Thursday Talks

Recorded: April 6, 2023 Duration: 1:00:04



No players today.
maybe no done maybe I'm the one rugged no no I hear you you were you were rugged for a while but you're no longer rugged there is drop off well anyway ruffles that's pretty much all that's happening in my life and I woke up I saw that big ontology pump and I said it's a good thing that everybody's state and they can't unstate
for another day because you know there's some people who saw that and went cash grab get out of here and it's like staking mechanisms even though it's manipulation of supplies to some degree like in some weird ground or what that way I think it's good that we have these like delegation time periods
right oh no definitely staking is 100% a locking mechanism to sustain not just the security of the network but also the value of the token it makes sense right you don't want so much of it being liquid so the question goes well beyond
Just kind of locking my token like what is the value that I can get in return to that for any kind of like missed Kind of opportunities, right? And so one of those obviously is the own g rewards, but who knows like you were saying there could be other utility other value
return for holding, staking, ONT. I mean, hell, I've actually seen some DeFi protocols do liquid staking, right? Which means just by holding the asset, you get rewards, probably not as large a reward as someone who's actually putting it into a staking contract.
But who knows, maybe that's something that we see in the future through G Ocean. This is actually coming. I think that liquid staking is on the way in order to forget who's doing this. I just read it this morning. So it's still kind of fresh and incomplete. But there is summary you can stake or will be able to take very shortly. ONT that will pay you an S ONT.
which will then be sticable liquid for I think a variety of different payouts. So I don't know what that is. We're going to have to regroup on that either. I'll read up a bit to figure it out. Hey, you know, who knows that might be Goshen. For all we know, you have your ONT.
which is liquid, you move that to gochine, right? So that could be an incentive. And by the way, for anybody listening, this is us purely as people on the outside, kind of proposing different ideas and maybe, maybe, anthology is going to listen to our comments here and say, "Oh, that's, that's
a pretty bad-ass idea. But the idea would be to incentivize people to move their ONT to the Gosha network, you give them a derivative token which then is a liquid-staking token. So you no longer have to lock up your tokens to generate rewards from that. So you kind of win-win, right?
the incentives to get people to move their assets to a new platform that you're building or incubating. And at the same time, you give people the flexibility to use their tokens however they want. And in this case, to be able to hold them in liquid state so they can lend it, you know,
I can use other D5 platforms to do with those tokens.
I don't know if it has anything to do with GoShare or not, but it is seemingly happening. I got to start writing down where I read it. I don't even know where I saw it. But I think it was something that was posted in Telegram earlier on in the admin channel potentially. But another thing that got posted in the, I think this is an ontology trading that was of interest and something
I had never really thought about before. There was a lot of time before yesterday where ontology was more valuable than ONG or ONT was more valuable than ONG. In recent times ONG has flipped ONT and that has led to indirectly an APR decline in
staking rewards. Apparently when ONT is more valuable than ONG staking reward APRs go up and someone posted a chart of this. This is something that seems counterintuitive to me. It seems like you'd want ONG to be more valuable because it's what you're being paid in. But somehow that's not the way it works. I'm looking forward to seeing if we can pull this off
want to and each of them drives value back to one another in different ways and the staking one to me has always been a super interesting one and one that I think and tall she needs to be talking a lot more about which is when yeah when there is this price divergence your APY goes through the roof
That's that's been I can't wait to see where it goes especially as a node runner I can't wait to see where that goes, you know, like selfishly and for everybody else obviously Another thing that happened this morning or in the last five days is that and we can get on to artificial intelligence and machine learning of course as soon as you
you like doing that. But one final note from the daily life of Donnie's stamps. Bitcoin stamps. Have you heard anything about this? >> Unfeeling. >> It's been five days now and there's a new way to make an NFT equivalent on NFT on Bitcoin that is untrunable.
I guess even more permanent than an ordinal. So this is getting a little wily. And frankly, I'm not fully clear on the concept. But I keep hearing the words unthroughnable. And that's what everyone's focusing on. So I think it's just past 10,000 stamps today.
So we're getting there, you know, you know, getting one million ordinals in 10,000 stamps. I am very happy for Bitcoin that it is and we talked about this last week. So we're not going to jump into that. If anybody wants to hear our thoughts about Bitcoin and the Bitcoin network and maximalism, even within that
community and NFTs and all that go go and check out our conversation from last week. It should be on here in this thread and on log e Twitter feed. But I personally am happy to see Bitcoiners adopt the experimentation model, which is what else can we do?
I think that's really rad.
Yeah, no doubt I'm not gonna jump further into that because again, I think it's easy to get stuck in that you know, philosophical perspective about the maxi chain and all that stuff, but we'll maybe we'll skip this episode and we'll do another one. We've done it. Donnie, we spent an hour last week talking about it. I know, dude, I got ten more in me and I
I'm not going to do it today. I promise. I know you're not. Hey, did you, Lerus? Where are your laser eyes, buddy? That's all I know. Oh, yeah, dude, I gotta do that, so nice. I should let the next one of the meme you should do. I just bought into a good. Okay, this is funny real quick. Just let
I just bought into a group. It's an inscriptions group and I'm not going to say what it is. I'm not here to show anything. But they're all white background black pencil drawings of red laser eyes, different things. There's like a Michael sailor one. There's a whale one. There's a pet they won. They're very funny. And in the server so far, they only speak in Moore's code.
I used to have a friend who and by the way for anybody who doesn't know my background is an information technology so I've been a nerd for a very long time hell I was a nerd the moment I was born okay let's just be honest I was born a nerd anyways I had friends
Who were so nerdy though more than me, but I had to learn in order to be able to communicate with them then they would only speak in binary code The zero than one that is how they communicate it It's crazy. I think there's so I was trying to think about
What is the value in doing that? I think the value is especially with the chat GPT being widely available to anybody who wants to log into it. It is a really quick way to be able to copy and paste something to be able to receive and send a message.
But when the screenshot is really difficult to pop in there at the moment anyway. So it could make for a conversation that's really relatively quick, but one that's like annoying to decode and get right when it's not what your US direct access to. So I think it's like a half code, half not, you know. Right. There could be a reason for it. Yeah.
definitely I think Polaris is back on stage what's up man oh good so many I get like I'm having issues with my wifi are you doing family are you doing Donnets? What the hell you still
On the scene on the BBC. Yep, finally got about the pruning. We're at an anthology code. He's like, hey, you heard about it. Go ahead. I can't help it. No, that's cool.
At the end of the day, I'll road-lead back to Bitcoin. I am not a Maxi for sure. I don't really consider myself a maximalist on a lot of things, especially in this space. But yeah, I do believe that Bitcoin is just a wonderful tool.
in this space just for onboarding if anything but yeah yeah you definitely you definitely are laser eye by front I you know I you're right I never would have thought of my sights I always used to say that I wasn't or I'm not a Maxi anyway I believe in the value of all things that we get together
I can't believe I already didn't
Yeah, I can't believe you haven't even. The other thing is that it's all good having these talks about all these different concepts. It's like I didn't even know about the price action like something. As you guys mentioned it, I was like, yo,
Let's go and have a look. I was just looking at all of that while you guys were talking because I haven't had the chance to look at that side of things, to busy building and stuff. It's all good talking about all these ubiquitous concepts which I
all intermined together really but but but what I'm really interested in is the future you know like the future which is already in front of us right now as we speak I mean the future which we envisioned is like you know literally
on our fingertips where we can procreate art content and we can gatekeep it using blockchain. We can store it on blockchain. How do we see ourselves as a
as an enterprise, you know, hitting that precipice. Yeah, hit it. Donnie, you, uh, players, let's have that conversation. I got a drop off here for like a minute. I'm just going to put you on mute because I'm dropping off my e-waste. One second, I'll be back.
>> I'd like to put on the agenda what is e-waste, but secondly, players what? So what do you think, what's the question there? What is a one sentence question that I could posit an answer to? Because I see like a wide variety of topics there.
Yeah, that's true. It is, I suppose like if it was a one sentence question, it would be like, how do we say DID or the blockchain, ontology blockchain?
How do we say that?
acting itself.
Man, that is, even that's like 10 different questions it seems like. So if ontology is a layer one that has a stack of software built into it and it is,
It's a new blog chain for anybody who wants one enterprise level kind of stuff and it's utilizing an E clear to and it has an EVM. It's connection in road link.
Ethereum is massive. So if Ethereum is going to be the software hub of the future, which it sort of seems like it's going to be like the mainstream software hub, because polygonal, though it's not a layer 2, it's kind of like dependent on or a part of Ethereum, right? So if
Everything is linking back to that. A thontology is not trying to start its own game. It's still in the major leagues of the sport that Ethereum is playing. It has a tunnel underground directly into that stadium. But it is itself its own stadium that can host
its own game. And I think that's a big advantage because if a theory falls like everything that's connected to it seems to fall, right? Like, just that that it would. But like, this is worth thinking about because anything is possible. If a theory of for some reason gets theme rolled, tapped, uh,
whatever would it even take for that to happen. A lot of its sub-side L2, whatever you want to call them, would fall with it. And Don told you it wouldn't because it's a standalone entirely. So I think it's okay. That's a new opinion I just developed. I'm glad that we did this really difficult mental work to get there.
It is functioning in a way as like its own separate roll up and activity booster for a theorem, you know, as like an L2 or a side chain, but it's also its own thing entirely and it can operate completely without the aid of that. That's a very big benefit that
doesn't seem to exist in a lot of other places. You think I'm right on with that? Kind of speculation here. That's actually a good point which you've mentioned, Donnie, because
definitely like you know from from the way the consensus mechanism is to the way the whole approach has been from the very beginning. It's got its own traits you know which
defined ontology.
So I suppose the question would be that like you know so those traits which define ontology as opposed like you know if you look at it from
from the way you've just mentioned it. That's perfect. We've got like, you know, a standalone blockchain which has
EVM compatibility.
with, you know, Ethereum of course, EVM, Ethereum virtual machine. And then
Ethereum's got connectivity with more or less every other thing which is happening within the industry.
and then it's got its own standalone capacity on top of it. But what if we were to focus on what ontology is actually trying to bring on to
the table really.
So we would have like you know identity layer solutions. We would have like you know on chain.
analysis tools will have like you know layer three blockchains, layer three solutions for enterprises
So the question would be a bit more streamlined towards those concepts that like how do we see ourselves that will these services be required with the way things are developing?
And if they would be, then obviously organizations which have been working for the last four years towards these services, how do they position themselves and how do we as users perceive that?
Yeah, is that all right? It's never to be a one sentence question. What do you think? Oh God.
Yeah, I don't know how to respond other than okay, we're the frame it let's say you know like can we frame this based on exactly what ontology is putting forward? Yeah structural things but like the ideological ones you mean?
No structural things I think because now it's gone down to that point now that we need to like literally focus on structural things like okay, so DID, how do we utilize it? How like you know and then we need to like we cannot ignore the
AI development and how do we like, is it like working parallel to this development? Is it working on a different access? Like all of those, you know, thoughts.
I think as far as DID and AI go, this is something we've talked about for a long time. Not only would you need to be able to log in to things like chat GBT and logging in to a system that is not necessarily built on a decentralized framework, but like in a decentralized future.
logging in through Facebook and Google. That's not that those companies are evil or bad or what they've provided us hasn't been valuable. But kind of a good idea to be logging in with something DID related, right? Not only that, to be able to tell the difference between an AI and a meat person, DID is necessary.
in that very same future. Welcome back, Humsey. What is E-Waste? Facebook and Google are you all okay? I've said it. Moving on. Yeah, I don't disagree. I just didn't want to put up that opinion. Anyways, what is
E-waste is electronic waste meaning you don't throw away the trash can like old batteries or an old fan that broke or lights anything that's electronic doesn't go in the trash can there's a very specific place where you
go and drop it off and either they harvest the chips and all the other electronics that is reusable or they are able to dispose of it more, I guess, in a way that's better for the world instead of just
I remember this now. Yep. Herb. Yep. So I do that every couple of months and my e-way site that I used to go to for years disappeared overnight. I didn't know where they went and then they I just found out they moved
about two towns away, but you know like I guess little suburbs away so it's not too far it's still like 20 minutes away from my place. No it's fine. They they move because they need a bigger space which to me is really amazing. It means people are being more conscious about their ways.
So people are using the service more in two. This organization is called Homeboy Industries and they hire people that are coming out of prison and that can't work anywhere else. And so this is their first job, which I think is
pretty amazing because you know just because you did wrong once doesn't mean that you should be excluded from society and be able to get meaningful work that you know gives you pride and you know again allows you to become a contributing member of society like we we be
The self-perpetuating problem, you're right, 100%. And that's really cool. I'm at appearances to go to the same kind of place to drop off like TVs and old computers that weren't worth anything or whatever. And I always thought to myself, this is weird that it's not incentivized or mandatory in any way. It's just like you, it's your, it's
line human goodness to do it. So I guess it's a good sign if this company is expanding and there's really no incentive to do it other than altruism. So kudos to homeboys, etc. Homeboys, they're moved to a larger facility further away from you. Yeah, homeboy industries. They also have a bakery. So they have
have quite a few different businesses and they're all run by people who have come out of the, you know, the prison system. So I buy bread from them, you know, you can support your favorite nonprofits in so many different ways. You don't always just have to contribute
you know tax deductible donations sometimes you volunteer your time which I have for some of the homelessness kind of missions and Women's centers here in Los Angeles and sometimes you do it by Actually buying their stuff we're using their service. So yeah, that's my show for the day about
you know being a part of your community and contributing to it. Dude, if I can talk about Bitcoin, you can talk about that for sure. Did you hear what Polaris and I were talking about while you were contributing to humanity? Sorry, let's get back on track. That was funny. I'm sorry.
So, no, no, what we're talking about is what, um, shit, it's really tough to summarize at this point because there were sort of two different pieces to it. So one of them was how does, Claire has helped me out here, man, and having trouble summarizing this. How does ontology fit into
Global usage of Web 3 tech. >> Yeah, I mean we can go off of that. >> My answer on this is sort of uneducated and I was just sort of like fit on
here was that it is unique to ontology that it can function and collaborate with layer 2 solutions while being its own layer 1. So it's really not dependent on anyone else, like a lot of the side chains and L2s that are on Ethereum, they rely heavily on Ethereum's existence in order to continue contributing, right? But I think
we get to do the same thing with all the EVN and layer 2 incubation without really having to have all of our eggs in the Ethereum basket. The Ethereum is going to be the top dog. We have to collaborate with Ethereum, but we also don't rely fully on it. I think that's an important distinction now. I mean, I have always seen
has a bridge to institutional players. So, you know, you look at some of the MVP's and things that Entology has done in the past, like with companies like Dymler, Chrysler, and being a part of the decentralized identity foundation with organizations like Microsoft. I think Entology
kind of has a put in both worlds see Web 3 space obviously but the Web 2 kind of sass industry and it can't service those larger players and provide them with
access to this ecosystem without them having to invest any resources to do that. So in my opinion that's kind of the valley prop of ontology and I've always thought that I really would love to see ontology lean into that a
a little bit more because I think part of the reason why they're able to do that is because they have leadership that comes from that world and so they have a network already that they can themselves lean into. So yeah, to me, in my opinion, one of the things that they do really well
and they should do more of is these collaborations with Web2 organizations that are curious that they themselves are crypto-cures. It's funny because whenever I use the word crypto-cures, I use it. I mean, it's a visual level, someone who's heard about the word Bitcoin like Donnie and wants to
learn more about what that is or just generally what the web 3 spaces about because they heard that word maybe from Donnie so I'm gonna lead into that too and so we then I asked for it I put myself in this position please but it's kind of up to us to give them the tools to be able to
find their way through this very dizzying space so they can become crypto natives. But the same can be said about institutions, large organizations. They themselves are crypto curious and it's a lot more difficult for them to make these decisions because it's like a huge shift.
can't just turn it overnight. They need to kind of understand and have a partner in the space that can support them. They don't want to do all the full investment to develop the technology. That's an technology. That's the platform that they have. That's the service that they can provide.
I think this is one of the most meaningful things about the company then. Now that you've said it in that way, because a lot of the things I've seen on Twitter from the nuts of rely on Twitter for my soul, source of cultural information. I do not, I promise. But when smart people or people I think are smart, say things like
When was the last time you saw a Web 3 company solving Web 2 problems? You have to listen to questions like that because a lot of the Web 3 industry, especially the NFTs, that have things, three insular and cyclical in a way, it's solving the problems that it itself has created rather than solving the problems that like.
I don't know exists just in general before web 2 times camera or web 3 times rather. But, if ontology can help on board things like like dimelar specifically and not just on board utilize this technology to solve problems that dimelar have big big ups to them. The other thing that I think we're
talking about, if I remember correctly anyway, was DID plus AI and why it is important to have decentralized logins things like this and important to be able to distinguish individuals, meet people made of meat from people or whatever we're going to call citizens made of meat.
metal of the AI bots. I am robot right? I don't know that's the movie. It was a sentient robot. Anyways, I you know I think we talked about this if not last week we talked about it recently and I don't even know if it was in one of these spaces.
So we certainly talked about DIDs, not just being for individual human actors, right? DIDs are identifiers for all nodes. That means that as an individual, you can have an identifier, multiple identifiers actually.
As an organization, you could have it identified or multiplied to the fires as a non-sentient actor as an AI. You could have a DID. And a lot of the the value proposition for DID is attribution, right? You can
You can source or you can find what the provenances of something very easily using DIDs because again these are chain agnostic. So if someone or an AI that is not on chain produced content
that is then being utilized on chain. You can actually trace back the provenance of that contribution off chain. So yeah man, like the idea is, I personally I still think they're a huge unlock. We're not talking about it enough. So I mean for anybody who knows
that's the pill that I took when I joined ontology like I love the other stuff that ontology builds I think a giant ontology build a lot of stuff but my focus where I got pilled and I said I'm just taking a round ontology because that's the ideas anything that has to do with their DID because
their identity wallet, which is on to their DID implementation, which is on TID, the reputation protocol. I helped build last year, which is a orange protocol. For me, that's the key. And so I want to keep seeing more of that, because as you said, there's
so many things that are happening in the space every day that change the game and the rules, but you can always come back to DID because it does not abide by a set of rules that are subjective to how a change should work for instance. It's objectively relevant of course.
all platforms. I'm Shane and off chain platforms. The concept of being rewarded or awarded status not by a thing or like a person who thinks you ought to have that status. Removing the subjectivity from things like that, even if it's just for, I don't know, simple
something like air drops is something that is like super exciting about the concept of DID. And as a user, not a dev because that's what I am. I'm like enthusiast, if you will. I don't use any DID services as much as I would like to in my life. How far out do you think we are from having this
be like on everyone's browser. I know that's a stupid speculation. Talk to them like how far out do you really think we are from having this kind of thing implemented? I mean, at least within the Web3 community. So even further than that from the billions. I'll tell you this right now. You're already using it, but you don't know it.
Okay, the whole idea behind the idea and any protocol is that it should not be the thing that you see you don't go to the website going I'm gonna go visit an HTML website today I mean you did this that was a problem with flash websites. I don't know if I mean I've been around the space for a little while so I remember
and websites were coded in Flash and the problem with that was you needed to download a Flash player to go to these websites so the technology was not transparent. You had to interact with it in order to use that to be able to participate in that experience. So guess what happened? Flash websites
I'm going to say, "Oh, you don't need to download anything else." This is already part of the code. So what I'm saying is the idea is the same thing. If we need to say, "Oh, you need to download this thing in order to be able to use it," nobody's going to do that. But if we tell them just sign in to this platform and you don't know that on the
Mac and that's being powered by DIDs. That's the win. And I tell you right now, at least from the research that I did, I can't say that this is happening still or it hasn't moved on to something a lot more kind of robust. But Microsoft had implemented DIDs to,
to be assigned to your Azure identities. And so for anybody who's an IT knows what Azure is, Azure is basically the directory management system for accounts created for Microsoft Office. Outlook, for instance, so use it when you create a Microsoft Office account or Outlook account, your
Basically being assigned a DID and that DID was portable across all of their experiences. So now the next thing to think about is how can we unlock that DID from the Microsoft world and implement it at Anthology or implement it at Ethereum or vice versa. How do we take the DID's in Anthology's building and implement
those on Microsoft Office. So yeah, it's really about taking them outside of a little siloed world and extending it in terms of their applications and removing the actual protocol interaction for the user. Otherwise, they're not going to want to use it.
I remember flash. I wasn't like hamstered and back in those days, right? I remember being laborious because it was during the times of 56k dial up. And even if it was only like a two kilobyte download, it took like, you know, longer than
I was interested in waiting to get to whatever it is I had to get to, which is why it's a really good point. As far as the ID is like Microsoft making a DID platform or collecting that data, setting whatever, however you say that, setting that thing up, it would have to voluntarily cooperate with other DID
Protocols, it's protocol the word in order for this to mean anything on like a massive scale, right? Like a DID doesn't have to be every citizen gets one issued by the world's government. It just has to be that a lot of these different platforms can talk to one another and then it becomes meaningful on a much larger scale, right? So
DIDs are interoperable, so they don't really care if you're on a blockchain. So what matters is that the issue, or first of all, what matters is that the DID is issued
across different platforms so that they can become usable. So a good example way of looking at this is look at on-tid. Why is it one of the reasons that I am an on-tid fanboy? The reason why is look at all of the other DID implementations and they have narrow distribution. What do I mean by that?
ID exists on I think like eight or nine blockchains and I told the team I wanted to see like 15 blockchains supported with on ID and That means that you can use this DID standard not just on anthology not just on Ethereum not just on B&B chain but all of the popular chains and
And keep going bring it onto avalanche bring it onto salana bring it onto you know even like non blockchain blockchains right not the ones that are going that are selling settling on an excel spreadsheet like bring it on to all of these different platforms that you can create or you can build better said on top of your identity, you know
across all of these different platforms. So that's the important is that we integrate these digs across the platforms that we want to use them and then that the applications that are on those platforms basically accept that the issuer is a
So when you were talking about government DIDs, you would need to trust that that government entity is reputable for you to trust those identities. Usually it's right. Usually you trust government identities. That's why when you KYC yourself, they ask for a government issue.
identity or password, right? Because that's a, that's reputable. That's trusted. Same goes for Microsoft identities. Can we trust that this was issued by Microsoft? How do we trust that? Well, it's algorithmically provable, right? You can show the provenance of that where it's being issued. So if I can trust Microsoft identity,
identities then I can use those identities on my platform same with ontology identities on ID do I trust ontology as an issuer yes then I will basically accept the usage of those identities on my platform so that's basically it's twofold it's about integration and it's about trusting the issuer
I had to have been a funny joke since I started paying attention to this and like hanging out and read some edits and discord servers and stuff. The first people to be mass adopted or the mass adoptions that occur first will be the ones that don't know they did. I didn't realize
that I was one of those people who was being on board without knowing I was being on board it. That's a pretty optimistic viewpoint and it doesn't seem like it's an opinion. I think it's a fact. And thanks for that clarity because I honestly had no idea. I had no idea that I already sort of had a DID with the company. I didn't know I had a DID
Yeah man, do the, I mean, look, if you go one of the organizations that I follow pretty closely, again, because I got, I got DID PILLED. We need to come up with a better name, by the way, for that, because you know, there's like Green PILLED, Red PILLED, all this stuff that brings you into the crypto space, and
I don't know, I think DID, and I know Disco, by the way, which that is a company that was founded by a friend of mine. They, not just her, obviously, her team are building in the DID space as well. I mean, some might say it's a competing product, but I think as long as DID went
we all win. She's calling it disco-pilled, I think that's a little too branding. It's pretty exclusive, right? Because it's just like, "Oh, you accept the DID disco." But I think we need to come up with some sort of like, pilled reference for people who are
interested in decentralized identifiers. What what what should we call that? What's what's that tribe? I have no I could no vote tried. You're a short name. Laras you can't just wait. What did you say? That's like an E.D.s
the crypto
So what's that W. Okay, Boak Yeah, Boak also has a bad comment. Oh, there's a lot of people like so word woke to create batteries and it's like oh this group of woke people it's like oh now that's
So I don't know, we should come up with our own term for sure. How about the illuminated? That would be illuminati, that's great. People are giving me like, oh my god, what kind of cult am I getting? I don't know.
Let it be that we got a week we got a week to come up with something probably got a year to come up with something and we know the challenge our homework is next week we each bring at least two different ways to call this tribe of DID build people that believe itself sovereign to
that believe in interoperability, that believe in like breaking free from our identities, not just from the physical world, but also from our identities from the digital world, because right now there's still a lot of barriers, a lot of wars between platforms. You know, I was the last Friday I was interviewing Paul Jenner.
kids who was like one of the authors for quite a lot of Marvel productions and Teenage he was also like you know like one of the like team members of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a series and stuff so
He was like a punk back in the days and he was telling me in his interview that like you know the the degens are basically the punk of this day really So this terminology of Degen's if you think about it that itself is like a it's like a statement
which is trying to address all these issues, which the society has been having and grounding it back to DID, I think like
At the moment, when he was like changing going through the recycling place, Donnie mentioned a very interesting concept which was like to access mid-June HR GPT or any of the AI services, he still need to log in to them.
And the fact that the way we're logging into those services is not like really secure. So just having like a DID element of your of lock
logging in onto services like that is like huge is one big step forward of DID adoption. But what I don't understand is like in terms of like you know like ontologies got its own DID then you got other companies which are working they've got their own DID
they should be some sort of a standard, you know, in terms of DRD, like an ISO standard where old companies are like providing, yeah, they're just like, w3c, look it up. That's the one which Microsoft is using as well, isn't it? Everyone? Well, I guess.
I think Microsoft is the one. I don't like using words like never everyone forever. You know, I used to use those words and I was young and I realized nothing is forever. Not everyone agrees. So, most for Microsoft is the one who like is done that because we've had this just
So look up decentralized identity foundation and then look up w3c w3c by the way is the consortium that basically built the internet right ww. So the w3c is an organization that develops standards for the internet
DIDs and VCs, Dcentrize Identifiers and Verif are standards from the W3C. Contributors to that are organizations like the Dcentrize Identity Foundation, which anthology is a member of. So again, this is big stuff, man.
That's amazing. I'm just having a look at it now. W3C is a collaborative effort that includes members, organizations, full-time staff and public fostering consensus and encouraging the adoption
of its standards, helps promote a high level of compatibility, interrupt, probability and accessibility across the web making it more usable for users. Interesting. So, so this means that like, you know,
In terms of in terms of DID availability is concerned everyone has to adhere to a certain standard then it's just adoption like to work in certain layer like for example you have all these different service providers in
in terms of orange, T-mobile, AT&T, but it's up to you whose protocol you want to use and the ease of accessibility towards that protocol. So that's when it comes down to the NISIT.
Exactly. That's what we're at now is the actual adoption of this technology. And I guess the tricky part is that for us in the crypto space, we are very much kind of
crypto-pill I guess and a lot of the kind of integrations that we do have to do with like blockchain native identities and blockchain native at the stations and that's where like your Web 3 Wallets come in and that's
That's where NFT standards come in, which by the way, I'm glad that we have standards, like ERC 20, ERC 721, which then are emulated across other blockchains too. They end up creating like their own standards that are very much aligned
to like Ethereum centers. But when it comes to considering applications outside of these blockchain-native proofs, they block at it because they're like, oh, no, no, no, I want everything to be on chain. And it's like, buddy, if you believe that everything should be on chain,
Then you're limiting yourself because you're not just limiting the types of use cases, but you're limiting how far you can use these identities and how far you can generate at the stations.
interesting. And then
This discussion carries on going but I'm afraid we've almost got three minutes left. So has anyone asked or any questions before we wrap it up? Yeah, two things. I like that we are saying if anything should be one place or another it's not being held to it's
And we can use things like can instead, like I think just the word should if you're using the word should it's kind of anti-decentralization right because whatever should happen is what will or what can happen I guess and the other thing is
as I just decided and this has anything to do with anything that I'm not going to put the laser eyes until I'm a whole pointer not until I'm a whole pointer so as soon as you see those laser eyes that means I've got one good point I'm gonna sit on for the rest of my life. What a signal I love that man.
Congratulations. Well, I'm not there yet. Well, when you get there, congratulations.
I'm not sure if I can do it.
we normally start with like a really broad topic and then we just narrow down. We get laser-eyed if you will into a conversation.
I hope I never lived this down. If I got to be the Bitcoin Maxi in the group, I mean, that's every, every friend group has to have that. Well, yeah, I mean, we already have Polaris is like the NFC. She'll are at least used to me. I don't know. Maybe the market's so bad that Polaris is no longer.
Bro I've always been a bit quite maxi and I've always been an NFT shiller but I don't really shell any NFTs like I propagate the technology more than anything and yeah I'm all about Web 3 you know I'm T so
I'm only about Bitcoin at this point, so let's be free. All right, let's leave it there. By the way, I'm organizing a space right now, I'll add you both to the group. For next week on Tuesday, I believe we're going to have a space on layer two.
So we want to talk about some of the recent news around zero-knowledge roll-ups and optimistic roll-ups, go-shin-be and optimistic roll-up, and talking also about airdrops and what some of those strategies have been and what we'd like to see in the future.
from air drops from these block chains. Excuse me. So stay tuned for that. Come to you. Do you have a rough time frame that you're looking for Eastern or Pacific? Because I'll be on my way to an app in a TMI and that thing. But I can make room for as long as I know when I should be in the car.
Tuesday, 10 a.m. Pacific time is the time and date that's being thrown around right now. Did you catch that Tuesday, 10 a.m. Pacific time. Yes, sir written down. Sorry, I'm muting to speak and I'm muting to not.
Yeah, I'll be in the car on my way down to New York at that point. So that's perfect. Captivating. Sounds good. All right. I'm going to leave it there. Thank you both for joining. And this is a fun chat. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take care. Thank you. Thank you. Talk to yourselves. Speak to you soon. Bye now.