonna be done sometimes.
This is a project which is more about the kind of
unique artwork, a bit about storytelling.
And I think it's where the whole kind of, you know,
NFT space originated from
and it's become so much more than that now,
but we are one of those OG projects
and we have done things slightly different here.
So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pin up a giveaway.
This is for the next space while, by the way, guys,
lock it in your diaries.
It's gonna be happening on the,
confirm it when I say it, the 4th of March.
Tell me I'm right.
Brilliant, I'm gonna pin that to the top right now.
And then yeah, I will tell you a bit about the,
in fact, can someone else pin it?
My Twitter's bugging out a little bit.
Oh no, I've got it, I've got it.
All is good.
It is pinned to the top of Jumbotron right now, guys.
Make sure you lock that in your diaries.
Share it out, follow those instructions.
We're gonna be giving away at University Challenge.
But yeah, go show some love to that post
and I'll tell you a bit about the University Challenge.
So yeah, everyone probably knows by now,
my name is Luke, I, Professor Lord Bottom,
the little Professor dude you see over there
in the yellow PFP.
And I am the co-founder of the University Challenge,
a project that myself and my dad started,
who I must add is the other co-founder and artist,
a long, long, long time ago,
like way before we were in the world of web three.
But before I dive into the history of it,
I'll give you a quick overview.
So we are a non-generative project
and we basically created 500, 100% unique hand-drawn aliens
and each one of these comes
with their own unique backstory.
I know Cliff briefly mentioned one of his aliens
that he owns earlier.
It's, what is it, Cliff?
How would you describe it top level for me?
It's a being a copper type alien
that has a penchant for humping hats.
They may seem random.
The stories do, they all have meaning.
If you, you know,
this is what's so different about this project.
As I said, we started this way before we were involved
with web three.
Long story short, when I was at university actually,
I asked my dad to draw me three aliens
because I was coding a little game at the time.
And he drew me three creatures,
which we then named a magus and a whelk.
I then asked him to, you know,
come up with some descriptions for them.
We kind of worked on those together.
And anyway, as this kind of little project got developing,
we started to build out this collection of aliens together.
Those aliens, which started off as three OGs,
then had a planet which went by the name Zelk.
And then other planets started to form around it.
We started to think about, you know,
the other creatures that lived there,
what they'll be doing for a living
and how they were connected to the different planets
and the mysteries that were going on on these planets,
you know, and who was behind them.
What was the reason behind this?
What was the reason behind that?
Before we knew it, literally over years and years,
and this was a creative little flare,
my mom and myself and my dad had,
it became a ridiculous, like, I can say now,
a 10 chapter story that we wrote with hundreds of aliens.
Everyone's connected, you know, and everyone's unique.
So we have an alien, as I said,
there's 500 OGs to begin with.
Go over to the open sea.
I think there's been about 360 minted so far.
Dive into the backstories, you know, read them all,
see how they're connected.
Everything has a meaning in this universe.
It isn't just random comical jibber-jabber.
There is a purpose to each and every alien.
But that isn't it.
Once the first 500 aliens have been abducted,
by the OGs, which are all part of this story,
you'll then have the chance to breed those
and create your own aliens.
So get the breeding, sorry, get the OGs out of the way,
mint those 500, and then you get to breed the aliens.
And what I mean by that is you pick two aliens
from your wallet, and we'll create a brand new alien for you.
So my dad will look at the aliens you select,
obviously that's gonna be completely down to you,
and think, you know, what would happen
if these aliens were to have offspring?
You know, what would the alien look like?
What would their backstory be?
How are they part of the Spaggier universe?
And, you know, these unfolding mysteries.
So we're gonna really give a chance to our collectors
to get involved with that creative process.
So we just like to think we're bringing something
very different to this space.
I won't go into any more detail about what else,
you know, we wanna bring into this project in,
you know, further down the line,
but like there's heaps, there's loot.
The thing is, as I said at the very beginning here,
this is something we built for years, purely for passion.
So you haven't just got the artwork,
you just got a whole other universe,
and you're gonna start to unlock that through the NFTs.
We're then gonna be adding in elements
of gamification, et cetera,
but like let's get these first 500 minted out
so my dad can start breeding the rest.
I think you can mint them for 0.05 ETH,
Obviously all the links are on the Twitter.
But yeah, let's get this minted out
and then we can get breeding and my dad can get drawing again
and we can start sharing this weird and wacky story
that we've been building for all those years.
That is all I'm gonna say today.
But yeah, make sure you check it out and obviously
get the next space in your diaries to the 4th of March.
That is it from the University Challenge.
Absolutely amazing.
Always love hearing about the project
and the passion that you and your dad have for it.
I love that it's something different as well,
that it's all, you know, it's hand drawn,
everyone's completely different.
You've got the layers with the backstory and the details.
And yeah, I can't wait to kind of get deeper
and find out exactly what's been going on.
Just go mint 130 and you can find it all out.
But yeah, you can mint them now guys,
0.05 ETH on the
DM is if you have any questions, but you know, as I said,
we all really wanted to bring something different
to this space.
I know everyone has their own kind of unique selling points
to the projects and we've certainly seen
some incredible ones tonight.
But like we like to see as the OGs of wackiness,
unique one-on-one hand-drawn aliens pulled out
of my dad's brain, go let him draw,
let him breed of you some aliens.
And yeah, please do go show some love
and mint yourself some aliens tonight.
But yeah, that is all from me.
Just make sure you get the next episode locked in as well.
4th of March and get involved
with the giveaway pinned to the top.
That is all I'm gonna say now.
And then I'm gonna move over to our final project.
So one of the final times to get involved
with all the giveaways in the Jumbotron,
slide into everyone, give it a like,
give them a follow, tag the friends,
do what you've got to do, win those goodies.
But yeah, without any further ado,
we have the amazing Fun 8s.
And as I just said before I start talking
about the university challenge,
these are one of the most innovative projects in the space.
Not only that, the artwork is absolutely awesome.
They've got some new collections coming,
which I'm hoping to find out a bit more
about the pets and stuff.
I just love everything about these.
I love the founder, I love the team.
Yeah, an amazing project to finish off with.
So yeah, Fun 8s, over to you.
Appreciate it.
As always, this is Out There Art, community manager.
Appreciate you having us here, definitely.
I won't take too much time because I've heard
that if we get too off track,
that there could be repercussions
and I don't want to have any kind of like,
stabbing and-
You don't want to be in those bad books.
You don't want to be in those bad books.
Exactly, so I'll get right into it.
So anybody that doesn't, I'll just give you guys
like an update and said what we've been doing,
but like we just celebrated a year, a couple of weeks ago.
It was the middle of January or January 10th,
I believe as we celebrated one year,
we've been building in this space.
And that's just with Fun 8s.
If anybody doesn't know the founders, John Crypto,
he has a sister collection, which is Fun Days,
which is a part of this ecosystem as well,
but that's been out for almost a year and a half.
And he's been grinding in this space,
working with other projects for well over two,
three years now.
And before that, prior to that,
he was doing crypto trading and things like that,
but he's got a marketing background.
And what his marketing background showed him
after doing some research into the Web 3 space is that,
the Web 3 space runs through Twitter or X, if you will.
And so what he did is he created the Engager tool,
which started out as the lab,
but now it's the Engager tool after the Fun 8s
have had beta tested it for the first couple of months.
And what this is, is it's basically a central hub
of where we put what we call missions.
These missions are as simple as doing like following,
reposting, posting, using hashtags, things like that,
simple engagement that you're gonna do on X
every single day anyway.
And if you're looking to support a project and get rewarded,
then the Engager tool is the way to go.
And so what this is, again, is it's token gauge.
It signs in, now you do have to connect your wallet.
It's a read-only function.
But once you get signed into there,
you can start doing these missions.
And these missions are,
and you don't even have to leave the platform.
You go right into the Engager tool.
If it's a like mission, you just hit the button
and it'll take care of the mission for you.
You get your points for it.
And these missions usually run for about 24 hours.
At the end of a two-week cycle,
that's what we run.
We run a two-week cycle.
We reward holders with eight coin.
And that's the Yuga Lab eight coin.
People ask if it has any liquidity and it does.
I don't know where it's at right now,
but somewhere it's close to like between a dollar,
two dollars, something like that.
But at its peak, it was up at like 26.
So we're definitely hoping for something like that
once the bull comes back around.
But, so again, we've been extremely successful
with this platform trying or getting engagement organically.
And that's an important part of it is that it's organic.
Like you'll see a lot of the people,
there's a lot of PFPs in here with fund aids.
And that's because they're getting an extra,
they're getting bonus points or not bonus points,
but they're getting what we call base mission points.
You don't have to change your PFP,
but it does reward you for doing so.
And people that want to be in the top of that leaderboard
because it is gamified.
So the people that want to be at the top of that leaderboard
do usually have their PFP changed.
So they get those extra points.
But yeah, we've rolled this out to other communities
and we're using a portion of that revenue
to also reward or give back to our holders.
So anybody looking to, just having some fun,
earn us a little bit of extra crypto,
as far as A-point, get involved with the engager.
And there's a lot of different communities
that are using it as well.
Like I just said, AIOW is one of our most recent partners.
We have Eternals XYZ, Casey, which is Pepe AP Yacht Club.
And I will touch on, you talked about the mint coming up.
There's no date released yet,
but we do have a pets mint coming.
And what that is, is we have a trait
in the current collection.
It's the companions.
And the companion is,
there's 22 different companions in the collection,
I believe.
And so that is going to be a pets collection.
And John said, that's gonna be within the next four months,
probably four to five months,
we're gonna have that collection drop.
So anybody that currently holds a companion
in the Funnage Collection,
it's gonna be eligible to get a free pet
when that collection drops.
So he also said a little bit of alpha,
which not many people have heard,
cause I don't know if he said it,
I don't know if he said it to me,
or if he said it in voice chat,
or if you just set it in the space,
but I'm gonna repeat it.
And I don't know if I should,
but we'll just say it anyway.
But he did say that it looks like somewhere between
maybe if you own four to six Funnage,
that that will also get you a free pet in it.
So no concrete number has been given on that yet,
but that is the range that it's gonna be
as if you own four to six Funnage.
So, and the floor is looking juicy right now too,
I'll tell you that.
There are some really, really nice Funnage on the floor
for under 0.05, if anybody's looking for it.
And the companions are running about 0.05,
I think that's on the floor on those right now,
maybe 0.04, throw out some weak offers,
you might be able to get something.
But yeah, that's what we got going on, man.
We're just consistently and constantly building
in this space.
And I know Universally Challenge is a big supporter
of us and we appreciate you asking us to come on
and hang out and share some updates,
and share some updates with you,
to see if I can get my talking together.
Always love to hear from you guys.
Yeah, as you said yourself, always delivering.
And you heard the man, we got the alpha,
not financial advice on offer,
but four to six is your round, your ref number, right?
Let's say the ref number there.
Four to six eighths could get you a bonus mint there.
But yeah, so there's a lot of everything about this project,
artwork, community, the developments,
everything you're doing for the space,
one top notch project,
and it's always great to catch up with you.
Yeah, definitely appreciate it.
And I do know, I'll say this too,
because this is a little bit of alpha too,
that John dropped the other day,
is that a lot of people like how you can just access
these missions or things like that through Discord.
So they are working on something
that we can do this strictly through Discord,
whereas like some people just like to,
they don't wanna leave Discord.
So I get that, we get that,
not everybody wants to go to a web-based app,
but that's something else that we're working on
that's coming in the future.
Awesome stuff, you heard it here first guys,
make sure you're following for napes,
go grab yourself some as well,
because obviously as that mint date gets closer,
those prices generally tend to get higher and higher,
the demand will be there,
keep up the good work, absolutely smashing it.
And yeah, there we have it,
the final project of the night.
So if anyone has any winners or any final comments,
now is your time to shine.
I'm gonna be quiet for a moment
and hopefully someone will pipe up
and let me rest my vocal chords.
I have my winner for my hypebeast,
I've already reached out to them,
and I think their name is Kill,
so they're gonna be opening up a ticket in our Discord
and get one of our wonderful hypebeasts.
So congratulations and welcome to the family,
if this is your first NFT from the hypebeast.
And I wanna say,
I really enjoyed all of you guys' project tonight
and I see a lot of friends and family down in the audience
and I just wanna say thank you for your support
and hanging out with us.
Go ahead, Cliff, it's your turn.
Hey, yeah, and I was just like,
I've drawn my winners
and something I will share is just a good practice.
So pull the winner for the hippo
and the winner down the audience,
Twitter name, pirates, just 2196.
When you're doing prizes,
always make sure you DM the winner
with some kind of key instruction
or secret phrase or something,
because literally as soon as I've done that,
someone or two people jumped into my Discord,
the genuine winner,
and somebody who changed their Discord name
to match the Twitter name of the winner
to try and falsely claim the prize.
Obviously saw for it,
obviously they didn't know the secret phrase
that I passed on,
but yeah, always the best practice
when you're giving stuff away in spaces,
DM the winner yourself.
But yeah, that's all been squared away
now it's been sorted out,
but yeah, no, another awesome space.
Really enjoyed hearing from all of the projects
that have come through.
And yeah, thank you to everyone
for hanging around and listening.
Yeah, looking forward to that space.
I know we've already got some awesome projects lined up.
We're going to hear from the amazing,
amazing AOR exchange as well,
super excited to have those guys on.
Yeah, can't wait.
It's been mega diverse this week.
I absolutely love it.
I feel like we've had such a range of projects up here,
you know, all bringing different things
to the web through space.
So it's been a lot of fun.
It's been great speaking to everyone.
I see Shibu's with their hands up.
Yes, I've just drawn a winner for our giveaway.
I see the person is also in the space.
I see the winner is Knight Bondo.
Knight Bondo, congratulations.
You've just won 5K street tokens.
I'm going to send you a message
so that you can just copy,
not copy, make a screenshot,
open it, take it in our Discord
and our moderators will provide you with your prize.
Congratulations and all the projects
that have actually been presenting here.
I must say it's a nice space.
I enjoyed all the projects here,
very interesting projects you had on today.
And I'm going to do a little deep dive
on all the projects for tonight.
So again, thank you for having us here in the space
and really, really enjoy the space.
We couldn't do it without you.
And that goes to all the speakers tonight.
Thank you so much for joining us as always.
Thank you for the giveaways
and thank you to all the listeners
that will have been joining us through the thick and thin.
I feel like the bear market is over now.
I feel like it's safe to say that
and definitely the attention is starting
to come back to the AFT space.
So hopefully we're going to see these numbers grow
and grow and grow and we're going to be hitting those,
you know, those numbers we're hitting
in the peak of the run.
So please do make sure you set your reminders
for the next space.
It's the 4th of March.
The tweet is pinned to the top now.
Just give it a simple like guys,
give it a retweet and set the reminder.
That's all we ask and then we can keep doing these spaces.
We can keep giving you projects
and obviously give the projects to the audience they deserve.
So yeah, that is all from me.
Any final, final words?
If not, check your notifications for any wins
and also obviously follow those safety procedures
that Cliff ran through there.
They are very, very important.
We do not like scammers.
Anyone else?
Or if not, I will wrap it up,
but make sure you set it 4th of March.
Get those reminders in the diary.
And if there's any projects that would like to join us
on our next space, please reach out to us
at our Monday Madness Discord or to Luke or me or to Cliff.
And we make sure that we get you on the schedule.
Oh yeah, that is a good point.
I always forget to say that.
Please do reach out, but also try and get your tweets out ASAP
so we know exactly who's confirmed for these spaces
because there's several projects that want to get on
that we have to kind of roll over to the following weeks.
Please do get your tweets out as soon as possible
once the schedule is confirmed.
And yeah, if you don't make it on the next space,
we'll make sure we're on the one after that.
And if I have promised your space on the next one,
you will be there.
So I'll be in your DM soon.
But yeah, get in the Discord or drop me a DM
and we'll catch everyone in a month's time.
Love you all, been a lot of fun.
And take care, look after yourselves and bring on episode number 44.
And thank you to all my co-hosts and to Eric.
You did a great job tonight.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate that.
I would like to know more about Apple right now if we have time.
OK, well, I'm going to have to rob you.
I'm going to have I'm here, mate.
We can keep that we can keep this going all night.
Why do we start like you guys want to listen to Eric some more?
You can join him on his Twitch stream with the baffles and their marble racing.
And you can hear them yap their lips for a whole hour.
Do you talk about you talk about virtual reality there and news stuff like that?
OK, OK, it's all nerd stuff.
I'm so I'm so I'm so Saturday's
come get our Twitch link and discord at hype East.
And as I said, you can nerd out for a whole hour and just listen to them.
Yeah, it's a great time.
And if you want to nerd out even more, make sure you're with us
on the 4th of March, because there's no way I won't be nerding out.
Then to solve Kim.
Speak to you, guys.
Love you all.
You some nerds.
I'll schedule out you some you're going to put that.
You are going to put that in the schedule on your next time.
OK, it's coming.
Right. See you next time, guys.
Take care.