All right. Sound check. Sound check.
all right so that must mean okay um let's give it a few minutes for more people to join
i will also be sending out some dms to various people that can join a lot of people sick these
days i don't know if you've seen the same thing but everybody i talk to is either sick or has been
recently sick so it's tough period but hey we are already in 2024 so let's fucking go yeah
so let's do it again thank you so much for joining us today and we'll see you next time
we'll see you next time we'll see you next time we'll see you next time we'll see you next time
what up what up kevin welcome
coin cash sir you've been here first what's up what's up so it is a community call guys
so obviously if you want to chit chat request come up let's just chat about
stuff that you've seen going on welcome welcome say the art all right i see kevin requesting
should do the transition shortly
i still see you as a listener but i did hear you okay now you're a speaker great great what's up how
you're doing good uh happy new year happy holidays new year happy new year happy 2024 man
so yes big tezos year ahead for sure for sure and i was trying to think you know all the things that
we are expecting in 2024 but we'll get to that how was your holidays what did you do any family time or what
yeah uh it's been visiting my parents uh uh so did that we went up to new york uh saw a show
and um but yeah you know john uh going back there i assume so a lot of work ahead especially it's uh
slightly over a week now we have the testman launch the production launch not the beta what's the date
again okay so that's a the 10th the 10th oh nice so it's already the third over here so seven days for me
do i get to see it before yeah
yeah i think uh yeah i think uh it's always like if i'm late on something whatever i say oh it's
going to be that day i say baker island time baker island time is the last time zone in the world
it is the final uh uh yeah yeah so it's the latest you could possibly do something let's still call
it that way but no i i guess we'll run on to u.s time um i don't put an actual time
yeah i'll get everything in order so yeah just prepping the the marketing groundwork and all of that
so people know they're aware and they're using it and then i saw an exciting um like uh uh well i
asked objects i because they announced they added pull as a currency yeah i saw that i said like what
would be great is if you i think i mentioned this at the last call like uh if there was a conversion
like an auto conversion so you could pay whatever you want and then the artist gets paid in whatever
they have their things set for it um because otherwise what the way it is now like you can
pay in usd tes but the artist has to like you can offer in usd tes and if the artist listed something
for usd tes then you can pay in usd tes but like uh if by default it's xtz so if something's in xtz
you got to pay in that or in e which is ironic uh or credit card so but to add the usd tes that's
that's going to be great um or to add the auto conversion and then if it's new usd yeah how would
that work so whatever would they have like to integrate i don't know uh free route or something
how would the conversion yeah i mean that's how i had mentioned it um to them but like uh if it's
just they connect free route or country aggregator and then they can just do an auto exchange
um and then for the received the receivable amount that they need and as long as that's there they
could do it yeah it could make sense in a way you know for people to be able to pay in the currency
they choose and but the artist is getting the the native currency that they listed it for the one that
they chose but it gets a little bit tricky i guess um because um first of all it gets more
complicated regarding the you know the um the swaps and everything the um the rates the conversion rates
and they are changing they will be volatile so especially for people that have no experience
with defi or don't know how that works you know it might get confusing for them but uh uh yeah at
first but i think it'll like as liquidity starts to grow uh it'll it'll be a lot quicker and you know
um i think even i mean there are other ways to there are many ways of doing it but um like you have
just set up a conversion in a certain way it's like this is the receivable amount you know as
opposed to here's what i want to exchange it further um like here's what i want uh you sound a little bit
like you're covering your microphone yeah oh yeah i'm i'm i think the reception's for i'm on i'm outdoor
um hold on uh but yeah so do you hear me better now yeah much better okay so
yeah so you just kind of set the way you would do it in the normally when people do like
like uh like they'll put in whatever
okay now i'm losing you kevin you're breaking up now i don't know if it is just me but uh i think
it's your signal but you're not the one now hold on hold on let me see hold on let me get to uh
in the meantime i'll try to find some um tweets to pin up
first of all yeah since the we had that awesome um video explainer from the tezos handle i don't
know if you guys saw it but let me just pin it up here which explains the smart rollups and everything
i really like that one and i hope we get to see more of those
all right welcome manon jesus and hola hello hello
feel free to come up guys it's a community call
we can discuss anything you can ask anything you know
how was your holidays what have you seen recently happening around i saw a lot of
meme tokens being created i wasn't able to follow them all but uh it's fun to see you know
people getting hyped again and active in the ecosystem
and crunchy network even picked up so a lot of farms being created i actually joined the farm today
welcome baking benjamin's shelly belly
okay i think kevin just requested again let's get him up
are getting the transition
okay i see your request kevin i'm trying to accept it but i don't know if it is not bringing you up
it might be bad signal or something you might want to try to close the app and reopen it and try again
so 2024 guys i don't know i was just saying the same thing uh at the start of the space uh
it's starting off a little bit crazy i don't know about you what you've seen but so many people are sick these days
like i've talked to a lot of people and they are either sick or have been sick recently
and i don't know what's going on
is that is that is it like uh our immune systems are getting worse or what or those uh viruses getting stronger
but yeah i don't know what you're doing but uh
much better of course but uh
do you see the same stuff you can just post down in the comments if you don't want to come up
and of course if you want to come up feel free to request come tell us about your art about what you got going on in tezos
and if you want to ask anything about tezos feel free to come up
otherwise you will be just listening to me chatting until kevin comes back
and i will just be looking around
i will be scrolling through twitter to find some interesting tweets maybe to
we can discuss all sorts of things
for those that are not familiar maybe
oh we just had a tweet out
okay so i see ifos are also back
so yeah i just pinned up a tweet from crunchy crunchy is a platform where
you can do many different stuff like create token
as i was saying there was a recent
rush let's say a recent hype with people creating various
meme tokens and different tokens not just me maybe
but they are also creating farms and stuff and
it started picking up again and you can also see various tokens from the
um tezos ecosystem that are built on tezos and you can see the charts there and how they're performing and stuff so it's a cool site to visit to check out if you still haven't
welcome ways i see you down there welcome mass
tuesday tuesday come up come tell us
how your holidays have been
what are you doing what are you up to
We are also going through the cooldown period.
It was good that we got through the exploration.
I saw a lot of tweets there as well about, you know,
bakers not voting until the last moment and stuff.
It's getting kind of hard to get to the quorum.
But I saw some discussions popping up there as well.
Oh, I see Wise, we're up.
Glad, better, but I'm here.
Yeah, I saw your tweet earlier and I was like, damn,
that's not the way to start 2024, you know?
I think it's just, oh, my God, I don't know.
I mean, like, I'm at this point, what I'm legit, I don't know.
It's like the best answer I can give at the moment is I don't know.
2024 is not with a bitch slap.
It's just a punch to the face.
So, let's start with how was your holidays.
Had, like, Christmas Eve and spent, like, a few days with, like, my partners, like, parents and stuff like that, which is pretty cool.
But it was kind of relaxing.
But, yeah, too bad you didn't get to rest a little bit, you know?
I mean, I kind of worked myself as well.
Like, you know, I've been active during those days.
But I had some family come over, like, brothers, sisters, stuff like that, my nephews and so on.
So, got to spend some family time as well.
But, yeah, nothing fancy, nothing too crazy.
We were just, I was just saying before that so many people were sick, you know, that we couldn't even, you know, arrange big gatherings and stuff.
I don't know what happened this year, but everybody was sick.
The next week, it was somebody else.
And it went on like that.
By the way, Kevin, I see you back.
Yeah, a lot of people got sick in the US, too.
I got COVID for the first time.
So, yeah, it's an experience.
Weiss, we were discussing about, like, you added the poll token, you know, to be able to make offers in poll and buy and sell in poll tokens, which was fun.
And I didn't see any other announcements.
Did you have any other updates?
Or do you have, I saw that you have something coming up, I think.
What's with the filler question?
There's no one really coming up.
Come up and talk, you people.
I mean, like, you're putting the guy on the spot and he's, like, reaching out.
Any question, anything to keep the momentum of the space happening?
When I first came, when I came back to this space, I...
I mean, like, poll at the moment, it's confusing.
So, it's one of the first tokens that now is, like, fully displayed on the new beta, which you can actually see.
Because I know a majority of people are still using Object Classic, which is why they're kind of confused as to how much the tokens are.
But on Object Beta, you can actually see the equivalents.
So, for example, I don't know what's the price of the hole at the moment.
You'll see the conversion rate, right?
Yeah, they'll see the conversion rate.
They'll see the correct value.
So, I know people are very confused.
So, that's why I've been urging everyone to use the new site.
It'll be released this week.
So, it's, like, along with, like, new features, which everyone is excited about.
As if it's, like, the first...
And you basically answered my questions.
So, they were fair, I think.
Conversions are hard to do with non-stables, or, I should say, things that are not TES that, like, don't trade to high, consistently high volume and liquidity.
Because, like, if it's, like, if it's, like, a volatile token itself, and it's trading on DEXs, like, you are moving the price itself every time you do the conversion.
Well, that goes for any token, right?
You're moving the entire time to me, so...
Because when it comes to stable coins, I don't think she can hear me.
I didn't even answer that.
Yeah, maybe she doesn't hear it.
So, with other tokens, like, with the stable coin...
So, there are, like, there are bots and there are the treasures.
I don't know if you can hear us.
Tell her she can't hear me, but she can hear you.
Yeah, like, Kevin is talking, and you probably cannot hear him.
Otherwise, I will just...
I can see, like, he's off mute.
But I can't exactly hear anything he says.
Which, to be honest, seems like a blessing to me.
Three levels of rudeness.
They probably said something really important.
Um, she'll listen to the recording, I'm sure.
When you do anything that's, like, stable, then, like, there are people who are constantly balancing
the price with their bots.
Like, they make money that way.
Uh, but when it's not the stable, then, like, the price is just set by whatever's going
on in the decks themselves.
So, what I imagine would happen with that, people would spend money, like, say, in pole, and then, if that gets converted over to, like, let's say an artist wants to receive TES, then that puts sell pressure on pole.
So, um, and then, so, and then, like, like, like, you need people constantly buying pole, too.
Like, there needs to be incentive for constantly buying it, to use it as a currency, which is, it's, it's hard to use a new home for commerce.
Um, even Doge is, it's, it's, it's, it's very difficult, but, uh, which is the biggest, largest, most liquid one.
Yeah, well, yeah, uh, yeah, that's, I think this could go for any token, you know, because, um, they're all volatile.
Yeah, yeah, they're all volatile, in a way, and, uh, especially if there is not a lot of liquidity, as you said, uh, even a small conversion will move the price, but, um, that's, uh, I suppose this is something that is taken into account, you know, when you do that sort of integration, because, uh, when you have, uh, like, your tokens in your wallet, and you do an offer, it will take the exchange rate you have at that moment, right?
And, and it will account for the slippage, I suppose.
It'll account for the slippage, but, um, like, it's still, the aggregate of it will push the price in a particular direction, based on if people are, uh, sell, like, unless people are buying as much, if not more, than people are selling, or, are converting.
Yeah, now I can hear you.
So, like, our success with Tezos NFTs, without a lending system at scale, over all these years, has actually, arguably, put downward pressure on the price, because, yes, artists do go and buy more NFTs, but if they're not doing that,
they're going to a centralized exchange and liquidating, which adds to downward pressure of the price, um, but, so, that's also why lending matters so much, because it's like, hey, don't do that.
Don't miss out on the price gains of Tez, either.
So, put it in a lending pool.
You'll grow the amount of Tez you have, you won't miss out on the price gains, um, and you're putting it in the best place, which creates borrowable liquidity to increase commerce for borrowers, which goes right back into your pocket and increases sales and price points for Tezos NFTs purchases.
So, like, that's the cyclical, uh, system that's created.
Yeah, but, to be fair, this, this won't be for everybody, you know, like, uh, I don't expect all artists to start learning about deepfights and investing and stuff, yeah.
It doesn't have to be, no.
Some of them will probably, we'll check it out and we'll learn about it.
It's, no, no, no, yeah, that, that, that's the fallacy, and, like, I'm writing an article about this now.
Um, it's not, it's, in fact, most, like, the way that finance powers the economy, most people don't use those systems and that machinery directly, but it very much affects them.
So, like, but on a secondary level and a tertiary level, um, so, like, that's the, the conflation that needs to, to move away.
Um, it'll be, and part of it will be, like, actually adopting it to their personal finance.
Um, so, we'll have market education for that.
But when it comes to, like, um, like, marketplaces and dApps using it, when it comes to bakers using it, when it comes to, you know, corporate bakers looking at that, when it comes to, or not even that, like, even just for the DeFi people, uh, the way that affects exchanges and what people do when they, for liquidity providers and, and other, like, farming contracts and those integrations.
So, there are many different ways that it affects, uh, that it's used directly, but also, like, the liquidity that's created for, uh, actual use comes from people who are using those things.
So, an artist is affected by it because some borrower, uh, has, uh, collateral or has money now that they will be spending to buy more editions of their drop and a higher price points because they can do it on credit now, whereas they couldn't before.
So, like, and then, like, and then, like, that money increases their bottom line.
It's a good, I think it's a good example just to use the art economy for it, but the increase of liquidity overall is what, uh, ultimately, uh, like, that's the mover and shaker here.
Because it, it finds another way to expand commerce.
It's commerce without finance is not scalable.
Like, it might as well be zero.
Yeah, I mean, um, from any aspect, from any perspective that you look at it, you know, liquidity will help, not just, uh, with this, um, uh, not just from that perspective that you can, um, use money, you know, you can put it as collateral and use the borrowed money to do your shopping, let's say, uh, but,
with more liquidity, you can have bigger amounts, you know, um, circulating in the ecosystem and this kind of flows in all, uh, niche spaces like the NFTs, the DeFi, the whatever else you have going on.
So, yeah, liquidity is the key there, I think.
Yeah, it's, um, it's, um, it's retention, but, which is, I think, the first key element, it gives a means for the retention of liquidity in the ecosystem.
This is what we didn't have at all.
Um, like, unless people, a few people who are using Yukon and those things, uh, but, uh, the, but, like, it's the compounding effect that truly is where the magic happens afterwards.
Um, but, yeah, like, the first thing's first, like, let's stop, stop going to centralized exchanges with your revenue.
Like, there are better ways that are, that keeps the money in the ecosystem.
Um, that's, that's the first step.
Once we get there, we can take care of this.
But, like, that, that shift a little bit, um, will help.
And, and, fortunately, heading into a bull market, that's a lot easier of a sell, because people do not want to sell their TES when they feel the price of TES is probably going to go up in the coming months.
Or, you know, not financial advice.
I'm just saying, if that's the climate, that, that, historically, that tends to be the case with participants.
Yeah, another thing that I've seen people talking about is, uh, or asking about, actually, is to have, um, more bridges to the ecosystem.
I don't know what your take on that.
Uh, I mean, last time I, I used the bridge for TES, it was the plenty, uh, the plenty bridge, which worked fine.
But, since then, I've seen people saying, you know, that there are, there are issues sometimes, um, especially when you're trying to do from Polygon or some other networks.
But, uh, do you think we need, like, uh, more bridges towards the TES ecosystem from other, uh, chains?
Um, yeah, I mean, it's really, like, you need to create a trust, there needs to be a trustless and streamlined way for people to go from some liquidity source.
Into another one, from another ecosystem, or off ecosystems, uh, to this ecosystem, and back.
Um, and wrapping bridges have been the way to do it, historically, for the last couple of years.
I don't see that as a long-term, permanent thing.
It's just kind of, like, the best solution for the moment.
Um, really different thoughts on this, but it's just more, like, they become targets for attack.
And you don't really hold the asset, uh, because it's just kind of, it's put onto a smart contract.
I mean, there is a collateral source somewhere.
Uh, what you really want, and this is why, well, this is our direction that we took with it, which is, you want, like, a P2P swap.
You want an atomic swap between different chains.
Um, and there are ways of doing that.
And that way, you actually own the asset.
Um, it doesn't require, uh, any association with a smart contract after the transaction is done.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Yeah, you can do things at scale.
Let's, let's take it back.
How would that work exactly?
Like, I know how the, um, the traditional bridges are working.
Like, you have an asset on one chain, let's say on Ethereum, you put it in a smart contract, uh, which is with, where the asset gets locked in a way, right?
And the equivalent is minted as a wrapped asset on the other chain, on Tezos, let's say.
Um, so how would you do that in a trust, totally trustless way?
Yeah, so it, it works the way it's atomic swaps work.
Um, so both parties, uh, at agreed terms, they put up their assets from either chain.
Um, and then they confirm that, like, they want this transaction to go forward.
Uh, they want it to go forward and they want to get the other person's thing.
Um, and then once both of that is confirmed and both assets are on a smart contract.
So, and, uh, and, uh, and the preterms for that, like, it's time, you know, it's transaction expenses or something like that.
Uh, but then, then another transaction is made by both sides of the go cap to mutually confirmed, uh, in which, um, like, a key is revealed that, uh, would allow for the redemption of, uh, the, to the other side, to the other person's value on the other side.
Uh, and then, and that's, and then you just pull a redeem call, uh, and anyone can do that, uh, because that, like, that smart contract is programmed to only go to that predestined, uh, wallet address on the other chain.
Um, yeah, that's, yeah, I'm trying, I'm trying to understand it, yeah, um, so, yeah, I'll send you a little diagram.
Yeah, send it to me for sure.
It takes, it took, like, uh, it takes, like, eight calls altogether between both parties.
Yeah, no, what I'm trying to understand is who is overlooking that, uh, both actions has happened on the two different chains.
Like, uh, do I personally, as a user, when I want to bridge something from one chain to another, uh, will I have to have wallets on both chains and, uh, basically, uh, that's the way that I will confirm that it happens on both chains?
Yeah, you'd have, you'd have wallets on both chains, um, and then you, you're making calls to both chains that would confirm this is the destination.
This is, you know, it's for this, when this person confirms this, you can, you can confirm that, and then both are revealed at the same time.
Like, both, uh, uh, uh, passcodes are revealed at the same time that would, uh, uh, can be redeemed, uh, or executed to be, uh, that would release the tokens, uh, on, on either, on the opposite chain.
Um, it's, it's hard to, it's better to diagram these things, especially when you're talking about eight calls.
Uh, and then, uh, so the, we did it with Ethereum, it worked very well, uh, couple snafus, but we were able to, you know, we had a good time to reflect on, like, how we should actually revamp it.
Uh, but then also, we really wanted to do it for Bitcoin.
We really wanted to have a trustless gap between Bitcoin and Tezoros.
The problem was, at the time, when we did the Ethereum one, uh, back in 2020, mid-2021, there were no smart contracts on Bitcoin.
Then, you know, it, it became, uh, then we had a Taproot come in, the picture.
There was that, there was that fork, and then Taproot came to be, and then now you can do, uh, smart contracts on Bitcoin.
So we'll be using that, um, and we'll be able to, which I think will be very good for increasing serious, uh, TVL, liquidity, bacon.
Because that's been the biggest friction point for, uh, getting, increasing that liquidity, is people don't like going through intermediaries, um, uh, to get the, the capital that's needed.
Um, and with Atomics gone, I mean, there really wasn't any other source for that, unless you're an institutional provider, uh, that goes through institutions.
By the way, are all Atomics swaps gone?
I know, I remember that Atomics that used to have, uh, the Atomics swaps, uh, it stopped them.
But, uh, I wasn't sure if that's something, you know, um, crypto space-wide or just something specifically that happened with Atomics.
I found out that that even happened, like, a couple months after that ended.
I think they, I don't know, maybe they were doing it on a grant basis, and then that grant stopped.
I think that might have been a thing.
Um, but not, not really sure.
Yeah, I mean, I remember some stuff about regulations as well that they mentioned.
I think, maybe I remember wrong, but that's something I remember.
Or, that's why I was wondering, you know, if it was something that happened, uh, in general.
They do it a little different.
Like, with the way we did it, like, you can use any wallet you want.
Uh, with theirs, uh, you had to use Atomics wallet.
So, I think there was maybe, I don't know.
I'm just totally guessing.
But, if there was a regulatory thing, it could have been that.
Because otherwise, you know, these are supposed to be totally just party to party.
So, open source, and then it doesn't really involve them at all.
I mean, they did have some, uh, liquidity providers.
Let's say that they had some people, you know, that, uh, were adding liquidity.
So, they have available liquidity for those swaps.
Um, well, we've been going for almost.
Sorry, uh, there must be a delay as well in the sound, just so you know, Kevin.
I was going to say that we've been going for almost 40 minutes now.
And I see more people have joined.
So, I would like to remind that it's Tuesday, Tuesday.
It's a community call today, guys.
Uh, the first of the year.
Uh, happy new year to all of you that joined, uh, just now.
So, and, yeah, feel free to request and come up and tell us what you have going on.
If you have any questions about Tezos or general, you know, if you want to just join the conversation
or chat with us, uh, it's an open stage today.
Um, so, you said, Kevin, 10th of January, right?
So, um, we want to fill up, uh, the liquidity pools.
We're going to have three to start, um, and like, we want to hit certain thresholds, not
just with liquidity in, but with borrowing activity, amount of borrows, um, you know, like
the amount of, uh, accumulated debt, uh, that comes from that.
And then after that hit certain thresholds, cause we don't want to fragment what, you know,
we're targeting for people to, to come and use and utilize.
Uh, so it's going to be X, T, Z, uh, USD, T, and USD, T, Z.
So USD, TES, Tether, and TES.
Uh, after that, uh, we'll do C-TES.
And, uh, also the, and then after, and then Sears after that as well.
Um, so they'll, those two will come in, um, TZ, BTC, the, as well as the, like, uh, ETH-RAP
and Fergie TES and, um, and BTC TES.
So, uh, and then after that point.
So how many, how many tokens will you have, uh, total?
So it's also, it's going to be three.
So it's important to have like the reserve back tokens first, the things that have, um,
like liquid datable liquidity at scale.
Um, and so reserve back tokens offer that, like they hold their peg well.
Um, whereas algo coin synthetics, CDP-based coins, um, those tend to be much more volatile.
And in fact, when you see like the, the big liquidations historically that have happened
on, uh, uh, other protocols like Aave and Compound, they've been for algo coins.
Generally, I mean, I think it's because people think, oh, it'll stay stable.
And then they, they just borrow to the brink of their limit.
And then it goes over that limit because of the volatility of the algo coin.
And then, um, you know, they get liquidated and that monster liquidations have happened
People have lost and made a lot of money through those monster liquidations.
Um, but yeah, then we'll do the algo coins.
Uh, that's, that's very important.
Uh, they're, they're very, these lending pools are very supportive of algo coins.
Algo coins are very supportive of these lending pools.
Um, but yeah, so KUSD, uh, UUSD, as well as the other use algo, uh, synthetic backed tokens
So UBTC, um, and then others we're looking at as well.
And then after that, we can start after all those algos, we can start thinking about like,
are, is there a place for like high for, are, for volatile tokens, um, that are not
TES and not Sears, uh, Sears because Sears is sort of half TES, half, half Bitcoin.
So that's, that gets, that gets a pass, but we'll put it up first.
Apparently you want to have tokens that, uh, will have, um, use case and demand, right?
So that's what makes it so hard.
So, you know, right now the one we're considering is more strongly, uh, is Doga.
Um, so we're, we're watching it to make sure that like the volume stays and the volume is
growing, that, uh, it's implementation in the commerce suites that they have that it's
Like it, if it's sustainably high that you can use it like to the effect of these other
tokens, you can use it as collateral, um, or, you know, and it can be tracked with
certainty, uh, for its price, uh, because there's enough of it and enough places, um,
like an Oracle tracker is reliable.
Um, but it, yeah, it's very hard, uh, to get, uh, I mean, other, it's not just that
like, I mean, part of it is the, the, the fact that you need those attributes for whatever
coin you choose that's volatile, but also, yeah, it has to be used.
It's like, there has to be a reason to borrow.
Um, otherwise it's, it doesn't really, it doesn't really work.
Um, so it's, it's very rare and hard to find that.
So really the only thing so far, that's not, um, a stable of something that's a large,
uh, um, like an ETH test or, uh, TZBTC or, uh, BTC test or your, by the way, yeah.
Uh, EUR, uh, that's, that's an EURL.
That's an important one, but also, uh, like it's Sears.
Sears is the only one that has that kind of exceptional position for it.
Um, but yeah, so we'll see.
Yeah, but, um, lending also is used, you know, um, primarily for longing, generally trading.
Like you can take positions like, uh, leverage positions as well.
So you want, uh, at the beginning, at least I would imagine you want, uh, just a few tokens
that have some sort of demand that people want to trade, that they want to, uh, borrow
against and use them and so on.
Because otherwise, if you put like a bunch of tokens, uh, I don't think it would be hard,
you know, to put more and more tokens, but, uh, it's going to just fragment, fragment the
liquidity and, um, a lot of them will be with low liquidity, like useless in a way.
And you can see that on, on compound and Aave compound is actually, they're, they're,
they do a pretty good job with like a good conservative approach of not putting every
coin under the sun there.
They're, they're very selective with what gets added.
And Aave is like, yeah, anything you want, you know, yeah, let's do that too.
Um, so, you know, like they, so they're, they have a more of a liberal approach to a lot
Um, particularly when it comes to like compound doesn't do flash loans.
And every few months there's an, there's a manipulation or exploit of that.
It's a very difficult thing to do.
So yeah, we want to be conservative.
We want to take that route.
Um, because these are the things that like the whole point of this and, and the whole
reason why people come in is so that they could use it for things that like power their
economies, whether it's the economy of their life and something they have to go.
And you get a USD stable coin cause you need to go out of the ecosystem to pay your
bills, um, and, but you don't want to miss out on crypto price gains or because you want
to use the currency that's in the ecosystem or, or you think a value of something will
Um, so, so you'll, you'll put that and you'll leverage against that.
Um, or, or you think something's going to go down and you're like, all right, well, let
me put it in USD and then I'll borrow against that.
And then I'll put that in something that'll get a yield in a different way.
And then I won't have to worry about it.
That's kind of dangerous because if it does shoot up in price, you need to know what you're
doing there because there's always the risk of liquidation and you're losing money.
So yeah, definitely do a lot of research before you, you know, if you are not into those things
and you want to try them out, you need to do some, uh, good research to see how it works.
Maybe play around with small amounts to understand it better because it's always better, you know,
when you actually do stuff than just read about them.
Uh, but let, let, let, let me pause you for one minute just to welcome the, uh, just to welcome
NFT TransState on the stage.
Maybe they are just away from their mic for now.
So what are you going to say, Kevin?
Yeah, it'll really, uh, I want to see who are the people who are like the flippers, like a lot of
people who are the big, like NFT, like edition flippers who, you know, they, they kind of camp out
They load up a few of them and then, you know, they sell them for profit.
Like it'll, it'll really transform that.
Um, because that's a, that's a situation where if people are taking funds, they don't expect to be
parting with for too long.
Um, they don't know for sure.
They're taking a risk there, but they don't expect to be parting with those that for too long.
Um, they, they plan to make money off of it.
So like, that's something that that's very interesting for, um, you know, for, for lending.
Cause like you'll put in, you know, a USD stable coin, a borrow, the Tez to do it.
Um, and maybe you're in a, in a highly leveraged position or, or, or whatever you're at, but it's
like, okay, I'm taking this, buying up the additions.
And like, I don't have to worry about the debt too much because I only plan to, to be in this
position for like a day or maybe even an hour, depending on what the, you know, like how they're
planning to do this, this, this flipping operation they want to do.
And then I'll make the money back plus some profit.
I can pay back everything I borrowed and then I have everything left over and maybe I even
keep, uh, some one or a few of these NFTs that I, of the additions that I bought.
Um, and then I can even take my collateral out and then I didn't spend any money at all.
Um, yeah, well, that works better.
That works better in, uh, in a market that is going up like the blue markets, you know,
because people are, uh, are expecting prices to rise of their native token.
You want to do it, uh, too short in a way.
Um, it's the, the currency.
I mean, you can go either, especially when object adds the auto conversion of, cause then
it's like, well, I'll leverage against my TES and I'll borrow the USD stable coin.
I don't miss out on anything.
Uh, and then I'll, I'll buy in that and then I'll flip in that way, or I'll do it the other
I'll put them in the USD.
I'll get the TES and then I'll, I'll do it that way.
So, so that, that's how that'll work.
But, um, yeah, I mean, let's break it down in an example, just for people, you know,
to understand what we are talking about, like, um, with lending here, like, for example,
let's say there is, uh, an artwork I see on object, right.
Which costs, um, 20 USD, let's say a random price, which, uh, when the TES is at $1 exchange
rate, it means 20 TES, right.
And I have a hundred TES in my wallet and I expected the TES price to rise, to go to
$2, I don't know, in three months, in five months, in two years, I don't care.
Uh, but I expect it to rise.
Um, so instead of me paying 20 XTZ, which is now $20, I can just, uh, put the hundred XTZ
as collateral, borrow USDT or USDTES, right.
Buy the artwork and my hundred XTZ are sitting in locked as collateral.
And when the price rises, uh, I still have them valued at that price.
Did I say it correctly, Kevin?
So you don't, it's like you have some amount of TES, but you really want to get PONGs,
Uh, so it's like, I don't want to spend my TES because that's going to go up, you know,
like we've all been in that position where we, we spent some crypto and it's like, oh
man, I should have just, or I should have at least like refilled what I got after I got,
after I spent it or something.
So instead I'm going to borrow this USD against this USD stable coin, uh, against it, uh,
So meaning like you, you, you put in a collateral in the TES and then you, you put yourself in
a position of debt, uh, where you're, you're getting some USD out.
I buy a couple of PONGs, um, you know, NFTs.
And then like, I, I got like one to keep, one to get my money back, one to make some profit.
And then it's like, and maybe it takes me like a week to, to fully finish these transactions
to, so that I, I get in that position.
But I don't want to, unlike if I did that with TES where in that whole week, the price
of TES could have, you know, gone like up.
And then at that point, like I'm probably, maybe I'm not even in the position where people
are going to be willing to, to buy them from me.
Cause people are just want to hold on to their TES.
Um, you know, like a lot of things can happen in a week.
So instead I'll, I'll, I'll do it in this way, you know, and then that way I still have
So, and even though it's taking me some time to get, to pay back my debt, like I'm still
growing with the price of TES and, uh, I'm, I'm earning on interest like a savings account.
You know, I'm earning on interest as I, as this, it's still sitting there and cooking.
And even though I have debt that I borrowed against it, uh, I'm still growing with interest
So, uh, yeah, that's, so that lets you do a lot more than you can do.
Let's just mention that, uh, there are some risks included, of course, like with anything,
uh, defined trading in general, that, uh, if the price instead of going up goes down by
a lot, you can get liquidated, right?
So there are some collateral ratios that you need to be careful with.
You need to know how things work and, uh, in general, uh, um, yeah, you need to do some
research, uh, to be aware of the risks because there are always risks included.
And so it's also includes speculation from your side that if you speculate, the price
But yeah, if, if you know how to work with this stuff, you can definitely, you know, uh,
save some, uh, some money and make some money as well.
But yeah, be careful always guys.
So like the two scenarios to think about, like, let's say you, you put down some TES, you borrowed
some USD, uh, stable coin against it, like to, you know, like, uh, like 30% of the amount
of TES value, like to your limit.
And then let's say the price of TES goes down to like a 10th of what it was.
Well, then that capacity you had to borrow that up to 30% of the value, that's not the
You, you, you're, you're over collateralized now because the price of TES went down and
it's not no fault of your own.
You did the right thing at that moment, but like the market shifts, there's risk there because
Um, and then, so then you can get liquidated, which means at the time when you cross that
border of like being over collateralized, someone like anyone can, can pull the trigger
Like people can run bots that will do this.
Uh, it'll liquidate and sell the TES, uh, to pay back your debt.
And then they keep a little bit of a profit from that cause they, for, for their action in
Um, and yeah, and then that TES is that you had was gone.
Um, so that, that's how that works.
The other situation is like, let's say you bought lent out USD and it's like, okay, well
that's, that's good because that price isn't going to change.
That's, that's pretty solid.
Uh, so, you know, more or less.
So then I, and then you borrow TES against that.
You borrow like, um, say one to 10% even of your collateral, uh, like limit of what you
could get or, or say 20% of your collateral limit.
Um, you feel pretty safe about that.
It's, you're not over borrowing at that, but it was pretty, very safe levels.
But then if the price of TES itself, because it's measured in us dollar, if the price of
TES goes up 10 times, well then, well, before then you're going to be over collateralized.
It's like, well, how the price of USD didn't change.
Well, yeah, the price of USD didn't change, but the value of that thing you borrowed, that
And so that you're now over collateralized because the value of the thing you borrowed
So you got to monitor this stuff and make sure you're not going outside those bounds, um,
to make, and, and there's, there's a health meter that you can watch on, um, on, on TESFIN.
I was going to ask that we will have in the UI some, uh, some sort of bus that you can track
your collateral ratio and, uh, warning some stuff, right?
Um, and more people are joining.
Uh, we're already 55 minutes in.
I don't know how much longer we're going to keep the space up, but the stage is open,
My name is Lea, also known as Blua Discordia.
I'm from Brazil and Tezos was very important for Brazilian community.
At the time on the boom market as a alternative for Ethereum.
So it's like the main things that people talk around and Tezos was the accessible solution
and, uh, grow the community around.
There was many things, the hacks, how the community managed these to keep alive.
The heat among days, right?
I also wrote about it because it's, uh, people just talk about, uh, successful cases, but,
uh, you know, the failures and the end of communities and reborn.
I think it's more useful to understand use cases of everything that it's around the web
tree that is under construction.
We are building a mentality and a culture and I'm not just an artist.
Like I am a speaker on the crypto events now in Brazil.
Uh, and F-Trans was my try to make like a impactful thing, like a helping trans people that was like socially excluded.
But, uh, yeah, it was not a good year for this, but, uh, we build many things and many connections among like, uh, different parts of the ecosystem.
Like in 2021, I was like mostly focused on NFTs and 2022, I was on near ecosystem on DAOs and, uh, was, was a great experience.
But, uh, turns out that I, I couldn't manage to keep there.
And this part of my journey in this last year in Brazil was to, to open a little bit more my mind and to see how things are on the, on the really local situation.
Like many other kinds of entrepreneurs that are interested on web tree and all parts have the same challenge of onboarding.
Because like, uh, yeah, I don't know where all you guys from.
I imagine that most from like, uh, north part of the globe.
And yeah, it's, there is always financial challenge for everybody.
But here it's that we are a big country.
It's a big, uh, social discrepancy that it's not just financial access, but information.
And as much of the information about, uh, crypto and web tree are in English, it's exclude like, like more than 90% of the population.
Because, uh, yeah, just 1% of Brazil speaks English.
What, what are the difficulties that you find now regarding onboarding?
Like, what are the difficulties you see most commonly?
I understand half of what you are saying, not because of the language, because I'm fluent English speaker.
Like by, by lucky because my mother was English teacher, but mostly of my friends from the same, like social class, they not of them speak English.
So they can use translator, but you know, it's so much information that they feel that it's not a game for them.
They are excluded and it's more like people from investments that are inside, you know, and if you are in a situation that you don't have, you know, the bills pay, you can't really think about investments.
And I think that we can break through when we show another utilities and Tezos was really great for experimenting, you know, creating things with low costs that, uh, really don't need to be a big success and, you know, uh, next unicorn.
And, uh, yeah, most of people that I see nowadays in these events, they, they are trying to, you know, reach the golden goal of like, make the perfect startup that are going to onboard everybody on their community.
So there's a lot of communities now, but they are disconnected.
Like devs community are really good on understanding how it works, but they depends on like a very, uh, straight guys, investors that don't have that much imagination.
And then there's artists full of imagination, but they don't know nothing about business and also not nothing about this technology.
Even the NFT artists in Brazil, like the, the ground floor of the knowledge, it's very poor.
You know, I am learning every day and like, I dedicate my, my life to learn about it.
So I, I don't feel that anybody here are like obligated to have the same kind of, uh, research velocity that I have.
But yeah, there is many people that I see here, very talented.
They could come to the game.
They could, you know, like start to make this liquidity going on.
But, uh, there is a, uh, cultural block, you know, the mainstream media, like, uh, don't have a good image of the word NFT as it was two years ago.
So like people that used to, uh, are going to put a sponsor on the event to like take out.
So it shakes a little bit, but, uh, even so the, these builders from Brazil that I met this year, they were very resilient.
And I feel that, uh, there is a big enthusiasm on this year to, to the bull market.
And I want to just say one more thing, uh, that, uh, it's a question for you guys, because I'm not like, uh, dev and more on the like social part.
So, uh, I think that, uh, one big need, it's bridges, you know, like a simple app, like layer zero that people can, you know, from emails start to have opportunity to enter on Tezos.
But at the same place that can enter on Ethereum or Solana or even word coin that it's something that I'm like wondering.
It's my question is, is it possible to make a bridge on the app that you can like put word ID connection and also Tezos wallet in the same place that could interpolate in some kind of interaction.
So, um, we were discussing about bridges a little bit, uh, before, um, since they are different networks, you know, uh, different computers are running the nodes.
They are totally different networks.
There is no easy way to bridge them.
And the bridges that exist now, they work, uh, with some level of trust, let's say, and a lot of risks.
We've seen that most of the hacks that have happened, you know, the biggest hacks that happened, they are usually around bridges from one network to another.
You can, you can definitely build bridges from one network to another.
Like, uh, I was saying before, like you have an asset on Ethereum, you have USDC on Ethereum, for example.
And you want to bridge it with the plenty bridge.
Um, there is a smart contract on Ethereum, where you basically lock your USDC.
And then, uh, the, the, the assigned signers, they sign that, yeah, this USDC has entered.
And the, we need to mint the equivalent, uh, on Tezos to that address that you have given as a user.
Uh, so they mint new tokens on Tezos, which are called USDC.e, for example.
Uh, it's a way of wrapped, uh, wrapped USDC.
It's not the native token.
It's not the real token in a way, let's say, but it's a representation of that token on the different chain.
Uh, so the native USDC is still sitting on the smart contract on Ethereum.
And we've seen a lot of times that, you know, um, there are hacks happening, uh, with those smart contracts,
especially in the EVM space where we see so many, uh, different, uh, exploits from happening.
Um, they're always risky that way.
So you could probably do a bridge for, um, the network you mentioned, like, I dunno, WorldCoin or what was it?
Uh, because I, I'm not very familiar with it.
I suppose that if it has smart contracts, you could do a bridge, but, uh, the thing then is how safe is it?
And how much demand there is for that?
Cause right now, most people, um, for onboarding, I dunno, uh, they're using centralized exchanges, right?
Uh, to start their first journey.
Uh, but even though with Tezos, I remember a lot of people started just by people sending them some Tez, right?
Uh, and then they started minting NFTs and selling and growing that way.
But, um, yeah, I, I also think we need more bridges.
They would help for sure, but there is a lot of criticism around their safety.
I don't know, Kevin, if you want to add something more to that.
Um, which I believe, uh, like the long-term approach to it is atomic swap, uh, uh, bridging.
Um, in fact, like bridge has become so synonymous with wrapping bridges as opposed to anything else that like,
like we're now calling it TezX, that, that aspect of TezX, uh, in which we created an atomic swap bridge, uh, TezX inner chain.
Um, cause it's, you're going between different chains to do it.
Uh, so you have an asset on one chain and you have an asset on another, and then to be able to trade between them peer to peer, uh, without an intermediary.
Um, like that, that's the better way of going about it.
Uh, the problem with that, uh, I think the reason why like the, the wrapping bridges really took off was because when the first thing that everyone wanted to get wrapped was Bitcoin.
And that's the biggest thing out there.
That's the thing everybody wanted to have traded on, uh, all these Ethereum DEXs and all their, their lending platforms and all their farms.
People wanted to get Bitcoin on Ethereum.
So the, uh, but you couldn't really do, so the way to do that, you had to create a version of it that was Ethereum compatible.
So the biggest wrapped asset of any kind became wrapped BTC.
So that just kind of took off and became the mainstay of everything that, that method, but it's not the best way.
We've seen wrapping bridges be exploited again and again over the years.
Um, cause you're not actually getting the asset.
You're getting like a vert, like a sort of like a, just a representation of that asset.
As Scriptonio said on the other chain and then where that asset actually lives is on the original chain.
And, um, yeah, you don't like, like you don't have that and that can be like pulled in different ways.
Um, and you have to look into their security.
Cause basically like it could all be just secured by a multi-sig.
And then we've seen like with wormhole, uh, their, their wrapping bridge method a couple of years back, there was that big massive exploit where it was like a five of seven person multi-sig.
And then attackers were able to get it.
Like they're able to target them and, and like get all the, the five keys so that they could, and then they, they were able to take the underlying Ethereum.
So yeah, but if you have an atomic swap, you get that asset, that full on asset.
So that's, I believe that's the, the long-term future of things and, and bridges can be, are more of a stopgap solution and not very safe.
Um, so, so there is that, but I mean, what do people really want here?
It it's multi-chain access.
So when people say they want bridges, that's really what, what they really mean is that it's like, I want to do all this stuff and all the chains at the same time.
Well, maybe a bridge isn't necessarily the way to do that.
Maybe there's easier ways.
Um, but we just tend to target, uh, you know, as we, we see what's kind of the norm at this point.
Um, so, uh, but yeah, there are, there is plenty.
They have a mapping bridge.
Um, and it was created originally by Bender labs, uh, uh, as wrap protocol.
It's now it's a plenty bridge.
So you can go to plenty and try that out.
Um, yeah, that's for Polygon and Ethereum.
No, they had, I think Polygon and Ethereum, those two chains that you can bridge towards
Um, yeah, by the way, uh, Leia, uh, was it Leia the name?
So besides the bridges that you mentioned that have, you know, the multi-chain access
that we're discussing, which is important.
I don't know how is it would be to happen as an app, you know, because there are always,
um, there are even regulations coming into play in many cases when somebody builds such
Because you have to deal with, uh, people's funds and all that stuff.
So I'm not sure how easy it would be to build something like that to be, you know, uh, super
easy for everybody to use.
But besides that, um, what else do you think would help with the onboarding of, uh, people,
for example, in Brazil that you mentioned, would you like to see like more guides in Portuguese,
more, uh, I don't know, articles, like what, what else, what kind of info would help?
Uh, uh, events on the present events on the communities that are building on the hubs that
are opening here, uh, I, I feel that, uh, we are a little bit disconnected because when
you see something like, uh, that it's some blockchain represented many times, it's very
obscure, you know, it's, uh, there is a disconnection among like users and, uh, and all this technology.
So like, it's what we are trying to focus this year on workshops and, you know, try to create
another dynamics to connect devs that are already aware about this and entrepreneurs and, you
know, like common people that are big consumers.
I think it's, uh, start using tokens on daily life on daily basics, you know, to pay the bills
I really want to do this one day, you know, as, but for, for me to be able to, to pay in
Tezos, I think it's a big effort, as you said.
So it's everybody together.
And like, uh, this year I'm like a targeting Solana because I think that it will be a lot
of grants and sponsors to make this community grow.
And, uh, the place where I position myself in every place is like I'm blockchain agnostic.
And I think it's a key point to be multi-chain, you know, to really, uh, make this first breakthrough
of the awareness of Web3 as, you know, a big thing.
And then we can like have ecosystem of ecosystems and people can choose which chain has like more
to do with what they are doing, if have utilities that features the necessity on, on the real life.
This is, I think it's missing, you know, because now, uh, people are living in a fantasy that
it's a lot of re like, there is a lot of money going from a lot of chains, but they are going
just for marketing and for infrastructure, you know, developers and, uh, sellers.
So, and, uh, I think it's about, uh, a shift of paradigma of society that makes me be enthusiastic
and not really a new market.
You know, it's about, uh, destroy the old model and create new models.
So, uh, yeah, but it's important to have like a more, more UX, uh, like, uh, friendly
for common people from different applications.
So it, uh, begins first if these guys that are on the events, that there are few people
that need to be more aware also, and, uh, you know, have successful communities and grow
This is my point of view.
And I agree with you that first of all, we need more, uh, applications built on blockchain
that, uh, are useful to the everyday people because, uh, for now we don't, we haven't
seen a lot of, uh, good utility applications being built in any blockchain.
Like, uh, so far NFTs happen to be one of the good utilities, one of the good applications.
Some aspects of DeFi, not all of them.
Uh, there have been some good applications in DeFi, but again, it's not for everybody.
Some, some of those are, uh, you know, need to require you to have some sort of knowledge,
but we've also haven't seen, uh, good applications because there was, uh, also limitation in terms
Like you couldn't bring 1 billion people on one blockchain, you know, to do stuff at the
same time, uh, using the chain at the same time.
So far, uh, every blockchain would, um, have issues if that happened.
And now the, for the past year, I think at least, uh, we see a lot of focus being put
Um, so to make, you know, blockchains, uh, to be able to do support the demand from a lot
of people doing a lot of different stuff at the, uh, stuff at the same time.
And I'm not sure I share the same, um, view regarding the multi-chain thing because not
the chains are not very compatible between them.
You know, uh, we see a lot of EVM chains being built that are kind of easier to communicate
in a way, let's say, but still we see a lot of problems there.
Even with the bridges and the hacks that we mentioned, but, uh, I'm not sure how it's
There is no easy way to bridge all the different networks and still keep it in a decentralized
way, because if you don't keep it decentralized, then why do you even need a blockchain?
You know, if you have to trust five people with your money or anything.
So, um, on that note, yeah.
Uh, I'm glad, you know, that, uh, we see at least on Tezos now, we see a lot of focus
on that, uh, on that, uh, on that point.
We, with the Tezos 2.0 that we are planning to do the big rollup where it will be able
to have many different VMs, virtual machines.
Like you will be able to run, uh, Ethereum applications.
You will be able to run applications that will be built in Rust or other programming language,
every, all programming language included, you know, and you will have just, uh, you will
need just one wallet to interact with all of those.
So that's basically like having many different blockchains in one.
So you don't need to do exactly what you said.
You don't need 10 different wallets to interact with 10 different kind of applications.
Um, so maybe that will help to create that better user experience.
But, uh, you know, it's crypto, it's crazy space.
So we will have to wait and see how that all plays out.
Maybe when I see, when I say bridge, I don't mean the same word that you guys really understand,
because maybe I use in a metaphorical way and what you answer, it's actually that, that
kind of, you know, like a knowledge that it's missing for us to connect to each other.
You know, uh, in this sense, I really want to, to get to know more about what you said and
keep on track of this project.
Uh, in general, you know, there, there are a lot of developments going on.
Uh, a lot of them are hard.
Uh, even for me that I, I'm reading, you know, about them every day, I cannot keep up with everything.
So it's not easy for people to understand, including me.
Uh, at the end of the day, what matters is how it affects the user and the user experience.
So, um, it's like with, uh, with science, you know, and, uh, we see a lot of times that they are doing different
researches and we say, why are they spending so much money there?
But after 10 years that research might bring out, you know, a great technology, uh, that everybody uses in everyday life.
So it's pretty much the same here.
They are building now stuff that will enable cool dubs in the future to be built that you wouldn't be able to build them otherwise.
Uh, and we cannot even, you know, um, imagine what that will be, what kind of dubs will be built when they have that opportunity.
Cause the last bull market, and I've heard that from different people, um, there were mainstream companies that looked in the blockchain space to see,
okay, maybe we could use it that way.
We would need to build it like this and like that.
But blockchains weren't ready for that.
You know, you couldn't build that back then.
So now that everything is improving and getting better.
I think we will see more and more, uh, unique dubs and useful dubs being built in the future.
So, yeah, we'll have to wait and see, I guess.
And with that said, we are one hour, 20 minutes in.
Um, it's Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, you know,
So for those that joined recently, it's an open stage.
If you want to come up and share what you have going on,
what you have been doing on Tezos or anything you want to share in general,
feel free to request and come up.
Otherwise we're going to be wrapping up soon.
Kevin had to leave as well.
I was just scrolling through, um, Tezos Agora.
As I was saying, we are going, um, through the governance process.
Now we are in the cooldown period.
So it was good to see that, you know, Oxford 2 is about to be implemented.
Uh, it went through the exploration phase.
Let me just put a link down in the comment section.
For people that are not aware that you can easily track at which period of the, um,
um, governance process we are.
I will also pin it up in the space.
You can always watch the updates that are being done today.
Um, I will also pin it up in the space.
You can always watch the updates that are being done to Tezos there.
That are being proposed and voted on.
Governance is one of the things that we have.
I will also pin it up in the space.
You can always watch the updates that are being done to Tezos there that are being proposed
Governance is one of our, uh, strong points.
So definitely something cool to know about.
So we are not aware that you can easily track at which period of the, um, governance process
I will also pin it up in the space.
You can always watch the updates that are being done to Tezos there that are being proposed
Governance is one of our, uh, strong points.
So definitely something cool to know about.
Oh, um, and by the way, I forgot to mention, I see you went down in a few trends, but, um,
I'm not sure if you are aware of Brazil Tezos.
They are doing some, uh, translations regarding Tezos and stuff just so you can keep an eye on it.
They are also doing spaces from time to time with NFT artists and they're trying to onboard people.
I will just pin one of their tweets just so you can find them easily here on Twitter.
And before we wrap up, let me have a quick look at the comments as well.
But action on the money or happy new year to everyone.
Uh, DJ Tezos said he's at work.
So I think we can wrap up now since there are no more requests.
Thank you all so much for joining today to listen.
Um, before we wrap up, let me just quickly mention that at slash rewards,
you can go and check our, uh, Tezos community program.
Tezos community rewards program that we are running as Tezos commons.
Every month we're giving up, up to 5,000 XTC to people that are contributing to the ecosystem
in nine different categories, like, uh, let's say onboarding people or, um, um, suggesting, uh, good ideas or having,
you know, uh, good, uh, conversations around Tezos.
There are nine different categories.
You can check them at
It takes like one minute to fill the form.
You can nominate anybody.
You can nominate even yourself if you've done something good.
Like, for example, let's say you write an article about Tezos.
Uh, or a guide to help people.
You can definitely go and nominate yourself for stuff that, uh, happened in that month.
Uh, so now we are at January.
We have, uh, like 30 days ahead of us, 27 days ahead of us,
that you can nominate people for stuff that happened in January.
And at the end of each month, we collect all the nominations and, uh, put out the winners.
You can also nominate people here on Twitter just by posting the hashtag Tezos CRP underneath the tweet you want and the person you want to nominate.
Uh, so definitely go check it out.
Um, it's a good way, you know, to reward those people that are helping the ecosystem to grow.
So if you see people doing the good work, definitely nominate them.
It's really one hashtag away for them to maybe receive some good Tezos at the end of the month.
And with that said, I hope you all have, you know, a great rest of the day or night, depending on where you are.
We will be here next Tuesday.
We will be here every Tuesday.
Um, we will have some guests as well.
I'm trying to get the final confirmations right now, but, uh, next week we'll probably have a guest to interview.
And week by week we will have community calls as well.
Let's hope we have a great 2024, a better year than last year.
And I'm wishing you all the best guys.