Thursday Purgeday (Pancakes + Danny)

Recorded: Jan. 18, 2024 Duration: 1:02:39



All right, all right, all right, let's get this thing going
We've got some Gamone outs to toss around I see pancakes up here. I know tunes is up here
He's gonna join us in a couple minutes. I know he's
Trying to make sure that he doesn't get purged today
It is a very very dangerous day in the monad community. Of course
It is thursday purge day. John w rich kid is currently down in the trenches on telegram
25 in actives from the chat and throughout the day and tomorrow we'll be bringing in
25 new members
Really excited to welcome them to what is probably the most
Exclusive chat in all of crypto at this point. It didn't this is peak elitism peak elitism is the goal here
In a sense. Yeah for sure
I mean my dms have been flooded with people looking to get in I know a lot of other team members have as well
and certainly that's not what we recommend in terms of
Setting yourself up or positioning yourself for a slot in this
Exclusive telegram. It's not about rating tweets. It's not about retweeting or liking
It's really about becoming a recognizable and memorable community member bill monday is constantly
Giving advice on this how you can position your account on twitter your personality on discord and telegram to
Identify yourself as a monad community member feet pics might help I do suggest feet pics on the timeline that might help
They may or may not I cannot personally comment on that
Now that's just an opinion
General opinion. Yeah, john w rich kid may have an opinion on that and of course at the end of the day
He is the telegram overlord
And like I said tunes is currently down in the trenches trying to avoid the purge himself
He'll be joining us in a couple minutes here, but we've got pancakes as always
How are you doing, sir on this fine thursday purge day?
I'm doing great. I'm doing great. Um, I woke up about an hour ago
Um, so, you know still a little bit groggy, but I feel really good. Um
Just chilling man. Um, we had a fun time yesterday
I don't know if you want to talk about it yet, but enjoyed enjoyed what we did yesterday
Um, it's been a good week
Um, good monad
Good monad. Yeah, we can we can definitely talk about yesterday. I think uh, a little alpha drop never hurt anybody
Um what pancakes is alluding to we recorded episode 10 double digits now episode 10 of the pipeline
Podcast with an absolutely monster roster of crypto twitter
Guests, we had ansem on there. Of course. We had pancakes
We had jim talbot and the faithful at intern co-hosting as usual
Really excited to put out that episode next week
There's a good amount of alpha a great amount of vibes and it was just a fun conversation
We talk about all things crypto
Of course through the lens of high performance crypto and monad specifically but really excited to share that with everyone
Next week keeping an eye out. That's a a great episode to listen along to whether you're technical
Non-technical or or somewhere in the middle there
Yeah, it was a lot of fun if I felt like we brought two giga brains on
And then you had me in there, uh as well
So no matter what what side of the bell curve you're on I feel like you're gonna have a good time
So be excited. Yeah. Yeah, I think um
First of all jim talbot is like one of the biggest giga brains that i've ever had the the pleasure of speaking with
I mean every time he opens his mouth. It's just like wow, that was incredibly
Insightful. I I love how his brain works and certainly love his his experience in the space
That's why i'm actually going to be staying for a couple weeks in london with jim patelbert and peach
Um, he's become one of my favorite
Friends in the space quickly. He doesn't talk a lot because he's pivoted away from being as much in crypto
But yeah, you're right. Every time he opens his mouth. It's just facts and it was really
Um, it was refreshing to hear him give opinions on things. He usually doesn't talk about
100 um, and just a quick call out. Thank you to all the listeners down there
This is a very open space
We talk about monad on the highest level and the lowest level as well
So anyone and everyone is welcome to listen in and if you have a question you want to drop your thoughts
Feel free to to do so via comment or even better request and we'll bring you up on stage
I see we have oj requesting. So gonna take a chance bring up oj. I just brought him up. Yep
Let's see how this goes
Right on yeah, very like the purple already. I like the purple
Yeah, yeah and a very uh, very cool looking looking jacket there. Oj, how are we doing today?
Hi, i'm good, how's it going?
Going wonderful, man. Go. How's your day been? Oh, it's been good, man. I listened to your
Episode yesterday
That's that's always great to hear appreciate everyone who's kind of tuning in following along with the the content on twitter
Um, I guess I would be remiss if I didn't add in the past month or so
We've added quite a few platforms where you can listen or watch the pipeline on so those include youtube spotify
Twitter, of course, and then there's a host of audio only platforms that the pipeline is available on
There's a link tree and in the pipeline's bio that you can check out
So really the goal there is wherever you prefer to listen to podcasts wherever you prefer to watch podcasts
We want to meet you where you're at and bring you the good news and alpha on on monad
And let us know where you listen to, you know
Drop us comments where you list drop it into the pipeline comments where you listen
Because i'm actually kind of curious
Yeah, same here. That's that's always good to know
I see we have zane up here as usual with current guests on thursday tunes his favorite community member
A lot of love for zane. How are you doing today, sir?
Um, hey, i'm daniel i'm doing great. Um, I had it i'm a real cheap
So I just go home right now and I kick it off the new how have you guys been doing?
Pretty good, man. Can't can't really complain things are going full force here at monad
Hq in new york city the team is heads down grinding
We've got devnet coming up really soon, which I know a lot of people are are really excited about and
Uh, yeah, it's gonna be it's gonna be really exciting to have that devnet released even though it's not a public
implementation of monad
This is the first time that we're able to basically turn the power on for this thing and
Show the world some of the metrics and benchmarks
That you can expect from monad on a performance side of things and we've talked about this a lot over the past year
The different optimizations that the engineering team has been working on for years now
Um, but really excited to be at a point where this is starting to come to fruition with this devnet
And following that we'll have testnet which will be the opportunity for the community and our awesome ecosystem of builders
To start getting their hands on the monad product and of course after that we'll have main net
That's going to be absolutely bonkers
Um, but yeah, there's a lot in the in the pipeline pun intended
Just so everyone knows and is sure I will be using the devnet both to make sure the dev side and the net side are completely
Perfect. Okay. Um, I'll I will be in there making sure every piece of code is perfect. Everything works great
Uh, so you guys can can can leave your faith in my hands that the the tech will be perfect
Yeah, I don't know. Thank you. I've got a question
Oh, sorry. So you don't need coming
No, you go for it zane. I was just gonna say I don't know what we would do without pancakes and his technical abilities to fuse the
Dev and the net together that takes a lot of integration work. It's a high level superglue. I'll tell you that
Yeah, yeah, so so really really grateful to have you here working on that
Um zane, what's up?
Yeah, um, I was actually going to like direct questions for pancakes. I also know like, uh, what would you say is the you know?
The biggest thing the people are going to be using devnet should more be looking out for
Uh, definitely the the net side of things I think is the most important. Um,
You know, you know people talk about devs all the time, but we got plenty of dev, right?
There's plenty of devs in the space, but we don't talk about net enough
So I think the net side of devnet really important to pay attention to
Well, you know, you know what is crazy like it's hard to figure if
You'll be totally sarcastic. Oh, yeah
I don't even know what sarcasm means as a word. So uh, i'm being completely serious
All right, you see so now if if pipeline wants to elaborate on that that that's completely fine
But I like giving high level overviews of of the text so the simple man can understand
Yeah, I think I think that's pretty spot on on a high level pancake. So thank you for that for sure
But for anyone who's kind of seen the news that we are approaching this devnet phase
Figured it's probably helpful to give a little bit of context devnet is not a
Public implementation of monad. So this is not an opportunity
Quite yet for builders or community members to actually use an interface with the chain
however, this is a big milestone for monad in the community as a whole because
a good way to think about it is actually like
turning the power on for monad as a system on on a whole so
We're going to be able to power up the chain get this thing kick started
And share with our community and our builders some of the performance benchmarks
That's going to differentiate monad from any evm environment that we've ever seen in blockchain before
So that's going to be really exciting. These are are some
Uh announcements to look out for it's not necessarily a call to action that you can actually use quite yet
That's going to come in the following phase
Which is testnet which we're we're looking forward to later in the first half of this year
And the testnet will have both a a public and private phase the private phase coming first for
Some of those core ecosystem projects and partners that we've spoken with over the past year
And are highly committed to building something specific on
On monad so they'll get the first crack at the testnet phase of things
And then after that we will open the testnet phase
publicly for our builders and our community to to really try out and
I think this is going to be a really exciting progression because coming from the devnet side of things we're going to see
Just how performant monad is just how optimized this is as a blockchain in terms of
The number of transactions we're able to push through in a second the speed the latency
And then after that when we move into the testnet phase
It's like you can actually get your hands on monad as a product and and check it out
Yeah, I see we have caesar coming up as well
Shout out caesar. I think we've had you up here before but want to say gamonade gamonade
How are you doing? Maybe still connecting caesar? What's up?
How are you
Wait, can you guys hear me?
Yeah, oh jesus. I thought I was rubbing
Yo, what's good, man? What's the pancake?
I'm doing well. Yeah, it was good pipeline. I mean I had fun on the space last week
And it was amazing and i'm still trying to like to learn more and more and more about monad
And yeah, I actually call myself a monad newbie because i've been seeing all the memes and everything
Like on the timeline and I can't actually feed you guys anymore to be honest. It's crazy
So yeah, um, i'm gonna have one question for
pancake he said
Help was actually laughing where you were saying talking about the dev and the net thing, but this is just noselet. Yeah, like
The dev net is
Uh, let me say is it actually focused on
Who whatever the devs are building like on the
Or it's just going to be like a general thing where people could just like test whatever they want to test or
I'm just using it. It'll be it'll be an internal thing just I think for the team and then
Pipeline is it is it going to be?
Is it going to be a little testing space for some of the team's building or is that is that going to be for the next phase?
That's for the next phase. So with the test net phase is actually when builders are going to be able to
Try out some of the products that they've been working on
And the community as well, but one thing that's that's pretty interesting is
Because monad is evm bytecode compatible any app that's built on an evm chain
Particularly ethereum can be ported over onto monad with very very little effort on the engineering side of things
I'm, not technical myself, but my understanding of this is that it's basically like a copy pasta so you can think about
an app that's running on ethereum currently and
perhaps bogged down by gas fees or
Competitiveness on the the network as a whole and you can think about
Taking that app and basically hitting copy paste and deploying that on monad's test net phase and being able to see
what that
Uh what the performance gains are how much faster your app can run how much more efficient your app is able to to run on?
Monad and
Because blockchains are just infrastructure
That's one of the most interesting and important aspects of this this launch phase
To be able to see that what we've been talking about for the last year is actually going to come true
And these optimizations are really going to benefit both the applications and the user experience
Significantly, so i'm really excited for that. But devnet is really a step before this
It's about sharing some of these milestones
And the metrics behind the blockchains performance, but that's internal only for the team
As we we flesh out working on the product
Oh, amazing. Yeah, exactly. Well said
Um, so like just to actually like chip into what Dan said
Um, the whole devnet thing is like basically for the developers of you know, the network to sort of like stress tests
The network that is how they can like define all of these metrics like whole okay. This is the actual
Um speed of this network or like, you know, now right now the whole 10k tps is still theoretical
Well, you know the devnet would give an exact idea of like what to expect
in reality, but um actually i have um another question which is um
we looked at
Better change testnet, for example, it was like crazy overloaded. Yeah, and personally I think
Monad is probably more hyped
understand too and I expect
Um our testnet traffic to be like much much more crazier
So I just want to know has the team actually like recognize this?
you know, um potential
Um issue that could arise just like looking at um how all of these other
testes have been doing and then just
related to the korea hype with monad and then
You know, it's uh, I think we better change. We already have like over 200k users
They add like over 200k users in the first like 24 hours or so
Looking at that way with monad. I don't think it's like
It's it's stretched to say we could have like
400 k 500 k so and you know, this number is actually like super crazy
It's that and you know just thinking about it. I don't think we've had
Um potential test nets like
That we can assume would get this, you know number of um
number of um traffic, so i'm just
Uh, I just want to know if you know, you guys are the same i've talked about this sort of thing and then if you have
Any steps if they can to prevent any issues that could arise from so much traffic
Yeah, for sure. That's that's actually an awesome question. Um
And first of all want to give a shout out to bear chain on going live on their test net
We had smoky the bara up here in this spaces
Two weeks ago, I think and just an awesome place to share vibes really excited for the the team over there
Know they've been working on things for for quite a while
And to see that amount of user traction right off the bat for them is is really exciting
So hats off to them salute to to bear chain and in terms of the mon outside of that question
The team's background particularly on the engineering side and the co-founders who are technical
And that's kioni the ceo and james the cto
They have an extensive background in optimizing high-frequency trading systems in the traditional finance space
so they're used to dealing with
scale and traction and
That we've actually never even come close to seeing in the blockchain space. So that background is
um is really important and really helpful when you're considering a lot of traction potentially coming on to
The test net in the early days when that's launched as well as mainnet for sure because
The whole goal here is not just to produce a blockchain. That's very performant, but a blockchain that is
One decentralized and aligned with the core values of ethereum and what brings
What brings a lot of us to this space in the first place?
And two to be able to handle this extremely optimized performance at a high scale
Because that is what we really need in the blockchain space to be able to support apps that have
millions or potentially billions of users and not have this competitiveness with gas fees and
uh, you know people being able to push transactions through so
That's been very top of mind for the engineering team at monad since the
Very early days because it is absolutely critical that like I said
Not only do we have a very performant very optimized blockchain, but also one that can scale with
Significant user traction and tons and tons of of transactions coming through
Every second every minute every hour every day
So great question zane. Hope I gave you a decent enough answer there being non-technical myself
Um hoping to have some further conversations on the pipeline with james and kioni as we get closer to this test net phase
So we can talk about one
What are some of the top apps that are going to be deploying on monad?
What are we most excited for there's already 80 projects committed to building on monad in this pre-devnet phase?
Which is absolutely crazy. I don't know if i've seen something like that in my time
In in the blockchain space not sure if you have pancakes, but there's a lot of excitement
So it's definitely really important to the team that we we handle this scale
Yeah, I think it's obvious to the community team. Um that this has probably been one of the most hyped up
hyped up projects at least since since i've been around in crypto and the community team is very tuned in and in communication with
With the dev team and I think it's it's pretty obvious that we have to be prepared
We have to be over prepared for what to expect. Um, I think that's that's pretty obvious to the dev team
So I don't foresee
There being a huge issue there. Um, obviously that's the point of test net is to to work out kinks and figure figure things out
Along the way, but we're very in tune with with this hype and what the potential numbers could be
That makes a lot of sense actually because you know personally I think
The uh, well the founders the co-founders
Kyonya and james they are work history does instill um confidence like in me personally
Because you know they are used to
And high performance, you know environment. So i'm like pretty sure they'll be able to
handle this but I just uh, you know wished um
I was able to actually like get a more technical response because actually I just want to use
Um the question as a medium to learn, you know something entirely new on the like technical side of things
It wasn't as much as i'm not like a technical person always, you know, enjoy learning about these things
Awesome, well, thank you for the question zane
Hope you'll hang around because you always have some fire questions and some fire comments as well seeing we've also had
My prox my pro up here for a little bit seeing you all around twitter lately, sir
How's it going to jimona jimona everybody? Good afternoon. Zane Caesar turns pancakes
It's good to be up here and asking questions. I usually don't do this, but I
saw one of the biggest news in crypto this week and I was like the partnership with um
layer zero and
Mona because I right now I think mona is like
pretty pretty pretty hyped and
I was just and i'll be like like trying to research and like see what um whole project is about
trying to like listen on youtube trying to learn from
CUNY and every other founder and everybody so what I wanted to ask when I saw the news
and when I watched the video on youtube was
how is this high and
Um scaling platform that is monad how we're going to partner it up with
the entire probability of um layer zero
So I want to know what we should be expecting and what we should be looking forward to
Thank you
Yeah, great great question
This is a huge week, of course with the layer zero and monad partnership announced
Again, this is another yet another partnership that's announced in these pre devnet stages
so really grateful to have worked with the layer zero team for quite a few months now to
to think about how we want this partnership to to look and go and
um, you know on a high level layer zero is a really important component of monad's launch because
when you look at the amount of capital and the amount of applications and users that are in blockchain
There's a lot across plenty of other environments in crypto. So to have layer zero
Bring this interoperability and this connectivity to other blockchain environments is really key because
that enables monad to
essentially plug into the existing crypto ecosystem and
Create a much better experience for users that are looking to explore monad's environment
Or potentially deploy their own applications on there. So
Really excited to to be working with the layer zero team
Uh quick plug for the pipeline. We did do a full episode which came out this past tuesday
With brian pellegrino who's the ceo and co-founder of layer zero labs?
As well as kioni the ceo and co-founder of monad
So if you want to learn more about where this partnership originally stemmed from some of the goals of the partnership and how
Monad and layer zero will be working together
That's a great episode to check out. There's a ton of alpha ton of information there
Whether you're technical or non-technical but super awesome question there
Yeah, all right. Thank you very much. I'll just drop down to the audience. I'm listening there
Sorry, can I like uh, give a comment on uh,
Victor's question as well. Yeah for sure. This isn't this is an open space
We're here to talk about monad learn about monad share some good vibes everyone's welcome
Um, so please yeah
Um, hey, how you so, um, firstly, uh, personally i like layer zero has the most important technology in like web3 right now because
Um as the space, you know gets bigger and bigger
Um both users like liquidity and several other um
blockchain utilities get fragmented and you know
If we want true onboarding here, we cannot ask
The average person to come into the space and like start getting familiar with 200 plus um blockchain. Yeah
Well, I just feel like yeah zero would um
Create the feeling of you know
None of all of this friction will be there
You just feel like you're interacting within you know
One one layer and that is like very very very important to ease like the friction of embodying new users
So and then for monad here monad is basically next level
uh in the sense that
You're still evm meanings meaning that devs would obviously love, you know to build on monad and then you know
Also this whole high-speed low-cost environment now, uh, you know makes this whole thing the user stream
in the sense that they can like experience all of this
Um experience all of these products without having to like wait too much or like spend too much again, so the um
the um partnership of these uh, two
What's it called these two technologies are filmed?
Um expose the space really to like things that have not been possible like previously when you look at um
What's it called?
when you look at
Um the end goal of the central is I think from um the episode you had with um,
Eunie and brian talked about the angle of the centralization bill to you know
Slowly replace um centralized entities and I believe that you know
The combination of layer zero and monad is definitely like a step forward in that direction in the sense that you know, we now have
No more friction within all of these different blockchains and then now we now have an actual blockchain
with the true, you know ability to scale and then you know, also build because you know
A blockchain can be like very scalable
But you know builders would be unable to like build on the chain because you know
It's very very difficult to explore the whole building side of things
But you know, we monad
Viewers can enjoy building because you know, it's evm compatible and evm is you know, the best
for um builders then also the fact that it's cheap and all makes everything just like perfect and
personally, i'm just like very very curious to see um how the future wits layer zero and um monad
Fully about texturing life i'm curious to see how that goes
Very well put zane. I don't know if I
Could have put that better myself, but yeah pretty pretty spot on this is a super important partnership
Here between layer zero and monad. I see caesar has a question or a comment. Come on up, sir
How's it go and share some vibes?
No, this is actually a question. It is just like a comment on what is in your series
Because I feel
For like the fact that I just explained everything
Um i broke it down just like that is
um, I feel like he's
Educative enough and I think zane should actually be
uh the next I don't know the next pancake because pancake was
Was actually dropping some knowledge last week. So he does just enjoy the record already. But yeah, um,
Amazingly post here zane too. I actually didn't know
Um the old thing about
The layer zero thing to be honest. I mean define like no common guy
But yeah, thank you for like
Like break it up down. Yeah, you're welcome, man. I think um, what's it called?
You know like sometime early last year. Yeah
Although naturally, I think we all came into the space like for the money past of things
But then we stayed because of like something different probably not just because of the month
but like for me, yeah, you know came into the space for the money and then you know the tech and
The potential of the space as well as like kept me here
And then you know, there is one of those tech if you look at it with um
Lots of foresight here. You'd realize that the potential there is like almost boundless. Yeah, and
If you should like a web 3h this year is you'd definitely be excited by the idea of it
Which is exactly what i'm excited about monad as well. So yeah
Because this one always been like my favorite
Tech like ever since i've known about them. So like just seeing these two
Once again, I just like very very great from it
Yeah for sure, I mean again couldn't have couldn't have put it better myself
It's a it's a huge partnership and certainly I think pancakes has been a great role model for myself
And a lot of people in this space and it's particularly relevant now
I think as we come upon the annual thursday purge day where
25 members of the monad locked telegram are currently getting purged
And what I mean by kind of drawing this context together pancakes has really carved out his own niche and
Uh a really strong personal brand in the space that's opened up a lot of opportunities
And I learned about his whole story on episode two of the pipeline
Was really lucky to get him on super early super gracious of pancakes to come on
but when we talk about how you can position yourself as a
really strong
contributor in any community
It's not about dm'ing the team. It's not about
rating tweets
It's really about creating your profile and your content to be an extension of the brand and community that you're trying to support
So my advice for anyone trying to get into the telegram through one of these purges is stay consistent
Don't get discouraged. It's super competitive. The chat can never have more than 1000 members
I don't make the rules, but I certainly have to follow them. So from the pipeline
We only have three links to give out each week
But as best you can take a take a leaf from pancakes book and spread positive vibes spread love
You know don't have that like farmer copy pasta stuff with a bunch of retweets on your profile rather if you're
A committed monad community member do your best to show it through your through your pfp through your content
Use those natural skills and talents that everyone has to
Help push the community forward in a very positive way because that's the sole reason that monads community is so strong
We have all these amazing contributors
Just looking down at the audience. I can see
So many people who have been here day in and day out contributing in their own unique ways. I see skilli who's created
Thousands of memes and artwork like truly one of the most talented artists in this space. I see poison
I see william bonner. I see mario. Bra. I see una
I see savant who's been absolutely crushing the game ever since he won
A telegram competition to get into monad's locked community. He's been creating some awesome short content based on the pipeline episodes
No one asks him to do that, but he had those natural skills and he put them to to work. I see
sapphire sajeeza
Mike web shave the whale dasha
These are all people and many more in the audience who have contributed in their own unique ways
And developed friendships and relationships within the monad community and ultimately that's really what it's all about
I don't know if you have anything to add there pancakes, but you are certainly the the role model for a lot of us
I think uh, I don't think I should be a role model for anyone. That's that's that's a bad idea
But um, I do think i've gotten
Lucky in a sense that when I came into this space for the second time, uh on my twitter wise
I decided to make this this account with like a fake face and fake personality
It was a little bit different than what was going on at the time during the tea season
Where everyone was making their pfp their persona. I choose I decided to choose a
Random person from page three google to be my persona
And uh, you know, I think i've tried to change my pfp a few times and people get very angry at me
So luckily this guy found out and posted it on his idea that was funny. So he's not gonna sue me
I I actually found a good lane where it was
not really
Bothering people just kind of I started larping. I say larping as you know, being my true self is like a terrible predator
You know, I don't trade or anything. I was chasing
Pumps and stuff early on but I was just really bad at that
but I wanted to come into this space really just to
Kind of be funny and like bug people and then once I started gaining traction and like some of my favorite og accounts started following me
and stuff
Um, I started realizing I had a niche here where you know, I wasn't this like
Altogether or some competitive trader that was like talking shit all the time
Um, I kind of just realized that just kind of being who you are and maybe having a funny post on it
Really was was bringing a lot of contributions to the teams and a couple teams would recognize that and I got opportunities
I have a marketing and beauty background and pr background. So I was actually useful in teams
Um, I just want to talk about it on the timeline as much but yeah, I really think that
The community that's been built around monad is is kind of embodying that kind of
That kind of energy perfectly where you don't have to know you don't need some giga brain
dev or trader to appreciate what's going on in a project and to suit potential and to really
Really foster that support. I think you guys have been a perfect perfect job of it
You know, i've been a monad supporter for a long time. I most recently started working a little closer with you guys
Um, but yeah, I I think it's perfect. I would say anyone that's trying to
This is this is all for your account in general or being integrated in space in general
Um, I think lean into your strengths. Uh, don't larp. Don't larp your weaknesses and uh
And just contribute how you know how and and it's not it's not about
Annoying people. Uh, the only thing I will annoy people about
Are free hats because i'm a hat maxi as some people in the space know
So i'm a builder i'd be patient. I've earned the i've earned the right to annoy the hell out of teams
For a hat. For example, I just asked a friend of mine for an intro with the judo team
Uh, which was a big deal and uh, the first question I asked him was taking a hat
Uh, and that was um, you know, he didn't reply so that wasn't necessarily
Uh alpha in that moment
But i'm not going to stop at an intro to another member of the judo team
We're going to try to you know, we're gonna run it back and i'm gonna get the hat at some point
So, um, yeah, I would just say be funny be yourself
Uh find your niche and just um be be nice to people
Even when they're really really not nice to you for as long as you possibly can
Um because they hate that and a lot of people that didn't like my persona early on my personality
They become some of my closest friends who I just didn't give in to the to the
Shit talking and the negativity and and you just you just kind of
Meet nice meet mean with nice every single time just keep being good to each other
And that's how this place is going to grow
You have this
Vibe right now. I think for the rest of the world now we can change that the powers in our hands change that
Just be good people in the time
Huge huge advice from the king of pancakes
And one of the kings of the monad community
We also have una up here
One of the most og cats in monads community una. How's it going?
That's great to hear yeah sounds like you got some some birds going on some nature in the back
I was going to say on the part of community for someone who has been like in the discord and
Growing with the community. I think
It's more about creating a niche for yourself. Like you said earlier
We've seen what zine have done with this brand and how he has grown to become like a part of the monad community
We don't necessarily have to like
Spam in the discord or anything. You can just create we have a lot of activities we do in the discord
Yeah, the monad community is very vast right now that you can just
Get into a sector and you're like, okay, i'm going to pitch here. You can make arts. You can be like the best
Men make up you have in monad. So like anytime we see a very nice man, we say, okay
A combat is coming from this guy. We have poker you can come to poker
I don't even know how to play poker, but you can come to poker play lose on the first hand
And keep the vibes open in the landline and she like that
So you don't necessarily have to maybe be in a particular place to feel like okay. I'm part of the community
You create your own part of the community and yeah, everybody knows
Okay, this guy is a part of the community because this particular place is where your role is finding where he has to do with the community
Yeah, I think that's actually like um perfect because there is so much
Uh with like you can like contribute to monad and also the fact that um, you know
The team like the monad team actively recognize all of this contribution is also great
because you know right now you see
Uh lots of people making memes and then the fact that the official page every week can you know
Pick out some of the best memes just to give them that you know official recognition is also great
So I feel like all of these things the facts that the community is as natural and organic as possible
And then the team itself
Are like actively part of the community you understand? It's not like there is no segregation between
The team and the community the team is a part of the community
I feel like you know the combination of all of these things as well as led to this sort of like
Because personally it's very rare for me to like go into a community and then like
Within a couple minutes, you're already like you're already like feeling at home. You understand?
So and that was the case for me with like monad. Yeah, you know, we just get into the discord festival
I already like wow
This is my vibe
so yeah, um
personally my advice for uh, you know anybody that is
trying to
Contribute to monad there is no way you cannot contribute like let me just put it that way
There is no way you cannot contribute anything. Um
You probably do that in real life here. You can like um leverage on that to
contribute to
someone if you look at um
There is a community member that does gimmon art like literally everything I think is only 45 days right now
As you know, he's very very creative with it. You understand? This is a very very unique way
so i'm like
You know when you look at all of these things
They are not necessarily whole you have to like read or you have to like always write a trade or whatsoever
This is his own unique way. You understand of contributing to the community and you know the community and the team
Recognize and appreciate all of these things. So I just like would advise anybody
Whatever you can do so far you can be consistent with things. That's the key so far
You can be consistent because you know without consistency it all goes to waste
So like just find whatever it is that you know
You like doing like you're comfortable with doing and then it comes naturally to you and then you know
Just be consistent with and with time. I think you'd obviously like find your own place within the monad
hundred percent that's super spot on zane the consistency piece cannot be
Overlooked especially as the community has grown like 3x in the past month alone
So there's a ton of new members coming in which is great
There's a ton of new skills a ton of creativity going on a ton of value ads for the community
And to your point about the team and founders being so active in the community
I couldn't agree more and personally thinking back about my time in crypto
I don't know if there's ever been a
Or ceo like kioni who is as active in the community as he is
And it goes back to his original point which he's said a bunch of different times
It's about building in your community rather than building on your community and that's a
A focus that's trickled down from the top here at monad
We know how important it is to build in the community and how fun it is as well because you get to know
Your biggest supporters you get to know your users you get to know your builders
On a level that you just can't do unless you are
You know taking that consistent action and building within your community for your community
So that's something that initially caught my eye about monad and that inspired me to get involved
See what I could do to help out and eventually it ended up with this pipeline podcast and
My role on the team full-time
Um, but that wasn't that didn't happen overnight. That didn't happen in one week
I first joined monads community in march of 2023
And I didn't start the pipeline until november there was a lot of time
That I was iterating trying to find different ways to add value leverage whatever natural skills I could
And go from there
So it's really about a lot of trial and error a lot of experimentation
And it's important to have fun along the way and build relationships and friendships
With all these awesome community members from from all over the world truly
Una I see you waving a hand what you got
And speaking on the part of getting into the community
Um in case you don't in case you're not technical, you're not like good with technicals
You can just join the regional community. We have regional telegrams
You can get into yeah, it's easier to get familiar with your people people you know from like, okay
Yes, we come from the same country
We get we can share the same vibe and then we can share the same slang
You can move on to like yes creating your own narrative in your own region
And that's like a very good way nads always recognize nads
So if your regional if the nads in your region know you then it's likely the old team already knows you so you get
To get familiar with your team and on the part of plugging poker. We have poker 7 p.m
UTC today come you don't have to be poker. You don't even have to get into play
Just come to the landline and buy everything man
I'm like the worst person up
Same here. I am i'm a terrible poker player, but i've started to learn a bit through these weekly
Thursday poker events after the purge. It's a ton of fun and it's a great way to connect with other community members
Everyone's talking in the landline on discord. Everyone's sharing good vibes
It's uh, it's certainly a great way to to have fun with the community and great point una as well
About the regional telegram chats. There's at least 15 different
Regional telegram chats for many countries and regions across the world where you can speak your own native language
Meet people who are from your area of the world that are also interested in monads
So definitely encourage you to get involved in those chats as well. It's a ton of fun
I see uh a couple people with their hands up. I know oj has been waving a bit then we'll get to caesar. Oj
What do you got?
Thank you for
Let me speak again. Um
Just to start off i'm i think i'm good at poker i've played a few tournaments and
It's been it's been fun
Concerning like contributing. I really love the progress that monad is making right now
even I think one of the
Persons that I first because I followed zine a while back and I think he himself
He was one that he didn't know but he was one of the reasons that I got to look at monad
because I saw his enthusiasm for what they were doing and
I which got me into like
reading and
Researching on what monad was really about um
And it's been really good
Um then concerning like contributions like I think you pipeline
I saw it like on one of because me and my friend who have been doing an admitted series
based on the porch thursday
I think we dropped the first episode it's on my page
I think I saw it like from it. So
I just in case anyone wants to see it
There's been a real
nice experience because it's
Um being involved in monad now has enabled me to like
Put myself out there, which is not something i'm usually used to
It's has been a really great space. I'd just like to add that as well
That's great to hear and thank you for the kind words. That's exactly the experience that
We hope the monad community members will have it's so awesome to have
contributors from the community like zane
Like all these folks who are listening and on stage who can help amplify
Monads messaging in their own words to their friends to their community
To share about how exciting and unique this monad community truly is
Um, so that warms my heart to hear very nice. Thank you. Oj
And I want to get to caesar. I know you've had your hand up for a bit caesar. How are we doing?
You know when you guys were talking I actually got inspired a little bit to realize and I created something
And I think pancake has seen it already on zine
And you pipeline, so yeah, um expect more
gmonad every morning
From you guys and I actually said it's into my um cg submission right now
So yeah, I can't wait to just like be really involved in this what you're building. You guys are amazing
And i'm actually stepping off right now. So yeah, um gmonad everybody and yeah, see you next week
Thank you so much
Gmonads caesar. Thanks for coming by. Thanks for sharing love and great vibes
And honestly, that's like a great example of how you can be creative and get involved in the community and add value
It doesn't have to be on twitter necessarily
But you can kind of just figure out where your natural skills are where your natural inclinations are to contribute
And have fun with it. It's not like a chore or a task. That's certainly not what it's supposed to be
But caesar says he's going to drop a gmonad every day with a different caesar purple picture great
That's awesome. Love to see it. There's just been so much creativity in monads community
There's no way that the team or any of the speakers up here can provide a suggestion to you
For how to contribute it kind of has to come from within but there's just been so much positivity so many
Creative outlets. I absolutely love to see it
It's been really exciting especially over this last couple months as this community has grown exponentially
Much love to you all we've got a couple minutes left here
So if anyone wants to come up request ask a question about monad share some vibes share some love
Feel free to do so we're gonna cap it off in five minutes at 12 30 eastern
But this has been an awesome space thus far. We've had so many great community members come up and share their experience asking questions
A lot of hype and excitement as we get closer to this devnet phase
Really excited to share some of the benchmarks and metrics behind monads optimizations and performance as a blockchain
And excited to keep the community vibes going so really grateful to to everyone that's popped in here today
And for sure for pancakes and and tunes for co-hosting. I guess tunes is really caught in the trenches here
You might have he might have actually gotten himself purged. So let's uh, let's do a quick moment of silence for crypto nunez
R.i.p. Crypto nunez
I've done here. I just want to like put a self closing remark. So, um my
What I say opinion or like thoughts or advice whichever way you want to like perceive it, but I what I just want to say is that
You do not get two opportunities to be
Early to the phenomenon like monads in like your crypto life cycle, yeah
So the fact that you as an audience here like are aware of monads this early is
a very big opportunity for you
and I think you should be able to like
Be wise enough to like capitalize on this opportunity
And you know the best way you can capitalize on this option you see this end is none other than
Getting familiar with you know, all the builders within the ecosystem because you know
Once you know all of these builders you can easily understand these using
All of these potential products they'll be dropping and that is the best way you can position, you know, because I
um, I am predicting, you know a very broadly ecosystem for
A very public ecosystem equals like boundless opportunities
And you know opportunities would in crypto always favor those who are early
You understand those who are most early that is the truth. So, you know the facts that you're hearing are just
Get familiar with all of these different projects
And you know just be aware of what they're doing like be aware of what they're doing and then you know
When mainnet does go live you can easily know
You know how to what to do within the ecosystem
So you do not just whole mainnet is live and then you're just like you don't know what to do
You understand so that's the best thing you can do is from now start getting familiar with each and every um
Projects planning to build on monads whether nfc's, um infrastructure projects
I think we have python network as part of that there. We have like literally lots of different projects
Probably, uh more than 40 at this point because I think more than 50 of the projects video and like monad are defy projects
You understand so like there's just so much with all of these projects you could secure yourself a job
You understand you could I don't know there's just like so many opportunities for you
so, um, so the audience here that's just like my opinion and um, I hope you know, uh, this whole thing just
leads to good opportunities for us all
100 I could not have put that better myself zane this ecosystem the monad ecosystem is very early and
Being still pre dev net pre testnet pre mainnet to see over 80 projects 80 really high quality projects
Already committed to building on monad is super exciting to see and the opportunities
Are going to truly be endless wherever your skills are whether you're technical or non-technical
If you're inclined to get involved in communities, there's going to be a ton of
communities popping up within the monad ecosystem
And yeah, it's a great reminder that we are really early in the stages of development and launching here
So there's so much to look forward to really grateful to everyone who's come into the space today
This is a recurring space every thursday at 11 30 a.m. Eastern time
Join in we have tunes as our coat or as our primary host
I'll be here every thursday along with pancakes the homie and many many of you community members
This is a great place to hang out while we ride out the purge
So shout out to everyone who's come in as a listener and shout out to everyone who's come in as a speaker as well
We're gonna wrap it up here
But thanks again for everyone who's come in much love to you all and gamonade. We'll see you next week
I think two new uses in the space
Want to text him
Wait, oh I just realized come on bro. Actually and the speed that had in the space. Well
yeah, well
There's more colors. So um
We're hearing something
Then I would like to like I like your right talk about like monad so don't stop pipeline get get a hold of
All right guys, all right guys, I'm just like probably get to hop off now
Until now this is pancake space now, baby. All right
I can't do anything. Well
Now we're just chilling
Danny or what's up with uh, who knows where yet?