Chilling, bro. How's everything?
Shit. You made out all right?
Yeah, man. Luckily, the weather was not bad at all here.
Y'all didn't get rain or anything?
Like, on and off and stuff like that, but not bad, by the way.
Yeah, I just talked to Dio. I just talked to Dio a little bit ago. He texted me about 20 minutes ago.
How's everything with him?
He was straight. I guess he was home. I'm not really sure if he was home or he went back to his parents' house.
But, um, he was straight. I mean, obviously, he can't get on his face. Like, they don't have phone service and shit.
So, um, yeah. The phone will probably be fucked up for a good three, four days, bro.
Yeah, I heard the towers are, like, there's probably, like, only one functioning tower, and I think it was in Fort Myers.
And I don't know if that has an effect on him, but I know Fort Myers got hit hard.
Yeah, when we had, um, uh, Ida last year, we had fucking, um, we were out for, like, shit, five, four or five days, bro.
We were out of cell phones. Like, we couldn't, we couldn't, um, text on, and you couldn't do nothing on the phone on one side of town.
So, yeah, it goes to the other side. It's because, like, when that one hit, like, it kind of hit, like, right on the edge of the town that I live in.
And so, like, literally 15, 10 minutes away from where I live, like, it looked like nothing happened at all.
Nothing got fucked up or anything. But if you, um, if you came on my side of town, it was, like, it was all destroyed and shit.
And you couldn't, you couldn't use the cell phones on half the side of the town on the other side. You could. It was crazy.
Yeah, you guys need a break from some hurricanes and shit, man. It's been, it's been hectic.
It's every year, bro. Like, this is the first year, man, I can't even remember when, bro. This is the, this is the first year we haven't had, like, at least a scare. You know what I'm saying?
Yeah. Yeah. Usually it's, usually it's every fucking year, bro.
Yeah, the, the Gulf has, like, this crazy warm water, so they just power up on the way over there.
And the season's not up, right?
No, I think it's in mid-October when it finishes.
Yeah, it's, uh, I want to say it's, it don't officially end, I think, till, like, November 30th, I think.
Oh, no, October 30th, sorry.
Yeah, something like that.
But year before last, we had a hurricane in October.
Yeah, so I'm going to creep up late. Like, usually they don't, but, yeah, those are the ones that are, like, worrisome.
You're like, what the hell? I thought we were out of the water already.
But, yeah, um, yeah, Dio is all good, bro.
I talked to him twice today, but not for long, because, um, like, I would be talking to him, and he'd sound fine, and then all of a sudden he'd just crash, and just, it would just hang up.
Yeah, I didn't get to talk to him a whole lot. I got to talk to him a couple of times, but it wasn't a whole lot.
I was just glad to hear from him, bro, because, uh, when I woke up this morning, man, I seen a lot of fucking pictures, six, eight foot of water in people's houses, and fucking alligators in people's driveways and shit.
And I was like, holy shit, bro.
Like, damn, I hope my dude drives.
Yeah, bro, that's not my shit. It's the same thing over here. We had that same shit over here, bro.
Yeah, me and, uh, everyone on our team, because me and, me and him work together, um, and so everyone on our team was like, we haven't heard from him.
And even my, my manager is like, uh, we have not heard from him.
And so you sent me a message saying he's good. So I, I was like, Hey, I got word. He's good. We're good people. And so everyone at work kind of calmed down because, uh, we hadn't heard from him either.
Um, so it was a kind of like a sigh of relief to hear that he was all right.
Uh, yeah, well, I usually talk to him early, early because Dio's an hour ahead of me.
So right about the time he's getting cranked up, I'm usually waking up. So I usually talk to him like early, early in the morning.
Well, this morning, I mean, I wasn't sure if he was going to get it or not, bro, but I texted him this morning.
I was like, yo, you good, bro? And fuck, I was about to leave to go to work and my phone went off and I was like, oh, there he is.
And I was like, dang, that was a relief because, um, yeah, I saw a lot of crazy shit on TV, bro.
I was, I was kind of worried, man. I wasn't sure like how far inland he actually, cause I know he told me that he, uh, went to his parents' house.
Like they, cause I think Dio lives closer to the Gulf. I think he went like to his parents' house cause it was a little further inland.
So, um, yeah, I wasn't, I wasn't sure if they were still like in a flood prone area, but yeah, I was glad to hear from him though.
So that was, that was pretty cool.
But, um, yeah, we'll miss Dio tonight. So somebody's got to carry the torch with the questions, bro.
So I have a lineup of questions.
Yeah, I had some questions too. I'm just playing around, but yeah. Um, so yeah.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So we, um, we have, uh, Focus 5 Sports on tonight. Um, it looks like, uh, Metadrago, um, they are not going to be able to make it tonight. So that kind of sucks.
But, um, we also have Ryber who is on tonight as well. Um, so yeah, with Metadrago canceling, it kind of, uh, kind of messed up a little bit, you know, kind of had a little schedule made.
But, um, so I guess we just going to kind of freelance this one. Um, not a whole lot of people in so far. Should we, uh, give a few more minutes to get some people in the room or you, or you think we should just get started?
We can wait a little bit.
We can wait a little bit to see if people start turning up.
So what's going on in DMC world this week, boys?
Y'all got something to spill?
Y'all got something to spill tonight or what?
We just, uh, been working on adding more features to the Discord.
Uh, and, uh, managed to get us, uh, hooked up with, uh, Bolt by Zenon.
And, uh, last week, and popped up.
Wait, are you actually starting your shill?
Because I was just bullshitting.
I was just, wait, I, Awful just, Awful had just said, uh, give it a minute.
So I was just, uh, you know, fucking with y'all about the alpha.
But, yeah, let's give it one more.
Let's give it two more minutes.
Get a few more people, uh, in the streets.
But, um, yeah, so, um, we can, uh, talk about it.
We can talk a little intro for a minute.
Um, I didn't really have an intro topic picked out because I planned on, um, having three
projects plus us tonight, so five.
But, yeah, that changed a little bit.
Yeah, we can kind of, uh, freelance for a few minutes, though, Awful.
Man, man, the big, the big news, at least for my bags, is that zero percent on Nebraska.
It's going to move a lot of bodies.
He's been saying he was going to do it, though, bro, so people can't really be surprised,
Yeah, I think he really wants people to know that it's not about, you know, holding something
sustainable through royalties alone.
It's, he's putting his mouth, uh, into action in a sense of, it's not going to be about the
smoke and mirrors and, you know, accumulating royalties and shit like that.
But it's, he has a plan of action, and he's been executing, I think, even since before
this project, to be honest, with the whole, um, gambles and all that.
I think he's had that plan forever, and he kind of just applied it into his project.
Um, we got to be getting close, huh?
I think he's, he's already kind of testing it out.
Like, it's, the, the back end is kind of, I think already, I don't know, we'll, we'll
see what he says, but I think the back end stuff is kind of done from, from what he's
He's ready to test Jelly Drops, but I think gambles is probably next.
Because he's saying October for infected rascals, and then he, he keeps saying October is going
So it wouldn't surprise me to see gambles at the end of October.
Man, October is going to be crazy for a couple of different projects.
I know, well, I mean, everybody knows that Jelly's going to be insane.
But TTCC is going to be insane in October as well, man.
I can't fucking wait for October to just start already.
There's literally so much going on, bro.
I'm just, like, shocked at how good the market, in the sense of NFTs, is moving.
Like, you're seeing these projects go, like, kind of, like, having these pumps and, like,
It's not like these pumping dumps.
Yeah, it's just, like, I don't know, man.
The market is, it's definitely weird.
It's definitely, yeah, it is, it is crazy how a lot of these projects are still able
to gain traction, even, you know, in this bay right now.
And it's, it's like you, it's like you look at it and you want to say, damn, man, like,
this is, this is about the end.
Like, we bought the, you know, the bull, the next bull is, like, on the doorstep.
You know what I'm saying?
And, um, you just don't, I don't know, you don't see the reflection in sold price because,
like, sold price has pretty much been hovering in between $30 and $35 for, like, what, three,
We have some, we have some TA, like, people that are into, like, really looking at it
and they're, they're thinking it's gonna, like, dip even further.
But you, you see the little bubble of the NFT world that it's almost, like, not affected
Obviously, once it does or if it does do, like, a big dip, you'll see the price action, you
But it's interesting how the NFT world almost works in inverse proportion to, like, the
I think that's a lot to do with the community, like, the community.
It's got you wondering, man, when's it, when's it, when's it just gonna blow up again, bro?
And, and then, you know, now you're starting to kind of see, uh, I've been, I've been seeing
people popping up on Twitter here and there a good little bit.
Um, with, uh, man, when's that new currency that they starting to do NFTs on?
Um, shit, I'm drawing a blank.
Yeah, I think it's Cardona.
I've been seeing a lot of, a good bit of people posting about that, talking about, oh, is
this, like, the next, uh, the next big thing in NFTs?
But it's just, like, it's not, it's not soul in general, it's just, it's crypto in general.
And it's like, again, it's, it's very weird that, man, you see all these, I mean, you're
starting to see a good bit of projects starting to gain traction.
Like, it's, it's, it's, it's, like, projects are running like it's, it's a bad, I mean, a
Just soul price just isn't reflecting that.
We got to keep acting like, one soul is one soul, because that's what it is.
That's always been my mindset.
Like, one soul is one soul.
So, yeah, that's, yeah, keeping that mindset's important, man.
I mean, the minute, the minute you don't look, look at it like that, it might be done.
But, you know, so having the NFTs and based in the value of those based on the soul, it's
another step away from the dollar.
So, I mean, it's able to act a little bit differently.
But, all right, well, I guess we'll go ahead and get started.
We got, we finally got some people flowing in.
So, I guess let's run DMC first.
Am I still rugging, by the way?
You was rugging pretty hard, bro.
I couldn't hear nothing you were saying.
My phone, I swear to God, I need a new one.
So, that's my next investment.
I just want to make sure I was rugging anymore.
But, yeah, so just, you know, just as everybody can see, we missing Dio tonight.
Dio is a resident of Florida, and he was affected by Hurricane Ian that happened yesterday.
And so, yeah, so we have Awful that is going to co-host with me tonight, and Awful from DMC.
And also brought in Johnny from TTCC to also do some questioning.
We have, so far, we have TTCC, DMC, and Focus 5 Sports in the house.
We are expecting Ryber to also be here.
And, again, we had Metadrago scheduled, but they, unfortunately, had something come up
and notified us a few hours ago that they couldn't make it.
So, we were not able to have enough time to fill that spot.
So, we're just going to go what we got.
If we have a little bit shorter show than we usually do tonight, so be it.
But, yeah, without further ado, let's go ahead and get started.
So, let's get with DMC, see what DMC's got going on for this week.
We've just been kind of putting up some new utilities over the last couple weeks.
I mean, I can hear you, but I can't hear you good.
You sound like you're really far away.
I'm going to tell you what.
I'm going to switch headsets and move on to somebody else.
Yeah, I can hear you now.
Let's move on to the next.
If I'm not running, I'm sitting here waiting for food.
So, you may hear me talk to someone that drops off my food.
Let's roll with TTCC first.
Then we'll come back to DMC, and then we'll catch up with Focus 5.
We got the man himself in the house, Fox.
This is a rare occurrence.
He usually doesn't get to join us too, too often on Shillspace.
So, it's always good to have the man himself in the house.
I'm really excited to be here.
I like coming to these things, but with two kids, and this always happened right around
the time I cooked dinner.
Being on the West Coast, it kind of gets me sometimes.
But I always like listening to them afterwards and hearing how things went.
So, to me, it's always exciting.
But I'm really excited, especially because there's so much brewing in the background,
as you know, over at TTCC.
We're building continually.
We actually had a good conversation with some other devs that are helping our dev.
We're looking at – actually, you know what?
This is going to be a little bit of alpha.
So, I'm going to just jump right in the gate and give you some alpha out of the bat.
So, most of you guys are familiar –
So, most of you guys are familiar with Flexility.
That's our raid-to-earn bot, our raffle bot, our giveaway bot.
I mean, that bot's going to pretty much do anything you think that it can do in this ecosystem.
So, the big thing that we're looking at and one of the things we noticed is we want to get an option
for people to be able to have a front-end, or at least for us to have a front-end.
Have it linked to our website and also allow you to be able to connect your wallet.
Go in and actually see – kind of like a dashboard for yourself.
So, you can see, like, what's in your wallet.
You can connect your wallet to our bot.
That way, prizes go directly to your phantom wallet.
So, you don't have to do the Discord thing.
It'll be an option, again.
Just like burners are an option, we talk about burners.
It's one of the great things about our Discord wallets is it's like a burner.
You just deposit what you need to use in it, and then you pull it out when you don't want it in there.
It's how I've always looked at it, and it's the first thing I learned in this space is have a burner.
But we want to give people an option if you have trust in us and faith in us so that, again, we're not out to do anything bad.
But we want to give you a dashboard, something that you can interact with.
I've spoken with a few people looking at potentially having it to where you can interact, maybe like a generic map where other TTCs are located.
So, you can kind of see our span across the globe.
And just, again, a little alpha.
I got big plans and big things coming.
And so, I just think that's neat.
I mean, when I sit down and I think about this stuff, like we're a community is really what it comes down to.
And I want to be able to bring that community closer.
I mean, I see it everywhere and people talk about it, but it's how can I build the community and bring you guys closer by still giving back?
Like that's always been my goal throughout all of this.
And I've been saying there's a day coming, and I promise you that there is a day.
I think it will blow most of you guys out of the water.
But that day is less than a month away.
Again, like I've been saying, I've lined some things up.
And you think the 2.7 all-time high is a record.
Wait until you see what's going to happen after I work my magic with what we've been doing.
So, again, I really am thankful for all the people that have stuck with us and stayed by our side.
Our rev share is huge this month.
So, Galactic Rescuers holding 50 are pushing almost 2 soul.
1.9 soul is what they're going to get deposited in their wallets.
Again, a lot of these people scooped up 50 when they were 0.1 soul.
So, if you can only imagine a 5 soul investment, and most of them have already made that back in the 3 rev shares.
So, I just want to throw that out there.
People that listened and got in earlier are already making some big profits.
And we're seeing almost 1.5 soul for those who hold 25.
And so, those that have taken the time to climb up and get to that 25 mark, they're pushing 1.5 soul.
But this is one of the things I wanted to bring up in the shill space tonight and to give some background.
I'm looking at restructuring the way that our rev share works to where the percentage is still the same,
but you actually get rewarded based on the number that you're holding.
So, I know there's someone that's in the Galactic God that's holding like 97,
but he gets the same payout as everyone that's holding 50.
And so, we've been talking in the background, and Triggs even mentioned the idea, and I like it.
I like doing a per chimp and splitting the revenue per chimp.
And again, it'll only go to the categories by sale.
So, it would only be the chimps counted and time looper and up.
So, again, I would be keeping it at the same percentages as far as the payouts,
but instead, the payout would go per chimp instead of just per holder.
It'll allow each holder to earn what they want.
Now, another thing I'm looking into on the back end, which was a wonderful idea,
and I've spoken to you, is I want to reward holders.
We talk about holders, and it's not about the people that buy in to get the reward,
then sell out to make their profits back during the next pump.
My goal is to reward those that are holding and honestly make sure that they're getting what's due.
And so, with that, I want to be able to make sure that we're giving back.
And so, I want to make sure that we're giving back to the right people, the people that are holding.
I'm great if you're here for a quick flip, make it a couple of dollars,
but I want to provide value to the holder.
So, I spoke with the dev team to give a time frame stake,
so how long you've had your NFT stake.
And I'm thinking 75% of the month is what I'm going to be looking at.
Because, again, my goal is to give back to holders and people that are going to continue to support the vision that we're building.
And that's my thought process.
And I've been saying, hey, if you're listed, you don't get revenue share.
I think what it comes down to is you get rev share for the chimps you have staked.
And they have to be staked for 75% of the month.
And that's how you get that rev share.
That's how you keep earning and keep building the profit.
Our bot is just going to keep growing.
I'm telling you now, with the plans that we have, there's stuff that our devs are working on that has not been done in this ecosystem at all, ever.
And just like the raffle system, you haven't seen it.
And if you have, it's nowhere near as good as ours.
And if you've seen it, it's not going to be as good as what we're building.
And so, I'm happy with the things that we're going to put out there.
So, if you stick with us and stay by our side, you're going to see a lot of growth and a lot of potential come from this.
Because we've made some really big partnerships that we're keeping secret.
The reason for that is I want to shock and awe.
I really just want to, you guys, like I've said a few times, you just wake up and just open your wall and randomly see something.
Like, how crazy is that, right?
Like, just not even knowing when it's coming, what it's going to be, who's involved, what the process is.
Again, just complete blow-your-mind type of stuff.
But yeah, like I said, I can ramble for hours and I have a lot brewing in the background.
And I'm trying to not say too much because I'll give away too much.
But trust me, we're making some big moves in the background with some really, really smart groups.
And one of the things I'm excited about, and this one I'll mention because they've talked to us about it before and they've been on our shill space.
This is the one I'm working on.
But I'm talking to Shredded in the background about our token being added to their system and maybe something else.
So, that is a little bit of alpha I'll give you guys.
Shredded is being communicated with about having our tokens where you can use PlutoniumX on their website and actually be able to get a discount on their product.
Similar to Way, we're working out a – we have to work out the value of what they put behind PlutoniumX, the dollar value, since it's not a liquidity token.
But no, we're working – again, I want to make connections with big projects and, you know, get our name out there even further.
And I feel we've seen a lot of products – a lot of – I know for us in the background, you've got to get on that radar for that type of stuff.
And the big thing is that they've came to us asking us if we want our tokens.
So, I've been working with them.
I'm in a DM to try and get things squared away.
Again, there's a lot of stuff coming in the background, and it's literally just timeframe.
Gamification, the devs have told me they're putting the final touches on the trait mutation –
not trait mutation, but being able to actually apply your trait.
So, again, everything – within the next 30 days, you guys are going to see so much stuff drop from TTCC that you're just going to be like,
You guys have actually been building.
And that's what I look forward to is it's all just going to start dropping.
You know, one drop this week, another drop the next week, another announcement the next.
And so, that's the momentum that I'm trying to keep going.
And as you guys see, I feel like we've proven ourselves.
We're holding a steady close to two-soul-four price.
We've literally – like I was telling people, we've 10 times, if not 20 times, some people's investment at a 0.1 investment.
And, again, I plan to see 100 times.
Again, I love the jelly system, but I'm going to be up there at 66, 50 sole, surpassing OK Bears and everything else.
And we're also – I know we were keys.
We're in talks – a lot of stuff we're working on, but we're also in talks with stallions and a few other groups.
So, like I said, there's a lot working in the background.
I just – I want to stress that, the importance of that.
There is so much – and we keep it quiet because, again, we want to make sure it's done right.
Same thing with the raffle.
We made sure it was the cleanest one ever, and then we launched it.
That's how I like to work.
I don't want to present to you guys a product that's half done and then we're troubleshooting issues while you're experiencing it.
I want to give you the best experience out of the gate because that's what you guys deserve as holders.
So, I'm going to open it up for questions because Triggs is probably like, dude, this guy is not going to shut up.
He knows me well and said I don't shut up.
So, like I said, I'm a rambler.
So, look, Fox, let's talk about what most people want to hear about right now.
So, you read a post on Twitter today from TTCC.
And it was September, month of September's rev share numbers.
Now, when you take a look at them rev share numbers, of course, they started in July.
They went into, you know, through July.
Then they had a drop in August.
And now they're having about, we're about to have a drop in September.
I think the most significant thing about that entire post is the fact that every month it's at least doubling.
And this month, it's actually, it's more than doubled this month.
So, I just, I kind of wanted to know.
It's gone over double to the point where we're able to give back to the lower holders.
So, that's one of the things that I love.
It's a great point because we've, we've gotten, we've made.
The second part of what I was going to say is I wanted to know what your thoughts are.
I mean, I know what your thoughts are.
But I wanted you to explain to the people what your thoughts are once the fourth piece of rev share comes into effect for TTCC holders, which is gamification rev share.
Oh, so, that I actually absolutely love that.
Because we're still not operating on all four parts of rev share.
Because gamification is not stolen.
And there's two forms of gamification.
So, our first revenue is going to come from our, the marketplace.
So, you're going to have, we have a custom marketplace that's already been built.
Just like Jelly's marketplace that they have to where you purchase in Jelly, you purchase in Soul.
I can, I can allow you to purchase on whatever token I want.
We have our own TTCC marketplace.
I know Dio was finalizing the art, the graphics for that.
He's our in-house graphics guy.
And handles a lot of stuff for us.
And so, he's working on that to save the Dow some funds.
Because a lot of us put in the work and we don't take profit from this.
Like, outside of our chimps and that, we're not paid.
And so, for me, I want to make sure people know what this is going to do is that we have a marketplace and you're going to be able to buy a trade.
So, I want to excuse the great thing that you brought it up.
And I don't know if a lot of people have heard it.
So, one of the big things that I have planned for the classification is traits are going to be, people talk about rarity changing with our collection and the current rarity does not matter.
Rarity is going to be subject to the traits that are available within the collection and total.
And so, what's going to come down to is all the pieces you've seen.
Season one is going to be a little bit of an oddball.
And the reason I say that is because I wanted to provide or give something back to holders with our time device meant to allow the holders that have that type of gamification before everyone else to kind of support the project to help us finalize those things because we were a DGN Mint.
We were actually a D-Rug DGN Mint because we didn't want to be a DGN Mint.
We came out of the gate at like a 1.21 Mint price, quickly dropped that to 0.88, and then that dropped from 0.88 to 0.25.
We refunded everyone that bought at the above prices, and we got things squared away.
And so, we came out of the gate being a DGN Mint, and I want to be able to give back.
So, everyone that has holds for of these time devices get a free trade airdropped.
So, they get to pick whatever trade.
That's when it was one of the stipulations.
So, I could have 50 people pick one of the backgrounds, and I may have only originally wanted to put 25 of those backgrounds.
And so, that's kind of the difference here between Season 1, Season 2, and all the others.
But the key factor in Season 1 is you guys are going to earn traits that you haven't even seen.
So, there's – well, you've actually seen one of the premium traits, which is the tactical vest.
That's why it wasn't on the list to choose from.
So, one of the premium traits is going to be the tactical vest.
It's the premium trait you guys haven't seen.
But I don't – Dio accidentally released the premium trait not knowing.
Anyway, the premium traits will continue to be – we never show you the premium traits.
The premium traits will go into our gamification.
Upon time travel – going on your time traveling adventure, you will come back with one of these traits,
with the potential of one of these traits.
There's going to be different missions or different adventures you can go on.
Each adventure will be priced differently in Plutonium.
There will also be an adventure priced in Solana.
The Solana adventure will increase your odds at a trait quite a bit.
So, if you want to spend a little bit of Sol to go on an adventure, sit for three days, do what you come back with.
It will increase your odds on a trait on Sol and the other one.
So, it's really going to decrease your odds on getting nothing is what the Sol one is.
You're going to get – you'll pretty much get something.
I'd say, like, 80% of the time if you're spending Sol.
Like, that's my thought process.
You're going to get something.
Whether it's a little bit of Sol back, whether it's a huge chunk of Plutonium X.
Again, there will be various things that you'll get back.
And so, that's going to be the first part to where we earn revenue is there's going to be premium missions.
There's going to be – I should only give you certain traits.
I'm talking to other groups that I've seen, and I can – what I can do as far as – I know we –
It always happens when you need the alpha.
You rugging, though, bro.
You want me to just open it up to questions, and I'll take the questions?
So, Fox is rugging pretty hard.
Revshare for the month of September about to be dropped in the next day or so.
So, one thing he hasn't even mentioned tonight, AI drops out tomorrow.
So, yeah, a lot of shit going on in TTCC right now.
But, yeah, just to stress a little bit – just to touch a little bit about – a little on what he is referring to in regards of what is coming.
This is not something that we have spoke to about in any way, shape, or form to the community.
It's not, you know – it's not anything that's been announced already.
So, yeah, he's definitely not exaggerating when he's talking about that because I have that alpha, and I know this for a fact.
So, yeah, with that being said –
This time, I am going to take the questions for TTCC.
Yeah, I'm curious to hear more about the marketplace and kind of the – what pointed you guys in that direction.
Is it going to be essentially a dex?
So, yeah, basically, you will be able to – okay, so you're going to go on these missions.
You're going to – you may or may not come back with traits.
You know, say you go on a mission and you come back with a trait.
Let's say the trait is not a trait that, you know, you wanted.
Maybe you wanted a different trait.
You'll be able to – you'll be able to get that on the marketplace.
I believe you will be able to trade it.
Yeah, I believe you will be able to trade it.
I know you will be able to buy.
You will be able to buy traits.
And, yeah, and like he was saying, that's, you know, that's going to be part four of RevShare is, you know, the revenue earned from the marketplace is also going to go back into RevShare form.
So, yeah, and that hasn't – that hasn't happened yet because, obviously, gamification is not out yet, but it will be very soon.
Like he said, they're putting the finishing touches on it, and, yeah, we're expecting it very, very soon.
So does that – so when you – when you end up buying a trait, is that swapping your NFT?
When you buy the trait, you actually own the trait.
So let's say you own – let's say you own 10 champs, and you buy a trait.
You then – after you buy the trait, you can hold the trait.
You don't even have to put it on you.
You can just hold the trait.
But once you put that trait on any of your champs, then it's permanent.
Like if you swap a portal gun for a Rambo knife, you know, you could pick any one of your NFTs that you could put it on.
But whatever one you put it on, that's the one it stays on.
But you're swapping out that NFT once you apply that trait.
Does that – does the original one, does that get burned?
Yeah, I had a couple questions, actually, now that they mentioned the whole marketplace thing.
So I'm guessing you're going to be able to buy and sell.
Is that buying and selling with plutonium or with sole or a combination, depending on what the seller is putting it on?
Yeah, it's definitely going to include sole because, yeah, again, it's going to be a form of rev share.
So, yeah, when you – you'll be able to buy traits in sole, yeah.
I don't believe it's plutonium.
I think it's just sole, or it could be both.
I'm honestly – you guys are asking me the dashboard questions.
And that is pretty much the only thing that I am not 100% informed on when it comes to anything that he just talked about.
Anything else other than that specific topic, shoot.
You got any info that you can leak about how we're going to be using the AI chimps?
I can only tell you that AI chimps will carry utility.
I'm not really sure if I'm supposed to say this or not.
Yeah, don't get me in trouble, bro.
Dio called me right before – I mean, Dio texted me right before the space, and he said, bro, don't let Fox give away too much shit.
And now look, now Fox is off the hook, and now you got me on.
No, no, I don't want to get you fired.
Yeah, they are going to 100% carry utility from jump.
And as far as – because I know, like, for other collabs that they've done, like potheads have done with crowd surfers, like, they get an equal amount or, like, a certain disbursement goes to potheads and an amount goes to chimps.
Yeah, so there's 500 total in the AI collection.
The potheads community gets 100, and the TTCC community gets 400.
Do you know, like, the specifics for, like, how they claim theirs?
I mean, you guys all know what, you know, the format we're going by at TTCC.
When you add up the numbers, I'll be honest with you, I think I figured out that it will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 to 60 AI champs.
You know, that are not going to be airdropped, that DAO will hold, and those will be used for giveaways, game nights, you know, the normal thing we do.
Yeah, I haven't seen potheads kind of, like, specify, because I have one of them.
But usually you need, like, multiple to get any of the airdrops, but I haven't heard them kind of talk about it.
I haven't really jumped in there.
All I can tell you is how many they are getting, and that number is 100.
And, you know, so being with the – also with the AI champs, you know, it's – you know, I guess you can kind of compare it to, you know,
sort of what Jelly did with the dogs.
It's an additional way to, you know, get new people into the community.
You know, again, it will carry some utility.
Being a holder, it will get you – will get you access to the TTCC survey.
You'll be allowed to play in game nights.
You'll be – you know, you'll be allowed to play poker.
You'll be allowed to raid.
You know, you'll have pretty much all the benefits that – you know, most of the benefits that TCCC holders, you know, get from being in a server.
So, yeah, it's, you know, it's just another way to expand the community.
So does anybody – does anybody else have any – folks have a question.
I've been listening, but it wouldn't let me talk in the other account, so I switched to mine.
So, yes, potheads tomorrow, big art drop – or big AI drop tomorrow with – and big drop tomorrow with the AI art through potheads.
They haven't – so I told them there was a slight miscommunication, so they may actually have a little bit more.
I told them it was fine if they did a few more for their community, but they will be giving to their community as well.
So, maybe 100 to 200, but I don't believe it's going to exceed 650 is what we discussed.
They've already – the snapshot's already been done.
Air drop will already go out.
Marketplace will include sold traits and also the ability to purchase some traits with plutonium.
So, again, they'll be very limited.
So, that was what I was kind of getting into with the traits is each and every one of them will be limited to a certain number after season one.
So, there'll only be like 10 or 15 premium traits.
There'll only be – and so that's kind of going to keep rarity still.
So, like there's going to be traits that you only can get for a short period of time, so like two to three months, and then those traits are gone.
You never can get them again.
And so, however many are retrieved on adventures, that's how many the collection set.
So, you may want to apply it to your chimp right away or you may want to hold on to it because you never know.
Someone that enters into the collection may be interested in that trait and adding it to one of the other chimps and they want to design their own.
And so, that's what I've liked about this idea and why I've pushed so hard for it is because we're making sure that everything works, the art goes in the correct layer and everything.
But I'll let Trig take over because I don't want to go over too much if I keep going.
Yeah, I was just taking questions.
I just had like three or four questions that I took, so I was pretty much done chilling.
I just was taking questions.
So, I guess, does anybody else, does anyone have any questions for Fox while he's back on?
Bro, I got a question for you before you even ask me a question.
Do you check your fucking Twitter DMs?
So, what is the best way?
I need to get your cell number so I can text you.
No, I was about to say, I've been kind of under the weather, man, the last week or so.
But I was just about to ask Fox, bro, are you coming to the Wu-Tang Nines and Buster Rock concert tonight in Phoenix?
Well, I'm not because I'm in New Orleans.
I don't know if that question.
You said a question for Fox.
Bro, you rugging too, bro.
But, you know, I had to jump in and shout out.
No, I saw your thing, bro, this morning, dude.
Like I said, I've been a little bit under the weather, man.
Like last week, I kind of got a little bit of a cold, but then I went to go visit my nephews and them up in Vegas, man.
And I ended up getting fucking cold.
I'm on the good end of that now where I don't got it no more.
Obviously, I wouldn't be going out to go to my concert if I had it.
I ain't no kind of do it like that.
But, yeah, dude, I've been in the bed, man.
Like it'd be hard to look at phones and iPads and screens and shit like that.
So, yeah, I'm just, you know, I'm glad to be, you know, breathing and, you know, alive and just shit, moving around again.
Well, I hope you get the feeling better soon, bro.
But, no, yeah, like I said, I got your thing, bro.
But I'll give you my number, bro.
So we'll be a way more better communication for sure.
Fox, you had any other thing you wanted to add, bro?
No, that wraps it up for me.
You wrapped up, wrapped up.
Well, let's see some reactions for TTCC.
Big week, big month coming up.
A lot of shit going down.
We got DMC in the house for the second show of the night.
Your mic working a little better now or what?
We got my father-in-law in town.
So I ain't mean to cut you off.
Man, y'all should ask him to give y'all that alpha on the utility for AI chimps.
Yeah, I didn't want to get Trigger fired and shit.
Answer that question, bro.
I was asking about the utility for AI.
No, that was just me personally.
I got family in town, so hanging out here.
But yeah, at DMC, I was mentioning earlier, Bolt by Zenon.
And we added that to the Discord.
It got some cool features to it.
You know, able to search through Magic Eden, able to do collabs on it.
You know, transparent, as many of the bot commands are now.
So you just get to sit in there and search through.
Habitual was going through there today.
He found another Rick and Morty-themed project.
So we're going to look into them.
Another Rick and Morty-themed project.
Yeah, it's on Magic Eden.
There's a couple of them out there.
I'd like to see us do a collab with them.
Other than that, we started some NFT raffles again.
We're loving having that.
Glad to be customers of it.
And we're still ironing out some details of the Rick name.
Probably going to change some things around a little bit.
At trying to nail down launch pads and things like that.
Making, you know, coming up with the final utilities of what the Rickest Ricks will end up providing holders.
So yeah, we got good things going on.
And luckily, Awful's staying safe down there in Florida as well.
Anything you want to add, Awful?
No, that was pretty much.
Yeah, like I've been playing around with Bolt by Zenon.
It kind of integrates a channel with other projects that are associated also with the Bolt bot.
And you can kind of talk to them directly from your Discord.
You don't have to jump in theirs.
So no more like joining theirs, opening a ticket, asking for a collab.
That's kind of like out the door.
It kind of creates just a channel based on projects.
They already have their project description within that channel.
So you already know what they're about.
They pretty much just tell you, hey, how many spots can we get?
And you kind of just kind of collaborate through there.
Like I was jumping into a server just for my own kind of whitelist search.
And I saw they were using Bolt.
So instead of me opening a ticket right then and there, I kind of jumped back into DMC and started talking to them.
And it's like, hey, what's up?
So I think we're seeing like this streamlined function of Bolt.
And the good thing is, like, this is just the beginning with them.
I think they're working on kind of like a full suite of tools.
They also have like a rarity that you can just check right then and there.
You can just pull up rarity on any collection.
I believe they have also a floor price checker.
But we have plenty of those with flexibility.
Looking forward to seeing what Sneaky Devils is coming out with.
I think they're coming out with some new tool where you can kind of – I know for sure that you can now get, like, their token switching your PFP.
But I want to see what they have for, like, the DAOs.
I was able to secure, like, the next step for whatever that unlocks for a DAO.
I think you needed five Devils.
I figured, let me just do it for the DAO because we'll need it eventually.
And he had, like, a lot of work.
But usually when the dev is quiet, people get scared.
And that's where I go shopping.
So, I scooped up a couple more Sneaky Devils, and that should open up access to the full suite of what he has planned.
He hasn't said it yet, but I always invest in builders.
That's why, you know, I'm with Sneaky Devils.
So, yeah, that's pretty much what we're doing.
I think we're trying to build in a bear like everybody else in here.
So, I think if you're here and you're surviving, we'll make it through the bull.
I mean, for anybody that's a holder for DMC, I mean, coming to the server, you'll notice just a crazy amount of bots from different projects around there.
I mean, that's kind of our goal.
Even if there's a little bit of overlap here and there, that just gives you a different perspective.
I mean, so that's been one of our goals for a while now is just to add additional utility and functionality as a trader.
Yeah, I think a big thing is kind of provide these tools for a fraction of the cost has always been kind of like our goal.
So, we see, you know, people having to buy X amount of this to get access to that.
And we're like, hey, yeah, we might not have the DAO funds that we'd want because we haven't had like a real mint.
We're DRUG and stuff like that.
But if we're able to have things from our own collection add value to the DAO, like why not?
So, that's kind of what we've been doing for, you know, for this time.
We've been, you know, adding value from our own personal funds and our own personal collections back to the DAO.
So, once we do get like an actual soul mint up and running and we establish some funds, we can then build on what we want to do with the trading fund.
We haven't even wanted to touch any of those funds even to trade because we feel we want to be as transparent as possible.
And I don't want to touch that.
I think that's good money that we can have for a reserve if we need to buy something or, you know, if there's any kind of expenses up front for a launch pad that will yield, you know, like more benefits to the community as holders.
So, like no money has been touched.
Probably just money of the team assets has been touched to get like the flexibility bought.
So, yeah, we're trying to reserve that.
We're trying to build our NFT vault.
I always try to do like collaborations with projects.
We do some trades of our NFTs with others.
And I think that's building a community with other communities.
And it's also building, I think, you know, like a secure vault of like valuable assets.
I see JDZ in the audience.
So, you know, like things like that.
We want to like establish value by bridging communities.
So, y'all ready to let us go, go.
So, about 30 minutes before fucking space started, I got a text message from DL.
And he texted me through all of this shit a question for DMC.
In the middle of prep, American respect.
Of fucking shit you not, bro.
So, yeah, I'm going to go ahead with that question before I open y'all up to questions.
So, his question is, Trig, ask DMC how much token I'll need to mint my RICs and if they decided on that as the primary mint currency or if there will also be a soul mint.
So, that's actually funny.
We've been talking about that ourselves.
So, that's Dio's question.
One of the things that we've been looking at is we're still working on, you know, especially with the switch over to the multi-stake or platform and stuff, we're still working to get people to stake all of the RICs.
So, we don't want to box people out of the RICs and E-Mint.
I mean, the art's too good not to be able to pick up.
What is the number stake right now currently?
We've got, you know, we've got some long-time diamond hand holders that, you know, they're around, but they're not all incredibly active in the community, which is cool.
You know, everybody's got their own stuff going on.
So, but, yeah, I mean, we want them to be able to take advantage.
Yeah, I think one of the sadder parts about, you know, the community all being involved in everybody's community is the fact that at the end of the day, you have your own community to run.
And, you know, a lot of times you don't get to spend, you know, as much time being in other projects, discords that you support.
You know, man, I was thinking about it the other day, bro.
I was like, damn, man, I was like, I really need to pop in jelly, man, because, fuck, it's been a fucking minute since I've been in a day.
I've been so, we've been so fucking busy, man.
And it's like, you just, fuck, man.
I'd love to be able to spend more time in DMC and, you know, other, you know, in jelly and other discords like that, man.
It's tough to spread yourself between, you know, so many projects, especially when you're doing so much, you know, for one certain project.
Yeah, and the bears impact people differently, so some might be taking a break for a while.
Yeah, I mean, it's, like I said, everybody's got their own stuff going on.
That's not, we just want them, you know, we're going to start pushing hard trying to get people to stake just because we want them to be able to take advantage of it, even if it's just going to sit there.
Yeah, I must have some type of issue with mine because, um, isn't the staking supposed to be automatically sent to your wallet?
Uh, it actually changed when we went over to multi-stake or, uh, you actually got to, yeah, so we updated the link in official links.
You got to go there and actually physically stake them and claim them.
But they don't leave your wallet.
You just got to actually let the system know.
Is that, was that, is that from, uh, from Zen?
Yeah, it's just like yours.
Like, uh, we had the old claiming site that they used to have, like, before they set this up.
Um, and it kind of crashed.
And unfortunately, like, there wasn't even, like, a snapshot.
So it kind of started everyone from zero if they hadn't really claimed anything.
And usually I always recommend, uh, to claim every once in a while.
So you can have some DMC, especially, like, if we're having any kind of raffles, like we were doing before, whitelist raffles and stuff, using the token as well.
Um, but yeah, like, that's what happened to a lot of people.
They hadn't claimed and they were just kind of, like, accumulating and accumulating.
And then when the crash happened, people were like, uh, where is all my DMC at?
And we're like, oh, it's in the old claiming site.
We can't do anything about it.
Like, uh, Gentle Monkey was like, there's nothing we can do.
And, you know, he upgraded us to the staking site that you have at TTC, which is the same.
It's non-custodial, but you just have to set the actual NFT to stake.
But it's not actually moving anywhere.
It's just, uh, in the UI.
But, yeah, I think people are still with that because we see people kind of jump in and they say, hey, um, like, what's up with the claiming site?
So, we're just trying to transition people into it.
I think a lot of it is getting, like, the community that we had in the past get used to.
Like, the whole system that we have now is the tough part.
But they were kind of just used to, like, set it and forget it.
So, this time it kind of requires them to at least activate the NFT into staking mode.
But, yeah, we've been talking about seeing if we can kind of, like, do two phases.
Like, hopefully, like, a DMC token only mint.
And then also, like, a soul mint for those that aren't able to accumulate or someone that just grabbed, let's say, a week before the reckoning and they really want to get involved.
So, you know, we're thinking of two phases.
And that will actually help kind of recover funds for the Dow and kind of, like, might accelerate some of the things that we want to do with establishing a trading fund to build more liquidity for the Dow.
But, yeah, what we're thinking now is the cost is going to be what it takes, like, the emissions for one, for a whole month.
So, obviously, we've talked about it.
Like, it's going to be involving two NFTs.
And so, that's six, like, that 600 DMC that you need.
And, yeah, we're still working out the mechanics.
We want to do it, like, in a cool way.
So, we're working with the Launchpad and seeing if they can deliver.
Yeah, and we've been in talks with Launchpad.
And we're just narrowing down those final details.
We've got more information tonight that I haven't even been able to follow up on.
I'd say, well, don't hold me to anything.
But I think we're probably going to have something locked down in the next week to be able to actually start announcing dates and promoting it from there.
Okay, so, yeah, D.O. got his question in, like usual.
So, I guess, let's open up to questions for anyone else that may have a question for DMC.
Come forward, whether it was a speaker, if you have one, or if you're already up as a speaker.
Now's the time, so shoot.
Looks like we got another request, speaker request there.
Yeah, I believe that's a shill.
I'll, uh, yeah, I was going to get to that in a minute.
He didn't want to accept me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.
He's truly being a phantom.
He'll be on my fucking ticket tomorrow talking about when I'm going to be on the space, bro.
I know he's there, too, because he just reacted.
So, I guess if nobody has any questions for DMC Revival, let's see some reactions.
We'll move on to the next project.
DMC Revival, The Rickoning, coming soon.
So, next week, we're going to get that date, right?
We're going to do everything we can to get that to you, man.
All right, so we hit off.
So, we'll deliver it to TTCC first.
We'll go alpha for alpha, bro.
So, the third project that we had scheduled for tonight is Focus 5 Sports in the house.
Welcome to the show space, my brother.
I appreciate you having me.
Appreciate you being here, man.
Appreciate you being here.
We definitely, I know me personally, I'm definitely interested in hearing about your project.
Why don't you start off and just give us, you know, just kind of a brief background on
your project, how you guys started up.
And then, yeah, man, you can go on with your shell after that, bro.
Appreciate you guys hosting.
I've been hosting a lot, so I appreciate that.
It's fun to chill back and listen.
Appreciate you guys having me on.
I get a bunch of new faces, so I'm stoked.
Tell you guys about what's going on.
What we're doing is freaking insane.
I'm the owner of
I'm a sports handicapper.
I've been handicapping eight plus years now.
Sports betting 15 plus 20 years.
I've been doing it a while.
Well, own will actually be four years in October.
So I've been handicapped.
That's how I got into handicapping.
Well, I guess I got into handicapping, sorry.
I was just on Facebook, Instagram, all those places in the Web2 world.
Well, you know, doing Web2, sorry.
And started doing plays, all these calls.
And people started loving it, loving it, loving it.
Started actually, like, putting, like, 50 people.
I'd text them every morning in my top five plays.
They'd been moving it up.
My brother got me into Web3.
So, you know, I was in Web3.
I started seeing projects I wanted sports callers so they could give more alpha to their holders.
So I got into Secret Space Society.
And we started kicking ass, started making money.
I started doing these challenges where we start with $10.
After seven days, you walk away with $1,000.
If we hit, we actually did two of those back-to-back.
Started blowing the hell up.
I made that Dow probably $50,000, $60,000 in a month.
Like, next thing you know, Jelly Esports is knocking on the door.
A couple other bigger projects.
So I've been posting plays for them now for a while now.
So I was like, hey, my, and sorry.
So I've been in four or five Dow's for a while now.
Now I'm just in two, Drunken Apes and Jelly Esports.
Because we have where you can get the plays as well.
For way cheaper, might I say.
But, shit, I lost my train of thought.
So we decided, my brother, his best friend is a developer.
So we're like, dude, let's bring these four projects together.
Let's bring all these people together.
Let's get new people in here.
And let's start a betting project.
We got art made real quick.
We minted out 10 days later.
And we've been just kicking ass and going.
So I give out five plays a day.
I give out five plays a day, ranging from the first to the fifth.
I see a lot of guys giving out all kinds of plays, all this stuff.
It's like, dude, you can't handicap all those games.
You cannot study all those games.
You're just giving out calls.
So I find five of my best top five plays.
I give out, you know, I study down all the plays of the day until I get my top five.
Once I get my top five, I rank them one through five.
My play of the day has gone 60% or better the last 17 or 18 out of the 17 out of 18 months.
So if you're betting only on the play of the day, you are making path.
You're making passive income.
But like myself, I'm betting on all five plays.
Oh, there's a game on TV.
So I'm not going perfect 60%.
So that's what this project is.
We're making one bet a day on the play of the day.
That's as simple as that.
If it wins, we do a giveaway.
If it loses, we go on to the next day.
And so we're making $800 bets right now.
32% of the win will go to a giveaway.
68% goes back to the betting wallet to fund the losses we have during the month.
So at $800, every giveaway is $200 USD or more.
When you have plus odds games, the giveaways are $250, $270.
The other night, we had a $276 giveaway.
So we started right after Mint.
We started September 7th.
So we're almost two days out.
We right now have given over $2,400 in NFTs since September 7th.
Our betting wallet is up $180 at the moment.
We have two more days to go.
And now that we are going to be over 60%, we do not give 32% back.
It goes all to the end-of-month giveaways.
So these end-of-month giveaways, whenever we go over 60%, anyone that's holding all month long that has not listed on secondary is eligible for the end-of-month giveaways.
We have gone 80% on the play of the day.
We've gone 70-something percent.
So these end-of-month giveaways could be $5,000 plus.
We have rumble mania, we call it, where we do 10 to 15 games of rumble.
We give out 0.1 sold, 0.15 sold just for winning rumble.
All we do, we have instant giveaways.
We have all kinds of stuff going on.
Now, we are moving into a second collection.
I don't even call ours a community.
What we're doing is just nuts.
So now we have a next collection coming.
We have a RevShare sports game being built.
But everything will revolve around these Focus 5 cards.
But yes, everything will be going on these Focus 5 cards.
This new collection, you will get RevShare from for a whole thing.
But if you hold a Focus 5 card, that RevShare will be a lot more.
You'll be getting frees into this game we have.
It's nuts what we're doing.
And just what the developer can do.
I mean, I tell him what I want.
And he goes and builds it.
I had no idea I could do this.
And this project started just to give back to the Salon.
Give back to people here.
Put some big shit in their wallets.
I mean, we're already blowing the frick up.
And what we're about to do now is just...
We already have a huge sports ball.
When this shit drops, people are going to go crazy.
And yeah, RevShare is coming.
And we are doing so, so much.
I mean, even the top five plays.
I mean, if you want to call that RevShare, the top five plays.
We are 82 and 58 for the month.
So yes, if you're betting on all five plays, just the five plays, you're making money.
I mean, what we're doing is we're making people money.
We're putting NFTs in people's wallets.
It's just people are just stacking shit in our DAO.
That's very, very interesting.
So I have a ton of questions.
So how long ago was the actual first mint?
I'm not even getting these giveaways.
I was already on Magic Eden looking, bro.
I just was curious to know when that...
When the Focus 5 cards that are listed on me, when was that mint?
So about less than two months.
So when you talk about the new collection, you talk about RevShare.
So the RevShare is going to be based on this game, or it's going to...
I don't want to say much.
I mean, because it's just started being developed.
I don't want to say shit.
Because, you know, it's a casino or sports book.
But it is a sports game that people can bet Solana with.
It'll be a certain price.
People holding the new NFT will collect RevShare from it.
But then holding this Focus 5 card.
You know, those five plays.
They do all the other shit.
They want me to focus on the five plays.
The brother's doing all that.
And focus on these five plays.
But everything will be based around these Focus 5 cards.
So you definitely want to grab them.
Because I'm kind of a dummy when it comes to gambling.
You know, I do the casino thing every now and again.
That's pretty much the extent of my gambling experience.
But just to say that I was interested in doing something like this.
Explain to me, like, the whole process of this five picks.
So my interpretation of it is that you basically tell the community what your top five picks are.
And they go bet on their own?
Or is it, like, something that you guys offer, like, within the community that they can bet through?
So, actually, we do both.
The beautiful thing about Web3 is now anyone can go on these Web3 casinos.
And, yes, they go bet on these games personally.
So I tell them what to bet on.
And we win most of the time.
But, yeah, it just depends on what they're betting on, too.
You know, everyone bets...
You know, some people can bet on all five plays.
Some just bet on the top two plays.
Some just bet on the play of the day.
It just depends on what you want to bet on.
You know, my five plays are there for you.
And you can run with them.
You can do what you want with them.
You know, but most everyone in the Discord, they follow the five plays.
And we have hashtag Focus 5.
We trust everyone started.
And, yeah, dude, we blow up.
We're putting money in people's pockets.
And there's, I mean, just from 17 days ago, you know, there's probably over 10 grand in member success from people just winning money.
So, is this limited to just one sport?
Or is it, like, could it be, like, a combination?
Like, you know, like a baseball game, a football game?
So, right now we are in Major League Baseball.
Pretty much just baseball.
Four days ago, we were 17-3 in four days in picks the other day.
Starting off the week last week.
We only had three losses out of four days.
But, yeah, it's all baseball.
We actually have the NFL play tonight, the Thursday night game.
When baseball season rolls over, we go into college basketball, which college basketball is my favorite.
My whole time it's better even than baseball, which people don't even believe because baseball is insane right now.
But then, yep, we have NFL on Sundays, college football Saturdays, football Monday nights, Thursday nights.
We have all kinds of sports challenges going on.
If people like betting on sports, we actually just got done with us.
Everyone does a play of the day like me, kind of, and we go for two weeks.
Best record wins one soul.
Anyone that beats me gets .2 soul on top of that.
We just finished yesterday.
Some dude beat me by one game.
I mean, we just give shit away.
But, yeah, I mean, and to get into these giveaways.
I want to let everyone know.
To get into these giveaways, we have 838 platinum, 50 gold.
We like to call them platinum.
But, anyway, so you hold a platinum card.
You get one entry into every giveaway.
We, sorry, you get one entry, yep, into every giveaway.
If it's in your wallet, we do snapshots.
It could be in the morning.
It could be the night before.
You know, we don't have people, oh, in the middle of the game or something,
they go delist real quick because the team's winning.
If it's held in your wallet, you're entered into the giveaway.
If it's on secondary, you're out of the giveaway.
Gold, we have gold NFTs, 50 of them.
If you hold a gold, you get two entries into every giveaway.
Try to make it fair to get everyone to win.
If your platinum NFT wins, it's benched for two weeks.
So, that NFT cannot win again in the Play of the Day giveaways for two weeks.
So, that is a perk for holding more.
So, your other NFTs can still win.
Gold NFTs never get benched.
They can win every day, all day.
So, if you have seven Focus 5 cards,
then you get four extra bonus entries into these Play of the Day giveaways.
You have 15, you get extra.
Then we have a Golden King roll.
Since there is only 50 golds,
if you hold three gold NFTs,
then you get 14 extra bonus entries.
So, you get 20 entries into the Play of the Day giveaways.
I think we have two or one Golden King right now,
which I think he got lucky.
He minted three and got two golds out of the three.
And then we have a guy that doesn't get one gold.
So, it just tells you how random that was, too.
Sorry, I like to ramble on, too.
He's so stoked for his project.
I can just ramble, ramble, ramble.
Yeah, I mean, I'm very interested to hear about it.
But, let me, let's open up.
You good to take some questions?
Because I'm going to open the floor up.
And then, too, I did say I give away a TTCC tonight.
So, I'm going to let my daughter pick a PFP,
and her coolest PFP is going to win.
or you want to take questions and then do it?
We'll take questions first.
So, does anybody have any questions for Focus 5?
Hey, should we let you pick the best question
Yeah, I mean, I feel like right now I have the best question.
There's never enough chimps.
We can do it any way you want to do it, bro.
What's the question, man?
So, I mean, you're obviously tied into the sports community.
One of the things I've found in the Web3 space is not everybody is a fan of this kind of part.
We've tried to start up some awesome pick-em.
TTCC is doing the same thing.
But have you thought about, like, I myself, like Trigger Man said, I'm not a traditional better.
I don't – but I like to do fantasy sports.
Curious if you're going to go into that area at all.
Yeah, actually, we have three fantasy leagues going on right now.
One's a paid league for everyone to get in, though.
So, those are going right now all season long.
And then the other night, someone brought up the daily fantasy for Sunday so new people can get in.
So, I think we're going to run that this Sunday to try to get daily fantasy league going on Sunday so everyone can play.
And then the highest point total, whoever, you know, top three or something, depending on how many get in, we'll win some soul or NFTs or something.
But, yeah, we're going to start daily fantasy coming up here, actually, too.
Did you have a question, Austin?
Yeah, I know, like, I remember seeing you guys started, I think, in Secret Space Society, if I'm not mistaken.
And then you guys jumped into Jelly.
Are you guys still integrated within that for providing calls?
I haven't, like, jumped in there in a while.
But just wondering if you're, since you're managing your own project, I was wondering still if the relationship was active or you were just going to center yourself with your project.
Yeah, actually, I'm just in Jelly Esports now, Focus 5.
And then at the end of the month, I mean, Drunken.
I haven't been in Secret Space for, like, a month now.
Just what they're doing, all the new stuff they're coming up with.
I guess they didn't have enough funds or something.
I mean, I'm pretty cheap monthly anyway.
But so I'm not in Secret Space anymore.
Drunken Apes, really, all the Drunken Apes are in Focus 5.
So anyone that's getting their plays already is already in Focus 5.
So we kind of just threw that off.
And, yeah, it's just Focus 5 Sports and Jelly Esports now, which I love because, I mean, the floor is huge, Jelly.
So come get the five calls at Focus 5.
Yeah, man, that's crazy because, yeah, we do a lot of stuff with Jelly.
Yeah, it's amazing that we haven't ran into you a lot sooner than we did.
Because, yeah, we do some stuff with Shredded.
I mean, yeah, they have purchased our bot.
And then, you know, we do all kinds of shit with Jelly.
So we have a big, you know, big following from both communities.
So, yeah, I'm actually glad that we got you guys on tonight.
We probably need to talk about some other stuff, you know, after the space.
I know I have some things that, you know, I'd like to talk about.
Again, like, I'm not, you know, a gambling type of person.
But, you know, I know there's money in it.
I know, you know, when somebody is good at what they do, you know, that can also make you money.
So, yeah, I'm definitely interested in that.
I did have another question about the new mint.
You said with the rev share, would that require you to hold a certain amount?
Or will any holder be eligible to receive rev share?
We haven't decided that yet.
We're actually going to ask you all the hard fucking questions on the show space, bro.
You're lucky Dio's not here, bro.
I love the hard questions.
I love the hard questions.
He didn't ask you about ten questions by now, bro.
So, that's funny, though.
I was talking to my brother about it last night.
Do we want to make holding every two?
So, then, you know, more people make more money?
Or do we want to give it to everyone?
But I kind of like the idea of maybe holding two or more.
Because then, you know, if the collection is $4,000, now you're only paying out $2,000.
So, that's everyone's double, pretty much.
I think it would be the same thing if you held two or one.
But, you know, we haven't decided.
If you hold more, you can get more.
I do know you hold a Focus 5 card, that rev share will put cha-ching.
If you hold a gold one, it'll, you know, the more Focus 5 cards you hold, I can tell you
the more rev share you're going to get holding the new collection, too.
What's the flow of sitting at on one of them gold ones?
I think it's like eight, which is pretty good because we've had a 17, a 15, and a 12.
For the three golds we go.
So, I think the seven's a steal right now.
Oh, the last announcement.
So, that's actually what we've been doing in betting-wise.
So, that's our betting total after the last 19 days.
Like you guys said, a lot of shit's going on in October, which will let you know.
So, like, we could be in the end of October or save it for November because, yeah, everyone's
doing so much in October.
There's a lot of shit going on in October.
Yo, I got a question, Trey.
I've been waiting for you to ask a fucking question, bro.
I had to put the kids down.
I was listening, but I had to put the kids down.
First of all, I'm going to tell you your floor price is 1.6.
I knew you were going to have a question, bro.
Yeah, especially on this one, right?
I'm over here DMing them in Discord, yo.
You need to talk to this dude.
So, I know your floor price right now is 1.7 because, like, at all these show spaces,
I just went and copped one.
You had said that you started this on a website.
I was really into this stuff.
You know, Phil Steele, the whole night.
I was back and forth, betting on second half, second half over, just running stuff.
College football, mainly.
I know college basketball is a key.
Always gave it back on Sundays.
I was just curious if it was the same just to check out this website you had.
If it's still up, I don't know.
So, I'm still in the Web 2 world.
That is the sick thing about this, too, is my name, you know, on Facebook.
I'm in over 100 groups on Facebook.
I have my own Facebook page with, like, 800, 900 members.
And that's the cool thing.
This new game coming out is they can go on our website.
They will be able to use it, too.
It is not just in the Web 3 world.
We are trying to make it where they can use their credit card to pay instead of Solana.
So, it will be all over the place.
And, yeah, you can go on
You can pay $30 a month for my place or $10 a week.
Or you can come get a Focus 5 card and, you know, get the place for life for holding a card.
So, you're the new person.
I have two guys come over.
And, you know, like, what I do, people, you know, there are people who charge thousands and thousands of dollars for these calls.
And, you know, I love helping people out.
I like, you know, that's what I do.
That's why we started this project in the first place.
That's why I started Focus5.
And that's why I only charge $30 a month, you know, and let people make some damn money.
Well, I speak for them when I say we appreciate it if it comes, you know what I mean?
So, it sounds like you're the next Phil Steel.
I think you know who I'm – obviously, I guess you know who Phil Steel is.
I was in my 20s buried in his books trying to play everything.
No, if you're in sports, man, you definitely come hang out in our Discord.
And, like, that's the thing, too, when we started this is everyone's got their Discord.
Everyone's got their favorite Discord.
It takes these projects, you know, a lot of time to build.
They've got to build their amazing shit.
So, come hang out in ours.
We're getting – you know, the other day, we gave five soul away for the top three in prizes in poker.
It's just – I mean, people are filling their pockets over here.
Is there, like, minimum bets you got going if it's, like, straight through you guys?
Or is it, like, whatever?
So, you know, you make your own personal bets.
So, we have, like, a how-to bet page.
So, you can go on
You know, there's a bunch of NFT projects coming out with all their sports books.
And, actually, I did a show or did a live feed the other day.
So, I can show people how to bet.
They can watch it, you know, learn how to bet if they don't know how.
But, yeah, you go – you personally go on the site, and you can bet how much you want on each game.
So, like, tonight we have the Mariners as the play of the day.
I've been talking, so I don't even know how they're doing.
We do a play – you know, we do a giveaway.
Tonight's giveaway, I think, is, like, 230 bucks if they win.
If they lose, we go – you know, we move on to the next day.
And, yeah, I'm super – I mean, I'm already super stoked about
what we do and how we're filling everyone's pockets like crazy.
And this new shit we have coming, it's fucking next level.
So, the new collection, is it going to be art or is it going to be a card as well?
We got to give everyone their – they got to rock our PFPs.
Yeah, that was my question.
I wanted to see if they were going to expand.
And how big is that collection going to be?
And there's 888 cards, and everyone will get airdropped for them.
For each one to hold, too.
Okay, so if you hold, you're going to get airdropped.
And if – and the remaining would go to a man?
And it probably will only be, like, 0.5 soul, actually.
I don't have a date yet, actually.
I thought you had said within a couple weeks.
I was just trying to clarify.
Did – you had another question.
Get him up here to speak.
Maybe he's got an answer on that one.
Yeah, he's on the listeners.
So, in a sense, the cards are the only ones that get, like, the reflections or the profit share, right?
Actually, the new collection.
You hold the new collection.
That will be the profit share?
Yeah, you said the new collection.
But holding – no, you're good.
But holding the Focus 5 cards will give you bonuses, multipliers.
We have some other shit going.
So, you might – you know, you'll be able to play the game for free and stuff like that.
You know, you'll be able to win prizes of the soul for free pretty much sometimes.
Anybody else has any questions for Focus 5?
Are the Giants going to win on Sunday?
I go, dude, the Giants have been playing crazy, man.
What is the Giants going to win on Sunday?
I'll have to look into that one.
He wants a free trial at your –
He's the gambler of TTCZ, bro, just so you know.
So, this shit – that's why I started DMing him because I know this shit is right up his ass, bro.
If you're a sports guy, definitely jump in the Discord, man.
I'll check it out for sure.
I mean, I've been scrolling Magic E and I was trying to –
We're going to – hoodies are about to be on sale on the website at
You can go right in there.
There's three different colors.
I'm rocking one right now, actually.
We have focus5 jerseys coming out with the focus5 logo.
I got that one I'm testing.
I want to see the first one, how it comes, what it looks like, and then those will be on sale if they're good to go.
So, you guys got some merch.
Yeah, I've been having – I've been doing the merch, you know, back even when just owning
But a lot of people in Web3 and in the Discord, they all want it, too.
So, we got to bring it back and order more.
So, I'm going to give y'all one last opportunity to ask a question.
And I'm going to see if JDZ wants to shill phantoms.
Does anybody else have any other questions for Focus 5?
If not, let's show that love, that shill space love, reactions.
I think they're wanting to give away that chimp, though, right?
Shit, I forgot all about that.
I was waiting on it, too.
I think y'all ready to give away that chimp, right?
So, how do you want to do this, bro?
Oh, my daughter picked one.
I was just checking out that PMP earlier, too.
I'm going to call him quite quick.
I'm going to DM him as soon as the space is over,
and I'll get him to link up with you.
Just, yeah, tell him to come in our Discord and make a ticket.
Pop in the Focus 5 Discord.
What – which was the chimp?
Let me get a picture, and I'll drop it.
I just said – I thought maybe –
It'll be a couple minutes.
Now, let's – I got to answer it before with the giveaway.
But, yeah, let's get them reactions for Focus 5.
Yeah, I appreciate you guys having me up.
Appreciate you being here, man.
Yeah, bro, we're going to have to – yeah, we got to – we still got to take – we're
We got that ticket open still in the TTCC service.
So, yeah, man, we're going to talk a little bit.
I'm going to probably add Johnny to the ticket later on.
And, yeah, we'll talk about some shit.
And, definitely, we'll get y'all back on, you know, closer to the mint.
You know, with all you got going on in a month or so or two or however long it is,
hopefully it's not that long.
So, hopefully we can get some, you know, some alpha and shit.
So, yeah, man, we appreciate you being on.
And, definitely look forward to the future.
Very cool project, though, man.
I'm definitely interested.
This will be the one I'll probably buy from this week.
Every fucking week on Show Space, I wake up broke on a Friday morning.
It always works out, bro.
It's definitely how it works out.
Yeah, I don't, to be honest, bro, I don't recall having one bus on here yet.
So, every Friday morning is a good Friday morning, in my opinion.
But thank y'all for being on, bro.
And, yeah, we'll be in touch, you know, through the ticket and shit.
You going to show some phantoms or what, brother?
It has been forever, bro.
You're a fucking hard man to get a hole up, bro.
You're an easy man, but a hard man to get a hole up.
But, yeah, I'm actually literally doing some taxes right now.
But two weeks, I'll be done.
What's all going on with phantoms right now, my brother?
You want to do a little quick show?
Can't say everything, but I just definitely give a little bit.
You know, I guess for those people that don't know me, I guess I got about 10 years of tax experience.
Now I focus on NFT and crypto companies.
So I kind of see an array of issues that they deal with, and that's kind of what I'm trying to work on in this area.
A little bit about our project.
We used to be called Comrades about four or five months ago.
That's why you might be seeing the pictures and might be familiar.
We changed the name for legal reasons, and so now we call the phantoms.
At the moment, we've got a co-lead.
He's all over the place with me as well.
You know, what we give right now is just, you know, some basic utility.
We've got some alpha callers in there.
We've got signals as well.
I've got some NFT portfolio trackers and whatnot.
But our best bot, I think, is flexibility.
You've got to give it down to the team there.
You know, it's just you guys are very professional and always love working with you guys.
And I've seen the bot and your team grow, and it's just awesome to see and glad to be a part of that.
I still have to get another 14, so I get that galactic role there.
So you've got to get them before the price goes up.
No, I'm fucking stuck on God, bro.
Everybody I talk to, I show to it, so I try and get that out there.
It's great because, you know, as you run a project, there's a lot of things that you have to do that you don't know of.
And I didn't know anything.
I mean, I jumped into this just like being an investor.
So you start running a project, it's kind of like, okay, this is really like a business, but you've got people that are unreliable.
You've got, you know, budget issues and stuff.
As a DRUG, obviously, there's not many funds.
And so you kind of run into these issues.
And one of our biggest challenges is, you know, retaining team members.
And I think everybody can kind of relate to that.
So we've been through a lot.
But the last month or so, I guess the last, like, three months, you know, me and Peng have really been kicking butt here in the background, building a lot of partnerships and relationships.
And, you know, we're getting ready to do a final push here.
So we've got a new storyline coming out to basically, you know, for us entirely as we move on to our next gens.
We are creating a utility generation.
We should have a sneak peek probably next week of that coming out.
So look forward to that on its way.
And that is going to be a bridge essentially to the following generation.
And that's going to be linking the current Phantoms to that.
And, you know, most of you are maybe thinking, is this just another, you know, art project or another staking project?
No, I mean, there's going to be an NFT, but there's going to be a deep storyline behind it.
And at the end of the day, we want to use the funds to help develop the software that I'm trying to build.
We're in the process of working with the devs and seeing what is actually possible.
The software is basically for startup companies and all NFT companies to operate their business.
It's going to cover team management.
It's going to cover payroll.
It's going to cover tasks.
It's going to cover every facet of running an NFT company.
Like I said, as going through this, you don't really know what you're getting into sometimes until you're airing it.
There's, you know, there's no failure.
It's first attempt at learning.
So as long as you keep trying and keep learning from what you're doing and growing, that's the right direction.
So here we go about four months later.
I finally have a clue of what I'm doing and got some good team members.
So we are already working with some launch pods.
One in particular, we're already kind of connected with here on going through a more grilling and shilling process.
So we're going to be working with Jelly, even though we're part of SoulSuites already.
We're going to go through that process again just to get our exposure out there and to have all you guys kind of grill us as well, making sure we're hitting all the targets.
Additional to that, we're having a new token come out.
We kind of want to be a little bit more independent with the SoulSuites token.
So with this new generation, we will be rotating to that.
And in the meantime, when the new token's out, you'll have to use that token to mint the next generation.
It will be also a Jelly Mint and also a Soul Mint.
So it will be three types of mints, and then the rest will go to public just for an increased soul price.
Drinking some water there.
And then also the next generation will be the same.
You'd have mint options in those three currencies as well.
We're also working on the white paper to kind of lay all this stuff out because it's a lot of information, and I'm probably talking quickly.
So we're getting our white paper put together, just kind of fine-tuning it.
I don't really want to call it a roadmap.
To me, a roadmap's a little bit of a short-term business plan, and I want to make this so it kind of sticks and stays.
So we're kind of making sure everything's crossed off and we've been thought through.
All right, that's my shell at the moment.
So an upcoming mint, and that's going to bridge the current Phantoms with the new collection, correct?
Yeah, I like the fact that you guys are getting off the sweet token.
I think that, you know, I kind of think that that's from, you know, from a TTCC perspective, I kind of feel like, you know, that was the moment for us where, you know, we decided, you know, hey, we still, you know, we want to be a part of Soul Sweets.
We love the jelly ecosystem.
We love Carlos, you know what I'm saying?
But when it came down to the best interest of the project, definitely, you know, sustaining your own token is definitely the way to go when you're, you know, in the process of growing.
So, yeah, I definitely, definitely like that, man.
Yeah, so what's the token going to be called?
Oh, you don't want to know this.
I believe, I believe, have I even told my team yet?
I don't know what a team knows what it is.
The token's going to be called Realm.
And what is the, like, what's the time frame on, like, is, so is that token going to be of, is that going to drop before the mint or you guys?
Yeah, the token, I'm just kind of nailing down the final tokenomics and finishing up the white paper before I actually do the final mint of the token.
I just want to make sure that we've thought everything through as far as what the token represents, any future value.
I, you know, just being in my space, I know that if, if it ever turns into some kind of, we're not planning on doing a liquidity pool at all, and someone can obviously put that up.
But if down the road we have, think about some kind of a conversion with the token or some kind of, some kind of conversion of any kind, it could be some kind of embedded derivative and there could be tax implications and stuff.
So I just want to think through it all and make sure that I'm not, I'm not causing myself to be screwed down the line by some, something that I didn't think about.
Because I see my clients mess up all the time and that's kind of why I'm making the software, because I see what they do.
And so we will be starting, you know, to that point, we'll be starting our own spaces as well to try and talk to teams and projects about their struggles, about what they had to overcome to get where they are and what struggles they still have.
You know, as you grow, there's always, there's always pains.
It's, like I said, whether it's team members, whether it's Alana crashing, whether it's, you know, you guys getting hacked and having to recover from that.
So it's, it's constantly, it's, it's always something.
I mean, it's never, never a dull moment in the NFT world.
So any capture to add to that software to help out would be something great.
And, uh, you know, the more, the more products that use it, the more, you know, uh, you know, web three it becomes and the more the, it becomes integrated.
And, you know, like everybody want to have raffles, you want to have, you know, an inter currency between them all.
And you know what, this might, this might be able to get there if it could be a sustainable and help operations.
Um, anything that saves time, people pay for convenience.
Think about how many things you pay for just to save, you know, five minutes, 10 minutes.
Um, I'm definitely, uh, excited.
When did you say we were, that you were going to have, uh, release some previews?
Some new previews, some previews for the new art.
You're going to be releasing?
So we will have our new logo.
I've been flashing it in random chats here and there.
Uh, looks like someone's getting banned, but, uh, we'll probably releasing that tomorrow or the next week.
Next day, our new logo, uh, and then the, the new generation, I think that was delayed a day or two for finalizing the logo.
So, so sometime next week, we should have a preview of that.
But it could, could be the week after.
I hate, I hate setting deadlines.
It's because I don't want to be developing it and stuff.
We are, we are, we are pushing for a Q4 mint of the utility gen.
And then within 90 days of that is our goal to mint the second generation.
And so the way the tokenomics is going to work with the staking and whatnot, um, you'll, you'll have essentially have to be active and engaging, uh, as well as rating and whatnot to get the tokens for the utility generation.
Uh, we haven't decided if the staking of phantoms will give that the new token, uh, or if it's going to stay on soul suites until, until we transfer over to the new token with, uh, the new generation.
Um, I'm trying to build people in here and, you know, we can make the token 500, a thousand, doesn't matter.
It's all, it's all relative to what we give the output to be.
So who are you, who are you guys using for the new staking system?
Um, the new staking system.
Well, actually we're, uh, we're going to be talking with crowd surfers on pledging.
It might be doing a different kind of, uh, token, uh, reward system.
You, um, you, you good to take a few questions?
Um, so awful's got a question.
Let's, uh, take his question first.
Um, so yeah, like the kind of like the, I think that you had mentioned that you also want to
provide like poly services, like for taxes in the sense of like, not that you're doing taxes
for people, but like, like in the sense of almost like a consultation kind of thing is kind
of like bridging like your IRL stuff with, you know, the web three world that is kind
of like tax, like phobic.
I just wanted to get more info on that.
I remember you talked about that.
Um, the tax consulting and help is completely separate than phantoms.
Uh, for me to get involved in that, uh, difficult because in this space, everybody's not in the
U S everyone's all over the place and, and, and VPNs are used and anonymous names are used.
And, um, for me to provide tax consulting to groups of people like that, it becomes difficult
and I don't want to link into the entity.
So any consulting that I do is just my personal stuff.
Like I am a tax advisor now for a linked out and bloodbaths, um, as well as obviously myself
here at phantoms, but, uh, working with, I'm trying to work with various groups.
That's just a side thing.
That's what I'm trying to do and kind of grow myself.
And so, you know, to segue that one thing, I want to use the mint funds for these, these
generations to go towards the development of the software rather than me doing my capital.
Uh, I've got, I've got multiple funders and I got funding myself to do it, but I want to,
I want to maintain like probably up to 80% of that, that revenue from the software to go
back to the phantom realm, uh, and be used for, for rewards.
Um, and then with that, that's going to help me grow my own side so that I can go full-time
on web three, uh, with tax consulting to various groups and help in that regard.
That's, that was like my question.
I didn't know if that was kind of another stream of revenue that you were going to provide
to like the project or that's kind of you then indirectly providing to the project for
Potentially turn them to something down the line.
Uh, you know, if it kicks off with me and I get my stuff going and I can get, you know,
based on what the questions I get and a product I see, there might be large groups of individuals
that need help in certain areas where the tax laws are a little bit more complicated.
Um, and so we might be able to get, you know, people on board and start a little partnership
between me and them and then, you know, do something along that line.
But that's, that might be a little bit down the road.
I think that's an avenue that hasn't been explored.
So that's always kind of like, maybe like a light at the end of the tunnel that you're,
you can kind of almost create a, an untapped kind of a market in a sense.
I think a lot of people, me included, like I've had to kind of like dig for information
and like the crypto world.
And it's, I think everybody's still kind of getting used to it.
Everything's kind of taxed.
If you're like in Indonesia, you're, you know, balls to the wall free and stuff.
So I know that, um, that in the sense that it might not apply to a global perspective,
but I think there's a lot of us based, uh, crypto traders and NFT traders.
So yeah, that's a great avenue.
That's why I'm, I mean, I believe I can go web three.
My goal is to go full web three by the end of the year.
Um, it's, it's totally possible.
Everyone I talk to these projects, even, you know, for my, my, my real, my real job, they
tell me the needs that they have and their, their people.
Uh, and so in these, in this, as part of this, being a tax advisor, I'm going to probably
be doing some educational materials and tax law updates, you know, surrounding just the
NFTs and crypto market and have some kind of bot that posts in all the groups that I'm
in, uh, and then do some kind of office hours with these teams, um, that, you know, for
holders and whatnot, to ask questions, to do so many, uh, one-on-ones, it takes a lot
Uh, you know, you talk to one person for 30 minutes, they got questions, they go back,
find information, you know, in these groups, I mean, you have thousands of people that can
If I get 1% of, you know, 4,000 people on, on some kind of group, you know, that that's,
that's a lot of people to deal with in a day or in a week period.
Um, so that's why it's kind of difficult to do one-on-one consulting with, with so many
people and you kind of got to, I got to kind of figure out how to do that personally, but
it's not phantoms right now.
That answers your question.
Uh, we got, uh, another question.
Johnny Roy's got a question.
I heard you, uh, you were talking about the mint.
I heard you talking about your token, the realm, also jelly.
Did you have like a ballpark number you were thinking when it came to jelly or soul?
Like what you were thinking the mint would be?
I don't know if you said that and I didn't hear it.
I don't want to say a price yet, but I want it to be a set USD dollar, uh, not a soul price
just because our allocation after that's going to be based on USD.
Um, you know, running a business, can't keep it installed with the fluctuations at the
So, um, we're still kind of, once we finalize our white paper and the software, the end of
the software plans here, uh, and finish talking with the devs on what's possible, that's going
to give us an idea of the funds we need.
Uh, and we're going to base that on what the price is going to be for both of the minutes.
But I don't, I don't see this utility gen being more than $20, $30, uh, for this one, uh,
USD, um, it'll be mintable and jelly and, uh, the new token as well.
And so with that, uh, you know, we may or may not do something.
I'm not going to leak anything specifically.
So we may or may not give discounts for larger holders because, uh, minting, you know, you're
going to get whitelist allocations for the spot for the, for, for the new generation,
obviously, um, and minting, you know, I personally own like a hundred of them.
Um, so for me to mint a lot, it's going to cost me, you know, that's going to be a lot
So other, other big holders, uh, we'll get a discount depending on how many they own
in different tiers, you know, 10, 20, 30% discount of the mint.
Um, and then also with working with crowd surfers, we're trying to work on the pre-mint process.
Uh, so you'll be able to pay early and not have to deal with shit on mint day.
So that's new whales getting like a percentage discount.
That's, you know, it's a, it's hard to say, Hey guys, you know, we're going to be, you
know, shifting to, you know, one generation and then also another generation after that.
We want you to mint them both, you know, with, with the big holders, like, you know,
we could put a drain on the wallet and since the benefits and rewards are going to come,
you know, obviously the mints are going to have, you know, some of the mint funds are
going to go back to the holders right away.
Uh, but the bulk of it's going to be used to invest to help develop that software and get
So it's more of a, you know, a mid to long-term hold there.
Um, you know, I think, I think in short term in this world is like two weeks and long-term
It just feels different in the NFT world.
Um, but you know, I'm talking real world, like six to 12 months, mid to long-term, long-term
Um, so, you know, it takes a lot when you have, you're really ambitious with everything
and you want it to work perfectly.
It's going to take time, but, um, you know, it's, it's sometimes it's better to be close
to perfect than, than waiting another year to be perfect.
So anyway, sounds like you've got your numbers in order over there.
God, I got a pen in my hand writing numbers right now.
Um, does anybody else have any questions for Phantoms?
We've had a few, uh, a few bigger players, uh, sweep us the last couple of days.
Our list counts, uh, like 230, 240 right now.
It's been lowest for a while.
Um, if you zoom out on the chart, like, you know, it's like a super big, it looks like
a really good, uh, TA sign right now.
Um, but I was, I was just looking at it.
Um, we've sold, I don't know, 50 or 60 the last like day or two.
Um, and, uh, floor prices are slowly, steadily rising.
Our all-time high was like six, but that was, you know, with the old owner.
Um, with us, it spiked to, I think, 144 during the, uh, the D-Rug and then came back down
to probably 1.18, 0.18, 0.2 or so.
Uh, but then that got swept up quickly.
We've been hovering in the, in the 0.4 range, but I expect things to move very quickly here
now that, uh, tax season's coming to an end.
And, um, I mean, you haven't heard me speak, but, uh, if I spoke last week, I wouldn't
have been able to say all that information to you because it wasn't all finalized yet.
So, um, things are moving quickly right now.
Definitely always good to hear, especially from a fellow SoulSuite project.
We always love to hear that.
Of course, we love to hear that.
So, um, yeah, man, that's, uh, that's Phantoms.
Appreciate you coming on, man.
I'm glad we finally got to, uh, glad we finally got the link up with you.
So, uh, again, just like Focus 5, we're going to have to have y'all back closer to the mint.
So we can hear, uh, a little bit more.
Maybe we can get some more alpha in that during that little time.
You know, I'll be here every week.
Give a little shilly shilly at the end.
Can't wait to see them, uh, them, them new little previews.
And, um, yeah, looking forward to all of that.
Uh, so, yeah, with that being said, let's, uh, let's get some, uh, reactions for Phantoms
and JDZ in the house in the shill space.
I just seen, who just popped in there?
Coco just popped in there.
One second, one second, one second.
Sorry, somebody just popped in.
I thought maybe they wanted to talk.
So, um, I wanted to, uh, thank, uh, Focus 5 and, uh, Phantoms for, uh, coming on tonight
Um, also, uh, TPCC, Foxy's not on no more, uh, Awful, and, uh, DMC Revival.
Give yourself some credit.
I don't, you know, I don't get, I don't like attention, bro.
So, I don't, I don't do all that.
But, uh, show some love to the host.
Bro, I shit you now, bro.
30 minutes before the space.
He fucking sent me that message.
I like to fall out laughing, bro.
First time I talked to this dude this morning, bro.
Like, I was so worried about the dude all night long.
And then he finally texted me this morning.
I was like, I was relieved to hear from him.
And then about an hour later, he calls me.
I'm missing a little bit of fascia on my house.
And I had a palm tree in the front yard come down.
I was like, so you didn't get no water, huh?
Nah, I didn't get no water, man.
And I was like, oh, good.
So, I'm about to ask him, like, you know, what he's about to do.
And I started talking, and he cuts me off.
So, I think I got an idea on something we can do different on shill space.
I'm like, Dio, are you fucking kidding me, bro?
This dude just literally left his house from a fucking hurricane,
probably all fucked up and shit.
First thing he's going to talk to me about is fucking Twitter space.
Yo, it was the best time to do that during a hurricane.
But it destroyed the West Coast, man.
Bro, we usually get – we usually doing this shit two, three times a year in New Orleans, bro.
I was telling them early in the space, bro, just fucking less than a year ago, we had Ida.
And I couldn't – my whole family evacuated, but I couldn't evacuate because I got pit bulls.
So, everybody – all the boarding places were closed and shit around here.
So, no hotel rooms or nothing would take them.
So, I had to end up staying home.
And, yeah, it was pretty crazy shit, bro.
So, 140, 150-mile-an-hour winds.
Shit's fucking – shit's wild, bro.
Sounds like a fucking train running through your house, bro.
Yeah, I was talking about Bossy.
His entire house is underwater.
The island just got killed on the West Coast.
Yeah, I woke up this morning, man, and I seen so many videos from Florida, bro.
And I was like, damn, bro.
But, yeah, bro, I definitely miss him tonight.
But, yeah, it was a good show tonight.
Two really good projects, Focus 5, Phantoms, you know, of course, DMC, TTCC.
And, yeah, man, we will be back again next week.
You guys got that drop tomorrow, right?
You got that drop tomorrow.
We'll see you tomorrow, Pot Heads, TTCC Collab.
So, yeah, we got that going tomorrow.
Yep, they're just going to be sent to you a while.
Bro, to be honest with you, I haven't even seen –
I haven't even – I've only seen as many previews as we posted.
So, Dio, that was one of the things he asked me when he texted me earlier was,
did they send any more previews?
And, yeah, no, they didn't send any more previews.
So, yeah, I kind of – we pretty much seen everything that the community's seen.
That's pretty much what we've seen.
So, yeah, I can't wait to see him.
So, I'm mostly excited about what y'all don't know about.
And, bro, y'all have no fucking idea.
I'm just going to – yeah, I'm going to get off the space because I'm going to end up saying too much
because Fox ain't on here and he's going to end up kicking my ass tomorrow.
So, yeah, we'll be back again next week.
I'll set the link up on Tuesdays and we post them out like normal.
So, yeah, we might be doing a little bit something different next week.
Dio, I don't know what he was talking about.
But, yeah, we might be doing a little bit something different next week in show space.
And he was talking about something with giveaways.
So, yeah, we're going to try to bump these numbers up in the space.
It seems like it ain't just this space.
It seems like a few other spaces that have been in, you know, the numbers have kind of been going down a little bit.
But the weird thing is, is that NFT activity is, like, skyrocketing right now.
Put phantoms on that banner.
I'm going to get some people to show up.
To be honest with you, bro, I think it's because of the amount of spaces that are held now.
Because, I mean, like, a lot of people are hosting spaces now, you know.
And, I mean, when you got, you know, when you only host a space a week like we do, you know,
we like to put time into it.
We like to put, you know, at least a couple of hours into it, having three to five projects on it.
But, you know, all spaces are different, man.
I mean, not all spaces are shill spaces, you know.
There's multiple different spaces.
Well, that's what I love about it.
You know, you got a couple hours.
You can jump in for one or two shills even if you can't make the whole thing.
You got to look at different people coming in.
I get in spaces sometimes that they don't even fucking talk about NFTs, but they're all NFT communities.
So, I mean, you know, but I think that's part of what it is.
I think that, you know, but it's a good, it's good.
It's a good thing for the ecosystem, I mean, in general.
I mean, it's definitely good for people to, you know, post spaces on Twitter and, you know,
getting all the communities involved and active and together.
You know, that's what it's all about, just growing as a community.
So, well, there's no other.
I don't think any other Phantoms are here that I see, at least the PFP-wise.
I didn't tell anybody that was coming.
I just hopped on to listen to you guys and then, you know, I'll speak for you guys because
But, yeah, Phantoms will be here next week for sure.
I don't even think I have a booking yet for next week.
It's just been literally so crazy with all the shit going on and with airdrops and fucking
rev shares and the next day or so.
It's just so much shit going on, man.
Sounds like you need a software to help you manage some things.
Luckily, all I got to do is worry about Twitter, bro.
So, my job isn't, you know, my job isn't as tough as Fox and Dio's.
You know, the hardest part of my week is not even hard.
That's, you know, mainly the space and posting all the info on Twitter.
And, yeah, we did get some new additions to the team this week, though.
So, I actually wanted to shout that out, and I forgot.
So, yeah, Awful Waffle is going to be running some games for us now.
So, yeah, we definitely excited about that.
And we also have, shit, who was the second person we added this week?
Damn, I should know that one.
I'll talk to you literally all day long, bro.
Yeah, LaMere is helping out with raids now.
Yeah, we added the raid to...
The actual raid to earn in TTCC this week, even though we've been having it for two and a half months.
We finally just started using it.
So, pretty much kind of how we're doing it is we broke it down into 16 raids per day because, you know, we've been staying really active on Twitter.
That's like one of the things that we've really been trying hard to do is we've really been trying hard to, you know, get our name out there and just, you know, let everybody know, like, who we are, what we have to offer, what they're, you know, trying to encourage people to, you know, post on Twitter when they're excited about something.
You know, you get an airdrop.
Yeah, fucking A, post it on Twitter, you know what I'm saying?
But, and it's definitely been, it's definitely been helping, man.
So, like, kind of him and I now, like, I was doing everything myself.
And, I mean, I was running 15, 20 raids myself a day.
And, you know, I don't, some may not know, but we run two Twitters at TTCC.
I run the Fluxitility Twitter and I also run the TTCC Twitter itself.
So, you know, that plus running 20 raids a day gets to be a fucking lot.
So, yeah, we're definitely, definitely glad to have him on.
Games is another thing, too, man.
I mean, it's just as bad, just as big.
I mean, you know, it's really tough to find somebody that can consistently come in your server, you know,
and run games without, you know, oh, I got to go to work or, you know,
because it's hard to find time to do anything, man.
I mean, it's, you know, and then especially, like, in TTCC, you know, we don't, none of us take a penny from the DAO.
So, you know, we're all do this on our own free time.
So, you know, sometimes people don't have time to do it.
So it's definitely good to, you know, to add some options and have some other people help out, you know, to make everything go smoother.
So I'm definitely happy to have him on helping out with Twitter raids because it's definitely giving me time,
more time to spend tweeting stuff on both accounts on TTCC, you know, flexibility and the TCC account.
And then we also got, I don't know how you pronounce this, like Rasbutin.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, as an alpha caller.
So, yeah, that's one, another thing we added to the team this week to another person.
So, yeah, man, growing a team, you know, the box getting more popular.
AI drives tomorrow, big shit popping, TTCC.
Yeah, I mean, you kept talking about time, time, time, time.
Sounds like you need a bot or a programmer to help with time.
I'm telling you, it always comes up.
So, a little story for me.
Being an accountant, I try and save any second I can just because I get so busy.
And so, like, in my signatures at work, like, I even put, like, an extra sentence in there to, like, sign off so I don't have to write it every time I write an email.
That little thing, just, like, I mean, it's stupid, but, like, that little thing saves you a couple seconds for thousands of emails.
Over time, you're saving time.
So, uh, there's my email again going.
So, that ding was my email.
Sounded like somebody was linking on AOL or some shit.
Nah, just, uh, just that annoying sound that says you got more work.
Oh, so, with that being said, we are gonna wrap this one up.
That's another episode of Shell Space.
Appreciate everybody coming on.
Thank everybody for coming out.
We'll be back the same time, same place next week with, uh, TTCC, DMC, and, uh, three new projects, like always.
And so, uh, we'll look forward to that.
And, again, I'll be tweeting that out on, uh, Tuesday.
Uh, possibly Monday evening.
More than likely Tuesday, though.
But, uh, yeah, so, um, we'll see you guys next week.
And, um, thank y'all again for coming out.