This is a video of the video on the video!
So, I'll talk to you about it.
This was called $100 worth of SRM on erc 20, we'll get $100 worth of SRM, in liquid onidge
And probably some additional tokens as well.
Because we expect our market cap on layer one to be significantly higher for various reasons.
we're going to have some additional funding and some additional liquidity and different things
for different reasons on a layer one you'll probably get additional tokens beyond your
hundred dollars that will be vested over a period of probably a year so everything you have invested
today will be fully liquid day one on layer one and then there'll be a period of time where those
additional tokens that you've been allocated you'll be able to catch them out over time so
it's a really good situation so we're excited about that we're going to have 100 million pre
mine on layer one which is equal to what we will have uh at the 540 day mark on erc20 the breakdown
of all that again i won't put into the numbers here is on our blog from today uh in great detail
so you can take a look at that um we talked a lot about in our blog too sorry i'm talking so fast
again i know you want to get to other folks so 100 mile an hour uh we talked a lot about incorporation
so solarium is incorporated in dubai solarium inc we are also creating a solarium inc corporation
in canada as we speak we have the solarium foundation which is our not-for-profit or
philanthropic arm uh that we're incorporating in canada now as well so it'll be the solarium
foundation incorporated as a not-for-profit all that's fully in flight we have a patent fully in
flight for our technology i can't give away the secret sauce but there's great detail in our blog on
that we have multiple trademark applications for multiple things in multiple geographies around the
world in full flight we have four ip lawyers working for us to secure technology so we've
been pretty adamant about that all the way along that because we're building a web 2 and 3 and
industry 4 really uh company that we need to protect what we've built so we're protecting it with patents
we're protecting it with trademarks we're protecting it with copyrights um there's a whole lot of
information there we bought a bunch of dns domains we bought a bunch of domain names to support
all the technologies and trademarks and copyrights the elixir partnership we just announced elixir
labs really excited industry for companies are a venture builder i encourage everybody to go read
what they're all about well we have entered a commercial relationship with them i like to call
it a partnership we did pay for it but there's significant synergies here that web the relationship
is going to be kind of bi-directional but these guys build um built some pretty awesome technology
and we're going to be able to actually bring some really interactive dashboards and applications
and a block explorer for layer one built in hmi and cgi uh which is almost unheard of in blockchain
most people build uh when you think about a blockchain explorer it's a web page people plummet up
they work okay they're generally slow they're not that great but it's a web page we're taking a
different approach and using hmi and cgi technology to build all of our front ends uh which partners are
already dictating to us we need these types of dashboards these types of analytics different
things so we're taking a bit of a different approach it's really uh really new to blockchain
really new to the world so we're excited about that a lot of social media stuff in there we've
got a partnership program we just launched there's a form an application for me either partner with
solarium inc or you can partner with the solarium foundation that's all out there happy for anybody
that wants to get involved with us we got a merchandise store that's about to launch i took a video
put it on there for full merchandise store eco-friendly and then lastly we got a new updated
roadmap this is going to become more detailed over time new updated roadmap also as part of the vlog
and that's out there too so ken i'm going to stop 100 mile an hour there's a lot there to consume
i just suggest everybody go to our website go to our blog hop into our telegram our core team is
always there i'm there samuel's there corey's there brock's there we will answer any questions we
don't ban anybody everything's on the table we're very transparent and i encourage and ask everybody
to you know hop on and ask questions and see if it's something you're interested in or if you just
want to follow along with our technology that's that's awesome too so ken thank you yeah with your
100 miles an hour um at least i was able to take the information in at 100 miles an hour so um i definitely
love the fact that you touched on the legal side of it all and and i think that that's something that
really sets teams apart in this space is is seeing the legitimacy of what you're building but like you
said being able to actually protect that tech and and you know building your chain from the ground up
i was part of a esg focused project that is you know looking to build a blockchain etc and and through that
experience you know i really learned because i mean i wasn't an esg guy when i started there so
you know i i saw the vision of what they were talking about but i wasn't quite focused on on that
you know niche in particular but through the time of working with that project i really saw the need
for it and i really saw the value of what the blockchain transparent ledger etc could actually bring
for that space so i definitely wish you guys the best of luck i really love the niche that you're
in and one of the big things i always said was people always say oh well why do you need another
blockchain this this shows you different applications and different reasons is it's something that has to
be built that way to be able to actually support what you guys are looking to bring on chain and it kind
of shows you you know people always say oh well why do we need another blockchain you guys have
a hundred reasons that you could tell them why right right well you know it's it's there's nothing
wrong with forking blockchains and a lot of time they're fit for purpose and people can make them
work but you just nailed it right there there's many reasons uh our proof of generation being the biggest
one but there's many reasons that we couldn't fork we didn't have an option so building and you know now
that we're meeting with these these commercial partners and they're dictating to us what their analytics need
look like what data they want on chain what their dashboards need to look like uh what their
integration points need to look like it's quickly become clear very clear laser clear that there is
no way that we could afford and retrofit all of these needs so the renewable energy industry is a
trillion dollar industry it's not something to take lightly so we're very focused on that and you know
bringing to bear technology that supports it well and supports all the different facets of it so
probably that's why you put it
yeah definitely definitely uh brock from your side did you have any um closing remarks or a call
to action anything along those lines yeah i just want to uh just touch uh you know briefly upon some
of the things that are coming up in the future as far as uh marketing uh i know we have we you know
dave touched upon if you go look uh in the blog we have a large pr campaign that's uh scheduled for
january if you want to look at the road map but also something we haven't talked about is uh uh
you know our uh our event partnered our event with uh spacex coming up here shortly where
we're actually going to be featured on uh you know in partnership with geometric energy corporation
which has a partnership with spacex we're going to be featured on their uh
uh their satellite which actually uh beams uh actually it's pretty cool it it beams it beams uh
advertisements all throughout digital advertisements all throughout uh the earth but also at the same
time it beams a billboard in space and it has it's pretty cool the satellite has a kind of like what you
call a selfie stick where it shoots a camera back of itself as as the billboard shines across the uh across
the space sky so that's going to be a large event that we have coming up here shortly in the next
couple of weeks which will be coming with its own pr campaign as well so i encourage everyone to to
take the time and and invest a little bit of energy to look at the project really dissect it come in
ask your questions and take advantage of of what we're building uh and continue with us into the future
definitely definitely and yeah i mean as you guys said team is always active team is very transparent
they're always there to answer questions and you know very very respectful professional so very easy
to get information there i i definitely suggest that you jump in and check it out yeah it's a great
time right now to come in and learn about the project uh right as we continue finishing our fundamentals
so i appreciate the you know ken letting us for come out here and share the project with everyone
here of course of course thank you guys for your time i know i know you guys are busy so i i definitely
appreciate both of you guys being able to make it as well so never too busy for you guys again
appreciate it brother all right so that is solarium for you guys um so we will be moving on now we have
prodigy bot that is up here already as a speaker um so go ahead and uh take the floor sweet thanks ken
thanks to good for having us back um so first of all i can say with confidence that since we were
here back on september 27th the bot has gone through so many changes so many updates that i can say with pretty
solid confidence that i feel like we are the best bot on the market at this point
um not just sniping but trading in general so if you don't already know what prodigy bot is it is
a telegram trading bot as there are many however our big differences is one we are on 13 chains rather
than just one two three chains right we're on 13 and i gladly list them but if you trade on a chain we're
probably on it except if it's a non-evm chain like polygon number one number two uh before i even say
number two solarium you guys i was looking at your website the day one when you guys launch your main
net uh we'll try and support you obviously i was looking at your website you guys rule uh but beyond
that i'm just going to keep moving down the list of things um number two we have been rapidly adding
features uh we have everything you expect from other bots and more and i'll go into those in a
second the things that we've changed since then uh long term we're looking to add nft support we're
looking to add a web app so that you can trade not on uh just telegram but you can you know log on to
the website and trade from there which will allow you to trade on your desktop and eat more easily
and to trade from your phone more easily as adding it to as a web app we don't want to go the program
route because that introduces security risk that also introduces a layer uh a total rewrite to the
bot when the bot operates right now with pretty hardcore security uh with just having the telegram api
access the servers so uh prodigy also has half the fees of all the other competitors so maestro you
pay one percent prodigy with a with you use a referral link it is 0.5 of a percent to use the
bot so let me just run through all the things that have changed since we last spoke um all it's it's
kind of hard to list so since september 27th uh we had a number of user features that people asked for
like the max buy button added we had the buttons for ape the custom ape buttons like you know ape
0.05 eth 0.1 0.2 and eth all those buttons that you're used to seeing uh on other bots those are
all there now and you can modify them you can remove them you can have custom ones for different chains
because we're the only bot on pulse chain really and uh you people want their own amounts there because
pulse has such low fees that people can ape you know 100 pulse and uh and and not worry about the
gas fee um what else was added let's see uh adding back monitors that expired with your full p l on
there which is really great we added a houdini swap integration now this is a full integration of
their services and we are going to expand it in the future we have some thoughts on that but
that houdini swap integration allows you to bridge inside the bot we have 13 chains we want to make it so
that you can bridge between those chains easily if you have a hyped launch coming up on another chain
so from your wallet you can just select which asset which chain and which chain you want to go to and
which wallet you want to go to and you can just hop chains inside the bot you can also send through
their tumblr application which legally is not a tumblr but it is not a mixer but it is a tumblr wherein
you can send your eth without being copy traded so you can send your eth let's say you're getting
copy traded on your main wallet where you're making bank with prodigy you can send it to another
wallet a fresh wallet through the tumblr right in bot don't have to go to metamask to do it uh we
added a lot of quality of life things like high price impact warning on on on coins that might be
super low liquidity so you don't end up screwing yourself as we saw some some users do uh we also
made all of the chains free since then i forgot about that we made all of the chains free previously
you know that we had a number of free chains and a number of paid chains now it's all a freemium
model right so there is the the chains that you pay a half a percent which is all the chains that
we share with other bots if another bot has it we have less fees and we have that chain if it's an
exclusive you are paying a higher slightly higher fee see let's what else is in here uh we added scroll
which is a uh roll-up chain um see we also we rolled out a number of speed updates the bot is
now pretty much the fastest you can find in terms of interface the button reactions are instant there
is no slowdowns we're also pushing another speed update soon that allows for instant monitor basically
blockchain instant monitor updates which is pretty great uh really oh we also just did just today or
yesterday did a rebrand the new rebranded websites out the logo has been updated the stickers are
being updated all of our marketing materials are slowly rolling out and being updated which is
pretty fantastic um i think we did a security review to make sure that we don't have any of the issues
that you know uh unibod or maestro run into uh let's see which is great they had a number of issues with
your router our next router update it will be a verified update the contract will be verified so
those issues that unibot and maestro ran into we won't run into them it's that simple it's truly that
simple uh i think i'm glad you touched on that because i was i was actually gonna ask about it because
i know um you guys were doing your own router so yeah it's definitely a good one to touch on um can you
also touch on possibly the code base itself um being unique and not that is one thing uh our two
developers are uh their names on telegram are fua and prodigy fua is a blockchain engineer he's worked
for i think five years in the space six years actually um he's worked for much larger projects
doing contract-based work he's worked in nft gaming he's done a lot of work and he takes security
extremely extremely um seriously all of the code he writes it from scratch himself he has never
forked a contract in his life as far as i know for the most part um so the uh all of the stuff all
the the most relevant contracts are audited not all of the code base is audited because getting a
worthwhile audit on the entire code base of prodigy would cost upwards of a hundred thousand dollars
because of how much code has been generated but not no updates are pushed without a full
security review that's why sometimes some of the features we add it takes a little longer than we'd
like at the same time we are still developing at a pace that i don't think any other bot could
possibly touch um and finally one other thing i wanted to touch on that we're adding um if if you
want to see any of these things we have a trello board where all of our future updates our current
work in progress updates and our finished updates are in you can see everything we're working on and
when you expect them to be done three updates ongoing those should be done in the next few days
and in the to-do list trailing stop loss uh contract scraper so as soon as you know maestro has it but
you have to download another program which is totally fine but it scrapes telegrams to immediately grab
the contract and buy for you so you don't miss in those seconds there's no clicking it just automatically
buys we need to have that and we need to have that across all of the chains so we're working
on getting that done um then there's a ghostly integration uh an update to sniping to make it
even faster again we are i believe i beat maestro snipers all the time we have bribing we are the
fastest that there is code wise but in the end if you're sniping a highly hyped launch on eth you need
to go with banana gun because they have the largest bundles we do bundling but we don't have as many
users thus they're gonna beat us with a massive bundle but i have beat banana gun users uh with
relatively the same bundle but again they have the highest amount of users they're just gonna win
if anyone tells you they're faster than banana gun and aren't accounting for that they're straight up
line but in every other scenario we're pretty much faster um yeah and uh the last thing we're
gonna add soon is a custom mev and simulate launch simulation um that's all in the short term to-do
list the longest term to-do list is nft trading sniping and a web app for the um bot so that
more less people who are on telegram can use it um i know that was a lot and i know i i went through
it really quickly i didn't want to waste any time but if uh if anyone has questions or thoughts please
pepper me with them i'm happy to answer i'm happy to be here once again yeah definitely uh definitely
good presentation i mean you went through a lot and that's that's definitely one of the things with the
project that i i like to see the most is the speed of development the implementation of things
especially um things that are brought up by the community um things along those lines of of actually
being heard and and not just being heard but being implemented um expeditiously so it's it's definitely
something that i like to see as you said you know when it comes to development speed or adding features
there's probably nobody faster in the space and and i can definitely second that and that to me is
is for longevity of a project very much needed um as we touched on a bit when i had swift up and we
were going over the bot you know innovation is key things change very very rapidly in the space and
being able to implement and develop at a very high pace um is very very important in my opinion so i
think that that's you know one of the the main ingredients of making a project successful and
that's the main reason why you know i i don't have any holdbacks holding my back with prodigy
may not have massive volume as of now but the product itself is cared for and the product itself is
needed as well yeah thank you for saying that and um two two other features that we're working on real
quick one feature that we're adding soon in the next big update is futures um leverage with gmx
integration and then we also launched our referral program for anyone to be able to use in bot which
is great but i do want to just reiterate what you said we obviously care about the token price because
that people use that as the biggest indicator of a project's health for some reason but the fact is
we are laser focused on trying to improve the bot to become the best bot in the space to become
the bot that everyone wants to use and feels like they have a a real stake in you know people come in
and they say hey can we have this in the bot on this chain because of this reason we say okay great
give us let us look at that and we look at it and sometimes we add it within minutes sometimes hours
and at the most days so we want to put the product first and we are just banking that long term the token
price follows the product because if you love the product for 2500 pro tokens you get zero trading fees
they're all wiped out and you can take part in revenue sharing so as the product grows as we
get more users we are working with some influencers now we are doing the rebranding we're doing the
things to try and gain users we're focused laser like on gaining users and making the best product and
we just we are we are betting that the token price follows after yeah i mean i think that that's the
best strategy personally um especially with the the state of the market that we're in currently
you know building the product perfecting the product i think is the main key where you know
token price and and chart movement is is a very temporary thing and it's very variable where an
actual tangible product is not yeah exactly so long term we'll be here for the bull we'll be here
for the years to come we're just going to keep building the best product and uh as people find
us and like us hopefully they share it word of mouth and they switch from maestro and unibot
where they're just straight up getting ripped off for less features and and less quality support from
the team so and getting hacked you know for that uh one thing i actually did think about though so
you talked about houdini swap integration from being able to bridge between chains which of course is
needed um and it is a cool feature to be able to have directly in the bot but have you guys thought
about the integration say of a cross-chain swap so that i would be able to say use bnb to snipe on
ethereum manic for example uh we haven't we could probably do that theoretically unless it load unless it did
the swap first unless it like pre-loaded that swap um and did it already then it wouldn't uh it would
be slower obviously so that's to do that transaction first but that would simplify some of the thought
like if you paste it in an address and you went to go snipe it for x amount and it said hey you don't
have enough uh ethan here do you want to bridge some from your wallet where you have this much bnb
and then and then it did it with uh houdini swap it kind of it kind of just preempted what you would
have to think about yourself that's actually yeah i'll uh i'll write that one down yeah it's just
something that i thought of i've seen cross-chain swaps and you know i watched an ama with one where
they had a screen share and they were um they were aping ethereum tokens with bnb and i mean of course
it's the same thing if you look at like a route if you're using say poo coin and you want to go um
you know into a stable for example a lot of times it'll route through say die which is really weird
but like you could go from bnb to busd and it'll route from bnb into die and then into busd so it would
be pretty much the same thing but i do understand your side from the speed where like with the bridge
the bridge side they would have to bridge prior to sniping instead of trying to do it all in the
same transaction which would definitely bog because of the routing oh yeah because the way
houdini swap works they have partners with cex's and other liquidity pools like that and uh there's
no fees for which is amazing houdini swap they don't make fees on on you they make the the referral
fees from those other swaps so it can be slow like you could wait up to 20 minutes for houdini swap
um bridge but there's no fees and so for sniping it doesn't make sense but for a lot of other types
of transactions or if it could figure out that beforehand uh that would be great we also i'm
i'm remiss to mention it but we're theoretically working on a new feature we're outlining it from
a pretty big influencer who asked for it um in terms of being i don't want to say who it is because
it's behavior that we that people look down upon with banana gun users but he wants to be able to fund
10 new wallets in the bot using houdini swap and snipe with it um and then have the money come
back out after he's done so basically just like multi-wallet nuking uh launches uh but doing it
anonymously so we're outlining we're outlining a pretty pretty insane feature to be able to do that
um and if we do that i think that'll actually move a lot of high level traders to us from banana gun but
uh that's something that we just started working on and talking about yesterday and it's a pretty
bananas feature that no one else has come up with yeah so that means you guys will have it ready by
tomorrow yeah i know definitely no question yeah making the insane possible like overnight
prodigy every time oh yeah that's uh like you said i i could see how it's frowned upon but i i also see
the the value the value proposition of it for the trader and i mean like you said the the main thing
you know the main goal is onboarding users and you know not not every not every practice or every
feature is going to be one that you know everyone is going to agree with or you know people are going
to see as as you said it's kind of like a moral kind of like a moral boundary on that but at the same
time you know just if you don't do it someone else will right and that's why people go with banana gun
i was actually talking and i don't want to eat up too much more time but i was talking to a friend
of mine uh yesterday and i told him hey man you should probably switch to prodigy i know you trade
a lot it's lesser fees and he's like mj uh people only care about what's fastest i'm a banana gun user
and i'm like dude you don't really snipe and he's like no and i'm like okay this is insane banana
gun has convinced people that they're the fastest bot but they're the fastest bot in one specific
scenario on like the hypest of hype launches with bundles otherwise it's not how blockchains work
it's just not how blockchains work and i explained it all and he's like okay you've made a really good
pitch and you've you've convinced me so but it's like you know you're you're you're fighting against
that tendency for people just to read the top line thing that banana is the fastest but they're not
uh they're not the fastest they're only the fastest in one scenario and crypto they didn't check
they didn't check the fine prints no exactly no one does so you know you're in that battle so if you can
add little features that convert the the biggest banana gun users then you can convert a few of
their followers and then it becomes a snowball and we're at the highest amount of users we've had ever
we're at the most amount of volume overall on average we've had ever so we're growing and we're just
gonna keep doing what we're doing yeah it's the the best way to do it and you know i i definitely
um definitely commend the way that that you guys work um the amount of new features the the speed of
development um all of those things i actually have something that i'm working on myself that will be
coming up here in the next few months or so um and i actually spoke with fuwa directly and we'll be
working out a partnership and we will be uh we will be using your guys's bot with a system that we are
setting up um which will be pretty much auto sniping auto selling due to our strategy um amongst it and
i mean with how cool fuwa is i talked to him about it he says oh yeah i really like that concept i bring
up you know certain features we need he said oh well some of those we don't have on the bot but i'll
tell you what i'll do i'll build a custom one for you and you'll just be able to use that so yeah really
love the guy yeah he's uh he's the most ethical and most talented and smartest person i've met in
blockchain and uh that's really amazing i'm really happy to hear that it'll be really cool to me to
work on something more directly than doing an ama together this is awesome yeah yeah really really cool
so i'm i'm definitely excited for that and you know i mean it literally took me 10 minutes for him
to say oh yeah no problem i'll help you i'll build i'll do this i'll make sure you have everything set
up properly i mean just just that speaks volumes to me personally yeah and you know that's that's one
of the things that that makes me feel a bit closer to the project is being able to trust the team but
but also knowing that the team cares and is willing to help others as well so um yeah as i said kudos
kudos to you kudos to the team um really really happy that you were on and were able to share with
everybody all of the um updates and and you know the direction that the project is going you know
all-time high in users is the statistic that i like to hear much more than the price went up 15
exactly agreed fully agreed but uh thanks for thanks for having this ama this rules this like let's wrap
this conglomerate ama this is a great idea oh thank you thank you yeah just you know kind of our way of
giving back i mean people came in they they wanted to support they chose us instead of you know others
and i mean we're we're the kind of you know group that likes to stand behind projects and and likes to
be able to offer more than just you know a possible price pump or anything along those lines you know we
we like to actually be able to fully support a group and support projects so really happy to have
you guys on um and and you know happy we can do this for everyone thank you yeah thanks again uh
for the blast um and we'll talk again soon obviously yes sir you have a good one mj you too looks like
now we are moving to the elephant in the room so we have sk crypto k here with us today and if you thought
that i did good on the mic well you were sadly mistaken because he's gonna come on here and blow
me out of the water so sk the floor is yours sir what up what up ken and mike check coming through
oh yes sir nice and clear all right what's up ken and blue amber thank you guys for holding this
conglomerate ama it's pretty dope of you guys to uh expose and update some of the greatest projects
you guys love and happy to be included on this list with elephant money so um yeah man just feel free
to stop me i'll just give a general update since the last time we spoke which i think was early august
and that was when the market cap for elephant money was around uh 200 million do you remember uh two
when i when i bought live on that ama it was about 230. ah 230 okay okay yep and i think right now we're
sitting at 448 million so where we're up from then we've got some impressive stats for those who have
were hearing this for the very first time just understand that elephant money is a decentralized
community bank on the binance smart chain and not only that we have a token that has locked liquidity
of over 85 million dollars across two lps you've got elephant paired with bnb elephant paired with busd
right and on chain we are the number two holder of bnb let that sink in for busd we are number five
holder on chain all right so when it comes to elephant money this is in uh two and a half year actually over
two and a half year old uh protocol that has deep liquidity that has good distribution and treasury
supply shockonomics unlike anything you've seen in d5 so when it comes to you know our growth since then
it all boils down to uh how the protocol performs buybacks on the elephant token right so if anyone's
listening right now feel free uh pull up a chart look at elephant money on that chart since its inception
of may 4th 2021 it is largely up into the right okay we've had some pullbacks we've had three separate
900 runs each of which we've bounced back from okay and nothing's different right now and we did all
this in a bear market mind you so so look like last time i talked with crypto canon blue and tortuga right
we were at 230 million market cap in a bear market and we're just now heating up but uh for for a bull
run right now but we're still you know well above 450 million market cap right now we've done all this
in a bear okay so all of this is mainly because of um the tokenomics at elephant money when it comes to
it being a finite supply token right it's a one quadrillion supply you cannot make any more some people
like to hear it as 1 000 trillion okay and of that you have half of it locked away in the graveyard
which is a smart contract rebalances from 50 to 51 percent all the time puts it into liquidity when
it rebalances but besides the graveyard holding 50 percent you've got the elephant treasury and this
is the key this is the whale that doesn't dump on you this elephant treasury is so important that the
founder named her bertha right bertha big bertha and of the 1 000 trillion tokens that are out there
she currently sits at 185 trillion out of that stack okay and she's perpetually growing you can look at
the comment section of this space and you'll see that i dropped some images there but you can see
that her token count on the pie chart is ever growing and why why does she do that it's because
not only on the token do you have fees that are collected in and out right on transfers by cells but
you also have other products in the ecosystem right we have an annuity style product called futures which
is 0.5 a day where you lock up your capital maybe you don't want to do that though we also have nfts you
can go do that instead where 100 of all the incoming funds minting nfts go into bertha so everything at
elephant money is aimed to do one thing harness all economic energy coming in right and that money
coming in purchases elephant token specifically to stuff into the elephant treasury bertha and the bigger
that bertha gets over time right she performs uh buybacks on the token she hoddles the token and she
is that friendly whale that will not dump on your head any other project that you get into you don't
know who these whales are right you're at their women mercy if you're if you're not there on launch day
you're likely going to get dumped on that doesn't happen at elephant right so for over two and a half
years deep liquidity bertha keeps getting bigger she is the benevolent whale that does not dump on you
you know exactly who the whale is and she is engineered to keep growing that's what the over 50 plus
contracts in the protocol does it keeps her growing so um i'll take any questions if you have any there
blue or ken what would you like to know uh well one thing i was going to throw in is is you gave a
little bit of talk about the chart movement and you know a couple of the runs that elephant has seen
um one one thing i i wanted to throw in there for people who may not know of the project
is when elephant money hit its original all-time high bnb was trading at a price of 450 per bnb
elephant money recently touched that same market cap number while bnb was sitting at about 220 per bnb
so obviously looking at a chart you can see oh well i don't feel early or this or that or you know having
your holdbacks because of that but elephant has a hundred percent run in it just from bnb price
moving literally without a single trade so you know with where it's sitting and where it's gotten
to with such a low bnb price you can look at the actual amount of bnb in the pool token count and not
token value and it has almost 50 more bnb in the pool it's just that the price of bnb has dropped
drastically which in my opinion has strengthened the protocol immensely yeah that's a really good
point man um i think the first time we did an all-time high was in march of 2022 okay so over a
a year and a half ago and at that time and just the bnb pool alone we had about 60 or maybe 63 000
bnb coin locked up in the lp and here we are today we have nearly a hundred thousand bnb coin right
and just like you said the first all-time high was with a higher bnb price we were at 430 dollars
per bnb today well it's not like 250 but largely we we've seen bnb go as low as 205 dollars per coin
and with all the bnb we have locked up in the lps we still basically hit all-time high right so overall
this protocol is about value capture it's all about value capture we are arguably are a better store of
value than even bitcoin when you look at the charts like even even standing today we are outperforming
95 of all the top 100 cryptos right we are up nearly 400 on the year alone right and this is also on top
of at the end of 2022 we had outperformed 100 of the top 100 cryptos that includes bitcoin and ethereum
so you're looking at a leading digital asset for two years back to back right and we're still
relatively underground we have a what 30 000 holders of the elephant token we have about 2800 users
inside of futures um we have a handful of thousands that hold the nfts but this is still underground and
yet you see a history a narrative on this protocol that you cannot find anywhere else in d5 you just can't
and the the the growth that we've seen in the last two and a half years is immense the protocol is
locking up more liquidity because it has attractive yield right besides just the token which you could
degen into and get multiple x's if you long-term hodl but you've got the futures annuity you've got the nfts
you have trunk farms you have stampede you have trumpet there's a whole slew of menu items right and
at this business of elephant money it's all about selling a product of yield that is attractive to
people and people are going ape shit over it they love this product and as we continue to scale and user
size it's all you know that economic energy is just being harnessed into one location
bertha the elephant treasury the benevolent whale that doesn't dump on you the bigger she gets
the harder the price becomes the more of a floor she establishes for the price not to dump below
that's what you have at elephant money so it's it's pretty crazy and i know crypto ken's been a huge
fan of elephant and you know following its moves the last several months but we're still only just getting
started yeah i mean definitely you know we're looking at like i was saying even just the market
alone you know the market alone could push elephant price up a hundred percent from here and that's
without anyone else buying or you know having having any other kind of buy pressure or anything along
the lines where i mean we're still seeing you know pretty pretty frequently six-figure deposits going
into futures and you know we're still seeing the trickle of mints and you know you'll you'll see
those 20 30 40 50k buyers sprinkled in there for the token i mean there's so many as you said so many menu
items but the key to it is that all of those feedback to the treasury gobbling up supply which is going to
continue to increase that price floor which you know it doesn't always guarantee the highs but it does
guarantee you have a stabilized floor that it can't go under and as it eats more supply of course it
creates a supply shock which everybody hears that term and everybody says oh yeah supply shock is
coming it's coming but 99 of the time you see that meme coins with no real liquidity backing that so
it creates a supply shock three people sell and the supply shock is gone so you know it's a it's a tough
one looking at it that way but when you see a supply shock happen in elephant and you see the chart start
to go upright i mean we just had a pullback from that high one guy one person sold 1.5 million dollars
worth of elephant token and he only dropped the price about 14 percent 99.9 of protocols in crypto if
they had a 1.5 million dollar sell that project would be wiped out it would be no more so that's
the key with this and then when you look at what that cell did and the fact that that same buyer
came back in and bought back up that supply all he did was feed the treasury and feed the liquidity
through that and that's the key of trying to strengthen bertha i mean if you look at the the statistics bertha
was at what 230 trillion tokens last all-time high 220 trillion yeah close 212 so yeah looking at like
you were saying nursing bertha back to hell elephant was able to get back to that high with the treasury
being what 20 smaller than it was the previous time it hit those market cap levels and with bnb price
being 50 percent lower than it was the last time it hit those levels and as sk said through a bear
market it has strengthened and not weakened through a bear market and i think that that's a really big
key to look at is the fact that it has accumulated more bnb it has accumulated more market share when
it's coming to that and as the market moves that bnb pair is going to move tremendously yeah now spot on
with all of that analysis man it's it's crazy to think that uh this protocol just keeps growing in
bear and bull cycles like this is this is an all year round type of protocol okay you have so many
different things to diversify into you know a lot of the the smart participants of elephant money
not only hold an elephant bag right they have they they have the token but they've also diversified into
futures and even just two weeks ago there was a one million dollar deposit across uh different
users but a million dollars came into the futures contract alone right and that remember 90 90 of
all incoming funds that just go into the futures contract 90 of those funds was used to buy elephant
token specifically for the treasury to then lock it up and the crazy thing when it comes to
sustainability is and i wish i had a screen share i can't show it but there's a multiplicative effect of that
incoming money let me give you an analogy right think of tesla and elon musk he has i think 14 of
all tesla shares which is like 455 million shares in his in his pocket right now when tesla price goes
up on the stock the stock price goes up like a dollar or two dollars elon musk's portfolio
jumps up nearly a billion dollars think about that that's what's happening at elephant money it's the
same whale economics because of bertha so as she gains more token count any little bit of price
appreciation that actually happens on the elephant token just grows her portfolio right today she is
valued at 80 what 84 million dollars in her bag okay and i think currently she has about an eight x
multiplier effect uh multiplier effect meaning if a hundred dollars comes in her bag goes up 800
off of that 100 that came in and that 800 she's then hodling because she has to pay the liabilities
of the system so let's just take futures for example there's been over 17 million dollars that have come
into futures alone this year of 2023 right and in that same time frame of 17 million dollars coming
in the treasury has grown over 70 million dollars let that sink in there's a multiplicative effect
on the value that she's hodling and it's in the comment section there's a a blue and yellow
chart right there but if you if you look at that you're not having screen shares killing you i know
i know dude if you had your screen share you would be pulling out all the stops right now i'm sure
yeah yeah but it's just incredible that multiplicative effect i don't think people really understand like
you know you can look at futures the annuity style contract and compare it to other roi
dabs that have come out or even ones that are out today like you know base drip and p drip and all
this stuff now you know mainly the money that comes into those just sits in a pot until somebody compounds
their bag up and then takes it out and then shrinks that pot of money at elephant it's completely
different because it's built on top of bertha the elephant treasury who then has an appreciating
mechanism on that value coming in so if if a million dollars came in today and gave the treasury
2.5 trillion tokens well by the time that that same one million dollars needs to be paid out
birth of the treasury doesn't sell 2.5 trillion tokens she's only going to sell like 200 billion tokens
she sells less tokens to meet the same dollar obligation because of those whale economics i just
described so uh pretty incredible to look at as a whole but um yeah man there's nothing more polish
out there in my opinion than elephant money it's it's just a rock star of a protocol and uh the founder
right the founder his name is bank teller he's a he's a docs dev uh tony perkins is his real name and
um he's he's a computer scientist from mit with over 25 years in business and economics he was a cto at
fidelity he's coded things at fidelity that handle trillions of dollars in its system even today
right this guy knows what he's doing and he's been coding for d5 for seven years now
and elephant money is the culmination of everything he's learned everything he's coded from the successes
and failures across the ethereum chain and tron chain and now elephant money is the culmination of
all of that experience that's why you have a protocol that's over two and a half years old that's not a
low liquidity startup from some inexperienced ass team this guy knows what he's doing he's already
built something and the trend is your friend look at the chart look at the chart zoom all the way out
and what is it doing overall it is up into the right in bear and bull cycles it gets no more bullish
than elephant money and just as a tidbit some have copied other things that he's built too but we won't
we won't get into that oh i mean there's gonna be copies of elephant money there's already been
no no before before elephant money you know what i'm talking about but oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
in my opinion there's only really one originator in d5 the innovator that people keep stealing from
and it's bank teller right he had something on tron called bankroll flow and then drip came and copied
it it forked it changed a couple things and we had the drip revolution and since that time frame of
bankroll flow we've seen over a couple dozen different forks of that same contract that have
all failed all of them have failed right and you know yeah they all have sparked that i i lost i lost a
lot of money in drip so i don't i don't really like reopening that wound but yeah yeah that one that
one ate about 30 grand for me so ooh yeah that's tough yeah it was it was if it if it would have
worked right i'd be making like 1500 a day right now but you know obviously obviously not yeah yeah
and that's what future six is because you cannot hyper compound in futures and you cannot serial claim
you know it requires a fresh injection of 200 busd to compound your bag in futures and anytime you claim
it deducts from your balance so when you have that mechanism you you have something so sustainable it's
it's it's crazy but you know you've got some people that are building their bag um you know personally
for me i'm aiming to lock my deposit up at a hundred thousand dollars so i'm going to leverage time i'm
going to compound you know once every couple weeks and i'm going to build my bag to a hundred thousand
and then i'm going to switch to a claim compound model which is going to generate me cash flow so
for one week i'll claim three weeks i'll compound and that one week i claim out on a hundred thousand
dollar bag is thirty five hundred bucks and then i'm going to build it for three weeks which is ten
thousand bucks at a compound back in but long story short i'm going to establish myself a monthly
passive income of thirty five hundred the first month and then the next month i pull out because
i grew my bag with the compound i'm going to pull out thirty seven hundred bucks the next month after
that four thousand next month after that forty four hundred after that forty eight hundred it keeps going
up and it's sustainable paid for by the elephant treasury bertha it's incredible like there's dune
analytics i could share um i'll drop a comment in there too so you can look at it for yourself but
we've got a pulse on everything happening at elephant money and it's just it's mind-blowing how all of this
stuff pieces together to perform buybacks on the elephant token to stuff into the benevolent whale bertha
yeah yeah yeah it's uh it's taken me a while to really really dig through analyze and and really
understand um how everything works in the ecosystem and you know kind of going over i mean we had a
couple chats between us two on you know sustainability side of it and you know even trying to look at it
critically and and find holes to poke it's it's quite hard to find holes to poke in that system
yeah it really is i encourage anyone to go look up the ya bonks he's a youtuber out there ya bonks
did an ama uh with me and for two and a half hours we go through everything and he tries to poke holes
wherever he can and this influencer he does his research he did over 80 hours of his own due diligence
in addition to like 10 or 15 just with me on the side and he is incredibly bullish on this protocol
look up the ya bonks ama and he's a bnb bull right so he sees elephant is already the number two holder
we will be number one a year ago we were like in the top 10 i remember doing amas talking about yeah
we're like number nine holder look at us now we're number two what happens when we hit number one we're
gonna get on cz's radar right and then just like you said earlier ken whenever bnb does its run in
the in the bull cycle it's just gonna propel elephant money that there's a spring-loaded action happening
right now we've accumulated so much bnb while it was cheap and then when bnb does a 5x elephants right
on the heels of it and let this blow your mind but we're only at a 450 million market cap right now
wait until we are multiple billions in market cap with a b multiple okay we're gonna have so much bnb
in the protocol that we will actually supply shock the bnb supply so now you have a protocol built on
top of bnb and elephant's already doing its own supply shock because we're gobbling up bnb we're
dropping the amount of tokens in the lps we supply shock on our own and then you're talking about we're
next level gonna go super saiyan and then what supply shock the actual supply of bnb and we're
built on top of bnb so it's like supply shock within a supply shock it's inception it's crazy what the
future of this protocol holds in bear it is crazy to think about that that side of it definitely is
crazy to think about because you know kind of how when we were talking about it previously you were
talking about how it can you know honestly sustain help sustain bnb price as it continues to gobble up
bnb and i mean definitely will so it's it's a really interesting one like you said because that's
that's already how the protocol is built is to be able to create that own shock with deep liquidity
you know supporting supporting that supply shock that the treasury is creating itself but then being
able to do that with bnb on top of it it yeah it's a it's a crazy thing to think of yeah it's crazy
and anyone who looks at the elephant money stats page there's you know just for fun he made a supply
adjusted price um you know he if you were to take the one quadrillion tokens of elephant and just for fun
change it to 21 million like bitcoin you have a supply adjusted price of 21 dollars and 38 cents
right now what does that mean that's how early you are on elephant money buying elephant token right now
is as if you're getting bitcoin at 21 dollars and who in their right mind would not get bitcoin at those
insane prices right that's what we're doing and we have an engineered model that actually stores that
value better than bitcoin because we have fee collection we have economic energy being
harnessed into bertha right that's how early you are you know not financial advice but you are looking
at a multiple multiple hundreds of x token from even today's price on just the token alone right if you
if you have the stomach to go up with the volatility up and down on the chart but you don't have to just
get the token remember you can get the nfts the nfts are paying you elephant token to hold and stake those
nfts and then you have futures annuity you can get that that calculative cash flow so there's there's so
many things i encourage you guys to do your research on elephant money you if this is your first time
hearing it do not don't sleep on this token it's crazy this ecosystem is is unlike anything you've seen
out there in defi or we'll see there have been multiple clones of elephant money alone i remember
there was one called spear finance i forget which chain it was on probably avalanche or something
or phantom and the dev was just doing nothing but talk shit the whole time about elephant money and
then they launched and their thing went belly up within a week that's how trash they were right
you can't clone elephant money because you can't clone liquidity everything out there in defi is low
liquidity startups from inexperienced teams that are hemming and hawing and like oh yeah we hope to
figure this out yeah we'll do 100x they could do 100x on low liquidity and just like ken said when three
people sell it's gone right you don't have that happen to elephant money it's deep liquidity it's a
juggernaut that will get its time in the sun we're underground right now wait until you think back
on this am and be like oh yeah i remember something about that elephant thing yeah do your research this
is now like don't sleep on this yeah and i mean that's the the sad thing you know i mean tokenomics
definitely are are key to things and like you said you know yeah you could take a a thin liquidity and
shoot it up 100k it happens on meme coins and everything else every day but it doesn't even
take the top holders in that scenario to change that very very fast i mean in the in the last dip
that we did have an elephant we saw one of those top holders sell his entire bag you know we saw a 1.5
million dollar seller and it it okay it dipped the chart a bit yeah but like i talked about before
it was what 14 or so that the chart did go down from that seller and really all it did was strengthen
and you know add to the treasury add to the liquidity it's already pushed back up to about
the position that that guy is sold anyways and the same guy ended up buying back in so you know the the
accumulation model and like you said bitcoin of course bitcoin has its own you know its own way of moving
and of course has higher volume etc but it doesn't have a tax ecosystem it doesn't have you know
another ecosystem built on it as you said like nfts the defy side having having the the futures or you
know mine type aspect to it that is bringing the money in flowing into the token etc so i mean it's it's
hard to try to to try to compare the two um but you know really really looking at it i mean that's
that's the biggest thing that changes everything is a 10 tax changes the entire way the token's traded
yeah it's all about the fee collection and even just speaking of the sell-off event that happened in
early october look at the chart we've already bounced back and bertha at the time of that pullback
recently she was sitting at 175 trillion tokens she is now at 185 so she didn't dump if anything
she took advantage of of the cheaper price right and all of the uh the the fee collection on the
cells and the buyback ends you know from people that panic sold it's like oh crap okay the protocol's
not dead let me buy back in bertha got her cut that's why she got bigger so all 50 plus
contracts are aimed at buybacks on the elephant token for bertha's sake and imagine when her 185
trillion today becomes 200 trillion 220 trillion 250 trillion the bigger she gets the more that price
appreciates and the the more the price actually hardens too and we can stave off little sell events
like this so i i hope people actually took advantage and dca'd on the dip which happened in a bear market
situation and you know you're just poising yourself for for huge uh gains non-financial advice do your
own research but you know the the the potential here the value proposition is immense when it comes
to uh this protocol and you know everything performed the way it was supposed to well i was gonna say you
know one of my one of my wallets are docs to you so so you can definitely see if i took advantage or not
i don't wallet watch but yeah i'm sure you bought that dude i'm sure you bought yeah yeah i actually
bought both dips i bought from the wallet that i have you on referral on the first dip and then when
the other guy sold off i bought that dip and then that guy bought his entire bag back and pushed it right
back to the same price so that the second dip was a really really good buy opportunity because even buy
and sell tax is already covered right right not only that but some of the people that actually
sold during that pullback they put their their funds into futures right so to me it kind of sounds
like some people don't have the stomach for any kind of volatility on a chart so they wanted to get that
calm cool calculative futures where you know they dump like 100k into futures and now you know they're doing
a you know a three to one compound claim schedule and they can actually calculate what their monthly
income is going to be so those are some smart plays that some people did uh unfortunately you know we've
had a huge run-up in the last three months where you know people only just got the token and then the
moment a little pullback happens they got shaken out so unfortunately even though that one guy hey i'm
happy that guy made his bread he got 1.5 million dollars in profit but because of him whoever it is or her
uh there were some panic sellers that that didn't have the stomach for it and now they bought back
in and they're at a loss because they sold with the 10 fee out and 10 fee back in when when they
re-entered so you know you just gotta have the stomach for that volatility otherwise i would just
say go into the nfts or go into futures and then you don't have to worry about you can you sleep well
at night not have to worry about looking at a chart yeah yeah i mean that's that's the the safer slower
you know slower side of it is is going that route and like you said if you don't got the stomach for
it you don't i mean it it all depends on when you got in and and i mean even as bt said how you got
in you know did you get in because your friend said this has gone green 88 of the last 90 days
or did you get in because you understand how the protocol works and that's that's a very big key to it
because if you got in just strictly based on price always goes up then yeah price goes down you think
it's over yeah yeah and that's because we're conditioned to think that you know and 95 of
all the defy and token launches like you're just conditioned to think oh if there's a pullback it's
definitely dead but no when you zoom out at elephant it's just crazy and you know um one of the charts i
love showing it's in the comments there but you can see that elephant token is still outperforming
the entire world literally the world and when you look at the price of um bitcoin gold apple the s p 500
google elephant is towering above all of them in price appreciation there's a nice chart that crypto
stew put together and uh yeah it just gets no better than that man like it just the the recent pullback
was very telling for a lot of people to show that this protocol is designed and it's done what it's
designed to do right which is capture volatility and channel it into bertha which is why her token
count got bigger right and she's pushed the price already back up yeah for sure i mean and that's the
that's the purpose of you know setting floors and i i think that that's where some people may be
misinformed as well i mean yes of course bertha does push the price up she does create supply shock she
she does those things as well but the main thing is price floor rising and that's a big part of that
shakeout is there you know when people are thinking oh well i thought she's just supposed to push the
price up push the price up the price floor up and you know that's what we saw from that is we had
real big sellers and some of the top wallets in the entire protocol sell off massive amounts i mean a lot
of you know six figure plus cells and and all of that shakeout and it's like you zoom in and on a
zoom in chart you're like oh my god oh my god it's dumping it's dumping and then you zoom out and it's
this little red line yep yep when in doubt zoom out and just look at the overall trend the token is not a
only go up token but the trend is an overall up trend and the trend is your friend so yeah always zoom out
yeah i mean you can look at even bitcoin and it's like bitcoin you pull up a monthly chart and you
look at you know the lows of 2020 we hit what thirty eight hundred dollars thirty five hundred dollars per
bitcoin that was the low of that cycle you look two years later last year the low of the cycle was
fifteen thousand five hundred dollars so when you're looking at floors you know it looks pretty good but
of course those that that bought at 60k you know are like oh my god it came down so much but then you
zoom out and you look at that trend and it's like by the by next cycle and and if you look at lows in
bitcoin there's pretty much a low every two years so if we're looking for two years from now the the low
of the next cycle for bitcoin should be roughly 22 to 24 000 for that low then when you get into
the next cycle and you're looking into 2026 by 2026 bitcoin's floor should be thirty thousand dollars
or higher so it's that same kind of situation you you look at the chart and of course if you're one of
the people that bought elephant at 580 million 570 million okay you probably are sweating a little bit
but then when you look at the trend of that chart and where it's recovered from where it's going to go
back to long term you you don't have as much to worry about but when you're in that short-term mindset
then yeah it may look bad for the time being same as you know people made fun of michael saylor because
at at one point before the bear market michael saylor's average bitcoin price was thirty eight
thousand dollars per bitcoin so at 60k it doesn't look bad right but at 15k everybody thinks he's an
idiot until he continued to dca through that time and now they just released um watcher guru just
released today that micro strategy is now in a one billion dollar unrealized game on their bitcoin
where just what eight months ago or i guess a little over a year ago they were at you know 55 loss
on their on their stack of bitcoin where now because they've dca through the bear market
they are now in a billion dollar unrealized game on their bitcoin yeah no that's what bt's aiming to
to have here too like we're so early on a 21 bitcoin that his goal is to mint millionaires and
billionaires at elephant money right like this is he's got some lofty ambitions for this and going
back to the trend even when you zoom all the way out to the inception of the token that very first little
run-up that we had that was actually a 1000 run before a little pullback and then from there it did
another 900 run before a black swan event which was the flash loan and here we are now a year and a
half later we just completed a 1200 run with a little pullback and now we're back up so what's
if we've survived three separate runs above 900 what's the next wave gonna be wave four and five and 12 and
like come on this has an overall trend that just keeps going up and uh man the next waves are going to
be really exciting and i think that the the recent pullback in early october that was the the new low
the new low now we're about to chart new territory it's gonna be insane yeah and i mean a lot of that
was mind games as well you know there was the flash loan last time it hit those highs and people that
are just chart watchers see you know lots of green up and then rapid red down and so i mean that's that's
what i was thinking personally when i saw those sell-offs was you know it's expected but it's also
because they know that they can play with the psyche of a normal you know normal investor and get
them to have that panic and sell off because oh is it is it going to do what it did last time regardless
of knowing the reason that it did that when you're strictly just looking at a chart and you see that then
you know it kind of sets that panic in for people yep yep absolutely so any other any other questions
i think i hogged enough of the mic i'm sorry guys you were the last one on i was gonna do a um free
shill time at the end but i don't see any projects requesting um that that weren't in our lineup
so i mean really we we can uh keep going if you want to keep going um or you have better to give
your your there's any parting words if you would like are there any listeners that have questions
that are hearing this for the first time maybe or any existing people yeah if anybody has questions
feel free to uh request the mic i will get you on yeah i'm not a couple of elephant folks in here too
i see jed crypto den couple others uh yeah if you guys uh have any comments or or anything you guys
would like to say mike is yours as well don't be shy i'm not on a time crunch or anything so i could
stay for however long people want to chat yeah i didn't have crazy amount going on today so that's
why i figured you know throw the free shill at the end if anybody wants to wants to throw anything in but
i mean the main purpose of this is just you know show support to those that that believed in us
came with us and and really just set ourselves apart from a lot of the rest you know we're not
we're not in this just to just to get people in and out you know we we actually care for research and
and pay close attention to the projects that do come with us
yep i think what you guys are doing is incredible but no i guess if there's no questions
um yeah that's pretty much it hopefully hopefully you guys do some research on elephant token
uh and the protocol itself futures and nfts extremely bullish trunk token has a very good value proposition
in the future as well so just uh there's a lot to take in but just start by understanding the token
and the sustainability with bertha and then piecemeal your way into futures and nfts and understanding the
rest of the ecosystem and know that everything else in the ecosystem has one goal which is perform
buybacks of the elephant token for bertha um the benevolent whale who's just gonna keep that price
floor uh rising so yeah no thank you for the for your time uh blue and ken yeah definitely definitely
thank you for coming sk i i definitely appreciate it i mean i could sit here and listen to you speak
elephant for for hours and hours so um definitely appreciate you coming appreciate everyone else
coming in as well um i do not see anyone requesting so yeah i think we will just uh wrap it up but yeah
thank you everybody for attending um really appreciate all the speakers all the projects and um it's been
great see you guys on the next one