Top 5 Reasons Digital Art is about to EXPLODE! (Web3 Artist Takeover)

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 1:14:37



Hey guys, please help share the space while we get the speakers up
Well, hello, hello, all right, what's up, everybody it's Thursday again
We're back in our earlier than usual. So thanks for tuning in. We have the artists takeover tonight
It's gonna be a chill show
We have the unique pleasure of speaking with some great creative guests tonight
Find out what is the latest in the web 3 art space who's surviving who's thriving?
But if you want to do us a favor click that button on the right hand corner of your screen
Drop a like comment retweet so we can get more friends in here
We have a massive show tonight stacked panel of artists whether it's music painting
whatever their special talent is and we're gonna ask them how they've integrated that into the web 3 world and
We're gonna go over what their special sauce is their tips for new artists
And outlooks for the market and many many many more questions
So give us a like and let's get into it Aaron. Are you excited?
Not since I first bought my first CD ever
Smashmouth back in the day. Have I been this excited? Here's the thing guys
I'm excited about things like Bitcoin and aetherium and d5, but most people are not excited by these things
You know, it gets people excited art
Music so why not combine the two? So yeah, I'm very excited
100% now, I think you're an all-star just gonna put that out there for you Aaron. I see what you did there
Also Aaron, you know this space the same space that we've put on for the past few months
Just took the number one spot on super spaces AI list
So we are the number one show on web 3's top 100 theater board pretty wild
Did I drop my eat the dress if there's some sort of cash prize or something Oh God cut cut
But let's get into it
I mean, what do you think Aaron actually do want to just give us like a quick rundown of everything that's happening
That's been happening in crypto in the past week like a TLDR before we get into it
Yeah, quick rundown what's been going on in crypto
We're in the cooldown period of the market psychology cycle not as exciting as it was last month
with the come down off of the
ETF hype and approval and listing and news now what's been going on with that?
We're about 10 days past the approval and let the F's are
positive despite the bearish news with
GBTC and FTX selling GBTC the ETFs are bringing in more money than they are
People are selling and we have two funds fidelity in BlackRock over 1 billion assets under management in Bitcoin
We have nine ETFs each
custodying or
You know each have a over 100
Individual bitcoins and in nine of those of those ETFs
So uh guys things are chugging along but something I don't know a lot about is
Certainly, you know how music and art can interact with crypto. So I'm excited. We have small stars today, Tina. Oh
Yeah, let's get right into it
I'm gonna start with I guess the first person I saw come up Tommy. Welcome
You know, what's funny actually we met on a yacht in Portugal a great board of yacht party
That's actually where I dropped my ledger into the ocean. So
Great to have you tell us what's going on with you and for the audience that might not know you tell us who Tommy D is
Hey guys, thanks so much for inviting me and I'm I'm I'm what was on the legend what the point what happened
Oh, it was on it my crypto
Oh my god. Oh my god. It's there
We should we need to get one of those like submarines out, you know
Like they did when they were going to find people and see if we could because it was like
Hopefully the IRS believes you as much as Tommy just did
Yeah, exactly. Oh damn and it was all in my room. Yeah. Okay. So hi everybody. My name is Tommy D
I'm a music producer songwriter an artist. I've been in the music industry for over 30 years
I worked with some amazing artists like Kanye and Jay Z and Beyonce and
All kinds of amazing people. I was in the studio this week with Liam Payne from One Direction
I was working with the biggest band in the world and the biggest producer in the world just before Christmas
So still very much a part of the music industry still very much doing my thing
Making music and what are you doing with when in your history making music you're producing the beats or what?
So my history is basically production songwriting and arranging so it's sort of and mixing as well
So it's really I've done everything in music and I think that's the important thing is this
And certainly from my strengths and my kind of way of looking at because I've done so many different jobs in music
You know everything from producing albums platinum albums producing singles number one singles in America
Can is it a clicking is it weird clicking and yes weird clicking. Okay, is it gone now? Yeah, it's gone
Okay. Yeah
I've had over seven billion streams which is mad because when you think of it like that you don't you're trying to sort of equate that
You're trying to put that into practice and trying to kind of see what that might look like
so yeah, so I've been very successful in the music industry and
Made a lot of money out the music industry and so but I've seen a lot of pain
I've seen a lot of suffering and the music industry as it stands has always been a really it's like a total love-hate relationship
You love the people that are in it
You love the people that are making the music
But you just hate the system that music industry is because there are so many flaws in it
There are so many problems with it and yet constantly music is so important to people it really, you know
I always say to people it's like people lose their shit to music and they really do you know one of the few things in
Your life that you think about that you absolutely go crazy and you jump around at gigs and clubs and whatever and you go
Oh my god, this track's so good and you share it with your friend
and you know, this is something that you really really deeply care about and yet there's a seems to be a
created the music industry has created a disconnect certainly in the last 15 years ever since the digital revolution of
actual value and
Straight-up value. I value something. I value this product
I value this thing and we don't value music enough and I think the biggest problem in the music industry
Is that we need to drive or the biggest problem is that we don't value it enough and we need to try and find ways of valuing
It as a consequence. I discovered well, I got into blockchain back in 2015
Actually, because I was I have a whiskey company and I was looking at trying to find a ways of just
Whiskey just just like any great hit song on the radio. Let's keep these intros to three minutes
They I'm then I'm done. I'm good carry on the next one
Appreciate you Tommy. No and anybody can jump in at any time once we get going but yes, we go ahead Tina
Yeah, thank you so much Tommy for that and
We have Ella on here as well with us pleasure. How are you doing today? Ella?
Doing good doing good. This is my last call of the day
So I'm excited. I can actually finish with this and make some music and watch some anime and eat some dinner
So hell yeah, you already know what time it is
So I'm a little producer 12-time platinum Grammy-nominated music producer
Guinness Book World Record-holding music producer that works with you know a bunch of big artists
Most make people probably know me from my work with Eminem. I've done a half a dozen songs with em and
Yeah, I did kill shot where we dissed MGK and MGK definitely owes me some flowers
Because we made him stop rapping and went over to to rock and he makes fucking fire ass rock music
So which is needed because there's a bunch of rock stations without rock talent. So, you know, y'all welcome for MGK
The shitty he was a shitty rapper and then he switched genres because of you know
What you and Eminem did and he is better, you know, I feel it's better. Yes, he's a rock star
He's literally a rock star and when I'm not making music
I'm also the community and partnership lead over at you go labs
I'm an absolute D gen. I'm a crypto
Bitcoin maxi eat maxi every blockchain maxi that that matters because I feel like
All of them have relevance of the space except for the ones that are vaporware and I'm just happy to be here
Thanks for having me
Let's throw it over to the ladies Wendy welcome
It's great to have you today and I know you have big ties with you know
Musicians and the web to world so we're actually gonna actually gonna intro start interrupting
Are we actually gonna intro everybody individually or what are you thinking? I
Mean, yeah
Just like 30 seconds or less quickly go through everybody and then we can do you know
We'll give the topics and as always this space is a free flow and conversation so everybody can jump in
But we don't usually do introductions on this space
But I feel like this one because you know
We have so many great artists on the panel with us
I feel like and we should give 30 seconds or less
So everybody in the audience knows what your talent is and then we can get into the conversation. But Wendy, sorry, go ahead
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hear no, I'm so happy to be here
I'm happy because I love you guys so much
I adore both Tina and Aaron very much and I'm excited
There's a lot of my really good friends that are up here talking and I actually have my boyfriend D with me
He's been in the music industry for how many years a lot along like 40 a very long time
Hi, dear, you call me. I like that. Hi Tina
But he's been in the game for such a long time
He has so many stories as to like how horrible the music industry is no disrespect to the labels, but at the same time
Yeah, I just I've been around it my entire life
So I'm very much bullish on music NFTs that are done the proper way
and this is part of why I have the passion that I have and Erin was so funny that you mentioned smash mouth in the
Very beginning because did they record with did they want to produce for you, baby?
Kevin produced one of my records. Yes. Okay, so anyways, but thanks for having us
I'm excited to hear what love the other artists have to say and D will be popping in to give his
opinion on things because
He's he's old and cranky. You're old and cranky, baby
Yeah, smash mouth is my Beatles. So respect
Let's go to so bad
So bet I know you're loved by many in the space and I know you actually have a drop right now as well on foundation
So feel free to give it a plug
But yeah, tell us how are you doing today and tell everybody in the space what you do. Look like in a nutshell
Oh, is it me or do you is he right now, please reconnect with us that's him
So if you want to try leaving and coming back, maybe that helps sometimes
Yes, I've met just
Try again, you got I'll come back get out of your dungeon
Yeah, hi, Gabe
I guess we'll go to Gabe. I
Actually, and do you remember meeting Gabe? We were at NFT LA. I believe outer edge LA. I'm so sorry
but you actually
Made me a sketch in person and that was an amazing experience
But for anybody who doesn't know I believe you are a cubism artist
And I know you have a few projects in the space. You've done a lot of cool stuff
Stoics and others. So if you want to give us a quick introduction
Thank you so much. Yeah gave Weiss. I've done 5k PFP called the Stoics
I'm currently doing a weekly one-of-one auction on nifty called the anti Stoics
You get like a hour of conversation over video call with me if you if you win
and this week you also get a drawn-in of the book that the everything token by my friend and a free Steve
who's a legend in the space and wrote a really good book, but
In general, yeah, just a cubist artist who's
Luckily found success within web 3 and just continues to paint and go to as many
Events as I possibly can
Awesome, thank you for being here and viola my favorite
It's great to have you back last time we got an amazing live performance from you actually
But we were blessed about whoever for the audience that wasn't here. Please tell us quickly a little bit about yourself
Hi Tina and Aaron Wendy and all my artist friends on the stage is so cool
Thank you so much for having us all and I do agree with Aaron when he said a lot of people care about crypto
But more people care about art. So if you can use art to get people into crypto
I mean, I think that's that's the way to go. So thanks for having us
I'm a music artist
I've been a music artist for 10 years. I've done the whole
Web to music industry signed to a major signed to a publisher signed to a management everything and I hated every minute of it
and so I was almost about to
To leave music as a as a full-time career until I found web 3 actually thanks to my mom who knew about
NFTs before I did
And so she introduced sounds cool
She is cool. She's the one okay, like she actually told me
When I should sell
Before the big dump of 2022. She literally called me. She was like, it's dumping tomorrow sell it
So she's like she should have her own telegram like alpha group, but she doesn't
So anyway, I'm a full-time now web 3 music artist
I suppose you could you could say I've done two pretty big collections in the past couple years and
Yeah, it's my full-time job. So yeah
Awesome, thank you. And we got so bad back up. I want to give it another shot
No, it's much better is it much better
Okay, good. I'm an artist. I'm a painter. I've been here for the past three and a half years
And I'm having a time creating and loving every minute of it
There are crazy times that are not so hot and then there are times that are like this
But I love being here and showing up and being around friends like the Alera gave Ella Emily you guys
Thank you so much for having me. And yes, I do have a drop right now
I'm giving away my one-on-ones 4.19. So if you guys want to check those out
There's 90 more left and they come with a custom me
Thanks for letting me do that
Made it through the whole intro without interruptions, but you know close enough
Emily hi Emily you welcome. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. It's great to have you get out of the dungeon
Anyway, that was funny gave I have to give it to you. That was hilarious
So it's nice to be here. Thanks for the intro you guys. Thanks for having me. My name is Emily Lazar
I'm a multi-disciplinary artist professional touring musician
Fronting the rock metal transmedia project called September morning. It's a rock band, but it's based on a comic book series
I wrote and published through top cow image comics with my business partner Mark Silvestri who you might know from Batman
Which played darkness I play the title character on stage my band plays the other characters and we've been touring in Europe
We've been touring in the United States. We open for Rob zombie Marilyn Manson Slipknot and others
I've been signed a bunch of times a couple times to majors a couple times to independence
But it never really quite stuck and because of the music industry all together and that's why I'm in web 3
when the pandemic hit I
Became the first female metal hard rock musician to mitten-sell an NFT on the blockchain been here a while
I've about 1500 collectors across nine platforms
I've spoken about my accomplishments in web 3 and NFTs at Harvard NFT NYC
NFT LA art Basel, it's Denver
Yeah, that's kind of oh, yeah, and I have I'm gonna be on Netflix in a documentary called NFT
What the fuck which is airing on a Netflix sometime this year
And it's kind of about my journey in the music business and also in web 3 and how I tie it all together
So thanks for having casually you just put that oh, yeah
Love that that's sick
We're exciting to see your journey
But and also to hear your takes on the discussions today you guys were almost there with the intro. It's Mela B. Hello. Welcome
Hi, thank you so much for having me
I am Ella B a singer-songwriter music artist from a small tiny little town in Ontario, Canada
I was introduced abruptly to crypto and web 3
and NFTs in 2021 when
Some of you might know him as crypto Cobain now. We know him as Kobe rated me on Twitch
So yeah, that was my abrupt introduction and I had to learn a whole lot
In a very short period of time. I've been supported in this space in ways that are just remarkable
And very surreal sometimes and very grateful for it
And yeah now i'm i'm here exploring how blockchain technology can innovate the music industry
Thank you for joining today and okay, let's get right into it
And again as a reminder, we like to have a genuine, you know natural conversation
So we try to stay away from hands and you guys can just jump in anytime you like
Um, so I guess we're to start we can start with what's the most exciting thing in web 3 art right now?
Make us excited you guys make us as excited as you are. Why should anybody care about web 3 art?
I'm just gonna jump right in i'm sorry. I'm sorry. Here's why i'm gonna say it. Okay
The reason why it's exciting is because and we all love and adore and are so inspired daily by digital visual artists
Right musicians are very inspired by them
And I feel like they had a renaissance back when you know nfts really became a thing
Artists that maybe before web 3 were just illustrators, you know, maybe they were doing paid gigs
But they weren't necessarily seen as
Art artists worth collecting from and putting in museums and galleries and because you could track providence with the blockchain
Um, the value was finally came to the surface and they had a renaissance, right?
It was a revolution for digital art
And I feel like that hasn't happened with music yet because it's got such a big presence of course in web 2 and spotify
Etc. So it's still like a slower transition and illa recently said it's going to probably take a couple of cycles
And I really liked what he said there. Um, it's not so immediate but that boom hasn't happened yet and I really do
See it happening very very soon
so the same thing that will that happen with digital art will happen with music and I
You know, I would really bet on that. So
Just just to piggyback off what violetta was saying and I totally agree with everything you you said and what illa said
I think that the the biggest hurdle is the psychological like sort of hurdle for music because
um, you know, we've been conditioned to devalue music over the past like tommy was saying so many years and it's mostly just because
The way that we consume music is so easy now
And so, um, you know, we like usually when we consume things on an easy level
We don't want to pay so much for them. So it becomes this like weird psychological pool
So that's been happening so that music has been devalued to this, you know point zero zero three cents per stream sort of situation
We got going along on all like most of these streaming platforms and over here
The psychological value of music in it and placed on this like digital asset placed in a financial sort of
it kind of like
Changes everything and and we've seen it change like for us musicians that have been over here
We have seen, you know our music be valued at a certain level. We've seen, you know, this niche market
Really grow us to a certain point whereas, you know being one amongst masses just dilutes everything so
So critically, you know
so I think that if we can get over that psychological barrier that has been kind of like making everything nosedive in music
Um, and we are starting to do that over here
Then we can really kind of like move the needle
You know and make this in especially as we onboard as long as we onboard keeping that psychological risk
Like at bay and bringing people into a new way of thinking about music as a valued asset
Then I think that you know, we got something really good over here
Kind of to go off of what you're saying
Emily is like d and I we always have this conversation all the time like talking about his career and all the different things that he's done
But really like the the community aspect and I think part of the problems that we see with the whole entire
Like music industry is that people are so used to pirating music for free and not paying for it
Which I totally understand because you know, it can get expensive at times
Especially since you're interested in so many different artists or so many different genres
But at the same time like I feel like people forget that there's actual human beings. Oh my god
Oh my god, I'm sorry, I live I live next to like a bunch of wildlife, but anyway, but anyways
This is literally when you date a music man who is also a child but anyways we talk about people not a pre I'm so embarrassed
We talk about people not a photo photo or it didn't happen
I can't take a photo because he's literally chasing the skunk away from the door because we have this sliding glass open
But we talk a lot about like people not really necessarily appreciating artists and appreciating that aspect of it
And they want their want them wanting things for free, which absolutely sucks because there's people
Did you just left it? I gotta go guys
I have a question for violetta. Emily
Maybe mela could answer anybody could answer but like how are
Like you're using, you know, web3 and nfts today, how are you and like other musicians and artists?
like using them is it like digital collectibles or like merchandise and like
They get like maybe token gated perks. Is that how like you and most musicians are using it today or is there something else?
Yeah, I think I think most
Basically sell their music through nfts, right? Like they create collections often pair them with art
Like emily did right? She has a comic and I worked with my dad
He's a disney illustrator as well comic illustrator
So we did something together and a few different things. So and then you tie into a lot of utilities
I know emily does that a lot as well? Like
And also what gabe was saying earlier, you know people that collect his art get a one-on-one call with him
all those kinds of things are I think integral part of
Collecting music as art because ultimately that's why a lot of people collect because they want a relationship with the artist
so you guys and like people selling the actual like snippets or full songs as an nft and like open sea or is it like
pictures for collectibles
Full songs. I mean, oh, go ahead. I mean, yeah
No, I just wanted to tap in on like what you were saying with the utility aspect
So so we're touring rock band, right? So I mean i'm on the road right now actually
So like, um, we just finished a tour and i'm in the studio
So like like how we do it is we have you know
It's a full song like violetta was saying and we have our cover, you know
Our I guess our quote unquote album artwork if you may
Um, you know as our cover art and then the song is somewhat attached to that
Um, you can stream it, you know through, uh, whatever platform that you're, you know buying this thing from
Um, but for us it's like if you come to our show and you have your wallet and you show us
Hey, I have this nft from emily
Um, you get into our vip meet and greets for free and that's a hundred dollar value
So if you're paying a hundred dollars for your nft
You just got a free meet and greet ticket and it doesn't expire and you can use it one per tour
So like I mean, this is something that is ongoing for us
Um, we just want people to we want to translate we want to move our web3 audience
To irl because I feel like once they see us live and once they
Get the whole scope of this project because it's not just a band
It's like this whole transmedia world building whatever whatever the hell i'm doing over here project
Then, you know, we really tie them into the world. We really get them, you know
Then they become our fans for life and that is my main goal in anything that I do
Whether it's nft's putting out music putting out comic books putting out merch putting out t-shirts, whatever it is
I want to tie them into the world. So they become our fan for life
And um nft's is just one way to do that and and doing that utility where you do that
And you know like with gabe like how he's how he's doing that like I was doing that with my pixie girls
Like for the past couple years I did pixie girl paintings that were nft's put them online
If you bought one you get a skype call with me
It was like I that that was a way to connect with my fans and I think that facetime which gabe is doing and gabe is
Really really good irl like facetime with people like drawing things for them talking to them
And he engages with people they become fans for life. I mean, that's really what we're looking to do here
It's not just you know, digital is one source of it, but it's really a niche market sort of like
Um way of of collecting people
Um so that they become they become attached to you
As well as attached to your art and that there's a whole there's a whole art in doing that in itself, right?
Um, so that's just kind of how we work it and uh, sorry to blow you up there gabe
But I love gabe and i've been gabe's friend for a while here and i've watched him in spaces and in irl meets
And he's amazing
He is amazing. He's the fucking truth
I wanted to um to jump in because the thing that I feel that's most powerful about this space is that
You know kevin kelly has a thousand true fans in this space. All you need is a hundred true fans
And you can actually make a real living versus a thousand true fans and you can scale it from there
But if you have that core
100 people that listen to your music and love your art and love your vision
And your story because that's the thing about this space is that you you fall in love with the artist first
You fall in love with the person's story first
And that thing that's what separates music and obtuse from a lot of the grifty shilly bullshit
These are actual human beings that have a human side of the of of their art
They have the story they have their struggle
And you can relate to that because you may have been that person who was getting
Downloading music for free and you're like damn
I didn't know that it affected people like that until you hear an artist like be a letter like yo like
You know, I went through this horrible shit and I wasn't even I almost gave up on my passion
Then you hear it saying you're like shit. I almost ruined that
So it actually it makes it brings the human side to the story and the thing that i'm most excited about currently
In in web 3 is that it's about to be another cycle, you know
Things are you know, I jumped in with crypto first and I understand the cycles that I know it's about to get bullish
And when people make gains in crypto, it flows into nfts. That's just how it goes
So when people you just you're definitely green to this space
There's not going to be one of those without a crypto bull market first because crypto bros spend their money on nfts
And digital art because that's what you collect when you're somebody who made your money on crypto
You keep it in eth and you're like, okay, this is going sideways. Let me grab
Some artwork and I feel like the next cycle of people that come in here
They're going to be really excited to meet
To get to do more than just collect fudenzas and more than just collect punks or apes. They're going to collect music
They're going to collect photography again
I remember when photography entities were thinking and all of a sudden those all those guys disappeared
So i'm ready for a whole new round of people to enter the space
Because I think there's going to be new interests that flip all this shit on their head
And I would actually love to know more about you know
Who do you think is going to lead this cycle who's inspiring?
Inspiring you in this cycle, you know, because obviously like we we have every cycle
I feel like has kind of its leaders and do you think maybe if is it from a previous cycle?
Are they still leading for you? What do you think who's inspiring you?
Um, I really
On the crip on like the nft side of things
I think you know punks are going to do great things. I think apes are going to do great things
I think pudgy's going to do great things
Um on the music side of things, you know violetta josh savage
Um sammy's dope
I got a artist named kent jones who was just signed to ej callit who was about to enter this space
So the thing that really excited me i'm not going to front is the people that aren't even here yet
That's what's going to excite me and they're going to come in and fuck up everybody that's doing
Pfp projects digital art they're going to give all of us a run for their money
And that's what excites me because I don't think it's cool just to be the same people over and over that's that's that doesn't scale
That doesn't even excite me at all
There's going to be people who brand new who
Who didn't even know this thing existed and they're going to come in and do come in and do it a new way
New shit people with brand new fresh ideas that we can all maybe pull from and get inspired by
Yeah, can I jump in on this because I think ill is making a really good point
I mean, I think what attracted you know
What attracted me to blockchain in the first place back in 2015 was the technology?
Not so much the oh, I might be able to flip this and make some money kind of by
You know, i'm really interested in how this technology
Brings freedom to people on so many different levels one of that you to go back to your original question earlier on about
Like what's exciting me about this space?
It's it's bring it's allowing artists to be creatively freedom free
Because they are
Enable to embrace this technology and use it in different new and exciting ways
They go back to the very essence of what it means to be creative what the essence of what it means to be a musician
Or an artist or a filmmaker or whatever which is to just be free to create without kind of restrictions
And kind of gatekeepers and all these kind of things and particularly in the music industry, you know, that's become incredibly data driven
It's all about the algorithm. It's all about fitting into that that demographic that genre, you know
That's kind of you know, gotta get on this playlist gotta get on that tweet gotta get on that twitter
That tick tock feed, you know, it's so data driven
Whereas so many people I know in this space have come in and gone. You mean I can just make whatever I like
You know i've just and for me personally i've really fallen back into music like in a big way
It was becoming you know
It had become and and and you know
Yella knows what it's like because when you're working all the time on a really top level
It's really really the it's like the the pressures right immense, right?
But actually when you just can make music it's just like oh, this is what it feels like when I first started
And I think something tommy. Let me ask you. Yeah, is is what was described by violeta and emily and mela?
like how they are using um
Nft's and web3 integrating into
Their art and their business. Is that what you see with your artists as well?
Is that are they is that what artists are doing as far as you know?
Well, I mean, this is a great question
Because I think the fundamental answer to that is is you can do whatever you want and that's the beauty of it
Yes, I think you know violet has done one thing. Sammy's done something else
But it does something else, you know sound do one type of way of doing things
I can see doing a you know, everybody kind of has their own little thing
But you can you can pick a thing. I did a project back in 22 called graffiti six's revolution, which is a
Um a collaboration I did with a guy called jamie scott. We've been working together since 2008
And it was a really really really comprehensive project. It's completely 3030 completely unique
Combinations of music and art that was totally been every single nft was completely different to it to a network
It's totally unique now that I couldn't have done that without blockchain technology, you know
There was rarity values in there
there's rarity values in the stems of the music not just the stems of the of the art and
I I was really inspired by blockchain technology to do something and use this technology in a new and exciting way
And I think that for me has always been a driving force. So anybody that's coming into this space
It's like start with the technology and understand what the technology can do understand about connectivity with blockchain around tokenization around creating
Concurrencies around what you do values around what you do understand about blockchain security transparency
So you can see understand things like rarity values and pfp's all of this kind of stuff
And then of course, you know understanding that a unique one of one has more value than say in addition, you know
You have to understand what the technology can do
But then you marry this all up with what's happening in ai, which i'm also really
Really deep across and that's when shit starts getting really really exciting because then you can start looking at ways that you could actually
revolutionize the music industry as a system of
Of actually funding artists and that's what I think is really really super exciting. So yeah
I I I have a company called token tracks. We've I found it back in 2020. It's a music nft
Company, it's a music company. And what we do is we build music. We build web3tech
around blockchain and ai and and defi and nft's
specifically for the music industry
So it doesn't matter whether you're an artist or a label or publishing company or a venue or a charity
Whatever we will build you the technology that you need to start you on this journey of this web3 journey
And as I said, the beauty of that is it's completely open. What do you want to do? That's the question
What do you want to do? What do you want to build? What's the key to do it?
How do you want to get from a to b because music is the same as it's always been it's about people who create music
People who share music and people that that find music and love it. I call them the three c's creators curators and
Collectors it is about connecting those people up in a much more efficient way
In a way that's really really going to get this next stage of the internet is going to kick it into touch
I kind of wanted to to to speak on what illa was talking about how the crypto bros are going to end up dumping money into stuff
Um music is like when you talk about a music nft, that's essentially a hard asset because it's not just like a song
A lot of and I'm sure that illa and emily and valetta and a lot of the other amela
Like a lot of the other artists artists up here can explain like in d if you want to explain what goes no
Okay, what goes into you're busy with the skunk. Um, what actually goes into
A song it's like merchandising and licensing and royalties and all these different aspects
So essentially if you get in early enough on purchasing a music nft and that artist ends up exploding
And you get a designated amount of the royalties or whatever aspect it is via smart contracts
You can actually do immensely well later on and that's another thing that we need to remember music and art
Those are even though people like to classify music songs or like a single as different than an art piece
It's essentially a hard asset and a lot of people don't understand that on the back end a lot of these people
Like there's um, one of my old mentors from way back when what he used to do is he would buy and sell
Licensing rights to a lot of the marvel movies and a lot of the disney movies and they would wait for them to expire
Or wait when they were able to purchase them and they would buy them and then they would piece them out
But that's essentially the same exact thing as a music nft. And even though people like to devalue music
By just simply by putting your song or a portion of your song or whatever that may be as a music nfc
I just wanted to jump in really really quick to follow
What wendy just said?
Um in terms of you know, the hard asset I
And you know
We always have to try and think that also when when you start putting value on something
Like we're starting to put value on music obviously people are going to try, you know and speculate on it
Which I think in a way is it's a good thing a lot of musicians and artists in general
Are kind of scared of that, right? No, I don't want people to speculate on my arm
But when there's a little speculation it can be good, right because people see value in it
And we've just hit we've just passed a million dollars in trading for my one
My first album in web 3 actually just a couple days ago
So that's definitely and I don't offer royalties or you know, anything like that
But but still you can do it people are trading music like art, which is a revolution in my opinion
Do you think it's going to this maybe even for illa because illa like the question is do you think it's?
Like this adoption for artists is going to come from the top down or from the bottom up because illa
Maybe like if I were to say illa, how come you're not like?
Incorporating like music nfts. I would think the obvious answer would be because you know
You're very successful. It would just be a pain point working with the artists
Do you use like do you guys think it's going to come up from like the top down or from the bottom up?
That's that's the question
Um, I actually did a music nft. It's called it's called who who's tree house
And that's how I know it's it's so early is because you know, I try to do something. I should have followed
Spotty's rule. I should have did
A thousand nfts instead. I did seven thousand nfts and it didn't mint out and in this space people like oh, that's a failure
And they're like, oh, why don't you close the mint and i'm like, well, listen
I don't close the mint because my music is not to be taken lightly, you know, I've sold
I've got billions of streams and sold tens of millions of records
So when people do realize that music nfts matter there's gonna be a lot of artists that come in here and need
Need beats and they're gonna find my beats that are there for a hundred dollars a few hundred dollars fifty dollars
So it makes i'm not one of those people who are like, oh, well, I didn't sell out so it's not a success
I don't look at it like that. I'm looking at as here's my gift back to the music world
These are my beats
There's a hundred of them people can take them and write a song to them
And if you write a dope song you you send it to me in an email or my discord and i'll either
Get in place. So that's the utility I gave back
That's big
Yeah, I feel that's it's important to
To always try to give back and through that through that project. I found people like mr
Darius who's down in the crowd
I found you know, i've done some a great some great songs with with lisa ray that she's about to drop
Congratulations to her. She just had a baby. So
Soon as you know, she gets gets back situated in the space
She'll be driving that and then I work with josh. Savage. He came to miami and I booked studio time
And we got his next single
And my next single i'll be putting out all through this music nft project. So I found great artists
I've done great songs. I got all these songs mixed by rick ross's engineer
Justin Bieber's engineer people who have you a bunch of grammys and that's just me giving back
So I feel like it's super important that we realize the power of this space and we're not short-sighted
That's why I said that the other day on on the space with v-letter and k money is that we're just super early
We're beyond early, you know what i'm saying?
And it'll take a few cycles before people really understand what this is
So it just it just all that matters is that people are here and we have people that are championing music and the t's
And eventually it'll take off and i'm here for it
Yeah for just to just to kind of add to what illa just said
I think that one thing that the space lacks that I don't like in the space is the lack of patience
In this space and as an artist especially as a musician musicians take time to develop like they're you know
You don't just put them in an easy bake oven and five minutes later. They're gonna pop out like a cake
Like that's just that's not how it works over here
It's not like a pfp project that you put on sale it sells out in two minutes
like it's
Musicians are different and and could you imagine, you know having like a nirvana or something and then they drop an nft
And then like a couple years later they become
Nirvana and they're like huge or cold play or like any of those like bands that use like five-finger death punch
Avenged sevenfold who did drop an nft
But like but you know these bands that like did it before they got really really big
So for me, it's kind of like it's exciting to be able to buy a collectible from a musician because you're like
I don't want to say you're betting on it, but you're kind of betting on hey, they're gonna blow up like let's let's see them work
But besides betting on them blowing up you're you're like i'm gonna be here for the journey
And that right there is the exciting part for me and for a lot of my fans
They want to like they they're watching us. They're like, oh you're going on. Oh, you just got
Booked with power man. Oh, you just got booked with this band. Oh, you just get you know
Not and I hate using the term investment because there's no investment here, you know, not financial advice
But to be invested within that artist's career
In this way in this new digital age in this new jib digital way is very very exciting
You're on board. You're right there with them. You're like in this niche crew
You're the insiders and so the more that you can do that and i'm i'm you know
I work a lot with gala music i'm on that platform
I've sold, you know out seven of my nine drops over there
And I keep on dropping over there and I have a really strong community over there and I love the people over there
And what they're doing with streaming and what they're doing with their drops and like what they're trying to do
To push the industry forward is is imperative for for artist development
Because it's allowing us and it has has allowed us in the past year to double our spotify numbers
to like to um manifest better tours to do all this sort of stuff that so everything is
Translating from the web 3 world to the web 2 world
So so when people are like, oh you just you know, it's web 3 and it's it's just you know
Music is just web web 3 music is just web 3 music and it doesn't cross over
I'm the perfect petri dish of it crossing over i've done it. I continue to do it
We're going back on tour for another two months
We might just do a something really really big in another country in about two months
Um, so I mean there's a lot going on. So if you're
You know coming here and you're buying into like one of my nft projects you're on board. You're in my niche crowd
You're like you're in the front line
You're you're part of my band at that point. And so I think that's a really exciting point to make
I want to be part of your I love that and I think
Scream with you
So, but I was actually gonna go to you next so go ahead
No, I was saying I want to be on uh on stage with emily painting
While she sings. I want I want to do that. We have to do that. We have to do that
That has to happen. We gotta do that. You do like death metal. Are you gonna paint a death metal painting?
Oh, dude, that would be amazing
I'll do some new girls, you know
To look up
You know that that's the that's a secret to a bear market, you know boobies and skulls
So let's go
And i've had a i've had a blast, you know with music and
Musicians have had a blast doing a lot of collaborations. We actually have an unreleased
Uh collaboration with illa illa whenever you're ready, bro
Let's go. Really? I was just gonna say man. Let's drop that thing
Man, like that's good
You ready and and I gotta do one with game too, man. I feel like that's gonna be that's gonna be like a dope meta
The first thing that that that people get excited about before any pfp is anything goes off
It's it's the original digital artists like even on salana right now that rubber project that dropped yesterday is gas
And that shit like that is what I love to see. What is that? What is that? Just a pfp project?
No, no, no, no, no, it's it's art. It's an art project a salana art project. It's only a thousand pieces
I know i'm I don't own any so i'm not shilling. It's just dope, you know
Like and I feel like salana gets a bad rap. I mean it's it's deserved
They they just they just they cheat everything but now they're gonna see the value
of a low supply amazing art and I feel like all artists gabes and
and sabelle y'all should go over there and just drop some shit because
You know don't don't you know, everything don't have to be on one chain. It should be just
I got three pieces ayla if you ever want to check it out. I just posted one. It's called one soul
And it's for actually it's called soul one for one soul
So check it out. It's a very limited minimum piece. It's on my
Feed but yeah, I think soul is great. I think tezos is great. I think etha is great
I don't have a problem with any of them because I feel like when you go from chain to chain
You're actually visiting different countries with different people running it
And uh, it's always amazing to meet new you know people who love that chain and there's a reason for it for each one
uh, i'm all game putting art on all of it and it's a blessing to be seen uh with uh, you know throughout
Uh all different chains and worlds, but yeah music collaborations and illa. I mean, let's set a date man
I love that and you guys actually brought us into the next topic of conversation
We really want to know, you know
What metrics do you look at when you're actually looking into where you know finding a home for your art for newer artists?
Maybe like you said it's better to kind of experiment on different blockchains
But is there something that would keep you away kind of from creating maybe on a chain?
And of course if you want to give us another hint for your upcoming drop
We would love to hear and make sure you follow these guys because when this drops you're going to want to be following them
So you can be the first to ape
Into the music I think for me, it's you know, whenever I go to a new chain
It's always difficult finding, you know, I have to start and have the energy
Um to establish an authentic
Um, you know authentic thing with the new audience and new
Community right and I want it to be authentic if I don't have the energy or the time or bandwidth to build relationships with people
Who are in that space that I won't make that move
so right now i'm about to make a pretty
uh, you know pretty big move into ordinals and
You know with probably about two or three really limited, you know beautiful projects that are that i've done maybe on eth before
But i'm going to do them on ordinals
Uh, but I wasn't gonna i've been asked probably for the past year and a half to go to ordinals
I just didn't feel like I had the ability to create those relationships until now
so now i'm working with uh
You know this new friend of mine turhan or uh, troi a lot of people probably know him in that in in that world
and he's kind of ushering me in and getting me to
Get to know people and make friends and make real relationships before I get into minting anything on that platform
So for me, it's about building those authentic relationships and friendships before I want to be on any platform
That's the most important thing for me
Guys, let me jump in real quick. First of all
Thank you so much to all our speakers. This uh hour has flown by so fast
Make sure you're giving illa a follow make sure you're giving tommy mela emily
Violet to a follow hell even give wendy a follow, you know, she's saved herself from that skunk
um, and and of course gay ben sabat and and action and everybody but you know, I I guess like
Trying to think of like final thoughts so the audience can say take something home either
In whatever order you want to do, you know, give your final thoughts on this industry. Maybe a you know prediction where you see
This space going in the next one to two years
Like if you would have told me in 2020 that pictures
Um on the blockchain are going to blow up and everybody's going to be paying high prices for them. I would have been like, okay
Yeah, sure, buddy, you know, but it seems so simple and obvious now
So maybe you have a simple prediction like that or even just advice for somebody who wants to get where you are or do what you do
You know, this final thoughts is surely running the spectrum. But uh mela b you've had your hand up forever. You want to start her?
Sure. Yeah, no worries. Um
Yeah, just one thing that I wanted to say, um that i'm very excited about and I think it's going to
really really change the way that artists and
musicians are able to monetize their um, their work
is the gamification aspect of
releasing nfts
Um, you know like previous to my
Entrance into this crazy world of web3. I was just a musician sitting on, you know twitch
Begging people to listen to me, right? Like oh, please just stay i'll play you a song like it felt so
impersonal and it felt like you're just like singing at a screen and like
Hoping people will sit and listen and really absorb your music and then hopefully they'll go and stream your music elsewhere
And hopefully that'll turn into something else and it's all about the funnel, right?
but the exciting part about this for me is
I can now give back to the people that support me and I know who those people people are right? Like if someone holds
20 of my nfts they jump up to platinum in the melaverse and they get to reap the rewards of that, right?
So and I don't have to work too hard to make that happen
I can still have time to to make music and to record and shoot videos and do photo shoots and do all the stuff that
I have to do as an artist and
All of those people are kind of like they're with me throughout the journey. So yeah, that's what i'm excited for
You know making this more
Gamified and more fun and more personal rather than me just kind of sitting in front of a camera and hoping people like my music
Awesome, thank you. Let's go to gape
Think I think one thing that sticks out to me is not being afraid to pivot and maybe
pivoting quicker than
What feels natural like there there aren't that many experts here?
I would have to go as far as to say there are no experts here. Like it's such a burgeoning industry
So I mean there's og's like that know what they're talking about
In six months if you told me 90 of NFTs were sold on Solana or avalanche or
Our ordinals like that wouldn't be that shocking. So I think like
Not being afraid to pay attention and then switch and pivot really quickly I think is probably the best advice I can give other artists
Here i'll jump in real quick and my music background is very limiting in comparison to everybody else
Like I love music if you watch any of my videos, you're gonna see guitars. You're gonna see he doesn't even go here
I know right exactly mean girls, but
Yeah, I got that. Um, I do watch those movies. I do love uh
and let's not get into that anyway, um, my biggest reason for coming here and being here is because I am like trying to sell
Like a artist a recording artist on web 3
I mean they're going to be touring with third eye blind and yellow card and i'm like guys
You got to get into web 3. This is your time and hearing from all of you is just so exciting
That it's not dying quite contrary. It's growing. It's it's it's it's here
It's now and if you can give me a tidbit as far as why web 3 makes sense for you in this whole ordeal
Like I would love to hear because I mean i've done front of house sound for a lot of big people
Like i've done a lot of different things that I don't put on my resume
But I I live and breathe music every single day
That was cute action, thank you and tommy, I I know we've kept you up so long
Thank you so much for staying up. I know it's pretty late there. Oh
I gotta stay off to do what I love and talk to my friends. Oh, yeah
No, thanks tommy, please go and you're such a big baby
No, it's good. It's good. I'm all good
And this has been a great conversation and it's great to see so many of my web 3 family and friends here. Um
I think the main thing is you know, the I said it earlier on don't be experienced
Don't be scared to experiment with with this technology
Don't just sort of just because other people are doing something doesn't mean you have to do it
Try things out. This technology is incredible
I personally have got uh
I'm really interested to know what this technology how this the connectivity of this technology will pan out where we are at now
You know if you look at tech adoption throughout the ages
It's never the place that you end up with you know, social media was it didn't start the way it did
The internet didn't start the way it is
So where we're at with web 3 now is probably not the way it will be in 10 years time with with nfts
Because the technology will move along it will move faster
But if you take a step backwards and just think about the connectivity
Of blockchain why that means so much more powerful than an email and a credit card, which is the way we connect up today
Um, the connectivity of blockchain is where we're heading now as a consequence
Everything that you do should be based around that and keep that at your heart
But if you are if you haven't done an nft before you haven't done a music nft before then just go and do it
You know, there are many platforms that you can go out and do it and just have it
But also the most important thing I think is you know
The mobile phones have shown us and laptops have shown us that nobody is a musician anymore
No, it's a photographer anymore. No, it's a filmmaker. You do everything. You're a multimedia creative artist
And why as a create as a as an amazing painter?
Why wouldn't you have music in your nfts if you're a filmmaker? Why wouldn't you have music in your nfts?
So music is a fundamental part of our life. It's a fundamental thing that we will love
It bring music in if you don't make music yourself partner up with so many brilliant music artists that are out there and do something
Really really creative with them because the deeper the art the more incredible the art the more more powerful it will be
Boom appreciate that man, and thank you for staying up with us. I was just joking around earlier. Just joking around. Uh, violeta
I mean only if they have closing things to say oh, yeah. No, i'm sorry. I definitely do. Yeah, like I said
I really appreciate you guys uh spotlighting art
Um, it's not something that I take for granted
Especially especially music having almost like a majority of the artists up here on the stage being music involved
There's definitely not something you usually see and I do appreciate it. We do work really really hard and
Um, yeah, I just think uh, it's gonna be
One of the next big things is gonna be music mark my words because these people have been working really really really hard and relentlessly
So, uh, and we're getting pretty impatient. So we will make it happen. Thank you so much
Unless anybody else wants to jump in. I just want to say thank you again
Um as you know art was my original passion back in the day, you know
I was pursuing acting and uh, you know now I do crypto and youtube full-time still get to
You know do that creativity with youtube and and stuff like this, but uh, you know, I love
music and art and always have so much respect for people who are um
You know doing it and uh
Yeah, just thank you. Everybody. Anybody else want to jump in tina? What's your final thoughts?
Emily I think she's trying to get in
Yeah, just one thing real quick you guys when on boarding when on boarding
Drop the nfc shit like normies don't know these these terms just say digital collectible
Just say collectible like do you want to collect some music with me?
Here look at this. Do you want to help an artist make more than point zero zero three cents
For the music that they spent thousands of dollars making
Here collect this here stream on this platform instead of spotify
You can sign up with google. You can sign up with facebook. You can sign up with whatever the
You can sign up easy
You don't have to go through a billion wallet things and just stream and still earn from being a fan
That's what you can do on gala. You can do it on other platforms
There's lots of things going on over here that can be translated to normies without using the lingo
We've got to take down the gatekeeper bs even on our side guys
And we've got to start like normalizing lingo
Because we're never going to get people over here if we keep talking in these code words
It's like it's it's too gatekeepers. Hey, that's just my yeah
Could we bring more people in if you switched from death metal to like pop?
You want to bring in the death metal people and there's a lot of death metal people there. So
I don't and they get it. I mean i'm sorry. I love I I like my coffee black
Like i'm like my metal so, you know, there's that but um, that's an msi lyric. I had to throw it in there
It was appropriate but um, but you know, I mean look there's like lots of different music genres out there
Like there's just lots of different blockchains out there, you know, not one is better than the other
It's all preference and it's all taste but yeah, that's just my uh, that's my two cents there. Thanks for having me
I'm, so thrilled you guys are like participating in the ecosystem and bringing artists like with this big platform that you have to speak
Especially musicians. We really appreciate it
Wendy I saw a little hand go up which is there unlike you but
Dee was telling Aaron that if he wants a if he wants a smash smash mouth autograph he can get that for him
But no, I love to see all different types of music genres on
Utilizing nfts. I think it's absolutely amazing
Um, but yeah you guys if you're if you're somebody who's listening to this and you're thinking about creating
Just put your shit on there
Just make your shit as a digital collectible and nft like you never know what's going to happen
You never know who's going to see you
That's how artists like how do you guys think artists used to get discovered like way back when before there was social media?
They would just go out. They would show up. They would play and you know, people would get deals
But now you actually have the power to make people like tommy would pay off like the radio
DJs and get the songs on there. Hey, I still do that's what we do in the music business
We just pay everybody. Hey, I just want to can I can I make one quick point?
Can I make one one quick point?
Sorry, which is this the nft space is not a replacement for the rest of the music industry
Okay, not yet. Okay, you still have to in the point that you still have to work your socks off
Everybody on this stage right here works
Absolutely 24 7 on pushing their music in as many different formats as possible
This is a new way of connecting with your super fans with that little, you know
One to three percent who are going to go that much so much further for you
So don't think that you can just put any old shit on the blockchain and people will buy it won't happen
You've got to work yourself and even and in fact, I would argue even more so
Because you've got to do all that other stuff
You've got to do all the social media and all the touring and all that kind of stuff as well as looking after your community
And making sure that your community those super fans are really really feel precious and really really feel valued
I want to jump in say put god first
Put your blinders on stay humble stay hungry
Remember that when you have a vision that's not for everybody to see that's why they call it a vision
It's literally for you to see and for you to execute
And stay stay stay grounded if you got to work a nine to five until you get your big break
Do that don't think that nobody that that nobody owes you a damn thing because they don't you owe yourself everything
And yeah, stay humble and and work your ass off. You'll make it
Thank you, everybody, I think that was it. Um, yeah, thank you
All right, you know
Hey, you said we didn't have to raise our hand, uh, no and things please people want to eat dinner
It sounds good. This was an awesome creator chat you guys huge
Thanks to our speakers. Give them a follow. Give alto coin daily a follow whoever you like that
You listened to give them a follow. This was the first space that we held actually
For creators and artists in the space and we you know spend a lot of time on general topics
I would love to do this more kind of put it in our
You know regular schedule things so we can really tackle maybe more niche topics and struggles and challenges that maybe artists might be facing
Right now. Um, so thank you so much to everybody who contributed
Emily or violet if you're still here anybody have a guitar they want to play us out. No, no pressure
Okay, I have a guitar on me. Oh, let me let me let me chime in
Thank god, I was trying to talk the whole time and uh, i'm on my windows app and it didn't work
So I have finally had to get my
Jesus iphone anyways, um, just kind of want to say what's up. Do you want to say my two words Darius?
I see you while Darius left. Um, so
look guys, this is uh
Something that's gonna be pretty epic because it's happening
Web two artists are getting pissed off
And still are very kind of some are kind of vocal about it about these streaming bot farms
That are pushing these other plants all the way up. So guess what? They're gonna have to find a solution
Guess where we are. We are the solution. So
You know just like those og bitcoiners
They knew it back in 2011 when they had a thousand two thousand ten thousand bitcoin that was only worth three cents
Let's go. What? Yeah, let's go. That's what i'm talking about. Is that oh shit. What's up, buddy?
Are you doing action ceo anyways? So, um
So yeah, so listen it's time
And uh, yeah, they're gonna look for that and either way i'm still i'm going down to miami
I don't know if anybody else is coming down actually you're coming down
No, but we're going down in miami and i'm gonna be shilling rick ross with three. So let's go
I agree. This is pretty sick. You guys I love this intersection. We've created web3 where finance world meets art culture and
You know just giving artists financial and creative freedom
But i've always said, you know
Whatever brings interest to a network to a platform is valuable and I think nfts did just that for crypto
A lot of people that I speak to had never even touched crypto before nfts
So I love the interest and the you know
All the different dimensions that it brings to this world that we love
But I think that's it for us
That's a rap mela b if you're interested if you're free, we would love a little outro song
Let's do it. Mela b. Let's if it's really good. Everybody in our audience is gonna go buy one of your nfts
So yeah, give us your best better. Give her a follow
Oh my god, no pressure. Um, okay. Yeah, this song is called dance and cry
Uh, and it's pinned on my profile. It's the top post there if you want to check it out
I guess I had this coming
The rain was bound to fall but i'm not ready
How could you be steady?
I made the bed but I can't sleep without you messing it up with me
Now i'm the man saying that funny
I don't want to know
I just gotta know does she make you laugh?
Does she make you cry? Does she scratch your back? Does she make you satisfied?
Are you satisfied?
Does she know your past does she know your dreams would she give it all just to make you happy?
Are you happy
I know that i'm not perfect for you. I really tried how to let you slip away
I can bear another day
Seems you've got new plans as you should somewhere our names are etched in wood
Ain't that funny
I don't want to know
I just gotta know does she make you laugh? Does she make you cry? Does she scratch your back? Does she make you satisfied?
Are you satisfied?
Does she know your past does she know your dreams would she give it all just to make you happy?
Are you happy
I don't want to know
I just gotta know does she make you laugh? Does she make you cry?
Does she scratch your back? Does she make you satisfied?
Are you satisfied?
Does she know your past does she know your dreams would she give it all just to make you happy?
Are you happy?
Are you happy without me? Are you happy?
Are you happy without me? Are you happy?
All right, is it crazy I feel like she was singing that song to me maybe i'm the only one but uh, hey, thank you
Malabi, uh, thank you everybody. This is where we end the space. See you guys next time
That was beautiful. Thank you