The NFT Daily x Stoned Island 🪴 💨

Recorded: March 22, 2023 Duration: 0:50:19



Roll another blunt.
I was gonna clean my room until I got high I was gonna get up and find the broom but then I got high My room is still messed up and I know
What's good people? Alright boys I see you requested I'll get you pulled up in just a second.
I'm taking the next semester and I know why I want it 'cause I got high, because I got high, because I got high, go to the next, go to the next, go to the next, go to the next, I was gonna go to court, you know, oh I got high, I was gonna pay my child support
Samo's equal
I'm good bro, how are you? Can you hear me alright? Yeah, loud and clear mate, are you enjoying the Afro man? Oh yes, I really am. A boy was only right, he's hitting differently this morning as well. That's it mate, that's it. Listen I'm gonna leave the music rolling in a couple more minutes.
We wait for everyone to join and then we'll get kicked off very soon mate. Sounds good mate. As always as well guys if you don't mind dropping a retweet on the link let's get as many people in there as possible all the love all the share you all the shares you guys can offer on the post massively appreciated as always.
I miss the whole entire life because I got high I lost my keys and white because I got high Say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say what, say#
I'ma stop singing this song because I'm ha I'm singing this whole thing wrong And if I don't sell one copy I don't know
♪ Why me you hit 'cause I'm hot ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm hot ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm hot ♪ ♪ Are you really high that man ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ He really is hot ♪ ♪ He really is ♪ ♪ You should be good ♪ ♪ Why ♪ ♪ Get you with it ♪ ♪ Skip it, he be ♪ ♪ Why ♪ ♪ I'll bring you back ♪ ♪ Bring you back ♪
What a track that is. What a track. Alright Sam, we're looking pretty good on numbers. You got to go mate. Yeah mate, I'm ready for when you are. Beautiful stuff. Let's get straight into it. Welcome back to daily spaces guys. I hope everyone is doing good. Last week was another great week for the NFT daily. We had a handful of sellouts across the board. Client, Oggy,
I'm sorry, I'll get that's because one of the lads in the office keep calling it I'll get that. Ugi, he will be no stranger to the Salana heads in a they successfully sold out their 10k piece supply on Thursday with the floor priced now sitting pretty just over 25.6 sold. So impressive performance from them so far. I will claim early access passed
had their official presale just last week successfully selling out their 200-piece supply at a whopping one F min price. So congrats again to the boys over early access. It was great working with you guys. And finally, our client and partner metawin saw a solid uplifted sales across the board in terms of their entries
on competitions which are currently causing huge waves amongst the Ethereum community. If you haven't already checked out the meta-wing comps, wake up bro, opportunities to win Blue Chip and Ft's every single day, if you do want to check out those giveaways, head straight over there. I think we've got like five or six live every day so make sure you do head over and check
that was out. Most importantly though I'm joined today by an exciting open-coming project. All of you polygon potted out there will be interested in keeping you as put for this one. So Stone Island for anyone unfamiliar is a fully docked multi-chained project with their next mint due to go live on polygon very soon and the best part of all the from the UK
Okay Sam, how was it going mum? Yeah it's good mate, how are you? Yeah really good, thanks mum, really good. We've been, I want to say in communication but we've been in touch vaguely for some time now and it's about time Stone Island got featured on the NFT daily right? Yeah yeah much appreciated really, it was actually Chris that person.
me in contact with you guys, Chris is like a real good friend of mine and he said he's met out with you for a few beers and that I'll literally speak to him after he spoke to you guys and he said how sound you were so. Oh, appreciate that you'd be on it. Yeah, so we've had a Chris. Sorry, I was just gonna say it's nice to be on the spaces with some English heads. That's it. Likewise#
strength in terms of the number of UK people, investors, founders and all that good stuff we've had on the space is because ultimately I think about 24 months ago when we first set up the NFT daily it was very few and far between in terms of coming across UK people within the space and now I'd say maybe like one in four maybe one in five
5 spaces were whole stinners, it's got someone from the UK on there. So it just kind of shows the strength that the UK is growing in in terms of becoming a hub for all things NFTs, crypto and Web 3 in general. So hopefully more of the same where that came from. But yeah, big death Chris, that is for anyone who's, he's heard Chris on our spaces in shout out to Chris, I don't know if you
right now but I hope you're doing well mate. But let's talk Stone Island. Firstly give us an insight on all of you the projects and what inspired you guys to create Stone Island initially? Yeah so quite funny really. Well I say we're just me and a couple of mates. We
it was locked down. I was big into crypto at the time and I just really wanted to get involved in crypto and this was when NFT was just started booming in the summer of '21 and no code in or anything like that and how to get involved in crypto but the one thing I could do was draw
So watching all these NFTs like Board 8 Yacht Club and things that are take off, I was just aimlessly scrolling through collections on open sea seemed like what inspiration I could get to draw. And because we was in the shed, smoking weed, it lit, I was holding this bag of weed in my hand and I was looking at it and I was thinking it would be pretty funny
out some weed NFTs and at the time when I was going through, I couldn't find any decent weed themed cannabis NFTs apart from the collection where they did the kind of membership where people, it was more aimed at stoning
like hippies. So I actually thought why not base the whole NFT around the plant itself. And so I just got drawing and I'm not going to lie the first, the first NFT I drew was was pretty horrible but one thing went to another. I just started developing it more, you know, doing it on the on Photoshop and it
before I knew I had a full first NFT and I thought it was hilarious and showed it to my mates and they said it was really good. So I just started contacting loads of different marketplaces. I was really big into the terracene at the time, not too sure if many people, well, you'd be hard not to know what terror is because of the massive collapse.
At the time it was absolutely vibing. The community there was just so strong and I reached out to a couple of marketplaces and one of the guys who's actually a listener, it was the first person I reached out to and he loved the art and he's also a stone and that's Hooligan down. He's rocking a 3D 8PFP shot.
Who are they going to see you there? Yeah, so he was like, loves the art, but let's push it rather than doing just like one of one. Why not make a collection? Because the original idea was to release, you know, one a week sort of thing, just to sort of, you know, make a bit of money. Because, you know, it was an art based project. But he said, make a whole collection.
And so before I knew it, fastball three months and like, slaved away and making 69 different weed trains based on each individual strain. So for example, Granddaddy Purple was an old man with a purple strain, with a walk in sticks, smoking a cross joint and OG Kush was this little original gang
And yeah, we went to Mill, who can help with the marketing and it sold out within 15 minutes, which was just amazing for me. They were selling for like a hundred dollars at a time and we launched on 420, which was a massive help of course, because everyone loves stoners stuff up for 20. But yeah, so
it sold out. But then unfortunately, terror crashed and I was kind of back at square one watching everything go to zero. Oh, shit, man. We'll talk about the terror crashing just a second, but I don't know if this is a UK thing, but I used to do exactly the same thing. I used to draw for some reason all day, every day whilst I was in school, we
leaves. I would not do that. But like Gangel leaves and I feel like I think it was like one of the first things you ever learned to draw in the UK. I don't know if this is the same in America, but you draw like the stick outline of like a weed leaf and then just draw like a fluffy kind of leaf around it. And do you know what? I still find myself doing it to this day.
I see, that's exactly how it started for me. And then next thing, you know, your three successful, three successful collections sold out down the line and you're making steady waves within the NFT space. So it just goes to show you all those teachers, you give your shit for drawing the gangilees on your books, on your papers and homework at school.
it can actually take your places. 100% man, that's the thing as well. I started drawing those designs right at the beginning of my crypto journey and never really thought it would lead to making a fully fledged project with real utility and trying to make
a stand for the cannabis industry. But yeah, it all starts with when you're in school drawing, no it's drawing. So, it goes out to anyone out there, if you've got ideas, put pens paper and you see what you can do of them because you never know when this could take off. That's it, man. That's it. So, we'll talk about the art in just a second.
I think it's important we circle back to that, but you launched the initial collection just before the terror crash, as you mentioned just a minute ago. Tell us about this initial collection. You touched on it very briefly there. And then what happened after this? Yeah, so it was 69 individual strains because that's, it was just a funny number
to go off and obviously releasing on 420 just fit the fee. So they were all individualised to 69 different strains. A lot of the inspiration came from when I was living in Amsterdam so I lived there for like six months working out there. And obviously yeah and in the UK we did the legal which is just baffling
into me seeing places like America, Thailand and now Germany, pushing for legalisation and the amount of money that he actually brings in is just crazy. It's crazy, it's very political isn't it? That's ultimately what it comes down to. But I just find it crazy on that subject about like Thailand for example.
I mean, I heard a few stories when I was traveling over there. People get caught with an ounce of weed and like, these guys got locked up. I think it was two guys from Norway, our Scandinavia somewhere. They got locked up for like 50 years and I think one of them died in prison and one of them got released and then ended up dying within 24 months of getting released.
within like three years post all of this happening, they've all of a sudden legalized weed and it's like that is so criminal, how can that ever be justified? Mate, honestly it's just so baffling and especially with all I know there's some stigmentation with weed but there's so many health benefits
that people can really, really reap the benefits from pain and sleep disorders, things like that. We've got now, I think it's in 2011 or around that period that we've actually legalised medicinal cannabis. So it's only just a matter of time really. I was just looking there that Thailand actually generated
rates, almost $11 billion of additional tax revenue from weed. Like I imagine that come into England or the UK's whole and reaping those benefits as well. Yeah, and the surely quite a number of case studies now have countries who have been opposed to the legalisation of
who've then made a conscious decision to legalize it and it's had multiple benefits not just from like an economy perspective but multiple benefits to like the behavior of like the nation in general and all that stuff which is enough sufficient enough for the UK to think maybe we should just legalize it. For sure man for sure and that's the
idea behind the project really, if I can develop a really strong cannabis brand in the UK that's not just about recreational use but the educational use then you know we'll be already as a foot in the door and then just keep pushing on to educate people and the benefits and also you know the power of
NFTs and things like that to really join it all together to create a really cool product that people want to represent. That's it man, that's it. And you know, the beauty of it is, especially for you guys, is that we're in an industry, I want to say industry, I'm talking Web 3 where it is quite heavily saturated with products with people who smoke
I think there's a lot of light for like at like-minded individuals within this space and there's a lot of people who do smoke weed within the space which is naturally you know a good demographic for you guys to be hit. So post the initial collection that you guys put out and then launch the follow-up collection called Weed Bags belief which also served as an access
pass to get onto the islands, stone islands, all the other way better for us. So after the Sarah Crash, I was deciding what to do next and I came up with an idea for a pixelated collection, but before that it was more to do with building the community. So me and Huda are going to actually
brainstorm a few ideas and instead of having a membership card like you would do for an NFT or for like a gym or whatever, we thought what better way to have a membership to the NFT project by having a weed bag. So it was 420
in the weed bags, 3D weed bags, which each had, I think, 140 different strains with three different weight sizes. So if you minted any of those weed bags, you'll get whiter list for the project, simple ones. But if you minted a 1 ounce bag, then you actually get a pixelated
which is the collection I've been working on since the summer. That sold out through whitelist. I left it down to the holders what they wanted to do, whether they wanted a day whitelist chance because some people sleep on the mint and they're following is a lot of stonest so they're probably so stoned that they didn't realise when the mint was. They've given them a full day
I love them to min whenever they want but as soon as it went public there was only a hundred bags left and it sold out within three seconds. That's brilliant. I love how you elongated the min process to facilitate how stolen the community may be. Yeah, for sure. And the thing is with this project I really want to listen to the holders and the people that are dedicated
to this project, we really want to drive this company in this brand based on the vision of the holders. I think it's important to do that as well. It's important to like the language that you use to brand it and all that stuff that aligns with your community and ultimately stone us in this case.
you know, the fact that you're very conscious of that is only going to work in your favourite and long run. What I found interesting as well is for anyone who wants to see what I'm talking about as we discussed this as well, head to stone island dot art where you will see a basically a sneak peek of the art from each of the collections and then you can go into each of the details from there. But the original
collection you did, the one-of-one collection was like a cartoon-style artwork and then from there you went with the weave bags which is kind of like I suggest almost ultra realistic art isn't it the actual bags themselves they look like they could have been photographed it's that realistic art from there with the next collection the pixel plants obviously
itself explanatory, you've gone with a pixel art. So I like how you guys have covered an array of different styles of art within the array of collections. Yeah, man. It's, you know, it worked with the one of ones. It was kind of like that's what I was good at in terms of drawing and but looking back now there's always art upgrades that you can always make.
But going on to the wee bags, I really wanted people to think this Metaverse was taking off. So there's so many avenues that it can go down with these wee bags. So if you could go into like a stone dial and Metaverse and go to like a coffee shop, you could see you'll all be token gated as
as well. You can only get in with this weed bag and then you can get a real understanding of the different strains. So even with the one-of-one collection, they're all linked to actual strains. And on the website, you can actually see that there's, each strain has, you know, it's different THC count, it's of a cannabinoid count, and, you know, taking the idea from leafy, which
is one of the biggest dictionaries for cannabis. We could do something similar, but make it more decentralized where holders can review the strains and you can get your information and get real feedback from actual users.
Speaking of me, then I love that. I love the idea of the token gated environment. It's token gated communities. I think it's such a good concept and such an incentive for people to want to get involved in these exclusive communities and projects. It sounds like, obviously, you guys are a well-entrapped with that as well. So we had the initial one-of-one collection
which show that on Polygon. From there you introduce the Weedbugs which show that quite promptly on Stargaze and then the next collection is Pixel Plants which is a collection of 2,420 pixelated plants is it, is that what the artwork is, is it going to be blessed? - Yeah, yeah. So this is now really going down the more
what an NFT really is in terms of the code in the metadata with the one of ones it was all manual but this time I've created over 100 well nearly 200 different traits which the code will then generate the art so it's all generated from the code and then you'll get all these different strains with rarity and you know the
the original essence of an NFT project. And then it went pixelated because like you said, I've touched on the one of ones and the 3D. I really want you to get into the pixel art style, but I'll tell you what, it's been one of the hardest things I've done because it's so hard to do. Yeah, people think pixel art is really easy because you know, you just
just compress an image and make it really small and you've got a pixelated image. But realistically, if you reduce a wee plant down to, you know, 10, 10, 18, well, sorry, 96 bits, then you actually get some weird shapes to try and make a wee plant out of that and a really
sharp images and curvature is so hard but I'm fairly confident I've pulled it off and people can recognise it as a wee plant. Nice man, well time shall tell anyway looking forward to seeing the artwork as soon as that's been released. Is utility packed into this particular collection as well isn't there? Yeah yeah so obviously the big drive
on the NFT scene at the minute is utility and I've always wanted to incorporate utility onto the project. However, it's quite hard to do utility for weed. You know, it would be great if you could buy a stone island NFT and then get a bag of weed delivered to your door but unfortunately we're just not there yet. So the legal side of it meant that let's look at the
the plant as a whole, what other benefits does it have, and obviously a huge benefit from the plant is CBD. So I've been speaking to fulfilment centres and massive wholesale is that we're able to distribute all over the world and was able to create a full on CBD store.
was released, just like a beta version, but I thought I could do so much better than what it is. So I'm rebranding it and redoing the whole thing to have more products on there. But there'll be CBD oils, gummies, there'll be bath bombs, facial creams, the whole, the whole works, and that's
from that ship all from the UK. However, I've got holders in America and in Thailand, you know, all these other places which have a lot more less legal, sorry, a lot less legal restrictions. So working on, working on having a store out there which will have, you know, THC vapes and stuff.
So darling gummies with legal delta 8 I think it is which is like a psychoactive compound for these wee gummies that are completely legal because it's all to do with the weight of how much hemp you can actually have in your product. But in on to the utility for it, if you own any of the pick
the pixel ranges you'll get discount at the stock because it will all be token gated and you can log on if you hold say 2 you get 10% if you log on you'll receive I mean the 10% discount throughout the whole store whereas if you hold say 10 you'll get 50% off and we don't just have CBD products on there we also have
actual vaporizers which are hitting to the $150 so you can own some NFC's which people love to buy anyway and love to collect but you can also get a heavily discounted paraphernalia bond the works. That's the real that's the real utility guys who doesn't want paraphernalia with
heavily discounted rates. But it's interesting how you've scaled that as well in terms of obviously the more NFTs you own, the more opportunity you've got to continue to build the discounted rate that you get on the products, which is obviously a very interesting concept itself. I was looking then when you was touching on the CBD industry, obviously it's become
absolutely huge in recent years and I think it's still scaling year on year quite considerably. I'm just looking at a report now by market research future whose state it's expected to be worth the CBD industry at 59.3 billion by the end of 2030.
Which just goes to show you know if you do find a way to scale Your offering in terms of CBD and obviously the actual products that are being introduced are consistently evolving and consistently getting better if you're you know front running that or pioneering that space and there's an opportunity for you to bring this to market within Web 3 the opportunity that is huge Yeah exactly
and the numbers speak to themselves and I've seen other NFT products that are kind of esteemed and they're not really touching on the CBD side of it which is absolutely huge, it's all good being stoners and we love weed smoke recreationally but the health benefits for CBD or just they're still not even
heavily researched, I've been speaking to a quite a few CBD reporters in the UK and they talk about how in depth they go in their research and there's just things that will come to light over the next couple of years, hopefully sooner than the better. But there will be so many benefits from using CBD or whether it's to do with anxiety, stress,
the anti-inflammatory properties, the whole works. And that's the whole point. This project won Shed Light and also makes CBD more available to everyone, especially if you're a holder of an NFC. The point of the CBD story isn't to make money. I mean, obviously everyone wants to make money.
But realistically it's there to actually benefit the holders to educate them on CBD and also allow them to have cheaper CBD at the end of the day. But they're not only that, if you've got it set so that if you mint a specific tray, then you actually, well, the way we'll
do it is you'll get a discount on the store to go get something for free. Either you CBD oil or a stone dial and grinder or a stone dial lighter or it will be you know you just provide your shipping details and we'll post those products up to you you just pay for the shipping so even if you just mint one and you get
get a specific trait, that trait could actually get you your first ever CBD or if you've never really looked into CBD. Interesting stuff. You guys are creating a real ecosystem here which is, you know, it seems your prime focus is looking after your existing community members which is always refreshing to see, you know, it's not massively commercially driven and
more so looking after those within the community. So really interesting stuff, man, love what you saying with that. Moving on from that as well, you mentioned a little bit earlier about other projects not shedding life on the health benefits that were associated with smoking weed recreationally or medically.
On that point, there's a lot of similar projects within the web pre now, you know, cannabis-related projects, although you mentioned when you guys initially kicked off Stone Island, there wasn't many that existed at the time, but I'd say it is a relatively saturated space now within Web 3.
Did you say is it's set you apart from these other projects that coexist within the cannabis space? Yeah, for sure, man. Realistically, looking through other projects, there are definitely a lot more projects that are cannabis themed. However, my art is completely unique, it's completely my own.
And we've not really seen any art based around the whole plant and that's the whole point. You know, you've got your stone who's you've got just your bird and you dab some things like that, but with my art it's focusing on the whole plant. So you'll get a PFP which also has its
you know, one of the traits is different parts. You might not be able to see that in the PSP, but having that as well, you'll just separate me from the rest because the whole the whole art is based around the whole plan. We're also registering as a company, so if you're worried about
investment in company, well NFT projects, one thing I look for is whether they're ducts which I am on multiple marketplaces and also if they're going to be shipping any kind of product you want to have a registered company because obviously you know there's all the legalities of
whether CBD or THC is legal in those states or countries and also if they pay tax which no one likes to do but unfortunately if we're going to really take off as a cannabis brand then you will have to pay tax and the whole point of a NFT project.
paying taxes is not really seen throughout the space at the minute. But like I said, we're going to be a registered company. We're going to go through the books, going to do everything legally, and that just gives faith in investors. Yeah. It gives you more opportunity.
to scale as well, doesn't it? I mean, there's, you are, there is limitations, there is a ceiling, you know, if you're not a registered company, and you know, you're not going down the route of pain tax and all that stuff. I suppose it is difficult to scale to a certain extent, isn't it? Yeah, for sure, man, for sure.
And not only that, it just gives trust into the investors as well. So if you, there's been so many rugpaws as of late, you know, people are deterred away from buying NFTs. But if you're fully docks and registered, then that just gives faith back into the system.
100% man, we'll fingers crossed that you know you can continue to scale it as your goals obviously to become like I recognize cannabis brand within the space and hopefully in the long run you know a household name apart from that you know what impacts do you hope to have like rather than just selling these projects
projects, you hope to contribute to a larger conversation around cannabis and its uses, it sounds like you want to tap into that market as well from an educational perspective? Yeah definitely, so you know crypto 10 years ago was just people buying Bitcoin
to buy on the dark web, but there's so many more use cases now where you can, you know, let's defy this gaming and I really want to tap into that how crypto NFTs specifically can actually affect the cannabis industry.
One of our partners is actually called Green Heart CBD and they had their own token which is doing really well for itself. They're travelling all over the world to awards and things like that because they've got a lot of innovation in terms of their tech. So they store a lot of
lot of the farming data on blockchain and that you can actually see the supply chain from where the seed grows to the shelf so when you buy the product and that's how I want to see NFTs affect the cannabis industry because you can
Imagine buying an NFT and having some CBD from Stone Island and actually finding out exactly where it comes from, where it's grown, things like that. But it also touches on, you know, the decentralization. A lot of companies are in it for
themselves it's all about profits. With my projects it's going to be community driven. If you hold these pixel plants you will be able to make decisions for the company and it also builds like a layer of trust between holders.
Sorry mate, I've just been speaking on mute then for the last two minutes and you know what I'm not I'm not even stone so I can't even blame it on that. But yeah, I was just about to say on that point you know the thing is the dowel reach 100% of route to go down because ultimately you've created a small stronghold of like
line minded individuals and these guys can offer a lot of input on the direction of the projects as well. It's one thing that web 2 brands don't necessarily have the utility of it having that community behind and having a constant communication line of people within the space you can also help drive
direction of the project so I completely understand why you want to go down the dowel route with it as well. Austin I'll see you requested to speak how's it going man. Hey good morning guys thanks for letting me come up here and chat I just had one question for the Stone Island team over there and that is what is your favorite strain to smoke
Yes, I love questions like this because it really takes away from the fact that we're not just questions and answers because whenever I do spaces I love talking about weeds and whenever I go into like a big project challenge show it was one of the questions that I love asking other projects but my favourite strain was
was when we was in Amsterdam like the introductory strain I would have for anyone at first that's making wheelies super lemon haze because it's just that real nice taste and it doesn't get you too high but you know you can't really beat the OG Kush and what was the one
The funny thing is with England you can't, you don't know what's trading you buy and it doesn't matter what the guy tells you who you get it off. But when you're in Amsterdam you obviously got like all your coffee shits houses and you just go and you choose different strains. We made my fiancé and I, we made our way through a quiet a lot of strains but the main one that stands
up for me is always super lemon haze for sure. Yeah super lemon haze. 100% sounds like Austin agrees as well. Daily doc you can see that is a good friend of mine he works on the market and team here at the NFT daily but we've been to Amsterdam together quite a few times and it's one of his free restraints that I can see that he's almost breaking his phone screen by smashing that
100 emoji over the weekend. Do you know what I've been smoking since probably since school, you know, realistically I smoke every day, I don't smoke all day, every day I usually have like one zoo before I go to bed at this point, but honestly I've smoked the same weed and I'll smoke anything. And I know
that sounds bad but like some people some people will pass me a zoo and they'll be like how nice is this and I would yeah yeah that hits that hits and the whole time I'm thinking it tastes like any other weed to me but the exception of that is when you go out and I'm smoked some silver haze I think it was called once and honestly that was just hitting differently if I could smoke that every day
and then spending a small fort two night there's no doubt about that. And silver haze that that's that's definitely one of the top three strains I have in my first started smoking but now for me like you know all of the jealousy strains peanut butter breath all that stuff I'm I'm just we don't have access
this is the problem like you guys don't realize I'll bless you are I'll bring you from the States yeah yeah yeah you guys don't know how blessed you are to be able to get your hands on some of the we just get your hands up like even we we can buy like Cali packs here in the UK but ultimately like like Sam just mentioned you don't really know what's in the pack like they could have just put some bog stand
like bush weed in the park, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it, can you be smoking it#
definitely definitely fills the spot of getting your hands on some weed. But that's what I feel the future will be. Everywhere will have the dispensaries. They'll know exactly what they're getting. It won't be illegal to cross the line in the states with a bag of
weed as it is now. It's just crazy. The legislation behind it right now, but that's the point of this project going forward if we can establish ourselves as a cannabis brand and when those times come, whenever they will be, wherever it will be, year, wherever it will be five years, we'll have our foot in the door. That's it. I'm not
I'm not that point. Sorry, I still was going to totally agree. I think that the people who are innovating in the space are kind of building and then asking for forgiveness later. And I think that's aligns with the whole theme of the cannabis culture and what it's turned into. I've been able to communicate how decentralized
technology will be able to solve a lot of problems that exist in this culture with people who have been in this culture before I was smoking weed and it's just great to kind of be that energy and kind of a piece of the catalyst of finding solutions with this new technology and spaces like
This is the reason why people are collaborating and projects that are doing things like you mentioned that one project, Stone Island that you guys are collaborating with, the team that has already done the supply chain stuff. I think that's so fucking cool. But yeah, true. Yeah, man, they're really cool projects. What was it called? Greenheart CBD.
So the best thing about that project as well is that with the innovation of them, they're able to produce really high quality CBD oil through cold press. They also have drones which fly across the farm to actually take in the data for the health of the plants, they're able to
see what that plant needs and not any of that, they are able to use the money or the crypto gain from DeFi to actually fund farmers to have this equipment to produce better hemp and to actually produce a better product. So definitely check those guys out if you see them about
Well, that's some high tech weed farming right there people. That's some alpha on how you weed that you smoking is being found over in the States right now. So impressive stuff. And obviously, on that point that you just mentioned there as well, Sam, you know, we've had Austin up here. He's just jumped up and you know, we've had a good little chat there over like five, 10 minutes. And I think one of the things
that we'd projects offer, which a lot of projects probably struggle with, is how they can, I hate to use this term because it's overused, but bridge over into IRL and you know the real life offerings that projects can offer. And obviously with this, the weed sector or the weed space, there's real opportunities for our
IRL meet ups, IRL merchandise like mentioned earlier and all that good stuff. Have you got any plans to arrange some real life meet ups in the not too distant future? Yeah, so actually with the funds for the Pixelman, it will go into the Dow or the Council.
So at the minute we're pushing for a council rather than a Dow because you need a really strong Dow for someone to not take advantage because there's obviously bad actors everywhere. So once we've got a strong setup and structure for a Dow, then if the Dow decides to spend, because 30% of the mid funds go straight to the treasury for the council
or slushed out. If they decide to spend 10% of it on a massive meter, then that's down to the holders and that's how we can really push for the holders to make decisions. And obviously we're in the UK so it would be great to have a massive party in the states where it would be bringing our own weed and have a massive smoke up because we've got
connections all over the states in Thailand for different dispensaries and cannabis farms. Imagine a stone dialling party at an actual cannabis farm. The Green Heart CBD guys said that we could fly over to Ireland where they're based and check out their CBD farms. It could also be a massive party there.
The main well about so they based so green heart CBD are actually based in the island so they they focus on hemp farm for CBD oil however They've got farms in America and in Thailand and they've got a few others which you can't mention but you know it's all about networking and
making these friends to make you know meetups possible. Ah interesting stuff I didn't realise it was on the on the website of things in Ireland that's impressive stuff and it shows that there is still stuff going on within the UK public stuff that I'm a little bit blind to as well but yeah if you do sell that IRL event I'll be expecting to invite me because that sounds really impressive.
and as long as you can actually in America they don't roll you know they they love buying pre rolls. I see I'm not into pre rolls. Not my style pre rolls. I've noticed that whilst building this community that the English love rolling because we always roll with tobacco but in America they love their pre rolls because they
can just get 100% flour. I don't know. Maybe because they can't roll. Yeah. Well, I don't know how any one smokes blunts like I've got a few a few piles of smoke. Honestly, I smoke a blunt. I feel like I'm stone for a week. Like nothing is getting done in the smoke a blunt like they need to be a pretty consistent mix of tobacco and weed.
otherwise like I am soft. Yeah, 100% mate. I'm the exact same. I think a backage just brings you down the level, doesn't it? And it just levels were up at levels you off. 100% mate. These Americans do it differently. They'll expose their condition to it from an early age, whereas in the UK we're not so much. But listen, really impressive
stuff. It's obviously clear that you're passionate about the weed sector and not just what you guys can offer in terms of your NFTs within the space but also the educational side as well and it's really refreshing to hear all the different initiatives that you guys are working on right now for your community. So appreciate you taking the time to come and join us
for anyone who's listening right now and there will be a few people who are, you know, there will be seven figure investors in there and no doubt about that. There will also be a handful of investors who maybe haven't even taken a delving to their first project yet who aren't too familiar with the space. For anyone who's looking to get involved in NFT
in the space and potentially looking at Stone Island for an option now. What would you like to say to these people? You know, we're a community driven project so if you want to be part of a really strong community that we're building, we don't pay for parts, we don't pay for paid chat as the discord can be called
We don't say good morning every day. If you space your investment on how many good mornings you get in a discord, then you might want to check your rules in investment. But if you want to invest in a company that is really trying to bridge the
Like you said in real life merch and the problems that we face in real life to crypto and NFC's then Stone Island's the company for you Love it mate. Love it. All right, I'm pat the mint details for us and have we got any confirmation on the date for when the polygon collection will go live is any can be nailed to
down. So I'm speaking to multiple marketplaces. One of the main issues that I'm facing with certain ones is that weed isn't legal in those countries, so they can't actually push for like a featured launch pad. However, you know, I'm speaking to multiple polygon.
marketplaces. So we're just trying to iron out the final details. We're going to push for a 420 mint because obviously it's 420. But in terms of the mint price, it will be if you're on the white list, you will get it's around $15 to $17 per NFT. But if it's for public
it will be $20. Okay, cool. There you have it folks. So if you do manage to get wireless or early access, you've got an opportunity to get involved for 15 to 17 USD value, of course, in polygon on matik with the public sale going for 20 USD or the equivalent of appreguma
you guys drop updates and alpha on all the details for when the official mint will go live in terms of times and all that good stuff on both the Twitter and the discord right? Yeah yeah the main push at the minute is Twitter because you know people are sighting to come alive again on Twitter we do have a discord where you can actually just
be someone to help you. But just at the minute because we've not got any mint details announced and we're just building up the white list then it's just a little bit quiet. I'll hear you guys. Big F. Chris in the building. What's going on Christopher? Hi everyone, how's it going? Yes, Mitch, how are you? Thanks, mate.
Nice to see you to show up mate. Sorry only for only 43 minutes late. Sorry guys, I've started a new job this week sort of. It's not easy to just jump into spaces in the middle of the day, but it's got it's got got you never be I'm cracking the whip. Yeah, half yeah.
Congratulations Chris, man. No, thank you and it's nice to see that the wonderful Stone Island is up with the NFT daily and amazing brand. One that I'm very close to, good friend of mine. I can't say enough good things about
the branding general. You are well and truly committed to the Stone Island brand. It's a brilliant name as well. I think we can all agree, which is always helpful. Yeah, a brilliant brand headed up by a brilliant dude and a great team. So it's just great to see
It's great to see so many people in the room and if you love the board it's the one for you definitely. I think it's been clear to see from the start that you know Sam's not only building this for the sake of himself and you know there's a real incentive for him to look after his community and also educate people and
the wider space on the benefits that can be associated with board with weed, with cannabis in general, which isn't also always as apparent. So yeah, I completely echo what you said there Chris, but guys, if you do want to get involved in the projects, hopefully if everything goes to plan, it will be going live on 420
see follow the official Twitter account for all the updates and alpha. There is a discord server which is live as well if you've got any questions if you want to chat to like my minded individuals for any alpha any of that good stuff make sure you head over to the discord server as well. Some absolutely pleasure to have you on. I'll be following the development of the project closely.
I'll probably be getting involved in a minute on 420 myself as well, but I'd just like to thank you for your time today and providing such a good insight into what you guys are doing. Yeah, Legend made a really appreciated time and thanks Chris for hookings up with these lads. They're obviously doing, you know, absolute scenes on the NFT space. So, you know, I'm always jumping into your
spaces and this and then you've got some really cool projects and it's nice to actually see like I said at the beginning of space some English heads making moves in the scene as well. Shout to the UK. Yeah, the NFT daily, the FB sensor of all things NFTs and crypto in Europe and the world I would say.
Oh Chris, you make me blush, you make me blush. Appreciate the time, words. Hey Mitch, if you want me to, I can run a giveaway if you want. I've actually got a one-of-one from the original collection, which no one's going to see, apart from Chris. Let's do it, man. Let's do it. What's the entry details out of the game vault? So I'll do a post now.
and I'll post it in the comments. All you have to do is follow Stoned On and then see the NFT daily. Like and retreat, tag two stoners. The one of one is actually a wee plant as Snoop Dogg. So it's close out on cover as the background. So hope you guys love that one. Snoop Dogg is well, man. We had Snoop Dogg on this base and not too long ago. Shout out#
have it folks. We're going to see a post going up in the comments from Sam off the Stone Island account. Like and retweet and tag two stoneers and you might just get your hands on one of this one of one piece of art. Don't mess about guys just to confirm one last time if you haven't already. Follow Stone Island on their official account. You will have no chance to get in the one of one if you don't do that.
and of course heading to that discord server as well. There are two initial mints which have already proceeded as have both sold out quite promptly as well. The trilogy, the third collection will be going live on 4/28 if everything goes to plan. Follow them for all the updates, all the alpha and make sure you get involved. But yeah, just to confirm one last time,
the post will go live in the comments in just a second. Like, retweet and tag two of your fellow potheads. Don't mess about guys. Cheers guys. Thanks again for your time. Shout out to you Chris. Some keep doing what you do. Make really great to speak. Shout out to all the Stone Island team as well. And then 5pm today guys actually
GMT we're back. We've got techno and chill and I'm very interested in projects or make sure you tune in then the post will go out soon I don't know if it's already gone out actually but make sure you get those on my post it now and I'm just oh sorry you're talking about it. It's all right. I'm just trying to add the comment for the giveaway. Yeah get it in there.
Yeah, they are on the given ways. Fantastic guys. You want to get involved in that? It's a good giveaway. Check it out straight away guys. It should be alive on the comments now. So make sure you get involved. Some thanks again for your time. Chris Plegetier to you as well, mate. We'll back at 5pm today. GMT don't miss that one for speed to awesome. Cheers guys. Cheers Chris.
Cheers guys.