Tope Talk Ep. 18 How can onboarding into web3 be made easier? With GnarAF DAO

Recorded: Oct. 20, 2022 Duration: 1:01:24



hey how's everybody doing uh i i think we're we're trying to figure out our our music situation
right now give us uh one second to figure that out in the meantime just want to say hello to everyone
hope everyone's been having a great week uh sorry about sorry about the little uh music
kick up that we're having right now
it's all good buddy i'm glad to be here i'm i i caught what my kiddo had last week
but i'm i'm feeling okay even though i sound awful uh so definitely wanted to chat i'm really
looking forward to today and i think if i just bring my voice down to about this level versus
my usual exuberance uh it it'll be okay yeah we were talking uh i think we were talking last night
you uh you said you were you were feeling a little bit better which is nice uh being sick is never a
fun time especially when you gotta be sick and in a space i i can imagine it's uh not the best right
now uh yeah but i i feel all right today it's just the voice is uh when i start to raise it
i start to sound like i'm going through puberty it's all good though it's all good i'm really
looking forward to today's discussion yeah man i'm i'm really glad you could uh you could make
it this week i know uh i know you couldn't last week because of uh of uh what your kid had but
i'm glad you're with us this week man and i'm glad we could uh we could figure out a way to
to to make this happen yeah it's it's weird being a parent when she was sick like i was so focused
was like i can't do anything else but with me sick it's like yeah i've dealt with this before
i just i've loaded up on emergency the last couple of days and uh feeling great and really excited
about everything that's happening uh leading up towards the end of this month it's a really
important week for my project and that's what you do as a founder you just you do what you got to do
yeah absolutely man uh so uh first of all uh congratulations on starting your own project i
know that that's a that's a huge task and uh you're an only founder right uh no i am a
i am the originator of this idea i am the uh only founder of nar nar walls which was my genesis
collection that uh had a tie-in uh up until about the actually up until the equinox uh where if you
had minted one of my genesis collection you got an automatic spot on the nar list for half off
minting for the dow uh that collection is going to stay open it's on polygon it was very affordable
it's a uh fun collectible character driven uh with different gemstones different color uh
nar nar whales and each one of the gemstones there stands for different aspects of their
personality and it's just a fun way for you to uh engage and start to think about character
development and what does that mean to you uh six words are do not describe a character that's
that just scratches the surface uh so it gets into storytelling and the importance of
hey brother stories behind brands hey brother this is krypto medic i'm just gonna hold you
up right there for a minute um i want to get some people in here before we start delving into
i think so everybody gets a chance to hear okay oh yeah yeah yeah sorry dude no my bad i just
i'm just gonna get everybody trickling from it usually we'd have some music but we're obviously
having issues with that but i'm glad your kid's okay i think we'll get started here in like the
next three or four minutes but um i don't like where are you from how about that
oh yeah yeah let me tell you a little bit more about me so um i'm originally from arizona i
was born in utah i can't say born and raised in arizona which always bothered me but as a kid but
now that he cares uh lived there until i was uh 30 uh ended up going to asu uh slipped in tempe the
the heart of phoenix uh desert crazy heat summers are awful i was dealt with two summers
yeah go devils yep uh i've dealt with two summers without ac in my car so uh i have been through
i i don't want to say literal hell but pretty close so um yeah when you come out after work you
see a cd case has warped and melted in your car because of how hot it is inside of your car
it's uh it's just awful uh so and my daughter i'm i'm a father of amazing three-year-olds who is
precocious and amazing and stubborn and demanding and all those things that a three-year-old is
they're moving down that road and she needs to twirl and dance right now
okay yeah i've definitely been down that road can't help so uh yeah you guys got kids
yeah i'm a little guy i got grandkids
oh nice nice i uh i'm an alma mater
way back oh nice that's awesome yeah that's awesome i love this world
we certainly do we certainly do so um in arizona i medical marijuana passed
back in 2011 and i went towards one of the original licenses okay
okay and i got it so i've been in the cannabis industry since uh that time in 2011 i've been in
the game for 20 plus years but uh but then we go out of the legal route uh since 2011 and being a
license holder i immediately was at the level of owner and our investors were Columbia Care which
is a huge multi-state that just got uh bought out by cresco for like three billion dollars
so i i got exposed to some very high level business very early it was you know it was a slingshot
there's a lot of money in that industry so i mean
yeah could you could just you for jumping on it early
it's the lottery it's fate it really is uh i was one of 428 permit applications
one of 11 lottery balls in my area wow yeah my parents tried to get down on it so thanks for
taking theirs okay
oh good all good brother yeah let's uh let's get into this thing uh start talking about a little
crypto here so i want to welcome everybody into talk thanks for showing up today we really
appreciate you guys let's everybody tweet the space out let your friends know everybody in here
we got some giveaways going on um we're giving away 50th and uh this gentleman at narr has
graciously agreed to match that so we'll be doing 250 in eth giveaways today during the show
um going to pin that stuff to the top make sure you do what you need to do with those
and so it's going to throw that stuff up there um we're also doing 100 dollars in
giveaway that ends tomorrow uh so i'll have enzo throw that up in the uh
top there as well for everybody to make sure they get in on that stuff and get into our discord
get into narr's discord uh we've got some prement uh that we're giving away slots
narr is giving away some white uh what are they narr lists spots if i'm correct
and um we're going to swap those out so lots of stuff going on today
and over the next week um welcome everybody with that being said i'm going to get into our schedule
so the for uh for everybody in the space right now if you could go up to the to the pin tweet
and retweet out the space that is for um that is for the actual space i'll be posting the one for
for the 100 that ends tomorrow here in a second but in the meantime if you guys can go up and
retweet the space get some more people in here uh that way they can find out about these two projects
um that'd be great thank you guys thanks for that enzo appreciate it perfect
so as always i'm gonna start every show with this is not financial advice it's for entertainment
purposes only always please do your own research on any project any investment any purchase of
anything right i don't care if you're buying a toaster oven check it out first um we're gonna
talk about today uh a little bit about the topic we've put up how can we make onboarding into web
three easier for consumers and businesses and then we'll spend a little bit of time about talking
about narr af dao's project what they're doing i know he's a lot into that um education and and
bringing all of this to people in an easier way uh with that being said you know how can brands
companies and people get started in this space uh you know what are some of the pitfalls how can
the industry help overcome these pitfalls and really let's get this out to the masses right
um what's your thoughts on that yeah for sure i think one of the the big things and i use my
mom as the example of even having her set up a wallet was scary for her as soon as i started
talking about meeting uh private keys and different things she just threw up her hands
and said nope nope not going to do it so i much technology it's uh very hard to get people to
adopt new things they don't understand especially related to money right yeah yeah uh and just that
that generation as well too is as very focused on they were hesitant about online banking um
because i'm i'm 38 so my parents are in their late or mid 60s or so uh so it has to do with
that of just new things are scary and change is scary it's uh uh i uh i deal with change
management in in my day job and that's one of the things that people are just afraid of change
yeah they're getting used to doing things we're we're creatures of habit and once something works
that's why there's that old adage if it ain't broke don't fix it but yeah that's not really
the right mindset uh that's uh that's saying that there's never room for improvement that
there's never room for innovation and that is what human beings do we create we innovate we
think about new ways to to do things and and new experiences that we want to either have for
ourselves or create the opportunity for others to have that experience um more just curious
like like uh for me it's it's been a big curiosity is what has drawn me to the space of just
it's cool it's it's uh it's complex there's a lot of moving pieces it's abstract but also not uh
so i i enjoy that that part absolutely me too i mean i think the
newness of everything right is always a challenge for people people at least who like to take on
challenges who you know love to get out there in the front i think like yourself right with
speaking about the other industry and things this is the forefront of it um
what do you think some of the what are some of the things that are missing i guess you know from
this industry versus something like web2 right where obviously everyone is accustomed to getting
on a website um what do you think there's some of the avenues to get people to start to understand
how what through your blockchain really will be in their lives
uh we i've already seen them and it's already been happening this year with cross mint and paper
are the the two biggest ones in allowing users to participate in the blockchain without uh needing
to take to control their wallet it's the same level of users that are comfortable with using
coinbase but are not comfortable with using any of the various decentralized exchanges um
i think by having not not only that as a way to to get into the crypto ecosystem you really have
to have the product that's going to bring them to the ecosystem the reason for them wanting to
come to the ecosystem absolutely i agree i mean i think that's where we're seeing the
jeff done right what have we been seeing investment promise of uh you know
income of passive income which may come as a result of some of these things but i think
you're absolutely right that that selling pulling is shifting from uh invest invest obviously with
what we have the scc we have you know everybody's looking at this in a lot of countries and there's
obviously going to be uh you know laws and and things coming down that are going to require a
lot of changes so people like yourself people like us see the value in that we have to not us
because we started this but a lot of people are saying the industry right has to shift from being
investment to being products right and whether that product is an nft that has utility in whatever way
you know the projects choose to give people value for holding that whether it's token
gating or whether it gets you into other things or whether it gets you in an app that does 3d
whatever that happens to be um this is the shift from um you're just buying into something
versus you are buying something yep that's a key difference that then that's the first time
that i have heard it said like that i really like that that you're you're buying into rather than
buying something that's that's huge man yeah i mean today yeah i think i think one of the
one of the biggest things that's turning people off right now is is the amount of uh of people
that are getting scammed right now um you uh you turn on the the tv even even here in your way i
live in your way and um uh i don't watch tv but but like my dad does and my dad hears about more
scams than i do and i you know i've been scammed a couple of times in the space you know i've been
rugged a few times but uh never for that much money but like my dad turns on the news and he's
like oh you know somebody just lost a couple million dollars worth of crypto and i was like
well i didn't hear about that but i know how much i've lost and i think i think we need to um
we need to secure the space a bit more before we can have mass integration uh just just for other
people's safety you know like we're we're basically the lab rats right now i that's
that's what it feels like to me i'm basically like like the test um like the test unit we are
and it so far it's it's been great but you know every once in a while you have like these
these ups and downs that you know you're like damn i really want to get out of the space
any early adopter right oh i had that in my first month i lost a full eath my first month
because uh i i just i don't know naivete and i learned very quickly oh yeah that's right
there's scammers everywhere so you have to be very careful in what you're doing and not get
caught up in the moment in the energy and that's really uh anytime you see a message that's like
you need to act fast i don't i there is that sort of energy in the nft space and it's it's
being taken advantage of um and i think that we're seeing a lot of uh both the way that the
collections are coming out to mitigate that to mitigate bots to help to create a good experience
for that mincing um but there's always going to be scammers there's scammers in every single
industry there's nothing you can do about it well that's there's nothing you can do to stop
it no you can't all you can do you can do stuff about it but it's just gonna you can put up a
bunch of gates right because i mean i've seen communities try to do this in ways you know like
you can lock things down that really make it very difficult for people to get into your community
and potentially scam people right but there's always ways around them this is a smarter thing
that we need to do as an industry and also i mean even in individual communities we have to educate
each other on how to avoid those things right how do people learn about
you know email scams i mean it's because people got scammed and then they started telling people
you need to pay attention to what you're doing your email um i think a lot of that is
very easy to do in terms of
cursory education right just letting people know like how a wallet works like
there's really not a lot out there i mean i think some of the wallet companies like
metamask and things like that have their own little tutorials and things but you know
in terms of an industry we don't have a lot of education going on it's really hit and miss
about where i would agree with you 100 on that that it's uh there there are resources um i found
that actually most of the best resources are put out uh by the users versus the the company i mean
no offense that that might be a hasty generalization but uh you you get an idea of uh
what the process is with it but it's also going in that with the assumption that you already have
a basic understanding about sort of what's happening in the background and the function
of the technology itself and if you don't grasp what the blockchain is actually doing
it's incredibly hard to grasp anything in crypto because that's a fun just a fundamental part about
of what is the blockchain and what is it doing absolutely i think you've hit the middle of the
head right there right when is mass adoption going to come well it's like my ceo has told us over
and over again right it's when people will be interacting with the blockchain and they don't
know they're doing so so that's i think the huge huge ask on our end as developers as people
creating communities that we have to make it so seamless and and really you know i want to know
i always think of anything i'm creating what i've done in my career i always think of the yellow
books for dummies which is not to say that everybody's a dummy by any means but that that
was one of the most genius creations of like all time right is just simple things written in a
simple way for things that you know maybe people would point and you'd say oh you should know how
to do that but you know what i bought those books to read how to do things um there's no reason we
can't be developing that stuff in crypto i think uh certainly for the end user and then let's talk
about the other side of the coin how do we onboard companies into this that
they're not crypto companies right how do we get brick and mortar and web 2
to really begin to embrace this technology uh the the power of funds i was gonna say the
dollar but that's not really appropriate uh seeing the the value in what it allows the uh
the end user to do and it all has to do about with use case i mean if if there is a use case
for that particular company that makes sense like i see shipping having a lot of entirely logistics
in that the shipping industry will be i think one of the first ones that make that transition as
well as in the pharmaceuticals and being able to track uh those types of substances anything
that's in a highly regulated market uh i.e. cannabis uh there are already discussions about
tracking uh and not even just discussions there's development of tracking product from seed to sale
using the blockchain because then anybody can query it anybody can verify and it is uh 100
transparent and uh helps to avoid the shrinkage and losses and things that happen in that industry
no comment yeah yeah for sure i i think that's yeah definitely where we're headed i think not
only in terms of those issues but i mean look at it in terms of like uh diamond shipments i know
we're looking at stuff like that for anything of value really right that
is a commodity is trackable uh tying it into these systems i think is
where you know we're headed in uh logistics right
right this is part of the massive problem we face in a world market is logistics
yeah it's uh just thinking about the amount of losses thinking about uh like airline luggage
and being able to track and uh the amount of just you know even just lost postage i mean there's so
many things that that happen that i uh that are lost that i believe through the appropriate
tracking measures uh can be located as to where they went yeah also i think one of one of the
biggest things uh when we talk about um when we talk about onboarding uh you know like we're
right now we're stepping into what everybody wants to uh call like the metaverse so uh you
know with facebook starting meta i think i think the biggest point of attraction right now we need
to we need to attract gamers uh more than anything else because gaming makes the a big a big portion
of all finance is is in gaming uh whether that be uh i think crypto medic stepped off
uh whether that be mobile gaming or or even through console um if you if you notice like
majority of the world just spends uh you know time gaming on their phone
or gaming on their pc or whatever console they they decide to use so i think those are that's
the the biggest people we need to be attracting into the space right now although they might not
have the most amount of monetary value they might not have the most money it's the biggest portion
of people and and i think that's what we're going after is is we're going after people
we're going after people uh i think that that's what we need to be going after is is all the
gamers we need to somehow attract more gamers into the space and you know the the metaverse is
is really helping out with that and um if i'm not mistaken a couple of uh weeks ago i read an article
that said um i think it was either google's uh google play store or apple store is now going
to allow the buying of nfts in their in their in their store so you know i think that's uh that's
a big place where we're actually moving towards is attracting these gamers that when these gamers
come in and you know like that's a big uh majority of the population when they start to come in i
think the rest of you know the crowd will follow because once you get asked like over a certain
percentage of people in the space then it's a snowball effect and it all just comes tumbling
down with that with uh with all the people so getting getting all those gamers is going
to be a huge point so i want to bring up uh walker holmes to weigh in on this uh
walk you want to come up i know you had to raise your hand there
probably need to uh make some codes and then we can create more speakers
oh yeah i can do that
okay real quick how you doing nar um my name is chris i'm actually director of partnerships over
at metatopin just listening to yeah man sounds like you got a little one in the background it's uh
it's always good to hear a working father you know it just multitasking right definitely my wife
just got home from work so i was able to step outside now and uh you may hear a little bit
of nature but that's about it now uh caleb nice to meet you chris uh it's uh it's a pleasure man
and uh uh again yeah just thanks for the opportunity to be here
for sure man no it's uh it's great to hear everything that you know we're just i think
we're just getting started into what you were about to talk about um about the project a little
bit more but yeah it was uh i do think that you guys had a great conversation earlier about
everything going on uh and just you know it's it's quite to see it's quite to be it to be alive
in this in this world right now where we're some of the you know we've been a first mover for a
while i mean what point do we say we're not first movers anymore but uh yeah it's it's great to see
the evolution and to not only see it but be a part of it i think you can agree with that right
hundred percent hundred percent
cool gives me a lot of similar feelings to uh a decade and a half ago of uh or just just under
hell of us being in cannabis and where we were at at that point i mean think about
just the the environment in the world in 2011 towards cannabis versus now where i don't know
if you guys caught that tweet that went viral of new york's mayor laughing about smelling
weed in the middle of his press conference right he's like i know somebody's enjoying some weed
because obviously he just starts laughing it's it it i love the future the same i love the future
isn't he the same guy that uh man i wish there's something wrong with your mic bro it is it is
robotic as as a uh it just doesn't sound like your beautiful voice is there any way we can fix it real
quick while we're going all right well he's trying to figure that out i mean i i just want
to make sure that we all can understand what we're talking about here because i was having a little
bit of trouble with the skipping but um you know have now that we're where we're at and so and so
are we talking about nar yet or is there time to jump into his project because i've been waiting
to hear some stuff yeah i was actually going to to wrap things up with uh with onboarding onto
web 3 and given nar the ability to talk to us a little bit about his project so we can uh
all get a better understanding of uh what he's doing on on his end let's go man sweet sweet
all right so uh i am the nar father i i am the leader of the nar's fuck dao i have brought
together uh seven other uh project founders uh strategists uh early uh people in the space
friends that i have uh made and trust through my journey over the last year i've been in nft is
actually just over a year uh hit my anniversary back in september um and i hit upon the idea
for my dao uh when i recognized the value of the ip that everyone is almost every collection is
giving to the end user but most people don't either have the drive the time the motivation
or the energy to go and monetize it uh even with setting up your uh with different uh
storefronts and things like that so what i have done with the nar's fuck dao is i am pooling
together the nfts of our members that have the ip rights associated with it to create the ultimate
e-commerce demand store uh through my partnership with non-fungible art they are based in las vegas
nevada uh they have over 200 something products on their website uh they're going through beta
testing right now i have been going through and uh just helping with the the interface and it's
amazing it's sleek uh and just helping on the course with uh little bugs and things like that
um so the the goal is to uh pool together and share 95 of the operating profits
on an ongoing basis directly with the community and it's initially set up to be split in half
between half going back into the operating business and half going directly to the members
and that the half that goes to the members is split in half where if your nft is the one that
is used on the merchandise you get 25 of the profits uh and then the other 25 percent is
going to be based off of your percentage of ownership in the dao so on every single sale
that happens through that marketplace everyone earns uh it's an incentive for the holders to
be communicating their uh their holdings directing people towards the website because they get more
of the profits from the sales that happen and with limited overhead and print on demand
there's there's really as far as in that aspect of the business there's not a lot of overhead costs
so it's a lot of profits that are there uh that i i don't like using the word passive uh because
it's uh both from an sec perspective but also just from the an ethos perspective we reward the
active members and being active means you're staked uh you participate in surveys as well as in uh
uh there's there's also uh going to be like some very basic skills testing uh that's also a way
to help to to set that up uh but really what this is is licensing deals you're getting paid for
licensing your ip to the dao in order to create that merchandise for that time period when it
gets printed and then uh uh you always retain those rights you're never actually giving them
to the dao we're pooling them and you're allowing the dao to use them at that point in time
so that's that's the e-commerce side uh that's how the idea has has that's that's the crux of
the business model of the first revenue stream um and i see this as a tremendous way to
onboard uh both web2 companies but as well as uh just people because everyone wears clothes
everyone likes cool designs everyone wants to see the the new cool new hot thing and designs and
in art from nft's is an amazing explosion of creativity that is driving our culture forward
is art is culture
oh i couldn't agree more am i any better this is my is my oh he said john is that you
is that you it's my god i thought you got kidnapped by by a medic like an empty skin or
something bro it's crazy dude i i beat the i beat the aliens back i told them not now i'm busy
so i have a question for you so yeah so give me um i mean i love what you're talking about i think
you know we're we're talking about not reward necessarily you know i think that's a word that
gets kind of thrown around a lot like rewards your community but i think what you're talking
about really is sharing in the success for the people who help bring those successes
to the projects right exactly because the the available designs are based off of the members
that join the dal so it's also based off of their holdings uh which are always changing as things
get sold things get purchased um it's it's a great avenue for one of one artists to be able to
monetize their work without needing to handle any of the administrative or logistical side
and they can focus on their artwork so it's just another revenue stream for them um
um and uh now what kind of merchandise are you um putting this on this is uh it basically uh
clothes uh of all sorts uh backpacks totes hats uh swag um there's there's the the amount of
products that i looked through like i said was upwards of like 200 plus so it uh those are the
the primary categories there's also about uh getting uh framed artwork and getting the
the artwork printed um i apologize i'm i'm just blanking yeah great no i'm blanking a bit on the
rest of it no you're fine that's just kind of i was looking for yeah like a variety of things
obviously are you meeting any um challenges in just global shipping these days and trying to get
stuff onto products and get it to people in a timely manner i have not crossed that bridge yet
as uh because we are minting at the end of the month so that is actually a great question yeah
yeah uh that is uh something that i uh i know the nfa team has uh structured to be able to ship
worldwide uh as far as their uh print on demand i know half the team is in australia uh so they're
um the the only facility that i know of 100 is the one in vegas as as far as that partner but i do
believe that uh part of their plans are to increase uh their scope and their ability to fulfill these
orders through expanding out their network and i know i am in that uh i i fully support them and
at the same time am free to explore other ways to be able to fulfill uh orders for individuals and
i think giving an opportunity to also at the same time of like hey the owner of this nft earned this
much profit on this order so every person who orders something sees that the profits are going
to the holders of the nfts uh yeah i mean you're thinking of what a great way to for people to
incentivize the onboard when they're like whoa they're getting what yeah i love it i mean i
think that's you we all think very much alike in terms of added value to the customer right
what else can we give them and i don't say give but like what else can we add in value right
that is a reason to be a part of all of this um i mean i think you're hitting on a lot of
very key things i think staying away from asian markets which not that they don't produce things
for half the world or most of the world but i think those markets are very clogged and i think
a lot getting things a lot of things out of there is very difficult these days so i'm glad to see
that you're working with you know other worldwide entities and i think that's really what it's about
in opening a global market right is not turning to the same entities that we've always turned to
for things but really seeking out those new partnerships with people who maybe have a different
way of doing things or a different way of looking at things that matches with us right matches with
this new way um i do want to mention everybody thank you again for everybody for being here
interact with the tweets that are pinned at the top share out the space let's get a few more
people in here let's make sure we're getting everybody we can before we do these giveaways
so you say you tell me again when you're minting that kind of way
yeah we are hearing out the other the gnarliest minting is going to be october 30th uh and that
is going to be at one solana we're on the solana network and on october 31st i am opening up to
the public and those are going to be two so solana all right awesome and prement how do people
get on that obviously by listening to us interacting with these things we've put
up to possibly give away five but what else can they do um there's uh interacting in the discord
just demonstrating acts of random kindness um just coming in and coming in and joining and
being a good person uh there's quite a few spots that are open for some of the partner communities
that i have uh opened up and i'm also going to be doing a tally and creating just a
whatever's left to open up of before the the mint happens on the 30th fantastic i love it
with that i want to open up the floor questions comments if uh folks are here that don't feel
like talking please drop it in the chat side enzo let us know if we get anything over there that
people would like to have answered if anybody'd like to come up please raise your hand comments
on what we were talking about earlier questions about either of the projects we got a hand raised
right now man if you want to if you want to ask your question man go ahead hey hey yeah thanks
no actually i well i mean it wasn't so much a question that was just uh kind of like a supporting
comment there with uh the nars fucked out here is that um i know that uh he's been under the
weather so i wanted to just kind of like help out and add in there with that those partnerships
because i recently partnered with him as well as an artist and um you know my project is partnered
with nfa and the the core teams behind that as well so i just wanted to to let let uh add on to
the the aspect where he's trying to help with the merchandising and stuff through the dow is that
that's backed by the homies the crypto homies is the homies like the figurines the toys that we all
kind of grew up with in the 25 set machines and stuff like that um they actually just i recently
announced a uh a proper partnership with snoop dog and creating his bassy toy and some other like
bassy figurines so he's gonna be you know going on into some serious seriously um you know vet it
out and seasoned manufacturing entities and people that have like 30 35 years experience
in these markets that are all going to be a kind of we've got this great partnership together and
with the nardow being a part of that that's going to open up to really smooth process
for those merchandising options that sounds fantastic i think you're really getting at it
now right where this time in crypto right or this time in any type of market or industry right
when we're all building this is when the real partnerships get made this is when the real
companies make progress and break barriers and i think that's what's happening now right i think
in the next two to three months everybody's pushing forward with what we've been working on now so
the people are left standing they're still building um you know finding each other we're putting our
minds together uh you know i was even a tab holder um until i had to make some financial
news recently but it's like i well i know the tag community as well and i'm familiar with the
good amount of pfp's in here so it's like it's good to see that we're all here still creating
well you know i figure it's a good time to drop some alpha about metatope then because
we're already in talks with a few toy companies for uh some different type of some incentivizations
for the for the founders as well as uh the pre-sailors and stuff so um i'm looking at limited
edition collections so if you want to shoot me a dm and definitely uh potentially do something
together with you guys there awesome love it yeah yeah definitely reach out to chris um he's
the man when it comes to partnerships he's uh made some great handshakes for us uh over the last
couple of years um definitely want to start to get through some of these uh giveaways
so uh enzo you want to uh do one of them you can pick which one you want to do first
uh yeah i'll uh i'm setting up the the twitter picker right now um for our pin tweet for the
$50 in eth uh you just have to give me a quick second my computer is really really slow right now
but uh yeah i'm getting all the while you do that yeah i'm getting all i'm getting all the giveaways
done yeah that's cool man do you want to jump into a thing i know that john you have some stuff about
metatope right that we can yeah yeah so that's what i was going to say while while he's doing
that we can uh give a little bit of an overview of our project here let me just pull that up here
start telling you some of the stuff for those who are new to our project
it's the coolest project ever it's the best project
well while you guys are pulling that up uh i just want to say uh night man i do enjoy i i saw you draw
live in in tab uh discord one time and i did really enjoy that i'm pretty sure you had your
kid with you your your kid was in the background doing something while you were drawing so
yeah uh i i have seen you before i i do recognize you i know you were a mappy and i know you had to
to make some difficult decisions man and uh you know you're you're more than welcome to always
come back and be a mappy again whenever you please man um also would love to see you draw
in the discord even if you want to drop into into metatope's discord sometime and uh and draw
live for us i would really appreciate that we can we can probably set that up sometime next week to
get some some of our community members to come and watch you draw live because uh you know that's
not an experience that most people get and uh you were a great artist and and you know i would love
to to have you uh come through and draw for us oh no doubt yeah if you want to set something up
like that i'm totally for it it's one of my favorite things to do and uh you know some people
actually they know that recently i was at cnft con in vegas you know sardano nft con actually
drew a piece live for an auction it was a pretty exhilarating stuff totally uh that's really cool
that's cool yeah it's fun you know i just like to kind of i get into it and make it a whole
experience um like give people tips and pointers i love showing the craft more than just kind of
like creating something behind a curtain and being like tada absolutely i i know a lot of my family
members spend a lot of time on tip talk watching people create art and how digital art or even you
know regular it's just it's amazing with that being said let me tell everybody a little bit
about our project for those of you who don't know my name is john abrams i'm the operations manager
for metatope our project's fully docs we are first and foremost a technology company with
multiple groundbreaking patents we're pushing web 2.5 toward the future by building the missing
infrastructure to bring all of these wonderful projects places and most importantly people
together in web 3 this is the intersection of blockchain and social media opening a door to a
world of new opportunities and experiences at metatope we're building utility like never before
through a web 3 social media content platform where users can become their nft incorporating
full-body markerless motion capture with only a front facing mobile device camera we've been
working on this tech for two years our partners include intermedia a well-known media and marketing
giant nolan bushnell the founder of atari and our artist is is jared morance who is the concept
artist behind some of the most iconic characters we know from blockbuster hits like infinity war
avengers endgame guardians of the galaxy and dune among a ton of others jared has created this
exclusive set and partnered with metatope to bring his creations to life including a number
of exclusively personal assignments these assets are so much more than an nft collector's item or
a pfp with our mobile app users will be able to create and monetize their content through
blockchain integration and by sharing on our platform only own your own digital ip and content
like never before we are launching on ethereum to start but multi-chain integration is paramount to
our development by integrating our exclusive 9999 erc 721 base models and then layering multiple
erc 1155 accessories our topians will be able to customize their digital identity in ever expanding
ways through our app onboarding into the metaverse is something anyone with a cell phone can do
digital ip is everything in this new space and we believe the future is the embodiment of your
digital identity because our assets are all built in unity owners will be able to use this 3d model
in games metaverses video calls and more our developments allow for other projects to join
our platform too initially we're bringing board apes and crypto punks to life imagine being able
to dance as your ape or punk if you're a metaverse or a collection or a brand that can add value be
sure to reach out to us we're also launching a contest to allow another community to win
development of their nft project into our platform we hold our weekly spaces here tope talk on
thursday's at 5 p.m eastern always have great guests and giveaways so make sure you guys tune
in our pre mint sale is live for registration at pre mint xyz slash metatope so make sure you
guys check that out with that being said it's a little bit about our project if anybody has
questions comments please raise your hand come on up uh and enzo we'll get to those uh yeah real
quick i want to add on to that thing another interesting aspect of what i'm putting together
for our mints per se you know because this technology is we build our technology before
we came to market right so we came out of stealth at nftnyc and showed off the tech and you know
there was maybe one person that was like this is not something that i really want to do because
you know not everybody likes to embody an nft or really knows what that means so for the community
out here that's spent a lot of money on those nfts that you know you identify with and things that
really mean a lot to you regardless of the financial side of it work you know that's really
what we're doing we're not only going to build out our own collection to to make it a use case of the
the first ever you know 1155 stackable accessories on a 721 base but we're also going to bring nfts
to life for other communities that have invested money tears sweat time you know and have built
these community friendships with other people and all they have to show for it is a pfp right now
so if you want to get behind a company that's building structure you know that's really what
we're doing here and it's always awesome to to to hear from other companies that kind of have the
same type of i guess you know road map or you know the same type of vision because we're going
to support those type of companies and if you have a metaverse we can be interoperable so please DM
me if you're a metaverse project there's a lot of things that we can do to build and another thing
you know a little bit of alpha that i'm kind of working into our structure is let's say you're
you know the nart part of the nart as fucked out let's say you have a bunch of people mint and
they use the nar promo code or something like that we're going to give a percentage back of each
mint that is minted from that community back to the community as to go into their treasury
so something like that we want to work with founders to also to give back to the communities
as a whole so that they can keep building and growing with us so i hope that stuff excites you
and uh go ahead and so let's rock and roll baby oh fuck yeah dude uh yeah we we will be talking
a little bit more in about a day or two when i have a little more of a voice i'm super excited
to talk to you about a lot of stuff dude um i didn't even get into any of the metaverse aspect
uh which uh i have bought aisles of meta i have um metaversal which is now moonshine labs uh savannah
uh d gen islands and then there's also uh meta clients nft maps which is on eth so i have a lot
of different metaverse uh blank canvas that is is going to need a lot of cool stuff so i'm
really excited to talk about the future
absolutely me too i mean uh you know what i envy you guys because you're minting here pretty quick
we're getting there um we're very close as well but i envy anybody who's uh got their date on
the books and is ready to go um we're very close to releasing our date so nice and last call i just
pinned my uh the secondary giveaway the one that i'm matching up there uh i apologize that i did
not put that up until about 10 minutes ago didn't say anything until now so uh i am i mean the space
is only going for about another five minutes so i'm going to pick right at the very end but uh
if you hurry now you can you can get entered in that giveaway
i want everybody please get in on that yeah yeah there you go wait what are we not paying you
and so take a look over the uh chat did anybody have any uh questions that didn't feel like coming
up any uh i'm looking right now uh it doesn't look like it at all everyone's just uh
now there is one it's a yeah partner with any company any company in the coming days so i guess
like it's a great question because it all depends on the ip's um and the rights that are built into
the nft collection so there is collections out there that we're just not able to due to the
to due to the structure of the ip rights so whenever you invest in that's something that's
part of the do your own research that you should look into whenever you invest even if that's
something that even is a flip to you you might fall in love with the community and next thing
you know you're holding on to something forever and and then you come to find out that it can't be
monetized so just always keep in mind like those are things that a lot of the newer projects have
built in and you know royalties and stuff like that are important too so um yeah it's a great
question uh as long as you know we're gonna build out something hopefully that can be
copy and paste right until we get there we're having to do everything by scratch because no
one's ever done it before and uh you know that we're building those we're basically
building those bridges that's what's so cool about it i i love that there's not a playbook
and that we can figure it out it's i i find it amazingly fun to uh think about what you could
possibly do and just let the creativity flow yeah it's fun until someone has to pay the check though
that's what we're working on yeah the bill always comes due
all right with uh i think we got our winner up so let's go ahead and announce that Enzo
all right uh so for our winner we had majestico 97 who i think if i'm not mistaken is rocking
a toast punk i want to say that's uh genesis so congratulations to them um
congratulations if you can open up a ticket open up a ticket within our discord and um
i'll i'll get you up to date on everything just pass me your wallet address and then uh
i'll move it up to the team we'll have your uh what are these things dude you don't know what
toe spots are no we'll save that for another time let's get to the guy another two minutes
i don't want to keep everyone late but fine i'll find that out from you in the dms yeah i got you
later on cool all right well um narza let you guys go ahead and uh do yours we're right at the end
here so all right yep i uh wrap it up if you got any wrap-up uh comments go for it too uh just uh
i appreciate the time i think that this has been an amazing space and discussion i love talking
about uh where things are at in the space and having a solid discussion just about different
viewpoints and what is going on and what we see is valuable and uh it's fun i really really
enjoyed this uh so let's see we got our last entry we've got into the discord i'm entering
in right now and i'm closing it right now let's go ahead and where how do you spin this thing
oh yeah you just click on the middle okay
the winner is the person who came in just under the wire mj 86
so uh you are in discord open up open up a ticket in discord i saw that you hopped in
and uh dropped your eth wallet and i will go ahead and get that over to you as soon as possible so
congratulations and uh welcome welcome so what i'm going to do is for everybody else who joined
discord i'm going to go ahead and give you the nar list for half-off minting uh thank you for
coming in and participating and uh tell your friends anybody who's got nfts that wants to
monetize them let them know that there's a way that they can do it and they can have some fun
and uh i'm i'm an open book so uh i'm caleb tice that's me i'm fully docked uh you'll find
that i'm this is me so uh i appreciate the time it was great meeting everybody and i'm just really
excited for the future absolutely caleb it's great to have you on and i know that we'll
we'll be having a future together as a project and you know definitely gonna have to hang out with
my asu buddy now um i just want to thank everybody for coming out i really appreciate it please tell
your friends about it um sign up for our newsletter at to be one of the first to get your
hands on the exclusive beta of our app uh we want to allow the community to really see what can be
created with this amazing technology before we sell anything to anybody so be on the lookout
for that get signed up for it follow our socials please at the metatope on twitter instagram tiktok
all the other socials make sure to get the word out lots of exciting stuff coming soon
with that being said we will see you next time on topetalk chris you got anything buddy
oh man everyone have a good uh good weekend out there go touch some grass have some fun smell some
air it's it's gonna be colder down here in the south side so of the united states so i'm excited
to feel uh winter winter air for the first time i love it man arizona it's finally under like 90
degrees so we're loving it everybody have a great weekend same i don't miss those summers at all