TOP NFT NEWS & WEB3 HEADLINES! ☀️☕️ Gm Web3 Morning Show Ep326

Recorded: Jan. 29, 2024 Duration: 1:01:45



what's good of course the original room gets rugged because we're trying to
figure out how to run multiple shows in the morning but hey it's okay that's
Monday for you we're here we got a new one but make sure to share it out so we
can find our friends because they might have a hard time finding us this morning
since we had set up a new show so yeah go on down there do the thing with the
thumbs let's get some friends in here let's have a great time on this Monday GM
moe GM nifty Q how we doing every time I don't know if I'm rugged GM what's going
on yeah yeah are you right I'm hearing you okay how you doing my guess are you
there I think it's in his like transition to Ryan Carson he's like evolving right
now his body is is morphing his larynx is getting smoother hello yeah no that's
exactly right it takes a moment takes a moment to go through a transition this
powerful this sexy anyway y'all we're here GM and yeah share out the room
let's get some friends in here we got a lot to talk about it's Monday it's a
Monday episode of GM web 3 mo I tried calling you back I don't know what your
deal is you didn't pick up calling calling me yes call me out like midnight
on a Saturday and then and then I called you and I was like no I maybe I just
texted him yeah I missed you guys yeah I don't know what's going on were you drunk
were you in your bag what's I wasn't drunk but I had had two glasses so I was
toasty all right well thanks for thinking of us anyway y'all we are here
we're back okay what's there to talk about lots to talk about what's
happened with pudgy penguins I mean holy shit they're dumping looks like all
of the blend volumes running out of this I don't know run out of supply over
there I I'm curious why it seems like whenever a project ships anything or
gives any concrete anything people use that as the reason to dump on them
which is just totally counterintuitive that's how the that's how this whole
space works apparently because not only did pudgy penguins announce this new
licensing platform that we can get into here in a second but also they actually
provided some really impressive sales stats so I don't know if you can find
that where it is I'm gonna go try and find it right now so I can pin it up
top here but apparently I think they announced like ten million dollars in toy
sales already which I mean to me that that sounds pretty pretty impressive like
I don't know if you got any immediate thoughts on that but the only the only
immediate thought I had on it was the argument of like is this inventory or
is this actual folks running to the store purchasing it at the counter so I know
that that's been a debate that's been thrown around it's like is it inventory
or is it actual like sales in units that people are buying which I again I'm not
in the pudgy penguins back end so I don't know what would be what would
matter about that to you Q I think one could be one's actual like interest and
demand and sales and one is just sitting in a warehouse or you collecting dust and
may get sent back eventually and so yeah they're definitely different things but I
I don't see why they would be able to report yeah I mean yeah I guess they
could but yeah that feels very misleading to report that as sales if
it's just the distribution I don't think any any business like CPG business
reports sales I don't know maybe they do maybe I'm totally wrong here I guess
I don't really know like I would think that you would report sales when they
actually are bought at the store at the point of sale because those those
distribution centers will report back sales to you business owner and then
that'll dictate you know whether or not they buy again or you know they're
returning a bunch of that inventory to you so I don't know that would that would
be pretty strange though no to be reporting that I well we went through the
same thing when he was talking about what they were bringing in last year
right people would didn't know if that again was that the actual sales for the
pudgies after you know one for one and again I think you answered most question
right it's like if this if these are just people buying the pudgy penguins then
that's extremely bullish but if this is more inventory I have no idea and I
think the thing that happened earlier last year was it was like a he was
basically using the estimates from like q2 or q1 and which is normal right I
guess if you're extrapolating that over the year but again like now we're seeing
two different times we're asking about how are they presenting the data yeah
anyway we jump straight into one of the bigger stories of the day here and
that's how pudgies are doing a shout out our Jedi good to see you here with us
great to see Ronin some friends in here as we kick things off on a Monday as we
wake up I'm definitely still waking up getting in the groove today but yeah
lots of awesome friends already in here with us I see some of the Dada fam too
how was how was say what of course if you don't know nifty Q is running a new
safe focused show in the morning called say what how's that going any quick
high-level big updates you want to provide us with well gift that joint
today that's a huge update no I think you've been there every single why are
you patronizing me what is going on what I just said you've been there every
single day I'll just load you up with flowers I guess well I guess I'm very
paid yes you you've been there every week I'm excited to grow that I think it
leads into growth of the network as well so it's it's cool to be within that new
blockchain when it's exploding people are using like Ethereum and Solana
parallels for it and whether it pans out that way I don't know but it's been
exciting and yeah I've had a good time it's a lot of collaboration to a lot of
these builders are hopping on the show and just hopping up on stage yeah it's
pretty awesome so check that out before GM web3 but I do want to talk a little
bit more about say and maybe even about bass here in a moment because there's
some exciting things happening with mochi mon so let's finish let's let's wrap up
this quick you know pudgy penguin conversation so yeah therefore is
dropping it's it's really really dropping pretty quickly right now I
think it's holding around 16 yeah 16 16 and a half
eth right now so it's you know it was due for a correction I feel like it
didn't only up for a while but they did have some some big announcements and
this crossover so it was no overpass our overpass IP this is this is
interesting I think other people were saying this seems like something that
the board apes should have been doing earlier but board apes is one of the
first collections that's included on this new platform and here's how it
works holders can submit NFTs to be considered for licensing opportunities
given by the collections or the brands the collections being on overpass allows
endless opportunities for their brand to grow while bringing their holders with
them all through licensing brands can post licensing opportunities for
collectors collect a pool of NFTs to choose from and pick the IP that will
best represent their initiative so this is all meant to basically streamline the
process of getting NFT IP into different types of branded products and
activations which has always been one of the you know popular sort of dream use
cases for what these projects can can do and we've definitely seen some projects
lean in and achieve certain things in the licensing front obviously that's
cooled off a lot throughout the the bear market but there's still been some
development there yeah I just don't know if y'all have any thoughts on this are
you bullish on it I think it's it's exciting to see this type of development
I I don't know how many different brands like bigger brands are out there like
there was a moment I don't know if y'all remember like when fucking it was like
around the time when meta and Facebook and like Pepsi were like GMing and
wag-meing on fucking X or still Twitter that back then I guess probably you know
right around that peak right when you know you saw some big brands like
Arizona Iced Tea and like I don't know who else off the top of my head but they
were actually like licensing and creating products using board apes and
maybe some other bigger projects but I feel like you know that's really cooled
off since then so yeah like how many big brands are actually gonna be
looking to NFTs in the short to medium term to to be building products around I
don't know maybe it's more than I think maybe or maybe pudges are just thinking
long term and they're getting ahead of it and I don't know we're trying to grow
grow that pie but yeah what do y'all think about this I have so many
thoughts I you know when I when I a collection launches and people are buying
it for that collection I think it becomes harder to find like product
market-fit supply and demand kind of what do you guys think about that I guess
I don't understand the point what's your question so maybe I'm not explaining it
so so people buy into these collections yeah okay yeah people buy into these
collections so take you know pudgy penguins as an example they bought into
the collection because they love the art they you know feel like it represents
them or for whatever reason then to put apply like a product to any collection
after that I think you're hoping the hope is that like a large majority of
your members really like the product that you're putting out and the problem
is is I think that a lot of it's really difficult I think to find a product that
people are super passionate about given that they bought into the collection for
the art to begin when I think yeah go ahead yeah no I like all of Moonbird
showed up to NFT live on Friday and like there was like eight people on the
co-host panel and they were talking about IP building all this stuff and
the more that I get involved in say and I've had these conversations with Ronan
about people growing their communities the more I look at secondary collections
as just a way to cast that net further because I think like board apes for
example are gonna have an extremely tough time right now building any like
other community like continuing their community building when you're sitting
there saying I can't find the ape that I that I think represents me right now
it's their 50 60 70 thousand dollars just for a floor ape and even mutants
are going for $10,000 when so when I look at secondary collections I'm like how
can I get more legit folks into the community that that want to be a part of
this and and maybe you know want to buy something for $100 or $200 maybe
that doesn't vibe with the people already there but I don't see how board
apes and maybe even moonbirds to a certain extent can continue to build a
community when they're there this shit is worth it's kind of this you with
friend tech too and it's one of the things that just hasn't been really
figured out in general is how do you how do you scale IP and communities in a
with a product that thrives on scarcity right it's it's it's kind of
counterintuitive and so much of it relies upon exclusivity in a very very
limited number to hold value because the value of the underlying assets is
actually what makes it interesting to a lot of people in the first place right
it's it's a very tough thing thing to figure out and I don't think most people
have but to your to your point it is like you do have to be able to expand but
do it like sort of very very strategically and slowly and we've seen
this go wrong a million different ways gutter cats is one of the examples that
we always look to that's an example of a project that scaled way too quickly and
didn't do it especially well and then we've seen what happened there but yeah
it's it's a challenge man it's a challenge and then also how are these
products bringing value to the current collectors right yeah that that was one
thing that was really cool to see pudgy penguins increased to like 15 828 floor
because everybody was like why the fuck does Walmart translate to the floor
price for the current holder and then Lucas said f you double bird this is
what we build and clearly it had some effect on the floor price yeah it
definitely is and y'all if you haven't already go ahead and shout out the
space because we did get rugged on the first link and want to make sure some
people find us so we appreciate y'all who are taking the actions and helping us
get this shared out to some more people this is GM web 3 we're just getting into
it we're waking up on a Monday catching up on all the things and yeah a lot of
action around pudgies and this overpass IP platform being an exciting new
development little pudgies though are the only Ethereum project on the crypto
slam top 10 which is pretty crazy just to think about you know how others are
doing you know Solana and avalanche dokyo on avalanche is actually sitting
number one right now on 24-hour volume that's wild dokyo keeps showing up and
now they're number one for a goddess on Solana is number two and then there's
really not a lot of other PFPs SPL 20 I'm not actually familiar with that
actually now will pudgies is fallen out of the top 10 and the closest
ethereum projects a top 10 is mutin ape club sitting mutin ape y'all club sitting
at 11 so yeah pretty crazy ethereum not doing a lot of volume and yet ethereum
is still the number one chain in 24 hours that's it's just a very confusing
time right now everything's becoming very bifurcated and splintered right now
but yeah more people starting to look to other chains like say and Solana and
base so let's uh let's talk a little bit about those I'd love to you know
maybe let's just talk a little bit about say really quickly and then I want to
talk about mochimons so say is actually now getting a little bit of coverage on
click crypto slam which is very exciting we we've been we've been pressuring our
man Huda over there crypto slam to get say coverage going and that first pin
post up there in the Xbox you can actually see say is included in this and
like you were saying they are not yet on the website but it looks like they are
trying to figure out how they're gonna start building this data in or at least
tracking it in different ways so yeah it's got an asterisk next to it on this
chart but say sitting in there in the top 10 was that four five six seven
it's the ninth ninth biggest chain right now in terms of NFT volume on the 24
hour and it is above Arbitrum it's above flow and it's above Ronin I don't know
I saw that coming so yeah say now doing more 24 hour volume than Arbitrum and
flow and Ronin right now just behind mythos Binance and immutable X but you
know wouldn't be surprised in the next couple weeks or a month or so to see it
climbing this if the trajectory continues outlines was one of the basements over
the weekend I of course didn't I sat there watch my transaction spin and
didn't get in on it but we're starting to see a fine art meta or at least more
of an art PFP meta picking up over there which is very exciting I know that the
alive 111s came on the show on say what and talked about that you know
it's gonna be another more interesting sort of AI art project that's dropping so
just now starting to get some art over there on say but yeah a bunch of a bunch
of different projects it was still a bunch of low low quality projects just
trying to capture hype apparently Astro guys or Astro boys or whatever that I
was saying looks like trash might also be just exactly that yeah I don't know
cute I mean it feels good when when you call something out and then somebody
comes in and says yeah I've been hearing the same thing you know what uploading
art to the say blockchain is not mo friendly whatsoever I looked into it I
was like I don't know what's going on nope so you gave up already was that
what you're saying were you looking at White House well I actually phoned a
friend Jawa and I was like Jawa if I decide to go down this path can you
help me yeah it was just not either friendly yet
all right so no no Mo run to art on say yet but maybe we'll get her over there
and not to distant future if any of y'all are yeah I guess experts on say maybe
you reach out to her yeah if you could do you have anything else to throw in
there on the safe right I wish it's tough to dive deep into a questioning a
situation like like Astro guys because what they put out I actually like right
like tooling projects we brought up multiple times like if you're gonna be
minting out a collection if it has even if it's 20 30 say you better have some
utility unless the PFP in the community that you're building is you are not they
just they just basically isn't it just a road map aren't they just saying like
this is these are our promises that's almost everything that these other
tooling projects have done right they launched them in and then they
immediately follow that up with launching different bots and things like that so
I don't expect anything that that's happening on this chain right now to be
out-of-the-box like Saiyans is probably the best example Saiyans NFT though the
pixelated you know obviously a DBZ characters they're gonna build a
marketplace for that looks more like tensor and blur as opposed to what you
see on pallet which is the open sea but that's your choosing to give them the
benefit of the doubt and you think looking at what they've created that
they can absolutely and will deliver on this utility roadmap this yeah basically
what they say they're gonna build I guess I thought that's what we were all
doing here with a lot of these projects like oh board apes didn't have a tool I
didn't well I didn't well to be clear when when board apes launched they
didn't have a crazy roadmap they weren't promising video games they were
promising video games and we're promising a bunch of well well maybe wasn't it you
don't even know they they released that roadmap and there was like 18 when when
they first minted maybe you're right and I just didn't see any any roadmap at
all and I just bought it because of the community adoption and the vibe so all
I'm saying is when I when I bought my board ape right after they launched I
didn't look at any sort of roadmap or promise of utility that wasn't why I
bought it at all yeah they had that map whatever graffiti the fucking walls they
put out that tweet with the roadmap talking about everything they built at
this point well maybe not even like what happened to the clubhouse that shit
was on the roadmap give us a fucking clubhouse all right go ahead mo they
gave you a virtual club I mean the why I have to say real quick though before I
before mo jumps out here the difference between board apes and this astro guys
whatever they're called is that at least the quality of the original asset and
token was was good quality at least that's cool art if this was cooler art
and I could see that they could even execute on a good PFP I'd feel a lot
more confident in their execution capabilities to deliver a bunch of
other products that's and and yes there's there's there's aesthetic bias in
that but but I I don't think that looking at those you can say that that's a high
quality product to start with and so that that definitely just casts a cast a
lot of questions in my head about whether or not they're just trying to
hype you in with a bunch of big promises we saw you know we've already seen other
projects on say watch and try and do that like like the bots say bots or
whatever last week break promising a token etc when they have like anyway yeah
there's just a lot of people that are yeah this project is not like I think
you're conflating that now I don't think we're gonna agree on this like I look
at a project and art is part of it but if they're building tooling I'm looking
at artists as a feature you're kind of using as like a broad kind of in my
opinion it's a broad stroke of being like it doesn't look good so even the
tooling my house so go ahead what I was gonna say was can we clarify what a
promise is in a roadmap because I find that a lot of these projects put out you
know this is our intention this is what we'd like to do and if the project is
successful this is what we intend to do but if they haven't done their budget
incorrectly or something else you know there's a misstep in there and they
can't do everything that they've promised perhaps you know that's that's
something that needs to be considered and I think there should be a little bit
of forgiveness but like I'd like to clarify like what is a promise what would
you guys like to see for projects in terms of transparency when it comes to
roadmaps there's there's a lot to that I think when you look at Cappy's
and the project that they're about to mint out that and they're trying to
raise the most I think there's a responsibility level there as opposed to
maybe a free man right so you're if somebody's trying to raise one two three
million dollars and that's that's what they're minting out and that's what
they're they're not extracting that I wouldn't use that term but that's how
much they're taking from the community to then build a product I think there's
a huge responsibility whereas if it's a free man or it's a project raising
twenty thousand yeah like how can you even hold those those folks to like what
can you build with 20k like hopefully they build something that would be
amazing but I'm not I'm not holding my I just think when when inexperienced
project teams that don't have a track record of building and shipping global
tech projects at all start making new promises about a bunch of big tech
products that they're gonna be successfully developing and launching you
should always be looking at those with a lot of side eye but also to that point
like to the economics even add up like how much are they actually raising how
much volume are they actually seeing because the you can't you can't
possibly actually finance a lot of these bigger ideas if you don't have a bunch
of a big yeah a big treasury so do one one final thing I'll say on on just
that extractionary part is I saw a tweet this morning or yesterday from thank you
X and he was talking about how all projects should now have credit card
capabilities for minting and it makes it less extractionary would you guys
agree with that I don't know how having a credit card processor makes
something less extractive like I just don't see this well because people
people can use fiat instead of taking okay so it's so it just it just you're
saying it just brings so usually when I think of extractive I think of people
who aren't reinvesting back into the space right so I see what you're saying
you're saying that this is actually a way of onboarding more liquidity into
web 3 and so so I I don't see it specifically through that lens but I
get what you're saying here you're saying that there's a there's less
likely of liquidity leaving if we're actually doing some percentage of sales
through credit cards and bringing more in at the same time so okay that's that's
a that's an okay argument but to me when I think of extractive I'm primarily
looking at who are the founders with a team do they have a track record here
of reinvesting back into the community so I don't know that's just how I
usually look at it but okay I think that's an interesting take and and I
definitely think that is as much as you can get people you know buying or putting
more money into the system that yeah that's that's a good thing cool but look
I I hope that I'm proven wrong nitty-doo I hope that you are right and that these
astro guys are cool I'll look to something like mocha verse as an example
though of actual aesthetic bias because that's a high-quality project with a
legitimate artist that I just didn't vibe with the art I can look at that
and say hey like okay there's actually at least some artistic quality and consistency
and like a legit artist behind this project I just think it's kind of a
cringe like that's that's an actual like aesthetic bias with these I'm looking at
it more more from a quality perspective than just like oh I don't like the
yeah and that's that's the difference to me so it's not just the aesthetic
isn't great it's not even about aesthetic as much as I'm looking at the
effort and the quality of the product that's more what what gives me the
aesthetic about the astro guys so I know we have to move on whenever I look at
these projects especially on something like a say blockchain I don't look at
them primarily and try to compare them to what's happening on the because what
you're getting is new new teams the quality is not as good but that doesn't
mean that it's not necessarily going to be successful in that environment so I
guess if you're looking at it in comparison to something like or almost
everything like comparing it to board H is and then I brought it in so yeah
blame it on me but there's no there's no example right there's no comparison
between those two right right but there's other there's other relative
comparisons within say though and even within say even within say but most
projects within say right now are are not close to building the final product
that they are to most point promising via a roadmap so if we heard one offhand
comment I wish I could dive deep I have to wait till we finish these shows it's
tough for me to do both but we heard one guy say something about how he's
hearing something so I do need to follow up on this astro guys thing but again
like I don't think we can compare something like a mocha verse and what's
happening with say so that's it and there's there's two complaining arguments
there too is like I'm not looking I'm looking at it more for an opportunity
as opposed to saying I think this is a really really quality project product
that I'm going to use every day like if you want to have that combo yeah fuck
yeah I'm not using no extra guys maybe maybe I'll take a flyer on him at at
10 say but I think I don't want that to get completed is what I'm saying
all right well we'll keep it going and speaking about products on say and
platforms and teams that are shipping we bump shipped updates to their lighthouse
platform which is you know pretty much the best platform for launching an FT
projects right now it includes the ability to renounce contracts that means
creators will no longer have control over it making it trustless and
transparent you can announce an updated contract admin that allows you to
assign it to a new owner and you can now initialize contracts with your private
key and a mnemonic so there's some updates on lighthouse pretty exciting but
I want to keep it going out of say over to base real quick because mochi Mons
excuse me they've been actually absolutely flying they're close to like a
half-eath floor what are they yeah point four nine they're basically hitting a
half-eath floor as we speak right now and there really haven't been other
than Toshi's and you know we we like the the base dinos as like an early on
chain project over there on base there's not that many PFPs or anything
over there which has been one of the opportunities that we've been talking
about a lot so I don't know why I just faded this one or wasn't paying
closer attention to it since we've been talking about the opportunity on these
other chains but yeah mochi Mons which is of course affiliated with the meme
coin mochi over there on the base chain just like Toshi's are affiliated with the
meme coin Toshi we now have sort of two leading meme coins that both have their
own PFP projects which are basically now I think the two biggest PFPs on base as
far as I know good thank you yeah this is really cool we found base around the
time we found say maybe a little bit even before and I think give
originally base was something we were super interested in even more so than say
it had way more of like the this could eventually be something I think friend
tech was obviously the one that first got me over there along with parallel
trading cards but say just came out of nowhere but base we got involved in we
were up here on the stage talking about the different defy projects arrow port
or I think it's arrow drone which could just got listed a coin base is up hugely
there was a thank you base god meme coin that we were talking about on the show
that might be it might be the most ridiculous fate of my life I don't know
if you saw the telegram group but I was I was buying that kind of back and
forth as a meme coin it was basically mochi or Toshi mochi and then this
thank you base god the team kind of weirded me out so I like took like a
tour 3x I had like 500 bucks maybe a thousand bucks and thank you base god
took a tour 3x that shit has now run 30x so me and I don't know if you can see
it in the telegram but me and BK are just like every single day we're like
yep so yeah a lot happening if you listen to those calls you're you're up
big we got a lot of this dinos is up big yeah I think there's something there
guess you're right yeah man we've been talking about this for a while so
hopefully some of y'all are taking the advice that we're giving that we're not
taking ourselves over there yeah I don't even have an on-chain dino yet and we've
been talking about that for a while had the team on pumping it up pumping those
bags for people but yeah man so mochi mon's killing it if you got in on that
congrats and send out a happy four and also the token you know what I am
actually in on the token so at least I did that right I did get a little bit
over there in both mochi and toshi and the mochi token along with the success
of the PFP ran up like 30% or something over the weekend so you know what I'm
doing okay I think I'm sitting out like a 2x right now and I'm gonna keep
holding those because again here's here's the thesis I have and Q give me
your thesis if you agree or disagree or whatever yours is real quick before we
move on to open C saying that it's open to being acquired we'll talk about that
here in a moment but here's the general thesis there's going to be some big meme
coins that do well on base it seems like there's this interesting situation where
the creator of the chains pets are usually one of the best bets so mochi
and toshi are the names of brian armstrong's cats and so those have kind
of picked up as the earliest most obvious meme coin bets over on base we
both like base for a lot of different reasons specifically that it's
liquidity adjacent it has a tremendous advantage and distribution through coin
base and we we think they're gonna be investing very heavily in the success
of base this year and and then yeah the other part of that is that base doesn't
have a token it may not ever have one and at least without there being a token
then liquidity that's gonna be going over to the base chain has to go
somewhere so these as you know top sort of DeFi plays or meme coins might
actually get more of that volume that would otherwise be going into directly
into a base token that way because yeah toshi kind of becomes one of the default
tokens on base so that's okay there you go that's the thesis Q do you agree
disagree what are you there yeah I think that's the if you go into these
telegram groups and these these discord groups that's the thesis a hundred
percent and so people are like yeah I don't think the base tokens coming so
toshi's got to be it now whether that's hopium for those people or not I
don't you know you don't know so yeah I think that's that's definitely always a
good time to remind everybody listening to us that nothing that we talk about
here on this show or any of the shows on the web through your network should
ever be misconstrued as financial advice we are not financial advisors or giving
financial advice this is it's not what we do here just remember that always do
your own research it's not our bag it's yours I see your hand cue I want I
wanted to pivot and move and talk briefly about open sea but yeah what do
you got I I'm glad you're bringing up base I do think that there's some tail
winds there that we're feeling from I don't know what maybe they're just
starting to ramp up stuff but there's more NFT projects launching there's some
meme coins that are starting to kind of launch but definitely more on the
NFT side and I think you could just point to say and say okay here's we
all have experience on aetherium and maybe some of us on Solana but very
recently we saw what happened with say and if you just say okay what happened
there it's probably gonna happen over there on base maybe not one for one but
it you just take that and be like okay positioning myself now on base to take
advantage there yeah again these have been the two L2 or all I guess we
should call them all chain since technically say is an L1 these have
been the two alt chains that we've been pointing to over the last you know
couple months as the most obvious sort of contenders for being the next Solana or
the next legitimate ecosystem on the NFT front say is definitely leading right now
they just have been moving incredibly quickly to capture a lot of attention
and culture and trading volume on NFTs but there's definitely a chance that base
could do the same although I have sir you know I've heard some people concerned
that you know will base be like polygon 2.0 or something like that you know
polygon at one point a lot of people were much more bullish on NFTs over
there and that never really came to fruition yes there's maybe some good
projects on polygon but there's not really a hyperactive NFT ecosystem over
there yet they struggled in that regard there's a culture and again I think a lot
of it has to do with the branding and then it's also just the the native apps
and how difficult it is to bridge etc so I'll just say that really quick you one
of the primary differences to me is the bridging to base is much easier than to
polygon in my opinion I do think that that makes a difference I think you're
definitely on it I don't know what the DeFi stuff looked like on base either or
sorry on polygon like it's been like three years since polygon three or four
years since polygon launch I remember originally bridging over with Abagachi
but they didn't capture like you're saying a ton of interest from maybe the
DeFi folks but definitely not the NFT folks so with base I don't think it
matters as long as you start to see multiples on these like dinos is up
bigly mochi Jesus Christ is as long as those are starting to happen I don't
think it matters what it turns into right if it's like four months from now
you're probably seeing opportunities in those four months even if it doesn't
hit it seems like there's a lot of legit builders that are starting to see
the opportunity on base and that's the other thing is like you need quality
applications and apps and all that type of stuff and I just think that base is
gonna get quite a bit of that coming in and they already have the benefit of
having actually developed a native NFT marketplace through Coinbase NFT which
they haven't even started this really officially talk about again but it has
sort of been soft relaunching so yeah I I'm just more bullish on on base than
probably I should be and and I should probably start doing more about that
with my funds anyway all right let's let's let's keep it moving speaking of
marketplace talk OpenSea or BrokenSea or whatever you want to call it there's a
lot of different names of people want to call it these days they are now
floating this out into the ethers saying yeah we're open for acquisition
we're open for an exit so apparently OpenSea CEO says the platform is open
being acquired recently I guess in some kind of interview was quoted saying the
honest answer is that we take a pretty open-minded approach this is Devin
Finzer he says we think that if the right partnership comes along then
that's something we should certainly consider and then of course we saw some
you know like I think as well dot Mocha and some others making some funny bids on
X over the weekend I think well dot Mocha said you've got 12 hours to
respond now I'll I'll give you six six million nine hundred thousand you know
and promise a token within a month I think was also in there so those are
those are hilarious of course to watch and see but what do y'all think about this
are you even surprised I'm not particularly surprised I think we've
actually been pontificating about the potential of them getting acquired or
something yeah thoughts I was gonna let Mo take this one I hate OpenSea so it
doesn't really matter I was gonna say man what a metaphor anyway it's it's
incredible to see how badly OpenSea is has handled their first mover advantage
and it's this is gonna go down as like one of the most crazy case studies in
all of web 3 of how to how to build a tremendously successful company and then
totally fuck it up yeah it give as much as it pains me to say and Marty's
gonna this is just gonna make Marty's week there's an element to this that
reminds me of board ape with how fast they grew and how fast they scaled to
being like oh we're gonna be a unicorn and let's scale up to a hundred two
hundred people and you just lose the vibe you lose whatever that web 3 thing
that we can't wait put our finger on that's what happened with fucking OpenSea
and it's what board ape has done a good job of now kind of rebounding against you
see them leaning heavy on the yacht club side and being like we have to get this
back and it's something OpenSea never did it was just like they it was a
runaway train for whatever reason it felt like but board ape has done bars
number in business you know building a company and a culture you know if you
aren't familiar with Dunbar's number it's like the maximum number of
relationships a person can maintain before you basically start to like the
the group starts to break down and break into splintered parts etc it seems
like that's kind of the same thing within these businesses too it's like
they have these incredible cultures or interesting businesses business models
etc that they build that becomes extremely successful and then yes they
as they try and scale very quickly they they aren't able to also scale the
culture or the values or whatever it is and they lose something so anyway I
mean I feel like Apple navigates that apparently Apple is like hardcore with
it I've been hearing more about how they actually do that because it's
incredibly impressive you're right like what Apple's achieved and apparently
they're like super super crazy hardcore with how they how they regulate their
people which I don't think a lot of people really come out and talked about
other than maybe in the Steve Jobs book which was very interesting where
people really hammering hammering him about you know what a sort of tyrant he
really was but you know that's how he can accomplish what he did I guess kind
of an asshole but very productive asshole but let's cancel Steve Jobs anyway
alright ladies and degenerates thanks for hanging out with us here on a Monday
episode of GM web 3 the greatest morning show that was ever created by
anybody on any continent or in any planet ever ever we're joined by some of
our favorite coasting contributors up here shout out nifty QM around to give
us some love if you aren't following the web 3 network you're missing out on
a lot of awesome things we've been early already on a couple of these
different metas that are popping off right now we just do this we do this
regularly we've been doing it for a while all of our co-hosts and
contributors which by the way there's like I don't know like 12 different
amazing goes and contributors that are regularly part of this network now
we've all been in the space for a lot of time now and crypto years we're all
just grandfathers and grandmothers we're old people and so you know we got a lot
of experienced amazing people producing content on this network and we'd love
for you to get involved and be part of this awesome community as we continue to
grow and pioneer into this wild wild west that is the web 3 industry the
emergent web 3 industry so come along for the ride tap in on that bright yellow
Sun join us make sure to subscribe to the web 3 network on YouTube for our
tentpole live YouTube show that is of course NFT live it's the longest running
consistent show in all of NFTs and web 3 and we're gonna keep saying until
someone can actually disprove that because nobody's had a strong enough case
yet some people have come for us and said like oh well actually there's a
there's a meetup or something that we've been doing and it's like well it's not
really the same thing but okay but as far as actually doing a broadcast news
show about web 3 and NFTs consistently as the longest running one that's right
it has pedigree it has provenance NFT live link is pinned up top don't miss
it we're gonna be heading over there straight after this show because we do
this show four days a week Monday through Thursday here on x-spaces and
then that's right we keep the conversation rolling over there on
YouTube go ahead Q fantastic breakdown there I will say shout out to the web
meetup they've been friends for a long time I don't know why we can't be
co-collaborators here the whip is made up we can be I would yeah exactly and
and so yeah absolutely that's all I'll say on that one you did a great job
how about the moonbirds and improved coming through in mass on Friday on NFT
live values a world I'm actually glad I was I was sick I wasn't feeling great
and I wasn't able to hop in on the Friday episode but you know it was the
perfect day not to come through because I I don't think restream or Q's brain
could have handled another person on that stage because yes they rolled
extra deep and and decided to come with like six people to the show on
NFT live on Friday but it was a great conversation about again you know what we
started off with was just talking about IP and web 3 native IP and how's that
developing into different products and yeah different business models no you hit
it sorry who from moonbirds was there I mean there were like 15 people so let
me get yeah the list yeah yeah yeah go ahead and put the list in the comments
was it I guess I'm asking was it was it members of moonbirds or was it like
actual you know team members from it was team members and it was proof I think it
was I think the guy's name is Jesse I wish we had Biggie Poppins here because
he'd break this down pretty quick but yeah it was basically a builder over at
at proof and the team from moonbirds plus a couple other good stuff hey quantum
cats is minting today apparently this is one of the most hyped Bitcoin ordinals
mints probably of all time and it's got a very expensive mint price 0.1 BTC but a
lot of people still expecting it to do tremendously well because of the
project team that's behind it all of the intention and work that has gone into
like getting a whitelist or an allow list allocation so even though it's a very
expensive mint price of 0.1 BTC that's right a tenth of a Bitcoin just to mint
this thing so it's gonna be in that $4,000 range just to mint people still
expecting it to 2 to 3x probably yeah so this is gonna be a very very
interesting mint to be watching our yeah curious if any of y'all are gonna be
trying to play this I think Huda is the only person that we know that got allow
listed but yeah just curious if y'all are gonna be gambling on this very
expensive project that is probably gonna be a coveted ordinal also another cat
NFT that we just have to say I I have resigned myself to not getting any
ordinals apparently I'm just gonna fade it well hey Q I got good news for you the
Bitcoin puppets right after I bought in started running it's amazing right after
I bought them and tweeted out that I got my first ordinals Bitcoin puppets took
off I don't know if there's a direct correlation I don't know if there's a
direct correlation to me saying hey look I got my first ordinals and I live and
die by the memes but it does seem like that was the point where they started
to take off up to almost point zero six but they've now retraced so the good
news for you Q is they are now in a retracement pattern if you want to get
in on what I think is one of the dopest memes and that is the Bitcoin puppets
you know full transparency those are my first ordinals but yeah man they're
they're heading down right now so may or may not be a good time puppets have
some of the most unique art I like it a lot I like the puppets coming up around
with us bro let's go let's fucking pop all right LFP LFD let's fucking dob dobs
are doing great by the way shout out to all the dob fam out there who've been
hanging out yeah loving everything they're doing all right we got the link
for anti live pinned up top go put some love on that this Alan henna post I
think you know maybe we'll hit this real quick since it's relevant to what we
were talking about how it started we had metamask how it's going we've got
Rabi rainbow leap Kepler phantom talus etc how it started we had open sea how
it's going we got blur magic Eden the stargaze TFM tensor etc he says first
mover doesn't mean first forever incentives matter all right solid post I
think he's think he's probably on to something there y'all gonna think that
did that if not we'll hit one or two other things before we jump out yeah
y'all nifty Q and his breakfast sounds good sounds good I I really think we've
been right on and I I'm not even up here trying to just say hey like look we
were right on this it's more so like viewing the last three or four months we
like took a pretty solid look at what we were doing and we were saying okay based
on our experience what are we seeing in the market and I think a lot of these
plays like bass and say and a couple others have been spot-on whether we
played that correctly has been an entirely different thing but I do think
you know it just sitting here you know late January now some of these
calls have been right but it's a whole nother thing to actually apply capital
to it and and see what happens because I think base is one man where we just hit
it and I mean I'm up on some things you know but but we were there and and just
the opportunity I think that happens in the space with a lot of things how
quickly yeah I I was there and I all I have to show is this cheesy JPEG that
should be like pretty much the headline of my entire web3 journey I was
there the whole time I was there I've been there I was there I swear I was did I
did I make a generational wealth of thousands of times that I had the
opportunities to know but I was there I talked to all my friends I talked all
my friends into getting boardies and then and then I was like oh but that's
hilarious and then and then I'll tell this story another time but I didn't do
it for whatever reason but then it was like you know a week later and everyone
was making derivatives and I'm like oh it's just not exciting now that everyone's
making you're right community adoption and organic engagement is never the
exciting thing about about web through IP anyway great story mo I feel your
pain on a lot of that other than board apes I did get in on that one so anyway
crypto slam has updated their zealie quest if you're not already working to
get some points over there it's pretty easy but you but you might you might
want to because they're already starting snapshots and they're updating their
quests so wink wink nod nod crypto slam doing a thing for points who knows what
that could mean I won't say anything else I forgot to do them on the weekend
yeah I don't think I really did that much over the weekend either but I'm up
there I'm in like the top hundred or two hundred people I think right now but
yeah new zealie quest sprint is updated and then the other thing that I was
gonna mention is juke Jupiter decks actually flipped uniswap and trading
volume which is pretty interesting everybody getting excited about the
juke airdrop there was a when token over the weekend or like Friday or
something over the last few days that did okay you know some people did all
right on that it actually took off after the drop which is pretty surprising
what's it at right now let's go look speaking of that crypto slam quest that
I didn't do over the weekend cuz I'm an idiot I'm gonna like the top I wasn't
like the top 50 cats fanatic in the audience yeah cats is crazy it's going
crazy over there yeah trying to find the price the live price right now on a when
token but anyway people got dropped this off of their engagement with the Jupiter
index as well again so a lot of people are doing very well right now they're
eating they are absolutely thriving and so the Jupiter airdrop is supposed to
be coming very soon everybody's trying to farm that and engage on their
platform and so yeah actually doing more volume than uniswap right now which is a
pretty big deal what's up cats I was just gonna mention on your on your
crypto slam stuff in that magic Eden tweet that you have pinned in the second
tweet it mentions there's gonna be specific perks related to crypto slam
with the magic Eden wallet oh my introducing magic Eden wallet the only
wallet you'll need for your multi-chain NFT needs excuse me instant cross-chain
swaps NFT portfolio management native ordinals and BRC 20 support end-to-end
rare sats management plus we have some amazing perks for users in wallet open
editions from DGN ape Academy clean the sores and both doggos boosted a L odds
allow us odds for ink on BTC 1.25 x-point multiplier for a liquidity and phi
boosted odds for Saturn BTC airdrop and secret perk with crypto slam oh all
right hadn't actually seen that but I do know that the magic Eden team is
joining I believe it's the little nouns show this evening with our friend Huda
from crypto Sam so that makes sense that there's gonna be some kinds of
integrations of partnerships happening there so thanks for that Cas and
congrats to you I guess for never leaving your computer and farming the
shit out of this crypto slam thing who knows I mean you want to know the
secret is they drop at the same time every day and so I literally just said
an alarm on my phone to remind me to go do it so look at like if you've
already done the quest it'll tell you when it's gonna reach okay so then set
it and you know there you go that's why you want as a fucking winner giving you
the alpha right there love it shout out cats shout out all y'all for hanging out
with us here on a Monday episode of GM with three we will be back tomorrow
morning of course at the same time our new time 9 a.m. PST we're doing these
in just one hour it's the new format but yeah great show and if you qmo or
cats you got any last notes you want to throw in here before we jump over to
YouTube for NFT live should be a fun show NFT live we got Vicky Poppins showing up
I don't so Huda joins us Tuesday through Friday so it'll be a
triumvirate here on the show thank God after last week that was that was a lot
so yeah head on over man the comments also help out in the post that's pinned
up top appreciate y'all yeah repin that one up there to make it extra easy I'm
gonna go ahead and give it a repost myself give it some likes comments yeah
come hang out with us over there any other last thoughts here before we jump
hi Monique what's up Monique gift do we have like a town hall today or something
like that or like some well that's that's it that's internal internal yeah
I mean that's that's for web web 3 VIPs but yeah wink wink web 3 network is
definitely working on something special possibly on the same network we'll say
that maybe that's all we can say right now but yeah we're gonna go out with a
song that I love I don't I don't have a new one but this one's still pretty new
it's called walkie y'all we're heading over to YouTube for NFT live come hang
out with us over there links up top
my way the most important people are the people that share new music with you
don't forget that music is the universal language it's truly the language of the
universe good vibes stay blessed