Thursday Talks

Recorded: Feb. 23, 2023 Duration: 0:55:01



Everyone, how are we doing today?
Doing great. How about you?
I'm doing good. I was running a little late to apologies for that of y'all were waiting. If not, I forget about it.
I'm actually doing the same thing and I'm going to run a restaurant errand for about two minutes and I'll be right back. Go for it. Go for it. We'll be waiting for you in the meantime. What were you going to say, Polaris? How are you doing?
I was just jamming everyone and I'm doing great. I'm just running around trying to pack my bag. Yeah, everyone is heading out to some crypto event or the other somewhere around the world. I think that's great.
It is amazing, it's like you guys are going to eat Denver and make it my way towards Paris or Paris. I'm trying to learn French while I'm there.
Good luck! It's not easy. It's not easy to learn from say, from say, oh God, this
That's how you're gonna learn bro. There's no other way of doing it. Oh man. Well, I've been trying to practice.
I'm practicing on duo, lingo, you know, but it's not really helping me because I haven't really learned a lot, but I think the best way to learn is to actually try to communicate with people there and you're bound to pick up their vibe and work your way through that.
Yeah, I my first time visiting France was in my mid-20s. I was backpacking through Europe with a couple of friends and you know with a baguette a bottle of wine and
some prosciutto in my backpack. That's basically how we survived. And yeah, we ended up in France. We went to Paris, Marseille, Nice, you know, a couple of the Mediterranean cities there.
And it was incredible. It was beautiful. People were very great. But I'll tell you what, the first thing I did when I got off the train was kind of talk the way you were doing. I got a lot of nasty looks like stick to English, buddy.
Oh God, but that's amazing, you know, I mean I should do something like that But I'm afraid I'm not in my mid 20s though. Yeah, so I might have left it too late Oh man, yeah, I looking forward to it though. I mean there's so many events happening
We got the Renga event happening, we got the only four acquisition which has just happened. So the new teams going to be the Goltra who's just one of the advisors, he's a good friend of mine. So can't wait to meet all of them.
And there's so many other events which I think is going to be a good learning opportunity for me to mingle with all these different projects. Some of them have got extreme exposure to some of them I haven't. So really looking forward to it. And I've seen some really good
interesting speakers in ETH Denver as well talking about decentralized identity, self-souwering, decentralized chain and just talking about decentralization in general. So I think it will be like an amazing opportunity to like
interact with all these amazing minds from everywhere else. So I'm kind of like jelly for you guys. Yeah, you know, so this is not my first eFdember. I'm pretty proud to say that I attended last year's eFdember. That was my first time attending
a major conference, a major crypto conference like that, specifically one that is crypto native, being that I'm based out of California, Southern California to be more specific, there's a much stronger interest in talking about the

FAQ on Thursday Talks | Twitter Space Recording

Who is speaking in the podcast recording?
It is not specified.
What is the topic of conversation in the podcast?
The conversation is about attending crypto events and learning French.
What language is the speaker trying to learn?
The speaker is trying to learn French.
What is the name of the language-learning app the speaker is using?
The speaker is using DuoLingo.
What kind of event is happening in Denver?
A crypto event called EthDenver is happening.
What is the name of a speaker mentioned in EthDenver?
Goltra is mentioned as an advisor.
What topics are being discussed by speakers at EthDenver?
Decentralized identity, self-sovereignty, and decentralization in general.
Where is the speaker based?
The speaker is based in Southern California.
What is the speaker's opinion of attending crypto events?
The speaker thinks attending events is a great opportunity to learn and interact with others.
What did the speaker do when visiting France for the first time?
The speaker backpacked through Europe with friends, visited multiple cities in France, and survived on bread, wine, and prosciutto.