TreeHouse Talks #18 GNARAF DAO + Hedge Fund Babies

Recorded: March 15, 2023 Duration: 1:18:21



Hey, how's it going? Hey man, how's it going? Are you seeing all this great stuff? Developing before I rise for now. No, I actually wasn't. I was on a driver out and had
I'm going to go back to my IRL job for a moment. So what's going on? Well, apparently, so this is completely unconferent, but the bastard is potentially the balloon surrogor.
What? Yeah. Check. So check his reptilian Renegade account and then check the bastard's Twitter. And everyone is losing their mind mate. He is wild. Like I've just spent the last 10 minutes like trying to get to grips with what's actually going on.
I was trying to prepare and then I'm getting like quite literally a million messages about this. That is madness. It's either one of two things. It's either the world's
stupidest marketing stunt or it is the cleverest rug in Salona history. And I don't know which one, like I don't even know which one's worth at this point.
What is there when is there a man's right now? Like it's there minute out they they're using the new graphite long pad and they're like
$10,000 tickets or something crazy like it's not like an obscene or 30,000 tickets, sorry. Oh my gosh. And now people are trying to experiment it. Because I know the balloon balloon filter
they changed their name and they they do rug successfully all that fun stuff yeah this could very well be the same Joker with like all of the forces uh it's yet to be determined of course yeah it's crazy bram
All this is a legend. That's that's the word of looking for it's a legend. Yeah, it's definitely like nothing's confirmed. So I'm being very particular about my word. That's that's a wise choice. I put up a requested. I'm trying to get our up here. Give me a moment. Add a speaker.
You might need to talk to me to lead back down on the atom again. Oh, yeah, I was having I couldn't hear anything so I figured I was having a shitty connection because I didn't see any mute signs and that's
So yeah, so what's up everybody how are we doing? Nice nice I'm hanging out my kiddo is watching some weird animated thing I've never heard of before she finds
the craziest stuff on her tablet. It's all educational stuff too that she's choosing on her own. Like they're talking about like the greedy person and about sharing and why sharing is awesome. It's just wonderful when you're a kid. You see your kid finding that stuff on their own.
What I'm doing right now is I'm just trying to just you know what a little few of the my discord low fuse the I just I'll tweet I use the bubble in the right hand corner I'll retweet the room with the opportunity and then we'll be starting up another three minutes or so so right now it's just open talk
I'll keep talking about whatever you want. Hedgehog, baby. I'm not sort of who's behind Hedgehog over there. Is that you, Giza or Doe? Oh, Doe's there. He requested. Okay. It is me. It's Giza. Yeah. Giza, awesome. I logged in.
All right now I got the look here sweet Excellent Yeah, I just posted in my discord and I retweet it and stuff - to give you a way to add something to this thing Thank you very much. Awesome. Oh My god
It seems like everybody is good. I've been going since really early this morning, had our first poker game up with our collection. So I was really hyped about that and just starting to get some games and stuff going. So it's fun. Wednesdays always seems to be a really busy day.
which is good it's good to get that feeling in the middle of the week and just like yeah I got a shitload done yeah yeah it's it's surprising how close you are to the weekend of course once Wednesday comes but you know a web 3 is it pretty much never sleeps you got to set the boundaries otherwise you can get pretty overwhelmed
Yes, boundaries are very important, something that I've, and teaching my child and learning again, and also is a continual thing that I don't think we ever stopped learning because our priority shift and our boundaries and what we want to do and what
the accepts and what we care about is always evolving because we're evolving people. Absolutely. It's wild as everything that was easier to do, you just want to be busier instead of you feeling that time and you're just off to do the next thing immediately.
or before anything you want to do you would actually have to buy the weeks to do it or you would have to like it would take time to get done whatever it might be. Yeah as I saw today with chat GPT4 coming out and they made a website from a sketch and they were able to audit a
smart contract, pass every single bar exam, accreditation, like everything, literally every possible credential you could go for. This thing has gone for and passed with high scores. It's just, it's crazy. It's so cool because

FAQ on TreeHouse Talks #18 GNARAF DAO + Hedge Fund Babies | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast recording?
The topic of the podcast recording is about a potential balloon surrogator who is causing a stir in the community.
What is the potential identity of the balloon surrogator?
The identity of the balloon surrogator is still uncertain, but some speculate that it could be the same person behind the balloon filter who has successfully done rugs in the past.
What is the current status of the situation with the balloon surrogator?
Nothing has been confirmed yet, but it's causing commotion among the community.
What is the price of the graphite long pad tickets?
The price of the graphite long pad tickets is $30,000.
Has the situation with the balloon surrogator been confirmed?
No, the situation has not been confirmed yet.
What is the importance of setting boundaries?
Setting boundaries is important because it helps prevent feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.
What is the significance of Wednesdays?
Wednesdays are busy days that give a sense of accomplishment in the middle of the week.
What is the importance of continuous learning?
Continuous learning is important because priorities and boundaries are constantly evolving as people grow and change.
What is the example given in the podcast about GPT4?
The example given in the podcast about GPT4 is that it passed every possible credential and was able to do things like audit a smart contract without human intervention.
What is the speaker doing during the podcast?
The speaker is promoting a poker game and sharing information in their Discord server.