Welcome, everyone. Welcome, welcome, welcome. How you doing there, Kalen? How you doing, Dirk?
Good morning. Good morning, XRPP. Dirk will be with us in just a little bit. He's going to be joining us. We have just going to be us opening it up.
But yeah, Dirk will be probably with us really shortly. As you all know, he's so busy with everything going on. We have a lot of good announcements to go over.
It's been a busy, busy, busy weekend at Expector. Oh, man, it's been a busy, it's been a busy week overall. I'm excited to talk about it. Shall I play us in, Kalen?
XRPP, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRPP.
It's what I say, ride on the back of the minus force.
God, XRPP Production, XRPP, XRP Productions, XRPP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions.
XRP Productions, XRP Productions, tomato sauce, XRP Productions, tomato sauce, XRP Productions,
XRP, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions, XRP Productions,
xrpp the artist and now after retreating to the mountains of tibet pondering for five years
amongst shamans and yaks xrpp is finally ready to present his ultimate creation the ds private
collection 888 of the most stunningly beautiful nfts that humanity has ever witnessed it's true
inspiring life-changing tear-inducing life-changing from what i hear that those are the reports that i
get nft painstakingly crafted with inspiration and passion from within the vibrating soul of xrpp
starting today these exclusive artistic gems can be yours for the unfathomable price of 88 xrp
on xrp.cafe unfathomable oh my god how do i do it discord exclusive ds private collection events
and voting on charitable donations from proceeds of the sales it is ultimate beauty it is xrpp's
greatest work sort of it is the ds private collection xrpp may not have actually created
these nfts some assembly required batteries not included void where prohibited oh boy that
disclaimer is so embarrassing it's my favorite part of the whole thing honestly i don't know how you
always get all of your videos to play out in such a good way man but that always fucking kills me
well thank you so much we can take an hour and just uh compliment xrpp if you wish but i don't know if
everyone would enjoy that welcome everyone to the x spectacular show brought to you by the greatest
web 3 project and xrpl project out there x specter the x spectacular show and why do we call it the
x spectacular show well it's brought to you by expector but it's also always spectacular partially
because xrpp is a co-host but also partially because of the person that is sort of to my right
virtually to my right uh kayland kayland how's it going today doing phenomenal man it's been a busy
busy weekend with the expector team we've gotten so much covered this weekend i'm just so excited to
go over some of these announcements because there's just been so much going on and working in the
background and you know i'm going to try my best not to leak anything i'll leave that to dirt when he
shows up for sure so many new got some new people on the team i can't announce anything i'll let dark
announce it we got some really cool stuff we're working towards but uh we do have some other
announcements we can give out i would like oh well let's let's talk about what we can talk about so
yes there's a lot of things going on behind the scenes we're not sure if we can leak them we're not
leave it up to uh mr shepins to do that so that no one you know leaks anything that we shouldn't
but there's a lot of stuff that we can talk about and uh let's let's begin with that so uh as everyone
knows we have a a very large team with expector that's that's building the metaverse they do it every
day um they're building this ultra realistic metaverse plots of land apparently are going to
be for sale coming up very soon which is really exciting anything you can share about that calen
yeah we have some really cool stuff coming in that direction very soon we'll be opening up the
purchasing of land sales uh we're not allowed to leak today dirk dirk might and i like to leave him
that room too i can't leave the exact details on how you're going to claim them but they're very unique
it's meant to uh it's meant to make it very fair across the board uh as you know metaverses have a
lackluster history of being bought up by by people who do nothing with the land and we have a lot of
good plans to reward members some of you know our access lock program has a lot of rewards for land
we're doing some really unique stuff to reward the community that's been supporting us from the very
start members i've been here before even i was you know we want to make sure we're really
delivering for them so as for the land more details to come you can expect posts regarding that this
week just stay tuned in make sure you're following expector have your notifications on i know we put
out a lot of stuff i know we put out a lot of different content but that is our our practically
our feed board of everything that's going on i know that i know some of you know what i'm talking
about if you have notifications on for expector but all that being said there are some other things
and and holders of the the genesis collection uh nfts at least when they bought it in the pre-sale
they they got a couple of plots of land that were guaranteed with those uh purchases so that'll be
more news on that coming soon as well it's crazy because the the expector token it seems like every
week at least every other week there's like a new exchange listing uh there was one that was
announced that was that is live uh today that was actually a bit premature it is i believe going live
tomorrow on uh probit i've never seen a certainly an xrp ledger token that has gotten new exchange
listings as quickly as as expector so expect it to be seen on more exchanges as the weeks go by
uh and what's really cool is there's really high volume on the genesis collection nfts and also on
the special 88 the special 88 nfts are the ones that are kind of 3d animated and they're really cool
and beautiful and if you are to get one of these they're there the floor on these is is a little
higher of course because it it gets you membership into probably the most exclusive club on the xrp
ledger which is the expector crown council and you have access to some really special events once a
year by holding this nft and it gives you all the benefits and the utility of a normal uh genesis
collection nft and it's just really really beautiful and cool looking each one of them uh so yeah so high
volume every week on do you follow the x uh specter bot the good boy how could i not you know
he's really doing a great job our newest intern on the team uh if he works hard enough we'll we'll
we'll loosen up the uh the chains on him a little bit so as you all know if the kinder you are to him
the kinder we are i've been hazing him a little bit i make him wear his robot underwear on his head
and everything but you know he actually is doing a really good job all of the nft sales on the
different xrpl marketplaces he pops up and says hey uh genesis collection agent number 5426 just
sold for x number of xrp i'm doing my job guys so it's fun to follow him make sure you guys follow
him and speaking of follow make sure that all of you guys follow each other whoever's in the audience
look around make sure you follow each other we're all about inclusivity at even though we're an
exclusive metaverse xrpl project we're all about inclusivity at the x spectacular show follow each
other have a good time join us wanted to jump in also i did just pin the first link we are going to
be doing a giveaway i know we kind of paused on those for a little bit mainly just because we we
didn't want it to fall into the wrong hands we kind of reorganized and retold our giveaway this time
as you know we we typically like to do a nice giveaway for the community we're going to be doing
three times 88 888 expector as well as uh three times ds private collection nft so we got some cool
stuff in that regard too it is posted live pinned above if you want to engage with it feel free to
uh there's plenty of entry points too as well uh so feel free to enter into that if you have questions
you can just shoot us a dm we're glad to answer questions on it more of a way just to reward the
people who've been kind of sticking around with us with the show as well as also attract some new
people listening today's gonna be a really good show too because we're going to be essentially just
discussing new year's roadmaps or some projects here uh we invite you all up as you know this is very
open stage so if you're a project in the xrpl ecosystem you weren't invited or we didn't reach out
or we missed a communication with you just you know extend your hand up you're welcome to come
on stage this won't just be roadmaps for projects too we'd love to hear some of your new year's goals
for the xrpl ecosystem too so that goes for anybody that's building the ecosystem as an nft holder so
you know i did invite some holders up to the stage as well so just feel free to come on up and uh you
know enjoy this conversation with us but do we know we have some other announcements i'm going to pin
those links as we go through them yeah check it out everything that's up uh pinned above guys
especially those giveaways we want everyone to be aware of the giveaways and take part in it we
want to give you stuff that's what we're all about here we're about building something cool and also
giving back to the community so check it out guys kaylin you were not in la is that right no i absolutely
was not uh honestly miami really kicked my ass and i was i just didn't have it in me for another trip
well i'm sorry for that we did have uh some some pretty cool uh meetups in in la uh i got there a
little bit later than dirk but uh we we were able to meet up with some people together um i i will
leave it up to dirk to talk about any type of like business uh things that he was involved in
any type of potential partnerships and stuff i don't want to leak anything concerning that we'll
leave it up to mr ds but the stuff that i got to be a part of was pretty cool uh just real quick we
did go to wolfgang puck's restaurant i think it was called what is it cut carve something i don't i
don't remember what it was called but it was in uh beverly hills we got to go to that restaurant
we're walking in with xrpp and dirk and xrpp's entourage and you know behind the maitre d is this
big picture of wolfgang puck and i'm like oh that's cool and then i hear someone say oh wolfgang's
in today you know and then so i'm leading the way into the dining area and who's walking out of
the kitchen face to face with xrpp but wolfgang puck himself and i look him in the eye and i say
hey wolfgang how's it going it's xrpp and he says hello this is no bullshit and so i shake his hand
i say hey how's it going uh i'm it's an honor to meet you and and he was very very friendly
uh i got dirk over we we we talked with him for a minute got a picture um and the the dinner was
delightful so that was kind of cool a little bit of uh xrpl xrpp x specter representation meeting up
with wolfgang puck in his own restaurant 100 i actually shared some links above xrpp feel free
to share that post post uh you have it looks like your your your books were nice and oiled up they
weren't too leathery for that photo you took with him so definitely put that up would be be so funny
to have you share that above so everyone can see that you really oiled those books up good for that
sort of yeah thanks very much you know i i try to take care of the old books i shaved them i know i
oiled them uh looks like we got some great people up on the stage already uh let's let's get into it
a quick reminder we do have a fireside uh chat and do we have that link pinned uh mr on it on it sir
i'll have it pinned up in just a moment okay it's it's a it's part of the x specter uh discord we have
a fireside chat you can post your questions and let's uh let's get them asked uh but let's let's get
into it oh guys look at everyone that's on the stage right now wow hey let's effing go how are
you man always a pleasure to be here thanks guys for hosting another episode of xpectacular uh hello
to everybody on stage some good friends up here and uh yeah glad you were able to enjoy your time
over here in los angeles and uh i wish we could have had you over at the dinner but uh i don't as far
as i understand it and uh you know dirk did ask if there was anything for bookface people to eat
and unfortunately that restaurant didn't serve anything uh to cater to your type so uh probably
best that you didn't show up um thank you i i i appreciate i you know it is kind of difficult for
me to eat i not not to speak i speak pretty well but to eat it's actually kind of kind of difficult
a death ranger hey welcome man ah thank you thank you for the invite up guys and it's always a pleasure
to be here it's always a pleasure to have you we got jeremy with astrals up on stage jeremy
how's it going you down in miami yes sir i am at the place of our meeting yeah um i'm just an hour
north right now but uh yeah it's been a busy time um but always look forward to joining this space and
appreciate uh uh dirk and and you and deagans and and of course xrpp for for for having it um things
going good we just uh we would like to announce we have a um we have a live free concert tomorrow
in the spatial metaverse uh you could pop over to our twitter and check uh check posts for the flyer
um it's really really accessible there you can just a couple clicks and you're into the spatial
metaverse but yeah it's really exciting we signed a new artist uh named satwick and he's going to be
doing a live show with his girlfriend uh he's a singer songwriter acoustic guitar player who does
kind of a pop pop type of sound um and then his girlfriend has also kind of got this fiona apple
type vibe and is playing the grand piano so we're super excited about that um that's one thing going on
but um but yeah happy to be here and and and uh with such great people on stage here too
that's awesome man so is this your is this your first concert that you guys are holding
yes sir that's correct this will be our first metaverse concert um and we look we look to be
doing a lot more of them hopefully um goes off without a hitch it's it's kind of like uh pioneering
a little bit because you know with um with these environments and and what they can um uh what their
limitations might be we'll be stressing them out and so hopefully everything goes good um
and uh we have a great event we we sound checked this event actually with about 20 people in the room
um and it and it sounded really really good i'm actually kind of eagerly optimistic about it so yeah
super stoked about it there's a lot of metaverse concerts that have happened already some of them
have been really successful i think that's going to be a very popular way for people to listen to
concerts in the future uh but we'll certainly we'll certainly get back to that i'm excited about
what might happen as well maybe in the expector verse as well or maybe some kind of collaborations
between you guys and expector i'm not in control of that but i think something like that would be
really cool speaking of collaborations we got uh mr daniel from casino coin is here and believe it or not
i think this might be the first time that i've actually conversed verbally i mean we've we've
uh battered each other you know he has brutalized me to i'm gonna i'm gonna quote uh charles hoskinson
i've been brutalized by daniel over the years on twitter but it's all in good fun uh but this is the
first time i've actually spoken with him daniel can you hear xrpp yeah i can hear you how are you
doing thanks for having me i'm doing quite well are you calling from the isle of man sir
no i'm i'm in germany at the moment so i'm redoing my office here so um the wife is doing some some
work getting new um new stuff on the walls painting and shit so i was like oh i have this very important
business call going on uh very important business call yes that is what it is so did you daniel's with
casino coin guys you're you're you would be considered the ceo or founder of casino coin what do you call
yourself grand wizard yes so would be um cto slash founder cto slash founder okay awesome um well it's
good to have you up on board it's good good to actually speak with you how many cats did you
actually bring from the isle of man did you bring all all 15 of your cats or just five of what did you
do yeah so sadly um my oldest one died so we're now down to seven cats um but we're taking a new one
so i'm back up to eight cats and we've got two dogs at the moment what we're getting two more
so we have we will have four dogs eight cats and i still have like five or six chinchillas so it's
bit of a zoo over here this is actually you were called up on stage and i'm sorry to hear about your
your eldest cat i truly am but you've called up on stage this is actually an intervention that's what
this show is about with the animal actually we we all did in unison we're we're all we're all your
friends we've all typed up letters that we're going to read to you right now you need to stop it with
the animals we did this for the wind and his bird addiction we're going to do it for you too daniel so
sit back relax no i'm kidding of course uh dirk can you can you hear me dirk how many animals do you
have do you have any pets well i have i have one xrpp which is quite difficult to control by the way
they're vicious yeah and i i we do quite often um a few nightly calls with daniel and he has very
nice cats and i also have two uh british short hairs so yeah they're the best they are very sweet
by the way everybody um sorry for being a little bit late i had to feed my eight-year-old who's sitting
next to me and wondering what is this guy doing tonight and why is he talking with all of these
people um but happy new year to start with um happy to see you again um uh let's fucking go of let
effing go my apologies um it was really nice to see you guys in uh la and today will be a fun
light version of the x spectacular show um with our good friends xrpp and uh and deejons of course
and i was planning to jump in a little bit later but since i've i saw daniel i thought
maybe i should be in there to intervene when necessary
so you mean when i spoil all your dark secrets well you know you don't know all of them but you
know a few of them so yeah 99 out of 100 i think that's that's pretty good
oh man i only know like 50 this sucks we have some amazing people that joined us up on the stage
too i see uh xrp wildstacks joined us i see hawaiian your hand is raised welcome to the stage our friend
thank you for joining us yeah good morning guys aloha i gotta ask you guys it's like you guys are
talking so much i went to bed last night you guys are talking to people in australia holding a space
over there waking up now expect to the shows like where do you guys find sleep like i'm still convinced
the xrpp and ds are the same person just kind of switch swapping roles a little bit
but i for a real topic though i've had a couple people ask me on the side chats like hey when is
there going to be another like expect our amas like they have a lot of questions they want to
know about the metaverse the land they want about the tokens i have there's so many questions coming to
me i can't keep up with them so i think having a little ama for just the nft project and getting all
these new investors and all these new eyes kind of get them caught the speed of exactly what that's
a really good point i think we actually diego our community directors organizing one in our discord
but perhaps maybe we'll take that one public on the twitter space too what do you think der
i think i'm having dinner for once no no just kidding um yeah well i'm always happy to answer
uh questions but specifically for these questions we organize uh a discord day i made this week um i
guess it will be somewhere around thursday if i'm not mistaking yes yeah it says word thursday
1900 cet which um i think that might 1 p.m est yeah well it'll be 1 p.m est because 12 p.m is 18
cc so yes it'll be about 1 p.m on thursday if you're all available you're welcome to join we had the
link actually peen right above so all you have to do is just join the discord fireside chat uh the
fireside chat isn't token gated so you don't have to hold token for it we welcome you to that will
guide you to if you want to uh but for the ama aspects uh you'll be you know you don't have to
be token gated to join that i know dirk uh you know dieg has been working tirelessly to try to get
out of some scheduled time to do this ama because uh exactly what you'd mentioned uh hawaiian uh is that
that that's probably would be good just to address it you know we do a lot for the community we do so
much for just the ecosystem because obviously it's a new developing ecosystem uh that we sometimes
forget that it doesn't hurt just to just spend a little time talking about us you know we don't
we don't do that too often often enough hey guys i just because it's kind of like the news of the day
and i'm just curious what people up on stage think about it and uh maybe we can take a few minutes
so at x specter uh uh x specter is going to be running um uh an ftso for flare uh hopefully i'm not
misspeaking uh dirk but we we have plans to to actually run a uh a flare uh what what is it
flair time time series oracle time series oracle i got this one death ranger
so so so expect expect you're running in an ftso uh for flare that's going to be fired up
of course sometimes it's up and running but um we have to like do some minor uh changes um and and
get really active but uh all of the hardware is installed everybody everything is functioning
and we are in touch i think i have a meeting tomorrow the day after tomorrow with the cto of flare
wow that's fantastic so so ftso is up and running but flare itself is uh the at least the the airdrop
or as i like to call it the flare drop how about that i'm so clever the flare drop is happening uh
later today and it's kind of interesting because right now it's just ious that are trading uh and
hopefully i'm not incorrect here but it's just ious that are trading on the market and we've seen quite
a bit of a drop and people are speculating you know why that might be and not not that it necessarily
matters it's just interesting to kind of keep track of because we all wondered like what's going to
happen when this when this drops and of course there's going to be people who immediately get
something that's dropped to them and they immediately convert it and they immediately sell
it because different people want to take on different risks and they're in different situations
but what what do you guys think of of flare so far i want to get i want to get your guys's
opinions death ranger how about we start with you what do you think about flare just your general
thoughts of the drop what's going to happen uh what's your thoughts on flare in general well i might
i might be biased a little bit because i like the network a lot i think what it will um bring to the
stage and offer will be a very dynamic evm ethereum virtual machine right smart contract network
that'll uh give accessibility to bridge all the other smart contract networks with ease using
different forms of communication to prove the state of the information on all the other blockchains that
are interconnected with flare and the protocols that would be doing that would be the state connector
and the layer kick protocol which is really the two in my opinion the greatest innovations they've
they've uh brought to the new network so do they do they currently have uh some kind of adoption that
they that they have right off the bat or are they going they're searching for it i imagine that they
already have some adoption and have some things that are in the queue ready to go well so they're only
developing the network right as far as applications and right people building on the network that is
completely separate from them or and what they're going to be focused on right they're they're just
specifically designing the network uh however uh to what you were saying as people involved in it
this is the largest airdrop in history there's there's there's no larger airdrop that has ever
taken place as far as um participating exchanges with the airdrop and so in that sense i guess you
could say it has the uh maybe the most amount of people paying attention to it than any other airdrop has
before i would also argue that's why there's so much speculation too you know i see that going on
on the flip side of that too no i didn't mean to cut you off please continue though you're way
smarter than me on this you're good you're good i don't i don't think i'm smarter i'm just uh just
just different opinion maybe um and and uh yeah you know i think uh personally for me right as much
as flare is launching today token distribution is occurring if you are in the united states east coast
it'll start right around 7 p.m probably it'll take 24 hours because there's a ton of tokens that need
to be distributed i don't know how fast the contracts are going to run out uh run to throw
all the tokens out to everybody's wallets um but uh i am more focused on songbird which is
they labeled as the canary network or the testbed network to the flare network i'm i'm i'm more
focused on there i think there's going to be a lot of value creation applications and things built first
and then rolled on to flare because flare is supposed to be more of this in uh in um industry
ready uh you know industrial or you can call it maybe like um i forgot the word off the top of my
head i'm sorry but but more more financial financial systems and and you know larger maybe larger
businesses will be able to utilize flare where there'll be a lot more testing going on on songbird
more finished products and death ranger even even with songbird what's being tested on there what's
interesting about songbird as a testnet is there's actually a fixed set amount of uh of token supply
which is really interesting in and of itself too which kind of creates its own dynamic economy in and
of itself which i find that most other testnets will kind of have i think that's really unique about
songbird is actually the value of it the fact that you can delegate it to as well which is really
really powerful you know so i think there's some really cool stuff going on that testnet that actually
makes it more valuable than you're just your standard testnet too but you look
agree with that well you know i wouldn't call it testnetwork because testnetworks don't have
any value like we have costin which is really the testnetwork because there's no value there
uh this i like to call it the testbed network because really essentially if you're building
a financial application or or anything that you really want to bring to flare you have this this
this testbed where you can go on to songbird and you don't necessarily you'll have the same
protocols same dynamics there are some difference in the tokenomics um but for the most part you can
get a good interpretation of how your application will run on flare and so bring it to songbird first
and then to flare in the future so so death ranger give a real world example of how flare can can help
a project give if if you're able to yeah give give some kind of some some kind of like base very basic
real world example well so it's all about the interoperability right and so this is this is what
they've designed with the layer cake protocol so if if i wanted to perhaps move from solana to ethereum
right i need a contract on both of those on both of those chains right but so here's the thing if i wanted to move
from solana to ethereum to uh to the xrp ledger well i'm going to need a contract from solana to the
xrp ledger from solana to ethereum from solana and so it creates this massive amount of contracts
and systems that need to be created where what they've developed with the layer cake protocol and
the ability to prove state information on other said blockchains is that instead of having to have all
these different smart contracts written on all of the different networks you can just bridge it right
through flare or sombrit itself so if i want to go from ethereum to solana i can just use flare in the
middle if i want to go from solana to xrp i can use flare in the middle instead of having to have all of
these different networks connected by separate systems applications that are connecting them all
you need a much less amount of contracts to be written and so scalable wise much more scalable
it's using the federated byzantine agreement which is the consensus the xrp ledger uses
so you know very very low fees quick uh settlement times with the ability to still a lot of trust in
that type of system too a lot more security too yeah 100 100 and so and so the flare token what's the
what is actually the utility uh in the in that flare token uh it is the gas of the network right uh in
in the same sense of how xrp is the settlement tool of the network flare could be looked at as as that
same metric now the for the first couple years though there's an incentive model that's been created
for songbird and flare that you're able to come in uh delegate your tokens in a in a uh in a format where
you retain ownership of your token so it's not staking whereas as you're giving your tokens to
somebody else to hold you get to retain ownership 24 7 you know of your token never give it up but also
earn a reward by delegating your vote to one of these ftso's time series oracles now what the time
series oracles do is they bring an outside data feed a price set to the internal of the network right
so solving that oracle issue at the same time they're incentivized um to to give as accurate
as a price feed so that they can receive their highest delegation reward amount and so for when
they receive the reward if you delegate to them you earn a percentage of those rewards that were
delegated to them now this this though only will last for the first like two or three years of the
network okay so if if x specter runs their ftso individuals can say hey i want to delegate my
um my flare to the x specter ftso and you can you can get a portion of it would be kind of like a
passive uh income at least for a time period where you can get a portion of the rewards that that ftso gets
and it's pretty gamified pretty well too there's a lot of systems in place to inspire people i really
like their system that their oracles use essentially to gamify they you know all the oracles are
competing in regards to what percentages that they're taking their fees that they're taking out of it as
well and it has to do with voting power too against delegation and they also ensure that voting power
doesn't become monopolized too now i know uh sorry wrong button there i know that that doesn't maybe
mean a lot to a lot of people here but it's essentially what it's most important is that
there's a lot of trust security and it isn't monopolized so you know in some oracles out of
the ecosystems the top three are always the top three and that's all there will be you'll notice
with the ftso that there's a lot of cycling uh that goes on in terms of uh how it goes so it's
really interesting it's really you know relatively new only about a year to year two years old so it's
really young too i'm very interested what daniel uh thinks about it because we have a real cto here and
i'm always very humble when daniel is in the room so i'm very curious if he knows about flair or knows
more about flair and what he thinks the advantages of disadvantages are and and if he thinks it's
interesting from a purely technical perspective well you call me a bit off guard here um while i know
about flair and what they're trying to achieve and what they do i'm not really following it so i'm not
delegating um i sure i missed the the snapshots so i'm not getting any of those um i'm kind of
watching it from the sidelines so we have a deal with flair finance um once they're ready with their
stuff for casino coin but that's literally all um all the attention i'm paying to uh paying to flair so
i want to see how they go live and then probably revisit in like six months so i'm following the
conversations but um it's one of the toppings i can't really say much about it because i didn't
do any research on it something that most people in this room don't know is that when i started out
with expector uh one of our advisors panels from the beginning early on he said well you have to uh
make sure that you run infrastructure uh on the xrpl that you show that uh you mean business and that
you want to support the ecosystem and i reached out to a couple of people and uh some way i uh i got
into uh daniel's telegram asking him all stupid questions about running nodes and he probably
thought well who the fuck is this but in the meantime we are in very good contact and i appreciate
uh him a lot and uh he's a very knowledgeable knowledgeable guy also a big gamer so probably he can
advise us within the metaverse and the gamifying things um but daniel you have something uh cool
coming up as well can we already spill the secret or not um hold on my wife is screaming give me a sec
oh boy i know german women get angry on the ladder because she locked herself in in the room give me just
one sec i know that sound all all all too well we just had to clean up my family basement just got
flooded and i know that sound pretty well i feel sorry for him oh my goodness so while while we're
waiting on daniel um real quick death ranger for because a lot of people are going to be getting
some flare today um so what what exactly are are they to do with the flare that they get what would
you recommend that they do with the flare it's not i'm not asking for financial advice i'm just
saying the options that they have with their flare i know that they can of course they can depending on
where they're getting it dropped they would be able to to perhaps sell it if they wanted to they they
could they could also do something else with it can you explain a lot of pressure death ranger you're
muted for the record i do want to say though it seems like there's there's a little bit of
controversy in regards to in a few different exchanges i i don't want to make this a fud
call uh but i do know there there's quite a you know there's there's quite some controversy going
around right now and i'm currently kind of keeping up with what's going on with it too
it's too early to say but there's definitely a lot going on i'm sorry i had lost service there for
for a minute oh no it's no it's no problem death ranger and yeah there is a lot of controversy
right now and there's controversy around songbird as well because like like coinbase what the f what's
going on there and and i'm i'm always curious like how how difficult actually is it for these places to
uh to actually organize it to where people get their drops and i i don't have the answer to that i don't
work for the exchanges um but but it seems like uh quite a travesty that a lot of people are owed
their songbird um and and they don't actually get it but but what what can they do with their
with their flare death ranger real quick so so i i uh i lost you for a service for a minute there but
i think i caught most of it um i would say the biggest thing is do not rush don't panic there is
no reason to to feel like you need to move as quick as possible even if you want to delegate
uh the first two epochs of tokens are being burned so nobody will receive rewards for the first week
i would say if you really do want to participate and want to be part of the delegation uh by friday
be delegated now let's just like you said xrpp to the exchanges right if you are receiving tokens
from the exchanges it's unfortunately on the exchange now i think if you're with bit true uh in most cases
you already received your token as an iou so you were able to sell it or or buy more on bit true
if you really want to and they'll reward you the token um when it goes live token um for themselves
whenever they receive their their allocated amount um if you do also though want to sell right you
probably will be able to do that and move your tokens onto bit true when when the token distribution
happens they were typically the fastest um of all the exchanges but you know
i would say maybe give it a day two days uh for them to get it all set up i really have no idea
if they're prepared or not uh but the biggest thing is don't don't rush you know no no reason to panic
and no reason to freak out if there's any questions you have on how to get access to your flare
there's me there's flare community which his name is john you can go on the discord you can
shoot him a message on twitter uh we're going to help out as many people we can to at least
get the access to the tokens and so they can do whatever they want with the map doors
i do appreciate the the feedback too i know that the segment today we're going to be hosting today
is going to be on xrpl new year's new roadmaps and essentially as we're going to the new year xrpp
you know a lot of projects are currently updating their roadmaps into what they plan to move into 2023
and obviously all we had to do was speculate all 2022 how 2023 is going but we're here we're here now
we want to hear for some projects and including expector what's in what's going on with the new
year's roadmap what's going into 2023 we would like to hear maybe how you've changed the roadmap a
little bit to maybe model against the the market you know obviously we are at a bear market but we
are seeing some rallies and some other ecosystems obviously we've seen some meme coins make some
resurgences again so curious to see what the projects have joined us like astrals lfg let's
effing go lame lions a wild stag and you know we'll continue a lot of projects up on stage to share
their feedback as well but i'd like to kind of move into that segment now too and i guess i guess
the easy way to probably kick it off would be obviously there's been a lot of development with
expector i know dirk never likes to start first you know he's probably like punching himself right
now saying why is he starting with me but i would like to have dirk go over this because it's really
relevant to us right now we're really reviewing a lot of our roadmap i'd like to hear some of the
perspective how is how has the roadmap shifted dirk for you for 2023 obviously you had plans but you
know a lot of plans change because we have to model to the market what's going on with the expector
well we don't model to a market we model to possibilities and something that i have learned
in the past few weeks days and months is that developers and timing are not always a very good
match and i realize that what we are taking on is a is a huge thing so um but i think that that we
some things will be delayed but we have quite a few things ready neil is working hard on our
native marketplace we will have our own expector marketplace on the expector website exclusively
for expector nfts to start with next to that he's working on a generic marketplace which will be
another marketplace on the xrpl but more than that we will have possibilities to include other wallets
from other chains and have something unique coming up with uh with uh regarding nft something that
no other marketplace uh has done and is doing so that's an interesting one we have episode one of
the metaverse the community hall most of you guys have already seen it a couple of times we have a
downloadable version ready um we will put it um at first at use for other xrpl projects they can
load up their nfts and they can use our virtual environment um in a downloadable version for their
holders for their own project to use and they can display 200 or more of their own nfts in it
you can record it you can uh post it you can use it for promotional um reasons um and then the next step
will be that everybody will be able to use it and upload their own nfts uh walk around in the building
get a little bit of the look and feel um so that's one of the things then our land is uh is uh fully in
development um we have the map ready um we are developing an open world metaverse uh by of
five kilometers by six kilometers which is uh in gaming or metaverse terms huge um so that's uh also
being developed uh we have the access tower and there's so much more we um i just asked our ceo to uh
to look at the exact number of people that are working on or for or with expector at this station
is 80 people 80 people it's quite a lot so um i've been dealing with managing that and um i look forward
to the future uh land sales will be going live somewhere in the next few weeks maybe early um february
we don't have an exact date yet that's something that i learned as well pin um exact dates is a
dangerous thing to do so we try to avoid that not to disappoint uh anybody um so yeah lots of things
going on all at the same time tomorrow i think we have another uh centralized exchange listing probit
so nine centralized exchange listings in nine months and one of the more important things i guess is
that we will start to accept uh expector as a currency um so on our native market place people
will be able to buy and sell um and make offers in expector not only in xrp and for the land sales we
also uh will uh start to accept expector as a means of payment so that's an interesting thing for all
the people that uh already hold the token and are anxiously waiting um to see what extra utility uh
is coming yeah so much coming seriously and i can tell it's it's it's constantly being developed
constantly adjusted from the outside looking in it it always feels like there's nothing really changing
because every single roadmap i milestone keeps getting hit but also you you've adapted to you
know as well to continuously continue to do in in-person events so we shared a few links above
your trip to la which is really cool i think that's something that a lot of projects should
start incorporating too as well it's just more of those in-person events but we do have daniel with
us too and i'd like to hear some feedback from him as well maybe for you daniel what's going on
with casino coin uh roadmap for 2023 what's changed do you do you believe you do you not say believe
you'll be able to hit all your roadmap markers but what's updated what's new you have you obviously
and i imagine you guys are coming up with new ideas and coming up with new models can you leak
some cool stuff going on that's new in the roadmap for this year yeah so we published an updated version
of the roadmap in december if i'm correct um and while i still hate nfts um and we try to avoid
um chasing flavors and and the last the latest trends um we're looking a bit into the nft stuff
um we have a couple of things um in development in that regards um there will be nft support for
the lobby and we're well i was about to say we're trying but it's not trying we actually do this so
we're going to build something that gives nfts um utility so you get something for an nft you hold i
don't want to go too much uh into the details because the blog's coming out tomorrow that will um
give some insights on what we're trying to build um so we're going to combine this with the lobby
and a few of our current partners so that's um probably the the next three to six months what
we're focusing on um before i left dirk asked me about if we can talk about something else we're
currently building i don't want to go too much into that but when we started to figure out how the nft
stuff works um we built something by accident which is not casino coin related but um heavily nft related
and we are looking to push this out this month um a couple of people actually in in this call have
already seen it and and given us feedback there are a few issues we um need to fix the original plan
was to release this on christmas because i wanted to give the nft community um a christmas gift and
then be a total dick on twitter but that didn't work out um because we had some passing data handling
issues well daniel you wanted to laugh with us and it didn't work yeah so um be sponsoring the new
product you have to tell that daniel no what do you mean you spot who's fun i mean um we will be
prominently there yeah so we i mean you you're one of the people who have seen this pretty early
um and and advertising is is one of the things we have in there so i pitched this to you because i
know you you like um cool new things um a big problem for most projects is um creating revenue
and the the thing we're building is not selling an iou um it's probably gonna work a mix of um
collecting some fees um having paid features and the advertisement aspect so you were one of the
first projects i i pitched that to to get some feedback um but this is um this is not mainly
handled by the casino coin people it's a separate entity it's um it's most of the people are not
casino coin core people however we built a lot of infrastructure um for casino coin that the new
project could use and then we had to split this and then shift this out so a lot of um time went into
data handling building out infrastructure you could say something of your ecosystem though maybe it's
not a product of casino coin but it's an ecosystem yeah it's an ecosystem product so um while i'm
always pitching about how nfts are currently going i know we're still early um i have a couple of of
issues on how things are working out at the moment if i compare this to like other chains like algo
or ethereum um and when i started looking into the xrpl nfts i was like fuck this is really bad
there was so much time um why did everyone or most people fuck this up so badly so i was like yeah i
want to i want a specific product um it didn't exist so um we started to look into a possibility how to
build this our own which was just like yeah can you just take a day off and code something for me
because i want this and one of the problems we're having whenever we we look into something new
and we start building something it's like we can't stop coming up with new ideas and adding more stuff
to it so it escalated a bit and turned into a separate project which wasn't planned but i think
it's pretty good um you know the best things really start as like a cool idea yeah how much is going
to go into it and then you say i don't want to release shit i want to release something good so
as a founder i imagine that that was a lot of your intention so i i give you kudos for that to delay
because it's better to put out the best product than to put anything out you know yeah so it was it was
more like a proof of concept right and then i was surprised how easy it was and then we started
putting out the development roadmap and credit website and did all the stuff um now we're looking
into a three milestone release um for three main features um i'm pretty sure that the first release
is going to be pushed out this month at least that's the plan the next major release would then
be february and and the last release would be march and um we're still early in the in the xrpl nft game
so i think this could become one of the most used products when it comes to xrpl nfts at least that's my hope
let's fire man it's really cool to hear you sharing all this as i've as previously as you
mentioned i know your feelings on nfts and i know i know i've never met you and i've never spent time
with you but i've been in listen to you enough in tour spaces to know that that's not something
you're geeked about but i'm really glad to hear that i don't necessarily that you don't like nfts
but your opinion has changed as you try to identify the tech solutions you're looking for
his opinion hasn't changed that mean but he has find a way to improve something or to create
something which is beneficial for him and for everybody else and i think that's a good thing
in the end i don't know what he likes island if he likes nfts less or pineapple on pizza
less i don't quite know uh i think the jury's still out on that one
that's something that we both agree on by the way daniel yeah and i both think that pizza and
pineapple shouldn't go together it's for yankees that don't know anything about food
yeah that's right i mean my hate for both are like almost at the same level um well i can't stop
people from eating pineapple on pizza but i can make the nft space at least for our ecosystem
um a lot better and a lot of the stuff we're building right now will go back into the casino
coin lobby so it's like 75 of the stuff will be reused and had to be done anyways right and the
other 25 um is basically just back-end stuff which comes handy sooner or later anyways so um it wasn't
planned that way and we didn't want to go that heavy into the nft stuff but um yeah that's what
happened by accident we're also looking more into the metaverse stuff so dirk and i having conversations
about that we also talking to junkies about that so that's then after the nft release that's on the
roadmap as well and then as always we're talking to operators to get more operators supported america
are still a big problem um however the current market conditions aren't like everyone being
excited for crypto right so a couple of things are easy in a bear market a couple of things are easy
in a bull market but to get someone who's already kind of established to add a new currency even if
they are um crypto focused um it's always a tough conversation so um yeah but we'll keep on pushing
um i think i teased that before we are developed or we have developed an rng that's based on the ledger
um to make things prove to be fair we have a couple of games we will give them to one of our partners
as we do not facilitate gambling um we decided to um outsource that so we're not doing it ourself but
we just built the proof of concept and a couple of the game mechanics we're going to give that out
and i hope this is ready in the next six months as well once the the legal stuff is sorted
so it's uh your classic games based on the xrpl so that's something that daniel and i we met each
other in malta and we discussed as well it's in its early uh early stages um but i think that neil and
him are in uh regular contact as well so one of the things was that we wanted to implement our
metaverse casino i think that the collaboration with casino corner daniel or his partners would
make sense so that's something that we are looking into yeah so i'm excited for that that's why i just
sent you another message on whatsapp saying uh give me early access to the clients i want to play
around with that and once you guys are ready for that we're ready for it i want my expector agent
avatar dressed like james bond to go into a casino coin slash expector uh casino and to play baccarat
that's what i want i want my expector agent to be the rich funder of the cia in that movie
i would like to be the one handling the case if it's okay with dirt i i i agree i gotta say uh once
again guys we're talking all things xrp ledger and what we're looking into uh what we're what our
outlook is for 2023 with these different projects uh speaking of the whole pineapple gate we do have
eric martinson up on stage eric martinson the glass king of chicago eric how's it going you have
a t-shirt don't you have a t-shirt that's pineapple gate yes i do have a t-shirt that is pineapple
gate and it is my tag on twitter too i am a pineapple and jalapeno and tomato type of guy
so you're gonna hold on one second i'm actually at wendy's too so hold on oh that that's great
wendy's we have a special connection me and eric and wendy's we both love wendy's can you give me
the baconator yeah let's get the baconator going yeah yeah i think i think you know we
should share with the whole class make sure everyone's there real quick daniel i want to
say that i i appreciate what you just said because i kind of have the same interest
in nfts as you do even though the perception might be different um i actually don't really
like nfts um i'm not a huge fan of them um i'm more about the utility so i'm really excited to hear
you say that and uh hear what you what you're doing what you're coming out with so i'm looking
forward to hearing more about it genuinely yeah an nft made by someone who does not like nfts is
probably a really good nft yeah well um we had conversations about doing an nft and there will
probably be an nft for casino coin and for this other project but um it's less about the art it's
more about um utilizing this for um authorization and authentication so i'm probably going to shoot
arrogant invite so you can have a look at what we're building because i'm i'm always looking
for feedback and yep just like that early access given out on the x spectacular show i mean where
else do you get that by the way guys we have xbox here as well i think that they are minted yesterday
on xrp i don't know the exact marketplace i forgot my sincere apologies i couldn't make it guys but i
still have some tokens that i have to mint so i will be doing that today how did it go uh yeah
hey thanks for having us everybody uh yeah uh mint went live yesterday 12 p.m uh eastern um on on xrp
we're at i believe 27 minted as of right now so it's going pretty good so far uh day one went pretty
well and yeah just this is the start to the to the beginning this is just the beginning so it's been a
long journey we've already been here for over a year we're finally we're able to mint so got a lot
left to do and i'm just happy to be here and happy building alongside all these great projects like
you guys as well i'm glad to hear you got some of those xbox there too
i have been holding on to the them since the early days you guys know that i started out as an
xpunk investor somewhere in september october last year and shortly after in a month after i think
around this time i started buying iou tokens like crazy luckily i found something to divert
myself from that with starting expector and i have to apologize i just have no time to keep track of
of whatever happens in real life and in this space i'm 100 focused on what we are building and
it's taking up all my time no yeah i definitely understand that one it's definitely hard
i can i can vouch for that from dirk as well uh just real quick dirk uh eric says he thinks you
would like wendy's because it is fresh beef never frozen so i just wanted to say that anyway
you guys know ivan from oc lost art is here as a speaker as well uh daniel we didn't have dinner
together i think in malta but i hate microwave ovens and um freezers i think they should be
banned in every restaurant and even in the kitchen it's terrible and i don't eat frozen reheated stuff
never well that's why eric's beef is never wendy's beef is never frozen yeah that's it's never frozen
it's quality beef eric's gonna buy you a baconator and he's gonna put it in the mail
and send it to you to belgium and just try it and it's you you won't you won't be disappointed
uh so just just just just try it dirk just just trust us but uh xbot are you are you are you
planning on offering your xbots on say again eric i was gonna say to piggyback off what dirk was saying
about he's been so busy not being able to mint stuff um i wanted to say with all the coins that i
bought too it's like i'm getting messages now from people saying hey you better go mint these now
or else they're gonna go bye-bye so i've got a whole bunch of miscellaneous nfts that i haven't
even minted yet i don't even know where to mint them at and they're i think the interesting thing
by the way i think that it's if you it's a legal thing and i've been speaking uh about that with
chris uh rippleton the elephant man if a project launches an iou which is essentially some kind of
agreement or contract where it says it literally i owe you so the one that issues the iou promises
to give something in return which is in most cases an nft i'm very curious if people can say well
time has passed you can't mint it anymore um i think from a legal perspective it's it's not that
okay to do so yeah i didn't i didn't think it came with an expiration date on it when i bought it
at least i didn't read one well they didn't communicate it that way probably so i think in
in on that side it's uh it's a very difficult position that projects are doing that um bringing
themselves into yeah i can speak on that for a sec because we're actually doing something similar
however we have announced that from really almost the beginning of the project but um i can't stay
for long i gotta run yeah eric man what's the point of holding those ious so go ahead and uh go ahead
and mint them uh we can help you uh do that um i know i think a couple of months you like you but
the start is i don't know what's the point on holding on to the ious actually the right question
is what's the point of issuing an iou well we had to right in the beginning we didn't have to have to
but in order to get some traction and get some engagement with with nft projects uh we while we
waited on xls 20 i think a lot of projects did an iou token maybe not every single one but i would say
the majority did um but yeah no we're left with this interesting case where once once the iou holders
had months and months and they're in the community it's not like they've lost their wallet or they
they've um they've somehow life has taken them in some other direction they the bear market swept
them away somewhere you know they're right there in the mix every day holding the iou token um and
and there's daily updates about about the plan around around uh swapping and whatnot yeah i think
there has to be some sort of um thing that compromise that can work for both both on there
because for people who are just holding that iou token um and just sort of and not that that's the
reason they bought it right was was to get the iou like you said to get something in return
but if if what if they refuse to get something in return uh whether by any reason um whether it's
just they don't have time they they don't know how to do it or so um i think the projects have to
be careful to make sure that they've kept the same line of language for an extended amount of time
and they're giving everyone the proper guidance on how to swap but well something i learned uh jeremy
is that is very easy to issue tokens um to get rid of it or to do something actually useful with it
isn't that it's something that lots of people probably don't think about in advance and i think
that some other new projects learn that lesson and that uh some newer projects wait until they
actually can do what they intend to do and probably you're right um in a few months or a year ago um
well we we know who started with the iou's and it was a novelty and it's uh it worked it was a success
um but yeah there are always consequences that's one of the reasons that i'm very careful with what
we are doing regarding the land sales because every decision that you take now and that can seem
very intelligent or very strategic or very good can have huge consequences for the future and
and i start to learn more and more about what we should do and what we shouldn't do and i guess
everybody in this space and it's without pointing fingers of course but i think that um
that uh we all made mistakes we all will make mistakes um i hope that as long as um we show our
good intentions and actually uh try to do what we promise to do that uh we're all set absolutely
agree yeah i think it can range from people who just simply uh miss misplaced or forgot about their
previous iou purchases to people who just simply just want to see what happens if if they don't do it
and see the outcome we've seen some sell orders for our x astral iou token go as high as i think
somebody's selling 10 of them for for something like 70 000 xrp apiece so there's sort of that
dichotomy there where people are people some people are kind of being disingenuous in a way
um maybe just to try to troll the system of the iu but thankfully uh after of course this genesis iou
um we we won't be ever using an iou token as a placeholder for an nft ever again thank god by the
way xrpp i see that we have our good friends um yes way no way bob way in the room um bob if you
want to get up as a speaker we would be happy to have you here um with daniel you're probably
probably above daniel you're one of the people in here that knows all about the xrpl and more than
most of us welcome i did send him an invite um i just sent him another invite i know a lot of times
it's like people are like i just wanted to come in and listen to the show well bob too bad you are a
celebrity uh you got to be up on stage so it'd be great if you could join us and and speak a little
bit you know those of us who are celebrities in the community we just can't go in and listen to a
show it's just the cross we bear uh but i did ask the other day on twitter what is his actual middle
name and i think the consensus is his middle name is this is the so bob this is the way uh that was
the consensus eric actually we had a couple of hands up and i think let's effing go was the first
one who had his hand up and then we'll go to eric yeah i was just going to touch on the uh
the difficulty of the situation that we're we're in those of us who have issued ious and um just my
perspective on it is that we have created a market instrument and uh you know i've i've put forth the
suggestion recently that you know perhaps potentially a project manager could uh send an nft you know take
a snapshot of who's holding the tokens and then send an nft offer to those uh to those holders and say
we fulfilled our agreement but unfortunately i mean that's not necessarily um that market instrument
is still tradable it anybody that purchased it purchases it still has the legal right uh to what
that market instrument entails and unless that market instrument uh the iou has the you know the
burnable uh is able to be burned uh from the project's end then yeah we're we're just in that
situation we're stuck with it uh it's just my view so here's what it is
no yeah i i think that's a really great idea i think one of the biggest challenges is though is we
don't have besides some wallet we don't we don't have a wallet that everyone can use that can actually
the nft is extremely easy and dap's really easy um like like some other chains do and i think that causes a lot of
roadblocks and hiccups to minting your nfts
well we did actually uh welcome up to the stage our dear friend bob this is the way to the stage so we're super
grateful for you joining us next our pp i'll let you uh introduce your friend bob this is the way uh
welcome back up on stage i think you were on uh with us uh one other time or is this the first time
that we're conversing i forget uh i was listening because i was driving in the car and at this moment
oh that's quite literally riding my bicycle so you might actually hear wind noise
okay as long as we don't hear you take a tumble uh so just be careful there we care about you
well yeah it's it's nice to be on um uh not sure i mean it's been i i think i joined maybe halfway
through or so i don't i don't know the discussion what's going on but i was super interested to hear
why um i couldn't quite make out who was who but daniel speaker was going and and why xr why um
nfts are are hated because maybe i'm in line with that maybe not let's see
well you're you're actually bob bob said that he's kind of new to the nfts as well if i remember
from twitter you were saying you're kind of trying to get it figured out as well maybe minting some
nfts here and there and i'm sure you don't have a lack of people who are saying hey take take one of
our nfts just as a gift we really like you i mean i i've i've had that as well those offers and
and i i would imagine that you're you're getting even more of those people who really like you and
want to throw you uh one of their nfts what do you think so far what do you think about nfts well i
so um you're all seeking alice right um what i see about nfts is people are trying to make money
so you've got two classes of nfts you've got artists who want to make something that they can
sell in exchange for money and i am just 100 behind that do i think everybody's going to get
rich because they bought an artist like on first day no not really but if the artist makes money for
having created something and selling it on the ledger that's exactly what the ledger's for
right they um you know it's just if you market it as a security you know you're going to buy this
you're going to get rich somebody's going to get in trouble and i'm not you know hugely a fan of that
but then the second major use case is everybody's trying to raise money for something for your
project you're doing your business that you're doing and why are you doing an nft because raising
money is really really hard and there's lots of regulations and if you try to take money you know
crowdfunding from regular people it's it's really hard and in that case nft is kind of a dodge
right nft is i'm turning this thing that you we were doing where you would invest in me by
by giving me money and i would give you a security and i'm saying no this is just a sale i'm doing a
kickstart you're doing uh an advanced purchase of some good and that allows me to do it and i'm not
against that either um i just think that a lot of people aren't being super clear about which which
they're doing and then a lot of people wave their hands and try to make it look like you're an investor
and you're going to get rich in these things and i think that's counterproductive so anyway that's
basically where i stand i wonder what other people and i i think i when it comes to some kind of
regulation at least in my simple p brain xrpp brain um i i'm just kind of thinking like if if people
are selling nfts as like the new art form and you know you can either make a painting and sell it
uh just because you know a gallery takes you on and someone likes your work and they give you a
hundred bucks a thousand bucks ten thousand bucks whatever it is because they like the art and some
people buy it because they think it'll appreciate some people buy it because they like the art uh there's
a lot of different reasons for that but if if it's just the new sale of a new type of artwork that
gives you verified ownership of the original then i don't see how regulators can unless people are
promoting it as like this will appreciate in value you know well i think that that bob makes a good
point and that you could see it as an advanced sale of some kind we avoid the word investor by the way
always um so um we're very clear on that um i think that an advanced sale or an advanced payment
for things that you will receive advantages utility or other benefits um is something that's interesting
and i i had a big discussion with our swiss lawyers about that and and i said what if i sign an order
to buy a new certain type of car which is high demand and everybody has to wait a year until it's delivered
so i purchase it i sign it the the order and what if i sell the order to somebody else is the car dealer
then selling securities i don't think so of course if you start to engage people and tell them buy this
because it will make you rich something that some people do then everything changes of course and
that's a bit of the the illness or the la maladie as they say in french uh um which we have in this
space and daniel and i had lots of discussions about this as well and that's something that genuine
projects who has a who have a genuine product or develop something interesting all experiences that we have
probably 50 60 70 90 of people who are buying the tokens or the nfts that we release and they're buying it
with the goal of making profit in the hope of um being able to sell it for a higher amount because they
are not interested in your product and daniel and i have spent hours late in the evening until early in
morning and that's something that if you build something serious is a little bit annoying because
you have people that invest let's say in your project but they don't care what you are doing
they're not interested at all and that's the thing that's an issue
and that's that's really interesting because how is that the fault to the people who are creating the
project you know it's not it's they're they're building something and people from the outside
maybe certain contingents are seeing it and saying okay i'm going to jump on this because i want to
make some money but the project themselves they've they've they've never touted it as as like a
money maker it's just a project they're building i think of like a platform like gala games which
they they're they've done quite well in selling nfts and i don't know if you're familiar with them bob but
they're they're they're based on the ethereum blockchain and they're they're building a pretty
big platform that's going to be kind of like steam that has all these games that are offered but the
cool thing about about that platform is you can actually kind of own your character own your you
know if it's a game that has a gun or a sword or whatever you can own that as an nft and in some
cases i think in most of their cases they're going to have play to earn as well which is i hope
something that can be uh initiated in the the expector metaverse some type of gaming and some
type of nfts that you can buy and use in the expector verse time will tell but um but that's
that's so interesting because bob i don't know if you've ever played or daniel you guys played like
world of warcraft or any type of like uh online what do they call it i'm not a gamer mmorpg
uh like the the the large world uh games are you guys gamers yeah so i'm not really i'd love to
go ahead sorry go ahead no go ahead bob oh i i'm not really much of a gamer but i spotted that
like early on in the space i was realizing it's like okay you can earn these things in a game
and they're like property but what if there was a way to resell these properties what if they were
real property that had value early on you know i'm talking 80s 90s 2000s most games frowned upon
that and there's really good reasons they do because you can end up being money transmitters
you can end up you know with a whole lot of uh different legal snafus in that space um and
just just as a brief aside that i don't think anybody knows you could raise your hand if you
knew this but there is like one company that is a licensed money transmitter in all 50 states in the
u.s and uh you know that's sort of super rare because it means putting up bonds in all 50 states
and uh dealing with money and that's linden labs of second life right they actually invested in that
space super early on to actually get licenses so they could um be dealing with valuable things and
real money so i find that fascinating that everything that's new turns out to be kind of old
but nobody knows where to look that's something that our cto came up with as well that we will have
like in metaverse game assets which will be digital assets and i think that his idea was to nft them
only when you want to transfer them or sell them to somebody else so they won't circulate as nfts
non-stop on the market but they will be in-game assets and you can make them an nft if you want
to sell it through the ledger oh i want to i want to go back to this i'm one other thing he said which
i wanted to to remark on which was you said we were talking to our swiss lawyers which is awesome i think
everybody should be talking to lawyers early but that just brings up the fact that this is a worldwide
phenomenon and i don't you know you talk to a swiss lawyer but how does that affect the people
buying your stuff from the u.s or from other parts of europe or uh south africa it's just a crazy space
and that's why i think everybody is moving to this idea that i'm just selling you something selling is
almost entirely unregulated and people want to do that and you just have to make sure you don't step
over the line and start selling something that's regulated like a security well one of the things
was i i went to law school so i have a legal background and when we started the project i've
been speaking to at least 20 lawyers and some of them told me you can do whatever you want
and others told me you will they will throw you in jail so we as expector we deliberately didn't
want to go offshore we want to be legally uh fully compliant and we looked for a jurisdiction uh on
the european mainland to uh to get some clarity and we looked at gibraltar estonia the isle of man
where daniel is um some other jurisdictions and for us at the time when we started switzerland was
probably the most regulated or the had the clearest regulation um and and to know what we can and
come to and how we should do it um i don't know if we would make the same decision today and though
it's only a couple they have some advantages and they uh they uh use that um to have huge enormous
legal fees and uh and incorporation fees um but we are all set and i think and i hope that uh that
we are all good on everything we have done and will do uh until now well congratulations
thanks bob coming from you it's uh it's a very nice to hear thanks it really is interesting with
these projects that are worldwide projects though and you know this this new uh this this new industry
this blockchain industry um and web3 whatever you want to call it has really brought that
uh to existence where you have all these people who you know you have people that are buying x specter
nfts from around the world you know you have you have people who like i said with this gala games who
are buying they're actually buying property there's this one mmo part or mmo rpg that they're creating
called mirandis and there are people from the middle east who literally have spent millions i shit you not
have spent millions buying cities in this uh project that the game isn't even released yet
so it just brings up some really really interesting things that you haven't even really seen yet before
so and and it's not just a single country you're talking about multiple multiple countries that these
things exist in well there are there is a legal form um probably some of you guys know but there is a
legal form to to sell nfts or tokens before they actually exist and in most european countries it's
called a soft um and in in switzerland it's called ekta and it's and that is a security and that's actually
to give you the ability to sell a token before it's released and to sell mostly in bigger badges to bigger
investors and that is regulated as a security but that's so you create a security or to be able to
sell something that can't be a security very strange concept but apparently lots of lawyers
recommend that so dirk who's the governing body though because would it depend on where the
organization is based is that what it would depend on like if they're somewhere in europe would some
kind of it depends on who you are selling to so of course since we have quite a few uh community
members in the united states we uh try to um look at u.s regulations as well and we are very careful
as we all know we have a good example with the sec ripple lawsuit um however um we fall under swiss
regulation and uh and under swiss regulation we are doing everything according to plan um but again
it's a very thin line but um what bob said um pre-selling an asset i think that's an interesting
uh perspective to think of things and i think that should be possible one of the reasons bob i don't
know if you have followed the expector uh lately but we did our nft sale we did a pre-sale of nf or of
digital assets i should call them which are the the agents uh that some people here in the room use spfp
and we sold them pre-sold them on our website which is an e-commerce platform we accepted of course xrp
as a means of payment but it wasn't an nft at that moment so people couldn't trade it on a dex or on
any other marketplace um internally or externally so they purchased a digital asset and after a few
weeks we um have we gave them the opportunity to mint them and they um took the decision to mint them
and to make them nfts which changes uh the legal aspect completely yeah it's really super fascinating
and one of the reasons i i came back to the space is because i'm just disappointed that so many people
don't don't really know how all this stuff works obviously you do um but back early on 2013 i was
trying to discover how um on the xrpl there's a process called rippling right which is um comes from
the old classic uh ripple pay uh network but let's say i have a bank account with dollars in it
on the xrp ledger and i have children i can let them open up accounts in bank of dad for dollars
and i don't have to tell them the banker about that you know i it's just a sub account to my account
and i can deposit money into it for them to spend they can spend it just like they have a you know
an account at the bank with anybody else and it's empowering to me as a family to manage family money
on my own personal ledger and allow people to spend what they want and essentially that's what
people are doing when they're issuing these tokens that they're using to trade for nfts
they're you're making your own kind of money and your own kind of rules for money
and then you're selling it within your own contracts that you're defining and i think that's
hugely powerful and when used for good it's awesome when used for for bad as i've seen other people do
mostly on other blockchains um you know you can have horrific consequences but um i'm really really
impressed with the community and all the things you're doing and i have looked at uh expector a lot
there's so much material that i haven't even begun to to to grok the whole whole thing but um it's very
exciting thank you again i'm humbled uh grok you're a stranger in a strange land uh fan robert heineland
fan oh yeah and i'm a hacker fan so uh awesome awesome yeah i read that when i was a teenager
and i've always said grok and people look at me like i'm crazy great minds think alike bob way
this is the way sometime it would be cool bob because as we bring up these subjects
talking about it today but it'd be cool to talk to you about like the early days
at ripple and what what exactly you guys had to deal with because i almost see that as like being
a really awesome um documentary one day because it had no one kind of no one did what you guys did in
terms of facing the the the challenge of trying to establish a payment system that was different and
was kind of you guys were trying to get it figured out and meet with all these establishments and all
these different uh big banks small banks and try to incorporate this new kind of payment system that
leveraged a digital asset and kind of figuring out how you would even be doing that um we we gotta we
gotta have a show and kind of dive into that at some point yeah it's it's super interesting because i
don't know that anybody really realizes it but but ripple the company worked tremendously hard
not to ever put themselves into this situation from you know consulting lawyers before they ever
launched the the company and the assets to working with regulators to uh you know like meeting
constantly with all these different people yet yet still you know things happen how's that for a
colloquial phrase um and so you know every everybody in the space um is is also trying not to step into
this mess but um it's a very sticky mess and sometimes it finds you
and and it's it to me especially being in xrp for a long time it's been uh never-endingly
fascinating to me and people can be xrp fans and not be ripple fans or whatever but the whole thing
just fascinates me the kind of the journey that you guys had had gone through when when did you leave
uh ripple was that in 2016 2017 i left in 2018 actually and so it's just looking back it's like
five years out and so it's been been some other in after that i didn't really you know these are all
my friends right and so we're you're in a company you make decisions and you make the best decisions
you know at the time and some of them turn out to be bad where bad means i wish we'd never made that
decision right um i wish we'd have made a different one but really it's hard to come out and you know
tell the world you and your friends made really boneheaded decisions in some cases so i've tried to
stay away from that but as a side effect of some of those decisions this whole xrp ledger space is
super super confusing things like is xrp meant for consumer level users that's been going on here
or it's consumer level users supposed to be using xls or xlm instead of xrp like no that's not even
the same thing um it's like saying a computer consumer user is supposed to use litecoin instead
of bitcoin no yes that's that's what i always thought was funny when people you know and people
who are very very knowledgeable at other things or at least are well respected they'll say like well
what xr what what xrp is meant for is uh and i'm like no xrp is not meant for anything if you want
to talk about what different uh organizations are trying to use it for themselves you can say that
xrp is not meant for anything xrp is kind of like the the the classic vision of bitcoin peer-to-peer
payments i mean it's a it's a native currency on a decentralized ledger that has that has a
decentralized exchange built in you can use it for what you want to use it for anyone can yeah so
so quite frankly and i'm not being facetious when i say this is when i joined ripple in 2013
the xrp ledger we called it the ripple ledger back then was already fully formed and working
um the question was quite literally what is this for right it's like what we know what it does it does
accounting really really well as these comic transactions has this rippling feature it has
this cryptocurrency but it also has all these other currencies who's supposed to use it what are they
supposed to do that was literally the job i was hired to figure out um and so over the time different
people focus on different areas and they see different opportunities where opportunities is seeking
alice right who's going to give us money right now um and if you document the twist and turns
of those um moments you will see why all of the uh press releases are so baffling
um the people when they're looking back five years and trying to read this press release
because it was just a different group of people in ripple with a different mindset
seeking money from a different alice but that didn't mean other people in ripple weren't
looking at other use cases too it's just a matter of which press releases um got publicly put out
and who was working i don't want to say behind the scenes but who was just working with other people
without color glossy uh printed uh flyers is this kind of um is is this kind of enjoyable satisfying
for you to see so many different companies and um different projects that are building on the xrp
ledger because i know that that that for a while um people were were seeing ripple is xrp xrp is ripple
blah blah blah because they were they were only aware of this large company uh uh it's it's all
relative but ripple's fairly large company even years ago that that they were the ones who they were
the only ones that people heard about who had some kind of a use case for xrp and i guess there
was partial partial truth to that because there weren't as many uh organization building on it as
there is today is this satisfying for you to see this oh like companies like expector building a big
metaverse and it has xrp ledger as its blockchain it's hugely satisfying because really that's what
my goal for the ledger was and that's what i i always wanted and you know a couple years back when i
showed up in the space nobody was building everybody was talking about xrp going to the moon
and 589 whatever the hell that means and bears and stuff but nobody was actually building except
visa right and um and there were some new new things being spun up but it was hard to tell which
is going to get traction but i really don't think anybody realizes the heavy lift that ripple did
in between when i was here last time and now um but basically if it's if it's like not clear maybe
it's clear to everybody and i'm just being slow um ripple divided up the company into the part that
ashish was managing which was ripple net which is talking to the banks and best i can tell the part
monica was managing which was uh ripple x which was oh let's get back our focus onto the xrp ledger
and away from selling banking software and it was monica that was responsible for uh setting up these
foundations like the xrp ledger foundation supporting vita building the wallet supporting a lot of other
projects and in building what they were doing but as a side effect like based on the videos and stuff
i've seen the network is really run by the foundation now it's not really run by ripple anymore ripple's
still running different servers and things but if ripple was to uh go out of existence the ledger
continues on and that was our goal from the beginning so i think over these few years monica did a
huge job making that happen and i don't really think anybody realizes it because they're still
focusing on press releases that were coming out of the ripple net side
is is odl at the point that you expected it to be at this stage is it is it behind the adoption
the point that you thought it would be is it ahead of it um personally the way you think of odl is not
the way i think of odl i think of odl as the markets on ripple and every time you issue a currency and
you sell it for an nft to me that's odl and i think that's awesome and every time you know somebody
trades dollars on ledger for the currency that you're going to trade to get your nft that's odl
um then there's the ripple net part which was actually let's sell this to banks um so they
don't have to fund pre-fund nos for accounts and um which is great but a lot of that originally was
being done off ledger either through exchanges or through um ilp magic where nobody on the ledger
could really see it and all of that was let's let's make the banks a customer and then we can
transition on mom ledger you know once once they get used to making money and moving money
and so um you know i don't really know i don't dig into the press releases because it's
you know press releases are to convince other people of things i'm supposed to kind of know deeper than
that and if you read your own press releases you just always get yourself into trouble so um i would
like to see more banks moving a lot more money um through ripple net and on ledger and i understand why
people are hesitant to do that with the sec lawsuit um i'm looking for looking forward to it
well and and again i want to have you back up bob if you're willing because i think there's a lot of
great conversations we could have and i want i also want your take on kind of what's what what your
opinion is on the the sec sec lawsuit and so on uh but but thank you for sharing what you've been able
to share today and we we love having you up here for sure uh we have other other people up on stage
as well that that we'd like to get to to uh uh that that have their own xrp ledger uh projects and
let's talk about it and see where you see what are you excited about in 2023 where do you see things
going what are you what's your roadmap looking like lame lions you've been up here for a while
and haven't gotten to speak so how are you doing man
hi xrpp hi uh expector community xrpl community it's always uh great to be here up on stage
i'm still uh yeah thinking about what bob way was saying uh it's great to have you on stage bob way
uh it's great to have somebody here on stage you know that have been
at the first stage of the xrpl and i'm also excited to hear more very soon from bob the way
um about the future of the xrpl and all other things um if it comes to our project we are very
busy right now with the game development um we shared uh the first uh screenshots of our game
development in unity you can find it in the pinned tweet on our twitter account um two months ago we
onboarded our game developer that is helping us right now with the development of the game and
yeah we are so excited for 2023 obviously the second part of 22 was not the best for crypto nfts
blockchain in general um but we really can feel this building fight at the moment and
yeah it's just amazing to be in such an amazing community to be able to build on such a scalable and
sustainable ledger um and i find it very fascinating how this community is always finding
each other really when i was like at the beginning days of nfts on ethereum you can really like feel
this competitiveness between projects and it's just amazing that expector is doing all these shows
every week is bringing together the community and you can really feel the growth that is going within
this community um and yeah we're so excited right now we are creating the prototype for the game
we hope to have the mvp live in two or three months and that we can like on board the first
lame lions community members to the game um we are building a sort of travion age of empire style game
obviously it will not be like uh from the start a high-end game uh because like you all know games
metaversus it takes a lot of money uh to build and develop and we are like very assured of that and
that's also the reason why we are trying to work as lean as possible um so we are not this project
that was like hyping up the community the whole time we are really like focused at this moment to
develop uh to be able to show a sort of utility uh because we are also like assured of the fact that
right now at this moment we are not like one of the biggest xrpl projects at the moment but we are
looking really looking forward on how can we become one of the biggest uh project in the in the xrpl
um and for us it's really important to do that step by step uh being assured of what the regulations are
um the lame lions is regulated in the netherlands so uh our entity is established in the netherlands
in rotterdam uh so we follow the dutch regulations if it comes to the game if it comes to the nft project
and for us that's like the most important because you know it's not only uh for myself but also for
the community members because if something happens it could also be uh that the community members
could get into trouble by uh wrong decisions we made in the past so yeah that's like what we are
working uh on right now um if you want to see like i said the first uh a first sneak peek of the game
you can go to our twitter account um and see what we are building on right now and yeah we're excited
for what uh 2023 have uh in store for us
well we're super grateful for you sharing a little bit what's going on i think a lot of the
topic we're going forward is obviously 2022 you said it best second half of 2022 is a little rough
for everybody and it's interesting to see you know the different perspectives on 2023 in terms of what
is changing so i think i've noticed a lot of my for myself looking on the outside in for a lot of
projects seems like a lot more projects are are basically streamlining the product aspects that allow
other members to utilize their product with the intention of delivering the long-term bigger
product but wanting to make sure that alpha is available that beta version is available so it's
really cool to hear you guys going with it with uh you know hiring more people working on the xrpl even
if it's a game developer the fact that they have to integrate with what what is being on the xrpl is
just more and more people being introduced to the ecosystem and unfortunately on the outside looking
in and i know because i can speak for our own developer that a lot of these you know developers are on
the ecosystem you don't really get to see them too often in like a twitter space or too often because
well they're busy and they're working and you know in a bull run you get the get the advantage of a lot
of speculative new investors so you have the aspects of you know a large twitter space thousands of
people listening in and all that fun stuff not even just twitter space but just more engagement on
twitter because there's more people like they're just speculative investors during the space but
i find in this period of time right now there's a lot more career and developers being
onboarded to the ecosystem which may not reflect an engagement on twitter but it will it will impact
the general user experience greatly and it seems it seems like a lot of these projects are just
hiring hiring hiring i know dirk hiring hiring hiring you know lame lines you guys are hiring more game
developers so it's really cool to see that maybe we don't get to see that as a result on twitter
engagement or you know visually where we're used to seeing it but it will impact the general user
experience when we do reach that that settlement point for ripple when we do reach that you know
new blue chip project wanting to cross chain over to xrpl and stuff like that and it's really cool to
hear it and i would definitely want to get more more feedback from other projects on the stage we also
have xrpl wild stags we have yona on the stage a lot of good products we have also lost art as well
which is on stage so i want to get some more feedback on some more roadmap updates i'd like to call
on our friend yona as well as oc maybe oc first hand was raised first but oc we'd like to hear a
little bit more on what's going on next for your roadmap for 2023 have you changed anything adjusted
anything uh any alpha versions being released well well my information i'll be honest my information
um i'm very i like moving in silence like a ninja i probably won't be providing any information as far
as what i have going on uh till it's you know closer to when it's ready um but i'm i'm very excited man to
to see what you know projects are doing seeing what projects are going to be staying what projects are
continuing to build the development and release of the amm um i'm i'm very excited to be you know
to to take part of that and really understand how that's going to work um hey we have a role here
you can't just join the stage and steal everyone's ideas you got to give us something
i know you can't leave all the stuff give us no no i don't steal ideas f that f that i'm just joking
i'm just busting your balls just joking but i was going to say if you wouldn't mind maybe give us
one snippet if you can't give us the whole thing what's something that you're building in the
direction of you can maybe give us that we're just speaking about it in la by the way we met
each other last week so i know what they're doing that's enough hey i can do uh i can do this i can
post the artwork for for the project that i have going on it's in the jumbotron it's pretty much just
a representation of you know our habits addictions and passions um things that influence us and really
you know how they mold our actions and our way of thinking and i'm really trying to incorporate
this in a visual uh form uh and they you know very visualistic and artistic manner well it's a
beautiful piece of work and i like i like the way you worded it too as well in terms of like how you're
how you guys are piecing it out beautiful piece of art may i ask who the artist is uh yes the artist
one issue i'm not actually hearing the speaker
oh i think well i think it might just be a mic issue just drop down uh drop down to a listener
and i'll bring you back up that usually solves the problem but uh oc please continue uh the artist is
currently not public uh they will be public though once the release of the uh of the collection uh but
they are based here in orange county uh so pretty much what i'm trying to do for this project is i'm
really trying to push out um artistic uh forms out here on the west coast whether it's you know art
music dance you name it you know i'm really trying to push the artists uh that you know recite in this
you know side of the world and you know um you know just push them out there and you know let the
world see what you know the west coast has to offer hey just double checking because i got a double
message back from derek bob can you hear me speak right now it might just be oc you can't hear
yes i hear you okay okay oc you might be an issue sometimes it glitches uh i know some people
apparently some people couldn't hear you drop down to the listener real quick and i'll pull you right
back up and that usually solves the problem i apologize about that elon's twitter well has some
benefits definitely has some drawbacks but i think i have someone really good to follow them
we have yona on the stage who also is an artist on the xrpl also multi-chain artist as well
uh with all due respect yona i wanted to kind of pivot the question over to you uh obviously the
roadmaps this is the discussion of 2023 roadmaps what what's in store what's next
hi so uh good to be here i've been on holiday for three weeks with my family and i swear i cannot
get anything done when i'm off of work it's it's crazy so i'm very excited to be back um and spaces
hearing all you guys and just yeah back in the office well for for yoniverse the art collective
we have one more uh collection to mint we're minting rionians later uh on extra big cafe and uh
we just did one of our well our first fine art drop for yonix holders tier one and tier two
authenticated holders um this uh month so we have a crypto raven which is an amazing french artist
um that has done a few pieces for us before uh who made a uh black and white fidgetal collection
that will be dropping to them um in the middle of january so yeah we're working on our drops for
this year we're working on our comics we have a prototype we're doing with a choice comic
so our community will be even more involved not only in lore volleys and such but also in
actually um getting to vote on the outcome for the next volume so that's pretty cool i have to admit
uh anna what you're doing i don't know how you do it managing all of these artists and all of these
collections because if anyone knows what kind of work it is it's me probably and i don't know how you do
it because you do it with ease it seems so easy when you're talking about it
i just love it like i think it can be very hard like i'm a multi-chain artist i've been in many
chains many marketplace communities and i think what we have in the universe is very unique
since we all built it together from scratch and it wasn't really a product to begin with
so it's it's very special and we have a very high ceiling and we really take care of each other
so i think it's um it's an environment where we all can grow without kind of any pressure and that's
very important for artists because in this space it's crazy like you need to be a promoter you need
to be a business knowledgeable you need to be a marketer and you need to be on socials all the time
like when do people even paint i i don't know well yeah i can acknowledge at expector it's
yeah but so it's kind of neat i think that we have this like this artist that we are releasing now in
in january to our top holders it's like um it's it's an artist that's not minting anything on their
own because they don't want to do that all that kind of stuff like an art collective is a very nice
thing in that sense that you can focus on the art so yeah but that's for for the universe and then
for myself like um i'm just trying out um my independent arts as well seeing what works what
what doesn't i um i minted one of my uh proof of ashes um the other day to see if that's something
that uh this community is interested in which is kind of cool as well where i will burn the painting
um the the physical and uh mint it as an nft and send the video uh as an nft to the buyer
that's really not really that's that's my idea no i'm kidding oh that that that's great though you're
gonna put it in a barrel and set it on fire didn't back see do something like shred the painting or
somebody purchased it and then shredded it and nft did or something yeah it automatically shredded
after it was purchased no one knew that the shredder was in the frame that's i was actually
selling a um digital on avalanche a few way like months back and in one of the um bigger auctions and
the crowd kind of started asking things that i would do to the painting to like raise the price of
it and somebody said can you burn it and i was just like yeah i can burn it like i can blow it up
for you because like yeah we we know how to do it kind of stuff i'm not gonna explain why but um so i
was like yeah you can just choose what you want me to do with it and it will just live on the blockchain
forever and we did it and the video just turned out so epic and it was awesome and then i think it was
in an xrpl space where we were talking about um what we would name something like that and we talked
about naming it proof of ashes because one of the things where you're selling vegetables is that it's
so hard to ship like somebody wanted to buy my painting um to japan and the shipping was uh six
thousand seven hundred dollars so it's like yeah then it makes sense to burn everything don't bring
xrpp uh don't give him ids because tomorrow we will probably ask me to blow up rolls royces and stuff
and make nfts of it oh man that's shocking that you're way ahead of me i i was thinking that the
and the more elaborate you the scheme as to whether you blow it up or you know drop it off a huge
building or you know the the more uh enticing it could be for nft buyers i i really love it i love
that yana yeah and it's it's really fun as well because one of our things because i'm i'm an artist
right and i'm a traditional artist before nfts and one of the things that i do that's kind of special is
that i paint artworks and then my husband builds custom frames that's his hobby um for them so he does
like spine woodwork he does epoxy like all of these kind of different techniques so we were like
what can we do with this skill set that we have with like what we think is so much fun to do because
this is like our what we love to do together and just one of your children is a pyromaniac ten-year-old
yeah totally but we were like let's put the ashes in epoxy as well so we can like send it because
that's not expensive to send right i really like the creativity and i have to say from time to time
i say in spaces like nfts are not art or not necessarily art against some people's uh will but
this is art to me this is art thank you that's really cool what we need to say i will buy something
you have to blow it up totally i will do it it's a lot of fun too for us and then put all the
shrapnel put it in epoxy and send it to dirt i mean we get to some spaces before i know dirt
always has a stockpile ready some c4 laying around we already have it it's okay
yeah well she's norwegian she's dangerous as well or swedish what are you
yeah i'm actually swedish i'm not norwegian well to us it's all the same it's scandinavian
yeah well i'm not going to take up any more time here but actually i wanted to say one thing for 2023
like i'm um when i'm not an artist or like doing this collective thing i'm a development manager and i
do a lot of work with like big web 2 companies and i see i really see a trend where they want to
get in web 3 like i have so many people asking about it and i think for what i see the biggest
obstacles are usability they don't understand how to get their customers to use their product on the
blockchain because they think the threshold is so large and sometimes it really really is
and i really wanted to like i want to tell them all about like the xrpl and stuff like that for
the stuff they want to want me to or like we want to build but um it's really hard so i'm hoping for
that threshold to kind of be lowered a little bit um and we can see some of that stuff i had an
interesting discussion with uh with um some of the friends that are here in the room in la also last
week and one of the guys is a canadian who runs a very successful marketing company um regarding real
estate 2.5 million followers um we met actually because we were speaking about how can we and bob
doesn't know it but i used to be or i still am a property developer actually so real estate is my
passion and we were discussing about how can we tokenize real estate how can we bring in real life
real estate to the metaverse how can we use the metaverse as a promotional or marketing instrument
for um traditional uh brokers and property developers and he made a very interesting remark that made me
reflect as well about web 3 and how we approach things and he told me uh about the trojan horse
and about using strategies that are easy for web 2 people to get them involved into web 3 without them
necessarily knowing it and it gave me lots of stuff to think about and i think um for all of us if we want
to bring more people in we should think about things that are related to our products or our projects
that are easy accessible to web 2 people definitely and i think that's so important because that's where
it's all at like a lot of projects and companies who want to get in are not because they're stuck in
exactly that place so that's a really good thing and also one of the other things that i see
popping up in a lot of places now i'm not a law professional um but kyc in a decentralized space
where kyc is necessary um for the company to actually distribute shares or um securities to
to people is also something that's coming up a lot so that's something that's um gonna be interesting
to follow i think i don't know if you have something to say about that but that's that's
that's everything i have well i'm very excited to be on this year with you guys anyway i see that
bob uh jumped off and he's just back on i wanted to ask him what his opinion is about decentralization
and web 3 because uh daniel and i have had long discussions about that as well and it's not very
popular in web 3 to speak about centralization to a certain degree but i agree with you jonah that
if we want mass adoption and getting more people in that some form of centralization
is ness a necessity probably also from a legal perspective governments will provide some kind of
legal or compliance structure but they will imply certain rules and regulations and from a company
point of view it is interesting to collect data from your users of course and one of the things is
of course the kyc and lots of people tell me well we don't agree we believe in fully decentralized
well as soon as you open your iphone and you accept the their terms of agreement
um you're already giving up part of the decentralization even before you downloaded your
zam app um so bob i'm very interested on your perspective uh web 3 um and decentralized centralized
you know i haven't really been involved in this debate i've been in devolve involved in debates that
use the same words but i'm never sure i'm in the same context um i mean i think the future is
something more like federalized decentralized ledgers instead of one decentralized platform
that is decentralized in the way that we know it from blockchain which is basically redundantly
decentralized there's going to be a lot of different platforms that all communicate with one another
um and so some of them will require kyc others will not i'm a big fan of exploring these technologies
to see what's what's changed from all of the traditional uh technologies have and so i think a lot of stuff
let me give you an example because it sounds hand wavy and vague in the early days of bitcoin a lot of people
wanted to do gambling on online using some form of bitcoin but of course bitcoiners are probably among
the most paranoid people on earth and they weren't going to trust anybody with a centralized server
to tell them whether they won or not right you send money there they tell you you lose you send more
money they tell you you lose nobody's buying into that so somebody in the space went hey well what if we
have this deterministic gaming where we we determine the outcome up front we hash it so you can see it
then you can play the game and you know we didn't monkey with you that was a super new innovation that
really cut out a certain kind of cheating from the infrastructure um and so i i really get excited
seeing these different use cases but the idea of you know it's going to be super decentralized and
nobody's going to know anybody i think that's nonsense it's going to be super centralized and everybody's
going to be controlled by somebody i think that's nonsense i think there's going to be case by case
use cases and i think everybody will have multiple identities that are not bound to one another i think
that's key to the future yeah i agree a hundred percent by the way bob i don't know if uh you like
people asking you personal questions but where have you been in the past few years
quite frankly i i mentioned this on i i'm retired and so i just chilling and enjoying life um you know
i don't feel a need to have to prove anything out and i kind of like nobody knowing anything about me
because i'm not really good at being famous so um you know i just come out when i think there's
something useful that i could actually do or or teach people that might benefit everyone and i
think now is such a time well that's that's cool so that's kind of the reason that you came back you
feel like you're kind of needed uh at the moment huh i don't know if needed is the right word but
maybe i can say something other people would find useful or valuable well i know you know i've been
a lot of us were i've been thinking about if you
so i'm sorry i'm stepping all over you no no i'm stepping all over you as well we can step all over
each other uh as long as it's with love uh but a lot of us we were we were very you know we really
really enjoyed and i was a guy from xrp chat as well and i just i just loved your entries
on xrp chat i love that you took the time with a lot of people you had like long long form interviews
that you did with several xrp community members you had like this almost like a class that you were
uh teaching uh uh that that really informed a lot of people um because they're difficult concepts for
people to get their head around and then so so then when you kind of made an exit we were all
just thinking man i hope everything's okay we really miss him and so on so for you to come back
it was kind of legendary so it's it's really nice to have you back
like the batman signal with signal yeah i wanted to ask you do uh do you could you perceive yourself
ever dropping a nft of your parents just for purely for art so
so if you if you followed some of my twittering you know there's three potential projects that i've
been trying to figure out where i should focus on one is you know the code name seeking alice
which is basically a lot of what we're doing in bob's book club trying to come up with some good
documentation to explain some of these concepts to people and to encourage people to actually build
and create new value on the ledger to try to find those people and talk to them and try to build a
you know a community around that i see you're already doing that so maybe it's not necessary
um the second one is all about power money and secrecy which is the fact that there are people
conspiring behind your back to manipulate you and everybody knows it right there's advertising
there's politics there's other things here but uh people don't really see that as intersecting
with their personal money but it it's huge i mean it's it is your money so um you know there's a
whole whole thread i'd like to talk about about why why we think we can't have privacy if you start
um discussing privacy and its intersection with money for people they'll get very uncomfortable very
quickly and i maintain that that's all drilled into people's heads that's not actually a real
a real thing and then the third one of course is my moonshot which i've been trying to do for years
but it's just been an impossible lift so i'll try that out again and see if people are receptive
so that's why your moon your moonshot can you can you explain that
um i will explain it bigger but like fundamentally some things in the world are just broken right
um and so basically any anybody like how people are tracked on the internet and how advertising works
and how influencers are are compensated anybody want to raise their hand and go yes it's awesome
um probably influencers i'll say it's completely uh social engineered manipulated marketing yeah exactly
it's there but nobody sees another way right and i see another way and it's the way
of doing it is 100 related to changing the way the money flows right right now money flows behind
your back for people to conspire to take more money from you this is fundamentally the ecosystem
um and if you change the way the money flows you can actually make it very empowering and so i will
make the claim here first that um you know the price of xrp is related to money flowing in from fiat
into xrp versus money flowing from xrp out out to fiat that's really the dynamic that makes the price go
up and down and right now there's just i want to see more money flowing in to the ledger um and also
more money flowing flowing out of the ledger it's just not used enough so i think with the use case i have
in the moonshot um it's easily moves billions of dollars across the ledger or a day and i think
that's kind of useful for the future so anyway now that that's worth downloading this twitter space and
clipping this everybody we don't like some good old xrp hopium well i mean is it any surprise that
this is breaking and bob don't don't tell me if you've told other people about this i'm we're going
to say it's breaking here on the x spectacular show with xrpp uh this is this is breaking news
everybody bob way's moonshot to get billions of dollars flowing across the xrp ledger um and we
know bob way has never failed at anything he set his mind to so this is guaranteed yeah it's it's it's
actually straightforward it's not even like super pie in the sky here it's just a matter of are people
willing to care and are they willing to change their personal behavior in order to make the world
a better place for them to live in and you know a lot of times people are complicated and and are
very comfortable with the way everything is and bob sorry to interrupt you but we are still looking
for skilled developers at xpector you're always welcome oh why thank you i'll consider it
you're gonna love to get more get more coffee there's a whole food bar it's it's really the best
oh it's fantastic more and you get to meet get people like wolfgang puck you know uh it's really
it's a fantastic place to work by the way one of the people i met last week in la as well as here up
as a speaker asina um he's uh the ceo of luxury listings um the guy that told me about the trojan
horse and web2 marketing uh the story that i just told you guys and he's uh he's very well connected
he's very well connected to big real estate brokers and we were discussing uh all kinds of
possibilities to involve him in the expector metaverse to do some collaborations we discussed
tokenizing real estate it was a very very interesting discussion um alongside a couple of
moscow mules a dinner with wolfgang puck and xrpp but it was very very interesting and and both
sharing the same passion for real estate and being reasonably successful in marketing i think and i hope
that we can do some things in the future hopefully within the expector verse and outside as well
see now for sure thank you dirk um i really really appreciate the invite that was uh definitely an
eye-opening night i have to give a massive shout out and a lot of respect to another person that i see
on the stage jackson um believe it or not jackson actually introduced me to xrp years and years and
years and years ago so if it wasn't for him i would have never uh dove into this whole rabbit hole but
it was very interesting just to hear bob speak right now uh i joined this room a little bit late but
earlier uh just a cliff notes into our conversation as dirk mentioned it was over a few drinks
so i did uh i did let loose a little bit and and give my open and honest and un and uninhibited
answer to it my perspective for everyone that's listening this is purely marketing so i'm i'm giving
it a a purely marketing perspective um the way that i broke it down was when you really look at it
early on in these rooms everybody were everybody was pushing for decentralization and as i've noticed
as the years have gone by true success is not full decentralization if you look at the biggest leaders
of these projects they're actually pushing to become regulated they're pushing to become the one that all
of the rest of the institutionals can invest in so when dirk mentioned trojan horse it really comes down to
how do you develop a product in today's day and age that can swindle the masses without throwing the
flag to make everyone understand that this is a web 3 project or this is going to be in the metaverse or
we're going to have blockchain and crypto involved in it i feel like those keywords if you can avoid as
much as you can before it becomes too late that's what would be the most successful projects that i see
dominating in the next few years but i'd love to hear everybody else's perspective
i think it's a good hot take and i think before we go around to other perspectives
you know i think the the better question for you is i mean look you've amassed a lot of success here in
real estate i mean you you obviously have social media success i have a marketing background i you
know whenever i see a page with two million followers the first thing i do is just cross reference
see how fake they are i mean it's legit very legit so you have very unique organic audience
why the hell are you getting into blockchain man what what's what's bringing you here
well to be completely frank i've probably in the last three four years i've had over a hundred project
pitches um everything from you know the the smallest avenue bending into real estate to full-blown
real estate metaverse to setting up brokerages um on different decentraland um i had about
so many different avenues to get into this and between myself and my team we pretty much declined
every single one very very palatable offers between fiat uh token actual physical real estate they were
offering it just never got me going it never was interesting enough for me to see the end goal
and also i really care about my reputation we've built a very strong reputable reputable brand within
the real estate world i'm trusted by some of the biggest billion dollar brands not only on real
estate brokerage side but the architects the interior designers the developers and the agents and brokers
themselves so for me to take the lead almost the entire network and community would be witnessing at
some point and i would i was very hesitant to take the lead with a project um too early so i've been
waiting i've been postponing i've been turning down mega deals which a lot of them i'm very very glad to
have turned down because they ended up being what i thought they were going to be um it's just a space full
of nefarious players that i want to let mature a little bit more before i make a decision to lock down
with an actual project hope that makes sense no it really really does and you mentioned jackson who
you said it was on stage or in the audience here he's one of the people who introduced you to the
xrp xrpl ecosystem you know what's some of your team's feedback for you while you're kind of you
know taking these first steps i won't say into the unknown because it seems like you've done a lot of
your own due diligence but you find you find you're getting a lot of team support i imagine you're having
conversations with your friends just like i know dirk is having friends with his real estate friends
and i'm sure they're all asking you questions like are you sure that's what you want to do is
that show you the direction how has the feedback been for you for the people in your network as
they see you start taking steps into this uh into for what them might seem as the unknown
well it's it's not not a lot of it's been public um i've had a little bit of different dealings on
twitter but in terms of anything web3 i do behind closed doors as much as i can um a lot of this
anything in my world quickly becomes public so in reality it's just been private conversations
um a lot of zoom calls uh all different times of the uh of the night and just to be completely
honest that dinner was the closest i've ever gotten to actually maybe rearing my head and it really
made me uh think about the whole community a little bit different the more i understood about the xrpl
well listen man i tell you what i've had a few i've had a few impactful dinners with derek and
i can imagine that you know he definitely has that power you know uh he's an inspiring person
too and derek i guess to float that question too as well do you find the people you speak with in
your real estate ecosystem of friends and network or maybe people you have dealings with are they
also nervous about uh you know like blockchain in general do you have you ever had conversations
with people saying like i think that's way too risky do you find that that's the same for
your network well as uh sina said i try to avoid these discussions and the people that i speak
about it they are mostly close friends and they all think i'm crazy
i see bob i see bob way's ready to come back i'm gonna add you up here real quick let's get let's get
our friend back up on the stage as you all know i do i will bring people up and down i message you
everybody each time i do so just bear with us but uh bob way welcome back to the stage xrpp back to
you and seen sina you were i mean it it struck me because there were there were a couple things
throughout the conversation i mean you you're you're relatively young guy and you've done very well
because you spotted something that was an opportunity in the um in the the project you
started with luxury listings and what was what was really cool was when you were talking about all
the traditional people that were laughing in your face as you tried to build this and you you really
had to maintain your belief that what you were doing is um is is the right thing and is the future
um can can you explain that a little bit because i think there's some parallels with
perhaps with web web3 and the different things that people are trying to develop now
no i'm glad you brought that up by the way everyone um xrpp is just as great in person as
when you see them online so if you're ever lucky enough or blessed which i i get i get that there's
a lot of rarity around that just wanted to throw it out there but um yes you're you're exactly right
and i see a lot of uh similarities between um this exact world what dirk said is you are crazy
of course all of us are but you're only crazy until you do it and then you're a genius so um i think
what xrpp was alluding to was about 10 years ago like the very very early days of social media
nowadays when we say social media or when we say the word um influencer etc it's pretty much
um common term it's common knowledge it's it's it's it's it's okay like it's it's a legit industry
you can make money from it 10 years ago if you were to say that to any of your friends or to your
family members or some maybe your colleague that you were thinking about quitting your job to go into
social media and become an influencer they legitimately were concerned for you they would
they would either kind of laugh it off as a joke or it was considered almost a negative term the same way
when i think about these terms right now they're not an um exactly negative but they have a little
bit of a negative connotation whereas the average person is it's going to go in one ear and it's going
to go out the other and they're just going to put you into a box where they think this person is loopy
the people in this room are not going to think that because we understand a lot more but when we talk
about the average person it's the rule of the average that's that's majority of our conversation was just
trying to bring it back to reality so um what xrpp was explaining is at the beginning it was also
like this it was the wild wild west so there was a lot less saturation there was a lot less competition
you would be able to post something and pretty much the entire user base at some point if they were going
down their explore page would at some point would come across that piece of content nowadays we are
flooded and inundated with endless amounts of content that it's a struggle for you to compete
to get your content in front of the views that it deserves so um if anything if i could leave uh any
any inclination is that there's a lot of similarities between that wave and the wave that we're going
through right now so before you guys make any solid decisions with any products make sure you're getting
marketing involved make sure you're looking at it from the end person's perspective the end consumer
and reverse engineer from that because we are living in a climate where things are changing non-stop
and it's very very easy to get um wound up with what your quote-unquote pie in the sky is
compared to how are we going to get there day after day
and karma i see your hand was oh xrpp back to you karma i i'm gonna get to you in just a second
but what what what my mind always goes back to and if you can respond to this real quick is and i hate
to use the example but it's i mean it's the one that smacks you in the face is you know the adoption
of the internet or or you know early early internet um availability and a lot of people were like what
what do i because i remember because i was i was a young man at that time and i i didn't even know
like what what good is this what is it what is this even gonna do for me you know and it was a tough
sell for a lot of people to get them to like even access the internet because they thought what why the
hell do i even need this what's it for the only time that really took off was when there was some kind
of product that it almost didn't matter that it was on the internet it was just something that was
it helped them it was very useful it was a way for them to purchase things easily and so on um
perhaps you know what at the advent of of youtube as well it's like oh wow so there's a lot of uh
there's a lot of videos that i can access for free or make my own or whatever and have all kinds of
content and so on so it's almost like you you have to have something that appeals to them in a way that
they can they can help their their their lives um without it being necessarily blockchain or web
three or or what have you i don't know if that's making sense it makes perfect sense to me because
you know when i was at nasa um in the 90s i had a friend who was pretty successful that was quitting to
start his own business to teach other businesses how to use the internet i kid you not he was like
how to make a website how to do this in probably 90 i don't know shortly after netscape navigator was
out and i thought he was crazy so um you know live and learn
well i'll say this if if apple store can have a class for senior citizens to learn how to use an iphone
i think we can teach the people how to use xrpl and i see karma i know your hand was raised i do
want to give you a chance to jump in yeah just a comment uh for derek and a question for bob um
derek i didn't realize you were uh so much into real estate so i sent you a message you might want to
connect on that and bob i'm assuming your uh your concept there is something with web monetization
is that the direction you're kind of thinking that is definitely a maybe um it fits into the space
um and i've talked to stefan a lot with it um but it's uh yeah i mean if if i had to say yes or no
um yes the question is do we use the existing web monetization features of ilp and streaming money
or do we need something different but money definitely ends up with with publishers or
content creators or um of that end of the the value chain so well my my mind automatically goes
to coil um of course for not for normal for for understandable reasons is it coil adjacent
is it separate is like a different concept so um i mean you know coil and everybody knows that i'm
super close friends with stefan so um you know we've talked about all of these concepts before
but but so think about what coil is doing if you want to speculate on this i will come out and kind
of explain it uh shortly but um coil pays um websites essentially and other content creators or
publishers to not put ads on their site not to wreck their content and i do that by streaming money
at them while you're looking at their site because really publishers they just want the money
right people like to make the good content they want to interact with their their uh their reader
base or listener base um uh but you know in the end they want to get paid and that's really what
this is all about and everything else with advertising and all of the tracking is just about them getting
paid so what's the hurdle with web monetization well coil is asking you to you know take ten dollars a
month or whatever it is out of your out of your wallet every month and i knew that was going to be a
super hard sell um you know people don't want to spend money that they don't have to spend so my end
of the the solution is why don't i just give you the money um i have an endless supply of money
um i just give it to you and you can pay the people that whose content you want to browse not
to put ads in it and then we've solved the entire problem and as long as advertising still works and
people can advertise uh honestly and um make a buck uh we close the circle and it's a win-win-win for
everyone so anyway that's that's the the direction i'm working in well more breaking news here go ahead
have you thought about i'm just kind of spitballing here um maybe uh including the isps and and uh
some kind of role in the scheme or schema or process or whatever um in what sense isps internet service
providers yeah because i mean if you're streaming a payment data packet like a payment packet with a
data packet um i don't know like i said i'm just spitball so you get down to the pure concepts
and then there's the technology level and i'm not willing to dig super down on the technology level
but anybody who's who's old enough to have kids let me give you the basic concept
if you're old enough to have kids um and once they're they're past four or five
they understand the concept of theirs versus yours right and they very quickly learn the concept of
their money versus your money and if you take them out to the store and go let's spend your money on
something they're super super tight-fisted with their money but if you take them out to the store and
go you want to spend dad's money they are super fluid with that they will spend your money all day
long on everything and so what i'm doing is just changing the money i'm saying you're going to pay
these people the people you think deserve to be paid because you're consuming their content
but you're spending somebody else's money and now how whether that's streaming whether it's going here
the little minimal bits that's um to be implementation details as they say but the concept is
is the real important part here and i think if i give people money they will pay um creators and
publishers and all the people for the content they consume and they'll pay them not to have ads in it
the world will be a better place by by the way anyone who can guess what bob way is eating right
now uh wins the contest i don't exactly know what they win but they win the contest i'm gonna guess
peanut butter um anyway uh whoever speaks next they can make their guess before they speak
uh sorry about that so peanut peanut butter no no no don't apologize at all you eat you do whatever
you want you're we're happy to have you on this show but peanut butter is xrpp's guess i'm gonna
go with peanut butter and jelly oh man okay okay we're treating it like the price is right you know
what i mean we're just adding one more dollar you would be totally right but today um slight variant
fruit loops fruit loops huh oh jackson goes with fruit loops that's a very interesting choice why did
you choose that huh okay that's what we feed okay cena you have a guess cena it's not caviar i don't
think i was gonna say rolled oats overnight oats oh oh that's an interesting choice daniel i would
throw it to daniel but he'll say something weird in german like sauerkraut or bratwurst or something like
that and it wouldn't be something that bob way would be eating i'm gonna go with he's eating bread
bread bread okay okay yona what do you say
oh yona's not gonna make a guess okay wild stags why for yona she would say
this toast with avocado spread oh avocado toast i'm not in california
wow okay very good ice cream oh yona says ice cream oh that's a that's a good choice that's a
good choice i don't know bob way everybody knows what i'm thinking eggs and bacon eggs and bacon
eggs and bacon okay you want me to clue you in
because are any of us close it sounds like yogurt you were very close at the beginning because my go-to
snack is peanut butter and jelly on toast but as i got home today um somebody left me something on
the counter which was bagels and cream cheese and so it's like staring at it there was no stopping me
like toaster here we're toasting this with jelly flavored cream cheese no regular oh with oh my god
that's that sounds that sounds heavenly oh okay so it's probably just straight like philadelphia
cream cheese with jelly now we gotta guess what type of jelly no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding
people tune out sorry sorry about that i didn't realize how good these um airpod microphones are
um no no you you go right in you you go you go right ahead you you still spoke clearly i just thought
it would be funny to guess what you're eating cina what do you what do you think about that cina
because i know you commented about like like a almost like a trojan horse not in a nefarious way
but just to kind of onboard people into into web3 i think was where you were going with that
that train of thought yeah for sure i mean it's definitely uh interesting it's something that i
have to unpack a lot more and and and understand the reason why i kind of brought that up is i did
see someone on stage you don't have to bring them up but it's someone that specifically was a
practitioner uh in the last two years doing this selling physical real estate using cryptocurrency
has a a nationwide brokerage i think it was the first brokerage to ever do this actually ran into
this guy absolute legend a few years back in the clubhouse days david morrell he has a wealth of
knowledge in this space he's physically selling real real estate um using cryptocurrency which
at a time when that was happening um it was pretty scary there was no real playbook we didn't know if
we were going to get in trouble for it we didn't know if our clients were going to be at risk for it
but if you want you can invite david up and he can explain because um in terms of trojan horse there's
no greater than that i mean that's that's working today working a few years ago and if anything that's
what probably the future will look like if you want to invite him up and ask him a question that
would be great yeah i just shot him over an invite okay great great yeah i see that he's that he's there
okay come on come on up on stage uh david please well guys we managed again to assemble a small group
of legends that's uh something that we are known for at the x spectacular show and dirk is there tiers of
legends because i would hope that i'm kind of toward the top tier is that uh is that acceptable you
think you're well you're at the bottom but you are still uh in the league you know oh uh well thank
you i gotta go now well i'm just i'm just sitting below you so don't worry oh okay okay xrpp sits on
tiers below nobody my friend karma you got your hand up yeah i was gonna say uh i think that xrp
ledger and real estate are a very good match uh one of the first things that i i saw when i
stumbled into the xrp ledger was um because i had already been doing a bunch of work on some real
estate stuff and i was trying to make a network of real estate uh legal rights essentially um
i think it works man are there are there projects that you're aware of that are real estate on the
xrp ledger and matter of fact i'm not familiar with other blockchains as well i don't know what
propi uses i don't know i'm not even all that familiar with the details of their uh i think
i'm pretty sure propi is um ethereum but uh remember michael larrington's uh related in there
so i'd imagine that you know their their game plan is to start with ethereum and then ultimately
switch over to xrp ledger uh especially now that we have the xls20 the the nfts on the xrp ledger
um and then there's something with the columbia people putting the the um titles and
that got x so new new government rolled in in columbia and they changed that from um what it was going
what what the company was going to be doing uh with the xrp ledger and land uh rights however
propi though propi does any cryptocurrency it really just depends on the person who is selling
the property on what they're willing to uh accept so they've done solana and i think so far okay thank
you for that and i'm actually not sure what their business model is i know that they're trying to um
i shouldn't say i know but i i think that they're trying to in some way cut through the friction in
regular uh real estate dealings i just don't know exactly how they're doing that i'm kind of ignorant as
far as that but i assumed that they were nft ising if you want to have a stupid term nft ising like
um uh real estate and trying to to or titles or something and trying to sell them that way maybe i'm
way off no you're very very very close sorry real estate there are several things of course as you
know and i discussed it as well one of the things is the the nft as the certificate of ownership which
could replace uh some kind of a deed um but that's uh of course that needs a legal framework
um some people in in the emirates in dubai are trying or are tokenizing real estate and that's
literally tokenizing it um one of the things with my proper property development background i i spoke
about with sina for example is that i have a company in the south of italy which contains of a few
properties um all have been paid for no loans no debts fully functioning short-term rentals airbnb
booking.com and proven track records staff managing that and one of the things that we are looking
into is to tokenize the shares or part of the shares of that company and to give the expected
community the ability to participate in that that's probably not the biggest or most important use
case regarding real estate but it's an effort that we are making to look into the possibilities
of um getting deeper into that and and of course getting our metaverse involved in some form
um we want to bring use case for property developers and real estate brokers within our
metaverse as well um and but there's still lots of fine tuning to do i'm very happy to have david up here
and i'm very curious about his thoughts on that
hey guys yeah i'm new to twitter to be honest with you the um the spaces is interesting i followed
seen in here seen as a legend uh in real estate very well connected but um yeah we we actually had
natalia who's the founder and ceo of propi uh just speak at our company event a few weeks ago
um and i believe what they're doing is and i i haven't walked through the process completely
um we will be releasing um we did basically web3 blockchain crypto and real estate summit
uh guest speakers included natalia from propi uh david gaukesh dean uh amir rosic who some of you
might know uh jason brown founder ceo of misfits anyways we're going to be releasing that as a podcast
episode uh but i believe what propi is doing is they they're they create an nft and then the asset
that it comes with is the property so i don't believe it's like full tokenization of a property
i believe it's here's the nft and the asset is um a house um which you know i the concept of that
isn't anything new to be honest with you um but you know the fact that they're actually doing it
and calling it you know selling a you know an nft property is is you know it's all about the
marketing that's what we found with our you know i've been in real estate you know 20 plus years
25 i think close to now um and it all comes down to marketing and there's so many use cases between
blockchain technology smart contracts uh cryptocurrencies as they relate to real estate
first and foremost i mean we're a marketing you know branding company so that's that's what we think
about is you know who wants to get ahead of this and who wants to create a new value proposition for
their clients so that's basically when we started down this road was thinking about it from that
perspective i think it's very interesting and as well from an investor point of view bob you could
probably jump in on that but i think that lots of people are speaking about collectibles and tokenizing
collectibles and tokenizing in real life art i think for for real estate that is a business
where there is actually enough liquidity to be able to think about concepts of getting people that
want to invest in real estate and and giving them the ability to participate in fractionalized real
estate for example as an investor that's such a fascinating area i've been following kind of afar
in in in some of those and you know i hate to weigh in on stuff like this because it can be very
adversarial but one of the things that i i was following that i found fascinating was in canada they had a lot of
foreign investors buying up real estate and so they put you know title transfer taxes on that were super high
um to try to make back some money uh from these foreign investors so of course the foreign investors
then just packaged up their titles into a corporation as own earning the property and then they would just
sell the corporation stock which had no transfer title fee and so it's sort of a dodge around the taxes
other people were trying to have vacation properties where you couldn't rent vacation properties so they would
turn the ownership into you know fractionalized ownership where lots of people could share in and go
use the property and so if you if you just take that to the logical conclusion you see that airbnb
isn't really like a real estate company airbnb is a payment company right they get the money from the the
renter to the uh the host there and you know if you fractionalized property by the day where i could be an
owner just for today and then i'll sell that off for say the same day next year to somebody else
um you you kind of frustrate a lot of these other rules again that's just the hacker shit disturber in
me i'm not recommending that for anybody but it's a fascinating the only way you learn is to push
everything to the limits and and see what's different between the new future and the old past
well and that's something see that we we are looking into as well for example can we put each
individual um structure or building in a company nft the shares of the company and then as an nft for
example exactly and i'm i'm glad that uh bob brought that up just as an illustration for everyone else
uh is good is good to watch this so my headquarters are in a city called vancouver okay and what what
bob is mentioning is that no matter what framework is going to come and that in the in and the ingenious
about the humankind is that we're going to find a way around it regardless so what vancouver did it's
in a province called british columbia on the 31st they initiated a complete and total foreign buyers ban
and that's for i believe two years so that what that what that means is that completely residential
like think about how extreme your government needs to get to literally install a complete and foreign
buyers ban and just from someone who's in real estate who's been in real estate my whole life
i know that those people first of all if they've gotten if they've amassed a wealth and they're smart
enough to have become successful they're clearly going to be smart enough to figure a way around it
so what our government basically just did was they only installed it on residential real estate what do
you think those people are going to go do now they're going to go find a loophole and they're going to go
and purchase every single business out from underneath us and at the end of the day it's just it's it's more
chalked up to human ingenuity no matter what framework is going to come and they're we're
going to find loopholes around it so i'm glad you brought that up bob oh i know you wanted to jump
in on this go ahead i didn't know you were from vancouver but that's where i was reading these stories
from so great to hear first it's pretty extreme bob like it makes it seem like uh for something to get
that harsh and that extreme it just goes to show um obviously canadians we operate a little bit
differently but i more so want to hear from just so you guys know david is being a little bit humble
because david before you got in this call the reason why i wanted you to come up is because we
were talking about the early days it would be great if maybe you could illustrate what it was like
getting your clients to come in and now purchase using not fiat using a slew of different types of
cryptocurrencies that you were uh exchanging on if you're okay with uh disclosing some of that
information to the audience that would be great to get a little bit more of the insight about
what it was like uh with that framework and the regulations early on yeah sure um not to get in
to the minutiae as we say too much to get into the minutiae but years ago we've been doing this for
quite some time and again it was uh you know from our perspective it may it was it was marketing uh
it was marketing that we thought was interesting so we you got to remember we're a national real
estate brokerage and uh we have a massive uh real estate database like it's huge you know very very
very big database of buyers and sellers and a lot of our a lot of our uh buyers were overseas actually
and we were getting inquiries this was in i don't want to say the early days of bitcoin but it was a few
years ago you know we were getting a lot of inquiries about uh moving money from overseas you
know so you know you had russian buyers or you know chinese buyers that were inquiring about
liquidating their um you know their bitcoin or you know some other form of cryptocurrency to make
deposits and move money around because at the time of course you know you can move money you know
real fast for real cheap and and so it was something that we had looked into originally and you know to
your point scene it was it was really interesting because you know you can get in in canada and
especially in the provinces that we transact in you know a lawyer has to hold the funds verify uh
you know verify identities and and transfer title well when you were talking about offering this as a as
a source of payment or an alternative um you know currency that you could transact in we had to get
you know we had to get an exchange to sit down uh with the client and with the purchaser you had to
get a lawyer who understood what it was you know bank etc so there was a lot of loopholes to kind of
jump through uh just to make it i don't want to say you know uh valid but to help people understand
what it was and how it worked now the people that were crypto savvy obviously uh got it but at the
time you know we were really you know i don't want to say trailblazing too much but i mean we sold the home
for you know bitcoin ethereum we had to use you know there's different things we could do to
hold the price you know use stable coins and all this type of stuff so we you know for lack of a
better term ham hocked our way through it but what it ended up doing was creating a tremendous value
proposition for our sellers so we you know we list all our homes not just in fiat currency but also
bitcoin pricing btc pricing uh which is really interesting uh from a brokerage perspective we didn't
realize that it was such a such a big deal but when we did that it made news i mean i've i've done
a number of interviews with the media about the fact that we price our homes in bitcoin uh and whatnot
but you can imagine you know opening up your property to an international pool of buyers just
based on that offer you know we will accept you know cryptocurrency to transact in in real estate you
know but that's without getting into the minutiae i mean we look at it from more of a marketing and
branding perspective but actually doing it uh you know it did take some it did take some uh elbow
grease to get it done in the early days yeah thanks for pointing that out see you gotta get that on xrp
ledger now back to you xrpp yeah well i'm looking i'm looking at this now yeah well the xrp ledger
is uh and bob way can speak to this better than anybody certainly better than i mean my name is xrpp
and bob way can speak about the xrp ledger better than i can but i mean technically it's it's it is a
pretty amazing uh uh decentralized uh ledger what would you say what what do you think is would be
the best thing about the xrp ledger that would lend itself to some type of real estate endeavor mr bob way
oh you know i really have no idea at this point i think it's something related to fractional ownership
and being able to sell sell time in your property um because mostly there you know there's if you own
a property there's somebody who wants to restrict what you can do for that property and as with nfts
people are using them to raise money by doing it essentially an advanced sale something that's not
regulated i sell this to you and then then are we're we're settled right i don't make any promises
to you you gave me the money i gave you an nft or an artwork or whatever if you um sell a week
in your property to somebody you made a sale and they are the owner for that week of the property
and who's to say they're not the owner and they can't do this thing um you know i i think where
people are annoyed at what they can't do in a space is usually the first thing they look to for using
distributed technologies and some new business relationship and really the xrp ledger is just
an accounting tool that helps you uh with business relationships and and payments um as business
relationships change so you know an nft can be a pointer to a contract elsewhere or a pointer to
time and a property and you can sell them very fluently as everybody knows in exchange for
any form of money on the xrp ledger and i think there's a huge future in that
and i know that you guys have your your hands up i you're gonna have to help me maybe caitland
who had their hand up first i want to be fair to them definitely karma karma go ahead karma yeah bob i
think you're at least on the right track um but it's the basis upon which the fractionalization
is uh done that i've not seen anybody even come there's one company i forget their name
that has come close to getting this aspect right but um most people are thinking about this too simply
and i think that if you're going to take this on real estate's one of the industries i'm pretty sure
i've got worked out if you're going to take this it's complicated it's the hardest one um if you if
you're going to take this on you have to think from an entire industry perspective
so that means you have to approach the problem from gosh in real estate i don't know a dozen
different perspectives and make sure that everything balances out for everybody um but nobody's really
doing people are thinking about this it's it's like they're kind of in the first grade um
they haven't they haven't gotten to the the more advanced concepts yet they're they're trying to
fractionalize things real simple like look at proppy with the nft uh they just throw the title in a
in a or throw the title in a trust right and have an nft that uh uh represents trust and then they
can fractionalize the nft that's that's like elementary school stuff there's much more uh
better ways to do this i don't i've never really shared those methods with anybody but um i'll make
you share yeah well he sent me a message to contact him so i will know shortly after this show bob
listen you know about what what you said karma is um you're like well you just throw it in a trust
and then you fractionalize the trust and that's just you know trust 101 basically that's just everybody
should know that no nobody knows that right this is you know something that you know the top one
percent maybe have heard the words trust but nobody in the mainstream um you know the rest of
the giant uh peloton of people on the planet know anything about you know personal trust and how
these things work and how these corporatization is and i think by doing it on the ledger and doing it
through these tools we have we get everybody discussing that and that's really what changes the future to
say what there's there's things that the rich people used to do but nobody else could do because
it's hidden knowledge now we we publish the knowledge it's not so hidden do we want to all
do that or is it a bad thing but we can at least have that discussion
i do know we have a new guest on the stage here uh digital whirlwind uh who i saw you down in the
audience and i wanted to bring up to the stage i see your hands raised welcome to the stage and welcome
to the espectacular show the floor is yours i'm just so excited to be with somebody so famous
and uh pp2 xrpp thank you hold on whirlwind i cut you off you're excited to be with someone famous
and xrpp2 hmm you're starting out in a hole my friend no no it's not a deep he might have been
talking about you no no no i i enjoy it carry on uh i'm kind of i was just wondering your uh your um
your views on uh rosie rio's son's uh project uh i think it's called uh mogul and it's uh in relation
to uh real estate or uh i think it's fractional uh property i think she's doing like property
management where the sun is and they're issuing an nft with um apy or something i'm not too sure
exactly how it works but i'm just wondering like do you see it working where anyone see it kind of
working like that where some part of it working like that and also uh not really real estate but
in regards to publishing like um volumes were series like if you stuck the nancy drew series on
an nft issue did and then uh that person maybe can throw out some uh minting rights and make it a
collection that could be traded down the line something along that i'm just curious in your
thoughts thank you and i'm sorry pp
no your your uh apology is accepted that's that's fine that's fine uh but yeah thank thank you thank
you for your your comment as well i don't mean to uh uh i didn't mean to intimidate you there i'm sorry
i'm just gonna go in my corner thank you i guess we don't know too much about the project
uh relevant to this but you're saying uh rosie real is building a real estate based project called
mogul is that correct is that what you're saying it's her son uh just to be correct um she put it
out on a tweet about a week or two ago um i haven't had a chance to really go into it but from the tweet
itself it uh it looked really interesting i i think uh part of um uh was it the other real estate one
from the uh russian lady i forget the name propi uh i think it's because like each section
has its own regulations for real estate so i think they were having a problem with that
and uh i'm not too sure about anything else of it i'm just happy to listen thank you
i just pinned uh the tweet of uh rosie above by the way
it's interesting point and i do i do want to give the floor over to oc who did have their hand raised
go ahead i have a question actually for expectar um and i actually heard that a few people other
bring it up as well uh what's uh what's the update with the x plus i'm sort of wondering uh what the
process is once it's claimed uh once this claim is a claim to the wallet is a claim to or attached to
the nft say for example i claim my nfts and um claim the lands uh what happens if i were to sell
one of those nfts well we will be selling them as digital assets on our website so uh it's on an
e-commerce platform and they won't be minted uh for the next few months probably um this is for
legal legal reasons uh to avoid the securities issues um but we will give the ability for people
to start building on them uh virtually of course or at least start designing properties um as you
know um building with uh the high building the hyper realistic metaverse as we are doing um with
unreal engine 5 it takes some skills um so we will let people design stuff um as soon as they um purchase
land plots um but everything will be communicated very soon it's quite of a complex uh thing i don't
want to say too much i don't want to say anything and make uh promises that i can't keep we're working
really really hard on it and probably at the end of this month at latest first week of february
we will release a medium article with all details and we will start uh with the sales
one thing that i can tell you by the way is that all plots will have the same price
and to incentivize people um to purchase uh as soon as we launch it um they will have first
right to pick the location of their plots and uh amongst real estate um people in here you know
there are three things important in real estate that's uh location location location location location
so everybody will have a fair chance we won't uh increase the price but the um the people that
decide to uh get in soon they will be able to uh to choose first where their plots will be
we've had amazing discussions here today on the show and it's actually really funny i hadn't even
really looked at the clock much this entire space mainly just because it's just been such like a fun
conversation uh and it's really cool to see how these conversations keep going into these these
subjects like real estate you know started with just dirk mentioning it and you know seeing a joining
the conversation seeing a bringing their friend and then bob way's interested in the discussion and
karma's interested in the discussion and it's really cool how that conversation morphed today was
really all about just roadmaps and the future of xrpl but it really feels like there's a huge gap here
phil would you well one thing i learned today um as i did last week is that the least or the the
the less we prepare our um shows the better they end up being so maybe i should fire some people
and just start it up myself and we have the most interesting discussions and the most interesting
people coming up um so that's a lesson learned for me that's my new year's intention
you guys heard it here first uh everyone's being fired and dirk's gonna run the show with no
preparation next week so tune in it's gonna be the best episode ever well something that bob said was
interesting to me because i'm thinking my my passion as uh as david's and uh and cena probably as well
it wasn't only my profession real estate it was my passion and i i changed a little bit starting
expector and i came into a whole new world with lots of new challenges quite interesting also
frustrating from time to time i never felt as dumb as i felt in the past few months
meeting people like bob and my cto and developers that speak about things i really don't get and some
things i still don't get um so it's it's quite a challenge also the cost of things um i know that
cena and david are into the very very high-end real estate um they're used to dealing with high
numbers but building uh what we are building is very similar to purchasing a very expensive house and a
very nice location somewhere in beverly hills so um uh i think it's very interesting and my goal is to
bring my both passions together innovation and technology and real estate and to see how we can merge them
in some way and as cena had when he started and and probably david as well um and when i started with
doing my thing in property development everybody told me i was crazy the the buildings i purchased or i
built that everybody when everybody told me now he's really ready for a mental institution
were in the end the best deals i've ever done in my life so that's a bit of uh the standard of
measurements and uh nobody i've never had more people telling me that i'm totally crazy so i'm i am very
confident that's the only way to know i love that what i see the people that are supremely confident
and see the future are the ones that make it so more power to you
swinging for the fences guys thank you very much
kayland is there anything else that you want to talk about
no i think we've had a great discussion today and it's one of those things where
i can tell this is where the conversation was flowing i think the next show we should do we should
definitely have a hyper real estate focus conversation cena and david given your clubhouse
experience i don't know david how much you're doing clubhouse but i assume you were i actually
did a lot of clubhouse stuff myself back in the day it'd be really cool to maybe do a panel with
you guys maybe host some of your friends that'd be a really interesting discussion you know we can
bring some of your friends on and talk about blockchain their belief we'd love to convert you know
what i mean convert some of your friends on over
well for us it's also very good to have like feedback and and my discussion with cena was like
i've met a really nice guy with really good contacts and i told him probably at this stage
you could bring more to the table than i can with the metaverse thing and and the connection but
in the past few days and again bob's addition to to the ideas as well i'm looking into how can we
include virtual real estate real life real estate how can we tokenize this stuff how can we bring this
to the community and and i've been thinking non-stop and uh and the people on uh on the expector team
that know that i'm not a real computer addict which is quite strange being the founder of a web3
company but i write everything down and in the past few hours i've been writing down i think about 30
pages of id so i i have still uh some work to do this uh this evening can i just mention quick this
is how like big shifts happen in industries as you have like you don't you know to i can't remember who
was karma there i don't think you need to understand every aspect of a real estate transaction you have
somebody who's really good with tech you have somebody else who's really good with marketing
you have somebody who's good with you know promo like cena etc and you know like-minded people come
together with their specialties and their different niches um and that's when really special things
happen you know if you were just a marketer or brander you know and you went to market with
something it's going to be missing the tech piece right but you got somebody understands technology
like uds and you know you're a visionary or something like that and a bunch of people come
together and talk about the same thing about you know trying to improve the transaction trying to make
it you know uh frictionless trying to improve the user experience and solve a problem i think that's
where great things happen and that's when industries change is when people in their lanes all come
together to work on something couldn't agree more and count me in if you guys are going to do more
real estate spaces um i think a lot of people are transitioning the big community we had it's only
inevitable so if you guys that we can potentially uh float some more guests and speakers by you guys
yeah we can bring some definitely well well said david well said uh cena we'd love to take part in
uh all those discussions and it would actually behoove us i think to have some other technically
minded people like karma death ranger bob way to take part in those discussions as well
to speak about the benefits of the xrp ledger uh karma go ahead
yeah um i'll just this wasn't what i was going to say what i was going to say well just to i'll push
back a little on the last comment um uh because i think when you're looking at like market design
you really have to have somebody that does know all those things all the different perspectives
or else they'll accidentally not not on purpose right but they'll accidentally screw up and and
and something about the market design will not uh do well by one of the types of market participants
so that was the point i was making actually is to some degree right you know somebody pitched us an
idea last week and uh great technology but the go to market piece that you know just didn't make sense
so we said well we can do this on our end you do that on your end and then together you know we can
go to market with it but that's kind of my point you're actually making the same point okay cool uh the
point what the comment i was going to make is i'm i'm observing these nft metaverse projects and i've
spoken with a few of them on like uh settling uh you know land and the and and the metaverse and stuff
i'm viewing this as a testing uh ground for um actually some of my guess is that tick tock forward
a couple of years one of these companies is going to um transition from uh nfts on metaverse property
into nfts on real world property but it's i think the digital aspect makes it a uh much cheaper um
uh place or uh market to experiment with the idea of digitizing land so i mean that's not really
it's just a i'm looking at this and that from that angle so
well i think this is a good point of the day just probably sum up the conversation
you know we started the day just because we wanted to do a space to kind of catch a you know a roadmap
update from the ecosystem as most of you know expector hosts a lot of the xrpl uh ecosystem
projects i'll say that expector hosts the most collaborative xrpl projects uh that are willing
to join the stage and maybe dwell into some stuff that they're doing uh maybe aren't so secretive but
are willing to give feedback we have a lot of new founders just while i'm just sitting in the
space today i found six new xrpl projects sub 400 followers that have just started their twitter
pages in the last 60 days you know and maybe they're not coming up to the stage and they're
speaking yet but all of you are giving them a lot of direction rather you realize or not because
they're sitting and listening to the whole conversation and maybe some of them aren't
familiar bobway maybe some of them aren't really familiar with expector but maybe they're following
somebody like karm or a death ranger because they they joined the uh one of the uh you know
maybe one of the discords or the dev discords or maybe they follow vet who just joined the stage
so all of you are giving them a lot of proper direction and that's the point of the show is
to give that community a space to come together share information and one another unite you know
because we're not in the middle of a bull cycle here you know so i just wanted to sum up the
conversation for some of the people who've joined last we are doing a giveaway uh if you want to
scroll over to on the pinned tweets we are going to be doing a giveaway uh we're going to be giving
away uh some expector as well as three ds private collection uh nfts so we are doing that away for the
community we'll have those selected within 72 hours so you still have some time make sure you just go
at that you know there's plenty of entry points too it's not all all all hard to hard hitting
trust line related stuff there's just some stuff just to get involved in the ecosystem uh also on
top of that as well we have some really cool announcements from expector we do have a new
exchange listing that'll be going live tomorrow you can check expector's page if you don't already
follow each other if you're on stage and you're not following all the speakers on stage and you're a
speaker definitely share follow each other connect with one another i if you're sharing a stage with
them i imagine you don't mind liking each other's tweets definitely connect if you're in the audience
make sure you give our speakers who took a lot of time out of their schedule today just to follow
tap in with them give them some likes on some posts make sure you're all following one another uh you
know bob way's a busy person he's riding his bike while doing this i know dirk's probably working
through 55 000 legal documents all while running a company and doing this so you know everybody's
really busy here so you know drop them a follow connect with one another uh if you didn't join our
discord chat yet definitely do that we have a fireside chat where we allow everybody just to
communicate who don't really want to come on stage but we welcome all of you to join us
we will be hosting more spaces really soon hopefully still with me yet to be determined
stay tuned but jokes aside uh definitely stay connected with us make sure you turn on notifications
for expector so you don't miss anything obviously expector is kind of our feed page it's a very good
page we love expector page so make sure you drop notifications on because you will miss something
if you're not otherwise you'll have to play catch up so other than that we do want to say i do
appreciate everybody's time i'd like to give dirk a final word
dirk are you there yeah guys sorry twitcher twitter glitches twitcher twitcher damn twitter glitches we
should invent a new word for twitter glitches twitchers okay guys thank you for being here it was very
interesting it's the first time that i'm not looking forward at closing the spaces
because we love doing them but as i said 16 to 20 hours a day seven days a week i don't know about
you david but in real estate i've never worked as hard as i do now in web3 but again the innovation
and technology are very interested and interesting cena thank you again for the critical feedback
we had during our conversations it made me think about a few things and again accepting criticism or
or getting feedback from intelligent well-placed people is always very nice and and that's what
david said gathering like this speaking to each other everybody with his own capacities and the
strengths that will bring very interesting things to the community and to the world
thank you dirk and especially thank you for that opus one in the japanese wagyu
so xrpp are you going to play us out i will gladly play us out dirk and caitland i want you to take heart
for we know not what tomorrow will bring but we know that we have today and today was fantastic
mostly due to our wonderful guests xrp nation one nation under under xrp jackson my friend and my
fellow magic castle member the exclusive magic castle that xrpp got him into how how on earth could
xrpp have gotten him into such an exclusive club when that's not his city well let's leave that a mystery
david thank you so much for joining us the eminent bob way oh just the absolute legend karma covers
death ranger vet cena my friend who says that xrpp is as great in person as he is on these spaces and
i would have to not to disagree oc thank you very much the glass king of chicago the glass king of
chicago eric martinson and everyone else who had joined us special shout out to dazzling it was four
o'clock in the morning when it started in australia and he stayed with us the entire time he may have
been sleeping i don't know but regardless his account was on guys thank you so much the x spectacular show
you can join me dirk caitland xrpp the artist is signing off guys i love you
xrpp xrpp productions xrpp productions xrpp productions xrpp productions xrpp
I hope you enjoyed the video. See you guys.