The ZKasino Bridge: Earn ZKAS

Recorded: March 16, 2024 Duration: 0:30:39



can you all hear me just give me a thumbs up if you can hear me i see some thumbs up okay so
it's about an hour until our bridge opens so i thought i'd hop on air to explain a little bit
more in detail as well as answering any questions that you might have so first off the z casino chain
is our brand new layer 2 chain it's a liquidity layer which means that any app built on the chain
can use liquidity that is on the chain we're also introducing a new concept called bridge to earn
so when you go to bridge your if for the next however long the bridge is open you'll be earning
and then when the bridge opens you'll get the z cast that you've earned and you'll also get
if you guys have any questions we can take them now
yeah i mean before we kind of start taking questions uh so the bridge um we've had a lot
of questions about this to begin with it's like how kind of long is this supposed to stay on for and
like when can we expect the chain to go live so in terms of the chain as a deployment it's already
done it's just a matter of uh just getting the bridge finished with so it's supposed to be a
dynamic timer of maximum five minutes and it's we tried to like kind of gamify this a bit so if you
guys are familiar with how blasted it's it's a very similar approach that we're taking except
of course like the gamification of the maximum of five minutes so the bridge it's going to be
of course like supply demand mechanics we'll see how long the bridge kind of like goes on for
hopefully it won't stay for too long like two to three days is what we're aiming for
but if surprisingly like people keep depositing and the bridge kind of like goes crazier than expected
then we have manually just set it so after 30 days it will just close manually so that's of no
concern there and once your eth that's bridged over to the zet casino chain there's uh there's
no penalty like what blast did so you won't get penalized for withdrawing it out of there immediately
that's completely fine you can do that the zet cast you earn that's also immediately
unbelievable as well so the reason we're just doing is that you just incentivize some initial
liquidity onto the chain while people can be the first ones to get their hands onto the zet casino
all right yeah we can start taking some questions now then
okay this is a very new concept both the chain and the bridge concept and bridge to earn it's
all new so if you guys have any question no matter how dumb just come up nothing is dumb question now
yeah Michael hey guys uh it's Alec love what you're doing um keep up the good work um maybe
i'm not familiar but what can you do maybe talk about some of the things you could do on the
chain once you bridge over there like what are the activities or do some of the incentives
d5 protocols like on the chain that you do with your bridge teeth thank you guys keep up the good work
right so initially the zet casino app will be launched on the chain and from there on out
we'll start incentivizing other people to start building and deploying their own gaming platforms
on top of our chain so the reason we're actually building this chain is so that anyone can like
build their own gaming platform on top of zet casino so if you guys are like familiar with
soft twist which is basically the like software layer for traditional online casinos that
all the top top tier casinos use like roll bid rubet so every single one of them they
fork uh their sort of software well it's like software as a service model for them where
you pay them and then they take care of like the whole casino side of things with the software and
all that and then the only thing that they have to take care of so if you're the casino owner
you're taking care of the marketing and that's very similar to what we're going to do where to
the point that you can have independent developers that we have ready that are going to be building
games on top of zet casino and if you want to host your own gaming platform on top of
on top of our layer then you can get access immediately to our bankroll first of all which
is like the shared liquidity pool and second of all like the user acquisition aspect is like quite
large so the marketing yes you do kind of like have to take care of that from your own perspective
but just being on top of the chain where people that are already have the funds in here can
start like playing on your dApps or whatever you're building on here already so that's like a big
benefit that we have and of course there is all the other basic DeFi protocols that usually show
up on new chains
yeah so we'll see like how this kind of goes so kind of like dApps people are interested in building
so we have two like big brain like developers that are like super familiar with like zero
knowledge tech that have been trying to build a full-on text as a hold them on the stark net
chain and they're going to port that over and bring that over to zet casino so already we can
have like a Texas hold them poker game ready and say for example like a big lottery system that's
something that hasn't really been done in crypto yet either so imagine like a massive powerball
lottery style like game where basically you can just buy tickets and that can scale up to
like the hundreds of millions because that's something that hasn't really been done in
crypto yet either which is surprising but it's that's also due to the fact that there wasn't
really like a gaming layer for crypto yet that people could like build these things on like yeah
of course it like it could have been ethereum but then you're dealing with like the massive
scalability issues the gas fees that it's all like big barriers for people to like get into us
and for us our chain is built on the zet case stack which means that it's essentially a layer
three on ethereum so the gas fees are like very very minuscule we're talking like fractions of
a cent it's comparable to like salana i would say and the speed as well and on top of that we have
native account abstraction which means that you don't have to keep pressing confirm for every single
transaction you do so that's already like a big hurdle that people have when it comes to on-chain
gaming because every single time you talk to someone about like playing games on chain they're
like but every single transaction you do it's hindered by pressing confirm and that's where
like native account abstraction kind of like comes in pretty like pretty well where you don't
actually have to you don't feel like you're playing like on-chain it could literally just
be as simple as depositing into a wallet and you just kind of click and it just works like magic and
that's one of the main reasons we decided to go for the zk stack because
all these other chains that talk about account abstraction they don't actually have
that's available already and our chain is
zk sync which is a layer two of ethereum so in a way we're like having the
well we're like a layer three on ethereum that
people aren't aware of that that means that our chain has the same security as ethereum
so people that are restaking eath on eigenlayer they are in effect securing our chain as well and
we can like stem from that like even further to the point that we can use that same security to
secure our rng system so typically what we had on z casino as an app we were using chain link
vrf to generate the random numbers but what we can do now is actually use the sort of like
security that people are providing by restaking eath on eigenlayer to secure the randomness of
the games as well which is something that hasn't really been done before yet i mean in general
with eigenlayer like it's a big it's a big concept but no one's actually given it like any sort of
use case yet and yesterday i mean it was two days ago they posted like another like technical block
where they said that it should be coming out quite soon and we're hearing rumors that that
should be going live in april and at that point we should be ready to go and like integrate that
into our app
did you have any more questions i like
sorry muted no that's great really appreciate the insight and i think
it's really cool i think it's a great narrative and it's a great use case and i could see a lot
of people getting really creative with plug and play and if like i mean one of the biggest barriers
to the space is obviously the dev side and overseeing it and it's so overwhelming for
people that just want to focus on the vision and the marketing and the creativity and the
player side and i think it's really cool you offer this kind of casino as a service
or gaming as a service i think it's going to be a huge hit so i'm excited for it and
i will see you next time
thanks man and about the bridge as well so the bridge is concept which is a bridge to earn
like i said before we don't know how long it's going to go on for and it is a way to just
incentivize initial liquidity on the chain it's supposed to be a maximum of five minutes but
we'll see how long it goes michael go ahead you can speak now yes hello everybody do you hear me
yeah we can okay perfect um i have uh one question for how long um is it a block um that i spent into
the bridge
uh sorry i didn't quite catch that can you repeat it yes um the data that uh that i uh block that i
spent into the bridge uh for for how long is uh uh for how long uh yeah yeah so that kind of depends
yeah so that kind of depends on how long the bridge goes live for because the timer is dynamic it's
supposed to be maximum of five minutes but every one eth that someone deposits into it
it gets like refreshed by another minute so we'll see we're not too sure yet how long
the bridge is going to go live for hopefully two to three days we're guessing but if it
keeps going on like days and days it's like a maximum of 30 days but the good thing is
like the longer the bridge like stays on and until the chain goes live you'll still be earning
the zet casino tokens because the tokens are pay it out i believe every minute or so i think
it was uh 50 zet casino tokens you'll be earning for like every one eth per minute and that will
keep the whole state earning as long as the bridge kind of goes live so we might see a
scenario where people are kind of like incentivized to keep the bridge open as long as possible by
like keep depositing one eats into it just so they can keep earning themselves we'll see how
that happens but maximum worst case scenario would be 30 days and after that the chain immediately
goes live and once the chain goes live then yeah you can withdraw your eth back into it
if you would like to and at least you have the zet castle you found from the bridge okay perfect
thank you
uh does anybody else have any questions if not i can talk about the the feed generation and
the utility of the token for a second so z gas is the gas token of the chain and as we mentioned
earlier every bet taken against the chain earns a percentage for the chain right now that is 0.1
house for the chain every time a bet is taken this percentage is used to buy back and burn z gas
so the utility is earning from bets taken against the liquidity pool and the gas token
i saw someone else a questionnaire you can go ahead hey guys can you hear me
yeah we can hear you just fine alex go ahead uh okay so i have stupid questions so um
can you explain a little bit how exactly the the uh how exactly the chain interacts with the
with the z casino and and all the gaming uh the apps you can be you will be available you will be
able to to use as there are as let's say service provider yeah exactly so how it's going to work is
it so we have we'll provide tools and templates for anyone who wants to basically create their own
gaming platform on top of our chain so right now it's just a very simple basic games that we have
on z casino already like the ui ux and the contracts aren't too complicated but we will
get like more sort of like sufficient games on the chain that uh anyone that who wants to own
like post their own gaming platform on top of our layer can then incorporate them and just
use that to kind of build their own platform in without even need to code anything themselves
it'll just be like click and play and like just click and install into your gaming platform
so the current games we have now i wouldn't uh like this isn't all that's going to be there
will be like way more options offered yeah there will be independent developers who create
their own games and they also get a revenue share for people that host their games so there
are two parties are the developers who create games and the people who host the games and
market them so but basically for the start you would be just able to to have the z casino games
in kind of your skin if you decide to offer that service right i mean it is also a layer two you
can build any evm app on air any evm compatible app and then you also have the added benefit of
the liquidity layer so it's not only casinos if you want to build a trading platform
poker there is there's a lot of things you can use to build that could use a liquidity pool
that is hard to start with uh without your own bankroll that we allow you to start
okay kind of clear thanks and the liquidity pool it will be so in the beginning it'll
just be done with the manual whitelisting system so if you want to access the liquidity pool
and you've managed to build like a dap on top of our layer then it'll just be manually accepted by us
we'll have to of course review the contract and make sure that everything is kind of like
bulletproof at least to make sure that things don't go wrong with the bankroll but yeah and
then after that at some point when the DAO goes live it'll be a matter of just proposing it on
there and then if it passes the post then that'll happen yeah hi guys i have a question as well
go ahead yeah uh it all sounds great uh but i'm just wondering does this have anything to do with
the sinkers coin or is this like an individual like project this is a separate project it's like
a sister project but there will be integrations between the two okay so will it like profit
sinkers in any kind of way or is it like total not bridged in any kind of way
they will keep them like kind of uh separate from now on uh but z casino is actually the project
that we worked for quite longer now it's been like over a year and then sinkers in comparison
like a few months so uh sinkers is like very early and whereas this is kind of like late stages and
a lot of development and work has been done to the point to actually get to this stage
oh yeah okay thank you hi i have a question
can you hear me yeah go ahead hi so uh first question is will there be any ido and when is
the tg plan to happen we have an ido planned with ape terminal towards the end of this month
right and the tokens that we are getting the ethereum that is
uh ido but it's
in sort of sense after tool for zedcast it's just in addition to what you're bridging over to the chain
so you're not losing anything you're just bridging to the chain worst case in art you
can just bridge it back as soon as the chain goes live while you still earn the tokens
yes so i mean i have a question as well is it on ethereum or gk sync deposit
the deposit for the bridge is on ethereum thanks guys
so the bridge is uh just from ethereum so we're not actually built on top
directly what we're using is the zk stack so it is basically a layer three on top of uh
but that doesn't mean that you have to like take one step through and you don't have to bridge
the zk sync to the bridge so our chain you can just go skip that complete hurdle and
go from mainnet straight to uh our layer three
and one second guys we're having some problem bringing up people but if i know
those of you who are currently speakers have any questions just go ahead nothing is done
hey you all how are you guys doing nice how are you guys
i'm good man thanks for asking how are you i've been wonderful i just want to take time to
encourage you all and i appreciate all that your work and i want you to feel encouraged by what
you do behind the scenes because despite whatever people may say or not say you all doing a great job
and i appreciate you all and so and many people do they might not say it but we all encourage
you and appreciate you good great work thank you andrea i appreciate that a lot i've seen
you a lot in my comments and i appreciate the the kind words but but i really want to encourage
you guys to keep going because you guys are very young and and so so intelligent and smart and
so it's a film courage because ahead of you guys is a bright future and we all appreciate you and crypto
needs you guys thank you andrea no we won't be quitting anytime soon we'll be going harder
and harder throughout this bull run you guys are amazing i wish you well okay zincas zinc yes
okay there are a lot of new people here in the space so i'll go over how the bridge works again
and we've also put up on how bridge to earn works on the bridge website itself
so once the timer reaches zero you'll be able to bridge your eave over to the z casino chain
the earlier the bridge you bridge the more you earn of course because every minute you'll earn
about 50 z cast i believe it is per if you have deposited and you'll continue earning this until
the chain goes live which is in the maximum of 30 days depending on how long the timer lasts
even if the deposits close and even if it was closed before the third days you'll still be
earning on your z cast so if you're one of the lucky people who if it only lasts you know five
minutes and you get your z cat your if deposited before it closes then you'll be earning z cast
throughout the whole periods and this isn't an ido i've seen a lot of misunderstandings about
this being an ido it is not an ido this is more akin to an airdrop if you're familiar with these
a bridge is just a way to get your assets from one chain to another
if you have any questions just request speaker
what's up researcher
hello congrats the casino chain
wait one second please
that's to make sure the bridge is like we'll set up because there's like around 30 minutes
and then we have to like come go as well
all right bolts go for all the waltz do you guys have any questions
hello hey man how are you good thank you oh yes so basically if you um so you launch in two weeks
and um is there partial withdrawal of your um token or is it a full withdrawal at one time
oh no it's not any like blast concept where you get tax and withdrawal it's you can withdraw
whatever you want it's all good okay cool and um so just as a thing is this the only
so there's i see there's two approximately 10 billion tokens and um can you take us to the launch
tokenomics will there be other when the token launches is this going to be all the tokens
that they are available or are there other previous rounds of tokens that will also come to the
market at the same time no this is about 25 percent of the 20 25 percent of the supply there
will be detailed tokenomics in the docs so the more you deposit the more you're gonna hear
how it's gonna work exactly yeah so for every if you deposit you'll earn 50 z cast per minute
so if you deposit 10 east and you earn 500 z cast per minute we'll have a leaderboard
up and everything it's very gamified very fun so it doesn't matter uh if i just do it at once
or like 100 times right well if you deposit it at the start you'll have more time to accumulate
z cast of course all right thank you very much yeah we claim that 25 will be used uh for the
the supply but to be realistic and that the way that's calculated is if the bridge actually
stays up at a maximum uh 30 days and we have like a huge amount of eth coming in which we don't expect
to uh it is always better for us to like have lower amounts of uh z cast like floating around
in the initial launch so i don't think it's going to be 25 realistically it'll probably be
about like three to five percent just depending on how many people get in but
it is of course like that's the limit but if we manage to get like 100 keith into the bridge
which i don't see happening if we do then yeah probably 25 of the supply will be handed out
it's really small
okay does anybody else have a question the bridge is about to open in 30 minutes so
if anyone has a final question we can take that or we can wrap it up
uh yes can you hear me yes i can walt i was um one that asked about
the um token airdrop um when will the details for that be released
what do you mean by that
is there still going to be an airdrop for the z casino
there will be a small community airdrop later yeah okay
okay let's uh take that as a final question the bridge is about to open in 30 minutes on bridge
dot z cast dot i o i wish you all the very best of luck this is the first chance to get your hands
on the z cast token and yeah i wish you all luck i'll see you guys later