The NEAR Demo Day: Roundtable

Recorded: March 15, 2023 Duration: 1:01:21



Right good morning everyone. Oh good afternoon. I'm fucking good night. Whatever. Um, how you doing? We are gonna get your calls up here as soon as we can. And then we are going to kick off the near demo day roundtable with some wonderful
I'm going to pass it over to Rem as soon as we get her up as a co-host, have sent invitations to both Rem and Ben, but
As we all know, 20 spaces is a piece of shit. But now we have Ben, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry for squaring at us, family friendly. Ben, feel free, take it away, man. Use all your super cool hosting powers. Let's get rimmed up and let's crack on.
Hi everyone, it looks like, uh, I'm going to get this open one as soon as possible and we will kick off the near demo day around here.
We will discuss all things, Web 3 and beyond. Kendall, I know you're a speaker. Can you hear me? And can we get the ball rolling? Ben, same question for you.
Okay, perfect. That's a good start.

FAQ on The NEAR Demo Day: Roundtable | Twitter Space Recording

What will the discussion be about in the near demo day roundtable?
The discussion will be about all things web 3 and beyond.
Who will be a speaker at the near demo day roundtable?
Kendall will be a speaker at the near demo day roundtable.
Why was the host apologizing?
The host was apologizing for swearing.
How will they get the calls up as soon as possible?
They will get the calls up as soon as possible.
Who did they send invitations to?
They sent invitations to both Rem and Ben.
How many spaces does 20 spaces have?
20 spaces is a piece of shit.
What did the host ask the co-host to do?
The host asked the co-host to kick off the near demo day roundtable when they get her up as a co-host.
What time of day is it when the recording starts?
It is in the morning, but the host greets someone who responds with 'good afternoon', and then the host says, 'I'm fucking good night. Whatever.'
Who is the first person that the host tries to speak to?
The first person that the host tries to speak to is Rem.
What will they discuss at the near demo day roundtable besides web 3?
The text does not mention anything else they will discuss besides web 3.