Town Hall #001 โ€” Letโ€™s Talk Q1

Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 1:21:40



GM, GM, I'm just trying to get myself situated here. I don't know what the audio quality is like
and everything else. I'm working backwards here on the first space town hall. So give us a couple
minutes to get settled, get comfortable, get cozy and then we'll get into it. Thanks everybody who's
right on the money here as we got this space started. Let a couple other people drop in here
and then we'll get rolling. I don't know where my music's gone. I had music for the first five seconds
and it's gone. I'm a bit of a rookie so I can't get it going again. Hang tight for two
minutes and we'll dive in. Thanks everybody who's already here.
All right, without music it's kind of sad so I'm just gonna keep myself unmuted
so we can keep the ball rolling. Lakos, John, can you guys hear me? Is my audio okay?
How are we feeling? Yeah, we hear you loud and clear.
Okay, cool, cool. Not too loud I hope. No, you're good. Okay, cool, cool, cool.
This is like the first space I think we've run from the brand account which is exciting and
also kind of funny. Most people probably, you know, obviously we had such a crazy run through
the pre-mit stage. Never ran a space. They probably would have been pretty crazy and we'll
actually kind of touch on that a little bit in this in this town hall today. Now I want to just
quickly mention the reason why, and this is recorded as well for anybody who has to drop
off or anything, but the reason why I'm doing this town hall in public because, you know,
it's generally commonplace to, you know, do it inside of a gated discord and whatever.
But, you know, I think one of the most important things
early on in a project is like just to accrue trust. And I do understand that and I totally
get that and that's kind of the expectation people saying, well, all right, cool. They just,
they just bring it out, right? They're here and a lot of people have the PFP, but like now what,
you know, is it, is it going to be anything or not? Are they working on anything or not? And so
I think by, you know, presenting what I otherwise would have presented inside a closed discord
to the public, it kind of offers an opportunity to be like, okay, like there's some stuff going
on and stuff to look forward to. And, you know, it's a bit of a broader audience that can hear
that information. So I don't know if we'll do it all the time moving forward. I just thought early
it was appropriate to bring in as many people as possible to that conversation
and, you know, invite more voices to it. So that was the rationale here. And we're
going to go through a couple of things on this town hall really talking about actually a lot.
It's a lot of February. You know, we had a pretty strict, no roadmap policy, which everybody,
you know, it's kind of a controversial thing. But, you know, I come back to this point of like,
you know, proving and earning trust. And that's going to require a little bit of,
you know, a little bit more transparency than just when it's ready, we release it
to show people that we're actively working to sort of start to understand, you know, the feedback
and let people know there are things like really, in this case, right around the corner to be
excited about. So that is the, that is the logic here. I think as the project matures
and the collective base settles and, you know, we're in a comfortable place where people know
where we're here long term. We don't have to worry, you know, so much about that and can sort of stick
to the original comms approach. But yeah, I'm happy we're doing this town hall. I'm very excited to
share what we've got going on. And that there's so many things that, you know, rolling out in
the very near future. So before we dive in, Lakos, maybe you want to comment on what the
community's been like. The Discord has been, it has been a vibe, it has been pumping. But it has
just been kind of like an old school feeling there. People are loving it. I'm loving it.
Lakos, what's your read on the Discord at the moment as a, you know, sentiment community wise?
I mean, what's it been like you reckon? It's been fun. I've been hanging out there
quite a bit. We've also seen some sub communities pop up the kind of the Sombrero Banditos
the Hoodie Cabal. But in general, it's been it's been great. And I think it's one of the things I
like about closed community discords is that everyone that's there has skin in the game
everyone that's there. Roughly so can can have a voice. But we're not dealing with random
fun for people that are just bored or whatnot. But so far, it's been great. For everyone
listening, I will be keeping an eye out on the discords. If anyone has any questions or
anything, just tag me and I'll I could also ask dollar those questions if people are looking for
any sort of specific things. Yeah, amazing, amazing. I want to give a bit of a shout out
here to john john has handled security and made sure that we don't have any
unfortunate situations happen in the discord. So I'm sure john will be keeping an eye on
this go throughout this town hall as well. We'll get to questions closer to the end of
of the chat. So okay, awesome. 457 people love to see it. Cool. Look, I want to start with this.
Krypton, this is a project, you know, I sort of had a bit of heat early on when I said that
we want to do something you're powerful to crypto punks. And we're not trying to replace crypto
punks that crypto punks will only be, you know, they are crypto punks, and I still own one. And
they're kind of uncontested, in my opinion, in terms of a PFP, I think what we were trying to
do, what I was trying to communicate there was the way that that project runs and the way that
people collect it for the sake of enjoying the collection. And, you know, originally,
these things were pretty free, and they were trading for a couple hundred bucks,
and they sort of worked their way up as, you know, people really did start enjoying the collection,
you know, collect them out of the vault, the right people started spreading the message on them.
Now, there are a few important catalysts, though, through early punk, early board days, and some of
those catalysts were kind of meteoric attention, there was a lot of attention, there was also a
lot of advantage in terms of being one of these two, if you're a punk or, or an ape, let's say,
you generally had access to a lot of opportunity. I mean, every, you know, punk and ape had
the alpha, so to speak, they were involved in everything. And so, there were a few catalysts
that solidified these collections, I think, in the early days. And so, part of what we're
building out with our collect adapt that we're going to talk on a little bit today,
is to try to create a chamber where we can, you know, ensure these same things happen. There
was a few things that these collections had, whether they were organically or not, that we
want to try to reproduce on Solana, that would make it as useful to have a crypto undead and
to be part of that membership, so to speak. So, before we go into the collect adapt,
I want to just frame it this way. I truly honestly want crypto undeads to be a legacy PFP.
And that doesn't happen overnight, it still hasn't happened, right? It's going to take
time and effort. And that needs to sit for a while, and people need to, it needs to be collected
and embraced and, you know, seen at different events, etc, etc. But ultimately, the way I see it
in terms of what we're rolling out is we're like the stewards to this collection. We're rolling
out creating infrastructure to support the long term collectability and the relevance of
crypto undead. So, when we are at an event, when we're all part of a collective adapt,
this is my framing. It's like, what can we do? What can we build here that would support the
long term collectability, success and relevance of crypto undeads? Because, you know, the projects
that are constantly building, either run out of things to build, or, you know, try to release,
you know, let's say a game or whatever, and struggle to capture market share with essentially
a new venture. Well, the venture here is a legacy PFP. And what we build around it is meant to
support, you know, that mission. And I think this will become really clear as we roll it out
over the coming days and weeks. So, ultimately, I want collectors to buy crypto undead, because
they buy with the PFP, because they love the community, because they want to make it their
identity. They want to put it on their office wall, you know, whatever the case may be,
this is ultimately the core of what I want this project to be. But that takes time. So,
again, long term, I'm not going to get into deep roadmaps, because I think that puts us in the
same category as everyone else. We'll roll things out as they're ready. But here, I want to prove
some commitment and let people know what they can look forward to in in the very near future.
And, you know, one last thing I'll say on kind of brand here is our internal model right now,
as we build everything out is do simple things really well. A lot of you know, what we are,
you know, roll out, not necessarily going to be revolutionary in all aspects.
But we're going to make them work really well. Perhaps where other projects have tried to roll
them out and not been as successful in doing so for whatever reason. So with that being said,
yeah, I want to talk a little bit about about February, and what's right around the corner.
So, you know, I teased this idea of a collected that, which obviously got a little bit of
attention. And now I've kind of framed it as something to support the long term collectability
relevance of undeads. And we have really moved fast on this. I mean, we had to scale up a team
essentially on on midday, I was immediately in calls, you know, growing the dev and product
side so we could make immediate progress on it. And now in February, we have a set of
milestones that will be rolling out. The first is actually 2.0 of our brand. So we engage three
very big agencies to start working on, you know, the 2.0 iteration of the crypto undeads brand. Now,
it will be built around the, you know, iconic motif logo that everybody's seen. So that's
certainly not being retired. But just with, you know, our own official style guide and a much
deeper set of digital assets so that, you know, whether it's social or the website or the UI UX
on the dApps, or the presence at events, you know, we have an elevated brand and a complete
kind of package in terms of how we're marketing this moving forward. We engage several agencies
because we want to nail it. I think we did a pretty good job with the motif. Everybody saw it and
everybody recognizes the eyes. Now we have to take the brain to another level, whether it's
digital or print. So we're excited to unveil that new brand kind of 2.0 rollout in
sort of early to mid Feb. And that will essentially become the single source of truth for all of
the other assets we roll out across the brand. So yeah, first is the brand role that we're doing.
We are going to take on a little bit of a different look while maintaining the iconic colors
and the eyes motif that you've already seen. I think it's going to make a massive difference
moving into everything else we do. And like I said, this is for digital and for print. So
this is kind of like a small piece that I'm excited about. I know some people might think,
oh, whatever. It's just a brand update. But, you know, nailing brand is super important.
And I think everybody's going to be super stoked with what we roll out
in really the next couple of weeks. So look, what everybody's excited about, I think,
is the Collected App. So we can touch on that. Essentially, in February, mid-February,
we'll be rolling out the first iteration of our collector account engine.
And this kind of serves the foundation of what the Collected App will do and be.
You essentially create a collector account, which will be linked to, you know, one or more Web3
wallets. And then you'll have access to a facet of different, let's say, functions and services.
So we will kind of begin with a couple of elements to this app. And over time, we'll roll out to kind
of the full suite of things that we imagine should be in there and make sense being there,
including kind of the more de-gen stuff that I had alluded to. So the first thing that's rolling
out in mid-February is essentially the hard staking and holder rewards element of the app.
So there'll be a staking dashboard. You've got to create your account, stake your undead,
and have a very clean place to track your holding. And, you know, the accumulation of,
you know, I'm not going to say exactly what you'll accumulate, but you'll accumulate something.
When it's there, you've got to track that and we'll put over all of the data
from people who have held without listing from mint. So there'll be special recognition,
of course, for the day ones that will be its own kind of badge, so to speak.
And if you had minted, let's say, and never listed, you'll also be mentioned or recognized
for that, that will be included and ported into the staking mechanism. Now, obviously,
we've rolled out essentially voluntary staking, which we saw enormous participation for or with.
And so I think when people see the DAP come together, when they're able to create their
account, hard stake it and visibly see what they're accumulating, we're expecting to see
pretty enormous turnout there. I'll also mention that we're going to allow people to,
there's time accumulation, and then there is another form of accumulation that will make sense
in future that will essentially be used as a reward for more than just holding a crypto undead.
And that will become clear in the near future. But we want to make sure we're recognizing and
rewarding those who are not just staking a crypto undead, but, you know, using it as a PFP.
Not just on X, but on other platforms as well. So there is a kind of a plethora of incentives,
so that if somebody only has one crypto undead, let's say, and they feel like I'd like to accumulate
more, you know, that they can do other things, whether it's, you know, rocking a PFP or engaging
on the timeline, there is still a mechanism of incentive for that. So A is, you know,
the staking aspect and having that clear dashboard, porting over all of the data, recognizing the
day ones, and then having an incentive mechanism for people who are engaging actively wrapping the
PFP on X, and then eventually other platforms as well. Now, I have a tendency to talk kind of fast,
so Lakos, John, you should probably let me know if I need a better cover on anything,
specifically, or any questions or, you know, particularly relevant questions so far,
feel free to jump in. Otherwise, I'll continue my ramble.
All sounds good. The one question that I've seen in the past around day one staking is,
can you clarify, is it at the NFT level or at the wallet level? Because there's,
this question has come up with people that have multiple NFTs that they're trying to sell some,
but they're keeping warrants since they want, so maybe a bit of clarity around that would help
some individuals. Yeah, so in my opinion, the day one is at a token level. So if, you know,
one was held up until that cut off and wasn't moved from there, it's considered day one. If
another token was moved around, that wouldn't have the day one status. So yeah, it comes
down to the token, not the wallet.
Perfect. Cool, cool, cool. Awesome. So yeah, look, originally, our plan was to roll out this big
collected app kind of mid year, we dropped this huge stack of product. But I think it kind of
made more sense to break that down. I will go into a little bit more of some of the things
being rolled out in the near future. But I just wanted to comment on this, like,
the idea was to just do this big launch in the middle of the year. But I think that was probably
not the right strategy, you know, as we kind of looked at, you know, the response on Twitter,
and, you know, there's a healthy dose of skepticism and all these things. So we're really,
essentially, we're, you know, breaking the whole gap down into something we can deliver,
essentially a month at a time. And February is the first of those months where we can start to,
you know, to roll things out with the account system, then the holder rewards staking mechanism.
And, you know, from there, it's intended to be a consistent flow of, you know, new pieces until
that gap is complete, right, at some point through the year. All right, cool. I'll keep moving.
So another aspect, okay, one second, I'm gonna echo here, let me just,
here we go. Another aspect is, you know, I mentioned the top of this town hall, that when you
had a punk or an ape, especially early days, you were kind of privy to a little bit, I mean,
it was it was the alpha, you know, you had access to all the allow lists and the presales,
not the presales, really a thing so much back then. And, you know, you kind of knew what was
going on. And so I really thought about this topic of alpha, right? Like, how do you handle alpha
without kind of making it just an alpha chat. And it sort of came together as something we're
already planning, but we've kind of adjusted and redirected it just slightly, which is one facet of
the collected app is going to be a way to accumulate opportunities and rewards from across the Solana
ecosystem. So, you know, the common way of doing things, which is like, there's collaboration
managers, and you're chatting with a project, and you're trying to get spots for the project.
In my opinion, it's kind of a is there's a high degree of friction. And there's also a lot of
problems with that process. I think we've seen that even as we launched our project. And
I think there's a way to do this better. And so what we've developed or in the process of
developing, and you'll see as we roll these things out in February, is a way to make it extremely
easy for a project to include crypto undeads for their benefit, I will add, to make sure that a
stake undead is essentially open to ecosystem rewards that we pursue and drive through this
element of the DAP. I'll just call it a funnel for simplicity sake. Now, we're going to have our
brand development team doing outreach to support, you know, the adoption of this.
I don't want to call a launchpad, because it's not exactly what it is. It's more so just a funnel
for projects to get immediate attention among a really active holder base and be rewarded for
doing that our brand development team will sort of pursue these opportunities to get the ball
rolling there. And then the long term goal is to have this really simple funnel for projects to
go into to seed their project, whether it's a coin or an NFT and make sure that crypto undeads
are involved for their benefit. So, you know, you could call this we've seen kind of versions of
like an attention pad before, I'm not sure if it's happened so much on Solana, but it's certainly
been another change, just done a little bit more structure, a little bit more clarity and
benefit for both state undeads. And for the other projects who are looking to get on the radar.
Now, that may mean your your airdrop the token that's worth 30 cents, right, it's possible, or
may mean your airdrop the token that does really well or an NFT that does really well. The point is
to have undeads exposed to opportunities and rewards and things happening on Solana. I would
like to create a strong pipeline, so that it feels like having an undead is a healthy degree
of alpha, which I believe the most important collections did early on. So maybe I'm crazy,
but to me, this makes a lot of sense. And it's something we're going to be pushing forward,
really adjacent to the staking is this ability to have ecosystem rewards. And it may eventually
go beyond Solana. Right now, it's Solana, but it may eventually go beyond Solana. So we've got
talking about staking, we're talking about ecosystem rewards. None of these are actually
the flagship elements of the collected app. I can't really share that yet, because it's
it's not of everything. And I don't want to start making insane promises and letting it way down. So
these are the two things I can mention right off the bat here. I saw a lot of coin speculation,
which I totally understand. And I'm not going to, I essentially can't make a comment on it.
But my philosophy I'll just share is this people who who care, it's, I think once you've got an
infrastructure around the collection that is working well, and more importantly, as cash flow
positive, cash flow positive, at that point, you could theoretically float a coin on that
infrastructure that would have use case and longevity. So people asking whether it would
go down that route, like I said, I won't comment on it. But I'll say that I think once
an ecosystem infrastructure is working, and these things are cash flow positive, independent of
the NFTs, that's when a coin has merit and makes sense. I do think that's kind of like the cherry
on top of a project. So once, hypothetically, a core DAP is delivered. And it was complete and
cash flow positive that it would make sense to explore something like this. But I think it's
inappropriate to go in any more detail than that, because it would really depend on a lot of
factors. I will say that I'm, I'm pro risk, like I'm prepared to take chances and explore
all these things. I think we'll get a sense of what people are thinking, you know, in the community in
weeks to come, we'll get a sense of, you know, the legal landscape in weeks to come. I guess the
point here is more to say that like, I'm open minded to a lot of these things. And it's fair
to say we're exploring everything. But you know, it'd be very early days. And I just wanted to
mention this because I see it so much in the discord. It's yeah, I think I think it's probably
best to leave the comments on that one. I've got two more things I want to mention here on this
town hall. First of all, on brand development. Everybody saw the collaborations we did
pre mint. And they were great, right? We had Ethereum and we had Solana and we had big og
collections and new collections. And like, there was a lot of participation cross chain. And you
see that if you're in the discord, by the way, if you spend a little bit of time in the discord,
you will see that we've got such a mix of people, which has been awesome. And I think is why the
community vibes have been so good. They're just like this intersection of the gen. But then
there's kind of that mature conversation that's just running through. And there's just a lot of
great things happening. There are a lot of side chats. I know a lot of people aren't even in
the discord. They're in one of these Twitter chats, or I heard there's a couple of gated
telegram chats getting set up. So there's a really awesome community, which I think has to do with
this collaboration process. But what I meant to say is that, you know, people have expected
those collaborations that we did pre mint are like done. That is not true. We have a lot of
conversations going on with big personalities, big projects to continue to integrate and collaborate
in different creative ways. I think it works so well pre mint that it would be silly not to
implement post mint around some of our, you know, product objectives, but just around the PFP in
general, like, if we want it to be a legacy PFP, let's put it beside legacy PFP. Let's
involve it in different projects, both on Solana and Ethereum. So this whole idea of bridging the
gap, this is not a pre mint marketing narrative. This is like, this is exactly what we have to do.
And so, you know, I mentioned a brand development team, we've got really some studs on that team
who, we're continuing to build that team out who will go out there continue to push forward with
haste in terms of partnerships and collaborations. And this will include as well, you know,
attending more spaces, attending podcasts and just pushing the brand narrative forward,
making sure we're present on both chains, making sure we're involved with other projects,
staying open, getting involved and pushing the brand narrative forward. So brand development
and that team, that division is going to be a big part of this, if we want to make this into
kind of a legacy PFP that everybody knows, recognizes and wants to collect. And on that
note, you know, this will include events and brand activations. I'm really this this may be
controversial. I am not a fan of the parties, let's call them that we've seen at other events
before. I'm sure, you know, there's there's a market for them. And I'm sure they'll exist
at all these different events, you know, from different collections. I am more about like,
trying to put together kind of a cozy, a little bit more intimate vibe where people can actually
sit down have a conversation, hopefully meet somebody interesting have, you know, just just,
I have a vision for what this space looks like if it's a crypto undead event, whether it's official
or unofficial, that we could make it somewhere that people like wow, that was like, actually,
that was a really cozy vibe. I met so and so we had a great conversation. That was awesome. Like,
if we put our brand on events, it needs to be tasteful. Part of the brand development we do
will be events. And we've actually already started having conversations and making plans for a few
upcoming events, which we'll announce soon. But just keep in mind in terms of our approach there,
is going to be a little bit more refined, I think, and hopefully who can attend and have a great
time with anything we put on again, officially or unofficially. So I think I think for me in terms
of the town hall, these are the these are the key points. So just to summarize, February is going
to be a big month, early February, we're rolling out our 2.0 brand will then very quickly be
followed by the first iteration of our collector account engine, which is like the centerpiece of
our DAP. We'll immediately then roll out our, you know, collector rewards staking mechanism.
We'll move away from the voluntary staking and into, you know, a clear dashboard within for
staking and recognition for the day ones. And in quite fast succession after that, we will you'll
start to see some of the ecosystem reward and opportunity aggregation that I mentioned as well.
So it's going to be a very big month. I'm super excited. As I've said, the plan moving forward is
instead of one big DAP in, you know, July or August, we drop things over the year, every month
we have a new element added to this DAP, something you can log in and access. Some of it will be
very practical and useful. Other pieces will feel a little bit kind of DJ and fun. The point
being they all support the collectability and relevance of the collection. And I think it's
important if we want to be around in 10 years, that we're not relying on another protocol platform
marketplace for any amenity, like it has to be all on Crypto on You need to be able to do
everything that you would need to, you know, have to or want to do around a token, a PFP token
within their ecosystem. And it needs to run well, it needs to be exceptional.
And that would incentivize people to participate long term. And then we won't be as affected by,
let's say, you know, turbulence outside of that ecosystem, right? Other providers changing their
rules or, you know, them gaining losing market share or whatever it is, like we are standalone,
we have all the resources and functionalities and amenities we need. And we're kind of,
yeah, set up in such a way. So maybe that's a bit of ramble. I will hand it over to
Lakoz or John, if there are, you know, obvious recurring questions at this point from the
Discord or even the Twitter. I hope that I hope that my enthusiasm about this kind of
comes across on a space. I know it's just a bunch of dead air behind me. But, you know,
we've been, you know, team no sleep, super excited to roll these things out.
I've got a very ambitious vision for this brand. And I truly believe what we're building towards,
and the way we're doing it will help us achieve that. So that being said,
Lakoz, John, let's let's grab a couple of questions.
Yeah, I got one question just immediately. We're talking a lot about future plans here
and sort of the direction of the project. What do you think the takeaways
for holders at this you do?
So something has cut out there, you're gonna have to run that again for me. So you said,
what are the takeaways for collectors?
Yeah, what should they be focused on at this point? Everyone knows that they shouldn't be
listed if they want the day one status. But is there anything else that they should be
be doing at this point?
Yeah, look, I mean, as I mentioned, this is an early to mid February, these things are rolling
out this, you know, I've been, I'm super grateful for how the community has been operating up until
this point. There's not there's no like new KPI or, or a thing we need from members of the
community right now, I think they're doing exceptional, in terms of, you know, showing
up on x every day, rocking a PFP, contributing nicely to the Discord. So there's nothing,
you know, that we need from anybody right now. Right now, it's, it's, it's our time to shine
and show you that we're doing some cool things. And, you know, there's a lot to look forward to
in in the next two weeks. So yeah, for now, no expectations on holders, it's out, it's out time
to, to, you know, to deliver and do some cool things for holders.
Got it. Thank you.
Just trying to follow some of the chats and the questions. I know you briefly touched on
events and parties. And a lot of the collectors seem to be keen on getting together and just
vibing LIRL. So maybe you maybe share some thoughts on potentially when or what could be
that first event where a lot of the community could get together. Yeah, yeah. Or if you have
any ideas or what? Yeah, so obviously, we're still in discussion stage with a lot of these
events. We've got conversations running, I'll say, around NFT Paris, and also NFT New York.
I think I would like to be at all of, in some capacity, have a presence at all of the major
events, I think is important. Like I said, what we actually run there will be a little bit different,
I think. But in terms of having a presence, NFT Paris and NFT NYC are, are going to be
important, I would say. And that way, we've kind of got Europe and the US nicely covered. So
those are two that I can say pretty concretely that we've got things in motion with.
Just another quick question here that is up. Anything that the team can share on the legendary
that is dead and the other that looks like it's still unrevealed?
Yeah, look, so I have a, okay, so there's an unrevealed legendary because
I kind of have this goal, and it's already in talks, so in a sense, it's materializing, but
we, this is, this is probably a silly, a silly view. But in my head, it makes sense. And
strategically, it's going to be included. Absolutely. Is that we want to see a legendary move
in a noteworthy fashion. We want to run an auction. Well, not us run an auction, sorry,
I should say. Another reputable brand, let's say, to potentially run an auction on this unrevealed
legendary that will be revealed post, you know, that that options completion. We've already got
conversations rolling with some auction houses and some other potential partners for that process. And
so that is going to be a fun activation. It's kind of reserved for that. Maybe I should,
should have been more mysterious than that. But we have a plan to make that reveal a exciting
process with a really trusted legacy brand. But that is, you know, still in the works. And you
know, we'll certainly announce dates and stuff when that's ready. But yeah, that one is being
held for for what should be a really good event in a little bit of time.
There we go. I'm just trying to run through some of the questions again, that we're seeing in
discord. The other one is around UX and UI for the for the DAP. And obviously, security is a big
concern in the space. Different chains, different wallets, some ledger, some not. So are you able
to maybe share some of these steps that we're taking for developing the right UI, UX, as well
as security side of things for the DAP to make it as easy as possible and as safe as possible
for their collectors? Yeah, so UI, UX is, you know, we've got a great teamwork on that. And I'm also
extremely pedantic about how these things have user experiences. So I'm very comfortable,
competent there. Security is also going to be a big factor delegation, I don't see happen a
whole lot on Solana, which is something we are factoring in here. If somebody has a cold wallet
that they don't want touching the DAP, that should be respected. And it's probably the most obvious
security opportunity. So yeah, we are, you know, essentially building for delegation throughout.
That is a key piece here in terms of the security aspect, there are obviously, you know,
we'll get the contract order to do these things that we should do as standard protocol. But
yeah, the idea of delegation is not as popular on Solana as something we'll be doing for the DAP.
Awesome. I think just in general, you mentioned around collabs, wireless opportunities, and a
fair of things. Some of the questions are like, what happens between now and when the DAP is ready
to be able to access those? I think it's safe to say that also, as we scale the team up, we are
looking at more opportunities for the community. And those will be rolling in as we see them fit,
and not to expect to wait till the DAP is ready for us to share some of those. Is that a fair
statement? That would be that would be a fair statement. Yeah, so in terms of the alpha
aspect, you know, we've already started and we've got a couple of big, you know, collaborations
lined up, obviously don't want to make people wait until the that element of the DAP is ready
to roll this out, you know, these opportunities out. So we will do kind of the generic collabs
in the discord, you know, for the next little while until that it's ready, and then everything
will be ported over to what we build for for rewards. So and in terms of, you know,
opportunities, and as the team grows, we'll certainly put those first to the community,
make sure that, you know, the talent is is, you know, within the group, like, let's definitely
hire from there first. So yeah, absolutely. Perfect. And I think a couple people joined
late and others are asking, Can you quickly just recap? What is the DAP solving for?
For really, what's the main use case for it?
Yeah, so ultimately, my vision on a legacy PFP is to have its own ecosystem of tooling and
functionality. I think that, you know, and I look at things, I got to be careful, because if I
draw too many comparisons, it'll become a little bit too obvious. But ultimately, I want crypto and
debts to have its own ecosystem that you could do absolutely everything within and we will
incentivize that there has to be incentive. That's how this space works. So to be able to do
absolutely everything you can imagine that a third party can do that we could do internally
within our DAP, while simultaneously rewarding them for using our infrastructure means that we kind
of build a little bit of a long term moat and really solidify our brand strength in a way that
only signature big legacy PFPs do, but taking that to a whole other level. So it'll become very clear
as we roll it out exactly what that means. Ultimately, we want to the crypto and debts brand
has to be more than just a PFP trading on other marketplaces, it needs to be its own
space and ecosystem with all the tools you would need. So that long term we are our own
thing, we've got our own, you know, it can all happen on crypto and, like literally
everything. And there's a strong incentive to do so. So somebody and I didn't really mention this as
much on the town hall, but if somebody hears about crypto and debts, and they're like, Oh,
this sounds awesome. Like I love to grab crypto, crypto and debt, they should be able to go to
crypto and, use a credit card and end up with a crypto and debt in a wallet. I mean,
everything should be able to happen there. And that is the long term plan is that like we're
going to make it as easy as possible to onboard, and that everything you would need is in one place.
And it's incentivized in a way where people want to actually do that. And so as we roll out all the
different facets of the doubt, this will become obvious as we push out some of the more traditional
marketing and, you know, activations that would bring in people that maybe aren't as
technically inclined, these people will be able to frictionlessly get involved in the project as
well. I'm all about user experience. I'm all about onboarding. I know there's a kind of like,
you know, novelty words in this space. But like when I when I say these things, I mean,
like let's make it that when you head to crypto and, once you interact with the brand,
everything is there. And it's just a super pleasant experience that people are incentivized
to participate in. So that's what I'll say there.
Sounds good. Not a question, but maybe a request that if you think you might want to open it up
and have people come up or do you want me just to keep trying to find questions that are at the
table? You know what, some of the best questions come from the audience. So why don't why don't
we, for a couple of minutes, open up the floor. All right, cool. I'm gonna I'm gonna keep an
own request. I saw a couple people that dropped off because we weren't accepting them. But
anyone wants to come up here, ask a question, make fun of my accent, you know, feel free.
We'll spend a couple of minutes there. So I see a couple of people.
All right, cool. I'll bring a couple up. We'll go one at a time.
Keep things moving here.
genuine. Is that is that? Did you get kicked? Or is that bringing you up? I don't know what's going
on there. I'm up here if you can hear me. Oh, awesome. Yeah, yeah, cool. How are you?
Doing great. Doing great. I'm in no position to make fun of your accent because a trap of
geckos, my co lead is from the same area. So I'm pretty used to it by now. It sounds normal to me.
Yeah, very good. Very good. Well, thanks for coming up. I'd love to love to hear from you. I
as you know, we've connected briefly before a lot of respect for geckos and what you've been
working on. It's a pleasure to have you in the audience here listening. Hopefully I didn't
ramble too much. Not at all really enjoyed it. You know, I'm particularly interested in
what your plans are. As regards the the collabs with existing Solana projects, I think I'm
surprised more people don't try to keep that stuff going after mint. You know, it's kind of
transactional. It's like, you give people a bunch of spots, you have you connect briefly, and then
and then maybe if the project does really well, you know, you talk again months in the future.
But I think that's a smart strategy to keep up those connections and relationships post mint.
Yeah, I appreciate that. Look, the extent of what a collaboration can look like post mint could be as
simple as like just a fun animation where you're kind of including two collections. This is kind
of like morale building. And it's just fun, right? People want to see it. But also, you can go down
the path of like product integration activation, right? So it's like, okay, this project has a
protocol, let's figure out how we can, you know, onboard people that protocol from our community
while, you know, giving them some type of benefits on top of unlock, you know, I teased in the discord,
like, you know, let's, let's do that with some traits. You know, I mean, if there are some traits
specifically, right, this trait would make a lot of sense if we could get them this benefit over
here. You know what I mean? Like, there's a joke in the discord about the jester hat being
kind of a gambit trait, you know, and so I got on the phone the same day with a very big casino,
and it's super teacher that I'm even saying this, but yeah, got on the phone with a big casino and
like, let's do something like let's, let's, let's figure something out here. So that's gonna be
part of the brand development team's responsibility. But you're right, I think there's so much
opportunity, whether it's as simple as a visual, or as neat as a, as a, you know,
protocol integration reward, I think should be done more often. And I really hope we get to do
something with geckos as we speak on this. Yeah, we'd love to. I know, you know, other than me,
there are many, many other people in our community that have still been holding postmen and collecting,
you know, we're definitely like known as one of the most hardcore collectibles community. I mean,
people love to add to their early positions in geckos. And I've, I've, I've seen people
collecting a lot of different traits of undeads as well, postmen. So I think people would really
enjoy that. That's awesome. That's awesome. I appreciate that. We'll continue this conversation
in the very near future. But yeah, thank you for coming up and mentioning that.
No problem at all. And if you have any questions or need advice with staking trade offs,
you know, we went through a lot of exercises over the past couple years,
in terms of different types of staking and different protocols and ways to do it.
And there are pros and cons to everything. But feel free to hit me up if you have any questions.
I appreciate that. I appreciate that. I definitely will. I'd be happy for you
to have a look over what we've got in the works here. So thank you.
Baron, I think you I believe you're up next, my friend. What's up?
Yeah, what up, dawg? Listen, I couldn't help myself if I didn't ask and you mentioned it
about the attributes kind of having a value point of reference, right? Like,
I was one of those early buyers was kind of like, Oh, I didn't get my thing. And I you know,
I rumbled, you took care of that. And then I was like, Oh, this shit's fun.
And I went and bought a squiggle because I started looking at all the cool attributes,
you know, and I would be upset with myself if I didn't take the opportunity to ask you,
you know, like, is there something in store? Not necessarily for that squiggle,
but like you mentioned, for particular attributes. And I feel like you answered it before I even
got to ask the question. So that's what I'm talking about.
That's right. We'll answer the question regardless. Yeah, of course there will be.
Yeah, of course there will be. Look, it's gonna it's going to be different
for different traits. And also, like, some may be as as complex as like,
you guys have like boosted rewards over here, or, you know, you guys get an allow list over here,
like specifically this trait, or maybe we do a raffle across, you know, you know,
look, there's going to be a range of ways we reward traits. Some will be complex,
some will be fairly simple. The point is, it's kind of worked into the budget that every,
you know, so often, something comes up for, for traits. It's not like a corner piece
of the collection. But, you know, you'll be as I put in the original post, it's made a surprise
and delight to be like, Oh, wait, they're doing well for these guys. Like, just it's just random,
and you couldn't plan for it. And that's also important. I think if we start, you know,
putting out dates, and this is happening, yeah, it's probably an unhealthy way of
trait floors moving. If people vibe with you know, nouns, glasses, or the sombrero, whatever,
like, just, you know, at a point, we'll try to recognize every trait, you know, maybe when you
least expect. All right, second question, because I feel like I fucked up. I got it on day one,
I listed it because I was like, Oh, maybe I should take some profits. And then I was like,
no, fucking this out. So by putting it on the market for one day, did I lose the OG status?
No, so the the day one cutoff was like, I don't know what it was, like three days postman,
roughly. So you should still be good.
Awesome. That's it. Thanks, guys.
Awesome. Thanks, Baron. All right. Cool. We have we have we have, I believe it was T ro
and then we'll go on to call as well. T ro what's up.
Hey, what's up, Dallas. Thanks for the vine. Appreciate it. Appreciate all the community.
Make sure you guys are following each other. undeads follow undeads. That's key and integral
to our reach with on within Twitter. So make sure you're doing that. Retweet the room out to
this purple button in the bottom right hand corner. Yeah, retweet the room. Let's get as
many people as possible to the undead community and this town hall. I got two quick questions.
I'll be as quiet as fast as possible. The first one's for lactose. Why are you a part of this
project? I know you're a part of Moonbirds and held the Glitchbird. You lost a six figure deal,
possibly that was on the table with that Glitchbird once your IP rights were taken away
and put the CC zero. What made you want to join dollar in this team in this community?
What was the pitch that he made you to make you want to jump in and join this team?
Yeah, I mean, dollar and I have spoken a lot way back in the early proof days, Moonbirds,
and even after for a while from from my perspective. I like how he was looking at
things. I like the what he's trying to achieve. And I've helped a lot of the stuff that I do
is actually helping projects behind the scenes with marketing strategy. I like to focus on
finding ways to create value for collectors and the project itself. So we dollar and I
kind of just started jamming bouncing ideas around and we hit it off. I think we were both on
similar paths and just decided to say, hey, like, let's let's do something cool. We
we wanted to bring both communities together. I think a lot of us started exploring the soul
side of things during the bear during the bear. So yeah, I just wanted to take that
the chance. And I know there's there's been some of the Moonbirds as well within the community
drawing a lot of comparisons. And it's like, from part of me going back to being an active Moonbird
holder is that we saw a lot of promises that weren't delivered. And I think there is an
opportunity for us to deliver something pretty cool that we maybe wish we would have seen in
the past that didn't see fully executed. And there's a lot of other new ideas that we want
to that we want to test out and kind of try it out with the community. So yeah, dollar and I
evolved from from day one, been helping behind the scenes, wearing like, you know, a bunch of
different hats as you're scaling things out. But really, I love dealing with the strategy side
of things and just making sure we look at every single detail and making sure all the pieces work
well together. Thank you for that, Lakos. And if I sneak a quick one in, I think it would be
remiss to say, obviously, the Moonbirds is very eerily close to what Kevin Rose was doing.
And I'm not going to try to, you know, sweep that under the rug. I know that you want to provide
value to holders. How do you propose the community best suit themselves to the cause and getting the
name out there? And what have you seen that could help us be positive within the community
and what we need to stay away from to be negative for the community and outlook of the undeads
going forward? Oh, I mean, well, first of all, let me just say, you made me just look like a
rookie, by the way, the way you just came in there, you said retweet the space and do all this.
That's not in my script, man. You just made me look like an absolute beginner there. But
in terms of in terms of, you know, the community aspect, I mean, I think I would be silly to
complain about any aspect so far. The community has been awesome. The Discord is a vibe. I'm
seeing the PFP all over Twitter. People are getting onto each other's posts. So I'm extremely
grateful for how people have been, holders have been up until this point. As we do our part,
as we do our part, which is rolling some things out, we will make sure, and I kind of alluded
to this, by the way, that within the kind of reward mechanism, there is incentive for engagement.
That's going to be built in. So A, I'm going to make sure people are recognized and rewarded
for being engaged as they have been. And B, at every corner, every rollout, there has to be a
way to easily share the information. And that will always be factored in. So up until this point,
I'm only grateful and can only say thank you to the community for how they've been.
It's been an absolute pleasure being in the Discord and scrolling Twitter and being engaged.
And as we move forward, there's going to be ways to incentivize and push that along
and make it easy to amplify the message, basically, which you'll see as we roll things out.
Awesome. Thank you. Thank you, guys, for letting me talk. Appreciate it. We'll get some other
hands. I appreciate the time. And maybe we tease undead community spaces after this.
If anyone wants to jump in, let me know in the Discord if you want to roll something with that.
After Dollar, we let him, you know, enjoy the rest of his day and go about building with his
head down and just cook it back there. Yeah, you got it. I'll make mention of it in the Discord
once you wrap up. Maybe John can help with that. We'll get a community space rolling out to this.
Cole, I believe you up next, my friend. What's going on, Dollar? How are you?
I'm doing good, doing good. First off, shout out and congratulations for dealing with as much
footage you dealt with. That was pretty epic. Not to mention, like, dude, I've never seen so many
ETH people come over to Solana. OK Bears was, like, the second closest, probably. But, like,
as many people that used to just buy OK Bears and wouldn't switch their PFP, like,
seen a lot of crypto undeads, like, rocking a PFP from ETH. And that's pretty awesome for you
to be able to accomplish that. I know that was probably, like, one of your top goals. But
as far as, like, your outlook on this project, like, two years from now, like, what do you
see? Or is that, like, one of those questions that you probably don't want to answer because
you don't want to make any promises? You know, look, in terms of deliverables,
you know, if we're talking about that, like, I've kind of been mentioning it on this
town hall. It's like to have that ecosystem, the standalone ecosystem with everything there.
But the actual answer is to have crypto undeads on a path to that legacy PFP status. So the
brand has enough recognition in and outside of crypto, in and outside the walls of Solana,
or just Ethereum, that collecting, you know, it's kind of an aspiration to want to collect
a crypto undeads if we do things properly. I mean, it's completely dependent on our ability
to execute. It'd be silly not to mention that. But ultimately, that's the status I want. Like,
I don't want to build a forever utility project where, like, it's always like, oh,
now we're doing a game. And then we're launching this protocol, because that is the
eventual path there, in my opinion, is is just burnout or failure. There'll be some exceptions
to that, of course. But generally speaking, I think we need to build enough to garner enough
attention to have enough interest, liquidity, attention to, you know, eventually let the
collection just like do its thing. And at the top of this town hall, I said our job is kind of
to be stewards of the collection. It's all built around the collection, it's all pointing back to
the collection. And hopefully people will in two years time, be like, man, I really, you know,
I'm saving some solid getting undead, like, I really want to make an undead my PFP.
One of the things the brand development team is doing is trying to get enough people
of note, especially to rock the PFP. I know when I was when I wanted a punk, right, I looked
around, I was like, well, these these guys, you know, these people have a punk, like, that would
be awesome if I could be a punk, like, it just seems to be, you know, the the collection that
everybody aspires to have and some really clever people, you know, rock it. So we've got a lot to
do around, you know, there's a lot to do, but ultimately, this is the type of situation I want
to be in two years from now. That's good, good answer. And then also, any good alpha chats that
have started from crypto and dead? I'm gonna be honest with you, I've been added to like 10 side
chats, I don't really know which one is the alpha just yet. But there are heaps of chats,
I think if you put a tweet up and ask like, you know, which chat I jump into, there'll be a
bunch who will reply, I'll see if I can filter and send them over to you if I have a chance.
Sounds good. Thank you, man. I'll step down and let someone else up.
Thank you. Good job. Seriously, not dealing with the fun, dude. You killed it. That was,
it was quite, quite inspiring to see how you dealt with it. So good job.
Thank you, brother. Appreciate it. Actually, I believe we've got you then
baltz. And then we'll try to grab one more person before we wrap things up.
Hey, man, I just wanted to swing by and say, you know, I love everything you're doing. Again,
I've said this to you personally, but I really appreciate like the perspective that you're
taking with the project. From my point of view, I think a lot of founders in this space,
it's not always obvious that they're, they're definitely thinking with the holders in mind.
They're like really putting holders first. So I just wanted to commend you for really
always thinking from the holder POV, always doing what's right by your holders. And
yeah, I'm sure this is the beginning of a really great and fruitful journey.
I appreciate that. I appreciate that. And yeah, I hope that from the beginning,
when we did the buyback and whatever, like that was the, hopefully, you know,
got expectations and our goals clear, moving forward.
Waltz, I believe you're up next, my friend.
Hey, thank you. First of all, congratulations on the amazing collection. I think I've been in this
space since the beginning, I think, and this is one of the best collections I've seen. I'm super
biased and subjective, clearly, but I really like it. Every PFP really works. And I've been
following almost everybody. So yeah, good work. A quick, lighthearted question.
Do you guys still hear me, though? I have like weird. Yeah, we got you. Yeah, we got you.
Okay, cool. Quick question. A lot of great artists and animators in the current holders
group, we have like a lot of people are animating their on debts. And like, it looks really great.
I was I was hoping if you guys thinking about incentivizing one of these people or making like
small competition to make the community like more involved with these
like art directions and everything going forward, is there any plans doing something like this?
It's actually a great question. And you're right. Every day I open
x and see some awesome animations. And I know people every day asking like, who can animate my
my undead? I can say we've actually pretty much hired one of the more popular animators in a
discord. They're working on something with us now to make it really easy to animate your undead. So
I won't dive into that on this town hall. But you're right, definitely want to incentivize it
and move it along. I think for anyone who we don't bring on to the team, because obviously,
it would be fun to maybe do a competition. Like you said, I think that's a good idea.
Leave that one with me. I think it's it's it's it would be cool if we could if we
could incentivize more than more than one person on that.
Yeah, that'll be awesome. Thanks.
Thank you, folks. Thank you. We've got one is up. Dan, Dan 20. That's right. I recognize you
from the discord. Yes, sir. Yeah, great, great call so far. Yeah. Main thing that I just wanted
to point out and really what I had a question for was, you know, the thing that I've enjoyed the
most so far from the discord is just like really seeing that blend of like, hardcore
Ethereum and have to NFT people that I've had no clue like even existed, even though they
have large followings, because I've mostly I'm not only Solana, but in terms of NFTs,
mostly have only been Solana. And then also like, running into like Solana OGs who like,
met people that I hadn't spoken to in like two years that were like, early Solana monkey business
days. So like, that's the point that I would like, like, my question is really like, in terms
of strategy, like, how do we kind of like, do you guys like plan on trying to like, you know, show
the Solana community more like, like how much like activity like this project's actually bringing
the Solana because like, it's been pretty cool to like, see people like asking, saying they've
used tensor for the first time or what NFT analytics sites to use. Or I remember in the
chat, someone was asking like, what the Solana ENS equivalent is. And I feel that like right now,
the project's not really getting as much like, the credit it kind of deserves for like, you know,
bridging that gap kind of. Yeah, that's a good question. I just realized I'm gonna have to bring
up somebody who doesn't have an undead PFP because you guys all look biased right now. I need someone
to punch me in the face. You know, I mean, this is this has been too cruisy. But I will say
that you're right. And we do need to figure out an incentive, or at least a way to to spotlight
it. It has been something I'm thinking of thinking around. I don't actually have a perfect answer for
it right now. I would love to brainstorm this actually in the discord a little bit because
I see it all the time. It's it's it's in the lounge. It's like, where do I get my dot Sol
name and on that type of thing? First Solana NFT. So I think it's a good question.
I don't have the answer yet. I think we've got to brainstorm that collectively.
But I appreciate you highlighting it because I think I think it's important.
All right, I am code. What's going on, my friend?
Hey, how's it going, dollar? Can you hear me?
Yeah, we can hear you. Okay, there we go. First off, I want to say just congrats for us.
I'm going to have any luck from this account.
I just heard you back. I can speak now. Can anyone else hear me?
I can hear you like I can hear you. You're good.
Okay, so dollar, we're back. Maybe try and urine to see if you're back in from your your
personal account or the main account. Got a love Twitter spaces.
Seems like you got rug.
I think he just went out to put another shrimp on the Barbie.
Right. He's just an AI generated bot that we've programmed to run this whole thing, right?
This is is like Terminator, but we've done it with a founder.
Right. It looks like he's reconnecting.
All right. Sorry, trying to fill some time here.
Wait, so he's a bot, but he eats shrimps. What kind of body shrimps?
I don't know. What did Arnold Schwarzenegger eat? I guess he never ate in that movie.
I guess they're they don't need sustenance.
So are you back up?
You know what? I'm being hard-rugged on my personal account. So I guess we're at the
brand account. I've teleported to headquarters somewhere else in the universe.
We're going to run from here. Hopefully you can hear me.
Yeah, we can hear you.
Cool. I am code. Sorry, you got kind of rug there with with with your question. Let me
just bring you back up. Then we'll get one person, by the way, who is not a crypto undead
holder because I don't want people to think we're too biased or whatever here. I do
appreciate all the positive and optimistic comments, but I want people to if they
got criticism to fire them away. So I am code. Hopefully you can speak now. We'll hit your question.
Okay, sorry about that. Am I coming in clear?
Yeah, yeah, we got okay. So I'm not sure how much you caught last time, but
in a nutshell, I was just saying I really, really appreciate you guys. And I love the art.
It's probably the best project I've seen on Solano personally. You know,
don't kill the messenger, please. But I was just wondering, I know you're a big fan of
crypto punks and board apes. And, you know, when it comes to like their, their, their alpha
and stuff like that. But is there any chance that we will potentially see a secondary
crypto undead project, like much like mutin apes to to board apes?
All right, look, the answer is there would never be another PFP. There may be other assets.
But there would never be another PFP, because I think that's really dilutive. I think if we build,
you know, a bunch of value on the PFP, I don't want to dilute that. I think that can always be
a mixed bag of responses. So will there be other assets very possible? Another PFP? I mean,
pretty much definitely no. Yeah, I think we can still do some very fun things without diluting,
you know, the main collection. Yeah, because I have seen that happen
several times on the thumb. I'm just coming over from for me. This is like the first Solano
project that I'm actually repping. So that I think makes sense. So maybe we'll see like
undead pets or something down the line.
I don't want to I don't want to comment on that. But the point is the PFP itself
won't dilute. And I'm also conscious, by the way, if we drop another collection,
and that collection doesn't do well, that does reflect on the main collection. Like these are
just undeniable psychological things that we need to factor in. So yeah, I'll just keep that in
mind as well. But you know, if we ever did it, and it was a separate collection that was floating,
it was a free kind of float meant that we have to be careful about the optics. So yeah, that's
all I say there. But non Yeah, no dilution in terms of PFP. Quinton, I believe we have you up next. And
then I'll try to grab one more and then I have to run. All right. Thanks. Thanks.
Thank you. Thank you. Hello. Can you hear me properly?
Yeah, loud and clear. Yeah. Hey, how is it?
Doing great. Doing great. Nice. Nice. So I've been monitoring
Crypto Undead. I'm not older right now. One second.
I have a better voice now. I'm a bit sick. Yeah, I was saying I was monitoring
Crypto Undead since the beginning. I was all for a while not a holder currently.
And yeah, I was hearing the listening the space since the beginning. And I think what made the
success since the beginning was like, you being very mystery about Crypto Undead and
Crypto Undead future. Right now, it's a bit hard for me to picture what's Crypto Undead,
because I see you sometimes like saying, Oh, you really think we are just a hard project,
many things are coming. And I believe right now, the only thing I understand is, is a
collectible DAP or collective DAP. Can you explain a little bit about what is it and
anything tangible? Because I hear that you want to develop the brand. I think it's a good idea, but
I'm struggling right now to know what's really the brand itself side of the aesthetic of the
brand. What is it? Yeah. Quentin, were you on the, did you get to listen to the whole
town hall? Yeah, I was there. I was the other one. So maybe I, I missed something. I heard that
you want to develop the brand. I heard that there is the staking and everything. But for me,
no offense at all. And I respect the job you're doing, but it's like pretty common thing. And
from, from the outside of the community, I'm just doing like thing. Like if I can summarize
is like many things are coming and I have nothing like really tangible to know what is coming.
Yeah. And to be honest, that's always going to be the case, right? Because I don't want to put out a
full roadmap. As I kind of said at the top of the town hall, do simple things. Well, like,
like staking is not revolutionary. I mean, we've seen it before. The question is, do people want
to stake? Do people actually want to participate? Is there an incentive? Is there a reason that
would make people want to participate? And then can we do a good job in terms of how the
holder recognition looks in terms of what that incentive looks like in terms of the benefit
of participating in that process? So you're right, right? Fundamentally, it's staking is not new.
It's can we execute it at a top sort of tier level. And as we move into the future, like once
we've earned some trust around product, and people look at the let's say this, the first few pieces
of the collected evidence, you know what, this was pretty well executed. Like, I kind of trust
that these guys know a thing or two. You know, from there, we can kind of return to what I want
to do, which is really just to release things when they're done. So that people know there's
always a surprise to look forward to until we've fully built that out. So I can fully understand
if you know, you as a collector want to have complete clarity in terms of what essentially
a roadmap, that will never be something we do. But I'm hoping and you'll be the judge of it.
But I'm hoping that once you, you know, see what we roll out in the very near future,
I mean, we're talking February, that you'll be able to make an assessment as to whether you
sort of believe in our competence, or not, right. So that is how we're always going to run the project.
Okay, okay. Yeah, I'm trusting you guys. But it's just like for me, if I had to
explain what's crypto undead, I can't so on on today, what will be how you will define
crypto undead and like if you have to not do elevator pitch, but if you have to,
to say the main take away side of, of the community building that you did a good job,
what how you will describe crypto undead to someone that that doesn't know right now.
Yeah, I mean, there's there's a lot of ways that we're going to present this narrative. I mean,
the highest and most top level story we're telling through the brand is exactly the first post we put
out, which is what is the what is the representation of a crypto undead, you know, a crypto undead is
somebody who has a degree of conviction, certainty in not just crypto NFTs, but whatever they're
working on, we want to kind of build a brand of like, you know, it's it represents resilience
and conviction, obviously, very heavily in the crypto space. So whether it's founders, you know,
working on projects, whether it's collectors who, you know, love what they're curating,
whether it's the gens who believe in their bags, the top line narrative is exactly what the undead
story is about filtering down from there. It's like, all right, we want to build this legacy
PFP brand, we want to make it an aspirational acquisition. And to do that, we have to roll out
a few things, we have to do a very good job, as it relates to brand awareness and
activations and events. So there are a few ways we can, you know, I suppose present the brand. And
yeah, we've got to attack a bunch of different points over the next year. But you're right,
like we need to get to a point where we are an aspiration, we need to do a better job at
telling the story. You know, these are things that have to happen, you know, in the weeks
and months to come, which we which we certainly will do. So even now, it's a valid criticism
until we have a chance to really get it out there in a broad way.
Okay, cool. Yeah, it's not really a criticism. It's just like, obviously, I think everyone in
the space know what you guys are doing. I mean, see what you guys are doing. But I personally
don't know. So that's why before loading my bag, I want to have like, yes, it's now my personal
objective to get you on board. You know that right? It's now my responsibility objective. I'm going to
be checking in with you every week now. That is what's going to happen. You've just opened the
door to that. So just be aware. I wish you had this much care on the pre sale level. But thank
you now have that that you have my personal assistant to make sure I buy crypto and it.
Oh, man. Yeah, I feel bad now feel bad now. But don't worry, I'm going to continue pursuing
this with you. We got to keep moving. I'm going to take one more. Dread, I'm just I don't know if
you're on the stage or not on the stage. I can't tell. We'll take this last one. And then I do
have to run. I think you might be getting rubbed there on that connection.
Let's bring up somebody else not a holder.
Bet more. What's up? Hey, what's going on, guys? Coming from the kind of like crypto or
Solana side of things was just curious. I've been around since like 2021 on Solana. I mean,
I've been on Ethereum before that when like Bitcoin was popping off in 2016, but kind of
been here since like pre FTX to post FTX Solana side of things. Solana goes through a lot of kind
of like marketing kind of guru hypes. NFT projects are kind of built off of that. I'd say like
crypto punks built off of that board apes, right? D gods Solana monkeys. Is there like
any type of growth marketing hacks that you kind of like Thugbirds is another one there,
but that you kind of would I would say like would be able to get your kind of message out there.
Your story of a crypto undeads like Thugbirds like community came up with caw caw like
like, you know, replying that shit to every post on every post on like Twitter or something
like that, you know, like, and that came out from like a guy making a rap song about Thugbirds like
to be specific. Shit, I'm forgetting dumb, dumb money or something like that.
In Solana, he's kind of like a little bit prominent in the Solana community. But I guess
any kind of like growth marketing hacks kind of like in the pipeline or ideas you guys have for
that? I mean, that that is a really good question, because you're right, like the organic
presence and almost like the the memes or, you know, the the catchphrase. I mean, you know,
my first exposure to it was with with with Kong's I had a cyber Kong and you know,
you have the the old thing that they post everywhere, which is like, if somebody has that
in their bio, you know, they're a Kong. Yeah, so we obviously have like the eyes that go around,
I think we can do better than that. I'm also conscious though, that I don't want to force this
like, I don't know, but hey, guys, let's all post like this, you know, I mean, because
it feels a little bit like not community created. And like, I think there's going to be a meme or
like, something that comes out of the community that it will just hit. And we're like, yeah,
that that right there is the one. And we will push that from from the top. So we see the eyes
a lot. You know, on Twitter, we do have some ideas that we've kind of been went mapping with,
you know, the creative side, but I also want to be ready, and probably more willing to
endorse like something that comes from the community in this regard. It happens organically,
in most cases, like you even said, this guy made this rap song, and now it became a thing. So
we see the community put out a lot of awesome stuff, whether it's the memes or coming up with
creative ideas, I think when we see the right one will really rally behind it, I almost don't
want to manufacture it is kind of my answer. But you're right that it needs to be there,
you're right that we need to push it. And I'm excited for for, you know, to see what the
community comes up with that we can push, as I think that's, that's, you know, around the corner.
Maybe somebody can drop a meme coin or something.
I cannot I'm not going to endorse that. But you know, who knows what what memes come out of it
that we can push unofficially. But no, it's a good question and a good point. All right, cool,
look, I'm gonna I'm gonna wrap it here. I want to say a big thank you for the turnout on this
town hall. I don't know what people expected or wanted to hear or whatever. My plan with this was
to just be a little bit more transparent about the short term goals. Obviously, we will have
very likely kind of like a product launch space, or at least a detailed announcement as we start
rolling the tech side out. And of course, keep everybody informed around the brand activations
and the events that we have in the works as well. I'm going to do as best I can around the
you know, communication without giving away a whole roadmap. So hopefully, you know,
these types of spaces and calls are helpful and help people understand that there are things going
on. And that we're, you know, we're also listening, I think it's important that we, you know, take
criticism or hear feedback or ideas, whatever the case may be, so we can implement it properly.
We're playing a long game here. So, you know, I think that as long as we generally stick to
a good plan and do things, you know, with integrity, really, I mean, just doing things
properly, taking care of holders at the long term, we'll be able to do something great.
I think the first goal was a PFP that people love to collect and use. I feel pretty confident that
where we hit that objective. And so now it's about sustaining the interest, keeping people
involved, keeping them in the ecosystem, making noise being present from a brand perspective,
and all these things that we're building will help us do that. So yeah, I think we'll wind it
up here. Tiro, I think you might be running a community space. So John, if you can highlight
that in the Discord, I might even drop by that post-townhall Discord that's run to carry the
conversation over. But again, a big thank you to everybody who's jumped on. If this was enjoyable
or not, you can tell me in the Discord and we'll amend moving forward. But the plan is to do these
on a reasonably regular basis to keep people informed and keep things moving in the right
direction. So again, a big thank you to everybody who attended. An even bigger thank
you to everybody who's been involved, whether it's rep in the PFP, being in Twitter, being in
Discord. It's been a pleasure to watch and a privilege to work on this project. So
we'll wind this up now. The recording will be out there for anybody to look over.
Thank you again, and I'll see you all in the Discord.