TOP WEB3 AND NFT HEADLINES☀️☕️ Gm Web3 Morning Show Ep322

Recorded: Jan. 22, 2024 Duration: 1:04:12



what's up
what's up vert
what's up Q
mother heckin' M
I just had to buy some reach
now you're buying it dude I mean it was down
oh yeah I saw the price
yeah you got it at a better price than me
I expected to go to the reach
token chart and just like
see a massive green candle and it's not there yet
so I mean the price
looks good for
the entry so I'm excited
yeah that's awesome man
yeah thanks for sharing that
protocols that we've been covering
but yeah let's
cover it's Monday
I'm going to get into it here
go ahead and share out the space
see if we can get more friends in here
seems a little
slow people popping in here
I wonder if it's just busy morning everybody
jumping around or what
but it doesn't matter to us
it's not going to stop us
we're going to have a great time in here
we're happy to have you here
Dobbs be Dobbin
and Q what's the plan
with say what
did you talk to our friend
sorry I was just sharing a post
I did not talk to him
I thought we
I didn't realize there was a say what
you know it's kind of unfortunate scenario
so I haven't
been running around looking at different projects
trying to get stuff together for NFT live today
so I have not had a chance
to message him at all
yeah well
anyway we're starting up
our dedicated say spaces
that's the point we had a
fun one first episode
we're at least tentatively right now
calling the show say what
yeah having a good time getting
into the say ecosystem
learning more about it
getting Dobbed up
I've got eight Dobbs now
Dobbs are absolutely ripping
we'll talk about that
you will no longer be known as Gifted
you will be Gifted
that's not where you're
going with that
jam biggie
how are you?
dude what the hell did I hear right now?
somebody is like encroaching on our say what
we're encroaching on somebody
we might be pulling away
we're trying to find out how
legit is their claim to the name before we
give it up like if they just came up with the app
literally the other day when we
started the show that's
one thing if they have a legit
enterprise if they've had the show for
or sorry if they've had their app for like
months or whatever at this point then yeah
do they have the community?
that isn't real
we are here for the
community first and foremost
we are not rug radio we don't
just shit on everyone around us
to get ahead so we're
going to talk to them and make sure that
if it's their thing that's their thing
we respect that we can come up with plenty of other names
we can just call it the say show
you know who fucking cares?
we can buy it off of them
I don't think we can call it the say show
the point is we can come up with other names
yeah I wish we didn't have to get
into this
the point is we are
starting our dedicated say spaces
we did our first one Saturday
night shout out to those who came out it was a
great time Jabba won a Sangu that I
need to send him and we're
going to continue digging in over there on
the say ecosystem Biggie
you did not make it you were missed but you were
watching UFC
what was the big fight
who won I haven't caught up
it was bad ass it was Sean Strickland
against Duplisi
and Strickland
was the favorite
he put up I mean it was a
war dude but it was really good like
very technical
went to a decision but I think it was
very clear like
Duplisi was able to cut Strickland like
round three like really bad
that started messing with his eye
and I think that definitely held it back
but there's a rematch in the future for sure
I think next
is Izzy dude
let's see if he
can come back and take back his
man Izzy needs a dub doesn't he
dude the Oni Kai did everything
go downhill once he became an Oni Kai
did that just get to his head and he stopped training
what happened
I think he started
going to different weight classes and he got
his ass kicked a couple times
but Biggie knows way more about it
like this is GM
Web 3 it's not UFC
it's not GM UFC so
we will get into the latest
and greatest headlines happening around the space
shout out Melissa great to have you here
Steven Aticella era
hey we got quantum variant hopping in here
GM to you all
it's Monday January 22nd
come on up and hang out with us
oh he's a busy guy
I haven't seen him in a while he's been pretty quiet
I think he's building he's cooking
what are you doing quant?
yeah maybe he'll come up and tell us
but in the meantime ladies and degenerates go
ahead share out the space
everybody who's
not new here is probably starting to learn
the direct correlation between
sharing this space and
number go up the whole market benefiting
clearly people haven't been sharing our stuff
enough because the market is down this
morning so don't make that mistake
again go ahead and share it out let some friends
we're at we're going to be having a good time in here
for the next hour and we got some
of our favorite co-host contributors up here
I am gifted of course the Goku of
aetherium or maybe the Goku of
say we'll see moving forward
might be updating that
but yeah it's
there's a lot to cover and
yes special announcement again local news
up front is that I guess Q you're
going to be doing Sey Show in the morning
is that the move?
morning time
so like we'll probably roll that
for 45 minutes
just so we give enough
buffer time between this
and GM 1.3
so yeah Nifty Q is just
absolutely getting after it
he's just so excited about Sey
you can't hold him back so he
wants to do Sey
shows in the morning before this
one even kicks off so starting
tomorrow morning if you want to dig
in further and learn more about everything
happening on Sey which you know of course we're going to cover
the big headlines here but if you want a
fully dedicated place to
ask questions get deep into
everything happening in the Sey ecosystem
check out the new Sey show
which we're at least tentatively calling Sey
what that will be happening
tomorrow morning with Nifty Q
before GM 1.3
and yeah I mean let's just talk Dobbs
briefly here up front
as we sort of like ease into the day
big Monday vibes up here
you know cause like we spent like a full
hour talking about him on Saturday night
when you weren't there but yeah
they are absolutely flying thread guy
tweeted him out I have
to say this again here look I'm not saying
that it's because
I tweeted out
is are the Dobbs
the board API club of
Sey but literally like
10 to 15 minutes after I tweeted
asked that question and
set up that poll of if
Dobbs are the board API clubs of Sey
thread guy tweeted out
a Dobbs I'm not saying it's absolutely
connected it just seems like very
very suspicious timing there
but look it's big
news it's awesome news to have
you know people like thread guys starting to
hop on our bandwagon
that we started around here
you know Nifty Q specifically
got us early in and the web
through VIP Telegram we all started
collecting I think most of the people
in our Telegram at this point
have capitulated and bought
Dobbs and I've got
eight of them now so full transparency I am
Dobbed the fuck up I love
the Dobbs we're all loving Dobbs and yesterday
they got up to about 660
Sey floor price
like new all time high they took
a little bit of a retracement this morning
but they're still holding strong like they started
moving again they're actually back
up close to that all time high
I think again last time I checked let's go look
yeah 650 Sey
right now so they haven't even really
like dropped back down yet they're almost
at all time high floor price right now
and you know Q you were pointing out
like comparatively if you're looking at
the Dobbs prices in terms of Ethereum
they're only like 0.13, 0.14
maybe 0.15 ETH
floor so they're still relatively
cheap for what appears to be
the dominant
like legit cool
EFP community over there on a
new ecosystem
I mean that's pretty much it
the thesis around like
what the EVM
compatibility looks like is interesting
now right like what is that like an
instant kind of move to
be listed on things like OpenSea and
what do the developers do once they realize
that this is an opportunity so
I know Marty's in the
group chat saying like don't simp
for thread guy but we were talking about needing
a catalyst and this was definitely
absolutely a catalyst
like this is another
check in the box for what you
need as this stuff gets going in the right
direction whether that can continue
is a whole nother thing
yeah and as far as the Sey show goes
or the Sey what show the morning
or Sey what in the morning I'm still working on the branding
like just being able to separate what we do here
the web 3 network like obviously we're going to be
covering a lot of things happening
on different chains and I think that's important for us to
do is just separate the ability
to kind of cover Sey but
also be able to say hey look there's other
things happening of course that we've been covering
for the last 3 years at this
point heck yeah
and look you talk about did you already have
Sey what as a name or is that a
we started marketing it like 4
5 days ago but
yeah we'll see when
you know the application was there
but yeah we're not going to
shit on anybody if
they've invested into building a
brand that way and we'll come up with a new name
so again branding aside the point is we're doing
dedicated Sey shows and embedding ourselves
further there and NiftyQ you talk
about catalysts you know we
are the catalysts
for catalysts just like you know
a lot of people don't know it but we're the influencers
yeah we are the pre-catalysts
here you know and that's
just a fact so again if you haven't shared
out the space go ahead and do that welcome ladies
and degenerates we're waking up chugging
some caffeine it is a Monday episode of
GMWeb3 the greatest morning show ever invented on
any time one that ever could have existed
primarily because you're here and
we got Jawa and Mo hopping in here so GM
do you both and also Vert I haven't even
said hi to you really how's it going
what's up y'all
hey what's up just humbly
vibing with my tribe here
glad to see you all beautiful people
what's up brother
what's up
can we put a bunch of say say
titles and have people vote on
them start the community off right
because there's so many funny ones dude y'all
drop the name of what we should say
name our dedicated Sey show
in the comments and we'll
vote on it and maybe we'll get it down to
like three or four of the best ones and then
NiftyQ can run a poll or something
Q go ahead
yeah I mean damn it
I really don't want to change
we will not change the name
we will not release anything
this is becoming too big a focus
yeah we actually
yeah we should talk about this off air
to be fair
so Philip actually is hopping on
NFT log today so Philip is the growth
leadover with the Sey network
and well again there's so much happening
on the east side that I think we should definitely
lean into that like Oney and
there was a recent announcement for Magic
Eden that they're working with the NFT
Dow here to
have some really cool applications
I think being built over there so
excited for all that but
yes Philip will be on
say it louder for the people in the back
so we have the growth
lead from the Sey network
Philip joining us today
on NFT live and
if you don't know what it is y'all would do this show here
four days a week now at our new
time 9am PST
Monday through Thursday on
spaces and then we jump out of here over to
YouTube for the longest running
NFT and Web 3
show in all of the space
that is of course
NFT live on YouTube and we got
Philip joining us over there it's going to be absolutely awesome
so I think we have a link
to that already probably somewhere up in the Xbox
that's always the place to follow along
yes it is up there it says the Rise of Sey
that's an awesome thumbnail
so make sure to put love on that and come hang out with us
after this show for an awesome
conversation with Philip from
the Sey network if you are interested in
learning more. Alright you did mention
Oney Forest we talked about
them briefly cause
UFC the tie-in with the Oney Kai
Izzy etc they did just
pump out another
little teaser video sharing
they're just really teasing out
little bitty details about what
they're planning to do with ordinals
here it looks like we have
newest piece of information is a total supply
is what it looks like so I just pinned this up top
Oney Forest teasing
ordinals which
I mean as far as other projects
and total supply I think is
a good number for
what most people have been doing on ordinals
so I get why they're going there and
they don't want to like really dilute things
however the thing that
really worries me about it
is my understanding
from just like things I was
hearing from insiders and stuff was that
everybody that owns an Oney was gonna be
like guaranteed and ability to get
this one maybe they still will be
but you know you have to mint it and
take steps and then it's like first come first serve
maybe but it does worry me with a
lower supply that it's like okay
Oney Forest long term holder
how does that all factor in
cause I definitely want one
I really want one and I'm gonna be very sad
if I can't get one because it is pretty limited supply
cause they obviously have to get more people in too
right like they can't just make it
the same people that already own
Oney's so that's the question that I have
you know maybe we'll get Art Snitch
in here this week to share more about
some of the mechanics I'm sure they'll be sharing
more soon but definitely exciting
cause again I do know that
Brian Lee I'm complex
the original artist
an absolute super star
talent is behind this or at least
very closely
aligned with the work that they're doing so
to have that level of quality art
you know that's awesome
so those are my initial thoughts
curious if you all have anything on Oney Forest
there before we you know keep it going
yeah I'm gonna say something about Oney Forest
you know considering
I'm a Ronin I'm very
close to the team I've been
an OG and Oney Forest
since pre-mint cause I know
some of the founders
and I've been in the
background kind of watching it
and the one thing I want to
say about Oney Forest is Oney Forest does not
fail Web3 it just
continuously showing
and proving itself all
the time and
I think it's a great
not because I have bags in it
but because I generally
know the quality of what it's been
giving to reality for the last
what three years
since it's birth so
you know I just
think that you know we
as a Web3 community
should support
Oney Forest and the team
because they just
constantly prove to
Web3 that they're creating and
making things correct
that doesn't mean that doesn't get any oversight
or you know you shouldn't
look into these things deeper
but I definitely think that they have
proven themselves over and over again that
they're bringing value
also I would like to
add with this
Oney being
somewhat 3000
ordinals the reality
is that when you're in these projects
and this is like facts
when you're in these projects those that are
more into it or closer
to the core of what's happening
will get more. You'll get more information
you'll get more
into your
whatever you're looking for within that project
just because you're close to it. You're
working with it. The more that
you're distanced from it
then you will not be
in the information. You won't be able to reap
as many rewards
and that goes with every single project
so I just wanted to put that out there
when it comes to Oney Forest or any of these projects
I feel that it's
the bags that you want to hold closer
to you. Those are the ones that
do you and
I think Oney Forest is one of those bags
that you want to hold close to your heart.
That's it. That's my humble opinion.
Yeah buddy.
Yeah I didn't know that you'd also been
in it before it even mints it so
we're on similar trajectories and feel
very similar to the UNI.
Yeah I agree and
I think maybe
a quick reminder here that is relevant
is if you haven't signed up for the Oney Forest
point system, I don't believe you even have to have
an Oney to get on the point system
but I'm sure they're going to be
factoring in their point system
in different ways into all the different things
that they're doing moving forward.
So yeah, might want to get in on that.
Alright. Any other thoughts on Oney
before we keep it going?
I think you mentioned it right up front.
Wondering what the collection looks like because
they I think reference six
specific PFPs but is it
going to be something that the entirety
of the community can get involved in? That's an interesting
thing. I don't actually know if those
two things are directly
related other than the fact that they're pointing
out that they were
like the first anime project to be
on like both Eve and
Which you know, I haven't really ever said
anything but whatever. I'll cover that later
but yeah, they basically
early on in the Ordinals
minted seven
the main characters from like
the comic books and stuff.
It's a good question because maybe
those seven characters factor
into this Ordinals
collection somehow.
Or maybe they don't other than
they're all part of the same world and the same story.
But I just know that they
minted seven original
Ordinals which are the seven
main characters of the story early on
and then this looks like it's their first
expansion project.
So yeah, how those two things are
related other than the fact that
they're Oni Force Ordinals, I do
not think we know that yet.
Alright, let's
keep it going though. But yeah, very excited
and yeah, Vert had some great points
there all around. If
you're excited too, it's a good time to
get more involved. And again,
signing up for the point system I think is an easy way
to do that. And
as a couple Oni Force
Ronins, we have at least three
Ronins here up on stage. We're going to continue to follow that
and very excited.
Alright, let's hit briefly some breaking
news Q that you picked up on.
You sent this through and it's got me very
excited. It's actually the first
post up there in the Xbox today.
First thing we're putting up there
is this announcement from Reach.
So Reach has been a thing that I've
been bullish on, excited about.
who's down there, DP
I kind of deal with onboarding
with him, shared some of my
thoughts on it and he's kind of taken it and run now.
He posted an awesome
Medium article that
basically went mini viral.
I'll see if I can find that and pin
it up Todd because yeah, it went
crazy. But he basically took
his thought on Reach, put him
into a Medium article, posted
that out over the weekend and that's got
7,500 impressions
over 500 likes on it. Geez
It's fucking amazing.
So yeah, great work there but
point is, I've been pretty bullish on this
very excited about it, believing in the team and now
they have this big announcement coming out this morning.
Here it is.
We're excited to announce that Reach
has been accepted to join
the Google for Startups
Cloud program by Google
Startups. Joining the program provides
Reach a range of benefits
including access to grants,
large cost savings and
industry expert mentoring.
So Reach has officially
joined Google for Startups.
This is tremendous
and again, I think this really shows the
quality of the team there.
That was a big part of the
thesis, not only that but the fact that
I was feeling like they had already
found a really interesting
concept and some product market reach
before even watching their token.
All of this to me
makes me feel very
comfortable in those
assessments here.
This is really exciting. I think Q, you said
you rushed over to try and pick up
some Reach token finally
which has definitely been beaten down.
You got a better entry than I did.
Yeah, when I went to go look at it,
it wasn't
necessarily based on just this announcement.
I know Mo was hosting something
about this being relatively easy to acquire.
But yeah, I've just been waiting
on some type of impetus
to get me to buy some Reach tokens.
I saw that the price was pretty beaten down
like you said.
That's why I pulled the trigger.
DP, welcome GM.
How's it going?
Give me one second guys.
Nope, you're done.
Let's get him off the stage now.
just playing. It seems like he's having
some technical issues though, so we'll have to wait
for his big
entry here. Oh boy, he's trying to come
back up again.
And his name is John C!
Did it work? I'm so glad you got your
soundboard back.
Yeah bro.
Yeah, sorry man.
My mom killed calling my phone.
That's why I was trying to get her off
real quick. No, but I wanted to
just come up and
extend my gratitude again publicly
in front of everybody to you,
for putting me on to Reach.
It's been a great experience
and the team is awesome.
I released their article
and a lot of people thought
that I actually went and boosted the campaign.
It wasn't me.
The team saw that I wrote something
and they valued what I wrote
and promoted it.
None of it would have been possible
without you introducing me to the platform
so I just wanted to come up to you
and say thank you.
I love D bro. Love it. Appreciate it.
It's one of the
smart things that they've done.
They have built in
promotion for all of their
relevant content because
that's what they do.
It's kind of a hack.
Literally just creating
educational content around Reach
right now, the team's going to boost a lot of it
and amplify a lot of that through the platform
because it's just showing
what it does and it helps
get their
awareness up.
Go ahead, Mo.
Can you explain to me
how it works?
There's no bots involved at all.
Go ahead, D.P.
It's really authentic
Now we probably will start
seeing some bots from people trying to gain
the system but the team does a really good job
implement a system where
it incentivizes you to actually go out
and engage with the post. So what you do is
you sign up on a platform
and you really use it
through Discord but I like
using the desktop application too
because it's just easy for me but
you go and
what you do is you create, you can either create
a mission, which is what a lot of people
do, which is pretty much like putting your
if you post something, let's
say if you tweet something out that you want
people to see and you feel like it's
a value, you can go and you pay
a small fee, I think it's like
0.05 Ethereum
for like a 6-hour post
and it puts it into the
missions category
and people like you and myself
we would go and click on missions
and you actually can
what they do is
they pay you to engage with
you get put into
a running, into a queue
that you can win
you can actually win some Ethereum
based on the amount of engagement that you give
and the engagement
is good, they have like
AI and algorithms
in place that
measures like your level of engagement
so like if you give like a like or
a good comment on a post
you could potentially win
like 0.01
Ethereum and it goes from
0.01 to 0.1
depending on how much people pay so
let's say if you pay 0.05 Ethereum
for a 6-hour post, the way the
system works is you win like 0.01
Ethereum and it
goes from like 0.01 to
0.1 depending on how much people
sorry about that
yeah nah so yeah
so you know if
so if you pay 0.05
so they take
for themselves and they pay
so let me let me
let me just hop in real quick
so the whole
the whole point of the platform
is to tackle the bot problem
the entire purpose
is to create a
protocol that's focused
on incentivizing
legitimate quality engagement
so that's part of why
I'm bullish on it in the first place because they're
tackling a real problem
they're offering discoverability
for projects,
founders, startups
threaders, people who want to get their content out there
and seen by more people
and they're
directly targeting
like how do you
quality engagement and get rid of and like
reduce bots on the platform
that's literally the entire point so they have
their own proprietary AI
that's basically reading all of this
and it's giving people scores
and points
for the types of engagement
that they're doing
so yeah there's so many reasons why I'm bullish on it
I'm trying to
post my referral code
in the comments
so if anybody is interested
in signing up for Reach and hasn't used it yet
please use my referral
I will drop that over
there in a few minutes
but yeah that's the gist of it
there's always going to be people to try and game the system
but literally the entire point
of their platform is to
figure out how to combat that and how to
properly incentivize people to
actually engage with
people's content in an authentic
that's really interesting
but have you figured out
is like a quality engagement
do they have what are the rules around that?
yeah well I know part of it is like
just spamming the same responses
like are you just saying like oh
cool cool cool on every post
or are you taking time to
actually post a reply
that is relevant to the specific
post itself so they're
able to actually measure
or at least look at
and analyze
is the response and how you
interact with each post
authentic to that post
so I know that's at least part of it
they actually explain in their documentation
what they
consider a quality post and what they don't
I'm not at the house right now I'm old
but when I get back home I've seen you
in the exact section where they explain
what the quality post is and it's pretty much
what Giff is saying
if you reply LFG to everything
you probably won't get a good engagement
but if you actually
comment something that's relevant
to what I'm talking about then
you'll get a good engagement
and they also give you a sort of
reply and multiplier based upon the amount of followers
that you have too
so if you just start up a new account and you've got
a hundred followers you're going to start at
a one multiplier
I have like a level three multiplier
just based on my
follower level and
I guess the quality of
my general responses
and that can change and go up as
it's tracking your engagement
so again it's
I think a brilliant product and it showed
a product market fit already with
the way that people were using it to farm portal and other
things so anyway
I don't want to spend too much more time on it other than
I'm very excited about it I did
just pin my referral
code up top so again if you haven't used
reach and you want to get into it
please use my referral code
I'm trying to I think it's is the website
go ahead Joel
yeah having seen a couple of
threads and stuff promoted on it
I'm amazed at the engagement
the variety of the engagement and the duration
of it you know it goes on for
more than twenty four hours it doesn't
look anything like botted threads
so it looks super
organic from an end user
Giff I was curious if there is
for the folks of us
out there who aren't marketing anything like
is there any reason to be in the reach ecosystem
do you earn
do you earn anything for engaging
if you're not also marketing?
yeah so like DP said it up
there's two ways to participate
one is creating your own missions to amplify
your own work and the other is to
be the people providing quality
engagement on other people's missions
this is what I love about it
so like Portal for instance
you're being incentivized to engage
on Portal's ecosystem, Crystal Dash
or whatever but all they're doing is saying
fuck with us, fuck with us, retweet us
this is saying
go engage with other people
in the web3 space
in the ecosystem who want the
engagement and rewarding you for
engaging with a bunch of people that are
creating these missions and offering
ETH and different awards
but just by engaging
with people's
posts, these other missions
you are getting entered into
a bunch of Ethereum raffles
and earning their token and their points now
that's it
I was just about to say something
because you just opened my
eyes to something right so today
if you go look into my post
you will see some people like
commenting and they are
commenting like they're shouting out
Portal and I was wondering why the fuck
are they even shouting out Portal and this is
about reach, they're trying to hijack
the traffic, that's crazy
that is actually crazy, so again
this is what's amazing about it is that I think
that there's an actual flywheel effect in some
product market fit and Portal has
been the thing that really showed me that early on
go ahead Mo
I just have one more question
is this, I actually
have a thousand questions but is this
I'll just ask one more
are they expecting you
to answer in English all the time
or like how are they
setting that up? No, so people from
I know that there's a bunch of Asian users
that use it too, so
I don't know enough
about the tech and the back end
for how many
different languages they're currently
their AI can handle, but
I'm sure it can handle multiple languages
like again it's running some
pretty sophisticated programming on the back end
to track all this, and
I'm pretty sure that translation
is like an early language
model skill, I don't think that's
a super advanced language model skill, so
if you're running deep machine learning
large language models, you
probably have some kind of ability to translate
and I do know that Asian, there's
been a lot of Asian users using it
I'm sure though also
to say that English
is probably the easiest way to make
sure that it's tracking everything properly
and not making mistakes, but the other thing that I'll
say is I'm pretty sure one of
the founders is French
so it's a global team
and it's a global protocol
so if you're thinking about
French Canadian, you probably
have French in there somehow
anyway, I do want to keep us moving
forward, if there's any last thoughts or questions
I'll reach, go ahead, get them
out here, but then let's move things forward
alright then, well, nobody
else wants to hit it, alright cool
we'll keep following that and I'm very excited about
this news, congrats to their team
as well, that's huge
and yeah, I think pretty exciting
what else do we want to talk about
quantum cats
on Bitcoin, this is one of the biggest
most anticipated Bitcoin
projects right now, everybody's been
working to get in on the allow, I want to open
up an honest conversation about
the mint price
what's up?
meow meow
there we go, so I think that
their application process which has been very
involved closes like tonight or the next day
or so, so you still have time
but it's down to the wire
if you haven't submitted videos, it's a very engaged
application process and they didn't
of course say what the mint
price was going to be until
it's basically already through the application process
which on its face also I want to say
it's a little shady, but
I get it, again this is how hype and marketing
in this space often works
but 0.1 Bitcoin
for like a 3000
supply project
this is very expensive, it's basically like
4000 to 4500
mint price
I want to have a quick candid
discussion about this, about what y'all think
how do we define
what is extractive on the
Bitcoin ordinal space, obviously it's
different, it's not the same thing as Ethereum
I also think it's healthy
I do think it's healthy and exciting to have
big projects and
legitimate teams be able
to have larger
mint prices and successfully
sell that out, I am for that
we also went through this
with Ethereum projects
in general where
you saw extremely
over-hyped or very expensive mints
a lot of times
underperform or they get hyped up and then
they crash and then everybody ends up being
extremely upset
because there's really very
limited upside a lot of the time for these
projects and I don't
know enough about ordinals
to be able to predict how this goes
but I do see some
sort of parallels
and similarities and the possibility
for this to turn bad
when we get to this point where ordinals
mints are like $5,000 to $10,000
for a large supply project
there's just no way that that floor
price is going to be able to
and again Taproot Wizards, one of the most
legit teams out there
so there's a lot of reasons why
they can justify this and it probably is
going to do very well, I'm just very
curious what y'all think
about pointing out
hey this feels a little bit extractive
slash not as great for the community
when you're doing these absolutely
monstrously expensive mint
for starters I wouldn't think that
this is an extractive mint
I would call it pricey
the reason I wouldn't call it
an extractive mint is because I don't
think the builders that have made this
product what it is today
are going to go anywhere
they've been building for a substantial
amount of time and this is them
obviously looking to
yeah get paid for their work
I think what they're
attempting to do with Opcat
and Taproot activation
and to promote the awareness
of what these proposals
can accomplish for Bitcoin
are meaningful and so
you know I do think they
deserve to get paid
having said that, but deserve to get paid
like real quick, let's put it in a context though
deserve to get paid yes, but this
is this is about $12,000
maybe worth more
as Bitcoin goes sorry
12 million so as Bitcoin
goes up this is like literally
starting out at a 12 million
dollar mint and it could
be worth you know
20 to 30 million
for sure it is a war chest that
they'll have to use to
deploy to be able to do see there's
a lot of things that we don't know about
what you know
whether it's Bitcoin Ninjas
or now like Taproot Wizards
plan to do right like there's not much
known regarding a roadmap
but what you do know is that they're
definitely coming at these
NFTs and creating community
you know but they're also
innovating with the use of recursion
like with NFTs which means
that your NFTs will
be able to evolve
like Quantum Pads the pictures
that you see at the moment will not
remain that way they will
change or evolve with the use of recursion
right so I think
you know the amount of work
that they've taken on because you know working
on Bitcoin can be expensive
time consuming like yeah
I think that they are
entitled to name their
price right and it is a pricey price
100% I think
their intention
although I think they're very well aware
that it's a pricey mint
and it's intentional because
it's and I'm
hoping that it is a way
of deterring
short minded flippers which you
can't completely deter especially when you
have some you know the equivalent the
Genesis Cat on Sotheby's
you know what is it like
$160,000 bid right
now you can't help but in you
know that type of action is
gonna entice speculators into
the space but I think setting
a high mint price from the get go will
at least dissuade
a good amount of them and
you know when you compare it to say the shadows
who you know
intentionally had even a pricier mint
although it was smaller supply
but I think when you look at the
difference between the two launches
you can really tell which one used
gamification, speculation
these mint prices and justify
the 0.2 BTC
mint. What's the floor on the shadows?
It's like .08
pizza Ninjas is down to
almost .05
I don't know
I think you're making a lot of
really good points I see Niveq agree
with a bunch of them I do agree with
a bunch of them I still think this is
a very very high
mint price and at least border wines
extractive. It might do like they're
trying to curate that audience
by making
you jump through certain hoops
if you really want to ensure
that you get it. Yeah they're jumping through hoops
and then paying $4,000 to $5,000
that's crazy. Go ahead
Jawa or Mo. Let's get Mo first
and then we'll get Jawa here.
So they've released nothing
about utility because in my
opinion if the utility
warrants the price tag then
of course it makes sense. I think the community
and being part of it is the primary
isn't it?
It's definitely
an aspect of it.
Well it's supposed to be
evolve over time
so there's supposed to be some type
of technology on the back end
it allows it to evolve
It's supposed to be a dynamic ordinal
which I guess that would be
Yeah and they think
if Taproot
implementation goes through
Opcat is enabled
at some point I can see
a lot of innovation taking place in
the space and coming from teams like
Taproot Wizards and if you own one of
their assets I can only imagine
that some of that utility or benefits
is going to go to the holders.
Aren't all ordinals
Not in this way that there
is some unique technology that
they're playing with.
What's up?
I tend to think that expensive mints
are going to happen. I mean we saw Pixelmon
and Mechaverse at
3 ETH when ETH was above
3K I think. So
people want to play those games, let them play
them. I think having it on
another chain potentially
having those expensive mints on another
chain not on ETH potentially prevents
the liquidity drain that we saw
around those big events. When there's
an expensive mint
anywhere in the ecosystem
the whole space reels for a couple weeks
as the liquidity just gets drained
in that direction. So I say let
the rich boys play it.
don't like the Mechaverse
comparison because what they've already
been able to do, the Taproot Wizards
and all that, they've earned the ability to say hey
we're going to do a little bit more of
an expensive mint and maybe that's the community
that they're trying to curate.
All of these collections don't need to be
the same. You go the other way
with free mints. You're
obviously leaning into starting
a different type of community. I look
at Proof Collective and I've always looked
at them as more, and I always
struggle to think of a term, but like high brow
community. If that's
the people that you're trying to attract
into your community, then fuck yeah.
If you can sell that out, hell yeah
like more power to you. They've
been able to already create a really
cool product. They have the reputation
whereas Mechaverse just came
out of nowhere. Nobody knew anything about
them and it was purely hype driven.
They have
more of a
track record, a legitimate
team. All these are
great points and I agree
with all of them. There's part of
me that looks at this as
just like a possible
nightmare at some point
if things don't go well. It might not
even be this one. It might literally be the next
one. You know what I mean?
But how can it be a community drink
if it's for
people that are of Wales?
You're not going to take part of this
from a general community
member that's slinging $100.
No, I'm definitely not.
Look, again, all I'm
saying is I feel like we saw similar
things happen on ETH
and I do think it's healthy.
Again, I'm trying to say
that I see everything that y'all are saying
and also it still feels
like a crazy, crazy hype.
The way I see it is basically
the way Solana people look at people
that mint on ETH.
It's like, man, you're paying those fees.
You're paying that amount.
Well, yeah, but if you were early on ETH,
you're fine.
It just trickles down
the way the thing here, we're going the other way
around and it's Bitcoin.
Some people, I do agree,
are going from one ecosystem
to the next.
It was mind-blowing to me when
Ordinal started heating up about
two months ago or three months
really heating up around
the node monkey thing where people
were complaining. All of a sudden, they didn't
do the conversion and they thought
.02 BTC was
the same in ETH terms.
Are you fucking kidding me? How long have you been
here for?
I'm just usually on the side of
erring towards providing a little bit more
room for the community to have
some upside.
That's just my personal ethos.
I don't see all of the other points
that y'all are making. It's hard
to see that at least the strategy
beyond. Again, maybe
this mint is the one that everybody
looks to because it fucking flies
to a one Bitcoin for. It does incredibly
well. It literally might
do that, but then
the trap is that a bunch of other projects
come along, try and do these insanely
high mint prices without the same track
record, without the ability to execute,
and then a bunch of people get wrecked.
I'm just trying to look at it from a community
standpoint and see where it goes
and that's all I'm saying.
I think if anybody deserves to do it, it's them.
It's still 12
to 15 to 20 million
dollars on a mint. It's crazy,
but hey, welcome to Bitcoin Ordinals.
I'm still trying to get mine. Pizza
Ninjas down to .05.
Let me know, should I be picking up a
Pizza Ninja? Also, let us know in the comments.
Would you mint a Quantum Cat at .1
Bitcoin at
$4,000, $4,500, whatever it's going to be
at that point? Let us know.
I do want to keep us moving forward and also
re-ranch it enough to remind everybody
we got a link up top for
NIT Live and we got to fill up the
growth lead from Sei Network
joining us today on a very special episode
of NIT Live. It's going to be absolutely friggin
lit, so go put some love on
that pinned up in the Xbox. Alright,
anybody got last thoughts on this
convo? We need to move it forward, but
any last notes? Last words?
Get them in.
I was just going to say, you know,
to me, it kind of speaks to
the audience or the community
that's there over with
Ordinals, right? I've always
seen their community as a somewhat
gay camp, you know,
because those are Bitcoin bros.
It's not like they haven't
been paying exorbitantly high
fees for a lot of this stuff
because a lot of those guys
over there take you guys, and
I do feel like a lot
of the Ordinal releases are a little
more sophisticated in what we
see on like ETH or even Sei
or any other
protocol, right?
So, I just go
about my rule. I know I'm
paying .1 BTC
for any event,
but you know what I mean?
People's money, they do what they
want with it. I mean, at this point,
NFTs and Ordinals, they've been
running long enough to where people have seen
examples of what can
happen when you pay really, really high
fees for even a reputable team
to release and what could possibly
happen. So, at this point, I mean, if you want
to pay that much for it, then you believe in it,
then just do what you do
with it. But, you know, if it
takes an extreme dip,
I'd be one of the people, you know, grabbing it
on the day.
Let's talk briefly about cool cats.
Jawa flipped back to his cool cat. He was
rocking a Sangu for a minute
and now Jawa's proudly back to
his cool cat. I see you, Jawa.
Meow, meow.
No loyalty. But
cool cats, they got
swept. There was like about 50
I think somebody swept like just 44
of them or something all at once this morning.
The floor price
ran from about .7
.75 up to
over 1 ETH now.
What's it at?
1. almost 2.
1.16, 1.17
ETH floor now for the cool cats.
They're getting a bid. I think we were
always, at least I was always expecting
them to get a bid.
They, I think, deserve a lot of
credit. You know, they
I see some similarities
between Oniforce and cool cats.
They kind of went through a bunch of restructuring
tough times and they've been trying to figure
out their way. Actually, both of them were
some of the few NFT projects
repping at Comic Con and
shit this year. They've
been consistently delivering,
doing cool things, building experiences and
products, trying to figure
out how do they stay relevant and continue
to build and
do awesome things.
I think cool cats has really turned
the tide on their narrative
over the last few months
and so I'm not surprised at all. But
Jawa, as our resident cool cat,
how are you feeling? You got anything to share
I'm stoked to hear the news. I
switched to my cool cat
not having heard the news.
That's what I'd say too.
That's even cooler.
Yeah, no, I think there's a
great comparison. I was in both
Oni and cool cats before
Mint and held them both
to this day. I think
there's a great comparisons that both teams have
really executed, tried to maneuver this
market. This market has been brutal
to teams that sort of deliver
good stuff that dgens
don't really, that don't
move the needle for dgens. But I
have great respect for both teams.
So glad to hear about the sweep
and yeah.
I think it was NFT stats
who basically reiterated something
that we've known and been talking about
for a long time recently.
Basically pointing out that the space
does not reward
shipping quality products at all.
It rewards hype and
nonsense and
You also had tokens.
One of the most
backwards frustrating things
about the space
as a founder, myself
and being in so many of these projects
is understanding that a lot of times
it's not about
shipping good products or creating
cool experiences at all.
well, and that's part of my
thesis is to buy those projects
that I really do believe in.
Hold them, you know, diamond hand
not really worry about price. My cool
cat, I'm into my cool cat. It's delivered
great value. If it's worth above an
ETH today, if I forget where it's
been between then and now, I'm
stoked with where my cool cat's gone.
Alright, love it. Nothing else to add on cool
cat's front. Let's hit a few other things. We're wrapping
up here in just the next few minutes and
jumping over to YouTube for NFT live.
Sorry, you got something to throw in there?
No, no, no. I love it, man. I'm pumped.
I can't wait.
Hell yeah.
So we're going to try and run through
a few more awesome things happening
here in the last few minutes.
Zocchio just pinned this up top. I believe
their public mint is Wednesday.
Of course, they are following
the anime trajectory here
to a tee. You watch a high
quality anime trailer
get everybody amped up. They
did a presale that looks like it was
Probably largely based off of this
trailer itself.
But yeah, they say the insane sellout
of the presale is overwhelming.
Heartfelt gratitude, etc. And you can
see that video up top if you're curious
what's going on with Zocchio.
Zocchio verse.
This feels very 2022.
But anyway,
this could be a big anime
project. I think Huda was pointing out this is
going to be a good litmus test
to see where
traders' heads are at in terms of new
animes popping up.
Is this new anime meta
still as strong as it's been
in the past?
Yeah, I don't know if you have any thoughts on
this. I'm not on the allow list.
It does say the whitelist is
still open and the full sale is scheduled
for end of January, but I believe it happens
this week. Anyone got any other insights
on that one or any interest you want to talk about
this project?
All right, just a bunch of quiet people
up here on stage today. Really, really
valuable. Thanks for being here.
I don't want to talk about it.
All right, let's
let's keep it moving then. Nothing
to say about Zocchio
Tensor. I don't
really want to talk about that at the moment.
We'll hit that on NFT live.
Undead's pumped again.
Everybody's speculating on the tokens
over there, so Crypto Undead's has, of course,
been in the news over the last week
and their team, you know,
I'm not the biggest fan of the art. I
think it's good quality pixel art. Nothing
that blows my mind.
It feels kind of like, you know,
a lot of other things that have been done in that regard.
But the one thing that I will say
from watching the way that the team
is moving and everything that they've done
to create the hype and the marking that they've done
and now the way that they're, you know,
manipulating the narrative.
I mean that in a good sense.
The way that they were able to control the story
and say the right things.
Clearly, the people that are behind
this project are very smart.
They have a very smart
team. What will they be able
to deliver off of all of this hype
and now that they've launched a project that has
become one of the biggest projects
in Siwana and that ecosystem right now?
I have no idea.
But they clearly know
how to pull levers and get people
overarching in certain directions.
And so recently, you know,
they started teasing out, like,
saying things like, oh, you're rewarded
for how long you're in the cemetery,
blah, blah, blah.
So now everybody's delisting,
expecting token rewards,
even though nobody knows any specifics.
So the team is clearly
sophisticated and smart.
So I'll give them that.
I don't have any crypto indeds.
But, yeah, they pumped back up
and sold for something like that off of this.
That's that's basically the news there.
As far as I know it,
anybody wants to throw something else at it.
Go ahead.
I mean, eventually they were going to
bounce off some level, right?
So I think they got down to like four.
I'm trying to look at the market right now.
They're at 12 currently.
So they were eventually going to bounce
somewhere is my thought.
I don't I'm not in crypto indeds
salon is an active, you know, vibrant
and a team marketplace.
So it's at some point they were people
were going to start being interested
in what was going on over there,
which I think is leading to the potential
like floor price increase.
We sell the same thing with for Ghana's
like for Ghana's are just going down forever.
And now they bounced off of whatever
they kind of hit.
And now we're at six sole.
I think they had like four.
I think they might have even gone up back to 12.
So it's just in my opinion, there's a lot
of volume.
There's a lot of liquidity,
which is the interesting part about a
lot of these ecosystems is that they
actually have people doing things and
wanting to get involved when new users
kind of getting interested in different
And it's just the part of the game still
waiting to find a real floor there,
And I'm still waiting for that.
Bodagas bouts.
That'll happen one day.
Did we figure out who who the person
or the people are in this?
Lord said, Trust me,
this ridiculous fucking videos.
Do we know who this is?
I was wheezing for a good 10
minutes watching that that is in the
pantheon of great videos.
The Lord say it gives us
asked me the funniest fucking thing
I've ever heard in this space.
With a straight face.
You fucking believe it.
The people who have bought.
We launched an exchange.
The exchange technology failed.
Things went downhill.
And from that point forward,
we just spend it.
We just been waiting on the Lord
literally for a miracle.
So the charges are.
Y'all are saying they're like,
oh, that was that bad.
I get so much out and say that
those charges are true.
So there's been 1.3 million dollars
that's been taken out of.
I think it was a total of 3.4 million.
But out of that 1.3,
half a million dollars went to the IRS
and a few hundred thousand dollars
went to a homie model
that the Lord told us to do.
So how does it start?
The Lord just told me to buy
a new fucking car, bro.
I need a new car.
So like, dude,
this is the most.
I'm trying to find the video.
If you can find it up at the top.
I'm trying to pin it up top
so everybody knows what the heck
we're talking about.
This is one of the funniest finds
that you're going to find
all fucking week.
There it is.
I found it.
Pinning this up top.
The original grifters,
the original grifters are people
that use religion to manipulate
controller people.
These people have had it down
for thousands of years
and this guy is just
in the year 2024 doing same shit.
You won't believe it.
Go check it out.
And yeah, this is compliments
of Biggie Poppins
pulling this one in
and D's up there.
Give, can you keep playing it?
There's a really good one
right after that.
The Lord told us to walk away
from our marketing company
and he said,
and then he took us into this cryptocurrency.
It was a different cryptocurrency
other than index coin of time.
Well, that cryptocurrency.
Understand he's saying
he took us into the Lord.
He's talking about the Lord.
God took us into the church.
Just remember that.
Here it comes to be a scam.
And so the Lord says,
give that to him,
but also give them a 10 X
and I'm like,
where's this liquidity?
The word says,
the Lord says,
give them a 10 X.
Y'all, you can't make this shit up.
The charlatans are out in force.
That's how you know bull market vibes
are coming back.
Holy fuck.
Look out.
Look out for these people.
Oh my God.
That's ridiculous.
That's pretty much it.
I don't have anywhere to go from there
other than to jump over to NFT live
and laugh about this some more
with y'all.
We have fill up the growth lead
from say network hopping over
You're joining us on NFT live.
It's going to be an excellent
especially if you want to know
more about say and we have our
new dedicated say spaces starting
We did the first one Saturday.
It was awesome.
Had a great time Saturday night
just late night.
D gen vibes here on the web
through network.
We're going to do that in a minute,
but NFTQ wants to do them in the
So even before GM web three NFTQ
starting up a new dedicated show
tomorrow morning bright and early
if you want to do some dedicated
sailing as we call it.
Shout out the Dob fam.
Dobbs fucking wrecking it.
Dobbs to the moon.
Not financial advisor,
not financial advisors,
but do come hang out with us
over on YouTube.
NFT live starts in just a minute.
I'm going to repin that up top.
Put some love on that and it's
going to be an absolutely awesome
If any of y'all have any last
thoughts before we go out with
some tunes,
please get them in here.
Go ahead.
The Lord does seem happy with
the Dobbs these days.
I'll just.
The Lord said give,
give the Dobbs a hundred X.
The Dobbs cycles.
The Dobbs cycles.
All right.
I wonder if this will get old at
any point.
Is the Dobb punish going to get
I still enjoy it.
I still enjoy saying Chungo.
We got Jess to do a Chungo fucking
shout a Chungo call live on a
space the other day and it was
it was a memorable moment.
Chief Chungo and I were able to
coerce Jess and twist her arm and
be obliged.
And it was amazing.
So if you want to hear a really
fun conversation about the
Chungos who apparently have an
expansion project coming as well,
there's a little bit of alpha
for any Chungos holders out there
because you will get free mints.
If you want to hear that,
check out that talk.
Nifty kit.
Chief Chungo.
That was a lot of fun.
All right.
Thank you so much for watching.
We'll see you on YouTube.
Have a beautiful day.
I mean, I don't got anything
else to add here.
Appreciate you all for showing
We will be back tomorrow morning,
of course, with more GM web
three but also apparently a new
dedicated say show run by the
main man.
Mother hecking cue.
But in just a few minutes,
NFT live starts.
Don't miss it.
We'll see you on YouTube.
Stay blessed.
I wish don't want more
Leave up on love tonight
I'll be, I'll be, I'll be
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Want it all, I won't leave a breadcrumb
Bitch, what I thought a nigga said something
Thought a nigga said something
G block, all we know is red rum, red rum, red rum, red rum, red rum
G block, all we know is red rum, red rum, red rum, red rum, red rum
Nigga, all we know is
Grind in the back, it's a make, it's a make
32 shots in the cake, in the cake
Man, I done, I really run the A, run the A
Say you touch me, house way, house way
Gray y'all, that's what I off-stay, off-stay
Hypnotized, they do what I say, what I say
21 niggas don't play, don't play
My Glock Gen 5 said, hey, hey
Take my chopper everywhere, that's fake, that's fake
Get your ass out the car, you giving trade, giving trade
We been spinning through that good, all day
Nigga, all day