The Next Big Thing: The Future of Gaming with AI, VR, AR, Web3

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 1:36:42



All right, welcome to the next big thing with iq protocol every week
We're joined by leaders in the industry right here on x spaces where you can tune in for a fun discussion around web 3 gaming and nfts
I am your host marcello and we're back with another exciting web 3 gaming mega spaces
And we're thrilled to dive into today's topic which will be exploring the future of gaming with ai
Vr ar and web 3
We've been looking forward to getting into this with today's amazing guests. But before we begin
Actually, um i'll be announcing later. We do have a big giveaway coming up. I see that we haven't announced it yet
So i'll keep that for later
Uh, but before we begin I'd just like to say everybody please share this space so that your friends your family and everyone else
On x can join in on this amazing discussion. And uh, yeah, really excited to get into it
All right, so let's start by welcoming today's panelists
Please drop some hearts in the audience and let's please give them a big round of applause for our speakers today
For joining in on this amazing discussion
All right, i'm still bringing some people up on stage we did have some technical issues
For those that were wondering the original link wasn't working
Um, yeah, that was a lot of fun
You know, it's not an x space without a little bit of rugging or a little bit of tech issues, right?
So we're all we're all in order now. Everything's under control. I'm happy to get this started
Uh, but speaking of getting this started. I love going around the table. Just seeing how everyone is doing first
Please give yourself a little bit of a two to three minute introduction
If you'd like for the audience for those that don't know who you are
And then yeah, we'll get right into the topic of today, which is
The future of gaming with artificial intelligence virtual reality augmented reality and web 3
I'll uh go around the table. I'd love to start with betty from deadfellow. Super happy to have you here. How's it going?
Hey, it's going good. Can you hear me? Okay
Yep, hear you loud and clear
Awesome. My spaces has been known to not work very well. So that's good. Um, yeah, i'm i'm great
Thank you. I am coming at you from australia
Um, i've had a pretty interesting week my house flooded this week. So
We're in like alternative
Accommodation but it's it's fine. It's quite cozy. Um
I am the co-founder and ceo of dfc labs. We own
Dead friends we're creating a tcg at the moment, um with unity
And that's very exciting and we have a bunch of other really cool
Things under the hood that I am uh starting to be able to talk about
In the coming months. Um, and yeah, i've been working in web 3 for the past
It was over two years now since early early 2021. So
Crazy and that's me. I'm pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me
Thanks so much for being here betty you're a legend in the space
I love what you're doing. I am also a deadfellas holder
I knew I had to bring you on one of these days and
Yeah, when I heard the news of your tcg i'm like, okay
This is an opportunity to talk about and have you on for web 3 gaming. So super happy to have you here
And sorry to hear that about your home. That's not that's very unfortunate
Yeah, these things happen. So we got betty coming all the way from australia
We also got salty sharks who uh is also in australia
Wanted to accommodate the both of you as well as some of our other speakers
We normally hold these at 11 a.m
Est for pm UTC which is late for a lot of our australia folks over here
So definitely happy to have some of you guys here. How's going salty sharks? Is that rob behind the speaker?
Yes, mate. Yes. Thank you very much. Great to be here and appreciate the change in the time to accommodate
Another aussie nice to meet you again betty i'll hear from you again
Um, so yeah, you know me mate rob from aquatic metaverse home of the salty sharks
I basically turn up to the opening of an envelope. So most people here would probably know me
We're obviously an entertainment and education brand focused on marine species conservation specifically sharks rays and turtles
We've got four innovative games launched already
And a fifth one which is our tcg, which is in beta testing at the moment 80 complete and due for completion in the next few months
Um, so yeah, we've also got a bunch of education
Focused metaverse content as well, which we um, basically
Host out to web2 education institutions to uh to host their education
programs from uh from our facilities, so
That's us in a nutshell, but yeah looking forward to this conversation and um in particular obviously for us the vr aspect
Which is something we're heavily focused on
Yeah, super happy to have you here rob
Love what you're doing and definitely happy to have you back on last time
I think you were up at 2 a.m. Or something like that to try to be on our space
Matthew looks like to you
But today I I hope it's not as uh, I know it's probably like midnight over there. So it's a little better
Super happy to have you here midnight's fine. Like yeah, 2 a.m
Would have been pushing it because i've got a 7 a.m meeting but um midnight perfectly fine. So this is good
Thank you very much
I love it, man. Gotta love web3. It's uh, it's the best
Awesome. Let's go around the table
I'm gonna pass it a chev from anna chest as well as uh, we got someone else
One of our other friends behind the anna chest account if you'd like, I think we
Maxed out our spaces already, uh 10 slots up on here
But i'll bring you up as an as a co-host if you're listening anna chest and uh, we'll try to bring you up on stage
But how's it going chev?
Glad to be back again
Hey, what's up?
Super happy to have you here. Give us a little bit of an introduction of who you are. Sure. What is anna chest?
Hi guys, anna chest is basically a um
subsidiary under animoca brands
Uh, and we're also building in partnership with So what we're building is actually a spell chest game
Currently the puzzle game is live on anna
So basically it's uh daily puzzles
And uh with spells, right?
So maybe this week you're you're gonna use the queen time spell to solve some of the chest puzzles
And next week every week basically we will
Uh be introducing new spells and it is just a mini game right in the future. There will be a pvp version of the game
Where would be you know, basically powered by?
Um blockchain and web free elements
But yeah, i'm not sure whether you guys just saw it but apparently
Moka first, you know moka foundation
The moka coin and any moka brands just had a huge tweet
Uh, literally just two minutes ago
So if you guys haven't looked at it, uh, go ahead and look at it. It's uh, it's uh, it's gonna be a blast
Amazing love what you guys are doing. I'm a big fan of chest
So the fact that you guys are kind of uh building a web 3 game and also even revamping it a little bit adding adding your
Own features your own abilities. It's really fun. And it's really cool. I I remember reading it's also backed by
I hope i'm not butchering his name by magnus or one of the world's top chess players, right? Yeah, bro
That's right. That's amazing. So definitely gonna check that out for those that want to learn more
I'll definitely try to pin it up on top or uh, we'll drop some more alpha at the end
But super happy to have you here again chev. Uh, you guys are awesome
Let's pass it to uh, our friends from sphere one. Is that will or jacob behind the mic?
It's actually a rare chris sighting. So
I'm uh, i'm chris one of one of the the co-founders of sphere one
uh, I know jacob and and will kind of hold the torch but
Um, i'm really glad to be up here with you guys
I start early we're in austin texas
um, my house didn't quite get flooded but we survived a
a really cold front where uh
Mostly everyone's pipes froze over and now it's been raining pretty hard for like three or four days. So and i'm in a floodplain
But all is well we're we're building and uh
If anyone ever comes to austin, we actually uh, we have an office
We we have a cool office with nifty island and a couple other big creators in austin texas
Where we all work and grind snacks and stuff
So if you're here for consensus or anything, you know, give me a shout. We'd love to host you and
Gave you someplace to work while you're while you're here for any of the shows in austin
And for those that don't know what we do
um, we build a
cross chain payment protocol
Um built for the world of multi-chain and and app chains. So
You know if you have your own token your own chain, whatever
Um, essentially we can route liquidity there and give people a really really easy payment experience
So high level that's what we do and i'm glad to be with you all and share the space with you
I love it. I think uh, you know, it's a topic or a theme that comes up a lot
But you know seamless onboarding is definitely very important when it comes to web3 gaming in my opinion
And having seamless payment processing is very important as well as you know
It just makes the user experience more friendly and better for a lot of users that might not be crypto native
Might not be as familiar with setting up a wallet and all that stuff
So I love what you guys are doing and super happy to have you here. Definitely connected with uh
With will and jacob many times super happy to connect with you today and happy to have you here
And shout out to nifty island. I've definitely been hooked playing that game a lot
For those that don't know I see some dead fellow holders in the audience. Shout out to guykin. Shout out to
Veggie might kid you can use your skin
Um, that's honestly really exciting as well as many others
Like the pudgies and uh, yutes and so many other huge collections. So shout out to nifty
Let's go around the table. How's it going? Let's see who else is here. How's it going? Uh, squiddy?
What's up everybody
Squiddy in the house pumped to be here with the iq protocol fam. Nice to see some friends out here and
In the crowd. I am internationally known as the community maestro of web3gaming
Um always focused on the community aspect of things. I was a former community manager of nba top shot
uh moved forward
With the game mobile game studio called jam city
We were making the game champions ascension as part of the core team as we spun off to to play labs
uh now I am the
VP of culture at a company called super five shout out to my man. My good friend ceo called the
He's out in vietnam right now where we focus on user acquisition
So, uh, you know, i'm gonna be have to talk with some of these games in here and how they're
How they're working and doing those things there. We're getting web through ready gamers from traditional
traditional ad networks such as google uni facebook
tick tock and all that and
We've got an ai tool that helps do the bidding management for you
Recently, I was just added to the you good labs gaming council. So i've been alpha testing duke dash for a little bit
it's very fun and
Yeah, um, I got a gosh out from the island as well
I also host the gaming ape show weapon monday morning 10 a.m. Eastern time doing that for almost two years now and
Very excited to be here charles is the man
A lot of a lot of smart big brains up here excited to learn
I love it. I love it. We got the gaming maestro in the house today. Super happy to have you
Community mice joe i'm the community mice community
Yes, that was my official title at one of the last roles
It's carried on to kind of uh be being part of the brand so to speak but there there's better
There's a lot better gamers out there too. I'm uh, i'm just a mere pokemon trainer
I love it man. Thanks for being here. I'll pass it to biga arcade. How's it going?
Hi guys, how are you?
It's um, my name is tim young i'm the lead game developer here at bigger
Uh, it's really really late for me. I'm over in uh, new zealand and i've i've had a recently
Long day at game dev so just uh bear with me if i'm a little slow
Yeah, no worries at all man i'm super happy to have you here clearly a lot of us
Uh today I think as well I accommodated to have you on today as I think we're a little earlier than usual, but
Yeah, it's really early for a lot of people are really late. So super happy to have you here
Thanks for being here. Do you want to give a quick intro of what what you guys do?
Yeah, for sure
So, um, what I do is I manage and run the game development team for all of our current and upcoming games
And a little bit of my background. I have a wide range of industry experience
spanning across
game servers
payment systems
Live game economies spot development
I guess the overall dynamic light, uh landscapes of online and mobile games
In the more recent years. I was working on my own indie game and while I was doing that I was um
Writing a p2p multiplayer networking solution and developing unique game
agent AI systems
So which that kind of brings me to the past year
I've started working at bigger running the game dev team and with bigger is the
The world's first sustainable scalable play to earn web 3 platform
So I guess with my background and what i'm doing now the shoe just fits, right?
Um, I I see bigger as a hybrid of online arcades and mobile publishers
We we offer a extra revenue stream for both the developers and gamers
And uh, we're currently in alpha right now if you guys want to check us out see how our platform works
We've got eight games up there each of the eight games have different like
um models that we offer and
We're doing slightly different things and yeah, i'm happy to be here and see what you guys all have to say
Yeah, super happy to have you here and thanks for making this work
I'm really excited to dive into the topic
Got a few more people and then we're going to dive into the theme of today's conversation
I see you new new spirits gabriel. If you want to come on stage i'll uh, try to
I'll try to send you a co-host request. Yes, we maxed out the
Speaking panel up here. Yo x gotta gotta upgrade it more than that 10 10 speakers because uh
We tend to max out a lot up here
Max out a lot up here. But yeah, if you want to come up new spirits, i'll send you to i'll send you the co-host request
Um, let's see who else is next. How's it going me three?
Hey guys, uh, really great to be here. My name is mark. Um
I'm the cmo one of the co-founders and also the cmo for me three
uh, our little our little tagline is that we're bringing fairness and fun back into uh,
e-sports and sports
Fan engagement, uh, we basically are building out, uh
What we call a sport to win platform
And support to win is kind of like your old school bedding pools, uh, the things that people are doing in college and
high school and
You know, we're we're it's basically non-auds based no house taking a side
against players
Bedding where you can just bet against your friends or you can just bet against, you know, whatever's out there in the public and uh
We also have a digital infrastructure side
We've been partnered with bora ecosystem fund with cacao games
e-boss e-sports
And we have a digital wallet and onboarding solution
Again going on kind of your theme what you were talking about about getting people on fast
We work through
google single sign on or apple
Going getting people around the seed phrases and just having you know, super easy onboarding super easy
Via on-ramp super easy to off-ramp just making it super simple and then and then on the engagement side
We think the sport to win platform
Which we're launching in
Probably march. It's going to come out in march for an alpha version to be playable people can
Um put put money down on games and in a decentralized way you don't have to
Have a house play and and lose every time or lose most of the time
Um, so yeah, we're we're we're interested in in all the things are going around
going on around asia and
In uh sports and e-sports and um, you know making it fun and making people able to participate in it
Amazing so dropping some alpha here alpha version coming out in march
Uh, super happy to have you here. Let's uh finish going around the table. How's it going blue whale ai?
Hey guys, um han here, uh co-founder of blue whale ai great to meet you and uh,
Really impressed. Uh, what time of hours people put in to be here?
Um, very very impressive
Yeah, so at blue whale, uh, we focus on building infrastructure for incredible, uh insights into player behavior
Um player analytics as well as insights around um wallets and how they engage with your game
And so we use ai to replace your data team, um to not make anybody, you know
waste too much time writing queries on dune
uh, but necessarily just uh clicking one button to to um get a full picture of uh,
What what the engagement looks like in in-game so um, really excited to be here
Um, very excited to be talking about ai. Um, I I guess i'm the guy who is representing that corner
And um, yeah excited about the discussion with you all
Oh man, so excited. I can't wait. Let's uh, let's get into it in just a moment
For those tuning in please share the space as we're going to get into an amazing discussion in the next few minutes
Uh, we're going to finish off with last two three introductions and then we're going to get into it
Let's see who's left. We got kng 3000 and leo wong from warp gate. How's it going guys?
Hey, thank you guys for having us. Um
Oh currently we represent work a warp gate is the first dex and launch pad
On the mutables news chain that's about to come out. There's ek evm chain made for gaming
Where uh, our dex is kind of special because we are directly partnering with uh games like caregivers, uh block lords
And uh other great amazing games, um to offer better experience to our customers that are like, uh more
More uh game five more gaming focus. I think one of the unique
selling points of our system is that um, we use a
Zk wallet, uh, we support a zk wallet. Sorry. That's better way of saying it
That basically it lets you use your email google id or apple id
As a wallet to trade within our decks
Um, I think like other other zk evms will be making that transition pretty soon
I'll pass off to leo
Okay, cool. Yeah. Thanks a lot kng. So yeah, i'm from hong kong and so my background is more like from mafisi
So i've been to the crypto space for more than five years in the double peak group as the venture partner
So we start off like at warp gate this year
And we want to build a hub for not only imx gaming but
Because due to right now imx they have a bridging to like more than 50 chains
So we can include a lot of zk evm games into our decks and also like a launchpad in the game exchange as well
So right now we have just finished our test net and we have more than 20k people joining
Yeah, it's been a great result. So yeah, we are looking forward to launch and also
So ready to share more in this space. Thank you
Thank you so much guys super happy to have you both here and uh last
Uh best for last we got new new spirits got gabriel showing up super happy
I don't want to take too much time. Most of you guys know me i've been here several times. Uh, always awesome being here
And uh, yeah new new spirits is uh hybrid web 3 web 2
Game, uh ios android all about these cute little nature spirits
Every one of our nft's is tied to a real tree planted in the real world. We've already planted over 20 000 trees
With this system and we're hoping to scale up here this year in the near future
After the release of our next mini game, uh, which will also uh set us up to be multiplayer enabled
So lots of exciting things in our project. Thanks for having us
Looking forward to diving into this because there's so much stuff going to happen here in the near future with ai
Vr ar and all that stuff is going to be tied to web 3 baby
Let's go, baby. Yeah, super excited. I think uh, you know future gaming is bright
Obviously web 3 gaming is a huge theme that comes up a lot, which I believe is definitely
Quote unquote the next big thing
Hence why we named our spaces that but yeah
Then then we have the topic of artificial intelligence vr and ar which blend it into the mix
I think is going to make such an interesting future when it comes to gaming
So how about we get right into it again for those just tuning in please share the space. I think we're gonna have some really cool
Insights some hot takes some interesting discussions. We'd love to hear everyone's perspective on the matter
So i'm gonna raise the question and uh, yeah the way we do this usually
Please raise your hand if you wanna if you want to go first or if not
I'll just pick people out
However, you guys want to do it and please feel free to jump in and I want to make this an open discussion
Share some thoughts and yeah, just have a great time here as that's what this is about. So
Yeah, you know ai is obviously uh taking taking us back in the last year in a good way
We've definitely seen a lot of developments clearly chad gbt mid journey all these tools have definitely
Taken a stride in the ecosystem
Everyone's talking about ai and I think that you know when it comes to gaming it opens up so many new opportunities
Which we're gonna explore here. Then we also got vr and ar right? So virtual reality augmented reality
Although I don't think it's it's uh, we're gonna see that on the mainstream
Tomorrow I do think over the next couple years and definitely over the next decade
We're gonna definitely see a lot of interesting things and who knows maybe even sooner in the next two to three years
But there's definitely a lot there and uh, it's really interesting to see how it how it enhances the gaming experience, right?
And then we got web 3 which um offers so many
New use cases that offers you ownership it offers new opportunities
Uh when it comes to user generated content and all this stuff that we love to hear here on the next big thing
But yeah, let's get into it
So, you know that was a little bit of an introduction around the topic at hand
But I would love to hear everyone's take in terms of what ways do you anticipate the gaming industry evolving over the next 10 years?
With the advancement of these technologies and how might these innovations redefine the gaming experience? All right, let's go
We got betty raising your hand would love to hear your take betty
Hey, yeah, I thought i'd get in with my take because i'm so tired. So i'll be first
I think I mean ai and web 3 go hand in hand, right?
So when things are created with ai, like how are we going to verify the the source of that creation?
We can do that with blockchain technology. So that
Um, I think we will start to see that um kind of meld itself into one another as as we go
Throughout the next year and beyond. Um
The gaming industry how it all relates to that is quite an interesting one because I think that while people have been using it
Um in in recent times for game development, we haven't really seen it on on mass and we haven't seen it from
Um large studios on mass either
In the way it's going to interact with
The industry in terms of like whether we're going to see it have massive impacts
Or progress it in any way. I think that
We're not going to see that for another year two years three years
Um in an obvious way the people that work behind the scenes will because we're we're the ones using that tech, right?
So we know what what impact is going to have because we're building the things that will be released in two to three years
Yeah, I don't think it's going to be obvious to the to the gamer per se
At a large scale for people outside these industries at least
Um, if you play in a web 3 game or if you're playing a game that's been
You know promoted within this industry, which is a very very very small amount of people as it relates to gaming at large
Um, it's it's going to be quite different, but I do think we'll come to a point where
Um, it will speed up everything, you know, like how we kind of saw a I
Uh, the tech went turbo, right? It just it went from like one to a million overnight
it felt like because it that development and that um
Innovation kind of compounds and gets quicker and quicker quicker and quicker
Um, you're going to start to see that
impact on on the gaming industry
I think because it's cutting down the amount of time it takes to create really good stuff
We're creative people and we really value artists
So there's that battle between like what AI tools to use for creation and how to honor
Um the artistry that that it is to create a game
in so many different ways, but
Marrying AI technology with really talented creatives. It just it speeds up the process massively like we're able to do things
In such a shorter time frame, which suits the web3 industry down to a teak is obviously everyone's
attention spans are
Like goldfish like so we really need to be working to that speed. I don't know i'm just really excited as someone that's doing it right now
Yeah, absolutely very excited. And yeah to your point. I think
Uh, you've really you've really said it. Well, buddy
I think we're definitely going to see it more on the dev developer side or on the back end side
You know people that actually work on web3 or work in the industry
sooner than the masses
Definitely. It's probably a year or two out maybe longer. I don't know it's hard to give time spans to these things
But yeah, definitely going to see that and i'm very curious to see how it's going to impact a lot of you
know when it comes to
To creators and game developments, you know, I think i'm really excited about that because I think you know
We do know it takes years to build a quality game and I think with ai as you said
It does speed things up and I think and use using an interesting way, you know instead of having to
Develop the game, you know the lower end type of things, you know
We have ai to help with that and I think it gives us more energy and more time and more resources for the higher
Level stuff right when it comes to brainstorming game development and all the things that
That um help put a game together instead of having to spend
Sorry, I think no just to go off that point like that that's a really powerful point because
ai use in general, I think that a lot of people can look at it like oh, it's replacing jobs or it's you know
there's a lot of
um negativity when it comes around ai and that's that's valid points honestly, and it's very worrying in some cases, but
In other cases when you're looking at it, um how to use it positively
Like if we're getting rid of a lot of the grunt work, uh to ai and speeding up that process
We really are freeing up the creative brains of people that wouldn't otherwise necessarily have the time or the bandwidth to
To use on that. So it's it's just really it's really fun
And we're going to be sharing a lot of the the journey that we have in integrating the tech
Um as we go on over time, so i'm excited to share that story as well
Yeah, absolutely, and I like that you said that you know for a lot of people it does they do give it a bad rep
But I do think you know at the end of the day these are just tools
And it really comes down to how we use these tools. I don't think of them as good or bad
It's just how do we use them and what value do they provide and obviously anything abused can offer, you know
anything in in
What is it? Uh overusing something is never good, right?
And if people are just using ai because you're trying to be lazy and find shortcuts and yeah, I get that
But I do think to your point
It does open up so many new pathways and new doors
That's like, you know being able to use chat gbt to brainstorm and develop new ideas
Rather than just using it as a shortcut. I think is brilliant
And i'm i'm excited to see that when it comes to game development
And it creates new possibilities that we haven't really explored before right when I when I type a prompt into mid-journey
And i'm exploring a different thought I don't exactly know what's going to come up and it's like sometimes what comes up
Surprises me and i'm like, oh wow
I would have never thought of that and now it's like I have a new idea to kind of bridge off of and build on
So it's it's really exciting. But um, i'm gonna stop talking here. I want to hear from our guests here
I'm gonna pass it to i'm not sure if it was salty sharks that raised their hands first
I'll go with salty sharks first
All right, let's go salty
Uh, i'll be quick, but um, I agree with what betty was saying. I think that the back end side of
Game development is gonna and has already seen web, um integration with ai that's
Massively helpful in terms of speeding things up. So that's that's huge
One of the things I i'm curious about and I don't have an answer to but it's certainly a question that has come up recently
with ai in particular
It becomes
Fairly recognizable fairly quickly that ai has been utilized in with either image generation or story generation and things like that
And I wonder whether or not the use of ai especially with the way it is at the moment is actually going to create
Almost a you know, a coming together a sameness of games, you know
There's going to be this feeling of i've kind of seen that somewhere before or i've seen
Something very very similar to that before because at the end of the day ai is still getting it's
It's uh content from somewhere
And they're all getting it from the same place even if you're using different ai sources
So i'm i'm just wondering if there's going to be
You know a potentially a negative effect of ai in the sense that
It starts to make a lot of the games that are being produced with it appear very sameness very same like
And i've seen that with some of the images and stuff that have been created and artwork
And so i'm just wondering if that's going to filter into the actual games themselves
So interesting. I can't agree with you more on that point. I think that um
We're using it for the wrong thing
You know the the idea of generating images with ai is is quite novel
And it's fairly impressive from a very uh gut shot first impression
Uh, well, look at that. It's amazing. It was you know completely created out of nothing
It's like well, it's not really created out of nothing. It's created out of
Basically diffusing a whole bunch of other people's ip
and they haven't been
Uh, you know compensated or asked for consent and there's the whole ethical issues of that
There's also the problems with anything that's been
Produced by ai can't really be copyrighted. So yeah, you're gonna get a lot of sameness
You're gonna get a lot of that stuff
Um, and I don't think that we can set a precedent where you can
Uh copyright ai because then you run into the same situation we have with domain registries and you know, kind of domain hunting
that causes the
Exorbitant uh increase in prices for for domain names just based on the fact that somebody snapped them up, you know
It's just sitting on them
Uh, you know, so it's kind of manufactured scarcity
Um, so yeah, i'm pretty embarrassed on ai as it's being used right now
But I definitely see some amazing potential for these tools
Uh to help help developers
Uh, but yeah, I I could go on this for hours. Um,
Our someone knows and i'm usually the devil's advocate. So i'm happy to have salty here on my side
I love it. No, I love I love I always love your takes and I think it's great
You know, it's what sparks a healthy discussion, you know, I think
Having different takes different perspectives and I think I really encourage that, you know
I think that's what really builds a great space is I want to hear what betty had to say as she raised her hand
right after salty
Yeah, I just I think
Salty raised some really good points. Um that
Brought me to to want to say this I think that
A lot of these industries are hard for people that have brilliant minds
But not necessarily the tools to be able to create something like this. So I think that the
democratization and decentralization of
resources and tools and assets through through ai
Um is going to really force people to be
Innovative and creative in order to stand out from the crowd because if everyone has the same
Tool set and the same ability to create kind of anything
What separates anything what makes a great game when anyone can make a great, you know, objectively a great game
Or a playable game I should say
Um, it's it's that creativity and that brilliance and that um, you know the ability to create
something unique and
Interesting. So I think it's it's going to force innovation and force
Out of the box thinking through basically everyone having access to create anything. I think it's going to be really interesting
Whoops I was on mute. Yeah, I really love that take. Uh, I definitely agree with that as well. I think you know
Anytime technology comes in the way and starts to do things for us
I think in many cases like I really believe it pushes us the other way as well and it's like
You know more than ever for instance
I think in the era that we're in as an example, we're always connected to technology
We're always on a screen now more than ever spending time in nature and spending time outside
Is more recognized or more underrated if you want to say and I think you know to that example
I think as ai does facilitate things and makes things a bit simpler
Um, it explores us it pushes us to explore our creativity now that it's doing a lot of things for us
And I think that you know
If we really want to push the mark further
We're forced in a way to do that and think outside of the box. So
Absolutely. Love that would love to hear blue whale. But first i'm going to hear from gd wizard who just joined us
And gd wizard. I want to hear your take and then i'm going to make some room for ivy alien who just joined us
Who was a previous panelist? Uh that was scheduled and then uh, yeah, but thank you for being here. I'd love to hear your take
Hi key. Thank you for having me up
I'm surprised I wasn't following you before tonight because uh, I absolutely love the energy in this crowd and hi everyone
I'm gd wizard. Um, I jumped in just mainly I I seen the uh, the name of this space
The next big thing the future of gaming with ai br ar web 3
I love all of this. I'm absolutely passionate, but I do believe you missed a extremely important factor, which i'm pushing
Which is irl
Violet and they go. Ah shit. What does olive wizard want to tell us?
I've been in this industry for a while guys and um, i've followed everything and i've seen the crashes the dumps the scams
The pulls the rugs name it man. I know what it's like
And look you can look at my wallets and stuff. I've been around a while
The main point is I just want to say is this space really lacks in the real community
Okay, we know community is here. We can find the pockets of it all over twitter. We can find it everywhere
It's here
But it's really never going to expand much outside of the twitter and the niche is that it's it's formed in like
We see the little pockets and the fingers reach out from individual pockets going into smaller pockets
You know what? It's like it doesn't really expand doesn't expand in a world that we want it to web 3 is
A sensational thing thing ai is a sensational thing
But you know what? I speak to these guys i'm living in hawaii in thailand
And they there's nothing here for them. They don't care about web 3
So we just missed a massive population
When we want to introduce technology where the technology could be really well used
In society that doesn't know about it
And there's a lot of third world countries that don't know about it that have access to the internet that could use web 3
But no one over there knows how to develop for them. But what if we were developing for people that?
Just wanted to access what we can let's look at a typical nft really quickly
A pfp could range from ten dollars to freedom obviously, but ten dollars to say
Five hundred and fifty thousand dollars a pick whatever monkey ape thing is at the top of the line right now
It's it's a massive price range
But the average person can't get on into that
But when you look at how many people that can afford that and how many people are in that
Cletion how many people they're in nfts and so on and even going right into crypto and who's even into being on the internet
You've really limited your target audience. So what about irl which was what I started with?
Why don't more of you guys out there? Hello, my name is gd wizard contact me anytime
Why don't more of you guys out there get out in the real world and actually see what we can do to benefit
the real life businesses humans retail
industrious political
Right now that could benefit all of us in the long run. We would be the innovators. We would be the day one guys
I say that because i'm doing this and i'm looking everywhere i'm trying to find the guys that are doing it
And this show was the the perfect example the next big thing. Well, the next big thing is everyone
Figuring it out. Come on guys. We're all here. We're all smart
Well, i'm not but you guys are smart and you got me here
And that means if you can get me here
There's a whole bunch of other dumb guys you can get in here
That will probably have the same opinion that will love this space that will love everything we're doing
Forgive me for being over passionate guys, but I love everything i've heard in this space
A shout out to everyone in the iq. Uh, we need to be friends
Um, I see there's a hand up right now from bigger. Let biggie get up on stage. Thank you for having me guys
I'm still gonna stick around if there's any questions, too
Hey, man, appreciate that hot take
Absolutely, you know to my point that I just said before i'm definitely bullish in irl as well
You know, I think we live on screens. We're always connected online, which is definitely the future. Oh, luke luke spamming in the audience
What's up luke for midi volunteers?
But uh, yeah, absolutely and I think uh, we're definitely bullish on irl and I think real world connections are what it's about
I see some people. All right, betty. I'll bring you back up. But thank you so much for uh, for that take gd wizard
I'm gonna bring up ivy alien who is also scheduled to be up here. Definitely would love to have you back on gd
Thanks for uh for being here. I'm definitely gonna follow you back and uh, yeah, man. That was awesome
Thanks for being here. I'll just pull you off. Let's hear from before biga. I think blue whale had raised their hand
Let's go with blue whale
Thanks for having me talk. Yeah, I would say like, you know
When it comes to ai and creation and i'm really excited that everybody's talking about how fast it can create games and and
Also how it's been trained on a lot of uh, you know ip from artists
Um where I get most excited is that the combination of ai and web3 will
Finally, uh drive the value and the profits to the artists
Because uh using the blockchain
Your generative ai will start to uh to recognize where this ip is coming from
And when they are creating new pieces of innovation or or you know content for games
Those ais can then allocate incentives directly to the artists
And so, um, I feel like you know compared to what you have in web2 where you know, like random
Uh, you know ai models are just using content to to create new content that you know
Like infringing on other people's ip's I think you know
The real combination really sits at ai plus web3 where the blockchain will help
You know drive their value back to the individuals that have created the original ip itself
Thank you for uh for adding that blue whale
Let's uh, go around the table. We got bigger. I want to hear your take as well
Yeah, i'm i'm happy to go off the blue whale there because I completely agree with everything you said
um, I I raised my hand when um gd wizard was talking in regards to the
um in real life and about um
I think he said thailand in particular about these people that
These people don't know about web3 and stuff like that
I think one of the next kind of like steps is like
removing labels in a sense like web3 is the future of the web, right and
As these technologies advance the barriers
To enter for the casuals or people who aren't aware of web3
Come down which really opens it up to a wider audience and I I think some of these labels when it comes to this
type of audience
Uh, they they put it in a too hard basket and I think that as an old school
We kind of need to overcome that we're like in the process of
Yeah, touching on a few other things that have said from kind of like a game developers perspective here. Uh,
Iq you were talking about
so I I use AI
Not every day, but like every week and uh, I I
Do use it in brainstorming and one of the most useful things I find
is overcoming block
so you guys know that like
A good part of like development is coming up with the ideas
If you've got a small team and stuff like that
Sometimes if you're not riffing off each other and stuff like that
You can bring AI into the mix and you can just um really reignite the fire so to speak
And then when betty was talking she was uh, she touched on peering creatives with AI and I really do agree with that
but I think one thing that we've um
Haven't kind of talked about we we talked more more about like art
Um artists in general is I really think that animators actually have got the short end of the stick
Like you you all know what's happening with like prompt based animation and we are animation is now
Um, I I believe it's like really going to make um
animators like a really specialist kind of industry where
The the top animators are really sought after because they are the best of the best and the rest of them are essentially just
Not good enough really
Um, so yeah, like as all of these technologies are um
Sorry, I lost my note here
Um, it's going to enable developers to like
create more immersive and
sophisticated gaming experiences on a personalized level by doing exactly what um
What blue whale was talking about in terms of bringing AI responsiveness into the games
Amazing thank you for uh for saying that i'm not sure if you finish it cut out at the end
Um, and you just yeah, did you raise your hand again? Yeah. Yeah, so
Sorry about that. That was that was actually an accident. I'll try to put it down. Sorry
All good i'm loving all the takes here, but I want to definitely hear from the rest of you guys
Let's pass it to ivy alien who just joined us. How's it going?
Hi, good morning. I'm sorry for coming in late. I had some things I had to like deal with
So firstly I was going to talk about like what gd wizard was talking about
Being about, you know communities doing things irl
I know of several communities. Oh, by the way, I look I jana
I know about like a couple of communities that do things irl like support charity organizations and
basically a whole bunch of stuff but the problem with those are at the end of the day people web3
Love hype the love like where they could basically get ri's then basically support people out there
Which was a change that came after a while when the nfc ball kind of ended. So
Everybody's concerned about ri's and I feel like that's a narrative that needs to be changed
And everyone just basically needs to go back and look into doing things irl and
People basically charitable things by the way
This project exists the board. They aren't just seen
as other hyped projects
Third world countries do know about like the blockchain tech
and nfts and everything because
Doing research seeing a bunch of people out here in the communities. You'd be surprised to find out like there are a lot of
Indians africans
People from different countries out there here on web3
Might be actually a whole lot of people from those ends. So
It's just not about like
Where you're from or where you're trying to do it's just like
Getting those small communities that do things. I wrote to be seen and heard
Then going to today's topic and aivr and ar
These are all things that are related and they're interrelated and would bring like
Development to the gaming industry and in the long run we would see like might take might take might not be sir
I feel like we're gonna see a huge turnaround with heart and
basically more projects coming out in 3d models because
They will like to look into the futures of vr and ar
It's a grading them into games and it might not do justice to the games if they're in like 2d models
So at the end of the day soon enough might be how far most projects would eventually start coming out with 3d models
For their nfc characters, which would be playable in games
So it's the great journey to see like where all this will be headed to
where we'll get to but gaming and
just basically onboarding people and the one problem I see right now onboarding people is
Okay with vr and ar not everybody really knows the differences and not everybody knows the full use case of these things
There's no something rare for your eye
to see things
So a lot of education needs to come out from all these aspects as well if we want to see like
More people use them and get on board with them
Thank you very much for letting me come up here and you know drop my safety takes. Thank you so much
Super happy to have you here ivy. Thank you for dropping those at those takes. Let's pass it to the community maestro
I love it again to quote, you know the iconic backstreet boys. I don't care who you are where you're from
What you did as long as you're a gamer, right?
This is worldwide here too, and I never thought I'd have more friends in nigeria than
Than that than I do right now because getting involved into the gaming space. So when it comes to
Like the ai component there's a couple different aspects
I'll talk a little bit
About what what we're doing with it too because we're kind of on the back end of it when it comes to games and in
the working side of it
but I think the ability to combine the ai aspect with the generated content and
Continuing the trend of giving more power to the players and giving players more opportunities
To build a name for themselves when it comes to social currency
and potential opportunities to earn revenue when it comes to creating a building in the game and
Taking part in say like a like a revshare program that a lot of these games are offering to their creators and to guilds
I'm a big believer in in the power of guilds to gaming guilds that are kind of coming along and playing
in these particular games
They'll be able to use ai. I know there's certain games where
you know, you've got like a guild hall right in these in some of these large action games and
AI combined and you go into there and you say okay
You know turn our guild ball into a you know with a giant disco ball
So so kind of like ease the aesthetics of the build and then boom you completely shaped up what you're
You know what you're seeing in the particular game with your community with your people, too
So I think that's going to be really cool and games allowing having ai components in there that help with the ugc
And that help with the player experience is really going to
Be a lot of fun for the people, you know, we're always here to have to have fun first
We play games and you know, i'm pretty
Firmless dance you play games first to have fun if there's any monetary value, that's just an awesome bonus
You know website gaming allows that to be a lot more accessible and there's always going to be a financial component, but
If the game isn't fun people people just aren't going to play it
So the ability to make these games more fun and to have the the ai element there giving players more opportunities to build and grow
In the ecosystem it's going to be really fun to follow
Yeah, for sure i'm very excited to see
ai with ugc user generated content and see you know
Right now i'm working on my first map on nifty island
I'm building that up and i'm just imagining how you know
The future of like ugc maps and all that stuff is going to be with ai and
Being able to make 3d models or create my own nfts or my own skins
I think it only you know to your point
I think it's going to create a lot of opportunities and
I think it's only going to push the envelope further when it comes to creativity and uh, i'm really excited about that
Would love to hear from sphere one
Let's go. Yeah, I think going off of player experience. It's going to be really exciting to see as like ai continues to
I I would argue it's kind of already
Past the Turing test which is you know, kind of like can you tell if it's a human or not essentially, right?
And I think what will be super exciting is just the use of ai to create
To create like npc's and to fix cold start problems in games where
When you kind of launch your game, you don't have any users. So how can you create an experience?
For gamers that feels very much like they're playing with a bunch of real world players, right?
So I think the the the ai npc kind of play is going to be super exciting
kind of feels like a westworldly kind of idea as it gets closer and closer, but
That's super exciting. I think the other other really interesting angle for me
Um is is a little bit a little bit different in that I think
I think it's like web 3 solves a really big problem for game developers using ai
And you know what I mean by that is, you know
You have this like really big trillion dollar market in cloud compute cloud infrastructure
aws gcp azure all those guys essentially, you know host these kind of data centers across the world where they hoard gpu's and
and high computational units
That sit in these kind of climate controlled areas
Um, I think there's a really excited exciting kind of market on the rise of decentralized compute decentralized gpu's where
You know we can provide and democratize access
Uh for people that you know may want to use a gpu if they're doing like a two to three d
Like a rigging ai model where essentially, you know, i'm trying to rig this this 3d model pretty quickly from
some 2d asset
And I think there's really a cool incentivization for people and gamers and people in web 3 that have kind of
Their own rigs or whatever where essentially you can kind of like lease your compute your gpu's for other people to use
and and uh and be
Compensated for it. So I think those are the two two really big areas i'm super excited about personally
Yeah, that's really exciting and being able to earn for renting it out or licensing it out. I think it's very interesting
Obviously here at icro protocol. We're very bullish on rentals. So being able to rent out your gpu and all that stuff
I think is very very cool
And uh, yeah, i'm really excited to see some ai npc's
You know, I think I always laugh at these memes when you look at the gpu's
Yeah, i'm really excited to see some ai npc's, you know
I think I always laugh at these memes when you look at skyrim or you know
These npc's that give you the same rebuttals or the same answers and it's like i'm excited to see them actually being able to hold
Some kind of an intelligent conversation, you know, and uh, you know, I always mention at any time
We have these ai conversations, but I remember seeing one of these videos
I don't know what game it was from but it was this ai
Npc literally having an existential crisis like like questioning its reality and all that
I don't know if you guys saw that but that was hilarious
Um squiddy, I saw you raised your hand after uh, sphere one had raised your point
Did you want to add something to that? Uh right before I pass it to chev?
Um, no, I was I feel like that's not to talk about what I was working on with the ai
All right, it sounds good. Let's hear from chev from nhs
I just want to say 100 right? So
Um, you know gpu rental, you know, ai npc's those are super cool. Can't wait to see some of those
Um, I I just want to you know, say like two points, right one is definitely in terms of productivity
AI does help a lot right if we think about you know
Telling the ai to generate like a viral marketing campaign to you, you know, give you some ideas, you know to even
You know spell designs mechanics, you know
You just tell chat gbt to try to write something up for you give you a framework and then you you kind of tweak it
Not sure whether you you you guys heard it, but but uh, I think pat world's got super huge
over over the past few days
And um, there were things that you know, actually ai
um helped generate it, you know, uh part or or
Maybe maybe majority of of the game, you know in-game designs and and which brings down the overall game
Development costs to to a very very low level
so so that one definitely on productivity and also
um cost-wise
It's definitely going to help but I also want to bring in a pretty new angle especially
And when it comes to chess, right and then strategy games, you know ai and chess, you know
It goes way back and uh
You know cheating has been something real and it has also brought some some friends down in the industry
Um, and that is exactly the reason why we're not seeing a lot of you know
Huge chess tournaments online, you know playing for prize pool because you you know
The chess ai is just so easily
accessible everyone with a device with an internet they can basically
Get access to the engine and they can already know what's the next best move in like seconds, right?
Because chess has been around for so long
And there are a lot of machine learnings and and all that is so that the game is completely soft
Right. So what any chest is actually trying to do is through the gameplay
So we're introducing like spell mechanics
For example, if I can use this spell and make my queen invisible for two turns
Right or I can set this hidden trap somewhere that would cause an explosion after three turns and you don't know what where
Where that spell is now that there are hidden information
Um, which makes it super hard, you know for for people to try to build engine
Or ai or even if they do so they spend some time to do it
Um, there's still that human psychology factor in play
Right, so there are bluffing, you know, you think I moved my queen here with the invisibility cloak
But actually I didn't I moved it somewhere else. So that's the fun part
More kind of strategy to it
but on the other hand when we think about the
Launching the spells in phases, you know, let's say this season, you know, we have this patch, you know next season
We're already switching up the spells
Even if they can, you know try to come up with something close to game free reoptimal
Hidden information but
After they do it like the next season is already on right just like, you know, league of legends team fight tactics
One one patch is is so different from the other patch, right? So then
Um, it's actually, you know how we're thinking about, you know tackling cheating and making these, you know online kind of any chess tournaments
You know kind of doable because with the partnership with
We're basically tapping into over 150 million of chess players online
And the fact that they don't have a platform to play any
Big tournaments, you know be it like a one dollar buy-in, you know and in like a 10k or 100k prize pool
I think that's something wrong and and cheating is definitely one part of it. Maybe
Um, their their tech, you know, it's it's too traditional and don't really want to deal with like on ram off ram
It's another point but we do believe like as an animaker brand's company
And uh with our expertise and also with with all these players on board like Magnus Carson and Ishiri and a bunch of streamers as well
We could potentially make it, you know
Um even like an e-sport someday with you know daily tournaments with with huge prize pools and tokens and nfts
Very bullish on chess very definitely bullish on nhs. Thank you for uh for saying all that chev and yeah
You know, we definitely touched on the point of productivity. But yeah, cheating is definitely a big one
I love how you mentioned that and uh cheating is definitely something that
Sabotage is a lot of games
so being able to use AI to kind of avoid that and to tell if someone is cheating and to look at these metrics that
You know the human eye might not pick up. I think is amazing and I think that's what using these tools is about
So all right guys, I see that we're over the top of the hour
I think i'd just like to finish off with some of the speakers that haven't had a chance to speak yet
Betty had to hop off. She just messaged me saying, uh, you know
Thank you for being here. If anybody does want to speak with her Betty from deadfellas send her a dm
She's super chill about that
Um, i'd love to hear hey biga. Let's go
I think it might be a little late on your end
So totally cool as well as salty sharks if you guys have to hop off, but uh, go ahead biga
So, yeah, I just wanted to jump in when you're talking about like chess like
You're talking about in particular. They've got a really good cheat detection system
And then I mean this chess hybrid game you're talking about like
If you're making a game based on a game that is highly
Cheatable and you're adding these slight variations to it
Aren't you just shooting yourself in the foot because statistically it's still it's still just use the
Use the ai to make a move if there's only these slight variations to it
You you you can look at the best chess move and go, okay
This is the best chess move and then adjust from there. So you just essentially you're giving them a start point still
So I I really think you guys are kind of missing the mark a bit there
in terms of like ai and anti-cheating I think a lot a lot of the um
The the data that's collected between games needs to be analyzed a lot more
And this is this is one thing in particular
Like we're really going to do across the board in multiple games
but yeah, I I think when you're starting with with a bunch of inputs and you've gotten it in an expected outcome
I I could cheat that game so easy. So I really think you guys need to go back to the drawing board a bit there
Yeah, definitely definitely I think definitely 100 in terms of the um having a
Huge, you know cheat detection and that's why you know as partners
We we're also assessed to you know, their internal advisors, you know
Uh regarding, you know cheat detections. I think I think that's step one
Step two is actually we believe that
the the fact that chess has been
you know, the the ai has been around for so long, you know and uh, you know the
Um the human versus the ai match was also almost like 10 years ago or even more. I don't even remember now
The fact that it's so easy is because everything is is perfect information
Right, but with more and more spells
Um that are profiling or adding that hidden information layer
It's actually become more and more difficult
Right. If you if everything, you know, there there might be rng involved there might be
Um, you know like human psychology involved with hidden information
um, we do believe that the the the effort you need to to cheat and or game the system would be
Kind of much much harder in in that way
So it's almost like even you know, for example for poker, right? There is a bunch of cheating as well
you know, like like not not just talking about like
Wrecking the system or or like having like super account that see-through cards
Um, but also there is like a a gto, you know
And then there are like bots and you can always always play like the best move against a player
But you are a robot, right?
But even if there is a a gto it requires your opponent to also play gto
um in order to
basically rip them off over the long term right so
As we're just launching the game and also kind of launching the puzzle phase
we're kind of just
kind of testing with the community first in terms of what spells do they like and um
What spells are they kind of want to put in the pvp game?
But right now we are do seeing at least the concept right of spells mechanics and chests
Um are quite popular, right? So over the past week we do have over
over 150k
registrations already of unique users and also around 40k
Daus kind of playing the puzzles daily
So so it's like a at least a very good early indicator of at least the idea
Um of how people kind of like this variant, but indeed I agree 100 with you. It still remains as a
Huge threat in the future if we don't have like's expertise and we don't have more and more spells
Um, it's it's actually
You know pretty prone to um attacks in the future. So we we have to be
Uh, really talking to more experts and be be kind of super cautious
In the upcoming developments but hundred percent
Yeah, do you want to respond to that bigger am I even pronouncing it right is it bigger or bigger bigger, uh, yeah
I like what you've got in terms of like concept and and stuff like that. I just I really think the anti-cheek thing is like
Is really just not there you use that you use poker as an example one
One of the biggest strategies in online poker is game overlays
So let's take your game. For example
If if we know most of the mechanics and we already have all these ai models that are built around chess
Let's just write a game overlay for your game
That that shows me the best and second best chess moves and instantly
I can just adjust that based on what what spells are active during your season
so I I really think like stuff like that you guys really need to get on top of because
You run the risk of it just kind of like
Falling out beneath you really
But yeah, anti-cheat is really really big and I just
I don't know if you guys quite have the right approach at all. I think
I I'm sorry to cut you cut you short there, but these are just like things you really should be aware of
uh, okay, i've got a background in uh
botting on lots of live games and like
When all these different systems are put in place
There's people like me that come along just just to beat them, you know, so yeah
It's just just some food for thought really
Yeah, definitely
I think um, I I should I should definitely find you for a chat after this
But yeah, sure, definitely
We're we're super aware and it has always been
like the top priority when when designing and also
Um developing the game so hundred percent and and thank you for for jumping out on that one
It's it's actually a huge kind of
Um issue especially in the industry
But yeah, we're super aware of of that
Yeah, thanks for uh for um for bringing that up bigger and thank you chef for uh
For uh, you know providing your points and some of your perspectives and definitely anti-cheating is super important and uh
Yeah, thanks for bringing these points up. We'd love to hear rob from salty sharks. Did you have something you wanted to say?
Uh, yeah, thanks, man. Um, look, I I know we've focused a lot on um, AI at the moment
Which is obviously the first topic in the in the chat for this space
Um, I just kind of want to mention I I do have to head off shortly
unfortunately, um, because I do have another early morning meeting but
um, vr for me is something that that we're quite focused on in terms of uh integration
uh gamification of
Experiences in web 3 that can that with vr can become quite
useful in an education space
uh as well as a personal space so uh that that for me is something that we're heavily focused on and
Back to your point at the beginning of the space around how vr might be, you know, potentially five ten years away from from greater mass adoption
I actually think that it might be a lot sooner than that and I think it might be a lot sooner than that
Because of some of the work that's being done in web 3
Um, that is utilizing
Create that gamification of experiences that become educational
Uh and tie into irl, uh, which is something that we're heavily focused on as well. So for me, I think that's um
I think that's got a huge potential, uh, not to take anything away from ai, of course
Ai is massive. Um, but but for us in particular that's that's our main our main focus at the moment is that vr use
I love it. Yeah, absolutely. You know when it comes to education, that's a great point
you know, I think uh
I remember seeing this video of you know, it was whether
I think it was uh studying the anatomy of the body and just being able to like look at the human body
Hands-on rather than reading it in a textbook, you know as just one example, but that point and definitely, you know
It won't beat irl
But being able to connect with someone in vr across the world in real time
I think is incredible and just being able to engage and just build relationships through this metaverse
I think it's super exciting because obviously there's different layers to this and it's like look at us right now
We're on the twitter space. We're speaking with uh, a dozen different speakers and a few uh,
dozen different listeners in the audience and it's just like we're all
Practically on a virtual space right now and look at us
We're all connecting and the next level beyond that would definitely be to connect that with vr and being able to be in a classroom
Or in a stage the stadium and being able to speak with people through that
but yeah, there's definitely a lot there and um
Great points rob. I brought on dave. David our head of bd from iq protocol
Did you have something you wanted to add and then I want to hear from big again
Yeah, it's great
No, I I think it's just a testament to how well you build your space that we've gone about an hour and a half
Now and people are still engaged and there's still um, uh, really intellectual conversations going on here
talking about vr ar
An ai, that's kind of my realm. That's that's like my hobby in 2016. I started a virtual reality company blah blah blah
I'm sure most of you have heard me say that but um, yeah, we haven't really mentioned extended reality right now
And that kind of ties into irl
Events, so you'll be able to have your wearables and you won't need analog technology like a screen and keyboards and mice anymore
You'll have your wearables that you'll be able to kind of interact with the digital world while you're in real life events
Marcello attends like an in real life event in montreal like every weekend. He's always out there. He's always hustling
He's always on the go
And uh, i've attended some with him and I just can't keep up
He's uh, he's got a lot of energy
But if we have these kind of these wearables where we have this extended reality now
Your digital assets aren't just some ethereal thing that you need a screen to access
Now they they come with you they're they're with you on your on your daily walks in your you know
They're walking beside you they're kind of hanging out with you at a networking event or they're like walking around the bar or
people are wearing their wearables, um, uh, and that's only visible with the uh
People are wearing their like digital assets like clothing or costumes. That's only visible with the digital assets
We're talking about stuff. That's uh, that's coming very soon that people are working on extensively hard
I don't know if you've just seen but um disney came out with uh with this
I don't I forget the what the name was but I sent it to marcello last night to kind of
Um to to tell them to bring that up. It was um where you could do on omnidirectional. What was it?
Are you talking about the disney pinnacles like the pin collector pin collecting?
No, no, it's like an omnidirectional walking where you could like walk in one direction
I just pinned it on top if anybody wants to see it's nuts
And that's what we're that's kind of like what we're missing for the vr world to be able to like
Move in the vr world because if you have vr goggles
You're kind of just like stationary and you can move the controller to walk around and then it kind of breaks the illusion
But if you've got that omnidirectional
Controller under your feet where you can walk in one direction and it kind of keeps you in the center of it and you can run
And stuff like that
I think that that's starting to come out soon too
And then we're going to have haptic feedback wearables as well where you know
If you get shot in the in the game that you're playing then it'll kind of like tense up in that area
So yeah, a lot of really great tech that's coming out
But just to the to some of the points that's been made is in real life events doesn't have to be disconnected from
Virtual reality which may sound scary to some people, but it's an eventuality. I think that's going to come
Buries shortly as a sharky mentioned. Thank you
Yeah, thanks for uh for raising that point david
I totally forgot to mention that but well said
I did post it on my personal accounts of the video up on top
I pinned it if anybody wants to check it out, but basically
Yeah, it's like this little treadmill thing that you just walk over these tiles and it keeps you stationary
But you're basically moving in the virtual reality game that you're using
Uh props to disney for developing that and to your points. Yes extended reality, you know, I think a lot of
Augmented reality, but that's definitely a step further and uh, i'm excited about that
You know, like you said to your point as one example getting shot in a game
And wearing some kind of a wearable and feeling as if i'm actually getting hit
I think yeah haptic feedback. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, that's super cool haptic feedback
Very very cool. I'll uh pass it back to bigger. Did you have something you want to add?
Yeah, I kind of wanted to touch on like the extendables in a way what there's a game
I don't know if you guys are familiar with. Um, it's the ring fit adventure on switch
Um, yeah, anyway
So you're playing on the switch and you've got a ring and you have to do squats and attacks and stuff to like fight monsters
But yeah very much a lot of the stuff that davis just said I kind of kind of wanted to
Say but in in terms of when uh, you guys first introduce yourself
I put a note down for salty in regards to vr because coming coming into this space
I was I was thinking like in terms of what I think is going to happen with vr
And my view was quite quite firmly that I think vr has a real place
In movies, but I think and when it comes to games, it's more so
more of a gimmick
And then for salty to go and and bring up the one place that I think it probably is the best use in education
Uh, man, i'm really interested to see what what your stuff is
Yeah, thanks mate. I don't want to uh, I don't want to give too much away just yet, but
literally in about two weeks you will um, you'll be able to see what i'm talking about and uh, I think that uh
It will start as the beginning to blow people's minds about what you can do with education based. Um
gamification of metaverse content
Yeah, super excited about that
Let's pass it back to well, let's not back to uh, it's been a moment
But let's pass it to gabriel and then pass it back to david
Um, yeah, I kind of agree with the the gimmick side of uh, you know, vr
We developed a vr game
I got it must be almost
Almost eight years ago, I guess. Um, and uh, it just there isn't enough
Um accessibility, uh, if you have to put on a headset or you have to use a haptic suit and stuff like that
It's it's all in the movies and everybody's like yeah ready player one
I'll put on my haptic suit my haptic glove and i'll enter this virtual world and it'll be amazing, you know, super immersive
Uh, that's a lot of steps for the average user to get into it. It'll have a really strong niche
And I think there'll be some kind of bespoke, uh, esports teams that will use vr
Uh systems and stuff like that. Um
You know for things like you know that we can't do irl like death race and stuff like that
Uh, you know, could I could I could I just add to that point? Yeah, sure
It's also a lot of steps to get
You know a screen and a computer and different components and stuff like that
I don't think it's that far away from what we already do to to be able to access
The internet and games and things like that
Well, I mean the the sales statistics, uh say otherwise
I mean well for now, yeah, it's definitely not gonna happen now
But I think something amazing has got to come out first to drive that
Yeah, I think the sales statistics are tied to the fact that the games that use it
I don't think are really quite there yet
I think that yeah where the where the technology and will be adopted where the sales will start to pick up
Is where the education comes in killer app?
Yeah, well, yeah, just when you got the education so they must they must have it because they want to do this education experience
Or their their program their education program says you're going to be doing this you need this
And you watch the size pick up you needed a you needed a pc for a long time
And then you know when they when they uh ported minecraft to the tablet
They saw a huge increase of users into minecraft. So yeah, exactly. I mean it's
you know a lot of these things go hand in hand, but um
It's you know, we just saw the hollow the hollow tile
from from disney, uh, you know, which is really pretty super cool, you know, but
Uh, it just doesn't look functional yet
You know, I can't imagine staying upright on that thing for more than five minutes in an accident
You know, you go to dodge a bullet or something like that, you know, which you'll do if you're in vr
You have these knee-jerk, you know neurological reactions that you can't like stop and you're just gonna be on your ass
Uh, but but the fact that it's already doing what it does now is still pretty cool. I mean we've we had
Um, you know five years ago. We had that, you know harness system on the treadmills and stuff like that
But uh, you know this
Untethering that treadmill is that's a cool piece of tech. So yeah, we'll see some amazing stuff coming. All it takes is one person to
Develop that peripheral device that allows that interaction and then there's that killer app that everybody needs that peripheral device to interact with
And then it blows up. Yeah
But yeah, it we we got some ways to go but you know, it could be tomorrow
It's just you know
pokemon spin-off
Palvars like exploded absolutely exploded almost out of nowhere, you know
Uh, so it's gonna be exciting a couple of years for sure
Yeah, shout out to pal world taking the stage right now. Honestly, they're killing it so many
I forget the number but they have like more active users right now than most games and they're definitely doing some interesting stuff
But yeah to your point guys, I think you know, we're definitely very early
But I do think it definitely is inevitable and we're definitely going to see this stuff
But uh really excited very excited for the future of gaming. Uh, i'll pass it to ivy alien
Oh, yeah, I was just gonna add on to what was being said this is saying like we're super early to vr and ar
Because if you really do look at it, like I was saying earlier like a lot of people don't really know the total use case
For vr and ars they really don't understand it
Like what it could really do like the normal people outside web3 don't really get it because if you do look outside of that
like tokens and
Whatever tied to vrs and ar should be like at the top of the chart
Based on what it could do
But it's not there yet because the education isn't really there
So like people needs to be enlightened about what it could do how it could do
And with big companies stepping in slowly into vrs and ars like the apple and everything
I guess that's
a really slight
Way of introducing it to like the public
I'm making them like really get to use it and but it's just now down to who's actually gonna buy it
And who's gonna use it?
So I feel like yeah, the education is what's holding it back right now
And when a lot of people has been educated about it and what it could do then
We would see people like slowly embrace it and grab onto it
Yeah, thanks for for saying that I was gonna I was gonna pass it back to david
I thought I thought he raised his hand, but um, I think he had to go
Thanks so much everybody for dropping all these amazing points. I see
Let's see what gabriel has to say. Let's go
Sorry, I just wanted to say about accessibility. Um, so almost all of my gaming lately has been
On the nintendo switch because of that simplicity, you know
Um, I don't want to log into a computer. I don't want to sit in front of a mouse and keyboard
It's just right there. Um, that's why mobile gaming is so popular
It's just that ease that you know that attachment to that device if you have to go
Into a special room use a special headset that's connected to something, you know
Uh, yeah, so that that's just what I just wanted to mention that
Yeah, well said I think that's what's great about mobile gaming. It just makes things very accessible
Uh, it's a lot easier than you know, putting on a headset, right?
You know, I dream of the day eventually we'll just have contact lenses or something very simple. But right now
putting on this clunky
15 pound thing on our head the play in a metaverse is definitely uh
Inconvenience, right?
Um, let's pass it to rob
Yeah, sorry guys. I just have to head off and I just didn't want to be rude and duck
But thanks very much for having me along and appreciate listening to everyone here
Obviously, it's an incredible bunch of luminaries here and very insightful conversations. So
Look forward to catching up with people after afterwards or over the next couple of weeks and
Don't be afraid to reach out and thanks again for allowing me to come along myself
Absolutely. Super happy to have had you here rob. Thanks for making this happen and thanks for being here. You always have some great
things to drop in these spaces
Um, I think we're going to start wrapping it up
I'm just gonna pass it to the warp gate team that um
I'd love to hear some takes from them if they have anything they'd like to say and then I think
We're already at the top of 90 minutes an hour and a half on this space
So this has been an incredible space. I feel like we could keep going for another hour
But just to respect everyone's schedules
I will definitely start wrapping it up. Uh, I'd love to just pass it to kng 3000 and leo wong
If you have any takes you guys would like to say
Yeah, sure so
Yeah, so a lot of you guys have already shared a lot of the good views
So for myself, I think for like VR and like AR we can already see a lot of the mobile games
Already incorporate that like pokemon go and most hunter now
But for like AI it will create an even more addictive and also like engaging game difficulties for
Gamers like the gaming environment that they can modify itself according to the players and also like through AI
Games can also gain the capacity
To analyze and like interpret the player strategies like subsequently adjusting in-game and challenging themselves on the flies
So such other abilities can ensure that no one's and gaming journey
So like where the beginners can find and accommodate in learning curve
And while the veterans can also encourage them to challenge in the test
The like matters is that something like that?
So I think for the AI it gives more possibilities for a game in how they could interact with the people like
It will speak also say like NPC, which is a very good point. It won't be a boring NPC anymore
It will be a very interactive and you can even set a character or mood for those NPC
just according to your
So yeah, just just yeah, you could have a lot of the explorations through AI
Oh, yeah, totally i'm very
Whoops am I unmuted? Okay. There we go. Yeah, i'm totally excited for that. I
You know seeing some uh ais being able to respond more than a few
Little scripts that are programmed and I think is going to be very interesting and all the things that come with AI
I think there's definitely going to be a lot of stuff there
Can g 3000 is there anything else you'd like to add to the convo before we end it?
I think you're on mute or maybe your afk
Either way. Thank you everybody for being here. Honestly, this has been a really exciting conversation. I think uh,
Yeah, so many great insights
Amazing panelists here today. Some of them had to hop off. I wasn't too negative
I was kind of doing everything
But i'm really excited about all of these features
You know arv are ar web 3 and how they all kind of play into this future that we're going to see
And this huge shift in gaming that's coming
Um, you know just uh, try to you know be devil's advocate and make sure we're doing it the right way, you know
Yeah, absolutely. And I I love that. Uh, thanks for being here gabriel. I love having a devil's advocate. I think it's great
As it definitely fuels, uh a great discussion and a great conversation and you know
I think we need to be challenged as well too. Sometimes as that's what definitely fuels, uh a good
Good good, uh back and forth, right? So again, I just want to think nobody likes farts in an echo chamber
Well, I just want to say again
Thank you everybody for tuning in for those in the audience
We're gonna have an announcement in the next 30 minutes next hour
We're gonna running another big raffle campaign giveaway. So for those that are interested, please check that out
Give us a follow. Please give everyone else a follow up on stage. Shout out to new new spirits fear one squiddy
Ivy alien biga chef from anachas blue whale ai
And we got the work gate team with kng 3000 and leo wong. We had betty from deadfellas
Um trying to think who else did we have we had a yeah, we had some really great speakers
Shout out to me three who had to hop off. I don't think they got a chance to speak but uh, we'll definitely bring them back on
Also shout out to sam stephanina. I don't think he was able to make it to this ama. It was a little early for him
So we're gonna try to uh fix that on the future one
But again, thank you everybody for being here for those that are interested
Uh, we're running a stream tomorrow with search for animaris star siege really cool game
We're gonna be running at a 10 a.m. Est 3 p.m. Utc. We're gonna be streaming it live on x youtube and twitch
So make sure to check that out. Uh, we run the next big stream every friday
And we run the next big thing every thursday, which is this mega spaces, but thank you everybody for being here again
This was amazing and we'll catch you on next week's
Ama which we'll announce early next week and it'll be back at our regular time, which is usually at 11 a.m
4 p.m. Utc and uh, yeah, this was a great uh, great really great topic aivr ar and web3 and even
Extended reality thanks to david our head of vd
So thank you everybody and um, yeah, we'll catch you very soon
Thank you, thanks everyone thanks bye
Thanks guys