The road to Aurumana! Vol I 🔥 #nfts #SolanaNFT #eth

Recorded: April 20, 2023 Duration: 1:13:10



Hi, man. How are you?
I'm doing great, but how we doing?
Cool, I'm cool, I'm cool. Welcome everyone to our space. Just waiting for the room to flap a little bit before we get everything going.
In the meantime, while we wait for the rest of our guests to get here and our listeners to get here, if everyone who's already here can be subkind, just to retreat the space out for us, I've been the link to the top there so we can get as many people in here to listen to all the wonderful projects we will be joining us today.
Thank you, CryptoHermes, for breaking the silence there. Well, guys, while we wait for the spring,
do you want to maybe introduce yourself to myself? I certainly really know you. And I think crypto-arms schooler also would love to know a little bit more about you.
Hello, my friend, you are 100% audible. In the distance, that is a little bit of a reward. Where you are from, if you might have been up into the top, will we wait for the rest of our guests to arrive?
Let me just give you a brief information about Supreme Alpha. First of all, hi, I'm Mikey. I'm from India and I'm building a DAO. And we are basically focused to building a very strong community in a Web 3 where we want to invite all these Web 3 Ansogest and the Deegents to come and join our
and we will provide them with values like alpha calls, mint analysis, crypto calls, giveaways, education, trading sessions and all those stuff and we will provide them more in the values and create a very strong community in the web through space. And in future I have also plans for launch our video
own collection of supreme alpha but for now we are only focusing on Dao I'll discuss more about when the AMA gets starts I have something I have prepared for you guys so yeah that's a brief intro about myself and about supreme alpha I hope you got it and yeah I'm really thankful for you guys to inviting me in this space it's a really honor to be here and speak to you guys
and I'm generally looking forward, very nice to meet you all. No problem, it's a pleasure to have you my friend. This little space of ours is all about building community, building ties and bridges with other communities, you know, in Web 3, the only way we grow is if we all grow together.
Yep, 100%.
What is going on Nico how are we doing bud?
Dude, I'm doing alright. We are yeah, we are hosting. Busy sending out invites to as many people as possible. We had a whole bunch of people who said, "Remind us for this space, not what you were ever
is though but yeah that's a lot some games and get as many people in here as we possibly can. Dude let's get them in here man yeah let's just like let's chill you know it's 420 some good vibes I see SD down there SD you gotta come up here and talk my guy
Get up here get active and talk a little bit Nah, I don't know just a kind of you know doing some research in the market kind of just looking at like what's going on just kind of seeing I saw you know Gary Gensler getting ripped by a bunch of congressmen in the US
That made me feel good, you know, because it seems like a lot of like congress people in the US are kind of talking about crypto and they want to kind of help keep it here in the US, which is kind of cool So yeah, so I don't know it's you know, we have a little bit of a dip in the market today
You know, no worries, but I think we're gonna see some some some right numbers at the end of the year this year so hold on for your horses, but uh, yes all guises coming up man. We're gonna have some fun with the next project coming up and uh, what's up? Best see you're up here, bud
Hey, hello bro. Hello guys. I had to do it. So we're doing great man. It's a beautiful day where I am. It's like, is it, it's like the middle of night where I you are right now, right?
Yeah, it's empty and right now for me. I'm very later ready. I just have to be on ground to make sure everything is running. I think the older speakers, but they haven't response. So I'm also hoping the members
just to join some just maybe just with the 2 with the notes then 3 to 4 minutes or 5 minutes if you don't come just talk to me to just get a note that says more and now see how it could go hi Nikko
Yeah, I think it's good to see you, mate.
Yeah, it's cool to have him like a mess like intimate space start us off, you know. I was happy that I was able to use one of the, one of the, one of the soundboard things I've ever used one of those before. That's perfect.
Yeah, hi Mikey. You guys, thanks for coming. Nice to be out in bed.
I'm doing well, I'm good.
Let's see what this one does. Oh my god, that was too loud. Hello. This is gonna fun. In the supreme in the supreme alpha, y'all
you guys have just started up. Are you guys have you guys been around for a while? Yeah, we just started up. It's been only a week since we launched and we're just rolling up. That's cool. How are you finding getting members into a doubt like in the middle of like
Quart on Quart of Bear Market. Yeah, getting members. Yeah, yeah, it's quite hard to be honest, but yeah, we are giving our best rolling out the collaborations during promotions. We all want to make it as organic as it can be. We don't promote any fake audience or to
So we are trying to build a very organic member and one of the best to whip tree community. So yeah, working hard for that mate. Let's see how it goes. That's awesome man. That's awesome man. Are you guys doing like, are you keeping it like a loft discord more like private or you kind of keep it open for kind of
was the plan is right now that we are open right now for first of all we'll fill few of the OGs and whitelist member and after that very soon we are going to go private and switch it to private then we will be closed out and the
you can only get through the collaborations and partnerships and all those stuff. So yeah, that's the plan for right now. That's awesome. I've been in the space for probably two years now. Probably it's like a more of a project founder admins on a project for like a year.
year so and it's different to see like how much of that is like big in the ecosystem like the dows and like connecting with those type of communities. It's really they really are an asset when you're trying to build like you know organic communities which so it's it's cool what you're trying to do but
Yeah, yeah, 100% Yeah, I want to welcome our friend ever bloom to the room. Dude, how are you doing? I am doing very very well. I apologize for running late. We were in a Twitter space another AMA where we were playing soldier boys cranked out
I think you could join us, rather like the never. But I hope you're a crypto. I'm a scholar. What's up, man?
I was listening to some space before I said every bloat was doing that thing rocking their stuff and I was just trying to give them some props. I was listening, I was rocking when it's so, it was a fun time.
It's all love happy to be here. How are you guys doing?
Man, it's a beautiful day. It's 420. You know, you can't ask for anything better. We're building our community. We're just chilling. How you doing, Nico?
I'm doing absolutely fantastic. It is 12 minutes pause a little bit at night years, Africa. But as you know, the coastal up and going, I do my 24/7 put in the work, the grind. And yeah, we're building our community.
getting soul guys where we wanted to get. Just the, well for a few people we've got here, our OG Mint is still open if I'm not mistaken, crypto is our own schoolers, so if anyone is interested open to our discord and we can definitely hook you up.
and a blue plus or half u is us.
Oh, Everglume, do you want to give us a few updates since the last time we've spoken? Has there any more... any new developments with what you guys are bolding and doing? Of course, apologies. I was spamming Loveheart emojis because I was feeling the vibe. But in the meantime, yeah, if anybody knows what Everglume is, well that's great. If you don't know what it is,
It lets you invest in creators. We have a beautiful platform. If you love UI, you love a good platform experience. Click the link in our bio or join the discord and hang out. Essentially what we do is we invest in creators, specifically YouTubers. We put money into them, our own money, but we also let the community
take part. Think of that big YouTuber that was once a small growing creator that didn't have so much traction, but now they're all of a sudden on top of their game, the Mr. Beast of the World, that are making so much money that even though you were an OG supporter from day one, you didn't get to share a piece of their success. Or what we
Let you do at Everbloom is we let you own a share of these youtubers that are offered on our platform that we as a big company get to invest in as well You as an investor as part of the community will get to take part at the same terms as us as well So we've offered deals for some pretty cool youtubers
1A3B, almost 700,000 subscribers across 2 YouTube channels, we raised $15,000 in 24 hours. And that drop was pretty cool. He in the past 6 months has made $139,000. We've done some other YouTube drops as well. We've done J-Power Free Travel YouTube and NotsoMik, 17.6
$6,000 revenue from YouTube AdSense in the past 12 months, but his drop has sold out on our platform. It's great that the community got take part and we got sport grown creator that has traveled videos all around the world from Iran to Japan to Saudi Arabia all parts of the world.
world. He has explored and gaining a lot of traction so we chose to invest in him but of course offering to the community as always. We've also got a few more creators, Brickverse, 65 million views also in the past 12 months, 64 cents per thousand views. So that's not so much but imagine getting 20 million on
a YouTube video when you have only three YouTube videos ever produced in a year and a half and one of them made you $20,000 in the past year but you uploaded it the year before. That's what Brickverse does with the funding we provided Brickverse was able to up its production check the coming months it's already going to double its output possibly even triple it.
That's the sold out drop as well. So I'm talking like this because that drop has no longer live anymore. So, couple of interesting things have been going on. We're going to be launching another creator. In fact, one of our biggest ever creators. In fact, at OG in the YouTube Space, in the next week or so, stay tuned and on Discord if you're
that's something you're interested in. Investing in YouTubers is just the beginning for us and what we want to do in the future is go to different platforms. Twitch, Kick, Substack, Paragraph, all sorts of platforms. TikTok. TikTok's a really good one, right? For short, form content, but YouTube's coming along with the YouTube shorts. That's all I've got.
to give us an update right now, but things have gone really well since the last time we spoke, we're now moving on to our fifth drop, which is pretty cool. And for anyone who's new, this sounds like an NFT project, right? What's the credibility? How do I know I'm getting paid? Well, you get your payout every three months, pretty standard, automatically, either directly to
your own platform balance, which you can cash out via an on-ramp directly to your bank account, or you'll get it to your wallet and you'll get those payments every three months. Pretty standard, depending on whether you're a web-to or a web-through user that's up to you. Now, what makes us so useful? What is the legitimacy in ever-doomsday?
platform. Whatever Bloom is funded, we plan to invest a million dollars over the next six months into YouTubers alone. Think of what we can do into more creators. We're backed by Dapper Labs, which are the original founders of NBA Topshop, if anybody third of them. We also have an advisor coming on board to our team to help as a creative strategist
by the name of Mario Juice. Well, maybe you haven't heard his name before, but if you have, you'll recognize that he was the retention strategy director at Mr. Beast. Anyways, I'll drop that bomb and I'll leave it back over to you, Jen. That's an update from us. Thanks for listening. Well, dude, thank you so much for helping in and giving
us a little bit of an update. We've got a few more people who joined our space guys. If you would be so kind, the first tweet we've been to the top day, please retreat the space. Let's get a few more people in here. Do you listen to these kind folks who have devoted their time today to comment on what they are busy building and the crypto sphere.
and the Twitter sphere. If there's any of the other projects who are guests who would like to come up at the stage, please do requests. We'll bring you up ASIP, but I will throw it back to my good man, Krypton, Skullo, right here next in the guys position. Yeah, no, I was going to just ask, like, you know, just kind of listen to every little matter.
My motto is just goes when I hear this guy speak up with so many things you could do fucking with this stuff and what I was kind of what I was thinking was like are you are you gonna do you think or is there something like people talking about like live streams or is that something that like is coming around like I know like People are like doing twitch a
a lot. And that's like another thing. Is that something you guys would like offer to? I'm just like speaking outside the box, you know? Well, yeah, no, 100%. I mean, the way we are positioning ourselves is we will first make sure we can do everything perfectly because, you know, it's a sensitive area. People in the community take part in
So if we can't guarantee that the payments are going to be processed, etc., then we can't jump to offer a new product yet. So with YouTube, I mean, feel free to check out the platform, check out our Discord and learn as much as you'd like to learn about what we do. Everything is so automated, so perfect, right?
You know that product all we are doing right now is just scaling up the amount of youtubers we're launching on the platform and that that's why it's so easy there but of course once we've made the the rollout of a new product then we will look at you know something like streaming something
like writing. Even on Twitter, there's a lot of personalities that have become famous in the space as well. And these are businesses as well. Being a space host isn't being an influence or anything like that. It's a business. There are stages that people
to be thousands to promote on, I was speaking some on the other day, who is a $15,000 a month deal with a web3 company. And there are spaces host, right? We've seen a few companies in the space that have come around that actually publish their financial information, making millions. You know, the opportunities are endless, but there's an area we've
perfected right now that no one else has done to the level that we have and has engaged community. There are a lot of companies that let people take parts. Well, no, there are a lot of companies that raise money for these YouTubers. They give their own money. But what we do is we give our own and in a legally compliant
way, wreck the exemption up to 10 million, right? If anyone wants to check out, in a legally compliant way, we get to allow the community to invest into the same YouTube deals as we do, and eventually with more creators down the line as well. There's no one else doing it, which is why we're generating so much traction right now.
I will give you this. What you guys are doing is truly unique and one of a kind. I've been in this space for almost here and now and you are the very first project that I've come across who have actually
gone as far as utilizing YouTube content creators, you know, it's one of a kind. And one thing I will also just throw in there, listen, Twitter Spaces, yes, it is definitely big business. I have seen
to a space is actually sell out projects. That is the kind of business that is run in these spaces. So yes, it's definitely probably something to look into. I'm not a representative of how you would go about monetizing it onto your platform, but definitely look into
because there is, I mean, even my good man crypto next to me here will tell you that there's a lot of dollars changing hands every single day in these status spaces. Like I said, projects literally sell out because of a space running for 24 hours or 48 hours, whatever the case might be.
Yeah, I mean of course we haven't expressed any public plans to go into a certain platform, but of course, you know, there are certain metrics I guess when it comes to doing a Twitter space is it's hard to plug in directly so I assume you know you partner with a large scale creator or an upcoming creator and then whenever the sponsorship revenue you introduce
There are so many different ways you can do it, but at the moment, ever bloom only lets you invest in YouTubers. These aren't YouTubers that are unmonetized. At the moment, every single one has been monetized, and the payments will come within the first three months. Check it out. We've got one live drop of the four drops we've done so far that has
it's not sold out yet, but that will be going off sale when our next drop comes, whether it sells out or not. And a beautiful thing we should also let people know as well is you don't need to worry about a drop not selling out because we invest in the creator from the start. So if the drop doesn't sell out, which so far it hasn't, right? But if it doesn't sell out,
We just buy it back, which means you don't need to worry. It's not like in the NFT space where Drop Hasn't sold out. Does this mean I'm rugged? Does this mean the YouTuber doesn't get the money? Nope. The YouTuber gets the money from day one. We buy the whole deal from them and we offer a small part to the community so that you guys can also share in our success should this create a win as well.
Hello, I would like to ask a question. I would just like what happened to this guy on a good switch. What are your plans or official plans for creators who might maybe put up some controversial content like what I am planning and what I
So a major part of what we're doing is we're trying to support
the creative economy wherever possible, not just on YouTube, but YouTube is just the very beginning. Yes, it is true that a lot of creators are being de-platformed, but a lot of the creators we reach out to, we follow our own screen and criteria, and in the interest of anybody that takes part in a deal, they have to be consistent in
the past. They have to be established creators, right? So let's say for a year they've been posting, they've been growing and they haven't been taken off. Their content isn't going to rush to that degree. It's a safer investment, right? For us to choose as a company, but also to offer to the community as well. But there are platforms that are enabling these people that maybe are attended creators, that maybe on
Fitting right on YouTube. Maybe it's not working out between them and certain policies. Well look at kick. We're not isolating any platform that we might not support. No kick has some of the most talented streamers. In fact, you know from the web through community you've got profits over wages you've got books all of them are going
over to kick. And I mean today, Kysenat was supposedly banned from Twitch. Kysenat is an extremely creative, talented mind who's been going at it for years. I mean, I think he was making a million dollars a month or something like that. He deserves it. He's been going hard. He has not given
up since the day he started trying. And even with this, I bet, you know, could he go to a platform like Kip, could he go back on Twitch? Who knows? We don't know the full story. But as a company, ever bloom, we will support every creator we possibly can that we believe has a high chance of success and we want the community to share their success as well.
Awesome awesome
Oh mate, that is absolutely brilliant. Like I said, I love what you guys are doing. I see you've got some new potential. You've got a question for you. Sounds like tree. Please go ahead. Max, all yours. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so guys for buying me up. I got the, I saw
your DM go, he said me. And he was happening inside of the office. This was typing. Yeah, for ever, I just came in about two minutes ago. When you mentioned that you're linking everything to or starting up via YouTube, it just reminds me of a video
by a C non YouTube by MBKHD, Brownie, and he basically was saying like, he compared various socials that he was basically insisting that YouTube is the number one most possible
marketplace be creating in at the moment. So the fact that you are leveraging that is quite genius. So not much of a question or just of a statement. But that's not put us to you finding a lane worth carving. What our project is doing.
that you are doing that, and as you expand, it might be worthwhile to explore what kind of product I'm doing because some of your platforms and some of the talent that you might be bringing on board, there might be events such that are available and we can help in making that possibility down the road.
we could create the ticket gate and offer agent events with a ticketing opportunity which will be very exciting. It would be definitely amazing to collaborate in whichever ways possible. I mean, YouTube is like what Amazon is for commerce.
right? You want to go sell stuff where do you go? Where all the buyers are at? Well, do you want to go and create content? Where do you go? Where all the watches of content are at? YouTube, I mean, I don't know if I drop these numbers, but YouTube, one in every three people in the world watch YouTube regularly. Not only that, YouTube's it's
revenue is about $29 billion in the past year and around 17 billion of that was paid out to create this machine. People make you 17 billion. These are businesses. These are not one people bad. If YouTube was a country, it would be the 108th largest country in the world by GDP. Wow. You know, a whole country
a whole lot of countries are smaller than youtube is one company hosted on the internet how much of that is mr bskitt i think i think at least uh... ninety nine percent no jerking i think like thirty million his i'd sense revenue isn't so significant in fact
The majority of his networks have been established by building a creative brand which I think is interesting. Feastables, BeastBurgo. In fact, Mr. Beast has a manager called Reed De Share who has built up so many of these successful YouTubers and the beautiful thing is they treat it like a
business. They don't treat it like a, you know, taking one video today. I'll see if I feel like it tomorrow. Now the best creators are extremely consistent. There's one guy. I don't know if you guys have ever seen. There's a guy that stood outside Twitter HQ for I think 90 days because he wanted to hug Elon
this guy his name is Phidias and he created tons of videos consistently I think he slept in an airport for 72 hours and this guy got millions of views for per video and he was consistent you know people were laughing at him when he was early getting started saying the tension seek or whatever and some people now say he's the next Mr. Beast
This is the thing. You've got to treat this like you're an athlete, right? And the beautiful thing about Everbloom is we find athletes in the making and we provide them that coaching support. We make sure they got the gear. We make sure they got the nutrition. Right? I mean, as a company, what do we do? For free, we help YouTube
right? All I watch is YouTube and all my and I watched like Netflix. That's it right? So when I when I heard about Everbloom being a decentralized Web 3 application that's gonna help creators like that, you know, I was all on board. You know, it's it's gonna be real cool to watch you grow and kind of grow together with you. What's up sounds like
Yeah, yeah, I was just kind of, because of my idea, I do have tables while I got a family and they fill those type of things. I spend more time either listening to, like I treat YouTube like a podcast, or like a space, where I'll quickly just put some on and
I want to hear the creators point in view on various matters that I already know like content. That's only available for specifics here of YouTube. You got to subscribe to it. It's a certain amount of money per month. It allows me to have my post screen on
I can still hear content. It's also good for listening to music and stuff like that. I did just come in on it. Where does the NFT factor into this whole thing? What size is the collection?
And so you have mint details or have you minted? Oh, beautiful, beautiful question. In fact, I apologize for not mentioning the most simple thing that I should have mentioned. Yes, the way it works is you buy NFTs that are on our platform and it's not, you know, a set, min, all the time or whatever that may be.
have regular flows of creators. In fact, in about a week or so we're going to have a new creator. Right now the one that's live is Kadabra, the rest that are on the platform that's sold out. Kadabra makes murder, mystery, stroke, crime, documentaries, long form content, the highest ever RPM, meaning highest ever dollars per
Thousand views that we've ever had on platform $7 I mean the other creators we've had have been one dollar to J power free around that for brickverse sold out job as well 64 cents an Avery be in the past still not when nowhere near as high as the $7 cadaver gets which is quite interesting if you can get such a high RPM
which represents a percentage revenue share of that YouTuber. You get three options. You get a silver NFT which is the smallest if someone doesn't want to spend a lot of money, you know, they're normally 25 to 50 dollars depending on the valuation of the YouTuber, how large they are, etc. Then you have a gold NFT which is slightly more generally there are
$150 each and then you have a hollow NFT between $500 and $1000. And these are no different in royalty share. If you get the same amount of the smaller ones, the silver ones and the one gold, the equivalent amount, they're the same share of the YouTube's revenue. It's just if you want to have
smaller denominations and sometimes larger denomination sell out by whales, sometimes smaller denomination sell out. But essentially you buy the NFT right and every three months you get a payout in line with the percentage share you have of that YouTuber. And the contract could be six months, could be one year, three years.
tend to do them between 1-3 years per YouTuber because a lot of the growth comes over time. You don't want to have a short contract. I mean, the first ever drop we did, despite it selling out, it was the 6 month contract. And it was a huge YouTuber. That's probably why it was slightly shorter, but what we have tried to do since, with communities feedback
back is to have longer contracts to make sure that if that YouTuber maybe doesn't pop off in the next six months, they do in the next year and a half or maybe two and a half years down the line, they blow up. You have a share of that potential blow up periods. Another thing is we have a revenue share arrangement, a guaranteed revenue share arrangement, which may
If you invested $1,000 for a year contract and you make $800 back, our legal contract with every creator is the agreement will extend. So it will extend beyond the one year, whether it takes one year and a half, two years, until you've got your money back. So we've tried to reduce as much risk
for the community as investors as possible, but on the other hand, we spend our own money as a company to help these creators grow as much as possible. So that, what is case scenario, it's very unlikely for that to happen, but even if it does, you don't need to worry so much. The only risk there is if a YouTuber gets in a deep
sell out, we buy back, we buy all the exposure. So every drop sales out, every creator gets the full funding they promise from day one. I hope that answers it. The NFT element is more so the ownership so we can track it everything. All right, thank you for answering my question.
Thank you for asking it.
Yeah, and that's I guess a good way to say where I know Sounds like we've kind of hit hit on in a couple spaces together over the last couple weeks and I know that I was I was actually at NNC NYC the final two weeks ago and and I know I think you guys helped out with a event with
with a big collection that went to ETH possibly and I was just wondering how that went and how everything kind of, I don't think we've talked since then. Which were we talking about? Sorry? No, I was talking to me. I apologize. I thought you meant sounds like.
>> It gets confusing. My Twitter name is not a sound like. Which does pause the facial confusion. >> Let me ask your question. The team, the founder, and one of the content
creators like main artist Leonardo, open as Matt, they went down to NFTNYC specifically to sponsor a full, old number 13 in the deep county, flamplastic, which was the first event.
by DeGolters and DeGolters is very cool. It is a sundown of Yutzen DeGods and based off of traits, DeGol Doug. Doug is the head of the whole project. He actually took those traits
to submit a sub-dow and then leverage the IP that he owns because it's not true of every entity out there but one of the cool things that T-gods and use does allow is that you do own the IP of the given F-C that you own. And he was able to launch that to create a, now we've got in real life, evolving lead going up.
And where take a three of all this and that is going forward we are going to be the official ticketing provider with them and there is a lot of dynamic co other partnerships related to that.
So the third hole was a shotgun style vault event where 18 holes played but every team starts at a given hole so they started at hole 13 and played around to hold 12. What was really hype is they
So we got a proper flag, got one of those official D-Golf jacket. So it was really neat to have that occur. And also a D-Golf or
member has now become a part of our team on the discord and a T side. He's one of the council members. His chat out to make nuggets and the nuggets actually was on the team that got first place. So it is kind of a flex but in all
all of the space we have the best golfing game going out. We're humbled and proud to mention that. It was an outstanding event. It met a whole bunch of new people. When it comes to ticket
I haven't even talked about yet. Just wanted to give you up to date with that all-script look like that. Now, man, that's awesome. I heard it was a really killer event. There was a lot of people there. I ended up going to the D-God's basement party and it was sick. I had it by far and at the best party.
out of all the the part is I went to throughout the week, you know, which was cool, you know, I didn't get it. I was really unfortunate. I tried, I tried my hardest to get into cleanos the cleanos hard because they were handing out those packs, you know, with like the N and T's and stuff, but yeah, and that's just I guess a good segue to kind of go into kind of what's
all guys is doing and what we did at NFTNYC and kind of, you know, I was able to speak about, you know, our project and kind of, you know, what we've been, we're going to offer for the space kind of the next couple of months and, you know, we kind of, if you kind of look up at the top, you know, you can see my basketball
You can go after me species after I speak. You guys can see at the top we're going to try and connect communities like Everbloom, like Sound's Life community with Tick-A-Tree and offer a philanthropy hub for the Salona ecosystem and beyond.
know, and more of a sense if you think projects coming together and changing in real life foundations of places that are struggling in real life. We actually had an opportunity in New York at NFT NYC with a couple holders from some projects that I'm friends with and
other people and we were able to do so a day where we box food for some underprivileged adults in the city and it was a it was a real cool event and there'll be a video coming out and there'll be a bunch of stuff after my editor kind of gets it all through but that's kind of just what we're trying to offer the space and kind of you know
connect people and offer a unique, you know, staking atmosphere at the same time with, you know, our community hub. But, you know, it's just cool. It's nice to be able to hear a bunch of different privates come up and, you know, share their love and kind of share, you know, what they're doing because it's, you know, right now it ain't easy out there.
right and we all know that but it's a builders market and that's what I love. That was kind of the mentality at NFT and YC. It was kind of you know builders are here to stay and I think when I chose to build a community you know I knew Salana was one of those communities I wanted to build on for that reason you know
Because the communities on Salona are just strong. So I thank you guys for coming up. It's been just really nice hearing about what you guys are doing. And I saw that we had a speaker come up. I think it's a species. If you want to come up and you want to talk about or talk about what you're doing and how you're doing. What's up, man?
Yeah, it was going on man. Thanks for inviting us up. So there's two aspects to it and life is our COO of our company So allow him to elaborate first and then I'll talk about our video game that's out now on playable So life. Why don't you take it from here? Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for the platform gentleman and you know, I know in every reason
Species 5K is a collection of 5K NFTs and our men prices only half a soul. We did that because we wanted the entry to the ecosystem not to be a barrier to anybody. Like we see big soul men and things like that that people really hype up and get behind because it's just like well if it starts high obviously
But we're actually giving back in a couple ways with this too. There's a slana community that got rugged unfortunately and instead of trying to rescue that rug and go through all that stuff, we literally just said, "Hey, send your NFTs to us. We'll burn them."
use it as part of the candy machine fees and stuff of this new thing and then we'll just air drop you out some new NFTs, get you into our ecosystem and let's you guys like enjoy what we're building and the other portion that we're giving back is we're actually putting down 330 so and prizes for this overall gamified portion of the mint.
So, I mean, you could go from half a salana invested and potentially see a return of one of these prizes. First place is going to be 60 sold. So, this has been gamified from day one mint one. We have six different mint milestones. We're actually minting right now and we're about to hit a next mint milestone number four, which is 25.
400 minutes at a 3,800 meant to multiply and once all those 3,800 are Mints it out then we're gonna air drop the NFTs out to that community we derogged We allowed some of our existing community members to burn some of their NFTs to get a free entry into this as well and then the gamified app is gonna
secondary to know on the status of the NFT in which you're buying. So, "alive" obviously means "alive" and "active" within the game. "Dying" means that you're at a risk of being eliminated and dead will. I don't think I can explain that. So, "week 1 all 5,000 NFTs will be alive." And the DAP will randomly select 3,600 people to get a quote unquote "buy#
around. They won't have to do anything, they move on to the next week, they enjoy the dub for the week and have a good time with that. And then the other mechanic is part of our portal has a gamified burn and it's gamified in two aspects. The time that it will be available that you can can burn your NFT in and the amount of
So because magic even uses an escrow wall and stuff like that if you have it listed, guess what? You just faded your free-air drop and it's going to have major utility because artifacts are going to be things that you can burn to save yourself from being eliminated and they're also required to claim the prizes. So week eight, there'll actually only be 10 total survivors
and the end of this. So 10 of those NFTs will say, say, "alive on them." And then to know your place, like, what reward that you get, you'll actually still require some of those artifact resources. So first place will require an alliance status species and 10 artifact resources in order to claim the first place prize of 6.5
and even 10 places a good return at one alive species and one artifact to burn to claim 10 Solana. So there's a ton of DGEN fun aspects in this and before EESeg ways over in the game, let's you guys know on the further breakdown of the artifact and species related
So there's 20 different genomes in here because we wanted to have several different versions of art So that way people can find you know a genome that resonates with them or an art style that they like and so there's light dark reptilian avian and sectoid cybernetic necrotic crystal amalgamation humanoid
gaseous, fungal, astral, steampunk, animalistic, lava, polar, aquatic, void, and plasma. So there's a ton of variety in that. And also the mechanics of each genome actually only has 100 artifact resources assigned to each genome. So if I have a dark genome, I will
need to acquire a dark artifact in order to burn that. Since the Airdrop's random, it's going to encourage secondary sales and trades within the ecosystem. We've already seen this go crazy. We have a hold there's only section that people are trading their species, trading their artifacts to get them aligned and make sure.
we have the wildcard of the entire ecosystem. So there will be a hundred total legendary artifacts. And what the legendary artifacts is, as I said, a wildcard. It will work with any genome to ensure it's survival or work with any of the final prize combinations to claim that.
All in all, like half a soul mint, 330 soul on prizes, and then the actual structure on this, you will actually need to hold species in order to have governance and vote on which ones get 3D model for the game. And I'm going to pass it back to E because he's going to get into the long term aspect of this project here.
Yeah, let's get right into it. I've picked some things right there on the jumbo tron and shout so G ways and crypto for you guys bringing us up right on the flag because you know I DM doing this wasn't supposed to be scheduled shout all the projects in here as well. You know it's 420 help everybody save shout to everybody in the space so let's do it like this man. We're gonna run to give away on one of these#
Live for about a month now like life said it is a 5k collection of one-on-ones and they will be player for characters which I'll get into we have a company back in us in the state of Florida This bunch of tournaments we hosted we actually have some coming up and I'll get into it right now So we developed a fully immersive chain igno stick. It's free to play right now. You could join our discord server. You don't have to#
now. It's 3D first person and it's the third person shooter game we call the Egoverse the first strike. Like I was saying, it's playable in everyone in the room. Right now, we only are supporting Windows operating systems. That's because we want to save dev time and resources. So once we're confident with the bill, once the community approves because we're truly community driven company, then we're going to take it to other devices like#
Mac, mobile, steam, a long-term vision is console and pretty much as much devices as we can is what we're really going to go for. Now when you go to download the game, there's going to be a launcher. We're using Xolush, I'll take Xolush for Linux, use the launcher for that. It will show you the minimum and recommended requirements to play. So we research games like Fortnite, Warzone, PUBG, H#
Z1 and games with a similar cosmetic item structure. And there's something that's missing there, right? And there's something even missing with a lot of Web 3 games and it's being a true bridge between this. So you imagine if you could take a cosmetic item, right? That you've either unlocked, either you purchased or either you got airdrop from being a holder. And now you're able to
take this call in card, this weapon skin, you know your avatar and be able to print it to whatever blockchain you're choosing. This is something that we're developing and working towards to introduce that a bunch of these conglomerate Web 3 games that I just named isn't doing and a bunch of you know Web 3 games is just staying inside of you like us we're truly aiming to beat that bridge in between
between both worlds, right? Like if you don't want to get into Web 3 and your Web 2 game, we're making it familiar for you. But if you're a Web 3 game or not, you'd like the NFT aspect of it. We're accommodating to that too. I'm on overall goal to bring, you know, I'll go that so. I think he accidentally I'm muted.
But overall goal is to focus on a game play and focus on a game mechanics. How the species are going to tie into this are games in a few ways. We're evolving and we'll be considered a standard first person shooter. I got to get the screenshots of the second map that we're going to release in a second week of May. We're going to evolve it into a sci-fi first person shooter game.
So going back to what I was saying is 5k collection of 101's. There's 20 alien races specifically in it created by Saloniverse and the community at the end of the game of 5Mit is going to be able to select the specific 20 aliens they want 3d model is going to be imported to the game and you will be able to play with that as the game. So now going back to what I was saying about being
and a print into whatever blockchain. So if you're like, "Hey, I really like my species NFT. I'm not a gamer. I'm not into those kind of things." Now, to this potential, there's potential things you could do with it. One, you could utilize another meta versus other games. Or when we introduce the aspect to allow you to print or whatever blockchain, you can now take those cosmetic items and potentially flip it, right?
Additionally, we integrate the species into the overall lore of the game because of how we are evolving it. So to give you some insight about the lore and how the story more plays out because every single species has their own individual lore, the species going to evade the earth, they are going to take over the government and force the government to carry out their plans while ruling the shadows with an iron fist.
Now the other side of the story is a street gang. So I don't know if anybody in the space ever seen Warriors, son of an Arkeys or any type of gang type of movie. Essentially we got inspiration from that right? Like we've done a lot of research on this concept conceptualized the story. So the gangs in the story were essentially worn against each other working together and overruled
It's going to be the street gangs versus the government and once we got about four out of the 10 pvp maps written out once we have all those written out We're going to be releasing it publicly like I was saying to some things up down the jumbo tron and pretty much this game over time is just going to continuously evolve and get better right like we're taking a bunch of our competitive experience I used to be competitive gamer
Life used to be a fashion gamer. A lot of our team members are just playing. It's like decades worth of just experience knowledge that we're injecting into this game and additionally to community aspect of it, right? Because we're building this game for you guys. So all of your favorite weapons, game modes, the mechanics, additional maps. We got 10 for the PvP map scheduled and then we have three
for the zombie mode that we're working on right now and all the stuff you like seeing FPS games is what you can expect in this game. You know we're at this at like 10 hours a day. We host tournaments a week after we went live on the mid on March 22nd we hosted a $1,100 holders only tournament on April 5th we hosted a $500 tournament and then in May we're gonna hold
and we have a bunch of partners. We have partners on Avalanche, we have partners on EF, we have partners on Haderra Hashgrave, we have partners on Polygon, we have partners on Salano, ultimately two, where these are a bunch of different sub communities that are coming together and really pushing to envelope forward under one
game and economy where we all benefit from this and I want to segue into that as well for any project this in here and be like man I like this it sounds interesting so we do business to business relationships we have a LLC deployed in the state of Florida so you know we offer brand representation inside of our game where you set up a shop you know we we can 3D model your characters and import them in there
and we can introduce a revenue stream for you guys where the cosmetic items come to play through the calling cards, through the avatars, through other stuff that we're going to be introducing in the near future. And this is stuff that we offer inside of our ecosystem. So, you know, right now we're just really focused on building, keeping our head down, we've been a muff live on Salona and it's been aggrined and we're
We're just going to keep going and additionally the last part of it is we host winning Wednesdays, which is a hold is only event where all the collaborations all the stuff that we meant we literally just be giving this stuff back to holders, you know, and just have fun and play remember where you are and then this Saturday we're hosting a huge cash prize poker tournament. It's free to play you don't have to you don't have to
any of our entities just coming our discord server you sign up and everybody's eligible in there and you know I cut it on there because I know there's a lot of information to intake but I just want to shout out to you guys for letting us come up on the fly and we'll be just chilling and listening to what you guys gotta say if you guys got any questions we're here I'm a light papers inside of our discord server strategy guide
really backing what life was saying is in there so we had to really answer questions and if not we're here to chill. Yeah we're on it for the girl guys so seriously if there's any in-depth questions or anything we're a hundred percent transparent like you know with our treasury like with the market pumps you know we decided to play a short and we made some some capital on that we posted the trends
actions right in our discord. That's the level of transparency we have. Most projects they won't tell, "Hey, this is what we're doing with the Treasury. We don't care." So if you're like, "Hey, how is this going to work?" Or, "You have a question?" "Come up. We don't care if it comes off like sandpaper. We're here for it."
guys I appreciate you guys jumping on the fly like you said from my end you were like super duper thorough so there's no real questions from this end but everyone in the room here the guys got a giveaway to hop onto that
you can probably win yourself something pretty cool. And guys we do this every Thursday. This is of volume 1. So next week Thursday we're definitely doing volume 2. So if you guys want to jump in again you're more than welcome. But I do see sound likes the Scottish hand up. What's up?
I just realized there's some 50 people congratulations for volume one you have over 50 people here that's high and I just wanted to if I may just have a brief moment just to let people know what ticotry even is I would just take 60 to 90
seconds. Of course, of course, copyright the mic's oils. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Yeah, my name sounds like I am a community manager with a ticket tree. And what ticket tree is about is we are a Web 3 ticketing solution. And what that means is what we're
We're doing is empowering events organizers so that they may sell their tickets using the blockchain. They could sell their tickets directly to their fans at face value. So it's a limited in the moment. There's no unnecessary fees because it's problematic right now. The ticketing industry, we're starting
here in the US, our token is based out of Boston. And worth knowing is, ticketing in the US and we suspect worldwide is very broken. Everything is spotted, everything is scalp. Tickets right now, there's outrageous fees left right in the center. And it's problematic because
So, the benefits of a given event cannot afford to go to see these live events on a regular basis. Families can't afford to go to events on a regular basis. And that's apparent because attendance is down year over year to all of these live events. And so, what we're doing is offering tickets that we're
is going to be in a fair, safe and dynamic way. What's fair about is, like I mentioned, the elimination of those fees. It's safe because the actual take is little in the blockchain, so it's not some random barcode that you might have acquired and then you get to the events and then the barcode doesn't work and it's the ultimate, that feel bad, it's the ultimate run.
because these tickets, because it's an NFT being sold as tickets, post event there's an opportunity for the freighter portal, the freighter platform, for the event organizers to do additional outreach with the fans offering a lottery type system where their tickets that helped them get into the live events and now migrate into a digital flight.
So that's what take trees all about. If you care to learn more click through me join our discord and read up on the white papers very dynamic and what we're about doing is massive massive adoption because when a thousand people come to a given live event and use take a tree
That is a thousand new people using the blockchain because just going by the numbers less than 4% of the entire global population have ever done anything to date using WebFree. Well if you have a thousand people going then that's in the neighborhood of 950, 995 people or so.
that have never used blockchain before and they're using a ticket that they acquired fairly and they know it's safe and it's dynamic, they're gonna love how it works and now we are bringing new money into the ecosystem and so that's the proposition, that's what ticket tree is all about and I thank you for your time.
Well, thank you so much for coming up and sharing with us what Ticketry is all about. Guys, do you guys check them out? I see you did not bend anything. Anyone who comes up to speak, please feel free to bend pretty much almost anything you feel like bending to the top there. Guys, it actually
the listeners know a little bit more about what you're all about. It gives them something visual to look at while you speak. So please, they're cool. I'll do so and also. Sorry, I'll do so and also welcome any questions that anyone has for tickets.
I also mentioned what we are also about is we're going to make ticketing easier for people already in this ecosystem. I don't know if you guys have experiences but if you're on a gated discord and you want to do an events, a lot of times you got to open a Google ticket and then have people tell you these Google tickets and
that people suggest a specific wallet to send and then to post the sole scan as proof that you've made the payment. This probably sounds familiar to some of you guys. Other people have got more elegant solutions, but take it sure you can be your complete solution to any of these ticketing needs.
Crypto coins.
Yeah, I think my man crypto is rug maybe. Ticket free from mind you were actually very far so there's no questions. Yes, so guys if you need a ticketing solution for your vint or anything else do hit Ticket free up. I can give you the hook up to you do it in a very elegant fashion.
If there is anyone else who would like to come up and share with us what they've got going on, you're more than welcome. Otherwise, guys, I am going to probably start closing up this space. We've been going for a good hour now. And unfortunately, I live in South Africa where we have major power issues and home is
I'm not sure my man Kriter, yes, he. Yeah, I think I'm super have us pretty cool, so thanks for thinking I'm now maybe come up now. Yep, sorry to wrap I won't take much time of you guys, but I'll be a
So, I'm Mikey, I'm founder of Supreme Alpha. I just want to start by thanking the host for inviting me to this wonderful Twitter space. It's an honor to be here today to talk about Supreme Alpha. Adar we are building
for Web 3 enthusiasts and the DeGens. At Supreme Mava, we are committed to build a strong community full of enthusiasts and the DeGens who are passionate about Web 3 and crypto. Our main priority is to provide our members with wide range of tools, utilities and resources to empower them to succeed in the
dynamic industry and the changing dynamic industry. So as a DAO, we believe in working together to build a brighter future of World of Web 3. So that's why we offer our new Microsoft Azure access to a range of educational, alpha resources, networks and opportunities that can help everyone to grow. And our basic goal is to create
community where everyone can learn from each other to share their experience and collaborate on the new ideas. And for now let me just give you guys a glimpse of what we offer. We'll start with the Alpha calls for NFT project. Definitely we hire some of the best analysts or the callers in the space to give out the Alpha calls
for the Neptune projects which project is going to boom or which project we are doing create, we have to invest in all the stuff and then we have the mint analysis, definitely the analysis are both mint and we have early product suggestions, we have to invest in all the stuff. So if you are a veterans or if you are a DGNR, if you are an investor, you will want to invest
but you don't know where to, we are here to provide you with the solution. The second we have also, we also cover the crypto section, we have crypto colors, one of the best colors we are trying to get in the space to give us the crypto calls in our servers and then obviously we have the white lease and OG sports give us for the hottest project in the space, it's so hard to get
some white decent OG spot for the really high project and we try to best to get collaborated with the big big projects and provide you guys with a small that you need to mint and third we have I mean next we have a keeper ways there will be so many keeper ways that I can't share right now but yeah it's gonna be great
Then the next thing which we are focused on is educating the newbies and all those who really want to get into Web 3, who are already into Web 3, who are getting to get into cryptos and all those stuff. We are here, we will provide the live trading session, the live education system with one of the best professional ran of everyone.
that we all can learn together and collaborate on new ideas. Then we also have the eAdrop section where people can learn about eAdrops, live trading sessions. So these are only few glimpse which I have given you. There is a lot of more things that are coming up in the Supreme Alpha and if you are interested to become in the
of this exciting journey. We are inviting you to join Supreme Alpha and in-back says of schools and benefits. And yeah, the discourse of this is mentioned in our bio. You can check it out. And the one thing we will provide to all the audience which are listening to right now is the free widely spot, who so ever will join to the space, get in the server, open
ticket. We will provide you the white-least spots absolutely free for our Supreme Alpha. You can check the benefits in the server and once again I want to thank to the host for having me here today and I'm excited to answer any question you may have about Supreme Alpha and how can we work together build up prior to future in the world of Web 3. Thank you very much.
Supreme, thank you so much for coming up my man. You are welcome anytime we host the space and we look forward to seeing you grow. Guys, if there's any questions for Supreme, feel free to come up or if you're ready in the speaker section, please feel to shoot up that hand and ask away.
Oh God, there's no questions. If there's anyone who wants to say a few last words before we close up here, I see every bloom you've got your hand up and I see species of got their hand up as well. Every boom go ahead. So folks, when I first came into
space I was listening to a song I thought I'd like to share it with you if you don't mind. Oh Bloom that will be absolutely awesome. What I think we'll do that's throw it to species here what they've got going on and then you can close us off with your song.
Yeah, man, just shout out to all the projects building keep doing what you're doing man. Thank you for letting us come up and You know everybody in here just doing our discord server you want to be entered into the giveaway that we don't have for this space that's cool too and Everybody enjoy your 420
Species, thanks so much. Sound likes. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah. One quick thing I forgot to mention about this project and everyone have an amazing day. Thanks for having me up for a while. And I posted it to the government from testing out some polish themes.
This is a short video. It just shows example of what the actual front end will look like to see the fans. Because the feedback we get as we are talking our platform with this live is important though is that the fans just want to go see these live events. So if we make it easy enough for us to them, they will be using the box.
So the front end is very seamless and familiar product. And so it's just like if you can check out an Amazon, you know, you can purchase the ticket using a ticket fee. And a second video up there is just a fun one about we do have a YouTube channel. And you can see what our first event
looked like it was all about. It's humble beginnings, but it was really dynamic. It was a indoor golf tournament. We don't exclusively do golf, by the way. We're going to be offering on ticketing solutions across the board. But this one have to be an indoor golf tournament, and they started to take us to migrate to the best shops that the competitors
the participants, it was captured a video and that was, it became their digital point. So it's a really fun little short two minute video, if you're ready to check it out, and then I'll definitely click for us to see what it's like to see. TIC T3, TTR EE, that three is important if you're going to find this.
Absolutely awesome. Thank you so much. Sounds like ever blew me cue that song up long but before we go to you I am gonna throw it to my man Crypto's maidies way up to the speaker's banal year off the going on a magic rug ride and I think you would love to share
a little bit more with us about what we are doing here at Soulguys, I'm praying the mic right at you.
You know, sharing what they're doing, sharing what they're building, and that's kind of what Web 3 is about, you know, connecting and kind of, you know, building communities with each other and kind of helping each other out, you know, and that's kind of what SoulGloge is all about in a sense, but trying to help communities
with other web too and other struggling communities in real life and kind of be a bright side in a space and web 3 for philanthropy and kind of giving back and kind of just like the last thing speaking on like whatever Bloom does. I know he talks about Mr. Bee
He's the best all the time in like what what he does, but one of his biggest channels right is his philanthropy page so I think this philanthropy speaks volumes to you know people and I think that it's a great way to connect Web 2 and Web 3 community so our mission at at Soulguises to you know connect
communities like Everbloom to connect communities like species with web2 communities and you know really kind of changed the world and kind of like help help foundation like our our motto is you know build the foundations for others who don't have the same means so as long as we can kind of all work together and kind of like shed a good
light on Web 3. We'll all be here in a couple of years if you got to get my gist. I really thank all the projects for coming up and sharing what they're doing. Just keep building. It's a builder's market. If you continue to put your head down and build, you're going to come out on the other side of the tunnel, guys.
Oh guys, you heard it here first. Let's keep on building, let's keep on doing this guys. We will be hosting another space next week Thursday. We are also planning on doing another space or two extra on our calendar. So watch the space. We will definitely be sending out on invites.
And I'm gonna officially flow to our man Everbloom to close us up with this song which he so badly wants to share with everyone Everbloom, it's all yours. The ladies and gentlemen, we've been talking about builders. This whole room is filled with builders. But what is the opposite of a builder?
So do I. You. So do I. I got a new day off the alcohol. Back three time.
Guys, thank you so much for everyone who joined us. We'll see you all next week Thursday again. Ever bloom. Thank you so much for closing us up, mate, with that absolute rocking song. See everyone next week Thursday. Cheers.
I'm on chairs the rise of it. All the best folks.
Goodbye folks.

FAQ on The road to Aurumana! Vol I 🔥 #nfts #SolanaNFT #eth | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of Supreme Alpha?
Supreme Alpha is focused on building a strong community in Web 3 by providing values like alpha calls, mint analysis, giveaways, education, and trading sessions.
How long has Supreme Alpha been around?
Supreme Alpha has only been around for a week since they launched.
How is Supreme Alpha getting members during the bear market?
Supreme Alpha is rolling out collaborations, promotions, and trying to build an organic membership.
What is the plan for Supreme Alpha's Discord?
Supreme Alpha is open to whitelist members for now, but plan to switch to a private Discord and only allow membership through collaborations and partnerships in the future.
What is the purpose of the podcast in the text?
The text is a recording of a podcast where members discuss building community and connecting with other Web 3 communities.
Who is the host of the podcast?
The host of the podcast is not specified in the text.
What does the host use during the podcast?
The host uses a soundboard during the podcast.
What market is being discussed in the podcast?
The podcast briefly discusses the crypto market and Gary Gensler's recent comments.
Who are some of the guests on the podcast?
The text mentions Crypto Hermes, Ever Bloom, and Nico as guests on the podcast.
What is the vibe of the podcast?
The podcast has a chill and relaxed vibe, focused on building community and sharing values in Web 3.