πŸ„The Wave to Sui Mainnet 🌊

Recorded: May 3, 2023 Duration: 0:43:57



Hi everybody, we're going to add one final speaker. Please stay tuned.
Okay, I think we're going to Double check on our side to make sure that we have all of our speakers ready to go. We really appreciate everyone's patience. We're super excited here at Mistin to celebrate with everybody in the sweet community.
about today's huge event. We are right now waiting for the lovely members over at the Slee Foundation. Obviously they are critical in terms of this announcement and this deep dive into Slee main net.
We appreciate how patient people are being. Excuse us for this like technical difficulty. As you know, this seems to be our MO here at Missed where all of our Twitter spaces in one way or another has an interesting hiccup.
We will be kicking off in about a minute.
Okay, I guess we'll just start right away knowing that time is a ticking. So before we kick things off, we wanted to kind of set the stage for, you know, "Miston, we as the initial contributors this we networked
understand what a pivotal moment this is for everyone here in this week community. We're also setting the stage where ideally we are still waiting for our lovely guest from this week foundation. I think technical difficulty is getting more
the way. So we don't want to, you know, have random commercial free music continuously playing. So we'll get the introduction started while we try to address this from the Sweet Community or rather the Sweet Foundation side.
So I do want to reintroduce our lovely speakers from the Mistin Labs team. Can we go through your background as well as your role at Mistin? Let's start with you, Evan.
Hello, this is Heaven. I'm the co-founder of CO MissonLab. So being tacked for 26 years, I should be excited to finally be doing my own thing and see something as being imagining for a long time finally become real. It's a great day for me. I feel very privileged.
to be part of the journey really really grateful for the three foundation doing doing the heavy lifting and pushing pushing this out to the world really excited how about you, Rene? My name is
One of the co-founders of Misson Labs and the Chief Product Officer here. I'm really proud of the moment to see this network finally come to life. It's been a lot of work by over 150 people working on it. And you know, this is, you know, not my first crypto-roader, I've been in crypto since
2011-2012, but this for me is going to be the pinnacle of what I've been able to see in this industry and very proud of the team, very proud of who we've been able to work with and very proud of what has been achieved today. And last but not least, Sam.
Hi all on Sam on the co founder and CTO of missing labs the creator of the mood programming language. Yeah, I'm really excited to have gone to today. What the start line really amazing work from the Sweet Foundation from the contributors on the missing labs team to get to the point where we are it's been.
So so much work to get here on a lot of imagination creativity and the feeling is just overwhelming. So it's great. Awesome. So in terms of sleep made that as we know it is live. Can we kind of dive into how you are all feeling? I think it's been
quite the journey, especially folks here at Mistin, where we had been contributing to this and today is the day. If you can kind of dive into it a bit more so that we can understand maybe the mix of emotions as everything kind of came to life.
Yeah, I mean, I mean not going lie, right? There is a great sense of accomplishment, right? It is absolutely by far the most complex, you know, initiative I ever being involved in. If you're working, you know, this is not just Bob Eoting the blockchain.
not just built about the tech, it's you know building products right we put out switch friends we had wallets and explorer building relationship with all the important partners that the supporters along the way it's building a developer community
It's dealing with legal regulatory concerns, fundraising, working and building a great community that's actually engaging with us and actually going to be hopefully benefiting from this. Yeah, it's monumental.
I'm very proud. I'm also very proud because the people that we have this understanding with us, the main that happened, all the three foundation folks working on all the builder houses,
all the community programs, all the developer programs, grants programs, you know, recently research grants and all that. Amazing, amazing group of people that's now part of this journey with us. That's a part I'm extremely proud of as well. But we also know
So there's so much more to do. The mental model, all we're thinking this is, we were sort of sprint to the starting point. Now we're going into this journey where we're building a real platform, a developer platform, continue to strengthen.
the community continue to expand and demonstrate what this is possible. How do we actually deliver value to consumers? How do we solve some of the urgent issues we see in the world today that is the...
How do we make product more efficient? So this intermediation, how do we make change the internet, move it back towards a more collaborative model rather having centralized middlemen controlling them.
So the distribution power there's so much work to do. I'm really excited You know, but we're we're just finished the first leg of the spring now. It's all about You know, we're gonna be doing relays. Yeah, we're gonna be handing the battalion to
to a lot of different players and that we're all running together. So that's exciting. - I'm seeing right now that Greg has joined us. Greg, thank you for making this time. Can you introduce yourself to the lovely Sweet Community, members who have dialed in for this call?
Yes, thank you, Jennifer, for this introduction. I'm Gregoros Hirunes. I am the Mars Director of the Sweet Foundation and member of the Sweet Community.
Perfect. We're right now kind of going through the emotions that, you know, all of us at the Sweet Community have taken over the better part of the several, like, years or so to get to this monumental milestone. Can you also describe kind of
of what it's been like over at Sween Foundation, especially because Sween Foundation really is there as the stewards of the Sween community. So we're kind of looking to you to kind of understand if you can share insights and sort of the drumming excitement that's happening now that main net is finally live.
Well, we're really amazed from the response of the community and this new technology and as a member of this community we would like to push forward and
awareness of the sweet platform. We have designed many different programs and initiatives. It's a marathon, it's not a sprint, but as played or used
to say, you know, at the beginning is the half of the whole. So we are, you know, we're excited that this has happened and we very much look forward to contribute to the community and together build and build beyond.
love it. And, you know, as as fellow builders, what does kind of build beyond mean from the foundation point of view? And what is it that you would want the wider suite communities to take from it now that the possibilities are all there?
Actually, it means that the suite platform is relevant to not only developers, which is built from developers, of course, but to a much wider audience, which means it
It's relevant to entrepreneurs, to start-ups, to people that want to disrupt the market and think differently, as well as mature corporates that they want to resolve all-time problems with new rails.
official governments that they want also to resolve problems that are there, you know, since the time. And they cannot be resolved with a, as I said, traditional railings. They are looking for some other solution or
As we say, they're looking for a way to actually encompass a new way of thinking, which is this decentralized, you know, digital assets ownership and the new philosophy that is bringing to the way that we see the web.
So I love that you mentioned how builders is not just limited to engineers. It means truly everyone who is contributing to the sweet network. I can say this as a non-technical person here at Mistin.
one of the few non-technical mysteries. But I think what would be kind of more interesting to dive into is, you know, what are some of the initiatives and programs that the foundation has planned for the community that, you know, we at Mistin and the Whiteers' Week community can look forward to.
The suite foundation is, as I said, trying to broaden the horizon and bring in as many people as possible. So we have, of course, grants programs for people that they want to start building on the platform and use it for
for all kinds of applications. Of course we have the MASS Embasseders Program for people that they really want to, you know, evangelize this way of building and going forward. And on top of that, we are building also partners programs and
And we're also thinking of helping the community to actually increase the footprint on the on the on the street platform by helping them in all respects that can be you know,
The grant, but also the help from the community point of view and the ecosystem. Last, we just launched the academic program, which is a unique opportunity for top-notch global researchers to push the frontier and
research on blockchain which is totally you know it's a totally new field and research from topics that are highly technical to topics that are social and talk about social inclusion, information
inclusion, you know, how we think about decentralization and democracy in the space of Web 3. So it's a very wide platform and we welcome everybody that wants to actually, as I said, push from here on this new technology.
And in regards to kind of pushing the frontier and the new technologies here, I think, you know, particularly at any Sam Evan, are there some things that you can speak to based on
on previous experience across permanent test nets and with the possibilities of main net being live now that Miston is building that we can share with the wider suite community as well.
Yeah, as you know, missing itself as a core contributor is one of the contributors to Sway. There are various products that we've been working on. Of course, today, many people have already been working and using Sway Explorer. We want to build a great experience for both developers and consumers.
to view relevant information by the transactions pertaining to them or even gather relevant information about the network that could be useful. Separately, there's a wallet which we've built as a developer tool. That has been great in a sense that it's actually empowered a number of wallets and ecosystems to build very quickly. So we've seen other
networks where it's taking good light but no one supports it very quickly and there are various things that you want to enact but just building an example reference and making that really powerful is really both for documenting many of the features in the suite of system are very feature rich. Separately from that capy's which continues an idea on like in
empowering developers and really-- >> You mean, Steve France? >> Yes, sorry, Steve France. Thanks for correcting me. In really giving people a new idea on how you may build projects for collectibles that are really engaging rather than just pure
basic images that we see that proliferate ecosystem. We're very excited to see what people build there. Sweet Fund is live today. I know the mint just went live and it's already sold out for the next cohort. So in terms of product for us, it's really building tools to enable developers and consumers
to see their world, namely the explorer, building tools for both consumers and developers to have a great experience on using sweet-based features and also learning how to implement that across various apps in SweetWallet. And then three friends as a product that really opens up the
Congratulations, the folks, so they can really start to imagine what's possible with three that just you can't do another change and finally three in S It's not life today, but there's a countdown you could sign up for a notification for when it becomes available An ecosystem wide way for you to register names that are easy to use
use rather than have to remember wallet addresses and truly provide the non-fragmented experience across the board. So those are what things were very excited about. And of course, we're going to continue to innovate and contribute to the three core protocol over time. And there are a lot of features that we're very excited about and we'd love to talk about some something another call.
Yeah, I'll say a bit more about this. Ultimately, 3 is a developer platform. As a contributor, we think a lot about what is rich and developer platform look like. Early on, the core early contributor have to be a lot
examples and a lot of tools and a lot of, you know, to show what's possible. But we're excited to see what the community come up with. There's going to be more and more example, more kind of crazy new ideas about, you know, kind of products that are going to come on this week's platform. We should be excited about this.
And to chime in a little bit more on the developer experience side, you know, there's this programmable transaction blocks feature that in the grand scheme of Sway is actually pretty new, but we're really, really excited about it. We can see the community is really excited about it already folks are using this in really powerful ways. We haven't anticipated so we're looking at ways to
Make it cheaper to use even larger program will transaction blocks to make them expressive by allowing you to do things you can't do today like pass mutable references through the through the middle of them and then having better visualizations from the explorer better local type checking just all sorts of ways that we can leverage the superpower of Sway there are also a lot of things that we're going to be doing and
trying to really refine the developer experience with static analysis and verification, you know, move as this language that's designed for the availability to static analysis and the advanced developer tools. We've just been trying to do the minimum we need to do to launch, but I think we have all sorts of exciting ideas from basically
to advanced security tools, to revactoring tools, to code search, lots and lots of things. We're going to be doing to make the swing of the developer experience really first class. So, pump that we're out the door and we can now start to get real feedback from real times with real customers and start to put some of these ideas in place.
I know that you guys have discussed multitudes of projects and programs that are being launched over the next several months through the roadmap for the
the year. I'm going to ask a very difficult question. What is the one thing you pick one? And what is the actual one thing that you're most excited to see happen over the summer?
or buy the summer rather.
Oh, go ahead and I'm just gonna say right this is a trick problem tricky problem because there's something we cannot share There's a few things yeah, there's a few things that we can't wait to share but we can't literally cannot share just yet those are gonna be mine
blowing. So those are the ones I'm most excited about. I can visualize them but I cannot say anything about them. How about that? I had to mute myself because I'm so happy that you guys didn't spoil it and let it out of the bag. So kudos for for not dropping that part.
There are probably things that we have announced like the product road, you know, in terms of sweet wallet and Explorer and you know the range of tools and products that mist and labs is working through that you can probably speak to in terms of the other unannounced stuff, please definitely keep that under wraps because I do not want
want to have multiple people yelling at me for a drop. But can I hint a little bit like three-friend and what you're seeing now is almost like a preview what's to come. There's a lot more to come. And then okay that that's all I'm gonna say. Okay that was a good enough answer. I think that you did not spoil things
but you mentioned sweet friends and the next iteration of stuff that people can look forward to. So I will take that answer. Yeah, I mean, of course, the basic things of integrating SVNS into Waller Explorer and across the entire ecosystem is going to be exciting for us. And also, we,
So the CISO reel that was released by Mr. Labs on Monday feels like forever ago on the gaming that's going to become a onto the platform. I think we announced at least 40 partnerships and that's only a fraction of the partnerships that are going to be bringing games onto this week of system. So expect to see more of velocity
of these partnerships, I expect to see a lot more of the engagement on chain and really bringing real value to consumers in terms of the experiences that they can actually have. I think that's what we're very excited about. When we're thinking about three initially, how do we empower developers to build new and engaging experience
These are for us. That's what makes us super excited, right? That product has been used in pound helpers. The three foundations are currently free for the ecosystem and the growth for the ecosystem and our perspective. So we really want to continue to evangelize the technology and the end of the apps.
I'll say that that's right on the gaming front. Why am I excited about it apart from these games are great and we're excited about the new innovative way they use blockchain. I finally get excused to buy a cook.
Cool kickass gaming PC now. I have a spousal approval to buy that for for testing purpose product testing I'm sure about that. Of course, for work Absolutely, Evan. You have to make sure that it runs on part
with product testing and game testing is an important part to ensure our partners are set up. I will think about that excuse. Yeah I mean one good thing about this job is we get to play a lot of video games so I can't complain about that.
We do work at Mistin though I promised. Mistin Labs, we work very hard. Do not take this out of context. So I'm going to have to like snip that really quickly.
How about you Sam and then I do want to end this question with Greg and you're input from from the sweet foundation side, but how about we round out, mistin with with Sam. So my answer might be a little dry compared to these guys, but I'm really excited to see what real traffic patterns look like. I mean,
Testnet is very good for sort of Pokemon edge cases, but there's a lot of things that are quite artificial because of the faucet and we care a lot about optimizing for real flows, like making real latency as work well and already like just for a couple hours of maintenance that we see things look very very different from Testnet when you remove that sort of artificial element.
that's really going to help us figure out how do we optimize through the latency for the right things throughout the protocol and just give us real data that we can use. So I'm pretty pumped about that. I know the team is too. And that's the engine underneath that helps us build on screen so fun. I think that was the most authentic answer you could have given as
our chief technology officer. Sam, that is not dry. I think that's being genuine and true to what you're doing here at Mistin. I'm sure a lot of people listening in who themselves have invested interest in it appreciate that you're prioritizing that and you're excited about what's going to
come from that as well. So Greg, from a Sweet Foundation standpoint, there's a lot of programs that people can look forward to. Is there something that's coming up in the coming months or around that this Sweet Community should really pay close attention to that you're super excited?
about. You don't have to say that it's your favorite, but maybe it's something that you personally like, think, or actually that's me contradicting myself, that you may believe has either gotten enough attention or something that you really want to drive some attention towards.
Well, that's a great question actually and you know my answer here is the following what we would like to see is as a part of the community of this fantastic community that has just started is not only growing in numbers but also in quality which means that we would love to see you know quality
projects that are being built on this new platform and the community builds ideas, free brings ideas inside this new platform and also tries to solve real world problems that actually improve the lives of all of
us. So that's something that I'm very much looking forward to going forward. And at the Sweet Foundation, we will do our very best to push the community in that end as well. So that's what I can tell you right now.
So essentially, we in the Sweet Community should stay tuned as you build and bake more programs coming down. I'm sure not just myself, but everyone else cannot wait to hear a bit more about this.
Yep, it's coming and it's going to be a huge in all respects. And as I said, we will aim also to, you know, quality projects and the quality of the applications that, as I said, they aim to
change our lives and improve our lives. And as part of this community, we would like this community to thrive and grow for the long term.
You heard that first and I think we at the in the sweet community side are really really lucky that we get to kind of see that the stewards are really taking care of the fact that this is in for the long haul and that this is not you know short-term vision that there's a lot of programs being built to empower all aspects and all
members of this week community. So I can be, you know, one of the first to say like sincerely thank you and we're definitely looking forward to what you and the rest of this week Foundation team members have planned out. I think there's going to be a lot of surprises because I'm not privy to this stuff, but we just are keeping close eyes and
cannot wait to see what else you and the rest of the team announced. So I know I'm fully aware that time is ticking. There's a lot for us to do. So we're going to go actually straight into questions from the community. Do you see GameFi as something that can lead to more adoption of blockchain?
platforms like Sway and how important do you think GameFi is in the Sway ecosystem? This is a great question. One thing I would challenge before people think about games are just games and GameFi is sort of like financialization of these S
sets is one aspect of that. Right, so we're super excited about gaming usage of blockchain Web3 technology because one, gaming is always being on the forefront of technology. Games are extremely complex and more importantly, game builders are
have a lot of the struggle on the business side, right? How do they build a community? How do they find the customer, how they engage the customer, how do they extend the life cycle of the games, the IPs, how do they bring their loyal community to the next
title, they put up. So all these problems, exactly the problems, decentralized technology, supposed to solve, blockchains, supposed to solve. How do you cut out the middleman? How do you do with distribution problem? How do you engage directly? So you have that direct connection with your fans. So whatever games is, you know,
community, you know, when the idea they tried out is going to be followed by other kind of vertical or the kind of businesses. So it absolutely is great to see game, you know, using suite to solve these kind of problems.
At any Sam, anything further to add to this Greg, perhaps, if not, we can definitely move on to the next question. I think time, do you have anything to say?
No, I think I'm gonna cover it well. Yeah, I was gonna say Evan really responded that for that really well. So I think adding on that will never fail you. So thanks.
Got it. Well, how about this one? How do you plan to help onboard Web2 gamers onto Sweet? I honestly think the recent Mistin gaming trailer kind of have put everyone on track with with games. So I'm seeing a lot of this line of question. But to reiterate, you know, how do you plan to help onboard Web2 gamers?
into a suite overall? I have a lot of ideas. More importantly, what the team has been working on in the last 15 months has been insane and we've been we're very lucky at Mr Labs to have a suite of really strong engineers from the core systems perspective and even a crypto
cryptography perspective and we've been able to do some really mind boggling things. The two things I want to talk about, actually three things and it was covered in some of the conversations we had with consensus. Number one is sponsor transactions. So in Tui we believe one of the biggest impediments to people
is just this notion of gas. It is a foreign concept for people they just want to play a video game or even if you want to just do a transaction. The idea that you're now fronting a fee seems very weird to most users. So app builders have the ability to completely abstract the notion of fees away from users.
So if I'm about to play a game or about to do a trade or I'm about to engage in any kind of NFT activity, whether it's mixing or minting, the fee can be paid for by a provider. Another account would ultimately pay the fee on my behalf and it means to me as a user, I'm not know why that fee actually exists, which means for me, to great experience.
No one explains to me what a fee is, but I'm engaging with the blockchain. The second thing that is an impediment to people in Web 3 is actually the notion of even having to provide a store of private queue on paper or any kind of thing, even using a hardware-ledger device, especially if you're on a onboarding stage when you have
no idea whether your activity is going to be a value or not. We think throwing that UI in front of users is very painful if anything is a way to lose conversion. It has a really low conversion rate very quickly. So what the team has built is we devise something called ZK login. And ZK login effectively enables everybody in a world
that has either an email address with Google, Apple, or an account with any web-to-service that supports OpenID connect to actually just use that account to log in and own an account on Sweele automatically. So imagine the experience I want to play a game again, rather than
asking me to, you know, at first I'm a mom boarding asking me to try the private key and or store private key. I think we just connect with my Google account or my Apple account or whatever account that is supported with Open ID Connect and immediately have an account on chain and I can immediately start engaging in gaming. So if you imagine you have Open ID, you basically have the ability to
have these multiple dialogues pop up to say, "Syner Transactions," you have no idea what you're signing, and you just have fact that you have to consecutively sign multiple transactions. It's just weird and foreign. We invented something in three called Ptb, which is programmable transaction blocks. Enables developers to chain a bunch of effigy and just transactions together, which means if you want it
take a character put into a game and that game emits a score that you can put into your scorecard. The developer of the game doesn't need to worry about where your coins are coming from or where your characters are coming from or where you need to store the assets you've won. That is taken care of by your wallet and your wallet
can basically use ptb or your app can use ptb as a way to sign multiple transactions at once and use the user just to be signing one and additionally you get to see what you're signing unlike other chains where you're really signing a bit a bike in three because of the object model it's very intuitive so it's easy for a UX person
to easily describe what is happening, what are you signing, what's going to happen at the end, and I think that provides even a greater user experience. We have all the wallet providers who are hiding the signing experience for games, for example, ethos. If you're playing a game 2048, you'll say, you know, you want the enabled signing, remove signing for the next 10,000 moves.
absolutely possible. So you start to bring these Web 2 experiences to Web 3 where they get the power of decentralization, but the simplicity of Web 2 in terms of user experience. And the worst thing you can do is try and get users to change their experience or change their behavior. What we're trying to do is meet users where they are using the platform. That's what we're really excited about.
I know that I'm getting kind of like the cut signal knowing that I think everyone has to like get heads down, go straight to work. I do want to close this out with, you know, is there anything else that you want to share further before we close this Twitter spaces?
This big big moment. I'd love it if first we can have you know Greg perhaps you can speak to some of the exciting things that are coming down the line for us in this week community to really look forward to Well, one thing that I think it's worth mentioning is that the Sue Foundation has laid
out a fantastic program of builder houses across the globe. The next one is in Seul on the second of June so we very much welcome everybody to come there and see what actually this technology can do and what can build and build beyond.
to reiterate, I think everyone's super excited about Seoul, especially because it's not just that it's a dope city, but it's also quite a huge hub for gaming. So a lot to look forward to.
to there. Thank you for mentioning that. And hopefully people will join everybody else in Seoul. I think a lot of us are going to try to get our way over to the Builder House as well. How about our lovely Mistin Labs team?
I just wanted to share a hard film thanks to Sweet Builders and to the Sweet Community. This day is really a triumph to you all and your excitement and your dedication is what we've got to see. So thank you so much for everything you've done over the last year and a half and for what's coming going forward.
Any Evan some final parting words before we close the chat a lot today? Yeah, I just want to re-emphasize right we literally just have raised to the starting line There's so much more to build I think everybody would recognize this industry is a nation
one, we haven't delivered enough to the world. There's a lot more to do. I think technology continue to improve with certainly take that view like we would love to continue to work with the broader S3 community
do our part as the early contributor to the technology to continue to push forward, make it better, remove all the friction, improve the developer efficiency, developer tooling, it's all about the developers. They're the ones that's going to be your products.
that deliver value to the consumers and that's that's our mission to you know we're going to be spending a lot of effort to to help that become reality. Got it. Thank you so much for your time. You know this is a pivotal moment for everybody here in
the sweet community. So super excited that we made that is live. Just to close it out, look forward to the sweet builder houses that the sweet foundation is hosting. The next one will be in June in Seoul. And more updates coming across from sweet foundation at their
programs as well as here at Mr. Labs with some of the products that we're building on-swee. Thank you everyone for your time and we'll close this out with a good morning, good evening, good afternoon, good twilight wherever you are in the world. Can't wait for another Twitter Spaces very, very soon. Chat later. Thank you.
Thank you, bye. Bye.