Thursday thrill ride: “Life as a meme token degen.”

Recorded: June 15, 2023 Duration: 0:49:33



Can anybody hear me?
I can hear you. - Oh, dears, in your toad.
What happened to my friend? Good morning. Where is the library?
- John D. Estelle? - Yeah, is that right? - How about now? - Hey. - What do you hear you? - You're back. - Jeez, how you guys doing today? - Not bad, not bad. (laughs)
Hello, I am surviving Well gentlemen, I am not at my normal place, so I am going to be listening today just so everybody knows okay
I have fun to rock. Yeah. Nice. Where are you at? Oh, I just went to a buddy's house and we just hung out last night. Nice.
So yeah, and then he's got somebody coming over to work on the house here in a minute and he's cooking breakfast and all that stuff So that's awesome dude I will share more later Well teach you guys about meme token
in the meantime. In the meantime. All right, well Jeremy, how do you ever purchase a meme token? Wow, what are all of your
bags in baby Elon Doge. Yep. That only is just makes so much sense to me that you would be yeah you seem like a baby Elon Doge moon guy you know yeah yeah no absolutely listen you can't have those stable you
you know, doze is too worthwhile for token, you know, by itself. It has too much utility for me. So I try to, try to stay away from things like that. Pepe, and this is true. Pepe didn't buy Pepe, not Pepe.
That's right. It's a mean token off a mean token. That's where we go. That's how we do.
- Underivative. So good. - So good. - What about you? When was the last time you bought a meme token?
Well sir, I haven't purchased a meme token since I learned how to use DeFi. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. I did buy some some Kiba. I think it was what it was. Yeah, Kiba. Back. I don't know. You're a girl, ma'am.
Yeah, whatever. I don't necessarily buy meme tokens because every time I do it goes poorly for yeah. Yeah, I think my current idea of a meme token is I'd like to find one. I'd like to
you know, potentially gamble and they get out. But I mean, I'm holding for days at most. That's hilarious.
Oh man. Yeah, you know, the reason I wanted to talk about this space Travis and I were cutting it up were like what we talk about and I was I was sharing the story about this fellow I met at Whole Foods
Um, and yeah, really cool dude, really cool dude. I forget how we started talking about crypto. Oh no, I was wearing a crypto shirt. I was wearing a shirt that said,
It was like in a theory I'm near shirt, you know, like near as a theory I'm as near or something like that, you know, like I don't know like near the blockchain, of course, but so I'm wearing this shirt, it's like a theory I'm, you know,
And there's this dude in there. He's like, uh, he's a good worker at the Whole Foods. I think he's like, uh, putting bananas out or something. And he like points at my shirt. He's like, dude, you're shirt, you're shirt. And I'm like, yeah, man, like, this is what I do. Like I do.
and he freaks out, he's like, "Dude, I need to ask you a question." He's like, "I don't trust anybody. Can you tell me what to do?" He starts to talk to me about hardware wallets and getting his money off of Coinbase.
He's like, you know, all of my stuff is on Coinbase. I'm like, "Yeah, you need a ledger. You need to get off there." I'm like, "Well, what do you got in your bag, dude?" You're like, "What is it?" And he's like, "Dude, when a ship
And then he said a shib and I'm like, oh no. He's like when, he's like when shib was up. He's like, I had over a million dollars in shib bro. He's like, I looked at my account and it was, it was a million dollars.
And he goes on and tells me, "Is this shit ecosystem?" There's like other tokens or like the bone token and like these things and this, that, the third. And anyways, there's always other tokens and the ship like ecosystem. And he's like, "Yeah, dude.
He's like, I still have over a hundred grand. But I'm just hodling bro, you know, I'm just hodling. And all of his bags are in these meme tokens, you know? Yeah.
So what would a person do if they had like a lot of money at a meme token and they didn't know necessarily what to do it was kind of like yes
the question that I think I was trying to answer. What would a person do? What would a person do, Mr. Brother Byroni? Where I have financial advisor at my core
I would tell people that diversification of risk, like core, but you know what I'm saying? This is like a core idea, core principle, diversification of risk. And I would probably ask them how much of their portfolio was in the mean token.
And if it was all of it, I would say and listen, it could totally go back up. But perhaps, just maybe if that money means something to you, if a hundred thousand dollars means something to you, you should diversify your holding.
That would be a big one for me. That was, that was elegantly and beautifully said. Bravo.
Yeah, and this is this is basically like the conversation that we had you know I'm like You know dude like 3% of your portfolio in meme tokens is a lot of your portfolio in meme tokens You know and he's like what does that mean bro? I'm like you gotta
You should have three Gs in ship You should have the rest You know making you money He's a it goes on he's talking to me about how he's a boxer and How he wants these things to like make him money
and make him yield, you know, so he can like not be stuck inside of whole foods all the time so you go and be a boxer and like Chase's dream, you know? And I'm like dude, like that's possible, right? It's just like, you know, it's just like if you're looking at the old banquets, like
money skill cube like we've talked about the skill cube before um you know it's got like it's got a lot of things on it uh it's got like you know things like hold and
swap on it that maybe this person has learned maybe just like hold is like what they've learned. And it's roughly I think to like be in crypto if you don't know anything other than like sell by hold. Right. Yeah.
You think everything is just like a stock not even necessarily a dividend stock Everything's just like price action and just like you buy tokens because they go up and they go down and that is not all the tokens do you know
Sure Very much so. Yeah, so that's that's a tough thing because you really do want to educate someone on that point, right? It's important to understand what else you can do and why else you can do Yeah, I'm not not sure I wonder if
If you understand a lot of people have distrust with this system, they say the government is out to get me or even trust the government, whatever that means, I don't trust institutions like banks and whatnot. But I think that those same people should really take
a very close look at crypto, not that the whole point to the blockchain is trustlessness and allowing you to know what's happening. But if you're putting all of your faith in one token
that theoretically could dump or be exploited or even one blockchain, right? I've got to wonder.
Yeah, I think that's a separate thing to kind of talk about and help people understand. Like if you don't trust and it's really time to diversify. I really like that one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, if you don't stress diversify, that's funny. I don't know if everyone understands the difference between crypto assets. One of the first books I ever read that helped me out so much was just a book called Crypto Asset.
And it really helps you understand like there's like hard-buddy assets like your Bitcoin's I'd call Ethereum hard money, but I'm a fear. Yeah, I like that Ethereum stuff. Yeah, your stable coin assets people are like
employers' tablecoins. They're just digitized dollars living on blockchains and they're like, "What does that mean?" They're just dollars that live on accounts that don't require people go through KYC to get set up. That means
like someone without an ID can interact with this bin mode network if you will. They're like, "Okay, cool." And then you got yourself, like, your other stuff. You got your memes, you got your alt-clings, all these fun things. I'm not necessarily a post-immemory
tokens just as we've discussed it shouldn't be like all your stuff so you know that's that's the full story. I'm trying to explain that to a person in the banana aisle is like a lot of work. Yeah well do you think that a better way to talk about something like this is
referencing like a lot a lot of people prefer
their information in video format, right? Do you have YouTube channels that you would refer to like Coinbase or something like that? Or not Coinbase, what's it called? -Bankless. -Well, bankless, sure.
Yeah, but bankless can also be a little difficult to wait through if someone's kind of at a new point in crypto, right? Yeah, I always refer people to the most recent welcome to bankless.
Okay. That's what I always do. I'm like, here's the most recent. If I think I do one kind of like every year, they just do like a new Welcome to Banclist episode. I'm always just like, here you go. Here's what you need to know. Yeah.
I don't know, I wouldn't be opposed to saying if somebody was just kind of getting in, I don't hate Coin Bureau. I have some
I have some misgivings. I don't think it's a perfect channel. There's a very clear bet there. And whatever's name is guy has a lot of...
He has a lot of thoughts and he is not afraid to orient his videos in directions that he's biased. But I also think that the videos are done in a way that are relatively easy to understand.
I'm not sure. Yeah. Yeah, it's just palatable, right? You're getting a lot of information in a very palatable way. Are those ever, there's an out and all that there's a welcome to episode, you know, like a starting point? Yeah, that's a good question.
Yes, why like so much about the bankless like recommendation is I'm just like welcome to bankless and they're like okay, and it's a fabulous place to start like and also like a lot of it is like the same language I speak with like the the bankless skill queue money Legos money version
all of these things. But you know like if a person's got like a hundred plus cheese and a meme token, which was the case here, it was like and really wants to not be packing bananas or stalking bananas.
It's like, well then, you know, learn how to do the banquets, you know, money like skill cube and yield farm a salary like you're going to, you could literally even today with the
like yields being down, you know, you could sell just like, do so much damage with 100 plus G's. Yeah, it doesn't know. It's a good sum of money. And if he's talking about wanting to quit his job at Whole Foods, right?
Possibly waiting on Shib to go to the moon is one thing right that's an option Yeah, but no you're right like there these Tokens where you can earn real yields and short of protocols themselves being exploited right
like which you'd be worried about, you're being exploited in the same fashion or going to zero. But you could be earning money right now. You don't have to take a margin on that. You could just be earning capital to do something with. 100,000 is a sizeable place to start.
Yeah, yeah. It's odd because he kind of got into the shibs staking. They sell you that, "Oh, staking. You should be interested in that. We'll do all of it here for you."
yields are just shit right yeah minor yields and where are they coming from right what what is getting paid in ship yeah that's uh look that's something I mean do you have okay so
as a way to educate people because I think you do a pretty good job of
of trying to get people to understand what is happening within these ecosystems. I mean, you're a big proponent of GLP, for instance, because GLP is pinned by underlying assets that at least in the crypto space have proven themselves.
And so yields are based off, you know, the stability of it is based off of that and yields are based off of essentially beating what those assets would be. Right. Or what would you use? Which is, which is very cool.
But then, like you said, there's a lot to explain when trying to inform someone in a whole food style, but even outside of that, there's a lot of steps here into that banquely skill cube that you're talking about. If someone is stuck
as you put it, you know, just buying and holding, they're missing much more than half.
What other options do we have to kind of help direct people? If he thinks, if he thinks, staking his, his shib is similar to staking Ethereum, right? Like, it takes a bit to unpackage that.
Well, I mean, I just tell them about stable tokens, honestly. The thing that I try to do is I try to expose them to the fact that there is more. I'm like, "Hey dude, the thing that we have to stop doing
is just buying and holding. He's like, "But bro, I learned how to huddle." And I'm like, "That's fantastic." You got to learn how to take profits. You know? - Yeah, unfortunately, that's one that I haven't been able to do.
very good at. I've been up healthy amounts in different plays and I was in this last run. I was like, "Oh, I'm up some significant sum of money." And then I just kind of sat there. And I think you're right that taking profits is really important.
I don't think you should be getting into a position if you do not have a plan on how to get out of the position. You know, like if you're buying yourself a sack of meme token, you should have a plan on when you're
to sell and get your initial capital back out and just play with house money. Does that true for you for non-mean tokens? Like are there tokens that you would say at, you know, I'm going to buy an x point, I'm going to sell at y point. Is that true of human swap or a theme
or some of these other things that you could have been allowed to. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. By things with plans to get out of them, even if the plan is very long time horizon, you know, like
Yeah, I buy ETH and my plan to get out is to put it in off a embargo against it. Maybe more like get it into some GMD protocols so it can keep better yield but whatever.
the specific point. Yeah, you shouldn't really be buying an asset without a plan on how you're going to use it or how soon to bring you value, how you would get out of that position. You know, just like make a plan is important. Granted,
But there's not a lot of people that you could just have a conversation like this with about. That's why my dude was so stoked to finally meet a fellow crypto chat. He's like holy cow, we're going to have a conversation about this. I was like, yes. Community continues to be important.
And one of the cool things about the cryptic community is just that we all get that if we're all doing well and we're all doing well, you know. Well, at least some of us get that. Some of us seem to be arrogant assholes.
It doesn't like the cryptic community as a little split. We have a lot of people who are very interested in helping like you. We have people who want to build and develop better systems. All of that exists on one side. But you're right, there are plenty of people that
just want to brag, want things to stay the way they are. They seem to be self-interested without saying they're self-interested and just want number go up. And I know Bitcoin, I've been around a few Bitcoiners who seem to exhibit that. There's a split within the Bitcoin community seemingly in those directions as well.
Yeah, yeah, very much so. Yeah, there's definitely like, um...
I don't know, I just don't see a single asset as being the way that money works on the earth. There's money and there's currency. And currency usually has...
more like barley and lending and debt mechanisms and I know like all of these things are super important to an economy you know like I just can't get into like a Bitcoin like Maxi like headspace where everything is just running on Bitcoin or just
trading Satoshi's for everything. My head just breaks when that's what is going to happen. It's just much easier to see a future where we're running on
financial infrastructure that's akin to similar to what we have currently, you know, like stable token economy is built on EVM, Compound of Winnetworks. So, rock and roll. Yeah, I wonder if there's a way to
divide in well because that's still relies on some other type of system. You know I always thought you need to read books and it's some future world and
You know, we're fantasy world and there's credits, right? They just use credits as a way to play. This is my money now, right? But the credits aren't pegged to anything so they don't mean anything to you.
Is there a way that we can just start talking about money as monthly income amounts or weekly income amounts? Right? Like the average minimum income
come to live or the average, you know, something like that over the course of some period of time. Could we use that and have that ever adjusted upward and that way we don't have to worry so much about inflation
Right? I mean, there's an argument there for doing something like that. Of course, that requires that everything be pegged in such a way by some type of group or groups that would regulate what inflation really is.
You're talking about like an algorithm or a bit like...
token that is to make sure everyone is always getting an equal value to like
That basically like a dollar that can't inflate right right? I mean, so yeah exactly that well the dollar could inflate
Yeah, um, it would
Right, the actual amount, right, like one, whatever what it is would be always be one, whatever it is, but it could, you know, it could go up and down and be packed too. You could still release. Well, that worked. Yeah, but like if you could get a jug of milk for one, whatever it is, you could always get a jug of milk for
one whatever it is. Well, milk could still vary, but yeah, I mean generally, right, exactly that. I mean, there's one of the problems that it seems to be in the system right now is when you talk to somebody and you know you've had this conversation, right? Because I know everybody's having it. You're talking to someone from older generation and they
say oh well I don't know why everybody's so worried $50,000 I used to you know I bought a house and put myself through schools for only $10,000 a year something like that. Yeah no concept. Yeah
All right, Martha. You know, you got your basket of groceries for $5 in your house for, you know, $700. Maybe it's 10x both those numbers, but like whatever.
you know, crazy, crazy, crazy. Yeah. And I just wonder if that's one of the ways that we can defeat that is having, you know, kind of what we're talking about right now. It would be more difficult to set up, but it would be a wonderful thing to just have people
be aware of what the prep prices are. There's a book by Mark Twain, so the older book I remember reading and it was like the name. A Connecticut King King Arthur's Court. Do you read that one?
say it again. I don't think so. It's a fun one. It's a guy goes, you know, he's he's a some type of engineer or something and he goes back to King Arthur's court and he's a, you know, a 20th century man, right? So he's modern up to that point, but obviously much more
educated in those people. So the way it goes through at one point he's trying to explain to people, he's trying to better the world. He's creating electricity there, he's doing all these different things. He's trying to better the world, but he's constantly fighting against the people who don't understand what's
going on. Right? So at one point he's explaining the different, like the absolute cost of things versus prices, which is a very different thing. And he does a really great job and it's always stuck with me and it's something that I think a lot of people don't understand. You know, even now when we're aware that like you
You said Martha doesn't quite get that her $50 is equivalent to my $5,000 or whatever that number is. But I think often people just aren't aware of absolute prices and what they mean.
I like that. That's good. It's like the if you can't say something more than one way than like you can't really like say it, you know what I mean like or maybe it's like if you can't explain a thing more than one way.
way than do you really understand it? I like that the absolute price of a thing. Curious, curious, curious indeed. Yeah, maybe that's a fun article we could write. I'm gonna clip now things.
Sounds like yeah, you're really like having to go out or something the absolute price the total price Yeah, he paid it all, you know, yeah, I mean if you're making a hundred thousand dollars and Exor a dollar, but you're making fifty thousand dollars, but exit, you know thirty cents
you're winning, right? You're winning at $50,000 and people are looking at what they're, you know, the price and their salary in these units that don't cohere to their buying power, right? Like there's just a distance there.
Exit 30 cents you funny person when we're you born I remember the days I Remember the days gas was under a dollar
Back in the day of Jarabar. Brother Barra me. Well, I guess what else about meme tokens? Memetokins are a fun way to play a gambling game. I'm not sure
Would you say there's meme tokens that you would just love the idea of for any other reason than gambling and fun?
You know, I've had opinions about meme tokens. I've hated them. I've viscerally hated them. But then also, like I got this dude who I met at Whole Foods who would just be stalking bananas. Got him into crypto.
Like they're they're marketing tools I Wish that they were better about educating people and the rest the goodness inside of it all like I view all of crypto as like positive some you know so long as it's not like scammy shit and not bad for the environment right like I
I try to see the good and things. So I don't hate them. I just don't hold any, you know, does that answer your question? Yeah. I don't know. I would go farther, I would say.
I think like when you unpack meme coins.
For the most part, the reason people are buying them is this idea that they're going to get rich, right? So it is kind of a gamble there. And you don't want to be left, you know, with the vast majority of these things, you don't want to be left, you know, standing when the music stops, right? That whole idea. And
If that's true,
Are they healthy and to what degree are they healthy? Because I think
I think when we talk about them as just this gambling tool and gambling and them just being inherently lacking in value, then I can see why so many people hate them. But at the same time, people want to
There's something about gambling. There's something about having control over yourself and your finances as long as it teaches people something in the future, right? That maybe there's there is some value here.
I don't know, like long term.
Like in a perfect world, the meme tokens exist. No, but that's presuming people are like, right? Is that fair? And a perfect world, do you?
and the Indian took in exist answers now. I don't know in a perfect world, I think I can by, I think the whole world runs on pepper. (laughing)
All the children are smiling the sun is shining and You can buy your coffee for a pepe and You know when you do like yeah, it's it's a happy moment. Yeah, yeah, I Don't know Jeremy. I don't
- Oh no, I certainly wouldn't actually think we ever end up there. Like I was saying, I think that we're gonna have the economies and money Legos and all these things, right? Like the Bank of Skill Cube. Maybe I'm biased. It's quite possible.
I'm seeing more and more of a split in the world between people with the knowledge to do what you're talking about and people without. As we become more stratified between the engineers and developers,
creating these things. There's a protocol that I'm watching and the people who have created it are very bright, very knowledgeable, and understand things that in ways that I simply don't, right, as far as defy goes.
and talking to someone like that and then talking to the average person who's missing so many layers of knowledge in that area.
I think this is what
You don't even want to say worries me. I think it's just we need to be clear that we need to build processes and ways for these people to somehow intuitively understand at least how things basically function.
I'm not sure how we bridge that gap Sorry I got a little bit distracted there for just a half a second. Would you would you run me back again? Yeah
What am I saying? I'm thinking about something about it. Yeah, I'm with you. We're just like hypothesizing, honestly. I guess the difference between people who really know what's going on and then the average person who has no concept of it.
And I think as we build these systems, we need to have ways of educating people in basic understandings of how they work at least on an intuitive level. And then more, some of this is just money like us, right? DeFi, right? We're just putting these things
things together in kind of interesting ways. And so, you know, people need to better understand base concepts of, you know, inflation and things like that and diversification, right, which is, which are time tested, right, like concepts, you know,
it was money you used, right? Like diversified or put all your eggs in one basket and this is something you know probably pre-money this idea, right? But yeah. Yeah, things like fractional reserves and bond markets and all these things would be fabulous.
if everyone understood them? Well, at least the idea of what are tokenomics, right? How do these things work? With a US dollar versus something else? I mean, it gets to ignore crypto. Inflation, how does that work? How does that affect my capital? I don't think the average person understands what inflation really is.
Yeah. It's sad how there's like trauma around people believe that they can't understand money. You know? Like I started talking about like fractional reserve thinking or like how the bond market works or like
Now, just money works and people are like, it's just overwhelming. We a lot of us have a relationship with money where it's like, oh, if I can
continue to not understand it, then I can continue to like have the it's too confusing to understand. Like, you know, I can always explain like my inability to work with it as no one can
work with it. And it's like it's not so hard to work with or understand. You know, it may be hard to get a big enough bag to do anything meaningful with, but it's not like these things are hidden.
anyone can just go read some Ray Dalio, you know, get it together. Yeah. Anyways, just just thoughts, just thoughts. One of the things I like about crypto and DeFi is it's like I rewards you to learn about it.
it and it teaches you about these things. You know, um, like this guy got massively rewarded to learn about Shib. Yeah, he did. Yeah, he did. Life changing, life changing.
So you know Pepe holds him pretty strong huh? Oh Yeah, yeah Time to get in this how she said yeah, I honestly haven't looked at that in a long time. I'm gonna go look at it. Let's see what you got on any of my charts. Let's find out
Happy USDT.
Sure. What do we got? Okay now I'm bad. Yeah, from the high it's
And bad was it ever a billion dollar market cap? I think it did spike up to a billion. Which is hilarious. It's a lot. It's a lot of fucking token. Sorry my bad. I shouldn't be swearing my bad. Oh man.
have it's habits habits habits. All right, I'm back. Yeah, do you like that? That's ridiculous. That's just ridiculous. Yeah. Yeah, market cap is a funny thing to look at. I don't think folks look at that. They see like a pet me token. They see that it's a fraction of all of this and that I picked
Queen is a thousand of dollars. Oh, is that going to do the same thing? This is what you were talking about people understanding tokenomics. Yeah, yeah. I don't buy token prices. I buy market cash. Right. Yeah, there are people that we
both know that I met them and they have been here making money in this space and they don't look at market caps. I think it's fascinating because again, how do you put something like that?
token could have more room to grow than a $2 token, right? Like if it has a lower market cap, especially if the tokenomics are reasonable. But again, evident to people who say, wait a minute, it's worth
0.00007 cents. What if it goes to a dollar? I'll be a trillion there. I'll be rich. What if it goes to a dollar though guys? That'd be fun.
What if I get rich? What if what if I lose it all? I don't know Well, sir pretty much my thoughts on mean tokens. Yeah, I don't have a huge amount to say except they're they're fun I don't mind gambling with them occasionally if I find
something that but I would not put in more than I am willing to lose and for meme tokens it's not a large amount. Word. That's probably fair. You can have some of them if you want some of them but please
You know as mama always said make the choices Head your bets she didn't say had your bets, but I think she meant head your bets when she was saying make good choices and take profits Yeah, mama always said to take profits, you know put in your your
500 bucks in a meme token and it goes to 5,000 please please don't hold on for 50,000 I mean at least at least take a couple grand out Yeah, I protect your initial capital is always good if it 2x is take out the money
Yeah, that's not financial advice. It's just advice that is commonly followed by evil and the space. So for us, any plans for the rest of the day? How do those video rips guys? I'll talk to you, you know, offline on all those.
You know man the old uh, Kathy hits me up and she's like yeah, I know I spoke with Brother Barrow me and that's not what he said we were doing and then she explained like it another way and I was like okay, what did she say we're doing?
Oh, you know, also for people who do not know, we're just in context of getting the old opalists onboarding setup. So if you made hundreds of thousands of dollars on mean tokens and want to hire yourself at opalists with those profits, you could do so.
And when you did so, you would see a bunch of glorious microcontent that Brother Baramia is working on. Early soon you would see a bunch of glorious microcontent that Brother Baramia is working on. And you know, the thing that you have is
like these benefit videos, like during the onboarding flow, you kind of have like the enrollment page and I think
I think the vision is that you have content as you are making it right now. Hey, this is your HSA. You can enroll in it here.
Click the buttons like this. If you would like to learn more about the HSA, click this button and it will take you here. That way we can have like opalist things like on the opalist page and then we can bridge out so that we can use the
USI gifts for my broker without having to spend thousands of dollars to recreate these videos. Anyways, so that was what I understood in DMs. She said that that was kind of based on the conversation
the two of you had. So I was confuzzled because that wasn't what we talked about. I'm a little confuzzled myself. So maybe it's worth figuring out exactly where we're at with that. My idea is, I mean, I do think that we want to get some of these videos
I mean the onboarding videos of the priority so that people know what to do and how to interact with us. So they can get taken care of. But we definitely need the information
videos beyond that so we aren't just referring to other sites all the time. We want to create our own content and I don't know
when or how to work on that. So I'm a little lost myself. I guess we'll get some clarification. So I mean, yeah, I can jump in on this.
I kind of know what's going on a little bit. The onboarding has to come first obviously as you just said. But I mean if you guys have noticed Kathy's been pumping out other stuff.
Like it may not be video content, but she's been pumping out. She's got guys out now. She's got... She even made a little video herself. So...
I think that the biggest focus is the onboarding because we need to streamline that. And then, yeah, we'll keep making other types of videos.
Just starting with the onboarding stuff first is all. And she's making other content that isn't video content in the meantime so that we have stuff to link to.
In the meantime.
the meme. I can't get over it. It's so good. I love it. Yeah, yeah, the the march continues. Yeah.
- Yeah, sure. - I just have to. - I just have to brag on Captain Man. I think that I've seen new stuff or an improvement on our website every single week since she started.
like crazy improvements too. She's so good.
Yeah, be tops, got be tops. Yeah, no, I was, you know, excited about these things. Super stoked, super stoked.
What else we got, gentlemen? Feeling good. Feeling good. Why don't we all jump off and head ourselves to a little workipoo and have ourselves a wonderful day? Let's do it. Let's name the spaces so the recording has better
name. Um, right? Yeah, it's a reboot. Yeah, that was done in a, uh, where do you want to post or you are?
What? Uh, man, it's hard to say. Well, should we call it? What did we call it in the first place? I did DGN reboot just because I was trying to get something up real quick. But if you'll tell me, uh, what did you have the original space name?
Let's see.
Life is a meme token deejain. Let's do that. And, Roxpus left.
Alrighty brother bear me you say beautiful out there you say beautiful yourself you gorgeous toad you beautiful man you all right that's hilarious we'll see you around the internet sir chao chao