Top Protocols on BNB Chain! 🔥

Recorded: April 20, 2023 Duration: 0:57:39



Guys, good, we'll quick sound check. Can you guys hear me? Okay.
Yep, here you will. Yes, I can hear you.
Perfect, perfect. Okay, so let's get started. So I'll start off with a quick introduction and then we can go around the panel. So this is another episode of DeFi Digest. We'll kind of bring you the latest in DeFi both within BB chain and beyond.
Today is a very interesting episode. We have three OG BbChain native projects, Apollo X, Apaka and PancakeSwap. And what's interesting is that all three of them are kind of shipping new products.
and features. And so during the pair, these guys have been building and now finally shipping. So very excited. One thing I do want to mention, all things that are being discussed within the DeFi Digest, it's all for educational and informational purposes.
There are projects that appear, all the projects that we mentioned in our conversations are not meant to be any sort of an official kind of endorsement and definitely not investment advice. Most maybe go and try out these projects, these products,
and play around and then kind of the your own diligence and the gear, own decisions. And these spaces are really more for people to share what's happening for it and for the audience to know what's going on in the ecosystem. You know, to get you guys know that there's a lot of things happening. And so this is a way for us to
essentially deliver this content in a way that's hopefully enjoyable and important. So with that said, we'll be great if you guys can, the guests can do a quick sub intro. So maybe, yeah, you guys are free to just jump in.
Okay, I can start. So, just two senses about me. My name is Gabriel. I come from Ecomers, traditional marketing background. I work in a backup for a little bit more than a year.
and I'm in charge of all of our business development and marketing initiatives. And when it comes to Alpaca, it's a DeFi protocol. It started more than two years ago now. We are developing
developing a suit of leveraged DeFi products that's basically allow our users to compound their crypto savings and recently also to trade their native products.
Thank you. Okay, I guess I'll go next. Hi everyone, I'm glad to be here again. So this is Captain X, MD, founder of Polax. So in short, Polax is a future
And we offer a lab-treating for almost all major coins. And we also have two pieces on which we call the DEX Engine and which we have our DEX partners to launch their own futures platform.
And we've just launched our V2, the new product that we'd like to introduce more today. And it's also a futures product, but this time the users are going to treat against liquidate pool. We call it ALP. Thank you.
Welcome, Si.
I don't think I can hear you. Can you guys hear Jeff Mochi? No, since we're out.
No, but my side.
>> Okay. So if you may be trying to read our back in. >> Connecting users and projects. We do have some products that just allow users to have some fun as well. >> Hey, so if you want to. So yeah.
So Jeff Moshe would just start it. No, no, no, that's not it. Jeff Moshe would just start it here. All we heard was that it. So maybe if I want to kind of start again.
Maybe there's a lag.
Let's do this. I'm going to ping Jeff Mochi separately, but while we wait for that, it'd be great if you guys, so Gabriel and the pilot to pick up can go quickly over like what's
new, what products are you guys shipping? Or have recently shipped? Be quick to give for your guests. Sure thing, Captain, do what I go first.
Sure thing. Thank you. So as mentioned, we want to introduce our B2 products. So actually the big is the change this time is always shifted from the order book model to peer to pool model to
So it appears to pull model, but it is still a future product where tweeters would get the leverage from tweeting against the pool with margin, rather than other boring and lending models. So with this model,
itself does not have to have the asset that the users are treating, which will offer more flexibility for assets listing. And to give you an example, so on the one launch, we are not only supporting
but also have two FX pairs for treating. And we also support multiple SSN, our LV pool. And besides stablecoins, we also support BTC, ETH, and
So given this specification, it would help with the risk management for example in the pool market, the specification and these NAS deployments would be the solvency ability of the pool itself.
And since it's a pure futures model, we do not have interest rate. And our trading rate is also among the lowest tier among all the futures taxes. And what we are also excited about the V2 products
that given V2, we can serve totally new different kind of users, which are beside the traditional treating users that we serve, we can also serve staking users. So the ALP pool itself is relatively low
and high yield products. So if you are a staker and seeking for a good recent return profile, so definitely take a look at our LPP. So basically the revenue for the LPP will come from $3.
resources. So number one, the APX token reward that we injected to the pool. So for this part, the API is around 30% right now. And we have around like six more than six million in a pool. And this part reward
is totally risk-free and the other two resources are from market-making P&L and from the fees injected to the pool. Currently we inject 50% of treating fees to the ALP pool and this
these two sources are really deemed as realy out. We know probably there are more stake users comparing to treating users, so we're very happy to serve this new set of users with our V2 product.
So welcome to albaca. Just to remind everyone, we originally started as a leverage yield farming focus. So we basically allowed users to amplify their principles when they provide liquidity to the DEXIS.
And over time we developed different products that were built on top of leverage yield farming, such as automated vaults, which recently went through another upgrade to utilize a little bit more sophisticated algorithms in order to rebalance
the positions were actually allowed to be repurchased in order to rebalance them to achieve either delta neutral or long exposure to the market. Despite being highly leveraged, these voles don't
allow for liquidation. So it's one of the most important innovations that we've managed to achieve in the past year. But in this year, we are very active with developing the second version of Alpaca platform, which will introduce a
which we already know how these functions, especially on Ethereum networks or even on B&P chain, in our version of a money market, we will introduce a little bit more sophisticated approach to
tokens that can be supplied for yield or borrowed. We will introduce two different tiers. Just recognize the blue chip assets and assets that have a little bit higher volatility, a little bit more risks involved with them. And this will allow for their risk management
for our users. Also it will come with ability to divide your account so you can better manage again your exposure and risk. So this will come with upgraded interface which we are currently testing and trying to polish.
for the release. And as we are doing it, already our users can play with our newly launched leverage perpetual futures exchange. Sometimes we call it the Alperp. The perpetual futures exchange works for
already a few weeks. It's recently went out of the beta phase and currently runs with high incentives both for liquidity providers, as for traders themselves. Personally, I'm involved in trying to
spread more information about the potential strategies that can be run on our Perplex. We have enhanced a little bit the GMX model of the Perplex change, introducing some future
for better price recognitions through Oracle system. And also due to the fact that we introduced the funding piece mechanisms that are balancing the ratios of traders,
Right now you can test strategies like for example, carry trading, which is very popular on the currency markets and right now you can utilize those funding fees in order to compound interest on your position. So these are the things that we are currently
be working on exciting to release albaca 2.0 quite soon. Awesome. And, sir, much you can hear us now? Okay. Do let me know if I, because I think I might have listed the question. I believe the question is what, on platforms,
So I'll just go on that and please follow me by my visit. So yeah, for Penghik, we've just launched our V3, which is a platform-wide upgrade to our automated market maker or AMM deck.
So the primary thing that we've introduced in this iteration is our content related. I think we lost. Sorry. Sorry. Let me just quickly start again. So about two weeks ago, PanGXWOP just released a platformwide upgrade.
to our AMM DAX. So we've upgraded from V2 to V3 with introducing a concentrated liquidity on our platform. And so what that means is that liquidity providers can now define ranges in which they provide liquidity and that
intern enables very deep liquidity on PagExROP, which allows traders to make very sizable trades now with less capital than we had on V2. And then for liquidity providers, they now have the flexibility to be capital efficient if they want to.
with their liquidity and to earn more fees if they believe that a narrow liquidity would be able to help them on that. But on top of that, PanGX Rob has also provided the liquidity farming, which is an experience that a lot of our existing users and tax users
are familiar with, but we've introduced them onto V3 and with that rewarding liquidity that is currently contributing to the execution of trades. So, more and more so aligning liquidity along with execution
or top of increasing effectively liquidity. And then, you know, just with the V3 for us, at Pankaswab it's not just a product. - Just make this interesting. I don't want to step up to Kevin's shoes, but if you have any questions and we are here, maybe you can ask yourself.
So yeah, just to finish on this. Yeah, on V3 is a platform for us and we're building an automated liquidity management as well. And so with V3, there will be more active management than before and we'll be providing tools for users to work on our V3 more easily.
So I think we've heard most of it. Those still having slight connection issues, but let's say we can power through and then maybe at the end, so that we'll kind of leave a slot for you to, you know, summarize everything so that.
You know, we can fill up some of the gaps. I think with one of the things that I mentioned kind of during yesterday's Twitter space is kind of the potential for projects to collaborate with each other. And so kind of a two part question, but I'll ask the first one, the initial part first.
which is given these newer products and upgrades. Where is the potential there for just amongst the three projects, Apollo X, APACA, and Pancake? For you guys to work together on, have you guys already started?
conversations on collaboration perhaps where maybe this is in a time where maybe you guys can start exploring. So I was wondering what sort of partnerships could be possible given the new upgrades. I'll just feel free to jump in.
Sure, obviously we already know each other. It's a very small space, so if any of the projects does something, definitely it will get into contact with its peers. Obviously our cooperation with Pancake is very close.
It's the first text that we started to provide liquidity to. So I guess here we are cooperating very closely. And yeah, we've already had chance to speak with Apollo X, especially that we do have a lot of common
user base, I assume that we both work on developing the skills for users and hence the product design that we have is a little bit different so everyone can actually find something that appeals to either current market conditions or just
that it feels more to trading style or yield farming. So I guess there are many things that we can do together in the future, but we already know each other very well.
Basically, we've been working together with Panky for quite a long time. As mentioned, we do have two business arms. Panky swap is the first text partners that we have to launch the Proctreading page for Panky
and actually with launch hour V2 on package swap per page today and it's a soft launch I guess the hope you don't mind Seth Mochi I think the official announcement from PankSwap will come out tomorrow
And as a general just mentioned, we will also reach out to a podcast as well. But given a podcast also come to the program field, we get, I guess, we are competitors in that part, but that one right?
is not a bad thing. And for the cooperation, probably a partner could also take a look at our LLP and build some leverage-staking products on that. And I guess we'll still open to cooperation on that side.
Yeah, I think that the space, first of all, the space is quite big. Like we've managed to develop the skills of our users so far that they said we are rather
They're cooperating and developing the markets and allowing the users to find the tools that best appeals to them to their specific niche rather than like fight for the market share because I think
our space and the business in general was still very young so it's way better to join the forces in developing both our user abilities and as well our products and
the ways that they are complementary and offer different uses for different segments of the audience. So there's a lot of space.
Yeah, just on the ZCAPDAX, it's fine that we're talking about the launch of a Pollux today and yeah, definitely we're working a lot with OpAka and both a Pollux. Like Captain X, the perpetual product that's on PengXWub is actually
partnership with NOAA Polar X? I think that if we look closely there are so many different strategies that can be utilized in perpetual future trading that are used in traditional finance
and by large hedge funds, we both have our projects work on bringing the same capabilities, but to the crypto sphere. So we can attract more and more capital. So I think this is something we should focus on.
So, if you want to add more details on the else to add or
Unfortunately, I don't hear Chef Mochi and the Chef others do.
- Moshi, can you open up your mic to say something? - Sorry, are you guys able to hear me now?
Yes, now I can.
I still don't, so maybe I will try to rejoin just in case.
So I can actually share a short much of it with April coming to me.
I can hear you given the catch here.
Take away shoes. What's the situation on your side?
What's your situation? I can't hear you all. I can't hear you all, but it seems there's some data from Gabriel's side.
Okay. Yeah, I hear a paper as well.
Okay, so maybe it's Gabriel's connection issue. Okay, all right. In any case, let's continue. I think kind of like for you if this question is like obviously beyond the collaborations that are possible amongst the three projects, you know,
Let's assume there's some deep dive protocols or founders in the audience, right? They're looking to build something or they're looking to collaborate with one of you guys. What would you pitch to them? Like, what things can they actually work with you guys on? So it's like a very
general open-ended question on what, or maybe this could be a call to action, like if you guys are looking for some protocol, on top of your protocol, and somewhere maybe this would be a great chance to say, hey, we are looking for projects to be of X on top of our protocol. So yeah, so if you can go first this time.
Thank you.
Oh, okay. Yeah, definitely. So I think there are two major kinds of cooperation that we are seeking for. So number one is the treating cooperation. Actually, we just got a partner introduced to the Kevin today and the
So the product is building infrastructure for managers and they want to enter with a future platform for their users and it has to be a tax. So given all of the two within that is a perfect cooperation alternative for us.
Social trading, I like to say also falls into this category. So if a product wants to be the social trading decks and these futures trading menu, definitely would like to cooperate on that side. And the other
will be a staking coefficient and one example is which has a summation with a paka so a platform could build a leverage staking given the risk return profile of our L.P. and they can borrow
They can land some assets to their users and to their users to stake on our LLP with leverage. And as mentioned, we support nestable coins in our LLP pool. So if users want to do not
want to have any market risk some products can help with hedging the data coins in our pool and offer the users market neutral staking. There will also be the cooperation that we are seeking for.
Good luck, if you have much or a capability.
Captain, are we the only ones with good connections here? I'm here. I'm here. I can talk now. OK, Gabriel, go ahead. Cool.
Right now we are focusing on developing the different product lines so there are different avenues that projects can cooperate with us. Either it's providing their assets from their treasuries into our lending
building or building bowls on top of lending or any sort of iron products like many of centralized partners do on top of our political in order to increase the use
I can provide to their users but also to be a little bit more dependent on decentralized solutions rather than centralized ones. Many protocols are interested in introducing strategies that deploy funds into
automated vaults or at least partially treated as a part of some sort of index. So here is where the capital can be deployed. Also we're speaking to institutional partners that are interested in this form of
investments, so in terms of providing liquidity, this is a very attractive option. And obviously utilizing our perpetual futures exchange in order to manage the exposure that
protocols or traders have from different solutions, different instruments. So they can use it for active hedging to be capital efficient and at the same time capitalize on
either funding fees or any other specific
specific qualities of core products. So when it comes to optimizing the capital efficiency and maximizing yields, there are multiple different avenues where the projects can choose
from and since we are launching a money market next month or probably still this month, we will be able to list tokens on the money market in order to provide
additional utility for the users. So it will be ability to generate yields from it, but also to borrow the tokens, which essentially leads to another way of
hedging longer exposure or shortening. So we expect that either it's the users themselves or vocals can utilize this avenue as well.
Obviously, we're always open to participate in marketing corporations as we need to keep up with informing the users about new capabilities that we develop. So we can offer our
100k users community as well because our users also want to develop their skills in utilizing different DeFi products that are currently in the scene. So these are the avenues that we can definitely take.
amazing in Chef Mochi. Do we have you now? Yeah, I can. Yeah, you're done. This great.
Yeah, so I'm not sure if you were get cut off, but we were just asking kind of, you know, what sorts of protocols you guys would like to build on top of pancakes. Well, sure, so definitely we'll be looking for a lot of partnerships on our V2.
right now. That's something we just launched. So, while we're trying to build an ecosystem around it, thank you for all the building every single aspect of this. So, V3 as a base layer is something that allows capitalization
and for liquidity providers, it's a way to be creative and also very strategic with your capital. But then there are other things that we think partners can work with us on. One aspect is
in devising strategies on how to provide liquidity on V3. So there are a lot of different deep research and teams that specialize in different ways of providing liquidity. Panquets will like to work with the
these platforms to be able to assist our users with ways on how they can provide their liquidity. So that's the first. A second, we think there's an opportunity for protocols that can create
leverage on top of V3 positions to work with us as well. So with V3 users can already, in the protocols as well, can already provide capital efficient liquidity by defining your ranges. One step further would be
to leverage these positions to really amplify your returns if there is the level of respect from the new building to take. So these are definitely the kind of partnerships that we are looking for on our V3 product.
Thanks so happy that I think finally we have all the speakers on and no technical issues. So while we have that, let's kind of move forward. So the next question I have is obviously the space is becoming more and more competitive and incredible.
just wondering in the face of this new competition, how you guys are thinking about your overshadowed you and also just where you guys play in this market giving the fact that there are new players who are doing similar things but maybe in some different ways
Maybe Captain, you can kick us off.
Sure. So I think a competition is just inevitable right? So if you look at the market, how many taxes there are and I believe there will be as much as perpetual taxes as
as well. And I guess what we could do is just deliver better products. So I guess that's just the intention that we bring up our V2 and hopefully we could incentivize the heat of procreating on B&B chain. Just the one on
and product wise there are quite a few innovations of the product as I mentioned so SS is one thing so definitely a new SAClass would attract
users to use the product. Users always want to chase the hottest products in the market, whether it's a crypto or not. And so that is one direction that we want to satisfy our users. And the other one is
So, as I also mentioned, we support market pass in the pool. And we do believe that we have a lot in terms of our risk management, especially in the pool market.
Yeah, those are really good points. I would say that the development of products is the core of, it's called the competition where we try to make the products
sophisticated on the backend to protect all of the users and at the same time to make it safe. This is why we put so much pressure on the amount of outputs that we have and all of the security innovation
that we build on our backend in order to provide safe conditions to manage funds. Safety is always the main priority, secondly, having a user interface.
that is very easy to navigate through and that allows not only experienced traders to be in line with their actions but also the new coming traders that needs to be very often first
So I truly believe that we obviously have an established group of users that already exist in the DeFi space, but this is a really important thing.
maybe high in terms of capital and volumes, but there is many, many more users coming also from traditional finance that would need to acknowledge how the deeper version of their strategies work.
And that would be also responsible for bringing a lot of capital to the space. So this is where we also try to focus and deliver the tools that will be suitable for this kind of segment of money managers and people who are responsible
for investing a larger amount of funds. But we try to keep it simple, keep it very educational and also clear in terms of documentation, transparency, just to create a good
trading and management conditions for the people and I guess if you combine this with constant innovation and adding new products to the stock we arrive in a situation where we have well functioning and
for different market segments. And this versatility allows for building a large community. And this community and these investors by using the platform are contributing to the success of
the token, which essentially is the endgame, right? Treating the token of a platform as a share in a real company that generates revenue over time. And I think this approach will allow us to succeed.
Yeah, thank you for that. I really agree with Captain Nexus command that competition is inevitable. Actually, on top of that, I think competition is fundamentally good. The fact that there are players competing means that there is value in the space and for crypto
I think all the speakers were really early. I think the bigger goal is not in how we are dealing with each other when we have some level of competition. I think the bigger thing is to get to mainstream adoption and that's only going to happen.
If our protocols and other protocols out there keep trying to ship better new products and new entrances, you know, they they inject new blood into the space so there's there's we don't even existing protocols like that or there are things where I just learn to integrate and and their new ideas were just tests out I mean of course at least
that none of us can really rest on our laurels, but this is definitely the way forward. And for PancakeSwap, I mean, we have established ourselves, I think, as a major player in the B&B Chain ecosystem, and with our product upgrades, you know, the V3 and the upcoming position manager. We also
are committed to proving our platform once and again and to continue to add value to our users and it's all the competition that's coming. And with that also we're going to other chains, I'm going to Ethereum and App Store and more to come in the coming quarters to also compete with other
protocols on other chains as well. But yeah, all in all, I think there's really a lot of space for room, a lot of space and room for growth and collaboration. And healthy levels of competition is definitely what will help everyone succeed together.
got it on the topic of expansion and markets being more competitive. I think what's also interesting is that right as protocols are coming over to be trained and the fact
that within the BIMBIT, there's now more and more at different photo calls. There's also the other direction of BIMBIT, like projects going to other chains. So just curious to hear.
from you guys on what you think of the multi-strategy you guys have or you guys on the multi-strategy like are there plans to go beyond the Bb chain and kind of how you guys look at that in general
Maybe K bro.
You can get us on it. Yes. So in terms of multi-chain strategy, we are trying to be very conservative and this is specifically connected to how the safety is the top priority. So what
What I know from the conversations with our senior team, basically going too fast and on a native deployment on multiple chains is a risky endeavor. It's basically like depending a castle that has multiple gates.
So our strategy was to stick to B&B chain and here is where like 99% of our businesses. Although we are closely observing how different projects are going multi-chain and what kind of
infrastructure is mostly useful and by now a battle tested to support our migration in the future because I personally believe that the future of blockchain is full interoperability and those that will not be interoperable will
will just have to deal with a niche of users rather than being on the mainstream market. So definitely we're looking into that, although we're committed to safety, so we take our steps rather slowly.
What was the most important thing that you did?
and next step we will like to support the K as well and DK sync as well since we do see the market adoption is high and the accommodation level is relatively low there
And for V2, it's a bit different. So as Kepler mentioned, safety is one thing. And if we want to set up LV pool in arbitrarment, then the liquidity is just a sublitted. So we--
It's a bit complicated, but we are still considering about it. As mentioned, we know the accommodation there is more severe, but we do want to compete in average room as well. We want to join the competition.
Okay, then I'll go in the last. I think like what Gabriel said, I think it's a longer term. The future is multi-chain. So for paying extra, what we're focused on is let's say I guess which chain it is or what what that's
structure of the chain looks like what language it uses. For package work, it's always been about the community and the users and solving projects and users and connecting them together. So for us, the focus is always where are the users at today given that the money chain future is coming, but
isn't yet quite perfect. So we have to consider going to the change that the users are to meet them and the projects there as well. So for Pegaxon, the rest of this year, a lot of focuses on going to the change when we see either
existing activity like I think Captain X is like arbitral or you know change that have you know a very strong potential for you know users and projects to appear in the future and of course there's a trade-off there in terms of you know a bunch
which were cheap, typically it's more competitive while picking earlier changes at the earlier stage requires a bit of research, guess what I guess also luck as well. But yeah, thank you so much. On the budget change strategy, we're looking for where the users and the projects are or will be.
I think you get first share. It's definitely a very interesting question because if I frame it in the more, I suppose, non-crypto or traditional web to world, if you're already the top company in country A,
And you want to also expand right to country B while knowing that maybe the top company in country B is also looking to expand to your own country So like in that situation like what do you do do you spend more time protecting? You know you're positioning
your home market or do you try to expand to the country be and try to get market share from your competitor and so it's always like this trade-off between how much are you getting and how much are you potentially living or on
a table to give to your competitor. So I think it's a very interesting kind of balance to strike because obviously as a project and as a team, your attention and resources are limited.
every second, almost like that you're devoting to a second that you're not devoted to a market. So trying to strike that balance of becoming a global multi-chain, a global brand, while being sure that your home market is
It's still safe. So definitely not an easy question, especially when it comes to crypto too, because as Gabriel mentioned, there's also the issue of security, right? Because even if it's a EVM compatible chain, each chain does have its own unique kind of
characteristics, right? And so you need to take that into account. You know, you can't really just say, you know, copy paste and then don't want you to the other and not to worry about anything else, right? Because at the end of the day, even beyond security, you need to figure out what are the partnerships that you need to build. What are the integrations you need to build?
What is the code of market strategy for that chain which may be very different from your home chain because the users are different, right? The coach will be different. They speak a different language, right? And so I think all those things, you know, makes the situation very complex but very exciting as well.
So I do have one last question and then we'll I think we can open it up for a few questions. So for those of you who do have questions on your mind, please feel free to request. And then once we finish this last question, then I'll kind of bring you guys up on stage to ask your question. So
My last question is obviously a lot of these new products you guys have to ship them or in the middle of shipping but you know 2023 is it's far from over so wondering aside from the things that are imminent what is the
to a long-term roadmap between us and now and the end of 2023. What do we have in the pipeline that you can share? Jeff Mochim, maybe you can start. For us, we do have such
items that we are looking at, but obviously we can't really talk about them now, partially because we put them through the quarterly roadmap when they do come out. And also, crypto conditions change really quickly, so plans do change quite a lot than I.
We can't really promise that what will happen in Q3 or Q4 will definitely happen. But, you know, high level, I can say definitely what I mentioned previously about going to change where the users are. That's definitely on the rest of the year.
will be a multi-quarter effort because Penguzoob has a lot of different products and not all products fit for all the chains. So you know just high level to put in some of our more fun products so that it will involve a lot of interactions. You know for example
it would be very suitable for the Ethereum chain. It's mainly because gas costs are still very high, even though we are in a relative fair market. And then there are a lot of other new and interesting DeFi concepts that we are looking at. Again, none of these are concrete and we are looking at protocols that are dealing
with other type of financial instruments. And you know, Penk is always looking to see which products have a strong product market fit and will be looking to explore these ourselves as well.
Well, when it comes to what's reconsider as the most important things for the future is, like I said, we are developing different products in different categories and for different types of users.
So I didn't mention this, but since we've released two series of NFT collections, which are alt piece, which do have utility on our platform by allowing some traders for higher leverage, we also bought a
development studio, a game development studio in Vietnam, which also currently works on developing two different games where I was a little bit hesitant whether I should mention this but I think I can basically the studio will be
develop a game that will be also another bridge from for people from web 2 from the gaming sphere into web 3 and what comes after it also digital asset management and also working with their funds on chain. So since
the legacy products that we have are already quite advanced and therefore for those advanced users that you do understand pretty well the all the economics part of it. Then we launched the Perpex change that is a little bit more
simple and use, although also allows for more sophisticated strategies. We will have another crowd of people that are into web free gaming and if these and also have funds that would like to compound on chain. So our strategy is to build
very wide community and interconnect the different segments by allowing them for access for many different blockchain DeFi products.
with a very good communication and with very good access to knowledge about how to well operate on chain to be maximum capital efficient. We expect this to result in
higher adoption, higher amount of users, more vibrant community, and also that's not only the financial aspect will be important, but also the aspect of the fund of
spending time with people with alike interests and therefore the entire community will work towards the success of the Al-Paketal token that ultimately reaps the
benefits of all of our products and platforms working together. So I guess allowing for this transition is somehow our long-term goal.
So we will launch a trading reward program next week.
which will recur the treating fee for DEX or generally higher than CX. But with this training reward program, we would like to bring the fees to a very minimum level and some users
may even get more APX-toper rewards comparing to a commission fee they paid. And we will also keep listing new assets and this is not limited to crypto and we will have other
as a class as well. And we are also developing a referral system. We use it to have one for our view on product, but we expect to bring the referral system to V2 at the end of Q2.
got it now very exciting. And those are all the questions I have. Anyone in the audience have a question? Wait maybe for 30 seconds.
or so for anyone to request. If not, then it will be the end of this session. So, well, wait, is anything else you guys would like to share? I think maybe like party words.
Okay, I don't see any requests from the audience, so I think that will be it for today. So once again, thank you guys. And for those listening in the audience, make sure you guys follow the guests up here on stage to keep up state.
Because obviously there are some things that they can't rebuild just yet, but they will be announced in due time. So make sure to follow for the latest updates. With that said, thank you guys again. Thank you guys for listening. And see you guys in the next one.
Thanks everyone. Thanks for having us. Bye.

FAQ on Top Protocols on BNB Chain! 🔥 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of Defi Digest?
To bring the latest in Defi both within BB chain and beyond.
What kind of content is discussed in Defi Digest?
All things discussed are for educational and informational purposes.
Are the projects mentioned in Defi Digest an official endorsement?
No, they are not.
What is the role of Gabriel in Alpaca?
He is in charge of business development and marketing initiatives.
What is Alpaca?
It is a Defi protocol that offers leveraged Defi products.
What is the new Alpaca product that was recently launched?
A leverage perpetual futures exchange, also known as Alperp.
What are the benefits of Alperp?
It has high incentives for liquidity providers and traders, and allows for potential strategies like carry trading.
What is Apollo X's new product?
They recently launched their v2 product, which is a futures product where traders trade against a liquidate pool.
Who can Apollo X's v2 product serve?
It can serve both traditional trading users and staking users.
What is the revenue source for Apollo X's Alp pool?
It comes from the APX token reward, market-making P&L, and fees injected to the pool.