ThreadGuy is the worst #GMGFY 190

Recorded: Jan. 21, 2024 Duration: 3:00:12



Nothing like the soothing sounds of some sweet sweet trumpets on a Saturday night
Could you guys hear the trumpets?
Please good. Yeah, did you do you guys hear the trumpets?
Well goos gonna be late and
Cush is in here. So what are we gonna do?
Everything we fucking want that's what
She's just some hold on get all these fucking bitches up here. I'm not you sloppy
No, couldn't hear me and couldn't hear anything again. Sorry fuck off. No way
That's all you hear it I heard no trumpets
Came in here thinking. I really hope I hear trumpet soon and you let me down
Bro, I don't know why the jazzy music doesn't fucking play anymore
Alright, I've been talking to you on in the DMS about it. I said, hey you huh? You don't want us to play all this
Copyright of music. Okay
Can I play the music that I'm provided?
Like jazzy because it feels good and listens good. He's like yeah
Can anybody in the audience hear us?
Wait, can you could you not hear me? Idiot three? No, not until I came up as a speaker
What the fuck? I had the same thing happen, but I unplugged my headphones and came in and it worked for some reasons
There we go one bar black log Barney Barney said thumbs up J. Gray
Barney's doing it to me like personally not like
There we go
Lemon goes to thumbs down
Well, yeah, you can probably hear us that was weird, dude
Wait, I'm gonna ask black
Fark you hear me. So you guys you're the problem
You should be DMing Elon about other things instead of copyrighted music
Mmm, you know look at black cod black. I didn't even want to request speak. Oh, wow. So
Just he's a colos now. I see. Wow. All right. Well, he's fourth, you know, he's fourth chair anyway by default
Forever that's all
No, listen, you know everybody gets their chance tonight since you know, nobody's fucking here
All these flavors in below IK Joe salty. That's right. God damn. Well, I guess I guess ladies
Hey, hey, who's farting? Who's farting? They're already about to knock it a golden ticket and move on to Hollywood for space
Okay. Well, I'm just giving you crispy one. So that's how I feel. Well, all right, I'm keeping score tonight motherfuckers
So be on your best
Okay, that is my best passion. You know that
Okay, I guess I have to be supportive now that I'm
Okay, if you want to sell out
It's okay. You're in the you're in the seat. We might be rotating out, you know black cloud obviously as you know
It'll probably stick. Great. Oh, yeah
No, just not don't think of a coast to the guy who's who's been here, you know, since there were other hosts
I mean I was I mean I was here during you know, like the class
Wait a second black the last time you were co-host was when you're doing S's SSC with the J gray
No, no, that's almost co-host was with hash or with Kush actually and it was an absolute banger. So
It was a Zingster dude. It was with kush. It was our Canadian brethren
What so was that I
Don't know. Yeah, what was that? That was one that you weren't at
Thursday night space, I believe. Oh
Okay, cool. I mean you were probably like flying to some college campus or
Hitting on you know flirting flirting with political influencers
They call door knockers, dude. Okay
You know what else they called door knockers
That's what sloppy would know that's what they used to call really giant earrings back in the 90s
What why would I know because that's because it was a New Jersey, New York thing
You're like when junior right now, dude, I'm pretty new to New Jersey
I'll just go on mute. It's fine. You guys care. You guys you and the two whole co-hosts can carry this space. I know
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Yes, your hokos
That's a co-host but I mean
40 and slip out the one the first and only female
Won't even come up here and see he doesn't
He doesn't like the co-host
He's just lurking
Wait ADHD this this meme is great cuz I have to do this once a week because of my D deficiency
It's fucked up dude, I gotta wait until high noon
There's the but yeah, that was the the purest this the purest butthole suntan you can get is on the Santa Cruz Wharf
Then what a fun what a fun week you guys what an absolutely just
Seems like Beanie had a little bit of fun with you today, huh? Yeah, he was tossed me around in the sex
Look it I didn't realize this and I was all you know, I'm a busy guy. I just but uh, well actually no
So he didn't text me. I mean he didn't tag me and
He fucking screen shotted my tweet where I was like fuckhead
You can't call this fucker a rugger or else he's gonna say I didn't actually run
You have to call him a fucking pump and dump, which is what he actually is
And then you know Beanie's like what he's a putters and disbelief fucker I
Was even trying to kiss his ass dude. I just have to be I just have to be uh, I gotta be real
You know I'm saying
Thing was number one. Well, it didn't look like you're kissing his ass
Yeah, it's like hey what what are you doing here, Vinny?
Is he complimenting you with that
Beanie and I have a complex relationship. Yeah, you know, we go way back
You're like Batman and
Fuck you. No, I mean his thing is it for everybody that was here in 2021
Like like knock amigos is my punching bag and
You know whoever my punching bag is in 2021. It was fucking art chick beanie
All of these who would prank see fucking all of the like the first round of mega super way
figured out
Yeah, well, yeah, yeah HBA crypto. He was a founder though. Like that's that's what I'm saying. I I definitely have like a delineation between
Founders who run projects and like skeevy ass fuckhead influencers that pump projects both terrible, but it's like, you know
Who and also people that get fucking whitelists, you know I'm saying ahead of time
Like, you know, that's a very symbiotic relationship to these founders and influencers have
The influencers can just kind of run around though and pump shit
Which is honestly, I think worse these founders they can just do it fucking once is, you know cast out on the mint day rug
You never hear from him again
Then the advisor moves on the influencer moves on
They just do it the fuck again, so, you know founding rugs and shit like
I think it's worse
If you are the founder of like a slow rug like fucking Azuki
So it's like t-moss and beanie in the same pool Oh a hundred percent yeah, I almost said
Like I think beanie was like the difference between beanie and t-moss. I'll give it to you right now
Because they are very similar. The difference is that
takes all of the shitty
Deals that he gets in his DMS whereas beanie is like I'm too good for you
I already have money and he ignores it like he'd see he'd quite like screenshot it a bunch of days like
A retired pumper. Yeah, so it's about probably
Eight months ago
Well, this conspiracy theory is that somebody took over beanie's account and that it's not the original beanie anymore
Which is I think just fucking stupid
the bike the story with beanie is like
He's kind of like Alex Jones, you know, he's just like everybody hates him, but he's still around and now all you know, like
Once a week, he'll say something that's like true
You know, yeah, it almost seems like he's kind of likable and
In web 3 nowadays, well the thing is that it was about
When was it? I said based beanie I can find the tweet
Exactly what it was. I think I said something like base beanie wasn't on my
NFT 2023 bingo card. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. This is good. This is good. So this was
July I don't know which months are
Correlated to which numbers unless I say the months out loud, but
He said this is remember when I was ripping fucking ass on
Jack butcher and thread guy for doing their stupid fucking circle jerk on Oh peppin and like
I'm gonna change my profile picture finally from from my stupid fucking mutiny
But I'm gonna do a jack which are awesome. And then Jack which it was like
Yeah, and I'm gonna fucking do a huge edition of them and I'm gonna give you all the proceeds. Yeah
And everybody was like dude, shut up you're hating just let people have fun
And I was like suck my balls. You guys are all so fucking cringe
And beanie actually agreed and he said when the wag me kabal start changing their PFP look out below
It's typically the final exit pump for any project
But this time it's different and I was like damn, it's like the fifth or sixth tweet from this motherfucker. I've seen
Where he's right on the money
That's surprising
Imagine if he came imagine if he became the new hash bastards that would be messed up, right?
Well, I don't think he would ever he can't because he's got too much baggage
I mean, that's the thing is he's kind of just like a funny guy
to interact with because
He is probably one of the biggest and best pumpers and if he's ever seen
I've said it a million times
He invented the fucking word utility. That's the reason we have that stupid fucking word that we still have to fucking deal really
Yes, is beanie
What oh, yeah, well what utility you're a few projects have and everybody's like
But it's like that whole
basically that in like 2021
It didn't really matter who the founders were it mattered who like these fucking pumpers work because you had
like winter bears and you had
God, what the fuck was the other one?
There's another one that was similar that it wasn't pudgy penguins or something else
you had a bunch of pixel collection popping off at the time and
the whole meta was you know getting
Influencers like sham do an art chick to fucking sweep your floor
That like the entire reason that that meta existed
is how that
Cryptostasis sold her project out because she kept bitching at
Art chick, you know the fucking one
Big woman influencer in the space, you know, and why don't you like women yet?
But you don't like mine
And she bought some and then what would happen is
You wanted these influencers to buy into your projects back then is like 2021 early 2022
Especially if you weren't sold out yet because what that meant was that all the little fucking pocket washers that go around sniffing
What these influencers were buying that's how these projects pumped
Like the meta back then was trying to have all these alerts on all these big influencer wallets and trying to see
basically like blur does now for you like who's spending money on what and when and
Then trying to follow them before the fucking dump, you know, cuz the entire reason and beanie says this like that strategy stopped working for him
after a while because
Everybody's like, oh, yeah, get in my project get my project in my project
It was like oh wait, but every time you get in somebody's project your fucking dumps into oblivion
He's like what? Yeah, but I'm just being honest about my holdings and you know, this is what I got
So that's what he can kind of hide behind that now he's got like that
God what's it called? What's it called? We've turned a newly by well that and that's like the one you can't be blamed
you got like
Like there's distance between you
Bold and I
Feel me and it's funny cuz he got docked at one point being he did
And he looked like Elmer Fudd
So that was the second beanie bastard
And it was like where's my wug pool and it was really good like poker attic that lives on
Yes, he's like 55
Yeah, that's what he looks like. He's
He definitely has that that retired. He's had better days for sure
He's you know, I'll take anybody that's being honest about what the fuck's actually happening, but you know
Whatever. He's fine. Like there's so many more worse people than beanie right now. He's like the
he's like
He's like version one of the Joker who's like in his wheelchair
There's like so many other beanies now
I remember when beanie was down so bad trying to like come back into the fold after he got docked and fucking ran away
It's super scared
He was so desperate that he went on fucking shilling bill and show
with thread guy
You ever that black cloud
Yeah, yeah, no pictures
He's to hang out then and he got pissed off at them. He used to go to the spaces at the gym
And so what happened was then Alex would start doing spaces at the gym and then he started doing spaces in the shower
So Alex is trying to be like beanie
That's where the gym meta came in to everybody is doing space at the gym
The problem is
Beanie started that
Yeah, being straight. Yeah, be started gyms and utility. That's why we have all these fucking dumbasses
Who skip leg day posting gym selfies all the time all day on a fucking timeline GM?
Can you NFT and still look good? Fuck you bitch?
Jesus Christ
Now thread guy
The reason we even interacted with beanie today
Is because thread guy is reaching new levels of cringe. I'm so shocked. How's that?
First of all this whole
Node bunks over on Bitcoin, you know, which is funny
Somebody pointed this out in the comments. I also think it's hilarious
these node bunk motherfuckers
No, no fucking like
Native Bitcoiners are in this project. They didn't convince a single motherfucker
and the only people pumping this project over on Bitcoin or
Ethereum fuckheads like thread guy
Inferoke and it has like enough attention and enough volume
And enough Twitter engagement that these influencers have latched on to it as like the latest fucking project
To you know pass around and fucking you know, it's not Jack Butcher anymore
It's not knock amigos anymore. Knock amigos use like here's the thing these projects use this idea of honoraries, right to
engage with these influencers if they are not able to
Connect with them in the DMS, you know and because it's hard right like
The same thesis from 2021 is still around it's like if you can get the influencers
Interested in your project. It will sell out and it doesn't matter if you are
You know trying to go for the fucking long haul. Yeah, you can cash out on day one
Thanks to these influencers that still happens. I just happened the other day or yesterday even that fucking poorly drawn bullshit
You know coming for me, that's hilarious, right, but it was like a child finger painting
What were those black cod the Bitcoin ones or something on there? They were going puppets
Yeah, the fuck were those it was an early project. It was a small collection that they try to cash in and get a
10,000 collection like they had a perfect collection and they just fucked it up with 10,000
Small collection of just hand one on one of one art and they fucked it up
That's what happens like everybody falls into this artist will fall into this trap of like, oh, I'm so excited
By this new like meta that everybody's also excited about and I'm gonna try it and then you become that fucking shit
It's like poor snaps when he was like, yeah, I'm gonna do a fucking knock-up flamingo project. My brother. I
Love you, bro. You're such a good artist. Why are you diluting yourself?
Under the fucking crushing weight of a bullshit umbrella
Brand that will never last long term. I mean, so it's but it's a fucking suicide mission for an artist
The important thing is that he had fun
Geez, I'm like you're from the lottery Commission sloppy
Yes, that's what they that's what they that's what they called it when
Thread guy was pumping fucking Jack butcher and then Jack butcher started fucking pumping thread guy in his butthole with a huge ass
Addition thing that sold out and then fucking he sent all the money to thread guy
To make it his profile picture. He's basically paid to
Put it put it on his profile pictures. Like it's so fucking stupid
It's exactly, you know, I've noticed I have noticed that pattern though
Artists they get pumped by certain influencers tend to
People tend to distance themselves from them. Well, there's like there's like there's two
There's two cycles that are happening simultaneously
There's like the the week by week cycle where nothing is ever really that relevant and has any staying power at all
It's like, you know the weekly fucking toy that the influencers play with that's like whatever the fuck puppets from the other day
That's really a derivative
Yeah, crypto undeads from the other other day that was basically a genuine undead fucking derivative
It's it's like all that stupid shit. Then there's like this six month cycle where
Like four to six month cycle where it's like all the influencers are like so stuck on one
Not talked to your project
But like one coming up that they're like, oh, yeah, we could really pump the fuck out of this
It's like mid mid pricing projects
That have room to run right and it's because as soon as they're at the top
They have there's no use of of these products these influencers
Like what what the fuck am I gonna do? Well, then those projects become like tools for bid farmers on blur
It's a completely different fucking ballgame
So these NFT influencers are working in this fucking weird middle ground between like blur farmers and us in these
Mid cap projects and these like mid tier shit fluencer
Pumped projects that last about fucking six months
The main cycle, you know, they can kind of come back up again every every six months or so six months or so
like Jack Butcher does
He does but like every single time Jack Butcher launches anything he dilutes the fuck out of everything else and every single time
There's a fucking floor pump to give holders in like old holders a chance to exit
And then it fucking pumps right back the fuck to where it was and then it starts slowly bleeding lower happens every single fucking time
So it's like yeah, you can have fun, dude
You can say that like thread guy making a bunch of fucking money is like fun
You say like we're just having fun on the timeline and influencers are having fun with projects and like we're all having fun
Making our own pepins. Yeah, it's like, okay, you're having fun. Jack Butcher is making fucking 2.5%
Royalties on every single sale across every single one of those collections. He's having a lot of fucking fun
You get well, he's an artist. He's he's earned it. Okay. Okay. All right. All right
Let's see how long you let's see how much conviction you got fucking poor a non dude
He lasted two days after I slapped his bitch ass around and then he was like, okay, wait
Not gonna be good. You're embarrassing us for all of our haters
He had a complete bitch fastest after one more knocking me goes announcement
These people have no spine
There's no conviction. They just like whatever the fuck is popping because they can put on the little PFP
Look at what fucking bullshit has thread guy motherfucker. He's like, oh, yeah
I would like this project that talk about it. They gave me my honorary
Like when they when these influences don't get fucking honorary. He's like, oh, they're not they're not gonna
Talk about your shit unless you give them a reason to unless you're fucking giving them some free shit and you're popping enough
That they can sell wherever the fuck you give them just like thread guy. It was like, uh,
You can see the entire cycle in the tweet that I pin
You can see him say, oh, there'd be no fucking drama if node monks gave me my honorary. He's like, oh my god
No bucks gave me my honorary
Then he quotes it he's like on sale to the highest bidder for the next 24 hours
Tom what's up Tom? What's up? Sorry fucking walking around. I wasn't paying attention
Came up because I heard the topic of beanie and I mean he got so hardcore cancelled
But I feel like he actually has some pretty good posts
I freakin ape into this say blockchain because of some of his posts lately and it's like sort of dipping lately
So I'm a little nervous
I want to come up and see if anyone like on stage knows more about it or if you think beanie's just hyping it
or like he's a hundred percent hyping it dude, I wouldn't have well, here's the thing is like this SBI blockchain has been around for
Year, I remember it came out
And I know that it was like a hype beast thing cuz she'll water was all over it and I was like
They have like a whole airdrop thing, you know making transactions on their blockchain. You'll get fucking
Theoretically signed up for some fucking airdrop that never
They never like said out loud was gonna happen. Whatever the fuck
Right now
it seems like
It's having it's like little moment. That's like a junior Solana
It seems like it's a little bit more
Hyped up then when a vax NFTs had that little moment
But long term, I don't I mean
I don't know enough about the chain and why it's different and what it offers that's like
Differentiating to make a call on like it's long-term validity. But obviously right now
There's a lot of words there, but I saw it
Well, I've my Adderall's kicking don't fucking rail me off. Jan did are off the train track
Okay, I saw the beanie post you're talking about I saw him say like
Hello blah blah blah blah blah the easiest thing to do right now is this
meant one of these stupid
$25 NFTs and they'll go up like $100
So it's not like these things are doing like exponential fucking
Rips like old-school fucking aetherium Solana, whatever the fuck
but I mean, yeah, I mean
Everything else is dead. So that's where he's making his bag and he doesn't have the
liquidity or the fucking
assets to be blur farming which is like what most of these way like that's why Franklin isn't around it's because like he
Lost his ability to make money the way he knew how to so beanie is just like coming back trying to like he's like, whatever
I'll do my he's like a fucking gambling addict
obviously, so
He's gonna go to whatever the fuck the
The new hot toddy fucking hot potato is
What's up Barney, isn't it fucking like 6 a.m. Where you are?
See what the quarter for you you under your bed. What are you doing? Is he under the stairs? Yeah, where's Harry dude?
He's like a Harry Potter
Yo, where's that Bonnie?
He's lying next to me with Hagrid
Hagrid's a good boxer. I heard what are you? Are you like training sure right now Barney back to training?
Yeah, yeah, we'll back back training now and should be out fighting under the end of February
It's moved up to a heavyweight so we've got a few bigger boys to be up next season damn, okay, Barney
You're doing good then
Yeah, getting there mate. At least I ain't got a start myself. It's nice being able to eat food again
Are you still mourning the Queen?
No, she's been dead too long now fucker
We're allowed to rip on that bitch now
That evil bitch the Queen of England. How many of her kids were at Epstein's Island Barney? That's not saying you're right in hell bitch
Fucking protector the gold Prince Andrew in it the nonce
I don't know if you know this or not, but we've been able to make fun of the Queen's in 1776, you know, I mean
We see you back the fuck out of Britain we say goodbye
We got a tea bagging we got a nine-kill streak and we fucking teabag. Oh
History what a funny bitch
Barney, um winner is this time my main question as always are we gonna be able to live-stream these fights eventually?
You might be able to live-stream them but you can't watch the highlights when you do
That's what I want to say
I just want to see you given a deadly left hook and an overhand right and
Just watch the look on the ref's face like last time he knew it was coming
How could I forget
You see hash because there's some of us in here that have been around a little bit longer than other people
But you know, some people appreciate
You're so thirsty for the co-host dude. I don't want it. I wouldn't take it if he gave it to you
Like a dried up houseplant
After all those nice things that to say about your daughter so go fuck you I'm very I support you
You support me by calling me thirsty. Okay. All right, I see how it is near
You know, I'll just go back on mute. Obviously, I'm not valued here
Yeah, yeah value this all right, all right sloppy sloppy you have you have five minutes before we have to rotate
So no, no, that's fine. That's fine. There's sloppy. I don't want it. Got him. You got him block a good job
We got till 10 was sloppy so it's sloppy time what's going on? And he picks sides boy, okay
Got a nice chunk
Back you up. Yep. Did you see him President Trump or Trump?
He made a promise in New Hampshire
That sells much I will never allow the creation of the C B D C
C B D C or like what I like to I like to read it backwards. It's like CDs B C
Malcolm flex got the quote tweet from Vivek Ramaswamy. Good for him
five million views Malcolm flex I remember him from
He would he was big on Trump back on Twitter in 2016
Are you are you guys wanting Trump back in
Mean like at this point
You know the guy that's in there. I don't not sure if he knows he's in there
One of those like might as well, you know
Now it's a fair point every I mean Biden cracks us up over here cuz we just watch his interviews and all you get is a
Far would like poopy pants sleepy time back in the office
Well, I just like I can understand it's like, you know, people like that boring shit people I get boring I guess
That's what they say. It's like that's boring. It's status. Yeah, all the wars and the fucking verge of fucking all
It's a very privileged position bar
So you're telling me that half of America voted for Trump because they didn't want to be bored
No vote. No, I'm saying that's their excuse that's people who voted against Trump
They would rather be bored. They were like done with the excitement is what they're like
Yeah, but how many of those people those people are that voted for Biden are a real or alive. I
See, I didn't want to get into that. I was just going from like what is objectively true and could be proven
I mean more people voted for
For Biden and they voted for Obama. Okay
Dude, he's white Obama. What do you get? What do you mean? 81 million people voted for providing? All right
That never came out of his basement. Totally believable
Did you see where I got a today or yesterday proved that you could hack those voting machines in front of
Like an investigative
Yeah, they've they've that's yeah, they've known that man. I guess not really difficult
What it okay, what's the latest on it? Like, you know, is the 2020 election abroad or what's what's the deal? Come on, dude
It is yeah
You have to you legitimately think 81 million people voted for that old fucking
Demented like dude, come on. The guy never
Like oh that many people voted just because they didn't like Trump like my ass
It's such a
That's what
All that all that January six kids coming out to be like so fucked like such an obvious like setup and good
This has nothing to do whatever. So be how you want about Trump. I don't care vote for whoever you want. That's fine
That's you're right
Right. Don't let anybody tell you like go vote for a third-party candidate. That's a wasted vote
No, it's not tell those people to go fuck off right vote forever you want, but it's obvious
You can still hate Trump and acknowledge the fact that like that was all bullshit all of it
How comes he wears orange my cup that's one question
No, he's been doing that fake tanning shit for a long time because because Trump's because Trump is an egomaniac
He's a he's a narcissist. I mean a man's tan on it. It's so bad
It's so in the hair, but that's I mean, it's like he's like a character. I
Just pinned the news report to back up what I was saying
What were you saying in a federal court in Atlanta, Georgia computer science and engineering professor?
Jay Alex Haldeman was able to hack a Dominion voting tabulator in front of US District Judge
Using only a pen to change the vote totals
Only a pen he's like fucking MacGyver. That was one hour ago
Oh breaking news. Yeah, that's what I was trying to tell you it just came out
Can I see you like hell it is crazy cuz uh, I
Think didn't what was what was the lawsuit with Fox News? Didn't they get fucking sued or something over the shit?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what what Tucker Carlson's on the on the channel anymore
It's crazy sloppy
Why that's interesting
Do you hear what I said?
Now I just say sloppy. Ah sloppies. Uh, what she decided to do with her
Remaining time in the co-host share was bring up politics. I thought was
Funny me a real one for that. Yeah, she said head up. What are you guys?
Now I respect it I do respect it
Block it. What the fuck are you listening to? Okay, cuz you're gonna be co-host CNN. We need you
To be on your game. You know I'm saying I
Already told you ma'am
My we got goo there. That's you know, the normal co-hosts here if you want to bring him up. Oh, here we go
I'm watching. I mean like what any red blood of Americans should be watching right now. I'm watching the NFL playoffs
If it makes you feel any better block a I'm pretty sure Hash only did that cuz kush told him to what well
I mean, I have no vendetta. I I have no vendetta against you slop. Of course, we're gonna go
We had a whole we had a whole night planned of you know, rotate now, right?
Blackout you're really disappointing me. What the fuck are you doing up here? Cush?
Excuse me motherfucker
What why don't you add something? Cush?
Well, you won't fucking shut the fuck up
Fucking battle. All right. Okay black out back to you
I mean, I carried it pretty good until you guys started going on the politics, which I have no idea. Yeah
That you brought up
Well, I didn't hurt the fence, you know, it was about she was like, hey
He did say that you know, he'd be pretty cool about CBDC's
So yeah, and then we were all like oh, yeah. Well, he's also not almost dead
So, that's on us
Wow, can you hear me? Hold on let me see this
Very crisp and powerful we're gonna hear every
Calibrating is that better now?
Can you be serious like is it good?
It's pretty wicked
All right, it's not windy you just sound like wall plug that's all like your microphone is inside of
Don't know is this working is this making it less sensitive
What is that button do what the fuck?
You got to do it's like dude
I feel like every single mic has that like user interface where you can open it up and you can test
How far away from the mic you need like how you know I'm saying how far away from the sound you want the microphone to?
bro, hash
No, it doesn't have that. It's fucking the new iPhone is a piece of shit
I had to go buy a $60 attachment to plug in my fucking
Listen to this. I had to buy a $60 attachment to plug in my fucking
To plug in another adapter, bro. I had to buy it
Yeah, I could put it here
There it is, okay
See it's an amplifier this little adapter
You know like when when
The mic like breaks you know it's like like not like you know I'm saying
What's like so loud that it starts like yeah feedback?
Yeah, I feel like is that better
It's better now
Hmm. All right, it's working. What's on this? This doesn't go on all day. It's just in spaces. What do you mean?
Like when I talk to you, I don't talk to you on I don't I talk to you regular
What do you mean? I don't talk to you
Because I can't dude it doesn't it's like
It's not gonna work. It's gonna be too fucking it's gonna be fucked up
I don't but okay, it didn't sound like a real reason well like it's not gonna sound it's gonna sound worse
It's gonna be like you're not gonna hear me
Oh, you know what I mean?
Let's just try this for a little while. We'll see how good isn't this good
What about now does that button do anything yet?
I mean, it's it's clear. It's just
No, it's like you're clear
So what it's too loud. You're saying it's overpowering the it's like no you're good. You're good
Everybody I got some news. I just got back. I just got back from fucking
Upstate, New York
You've gone really quiet good Kanye
It's this and I'm never doing this again, but fucking hate spaces
I was in I was a little further up than that. Oh damn. Yeah
One of our friends is trapped
On this side of it one of our one of our friends in our co-host marshall is trapped on this side of the border
How is that is it? Is he trapped in the Cush cabin?
He's trapped in in these in the jail
Are you rescuing him I was trying to
I'm trying to send him a little care package. You're trying to send him a ship and a cake
You ever see that?
You ever see that movie like what is it midnight Express? I was trying to do that like showing my tits through the window
That's what yeah, that's what that shit
When Jim Carrey goes belly or whatever in that movie, but he does cable guy. Yeah, that's what that's from
You know, that's how I know that
Billy Oh Billy
Anyway, that's that movies about hash getting trapped with fucking hash bastard getting trapped with hash in
Fucking where in Turkey? Oh my god. What a movie that is some movie
The dude looks like hash
with movie the
Midnight Express, bro. It looks like the guy looks like you like a Swiss version of you
Yeah, guys like sweet Swedish or something. Oh, yeah. Oh, he's right. That's what the same
These guys do like globally. You look at global network
Locked in genetic network. We green profile pictures that we got going on. These are fucking
the future
Happy house is the future and this is also part of the future
This is the future
We're in the future right now. Oh wait one more minute. We're in the future right now
This is the future this is the future if you didn't know
We're moving on. Okay flying low under the Sun here for a landing
Where's Matt? Nevermind Matt Perry's got the good fucking he plays a flight controller or whatever flight simulator
so he would like my
My crispness he would tell me what to say to
Like buckle up. We're flying low and turbulence is about to hit
Therefore bring them back. Hey, I bring it up. Please bring the bring the wing up. All right
I'm coming back from retirement. I mean not retirement. I'm on vacation. You know, you said you retired
Here's so much dumb fuck shit
My ears needed that 401k fucking check
You just saw a sabbatical
Yeah, sabbatical is right. I was on a little New Year's sabbatical. I got some goods time rested and
Now I'm back a sort of
grass sort of
No, we're good. We're gonna be good. You know what it is. You need it. Oh
Compressing you need the decompress
No, I don't know
Well, I want to tell you something about something that you guys are trying to you know
You guys are fucking I want to tell you guys something for real
Okay, and this is like from the bottom of my heart
I should have probably told you this you and you the two of you I want to tell you both of you something
And it's this
You you both
First of all a black cloud fucking goes to Marshalls and buys the shit that is like the one leg
Basketball shorts one leg is longer than the other it's like a fucking goddamn you can't you don't even know which way you think he's amputee
You think he's like an amputee by the way his basketball shorts look hash forget about it
You know, sometimes hash has like some crazy ass clothes. You don't know where you get some from but then I realized
The zoomies he fucking shops at these double fucking stores and that's where all these colors are
If you went to sacks then why the fuck are you busting my balls?
You didn't go to sacks I went to fucking
Remember like is it like off sacks like yeah, it was bring backs bring backs
Chelsea goes the players
What did you drop on that what did you drop on that coat?
Bro, I don't fucking fine. Yeah, I know what 500 300
Those are expensive. What are your 500? Right? What was it?
375 it was wasn't it?
It was a better one of my games that I got on sale like it's fucking crazy
Retails for suckers
I usually order my shit online. Okay
First of all, not only that yeah, I ordered my shit on like first. All right, go ahead. What you went there and bought it
First of all, hold on. Let me
Wait, wait, wait, was it a one of one jacket? No, no, don't start with that shit because that's right
I'll say I don't go I hate them all I do hate them all because I hate people
I hate a lot of people at once in a mall, especially I'll go to concert
I fucking hate them boy. Okay, but I
Know in the way a little Indian lady was checking out. She's like do you want a dust jacket?
If you put it in like chinchilla
Wait, oh a dust a dust jacket for your jacket. Yeah
Wait, so what kind of jacket did you get it's like a real puffy ass North Face. Oh
Yes, he dropped a couple hundred
What did you say? Yeah, like you said that's like 1,100
What that was there were 70% off so yes, there you go. Here's thing is that they
Fuck. What's bro? You you know goody was looking at with that first
Here's what they were dude. They were puppies. They're big puffy. I look like a Mitchell. Yeah
Colors were orange or red. Okay, and catch me if you can I'm the Michelin man
They were what's the opposite of math? Fuck you? What's up? What's the opposite of math where it's like kind of shimmery shiny or something?
This jacket have all kinds of rips in it like goose pants
Yeah, what do you mean? I like this about your ripped jeans. It's like a novel thing. I was like whoo-hoo dust jacket
Bro, don't like you want to ride jacket. I was like
No, I thought you should get her to come over and dust your fucking furniture and clean your mirror
Well, she's at it giving you a dust bag, bro
What is it dust bag for a fucking bet like what is that even you mean like the little plastic with that with the two pole strings?
Yeah, I think it's five percent. That's sweet. That's it. It's sweet to give you though. It's classy like a class move
Okay, sir. I think she was like she thought it was way classier like I've done this before like that's what I would expect
But well, I like how you carry yourself like that, you know, like yeah, I buy this shit all the time, but it's just wrap it up
Let's go. Oh, it's like it's definitely not true
I've seen their fucking taking pictures of different coats seem like fucking cousin like hey, is this fucking gay? Oh my god. Yes
Doing that doing that. I'll tell you that doing that sending them to your cousin is gay
I have to what does he know?
Endlessly, but what does he know? He's telling you to buy fake shit. What the fuck?
You're mr. Alibaba over here, by the way folks, mr. Fucking fake toys on the internet
That's the end of the world. But wait a second fake designer clothes. Now, that's okay. Let's try and figure that one out
You wearing it what if I what if you get a picture taken with you and you got some shit on and it's fake
You're gonna fucking
That's hilarious. I mean kind of I guess you kind of know it's not hilarious
It's hilarious if you have a two million dollar house
It's not a
Condo in the sky
What if you're doing
Nice all these things
The one time I go to Saks Fifth Avenue the one time I get these fucking pants. All right
Chelsea took Maddie in the sax the other night
Imagine I was like how'd she act? She goes she screamed at everyone about fucking gummy bears the whole time
What'd you guys just get one of those in Ohio you're talking about it like it's fucking like, you know
You don't have a needed Marcus. I don't know. What do you mean?
What Fifth Avenue is it is it's Fifth Avenue in Columbus like Fifth Avenue and
Know it is. That's why it's beat. So this is what I'm trying to tell you about the shit. I was ordering
It's like one of one shit like NFT shit. That's what I was saying
No, I order from what do you mean I ordered I ordered it from from the guy
He has a website wouldn't those be fungible, where'd you find the website are they though?
Because they're one there's only one then right wearable means fungible. Go to gay hitchhiker
I go to game out in the air's dot-com
I know I've been trying to spread the word I
Don't care. I was just telling these guys a little something
They turn it into like a whole fucking thing and then they say it in such ways that they're so indignant about what they say
Because it's like I'm listening to two times
About how much fucking they cost bro. How much they're worth. It's like please give me a fucking break
Prince dude, my jeans are I liked I throw that in
Yo, I didn't say that I said I got a good deal five hundred dollars. I got him for 75% off
That's it. No, no, that is isn't that sick though? That's quite a mark up
Well, bro, they're pieces of art
They have they have they have nine balls like nine ball like
They have nine balls with the number 13
And they they say some dope shit on the leg
First of all, I'll smoke all you yeah, first of all, you know
Hash and then he tries to say yeah when I walk outside you can see my cock in
That was my oh, that's the other pair of jeans I have no, but that's the Levi's
That's the Levi's red label ones. I have that are all their vintage or whatever those ones
I ripped them like yoga pants. No, they're not like yoga pants
But if you rip them they make them cost they cost more like almost like you can make your own rips
As long as you don't rip the crotch out
Like like bro, they're tight on me now like I got a little bigger
Like my legs got bigger or something from from fucking just being an animal and like my shit
I don't know what it's worth. So you're like ripping through your fucking not not not ripping through
They're not one of one, but not really
Yeah, my thunder thighs my thought my thunder thighs are yeah, they're rack. They're racking them up a little so I uh, so
They're made comfortable
Dude all I know is you you verse
Sir can you two walking in you two look like the fucking what they put the two guys in and pull fiction after they killed
The guy like that's literally what you guys look like. I like together two doors
Graded before or after you shit in them. Yeah, I take a bath with them on first. So they fit me properly
Yeah, what's the PSA great on you? You gotta do that
It's where you got a gym maintain over there go in the crotch. I don't I don't wear I don't wear jeans like that
How's the dad some people do that?
He said as long as the crotch looks okay, they're worth a lot. Oh
As long as the crotch is straight, yeah, bro, as long as this time as long as you fit a belt
Okay, if you can get around no, it's not about the crowd
Come on if you can get the belt around three loops at least like one on each side like position if you could get one
Two and three like one in the back to on each side
You'll be straight you can sell the pants for a bag of money. It doesn't matter if the cross is there or not
Hey, I'm saying like I'm not sure why it depends if the tags are
But I just wanted to say what's up because it's our show so we do what the fuck we want there
Why do you think like it's like?
Don't worry about it. What's up color? Go ahead color. Do you know the line?
What did you sign kind of do you have it? Do you have anything about you have anything about jeans to add please some?
Something yeah, you know what good you're a hundred percent, right?
I'll tell you them fucking jeans that look like they you know, shouldn't still be jeans. They want like a hundred and eighty dollars
Right, yeah, that's right fucking ridiculous. I don't know why anyone would pay that and you know, cuz they're cool
Well, you're cool because you did I know
That's true, too. Yeah
I like you could talk over me anytime, please don't please do it
So I can offer I can only offer that so please feel free
I just haven't yelled at anyone in a while. It's like been fucking tough. I mean y'all got myself
Maybe you've been nice. Oh, yeah, I've been nice to you even you're like buttering my biscuits the other day
Holy shit, you don't talk to hash for a week. He gets nervous like this guy. I think he flood the coop
He's like fucking he's like hey buddy, you know
Your IQ is so crazy like he said something wild and I was like that don't butter my biscuits
It's too early for that
But what was that girl's fucking that tick butter my so yeah, fuck go fuck yourself and butter my biscuits
Oh, we need that butter my biscuits fat ass. Oh my god
That ADHD foot up
It's so crazy fucking good
It's like I got it. I have it as a drop, but I can't get this shit to work, of course
But like it's so fucking good, man
It's even a bad
Play I can't play it. Ah
I gotta find it too. Where's the ADHD? He's got it. He's this dick
Hold on yo, it's so good
Anyway, I can't wait to start playing clips, bro. I got so many good ones. What do you got? Oh god?
I got so many funny ones. I got that guy from
I got oh, I got a whole kush. Yeah, I gotta see that's why I could have did the show is kush really
Bro, like for real. I got shit that he says all cut up now
Like like into one word things and I have it on the pad because I have this app that does it on my iPad
But see I have they're both the iPad Pro and the phone if they're both pro so there's all USB-C
It's like nothing works together. Why it's fucking bullshit. You know Apple. I'm never gonna stop
What do you mean tell me somebody in here with the brand new shit right now
It's got it all working. I want to know tell me I'll go on the phone with you and I'll give you a tip or something
Right here
About your stupid Apple computer being all good
And the next day it was fucked oh, but that no that laptop that I recovered yeah
So good not working. No, that is working. That's working. That's work
Well, I'm having a problem. Here's what I'm having a problem with. It's all the interconnections. What happens is
After you I'm air playing stuff to another computer that has like the main that's where you hear everything
That's like the main computer
So like I have clips I have the iPad and then I have another computer with other shit and they're both getting filtered into the one
Computer it's definitely not as simple as everyone's like I'll just put it together
It's not like that even with the mixer
It doesn't work like the right way and I'm I know what I'm doing with this shit
It's just I can't get it to work and everybody's like the USB-C is the problem
But I don't know anyone that knows this shit
So I'm putting it out there if anyone knows it, please
Please fucking help me because it'll make it so much better. It's just this shit will be
Get rid of Apple
It's like then I see here's the other thing I
Suckered T-Mobile into two fucking brand-new iPhone 50. I didn't pay shit. It took me like six months
It took me like months of getting fucked like gas-lit. You want to talk gas-lit, huh? I can't hear you sir
I can't hear you when I know you can hear me bitch
Like I'm in my house like I know you can hear me all of a sudden because you agreed to it like a minute later
They can't hear me and they hang up then they don't call back. They did it to me like ten times, bro
So I finally got I got them to send me these phones
They sent them to the wrong address twice my neighbor's houses like five blood five houses up
That's how fucking that's how fucking pissed they were that they sent them to the wrong address
Like on purpose. I mean, you know, I mean so like fucking anyway, I got that shit, huh? So it's like
Bro, the phone is sweet. It's so light. I love it
It's yeah, I can't get over like not having a back button though
It's like what the fuck like one button does a million things. Oh, I know you do that
Why do you fucking do that? I know the back button thing
I'm still my I'm not used to not having it yet to tell you the truth
You know that I press the button and just put it in my pocket and I realized like it starts like recording
We're doing some shit. I don't know what it does. It does like it tweets
It does whatever if I press that one button like I'm gonna go and put in my pocket
It's called the action button now or something
It fucking just starts doing like a I think like a video with the audio and whatever with the flash on and it's in my pocket
And they're like your phone is on in your pocket like your light flashlight. I'm like, oh, it's not it's recording
What phone is this the new iPhone?
That titanium
I don't even know. I didn't shut it off yet. I don't know
I don't know when I get a new fuck like I haven't had a chance to like sit with it
I've just been on the settings a little bit. I I was scared to port over, bro
You don't know how fucking you know how scary it is to fucking port over
I don't save my shit in the cloud with the any crypto wallets or anything. I still have wallets on the other phone
I'm like I can't get ETH off one phone to the other right now. I can't get Bitcoin from the one to the other
It's like a mess, bro. It's a mess. I hate it. That's why I didn't want to get a new phone
I want to keep a phone for like 10 years, but they don't let that's what I do until mine dies, dude
I still have like a note 9. I like very slowly upgrade very slowly
How the fuck do the apps not stop work the apps never work if I don't upgrade I feel like
It just starts being so frustrating that I'll throw it at the wall
And then it really doesn't work like when it gets me like months of it
Then I throw it like I just chucked it like the phone
I'll just start chucking in off Frisbee to talk out of it
I cuz I can't take it and the whole time I know I'm on the phone with them being like I need a new
Phone this shit doesn't work meanwhile. I'm like
The sprints with with the cell phone people with the TV people yeah, dude, I'm always on it with the cell phone people
He does it. Yeah, well he does it with the cable people. Yeah, I'm always on it with them every so many days
I'm on it with them
They're just like I just think of something and I call like I'm
That psychotic about it at this point and I'll sit through all the bullshit for hours and days
And then I'll take a day off wake up fresh take it like take a sip of coffee
Smoke a joint and be on it right away, and I'll get it because they're like this guy's relentless
It's like that's exactly what I do
I like pretend I quit then I come back so crazy with like the logic so mapped out
They can't handle logic mapped out like I go back in time
I come back and everything is like right there, so like when I'm fresh like that ready for it
You know what I'm saying. It's like you have like a lot of like all the interactions and like what happened
Yes, and I bring that up and I bring that up constantly I say look back
Oh if you record this I always test them. I'm sure you're recording this right well blah blah blah because I know they're full of shit
So I just fucking fuck them up daily daily. I don't give a shit
I'll say it. I'm like the champ with them like really it's like them and internet piss boys
Other than that, bro. I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing so that's all you need, bro
I don't I really fucking audio working dude. I recorded the coolest fucking promo, too
It was so bad ass that I couldn't even send it as a thing because I feel embarrassed how bad it is. What is it?
It's just so cool, man. I don't know it's like
Somebody else it's it just was like embodied embodied embodied and embodied
So what are we talking about embodied?
You embodied someone it embodied the track right that's right. It wasn't me. It's God sent
Was I can't believe you didn't hear it. I sent it to you. It's a fucking good one. Oh, no. No, I didn't hear that
That shit was good, man
You didn't like that one. No, I didn't you it's like ADHD music. I know I
Did the disease not the person or the mental?
Huh, oh, I don't know if we're talking about the same shit anyway
Are you talking about anon? Let's talk about ano. I'm saying it sounds like a person that with ADHD made it. Oh
Like you know how you say I listen to like ADHD music. It's like yeah, I
Don't you know I don't think you're talking. Yeah, but it's not music that fucking promo. Oh
This is what I'm talking about with these phones, bro
I'm done with these phones, bro. What are you gonna? You're gonna be a
Email email only and I'll only check it every couple days. I'll tell you the days I check it
Magic fight a website
Yo, believe it or not, that's how the doctor from
FTX George K Lerner, that's how his website was it said his office hours and his email address
And it was like every couple days you can even you know, like whatever that weird shit. Yeah, that's what I want to be
I want to be like that. I always wanted to be like no one knew me my neighbors and shit. They were like
You know, what does that guy do? He's never I never see him
What is the what is the dude? What is the dad do over there? What is whatever, you know, like that guy? Who is that guy?
Where is he? Where does he come from? He's still that's what you want. That's the guy you dropped the B
Yeah, I want to just be in that
Yeah, listen the mystery mansion he wants to build a two-story
That's right
Don't you make mansion? Yeah, I'm gonna build another right? Well, no see
You said you wanted to have that the tallest and the block like if I if I make
500 grand extra
This cycle then I'm doing that just to be spiteful
And I'm gonna extra story for what?
The extra why I told you it was spiteful
To who so the fucking universe because I'll be like the lighthouse over there if I do that
Be just the tallest on the block like I'll be so high up if I do another story
That it would be amazing. It would feel like you're touching the sky. I'll have a little balcony up there smoking joints up there all day
Won't watching TV a nice view up there. Hell. Yeah
I got all trees growing big-ass oak trees and these crazy ass trees
So then you grow it up there and you smoke them, you know, which you got the oh you got catbird flying around bro
We're talking about the guy that got locked in his own chicken coop
That was it that wasn't
That was my dog bro. First of all, you did I didn't get locked in like that
That was first thing in the morning no coffee, you know, nothing
Getting yelled at I was up without till like 4 a.m. Then I got like the dogs
And I had to run out in my goddamn ripped jeans with my balls hanging out and fucking
You're tight
Sleeping them like Dracula and I had to rise from my coffee
My fucking balls were swinging in the wind. So I ran down there and I got
I got stuck in the chicken coop because I didn't want to get my balls cut on the chicken wire
We just lost ten people sick. Why what's the big deal? You can't hear balls
They were gone already. Yeah, but you can't hear the word balls. Well, guess what? We like basketball. We like football
Yeah tennis balls, what about that dude crew up
All right
What do we got? What's on the menu?
I'm feeling like invite anon
Invite anon back in and be like hey, I wanted to discuss Nakamigos again. Just let me dress him
Just let me destroy his whole fucking
Treasure here. I'll put the car here. I can't believe that fucking goddamn piece of shit wouldn't go
Why would it not work that day? Why would it not fucking work? You know, it's like crazy
It's crazy I went out and bought this adapter because of that day though
So it was kind of like a legendary thing because I went out and spent 60 dogs because of Twitter. So
There you go. That's my business
Yeah, by the time you're getting out of jail by the time you're waking up, I'll be getting out of jail
Yeah, and I'm gonna come around do it again
Cuz I'm stupid. That's what I do
I'm just I'm gonna title it
I'm gonna touch that honorary Nakamigos title it honorary Pepe house is the future fuck you bitches
I don't know
about about
All right, just fucking what are we gonna do? I wish I had my sound board. No, no, no, we should talk about John
That guy retweeted my shit
Today no, but when I did that thing about the beanie podcast
When I did my copy box that it wasn't about your project
Uh, no, I copy pasted him and he said
And I said my I said my
No, but I said my shit in the in the copy pasta like, you know
I don't I don't copy pasta directly and then he did it. They all were like whatever everybody
I think you did it, too
Retweet. What was it? I don't know. I was a while
It was like oh good news folks
Like three guy and I are teaming up for a podcast
Yes, you did you're like this should happen or something yeah, you did you're like this is killer
Oh, okay. Yeah killer lineup like yeah
Killer whales anyway, go ahead
Listen cuz like this is this is right up your alley of like Wow. Well, I hate fucking influencers
You see how he's like he was begging. I see the fucking project node monks for like a
Yeah, I wouldn't be beefing with you if you gave me an honorary PFP
What is beefing? What is beefing with it first? Let's stop here first
Let me say the actual the actual like if you look at the I have a pin up there
He said I don't what the fuck he actually said
There would be zero node monk drama if they sent me my honorary. What's a node monk? Is that the Bitcoin?
Yes, it's like they're one that all the East fucking if he influences are all chubbed up on yeah, they're fucking
Yeah, yeah, he's like the Al Sharpton of NFTs
No, he's shaked he shakes down. Oh, you know, yeah
He wants to take a play-by-play, but then fucking
Sorry, we're just getting used to this again, right? We took a couple of hours off
Okay to shake now, but so yeah, he was like
Then he tweeted then they made it one sent it to him a tweet guys like woohoo
I got it and then a little bit later. It's like three hours later. He quote tweets. He's like
Selling this to the highest bidder for the next 24 hours
Wow, he just totally faced them. Yeah, it's like I kind of like that style
Yeah, that's what beanie so beanie commented and said
We've created a month I admire the shame I admire what the fuck you say admire something
Shameless, whatever the fuck then that's why I was all oh the shameless shilling whatever shameless bag selling. Yeah
That's right
You got in the mix you got in the mix right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah
We stir the pot we stirred the pot today. I I heard my calling I heard my the commissioner has
Not if I have anything to say about it, it's like you just get to see that now
How much did he make over that he sold it? I don't know. Yeah, I mean
I'm sure someone will buy it in his camp or whatever any well, so then here's the best part, dude
This is this will be your favorite part of the whole thing. Of course for oak
Tweets out. I need my honorary. No punks and I
Mission to integrate it into everything I do. Yeah, I saw that
That is so good I said like so I said for oak tries so bad no one cares
For oak posted that and then thread guy replies and says buy mine
They think that like we're all gone now like everybody's changed like the bull market really came in and fucking wiped everyone into a
New sector like everybody. Yes, it's like dude. It was barely even here yet
It's barely even anything like there's such little like piss pants like piss boys pissing their pants. That's what this boy
He's like he's like guy and let me get my let me get my my node monkey off
Can I get my honorary no, okay, sir
So what you had to fucking make that whole bunch of bullshit up like what? Why can't you just say it?
Why can't you say it was a 24-hour like bullshit cycle? Yeah, like three hours later quote it and say okay
I'm like, it's like a self-made fucking
Stimulus check you did the same dude goo
This is the Google the Jack butcher Jack did his whole like member
He paid him basically to change his picture
50 G's entire 50 grand
Why does this little fuck it get all these bags of money? I don't that's what I'm why does he get his teeth knocked the fuck out?
Well, but seriously though, why the fuck is this little pipper? Hey, you sound like a motherfucker with a rifted
I sound like somebody who's gonna stand behind you saying that but yeah anyway this fucking guy
No, I don't get it. I know he's gotten ripped
Well, I know he's got money take it from him in the 50,000 range, too
so it's like where do all these little 50,000 bags drop on him only like I guess I
Don't know. I don't get it. He I know he's been managed and more and whatever. I know he works
Like he works for stroke. No doubt about it. There's no doubt. He's at all of these big events
He's at the people event. He's at
Yc's he's featured in all of them. He knows somebody behind the scenes
Obviously, yeah, well, it's like this little sewing jerk-off circle of
Dudes, there's like there's like a bunch of little jerk-off circles like there's the Frank leap
This kid what's this kid's name thread guy jerky? Yeah jerking circles like they wear like dress shoes to working circle
You know what I mean?
I can do that kind of move, but it's like those dudes right those dudes all together
They're always like from what I heard even right. It's like Frank was paying like 15k a
Month to be able to go on leaf space and just command like commandeer it
When remember that time frame when he was going on there and just basically like oh now Frank's on here
And it would be like a whole it would turn into a whole fucking thing
Which it it would but still like it was the same dumb shit
I mean, it's just so fucking why be able to get that kind of attention and then just do nothing with it
It's what I so much see like I would love it if they were funny or shocking or doing something crazy
They're not they suck. They sound like little spoiled bitches. They're just boring spoiled
Fucking white girls stuck in their fuck get doing their nails. That's what they sound like like at a slumber party
They sound like they're at a slumber party. I'm not being sexist ladies. I'm just saying
That was the most sexist thing I've ever said and you could fucking please cancel me right now. I'm so sorry
They're like a bunch of fucking losers about that I
Would never compare them to childbearing creatures second fucking that control the whole
You know the whole shit
Anyway, that was a good apology. I hope you heard it
That was a good apology, I hope you heard it
God black cloud. Can you hear me?
Shit. Yeah
Can you hear me? Oh
Yeah, what about hash?
I don't know what it's probably I apologize to the ladies
For saying that
I've never compared them to those shoe drinkers
This motherfucker goes vile shoe drinkers. All right, I'll take it from here. Don't worry. Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now? Yeah, piss boy. Where did piss boy go? Oh, there is
I was talking to the whole time. I know I couldn't hear you do
Get a grip pull it together you're talking about JV and
So you're trying to be Pat Riley on the phone, but guess what you're not doing a good job on the board you
Remember when a thread guy, I mean remember when Alex took pictures and he looked like that expo marker that the Pat Riley used
You know the same outfit, honey look like an expo marker
Oh, it's so fucking hilarious that shit makes me cry I gotta find that picture
I never showed you that the plant the planet I don't know you got to eat scribe it though
And you got to make the name of it like expo Alex expo or something. It's fucking it's you can't name them
Yeah, yeah, I know actually right you can't name you command of trait though. That's what you do
You can do that
You could do that you got to do that different though. You can't just do it on the press
You got to name a treat with I think it's like a fucking that's an ERC
It's an ERC 20 contract you know that right
Yes, it is yes, it is
Those those well it is those big
Yes, it is those big ten thousands and whatever cup descriptions is
All the fucking tokens are ERC 20s. Yeah, bro
There that was the big thing with not for a minute. Yeah
Well your pants are not one of one dude, all right, I got a sweatshirt for my daughter too that was one of one
That's so kind dude
My favorite fucking for my favorite guy
Brian would shop
What do you do that? What are those?
Airbrush deals on not airbrush. No, no
Airbrush no, you pay the no he paints on it then he makes his own he makes all his own shit and then also he cuts up
Like starter jackets and old shit from the 90s like all that crazy-looking shit sports stuff, whatever
And he like fits it all back into these crazy-ass things that are like sick
Fucking sweet house. Is that is that the dude that sits on a corner of a street or something like that?
Is he banking? No, no, it is that no, he's not. No, it's not that guy from the street. He has a shop. He has a shop
Because he has you know
He's like in the claims fucking person
What did what did he know
You're like this so
I know that you're a bank. Oh God this guy. Go ahead. You guys are the worst you think the worst story
Go ahead. Go ahead
Stories turn into like whole bits for a year
Alright, yeah, genuine these nuts go ahead
Okay, I know you're a Banksy hunter and I was thinking that there might be
The prize of a lifetime hidden somewhere
Between these Jewish tunnels being discovered around New York Jewish tunnels
The tunnel you found well, it's kind of true. Yeah, maybe right
No, I found a Banksy in the marine terminal pier that was closed I know what could it have been an offshoot of
The Harvard Bernstein tunnel, yeah
Like did they bring the children now because the tunnels in that thing were called caissons. They were just in the fucking
They were just in that that complex like under the Hudson River
They didn't I don't believe they tied into any other part of the city
So it was just for that that space I think to stay on to stay on the water
I don't think it was a system like in the city like subway system tunnel, but I don't know because I do know
Well sloppy doesn't believe me
I guess because she said that I saw that in a movie
But I don't believe that she saw it a movie that because I don't think it was in a movie that this guy fucking
this guy I
This guy I know
Has a fucking had gotten a Banksy in
2000 maybe 99 right that he saw in Brooklyn on the on the wall
And he saw a fucking crew of dudes taking apart like a stone
Mantle on the other side of the street so he paid them he went got cash out of the fucking ATM
He went paid them like I think like 500 bucks to take this piece of the wall out, bro
He took that piece of the wall out. It was the Banksy
He took all the blocks perfect out and he made he took it home
He whatever he sold it for two hundred fifty thousand dollars and bought a condo in Florida that same Banksy wall that same wall
Sold for five million dollars like a couple years ago like three years ago
He did that in like the 90s or something 99, so it's like it's fucking nuts dude. So yeah, it is
It's nuts. It's nuts
Banksy if I could have got that Banksy you would have never known me. I would have been a fucking on a yacht
Fucking yacht you could you say you could have got the man if I would have figured out how to get it
You know I know we needed a welding torch. Yeah, I mean I could use a welding torch
Give me a pictures, but that's different. I mean I was in the New Yorker. I
Told you that right
For finding your baby. Yeah
Was that do you think of the good God a Banksy pair pair of pants would cost? You're not funny though
Guess I just didn't have anything to contribute to the conversation. What the fuck? Okay, what's wrong with you?
Nothing's rolling me. Oh
God is it some kind of inter political political thing here?
He is you should have put him why wouldn't you he's your guys sports corner
Well, yeah excuses, well, why would you put black cloud as a co-host?
You could have put sloppy and block it because black cloud fucking told me to know you don't listen to him with that
He's a producer. He's supposed to produce
No, he should have been feeding you articles
I don't know when he's gonna start doing this and he did that for like a dick. It was like a dick
Yeah, I should be on time I have obligations I
Have family obligations that come before nothing comes before this family. Yeah
You don't get a sick day
You don't get to retire
All I know is I'm here now. All right. So what are you gonna do? Talk about yesterday or go forward, you know
I've been raising two young girls. I have so much wisdom
Yeah, I'm so bursting you you retire bursting brah I retired for the fifth time
You're back tell everybody I retired. Oh, yeah, tell me when I retired I
Tried to get away. They pulled me back. Yeah
My guy is the worst what the fuck's wrong with you
What do you get so upset for it's just words coming out of my mouth. No one even remembers bad words matter. That's black clouds
I know that and the O for words is his butthole
Exactly. It's like words matter
It's also the A in matter. Yeah. Oh, it wraps around. Yeah, it's like written like a snake
Like the DNA strand
The double helix fuck it. No, that's that's yeah
Yeah, my well, like I said to you privately which is the truth don't make me say it publicly
All right
Well, that's not that's not here nor there are they sure I hope they do come for
Well, well, that was those double weird things to say happy for him. Thanks, man
We're happy that he's getting the women to come for
Coach makes the women come we're so happy
We have a we have breaking news regarding one of our co-hosts
It's very urgent and we are very sad with a heavy heart
Our cush cabins plane went down over the wilderness in Ontario today went down in a fiery blast of marijuana smoke
No body was found the wreckage has yet to be pieced together
The pilots were teaching. We are the pilots were teaching. We are looking for a new co-host though. So
Know there is that thing blockage. Yeah block it
Come on down
I like when block it catches an attitude to sorry block I got it's all you
That's okay. It's a great game. It's 21 17
San Francisco has the ball first and ten on green Bay's 40 11 and a half to go
It's a very good game is very
Now I like that you guys like that stuff
But um, you know what? I like I discovered something I like
What's that could be relatable to you guys and your football?
Like I found cuz we got this little snowstorm
so I I did the
charitable thing and I I
Set up my driveway and I parked the cars and in the right way so they could
You know, I didn't take up any room like a dick
Dude plow isn't that minted on?
Yeah, that's our token. Wow. That's right. Mr. Plow. That's my name
We have that to GM GFI is like a sub 5 is like actually it's a sub 1 million in description
inscription I
Think I think it's just add a million to tell you the truth or 700,000
Well, so I started pulling I started pulling my truck on to my front lawn and
my parking it there and
It's like really fucking sweet. I
Like wanna put I want to get like a boat just to park it on my front lawn with my truck
Like that's how cool it looks on like to me
This part you just like that do a jet ski with a truck on the front lawn
I want oh you mean that was a snowmobile. That was a snowman. Oh, if you couldn't tell
It was missing a little air
Need to throw some air so the it would inflate a little more and look more real
Where do you go snowmobile?
In my backyard
What do you mean
No, you're little heck you're Hector you're half a hectare. It's no it's a Hector
Close to a Hector
It's not about this but it's a Hector
I can't wait to I can't wait to get that doesn't the mix on fucking spaces
You know does my friend what do we have on the eBay menu today?
And you'll be like yeah, we got vintage Porsche diecast models going for
Whatever seven hundred dollars each do we have buyers?
Nope, not in here. We just buy worthless pieces of fucking digital artifacts that are be forgotten
What did you say Dave
Blur sponsor you
I am actually in a toilet. Yeah, how are those how are those blur checks Dave?
How are the what well they're using your IP pretty Pete pretty freely IP freely over there
Who are I people yeah blur the marketplace I
Don't even know what that is. Come on, man blur dot IO, you know what it is
No, they're not it. It looks like it. I thought it was
It's Dave Dave's got that shit unlock and he's a pretending not to
He's one of their if you look it says devastating Dave as one of the founders
Time this guy there was eight or ten founders of blur the last one it says devastating
And then the mutant apes it's his fucking ape as the logo, of course, he just does a little easter egg like it's like
That's funny as hell
But Dave people don't really know though like the funny easter eggs you have
Like even with what you call it with that awesome guy. You made the
What's the NFTs you made awesome?
Awesome bill from Dawson. Yeah, what's the NFTs you made for them for that sick author?
Yeah, yeah, Ellis the fucking America. Yeah stuff. Yeah, I literally never talk about anything
I don't know why you don't know why I'm too busy doing it. I'm too busy doing
That's a good one to bring up all the time
Hey, do you guys know that stuff about Dave?
No, no, we've made the first official fucking Brett Nellis American psycho
NFTs that were on super rare like fucking in 2020 almost like 2020
Yeah, they're fucking Brett Nellis Americans like oh fucking
And like they're on they're in there that you could check them. You could look at them. Look at the collection everything
It's all like training
It's thick it's though. I'm trying to remember what the utility they have there's like a utility with him to like certain ones got you
Like a sign right in first edition. Yes, that's right. It was sick fucking it was actually sick, bro
Like Brett Nellis is sick
He's fucking he's the weirdo like me bro that drives an old BMW like I do and just doesn't give a fuck about anything
He just says does whatever the fuck you want
so it was kind of a natural thing when I got to know like I got to know what his assistant real good in the
process and
You know it was
Now, you know just
Yeah, yeah, of course like I think I remember when I met you too
I thought you were like so fuck I I remember when I met you and I knew that shit like in the same day
Probably it was like a day apart
I think we you were fought started following me like right after I found that out
I think or something like that and I was like this guy
Like I thought you were like worked in Hollywood like in a movie fucking studio for like a minute until I heard you like
Talking more and saying like I'm like, oh, yeah, he's just a degenerate
I thought you guys were like having margaritas out like noon in Hollywood together and shit
Yeah, but you got to think of the time well you got to think of the time
It was like fucking bull crazy feeling on everything
So then it's like you see you're like, you know what I mean? Like it's like everything gets like hyper fucking
Magnified like when that's going on. That's the thing that people forget
You know, like you can actually see a word and it'll change
Like your brain will read it differently when you have like either crazy euphoria chemicals going through or crazy denial
Like I got a cell kind of feeling whatever that kind of shit like like failure feelings. You'll change
Things like visually and audio will change like you're schizophrenic almost if you're if you're in the zone
Like if you're trading like that, or if you're even just worrying anxiety about something like that
you'll literally see the wrong thing and make the wrong move like
Isn't that weird?
Shit cuz it happened
Thank you for reminding me that I fucking actually did that and that was really everybody everybody
Anybody who's made a bag of money doing anything like this has also done that multiple times and I know them too
I know I know like I could recite them
It's fucked up. Yeah, absolutely and you know what?
I know that it was a magic trick
Like I know what I read then I know when that adrenaline was boosting and I know what it was after like
I know it changed from my shit going on FOMO. Whatever like I know it it literally changed
Like I literally saw that what I wanted to see and it wasn't the right thing
So like it's fucking crazy shit
But like that's not uncommon like that's so when euphoria is going through the market
Just like these dudes were talking about with thread guy
How they think like no one is here anymore because we got so bullish all of a sudden that it's a whole new cycle of people
You know, they just got real happy off a couple probably investments that they held through three three months, you know
Their days are so numbered bros. What I'm saying is they're probably on that high a little bit because shit is pumping
So they're not really putting it together the right way. I don't think they're probably just like fucking whatever they think they're untouchable
They're milking whatever juice they think yeah, and that moved to to do what they're doing here blatantly like bag selling that after asking for it
It is so disrespectful. So I don't know if there's like beef or whatever. But at the same time
It's great. It's so just like I mean that happened it I know like it wasn't
It's just so weird to do right now
I feel like in this in this sense of how things are I feel like it was more acceptable when you really didn't know
It was it was fucked up to do I
Don't know because
Well hash though if you think about it, what is the point of Twitter?
What is the point of that position the point of it is mass MLM marketing sass marketing?
So basically the point of it is to do what they're doing. I mean, that is the point
Dude, that's all I said at the beginning is like
info because man
See, I wish you were here at the fucking beginning dude. We had a cold nice ass conversation
What I said was
Beauty come on
You're getting nervous
When's your pull-on timeout, when's your flight when's your flight
Dead flight is nine. So I could be there at eight
You don't live in New York or New Jersey
No, bro, but I'm not but you can drive but wait, can you just drive right there get out of the car park the car?
Get out of it. I'm gonna uber and the uber can pull up right in front of the terminal. You're gonna get out at
Yeah, yeah
You'll be good
Don't sit near the door panels, bro
Safety you see guy. All right, so make sure you don't take that job either
Yeah, you do not need to be the guy. I don't want you fucking running out
I don't like being an exit room guy either cuz like I'm gonna try and eat a big handful of edibles probably before
I go on the plane
Are you doing that?
Every single it's like you're hitting I'm moving it because I thought it was too close. What the fuck do you have to say every time?
I'm just trying to know what what I'm saying is like every time you move the mic. We also hear that
That's my face bro
That that is my face
Me rubbing my chin. We face me rubbing my chin my the hair on my chinny chin chin
That it's
You guys are making me too sensitive
See bro, you're like you there's like beeps and boobs happening on your microphone
It's crazy he's got digital chin bro, he's like messing with his chin
No, it's he's he's wired some guys
He majors
I'm not trying to fuck with you, bro. I'm just saying
But what I was trying to say earlier
Was like good
The oh my god, that's crazy. Why is your shit so bad?
It sounds like a dial dial up like dial up internet
I think we're just talking we're talking to a broken goobaht
Like like hash broke the other day and went fucking all up in this prime remember
Why when did he do that
See I just had fucking tough ass
Microphone the other day Twitter was working me. Oh, you see spaz that
So, why are you fighting with thread going out? It's off now. Oh, well, Dave. It's because he fucking
I don't understand. I'm now doing what you asked me to do
Well, I know it's like a black cloud. Can you tell them what's wrong?
Well, there's a lot of cracking
A lot of wrestling
Needed any shave. Did you need to do?
See I'm being a dick. I'm not holding. I'm holding the phone now and talking into it. Like you asked me to do
Well, I see there we go. That's good. Yeah, but everyone can hear
What do you mean like I don't know it's like
This is the best you've heard all night. You sounded all night
Myself a little it's party chips here
You finally sound clear oh I finally sound clear, huh
Well, I clearly don't care I'm gonna eat my chips
So, let's get to let's get the business here so what I was trying to say is
That's why being like
Responded he was like, oh what the yeah, like there's no shame here
Right and if someone was trying to be like, you're no different being a you're just a fucking rugger
And I was like, well, technically he's the pumping dumper
The the founders are the ruggers, you know, like there's a difference and then you got a whole conversation
Then you know in the space of like there's death. There's like a huge difference between like the founders and
like the rug the people that rug being is
There's a lot of pumping them the pumping dumpers, you know who we are, you know, it's like
We hate them for a different reason, but it's like without the founders in
all directly
Influencers would have anything to do
Depending on what project it is. It's like anybody can be a pump and dumper
fact, that's what I'm saying and like the problem is it is the
difference in problem between beanie and threat guys like
Beanie just like posts about his shit
Like what he said, basically what he does now, it's like he just this is my position
Okay, so, you know nobody gives as much of a fuck anymore, but threat guy
He literally is like weaponizing his fucking, you know
Twitter page to get these free things and then using his Twitter page also to sell them like it's crazy
It's all over-the-counter shit. It's not even we do that. Who cares?
But it's what we should do
You said why don't we do that? Yeah, I said, let's do that now
Fuck this shit
These little $50,000 bags falling all over the place
How's your bags?
Bro that kid lost
50k because vigil said Oh
This dude thread guy fidgetle one of the last things fidgetle did was with this whole
With that whole crew was was set a deal up for some water
Fucking some water company that was gonna be in web 3 or some one of the advertise on that on the space and
Water company, I think it was a water company. I can't remember now
But it was some dumb thing and they wanted like three months maybe and it was like 50 grand
So this guy took that and gave this kid five grand. I think Oh
That sounds like Mario noff all doodle five grand a month
Maybe it was or something like that and had him do it and he pocketed like 40 35 grand
Imagine that doing that so many times like that. You're just
Well, that was fidgetle, but it happened. It's so crazy that Mario had it happen to him
Too he did that and had it and it's like the sword got him like in the end
Fuck around too much, bro
But I I don't know how he does his his promo and marketing though, man
Like for real like how is he well, we know how actually it's never gonna be
See, the thing is we're never gonna know for sure unless someone hacks that whole shit and gets a little inside weigh everything inside
to me the guy is the fucking
some kind of
Like either world economic
Well, yeah, he's like some kind of world economic form she'll fuck something like that
Maybe not them but yeah, I'm kind of memory. Here's a dad last year
Yeah, I do. I know I know and the and the fact that he's like on London real and that guy wanted to be the mayor of
That guy wanted to be the mayor of England or the mayor of whatever Britain
You want to be the mayor of what is it Britain right? What the fuck is the main city there?
What am I talking about Paris? Where Big Ben is? Where's big London?
London you want to be London real want to be the mayor of London?
He went did a whole tour during covid as saying that it was ridiculous and all this shit
He was doing it in London. I was like, dude, just cuz your name is London real you look like a California jerk-off
He had Joey Diaz on and he tried to pull some like social media
He had Joey Diaz on before he was like anything. It was like before covid
They it was before like any of them or anything right like on YouTube
Ed it was way early and he tried to make it into some kind of like social media beef thing
Like, you know how like even you do that shit like whatever like
Expose a right. They try to do like an expose a on on
Joey Diaz after the fact though, like after they were guests on each other's show and he fucking
that dude literally
Didn't respond for a minute. And then when he did respond, it's like the it's the greatest
It's just the greatest thing and it's like that was it
He did that one thing and then that was it. It was just dead
You can never look at that guy the same. It's like
This guy London real it's like you're Mario you are you were in you're fucking interviewing yourself
You're just the same Mario and you you're just a bunch of fucking
Wait, Joey Diaz is damn funny. Joey does a fucking goat. He's hilarious. I
Got to smoke weed with him once bullshit. Yeah
Did you touch it
touches the lip is
Blunted up. Yeah, well, I
Don't know I got picture with him, too
I'm like a bully boy there
I'm like 20 in this picture with him. Damn
Yeah, I'm like a swole
I look like
Like like one me hopefully 190
Like 185 maybe
What that's got chunky for you that's free tardy
Three no two. It was a 220 or 230. Yeah, really 220
I don't think I really ever weighed myself up. It was a 210 a little over
Anyway, do you think McCaffrey gets you a block this rushing yard?
Well, he just got a sort of touchdown. So yes, you're lying. No, I'm not quick block
My peak weight like 250
You are a bully boy, too. I bet on him getting two touchdowns block a well. He just got the second one and
He now has 98 rushing yards
You remind me of my friend in high school that would fucking if he got in a fight with his
High school they would he would try and put his thumbs through their eyeballs
You're like you look like I'm tied to two when I see pictures of you
It's kind of like your PFP and you mix is kind of like what my friend looks like
We call him Obie
This is called Moby he popped one dude's eye out with his thumb once and he would always do that
Cuz we thought it was so crazy. I
Don't know if I've ever done that but I mean, you know given the situation
You know if I'm down and out and it's you know, you gotta fight dirty sometimes. I'm not opposed to it
Well, I would tell you you wouldn't know where I went probably too
Because there's the rival three rival schools in one place
In Jersey
Now that all fight like crazy
It's weird like we played schools in like all over Maryland and in like Southeast PA in Delaware
But never anybody from New Jersey for some reason
No, I'm saying though. You always say brick. It was close to by there. That's my buddies from there
I'm not sure if I've been to his house once
That was a long time ago. He would definitely know
If you're in Jersey and you don't hit me up, that's crazy
Well, I mean this was
Like 15 16 years ago, maybe oh man. What the fuck?
Yeah, I mean, I'm 40 now. I haven't been in college in some time. Yeah, you turned 40. Happy birthday
Thanks, dude. I haven't lived on the East Coast since 2009
How are you fucking older than me?
That's when I was bored
They were younger than me. No, I appreciate that. They were like half his age
Well, I don't know if I appreciate that but thank you. Hey little buddy
And like I'm doing things. I thought you're on like 26
Like hey, I was trying to take over the corporate world
Hey check out
You like this one go here I got a white space for you
Here's a gray space and we're in a product zone of a white space now
I'm let me put this on the card for you guys
Yeah, I'll say
I got a fucking one-of-one facts. I have a new bag here
Good you think that my tweet is offensive or no? I
Don't see anything
Right guys. What tweet is I just pinned it up top
I'm still seeing the sacks bag
A soldier boy was in the NBA. Oh, wow. Yeah that Dwight Howard is right. I'm gonna do well
Everybody was just saying that it looks like he spent five bucks on fiver
Who is this Dwayne Wade Dwayne? How do I Howard? I?
Don't know I wouldn't I don't know if I would do a soldier boy was in the NBA
It's not that it's offensive. It's just more like kind of I
Don't know. I don't know if I like that one
It's not anybody likes it. I think no, I mean like it
It's too like fucking
It's gonna keep it
You remember
Remember soldier boy
So the boy enough teeth
Yeah, I don't fuck with soldier boy though same
So I'm saying it's gonna be a rough see Josh likes it
Knew it. I knew it was good. It's definitely gonna be a rug. I mean look at thread guy and
First of all straight guy was the head soldier boy rugger and then latest one
Yeah, I know
He's up. He got played like a little fiddle boy a little piss boy. He was like, oh my god
I'm on a space with soldier boy
And he was definitely DMing him like listen, let me host you co-host then I'll take your brother
This is going so great. We're like crushing right now
This is awesome
This is now super sweet
After all that said and done he probably hit him up like yo, I'll take a little like I'll take my 3% or whatever
It's all I usually he'll be like, oh my fee usually is 3% for whatever, you know, that got shit on red
You know, so I don't know
Oh, there's no way he got paid. He got fucking cloud like a tip even no tip even like here's a
Get a different haircut and then talk to me
It's a tip be a rapper. Maybe I'll pay a chance. Here's a tip learn how to rap
Driving riding rhymes
Don't rhyme them I just write them down
Kind of different it's a different thing. Okay, okay black clouds been
I haven't eaten in a long time, but since I got sick when I should I've eaten. Oh
What the Indian food?
No more nana no more nap in me. No, I had the did you ever eat one on the first thing in the morning?
But I no longer eat Q and then
Yeah, Q on y'all Q and Q. No, you're right Q anon. Yeah
You ever see when Tony soprano got the food poisoning?
And and he called Artie over and was like or Arthur and was like they were like what the fuck blah blah blah
He's like he's like Arthur
You fucking did this to me and they're like
He's like no he goes he goes where did you eat? Let's let's think about he goes
Let's reek reek
What's the word restep? What is the word? I'm fucking stone. I can't think of it. It's a funny word. Ah
Like when you retrace, let's retrace the events. I think he says like that like funny and
Yeah, no, he said let's read. No, he says it like funny like let's retrace the day or something
I don't know and it's like they go to this Indian all-you-can-eat buffet thing
He's like you blaming it on me
It's like so funny though, cuz he's just got he's like hallucinating from how sick he is
He's like he's like tripping from being food poison from Indian food
That's nuts that happened to me once crazy dude, I got tripped out off
You know Halal you know Halal is
Halal like like halal halal food. Yeah, you eat that
That's the stuff. I never had different street street meats. Yeah
It's all good
It's good with the white souls
Sometimes it's very good
What kind of animals that chicken and beef and lamb? Why can't you just say chicken?
Hello, because it's like
That's what it is. It's like a dobo chicken black. Yeah
It's not a dobo. Well, no, it's like what is naming naming fucking
Call it a double auction dude. Fuck convention. Fuck. Well, it's like their own. Yeah, it's some well, I guess okay
Yeah, similar. I guess in a way doesn't taste like it
But I'm not saying it's like it. I'm saying it's I know I'm all chicken adobo. Yeah
Yes, it is like the chicken. So you're saying they're the same thing
So you're saying they both taste like ass
No, they taste good. I like halal, but I ate it one time in the summer
What the fuck I ate it one time in the summer midday on like a Monday, maybe or I think
It was either Monday or Thursday, I forget which day you're not supposed to eat it I think Monday
Or Wednesday it's some day that you don't eat it because it's like left over probably like we all assume
everybody assumes that's left over like then I
Don't know if it's like a wives tale or whatever
But I ate it on that day that you're not supposed to and that boy was I sick
I was sicker than I've ever been and it was summer and I remember like
It felt like toxic death was pouring out of every pore of mine like like it hurt like the
Like the diarrhea hurt like that's how fucked up, bro
Like it was a volcanic eruption of hell like it was so fucked up
And I I like couldn't even smell that shit for like a year
Thank God Covid came and I couldn't smell for real for like a couple weeks
Taco Bell got you like that
Actually, I need anyone
Did you get that did you get that?
Did I get what
That hola placebo you got to get white sauce on it
Talking about Muhammad
West 24th
What are you doing
Dude you're like a
Bro, I black out. It was that not insane
I couldn't hear what you were saying is the crinkle crack was so loud. You guys should have a show called black cloud
black cloud
But I'm not I'm dead ass it's crazy loud
Scale issue. Do you have headphones on no?
Then you got a problem my friend. You might have like over sensitive hearing. I just heard about that on the news
Hyper awareness kicking in from what he took earlier
Okay, I guess everybody else why did he take oh, no
So I know that shit happens like every little
What are we talking about? Oh
That still works like that. No, I'm just saying that I was that what it is. It's your speed
Oh, it's not it's not the outer. I know it's not because black cloud because you're an addict and you would never admit
It's never the Adderall the Adderall is perfect
I mean it is chemically. I mean I would say
Is the perfect name a balanced?
Die, baby, man. Yeah, exactly
Good word, bro. I took Adderall and it does shit for me. It doesn't do anything. I
Took a hundred milligram. I took a hundred milligram vivance. Didn't I get right? It's pussy shit. I
Took 90 milligrams of Adderall
That was I swear did take that you need amphetamine salts straight up. That's what you need
Instant release amphetamine salts. You'll feel it. No, but you know, I don't want to be like tripping on Molly
You want to know what that's what I take every morning. I
Know and that's why it's like very hard to talk to you in the mornings. Cuz you're like
You're like dude all fucking tripping right now, there's not the truth
Dude, my raspberry vape tastes. Oh god
Yeah, when he's tripping on his Adderall in the morning
I'm fucked up
I'm just rolling join boys
This is my sound of joint rolling ASMR on GMG fy
Mmm, I think I lost goo
You're lucky
But I would I would absolutely refute that vivance is the is the we should it is it is absolutely not a
Month a month of vivance without insurance is like four hundred and eighty dollars
Disagree that's what I take I've had
Five ants is chemically different. So yeah, it'll affect different people differently
Like it could look somebody up then the next person will be like, yeah, this ain't doing shit for me
Well, that's what I'm saying. It's like like the yeah
I mean if you took a hundred milligrams that didn't do anything. He is definitely the person you're describing
That's exactly what I'm saying. It's like for those like for somebody who doesn't
Like the chemical makeup isn't gonna touch them
The vivance chemicals are gonna fucking is not gonna touch you if a hundred fucking milligrams isn't but I guarantee you if he takes
Fucking a 20 milligram instant release fucking amphetamine salt pill. He will be fucking cranking
Okay. Well, maybe no, I need more than that. But but the Adderall definitely works 30
No, I'm telling you even a 30 would be like a little run-up
Okay, what do you think the biggest dosage of fucking?
I've taken three thirties
of Adderall
Okay, you say Adderall do you mean by them?
What it was the
It was Adderall I took what did I take a 30 leg shell, you know with the time release one and
Then I took three twenties
That were I ours
That was the one time that I didn't feel it and then all of a sudden I felt it after I took the 320s
So I was like, yeah, but then the but I don't take it I was that was recreated. I was recreationally
Because you know why so like
Five ants though. I took it the same mentality and I took a hundred milligram pill. I think it was
Either that or 75 or whatever it is. I thought it was a hundred though
And right if they do shit time was like
That like the reason that you will have a 100 milligram dose of bivans and usually you would never
You wouldn't have a 100 milligram dose of like regular Adderall is what I'm saying
No, because they come in different sizes chemically fuck Jesus Christ. No chemically
When you look at like Adderall, all right chemists now, it's amphetamine. It's amphetamine and then if you
Yeah, that's
So the added dextro like they're adding something else to the Adderall to
Isn't it like Listro Listro dextro or something? No, it turns it into super math
Turns it's a suit of Fedron. Well, it's more like it's it changes the release time and the
Make it longer and
There's like all these different like reasons why you would take dextro amphetamines instead of
Isn't it like a
doesn't bivans have like a
What's the thing like the Zola shit, what's it called a
When you're depressed
Yeah, like that shit
Like it doesn't it doesn't have like a antidepressant. Isn't it an antidepressant also? Yeah, it's it's it has a like the dextro. Oh
God in other words like an antidepressant you have to take for like a week a couple weeks before right it doesn't
It's back it gets back to like, you know, whether you need the
You like the dopamine if you're dopamine receptors, you know, they're not working that's why you're taking one of these things
Different that's different serotonin, right? So the serotonin shit. I'll take like serotonin
Systematic serotonin reuptake inhibitor and
Selective selective, thank you. And then there's norepinephrine
So there's oh, yeah
Serotonin and norepinephrine, right?
Nefron that's good stuff generally like your pros acts and your fucking Zoloft and blah blah blah. Like those are all like
SSR eyes, so that's all serotonin base. That is basically the same premise of like how Adderall works where
Your brain take like sucks up too much serotonin
So the the SSR eyes keep the the serotonin like flowing throughout your fucking brains. They're being
Suck back up like too much into your
Whatever the fuck those are little those little fuckers are called I forget but then
What you have with a
Dexter amphetamine is like all dopamine things. So you're still you're not fucking with the serotonin
At all if you're just like your mood will improve based on the dopamine
That's staying in your
Then we dope dopamine with dopamine is
Is don't mean is Adderall Adderall is all about dopamine. So dopamine is um, you can
Basically, like if you if you scanned somebody with ADHD you would see that their dopamine receptors
Basically leak out too much dopamine
So it's not happy guys. No, no opposite. It's not being processed through their brain
they're saying like
Right. Exactly. So I woke I mean that is one of the they're happy to be said
No, no, they're like they can't focus or they're depressed. They're you know have anxiety
blah blah, that's like all because your brain is not processing enough dopamine and
There are two ways the Adderall like different like types of Adderall can work and then better mean
Know hold on. No, because let me just get through this thought or I'll never get through it
Okay, the receptors. Okay, the pills work one of two ways
It's either keeping the dopamine in the receptors at all and keeping it from leaking in the first place or it's taking the leak
Dopamine and shoving it back in so you're either like refilling or holding it there
Make sense
Interesting. So you would say that
Molly's a serotonin. I mean is a
Yeah, cuz dopamine is like the euphoric drug and or the euphoric can be like the euphoria chemical, you know
The meth meth amine chemical the man's come from that serotonin won't like gets you high
You got to get fucking high taking a bunch of pros that
That's why that SSR is
Don't get into that
That's what got a meth puma on a t-shirt
It's always it's very interesting stuff though
It is it is interesting that you know so much
Were you worried about taking it or something? No, I had to learn about it
Shit when you first took your first dose and you read the back of their prescription
If I if I was actually like thinking about what dude why did I want to learn so much about like every single drug?
And every single pill, you know, like what they did who doesn't
Well, I know but like the reason that I got into it was cuz my dad hated pills
And he was like, you don't need to be on no fucking pills. And then that's the old school
Yeah, old school shit, but then I'm like, you know, then I was like, I wonder where all this was right
Here's the funny thing they're right, so
I mean be to I'll be the same boat everybody is the generation difference. I mean
There it gets there it gets there's the craziest shit
Because you know what it is
it's like
They'll take
Like that generation would take drugs handed to them openly
Like at different events or whatever like no problem. They would like, you know
There was like lots of shit going on. So like to be mad about
Pharmaceuticals that are supposedly
Prescribed by the government by like, you know the doctors and the government and everybody
It's weird to me. Like it's like a weird it means that they're instinct
It's instinct. I mean, you know
But like so what I wanted like like what I wanted to make sure was like the conclusion was like block a
Vibans are
legitimately they were made to be like a weaker
Less pronounced
Adderall you are the weakest link
Like so if you took if you're taking amphetamine salt, that's like the straight-up fucking that's like the pure shit, you know
It wasn't isn't a often
Huh, isn't isn't I would they often I would have to strongly disagree
I took Adderall for a long time name brand and generic
Bro, and I took I took my vans and the first month that I took it
I felt like I was like I could have just honked out
Like I take it at 8 and I was fucking geeked for 12 to 14 straight hours. That's what I'm saying
so like, okay, so here's the
God damn it, but it's not about like a strength thing, right?
It's about like how pronounced it is for how long so these Adderall like an amphetamine salt
They will be so like they are called instant release, right?
So you'll take them and you'll like it's
You know shorter order but stronger
What'd you say fucking
I took Adderall's in college. Sometimes they hit differently than when I took them later in life
You're calling all them Adderall's and you're taking different things
But you're calling
You I know
We mean all these different so I'm telling you no, I'm telling you it was Adderall
It wasn't there wasn't any options at like too many other options
Whittling I took to
Well, I mean like I'm talking about like like I didn't take them prescribed I took them like here give me one
I'll take a couple of those or whatever. You know what I mean? I know
But what I'm saying is like there's a lot just to work. There's like the pure shit
And then there's not the oxen that's what I was telling like
Ritalin is like nothing dude. Ritalin is like the LaCroix of
ADHD medicines
The cucumber look well
No, that's the croy. Everyone calls it. Well, I'm look right. Well, you're gonna accept your boy
So like your boy, wait a second, you know who your boy is I bet Trent Reznor
Damn, you know me that he is your boy, right? Oh, yeah
Yeah, okay, so if he's your boy if he's your boy then go check out his LaCroix fucking
Love affair he fucking is in love with that with that shit. Well, so am I so that's
All about it. He lives in the fucking Manson murder house
Yeah, he's an artist, you know, I think he's a fucking FK ultra victim, but anyway, sorry. Yes. Go ahead. I just want to say
No, but basically like
What block it takes is an extended release so that that shit is hitting like a truck all day
It's like what the difference in dosages of vibance is is like, okay
It's gonna take it's gonna last all day. But how pronounced do you want it to be all day? Whereas right?
Yeah, okay. Well, how do you how does that work like that because how does it work that?
How does that work made with a release system?
Yeah, but is it a slow release system like the capsule it's in
Dissolves more slowly and over time than the
And that's like where it's the pills with the little beads inside. I'm sure I understand
I understand a little capsule with little balls. Okay, that's yeah
No, I get what I'm getting at is why does those beads so those beads are actually because they enter your body more slowly
Over the day throughout the day. That's not all at once. I
understand but when when do you think that
I don't get how it once you what I'm saying is that's when you get the high this kid
You're not gonna get high with something that's slow released all day unless it's a fucking 250 milligram fucking
slow release
Do they have that? I don't know. That's what like that's why they have
That's why that's why back to the beginning of the conversation. That's why vibance doses are bigger
Because it needs to last all day
Whereas if that of yourselves is fucking you need it's like 10 milligrams of this it'll last fucking 30 minutes
You know if you are using it to get high so it's like you can take you can get
You guys want to get fucking high off that shit?
You want to make sure that it's amphetamine salt not extra amphetamine not ritalin not by van
That's just not gonna get you high the shit. That's gonna get you high is the instant release
We all know that we know that we are no we've been around the block bro, we're trying to talk about the actual factuals here
You think we don't know that Adderall's the one that gets you high every
What do you mean all this all this shit
Adderall ritalin is ritalin vivantis vivance Adderall is Adderall. What do you mean all this shit?
I don't get it was your that was that early took in a capsule
Extended release it was basically ritalin or is basically vibing
I've taken the irs bro the little wave the wafer ones now. Those are the ones that will get you high. I
How many yeah?
They did when I took those that was the 60 I took I took the 320s and I was like, yeah, yeah
I was lit like a candle. That's what like so that's what I'm saying if you didn't get high the next night
I smoked I smoked like to somebody gave you some extended releases
Anybody ever try to buy Adderall don't let any anybody say so fucking said really buying Adderall
Heard that they'll prescribe you met crazy, but it's like it is called if that's what you want
Listen, I heard that they'll prescribe meth now and it's called like dioxin or something
I'm not kidding. That's what they said. That's what I fucking heard. There's a thing called dioxin
Dsoxn or something desoxin and it's like it's methamphetamines like from the pharmacy
It says methamphetamines and it's a legit thing
I'm like, what the fuck and it says like 60 milligrams or like 80 milligrams or something like they're heavy big doses and it's fucking
US whatever like it's from the that's why I'm like what the fuck like that's crackhead
Dude, look it up right now on your phone. Desoxn. I think it is
The ordinals on your dick
Your dick
I'm just I'm just shooting the shit here. Whatever. Well, I know
Now listen to me. I hear it is right here. Desoxyn
Why D desoxyn
that shit is
Legitimately from the doctor methamphetamines. Here's the label right here methamphetamines hydrochloride tablets
Fucking crazy, right? Oh
This is the mess
That's what I said. You said no
No, the ox is the mess like you said that's the method. Oh, it's prescribed
Yeah, no, I didn't know that I just googled it. Oh, yeah
What is that? I just oxen contains
Methamphetamine or math in addition to helping people who have ADHD this medication also sometimes
It's also prescribed to people who need medical help to lose weight
Honestly, is that like that that that's so funny is like
And what you don't lose late oxen, I wonder what's what else is in desoxyn
There's no way it's just fucking methamphetamines. There has to be some other shit
What is it? I have it right. I have it right here each tablet contains five milligrams of methamphetamines hydrochloride
That's all
see packing
Yeah store below 86 Fahrenheit dispense and USB tight light resistance container
Do not accept if seal over is broken get get this it's for
Riccardi rare diseases, Inc. Lebanon, New Jersey. There we go, baby
This oxen a hundred tablets five milligrams are expensive. That's crazy
Crazy, that's crazy. I didn't know here. Look how new is it? I don't know but look at this it goes
record at
Look at this. It's like a rare Pepe site. It's record at IR. Okay, what is it?
rare diseases calm
Here's another one ovation
Yeah, it's probably like it's probably like fucking you know, sometimes they'll
Prescribe really heavy painkillers people have fucking fentanyl in it, you know, like these drugs are used medically still
Yeah, of course the fentanyl is in the thing that your wife gets when she has a baby the epidural epidural
It says it on there fentanyl it says it's like 15 milligrams or something dude, you know, it's like I
75 maybe I don't remember what it is. Like it's some kind of crazy shit
I'm still pissed. I had a shitty to chemistry teacher cuz like I hated chemistry when I took it
but then like
All the shit that I was looking up in shit when I was in chemistry, I didn't even realize that it was chemistry
And now I like now I love it and I'm like fuck I could have been a scientist dude. Fuck me
My uncle was a chemist. I
Bet that's just so fun, dude
You work for Johnson and Johnson
Honestly, I would love if I was that'll be my other career in a different life. I would I would try to be a chemist
That's it would be fun
He's dead. No Walter. What are you guys? What'd it be?
Well, I would want it to be can you not hear vara goo
You tell him vara. Yeah
She talked over like literally the whole time. Okay, I can't hear
Okay, stop for a second. Let me talk to bar
Wait fuck me bar, what'd you say?
She's taking bongrips
She's coming back
You can't let it go do no, but what was it I don't know
She's not gonna remember now
Definitely not it's too much time and everything is it going up and down pressing button smoking all that
There she is. Do you have it? Your biggest skill is derailing my train of thought
Like you're in East Palestine where's the thought means
Means that my train of reason is way fucking stronger. Oh
Chemistry oh would I really be a chemist? Oh
Fuck all of you. I'll do it myself. Fuck. Jesus Christ. Fuck you. Fuck all of you fucking
Yeah, how many keys you saw the internet pussies out there and off that kitchen
Chemistry that's here if I started taking after all in high school instead of during slash after college
I would be you'd be jerking off ten times more fucking chemist
But bar is right. I wouldn't be the kind that just fuck it does the same thing
I'd be trying to be like an experimental chemist, dude. What's the biggest explosion I can make today?
Hey, listen up that bay house is the future. Was that loud enough you guys you dumb motherfuckers?
It's a banger soprano. That's not a house soprano
Get a voice actor on that one
You'd work for the CIA hash you could do the MK ultra to
Experiments, you know, yeah, he does it already. We were just talking about that. Right? I know that's why I bring it up
Hey go mint Lord cactus gas is low, I think
I mentioned it already. So you guys
Yeah, if that that's good with that mints out again. Everybody's getting the print
The print is fire. That is the print. That's high. No, that's what I'm saying
I want one in my house and it's gonna be on ducks. I want a friend and I want some stickers
Okay, I want you to be very got that. I mean that's you got that
All right, I don't know. I mean like yeah, I know. Oh, yeah, actually, okay
I'm set up for that now too, by the way. I
Got the envelopes. I got the marker next to the envelopes. So she's gonna be a man of those
Giving you I'm just sending you and hash. Well, of course I didn't pay for him espresso and kush
Cush won't give me his address again this guy
Do you believe that guy
He fucking took off an airplane
Parachuting he parachuted into the middle of the Oregon forest
This was only two days ago after space after the spaces and now he's stuck in an encampment
What kind of encampment like it almost shows the homeless encampment. Oh like Palestine
serving frosted flakes like a home
Wait is the jiboutis from Star Wars the jiboutis
Yo, have you guys seen this like this viral tick-tock fucking Yemen pirate?
This is wild okay, I like that name drop
You know what? They're this fucking, you know group and Yemen who has decided to take it upon themselves to
Shoot a bunch of ships coming through the the sea right by there
Israel stops fucking with Palestine. Okay, and so then like one of these guys
One of the pirates for like he's like a Yemenese fucking pirate it has been going by my word viral on tik-tok
And then he got interviewed by like this huge streamer adse what's up, I was here to weigh in on the hoodie and the blowfish
You dead sell motherfucker
Dead tell back to you
Welcome back. Hey, thanks. Did you get some acid? No, dude. She's got COVID now
Everybody's gonna kill me dude
Yeah, that's it's 2024 bro, come on that shit still sucks
Yeah, I don't even know how I got come on this 24
Cut that I'm believing it and I got it
Back to hootie
What even is
HD if you're
Back see bar got back to 900. I don't think that's how
Bars got a fucking back. She has backs laser eyes. That's
I'm not trying to be in the hospital. I've got a compromised immune system
We know all right. All right. All right. Take it easy. Calm down. What you got there?
Compromise your immune system, dude
Yeah, that's right
Because I'll be in you have you ever caught ginger invited?
Whoa, who's that? Oh, I got my cootie shot before I came in this room. Oh cootie in the blowfish
Cutie in the headlights. Yeah, that's a good name for man
I'll give you a blowfish
He went country though, you know, so that was a left fucking turn. He went on ESPN doing
Did he really?
Hey, which is a very various Rucker. Oh
Remember it was like the Sports Center. It was like that. I shot one of those for GM GFI
It was like the hoodie and blowfish video actually now that I think about it who is that hoodie in the ho fish
Yeah, bro. It's famous 90s bullshit
Listen to it
They're asking them if you do, you know this song
That's how they green card them
Damn my friend, you know hoodie and blowfish
No, I was just reading in my local County news thing
The hash is that reading it
They're letting all these people in with no
We don't know hoodie
Documents at all now and they're just waving them in that people are pissed that they had to wait online
They get their passports and all this shit and they missed
Trips and all this other stuff and it's like yeah, that's true. That is true
Even they can listen to hoodie at the border anymore. It has nothing to do with privacy or safety
I mean it has to always do with inconvenience that gets people pissed. There's a blowfish in my koochie
You don't have to stop the order and listen to Darius Rucker. I don't want you in my country, dude
Yes, right
Remember when you on went down there what exactly happened he went down there was like play Darius dude
Are you guys squared anything in a circle? Like they were like he yuck in it up
Yeah, he had a hat on it
Here it is. Here it is. Here it is. I got it. Oh my god
We have four minutes left and then I have to go to bed
Dude that shit made me laugh so hard
Bro people don't think that's funny you're out of your goddamn gourds you really are
None of you could sit them just get off my stage if you think for real that is the funniest thing
I've ever seen in my life. I've laughed hard at that for days. I
Save it for later like a little tree
That's how good that is that is his eyes if you look at that you dies while he's saying that
I'm gonna pin it so everybody can laugh because this is the best thing ever
Didn't I just pin something too because I think it's a hilarious name
It's okay, that is funny. I didn't know what it was at first
Here we go. I'm gonna retweet it here. I retweeted it from my iPad. I can't post it in there. Thank God, dude. Thank you
Well, I retweeted it guys. Oh wait now I'm going here. I'm looking I'll split some of my Twitter ad revenue with you
I would love that. I would just love a little like hey goo rights for me or something
Do right for hash bastards NFT? Oh, I'm gonna write that in my bio
Everybody should write that in their bios
That shit is hammer
That shit is like Dave having in Bretton Ellis and his I got hash bastards I write for well
Yeah, I said space host. It's space ghost writer
Space ghost writer. Actually, we're the space ghost writers. We've written a
Campaign for this whole fucking right wing now. Look at how crazy wait a second. How crazy it's fucking life, right? Okay, because
What did I say?
six months ago
like all the shit about wench
like political season all this stuff and
It's fucking crazy because Alex Jones is saying gf y. Oh, yeah
And he's saying it's from Elon's world
Which means it's fucking us back from Elon's world
That shit is not from Elon's world. I hate everybody fucking who doesn't there's no I got it for us
There's no way you can't do something for a year and change on here that had med fucking if you look at the chart on it
With the analytics. I mean it's crazy the show because sometimes there's nothing and sometimes there's 500 listeners
within an hour
It's like weird to look at because you're like, holy shit. He definitely heard it somehow with Mario and all the other bullshit
He's fucking with us. I think in a way not directly
But it's like it's like he just takes what he wants because he just remixes everything off his platform
He has us pay for him to remix our content so he can be fucking the mouthpiece of
And be listened to or whatever. He doesn't do anything original. He's not a fucking original person. He's just a marketing Gary V
He's a Gary V with an accent. That's what he is, but fucking so no one should get it twisted
He works for Sequoia Capital and like that's it. He always has he always will
You know and the government our government right now
But anyway, so the fact of the matter is how is that gonna be Tucker Carlson saying it fucking Alex Jones
fucking all these people
Saying this shit, but it's not even that you know what it is, bro
We've defeated the AI
Fucking tweet thing and see this is what I've been saying about Beanie
And about everything else memes are not eligible for AI and for whatever like the timeline
Right, that's one part of it and the other part of it is how you talk
What's going on right now what my throat
Probably the wrong time to clear my throat, but I had to
Fucking nose hairs when I see you fuck out of here, but all I know is the wrap it up
Bro, what do you mean?
Bro go brush your teeth put the phone on the charger go get ready for bed
Tuck your jam jams
Give your internet troll. Do you mommy's a little internet troll?
Everybody with tonight is that you just got to know how to
You ruined my train of thought oh, yeah, how does it feel fuck ass? Oh, that was about good
That was about us to wait now. I got it back
Anyway, yeah, yeah do it finish it up. This will be the closing thought
All right. Well the closing thought is there's no way that
Being in the meta for as long as we have with certain things and having those the
Actual numbers to look at where you see crazy numbers on different things. There's no way that anyone who's been on Twitter
The reason I say that also is Twitter is big and everything, but if you're an active user on Twitter
It's different than just being a casual
Peruser there's less active users than there are people who just read
Then there are people who don't even look at it once a week. You know what I mean?
There's all tiers to have how the users yeah
Right and so as far as people who are active like that whether it's in the sector we're in or all over
They know about a little bit about everything in other words
You know what I'm trying to say that's how it goes on here you get a little piece if you have it set up
Right you could see everything that's going on
Throughout the world like with news and markets and whatever so and culture and trends everything so you see
That with the other active users, and it's usually
You know now at one point hash had a better fucking first of all hash had a better analytics than the rock at one point
Like the hedge was fucking
Five million what was it like fucking crazy the one time the six months ago your shit was crazy
It was like five million people were seeing your thing
Or whatever it was right it was three or five million people right before they did the thing to pay him by the way right before
Well, they changed like three right they changed it, and it was like three months before that we were talking about it
No, it was like in the summer
I remember because we were like holy shit the rock and you were like you had a better you had a bigger
Audience than the rock at that point on Twitter you had a bigger audience than this other some other celebrities like most
Celebrities dude if I'd say hash and a meme it was getting like hundreds of thousands of users
I'm saying
Exactly, so it was wild none of my other shit got any views
Nothing has changed for it to change other than the fact that they're doing our stick now
They all are being he's doing it fucking all the people
Removing that
Yeah, but dude, but here is here's the thing we're not we're doing a different thing
Which is what he wants to do which is have that you're right
media that you could pay with that you can kind of like
chip with crypto and tip and have like
Streaming live and all this stuff like right at your finger like we're kind of doing that rudimentary or whatever
He's like he's like he doesn't care anyway about any of that. He's got some other thing going
He's got a thing going. It's not this shit. It's just he's there's something about
how close in time everything is that it's fucking nuts and
Good that we all have
That's why I love daily bastards so much because it happens
Like those 500 bastards all happen in this the most crucial two years. I think of our
Big distance out here long term. Oh
Yeah, absolutely. I
Mean, we've worked and I've marked everything down that happened on the blockchain data
Dave what it will know and you didn't yet
Well, I'm doing it one way. I
Right. I want to fucking it's got to do it. Oh bastards doing the way
Heavy price is here. It's gonna be expensive to do anything with the OG collection 500. You could get it some 500
No, well, maybe I mean the OGs collection is
798 you didn't have to do that. Anyway, that's not even that's not the point of that. Yeah
Whatever there there's something there with that though. No, no, there is
All right, dude, what do you know about that? Yeah save are you in three descriptions at all?
Dave you fuck
What is that
Toilet cam over here
I'll do a closer here the
The next man you stay let me finish my thought to the funny
What thought dude? What the fuck you I said finish your thought that was six minutes ago
And you interrupted me and went on something because it was fucking five minutes in
It's impossible in other words to be a
You're such a you know what to play fucking little play song. No, dude a wrap-up. You have six minutes
Does he got high?
It's impossible for us to not be what I'm saying because we're throttled so clearly crazy also after the fact
Go and that's it. And if I pull this sword from my boot, I cannot return it without the blood of my enemy on it
Now the next faster endeavor is officially in production so the release date is official
March 13th, I think
I think that's right
So probably
Is that gonna be a media blitz
We should try and do the east script we should try and do 50 or 25 e-scriptions of
Bastards for the interim and have them as like
We could do
Different types like what if you didn't want to be to type of the e-scriptions, yeah
That would be a good idea. Yeah, I mean have it with the contract the dump
That's a good idea
All these motherfuckers don't understand it
Did you go to oh that reminds me did you go to this
Hold on just one. Give me a couple more minutes. Nothing crazy
Yeah, did you go to the knock amingos website the flamingo one?
It's pretty lit. Oh, it's good. It is kind of cool, man. And that cloning thing that they have is well
It was ready though. That's gonna be your job is to do that. Like if you want to do that
What do you mean? Like if you want you?
I'm just looking at their first shoe that relationship. It's not gonna be me doing it
Dude, he was here showing it
Yeah, I know you could have been a little more gracious I told you about that no, I could I don't know why
Mean what's he's doing something cool. It's not that terrible. It's it's two dollars or something. It's point zero zero four
Perspective and like a it's totally different up you are diluting your individual brands artists
It is it isn't a cash grab yes, because why because he's
Motherfucker because he's using knock amigos knock amigos derivative to try to fucking you get the community of
20,000 fucking
That's why oh I see. I didn't realize that's the beef that you have
We mean that's the art is I thought you had a heartbeat if you have a beef over that. No, it's okay
Well, I don't think
I want to say so now I'm gonna be nasty because
The arts not that bad either it's different it is different it's clean
And it's different it is different and there's 20,000 egos I
Know dude, but that's semantics in the end. It's
It's either weaponizing. No, I die on my hill goo. I die on that hill every time
Well, here's the thing. I think you might not understand the one part of it that I'm trying to tell you
But you won't let me well, you just won't let me what is it?
It's that it's that they're doing like a migrator type thing or like a fucking this cloning thing that they're doing is something that
We were talking about
He closed them down because something happened
Yeah, he had to pause them in because all the funds were going to fucking test that that's the other thing
Bro, I mean that's the other thing to do what okay, so they don't want because because we want something from this dude
You're like, what it's cool that he shows on our fucking wall. What do we want from the dude?
I don't want anything from the deal with these options
No, I don't want to help with these Christians
So why bring him up who gives a fuck about him because it's cool and it's a different thing
It looks like what do you mean? Okay, then that sounds like you want to figure out why he's doing it
Why it's cool how to do it? I
Know that you want to fucking talk to this guy. You can go and click on it and go to view source
You know that when you see websites or whatever you like shit
You can go to view source then you see all the shit and you go to the github and you look at that
This is okay about that. It's 12 15 years. I gotta go sleep
You don't seem to understand
This is the same argument that we had over that other one that was
It's the knock amigos derivatives they get you remember the one that you didn't like you know, that's not at all
No, what the one um, I know either it's the Fox the ether fucks. I said, I like that. No
Remember back the
Space will never end
I'm out of town. I have to go to fucking Kansas tomorrow
And I'll be back
I'll be back. I
Swear to God you are you serious? Why did you invite me? Oh, you know, you're gonna invite me on here now
Can I finish now
Okay, here we go, I'm gonna start talking now, so I'm going to Kansas tomorrow
I'll be back Wednesday. So I'll be a really red slippers together. All right, everybody. Goodbye