Trust NO ONE

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 1:08:00



Live from cheesecake motherfuckers!
Okay, so bad news. My Wi-Fi crapped out, so we have no music today.
Unless I can get it working in the next 20 seconds, which may be possible.
Just need a minute.
Great day while I'm at the Cheesecake Factory in the bathroom.
In lieu of all the fucking odds, it was working three minutes ago, and it crapped out right now.
I'm like, are you fucking serious?
This is the one fucking interval I needed to work during.
And it had to crap out? Are you fucking kidding me?
So, I need a minute.
We're back, we're back, we're back, we're back, we're back, we're back, we're back, we're back.
Here, look, I got this, I got this, we're back, we're back, I got this.
Okay, give me a minute.
Hi, everyone. Sorry about this.
Leave some comments on the room for a high-quality production.
Oh, fuck's sakes. We're not, we're, no way we're, we're shilling this now. That's, that's not...
We're not, we're not, we're not, we're not, we're not.
It's all you this afternoon, I've been being your mind.
No fear but you gotta let me know, I'm all ears and I got a lot of moon.
I'm all with everyone and take your time, I'm all my way.
Put it in a drive, I'll be on the way, I'll be on the way, I'll be on the way and you can be me in five, I'll be your, I'll be your thing.
Put it in, I'll be on the side I'll be on the way
I'll be on the way and you can beat me in five
I'll be on the line, I'll be on the way I'll be on the line
I'll be on time, I'll talk to porns Put that bitches porn out here in the field
Oh yeah, I'm already here, yeah Come outside, lookin' like a snack
Hurry up, get in, hell yeah Come with me on this nation
Ridin' down the calls, not one I push on You said break a leak, I said pass the leak
Y'all up to the grandpa, said you've never been before Put you up a fuckadore
Girl, I made you meet him wrong You said you left your end that you was always guessing
You said before me you ain't never been this happy
You took an L and M and went in ever since You and my phone, I'm on my way, I can't supply anything
I'll be on the way, I'll be on the way You can be me inside, I'll be your, I'll be your uncle
I'll be your uncle Put it in, I'll be your, I'll be your uncle
I'll be on the way, I'll be on the way You can be me inside, I'll be your nun, I'll be your uncle
You tryna make a move, tonight I got the time Tell me what you wanna do
Colors fly out if you wanna run the hoop They gon' push up on their own, I only got room for two
From the jigs, I'm the set, it's a portion of the flip I confess, I'm a flex page, I'm so unfit
Get away so we can make sense of your life It wasn't pop, but I just put your shit in dry now
Coast, why there's no tomorrow? Move it too fast, I'm open to dry stuff
I don't want to, we don't wonder where I go Can't learn a lot from this and it's something that I know
Put it in, I'll be your uncle I'll be your nun, I'll be your uncle
I'll be your nun, You can be me inside, I'll be your nun, I'll be your uncle
man that one's a banger good morning everyone and welcome to no fluff lucifer is doing something
with the fucking menu over at cheesecake today so you guys are stuck with me for the duration
of the show i'm sure he's going to pop in and scream something crazy at some point but until
then welcome everyone we do this show monday through friday 12 pm est on lucifer's page and
12 pm est on my page it's an absolute honor to have all of you here with us today to talk about what's
going on in web 3 what's popping what's new what's jiving what's moving and most importantly what's
the next alpha so if you guys have anything you want to contribute anything you want to say hit
that button the bottom left corner hit the request button let us know come up and talk to us we love
new faces we love new voices and we want to hear from every single person in web 3 that's right
every single person i don't care who you are if even if you're just a lowly little dcaer or if
you are the grubbiest of shitcoin traders want to hear from all of you we got to do things to go over
today some cool things that have kind of happened over the past 24 hours it's been a bit quiet but
that doesn't mean that isn't always stuff to talk about there's no way stuff to go over the biggest
thing that i've noticed and i actually haven't a chance to read the announcement yet uh because i'm
waking up pretty pretty recently is this announcement from meow calling uh what he's calling
immortalizing wen culture it seems as if we're going to be getting some sort of a uh a uh meme
coin i guess from the jupiter team called wen they have already uh stated that they've done
partnership with the ovals nft collection and that they're going to potentially be partnering
with other nfts across a salona including saga genesis and other high profile notable nft
collections to do some sort of an airdrop to them so guys we're getting the appetizer before
the five course meal baby if you know what i'm saying but this is exciting we'd love to see it
i'm super stoked about anything that is coming out of juke jupa i think is going to be a big
big big part of everything that's to come not only in the near future for salona but potentially
this entire year it reminds me of bonk when that like really changed a lot of shit for people back
in last december and i'm really excited to see kind of the same motions happen again um we're
still seeing a little bit of volatility on the i guess not really so much on the crypto side of
things bitcoin back below 40k eth under 2200 salona chilling at around the 85 dollar range i know a lot
of people were calling for that low 70s range but if you know enough people are calling for it
usually you want to kind of counter trade that etc uh nothing too crazy nothing too uh wild but i
personally might start dcaing here actually just to try and accumulate some more salanas accumulate
some more bunks and maybe some other tokens that i really have a lot of interest in uh the alt airdrop
that was promised for eigenlayers to the ears and um tia stakers as well too has gone live today
i believe the claim is officially live right now however i think it's only for eigenlayers
stakers over 700 points tia stakers they said information is coming soon uh avax right around
30 right now polygon right around 72 cents at the moment and you know those the only important
ones who cares oh adam at nine dollars yep quite a bit of red across the board not gonna lie but
that's okay because if you're huddling then you're here for the long term let's jump into
some of the nfts see what's going on over there we got 77 000 volume on the 24 hour right now
uh frogana is actually leading the charge with the volume at 8.9 soul rubber i don't know what
the fuck this is but people like it for some reason they're calling it the cadenza of salana
no it's not no it's not no it is absolutely maybe it's a derivative sure but there's no
fucking way you're gonna look at this and tell me oh yeah this is like just because what tyler
hobs did fuck out of here no fucking way uh but apparently i meant it for 0.65 soul it's now
sitting at 15 soul and it was at 20 when i woke up at 8 a.m this morning for the show so damn
i'm so depressed i was on a plane and couldn't couldn't get one i didn't know wasn't it like a
totally gated whitelist mint yeah well that but i mean it didn't like shoot up immediately like
it was at six soul when i originally saw it when i was boarding my plane and then my stupid plane
didn't have wi-fi and back back when i landed i was like oh it's already at 15 soul surely
it will go higher but of course yeah i don't know what's driving what's driving this thing
or what's possessing anyone to buy at these levels but you know 1 000 supply who knows
maybe it does something in the future i'm not i i don't want to offend the artist it's not for me
sorry i like the art it's pretty i mean i don't think i'd buy guys i have two seconds i'm in the
bathroom all my co-workers can hear me yelling if you guys don't fucking comment on the wrong
i'm gonna freak the fuck out and it was today that lucifer lost his job
so element era also with decent volume right now sitting at 3.4 soul uh crypto undead is not too far
off behind at 9.4 cleanest source with a ramp up after their insanely huge uh town hall i actually
would love to talk a bit about more about that but i haven't read into the thread or listened to
the recap yet which is really cool um because i want to know more about what it is that they
celebrated they have accomplished a lot over the last year i'm continually impressed with cleanest
sitting at 41 soul right now magic tickets at 3.8 soul maps at 0.28 ovals up about six percent
after the announcement to 13 transdimensional foxes at 4.18 mad lads at 165 and tensorians having a
pretty decent recovery from the lows of i want to say 70 75 up to 88 soul right now so for anyone
who bought the blood ggs uh oh and saga monkeys at 8.4 uh let's jump over to the aetheriums we
actually had a decent mint today on aetherium something called play ember free mint i believe
went up to 0.7 east i don't know what it's it went 0.65 or something so pretty close
what's that right now ashley it's i'm seeing 0.36 yeah that's what i saw earlier i'm gonna double
check because i minted one and i was like going back and forth because i heard there's gonna
be a potential token i did like a little video um thing so it's apparently gonna be
i don't know i'm holding it just in case you know you never it's not even a bull market yet
so i mean i i expect that one to move but we'll see yeah i i i think that having a token allocation
for nft holders is becoming a really big value prop like it's what a lot of people look forward
to and what they want to see more of so i'm really excited about like you know any to any
like nft that can contribute to this um but yeah play mbs seems like they are chilling at 0.36
right now anyone who was able to sell for about a thousand bucks you can't complain about getting
three thousand dollars one day that's not too shit like too shady at all i'm seeing wrapped crypto
punks at 70 is that correct or am i losing my fucking mind right now i saw that earlier um
i think i saw borrow posting about it before because he has a bunch of those um but yeah
they're i mean i you know like maybe i'm like uneducated or something but i don't understand
why they're worth that much if they're not i don't know i don't know maybe somebody can explain
that to me so wrapped crypto punks are just punks that's all they are but they are but because they
were built on a different standard when they were first created they had to be wrapped in order to be
traded on um like marketplaces so they're just punks but that means the punks for is now 70 eth
is that i awesome which is insane i didn't know that that's almost three board apes at this
point yeah it sounds like i feel like two weeks ago i saw it like yeah exactly that's what i'm
confused about like what did i miss um the cabal did saw the cabal the cabal ran this shit to 70
eth bros it's over for us we're never getting our own exit liquidity ggs but your size ain't size
oh hi lou welcome back he's just gonna chime in like like every few minutes during the show i can
already tell his house is gonna quit your job lou no no no no no no don't quit you need that
job right now you still you need that job lou don't quit i'm actually gonna go get my manager
that does nfts i'm gonna see if he'll pull off to the side and come give his take on salona nfts
right now because i think that'd be a good little bit if we can get that one i'll go and i'll text
you want to have your boss talk about salona nfts he minted us he minted smb he minted smbs and
is an aurori whale frisk like he has bigger bags than us okay well no need to big dick me there
that was crazy uh okay let's get these metrics so i think we can get the fuck on with the show
doodles at 2.7 mocha verse it mocha verse at 5.4 what the fuck i didn't even know i i thought
what the fuck before and all of a sudden i blink and it's fucking at five five and a half what
that's mad oh my god wow okay everyone who was calling eth nfts dead two weeks ago is gonna
be eating their fucking words now that's crazy because shit is moving it's just us who's not
realizing it that's mad even malady's at 2.8 little puttages at 1.9 i don't know what these
zokios are but the 0.07 pixelmon at 1.5 matrix kuku is still holding the fucking line man at 1
at 2.4 uh clonax at 1.3 elementals at 1.04 mutant apes not doing too crazy right now at 4.5
and cool cats i like cool cats at the one eighth price point i actually do to be honest
that mocha verse thing is crazy i did not realize that five and a half okay and uh fuck it i guess
we do ordinals metrics now why not let's take a look at her arsick yeah yeah you're welcome
arsick meta protocol at 0.047 lot of speculation on these lot a lot a lot of speculation node
monks at 0.176 bitcoin puppets at 0.037 motherfuckers have really ran this one up
commoners at 0.017 pizza ninjas my fucking bags baby at 0.079 those guys actually have
here's if anyone does on a pizza ninja there is a white list for raffle for 30 spots going on right
now in the discord or um pizza ninja search right enough to be sent just for quantum cats
so if you guys are wanting to get that quantum cat white list and you hold a pizza ninja go
enter the white list giveaway because 30 spots is actually quite a bit fuck yes is right i'm
about to go in right now because i got a pizza ninja fuck yeah that's how we get that's how
ashley this thing's gonna retire us um bitcoin fox at 0.18 uh opium which is the gen ones i think of
the bitcoin puppets at 0.067 and ombs chilling at 0.45 bitcoin damn that's a lot of money let's go
yes you're welcome lu that's your bags anyways we've heard from lu who is currently talking to
his boss right now to try and get some takes ashley how are you on this fine fine thursday
dude i am great i just landed from spain last night um how was it oh oh my god dude it was
it was phenomenal um i stayed in a castle so it was like it's a place called lice it's like a very
rural community in spain so we drove like a few hours from barcelona and man this shit was so cool
so you have to go up this super long hill and i'll tell you what with luggage and groceries
it took like 10 minutes to get up this hill and i was sweating and my heart was racing i was like
damn i am out of shape and then the castle was just beautiful so we stayed there um and man uh
the views were amazing um and i'm very sad i'm not there right now like honestly if you've never
been in spain i would highly recommend because even when we stayed in barcelona it's just it's
just wonderful the food is delicious um the people are super friendly and i keep wanting to
move to europe every time i'm there spain's on my bucket list for sure before spain with spain uh
you had uh castile and aragon and castile is the land of castles uh so that's why they got a lot of
castles yeah actually it was close it was nearby there the the castle we were staying at is at
the highest point of the valley so when you go up to the top of the tower that we had and looked
out you could see all everything you could see every castle every house everything you know
it was pretty sweet well we love a great view okay yes no i stepped outside for a little bit
because they're just trying the new food and it seems kind of lame um i love spain so i spent
six weeks in spain when i was like 21 and i traveled up the coast i started down amalgo which is
like the southern coast of spain and i just trained and i hopped on a flight to go to abiza
for four or five days wild lucifer and abiza i'm sure you guys could imagine uh scary lucifer
and abiza 21 and in the best shape of his life oh my god single single two freshly single
probably the child there um but more importantly guys uh i have about two or three minutes before
i gotta get inside do you guys what should i leak the whole new menu for cheesecake real quick
do it do it all right so we got brunch burgers cheese are coming back there's a zucchini update
spicy cashew chicken uh there's going to be a new the Thai coconut lime chicken is leaving we're
taking away our entree size caesar oh hold on let me open up the app real quick oh there's a bunch
of new stuff i get to go trying it the brunch burger is looking really good we have a bistro
burger which is a lower price burger um just because cheesecake is too fucking expensive
let me know which one you're most excited why is bonk bot want to come up oh bonk bot oh dude you've
been making me money lately i love you i you know just because we like bonk and bonk is our
friends they're allowed to come up we usually don't let meme coin things come up um bonk bot
is an awesome tool bonk bot's a tool it's not a meme coin that's beautiful is a beautiful tool
and it is a beautiful tool you're the best dude
hey all right so bonk bot has offered to give away 10 million bonk today for getting an allocation on
the speaker panel of today's show um he didn't actually do this he didn't he didn't actually
say this but uh hit the bottom right hand corner of the room and i'm larping you guys let's make it
50 million bonk no no no no no no no no no no no do the co-hosts get a little bit a bit of that
oh my god we're all just drifting now aren't we
just a crumb just a crumb why not what's wrong with why do you deserve 50 million bonk
why do you deserve 50 million bonks bottom right hand corner we're gonna hit gold rush
how's it going go hey no no no it's gold rush hold on let's go gold i'm good man it's been a while
since i've been in one of your spaces man things been super hectic but you know it's all you guys
dude it's your first day it's your first day on the show gold is gold has no it is not he's been
here before no no no it's this is his first time doing gold rush for us oh okay so i'm doing
gold rush okay we're doing we we have a segment yeah i didn't tell you gold gets gets a minute or
two every day um or once a week i don't know we're figuring it out still but he's gonna drop some low
key gem alpha for us airdrop he's farming is gold your mic is hooked you're alien
want me yeah no i'm irish i'm turkish oh wow i just saw it with pfp and everything you know
oh like you desert okay so let me so yeah let me uh start with gold rush the the segment so lu has
kindly brought me on to talk about airdrops for like two minutes and uh yeah so i have a full show
for this but i'm just gonna do it a bit condensed so basically right now what i'm farming mainly
is web 3go it's violence back violence lab back it's on violence smart chain cost 15 cents to mint
uh reiki passport which on there you get your passport and you check in every day to pick up
gold leaves you answer quizzes to get gold leaves and basically adds you in the leaderboard and
very likely this thing is going to get a finance listing so fully recommend you guys do it um if you
guys would like referral codes dm me i will give you mine i'm not gonna send anything in the comments
because i respect the spaces a lot but um yeah so that's the one i'm farming the most at the moment
and i personally believe it's gonna be obviously i'll i might be wrong but i personally believe
considering everything involved all the funding all the backers it's probably gonna be a four
big airdrop uh depending on how much you farm it uh so i would recommend getting onto it and
you know we've seen with other stuff which is vinyl fact and other stuff which is being listed
on vinyl we start with arkham uh arkham was very easy and straightforward to farm and if you had
referrals on there you would have gotten a lot of tokens and you would have gotten a big
airdrop from arkham which was listed on vinyl so yeah fully wouldn't recommend fading this one
um but yeah if you have any questions uh DM me and let me know and uh looking forward to hopping on
the next one dude see and this is why sorry frisk but see impromptu segment gold is offering tech
support too gotta do it gotta run it um i'm going back inside now thank you gold frisk it's your
show again thank you for being the best thank you ashley too i i don't i okay gold appreciate
you love you thank you for always sharing the alpha 100 something we always want to look into
is finding this early ass plays so love you lots uh but sorry no i was just saying i got you bro
um that was one of the video guides that i mentioned to you in dm that is gonna be dropped
in the uh discord perfect and for those of you who maybe didn't quite hear where to get
started where would you recommend them if they wanted to like learn about this on their own because
you said it was a finance backed token and you said is there a twitter page that we could start
out to maybe get our get our own like information that sort of thing there is yeah uh let me just
confirm the tag uh yeah don't want to show a scam account yeah yeah so the tag is just web three go
so web three go zero so um it's basically a data intelligence network like an un-blocking
analytics platform but they have like this sort of thing called reiki which is an extra thing
and from it basically you get um you you get to do these tasks and it's quite gamified so
uh yeah if you want to learn more about it go on web three go twitter and you'll have all
the links there and then obviously if you want on our furlcode just let me know that is lovely
thank you so much man i don't have a single mutual follower with this account that is
that is sketchy but that's good to know uh sorry either it's sketchy or it's early
or you're early exactly that's how you know when you when none of your friends are following it
i do want to pass over to bonkbot we don't get the privilege of having them up here often bonkbot
i haven't seen you around in spaces maybe ever you guys doing a marketing campaign is just the
kind of thing that we should look forward to with maybe referrals and that sort of stuff also who
is behind the account by the way i don't think we actually heard uh i'm a non-intern at the moment
um i love that um yeah we're doing we're doing more spaces we did our first own space last week
on friday and basically just got meme projects to come up and show themselves and tell us what
they're doing um we want to be more active in spaces and stuff like that and yeah so yeah this
is going to be the first first appearance on you know the top salon shows like like this with
lou hopefully he'll invite us back again we do a good job and give away enough bonk to the to the
listeners wait exactly is that real yeah i'll give away 50 million bonk
are you serious right now you can just send it you can just send me the first 25 million and
then you can be on the speaker panel no no no no no we're not that cheap i'm just joking i'm
joking i'm literally kidding my god you go to your job go pay the bill bonk bonk like
i'm getting guys i'm getting paid to be in no fluff right now i'm getting paid 16 75 an hour
to be here that's not a flex paid to be in all my daily tortoise races tell them to sponsor you
you know cheesecake factory uh like you're working for them so why not
they would never anyways bonk bot seriously really cool having up your i feel like you're
one of the biggest tools that like a lot of people who trade shitcoins have been using
finding and and we've seen tons of competitors come up as well too from like different telegram
bots and sniper bots and that sort of thing um the referral system for bonk is something that i've
always wondered it's true that you can actually earn bonk by referring your friends to bonk
bot correct yeah so you keep 10 of the fees of the people that you refer so if you refer
like a whale and they make loads of money you can you can earn a lot or if you know they trade
well and then sell you can also earn loads and all of those fees are done through are given
through bonk so everything is turned but when we collect the fee everything is turned into bonk so
we buy bank a massive amount of bonk every day um 10 of that is burned some goes to the bonk
ecosystem team team keeps a chunk and the rest goes back to people that are referring users
got it okay that's amazing thank you uh i've always loved seeing that i actually don't think
i registered with a referral from my own account is there any way to do it retroactively um i don't
think there is right now it's something people have been requesting but um we're working on
working on a new kind of referral that's going to be announced this week where fees go back to
dowels uh dowels or projects or maybe like burn meme coins like it's all it's all in the works
at the moment nice you guys have got a whole lot coming up then that's really exciting you know
when it gets competitive when you have other people like stepping into the space you always
want to find ways to keep it fresh and interesting so that's really really cool i'd love to see it
man yeah uh and i know that like no of course is there anything you want to share about anything
coming up in the future or anything that maybe people can look forward to if if they haven't
gotten a bonk bot yet like i know for the longest time i was just sending contract addresses
to radium or jupiter and trying to facilitate it from there and this has made things so so much
easier is there any maybe sort of features that are coming up that are going to help with that
use of access anything that you can tell us yeah definitely the the feature that should be
launched next week is going to be limit orders so you can basically set and forget you know you
can buy a meme coin and just put into the bot like sell this at 10x and then you don't need
to constantly check the bot and that's going to help a lot of people and that's one of the
most requested features for sure where it's not even like at a certain price point at multiples you
can say hey when i'm in 900 profits it will be it will be at a price point but it would be
but i think i think we later will be able to add that kind of feature that you said
that's crazy can you imagine like starting pictures shrimp buying a coin and being like
all right here set limit order for 5x and then just fucking sell the moment that it happens
that is hilarious oh my god that is that is going to really power the chance
oh wow i don't use any bots what do you use do you use like actual dexes yeah i use this beautiful
thing called soul flare auto approval i walked right into that one walked right into that one
about seven percent slippage that's on for my wallet uh and my way still works i mean maybe
i don't get as good of an entry as someone that uses bonk bot but i'm too fucking lazy and i
really don't really want to adapt yet until i have to until if i if i stop making money the
way that i'm doing it then i'll adapt but until then i'm not adapting and honestly half
the coins that i'm buying now like are all like older coins i'm not buying any new shit so like
you can just go on jupiter and shit like that you don't even got to do any of that if it works and
you're making money then then you know stick stick to what you're doing uh bonk bot definitely
is more you know it's good it's good for any token but especially good for the new
new launches and things that you need high slippage and put like your priority fee up for
i i love the opportunity to be able to do like different things within like something that's so
easy to access like i know the fact that i can have all of my like wallets and in one place like
whether it be my phone my laptop my computer doing it through telegram has made it like the
simplest way to facilitate all of that that being said like you said whatever process works best
for anyone is the best way to trade never go against the grain on what it is that works
best for you uh bonk seriously appreciate you coming up here so this is this is dope and
you're more than welcome to come back at any time i'll always have 100 like questions for you
um i guess the biggest question i have before we kind of like
bump move on to the next topic is when when do we expect to see more uh the devs are deving so
hopefully next week devs are deving they're always always doing their job
the coin i think uh when when is from jupiter so that's coming in 24 hours
or less now so it's like the first meme coin test before but i mean they've done a few tests
but it's the first official meme coin yeah they say wasn't mark juke what is this yeah i mean i
don't know exactly what they're calling it mark juke was like not a real launch it was a test
launch uh the when token is going to be an actual official launch of the launch pad
yeah but it's not the actual i don't think it's the jupiter's team is with it it's just
it's their first token launch yeah i think that's right that's this one's the ovals launch
like the the wind token they're just launching on the launch pad
so you're one of my ovals gonna get an airdrop right yes yeah i think they said like
ovals saga genesis holders uh and a bunch of other like um notable collections
you know it's a shit coin launch pad is that what it is yeah well but isn't tyler doing that too so
like it's good i don't know man it's like i mean but but here's the same because i've been
doing a lot okay cycle with uh for the shit coin launch pad i mean you know people send
money to like random wallets and shit you know they redo the fair launch it on the thing i
don't think we like need shit coin launch pads because apparently you know people just
they finish it i ain't gonna cap i'm still gonna look at fucking you know the radium fucking uh
like like you know the fucking radium launch ones the random shit i feel like those are still
going to be the best cookers because everything that's over hyped usually fucking you know gets
front print and shit like that like yeah i mean look at half the hype coins that launched and
then where they went shrimp do you not like token pre-sales like is that something that
you're against i've only i've actually done this is my first one that i did one recently i mean and i'll
i mean i don't care to show to be honest but i did pre-sale for you know deej and dan he or
soulport dan yes yes he says so he's so he's launching an actual token and he did pre-sale
and i mean i support the dude and i think it's going to be a good launch i actually did pre-sale
to his token but i've never done pre-sale to any tokens because honestly i just feel like
most of the time but i did one to his because i don't know i trust the dude and i go way back
with him so i was willing to send him i did like 300 bucks for my pre-sale i think so hypothetically
and this goes for anyone on stage i'd love to have this conversation if you hold a certain
amount of juke and juke is vetting different projects to come onto their token launch pad
and the allocation of juke that you hold correlates the amount of pre-sale that you can buy for a
specific token does that not interest you as a product and does that not interest you to want
to hold more jupiter well see this is what i'm saying because i've done i've done this rodeo
before my whole point is just that um you know i like with shit coins it's like you know people
they do the ferro launch people ape in like you know we had the whole ben daddy say people just
send money to a random while like i don't see the people obviously like aren't really like
vetting these things it's just like aping in the stuff so i don't see the need for launch pads because
like uh uh uh like you know what i'm saying like it's what he calls like you know no one needs to
do it because we're not because the whole idea of like a launch pad like especially the one i did
was like okay now we can like you know vet the contract first if you wanted to do whitelist and
all that and then you know people could ape in that way you're not just sending money to some
random saying that's gonna rug the next day like you know that's the whole kind of theory behind it but
at the end of the day people don't actually like care about that and when it's like okay you have
these launch pad tokens let's say you know let's pretend they get to like 10 million but then you
have like a random coin like a dog with half get to 300 million didn't need a launch pad didn't need
any of that things i don't really see the point in going through the whole you know machinations
of a launch pad um when you know people could just you know launch it whenever they want like that's
kind of like my point i'm not like trying to fund their launch pad or anything i'm just saying like
as someone who's been through these cycles or whatever it seems like to me like launch pads
for at least shit coins are like kind of like pointless or dead in a lot of senses i'm with
you on that bad brothers because like the thing is like i mean except for the fact that they
probably like from a safety aspect like even though if you use rug checker i feel like you're
just doing yourself a disservice by using that because it's half the time wrong that's what i'm
saying like you know but like with launching on juke i think that like obviously they would make
sure that lps were burnt or locked up or they would make sure that that stuff was occurring
i would think um but other than that that's the only reason why i could think why the pro of
that like quote on quote launch pad of a token uh i still think that the ones that are going to
do better are the ones with the more risk which are not using their launch pad like i will say
because they're like pretty much the top desk on salona uh decks on salona like let's say uniswap
had a launch pad like okay like what do you call maybe you get more eyes on it like there's that
kind of theory with that for it's just having like a separate launch pad that people use
but yeah again i mean i'm still you know going back to my original point where it's just like
yeah i mean you know i just don't see the point when you don't actually need to use one
so like i i i get where you guys are going with this in the sense where you if you have a good
dev you can but like are we really gonna pretend like it's not the same fucking 10 devs launching
all these tokens we're really gonna pretend like it's not the same we only have seven on salona
exactly exactly so seven of them have multiple so a few of them multiple identities that's exactly
the point so i got like back then everyone was using launch pads like early 2021 that's how you
launched a shit coin but then that summer we went through the fair launch meta and then that's one
like a lot of these launch pads kind of died uh but you still had like the main thing was like
pink sale was like the main competitor that came up on bnb and like their whole thing was okay
we'll help you with marketing and like push it to our users so it's like you had maybe
that slight advantage we're the one i was invested in with like kind of you know made the position
of being agnostic you didn't want to get involved in drugs and stuff but again you know like i'm
saying you know once that fair launch thing hit people are like okay i guess we don't actually
need a launch pad and so that's the difference i'm going to say is that like the difference
between not needing a launch pad and the difference between the benefits of using one
i think that those are like the the like actual interest in like what it is that that maybe is
bringing value to jupit self because obviously it's not meant to be just a deck token like they're
very clearly trying to do more with it but i don't know i feel like there's just not even just from
a safety standpoint from a marketing standpoint alone i feel like being able to say hey yeah
we're launching on the jupiter launch pad like it's back in the day when when you were when you
could say hey i'm launching on like you know magic even launch pad i'm launching on tens
or on on on tayo launch pad like those were narratives that like all meant something to
it as well too but does it mean that the coins are going to get better no does it mean that
the coins are going to have reputable teams no but how many fucking teams are reputable anyways
that i've gotten a lot to a lot of places they are right now i think that is genuinely
something that's interesting i think it's genuinely something that can show a lot of
potential if like is done right and has like what's the one looking for here the capability
to reach a lot of people through like a stronger audience gold i want to hear your thoughts on this
yeah um i'm personally really excited about the jupit launch pad i know obviously uh very
valid points everything you guys mentioned but personally i'm not i don't really care about
the coins which are due like for 100x in like two days or whatever i'm personally more thinking
from a long-term standpoint where we look at coins sort of utility-based coins and like coins
builders basically right not memes in a sense so i'm someone who's traded a lot on uniswap
and i've traded a lot of on-chain utility-based coins like literally coins which are like mev
bots for example or like different bots and ai bots and other like uh you know other interesting
sort of utility-based uh projects and coins launching and there are plenty of them there
are many of them and one thing i've noticed is there aren't many of these types on solana
and i personally believe that uh jupiter launchpad is going to enable a lot more it's going to
enable and it's going to attract a lot more devs to come onto solana and actually build these
specific types of tokens for example that whereas like instead of having to be on ethereum and
you know paying insane gas fees to trade these now there's going to be plenty more coming to solana
and it's going to be easier to get in and out right and to be able to make make the most of
those utilities and obviously now we have token token 2022 as well i don't know how
jupiter is going to support that with their launchpad or how that's going to work but
you know what we've seen on uniswap with the eth tokens there are many tokens which are
launchpad builders and have utility where they have buy and sell taxes and obviously
unless you're a token 2022 point uh you you don't have buy and sell taxes on solana so
i think all in all considered i think it's very bullish for long-term sentiment and long-term
profitability chances on solana and in terms of attracting uh more people more liquidity and more
debts in the long run for sure i mean i guess here's what i'll say well maybe it's going to
reverse order because you know back then it was kind of like okay all the shit coins pretended to
have utility and then like you know they you know they actually didn't they were like shit coins
before we went into a whole meta of like oh shit coins are just shit coins just ape into anything
because it's funny uh maybe we'll go into the reverse here where it's just like that's what we've
been doing and maybe some type of um legitimate projects try to launch on this jump thing and
that's kind of like where maybe i could see something but then it's just like then it seems
like we're going backwards in sort of where it's like i think what we're seeing right now
within especially solana is a lot of these products are launching without tokens you
you know farm on them and then they launch the token which is like i kind of like better
because it's like okay at least you have a useful product out right now and like people
are using it and farming it and maybe you know they say long term but i think maybe with a launch
pad like this we'll see a lot of you know kind of like when out of key projects and stuff where
it's just like oh uh we have an idea um come do this pre-sale and we're going to develop this idea
and um you know half of them rug yada yada yada so um i don't know because i'll tell you you know
the one that i was invested in back then when i mean imagine all these shit coins were launching on
launch pads or like that type of thing and then there's this big launch pad that comes out and
they go hey if you buy our token and you stake it the percentage of your staking we take two
percent of every token and that's how much you get i mean that was the idea behind the one that
i invested in they changed that whole message or whatever but you know imagine you're getting two
percent of like every fucking token that launched or whatever this past thing and you can just
sell it so like back then that was like that's my frame of reference like that was the ideal
and then you know that still didn't end up working long term for a number of reasons i have a whole
fucking powerpoint on it um but you know i'm not going to go into that now and i cry about my bags
but anyway um yeah i don't know i mean we'll see we'll see with it but i mean you know obviously
i like jup and everything um and you know i hope they do well it's just like you know launch pads
and tokens and stuff i'm just you know skeptical on this when you know you see all these shit
coins are able to do it you know without any of that support time will tell honestly like i do feel
like we're gonna see like any it's more interest coming from the juke's launch pad in regards to
what it is that like maybe people want to be launching on it but even regardless of that i've
always had a bad relationship with dex coins like i've i've never i used to hold a fat bag of
serum got burned hard on that like fucking hard but like nonetheless i still think that it's
become clear that like they're trying to make this more than a dex coin so whatever it is you know
it's the reason why people are wanting to hold juke it's the reason why people are wanting to
potentially accumulate juke like it's it's the kind of thing where like this is an airdrop that
might be worth not paper handing for and you can see a lot of people feel that way
uh i want to shift the conversation a little bit talk about something besides the fact that
we have when i think the claim is happening tomorrow if not mistaken i've been getting
sent a link now and i'm not entirely sure like where the claim is but it's unless if someone has
information but it seems like when is dropping tomorrow like you can't claim it you could check
your wallets but i think it's like 18 hours or some shit like that i don't know i've seen in
a bunch of chats is the checker like the eligibility do you guys know yes it's like
yeah you get you could just go check all your wallets it's like i think it's
well obviously go find the fucking link don't it's like but it's like i think
it was but the site was down a couple of minutes ago but i think it was or an hour or so ago
but it might be back up but yeah i'm talking about more i'm curious like do you know
what you had to do to qualify like i mean i'll go check my wallets but like um i know that
oval's good son and uh saga genesis and then everything else fuck if i know
yeah i mean hey that's a w i know that they've been like trying to collaborate with some of
the nft holders and then obviously obviously some of the top traders so we're getting some
stimmies guys we're getting some real nice stimmies over the next few days especially
if you've been airdrop farming a little bit seems like some of those are starting to hit
right now but i'm excited for all of it gold what's up um yeah just commenting based on
bad brothers asking what the criteria for having an allocation on this world so oval's actually
tweeted out and said that the distribution is completely equal across all one million plus
wallets so um odds are you probably have an allocation and i believe i've heard that if
you've trained over ten dollars on jupiter you have an allocation but it's not that much like
it starts off at like six dollars per allocation oh it's actually interesting because it also relates
to uh what do you call bitcoin uh ordinal thing as well where it's just like with these r6 um you know
leonidas and them they were complaining that the drop wasn't really fair and they're like oh now
we're going to do a more fairer thing which you know i don't even like the word fair and it's
like we're gonna uh do drop to a hundred thousand wallets and do all this but i'm just like all
right well when you do it to that degree then it's like is it even going to be a cook is
it even worth it so like you know depending on how many of these wallets are qualified no
bigger airdrop it's like does this actually cook i don't know i mean at the end of the day
you know free money is free money it's kind of hard to complain even i'll take the free money
yeah exactly but uh i know the feeling of like you know they want to spread it everyone wants
a piece of the pie but if everyone gets too much of a piece of the pie then nobody gets it
nobody gets a full meal that's the hard part with with any kind of airdrop so
it is what it is been seeing a lot of the controversy that comes around with eigenlayer
as well too and like them taking off the cap limits but time we'll tell on that we'll see
how that goes um let's talk a bit about some nfts we have some cool things coming up on
the horizon between like you know there's a fucking mint that came out yesterday with sub
one soul it's now up to 15 soul like that's that's something hard on it though why why though why
i don't know i just thought it was pleasing to my eyes that's all i can say it looks like a
fudenza ripoff wait and that's putting it nicely well it was not rubber if you go to the
like magic kingdom no tensor right now you look at the top page and rubber is like number two
right now sitting at a 14 soul floor it was actually a 20 soul earlier this morning
i don't know apparently i mean it's only a thousand pieces so i wouldn't be surprised
if there's like actual interest for this kind of thing if it's like something that's genuine
i just don't know anything about it other than the fact that it's just art and if for what it's
worth that is more than enough for it to like have some sort of pump i just don't think that
the art is anything special it looks like like really shitty version of fudenzas that is it's
ai right ball bullshit it's what
it's cabal bullshit of course it is of course it fucking is it always
go on sorry asher you're gonna say something or did you get cut off there
are you back i think she's running i think she's working good time amy you're gonna
say something while ashley's trying to figure her mic what's up no i just said she was rigging
um it's just all bullshit it's just like another one of those things where everybody got together
instead of we're pumping this thing that's the end of it all i was gonna say is that it always
is like it always has been for years and years and years i mean hey if you can't beat
them might as well lose to them right that's that's how the saying goes i think you gotta try to join
them you gotta you know uh really you gotta work your way up you gotta give a couple good grippies
and you uh come right into the cabal dude i was texting bunny about this earlier like
i feel so washed man we don't fucking get whitelisted shit anymore like we have like it
doesn't matter how lost i got i got how did you come back at that moment i got
did you actually how did you how did you get your hands on it oh dude so what no no no okay
so you had to do like the quests or whatever and so i spent a week filming while i was on
vacation because i'm so fucking dedicated and then i at the end i didn't realize about the other two
parts of the quest i only did the video so randomly two people reached out to me and they were like hey
you wanna you wanna partner up and i was like hell yeah they did the other parts i did the video we
submitted the last minute within the last 30 minutes and then we got it so i'm so fucking
happy guys to spend point one bitcoin you know uh gonna pull that out of my ass somehow
fuck man i really wish i got on top of that video shit much more i was way it was lacking
way too hard on it because it seems like it would have been just a fun thing to do at a bare minimum but
it is an expensive mint like four thousand dollars for this nft is a lot i bet you i bet
you though it's gonna hit like i mean maybe this is because i got whitelisted and you know i'm
i'm a big simp um but i think it is a full bitcoin i do i do i really do not right now
not immediately you're saying these goddamn cats are gonna flip my omb get the fuck out of here
yes i do i'm fucking bullish as hell not because i spent a week recording that's not at all you
know why that that i feel that way no but for real though i i really do think they're gonna get
to that or at least half um just because like like whatever we have um like an ordinal run
um i really think that like omb's i could see going to even two um like i think we're gonna see
like one bitcoin or over for a lot of these ordinals that have been around for a while
oh okay no in a long time yeah i can agree with that um yeah i'm gonna be bullish on
akat if i win uh one of these giveaways if i don't um i'm gonna fight it to the ground
same only solely because i never got i didn't make the fucking video i'm stupid about that
but dude it wasn't it like they were given um i think yeah oh wait uh they're doing it do you
have a ninja alert i do yeah so i entered the giveaway and like my odds are decent i'd say
to win because it's 30 spots but also like i i have really shit luck so i'd never ever bank
on that like any any of these wireless giveaways i never fucking 500 spots for marms yesterday for
saga holders i was like piece of cake easy i was there right waiting the moment it opened up gone
couldn't even get in not even a single i have three phones three couldn't get a single one
it's just just completely got fucked over the the website overload with traffic and then
next thing i knew 500 spots all gone which by the way why the fuck are we still doing first
come first serve for giveaways why we have the tools for raffles they can't do it legally
for a white list it's not even anything still on a mobile can't oh you gotta be kidding me
that's crazy what is the legality around that it's not like it's it's like it's not even like a
it's a raffle but it's for something that has no like tangible value yeah but you know when you
see the commercials and they go like no purchase necessary like you got to do that uh i don't know
how you do that i guess it's the fact that it's gated to an nft that is well i mean there's no
it's not like saga genesis is tradable either that's you know i get the i get it you know
they have to like avoid the legalities and stuff but like there's there's loopholes okay
there's fucking loopholes all right whatever i'm not gonna bitch and complain about it it is what it is
it would have to be like an annoying thing where you do like a raffle ticket claim and then
whoever gets the raffle ticket then they would be able to like it just would have to be through
a third party not associated with solana mobile which is like clearly untrustable that's pretty
trustworthy i love those guys i really do i i feel bad for them i mean fucking fucked up
mistake but you feel bad for them yeah i feel bad i feel bad for the other 11 people on the
multi-sick i guess no because this guy who by the way has not deleted his twitter yet
hilarious is like it's clearly the winner here and obviously like it was set up in a poor way
where you know you end up trusting someone too much and i've been on the other end of that where
like you put a lot of your faith into someone blindly but like it now the heat is coming
onto the people who are left behind not the person who got away with the funds and so
they're looked at at like really poorly like we saw Anatoly and like Merton a bunch of people like
come up and say hey what the fuck were you guys thinking like it's just it's it's a bad look and
it's pretty shameful but i i they'll be able to run it back you know i know i know a lot of the like
the doubt people like the people on the council over there they're good people this is a mistake
that won't ever happen again i assume and i and like a lot of people can learn from this like
double check your thresholds on your multi-sigs etc etc and you know i think they'll be able to
make back the money that they lost very easily or you know if this guy really is able to
convince everyone that he's innocent and get the money back then maybe that also goes a long way
but i think there's a good warning for people where it's like you may be like trustworthy
and like um you know you may do nothing wrong but you know if you don't understand the
technical to some of this stuff and you get involved in some of this stuff that doesn't mean
can't be flooded when something goes wrong you know what i mean my biggest my biggest thing is that
like i love you guys like i love you guys so much but like there's only a handful of people
in this space point blank period that i would trust with with serious shit and like i don't
like truth of the matter is i don't know most of you motherfuckers like i love y'all but i don't
know most of y'all like you don't even know my real last name like how do you fucking know
who i am you know what i mean like i don't know who you are i don't know where you live i don't know
like don't get into business with people and don't associate your entire existence with people
that you don't fucking know you know what i mean like i know lucifer's literal address
i would trust him i know ashley's literal address i know frisk pretty fucking well
i would trust him jux i literally would babysit his child like but like i'm i love the rest of y'all
but like thanks amy bad brothers i don't know your fucking name like i know your first name
but i don't know your fucking name i don't know where you live i don't know of the it's baddie
it's his first name is baddie miami you're gonna come up here to tamper i'm gonna make you
a nice brisket we're gonna have a bus over brisket my guy said brisket you're in the bucket with
the rest of them no no and i i mean i'm breaking your ball but that's completely fair well thank you
so much for breaking my balls and you know but amy this is the funny thing is that the multisig is
meant to be able to like prevent any it's like blockchain was always designed to be a trustless
permissionless system okay that's always what it was like designed to be it's what i was always
created to be and so when you have something like it like a multisig which is meant to help enhance
that sort of theory and enhance like the idea oh no frisk we're not gonna go down this route like okay
yes it's a no i'm agreeing with you i'm agreeing with you you're trustless fucking don't get into
business with people like people that you don't know if they're a pedophile or not because you
just know they're from the internet you know what i mean like like how do you find that out
here to be
oh go ahead amy sorry no no no you go you're spitting no i was just gonna say what when you
like you were saying like you don't know who these people are dude i hung out with somebody
at an entity conference and then sody was like you should look up their criminal record
um and then you find out
just ignore him he's he's he's i don't know he's having fun partying at cheesecake factory he's
probably doing a birthday or something um but but okay so so somebody was like look at this
person's background i did um and like they had like crazy like salt charges and all this stuff
i was like dude no way dude like this is crazy so like you you really don't know
everyone's got skeletons in their closet everyone's got skeletons in their closet i don't doubt that
whatsoever and then like that's that's exactly where i'm going with this when you even if
there are malicious actors the point i feel like a multisig where is it is kind of meant to help
that where you have people who you never know their true intentions but if there are enough
people who you know their intentions on like for example if that threshold was fucking five out of
twelve or six out of twelve okay to help like continue with any any sort of um like transactions
even if you have one or two malicious motherfuckers you still have enough people on that on that team
and i'm not doubting that you can trust and so yes you need to get into business with people you
can trust but you also don't know who you can like i don't know my parents are both entrepreneurs
i've grown up watching them do business with tons of people i've watched people that they would like
consider fucking family stab them in the back for fucking pennies like it is like and i feel like
this is a very relatable thing to a lot of people in this space fucking i've experienced it and i
should i don't know why how the hell i've fallen into it but it happens you know money will change
people time and time and time again we are coming up on time a bit so i do want to hit
somebody's hands really quick this is a great conversation i assume we're going to go down
this path but with these hands let's hit caylor plotsky we'll wrap with golden i'm sure someone else
can erase their fucking anyways hey guys um thanks for bringing me up uh i'll run through these real
quick so uh for for the saga mobile stuff i think they could just do a phase whitelist where they
just say all all all token holders or whatever you get x amount of spots like let everybody in
but at first come first serve um for uh rubber i bought in at 20 last night i watched
within 30 minutes i watched it climb from like 16 to 20 uh during uh the the uh wagner kabal space
last night aped in and then spent the rest of the night being pissed off at uh nb because i watched
it plummet to like 12 woke up to it at 20 and immediately sold it as like fuck it it's
really cool art it's it's high definition 40 uh 40 megabit uh megabyte file it looks good but
obviously like a rip off of something else at least and for the marm stuff um uh are you sure that
they did the giveaway like i was i was waiting and i didn't see anything and i know they had an old
giveaway from a couple days ago where only five out of the 500 were actually like released so did
they actually do it or they did it yeah unless i was in the wrong discord but i'm pretty sure i was
in the right one the salon mobile discord if i look right here go to the giveaway section
did i lose my matricor night two and it didn't work it got like it was like almost like it was
bought it it was so fast hmm which channel
salana mobile um discord well salana mobile proper
there we go yeah it's in the whitelist section of the south of salana mobile discord allocation 500
marm list fcfs you got 99 problems but marm ain't one shows the links shows the requirements
which is be a genesis have the genesis hold a role in the discord and join the giveaway that's it
okay cool yeah that's right cool yep boss give us up i was just gonna chime in on what amy was
saying i mean she's she's definitely right about who you trust but i think if you're working
online that uh yeah if you protect yourself with like a multisig or something like that
you could do business with someone who's anonymous uh depending on what the business is i worked on
second life for 10 years and nobody ever knew who i was and that was 99 of that platform so there
were people you know i was responsible for some people's income but i i made sure like i was
usually in control of things with people i was dealing with but um i think in this day like
you know 10 years ago the internet was still like don't tell anyone who you are like they'll come
murder you like there was that idea and i think it's a little bit different now but um the
multisig should protect you financially you know as long as you it's always my rule of thumb like
don't do business with anyone without a contract no matter how good of a friend they are because
it's not offensive to ask for that it protects both of you if there's ever a question of what
should happen you just go back to the contract so that's my best advice don't ever feel like
it's insulting to ask even your closest friend that you know for a contract with any business stuff
a hundred percent it's funny actually i just um i just sent a contract to do uh cloud management
for a project and i'm starting with the student and i i've brought on someone who i trust very
closely i've worked with him in the past and he's a great friend of mine and we already agreed
that we're gonna look lou don't you can't oh my god he's gonna be better uh he's he and i
already agree that we're gonna drop a contract between the two of us just to make sure that
like we're okay with like everything that it is that we agree on and we're good we're good
friends i've known him in this he's one of our first friends i ever met in this space actually
and like you just can never be too careful you always want to make sure that like
you have that understanding between each other and then you both have that understanding with
the people that you have you know set up whatever agreement it is with the company that you've done
it's never wrong to be too formal you know and this is this is where the controversy on
prenups comes into play but we're all single right so it doesn't matter anyways hey amy if
you look at the top you can see um my my lettuce is pretty much ready to harvest so you know
you come down in miami come with tamper we have a salad right from my garden look at that
trust someone who feeds you from the food he builds with his own two we're gonna hit
golds because we're over time we're over time and i don't have time to talk about lettuce
or briskets a couple things so bad brothers uh you might have poisoned the lettuce that you've
oh my god so no it's supposed to look like that i also have a red lettuce too they're very pretty
okay uh i'll believe your word uh but yeah i want to say two things so number one i pinned up here so
clayna stores clay six three one the golden one just sold for 420 sold which is the highest nfc
sales in the last 24 hours so that's pretty crazy and it's very bullish for clayna right now
so anyone who's a clayna holder that's a big dub hopefully more eyes on clayna as well
i want from my uh top tier clay maker too definitely definitely um and secondly i want to
say obviously i know we're all uh salana mfers here apart from ashley she's kind of both um
but uh i've been getting into obviously you guys don't know me well you know i've been getting into
say uh very recently and i just wanted to give like some alpha on their nfts if you guys haven't
been like keeping it up with their ecosystem but um like say nfts if you're curious about them
some are doing like really well like some the top five are like ripping hard um so i have so
the number two collection pretty much or number three collection in uh say is sayans right which
was a free mint and uh i picked up 14 whitelist for like a combined 250 on exaverse marketplace
for mint and now the floor for one saying is 740 say which is 450 so now i'm like up
like more than 5k on sayans right now um from the free mint and then we've got we bump is almost
2000 say floor and basically these guys are like the metaplex of say so their 1950 say is like
1200 dollars um and basically with that you basically get guaranteed whitelist for every
single mint like no questions asked and then we have dub which is like an ip play uh kind of
feels similar to you uh on say it's 780 say right now and that was a 40 say mint like two
weeks ago so um some of these are ripping hard and if you guys ever want to get into statements
my biggest advice is uh the first thing is try not to mint anything which has the the word stay
in it unless it's like something like sayans which is the uh the the nft collection for a coin which
is the the most successful coin on say at the moment um number two just try and look at it right
if it's a derivative don't mint it if it's original and you genuinely feel like you haven't seen it
around anywhere before so i would go i would mint it if it if the price is low enough um you know
i did that with dub like i've never seen something like dub before that those things would be used
but it's still different and look at where that's gotten so far so um yeah just the the truth is like
if you if you spot the the good ones and the right ones on say you're gonna make some big bags on
these entities and then we've got stuff like staypal which is kind of like the boogles of say they're
like these little like 80s supply collection gems which are 8000 stay floor and um in terms of
mints just gonna do the last one so uh we have a mint coming up tomorrow actually um where the
artist of it was was put on the instagram story of the weekend uh the singer so the the weekend
put up on his instagram story a post of the say outlines uh artist artwork apparently so
um i don't know how true that is how true that is uh but i believe that artist is actually
pretty well acclaimed so yeah just thought i'd share that out there if anyone was curious
not appreciate it gold thank you so much for the alpha i think that you know someone's
definitely gonna be able to act on that so yeah always sharing that any valuable
ways that we can make i want to hit two square to wrap it up go ahead too
yo jimog um yeah just super ultra quick question dude are we getting a fucking
air job for jupiter because like for the saga phones because my friend is trying to sell his
and i'm like debating on just buying his and that way i'll have three is it worth fucking keeping
these goddamn things you know these things are supposed to pay our fucking mortgages we're
going to be walking around farming mobile you know all these assholes who are fucking telling
me this is the next big thing and i don't even know what to fucking do with this goddamn phone
anymore you know we don't have any financial advice for that here i will say i don't think
that any stock mobile is getting any juke tokens but it does seem like you're going to be getting the
wen token that's coming out tomorrow do with that information what you will let us know what
it is that you feel and guys thank you for showing us no fluff thank you everyone for
being here don't forget we do this show every day except for sunday's 12 p.m est we love you all
take care have a great day and don't forget where you guys got all the best alpha is from
your one and only no fluff have a great day have a great day bye bye bye love you bye