The WAGMI Cabal

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2024 Duration: 1:35:59



Funny on the beats
Wag me kebab I ain't bragging at all. We should probably put some boy. They plaques on the wall
We go ball like a saw dumping ash off cigars. It's the hottest show on X. We sweepin use car
Malik the bunny and Ashley be locked in so hard almost crash the Jeep gotta catch the night show a dead a week
Don't make us clear the stage raise your hand to speak dog. So too early the boys a Jeep use cardboard
Hey my collection sweet talking like you got corn. Why you acting cheap? It's about 24 people need receipts matter of fact, man
Where's Malik? I need a lawyer. That's King Fuzz sniper had a box coming for you another bunny more than the floor eight
Wag me kebab bragging at all. We should probably put some boy. They plaques on the wall
We go ball like the saw dumping ash off cigars. It's the hottest show on X
We sweepin use car Malik the bunny and Ashley be locked in so hard almost crash the Jeep
Gotta catch the night show a dead a week. Don't make us clear the stage raise your hand to speak
My timeline has been filled with apes supporting
Pudgy penguins, I don't know what am I to my mic apes supporting pudgy penguins like on their journey to flipping apes
And honestly, there's nothing that makes me sicker. Like why why would they cheer for the most fun part of?
2021 was arguing with crypto punks all day whether on whether or not apes were gonna flip them right and then
It's a pro move though, right?
That's an amateur move
No, dude. No, no, no
If the apes support the pudgies, right then you take away
The gratification of dunking on the people who were shitting on you on the way up you feel me
This is this is some deep-level shit. I don't know man. Like I think that sounds like a little bit of copium
Little pudgies are gonna be you're gonna get flipped by little pudgy soon
But wait before we start I got a shout-out fucking Doc Hollywood for that that song man, absolutely banger
That shit fucking gets my blood pumping every night dude. Shout-out Doc
And also shout out our sponsor tonight
You already know who it is. We've been talking about them. But tonight is a little bit different guys
We got shrapnel in the house
We got them up on stage and we're gonna be doing a little a little chitchat
We'll chitchat later with these guys about their triple-a extraction game
with BAFTA and Emmy Award winning
Shit I fucked that one up came designers and here's the deal man. See my telegram. I don't know Jake
I had this shit open and then just fucking crashed
You guys know the deal bro
Travel calm to get your track extraction packs more importantly. We've been giving them away
For the last two weeks tonight. You're gonna get to talk to the team
You get to ask all those questions that you want and be I know has like a fucking list
He sent me a picture of it. It's like a medieval scroll that just fucking like rolls out onto the floor
I got a bone to pick with him, too
You'll find out motherfucker you'll find out
Plotsky you're gonna have a chance to get in here and actually give some insightful questions
So we're looking forward to it. Shout-out shrapnel
Love you guys for sponsoring us and we're gonna go deep on the game tonight all the questions that you guys will want
Answers to tonight tonight
A bunch of hands already. We're not even talking about anything yet
He has nothing relevant he's a little pudgy I'm pretty nothing important
I've no idea not not hasn't flipped my mutant that cuz then you know about it
Let's go to junior go ahead buddy
Hey, man. Yeah, I finished breaking bad today. I fucking knew you're gonna start breaking bad, dude
Yeah, great serious. Um, you know one thing I wanted to say was I
Completely forgot way to go
Yeah, but I had something real smart to say to man. No, you didn't don't lie to us. Oh
You just wanted to talk about breaking bad again, dude. Nah, I'm over it. I finished it
It's done with it. It was a good series. How many days did it take you to finish the entire series?
He started on Saturday
Unhealthy amount of television
Did you just wake up and watch it all day?
Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty much what I did. Um
The board apes that went to the fucking party in Hong Kong, I watched five seasons in three days and
Then it took me the rest of the time cuz I had to work to finish up the rest of the series
But yeah, we got it all done. Thank you for asking
Yeah, let us know how fast you run through better call Saul
Also, fun fact there was a movie that you might want to see don't yeah, I'm watching that first El Camino
Yeah, yeah, there you go
Happy happy for you and your and your journey through binge watching television that happened over a decade ago. Congratulations
Let's go to MB MB dude, you've been talking this shrine to me up
And Plasky happened to visit your nifty island island. Is that what they're called?
Yeah, and dude
You turned okay, don't don't call it that let's just yeah, let's not call it that
You you turned me into a huge penis
That was your show that this is a family-friendly show
You're the one who would think you think that no, you're the one who made the art
Family-friendly I was looking for his shrine and it's not even his apes mouth like
It doesn't even that's not even me the Lambie Lambie made the art she gifted me that piece. Thank you
I thought it was very
She's so badass. Yeah, that's a Lambie ape Ashley. She made me a one-of-one. Okay, then I mean a sporty
I love it. How is it a shrine to bunny if it's not him? I had to say something to get people to go there
Like limited time only there's no fucking limited time, but people went in they all ran to the oh my god
It's gonna close soon. Like it's still in its fucking like they went in
I'm really upset with them right now because I made this I had this artist. I I'm gonna tell the truth
I didn't do that. I used AI
That's a text to 3d object generator and I made these gold cats that I want to put in my land and
And they're in fucking like maintenance mode and they're like, oh it'll be a couple hours
He said that a couple hours ago a couple hours before that and now I don't know when this thing is gonna come back
The create buttons gone so I can't put my fucking cats in I'm panicking. I can't play
I was starting a tunnel system that has gone up in smoke because I can't play it
It'll be fine. You can't create when it's in maintenance mode. No, obviously I want to finish my fucking tunnel, bro
I was digging into the the realms of whatever is under this fucking map
I don't know. I learned how to terraform and I went wild with it
But yeah, I I'm treating this more like Minecraft at this point where people can come and visit my thing
And I you're bullish on that then you're bullish on I don't even know if I'm bullish on it
But I just like being there. I like play shrapnel by the way malloc. You were totally fucking wrong. It's over 40
entertainment over 40 entertainment Awards including BAFTA and and
Sounders from HBO you you literally don't have the ad read. I don't I know it all
Like I I am fully fucking literate, dude. I know exactly what I'm supposed to read
However, I am NOT in control of telegram crashing. Well, did you play the STX rounds?
You can only play those if you have an extraction pack. So you got to make sure you grab one
Oh my god, look out Sigma storm dude get a run for cover right now, dude run for cover
What score on trap night Noah
Doesn't play that I'm the highest score
Why wouldn't you give us a legitimate lie that like is halfway believable you on the number one
Let me go to Lucifer I want to ask this guy he's the Solana maxi here
Him and shrimp we got to ask them about the crypto undeads our reveal
Lucy, what'd you think dude DJ in town great reveal today? Um, I hear they have a partnership with Sega coming up
Super excited for that crypto undeads, you know, I've never been more bullish since I bought it not in Seoul
I was bearish cuz they didn't give me white list, but then I bought a few and now I'm like
Extremely bullish this dollar guy's innovative like he's just doing this speculation this
Conspicuation sort of thing. He's really crushing it man
Here's the thing I seen like knock amigos and node
No, no, I've seen knocking I've seen knocking me goes and node monkeys like
Ripping the crypto undeads art. I hate to break it to you guys your art way worse than the undeads art
It is what like have you seen the node?
It's six pixels my brother, uh, I do just want to like let Ashley know you're slacking super hard
They let me co-host yesterday. Can you believe that dude? I went to Spain
Spain with my husband Oh bummer
What's your husband's name Lou? It's Ike. I guess one of my really good friends. I love Ike
Big guy guy great guy guy. Hold on. I gotta skip the hands. We have nifty portal legends here. We've been getting
Inundated with messages for Clemente to show up that people are begging to see they want to see a lute
I thought you meant double creep first. I just
Thought you meant double creep first. I'm just kidding. I'm just gonna mute them both
Yeah, they're dude. Our fans are dying to see a loosey-goosey version of Clemente
He's always buttoned up prim and proper and professional at 9 a.m. Monday through Friday, but Clemente
What's up, dude?
Yo, dude, I'm
Absolutely blowing it. I tried trading Bitcoin ninjas. I tried trading ordinals and it's just a fucking disaster
Yeah, I'm well you're up
Not even I sold it and then I bought back in another dumping. I'm a disaster. This is this is terrible
$4,000 and her phone it's the point one bitcoins. That's what we'll get
The number will fuck you every time on ordinals, dude. They're already a point one Bitcoin
Yeah, I sold at point one two and then I bought back in at point one two again and now they're dumping wait
Yeah, that doesn't dude that's a weird strategy Clemente cuz no cuz I sold and then
Sold and then I went into the discord and I just got lit up. Everyone called me a pussy
They said Asia was gonna wake up. They said it was an Asia dominant project. There's only 1500
They have a smaller market cap than the Bitcoin puppets
So I bought back in and now they're just they're sub point one
Well, where are you messed up is going into the discord after you sold?
Well, what did you think was gonna happen
This a discord of
complete bag by his animals and hey guys, I just dumped on your faces and
That's not what happened. I it was the point is the nifty portal to vote dog
Yeah, you don't think there's bag holders in there. They are. They are I went in there
I went in there and I shared my ninja and I said, hey, what's up my ninjas?
I shared my ninja and then an hour later when I sold it, they're just blowing me up
They're like, well, dude, why would you share it if you're gonna sell it you moron? What are you doing?
I don't know. She'd call him a moron
Was making a lot of good points tonight, which makes me nervous
So so I just just so that I understand what happened here
You sold it
Got bullied bought it back at the exact same price, you know minus the transaction fees that you paid on that. Yeah
But the problem it was I had the perfect strategy I was like, hey
These haven't there's like 500 left that still need to sell 400 left and there's a pre-sale claim after this
So I'm like, I'm gonna sell a point one three or a point one two five buy back in at like point
Oh nine was my reentry price and then I went in there and they're like, no, dude
Asia's like waking up literally right now. Just wait so and I bought back in a point one two and literally
Whatever the problem is easy. So I think the whole I think what happened was you bought back in and all of them
Every every member of the nifty portal discord who owned one ran to list it and they sold it
dumped on your ass and then
And the problem is I didn't know this but these ordinals transactions literally take 30 minutes. So I'm sitting here now instead of going to sleep
I'm just watching these magic Eden circles twirl around and I'm just waiting for for these sweeps. They were bragging about nothing's happening
Well, you know pre-sale is not even like
Yeah, I I haven't claimed my pre-sale yet. You can't even claim it. So I think once that happens, you know
It'll go up right now. It's going to go on one. Oh seven. Well, technically you're up, right? Aren't you up like three or four?
Yeah, yeah, I'm still up but I just I'm mad because I got peer pressured into buying again and frankly, I think
these these presales are gonna I feel like they're gonna dump more no, so
I don't know how many are gonna be on the market. Yeah
More when the priest wait, no, no, no, no, no in my opinion
It's not because all the people that were in the pre-sale. They're the top 300 and they made videos
They they worked really hard and they were cut some oh, yeah, cuz the gens. Look they were too broke
Sweat for it. I'm sorry, but your bag bias is showing. Oh, so they all did a bunch
They all did a bunch of free work to promote the project and now they're definitely not gonna sell them
Good call ash, they're very loyal
It's pretty rare we get we can I'm happy to take about on we know you have one we could tell by your comment
Yeah, yeah, I think the worst part about Clemente story is that his thesis played out exactly as he expected, right?
Yeah, it went down to point nine
The plan was picture-perfect
It was literally perfect to a T those fucking dumbasses boy, dude
I was going pinto bean shopping literally as soon as I was brushing my teeth
I was looking at beans that I wanted to buy and I was gonna I was like literally an elemental to pinto beans and
I had like two grand left over and then I bought back in literally
Four grand into one of these days. I mean they're cool, but god damn I
Don't know what to do now. I can't go
Well, and y'all said 1500 was a high mint price
This is what you do Clemente. You join the discord and you become a community member
Shut up Lucifer and be what's up
Wait, does that carry in your Twitter banner? Shut the fuck up Lucifer. It's my time to shine, baby
Alright, so I got questions about shrapnel
You can save them for the last 30 minutes motherfucker act like okay
Then just let me give you a quick reminder
Make sure you get the extraction packs if you want to play the STX. Oh one
It's based on the MPX. Oh one so you don't want to miss out on that
The feedback you guys give from that is is crucial to the development of their game
So make sure you support they've supported Bonnie Ashley and Malik for the past month. I mean fuck. They said Ashley to Spain
I don't know what the fuck that sponsorship is but
That is not true
I'm excited to share that the space plus craft by Jordan Liles and
Snowfro has made it to the space. Let's go dude. Are they going to the moon?
It's in the orbit. It's not whatever happened to the dogecoin. They're supposed to go to the moon
Wasn't that supposed to push back the launch? I think Oh
shitty weather
Like a hot second it was like there was a sigma storm so they couldn't do it
Fucking sigmund
Sigma stormer to pick up sigma. I don't remember
I'm genuinely doing all this shit by memory
Yeah, well
You're doing a great job and we'll go play the game for effort
I'm gonna I'm a video game influencer now. I'm out look I got the sponsorship this morning from from the island
Nifty Island, or I don't know what the fuck I got Jonah just sent me
$250 he said I sponsored you and and I don't know what that means
I don't know if there's more money coming or if that's all
No, what it means is you know
To be your lawyer and get you a way better deal in 250 measly fucking dollars, bro
You're getting rinsed my you're worth more than that
No, you're worth don't pass out the cash went to the weed store. Wait, man
Real mouth. Are you still holding all those shit coins that you you got smoked up?
Yeah, it's not a loss till I sell it. I'm currently holding hold on. I'm gonna let you know exactly how much
Smurf cat I'm holding at the mouth. How much are you dead? No, I want to know I want to know how much you
Yeah, okay, so I put one point five each total into smurf cat
It's currently what my bag is currently worth six hundred and fifteen dollars and sixty-three sounds. Yeah. Oh fuck is right
I also bought a bunch of multi-bit. I'm pretty sure I threw a green ever heard of it
Yeah, it was some tip from one of these fucking DJ ends in our space that multi-bit threw a grant at that turn
Currently down to three hundred and forty one dollars and eighty one cents and let's not forget Pepe which I was literally bullied into by
Oh, no, that's a stable coin. You're probably okay on that one. Yeah, it's it's a stable if if a 20% fucking loss is stable
Sure, it's very stable. This is seven hundred ninety three dollars and seventy one cents. I threw a grant at that
So, you know, just just a it's patience pays man
Holy shit, I'm sorry breaking news next cycle breaking news. Malick. This is important enough to interrupt the co-host
Ape you just muted
Do you know Donald Trump did an ordinal release?
Okay, we're gonna skip that. No, he did he did
That's not breaking news, dude. That's like hours
And hours
Hours old did that happen like that happened this morning, dude
I didn't hear you talking about isn't it isn't it just an absolute rug
Anyways, like sweep a hundred of my existing eighth rugs to men's in order know so I can
Boarding more people to order. Yeah, Mac. That's anyone has that's basically the TLDR you buy the other rugs you get the new rug
It's time. He has a great handle on the NFT space, dude. Here's the thing. Oh, hey
100% that is the NFT space you you you that he's crushed it. He's been very searching for the last two years
He's got exactly how to re-rug. He's gonna re-rug it out of it. What a plushie, you know, I was just crushing it
Want one of the top five wallets? I will do
You technically didn't lose money
Never gets all not just dude last night's token
I know Lou woke up happy as fuck this morning because I know he didn't sell and he didn't pay for hand it right Lou
Oh, you know me. I'm a bag holder, baby. I don't even know where the cell button is
Oh, yeah, you're so full of shit. No, that's shit
We that shit did a nice little clean six seven X fucking I think it went topped out like almost
850 K market cap after we got in so pretty good on that token
I bought Harambe today because I got showed by someone that I will just blindly follow he could send me a drainer link
And I'd say I'm sorry. It's my fault. That's how much I have faith in this dude
Yeah, got in at like 1.8 market cap shit fucking is that like 5-0 right now?
So we're chillin, you know nice nice clean right there
I got a quick question for you when you when you get the alpha and you like send it over to loot like
How does that text message interaction go?
Like is it like you just shoot them like a fucking contract address and it's like yep, it's bunnies there, too
Wow, so here's the thing. You literally have my fucking my cell phone
Yep, that's true. Yeah, so just yeah, that's what I do. Oh, but Malik
The one request that I have is just don't be like Lou
I'm like what the fuck trip this news is six hours old
You're making me buy and then look what happened this morning. Yeah, that's what I got from Lou
Yesterday when I told him to buy you you'll never hear anything
But thanks for me unless I lose my ass in which case I'll fucking destroy you on the timeline
Dude, no, we lose we lose like half the time just quick disclaimer. Whoa
Give me that kind of shitty ratio. No, that's an incredible you may lose half the time
But no, no, no, no, I think everything I've said in that chat has been cooker
But I just want to confirm for everyone that Ashley and I have actually been added to the group talks
I'm so excited
You know, but no bunny I floored my crypto undead today
Yeah, immediately after reveal I didn't like it
Why would you say okay real quick because I want to break this down. Why would you?
Sell after
It's less than what I sold it for so W. Thank you. Okay, that's fine
Yeah, but then I went but it's also less than it was just for context. It's less than it was pre-reveal, right?
Which is what I'm about. Yeah, but then I went and swept like 20 of the what's it called bit dudes
Cuz I just support the artist. He's a homie. He's in the bears and shit
I didn't know any of them. I was like, I'll take some of these profits goes through 20 fucking Johnny
Just swept a hundred of them to ask my bag like I'm like
Nice to action
So did you sell because you were unhappy with the art? Oh, yeah
I just saw because I'm not fucking I'm not round-tripping this shit with like I did with the code
So then why did you wait till reveal that yet?
That was my promise that was my same exact file promise 50 sold by my favorite influencers on Twitter, you know, he just
Okay, but dude, here's the thing people were people are wrong. Sometimes we're just actually influencers
But it was still what I mean the time among those
24 I could have sold it for 15. I could have sold it for like 10
I think I sold it for like 7.58. So I don't know. I didn't care. I wasn't bad holding that thing, dude
I don't know the fuck's gonna happen. Maybe if they go below five I might buy one for the you know
See if there's a coat pump or something like that. But I just I don't know dude. I wasn't I like shit coins, dude
Okay, I'm I just there it is hate Senate. Yeah, we know we know about it. Yeah
Oh, oh, oh and my last thing I said I was calling the bottom on okay bears. Thank you
Today we hit 18 floor price from 11, you know, not much it's honest work. Okay bears best art on Solana
Dude if you go look at the NFT inspect I'm the highest
Reach is the number one. Okay bear across all blockchains even even the okay bear account
That's you know, listen man. I'm I'm working for my okay bear bags
Even though it's like I can't even sell this one cuz it's my only one and also it's not a floor bear
That's how you know because your engagement not great. That's how you know
That's okay bears are down
Is it I don't know I don't know
Especially if I tweet about my beautiful Honda Civic
Am I about to talk to you right now, I use the guy from YouTube the surfer from back in the day who's talking about
Nope never served in my life
Okay, you need to get out there. I can't see I live in Georgia and the states
I think the closest beats would be Savannah, Georgia, and I don't even know if there's waves there
Cuz I actually I don't know I should have been to that beach one time one time
But yeah, I appreciate the Georgia Alpha. Hey
Plotsky, what's up? I
Just wanted to know like that. I just messaged shrimp directly
Since he's the one with the information and he's given me such good information and made me a lot of money and thank you shrimp
Imagine everyone's gonna say you understand how many DMS I get now
Contracted you're like, what do you think of this token? I'm like, bro. I'm working
So shrimp is an actual financial advisor in real life. He can't give you financial advice in the DMS does
That's all I heard
Yeah, I'm a habitual liar
Do you bro and dude your clients in real life like as a corporate?
I'm a legit a corporate accountant. I don't I don't do taxes or anything. I
Yeah, no, I'm just I do corporate accounting. It's it's it's not fun. It's boring. It's nothing interesting nerd
fucking nerd
Hey, let's go to George
Hey guys shrimp just I've got some Solana now
I'd like the alpha
George George, did you like the undead heart? I know you're a pixel art guy
Yeah, I mean I do like pixel art now
I actually don't mind it and I just think that I mean, I think I think the rares
I don't know if you saw the red the rares are really good. I
Mean I actually did like it's different right because I was looking at the whole collection
You don't look it. It's sort of like outlaws remember outlaws. You'd look at outlaws and like
No, you didn't listen you didn't listen I said
Because it's a bad start outlaws was like literally a knockoff. It was a Jeremy booth derivative
Basically rug. I think I don't I still have like four of them not basically a rug
Definitely a rug to be fair to be fair because of holding those. I think I got airdrop like four mag amigos
I think that's how that worked out. I'm not sure well, let me finish here
I was just gonna say that when you look at outlaws the whole collection looked the same you couldn't differentiate it all looks shit
But you look at undeads and it doesn't look like that
So I didn't mind it as a whole collection and yes, the rares did look nice
But on top of this
Bunny, how did they go and get a rare?
Oh, dude, what is that even a question every single fucking collection this guy gets is it gets a rare
It was like we put so here's the thing with him
it could actually be a case of like not being rigged and just the fact that he always is like the number one holder of
every collection, right so he has
Statistically the best chance to get a rare like it's like legitimate
Well, I don't I don't know if you remembered you remember when the elemental beans were happening and he was ripping them
Like that guy was just ripping rare after rare
Have you ever ripped a rare fuck? No, dude, every time I do the the collections a rug
So one one one time I minted a one of eight. I sold it for one e
And the collection was absolute around like it was a terrible collection
I got I know that Sunnys bought a fucking rare before but have you bought a rare anything rare before bunny?
Yeah, terrible move because the last time I bought it. Oh, dude the last time I bought a rare
I bought that shit for eight East and I ended up selling it for point
So this is actually a great transition. I saw beanie bring this up today. Maliek we could pin the tweet. I'm sorry Maliek
Don't know if you saw beanie's tweet about fudger, right? What do you think fudger bought?
His left the only left-facing pudgy penguin in the entire collection when the floor was for eat, right? He bought it for 400
Now the floor is 20. How much is though his is his pudgy worth though, right? Like it hasn't that
Obviously, no, no, dude. No one is paying two thousand years for that dude. It licensing deals would be pretty good for it
I would think you know, dude if and I know you know fudrick money like if you know fudrick
He could not give less of a fuck
What beanie has to say or about like the floor price or anything?
Like this man operates on another level and he literally could not give less of a fuck if he tried
Absolute legend. I would take fudricks fucking toenail over beanie every day of the week
Yeah, who was that I push traded that cheetah that clean cheetah via?
For teen grail pudgy's a bottom of the beer cuz that dude I think it was about a year ago or something
That dude fucking crushed. I send it on the timeline last night
He's out here printing money today and that ape is is just the same old ape
Yeah, I mean that was a chad trade
Here's the thing now with with fudrick
I mean he can say whatever he wants and I don't think he bought this to flip it
But like he would have done better off sweeping the floor, right if you in terms of a trading
I agree, but but he wasn't buying like he wasn't buying to trade and licensing
I don't even think like licensing deals aren't real like name one person who's got a licensing deal since Jimmy
From the which like that that like I feel like they've wasted all their money
That's fine. But but but again like look at what he did
Right name one named one person including fucking Luca nuts who is more bullish on pudgy's than him
No, his I think our chick made this point
Which is weird that I'm calling her but
What he did for pudgy pay like they might not be where they're at right now without fudgic. Is that by was like
During the bear market when shit was ugly. Yeah nasty out there. I do people were trolling him forever
Floor dude a hundred X floor. Think about that shit for a second. That is the the epitome
Yeah, I'm not sure if and that's actually crazy a hundred X. Yes a hundred times a hundred X or like dude
No one is more convicted on that shit than him
And if you think that's the only pudgy penguin he has you got another thing coming guys
By the way that whole beanie in there like tweet it turned into a fight between him and Cole. Oh my god, dude
He roasted Cole. He roasted him dude
He was I mean Cole Cole deserves it dude. I mean does he not
Here's the thing and what beanie said is couldn't be truer George. He was like
You should probably he said something like pray to God every day that Lucas
Bro straight out like that. Those are bars dude like bars. That's exactly what happened
If pudgy penguins were still points
They were point six or point five eat when Luke point seven point seven when Luke I would have swore they were under that
When when when Luca boy, but that's fine now that double points. Yeah, anyway, it's right around there, right? So like
These things would be zero if he was still in charge. He spent all the money
He put fishing rods inside of eggs and it took six months for them to hatch. Well, what are we talking about?
Yeah, the funniest thing was like when Luca bought it the whole time
I'm blowing up like how did Cole spend all this money like where's it gone?
And you're buying a project with no money and like the whole fud was just hilarious. I wish I bought though
I wish dude. I was the first person to interview Luca after becoming the CEO of pudgy penguins
Everybody who was yeah, everybody who was honest at pudgy
So pudgy penguins like they were expensive right even point seven like I'm I wasn't buying a billion of these, right?
But little pudgies were point on one Eve
I could have so right if you sweep the floor the price keeps going up
So with one Eve, I'm guessing it would have gotten you something around 75 little pudgies
That would be worth over a hundred and thirty each tonight
Well, what are we doing George we don't know dude, but I'll tell you who did do it is our boy jr
So big ups to him because you know, he lost that point
One time he didn't know
He bought it at point one five. He bought it at one point five and he sold it at one point eight
He's sold yesterday. Oh wait, he's sold yesterday. Oh my god, dude. I
Know I'm gonna I've got a good conviction story, bro. I I fucked up massively too. This is a shame on me for dying better
Captains were ten ETH at the time unrevealed. My homie was sweeping penguins. They were three point two
He was literally in my DMS every day
Trade that shit for penguins and I was finger on the trigger about to do it
I didn't listen dudes out here with seven pudgies right now and my captain ain't shit. My captain is long gone
It was the same thing with me and junior
I'm not gonna lie and all I wish is that even one other person in this space other than junior
Was pushing me to buy penguins because at the time they were like
Sub one ether they're like one ETH and I was like really about to do it, right?
I was like ready to pull the trigger, but I was like God junior fuck
He does nothing but take L's on trades like I should not listen to this motherfucker
I just needed one other human being on this app to tell me to buy a penguin. It would have been over
It would have been over. So
Shout out to all you motherfuckers for not pushing me over the edge to generational wealth. Wait Malik
So, yeah, I know what you did buy though. You bought a coda and what's the floor on that?
We're not we're talking about penguins. We're talking about that was a terrible decision. By the way, George. I'm glad you brought
You know, I got lucky I won my little pudgy and in a contest. So I'm pretty I'm pretty
Bunny do you remember the day Malik was talking about and and pondering on the purchase of buying the coda?
Yeah, me nifty ripping him saying don't do that. What's the point? And he's like no, man
Is it gonna be cold? Is it gonna be centerpiece? They're gonna be centerpiece of you'll go
They're gonna be the board apes of the other side and I still believe that and if this fucking other side hits
I'm gonna be fucking
Absolutely dancing on your grave, dude. No George the thing is I don't hate the play
It's just it's on such a long time horizon
Like dude, I have way too many I've weighed too much ADHD to like buy one and like all right now I just have to wait
15 months for the
Thing that I pay more than one for I
Literally only do it like cuz I plan on holding it for a year plus
Right like at the very least for capital if I bought a coda today and the price was ten dollars cheaper when I woke up
Tomorrow, I'm not holding this shit. I would lose all confidence
I think I'm out bro. I'm fucking out
Dude I'm done with this. I'm fucking just
Burning a hole in this thing, dude. There's no reason to hold it for that long. Let's go to dub
Yeah, dude. I have to give my flowers to
Punty gaming to like on this whole topic. Those dudes are seriously impressive. I really like what they're doing
It feels unique like I wish more brands would go out there and do what they're doing
We sponsored a content house for them
I'm in the discord playing games and watching their community closely in it
And I really like that kind of style it and like marketing wing of the whole thing, too
Great job. What what's I was me? Nope
Dub pudgy gaming a group of absolute legends and
Adams there too, dude, right? You know what I mean?
Yeah, I freaking love the kid
I mean, I killed him in the nerf war and I double-tapped him, but I love the kid
He double-tapped somebody with a nerf gun, dude
Imagine wasting two fucking nerf bullets just to fucking flex and double-tap somebody that's insane
Speaking of pleasure game today's these guys
Dub, I don't know if you saw but I I said that I would get
This was a while ago. Dude. The floor was not this close. I said I would get mungos
penguin tattooed on me if they got if the penguins flipped the apes Adam
Did this motherfuckers legitimately book Adams like booking flights for him in mungo to come to New Jersey?
And we're gonna have to set this up if it happens
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we'll fill me. I mean fuck
Tony Wayne got the but doggo tattoo in Miami and that that's gonna be the weapon skin, too
You know, I'm stoked on all that
Tony's tattoo is sick
He's such a go for that man. I know our financing on that was like, are you fucking kidding?
Well, what are you doing? And we're paying for tattoos now
It's a business expense. Well since you set the precedent. I think bunny's tattooed should be powered by shrapnel
We can turn this you know, we can we can absolutely
That would actually be fucking hilarious if underneath they just wrote powered by shrapnel that's actually really funny
That's why I'm your lawyer, bro
Let me go to Zika
Hey, what's up?
This is fascinating to me because I think you're like this is like the first time that this has happened with NFTs
Considering that they've gone through a full cycle now, but I'm curious to hear from people
I mean, maybe not right now, but maybe you know over over time and be honest with yourself
Why didn't you buy a penguin and buy one?
I didn't buy one because the fucking people that was surrounded by we're all shit corny
It wasn't even like a it was an afterthought. I didn't even consider it but obviously I'm kicking myself now
I mean six months ago when Luca when they were when they were getting into Walmart
It felt like such an obvious play obviously in hindsight. It always does, right? But
Zika I spent most of my time on spaces talking about how they're undervalued right and then like I don't know
It's like a blur and then you look back and you're like
Why the hell didn't I listen to myself?
I like I said that they were undervalued. I didn't buy any of them. Well, how stupid does that sound?
Well, I mean a crazy crazy thing. Sorry, you literally don't buy anything
Craziest thing is that they were just at 12 East at the beginning of the week
Like they fight like that was a meteoric rise. I don't know if they're gonna stay there
I mean regardless like they're definitely they are probably gonna be the number one NFTs of this cycle and
I guess the other thing is that
If that if they do come down even by a few these
Maybe it's maybe it's worth trying to pick one up. I don't know but yeah
No, I think it's just I'm curious to hear from people
Why why why they didn't get one cuz and don't shit all over yourself
Like we we all could have but we didn't right so I think being honest with yourself and you know
There's the other thing too. Is that there's probably some variation of that that exists today
They're like that that is probably an obvious play, but it's just not like top of mind because it is in base
Dude a thousand percent
There's more than one of those. Yeah, you know what like I go back and forth
But I I do think and I could be totally wrong on this
I think sappy seals have that these they always seem to run up when pudgy start running and if you just look at like
Like do Kobe is super but that like this is always what I fall back on
Kobe is super bullish on like he has a seal bag
So it's like if they get some legs and he starts tweeting about them again like dude Gordon gonner owns the seal
Right, like there's a lot of
Big holders just inherent in that ecosystem
I don't know that that would be one that's like on the cheaper side. I like the plague too
They're building a bunch of shit
So it's like seems like something you can throw your money behind and not be like super sure you at least have confidence
That's not a rug, right? I think a Solana Liberty Square is being slept on so fucking hard right now
And I know I've been ranting about this for way too long, but holy fuck
When it hits, I'm never gonna let you guys forget
Check back in two years, man
24 months well, we will revisit the subject because I'm a patient motherfucker if anything I'm very patient
You might be the only person who's bought an NFT with a 24 month the time horizon
Dude I don't like honestly I don't give a shit like I truly like the the I might be the only mf
Or in this whole fucking space who actually listens to like rule number one
Which is like don't spend more than you can afford to lose and when you actually do that it is
Absolutely liberating cuz you're like I don't care. I don't care like and and and speaking of like undervalued projects
And I know like given the situation right like everyone's like fucking, you know shillings possible
Like dude shrapnel is undervalued as fuck right now
Undervalued as fuck 0.25 is absolutely free
And after you guys hear these guys talk tonight, you're gonna be I mean
You know NFA all that shit go fucking ape in you idiots. You're gonna make a button fucking bag. Probably maybe maybe not
I don't know. It's enough teeth. You're a lawyer, dude. Let's say that
Yeah, I don't know if you got that disclaimer at the end. And yeah, I can say well the fuck I want
All right, sounds good and be what's up
It's gone. I'm nervous about this. I feel like I don't know if it's good
He's been cooking lately and it's just like he's gonna be talking about that dude
He's a girl microphone to Solana saga
She microphone it she microphoned it
That's crazy. She put her phone in the microphone
English is not well, I think it is his first time. Tell me about the microphone video and they I
I don't think there's anything more to say really
Thousand of those fucking things allegedly, which I just think is wild that's bangers. I like bangers
I just met her recently. She's pretty cool. I
Watched the video
Only point of feedback is if you're gonna do it commit
30 seconds not nearly enough that needs to be three minutes like at the very least
This is what that's like the gym instructions
House her microwave can't catch on fire dude, like fruit. Yeah, that's what but listen
Do it in her house, yeah
Dollars on that video because that's how much saga phone is worth right now on eBay
Bro, it would have burnt down her house
Like the guy that crackheads on YouTube do it in like a back porch
They go to the thrift store and get a microwave. They don't care about no, it's not like a night
It was like in a very nice condo would have burned down the entire building
Fortunately, there are you know, probably I'm guessing fire sprinklers in there that probably would have kicked in
So, you know moderately safe. But yeah, no, she actually nuked. She she nuked the saga phone
I like that she bleeped out her curse words with the saga
I want to know is so like I listen and I think maybe I might have been on to something
You know earlier this week when we're talking about their last we were talking about the phones
I said that there should be a burn mechanism, right?
I said it there needs to be a burn mechanism where you can burn your your you know
Your original saga phone to and then you get the saga 2 and it transfers over that soulbound token to the saga 2
She obviously is the listener
Appreciate you bangers. Thanks for listening for the show every night. You took it a little bit too much to heart
I was not suggesting you do that now. You got to wait for the saga 2 to come out
But yeah, bunny go ahead
Thanks for respecting the hands Malik I
Thought yep, you have an hck. Yevon. I don't know if you guys have heard of him
But he posted a reply on the space. We were talking about the fudgic
Pudgy penguin, right? I thought this was a good comment. He said
The only comparison you can make the fudgic's pudgy is the other one of one which is the pineapple penguin
Currently listed for 1,000 ease if that sells then yes his has two acts
He has also most of he also has multiple successful license licensing deals which have cooked for him
So I don't know. He's probably not down that bad
Should have swept up still think you should have swept back. What's up?
Shit I got my hand was up. I'm a circle back. I got a tantrum over here, bro
I'll do go ahead you handle that man. Yeah me and mallet dude. We're all parents
Did we get that do my son's school is we're supposed to get snow tomorrow. It's close
They already closed it tomorrow. It's just so soft now. They closed it tomorrow. It has not started snowing yet
They already sent me the tech
You're shitting on the school board for closing tomorrow because there's an impending blizzard and safety hazard
Was your kid was your kid at home today funny? Yeah, dude, this kid why was he why was he home today?
His sister woke him up from like 4 30 to 6 a.m. So we let him stay home
So the school board soft for closing this right buddy lizard
But you let your kids stay home because he was sleepy and they're the soft ones. Yeah, I do what I want
We make the rules in this dude. That's crazy
I had to be fucking like almost dying to even get one day off at school
I'm sorry your parents didn't love you. Let's go to the we're gonna do that. We're gonna do that
I'm not gonna lie. I felt bad for that one. I would have said that to anyone but George
We're gonna do the metal minute
Hey everybody, what's up
So a couple things, you know, I'm so happy for pudgy penguins
Does it count though?
Cuz I was looking at it less than four ether and I didn't buy so I knew I knew it was gonna run
And I just didn't buy so I feel like a loser, but I know but my money's in crypto
So I wanted to tell you guys did you guys see this? I've been talking about this like a maniac the Satoshi VM
Release was today. Oh my god. It has giga send. It's like giga sending seven dollars and fifty cents
It's gonna only got 21 million coins and it and there's no sign of it stopping just nuts
It's not your fire alarm beeping or is that you know
And be like the second person I was talking to a friend earlier like change your batteries. No, it's me and be thank you
I will I thought I was about to get all pissed. I think I was about to go to bed
I don't have a nine-fold God
Send it to me and be holy cow. Thanks for reminding me me. Meadows. Where is this Satoshi dude? It's on uniswap
So so it released. Ah, so it's real. It looks like a rug like there is so much volume
So in the discord, so I have been in the discord
I've been following it like a hawk and people like what's going on the mistake was it was UTC January 19th
So that's where everybody was kind of backwards and was confused. So I've been doing price predictions, you know me in price predictions
I hate to even say that's not financial advice. All I'm gonna say is it's gonna giga send
I'm gonna do a little thread on it. Like there's no way this isn't gonna run
Given given multiplier of where you think from here because it is already pretty fucking no, no, no it is
So here's it. Here's it. Here's a thing George
This is it issues assets and develops applications
This is the first one on the Bitcoin ecosystem, right?
And so this is a really really big deal different than already even though already hit $90 a couple weeks ago
And I also want you guys to know the people that got in at the IDO got in like five or ten cents
So they've already hundred X at this point, but when we say a multiplier
from here
It's not gonna obviously happen in the next week
But I'm easily thinking you're talking if this thing hits a billion dollar market cap
We are looking at forty seven dollars for a twenty one million with twenty one million tokens right now
We only have a living and a half million tokens and that's 80 bucks y'all if it hits a billion dollars. So
Why wouldn't it? You know what I'm saying? I this is early Bitcoin
Meadow let me ask you something because you drop this alpha
And I even I even like bookmarked your shit like your tweet I was like
I'm gonna definitely go back and revisit this I didn't realize it was so imminent that I had to go in and do
Like what you were suggested
Without your new yeah, no, I'm a fucking new but that was that was farming that was to farm it before
But what I was telling you seriously, I really I really care about everybody I'm not keeping this crap to myself
It's like I gotta tell them everybody's got a win. We're gonna win this cycle, but I still feel like it's cheap
I still feel like it's cheap and it's not financial advice
But it was released at a buck and and because I didn't have my money in Uniswap
It took me like 30 minutes. And so I got in at like three dollars and fifty cents, but I'm holding this
I'm very confident about it
You've got some massive KOLs in the space and they did such a phenomenal job
Releasing it. I mean I had a feeling it's gonna giga send. Sorry. That was more than a minute, buddy
No, dude, that was incredible
You know what Malik I know it's not like that, you know, we call him Malik
I was going to actually was like maybe I should wait for it to pull back and I'm so glad I didn't because I
Don't think it's going to the tokens are there's just I mean 21 million tokens is nothing
And then what chain is this on? Um, it's on by they've allocated 4 million tokens to Uniswap
So the only way to get it right now is through Uniswap and unfortunately God knows when Coinbase will release it
So we got to do everything through Uniswap
Yeah, Malik have a look if you search it up Satoshi VM
72 dude the vox
Yeah, dude cuz I looked at it it was like 20 million
Market cap and I'm like this volume is insane
I was like cuz on BSC if you look at if you go on BSA and like they do it sometimes on ETH is that
When there's a scam token they fucking volume is going insane and it matches the market cap and there's like big wallets back and forth
And I saw the same shit. I'm like, this is a rug and I never knew until now. It's fucking legit
Yeah, you know, it's funny. I like I like I told you in the discord
Like these are people who have been waiting everybody's like this is a scam. It's a rug. It's a rug and they're like, no
No, we launched it. So there was a lot of talk about it being a scum a rug
And then when I compared the contract addresses, I was like, oh god, how could I have not gotten in at a dollar?
But I'm thankful I'm in and I feel so confident
You still got a clean 2x and this thing's just getting started. Oh easy. Yeah, easy. It's just getting started. So
I think it's still early. So do you research and if you still want to buy it's still early
Dope, shut up. Meadow for the Meadow minute dropping actual actionable alpha
She doesn't have a theme song but she actually gives us real office. She needs like a two and a half minute fucking
You know song and and he doesn't even fucking tell us the ticker
so shout out Meadow and
One more shout out and that shout out for shrapnel
That is an intensely competitive triple-a extraction shooter developed by BAFTA and Emmy award-winning game industry veterans at neon
shrapnel features high-stakes skill base play a suite of creator tools and a community marketplace early access start soon
So secure your place and your bag by visiting to pick up an extraction pack to unlock early access
Plus a ton of exclusive in-game content like skins and your first playable character
And hey MFers, we've been talking about them
We've been shouting them from the rooftops for the last two weeks and you know what it's time
It is time right now for them to answer all the questions that you guys are taking right now
So let you that might be like eat some sugar you might pop like low glucose
So yeah, let's get a let's toss it over to the homies the one support in this shrapnel
We also got dub up here from the team. What is good guys?
What's up Malik, thank you so much for the invitation it's sneaky che behind the shrapnel account obviously we have dub up here
You know, we had to come because we had to meet our biggest fan Enby
We heard that he has a huge crush on us. He knows all this stuff memorized it by heart
So, you know, we had to show some face and reciprocate answer all his questions
No pressure on B. Don't fuck this up. You got asked that on your first date
So I got I got a question. This one's gonna be a thick one with the C
Are the allegations true?
in terms of
the Microsoft cabal that is underlying this company because in my research and
Observations it would appear that you've all done a long stint at Microsoft and I have questions about that
I really do
All right. I myself have not worked at Microsoft, but I can tell you that I use zoom
Every day rather than Google despite that being available
Bullish confirmed that he just said confirmed on B. No, he's not in the cabal
He's like cabbages, yeah
There you go
Have a question for you guys
Why a Vax instead of other blockchains? I'm curious why you guys decided to build there
Because it gives us control straight up like we had to give up
Decentralization in order to have more control over the experience so that you guys would have a good gameplay
Time in shrapnel what that means is that when you come play shrapnel, it's a completely gasless free-to-play experience
So that means if NB or whoever else is having, you know fun with their D gen mints
And eating up a ton of block space making it prohibitively expensive to do transactions
Doesn't affect the gameplay experience, right?
And that also allows it so that when you go find us on the epic game store
If you just like FPS is you can just jump in to shrapnel gameplay shoot up some other fuckers
See if you actually have fun with the game without having to know about wallets
NFTs that crypto bullshit because honestly like gamers they don't give a shit about it, right?
And so what we're doing is we're allowing them to come in here not even know that we're a blockchain enabled game, right?
So they come in shrapnel calm. We create a wallet for them. That's just called their player inventory. They're like, okay cool
We got an inventory. Oh, hey the skin that I like a lot. Let me go buy that. Oh wait
I just bought my first NFT. Wow, that's amazing
Oh, hey, I actually need some in-game currency to be able to go buy that skin cuz I want to rock it
Let me bust out my credit card use our moon pay integration to buy strap token
Oh, hey, that's my first cryptocurrency purchase, but really that's just guys is in-game currency
So being able to build on our shrapnel like subnet allows us to actually really abstract away
All the blockchain like yes, that makes it not fun
Showcase what the blockchain technology enables in terms of feature and experience
Now I love that dude, I really do
But I just so first of all
This is the Trojan horse that everyone was talking about right last year
We're like, how do we Trojan horse the fucking normies? How do we get them in there?
We saw like what happened with the reddit avatars, right?
But but the word kind of got out and it got leaked it
But even then they fucking onboarded a shit ton of people, but this is exactly it, right?
It's like create something that is stand like standing on its own completely ignoring the blockchain aspect of it is
Something that people want to play and that is like an excellent high def game and then
Supplement that with all of the things that blockchain allows you to do and I think it's fucking dope that you guys
Man should pull it off like that
But I feel like we you know as usual went to and be first terrible fucking mistake
We already went way off the fucking rails
We got a rain this back in because for a lot of people in here who may not know about shrapnel
Give us like the quick and dirty rundown on the game on the timeline on the team
Who's behind it and what do you guys have coming because I know that shit's cooking and and it's cooking fast
Definitely all that dub talk a little bit more about what's coming up in terms of community activation
And cool events that you guys can participate in just quick 30-second intro to shrapnel worth
First-person extraction shooter, so the gameplay itself is something like escape from Tarkov where you're actually having a persistent inventory
Between sessions you're ultimately going into a play session with a build out that you're loading into it
And you're taking out items that you're able to extract from the gameplay session if you die you lose your items
So it's very high stakes, but it's not like a winner-take-all scenario. There are going to be multiple opportunities to leave
Or extract from a play session, so it's not like there's only one single winner
but again, right as the map and game session goes on the the risk and the the
Adrenaline in terms goes up
and so those
Confrontations become higher risk because the more skilled players are waiting till the end game because we're also
Seeding the higher value loot for the end game of the map to try to entice people not to leave a play session early a
Play session early and so at the end of the play session itself
The very last extraction that leaves only one player gets out there
So if you actually want to stay in the entire time only one person gets out and ultimately you're really putting all of your
Loot and stuff at risk and what's great is all this stuff is
NFTs and blockchain enabled a little bit more about our lore and story
In terms of the shrapnel universe way into the future. We're doing some crazy stuff in space an asteroid for some reason
Maybe it's cuz we're like commercials commercialized space mining and stuff it veers off course and
Catastrophically collides with the moon. Boom. That's actually our profile picture
This creates an event that we call earthfall where shrapnel and debris all of this space
Asteroid magic dust starts falling across the earth and it just completely rains the earth into chaos
And so where like there's high concentrations of the space shrapnel falling down it becomes uninhabited
But right within this shrapnel are very valuable space material. So people start
Entering into these what we call sacrifice zones to explore and look for these materials and ultimately they discover a new element
That we're calling element Sigma and this Sigma ultimately unlocks a lot of the secrets to quantum physics
Quantum computing such that it becomes literally the most valuable resource in the world
and so your mission as an operator is to go into the sacrifice zone and
Extract the Sigma and this Sigma also ties into the gameplay itself in terms of making us different from other FPS's
You have what is called a Sigma ability and you you have the option to choose these abilities
before you go into a play session and so as you're going into a
Going through a play session and collecting Sigma that Sigma actually powers up these
Special abilities and these special abilities are designed such that when you get into late game
Combat situations, right?
You're gonna be significantly
Adadvantaged if you have your Sigma ability and another player doesn't have theirs and these Sigma abilities are things like Sigma jumps
Where you can jump like literally on top of buildings away from other players
You're gonna have the ability to do a Sigma push where you can literally push
Material or other players away from you from close combat. We've seen people like if there's a grenade that gets thrown on them
They push that away. So there's a lot of different abilities that are
enabled by Sigma within the gameplay to make it not just like a
Bang a run-and-gun just FPS straight up and then dub
Do you want to talk a little bit more about what we're doing with Shrap Night?
Some early access and all that fun stuff
Yeah, for sure so that that's the majority in our discord
We actually have like two communities going on in the same discord where we have creators and we have gamers
Obviously, there's a mix between the two
But we've been doing a lot of contests and partnering up with other communities
To get them to use our insignia creator tool, which allows you to ultimately customize your own weapon scans
You know if you want to take your favorite PFP
Literally like remake it in the tool and use it
you know, you have that ability and then to ultimately sell it and
Everything on our marketplace too. So that tool is actually out already on and we've been giving away things like
operators and
Extraction packs for doing that but we've also been working with next studios
Who create uefn fortnight experiences and that they recreated?
Our game literally in fortnight. So if you look up Shrap Night
You'll see it there. We hit
Best of uefn like number 16 was our peak on there. There's some pretty good stats with like 1600
Peak players on our opening weekend where we were out in Las Vegas and brought out
Orangy I see in Cairo to do a fun game night where we're doing that every Friday now
Which alongside we have a content creator contest. So we all go play trap night where we're literally getting a sigma
Extracting trying to be the one to get the most signal at the end of the day
we even put some of the
Creator insignias into the game and everything to to to kind of flex that muscle
And we're giving away a ton of stuff via a pretty cool discord bot integration where anyone can submit a 30 second
Clip or a screenshot and then the whole community votes on it and the most votes will end up winning an operator
And we're also giving out five thousand B bucks to the top 50 players
So we're doing that
Literally tomorrow and then right after that game, right?
I'm actually gonna be doing a live play test from our office showing off shrapnel STX the game as we're working on it
for about an hour or so right after that that's gonna be at 5 p.m. PST and
We're getting ready to bring this game online and it's good really exciting time at the office. I
Love it. I want to let Plotsky ask a question because I know she's actually played trap night and she's been interested
This whole time. What's up? Lasky? Hey, I have I have three questions
My first question is if you can't be there during
The game night on Fridays. Can you still submit for the contest like your own?
Content or does it have to be taken during the Friday?
three hours span
No, all good to submit whatever whenever
The ultimate thing is it's up for the entire week and you have Friday to Friday
And essentially every Friday is when we're gonna choose our champions from the previous week
So even if you want to work on something spend two weeks on it and then use it three weeks down the road
It's something that I'm looking to do
constantly going forward
Okay, perfect. And yeah, I think
Trap night is excellent. Like the game it's excellent
It's really fun to play and I do like how those Sigma powers like it does give you this
this choice whether you're gonna run around and be more powerful or if you're gonna go and extract and and like cash in those
Sigmas so that like you can get your score up like I I'm really enjoying playing it
My other questions are based on the marketplace that you're gonna have the community marketplace
So if you want to be able to be a creator to put things up for sale
Do you need to apply for that or will that be simple?
When it's there and if you could tell us a little bit more about like how the marketplace is going to function
Yeah, definitely. So anyone can go and use the creator tool and create it
Once you want to mint and participate in the marketplace, that's when they're gonna have to go through a kyc
process and then also your
Minting fees will be in trap token
Okay, but it's not like an approval process where you have to like submit a
Portfolio or something to become a creator like anyone can do it. Oh, yeah. No anyone can do it. Oh
Yeah, we've been getting a really cool community finally up and running and using it's wild because it's such a
weird niche of gamers that have done it before with like Halo 3 and Cod 2 and
Because it's a layering tool. It's not a simple
Upload or draw or anything like that. You have to layer image over image and our community is good
It's a heart. It's like
Making it harder for everyone to actually produce the art, which is a funny funny thing to do in gaming
Can you guys get so so for again like
Like a more basic breakdown of the ecosystem and the different things that that you need and that you can purchase to get in the game
maybe just like a quick rundown explain difference between
Operator versus extraction pack versus, you know, anything else that that's in-game and kind of what do we need to know?
To get started like right now if you've never played the game before don't know anything about it
Yeah, definitely the best place to start is gonna be our website shrapnel calm
You're gonna want to create your shrapnel calm account. That's gonna sort of what's gonna power everything
Like you said, we have multifaceted aspect of our ecosystem
The only thing that you all need to know to get access to early access is gonna be an extraction pack code
You've heard about it here
You know, I can't even know God knows how long but you get one of those codes and redeem it to your shrapnel calm account
And then you're good to go for the entirety of early access period we expected to last many many months, you know
Probably six months plus but essentially whenever you know, you're gonna want to get into that you're gonna need an extraction pack code
Now those codes themselves are differentiated by what they have
There's light medium and heavy and they have different gear shrapnel calm
Has all the details of that and that gear will get dropped into your player inventory over time based on the different schedules of
Distribution that are again on our website. Okay, so those are our extraction packs our Genesis NFT collection our operators
That's on each main chain. Who knows if it's gonna stay there forever since we're an Avax project. Think about that
So like you said those guys I think are like 0.25 floor eat right now not financial advice
They've already gotten things like shrapnel token airdrops
Comic-book airdrops
They got free extraction packs as well
So they didn't have to purchase them to get early access and it's basically a perpetual battle pass for the game. We're doing a
skin collaborations with the bodagos as well as the alchemy team any skin collaborations that we do in the future both that
NFT project community typically gets it
But then also our operator NFT collection gets it as well. And if we ever release a battle pass in the future
You know, basically the operators get that for free as well. And there's a ton of other game
rewards and in-game missions and events that will be exclusive to operators, so that's really like hey if you really want to
Dive into the game further. You're a super into it and you like love it then hey
Maybe the operator NFT is for you now
We can get into sort of like the vanity and the fun stuff that double saying for UGC, right?
Like right now you can go to our website and actually mint your call sign
What your call sign is is it's basically your ENS is your in-game battle tag
So if NB you want to reserve your name
You should do that now or else someone else can go mint it and camp on it sell it to you for like
I don't know how much money you're gonna have to go
In between the end of the beat so yeah, we're actually seeing that already we've had to actually mint ourselves a lot of
Those call signs just so that you know other people wouldn't because we understood that that would be a problem camping on those
So that requires shrapnel to actually mint that those are all NFTs and tradable
So if you go actually camping we're able to get like ninja or someone for example, you own that battle tag, you know
Ninja can't go
Now that you have it you so then you know
You have to go ahead and exchange that on our marketplace give it to them for free if you're feeling nice or extort them for money
If you're not
So our call signs are available right now on our website to be able to mint
I reserved my gamertag highly recommend that you do yours as well
Like dub mentioned our insignia create a creation tool
Which is essentially like a decal editor if you guys are familiar with like call do your halo
You're able to create different like decals and logos to like make spray paints and stickers
Or even if you've played something like Forza and had their car liver livery editor
this basically is the primer for all of our cosmetics in game such that like
You're basically gonna customize skins and all this stuff
However, you want as the insignia tool is like sort of the basis
And so that tool right now is available on our website to sort of play with and draft designs
The only thing that is disabled is actually being able to publish that and mint it as an NFT on our subnet
But we highly encourage people to go in there get familiar play around
We actually have some community members who are flippin insane at this
It's like I don't even know how much time and whatever they did to do this
But like they're putting 400 layers of images together and essentially like they're very well known in our community at being
Adapted using this tool. So like our partners and other collaborators who are like, hey, we want to have an insignia in the game
They'll literally go pay our community members to build it in our tooling. So it's like hey, that's pretty cool
I think that's gonna happen more to a bigger scale in the future
And so that's really all you need to know to get started right now
Is you want to get that extraction pack to be able to play the game?
You want to go ahead and mint that call sign to reserve your battle tag?
And then if you like us, you know
You can get in deeper and learn more about like the strap token learn more about the operator Genesis NFT
And there's like so much more to explore but really, you know, just figure out if you like playing the game or not
And speaking of those extraction packs, we've been giving away, you know here and there, you know
Trying to do it every night giving away at least a couple
But tonight you guys are doing a giveaway 10 heavy extraction packs tonight
I will let the team that's a thousand dollars
Dollars actual thousand dollars. I will let the team decide how they want to do it
Please be advised our audience is a bunch of fucking absolute shameless degenerates
There's absolutely nothing that you could think of that people are gonna bulk out
So I encourage you to go fucking just ridiculous and absurd in the requirements
But I do want to go to em low. Wait, did you see our hike who's
Who is beautiful and we made I could
Tell them about the haikus we did it. We did a haiku challenge last week
It was it was heavily funded by my co-host. It was my idea. It turns out it was the best one we've ever done
So yeah, there was haikus there were we had them do AI generated guess a number art
Yeah, there was cat art. We've had some fun stuff
So you guys you know think of how you want to do it or hey just fucking look at which PFPs you like the most
It's your game. You do it. Oh fuck you want man
But but I do want to go to em low who's been waiting patiently. What's up? I'm low
I wanted to know what shrapnel's opinion on bunny reading the shrapnel sponsorship was
That's rude
The last time I read it was electric Tony's not here. He's he's still he's actually sick
The first time that he heard fucking bunny read that that's that's actually when his health took a turn for the worst
He has not recovered
Let's try George
George is actually huge. Did you guys know George is a huge gamer?
It doesn't surprise me that did I've seen like all the videos on shrapnel and I've always said like it's probably one
Of the first games that I'll be bullish about
Reason being is because it's like the number one game that has you know broken
Gaming on YouTube before
Dgens, do you know what I mean?
Like it's not the way to go with with with three gaming and I don't know if you guys have seen but like on
The top there's a bird doggo skin
That was on one of their recent videos the last couple weeks
So shout out to the bird doggos
But I was gonna say shrapnel
Want you just to give a little spill because I I'm sure you guys know like dead drop is also a very big
competitor to you guys
You know, there's lots of talks on forums and you know back and forth videos on on YouTube
I just want to see what you guys think your edges on top of on top of them
Yeah, I don't honestly actually see them as a competitor necessarily
I think dead drop Providence
blood loop
Br1 all the FPS is honestly have a space
In this space and for at least people on our gaming team, right? They're not only playing one game
They're usually playing a lot of multiple games. So that's first and foremost
I'm not gonna try to say that like they're competitors obviously being on the shrapnel team
I am gonna say that we are a better game and what I've heard is
In terms of what differentiated
Differentiates us because I haven't played dead drop myself is that dead drop leans more toward fantasy and we're more
Rooted in realism. And so what that means is like they are more toward like the call of duty squirt gun
Model where you know the physics the mechanics the movement the feeling is a lot more fantasy is a lot more
High-octane high-impact similar to modern Call of Duty type games
Our gameplay is gonna be a little bit slower paced and it's gonna be a lot more based in realism
So the movement the feedback everything it's it's like
Looked at real bullets. And so looking at that dial between sort of real and fantasy. We're very much more on the real end
versus the fantasy and then also in terms of like
What's gonna make us better it's it's sort of like that's a preferential individual like statement
I think we're gonna be the best game personally because we got the best developers
But then also what I think gives us a competitive edge is we're opening up our entire
Fts platform to our community through a map editor so that they can build on top of shrapnel whatever
Experience whatever map that they want to see played
So even if they're not into the extraction shooter gameplay that the studio is gonna be producing
They can go ahead and recreate a battle royale type pub G format winner take all they can go ahead and recreate
CSgo five-on-five team death matches if they want a team
After the flag or king of the hill or even some platforming fun game
Which doesn't even involve combat or gunplay they can go ahead and do that and create that and ultimately be
Rewarded in trap token based on the playability and popularity of the map
And that's actually the the grand vision of shrapnel being a moddable extraction shooter
Is that we hope that one day right one of these player created maps is gonna be more popular
Right than whatever the studio is producing and so maybe that will also help us out
Is that the community will go ahead and create the next dota and save us?
Save the studio from having to deal with that ourselves. Oh, dude, that brings major halo 3 vibes. I love that
George I heard dead drops kind of clunky, dude
There's just so much back and forth online it's like, you know, I mean as with everything right now
We see it here daily with that's just because of what's his name with the mustache
That's his name
Are you gotta love the doc do and and to add to defend dead drop a little bit?
Cuz I'm an epic founder holders still and I've been playing the game streaming content for dead drop since snapshot 3
So like I followed their development for Rick for months and create content around it and everything. So I know it thoroughly it
They need direction there. They're figuring it out when they added cars into the game
That was the big like kind of question mark and I'm excited to see as they they're going into more private building and really figuring out
What they do over the next year what they come out with and I'm sure it's gonna be something great
And I still have my founder's hoodie and everything and I'm gonna keep wearing it
You know, I might even wear it in the office and see what kind of eyes I get from the rest of the team
and report back
Make sure to put a GoPro on you and take out a life insurance policy if there's anyone in your life that you love
Who would you like to benefit from your untimely demise?
Quick question though just on on timeline
What are we looking at because you said the extraction like this this this early period is going on for you said months
What are we looking at timeline wise for game launch for the next stage of the process?
And price possibly sorry to Malik. I just wanted to throw in there. Well prices
I mean, I guess stop it George. Well, I'm gonna make sure George wins
I was picking winners, but honestly I was thinking about giving all ten to nb
But well, you know, I'll spread it out, you know amongst everyone but
Whoa the nb doesn't game
He doesn't get all ten
Literally terraforming right now like I am like a hardcore web 3 gamer
Like and we appreciate it. But but if it's all the same to you, I'd love to hear the answer my fucking question
Okay, mr. Sassy pants
That's why you're not getting old ten and being I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to live with that
You know, you'll get one though. Don't worry, buddy
But we're we're working I'm gonna use soon
I'm literally gonna get soon tattooed on me at this point because I've been saying it so damn much
Probably with the shrapnel logos for the hose or something, but it's it's around the corner
We're not putting an official date on it just because we want to make sure
That when we do launch and say a date we deliver on that date and it's a big spectacle
Even if it is, you know a couple weeks notice or even sooner
we want to make sure we're right and we're take because it's a big marketing moment and
It's kind of like stepping up up to the plate at the ninth inning and try to hit that home run
We're gonna make sure we do it
Yeah, like timelines are so frickin hard in game development
Like for example, we're doing some testing this weekend with the game team
And if that shit like hits the fan right then okay
We got more work to do if that thing goes swimmingly right then okay
Hey, we're on track on timeline
So it's so hard to find that balance of when to actually release the date
But I can't tell you we're getting closer and closer and who knows maybe the operators might even get a chance
Even sooner to be able to play
But I can't say more
Well, I mean you guys are also a smaller studio, right? You're not like an Activision
Doing a call of duty which for everyone's information
Every fucking year comes out bug this shit
So I'm sure you guys are gonna nail it and use guys sort of need to nail it so you you know
You hit the scene running
Yeah, and you can literally see what that is tomorrow at 5 p.m. I mean, I'm gonna be streaming that build
And if it goes to shit, you know, the stream falls apart then you guys know
But otherwise I'm gonna be cheesing and smiling through it anyways
So price action on these operators might be going down if you shit the bed tomorrow
Is that what I'm hearing? Correct? Every every time I step up to the stage. It feels like that
Literally the last time we did this I went 0 and 2 and the the operator collection dropped 20% and
I fought Tony to say it wasn't correlated. But honestly, I don't think you believe me
All right, I will I'll have my teeth on the sidelines and be waiting in anticipation and praying on your failure
Guys just a reminder if you do want one of these ten heavy extraction packs valued at $100 apiece that they are giving out tonight
There's one thing you got to do. I mean if you're a good human being and a decent person you're gonna like and retweet this space
But we all know that you're a bunch of fucking selfish degenerates
So I won't waste my breath on that the one requirement though is you got to follow shrapnel if they're scrolling and they say hey
I like this guy's PFP. Maybe he should get one. They click on it. You're not following them
Fuck out of here. You're not getting a pack. All right, so everyone go follow shrapnel right now
How dare they want a pack and not even follow shrapnel? That's rude. It's very
Dub we're getting close to time. Is there anything else you want to leave the listeners with?
Like what is the one last thing they need to know about shrapnel and what's coming next? I
Mean look if you're looking to play the game which has been going around lately like join the discord
We have orangey hosting a night
He did an escape room with shrapnel stuff and everything in uefn last Wednesday
He's cooking up something crazy for the next one. We also do that every Friday if you're looking to just
Trade and be involved in that passion, you know, like maybe try out the insignia tool now see what that's about
You know from the viewpoint of an artist and and get ready for the marketplace to come up
I mean, this is just like getting CSO marketplace starting all up again with the weapon skin plants
We have at the end of the day those operator holders are going to be controlling that market
Alongside the other partner collections. We're making the skins with so it's gonna be a fun time for everybody
Well, we appreciate you guys appreciate you taking the time to come up here definitely appreciate you guys sponsoring us and
Giving away all these packs to our listeners, man. Honestly, you guys are fucking chads. You guys are everywhere and absolutely inescapable on the timeline
Everyone knows about it. Everyone's hyped about it and
Next week a week from now on Thursday. We're gonna be doing another AMA, but it's gonna be a little different
We're gonna deep dive with the gaming guys get into the fucking nitty-gritty into the nuts and bolts get you some alpha on how to actually
Win this shit win. Make some fucking money do what you want to do smoke your friends look like an absolute Chad
So appreciate you guys. Thank you so much. And before we go, let's let's hit up Miyagi. Oh
Oh, wow, I appreciate you. I guess I gotta end this piece. Oh