Threat of wipe with @mithraeumio

Recorded: Aug. 12, 2022 Duration: 0:51:58



on anybody who up
(keyboard clicking)
Any further comments?
Yep, we got you now.
Is it good? Good sound.
Yeah, we can hear you. Okay, great. Nice to see you. Thanks for inviting us. Yeah, absolutely good to have you here. We're just going to get boomerup here too. There he is. And we can get started. Boomer either.
we have here.
Hello, hello. There he is. Alright. You're making me with this two phone thing. I'm a boomer here. Yeah. Yeah. The footage space is not be able to run it from
from desktop is makes things difficult. But we made it. So just to do an introduction, we have Boaton who's the founder of Mithraeum, Boaton you want to introduce yourself.
Well, maybe just literally, my name is Borden, I'm CryptoNative, I'm in CryptoFrom 2017, and yeah, I'm built in Mitrum, it's a game, one-shin game, and perhaps it's all.
Awesome. Yeah. And then of course you usual hosts myself and Boomer. And today we're going to talk about what
uh, mithram is doing that's different than what we're seeing in most Web 3 games, right? But I think to start, we should probably talk about, um, what mithram is at a high level so that we can fully understand what the approach that you're taking is.
And we can probably reference, I know you have two medium posts that talk a lot about managing economies that are on chain and the difficulties around that, which I think are super interesting topics of conversation as well. Yeah, great.
So I'll begin with what's your one right? Yeah, let's start with what it is. What was the idea behind Mithrayam? Was did you start I guess with thinking through how to balance an open economy or did you start with a game concept and then move to the economy?
Well, actually when I came across the idea of meet room, I came to the original, I came to the idea in 2017 because in 2017 there was a period with smart contracts, ICOs and no actually useful infrastructure. And for me, the time it was
quite obvious that we need to create a virtual and chain world in order to actually make a meaning for other protocols and tools that potentially could be created. So the virtual world as a root on top of which could be
used a D5 for example with the exchange, the financial instruments, the DAO's, governance instruments and so on. That's how I was thinking that time. So because I'm a big also fan of political science, economical science, games,
And of course the games and game design but I'm not a game designer myself. So yeah, I came to this idea. So what is actually Mithrum? Mithrum is on chain grand strategy game strongly focused on politics
and social interaction. In this game as a player you are ruler of your settlement in Mitchell World. And like in other strategic games you can manage your economy, trade, command your troops and battles, and can the world
all these instruments into abstract political influence to spread your will upon the others. But managing while your assets does not make you successful in the game. Since, midterm is a social game.
In metronome you cannot survive alone, so you need to cooperate with other players. But, on the other hand, you cannot trust anyone.
Every player in Mithrom is a mystery, and as more players in game, more mysterious, it actually becomes.
You have to choose wisely your allies, your enemies, be aware of betrayal and spy risks. So yeah, being a strong player in the midroom is first and foremost.
having no been more clues for this global social mystery than others to be confident in a real balance of powers which means to be confident in your next steps. So yeah, yeah, it is.
Yeah, no, I think that's a great explanation. You know, I think essentially at the highest level, it's more of a real-time strategy game, right? And the idea behind it is to manage your resources and your alliances to be able to have
have the most prosperity or resources at the end depending on the end situation, right? Because I know you just released the new document stating that there's now going to be two paths to victory. There'll be an end.
This is too past to victory, but only for the test, serious of test stage of metrium because actually metrium is intended to be in a thermal game. And everyone determines their goals for themselves. For instance, it could be the prophet, it could be some priest, it could be some
competitive fun, everyone gonna determine themselves. But right now for the test series we have two types of victories that are incentivized to test more game theoretic hypothesis. And I also want to add here that mention your resources and your
troops is only your instruments. It's only your instruments to project your political power. This political power is abstract, but your main game is actually to analyze this social puzzle and to be social to communicate with each other
and make the game more determined for you. So it's more determined for you, it's more you are sure on everyone, it's more you're sure on your allies, on your enemies, who can betray you, who can be trusted, as more you are confident on your next steps in order to be successful.
Yeah, no, that makes sense.
I guess one of the things that we were really interested in talking to you about is how you looked at managing the economy, right? I think tokenomics is the most important conversation being had around Web 3 games beyond building a fun game.
build one that also has decent economics because the economy collapses, it can put off a lot of people, especially if they invest a lot of money and lost it all. I think that's like
One of the issues that Web 2 gaming and people coming from the traditional gaming world are seeing Web 3 games as they are talking about it being scamous because of the economies not being stable and ponsanomics and all that.
But, you know, in the article that you put out, you called the fight against inflation in play-dermagames. You kind of called out a different approach that you've seen in the space and then touched up on what you called
a white threat, which I think is the most interesting aspect of one of the most interesting aspects of the Thrayam and why we were excited to talk to you about it today because it is something that is quite novel in the blockchain gaming space.
Yeah, my deal is, let's first begin with a problem. So actually when you want to put your game into the blockchain, you have to adapt it. And it's not easy and it's very tricky. Since the blockchain environment is first of all for the game, it's open.
and a regulated market. And actually, if we take a random game from traditional gaming and put it into the blockchain, it is automatically going to become a fancy because actually almost our games are the games so you have positive sound.
you just minting your in-game assets and if you are in game you are minted and if you have an open unreqlet market you can sell it to someone else. So if you put a traditional game to the blockchain without any adoption you actually gain on the
one type of the gameplay. It's a game of the greater fool, what is funs is. So actually it's quite a really big problem. As I mentioned before, Mithrin is intent to be the endless game. To be endless, to make it endless, we have to be sure
that our economy is going to be long term and stable. And in brainstorming how we're going to manage to make such mechanics done, we actually came idea to the concept. Well, right now it's working name, the right of the mic.
So what it is, first of all, I want to say that and remind that the interim is a game about the contest and you're not just only managing your Utah economy, you fight other players and when you fight other players
You actually it's a negative some playing since when you fight others and wrap their resources in game assets you actually also do a bear niche so some percent get get going going to you and some percent of the assets going to the game
I mean they are done. But we need to be sure that the players are going to have negative some play more often than the actual farming. And to do so we came to the idea that
And we actually can create the thread of the wipe, but it without need to perform scheduled wipes. So only the thread. So how it works. So the wipe thread is a theoretical solution
for competitive local games against inflation. When the system encouraged players to conduct manual, let's say, asset cleaning by influencing other, by inferences over their competitors under the
threat of the global vibe. So for instance, let's assume that we are the players in metrium and someone richer, someone poorer. And the reason for that is that if the inflation goes to some critical amount,
All the assets and all the production buildings are going to be burnt. So the whales of the game, they are going to be scary event. And because of that, they actually know what to do. In order to delay this wipe to make it not happen, they have to actually
make words more often and spread these words in a way of chain reaction through all the map of the material.
They spread this wall and they, and because of that, the burnage of the resources, it goes much often because they are scared of that. So yeah, there is that of the threat of the wipebook. And the interesting thing that the real wipe, it actually might even not happen because everyone in the game, they are
where how it works and they are aware what to do in order to delay it. So they just perform that actions that the game need in order to clean its economy and bring back to the stable. I hope it's clear. Yeah, no, that helps a lot. So just to recap, there's essentially a
threat that if the map is peaceful and no one's battling each other, the white can happen. To be able to prevent that and also to ensure that you as a player can win, you have to attack
those around you that are hoarding resources. So now we can get into the complexity of the game theory in the RAM, right? If you hold and hoard your resources, that means you aren't creating an army for defense, and that means that
you are creating an environment where the threat of white becomes more possible. But if you are using all of your resources to create large armies, you aren't reserving any resources for winning the end game. So you can't put everything
army, you can't hoard everything. You have to find this balance in between to be able to protect yourself, to attack others and still make sure that you can win. Yeah, this is correct. Actually, it could be compared to the Battle Rural.
for instance, let's assume that we are all the players of Nitorin, we are sitting on the round table and this round table, time by time inflation by inflation becomes smaller and because of that the community of players, the community of political forces,
they have to sacrifice someone in order to keep playing because it's able to get smaller. Also, the other example from the real world is fight the pollution and the pollution problem and we know that
Actually UM cares about it and most larger is the economy country. So actually this threat of the vibe is the biggest threat for the waves, but it's smaller threat for other
So if you're the whale in midroom, you have much bigger responsibility for midroom, for wall midroom economy to keep it stable.
Yeah, that makes sense. I wanted to jump back to the comment you made a little bit earlier about Web 2 games not be able to just port to Web 3.
Do you see that there are games that it would actually be harmful to include blockchain versus games that it can benefit?
Yeah, that's a good question. I like it. Well, first of all, let's find out what the game gains when it goes to the blockchain. So as it mentioned before, putting the game in the blockchain is first of all connecting it to open and unregulated
market. So, and what we get, we actually get play to earn. Play to earn is not an accurate term along with playing on, risking on, and maybe there, etc. But they are just a derivative of
the same phenomenon. I want to put importance to highlight that the play-t-iron is phenomenon. It's not a model. I mean, if you are building, for instance, the blockchain games are not intended to be a play-t-iron, it eventually is going to become play-t-iron because in a
environment, everything can be tokenized and monetized. So the progress of your game is also can be tokenized and monetized. That means that you can actually sell your products. So it becomes later on. But what
Well, nowadays the majority of so-called play-john projects are short-term and most likely the Ponces, but it doesn't mean that the play-john is homeless and cannot evolve into the healthy and low-dance-or-stable state.
So yeah, what actually let's take a look with actually the benefits, what kind of game benefit from getting to the blockchain and short answer competitive games. So it's supported to separate that most of the game general
They are built around a process, not a result. You get in your farm from the process of playing. But competitive games, in competitive games, you get the farm from the result. Competitive games, if you put them into the blockchain,
you make them serious because putting a blockchain to the game it gives a very ultra high boost of competition because everything gets value, everything gets fully, fully serious. The good example here is poker. It's actually more fun to play poker.
when they're at stake, real value, money, dollars or something like that, it's just more fun because poker is competitive and you are confident that everyone are playing serious so we are getting far from the challenge. But about the farm, actually
every game that are not competitive. They are not built around competitive emotion. So for instance, good example could be the games that are built around some cool storyline or cool graphical environment.
These are the funds that you extract from the process, not from the result. And as we discovered when you put it to the blockchain, you actually force the player to play for the result, not for the process. So in the end of the day,
player of the game with school story live, game with school environment that put the player to play this game, he will find himself that he is not an extra fun animal. He plays it because he works for some NFTs or
So that's the first point about how the second is that Trivel mechanics and poor game design. So if your game for instance, it's a casual game, casual games or dead games that have very trivial mechanics.
It's actually fully meaningless to put it into the blockchain since in a blockchain environment because it's all about the serious play, it's all about the real value. As a statement here is everything that could be optimized will be actually outermost. And more of that, even
if your game is not trivial mechanics, still, if your game design is very poor, it means that your poor game design will just become into some bunch of exploits, that other people, some hackers
on the just exploit. So yeah, in order to not develop the game for the players, the blockchain games on my opinion, they have to be competitive and intellectual without actually any exception. I hope it's clear. Yeah, so
I wanted to follow up with that. It sounds like basically what you're saying is you can't really have a casual game on chain with financialized assets because people then focus too much on the financial part of things that they miss the enjoyment of
the casual aspect of the game, or games that are designed for storytelling and cinematics and lore rather than having a competitive aspect to it. So I guess your thesis around blockchain gaming is that it should probably only apply to
competitive games are at least the competitive aspects of the games that are using them. Yeah that's correct I also want to make a reservation that such powerful examples of casual games and a blockchain it could be actually
a good short-term business because the space trend is hyping but from the point of view of game not a business. I would say that it's going to be a better game and phones stay for the long term.
Yeah. So I guess the question I wanted to ask was, how do you feel about what I like to call the Web 2.5 games? So games that are not fully on-chain, but only some parts, maybe they don't have a token or any currencies or any resources that are on-chain.
just have NFTs that act as skins or collectibles that don't have any effect inside the game itself at all. Do you think that's a viable workaround to some of these games that are more casual and less competitive to be able to
give the gamers the ability to own those skins and those assets that they're purchasing regardless, so they can transact with them. So I'll give you an example.
There's a lot of first person shooters, one is Valorant, right? So we buy all these cool skins and Valorant because we like them or we like to show them off or then make us feel like
You know, proud of the weapon that we're using, etc. We can talk about it. There's a lot of chat that goes on the side around these in-game skins and assets, but they're not tradable. So if I were to just port just that aspect of the game, but nothing else, do you think that would be viable or do you think that's also harmful?
Well, actually, if these assets are not tradable, that means that they are not NFTs or other types of tokens, that means that they are not actually in a blockchain or they are not meaning to be in a blockchain. What's the point? Well, as NFTs.
I think it's the point here. So like, if it's NFTs, it's transferable. If transferable is tradable, and it's tradable, then what's the point that is tradable if it doesn't actually carry any value because everyone just can
mean it. I mean, for what, by what reason such NFTs could carry the value if anyone just can like, optimize the process of their engine. So for me personally, it
looks like the garbage use of NFT technology. But well, still, as I said, from the angle of the business, it might be a good marketing stuff.
But from the end of the game design, well, it looks kind of meaningless for me personally. Yeah, I mean, it definitely wouldn't tie into the game design at all, right? So an example of this is like, play Blankos.
It's a popular game that we like to reference, Boomer Knight, like to reference on these podcasts. When we bring up the example of games that only have skins or their characters, if you will, on-chain, and then everything else is off-chain about the game. And this allows, like,
the open market to be made around the skin so you have this like speculation and there's a rarity to it so there's no there's no infinite mints right so the skins and the got the characters are only a
around for a certain day like 3000 each or so. Well on the other hand there are no infinite means you say it well it could sound upon Z-Like when the other players get the assets
and sell it to the later players. Don't you think that this is just a game of the greater food?
I don't think it falls under that category just because there's a value to them in terms of their rarity that it becomes like those assets become something that's desired by the later part.
players. It's like having one of the first skins from the earlier seasons that you aren't able to access anymore because there's no longer able to mint it. It shows two things, right? It shows that you're either in OG because you have it and you've got it when it came out.
or it shows that you're willing to put up the money to get it. And I think that's the same, you know, why people drive value to crypto punks, right? There's no utility to them. Um, let's be honest, the art isn't great, but you're, you're
sending a message that either you were here in the very early days of NOTs or you spent a lot of money to get that image and to show off. It's a status symbol, right?
Yeah, understand, but just question yourself. Are these guys really doing this for playing or maybe just for flipping? Because they know that they are early and this stuff is tradable and it's gonna be a rare non-infinite means.
Maybe hear for the game. Just ask yourself. Yeah, I mean, look, I can't speak for anyone other than myself, right? So if my favorite example is I have this skin in apex that's from one of the earliest seasons that I thought was
Super cool and every time I spin up the game boomer knows this because I play with him a lot People may comment so like oh, that's a really cool skinwear did you get it? How did you get it? And I'm like oh it's from like season one season zero you can't get it anymore I see
I think it's really refers to the same problem should we make an achievements in game? Trader boat transferable or not and my opinion that the not because if it's really an achievement that you came earlier to the game you've been an early on a job
Then it refers to your own reputation. You are reputable because you have been irrevocable. If you can sell your reputation, it actually becomes an nonsense. Reputation is not sellable for my opinion.
to make this healthy, if you want to be sure that these guys who are going to acquire this early NFTs, that they are going to be a part of your game community, not just FreePars, they fail actually to be non-transferred only.
Yeah, they let that actually. They could be the well, the achievements can be non transferable. That's fine. And I see both sides of the cosmetic right. If someone buys something without having to even step foot in the game, that could be harmful.
to the economy long term, but at the same time, like, if I've played the game and I got this skin from the first battle pass that occurred, like, and I could sell it or I could keep it, and a year from now it's worth tenies.
that would signal that I am like a true believer or true fan of the game because I still own it. Even though I didn't sell it, that's the same thing as me going out and buying it for Tenne. Because either way I could have Tenne at my pocket.
But I chose to keep the skin like rich, you know, if he was able to sell that apex skin But he's choosing to keep it because he likes it because he supports the game so I could see it being rewarded two different ways Maybe even with just minimal interaction within the game, but if you allow
people just to infinitely mend during a period of time without stepping foot in the game I could see how that in your side of the argument. I think there's two ways to approach it and I think you both are hitting the opposite points.
Yeah, we'll actually say that maybe you are really a cool or that doctor supplier, but also it's very probably that maybe you're just a hedge fund that do not care that just knows that do your research and get in early. That's how it works in crypto. Yeah, no, no, there's no
are giving that point at all. That's definitely a large concern issue. I mean, we even saw that at the top of a axi, you know, they're buying the land and some of the higher value mystic axes. And that's something that, you know, we talked about before, that's part of
The reason why I'm not the biggest fan of selling Metaverse Land to people at these absurdly high prices because it generally goes to these VCs like you mentioned. Most gamers aren't showing out 20,000, 30,000, 40,000. Those are generally speculators that are hoping the game becomes extremely successful.
and those prices double, right? Or they're trying to signal something to their followers and that they're in the game and have a stake and all that stuff, right? So I don't think I'm arguing that point, but I think there is
probably a better approach that could be taken to your point that maybe you have to be involved in the game to be able to transact with those or another solution, but I would like to see
the ability to transact with some of those skins that I've gotten, you know, because if you're an early player, right, and you've been playing a game for years and earning these assets.
you're going to have a large inventory. And I think the idea is if that's the case and someone else wants to come in and offer you, you know, however much for something that's in your inventory, I don't think there's a, I don't think it's detrimental to be able to allow people to
to sell those or buy those. And the same thing, if Boomer wanted to buy my skin and also that character that I have from season 0, season 1, and I wasn't that attached to it, I moved it onto a different character. I think that's like the web 2.5
vision that I have of a game not being fully on chain, but also not having to manage an economy either, but having those NFTs to be able to give the gamers the ability to transact.
Yeah, from this point of view, I agree, it makes sense. Well, just what I've been saying that when you put the game to open a regulated market, you automatically get points. So from the game perspective, making ability to transfer
game assets like skin between players, it's a really really great idea and the blockchain can bring well standardization with its interoperability feature. We also need to remember that Ponzi is actually automatically what you get and with Ponzi you
you get the bubble and you get a lot of pain and cry from actors that are actually didn't want it even to play your game. They are just APNINF. So yeah, I can agree that if you're building such games just with a blockchain to
make ability to transfer your skin in an FT way. You have to make it these assets actually as cheaper as possible so they're not going to be a mean to actually gain a serious value.
Yeah, yeah, I mean this looks speculations definitely unavoidable. So I hear you're coming from on that side. So back to the three on out.
outside of the flags themselves, they're the banners to be able to emit those entities. Are there any entities involved or is it going to remain strictly resource focused?
Well, yeah, actually, medium is not an empty centric and I would even say that when I hear something that oh, we got an NFT game it sounds for me Similar like we developed a camera form in medium
We do have NFTs, but they are just small parts of our game. So what we have NFTs, we have NFTs that's your settlement, of course, that's connected to the banner. I mean the banner has a settlement. They are actually the same and the parts of the banner. Yeah, so you can combine from different parts
and we are planning to make even the feature that you can import popular NFT GPEC collections from the blockchain and can be used in the metron. Also, interoperability stuff can work. And with metron actually, from the basic layer that's
We are not in FT Central, we are a strategy game and in strategy games, they are assets, they are actually fungivants. They don't need to be NFTs, we don't want to make it NFTs in order just to follow the trend and follow the hype. We put NFTs only there where they are real partners for it.
Yeah, that makes sense. And I think that's an approach that will make complete sense for the type of game and the genre of game that you're building, right? It's something I always like to reference is that there's no perfect tokenomics approach that will
fit every single game in every single game genre. I think there's approaches that we know will not work that you mentioned a few of them in your call and in your in your medium about trying to make the earnings small or keep pulling
and levers of the economy, we saw actually try to do that with their breeding prices to prevent extraction and all that stuff and we know those things don't work but we know what will work for specific genres like this one. For real-time strategy,
resource-based game, I think the threat of wipe is a great compliment to how these things work out, right? Yeah, actually, my strategy game, my grand strategy game, I also want to mention, it is only with my purpose because we are
One-chain game, one-chain game means that every logic is in one chain and grand strategy games are that kind of games where you perform as strategic decisions. For instance, in Starcraft or Warcraft, there are strategy games but
there you perform tactical decisions. So you make your decisions like multiple times maybe even per second. So clicking clicking move there move there avoid maybe some artillery strike from the Terran Stank but in games
like Nitro you perform strategic decisions like invest in some economy like move your troops to some neighboring or distant lands that could take an hours and our actually game design task in Nitro because it is a machine game
is actually to put as much intellectual players intellectual job as possible into one single transaction. So for instance, your move on the map in metrum could be a result of hours of internal yield debates and external negative
So as much intellectual jump as possible into one single transaction, so you actually gain gain fun not from your moves, but from analyzing and socializing your moves. And that's why the Grand Strategy Games Genre fits best on our opinion with the blockchain.
Yeah, and I mean I've seen that myself. I think the last playtest.
you know, there were spies, there were undercover agents acting like they were part of the larger groups because knowing they were so large would be harder to keep track of who's who. And there was a lot of backstabbing and teaming up and I was definitely part of the excitement of trying to figure out our
He's probably seeing us to be a spy, but he's a double spy. And I'll just play with, you know, it's almost like an online board game, right? And then you make your move. Yeah.
I believe there are a lot of spies also in Ready Player Dous since I'm tracking the emojis, Metro Memojis, reactions on Ready Player Dous server. And I see that it's incrementing by 15 every day. So yeah, I believe that spies incoming
right now because Mithram as I said before, you're the strong player Mithram if you fully solved a social mystery. I mean it's not enough just to manage your economy well or your guild
members, your ARMYs well. First of all, you have to solve this social mystery and to solve it, you have to analyze what's going on and you have to social interact with others to get to know how good they are, are they going to be your allies, enemies, can you try them or not, and being successful
That's full, it's actually to know more clues than others. Well, it could be quite similar maybe with how it works in Mafia game, but it doesn't play Mafia too much. Yeah, I played it. Yeah, one of the other things that is an interesting strategy
that we realized what was happening was players acting as spies to create a distraction because generally when you find a spy you're upset and then you send all your armies to pay back and then you leave your back door open.
But yeah, I think the whole complexity in the game dairy makes for a great economic design. I think the wipe of threat is a great approach to ensure that
that a period of gaming doesn't go with with peace right so it keeps the game theory intact. I guess just one last question.
I want to add here, sorry, I want to add here also that, uh, Mithron is also actually faced a healthy, uh, result of the plethora, because yeah, you say it right, Mithron is kind of complex gay, it's not a casual, it's not easy, it's not, uh, for, uh,
any regular army, but having the player incentives in the game, you actually create a compensation for the high entry threshold. So when you surely play us regular players, you go to the game because they heard that maybe they can earn money there.
And because of that, they spend more time with the docs, reading how the metrum actually works. What strategic good strategies could be and to actually understand all this complexity and when they understand it and spend like 12 hours with it or maybe weeks
they actually get why it's so fun. So this is actually that only I would say healthy result of the playtale on Phenomenon, the compensator for high antitrust fund. Yeah, oh yeah, I mean it's a dictating especially you know you know waiting 30 minutes to respond to an attack or an action
could cost you some stuff, right? I actually have two questions. I thought of another one. I know this is something that you guys are working on, but being a fully on-chain game can mean that every movement is a transaction. Is there anything that you guys are doing to optimize
transaction through put four gamers on the chain that you are are playing on. Yeah that's a good question. It's really a pain for watching games. There are actually mid-term is not on the watching game. There are also some others. So right now in the space,
There are some solutions. First, maybe familiar for someone from audience, it's session valid. It is a solution that once per day you only send one transaction from the Metamask and by this transaction
you delegate your account to temporary session of ballots that is stored in your browser. So from that time you can play from your browser wallet without need to confirm all transaction in a matter of minutes, but only for 24 hours. That's the first solution. The second solution
EIP is 22.55. It is EIP for the Metamonus. So this EIP is actually a valid permission system. So it gives, it's a feature when the front end, the game could ask the permission from
you to send on your behalf some type of transactions. So because for instance you're moving metronome, vones, drain, and billions of dollars from you even if you do have. This kind of transaction is quite safe even if some bad actor can intercept
your keys can hack the front end for instance. If he does a bad move in immaterial, it won't actually cast too much. It won't actually make too much harm. So we could really give the ability for the front
to send some types of transactions on behalf of the player. But still, it is all for Metamask development. So I know that Metamask already develops this feature, but it has a lot of security issues that they need to solve. Maybe with a new feature of Metamask, Metamask development,
not the D-Hallion map is going to be resolved, but still, it's decal. And the third one, it's not a big optimization, but we had a chart with Ditch and Tile-Deader and Metaguntheader, and they came across the idea that maybe
They have to write a plugin on top of METRUM that's going to make an autoharvest. So if you are familiar with METRUM, you know that most pain goes from the harvest transaction that actually we
avoidable because it's on chain and what we can do how we can optimize it we can make it do we can make it automatically so some but could auto hours on your behalf let's say once per five minutes so you don't need it to do it manually so yeah
Awesome. And then before we wrap up, just wanted to ask what the end goal of Nathiram is. You call it an eternal game.
Will it have seasons that will have winners or is it something that's going to roll on forever? I know how the play tests work, but just thinking through when it's fully live, what are you envisioning in Ethereum's final state to look like?
Well, yes, so as I described, the metronome is intended to be valence. So right now it's seasons because we are testing because metronome is still in development and we didn't finish all the feature and we are still not sure in which ecosystem we are going to deploy our main stage. So yeah,
I think it's going to be a journal. There are not going to be any victors, any seasons, any more when it goes to a journal. And if you want to ask about the economy, where the value is going to get from, I could explain from the angle of the poker.
Right now, when we deploy our Bronze Age 2 metrium, it's actually going to have a full poker table cycle. Why the poker table cycle? Because actually when you buy a settlement in metrium, you buy the chips.
for the poker. When your resources from your settlement go to the treasury, those are actually chips that you are putting, that you are embedded on the poker game. And when words happen, that actually is a card play. So we have the full poker
table cycle. That's why the same lacking poker. If you're the guy that thinks that you're using that you are smarter than the average player of metrum, you can try your luck and try your mind to try your social skills in order to gain value. You can buy the settlement, you can try to
to find allies, find enemies, you can gain more resources from wars. And if you want to finalize your game, if you want to finish, you can just sell all of these with your settlement and just say goodbye and it's finalized. So same looking poker, many people come
come to the pocket because they are thin that they are smarter than average player. Same works in metrium. Yep, that makes sense. Awesome. Well, boomer or Bowden, do you guys have any final questions or comments for we wrap it up?
I think actually a bit of a stupid need and exciting. It's different and like you said, it's not casual or it's more competitive play and
requires people to think but it's also rewarding them for that. I think it's fascinating obviously as part of RPD and following along like we're excited to see where you guys take this and appreciate you spending some time with us today.
Okay, I want to also add in poker. I also refer into poker here is that poker is an L on display theory and it's not a punzy. It's not not a punzy to make anyone anyone who played happy. That's what I'm just saying.
Yep, it makes sense. And in regards of decentralized games, they are actually also invented before centralized in the four board games before the computers. So we just reinvented them again. Let's have it.
Great. Well, definitely appreciate the chat. I love talking through the different benefits of blockchain and where it can work and where it might be more difficult.
So if you guys are in shit and hear more about MythRAM for those that are listening on the podcast, it's @mythrameio on Twitter and my THRAEUMIO.
and we spoke with the founder of Bowdoin who's at the last triarius. Appreciate you guys for stopping by today. Thank you. Take care, everyone. Thanks for listening.