The PageDAO Show w/ Epic Dylan Rionna Morgan & CD Vagobond

Recorded: Dec. 19, 2022 Duration: 1:03:19



Hello, hello! GMGM! I don't know how that happened, but it's pretty cool.
That sounded very spacious. Yeah. It just when I started this space it just started playing and I'm like oh well that's kind of nice. I like that. So I have to apologize that I sound like Kathleen Turner from "Romancing the Stone"
or something, my voice is just, I'm sick you guys, so I apologize. You know what? You don't get to apologize for being sick. We, uh, we're sorry. I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. Hey, that's awful. Sorry to hear that. Oh, thanks. Thanks. So if I
I bow out once in a while, it's because I just need to cough, but I've got my coffee and I have cough drops and I am ready to chatter. I'm super excited to be here with you guys. It's always so nice to be here with you guys. Epic Dylan, how you doing buddy? I live in the dream man. I don't think I'm
sick up in a little bit tired. I'm sorry to hear you not feeling better, but you know it's the winter months and so we get less sun these months and for whatever reason that tends to keep me indoors and I don't know I'll become a more I don't know quieter and you know
I'm a painter version of myself. I need to go to the beach maybe or something and get some sun in for me. How are you doing, CD? I feel like you're out there in Hawaii, probably partying it up, having a good time even though it's slightly shorter days than usual, aren't you?
Well, you know what, it's actually been rainy and gray to past couple of days. I'm a little chilly for Hawaii, but I love it. You know, there's a there's a weird sort of like psychic pressure that I feel when it's nice outside like I should be outside doing something.
And on these kind of days, I feel like I can just stay inside and do all the stuff that I need to do without feeling guilty about it. So it's great to have these kind of days, but we'll get more sunshine soon. Easy. I see you're up on the stage with us, man. Welcome. I'm glad you're here.
Loha, yeah nice to be here. Hopefully my Wi-Fi signal strength will stay up. It was a little broken up for me but it seemed to get a little solidified just in the last minute here. So stoked to be here. Yeah, I actually, I would say winter
does have that quality of sort of mellowing things out and slung them down and sort of inside time, at least in places where it gets cold and dark early, but I just got back down to Costa Rica so it's nice and warm down here.
And I love your travels to Central America. I mean, I've never been down to those areas and someday I want to go and hopefully hang out with you and check out some cool people and cool spots.
Oh yeah, we need
At some point we need a little like a non-event event over in the islands and then also at some point down here in Costa Rica. I'm looking out like a couple years down the line we'll be able to put something together cool. I think in places like that.
I agree that sounds so fun. I'll buy the first round of drinks. How about? That sounds good to me. Yeah it seems like
like maybe we're kind of trying to avoid addressing the elephant in the room thus far today people and so I kind of just want to quit beating around the bush and just get right down to it. This may be our last basis that we end up doing. We may be switching over to YouTube from here to do a little bit better with
with the monetization format and the content of the show and everything. And so yeah, I don't know. I kind of wonder how's everybody feeling about that possible transition? What else have we got to talk about today? We've got a little bit of governance stuff going on.
It's going to be this big holiday that they like to call. I think it's like Christ Mass or I'm not sure what the name of this is but apparently it's a big deal here in the Western hemisphere and so we got that coming up. I guess we could talk about that in the New Year. What do you guys think?
It all sounds pretty good to me. You know, my my thought on Twitter these days is, you know, I know lots of people have a lot of, you know, fandom for Elon Musk, but he's become the kind of person that I don't particularly want to mine his pockets in the
Anyway, there is a little bit of a moral imperative to move from Twitter. The problem is that I've spent the past couple of years really investing in this space, investing in the relationships that I've built here. I don't know that all the people that I know and like and follow and am friends with
on Twitter are going to be moving to other platforms. So my thought is I'm not going to leave Twitter. I'm going to keep the investment that I've made here, but I am going to start using other platforms a lot more. And I think that what you mentioned Dylan is a great idea like us branching out doing things on other platforms, taking
paged out show to you know someplace where we can do more with it I think it's a great idea and so we're not leaving Twitter or I'm not leaving Twitter but but I think that that putting our energy into other spaces and and you know maybe preparing for what could or might happen
is a great idea. So kudos and that's a great idea. So that about six times. Well yeah I mean I think the thing is there would be two big differences. The first is that we would probably want to you know hook up cameras and use the video part and the second is that we wouldn't have
nearly as easy away for like random people to jump up on the mic and tell us about themselves. But there is a kind of a good thing here too which is that with YouTube we could film it anytime during the week. You know we could just you know make the video whenever we want
and then air it at the same time each week. You know, that would give us flexibility that we don't currently have. Like today MS Borland was going to come be our guest on the show folks and she rugged us here right before. So she actually wasn't able to make it and the reason is because of the schedule of the show. This is 3 PM
So it's kind of on the edge if you're in Europe or Asia or something like that and you might not be available depending on time zones. So if we're doing this on YouTube and it doesn't really matter as much when we record the Zoom color, whatever, we can keep everything
everybody happy and even kind of let the timing of the actual recording piece flexibly. And I think we can still invite most of the people who generally come to the spaces, like EZ and Greg and all the other lovelies from Page Down who come in and hang out sometimes with us.
And you could also do you could have that where you know you you do them pre-recorded and drop them at a certain time and then if you want to do sometimes you could do a Twitter live or I mean a YouTube live at that
time and then people just in the chat can throw out questions and stuff. It's not quite like jumping on stage but they can at least still ask something specific or recommend like check this out.
I love that you're really good at all of this stuff easy. The way that you move from platform to platform and the shows that you've built and developed over the years, it's really admirable. I really appreciate all of that stuff that you do in this space.
It's cool. There's a lot to learn there and I know we always all have a lot more to learn but I can certainly learn a lot from you so it's been greatly beneficial knowing you already. So I think since maybe maybe something
that we should talk about today is if this has the possibility of being our last taged-out show on Twitter, at least for a while, maybe we should talk about some of the things that we learned and some of the people that we met and some of the platforms that we've experienced.
I'm just sort of sure that and make it sort of a what do they call that when you're looking
back. Remember in show or what was that word? Rear of you know. They're rich. Just watch TV like I did. Dylan got it. There you go.
Yeah, a retrospective show. What do you guys think?
Dude, I'm done. I'm done for that. Are you done for that, Rihanna? Definitely. I definitely am. I have so many wonderful things to say. Yep, I'm ready to go. All right. What do you think? Why don't you start? Well, first and foremost, all of you.
and page down. When I came back to Twitter and when I decided that I wanted to join the Web 3 publishing world and become a Web 3 writer, I remember very specifically the day that I joined
and I'm like, "Hello, hello, hello, and I'm like, what do I need to do to be involved?" And he's like, "Ask questions." And I'm like, "Okay, I can do that. I can do that because I don't know any of this information." And every single question I asked, every single time I would visit
It was just so, the welcome was so warm and so kind and so nice and then meeting CD and then meeting EZ and all of you guys has just been, I'm gonna go out on a limb here.
and say it's been the best time of my professional life. And so I just am so grateful for all of you and for paged out and all the people that I've met and all the things that I've learned and and and I'm so excited to put all of that to you.
use in 2023. It's just so I'm like hurry up New Year's Day. Let's go. I'm so excited. So yeah, so I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Honestly that I'm so I'm grateful for you guys.
That's amazing. Yeah, I'm grateful for you guys too. Especially Yuri on it. I feel like you're just such a breath and fresh air. You know, it's so nice to, you know, just hear you're up the lifting vibe, you know, all the time. Like even, you know, kind of despite 2022 being what it was.
I would say that I don't know, I've had a great time, I've met a lot of really incredible people just in general, through all of the blockchain stuff. I've really enjoyed putting the weekly perspective on it for the page house show as well.
the space that we did before that was a lot of fun to pass the pins, been a blast. All the innovators and stuff that we met in the space through that alone has been just an amazing, amazing thing. But yeah, I mean, 2022 is kind of a comedy of errors as well.
We needed to get people to give us money and we couldn't figure out how to make that happen. And then it turned out that even if it had happened and we had gotten the money that we wanted, we'd have probably ended up having to give it back because a lot of it was tainted money and it was coming through Alameda and FTF.
And so it turned out to be kind of a good thing that we didn't raise any money in. At the end of the year, you know, it's kind of like one of those things where like is this entrepreneur and as a founder, like I feel like I've spent the entire fucking year just chasing my tail and it drives me insane, you know.
at the same time like that's pretty bleak way of looking at it because in reality like we have minted over 100 books to the blockchain. We got our collection over one-Eat. We have over 1,500-1,600 people in the discord still even though we're down in the
bottom of the bear market right now. And yeah, so I mean, at the end of the day, the thing that I've learned here is that you have to be really self-reliant in crypto. You can't depend on somebody else to come in and fight your battles for you, whether they're financial or
you know, development related or whatever you know, you have to, and they're supposed to all of us, you know, you have to kind of pull your own way, you have to, you know, be able to take an idea from zero to one to, you know, get a test out and see what people think about it, you know, and so there's some, there's kind of
of those things that happen. But then there's also this other thing that happens where some of the things that some of the compromises that we make in other industries don't seem to work as well here in crypto. Because a lot of the stuff that just failed was VC backed. And we're not VC backed. And the reason why we're not VC backed is
You know, kind of twofold. You know, one, it's the, you know, that's not quite the right model for us here at PageDocs. We have like a public utility we want to try to build. And then they're just going to want to go for money. But for another, you know, it's like, it's hard to talk to them into supporting this project, you know. And if they
really wanted to, I'm sure we could work something out that would make us equally, you know, somewhat happy, you know, but but instead they're not going for that. They're more into like the FTX stuff and it's just, I don't know, it puzzles me because I feel a little bit of resentment because I feel like the whole industry that's supposed to be funding us is going out and
bike scams instead because there's too much to ask for them to do their due diligence and just I mean, wow, you know, like I'm like literally going through like financial crisis after financial crisis over here because the VCs aren't doing their job in some ways and maybe that's maybe incinocentical
because I've been founding startups since 2016 and it's never really been an awesome fit or whatever. But all of that being said, there is definitely learning that's happening here too. Robbie was able to join us today but I had a good call with him last Saturday and we discussed
to this deep resiliency that we're building around here. And you know, Robbie has no intention of stopping. I have no intention of stopping. Page Dow is not stopping. Like we didn't get what we wanted and we're still here and we're still going to do what we said we were going to do. And yes, it would be easy if people
You know, we'd come in and back us and help us out instead of you know just endlessly cloning our project and just you know Let me come on like at some point people got to figure out like hey paste as the OG play in this space like and nobody's backing them Why not well because they don't suck up to anybody
You know, I mean, it's like at the end of the day, it's got to do with our commitment to the ideals that are motivating us to do this and the fact that we need to do that correctly, you know, and that's the thing that we all share and that we all have in common, you know, around here. And so, I don't know, I think,
not to digress any further CD but to answer your question. The thing that I'm the most excited about here is kind of like the sense that I have that like we've all been through this traumatic experience together and the trauma is coming close to an end and now I know who my friends are and I have some very very
good friends who are very very smart and very very strong and they're still in it with me even though I didn't go get the thing that I told them I was going to go get and the thing that I wanted to go get and tried to go get it and so that feel reassured you know at the end of the year here and I feel like 2023 is going to melt phases
I think you're right, man. I think you're right about a lot of things, actually. 2023 is going to melt faces for sure. This has been a wild, wild year. I mean, for me personally and the things that I've worked on at the beginning, actually at the end of 2021, I was in full
and every day I was going through a hundred different projects and like looking at the announcements and the calendars and what was coming and it was I was spending three to five hours a day just looking at projects and making lists of what was coming so that I didn't get caught by surprise and miss something and by the way all of that didn't really work for me
But what it did do was I started compiling these lists and at the end of 2021 I was like man I should share these with other people so that they don't have to work as hard Which is which is kind of the way that I think which is why I'm not a super wealthy person because instead of thinking I should create an alpha group and like pump things and sit I was like hey I should share this so other people don't
have to work as hard. And so I talked about it with Dylan a little bit, brought it up with PageDow, and I'd already published some things on PageDow, and this crazy idea occurred to me that like, you know what, maybe I should just publish a newsletter using Read Me Books. What do you think about that, Dylan? And Dylan was like, yeah, do it, publish your newsletter. So I started out
2022 publishing the first issue of the vagabond newsletter which had like all this stuff on it and people were super receptive to it across like all kinds of projects and I had other writers say hey if you want me to write something for your newsletter and I was like huh this is really interesting back in the 90s I published a
I was like, maybe I'll never publish a magazine again. No way. This has been so fucked up. Maybe I'll do an NFT magazine. That's how the magazine got born. It's wild to think about that. But all the writers coming from page
coming from Jenkins, coming from all the other places that I also go besides Page Down from Bagabond Discord. People coming together and saying, "Hey, I'd like to do that. Can I do this for that?" And I feel at one point, he was like, "Yeah, your newsletter is good, but you need some headers." And he gave me the headers.
And that was sort of like also an impetus that sort of started me thinking like maybe I should make this a magazine and you know, I just did it and it's so amazing to me that we we managed to well I managed to to put together nine issues of bag of on magazine and we managed
to compile and write together and publish together nine issues of Vagabond Magazine plus a lot more and it's just been such a trip to watch this space develop and you know as far as I know Vagabond Magazine on
on-read meat books was the first magazine style publication that you could actually read online. There'd been a couple of books already. There'd been a few other things. And after we started, Time Magazine was the second publication that came out and did that, and with a very similar sort of product.
of course, it's time magazine and it was pretty cool to see we actually innovated ahead of time magazine, which is pretty neat. And every other magazine that's out there as well. And my god, the people that I've met through doing Vagabond, you know, there's of course there's Reona,
I was like, I need somebody to write something about page down for this issue. She was like, I'll do it. And then Dylan, you're writing the page down updates that we shared in a few issues and then getting the fiction from the writers and having people write about their projects. And this last one, when we wrote
about web 3 and writing about the philosophy, it's been so wild and so cool. And you know, like you with Page Now, there's been times that I've been a little bit like this is so innovative and it's so fucking cool and it's so different than anything else and it's actually better than so much
that's out there, why isn't this getting traction? Why aren't people buying every issue of Bagabond Magazine? And I see India's here. India is the one consistent person that buys a copy of Bagabond Magazine every month. And the truth is, I should give him one, but since he's the only person that buys one, I don't want to give that up.
be at least one person buying one. And that might be a model of something. But anyway, Indy, I go back and I love to buy Indy's projects. So I guess it all comes back to you. He's done some amazing things with Reed Me Books and from his poetry to his 3D
You know like real-world stuff like the some of the NFTs that easy not easy, but Indy has put out Have just been so much further than what anybody else is doing and I'm talking a lot, but there is one other thing that I want to say and that's that I look at the NFT space now
for the most part and it is so fucking boring. It's so boring. People are not doing anything exciting, they're not doing anything innovative, they're doing things that we've already thought about and we've already experimented with and they're like this is the first time that anybody's ever published a book on a blockchain. I don't know how many times I've heard that.
from so many different projects and yet you know when we go back to 2020 and 2021 we were already doing this stuff so I don't know maybe I'm spoiled because I'm so early but I find NFTs and the thinking of the people that are doing projects right now so limited and so
boring. And it's great to be a part of you guys who together we're all pushing the limits of what's possible with NFTs, with publishing on the blockchain, with books on the blockchain, with the future of books itself. You know, I see so many projects that say we're the future of books, but they're not doing anything different with books. They're just
doing the same things with books that we're done on Amazon just attaching a blockchain to it. But we are doing some different things. Look at those hundred and some books that are withreadmebooks. Look at those authors that are there. Look at the projects that those authors are doing, the way that they're marketing. There is so much innovation and page down
so much stuff that is happening with readme books and with the people who are in this space, you know, and all of the things that they're doing outside of readme books and and page down, you don't have to look any further. That's that's the cremdilla crem and maybe we won't get rich, but you know what? It doesn't matter. We're fucking cool.
And I'll pause my mic now. True that. Oh man, you know, tough, tough acts to follow you guys are, you know, talking about a lot of great stuff. Definitely super thankful that we've got Rihanna with us. Just been an incredible addition and, you know, such great energy and, and
incredible talent and connections and just so it's that's been probably one of the best things that's happened to PageDow this year. It has been kind of a crazy year. I don't know to me it just feels like super fractured and just felt like I don't know a couple of years like back into one maybe but there have been
some really cool things and just recently actually in Miami one of the things I'm super excited about is cooking up closer with the verse verse and I also I just reached out and kind of touch base with them a couple days ago we're thinking maybe mid January or something will fire up a page to out verse verse meeting
and start putting our heads together to see what we can do moving forward, you know, getting more of the poetry and stuff into, you know, our stuff, doing some collaborative events or workshops or endeavors, trips and all kinds of stuff like that. So I am super excited about the coming here. I think
think we have so much that we've built, so much has been laid. The money might not be there now. As Dylan mentioned, I echo the sentiment that people are just floundering around and not really looking for the actual gems. Maybe we'll find someone that finds
us as a little gem in the rep and if not we'll just keep bootstrapping it because we've got real shit over here real innovative cool literary stuff actually using the blockchain and more than one way of just like oh it's an NFT now it's an NFT book. I'm excited to hopefully start getting some
some more like audiobook style stuff or you know even just more readings and things like that where we can be interactive maybe you know get one of the maybe take one of the past depends that we've had and then polish it up as little you know radio show things like that so fun so I want to you know keep pulling
and some of the fun stuff for this next year and we're going to keep trepping along and the tech is catching up and eventually we will be the train that really carries literature deep into the future with the blockchain.
Who would be? Reion it you have a post mortem for us or lessons or anything you carried away. Maybe that's what we're doing right now. I don't really dug you see it. I mean, you know, everybody can see where we're going. We're going places. We're doing stuff.
I do. I can jump in a little bit and talk about some of the things that I've learned and some of the people that I've met and and so
Maybe just to jump off of that and just say I'm always so inspired by what you guys talk about and what you guys, what your visions are. And so just listening to easy right now I'm like filtering through. What do I have? What do I have that can support this project or
or what can I do that will support this other project and I really am so I'm so glad to be part of a group that has such a strong foundation and I know it's disheartening
that there's not money just coming out our ears right now, but there's kindness and caring and dedication and passion and interest and all of those good words that
show a strength and a perseverance and I'm here for forever because you guys you couldn't get me to leave you couldn't get me away because I'm so I'm dedicated and I feel all of those same things and I so want to
to be part of the narrative that brings literature to the future and That that's something that I'm so passionate about and and I see it mirrored in you guys and I just I just like if there was just a way for for me to just hug you all and make you cookies and
I don't even know what to say. Thank you so much and how honored I feel to be part of all of this with you. And I cannot wait for all of these new experiences together. I'm in.
I'll be expecting cookies at the next meetup.
You know what? I would love some cookies right about now.
Maybe I'll maybe I'll make some marijuana cookies too. Oh, even better. Well, I will I will send you my chocolate chip cookie recipe and CD you go right in. Oh,
That maybe is a project that we should do is the the page down cookie book we could all put together our
favorite cookie recipe put together a cookie book and send it out to page down members as a way to say we find you delicious or something. I love that idea.
That's awesome. I totally have like a old family, you know, a cookie recipe or two that I can scrounge up to throw in.
It's a pretty fun idea. I think we should do it. So we'll make that one of our first focus projects of 2023. I'm sure we'll have plenty of other ones. You know, something else that I wanted to talk about today. And that is that in two days, the new version
and that's going to be where all the bald Jesus stuff probably is going to be focused moving forward. But you know, the first copy of the Holy Vigil, I published on Ethereum using OpenC Lacing Mentor. That was the OG copy. And then the second copy was the AB copy, which was
published on Read Me Books. And it's been so fun to like to freak people out with the whole bald Jesus'ism and holy, vegetable stuff, you know. And honestly, like, so I wrote an essay you guys probably saw it. I put it up on Twitter and I read it. Actually, I did like a podcast or sub-stack with it.
And it talks about the fact that after I wrote so so I want to just mention really quickly that a couple of years ago in 2020 I was messing around with NFTs and then in early 2021 I was like oh I want to make a project what do I do and so I thought all Jesus is funny let's make pictures
some bald Jesus will make this a project and a bunch of people joined that we all start drawing bald Jesus and from that eventually came the bald Jesus drinking club and then came this idea that I was going to make it an established actual like recognized religion because I thought why not there's there's worse things so I wrote
the Holy Bigible and that was in 2021 about September was when I started it and I finished it in November and then I thought what do I do with it now and I idea was I'm going to live the principles of this of this ridiculous religion for a year and do it publicly and so I did that and for the past year
I've been publicly and very overtly living the religion of bald Jesusism which by the way the council of IAA we decided that bald Jesusism is too much of a mouthful so from now on it's baldism, baldism and you know we're not taking Christ out of Christmas we're taking Jesus out of bald Jesusism
But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but,#
religious principles because they're in a codified religion now, but really they're just principles for like living a good life and that's all the the biciable ever was was just an idea to codify some of the good principles that make life better and my year of living it was so fun I mean I remember when I was in Austin or South by
I was like, "I'm going to go to the church and I'm going to go to the church and I'm going to go to the church and I'm going to go to the church and I'm going to go to the church and I'm going to go to the church and I'm going to go to the church and I'm going to go to the church and I'm going to go to the church and I'm going to go to the church and I#
It's so much fun, but I gotta say there are so many conversations that I had that people probably left those conversations and just thought this guy is an absolute lunatic. He started a cult of one and he's just won't shut up about it. And that was part of the challenge of doing. That was probably
the biggest challenge of doing it was like going through my life publicly and talking to everybody that I know all the way around the world by the way about ball Jesus was the hardest thing I've ever fucking done in my life like to force myself to talk about that with people was so hard but I did it and that you know I owe a lot of that to
to page down, haven't read me books so that I can publish it there, that version, and making it easy for me to distribute those to people, and to be available for people to read for free on-chain, and have it public and purposeful.
Anyway, that was another page now connected thing that I wanted to go a little retrospective on because I will tell you guys that the new Holy Vigil which by the way, we've already published it on Read Me Books in the Indie Bada coffee and you should buy
a copy too. And if you don't buy a copy, you should just go read it because it's really cool. This is not a book by me anymore. It's a book by like a dozen people that all that together and voted and used on-chain governance to create something that's really cool. And I think that if you check it out, you'll like it. Anyway, I'm talking a lot again. I'm going to pause my mic. Someone#
I have an headset high to the whole page. How family hello people Oh man, it's really cool hearing these year-end recap kind of things is really nice I don't know I'm obsessed with buying bag of barns and ift books
I'm like, I get the feeling whether it's real or not that like, I don't, I just want to be a part of that history and it's cool to have that on chain, you know. I'm like a really bad NFT collector. I have
the most just non-tradable, non-liquid, wonderful artifacts of the last couple of years in my wilds. It's sort of delightful because I'm a hoarder in real life, but I had definitely have
order tendencies and so like digital collectibles like all it means is I have to scroll more. It's kind of cool that way. I don't run out of space. Yeah anyway I wasn't planning on doing an update. I certainly would have been better served by
bullet points. But this past year there were a lot of cool little exercises in community buildings, some exercises in like technology and what we can do, what we can
I'm loving the D-work which I still haven't quite figured out how to use properly. I like get Stymede and mystified by technology as an end user for some reason. Anyway, but I've seen lots of people hop on and clearly they get
I can't band boards better than I do. And I'm loving just the Read Me collection itself. It's one of very few collections that are community minted that aren't like part of some large scale.
Mint engine, they're very feet of point two. And I think it's a point of pride that we did over in Ethan volume this year on a completely organic community built project. It's far from the, I don't know, seven
25e we have to get to get the check mark on OpenSea but it feels like you know it should be a pattern of it fits the size of the collection the distribution of tokens is pretty broad as well so there's like you know 600
19 different holders of NFT books which feels really good. And like we learned a lot of things about like pricing and discovery and like what it is people want we've watched this space. It's a really I agree with everybody sentiment so far that like you know
At some point, our digital lifestyle is like the people who are around and the people who I've met through this project are like, you know, goldmine, great thinkers, beautiful philosophers of life, givers of their time and energy.
just let somebody mention a new zany project and everybody's like all in and supporting it in the ways they can and I I don't take any of that for granted so anyway this is my sappy end of year shout out to all of you page down people and you're awesomeness
Yeah, I think if there's one thing about all this, it is awesome. The end of the day, it's just freaking awesome.
And I have to say that, uh, we're super cool. And not because you said this, but by the same token, I'm a little obsessed with collecting indie projects because I just feel like, oh, these are the projects that are so different. And these are like going to change everything. So I've got
a pretty nice collection of indiepartigable.e and fts going as well and I'm maybe guilty of that digital hoarding that you mentioned too and yeah there's so much worthless stuff in terms of money that sits in my
wallets, but there's so much value attached to it because it's like it's forever memorabilia's of what really, like despite everything, has been maybe the most enjoyable and productive period of my entire life and that is saying something.
Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Jason, I've got a hand invited you to speak as well. I believe we've got LCOA in the house. So what's up? If you want to come up and speak, you can feel free to come up and speak. And just, I don't know.
Maybe to reset the room back just a little bit. Let's see. I guess we've got 2023 plans to talk about. One thing to say for sure is that we've agreed not to do a space next week. So look for potentially
a YouTube video that may be pre-recorded or maybe live to be coming from us before too long. Oh, and then we do have the new Page. Magazine, which I went and built the beginning of
last week or after spaces. And so this is a magazine where if you're a page-down member you can publish your content there. And basically the thing is this, it's on which is a web to social media network in which people exchange their views in long-form
and stuff like that. And so by creating this magazine, what my goal is is to give you a platform as a page down member. And so this means if you've got a magazine, like Vagabond magazine, or if you've got works that you're creating that you need a home for, or anything.
like that. Updates, we can do newsletters this way. We're going to work on trying to build a subscriber base and if it doesn't work on medium we'll go somewhere else maybe sub-stack or maybe ghost or maybe scent. Maybe we could just do it from scent and not need mediums so much at all.
But the idea is that we do need a page down magazine type of place where anybody from Web 2 or Web 3 can go and kind of get a sense not only for, you know, hey, like here's all this jargony technology stuff, but like, you know, here's what the people that are doing
doing this or doing this for. Here's what everybody cares about. And so one thing I think that we were really pretty all in on Twitter throughout 2023 or 2022. And like really intrudely, I do think that we have seen
I would say maybe July, August, September, somewhere in there it seems like we hit the wall. There was growth that was happening before that and then the growth slowed and now I would say that the growth is more or less halted. In order to continue growing
social media wise, I do think we need to be looking at things like Lens, Mastodon, some of these other media sites that come up because there is a chance to meet people there. But I don't know which ones and I certainly don't know how to get us on all of them at the same time or anything. So the
medium pieces are easy to share and if somebody does read it and you know like it then I do think that they will follow you. So it is kind of a way for us to try to you know continue to grow the sense of shared community that we have and that we've used Twitter
year all year to, you know, to kind of reify and facilitate. You know, it's hard to say exactly what the future is going to hold in any of these directions. But I do think, yeah, the thing that's awesome is that we have a community and the community just needs to address this.
And so, yeah, I mean, pretty much at the end of the day, that gives us our kind of direction that we need to take. That gives us our initial goals that we need to have. And everything we do after that, it's just an attempt. Does it get the goal or not?
You know, and there's a couple of things that I've missed from PageStow recently that I would love to see come back. And those things are misfortune Mondays were that was a great show.
It was a lot of fun to get on and talk about misfortunes and things like that. Just as a fun way to have community gather and laugh about life together. The other thing is, I'm very sorry that I haven't caught all the past the pins that
this year because that was another show that I really enjoyed coming along and being a part of and participating in the timing Fridays are just a tough day for me in general, but I really like to get back into joining you for that and for some of your other spaces as well.
Well, and then the other thing is I sort of where's Jimmy Hapicks man like we get that that blue to take back into some spaces with us because I miss his his broad broadly
probably insane perspective on things and there's so many page down members that I would love to see come back and interact with some more in the future. So I'll just pause it there and let somebody else take it.
I don't know. I just want to update on Jimmy Heypacks. I talked to him regularly and like he's working on crazy stuff. Still he's codifying. A lot of his principles.
and the games that we've come to know and love called the Meta Games. I'm like Jimmy we need to release this on chain. He's gone actual physical zine printing. I'm probably releasing too much alpha but like he's literally
selling his books on the street and I like, I loved the thought of him. I introduced the idea of A.D. marketing testing to him and so he sent me a report of like a
in the cold made one sale. But there's something so grassrootsy awesome about that. I don't know. I love it. I love it. Yeah, that's my Jimmy update from the field.
That was not disappointing.
You know Jimmy I missed Jimmy too. It would be great to get him back for something, but I don't know I feel like it's been such an absolute whirlwind pretty much ever since we started you know
And I don't know, there's something in the present moment that's a little bit of a break or like a beat, you know, and for some reason it's a little bit easier to kind of reflect on the past.
how things have been right now that it's been in a while. I don't know man, I feel pretty good about most of this stuff and I'm really happy to be here today with you guys.
Well, I'll talk about a few things that are coming up in 2023, sort of, page down related. First of all, E.R. Donaldson, who is another one of those wonderful people that have come to know through page down and through the literary and F.T. space, his
Mythic North is getting ready to launch. And I'm happy to say I have a piece in there. Rihanna, I think you have a piece in there as well. We've got some other friends and page down members who have pieces in there. And it's so exciting. So check out the tweets and
And check out the Kickstarter and support that project because it's something that is amazing. He's really bridging the gap between physical and digital and digital, I suppose we can say, and trying to create a different model of publishing that I really appreciate.
Another thing that I would love to talk about is some of the other platforms that recently I've been trying out. I mean earlier I did sort of rail on like people saying like this is brand new we're doing something so different and just doing the same thing but there are some really great projects out there. Yesterday I finally bought a read IO book
for the first time and actually I use their reader and it's pretty cool I just love the fact that they're building on card on out and the way that they're going about like bringing bringing books to the blockchain is totally different than what anybody else is doing on reedle by the way I've also been enjoying the reedle story
and that community. There's a really great community out there with RIDL and they've been doing some giveaways. If you guys haven't seen, there's some free books that you can collect every day. They're doing the seven days of Christmas and among them, you know, some of our friends like Sylvie Bax had one, Edward Carpenter had one up there. Then, you know,
We have our friend Greg from Cryptoversal who has been doing super cool things with his wordlers and licensing. And all of that again is connected to the page now. And this is the point that I'm trying to get at is that no matter what project you go to that's literary and Web 3, you're going to find
We are really like the hub and part of that is because we're this place where the focus has not been on building a billion dollar business. The focus has not been on creating, you know, a lot of things that are going to be
a private industry where we get rich and exploit other people. No, it hasn't been that. It's been on giving writers and authors and storytellers the tools to tell stories and developing that and also letting other people know that they have the ability to tell stories that they can, you know, if you're a game
developer or if you're a coder or if you're a carpenter or if you're you know Jimmy Haypacks you know a poet philosopher living on the street you are a writer and you have something that you can write and share and it's not impossible for you to do it and Page Down has made all of that easier for everybody that's gotten involved in
it. And it's part of the reason why we have this community that is so supportive and so friendly and so quick to help and so quick to like, you know, hold out their hand or lift someone up or give someone a hug or throw a heart or a retweet. It's really just one of the best things ever. So all
that and yeah all roads do lead from or to page that we're sort of the center of the literary NFT and blockchain universe and I think that that's a beautiful thing you know and I'm not diminishing other projects by saying that but I am saying that this is the space that you don't have to really buy anything to be a part of it
I just wanted to say, you know, tag it on there. Yeah, I just kind of actually readle hit me up in the DMs. I was like, "Hey, we're starting our week of Christmas free NFT books if you want to grab some." So that was really cool. So seeing what they're doing.
On other subjects as far as like, you know, new and different social media things, I finally just now, while we were alive, was able to get my lens. So I was able to claim my easy encrypted out lens and kind of looking to get set up over there.
been wanting to do that for a while, so that's cool. But yeah, just excited about, you know, kind of pulling together, you know, the kind of troops over at like Sitka World, and there's so many great literary projects that we've, you know, created relationships
with. So I think it will be important this year as we move forward to, you know, with respect to Paige Dow being this kind of central station, just to reconnect and pull people in and find fun ways to collaborate, whether that's through something like, you know, past the pen.
and all these things kind of evolving grow. So it's just, it's an awesome process to have been a part of this for, you know, since the good old early days. And still, we're still just kind of trucking along, building and still feels kind of like early days. But we've also, I think, a
accomplished a lot and be able to set a really good kind of precedent for how a community can just take the slow organic growth and stick to our principles. Provide value. You don't have to sell out or make it big and then go bro, just slowly build and build.
I've still got my Lieber down membership too. I'm never leaving that community by the way, so I'm still in there
You mean livernet?
That's the one. See, I haven't gotten in there, but I'm still in there. Oh, that's hilarious. Yeah, there's still a couple of hundred people that have stuck around in there for some reason. I actually go and post there sometimes, but I think it's been a long time since the last time.
Well, at some point people are going to look and they're going to say, wow, you know what, there were these whip publishing books that were published in 2021 that were like ahead of the curve and that did something different than everybody else. And then look at that stuff and then look at the early read me books as well.
And all of that stuff I do think at some point there's going to be these NFT archaeologists and digital archaeologists that are going to go back through and they're going to find this stuff and they're going to be like, "Whoa! Look at what these guys were doing! I always think of Indy Fatigueables like that spoken word piece that he made on
read me books is just so cool, you know, it's like, I love it. And you know, I'm so happy that I have one of those. And at some point people are going to look at stuff like that and they're going to be like, whoa, that's so different than anything else that's out there. You know, it's, it's pretty cool to be a part of this guys.
Yeah, my old man will call me up sometimes and be like, what are you doing? I don't be like innovating and it's always true, you know. I feel like we innovate more than more than we do anything else around here at PageDow and you know part of that's because we're also open part of this because we don't have you know
some kind of stupid corporate objectives that we're also busy doing that we don't have the opportunity to kind of take a minute and see what's cool about someone's new project. But yeah, I guess if we were going to close this out, I think maybe one thing we
might do since just the holidays and everything would be to perhaps share some inkling of what we hope to do differently next year. What do we think about this guys? You think we got time to kind of pass it around one more time? I can go first and the thing I want to do better
job of next year is collecting all these dope NFTs people are putting out. This last year I've kind of full out myself to not be very liquid and maybe in the future I can do something a little bit different there and you know kind of be a better a better fan as well as perhaps a better founder by doing that.
I'm just wide open to 2023 and all that it's going to bring. It's, you know, there's something really cathartic about the new year when it comes. And I hope that all of you have whatever traditions you're celebrating, whether you're celebrating the Baldism Graffiti Day on the 21st.
or whether you're celebrating Christmas on the 25th of Kwanzaa or Hanukkah or just celebrating New Year's or celebrating Wednesday, whatever. I hope you have a great holiday season and much, much love to all of you and I hope to see you all
in 2023, thriving and being happy. Nice. Let's see. I'm going to go a little bit opposite of Dylan and say in 2023, I'm going to try and sell a couple NFTs.
I am like Indy and CD here, maybe a little bit of a digital pack rat. I love collecting, I collect a lot. I love just supporting the awesome people doing cool stuff. So a lot of, most of what I collect is not ever going to be for resale.
But there are those things that I also kind of, you know, will get wind of and pick up one or two. And so I'm going to try and when we're back in kind of, you know, some some upward swing. I'm going to go through my bags, find a couple things I could dare to part with and, you know, maybe take a little profit this year.
And of course, keep building with all you awesome people and have fun and do lots of shows and break metaverses and all that good stuff. Break the metavers! That sounds wonderful. That sounds wonderful.
what am I going to do better in 2023? I think I'm going to join Dylan and buy more literary NFTs. I already purchase all sorts of things all the time, but I'm going to really focus on
supporting everyone around me who inspire me. So all of you guys and all the new people who we meet, I'm going to try to support them. And then let's see. So in my family, for us, we celebrate you all, which is historically December
first it's the longest darkest night of the year and we fill our house with light so many candles you can't believe it and we make wishes for the coming year and it's wishes that are rich and filled with hope and so I've already and we write down our wishes
and then we hang them on that Christmas tree because we also have a Christmas tree or a winter tree that we put candles on. And so one of my wishes is that PageDowne finds the success it so deserves.
And so that's a big deal for me and for all of you that you are being rewarded for all of your hard work and dedication. And I plan to be part of that.
Do we have anyone else?
I'm just going to be deving my butt off, building little pieces and hopefully making it so other people can contribute to our open source adventure. Yeah.
Oh man, yours was the best of all. That was my favorite. Okay folks, well, all right. I think this may be the last Twitter spaces that we're going to do at least for a while for the page that I'll show here.
If we don't see you, come scope us out on YouTube. Alright folks, probably for the last time in 2022 at least peace, love and we'll be we'll be we'll be
It was all worth it just for that. Yes. See y'all next year.
Bye! Blessed you, everyone!

FAQ on The PageDAO Show w/ Epic Dylan Rionna Morgan & CD Vagobond | Twitter Space Recording

Why does the speaker apologize at the beginning of the podcast?
The speaker apologizes because she is sick.
What is the potential reason for the podcast to move to YouTube?
The potential reason for the podcast to move to YouTube is for better monetization possibilities and to expand the content.
What holiday is coming up?
Christmas is coming up.
What is Dylan's opinion on winter?
Dylan thinks that winter has a quality of mellowing things out and slowing them down, which makes him a quieter and more painterly version of himself.
What is CD's opinion on rainy days?
CD enjoys rainy days because it allows them to stay inside and get work done without feeling guilty about not being outside.
What is Easy's suggestion for expanding to other platforms?
Easy suggests pre-recording content and then hosting live interactions on other platforms, such as a YouTube Live where people can ask questions and make recommendations in the chat.
What is the speaker's opinion on Elon Musk and Twitter?
The speaker believes that there is a moral imperative to move from Twitter due to Elon Musk's behavior and actions, but she also recognizes the investment she has made in her relationships on the platform and plans to use multiple platforms going forward.
Why was Ms. Borland unable to make it to the podcast?
Ms. Borland was unable to make it to the podcast due to the timing being difficult for those in different time zones.
What is the benefit of moving the podcast to YouTube?
The benefit of moving the podcast to YouTube is increased flexibility in recording and scheduling, as well as the ability to film and edit video content.
What does the speaker suggest they discuss in the podcast on this particular day?
The speaker suggests they discuss the things they learned and the people they met on Twitter and other platforms during their time doing the podcast.