Token Generation Event! YFD and The Doctor discuss the details #cosmos

Recorded: June 19, 2023 Duration: 0:15:27
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Okay, it's Dr. Darskoyne coming to you live from the Obedoal Command Account today. It has been a red hot minute and so is last on this space.
that with a pretty boring crypto market overall
and you blame me for not being around. But that's going to change. We have YFD who are going to be on the call discussing some exciting news about a token generation event in more and as this unfolds what I will do is
start off by sharing the space in our overall command. This is what you should be jumping into if you've never used it. We have amazing resources there to help educate you on all things Terra, Cosmine,
validate on. And so if you're not in there, all rookmand discord link is in our link
I think a tree account. Now the guests of today will be crash, they will be Ray and they will be Dr. Clean. I think I think I've got three guys.
I'm going to bring up Crash for a second and just kill a little bit of time while I'm sharing the space.
people into the room so that we can have
some eager ears for the listening of
like crash out
I'm sending you an invite
I think that's what I think.
We have space without any twiddic glitches today.
Hey, how's it going? I can barely hear you. Let me see if I can fix. Let me have some salad.
Oh, there we go. I mean, one second I realized what's happening. I've got my Bluetooth headphones connected. I want to disconnect those. Okay. And now I'm going to talk through my regular headphones. Is that better?
Hey, there's 100% better. OK, so could you hear anything I said before that?
I could, but it was very quiet. I thought it was something going on with my connection because that does happen. So it wasn't noticeably quiet, or where I didn't think it was just a typical space issue or so. Yeah, Ron, okay. Now I had my, I've got a pair of
So I need Bluetooth headphones and they were sitting on my, well they're sitting about a meter away from me and even though I got like regular corded headphones plugged in, it wasn't coming through the corded mic, it was coming through my Bluetooth
So that aside, I'm going to jump into our discord real quick and just drop a little reminder down there. Feel free to also share this in your while. I will do the same. Do one thing, here we go.
And here we go. Announcements.
That's the loud. And that's what's.
I think, past.
We're gonna have to.
All right.
I can't go there.
Okay, are you sure you want to mention 1600 people? Yes, go. What's that happens? That is there and then this will get sent into the
over command, telegram as well, courtesy of Idwin. And my question to you sir is, well first and foremost, hey going.
That's going good. Well, things considered you can't complain. I feel a little bit anytime up to the at everyone. I use those powers so sparingly these days and it's a little bit like I'm summoning ancient warriors back to the discord sort of a vibe.
It's a little deadly, but it's good to be getting this project out there. I think there's quite a few in the spaces that have been continuing to build and seems like people are ready to build stuff.
When you're not at the euphoria of the markets and everything going up or even going down, it's just kind of with this continued sideways, sideways to down sort of action. I think there's room for focusing on what
people actually will find useful in just solving problems, which is kind of wherever at, you know, instead of waiting for forever for a bull market to come back, you know, let's put it out, you know, get the project out there and what's it going for? Yeah, I'm doing good.
I'm curious to know your thoughts. You just said that the market's been going sideways for a little while and all the rest. What's your general idea on having next 12 months or so play out? Do you think we're going to have a bit of a run up leading up to the halving?
But the powers that the regulatory bodies, the SEC and everyone else that's trying to suppress crypto in different ways at the moment, you think they're going to continue, I don't know if I'm saying winning the fight, but continue having some sort of advantage.
It's hard to tell and I really, I hesitate to make any sort of bullish call because I haven't had a great history of making those calls. It's like someone's listening and decides to have things through the opposite whenever I
Say anything like that, but I do think it's kind of overdone at this point, but we are so early. I really do look at any sort of like dip as just buying opportunities for like those
I think that there are going to be around for the long term. I mean, I don't -- I -- I -- I -- maybe it's naive, but I do believe in the -- in the --
the long term, you know, kind of stability, saying power of Bitcoin, like the crypto space overall, like it's not going to be crushed, it's not going anywhere in contrary to that. If it is crushed, you know, like
I want to be building in this space and I want to be like, you gotta go where the optimism is and I think the alternative is, you know, that's a world that's gonna be part to live in. So like, why don't we build the world that we want to see essentially and kind of focus on that. - Nice bit of hope here, I like the optimism. It's been, yeah, it's been a little while since
So I've really felt a great sense of optimism about the state of crypto. But you know, it only it can turn around so quickly and it just I think there are certain narratives which will help drive the next.
next leg up. I think a lot of it is just currently hinging on the uncertainty and the ambiguity of the regulation side of things and now it's just, yeah, I think people have been burnt a couple of times, you know, we had what three ball runs at this point and so there's of course the euphoria
that comes along with that and then you have those who time it well and get out and have absolutely made life-changing gains and feel on top of the world for doing so. And then you have probably more in the category who have ridden the wave, experienced euphoria, experienced the
grass, felt the feelings of despair and grief and whatever else comes along with it. And then to say, "Well, am I going to get my Tarzan?" "Do I want to get burnt twice?" And so, you know, we're here for the tech. You know that you and I predominantly we're here for the tech. And that's something one of the things we're going to be talking about today.
But I just I'm not convinced that the majority of people are in it for the tech. You know, they're not actually really paying attention and that's good for us because while we're building in the quiet and in the shadows eventually the tech will prevail and And you know, will be the benefactors of the benefit the beneficiaries of that
I think it's just it's a war of attrition at this point. Yeah. And there's those of us that believe in this space and the underlying principles that are building to build, you know, like I said, build a world that you
want to live in. I mean, I like optimistically, the longer that there's, you know, these sort of tactics for maybe the powers that be or the centralized powers in control of the world or institution
that don't want to see some of this stuff come to life or maybe they're just entrenched in their ways either way and just want you to dismiss it. I think, ultimately, the longer that you have, it just gives us more time for the small people.
small players, we will retell the average person to be a layer of it as an alternative to get in there and to incubate and actually refine some of these ideas, you know, test and learn and get the stuff ready to properly scale. And I think that's what we saw.
Before and along with the euphoria kind of masking kind of some of the some of the stuff that was just narrative without substance in the euphoria of Token go up was kind of hiding some of that I think there was also just some of the tech wasn't ready for prime time. You know, it just wasn't ready to scale you had to dig it
experiments that got too big, too fast, and they failed hard. So like, let's have some more time where the stakes are possibly a little bit lower. There's not as much TVL or attention, and we can solve these problems on the smaller stage. Yeah, they're all agree. I think they
There's a lot, there's a, what I would liken it to, you know, when I, I use the Harrison of VR technology. So VR, for example, came out in the, what, like 80s, early 90s when it was first really being worked on. And even now, we're 30 years past that point. And it's
starting to get some traction and there's in people say to seem like the reasons and the use cases for it. Of course, AR came along as well and AR seems to have been a much easier, seamless integration into people's regular reality daily lives. But it doesn't mitigate
or negate the fact that there is a place for VR, it's just the technology was way too early for society's desires. And so I feel the same way, I feel like there's some sort of parallel here with crypto and DeFi and even the main narrative of
last year, which were you know, metaverse NFT and of course crypto gaming's probably there as well. And I think yeah, the technology is obviously working to a degree and it's doing what it's set out to do and
It's just early, you know, it could be 10 years early. We'll find out in two times, but I think change is often generational. Big change is generational. If you look at the adoption curves, you've got your early adopters, you know, your pioneers, your early adopters,
And it makes it's way through to eventually the laggards the people that it's pretty much never going to get on board and Yeah, we're becoming increasingly technological and technologically proficient and that's I think the next 10 years there's gonna be a massive gap created between
the capabilities and the willingness to adopt these new tech by the younger generations and then the dinosaurs that are currently roaming the earth. I'm curious to see that unfold. I'm also curious to see what's going on here because there's no one jumping into the room and that's
I'm wondering if there's something going on with the space. I don't know. I just think of the thing thing and I mean we didn't. This was and I didn't even recognize that fact. But it is holiday or father's day for I don't know if that's a worldwide thing or most of the world.
Oh, you know what? Yeah, okay, that must be like an olden hemisphere thing. Okay. We are in August. Yeah. For a second, I'm dead. I'm like, am I supposed to be missing my dad? What's going on here?
Okay, so you've sacrificed your father's day to jump on a call with me and ideally you want to have some people to share some good news with. I'm just considering maybe it might be worth
starting a new space and seeing if that changes things. Because we're now probably 10 minutes in and I'm going to do it. So give me two six. I'm going to shut this one down. Starting your one and we'll go from there.
All right, sounds good.