Tower Conquest, what it is and what to expect

Recorded: Nov. 17, 2022 Duration: 0:46:48



Hello, can you guys hear me? Yeah, I can hear you just fine. What about you? Awesome.
My clear.
I'm not entirely sure. So yeah, you are good just hooking up the AirPods and then process to the community so more people can join far.
GMGM everybody we're going to get started. This is going to be a recorded space. So anyone who wants to tune in later on or join halfway through can catch back up afterwards. So it'll be recorded and posted back on here. We can go ahead and get started.
It's great to connect with you and kind of go through your project. Maybe we can just start off by going through a high level explanation of tower conquest and what brought you into the Web3 space.
Thanks very much for having me. I'm Suncat. I'm a VP product at Supergaming. We're in India based studio of 150 people. We've been building games for at Supergaming for several years between our games
in Web 2, we've got something like 200, 250 million players playing our games. This is our first attempt at making a Web 3 game, but it's based off of an existing Web 2 game called Table Conquest. This is Table Conquest Metabolist Edition, so that's the
difference between the two and we really rebuilt a lot of the game ground up right so it's a lot more accessible and you know you can get started free so it's it's very different from most of the games there's no NFT barriers there's nothing to really there's no money
to put on some. I saw you playing the game a little while ago. And you know, I saw you picking up the game really quickly with, you know, there's no guide out there that's actually walking you through it. I saw you making a squad, you know, looking at the stats of the different units. And I saw you picking up the
strategy right then and there. And so yeah, so it's a tower defense game, it's real time, it's PvP, so that's what we are offering. We build a lot of PvP games, so we've got shooters, we've got social deduction games, and this is one of our best selling titles, still date.
That's awesome to hear. I can see that you guys have the Web2 version which is a tower conquest not metabers edition and it's pretty successful in Web2 in the
regular mobile gaming. And I did play it earlier today and it was actually a lot of fun and I think some people enjoyed it who were watching. I think it's going to be a game that's easy to pick up but hard to master.
You know, those games are always the most intriguing.
I saw that you guys already had the feature and so it's the open beta right now You already have the feature of upgrading and I guess it's called minting but they're not they don't have any monetary value yet You get your characters and then you're pretty much your army and
and you can also battle against other online people. So I tried out all those features today on the stream and for anyone that wants to go watch it, you can absolutely go and check out that YouTube. But it was a lot of fun. And I kind of want to just make a week and reel it back and kind of go through your team a little bit more.
your experiences and I know you guys like you said I had created tower conquest for mobile gaming in web too. Do you care to explain any more of your experience and why you guys came into web 3 as a team? Yeah sure so you know we've been building free to play for a
over a decade. So most of us, me for example, I've been in gaming for the past 14 years now. So I've seen premium games, I've seen the advent of free to play, then free to play becoming the primary way of making and playing games. And you know, Web 3 is the next step, right? So
We've seen these shifts in the industry happen, where what's normal is changes and then new things come up, new models come up, new ways of engaging with the community come up. I mean, free-to-play did a lot for the gaming community in general.
Web 3 as the next natural step. So this game has been in development for the past 9 months now. A lot of it focusing on making sure that the economy makes sense, the game is still fun. So we're building on first principles. So to us, on the Web 2 side, for example, we
We have players who have been playing this game literally since it was in beta. So that's over six years ago. We have people who mostly just spent money on the game. It's a Web2 game. So there's no way to really make money. On the Web3 side though, we wanted to preserve that experience of being able to pick up and play the game right away.
But also make something on this idea you're investing your time in a game You're having fun you may choose to spend some money But hey at the end of the day you're getting something really really fun to play with and that's kind of where we approach all our projects from Are other projects? This is our only web 3 game at the moment, but our
other projects are a social deduction game in Web 2. That's got 20 million users on it. We've got a shooter game that's got 70 million on it. We're building a battle royale that's been in development again for about two years. That's built by a team of 50 people. And yeah, we've got a very wide kind of
except of experiences. And each team is fairly autonomous. The team behind TCME is 18 people. Some of the smartest folks I've met and worked with. Arjun's here. He's from Combs and Marketing. He's also a listener. I think he's under our official channel.
- Very cool. - Yeah, that's impressive. I know you guys seem like you have a lot of...
a lot of success under your belt so that's really exciting to see and hopefully we could be able to translate that over into Web 3. So I wanted to see if we could dive a little bit more into the gameplay. You know, as some people saw that I streamed this morning and it's a fairly simple
game, but there are a lot of different variables and that includes the Kingsman and the Undead factions. Do you hear it go over just a high level gameplay and then we can dive into more in depth of the factions, the cards,
So it's a top of defense game. So the basic objective is to destroy your opponent's tower. So you make a squad with four minions and one hero. There's different kinds of minions, right? So there's damage
dealers and stanks, we have support minions, they'll come out in the future but right now there's 8 to start with and it's a mix and match you can pick whatever you can slot whatever kind of minion you want to in any slot and then there's a slot just for the heroes.
So there's two heroes available at launch. I saw you try both of them. I also know that you didn't like one or the other. So each one has its own strengths and weaknesses, right? So certain units like the tanks, like the Galen the Black Knight, which I saw you using several times over and also minting several times
are your frontline units. So these are the ones you really want to send out, kind of protect the rest of your squishy army like the archers and the bansheets, things like that. So it's basically a game built on counters. So when you send a unit out, your opponent sees that, analyzes
what's going to be the best unit to counter that and then there's this constant movement in strategy. So it's not just click click click this is a very set strategy each play. It's this constant tug of war and constant shifts in strategy that makes this game so exciting.
Yeah, I completely agree just from the like a quick glance at it from this morning. You can really tell that there's a lot of variables and just with the beginning, you know, eight units that you're available to choose from, there's different strategies. I started out, you know, there you do have
the option just click, click, click away. But in the end, if you start getting up in the higher levels of the MMR and fighting against other people in the higher ranks, they're going to have different strategies like with the undead factions, they might not have a lot of damage up front, but they have their abilities, which
can really make a difference in the match. Correct. So for example the Golem, while he's a little more squishy, he regents health. The Banshee's got great AoE and so does the old one, which is why the old one's damage looks
so underwhelming when you open up the card but then you know if your time is just right he smashes people's heads up and while we've got only eight units at launch there's we've got 80 units that we're going to be bringing out over time the only
we haven't brought it all out in one shot is you know we need people to learn and get familiar with the game. Form strategies right and you you'll see a lot of seasonal content coming out every few months you'll see new units come in new strategies being formed and yeah
It's absolutely a top tier PVP. It's bonkers. The number of strategies that we've seen people come up with, stacking a certain unit, being able to send out and really save themselves literally in the last second. It's a blast.
Yeah, I could definitely see that just from this morning. So maybe we can dive in a little bit to the different types of the gameplay. So I know we have the campaign and we have PVP mode. And then I also saw the wager mode, which I didn't try out this morning, but I was very interested in seeing what that was.
So the campaign mode is just against the AI, right? This is the free to play mode. You stop playing the game. There's no money down. There's no NFTs to buy nothing. Sign up for an account and just stop playing the game. You own tokens, the essence tokens by just simply playing
campaign. That's it. That's all you've got to do. You use the essence to mint charges which you did in the training feature. So for anybody who's joining in, I would very highly recommend looking at watching the stream once on YouTube. A lot of this will fall into context once you've seen it.
So you constantly mint new charges using the essence that you earn in campaign. Now the wage mode is another free mode, right? So there is a limit to the number of campaigns stages you're able to play each day. But see you need more essence.
You can wager your essence so the wager starts at 50 essence aside. So if it was you and me, we'd both be waging 50 essence each and it's when it takes all. So when you win, you earn 100 essence and I lose whatever essence I put down. So this is again a great way to
really try to maximize your you know, min max your essence earnings every single day. You are still matched with it's still a pimpy mode. You are matched with players of similar skill. So it's not like if you're a new player you'll get matched with a guy who's been playing for you know a year and you lose all
all the essence you've minted in the day or in the week. So we take care of things like that. We want to make sure that everybody is enjoying the game also earning something out of it. So the wage of mode is an excellent risk taking kind of mode to experience. We do that every once in a while or so.
I'm going to play a few campaign stages and then just go and rage against somebody. It's basically betting on yourself. Without the essence of gambling in Bolt, it's skill-based.
And in the future, we're going to have more modes coming out. So there's plans for about, you know, one new mode coming out every quarter. So by the end of next year, you'll see at least another
four or five modes coming out. Different ways of engaging with the game. Some will be PvE and the others will be PvP. You know, we're going to be doing tournaments, we're going to be doing leaderboards, we're going to do a lot of fun stuff.
That's awesome to hear. And you know, you know, ready player now would love to be part of those tournaments and part of that progression. And to go kind of deeper into the consumables, I know you have the essence here. But then you also have crowns and athernium. You might go on over what are those used for?
Right so crowns are essentially proof of play each time you get into a PvP game Whether you win a lose it doesn't matter which way you earn some crowns If you win you earn more Crowns are also how we place you on the leaderboard the more crowns you had the higher you are
So pretty straightforward. It's a way to really acknowledge who the best players are without having to go to their profile and check each one out. So there's other ways of showing that. Eternium is our token. We've not launched it yet. We will be sometime in the future.
We just don't want to do the standard utility plus governance token and call it a day. It does have use cases that we plan for and they will come out in the future at which point we'll also also token. So that's the end game end game for us, right? We want the game to be popular. We want people to
enjoy the game first before actually saying, "Hey, here's the token." But that's it. All value that people in this game does it grow towards the top. So that's it, crowns, that's an ETN, ETN's short for the tournament. And we'll be sharing more plans as we go along.
other pieces, a lot of these assets are reinvestable in the game. So essence, for example, a combination of essence, crowns and ETN can be reinvestable
back in the game to upgrade your units even further. So it's not just, hey, all of my money is stuck here in this one token. You can actually use them back inside of the game.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And kind of to zoom back out and then into into another section. I wanted to ask about, you know, I know you said right now, it is it's free to play. We have the open beta right now is that
Is there going to be some sort of extra access? Is there going to be NFTs that kind of get you higher access? Can you explain a little more on that? Sure. So the game will always be free to stop. Right? So the camera
Payn is even on mainnet when we go live next week. It's going to always remain free. You can still participate in the game. You can still play against the AI. There's also going to be ways where you can mint additional copies of the units and you can try PVP out. NFTs to us.
at least come in the latest series of the game. It is a PvP oriented game and those energies are pretty powerful but you don't absolutely need one to play the game. So it's not gated in any mechanism and it's also not needed when you're just starting off in your PvP journey.
You can play and win battles with just your minions when you start the game. The NFT is really kicking in the mid and top tiers of PvP. By this point, you're already good at the game. We hope you're enjoying it, which is why you've gotten that far. And that's where we really see, hey, this is a
way to stay competitive because you know that others are going to be doing the same thing. It's not purchased power, it's earned power. So sometime in the future there will be ways of acquiring these energies. We've not talked about it yet, but yes, there will be ways of getting these and it's not a standard mint.
I'd like to put that out there. It's not just going to be, hey, go and mint or NFTs. We want people to be able to go out on them by displaying. We want people to be able to buy them, but also on them. So it's going to be a combination. And once again, I know I'm not going to much into details right here, but high level, these will come out as the game comes out.
That's awesome to hear. I like to hear that. One of the things that I wanted to ask about is, you guys are building on Polygon. Is that correct? That's correct. Gotcha. And I wanted to see what was your pull towards Polygon? What made you choose building on that blockchain ecosystem?
system and kind of going through and using, I know you, when I first logged in, you also had the sequence wallet. That's very explain a little bit more on that and what made you go that route. So it's actually their interconnected, right? So sequence works fantastically on polygon and so we started off, you know, really
picking polygon we had a choice between going on Sol, Wax or Poly. Polygon at that point was already maturing. Wax does have more games on it, sure, but it's not as mature as polygon is. There's more support from a developer perspective. The
active in their community and it's just fast, right? It's just much much faster than most of the things out there. We did look at other chains. Solana was probably the second biggest contender we had but we ended up in polygon for a couple of other reasons. One of them being sequenced, right? It's not just a
gas prices achieve, it's sequence lets us actually fund users gas. That's something we plan on doing. We don't want to be, you know, hey, you're buying a couple of dollars worth of assets. Yeah, you shouldn't have to pay 10 bucks in gas to buy something worth two bucks, right? Sequence lets us do that.
And also, you know, with sequence, the onboarding is really simple, right? You really straight from just sign in with the social account. If you've got a Gmail account or a Facebook account, it's literally one click away. There's no concept of, you know, memorizing 12 pass phrases, writing them down somewhere,
I hope your dog doesn't eat it. Something like that. I actually had that happen to me. I wrote my Madhavask passphrases down somewhere and my kids tore apart my dog chewed up another end of it. So it's if I ever lose an account I'm dead. So now that exists here. Right.
And to top it off, sequences, it's not a custodial wallet, right? So users, if you sign up for a sequence wallet, for example, all the assets in it are yours. So we have no control of it. We don't ask for custody sequences and custody you do. So it's as good as Metamask or any other, you know,
wallet out there but it's just simpler. Yeah I agree I like that non custodial wallets for a big reason is the you know the onboarding of web 2 into that web 3 you know are you I wanted to go through a little bit of that target audience are you looking for some of you
Web 2 audience to enter into this Web 3 metaverse. Absolutely. We are trying to bridge a lot of these gaps ourselves. Web 3 is definitely a big future. People paying for games upfront
to being people playing games for free to now people being able to play games and also on one side. So this is like I said before right it's a natural transition. So since we've been here so long it's part of our responsibility to really start bridging that gap ourselves. So we can't give up
a lot of the, you know, the, the smoothness of what free to play offers, the onboarding, for example, the UX and it offers just because we're in Web 3. So we're going to be pushing a lot of the Web 2 pieces over to Web 3. We believe they can coexist and there's no reason for not to
Absolutely, I completely agree. And for anybody who has any questions just to put this out there, if you look in the bottom right of this space, you'll see the little chat bubble on the bottom right has a little one there should be highlighted. Feel free to ask any questions in there and then we can also enter them right in here too. But if you have any questions, please feel free to
to ask. Yeah, I saw a few questions in this court. We were chatting about this last night in this morning. Simple we're asking when the tokens are released and what the burn mechanisms look like for those tokens and how they
free to play player gets involved into that. Alright so at launch we're launching with essence that's the primary you know the equivalent of SLP if you want to call it that I don't call it that that's the best way to look at it or at least the closest we'd look at it so that's where we're launching with each
ATN are final token will come out sometime in the future. All the units that you see in game are actually tokenized. They're all on blockchain. You can, you are C1155, so you can literally pull them out the game anytime you want to. As for use cases, how you start on
is simply clear the campaign board. Tokenomics, especially for ETN, we will be announcing soon use cases, one accrual of value that's obviously top of the list, but also fundamentally uses in game. So being able to, for example, upgrade your heroes,
that requires EPN, it requires essence, it requires a couple of other resources that you'll see come into the game. Upgrading your units, upgrading your black knight, for example, that too takes EPN, it takes essence. So it's not just a one and done kind of thing, right? So this is a very layered economy.
it's not complex, it's layered. So there's multiple use cases than just saying, hey, ETN is a store of value. It's not that simple. You actually do have some use for it inside of the game. So you can choose to, for example, earn all your essence, the essence you earn every day, you could choose to cash it out.
because a bunch of people who need this essence in PvP, you can serve them. And that's I think one of the other things we do very differently than most of the games you'll see in the space. This is something we saw. I'm not sure how many people agree with us, but our view is this. Most games
today don't just have a paywall up front. They also if if you're trying to make money off a game that you're playing now you need somebody to follow you and actually buy those things off of you right so you're an older player you've been playing the game longer and to cash out you need a newer player to come in and buy those things off of you.
That's what happened in AXI, that's what happened in PEGLE. So that's why you'll see these tokens go up in value and then crash because there's just not enough demand. We're flipping the equation. It's not new, old players trying to dump their assets and new players. It's old players needing new players to come in because the new players are bringing
the supply. Not the other way around. Very simply put, if you're an older player and you're engaged in PvP, you're playing a lot of PvP, you're going to be needing a bunch of essence to produce units. That's a bulk of your army. Where does this essence come from? It comes from new players. It comes from people playing campaign.
is that's a primary way of making essence. Sure, you can also wager some of your lessons, but we expect a lot of free players coming in, just playing the campaign, wagering, perhaps engaging in some PvP, but then that cycle through goes to the PvP players who are really, you know, now at this point it's competitive, right?
So that's kind of how we built the economy for this game. It's got to be people who are passionate about the game and are willing to spend more time and money on the game, you know, not money for us, but money towards the rest of the community. That's how we want this game to grow.
Yeah, that makes sense. And then, I know we mentioned that currently there's two heroes that can that can be played. How many of you will see at launch and what is launch? It's still to launch it's to but we've got 15 heroes and they'll be coming over. Yep, we've got we've got five
I know Arjun is going to kill me because I shouldn't be talking about stuff like this. I can see him typing and telling me not to say all of this stuff. So there's two factions that launch. There's two factions that launch four units and one hero each.
We've got a total of five factions that we will announce that we have a lot of stuff we'd love to reveal over time. That's all Argentine and we've got over 80 units. So it's a combination, the 80 units is a combination of those little minions that you see plus the heroes. So heroes, I think
we've got 15 and this game is completely balanced right because we've been running the game for so long we know what every single unit does we run millions of games probably billions of games now at this point because again you know six years of operating it so we know the game works
So how does that car balancing and those balancing look like for you guys in the back? And are you guys regularly adjusting stats? Is it on a schedule? Is it daily? So when we design a new unit, what we try to do is first really understand which gap we are trying to fill, right? So
That's the design stage. Once we've got to design what we're essentially doing is running a few million simulations on the cloud platform where we fit that new unit in different comps against a bunch of pre-made sets of enemy units.
That's just at the design phase. Then after we launch it, then we're tracking every game, every play, every single unit ever used. So that's how we identify which cops are OP. That's how we actually identify what the matters are, what
different comms people come up with, what are the total strategies, what the opening looks like, what the mid game looks like. So it's very mobile, it's very CCG kind of approach. Once again, you know, this is all from our webtoon side of things, but you know, same thing translates over here. That's it.
We're not scared to ban hammer stuff. We will bring the nerf bat if we see something that's OP. We believe in fairness. We think everything should be on player scale, not because you've got access to something that's powerful. So if we bring something out that's too
overpowered will now fit right away. And all of these, you know, these are automated alerts that we have set up on our system. So our backend actually tracks not just games but also which cards are being used in which comps they've been used. So if we say for example, see an overuse of a certain
unit in a certain squad we start looking at those squads and those units more deeply. So we get a few of these alerts every once in a while now but each time we release a new unit we get a bunch of these alerts and then we're just constantly you know retuning tweaking numbers so the values you see on any of these units
that's they're all chosen for a reason. And yeah, that's kind of how we balance the game in the past and we'll probably have the same kind of approach in the future. But those 80 units I talked about, they're all balanced already. So as you see them come out, you will start including them, you'll start seeing why they are so useful.
That's great. That's awesome. So most of it is back in data for even create the unit that you're looking at. And when Meta's do form
What does the adjustment time frame or expectation look like for that? I think the question kind of goes back to Axi and how they would adjust Metas actively during off seasons to not affect, I guess, different seasons. And I might lead to different questions.
Is there going to be seasons in tower conquest and how does balancing an overpowered meta come into play there? All right, so I launched the first part seasons absolutely derogal these seasons duration of season not yet fixed our full seasons one month long
It's the month of December. Our future seasons may be the same length, maybe longer. We'll decide once we get there. Each season we'll bring out new content, new units, very likely, possibly every two or three seasons we'll bring out a new mode. So that's kind of what to look forward to.
Now, as to what happens mid-season, right? So if we do find some comms that are OP, yeah, like I said, we will nerf it. We're not scared of nerfing it. We understand that it will affect people. It will affect gameplay. But it's unfair to the large majority of people who are not abused.
in the system. It's one thing to be creative with the circle comp. It's another thing to abuse a system that's not supposed to be doing that. So we've had this happen again. We've had this happen in Web2. We've run tournaments for Tau Conquest, the mobile edition.
in the past. And whenever this happens, we were very, very clear on what the actions are. So we've got a 3-step process on how to identify if potentially if people are attempting acts. We've got that. If it's us, if it's us-involved meoculpa, we'll admit to it.
And at the very, very worst, we've reached the leaderboard if you see there's too much at stake. So that's our nuclear option. But most of the times, we will want people not to use a certain comp. We will actually convey that to a community saying, "Hey, we've identified that this comp
is giving you an unfair advantage. It's one thing to be creatively using a unit. So for example, one of the comps that is very popular is having the old one hero tied up with the bone tower. So the bone tower does this AOE pull where it pulls a bunch
of units, slows them down and the old ones slams them all. That's perfectly fair, right? Because that's the element of skill that's intended. Now if people find something that we don't know of and there is not intended, then yes, we will very likely take action there.
That makes sense. So it sounds like you guys aren't gonna wait off season. Like if there's something that seems pretty broken and starts being abused and pushing people to top of the leaderboard, you know very rapidly. Yep. That's something that's absolutely. And yeah, and turn it on time so usually, you know, we identify problems like this.
within the first 24 hours of it going out. Again, because of our alert system, we know what's happening. Plus, you know, we're looking at large volumes of data, we're looking at live streams as they happen, we're looking at people putting out YouTube videos. So, you know, we work with the community, have
If we get a bunch of reports in the community, we've got to see a CX team that's actually reading all of this stuff. It's not a black hole. So when people submit reports to us saying, "Hey, we think that this is, there's something wrong here with a screenshot and a quick one-liner. We actually have people investigating all of this stuff in real time."
That's great. One thing that I think is different, and it would be good to talk about, because I think a lot of the relation to the gameplay is referred to some CCGs and CCGs, but
cards or units that you guys have in your game are one single use items, right? What would love to hear how those are generated and if there's any other ways to burn them outside of just gameplay?
So how did you generate this? You again, you earn essence and then you train these units. So to train these units, we've got another asset called a building. So think of any army, right? Where do they get trained in a barracks in some kind of army building?
So each fraction right now has one omnibilding each one the the kinksman have the barracks and they under the sub culture so you pump essence in into these buildings and again you know this is does a great video explainer that Josh is already
So you put essence into these buildings and you train these units. As for burning them, the primary mechanism right now is in PVP. There are alternative mechanisms coming in the future. Again, I can't talk too much about it, but yes, there's more than just that one use case.
Awesome. Yeah, I know we chat a few things so if I'm alluding to something that's not yet out, let me feel free to stop.
I think that makes sense. So I guess another question is how do you acquire the barracks or the support that you mentioned for carrying those units? So at launch, you are giving out a lot of these assets to communities, right?
Sometimes in the future you will be able to either one buy them directly off of the communities or other places that they are for sale or to mint them yourself. The minting is a long-drawn process. It requires a fairly large amount of resources to be invested.
But it's still a community building, right? It's something that we see in the hands of communities and not individuals. You don't need, you don't need to absolutely own your own building to play the game. You could just simply rent one or you could send your rest in the
So, you know, one of your friends who owns one or your guild members who own one and have them mincons for you. So, you know, we're pretty fair about things like this. There's enough buildings to go around, but they are limited in supply. It's definitely not one building for everybody.
Yeah, that makes sense. And that's kind of a mechanism to help handle the supply of cards being minted. So you guys have lovers on both the supply and
and the the sink side of things. I know we talked about it before when we had our call but just for the people who were in this column for people who
want to join in two and a later. I know that you mentioned the guilds and the communities you wanted in the hands of the guilds and communities. What is the reclenter partner with guilds and communities and scholars too?
Yeah, awesome question. So we're launching the game again, we're launching the game next week, next Friday, the 25th of November. So we're doing two things for every community that's launching the game with us. Number one, we're setting up an LP that only your community can access. So when you're trying the game on
for free and earning essence, you can actually deposit that essence into an LP and pull USD/SELT. This is number one. So just literally playing the game for a few minutes today, you can earn some money. Number two, we are air dropping assets into every community and guild we're partnering with. So these assets are the buildings and
and the SFT cards. So what this is going to do is you know any one of you who's interested in playing the game reach out to the folks who are running your guilds and ask them for copies of the scouts right. You can use that to get into PvP right away. Down the line the S and
that all of you are meeting together, I'm sure you'll figure out a way how to get the essence into the buildings, generate more cards. And we're announcing Entornement soon. And this will give you a great chance to get use of the game, form your strategies, and be part of a launch tournament.
That's super exciting we can't wait. I know we already have some people in our discord downloading the game and getting ready to jump in there on the 25th and of course, you know, we'll have our barracks ready and being able to support the creation of those units.
us. Yeah, can't wait, man. I mean, would love to play with some of you. I'm not yet on the RPD community, but I will join. Would love to have some games with you guys. We as developers
We typically have a lot of fun playing with our community. In fact, we typically, you know, several also weak while we're developing and testing the game, we end up playing with a lot of our community, you know, completely unaccident. The thing is, we
know their people who are playing, they don't know its developers playing against them. So yeah, I mean, we do a lot of fun stuff. Yeah, there was this one time, this one person who is a very early beta player for TCME, ended up beating every single one of us.
They were just chain queuing and we took turns in queuing in chain with him just to see who could beat him. He beat all 18 of us and then Arjun Renton found this person. So we do a lot of fun things like this with the community and we're very open
I would love to invite all of you to follow us on TG, join our Discord. Happy to answer any kind of questions, right? We build with our community. To us, our players are first. If you're not happy, we're not doing a good job. That's the way we see it.
Yeah, that's the way it should be done, right? So I'd love to hear that and love to see you guys jumping in maybe I'll have a Magic you and You can you can school me a few times before I pick up on what the
I am pretty sure I'm going to lose, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose, but yeah absolutely would love to have that game with you. I'm not even going to ask Josh because he figured out this track in like three minutes and is like okay.
That's like, okay, this is literally one of the best and quickest reasons I've seen anybody play the game. Oh, that's awesome. I had to put him up as a pro player then. Oh, yeah, absolutely. I think he'll wreck the lead once.
That's great. Oh, yeah, this is a great chat. I appreciate you guys coming on. This is recorded and it's going to be shared in our discord. We also let everybody know that the launch date and linked the download link and I know people already downloading it in there.
And then people can listen to it in the future as well. But yeah, again, thanks for joining. Shout out to Josh for putting this together and leaving some of the questions here and you guys for being so tuned with
with your community. Excited to see the game launch next week. The same here. Conquered to have all of you there playing. We hope you enjoyed the game. The games in like you've said, games in beta right now. I'm sure you already have the links. Just go sign up, try the game mode.
If you don't like it, you can tell us. We're adults, we can take criticism, we welcome criticism. So tell us of the game sucks. Repressor sure does it, but happy to hear that we want to make the game great. And yeah, hope to see all in the game.
Thanks guys, see ya. - Thank you everyone. - Thanks everybody, have a good one.

FAQ on Tower Conquest, what it is and what to expect | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the speaker of the podcast?
The speaker of the podcast is Suncat, the VP of Product at Supergaming.
What is Tower Conquest?
Tower Conquest is a tower defense game that is real-time and PVP.
What is the difference between Tower Conquest and Tower Conquest Metabers Edition?
Tower Conquest Metabers Edition is the web3-based version of Tower Conquest. It is more accessible, has no NFT barriers, and is free to play.
How long has Tower Conquest Metabers Edition been in development?
Tower Conquest Metabers Edition has been in development for 9 months.
What is the objective of Tower Conquest Metabers Edition?
The objective of Tower Conquest Metabers Edition is to destroy your opponent's tower.
How many people are on the team behind Tower Conquest Metabers Edition?
There are 18 people on the team behind Tower Conquest Metabers Edition.
What are some of the types of minions in Tower Conquest Metabers Edition?
Some of the types of minions in Tower Conquest Metabers Edition include damage dealers, stanks, and support minions (which will come out in the future).
What is the gameplay of Tower Conquest Metabers Edition based on?
The gameplay of Tower Conquest Metabers Edition is based on counters, which requires constant shifts in strategy.
What other gaming projects has the team worked on?
The team has worked on other gaming projects, such as a social deduction game in web2 with 20 million users, a shooter game with 70 million users, and a battle royale game that is currently in development.
Is Tower Conquest Metabers Edition free to play?
Yes, Tower Conquest Metabers Edition is free to play.