time is running out

Recorded: Jan. 24, 2024 Duration: 1:11:49



My god, oh my god, oh my god, what's up monster?
What's up max
What's up Chris guys? Oh
My god, let's get some love on the bottom right corner
Today is a big day
Let's go. You are all founders. You're gonna need to spread this space. It's gonna be
Very informative
Let's get those hands up and let's get ready
Come on everybody, I don't know. I don't know if this space is lit enough for us to get started
I'm scrolling down to see everybody. What's up, Patrick? What's up monster?
What's up rolls
What's up, Ali?
Oh my bad, you can hire me at your wedding I'll fuck up like that, too
I'll fuck up the trouble like that
Guys are you fucking excited for today's space or what?
Let's go. Wow 21 reposts. You guys are gang gang. You guys are od
Who the hell bought of this space? Don't do that. Don't do that
Please don't do that
Fuck it we ball
I guess I guess fucking we ball
I guess we ball who is ready for the burn ceremony of a lifetime
I need to know
Oh my god
Let's get those claps going
Let's get those claps going. I need to see i'm gonna follow back everybody that's putting their hands up
I'm falling back everybody that's putting their hands up. I need to know this whole space needs to have their hands up
Let's get that energy circulating let's get that fire burning
Let's go baby
Oh, yeah, I think we're just about ready soon
Whoever bought it don't do that
Don't do that
Oh my god, this is what an od announcement has me feeling like
Guys I don't know about you guys
Oh my god, all right, we got 26 repeats
We need to go higher for this to get started tetro will literally not speak
Unless you guys reach me this way
He will literally not speak
I will literally not continue unless I see them hands
Oh look more people joined
All the bots ready to burn
Oh, yeah, are you getting 900 and some holy a thousand bots? Yeah
They're ready to burn
Guys we're gonna get started in just a second send this to your mom send this to your dad send this to your neighbor
I'm sure your neighbor knows about it. Come on
Who doesn't know about this are they even in the couple
If you're not telling your friends about this
You're a bad friend
Respectfully, I know tetra doesn't like the word respect but respectfully you are bad
You are a bad friend, okay guys so
Look, I think it's okay. The girl says respect. Okay. Well, look here. Yee here. Yee
I have pinched the top here. There was an announcement that happened at
3 3 3 p.m
Est if you're not posting your announcements at 3 3 3 p.m. Est, what are you doing?
Literally, what are you freaking doing? If you missed it, I literally feel horrible for you. If you don't have od labs notifications on I can't save you
at this point
Um have those things on
That's the alpha right there have od labs notifications on
Um, you'll never miss a beat or you might if you blink I don't know the shit is literally from a different reality
So you got to make sure you have those notifications on but if you had them on you would have seen
That at 3 3 3 p.m. Est. There was an announcement saying the end
And the beginning
Nobody knows what that means. I gotta do I gotta do but nobody really does
Not even tetra I feel because it's literally he creates like he's from a different world
But he literally creates like he's in a different freaking multiverse and honestly
Give some love to that video because that is a cinematic freaking experience again all done in house
Okay, give some freaking love there watch it
It's an experience if you haven't seen it all ready. Um, so I stopped the whole thing on my cam. Yeah
in your different universe
No, no, that's that's toronto. Oh, wait, actually
Wait, it is is that the gardener expressway? I thought it looked familiar
Yeah, look at that one light in the middle wait, I totally I totally was like that is that is toronto
I was like that is toronto
Yeah, that's me with the camera yeah, no, that's actually crazy
Okay, so yeah, we have the whole gang here. We have tetra he's gonna what does that mean the camera quarter?
I have no idea what that means. I kind of brushed it off like I did. I don't know what I have no
I'm too afraid to ask
Like an old camera, okay
What was the reason for that what do you mean you so you shot it but like how did you get those up high shots?
Like what how did you do that?
Hanging out of windows. Okay, did you did you actually
Can't tell
If you're like I I just this guy is not real this man is not real
I can't tell whether he says I can't tell
But what I do know is that this stuff is sick and you guys better be paying attention
Okay, because things are actually freaking happening. All right
I have a bunch of people that have been coming up to me and they're like, what do you mean?
Why did you fade me? Why didn't you like get me an f and I see and I was like I was like
We were literally air dropping for free for months
with our create and engage to earn
That porta coin definitely stole don't at me god. I'm sorry, but they definitely don't but it's okay. We did it first
We literally did it first blockchain doesn't lie. Um, but a porta coin that whatever but you guys faded it
Haha, mag emoji laughing emoji pointing face emoji pointing point point and we've been doing that for
A very long time. It finally ended just, you know, maybe like two weeks ago or so
I don't know time is relative but recently and here we are where
And and we there's been so much that these founders neural interface cards have been used for
But I want to talk a little bit about one what they are
Okay, just like a quick like debrief for anybody that's new and then now
with the burn here present
How they're kind of like what what's going to happen now that the burn is happening and a little bit about that stuff
So i'm gonna pass it to whoever on the team wants to go for and ask that I I think
I think we should post at the actually to the top
We should post the um, the first video we ever posted on od labs, which was literally this brain activating
I'm telling you guys you're like you are sleeping on the cinematic experience that these od labs
Announcements are okay. Um, they're cinematic experience. They're super super cool. Like there's there's a lore there
It's always so exciting
Um for me even being like on the team just to like watch it and experience it
When when it happens, but the first video that was ever posted on the od labs page was this brain
Being like something something was happening tetra. What was happening in this video?
What's going on with the founder's neural interface card? Where are we going? What are we doing?
What who do I gotta what do I gotta do?
What do we gotta do because I don't even know anymore and i'm on the team
Wait, I was just talking to one of my does. Um, what's happening with jazz? Yeah, no
You see like this guy is so cryptic like literally so cryptic I I can't
Wait, hold on wait, you're we're really getting hit by a thousand thirty seven. I know I know
I don't know what to do for icy for oak and the listener for oak. I'm scared. Somebody's bonding the space
Daddy i'm scared. I don't know whatever something happens on x now. I just go daddy
Like whenever somebody like I think it's like this guy named josh
No, I know it's this guy named josh
He'll make like these crazy memes very off topic from what we're talking about
But he'll make these crazy memes of like me and thread guy and like I just get so traumatized
I was just like, I don't know what to do so off topics actually disgusting vomit. It's happening. Um, whoever's bonding us
I'm sure you love us. Don't do it. It's gonna like shadow bat in this whole space. Please stop. Okay moving on. Um
Moving on. What?
Obviously the burn portal is opening
There's going to be a period between now and when mint happens when anybody can burn
I know people are kind of like freaking out thinking that like today's like a mint as soon as that timer hits zero
Like no, I mean now, you know, it's a burn portal and we're we're not gonna do that
We're not gonna have to do any surprise mints
It's not gonna be like suddenly like you wake up and it's gonna be a bit like we're gonna like, you know
Alert you like, you know ahead of time
Everything's good. It's just like everything else that we've done. There's always like a timer that goes with it
There's always like a story that goes with it. So that's not gonna change
That's gonna be the same as we go towards mint as well
Um, people are asking like what have I got to do? Do they have to burn today?
No, you can technically burn any time from now
Uh till the time that mint happens we will announce a few days before the burn portal like fully closes
Um, and as of right now, it should be up. I would say like within the hour
There's just been some delays. I mean like everything worked with it
um, I I just have like I'm kind of like a perfectionist when it comes to like, you know, my animations and
You know the aesthetics of like what I create
And it does have an entire flow and you guys will understand when you actually go through the flow of how it works
You'll see like all the different pages and the experiences that it takes you through
So just tweaking some things and just making sure it's right. So like i'm on this face
I'm talking to you guys but still working my depth so essentially
uh, you know tighten up some things and make sure that
The aesthetic bugs are all fixed so that everything like lines up perfectly, but you know
We're kind of nearing that phase. We're about to enter the next
Step of what happens once the sperm portal kind of comes close to an end. So
Sorry to see what happens nice
Yeah, great amazing tetra. So just informative
That was actually a lot of information completely front ran like everything that I asked though
Apparently this first video autobiography
Um, maybe I will pass it to buckets. Um, I can't pass it to you og. It's like too early into the session
We will get there. I don't know. What do you have a question? Is it urgent? Let's just go ahead and go to og
Okay, just like go like it better
Better not be like guys. I just dropped a new video
All right, so
Tetra what I was going to say is like how long is this burn portal going to be open?
Like is there like a time limit I assume so
Yeah, there's going to be a timer on it that will announce on its own as well
All I can say is that the burn portal goes
Up until exactly where mint when mint's happening
And you'll be given a heads up on how long of the time you have before it closes
So it'll be open for a little bit
There's a little bit of that mystery of like what happens next
Then that will roll out and you'll essentially see when the end period for it comes
So it won't be like suddenly you wake up and like the burn portal is closing today or it's closing tomorrow
You'll be given that time and uh mint price will be like revealed around like the same time type deal
Exactly. All right, bet bet bet bet bet. Uh, you know
I'm farming like 207 airdrops on eight different wallets right now. So like
super happy
That I was able to come up on this space and ask that question because I almost fucking
Imagine I missed the od labs men
I literally would have just fucking ate glass and just tried to try to move on with my life, but it wouldn't have happened. Look
Now that that's out of the way
Eight glass is crazy
And then like look as if he's like hosting is like look taking his time like comma space space like yo
moves different
Um, so we lost buckets. I hope he's back
Um, or else i'm just gonna be talking to myself
Um, but um, but yeah, so we've been air dropping these founders neural interface cards
Um, and for you know, the past couple of months they've been like great utility. Uh, they've had a lot of utility
We've done really cool stuff
um, I remember we did a
rug radio xod labs event, um in toronto that um people with this card had access to we did the basil event that if you
Had a founder's card you literally were acting as if you were a founder you got you were the vip of the vip
Um a bunch of other stuff as well. You'd had access to a lot of our tech early on
We've been educating people on extended reality for the past couple of months
Um, you know dropping things like a gm drone that people could like navigate
now though
The burn is coming and it's really important that people understand that once you burn your f and I see your founder's card
There's actually no more
With with this card, um other than the fact that you get to allow list
People now we'll get into that and also the 50 kickback
So we will get into that right now. Actually, um, i'll pass it to buckets
Um, so we could get a little bit more deeper into those things
By the way, if you have a question you can smash that request button. You can come up say what's up. Ask your questions
I know a lot of people are wondering like what is happening?
I'm getting tons of dms from friends that are just waking up
And they're like
The classic like what do I do? What do I do?
Like the classic like fomo of like I don't know what's happening right now
I haven't been paying attention, but I do have one
Um, and i'm actually going to put a copy pass in the comments, uh, that will be really helpful. That's going to
Um help everybody with those questions
Also, you could send this space to somebody if they like the pew pew pew and having me yell in their ear
What they need to do
Um, but having a founder's card
Literally makes you like a founder the only way to guarantee yourself
For this upcoming lulu mint is to have a founder's neural interface card and what's really special about this card
Is that you can actually whitelist?
Yourself basically and other friends and then when those friends mint you get a 50
Kickback of what they mint. Ooh
So it is really special to have a founder's card, um, and we'll get into what happens when you burn it
But I just want to make it clear that after the burn happens
There is quote unquote no utility for this card anymore. Um, there has been and this was a free airdrop
So it's actually been really cool to see how everybody has been
You know navigating with it and all the cool stuff that we were able to do with that
Um, but I will pass it to buckets buckets. Go ahead lay it down on him. What's what's popping with these cards?
What's up, everyone? How's it going? Um
That was like the most I don't know where that came from. I think because for rogues on this like i've no
I never heard buckets say that
That was crazy, but we have to be professional up here
Um in the coho seat, but how's it going everyone burn portal today?
This is the deal lay it all down. It's lay it all down. Is he rugging or is it me? Yeah
No, he rugs so bad. It's just he tried to lay it all down and then just pop
It's the boss we're getting
Am I still rugging? All right, i'll be right back
Okay, um going great what's up for oak
Yeah, I could hear him perfectly
No, well he's gone spill he's he's gone, um into the freaking abyss and
Yeah, they're all gone. Did you guys say that it's just an ic card enables community driven distribution yet?
Wait, wait does it does it it does it really does
Let's go spill the founder, you know real quick actually the reason why um,
You know these these cards are founders neural interface cards is because
We believe first of all this whole thing is is by creators for creators and we believe that
If you are like to actually like launch something like this
Like the community is just as much as as like founders like making this happen as as the people making it happen
And I kind of like that. I like that
It's not just like oh, yeah community member and it's like no i'm actually like, you know
I'm a part of of making this happen, which is which is pretty much history because this is going to be the first
On-chain generative AR project. So if anybody's like, oh
You know AR no, no, no
It's it's the first generative AR project. Uh, you could say it confidently with your chest
It's very important. It's an art project as well and tetra is a prolific just I mean my favorite artist
So it's not like oh, yeah some random thing
It's like no tetra is like the real deal and has literally been educating us on
Xr and experimenting with his art bringing it to life removing the barriers between the
Art the the art and and the person in ways that you know, people have just never seen before, you know
Having an art basil gallery literally ar activated xr activated where you can interact with the art. Um, you know having these
Uh these like like a gm drone or like a spray paint
We were you know
We launched uh this filter that you could do spray paint with and then now you have the xr headset the vision pro from apple
That's launching on my birthday
Coming out in literally a week and it's just how does it feel to spend four grand on this?
Yeah, I uh
Actually feel really good. I feel like I just spent four grand which uh on the first computer or the first phone
And that's actually worth a lot. I mean how much is that first iphone going for right now on ebay?
They're like going for like six to eight days
Yeah, I I have you should flip it right now
All right, we're so back wakey wakey so
Let's go. Okay. I don't care if we were a mug this time doesn't matter we're going with it
We're back now today burn portal the beginning the end. Whatever it is. It's a circle
And we're just gonna get right into it
now the thing that is most most most important is
These details the specifics whenever in regards to the burn and how it uh, you know progresses the story along
Specifically for the founders like this is the first day where you're actually utilizing that token
That's in your wallet for the mechanism that it was created for and what was created for was this community driven distribution
so just to give the
specifics regarding it and the process from all the information that is currently revealed currently important for the community for the founders is
Make sure that when you burn
Your fnic it's being burnt from the wallet that you're going to be minting your lulu from
Essentially what the process is of burning this fnic you are whitelisting your own wallet through this burn
So if you're burning it through one of the wallets that you don't want to interact with mint contracts for safety purposes
Whatever it is
Make sure that you transfer that token to the wallet that you are going to be minting your very own lulu's come mint days
That's the first very very very important thing. And also another side note in regards to that. There are a couple of
Thank you, um
Wait, what is going on in this space today? Like you're all actually acting insane
Like for oaks a bot and that's just not even he like does just gone buckets is gone. Okay can continue. I muted everyone
The only one I didn't leave the only one's still here now
If you own multiple fnic's versus a couple of members within our community that do own multiple fnic's
Make sure that when you're burning your fnic's you don't burn multiple wallets from multiple passes from one wallet
Spread out those fnic's to multiple wallets
If you're deciding if you have multiple and you want to burn multiple fnic's make sure that they're spread out to your different mint
Wallets it's a very very very important piece of information as well
Now after you burn the token's gone. No need for it
No utility no nothing or getting to the actual moment. Why these these cards were created in the first place
This mechanism that was that was like basically thought out thought out by by tetra and executed
By tetra and the dev team, which is incredible. We're getting to that moment right now
And the next question that people are asking is okay. What is how do we allow this people?
What is that process going to be we burnt it now?
What what about all the wallets that we're collecting from our friends and onboarding people?
I see tetra has his hand up. So we're gonna throw it over here. Maybe you can enlighten us a little bit more
All right, um
I missed a little bit of it, but I heard some of it. No, I was just talking
I was just posting something locally. I was testing a local host. But yeah, um, what's it called?
Actually that whole thing that you said about spreading your fnic's like between wallets if you have multiple
Um, you're not like there isn't a choice in doing it
like it's not like you'll go on the website and then
There'll be a burn portal and you'll be able to actually do multiple like the what happens is that when you burn it
Your wallet essentially gets etched as a founder's wallet
And once it gets etched as a founder's wallet
It will now be queried and held by our host
So it'll be essentially like held on a list
And at that point your wallet has no more access to be able to burn anymore
Is is he gone? He's gone. I got a phone call bro. What is wrong with this team?
We're like so high in tech and then nobody could
It is a busy day. I have to actually push another that meeting. I had another one that was completely separate from all this
But I had to push that one. So I was like, yeah, i'm doing this meeting
I'm locally hosting this whole thing that we're pushing and then we got a whole space going on but it's fun times
I'm fucking loving it. But yeah, no, so it's actually that whole update makes it so like you can't actually do it
Kind of makes it just simple for everyone to use
Um, and yeah, you'll see you'll see the flow of how it all works out
I mean, i'm sure you guys will definitely enjoy it and see something very unique when it comes to the flow of being able
To essentially burn assets. So it's gonna be exciting when all that goes live
Yeah, this is like also an experience for every single one of us like i'm a founder too. I have a past
So does so does mika so does gg right? So like this is an experience for us as well
We've never burnt our passes yet, you know
So this is it is something that we want to experience
It's something that you'll go through and see the intricacies of the website, which is just gonna be an experience of his own, right?
I'm probably gonna do it in discord. Why the fuck not it's gonna be a great time for oak. What the fuck is up?
That was perfect
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
I don't know I was on the call and I kept hearing my name from afar and I couldn't I know I was just
Everyone was rugged. You were the only one here. I think came here as tetraff is coming to see me tomorrow in Toronto
And wait, you're here tomorrow, right?
I only came to selfishly ask
If you guys are coming to see me i'm coming i'm speaking tomorrow
From five to nine in toronto
During our during our burn for like are you even gonna burn your fni seat like during our burn?
Everything is tomorrow. Like my fni sees tomorrow only no it's today
I just texted tetra like yo doing to burn this shit and then I saw his own spaces
I was like
Well, if I request to speak for sure mika's gonna let me up
So, you know kind of do that. It's very selfishly
Everybody if you're in toronto wait, isn't an open thing
Yeah, it's open. I mean I posted a link everyone can access but if you did yeah me to the homie you can set it up
But it's for everyone for five times, but yo
Um mikayla you bind fake listeners. No, it's crazy
Okay, this is actually the slander is actually insane. Are y'all seeing that? It's like yeah
Yeah, we yeah, it's
It's embarrassing. Um
Yeah, so wait 900 people want to burn with us. I thought you were breaking
All this stuff. I'm so high for this like it's gonna be so cool
I can't wait for y'alls burn like let me know stuff. Please. I don't miss anything, but like let's fucking go
Let's thank you
Listen listeners, what if this entire space decided to wake up but anonymously
I can't I just I don't know what you want
I don't know. I don't know. Okay, um ev what's up. Ev is so od
I just want to say that like ev literally for the past like
365 days without a freaking miss has been
Posting the lulu activating like if that's not founder energy. I just I don't know what it is
What's up i've been missing about the space getting spotted here shut the fuck up. Sorry. Um, you what you skipped a few days
Did you I skipped a few days, but i'm here. Don't slander yourself like that
No, I have a question because like i'm kind of shocked because it's tomorrow. So tomorrow is the 24th
It's 5 p.m
Est which is like there is no three in this day this hour like what's going on? We posted the video
We posted the video at 333. Yeah, no, I know but the burn is not opening with a
A date or a time. It's literally today. It's the 24th
Today is the 24th
Yeah, but then the burn is not has mode three
Well, no, we had three in there, you know, like technically honestly i'm a fun
There's like a 333 when well, technically, okay, you got to see the flow right? The flow was at 333
I'm like the one user 001 i'm like scrambling. It's an autobiography. I'm over there with a camcorder
I'm like putting the card in the machine the machine's like denying me being like no you can't turn on
You can see i'm like slapping up like the machine i'm making it work and then suddenly it's like boom like the machine turns on
It has a whole process. Do you think it's easy to open up a dimensional portal and just have things fly into the world?
These are assets that fly around
They're not jpegs. They're from a different dimension
There's a whole process. You know, it's so low lift a special kind of mushrooms
Like anyone could just eat tetra like anyone can invent that
Bro for oaks laugh sounds ai generated i'm not gonna lie
Hey k money why why what what is the fucking wait, what's the tweet now?
I wasn't ready for this. Hold on one second. I'm not ready. Just retrace back. The joker isn't ready. Somebody else somebody else take it
Okay. All right guys. She wasn't ready. Yeah, no meek
I was just here to let you know your order of fake twitter space listeners has been approved
Uh, and uh, just once enough is anything else you want me to do?
I'm, like I actually texted somebody else like oh, yeah
They didn't actually do that. Um, I don't know who did it. Don't do it
All you're doing because the other day you said my space is never get potted and we were like
I did do that because we we don't want them to get potted and canceled and now here you are
You three three three you asked for this. No, I just want to be like I don't like I just kind of want to be
Like everybody else or i'm just like oh no like like remember remember that time again
This has nothing to do with what you're talking about. But like remember that time on on twitter where like everybody was like, oh my god
I love that time. Yeah. Yeah. Oh no. Oh no i'm being bought it. Oh, no, don't bot me at 100k
Oh, no, and I was like, why the fuck and why am I the only one not getting bought like why do I actually have to work?
for this anyway
Yeah, so the burn
But am I still dumb asking this question but so where the 24th it's like 5 30
Where do I burn?
Yes, I guess you missed that that part where we were talking about it. So so essentially
What's working with it right now? Is that we're locally hosting the entire thing?
And aesthetically like so there's two different things that go into it, right?
There's one functionalities that go into like creating something
Functionality-wise like that's fine. Everything's great
Aesthetically, I just don't like how certain, you know animations and audios that I created over the past like month are syncing
So and the issue is essentially how you host something locally and then you push it onto aws
Right now the local hosting versus the aws hosting is off by like
200 milliseconds, but that 200 milliseconds is just enough that like it kind of fucks with like the flow that what I created
So i'm kind of just you know right now like as we're in this space i'm working with my dubs just to get that 200 millisecond delay
Uh to have like a negative 200 milliseconds so that then everything could like sync up perfectly
So it's kind of like it's in the process. It's in there. It's happening
Okay, and then so like once it's happening like I can get my lulu straight or not. No, no, no, no, no
I'm asking like calm
You know better
Imagine like that's how fast it just all happened like come on
Yeah, I was like imagine I can slip with my lulu like
What does that even mean you're gonna sleep with your ar companion that's crazy
I mean i'm gonna come even instead of like just having my dog. I have my lulu bro
Wait, could we could one of the could one of the traits for the lulus have the mog trade
for kevin
win lulu plushy
I mean like color-wise there could be a chance
I don't know if like all these questions are killing tetra by the way like the plushy like all of that
It's killing him like
Just like it ended all end it all
Took a render that a creator firm and he put a bucket on baton and I almost lost my shit
I put my glasses on it too. I put my glasses in a bucket
Okay, okay, okay, we're gonna go so much fucking higher
Hey guys, thank you so much for tuning in this space
We're gonna go ahead and show a little bottom right hand corner tomorrow is the burn
So tomorrow everyone send your fucking f-n ic's to ox zero. Okay today. Yeah, go ahead today
Send them all to k money.e
I will be burning them for you and I will be sending you a photo of the ashes. Uh, it's
You know, it's a lot of fun here at od labs
Well, we're actually not using the standard, uh burn wallet the
0x0 to the furthest hexadecimal. We're actually not. Yeah, you fucking
No, wait, wait, wait. We're using there's there's other burn wallets
My favorite burn wallet is
K money.e. I think everyone should just send anything they want to burn there
Uh, i'll take care of it
It's all good. Um
It's really quiet when i'm talking. I feel uncomfortable. So i'm gonna start laughing now
Making stuff
Mikko you really like this to go through it
I'm having a good time. I'm scared
Okay, okay
This is this is what's happening. Okay, a couple of other pieces of information, you know, we have to sprinkle in
Okay, never mind. This is I need a max win
I need a max win
This is my alter ego
I need a max win
It's going on way too long I can't control the soundboard
I need a max win
Just a little reset
I'm surprised the space is still running. Wait, nigga your soundboard made a thousand people leave the space right now. What the fuck?
No, shit. Wait, why do you sound like you're like weird?
I couldn't think
Hey guys, this is actually the ghost of k-money. k-money actually passed out and fucking died
When he exhausted all of his oxygen for that laughing bit. Um, yeah, no, but uh, i'm i'm dead right now
So, uh, you know, i'm looking out around i'm seeing all these beautiful dead
Uh, fni sees my od labs because you guys sent me the burn
Am I doing this right?
Okay, no, this is making me sad
Okay, all right, never mind guys, uh, bye mug, bye
Community distribution let's go. Um
Thank you for that that was great i'll send him that that mug later
That he so desired no, um, that was really fun. We have a good we're having a good time
Um, those a thousand people they went to burn. They already got the info. They're like see you later
I see kobe with their hand up. I'm passing to you kobe. What's up. You gotta comment. I know you're excited
What are you feeling right now?
Um, i'm hoping you don't kick me off stage because i'm not engaged with farming i'm in las vegas airport
The reception is fucking horrible. I can't hear shit. I couldn't hear furrow. I couldn't hear swan
I could barely hear you from time to time. Please don't kick me. Please don't kick me. I am not engaged with farming
I'm trying to listen for all the alpha motherfuckers are hitting me up in my goddamn dms left and right
What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is going on? Can we burn our lulus?
I don't fucking know. Bring your asses into the space right now
Fuck vegas airport. I can't hear shit
I'm fucking excited to shit. I'm excited. I can't wait to get home. My fucking od
Drip is sitting on my fucking table in the bag sitting there. My daughter took a picture of it for me
I told my daughter hey, can you take a picture of like what was left on on the porch a couple days ago?
And she's like why i'm like just send me the picture. So she sent me the picture and I was whoo
I'm looking forward to getting to my dogs
And getting to put on my fucking jeans so I can feel like chris
I'll be like chris and i'll just be there taking pictures
I'll take some more pictures with my jeans on take some pictures with my jeans and my shirt on
Take a pic of my jeans my shirt and my hoodie
Then i'm about to make myself with my with my little you know with my with my little patches that I got from gg
Shout out to you gg. I appreciate the od meta quest
Yeah, oh that oh now and the od. Yo, I saw you did the you did the drone in the airport
Yeah, i'm actually you know what i'm i'm actually a couple minutes
I have my I have my fucking my meta quest headset here with me right now at the airport
And i'm actually considering i'm putting it on you know, putting on just walking around this bitch
Oh, no, it's rugging so bad. Yo, what is with od like we're in another dimension
We're in another dimension
Um, okay, so I actually want to it's kobe. I love you. You're the actual goat
You were rugging a little bit. Um, I had to cut you there just because um
I didn't want you to think that we heard you and we didn't um, i'm gonna pin this up to the top here
I put this copy pasta founders if you hold an fni c card founders neural interface card
Um, I pin this up to the top and it's a little copy pasta
With the breakdown on how everything is gonna go
So you have it here. It says fni c step one burn your fni c to allow lists your own wallet
Okay, that's number one. Okay, so we'll go through this and if you have any questions smash that request button ask your questions
Okay, like there is no dumb questions. Don't worry
Question. Okay. Um, so the allow this allows that wallets to mint up to five lulu's
Okay, so again step one burn your fni c to allow your own
Sorry to allow lists your own wallet. This allows that wallet to mint up to five lulu's
Step two for each lulu the founder wants to mint
They can allow lists two new wallets and these allow listed wallets can mint up to two lulu's
If this sounds like gibberish, it's probably easier for you to read
Um, and I laid it out to the pin post to the top
But i'll just read it out again if anybody, you know has any questions
All right, this process happens while minting when the founder mints their lulu. They allow lists the new wallets
Simultaneously really cool process by the way one mint equals two allow listed wallets
Two mints equals four three mints equals six four mints equals eight five mints equals ten
distribution rewards is
50 of the mint proceeds generated from the new allow listed wallets go back to the founder
All of this will happen on chain
Which is also something really cool and and exciting. So that is the the the little blurb there
That I posted up to the top and you could send this to your friends if you're like, hey, they're like
What are you talking about? We've also made a thread
Which um, maybe uh gg if you can if you could just pin it up to the top the thread from od labs
Breaking everything down as well. So we've we've done threads. Also, you can go into our discord anytime
If you're lucky enough to be in the group chat, we're in the group chat as well
If you know, you know, maybe you'll get there in the next purge
Perhaps perhaps perhaps
All right, i'm gonna get to the hands now
Tana I saw that you've had your hand up for a little while i'll pass it to you
What are your questions or comments? What what are your thoughts?
Yeah, thanks me. Good. No, the reality is is
Let's get down to serious business here. I talked with buckets a couple times
Um, I hold multiple cards as everyone knows multiple cards
I gave two away because I don't want these cards to go to waste. I said to buckets and other people
I won't do that to gg and tetra just because of what they've done
For their community and everybody and they haven't even minted yet
It's ridiculous, but my burning of the cards relies strictly on what the mint price is
So you got to do the math here, like if we're just gonna say per se that a mint is 0.05. That's 1.25
east per card
If the mint is 0.1, that's two and a half east per card. That's a lot of money to burn three full cards
I'm, not relying on people to burn my whitelist
You've seen people scrambling and whoring out their timelines with my whitelist my whitelist
The reality is a lot of people aren't gonna mint. They're not gonna be able to mint. They don't have the money like that
I always had in my head. I'm gonna burn two doesn't matter if it's 0.1 0.5 and the cards whatever but
If the mint is lower it allows me to realistically burn three cards
Now the difference for myself like bucket was saying with people with multiple now
I have to realistically send two other cards to two other wallets then I have to create 10
Addresses for each of those wallets under the original wallet that the loot that the the fni c is in
That's time that takes time
Precision to move all the money over equally to each account
To make sure the gas and the mint's in there and again
It just comes back to the basis of me burning cards depends on what the mint is
So right now again, if we're just burning a card and I don't know what the mint is
I'm only good. I can only really burn one card
But I have no clue about the prices and again another thing I want to talk about is we've already seen people in the od labs
Mention this a lot of these people can't allocate their whitelist because people won't take them if they don't know what the mint price is
So people are kind of just holding their breath waiting. That's not really my concern again. I'm gonna burn my whitelist
I've I've always had that plan to begin with i'm gonna hoard these things because that's my conviction of what these guys are doing
But again realistically it's going to affect what I burn
You know the amount of parts that I burn
I think that's the thing too like see the burn portal opening doesn't mean that like, um
Anybody should go out and like rush especially if you have multiple
You should go out and rush to necessarily burn your fni c. I think you should wait until
you know when
You know when we're actually approaching like maybe closer to the end of it
I don't mean depends for everybody somebody might want to actually just get the actual experience of it because it isn't just uh
You know press the button and it burns type of function
Like there's a whole experience that goes along with it
So somebody can want to get that experience today and they can go ahead and do it and and when people do it
Definitely like screen record share that like i'm sure you're going to enjoy like the whole processes
But I also think that when it comes to
You know allocations of whitelist and getting people that are also like serious on board under
Um, you know your fni c and finding other people. Um, I kind of look at it as how any project within
You know just the web3 space really works
Um, you're only going to find the true layer of like the highest amount of interest
Literally right up leading to the mint because most people are just kind of lazy when it comes to this kind of stuff
Like they're not going to actually be interested until they're like, oh shit mint is tomorrow or mint is in like two days
And I didn't get access that's when you're going to get the most amount of interest
So all the people that are out there trying to allocate right now
You might actually end up allocating and gathering uh wallets from people that today say they're interested
But those wallets might change by the day that actually mint comes around
Because when we actually approach that final week and we say hey in a week
It's mint. This is the price everything's up and all that information is out there and we roll out
You know the final videos and the final experiences and everything else comes together leading up to that week of mint
I guarantee that week is going to be the most hectic one and it's going to be the one that's also going to be easiest
For you to allocate out because that's going to be the week that people are going to be reaching out to us and saying
How do I get these allow lists and you know for us?
It's very simple
It's like the only way that you actually get get a guaranteed allow list in this entire ecosystem
Is that you get it from an fnic you're not going to get it from you know
Joining like an alphabot or getting like, you know from like a community giveaway or any of those type of things. They're not going to give you a
Guaranteed allow list the only way that you have a guaranteed spot is you get it through an fnic
So I just think that you know that sentiment
Always has changed and will always be the same around the week of like we're on that five, you know
Five ten day period where suddenly all the information is revealed the hard debts
That said date is revealed as well and everybody follows into being like oh
I heard about this for the past like three months
But now that it's next week, I suddenly care or now that it's like three days from now
I suddenly care so I just think that that sentiment has always been the same in the space and it's just going to remain
The same so we're going to see a change, you know in this ecosystem
I fully understand that bucket disease my my concerns on that quite a bit the last couple times just because again
I hold multiple and my plan is to burn those multiple and not have them go to waste
It's just a matter of what i'm allocating
To where and and how much east I need and again
If i'm moving that and i'm going to mint out two full cards
And let's just per se again. The mint is a 0.1 or happening. That's a lot of e that's you know, that's
You know, what is seven east that takes some time to move over, you know i'm in canada like you but these banks, you know
It's a two-day business transaction just to get it over to my grip my my app
Michael loves the broad transfers, you know, i'm only can move like 3k per day
So it's going to take me multiple days
I've already started this process again because i've been in buckets and chris's ears. You guys probably already know
I interpret these guys all the fucking time, but uh
But yeah, I just it's just my concern to be able to
What i'm gonna do am I gonna burn two full cards i'm gonna burn three full cards
Um, as long as I can get away with the two and and do it now one just last thing and i'll let the other people
Come on. I know there's other questions
The white list like so find the fni season one account now when I move another fni c into another
Separate wallet, um, I can use those 10 addies in that wallet as my white list, right?
I don't have to go set up a whole new wall with other seed phrases and then add those addies to that
I can just do drop down addies under that fni c and they'll all be tied to that main account, right?
The main address so i'm not sure if I understand correctly
But like yeah, the way that it works, uh as a function is that?
One when you burn
The fni c now your wallet gets registered as a founder's wallet. So by the end of this process
Let's just say all 333 get burned because that is the goal then there'll be there'll be actually 333 unique founders wallet
Each one of those will then be able to allocate out
During their five minutes. So let's say all 333 are max minting and they're all allocating out to those, you know
Um 10 wallets each but that all happens during the mint process itself
So you're not doing this before literally during the mint process
There is a function that lets you essentially select the number plus based on that number
It gives you a drop down that you actually have to fulfill it
I think I know what he's asking
Like so my fni season in one address my main wallet, right like wherever the one I got air dropped
Now I burn that now I can go into that same wallet and just do 10 addresses underneath it
I don't got to go create a whole new metamask wallet and make all new address because usually
If you burn the five whitelists, you're whitelisting to other people
To different different addresses and different wallets. I want to add 10 addies inside my one wallet
That's the fni c and just allocate those
Think buggers is gone
You get a token
No, I was trying to speak but i'm back. Um, what he's asking is is you have to create separate seed phrases and create
Separate actual wall. So all you need to do is separate like wallet addresses
You could on the same metamask account add accounts
On that same metamask account and then whitelist those wallets. You don't have to like
Set up a brand new of course to give it I mean like from that's what he was asking
Nobody nobody can detect which wallet is connected to which seed phrase. Anyway, like it's it's happening on a
You know just wallet to wallet level where it's like if you are allocating to yourself
Which some people are going to be some people are going to be allocating it out and some people are going to take it for
Themself, um, you can then just go and add accounts and you know, essentially create that function
Yeah, and one other important thing to note is like just like catcher
Ran through like the process of actually whitelisting other people that happens while you're minting your own lulu
So it's not like you're gonna have to like collect the wallets now and whitelist them now
Before having all the mint details, um available for everyone like the second that you are actually minting your very own lulu
In that same process you are whitelisting those other wallets
So and also it's important to know that the burn portal is going to basically be open the entire time
Until it's time for us to mint
And that will basically, you know include all that information that will be rolled out here until mint day
All that information will be rolled out while the burn portal is open
Which gives not only the community and the founders enough time to you know
Get all the specifics and all the all this everything in place
But also give enough time for people who are interested from minting from from a founder
Enough information to know if they want to participate and also to
Guarantee that the people at the founders are going to be onboarding are people who really want to be a part of this community
So that process is prolonged today is the first today, but it's going to be a you know
Multi-day obvious the process of being being able to
Go through this entire thing with all the information being available then the day of mint is actually when you allow this to other wallets
in that same transaction
All right, I appreciate the answers man buckets again if there's a you know
I'll hit you up in the dm
But that answered everything again mike is there was just the amount of the amount of cards again
I i've made it clear with you and christmas day when i'm not going to let them go to waste, right?
That was the key. So and again, my white lists are are are covered. Um, i'm taking those on myself period
I'm not going to rely on other people. So I appreciate the the feedback and you know, um
I'm gonna step down you guys. Have a good day energy g. Thanks. Merch is sick as fuck man
Thanks for the shit you threw in there
All right, thank you no those questions are super good really really appreciate you
Tana for those questions very important. I'm sure a lot of people had
Um, you know similar questions as well. So it's good to just have that
Um, okay, let's fire through these hands
Um, let's go to i haven't heard from um crowver
Um, so let's go to you then we will go to vonsoul ev and then um name fi go ahead
Yo, thanks guys. Uh, how's everyone doing today? Hope y'all will I just got in so I don't know if I miss but uh
Judging from what tana was saying there might not exactly be uh indication of what the mint price is
But I do have two other quick questions. Now one would be
Um, is there when the founder mints if you have the founder and you burn that fnic card, okay?
Is there any way to indicate when we mint our first lulu's?
That uh that we were one of the original founders
Is there a way that like those kind of differ from the next allow list ones?
Um that kind of just like showcase that we were kind of the first ones that had the fnic card
and then the second part is
Is there going to be a time frame or a limit where like say when you guys open this shit up, right?
And then say some people can't allocate their whole entire white lists or whatever
Um, is there going to be a time frame or is it going to kind of be just like open?
Until like all of them get minted type thing and like
You know what i'm trying to say like is there going to be like two weeks you guys got to get these mints in two weeks
And then we're shutting it down
Or are you guys just going to let it be a free-for-all and let it be open and then
You know slowly and gradually people could like allow this because like i'm almost full with my allow list
I got a couple slots left
But I know there's some people that I don't even think came close to allocating which tetra you're right
Like I think when the hype kind of gets built up like
Uh, the anticipation is going to be there and then people are going to start hitting that fomo
Um, but i'm just i'm just curious just in case right like just in case some of these people can't mint out their white list
Is there going to be a time frame that they have to be?
Um done all their mints by yeah, I could kick this. Um
First of all, thank you for the question. Um, so in regards to time frames of mints and when mint windows for, you know founders and
The founders whitelisted walls and all that all that information is actually like one of the next steps of the information
We're actually going to be releasing on exactly time windows time frames
All that information will be available to you guys well before the mint and you guys are going to be able to basically
be able to
Plan out accordingly
But the one thing that we have said and we will always say the only way to have a guaranteed spot
At a lulu mint is if you're a founder yourself
Or you got whitelisted from a founder that is the only guaranteed way
The only guaranteed way so really really really if you're in the audience if you're on stage and you're not a founder
And you haven't reached out to one yet
Do it now because it's the only way we can guarantee that you can get a lulu the only way
So that's the first thing regarding the windows now
Regarding how to know if you're a founder if you mint
Um, like nothing's nothing's going to change from the lulus itself that you're minting when you mint a lulu you mint a lulu
Right and once we are all
Holders of lulus we're all going to be alchemists in our own right nothing necessarily is going to differentiate us
but what it is
Being differentiated here through this burn process is when you're when you burn your fni c from your wallet
That wallet itself has now been basically bestowed the power of the founders
Onto that wallet. That means that's the wallet that you're going to have to use to actually tap into that community driven distribution
That's the wallet that you commit up to five lulus and that's the wallet that you can basically be able to
Allocate those whitelist spots too. So that's the differentiator
It's the fact that that wallet that you burn your fni c from that now it has the power of the founders
I hope that answers your question. No. Yeah, it did buckets. Thank you so much. And uh mika gg tetra
Thank you guys so much for your time
I think is a genius way that you guys went about doing this
Um, and then just kind of like spreading it like wildfire like you guys are doing
I think it was a really clever way to go about it. Um, and i'm really excited to be a part of what you guys are doing
Um, so shout out to od lab. Shout out to t dot man
I hope I could make my way out there and go visit some homies do some music and uh, you know
Maybe go paint something one day. Um, but look man, i'm gonna step down. Let these other people uh, bless the mic with us
But I appreciate you guys's time and thank you for answering my questions
Peace much love man. Thank you so much
And I also like you actually reminded me of something that I forgot to add nothing to do with your question
But still important information and that information is while that burn portal is still live
If somehow some way people still have their fni c's up for sale or they're looking to like, you know
They're not looking to burn it. It's still a tradable collection on open sea right now
We had a bunch of sales today and people seeing that video
about all the utilities and all the mechanisms that the founder pass actually
Allows people to interact with and they started, you know, I needed an fni c I could buy one
So there is an open sea link that is in
The od labs official twitter that could link you to directly to the official collection
Make sure that you are on the official collection
And if you don't have an fni c if you're in the audience front stage, whatever it is
They are purchasable right now. We had a bunch of sales today after this video. So it's another way
I believe I missed out on the airdrop opportunities the past six months. The opportunity is still there
We still do have that open sea collection. There are a couple still available. I would say so
And you could check that out. Um
Again, official links in the od labs discord or in the orbital labs x page that being said you have a couple more hands
I would love to throw it over to von soul. We haven't heard from you brother
How's it going beside that little scream in the beginning, but how's it going brother?
Good you bro. I swear to god. I don't know how that happened
My phone was in my pocket and it like pocket dialed that and then in my mind
I heard that and I was just like what dumbass just did that and then when I heard you guys said it was me
I was just like fuck my life. But um, yeah, you're definitely excited for this. Um meant to happen
You know, it's been a long time coming
Um, I actually just wanted to give my feedback on what hannah was saying about like the concerns about the mint price because
It's uh messages that i've been getting myself and just a little heads up
I'm i'm not a mod. Some of you mfers be messaging me saying for help because i'm a mod and stuff
I am not a mod. I'm just really committed to this
Project i'm a founder and i'm just willing to help whenever you guys need help, but I am not a mod
so get it right um fers but um
Yeah, um, I think a lot of people are
Not a hundred percent in because they're not aware of the price
But I think something to be felt reassured of is that this isn't really a low this no
This isn't at all a low effort project. It's not an anonymous project. The founders are docs
they've been building and connecting with communities for many many years and
I think the cool
Aspect about all of this is that like it's not the team that is handing out whitelist
It's your responsibility to hand out whitelist and make sure you're onboarding
The right people into this community so we can all build it into what it's meant to be
and I think that aspect of all of this is really important because like
It's really up to you to make sure you're onboarding the people and informing them that this isn't just a
You know a flip project where you're just going to try and flip the nft not like this is a project where we're trying to onboard
The best of the best of communities and create a genuine community over here
And you've seen what tetra has released over the past months and years like this man is literally in another dimension
And he's trying to bring us all to that dimension as well
so, um, I think if you're worried about the min price just try and reassure yourself that like
The value is here, you know, the vibes are here. The team is here
So like just kind of re relate that to the people you're trying to onboard
and it's definitely going to make it a lot easier for them to see the vision and not be so worried about what the price is and
If people are having a hard time handing out whitelist
Just let me know and i'll help you onboard people that are looking for whitelist
So if you're having that problem, just shoot me a dm and i'll help you distribute your whitelist
Let's go max mentors only
Yeah, you guys are serious about your business you have actually web3max over here
She has a contract if you're under her whitelist. She has a freaking contract
Okay, she is not playing. All right
She has some questionable
Uh things but hey, you know what she's dedicated. Okay, let's go to these hands i'm gonna pass it to
Comes great responsibility
All right, let's go to ev and let's go to fate
Um ev go ahead
Um, I think I need to have a trip to la because you guys are having so much fun there. I see that it's um,
Actually crazy. Oh we coming up friends, baby. Don't worry ev we got you baby. I'ma break the line
Okay, okay
Uh quick question because I i'm not sure I understand everything
So when I burn my fnic i'm registered as a founder
Do I need a enter?
Like when I burn it if I want to max mint my lulu's or I can do that the day of mint
Okay, ev when you're burning your fnic it has nothing to do with the actual mint itself
It's just granting that wallet the power of a founder the mint is not okay
Yeah, so right, uh, you have from now basically until mint to burn your fnic
All it does is provide that wallet with the access and the power of the founder
That's it
And then when it comes to the actual mint day
That's when you decide how many lulu's you want to mint and depending on how many lulu's you want to mint you could whitelist
Um, you know appropriate amount of wallets, um for each lulu that you decide to make so that's the process
again, I think i'm going to be
Um hanging out in the discord in the vc after the space is over if anyone like just wants to like be able to share their screen
Or whatever it is feel free. I'm going to probably be chilling there right after this because you know
Why not? I like hanging out with you. Anyways, I stream chess in there. We fuck around. It's great
Now if you're not in the discord
It's uh again in the official links in the od labs account, which is up here on stage and another thing didn't want
Another psa the mint price has not been announced. The details have not been announced and it will be soon. So
Stay fucking tuned fate
How's it going, man? Yo, yo, what's up? Uh, thanks for having me up on stage
I originally found out of it about the fnic because I thought that the uh vip axis at art nozzle
Was going to be sick. And so that's actually how I found out about it through nika because I was like, okay
Vip axis at irl with ar like that's a perfect combination for the future of irl events, right? Um, so my question was like
Now that the cards are basically going to be burnt
Are the lulu's gonna have some kind of irl activation or like can y'all talk about that?
Yeah, so again
All the utility that we've added onto the fnic's we're not even planned like when we initially
Um released the fnic's and announced that we're air dropping these
The all the events the rug radio one in canada art basil arc 33
Even the clipper game that we went to um here in la like all that was never actually
You know in the in the cards for the fnic's but when we had these opportunities, we're like, wait
We already have a community. We already token out there. That's token gated
Now that the time has come for the actual use cases of these fnic's to be used and burnt
After that, we're all alchemists. We're all lulu holders
And you know again
There's a lot of stuff that we um
That that that
Can be done
There's a lot of stuff that we are thinking about internally as a team
But the very very very bare minimum, you know exactly what you're getting and then we're going to keep on cooking as a company
So that's the best way to answer that question the way to answer that question is to look at the track record of the fnic's
The track record of the fnic's is like there's a specific use case for these passes and everything else was a bonus
Right. It's it's way more important to under promise and over deliver than to promise the world on a twitter space
And then disappear for a year, right? So that's what we did with the fnic's we gave you specific
Reasons why these fnic's are valuable and everything else was a cherry on top and that's like kind of the way that we're going to uh
Move forward with this. So that's the best way I can answer your question at this time fate
No, that's it. I'm glad I picked up a past like three days ago before I knew any of this was going down
I got lucky. So yeah, shout out to y'all
Let's go fate you're the absolute go
Shout out to you. Shout out to mika and friends too. I know you be chillin there. I know you be chillin there. Um guys
I think if you have any questions, uh, like buckets has said before
He will be in the um
He will be in the uh in the discord answering questions
Um as vaughn said don't bother vaughn, uh bother bucket dm buckets
And i'm joking dm buckets. I hear a lot of people also dm'ing max. I feel bad because like no one dms me
Don't do it though, but nobody dms be low key and i'm like the cco. Okay, um guys, it's been super fun
Um, hopefully we have answered your questions for right now. Oh spill i'll pass it to you real quick before we wrap up
Um again, I also put the copy pasta in the comments. Feel free to send that to your friends so that they are on board
Um, and you can just have that as founder spill i'm gonna pass it to you
And one last thing spill before I send it to you
I did pin the post with the discord link to the od labs official discord up to the top
I will be hanging out hanging out there after for any questions
So just if anyone's not already in there, it's in the pinned post above so spill. Take it away
Um, I was really good
I was high-fiving buckets and we both went like this at the same time and then I guess mine lingered and I feel awkward now, so
Uh, go get your f and I see
Um off the floor while you can and let's fucking go
Guys it's been an absolute blast. Thank you so much for coming to hang
Uh, we will be in the discord, you know where to freaking find us and if you're lucky
You might even get invited to the chat, but not all survives. Um, thank you so much
I'm super excited this. Uh
You guys are you guys are gonna be
I mean you're a part of history. This is the first generative ar project on chain
So i'm proud of all of us. We've come so far
We've actually we've made some freaking friends along the way like I met max because of od and now we're living together in la
Absolutely killing it. I know swan because of od now and he is just the absolute goat. I know so many people
I'm, so blessed. I love you guys
Thank you
I love you guys. We'll see you at the next one. Make sure to have your notifications on for od labs
This is now is the time
Um notifications on for od labs. We don't spam posts
We only post things that are really important like cool cinematic videos and other dope stuff
So make sure to have those notice on so that you are in the now because paying attention does reward you
We know that in this space make sure you have all the information
It's up to date share it with a friend because you you got to do it. You got to do you got it
You can't leave your friends behind
Um, don't leave the homies behind. I love you guys. I'll see you next time. Bye