Totally Rad Doodlcorn Space w/GNAR AF DAO⚡️🔥🦄

Recorded: March 24, 2023 Duration: 1:03:31
Space Recording

Full Transcription

What's up slick here 24 carrot. What's up CJ you there? Yep, what's going on? How you doing today? Hey, David. Hey doing good man. Just you got the co-host role
there. Yep, got it all set up there. Thank you. I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys got going. I know just with with me being so busy on my end I admit
a few different projects just haven't had the time to keep up. So I'm really looking forward to it tonight getting up to speed and all the cool stuff that you guys have going. So this was perfect.
Yeah, timing was great. What's up, nightshade? What's up, Jason? Thanks for joining us guys. Hopefully we'll get some more peeps going in. We'll give it a few minutes.
Yeah, it was funny when you texted me our DM me last week because we were just talking about getting a space going and just as I was about to set one up, you DM'd and they're like, "Hey, let's get a space," and so it was great timing. We had it on our private calendar, but hadn't shared it publicly yet, so worked that good.
What's up, Nightman? I got Chelsea up here. What's up, Chelsea?
I don't know if she's going to be a speaker. But we got some cool stuff. Chelsea's been working really hard on the art for us for Doodle Corans.
We actually have a really cool reveal tonight. Kind of teased it in the discord earlier today. So the mod team has seen it, but we're going to bring it up for everyone else to see. What's up, Joey B?
Joey you're certainly welcome to come up here if you want but if not you can hang out Joey be joined us recently helping us out with some collabs with rumbles and poker and other things so that's been really cool Awesome awesome. Yeah, what's up Joey? I know I've seen you
in a few different discords. I know I love seeing familiar faces. That happens a lot. I found that with the collections that I have been finding recently. And I've been getting into is that it's people that have a very similar outlook on what we're trying to do here.
Yeah, I agree. I mean, it's so interesting, you know, the longer you're in the space, I think the bigger community you build, but then it's also the trick of trying to grow beyond your community that you normally deal with. So it's great in terms of meeting new people and getting some more eyes on your project, but then again, it's also tricky because then you can't spend as much time
with the people that you are used to, you know, but it works out. Yeah, it's a balance. It's a balance there. So, and there's no one right answer to how to do this. I think that we're all seeing what works and seeing what we can do to support our communities and communicate and get the information
out that they need and the right medium and trying to find that right level between communicating and I don't even want to say we're pastoring but like you know you're like there's you want to find that sweet spot and I think it's something that's I can
Continue will thing when you're working on a project and you're just super excited about everything that it is that you're doing you want to share like everything and I think that you what just have to Make sure you're you're communicating effectively up what's going on so people can digest it quickly
That's the thing I'm going to gain some time is money. Yeah, well that's why you know when we started spaces up again we used to do spaces a lot we did them last year and we did a bunch of bunny squad spaces we called them so it was all bunny projects I'm sure you remember that a few of you guys were here
listening in. But we wanted to get back into spaces and really wanted to make it like a 60 minute hit. You know, there's so many spaces I feel like now are so long and they drag them out and you end up talking about, you know, your family and your dog and like what's going on and things just go...
sideways. I try to keep things on track. Everyone here has, like you said, time is money and people have lives and things to do. I hope tonight we'll get a couple more minutes for people to come in and then we'll start digging into some information about our projects.
I know we have a couple of giveaways we're going to do and we also have a really cool reveal we're going to do tonight for the community between here and on Discord so we hope you guys hang out for that. That's awesome. That's awesome. Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and throw something just up
into the nest. I'm doing a giveaway today. It's a mystery. It's going to depend on how many people we end up with in the space. I'm feeling super generous and I'll leave it at that. So I like a little mystery.
There you go. Yeah, if you want to go ahead and set that up, I just want to say hello to Big Bear and Yowzer. It feels fun. Grizz, I see you in here, a couple of other people, a couple of others have already been here for a little while.
I appreciate y'all jumping in. I think we all know each other and have been around the space for a while and know the projects but I've been trying to share the

FAQ on Totally Rad Doodlcorn Space w/GNAR AF DAO⚡️🔥🦄 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast?
The topic of the podcast is an update on the projects and developments in the NFT space.
Who is hosting the podcast?
The podcast is being hosted by Slick and CJ.
Who else is joining the podcast?
David, Joey B, Chelsea, Nightshade, Jason, Grizz, Yowzer, and Big Bear are joining the podcast.
What is the role of David in the podcast?
David has the co-host role in the podcast.
What is the name of the project Chelsea is working on?
Chelsea is working on the art for Doodle Corans.
What cool reveal is being teased in the podcast?
A cool reveal is being teased for Doodle Corans in the podcast.
What is the balance that needs to be found when communicating about a project?
The balance that needs to be found is between communicating effectively and not over-communicating.
What is the goal of the podcast?
The goal of the podcast is to update the community on the progress of the projects and developments in the NFT space.
What are Bunny Squad spaces?
Bunny Squad spaces are spaces where bunny projects are discussed.
What is the duration of the ideal space according to the hosts?
The ideal duration for a space is 60 minutes according to the hosts.